headoverjojo · 5 years
thank you for checking out my oc!
My character is named Griselda Eisenhauer who is a 21 year old German women and is born in Berlin, Germany. She is a skilled violist and pianist who had moved to the Naples to escape from her abusive adoptive mother who was mentally abusive by mocking her, making her feel like she has no value in life and controlling her life this is the many examples of what how the mother mentally abused her. Before she was adopted at the age of ten she had lived in a Home which was quite pleasant for her.
She works as a musician for the theatre or any sort of job that needs a good violist or a pianist. She lives with an old couple as a roommate to held to pay the bills and they work in a restaurant. She often practises playing the piano and violin for at least four hours a day, she is very dedicated to her passions. Her role could be that she is associated with the Bucci gang but not exactly in the gang, she is there to help the gang when she is needed but she is rarely needed as the gang is pretty capable of handling their missions.
Her appearance (sorry if I don’t have a drawing) is that she is a women of 5'9 with a skinny build and long legs. She has pale skin with freckles and bright blue eyes. She has very long light blond curls which is usually kept down. She typically wears white frilly and lacy dresses which goes above her ankles, she wears cute light brown high healed shoes. To complete she wears a white flower crown. Her aesthetic is associated with white dresses, flower crowns and lace.
As for her stand which I am not going to reveal much about it since I don’t want people to steal it but it’s a stand that comes in the form of a violin. It has the ability to play a song that could disable one of the many senses in a human like sight and sound. It’s called Sixth Sense which is named after a song from Brown Eyed Girls.
As for her personality, she is a very timid and asocial person who prefers to play on her violin and piano rather than to socialise with other people. She often struggles with anxiety and ASD which she can view many things differently from other people. She is still trying to learn to love herself since she struggles to appreciate herself sometimes. She has quite a low confidence and she needs a lot of praise to be able to do well. She can often isolate herself when she becomes emotionally overloaded. She tends to be very sensitive and she tends to cry easily due to her mental condition which leads her isolate herself if she’s about to cry. She often craves physical affection and she would actually cry with joy if you told her how much you love her. When she comes out of her shell, she is very kind and loyal to her friends. She is very tolerant to certain things as she believes she should never judge other people no matter what.
She loves animals due to them making her very happy and she never kills spiders since she is not scared of them.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and let me know if you want me to write about how she meets the bucci gang and what’s her relationship with them.
Griselda is so lovely and interesting! I love her aesthetic and I really like that her stand is so connected with music, that it could be seen as a manifestation of her passion, of what makes her happy! I find her really well built and this brief description made me so curious! I’d gladly read more about her and her relationship with the gang members! :3
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bucci-gang · 6 years
Can I have some headcanons of la Squadra having a new female teammate who is eccentric, goofy, funny and obsessed with robots, she also wears one of those really round glasses. Thank you!
Hey?? I love her
Under the cut!! it got kind of long lmao
Capo doesn’t believe he has to treat her any differently, be it because of her sex, or because of her odd interest in robots. Either way, if she functions well as part of the squad, he doesn’t really mind.
That being said though, if she were to tell him about her interests, he would listen intently, casually pointing out a few things or asking questions every now and then. He’s a curious man! He loves learning new things, and thinks her goofiness is a welcome break from the dreary nature of their job.
Some members of the gang do fall under the eccentric and/or goofy description, so if they were to mess around too much with or without the new member, he’d tell all of them off sternly. 
Formaggio, too, is goofy. He may not understand the whole deal with robots but hey, as long as she’s down to pull pranks on the other members or to just mess around, he’s cool!
He may or may not make fun of her glasses, or any other weird ticks she may have. It’s all in good fun though, as being too serious all the time just takes too much out of him. He likes to just kick back and relax sometimes. Which may or may not include making fun of other people.
Illuso knows about her interest, and as unusual as it may be, he doesn’t really mind. If she were to come up to him and talk about her interests though, he’d listen and ask a few questions, maybe make some witty quips. After all, he sticks to people who talk to him, but don’t expect conversation. The only person he may openly lead a conversation with is Risotto, and even then, that doesn’t happen very often.
If she gets roped into doing pranks by the other members, he probably tags along, either to record the unfortunate victim’s reaction, or to just gather information. People reveal most about themselves when they’re not on guard, after all.
Oh, god help him. He can’t deal with another member who messes around too much. He’s probably a little too harsh to her during the first few weeks of joining the gang, but it’s for her own good. Prosciutto is one of the more mature members of the gang, and he’s taken it to be his responsibility to ensure the rare new members learn whatever it is they need to learn to make a fine assassin.
That being said, he probably surprises the new member by showing interest in her robot obsession. He’s gone through that too- back when he was in his teens. He was more interested in how they can be applied to heavy tasks such as in infrastructure, how to better the use and storage of heavy machinery, and other things of the like. He’s nothing if not practical and systematic.
Admittedly enough, Pesci is more interested in vehicles than robots, but he does see their appeal! He has very vivid memories of his fra being obsessed with them back in the day. He finds her goofy personality fun, and probably is the first to get close to her.
He asks her stuff about her interests, and shares his interests with her, too! He never really got the chance to further pursue his passions as he dropped out during high school, but he does read a lot, and her interest only encourages him to do more reading. 
Overall, she’s a very good influence to him. And if they hit it off well, Pesci’s overall confidence and faith in speaking with other people greatly improves, as well.
Regardless of the new member’s sex, Melone still comes off as rather creepy. His bold nature combined with his tendencies to be analytical and calculating can set off all sorts of alarms in someone’s head. Unfortunately, the new member can and will be subject to this, as goofy and light-hearted as they may be.
However, once he is made aware of her interests in robots, it definitely piques his interest. He’s… honestly much more interested in biology as compared to robotics, but he is still quite knowledgeable in that area. He takes this time to expand upon what he already knows about the technical aspect of robots, and as well as what their new member’s interest says about them as a person.
Ghiaccio’s got his fair share of interests, or rather, quirks, looked upon as rather odd by most people. The language thing is a great example of this. Despite seeming like he has no inside voice whatsoever, though, Ghiaccio prefers to keep to himself. The new member’s goofiness may deter him from interacting with them soon, but once they get adjusted to everybody else, Ghiaccio will slowly come around. Don’t worry, he just gets shy around new people- as much as he likes to deny it.
Okay, he’s a loud guy, but he does know that if he wants someone to listen to him, he’s got to listen to them too. After subjecting the new member and some unfortunate others (namely Pesci) to his near-daily rants, he sticks around and listens to the new member if they want to ramble to him. He probably asks about terms he doesn’t recognize, or ask them about something that’s bothered him about robots if the topic gears towards it. He takes great pride in his intelligence and never misses out on an opportunity to learn something new.
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askmelone · 6 years
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“Am I missing something here…?”
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moody-blues-requiem · 6 years
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This is Bruabba in a nutshell
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askbuccellatisgang · 6 years
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Here's a story that I written about how she meets gang (Only Bruno to be honest) part 1,she will meet the gang in part 2.
Griselda Eisenhauer meeting the bucci gang part 1 (I accept criticism and I added a certain character besides Bruno)
It was showtime for Griselda Eisenhauer, she often had her nightly concerts at the local theatre in the city of the Naples; it was extremely favoured among the locals who appreciated classical music to visit the local theatre to adore and listen to the glorious music they played at the theatre.
 Bruno often relished the classical music they played there and sometimes he was accompanied by his good friend Fugo. Often, he and Fugo would meet the musicians after the show to praise and admire their performance to indicate that they were great admirers for classical music. Griselda would often be timid with meeting the two and she would often disappear before they arrived. This was due to the reason that she found it unfavourable and awkward to socialise with other people. She felt she would come across as strange and odd, the young women hated this, and she would always avoid meeting new people. She preferred to spend hours to herself playing the violin and piano as she took pleasure in practising her passions. She would often play for many hours and she would bask in being away from other people.
Tonight, it was no exception that it was showtime for Griselda as she made her way to the theatre wearing formal clothing. She was wearing a very long maxi dress with long sleeves and it was covered in beautiful lace. It was so long that she had to hitch up her dress to be able to walk. She was wearing white strapless heals to match and it felt like torture to even walk in, but she decided to bear it for the sake of her job. Her extremely long light blond curls were tied up in an elegant lower ponytail with a white ribbon and she wore pearl earrings to match her light blue eyes. As she walked to the theatre lifting her long dress, a man with long lavender hair wearing a very unusual outfit looked at her feet and licked his lips. She felt extremely creeped out by this man and she felt he was some sexual deviant. She started to walk quicker as she felt her heart beating like a drum as she felt terrified, he would pursue her. Luckily, he just walked away from her and she made it to the theatre.
 She went to her position in the string section of the orchestra and she sat down with the other musicians. The concert started and she played along beautifully of course. Soon the concert was over with the sound of the applause of the captivated audience as the orchestra bowed politely.
They were in the staff room drinking and talking with each other as Griselda turned to leave the theatre as she was paid for her time. But as she went to the door; a funny short man with a comical moustache called to her: “Griselda! Where do you think you are going?”. She froze with fear as she tried to think of what she could have done to lead up to this and she ended up over thinking about it. The man with the moustache who was her boss marched up to her and dragged her by the arm. “There you are! Mr Bucciarati wants to speak with you to compliment your performance himself, please be polite with him as he is not only a regular, but he is a special attendance at the theatre!” he ordered her as he dragged her along. She felt very anxious and scared about what sort of person this Bucciarati man was. She felt she would come across as odd to him as she knew she was a very reserved and timid person as she saw the world differently from other people. “Oh god what if I scare Bucciarati off? What if I scare him off and he never comes back to the theatre? What if I get fired?” she asked herself as she was overthinking the situation.
 She was dragged to the theatre bar as she was led to a young man with a black chin-length bob with neatly timed bangs. He was wearing a white suit pattern with black dots like a Dalmatian dog. His suit seemed to reveal a lot of his chest, on his chest seemed to be a black lace top or a tattoo. Griselda was not sure which one is it as she tried not to stare at his chest.  “Here is Griselda Mr Bucciarati like you requested,” the moustache man told him as he forcibly dragged her to a stool next to him and sat her down. “Thank you, Mr Marino, I appreciate it,” Bruno thanked him politely as he smiled at him as he appreciated Mr Marino going through the trouble of getting her. “No problem Mr Bucciarati,” he said as he walked off. Now she was left alone with him and she felt her heart beating out of pure anxiety as she hoped she would not come across as odd. “Hello Miss Griselda I apologise for the inconvenience of dragging you there by Mr Marino, but I would just like to say that your performance was beautiful and exceptional, I had complimented every musician in the orchestra except you Miss Griselda, you always seem to disappear after the show is over,” he complimented her in a gentle and polite manner as he smiled warmly at her as he wanted her to know how much he took pleasure in hearing her performance. “Thank you ever so much Mr Bucciarati, that really means much to me when someone compliments my performance,” she responded politely smiling at him as well as her strong German accent was present. She felt really happy and flattered that he adored her performance. It really means much to her as it gave her that rare confidence she rarely had, and it made her feel like a valued person. She felt a little less anxious as he seemed to like her.
“Miss Griselda where are you from? I really like your accent,” he asked her with curiosity as he was starting to take interest in her. “I am from Berlin in Germany Mr Bucciarati,” she replied as she was used to people being interested in her heritage. “That is interesting, I usually don’t meet many foreigners in the Naples and it’s a shame as I am really invested in other cultures Miss Griselda,” he said to her as he wanted to get to know about her culture. “What is it like to had lived in Germany Miss Griselda?” he asked her eagerly as he smiled at her. “Well Mr Bucciarati the city of Berlin is huge with a lot of land marks like the Berlin wall which was build in 1961 and it was destroyed in 1991, I actually got to witness it being pulled down and it was such a huge change for me since I was born in East Berlin and so many people tried to escape with some people being killed in attempts to try to get to West Berlin and I remembered back them that people told me that life would be better for me when the wall was destroyed,” she prattled passionately as it was such a important event in her life. She paused awkwardly as she realised, she should have mentioned something that was more normal than the Berlin wall. “I’m sorry Mr Bucciarati, of course there’s other more normal landmarks like the Brandenburg gate of course,” she admitted as she felt guilty for prattling about the Berlin Wall and she felt she was going to scare him off as she knew she could come off too strongly when talking to other people. Bruno looked impressed by her knowledge of the Berlin wall and her experiencing the fall of the wall. “No, no Miss Griselda please tell me more about it your experience with the Berlin wall I am very impressed by this,” he reassured her. “You didn’t do anything wrong,” he told her as he smiled at her as he wanted to let her know that she was an interesting person for living through the Berlin wall. Griselda felt surprised and amazed that he didn’t find her odd. She felt overjoyed that he didn’t find that she came out too strongly with her experience of the wall. “Really Mr Bucciarati?” she asked him with surprise. “Yes, really since you lived through the wall falling apart how old were you back then when it happened Miss Griselda?” he asked her with fascination. “I was nine years old when it happened Mr Bucciarati,” she responded. “So, you were quite young when it happened, right now you must be twenty-one years old correct?” he asked her. “I’m twenty years old Miss Griselda,” he added. “Yes, I am twenty years old,” she agreed with him as she nodded at him.
Bruno felt very interested with her, he wanted to get to know her more as he felt she had a lot of interesting stories to tell from Germany and he wanted to find out what she was like as a person. He felt she was timid and reserved but he found her interesting never less. He decided to invite her for lunch to introduce to his gang. “Miss Griselda would you like to meet me sometime to the local restaurant and meet my friends?” he asked her as he obviously he needed to hide the fact that he was in a criminal organisation and he was the second in command to the boss himself. “If you wish my friends and I can tell you about my culture, we could have a nice long lunch with my friends, only if you want to I am not going to force you Miss Griselda,” he reassured her as he wanted to give her the choice to come. Griselda was greatly astonished and amazed that he asked her for lunch with his friends that she cannot believe it and she felt he was joking. “Are you sure Mr Bucciarati?” she asked him as she didn’t want to fall for that trick. “Yes of course Miss Griselda so I will be seeing you at the restaurant this Sunday at 12:30 noon?” he asked her as he gave her the address to the restaurant on a piece of paper with the time and day. “I hope you are able to make it,” he said to her hopefully as he wanted to get to know. She thought for a while if she wanted to come since she preferred to stay inside and play her violin. “I might be able to come but I will think about it since my schedule is busy Mr Bucciarati, but I will try to come,” she responded as she wanted to think about this before giving a yes or no. “Alright I need to go Miss Griselda so see you on Sunday at 12:30 noon?” he asked her as he got up to leave since it was getting late and he needed to make sure the gang was not getting into any funny business. “Yes, I will see you there if I can make it Mr Bucciarati,” she replied as she got up to leave as well. “See you soon Miss Griselda,” he said hopefully as he hoped she will be able to make it. “See you soon Mr Bucciarati,” she told him as they both left the theatre bar.
 She ran all the way home as it was very late, she took off her high heels since it hurt so much, and she ran barefoot. She rushed past the man with lavender hair and strange clothes. He looked very surprised but extremely pleasured to see her barefoot, but she zoomed past him. She ran to the little house she lived with the older couple known as Luciano and Rosetta Cappelletti. She let herself in with a spare key, she tiptoed as quiet as a mouse to her room as she didn’t want to wake up the older couple since she was their roommate and she wanted to be respectful. She entered her room, changed into a white nightdress, she collapsed on bed and she fell into a deep slumber.
It was reeeeaally interesting!! I liked it!! I look forward for more content about Griselda!
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Part 2 of Griselda meeting the gang, part 3 coming soon
It was Sunday, the day she was due to meet Bruno and her gang. She got out of bed at eight and she made her bed. She brushed her teeth and washed her hair and dried it with a hairdryer as it took a long time for her hair to dry up. She brushed her light blond curls with great difficulty. She got dressed into her usual outfit which was a two piece above the ankle dress which had a plain white dress with thin straps and a lacy dress with long and wide sleeves. The second part of the dress had ribbons on the side of the sleeves and around her neck. She put on some light brown laced up shoes with heels and a white flower crown on her head.
She went downstairs to make breakfast for her and the older couple to try to be helpful to them. She made some tea and coffee with some buttered toast for them as she waited for Luciano and Rosetta to come downstairs. Eventually they made their way slowly and carefully to the kitchen to have breakfast.
Rosetta was a delicate and frail old lady who did not reach up to the mere height of 5’4. Her light grey hair was tied back with curlers which was put on in the night and taken off during the day. She wore a pastel coloured bathrobe with roses with matching slippers. Her expression was elderly with plenty of wrinkles and her eyes were chestnut brown. She had a light brown walking stick to help her balance properly. Luciano was an elderly man with the great height of 6’1, he was more fit and able than Rosetta as he held her hand as he gently led her to the kitchen. He was wearing a set of blue stripped pyjamas with nothing on his feet, his grey hair was cut short and his face was neatly trimmed.
“Good morning Griselda did you sleep well dear?” Rosetta asked her as she sat down slowly on her chair. “Yes, I did Miss Rosetta, did you sleep well?” she responded politely as she looked at her. Luciano didn’t say anything as he was a man of few words as he took his coffee and toast to eat it outside. “Yes, I did, it’s lovely that you made breakfast for us since it’s starting to become difficult to even walk since my age is catching up to me so it’s convenience for us to have someone make breakfast for us I appreciate it Griselda,” she said gratefully as she tucked in her breakfast. “No problem Miss Rosetta, it’s not too much trouble to prepare breakfast for both of you,” she replied happily as she was starting to eat her breakfast. “Are you planning to do anything today?” Rosetta asked her. “The theatre is closed on Sunday, so you have some free time, do you have any plans or are you going to sit in your room all day to play the violin or piano?” she inquired as she wished Griselda would go out more since she was concerned about her as she always seem to be alone.
 “Well…” Griselda started. “I was invited to have lunch with someone named Mr Bucciarati today with his friends after he met me after the show yesterday,” she said as she was not sure if she should come, she would honestly rather spend time in her room.  Rosetta seemed to choke on her tea with surprise. “Mr Bucciarati invited you for lunch?!?” she asked her as she knew Bruno as he was kind and respectful to other people, but he seemed to be only invested in his gang of teens. She couldn’t believe that he asked Griselda out of lunch “Griselda how did you manage to get him to ask you out for lunch with his group?!? Do you know he’s very invested in his group and he usually doesn’t ask civilians out,” she informed her as she continued to sip her tea. “What do you mean civilians Miss Rosetta?” Griselda asked her as she was confused with this sort of sentence. “Civilians? Oh, silly me, my tongue had slipped dear, you really don’t know much about Mr Bucciarati, do you?” she asked her. “It was only a few months since you moved here from Germany so it’s no surprise that you barely know him,” she continued. “What is there something I should know of Mr Bucciarati Miss Rosetta?” Griselda inquired her with curiosity as she wondered what Bucciarati’s secret was. “Nothing Griselda, I advise you go to have lunch with him and his group,” she advised her as she felt that Griselda would not be able to handle the news of Bruno being in a gang since she seemed so prim and delicate to her, she felt she would be heart broken to find out this news. “It will be good for you as you always seem to be alone, I understand if you need to spend time alone which is perfectly fine and harmless for anyone to do but you should try to form friendships since they are important in anyone’s life, I believe that you should at least try to go to lunch with Mr Bucciarati and his friends, if you dislike it then you don’t have to do it again but it’s good for you to try and step out of your comfort zone even though it’s extremely daunting, so what do you say Griselda?” she asked her in a serious voice as she looked at her as she waited for a answer from her. Griselda thought for a while as she desperately wanted to be alone and be away from other people. But she did want to form some meaningful relationships since she wanted more people to be accepted and loved for herself. She wanted to go despite being terrified of being rejected and hurt. She contemplated for a long and tedious time until she had made her decision. “Miss Rosetta thank you for the advice, I will go to see Mr Bucciarati and his friends for lunch,” she told her as she smiled bravely as she told herself that she would have fun. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING GRISELDA YOU CAN’T GO TO LUNCH WITH MR BUCCIARATI AND HIS FRIENDS, YOU WILL BE REJECTED AND MOCKED BECAUSE WHY WOULD MR BUCCIARATI INVITE SOMEONE LIKE YOU, YOU ARE TRASH!” Her mind screamed with horror. Rosetta smiled as she held her hand. “I’m glad you made your decision I believe you will enjoy yourself and make some friends,” she told her letting her know that she was very proud of her.
It was 12:09 noon as Griselda prepared to leave, she made sure her hair and clothes were neat at least ten times before going. She stepped out of the door when she decided to check her hair and clothes again. She stepped inside to look in the mirror. Rosetta was watching her. “Griselda this is the eleventh time you checked your hair and clothes you look perfectly presentable now go to the restaurant or you will be late,” she urged her as she pushed her out of the door and closed the door. Griselda turned to walk slowly to the restaurant as she felt very anxious. “GRISELDA, GRISELDA LET’S GO HOME PLEASE!” Her mind begged her, but she told herself she would have fun and she was not going home. She walked and walked until she found the restaurant. She felt her heart beating loudly and she was nervously sweating. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and checked the time on the front of the restaurant. It was 12:29 and she felt she needed to wait a minute until it was 12:30 as she felt she would be too early as she waited for it to be 12:30. One minute later, it was 12:30. Bruno was no where to be seen and she told herself that it was only 12:30. 12:35, she told herself he was running a bit late. 12:40, she was starting to wonder what happened to him. 12:50, she concluded that a cruel joke was played on her. She felt regretful and crestfallen as her eyes were brimming with tears. She turned to leave the restaurant as she planned to go home and cry to herself. Maybe play some miserable violin music to match her current mood.
Suddenly, a voice called out to her as she was leaving the restaurant. “Miss Griselda, where are you going?” called out Bruno as he walked up to her quickly from the restaurant. Griselda was astonished to discover that he was here, and she turned to face him. “I am so sorry Miss Griselda, I should have told you to go inside the restaurant to get the waiter to take you to me, I am so sorry!” he apologised as he felt so horrible for making her wait and forcing her to think he played a cruel joke on her. She blinked away the tears as she smiled at him, she felt so happy and relieved that he really means it to invite her for lunch. “It’s alright Mr Bucciarati, I should have gone inside the restaurant,” she reassured him as she didn’t want to blame him for keeping her waiting. “I’m happy that you showed up, my friends were really looking forward to meeting you so come on,” he told her smiling at her warmly as he led her inside the restaurant to meet the gang.
They walked into the restaurant and they made their way to the group. Abbacchio, Mista, Narancia, Fugo, Trish and Giorno were sitting at the table as they talked among themselves. Bruno had made sure to specifically tell Giorno to not steal her wallet, Fugo to try to control his temper, Narancia to also control his temper as well. He told them firmly for both Narancia and Fugo to not do their homework when Griselda was around. He told Mista to try to not react so much if he sees anything resembling the number four, he made sure to let Abbacchio know to not serve Griselda his urine as tea despite him telling him it was only once with Giorno. Finally, he told Trish to try not to show off her expensive clothes and products so much as it would make Griselda think the young girl was haughty. He didn’t want to scared Griselda off with his team’s eccentric nature since he wanted him and his team to get to know her.
They arrived at the table the group was in. “Hey guys this is Griselda,” Bruno said introducing her to the group. Instantly Mista, Fugo and Narancia got up to greet the young women. Mista grabbed her hand to shake it as he smiled at her in a friendly manner. “Hey Griselda, you know you are a very pretty women, Bruno told me a lot about you,” Mista flirted with her as he liked pretty women. Griselda found her face turning extremely red at his compliment as she felt very embarrassed at his flirtatious side of his personality but despite this, she found him to be very friendly. “Hey, her face is turning red, I think she already likes Mista!” Narancia teased her as he shook her hand very vigorously. “Hi Griselda, my name is Narancia and this is Mista!” he said to her in friendly manner as he was excited to meet her for many reasons. Griselda didn’t say anything to Narancia’s teasing as she let Narancia shake her hand as she felt he was shaking her hand a little too hard, but she found him to be very friendly and energetic. To her he seemed to still have his childlike nature due to his tenancy to tease her. She felt emotionally overwhelmed by both Mista and Narancia as she felt she couldn’t handle their extremely social nature. “Guys calm down! You guys are overwhelming her!” Fugo yelled at them angrily as he felt furious that Griselda was getting flirted by Mista and Narancia teasing her as he wanted her to feel welcome. He felt anger boiling up inside him as he walked over to deal with Mista and Narancia. But Bruno placed his hand on his shoulder. “Fugo please count to ten and take a deep breath, it’s very caring of you that you understand what Griselda is feeling but please calm down,” Bruno said to him in a calm and gentle tone as Fugo started to count to ten. He took several deep breathes before calming down and he composed himself. “Thank you Fugo I appreciated it,” Bruno thanked him gratefully as he was relieved that Fugo had calmed down as he can often be very sensitive, and he often struggled to keep his temper together.  Fugo was eventually calm and composed as he went over to greet Griselda. “Hello Griselda my name is Fugo, I think I saw you play several times when Bruno and I attended the concerts at the theatre correct?” he asked her politely as he shook her hand in a gentle manner as he smiled at her gently. “Yes, I think you do see me play at the local theatre,” Griselda replied as she shook his hand as well. “I just want to say that you are a really talented violist,” he complimented her as he really liked seeing her play at the theatre. “Thank you Fugo I really appreciate it,” she responded gratefully as she liked it that he appreciated her music.She found him to be polite and nice. “Anyway, let’s order our food, I’m sure we are all hungry,” Bruno told them as they all sat down at the table together.
“Griselda this is Trish who is the only girl in the group but now there’s two girls in the group,” Mista introduced her to Trish who shook her hand. “How do you do Miss Griselda I’m Trish,” Trish introduced herself as she continued to shake her hand. “You too Miss Trish,” Griselda responded as she shook her hand politely as well. She found Trish to be a very polite young lady. “Miss Griselda I really like your hair how did you make it so long and curly?” Trish asked her enviously. “I really like the colour of your hair as well, it’s a really nice shade of light blond and even your eyes are in a pleasant shade of blue,” she continued as she could see her looking really good in some channel clothes. “Thank you, Trish, I do take care of my hair quite well,” Griselda replied delightfully as she took pride in her hair. She took pride in Trish liking her hair and her appearance as she felt blissfully happy. “This is Giorno who can be awesome to be with,” Mista continued to introduce the rest of the group. “How are you Miss Griselda?” Giorno asked her politely as he shook her hand. “I’m doing fine Giorno,” she replied as she found him to be polite as well. “Want to see a trick?” Giorno asked her as he stuffed his ear in his head without waiting for her to answer. “How did you do that?” she asked him with astonishment and surprise as she was amazed at this trick as she examined at the hole in his head to try to study how he managed to perform his trick. “Don’t let his ear trick get to you Griselda,” Mista advised her as it was an extremely confusing trick to understand. “It’s something that very few people can do Griselda and I do it to impress other people since it’s such a complicated trick for other people to comprehend,” Giorno told her in a manner that sounded charismatic and he didn’t sound like he was flourishing this trick as it lead her to believe it was really a trick that few people could perform. She found him charismatic and very excellent at talking to her. “And let me finally introduce you to our man Abbacchio who may be a little imitating, but he will warm up to you soon don’t worry,” Mista reassured her as the introductions were finally done. Abbacchio seemed to glare at her as he didn’t remove his headphones as he listened to his music, he didn’t say anything to her as he continued frown at her as he was trying to read her like a book since he wanted to know what sort of person she was and what was her relationship with Bruno. “Hello Mr Abbacchio…” Griselda said to him in a nervous and anxious voice as he continued to glare at her, she found him to be extremely menacing and distrusting of her as she could feel his stares were burning through her soul.
“So, Griselda Bruno told me about your experience with the Berlin Wall tell me what it was like please,” Fugo suddenly spoke interrupting the awkward silence between her and Abbacchio. “What’s the Berlin wall Griselda?” Narancia asked her eagerly as he was really interested in this wall. She smiled at both of them as she felt happy that they were interested in the wall as she was born in East Berlin, the part of Germany that used to be in the USSR’s communist regime. “Well Narancia the Berlin wall was a wall that was placed they’re between East and West Germany between 1961 to 1991, I think it was there to split Germany after World war 2 between the Allied countries,” she explained to Narancia patiently. She turned to Fugo. “And Fugo during the time I remember the adults taking about how there was no free elections since it was a communist state, no division of powers and no freedom of movement as so many people wanted to live in West Germany since I heard it was better there,” she told him in a serious voice since she remembered it all too well. Bruno, Trish and Giorno looked interested her experience in East Berlin as they listened to her politely. Mista and Narancia looked completely confused as they had no knowledge of the Berlin wall or Communism from the USSR. Abbacchio didn’t even care as he had his headphones on. “Fugo what is Communism?” Narancia asked him as he looked confused as he tried to think of a definition of communism. “Yeah Fugo, since you are a smartass you should know,” Mista added as he was never so confused in his life. “Oh god looks like I would have to give both of you a history lesson of the USSR and communism, teaching Narancia is bad enough but I would rather die than teach both of you idiots,” Fugo responded as he knew Mista was almost as stupid as Narancia and one idiot was bad enough. “Come on Fugo I need to know,” Mista begged him desperately as he wanted to be on the same page as Griselda as he felt he needed to be smart to impress her. “Mista you just want to know about Communism so you can impress Griselda I can see through all of your tricks,” Giorno teased him in a light hearted manner as he thought about how hilarious it would be for Mista to tell her about communism to impress her since he knew Mista liked women a lot and he would do anything to impress them.
“He’s just all hair but no brains,” Trish teased him as well. “You two are so mean both you and Trish don’t need to do much to impress others,” Mista said sadly. “Bruno and Abbacchio can impress women with no effort, Bruno managed to ask Griselda for lunch who is a pretty women from Germany and Abbacchio gets all of the goth girls, I swear I will be single for ever and ever,” Mista continued to tell his tragic story of being single. Griselda felt sorry for him and she sympathised with him of wanting to be with somebody. “I’m sorry to hear that Mista don’t worry you will find someone one day,” she responded in a sympathetic tone as she patted his back awkwardly. “Yes, Mista someone will be yours one day,” Bruno told him as he also patted his back. “If you need any advice on women you know who to go to,” Bruno reminded him smiling. “But it would be a long-term project,” Abbacchio suddenly spoke out as he smirked at him. “But Mista if you get a girlfriend then the single trio will be a single duo!” Narancia protested childishly. “You are my bro Mista, if you get a girlfriend then I only have Fugo left!” he complained as despite Fugo being his friend, he could be boring to hang out with. “Narancia for god sakes I said I would not be part of a group where we act like Martyrs because we don’t have a girlfriend,” Fugo sighed feeling irritated, he didn’t see any point of trying to have a girlfriend since he felt his anger issues would just chase away any potential people. “Fugo you may be smart, but you don’t understand the purpose of the single trio,” Mista spoke up as he seemed to recover quickly from his sadness of being single. “Well he recovered from his sadness quite quickly,” Griselda thought to herself as she found herself glancing to Bruno as he smiled at her as she turned her head quickly with embarrassment as she still felt awkward with him. “But the single trio is there for poor saps like us who can’t get a girl which is Narancia, Fugo and me,” Mista explained to him as he placed his hand on his shoulder. “Mista I am not interested in relationships at all, so I don’t care about getting a girl or not,” Fugo responded as he felt that there was no point of him getting into a relationship due to his anger issues. “Everyone says that Fugo but one day when you fall in love you might be interested in entering a relationship,” Bruno spoke up as he knew that his anger could prevent him from building relationships. Fugo didn’t say anything as he continued to eat and drink. Mista put his glass of wine down and he felt his blood froze. He looked horrified as he realised he drank his fourth glass of wine.  
Adorable and funny!! I liked it a lot!
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Part two of Griselda meeting the gang is coming very soon but I do ship Griselda with Bruno which would be called Bruselda. I also ship her with Jolyne (Joselda) since it almost gives off Marceline and Princess Bubblegum since Griselda is the good girl and Jolyne is the bad girl. Also I ship her with Pesci (Pescselda) since they could both understand having a terrible confidence and she won't care about his appearance at all. Also I made up a shit ship which is Cioccolata, oh god.
Ah!!! I love all those ships thank you-
can't wait to read more about her and all the various ships contest!! The way she met Bruno was adorable and now I'm curious to know how she'd meet Pesci, Jolyne and Cioccolata! Even if for the last one I hope she'd beat him. Just a little
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bucci-gang · 5 years
Boss, may I have a match-up, please? I am an 18-year-old Bi/Pan girl. My personality type is INFP-T. I am difficult to get to know; it takes a long time for me to get out of my shell and be sociable. But when I do come out of my shell, I am really sweet and ongoing. I am a hopeless romantic and I barely have any experience with romance. If someone has a crush on me, I cannot tell if they have a crush on me since I'm really oblivious; I prefer it if my crush tells me that they like me.
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Since you didn’t really specify which part, I took the chance and went somewhat wild with it! I ship you with Kakyoin!
Kakyoin understands that whole “not very sociable” thing. He himself took a long time to come out of his own shell. However, since coming back from Egypt and having met the rest of the crusaders, he’s become a bit more forward and not quite as introverted as he used to. That being said though, he won’t force you into doing anything you’re not comfortable with! He also does prefer staying home and just enjoying the company of each other, probably while playing video games or watching a good movie or two. Speaking of movies, I believe a more modern Kakyoin would really love Wes Anderson movies just for their overall eccentric quality.
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moody-blues-requiem · 6 years
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Ok so during the half-term holidays my family and I went to the Naples and I watched the first four episodes of part 5!!!
@charlottepastels you’re living my dream <33333 
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