twinklecupcake · 2 years
👔, for Charlotte! Gimme the villain look~ 👀
I was gonna do this at home but I had an idea and had to sketch
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xs_downtown: A beautiful face with a whole lot of beautiful gold pieces. These pieces are from @anatometalinc and @bvla
This setup belongs to our lovely piercer @charlotteshade She works Tuesday’s through Friday, come say hi and get pierced by her!
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twinklecupcake · 2 years
Soft OC asks: Baron Nightshade- 16,18,20, and 25
What's their most treasured possessions?
He has a notebook that he never writes in, because Charlotte gave it to him as a thanks for that coffee he bought her once. He already wasn't going to use it, feeling oddly sentimental about it, but now it's even more special than that.
How do they cheer up a friend when they're down?
Nightshade isn't good at cheering up, at least he doesn't think so. His usual method is to hug the other person, or put on some TV.
Is your character a bookworm?
Not usually - he more listens to audiobooks and podcasts, and he doesn't have much of a preference, instead just listening to whatever comes on.
Does your OC like to cuddle their significant other when they sleep? If so, who is the little spoon? Would they admit it if asked?
NIGHTSHADE 100 PERCENT SNUGGLES CHARLOTTE. Always the big spoon, but if anyone but Charlotte asks, he will deny it. "I'm a knife." "He's the big spoon."
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twinklecupcake · 2 years
OC ask Prompts 2, 4 and 6, for Baron Nightshade
What were they like as a child? Were they quiet and reserved, outgoing, or a bit of both?
A little bit of both, or rather one gradually bled into the other. Baron Nightshade as a younger child was eager to meet people, and make friends. He gladly showed off his decay/life-drain power (on plants!) and was excitable and sought recognition and praise. When it became clear everyone was afraid of his power instead, and he realized people saw it as an 'evil' power, not a good one, he gradually closed himself off from others. By the time he was in middle school, he had no friends nor did he have any desire to make any.
What are 3 of their irrational fears?
Irrational? He likes to say he doesn't have any, that he has an intelligent mind and cannot be felled by an irrational fear! …that being said, opaque shower curtains (he hates being unable to see the other side) centipedes that feel far too lengthy and old corded phones. He saw the original A Nightmare On Elm Street as a boy and was unnerved by those phones ever since.
On an average day, what can they be found doing after dinner?
If Charlotte isn't there: WORK. If Charlotte is there: chilling on the couch with a movie.
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twinklecupcake · 2 years
🖊️🖊️🖊️🖊️ 👀
Felix: Felix is sensitivie to the cold, which is part of why he wears scarves and similar things to cover his neck all the time. He'll make a big blanket nest in the event it's too chilly. Anwen will totally join him.
Charlotte: I just have Soft Feelings about the fact that she has emotion-based power and it's actually ridiculously strong, because she's as powerful as her emotions are and she can do whatever she wants, from power beams to shields, but everyone is so dismissive of it as a "girly/soft power" that it affects her own thinking as well and she doesn't realize how strong she actually is.
Aislin: I like to imagine that she did that common child thing of "watching a movie with a higher rating than is appropriate for you" thing at least once. Like, one day she snuck out of bed or stayed up really late and caught an R-rated horror film on the TV. Or hell, maybe not R-rated contemporary horror, maybe she saw one of those black and white ones from way back when. Either way, she's found curled under a blanket and hiding behind the couch, a shivering mess. She sleeps in her parents' room for three days.
Chanti: Despite participating in/performing narrative dances a lot, she didn't see a lot of performances herself til like. The main story. Then she starts watching plays and musicals. She likes all of them, even the terrible ones - she'll never say anything mean about them, no matter how bad the story or the acting was, darn it, the actors tried their best! (...her favorite is a stage performance of The Lindwyrm Prince.)
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twinklecupcake · 3 years
Charlotteshade Beauty and the Beast AU?
BatB AUs. My weakness...
Okay let’s see
1. Nightshade is the Beast. Obviously. It’s a fantasy AU so he’s been messing around with dark magic and has accidentally gotten himself cursed/transformed. I’m thinking he’s be more like a shadow monster of some sort.
2. Charlotte volunteers to stay because she was trying to escape her asshole brother anyway. She’d intended to start a new life elsewhere, and found this dark and spooky castle. Score.
3. Nightshade absolutely gets to keep his creepy powers after turning human. It’s law.
4. Nightshade had no idea how to break the curse, he thought there was no cure. He never expected the answer to be “love.”
5. For a long time Nightshade doesn’t want to touch Charlotte, fearing his magic will decay her. She gives him gloves. The gloves come off during the climactic battle scene.
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twinklecupcake · 3 years
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New look for Baron Nightshade.
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twinklecupcake · 2 years
3A for Charlotteshade!!
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twinklecupcake · 2 years
Fluff meme: a Brush of the Fingers -Charlotteshade
“You won’t hurt me.”
Nightshade sat opposite Charlotte on the couch - something his lab didn’t previously have, but Charlotte had insisted he get after finding him asleep at his desk one too many times. She didn’t have to know that he’d stolen it, of course.
His partner (girlfriend? That felt so strange to say) smiled at him, brows lowered in concern and anxiety at his hesitation. She reached for his gloved hands, clasped them between her own. “I know you won’t,” she insisted. “You said yourself, the gloves don’t actually do anything. It’ll be fine.”
“I’ve never really…” he admitted slowly.
“You don’t have to. But if you do, it’ll be okay. I promise,” she urged.
He hesitated. And then, he slowly nodded.
Removing his hands from hers, he carefully took the fingertips of one of his gloves and tugged. The fabric slid away to show a pale hand, and he rested it on his leg.
Charlotte brushed her fingers over his; as she predicted, nothing happened.
She knew his powers would never harm her. He’d never allow himself to.
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twinklecupcake · 3 years
Charlotteshade, 21?
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
He’ll be enjoying his villain role and randomly grab Charlotte by the hand to lead her through a fun waltz or tango, and she’d be laughing the entire time.
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twinklecupcake · 2 years
Gives nose/forehead kisses
Baron Nightshade; mainly because he's taller so he's in the better position to do so. He's also more likely to do forehead kisses than nose kisses.
Gets jealous the most
Baron Nightshade. Full stop.
But Charlotte has also absolutely seen a lady villain flirting with him during a battle and has had that flare up. She got very upset/saw red when the other villain put a hand on his chest.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk to drive
Neither, only by virtue that they'd only get drunk in their own place, rather than public.
....I can absolutely see Baron Nighshade getting sloshed while he's with my friend @yellowprettycure's Thorn Devil and the latter having to decide between letting him crash there or calling Charlotte, though.
Takes care of on sick days
Both. They're both super hard-working in their own fields, and also incredibly stubborn. But they also both want to take care of each other, so it balances out... Though there's a definite shade of "Do as I say, not as I do."
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day
Charlotte has to drag Nightshade out into the sun.
Gives unprompted massages
Baron Nightshade.
Drives/rides shotgun
Nightshade drives, Charlotte rides shotgun.
Brings the other lunch at work
Charlotte, though it's less "brings lunch" and more "Nightshade, did you eat yet?" "....shit, you're right."
Has the better parental relationship
Baron Nightshade, though he doesn't talk to them much anymore.
Tries to start role-playing in bed
Baron Nightshade full stop will bring out the 'charming villain seducing the heroine' scenario.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer
Neither; Nightshade is a talkative drunk and Charlotte is a sad drunk. Neither lends well to dancing.
Still cries watching Titanic
Charlotte. Baron Nightshade just sits awkwardly.
(He gets emotional during The Princess Bride, though....)
Firmly believes in couples costumes
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
Nightshade: "I stole jewelry for you." Charlotte: "How much was this?"
Makes the other eat breakfast
Charlotte, again.
Remembers anniversaries
Both. Nightshade has alarms on his phone and Charlotte saves it in her calendar app.
Brings up having kids
Charlotte, though at first it's less "Let's have kids" and more "what would happen if we had kids?"
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twinklecupcake · 3 years
Ask meme!
21- Fenwen
22- Shifting flames
23- Charlotteshade
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
You know the part in the “So Close” sequence from Enchanted, where Robert is holding Giselle close and singing while guiding her along? That’s totally Felix. He’ll get the radio playing and everything.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
DT, by virtue of the fact Chanti is a giant novice and still has trouble understanding what “separate two eggs” means.
They don’t cook gourmet, but they know rudimentary dishes and techniques- they can make an edible meal, but not a fancy cake. I imagine in the Crimson Waste there’s not really much in the way of high cuisine.
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
Nightshade! You know those scenes where a villain is being flirty with the hero? Nightshade studied that. He knows the best lines and moves.
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twinklecupcake · 3 years
Nightshade: “The amount of villains who call themselves Professor or Doctor bothers me. Like, do you actually have a doctorate? Did you go to college? Are you professionally qualified in your field? Or did you just think it sounded cool? Like when they made Dr Pepper?”
Haru, standing with a mug of tea: “....how did you get into my house?”
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twinklecupcake · 3 years
11 Charlotteshade
11. Who tops?
...Nightshade. All the time.
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twinklecupcake · 3 years
The idea that Baron Nightshade is faking an accent for his villain look though, leads to the question of when does he first drop it in front of Charlotte?
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twinklecupcake · 3 years
Anybody: “If you’re a scientist, inventor, and you have a doctorate, why does your villain name have ‘Baron’ and not ‘Doctor,’ or ‘Professor?’”
Baron Nightshade: “Because every asshole who throws on a lab coat calls themselves that.”
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