danhang · 8 months
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she detected his presence well before the gaze of amethyst - colored eyes fell upon his visage. the aura surrounding him bore no trace of malevolence; instead, it exuded an essence infused with kindness and a tapestry woven from the threads of unfortunate incidents. a wondrous being, the guuji concluded, allowing her gaze to finally rest on his countenance as she turned. a single fingertip delicately caressed her cheek, and a perpetual half - smile adorned her lips as neat as the placement of petals upon a flower. “ you are not from these lands, ” yae miko began, choosing it as her initial greeting. a singular arm crossed beneath her chest, permitting her elbow to find a resting place. “ what brings you to this sacred shrine? ”
starter call / @charmsol
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erabundus · 8 months
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❝  tea  and  books.  ❞  the  wanderer  declares  bluntly.  ❝  i'm  not  interested  in  buying  anything  else.  ❞   he  doesn't  have  the  MORA  to  spend  on  pointless  frivolities  these  days.  something  decent  to  drink,  something  to  keep  him  preoccupied  during  the  long  nights  where  he  (  inhuman  creature  he  is  )  chooses  not  to  SLEEP  —  those  are  the  only  expenses  he  considers  wholly  acceptable.  fortunately,  he  doesn't  require  food  to  survive;  it  makes  budgeting  considerably  easier.  ❝  do  you  carry  either  of  those?  ❞
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@charmsol &&. liked for a STARTER.
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mistralxsoul · 8 months
🐶 ---- Does your muse get excited easily? Is there someone (or particular people) that make them excited?
Flynn gets SUPER excited when Brave Vesperia comes by for a visit (to see his Best Friend, of course, but it's also so nice to see the others as well!) He also gets excited when some knights from Niren's old brigade comes by to visit. Of course, he manages to keep it all under control but when certain people visit, he has enough energy to match an excited puppy.
🦒 ---- How does your muse feel about height? Do they like their height or are they ashamed of it?
Flynn is pretty satisfied with his height! He's never really considered himself a person who would care about things like that. HOWEVER, when he and Yuri were kids, the innkeeper measured their heights once and when he saw that he had exactly one inch over Yuri, he was smug about it for about a week. Sadly Yuri caught up to him. :(
🐍 ---- Has your muse ever been two faced? Do they talk badly of others behind their back? And how often are they this way?
Flynn doesn't make a habit of talking about others behind their backs. If he has any sour opinions on someone, he keeps that on lock down, deep in the depths of his brain. (He does have a bad habit of talking GOOD about someone behind their back though hahaha)
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bravewolfvesperia · 8 months
« please don’t tell me you’re laughing because of me. i… didn’t see that pole. »
That wasn't... quite it. Oh he was laughing, but not directly because of the accident this man found himself in. It was Raven. Raven's stupidly obnoxious unintentional laugh. Normally Yuri might have given it a glance, shook his head and kept walking if he had noticed on his own. He wasn't alone today though and it meant more eyes to notice more things. It meant another brain to process an event entirely differently.
And, without ill intent, Raven had lost it. Briefly he had attempted to hold it back, likely from what Yuri assumed was trying to be polite to a stranger, but it came out like a dam had busted open. At first Yuri tried not to laugh because Raven was howling - it was loud and thus obvious to those around them. The subject of the laughter would probably be able to suspect it was about him. Heck, from that perspective it probably looked like the two of them were a couple of bullies.
But really, Raven had just failed at holding back and... for some reason it just evidently struck him as stupidly hilarious. Well... Yuri could vouch for the fact that they hadn't been truly sprightly lately. Things were more tiresome than casual and silly. All it probably would have taken was anything unexpected like that for one of them to need to just let that out abruptly. Yuri could have held back had it only been him, but... not when Raven was struggling to catch his breath.
"Ugh. Sorry. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at him." He nudged his elbow at Raven who had wrapped an arm around his waist as if to try to cease his own laughter. "And I don't think he's laughing at you so much as laughing at the first unexpected thing to happen in front of us in weeks. Pretty sure if I tripped down the stairs and nearly broke my spine that he'd be equally as worried as he would be laughing."
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mielmoto · 8 months
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forceful. fearful. enthusiastic. obstructive. spontaneous. pushy. trustworthy. loose - tongued. respectful. mistrustful. tolerant. undisciplined. observant. messy. optimistic. rude. caring. contemptuous. generous. short - sighted. practical. passive. considerate. aggressive. self - assured. bossy. inspiring. chaotic. adventurous. cynical. lively. blunt. persuasive. stand - offish. serious. vague. idealistic. inflexible. warm. moody. humorous. indifferent. friendly. intolerant. determined. wasteful. patient. stubborn. orderly. reckless. disciplined. inhibited. ambitious. naive. dedicated.  greedy. flexible. fanatical. logical. dull. open. arrogant. accurate. lazy. independent. selfish. intelligent. complaining. tactful. impatient. creative. hard. honest. shallow. straightforward. strict. appreciative. shy. versatile. prejudiced.
tagged by: @mariotime ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡) tagging: @fxmiliarity , @idolsummons , @sapientiiae , @charmsol , @spiritmaiden , @visionkept , @puxrlunae and you, dear audience!
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altosk · 8 months
Confess your secrets to me and I'll tell you what you need to hear
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you are holy, you are divine
you've eaten yourself alive long enough. it's time to pull yourself down from your cross. i promise you are good, you are pure. you do not have to be a martyr.
tagged by: @voidtouched-blue & @musesofawolf (loads gun) tagging: @bravewolfvesperia, @assimilatedhardship (any muse), @forgottenluck, @sampomonious, @charmsol, @mistralxsoul & anyone else who wishes to do it.
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ruinlost · 8 months
How Do You Need to Be Touched?
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you crave a hug that cracks your ribs... the feeling of your wandering soul being crushed back into the bones that can't seem to hold it. you need a hand gripping yours so tightly you almost fear it may leave a bruise, a reminder that you are here. and that you are not alone.
Tagged by:stole it🕺
tagging:@momijiba @charmsol @enspades @erabundus @celesticlnstcrs + and u 🫵
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etrefurieuse · 5 years
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          ❝ well well,   looks like today is your lucky day,   sol.      if you choose the right hand, you’ll get a surprise.      no tricks,   only treats. ❞      solemn intonation was drenched in forced enthusiasm,   for she only recited her role the moment she’s donning the unique costume soaked in a myriad of blue saturations.
          ( cover job ) starter call / @charmsol
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kopiishi-blog · 5 years
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❛ you look a little lost. ❜
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ilianquisition · 5 years
charmsol replied to your post: straight up tho why do all curran/hein fic...
its bc hein doesnt fit the ‘soft good person’ Look & he gets shoved to 'science & debatable ethics’ bc of how he looks while curran gets all the 'heart of gold’ bc he’s more conventionally attractive & its a Shame tbh more soft hein should be a thing tho yeah fanons just. not great at moving away from Tropes
i mean yeah but i feel like that’s not even necessarily it though?? at least that doesn’t feel like what people are leaning towards and it’s not that hein is never soft outside of his interactions w curran in fic and largely i feel like people Do reasonably portray him as, you know, a legitimately good person, it’s just??? that one thing that always gets ignored or forgotten but just Keeps being Brought Up 
i legit think it’s more about people wanting to play up the hein being ~alone~ thing before Curran is around which ironically comes in large part from. the same adventurer story but like? shit it’s easy as hell to have hein feel lonely/isolated when Literally the only people around him are people he’s Hired!!! like i said i don’t think it’s that people are doing it intentionally its just like.... easy to misread/misinterpret that bit of information if ur not quite paying attention (and given the other information that’s revealed in that story i can see why it would be easy for people to forget the like... Plot(TM) of it in favor of what backstory it provided)
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heinretic · 5 years
charmsol replied to your post: [I only have two relationship tags and both of...
is hein morosexual. &. moroplatonic. just attracted to dumbasses on all levels
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[easier to be the smartest man in the room when you surround yourself with a collective that contains one braincell they have to share
honestly it might just be that the dunderheads don’t realize how Not Pleasant of a person hein is bc they’re that dense or hein feels extra bad for how stupid they are and plays nice so he doesn’t give them headaches
tl;dr? yeah. you right.
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pantheum · 5 years
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          kratos is careful in his appraisal of the merchant’s weapons, knowing just what to look for with his countless years of experience. as such, it was easy to pick out the true hidden gems from the rabble, so to speak. similarly, he wasted no time dismissing any weapons that were not up to snuff. once that duty was done, the mercenary set to work searching for any additional accessories that would provide protection or items for the sake of healing. one could never have too many gels. 
          eventually, kratos’ watchful gaze settles upon a stall he did not recognize as being there the last time he and the others were in triet. it seemed to fit the bill of an accessory shop with its trinkets displayed carefully for passersby to gander at.
          ❛ what is the intended purpose of these ? ❜ the ancient man asks, skepticism tinging his gaze as he approaches the stall. ❛ I’m afraid I do not recognize them. ❜
@charmsol // sc.
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rawnderer · 5 years
’ No more caffeine for you. ’
Lilo and stitch starters ll accepting 
“Rawn not know caffeine- not know word, Rawn think, but hear about drink. Bitter juice, Rawn think taste gross, poison plant, friend give Rawn with breakfast, Rawn not say no for gift, drink anyway. Why Rawn not get caffeine? Drink taste bad, but Rawn feel good! Caffeine medicine? Feel like been healing. Make want to run and climb! ”
Speaking of, he stopped his ascent up the tree for a moment, locking his legs on a branch to tip backwards and hang upsidedown, making a grab for Solaris.
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“Friend climb tree with Rawn! Very fun! Rawn teach how climb good!”
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mistralxsoul · 7 months
He doesn't know Flynn particularly well still, nor could he call their outing a Real date, but he's still a sappy sort so he talked/bribed a random Knight into helping him pass along a small package with some cider cordial filled chocolates with a card signed only with an ornate drawing of a sun~
Flynn had been slightly confused when he had received the small package and had even been more confused when there were chocolates inside. He was... pretty certain that he had not ordered anything of the sort. And the card signed with a drawing of a sun was also rather puzzling indeed.
It was a gift then. But what in the world for? As he went over any possible reason in his head, he suddenly snapped to attention when he remembered today's date.
Oh. Oh right.
Pieces began to compile together as he picked up one of the chocolates and gave it a quick taste. Between the cider taste and the drawing of the sun, he was pretty quick to narrow down who had sent them.
Smiling to himself, gave a mental thanks to Solaris, wishing he could find him now to give proper thanks for the gift. He also made a mental note of White Day being just a month away. He would have to decide on a good gift to give Solaris in return.
After all, the chocolates were very delicious.
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symbolicpeace · 5 years
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All Might had only just reached the intersection, groceries for the week in hand, when something --someone-- slammed into him at full speed. It would have been enough to send most people sprawling; he was keenly aware of the fact they were next to a busy roadway, vehicles speeding past at dangerous velocities.
Practiced reflexes kicked in; groceries abandoned to the ground as he grabbed the other against them. There was no time and not enough strength or stability to prevent a fall, but All Might pulled them away from the road, padding their falls with his down body.
Ow. Ow. He’s going to just. Stay on the ground in a pained daze for a minute here, among smashed eggs and a now-leaking carton of milk.
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wayweaver-m · 5 years
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the    remnants    of    a    curaga    fall    from    outstretched    fingertips    ,         brows   remain   dipped   ,    concern   shining   clear   in   ocean   eyes   .    wound   now   knitted   together   ,    she   shifts   into   a   position   more   comfortable   .         ❛       i   hope   that’s   alright   ,    but   ...     what   happened   ?       ❜
@charmsol         /   /   /         starter   call
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