#charlotte x james stringer
useyourtelescope · 2 months
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Want You In My Room
Sanditon Fanfiction | Heywood/Stringer | Part 1 of 2 [5k] Rated E | Modern - University AU | Fluff
Outfits for a costume party give Charlotte an idea for something new to try with her boyfriend James.
[sequel to Never Have I Ever, my FWB fic]
read part one on ao3
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solo-ojo-jojo · 11 months
Sea Change - Ch 2
Sanditon Fanfiction|Charlotte Heywood/James Stringer|Ch 2 of ?|5K|Rated G|Season One Alternate Take|Developing friendships|Friends to lovers
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Story summary: Charlotte chances upon Mr Stringer on her way to the carriage to London. He insists upon going with her to find Georgiana, and their futures are forever changed.
Chapter summary: During the ride to London, Charlotte and Mr Stringer come to an understanding.
Read an excerpt below the gif set from @heywood-stringer, or jump on over to AO3 to read it now!
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Original gif set here
Charlotte’s thoughts as The Sanditon Flyer coach took off for London were filled with myriad possibilities over what could have gone wrong in Georgiana’s planned meeting with Mr Molyneux and all that could conceivably be done to bring her friend back safely. She tried to distract her mind from her troubles, and as the carriage passed the construction site, she noticed that Mr Robinson now appeared to be supervising the workers.
“It is good of Mr Robinson to see after the workers on such short notice,” she said almost absently, finding that, for the first time, she was straining to make conversation with her unanticipated companion. 
“Aye, Mr Robinson has a sensible mind and an even temper. He is well-respected by the workers.”
Charlotte smiled to herself, as that was how she would have described young Mr Stringer to anyone who asked after him.
“And he knows the building plans almost as well as Mr Parker and I do,” Mr Stringer continued. 
“He is also a particular friend of yours. Is he not?”
Mr Stringer gave a small nod. “He is.”
“I thought as much when I observed the two of you at the cricket match. Your team appeared to have a good shorthand among them, but particularly you and Mr Robinson.”
When Miss Heywood mentioned her observation of him at the previous day’s match, Stringer thought of how his eyes had kept meeting hers when he had looked into the crowd. The bright smile she had directed to him and the enthusiasm with which she had been cheering him on (until the point she began to play for the opposing team, that is) had been encouragement that she might return his affections. But as they discussed his friendship with Mr Robinson, he could hear his friend’s voice reminding him that young ladies—even those as keen and agreeable as Miss Heywood—were not likely to make their preferences known until they were absolutely certain of a man’s interest.
“Does he share your interest in architecture?” Charlotte asked.
“More than most in my acquaintance. Though perhaps not as much as my present company,” he said, throwing Charlotte a small smile. “But he is quite congenial and is apt to humour me when I have new ideas for designs.”
Charlotte smiled to herself, knowing how often Mr Stringer liked to sketch. “The construction seems to be coming along rather nicely. It is going to be the most handsome gathering of buildings when it is completed.”
“Thank you for saying so, Miss Heywood,” he said kindly. However, his lips soon pulled back into a grim expression. “But I’m not sure that it is.”
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madame-r · 1 year
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Currently watching Sanditon Season 3 after catching up with the first two seasons.
It’s actually not that easy to find contents or analyzes about this show. If you have some, please send them my way. I won’t dive too deeply into Sanditon myself, but here is my quick take on it.
❤️ What I like :
The Original Soundtrack
Ruth Barrett did an amazing job in Season 1. Here is an interview which dives into her process as a composer.
The Overall Aesthetic
I am not immune to a slick take like Emma (2020) which is visually stunning, but I’ve noticed that my taste in period drama movies and tv shows leans toward a more naturalistic look.
Yes, Pride & Prejudice (2005) atmosphere, especially the cinematography by Roman Osin, ruined me.
Georgiana Lambe x Arthur Parker
It’s refreshing to see a friendship between a woman and a man for once. They balance each other out with one who can’t escape people’s scrutiny and the other being constantly overlooked.
Esther Denham x Clara Bereton
The Frenemies. Somehow despite their antagonistic relationship and their twisted behavior, at the end of the day, they have each other’s back. I want more women’s solidarity in stories.
James Stringer
Second lead syndrom ?
Sydney Parker’s death
Not that I wanted him to die but I enjoy the fact that they didn’t brush it under the rug and showed how this event affected his entourage.
Charles Lockhart
I didn’t see that twist coming. I was sad because I love him and his dynamic with Georgiana and Arthur. But I enjoy hating him while re-watching the show.
They did his character a disservice by bringing him back in the third season. It doesn’t ring true to me. Despite himself, I believe he caught some feelings for Georgiana and Arthur along the way.
Samuel Colbourne
I may have a thing for dark hair light eyes men ? Well, he is definitely less boring than his brother.
❌ What I don't like :
Basically? The romantic relationships.
Charlotte Heywood x Sidney Parker
Alright, yes the sexy low voice of Sidney works on me too. But what’s left when you go beyond physical attraction between them ? A man who belittles Charlotte at every turn.
It’s infuriating how many times she apologizes to him when he just barely apologize to her once.
To put a spin on his love declaration : I do not think that Charlotte is her best self with Sidney.
Esther Denham x Lord Babington
The man wore her down and for him, no means yes. Dude, let the woman become a rich heiress and decides what she wants in life. And the all thing about wanting a baby because it’s what Lord Babington deserves ? It reaaally rubs me the wrong way.
Charlotte Heywood x Alexander Colbourne
Oh the all “let’s hook up with my boss” thing. Charlotte wants to financially sustain herself but tried to be a governess once and then gave up ? Sure, she had to stay in Sanditon for the sake of the show’s name but still...
Also, Alexander is boring because he acts like a male lead, brooding, playing with dogs and riding horses but he is not fleshed out. And how many times can he change his mind in less than ten minutes ? Seriously ?
Too bad, I was really curious about the Colbourne household life. Mrs Weathley is such a mood.
And again : what’s left when you go beyond physical attraction between them ?
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0utatnight · 4 years
After the events of the regatta (ep7), Charlotte and some of the town children are playing by the river and woods. Some of the respective town families are out besides the Parkers, and Sidney, despite his glances, has kept his distance from her. Charlotte doesn’t know what to make of him at this point, and keeps to herself as well. 
The children decide they want to play a game of hide and seek, and Charlotte agrees. They run off into the woods, and while some of the other children pull back and head home after a while when Stringer and some men from town (on their way back from the boat race) come across them, a little boy from the town takes off deeper into the woods, challenging her to catch him.
Charlotte follows him quickly, intent on catching him before he gets too far. It takes longer than she would have liked, and by the time she’s caught up with him they’re both thoroughly turned around. He agrees to head home with her but as they aren’t sure of the direction and the boy is awfully set on climbing a tree to find their way back, Charlotte says she’ll do it instead. She forewarns him he must never speak to anyone of this but she was a very skilled climber in her younger years. 
Charlotte ties her skirts up a bit and shimmies her way into the branches of an old maple, and begins to climb. A good number of feet up, Mr Stringer finds the two of them.
He teases the boy for a moment asking if he lost his way, then asks after Miss Heywood, and when the boy doesn’t immediately spill where she is he starts scolding him for leaving  a lady in the woods. Charlotte finally admits where she is and begs Mr Stringer not to look, as she must now get down. He laughingly promises he wont look but asks if she needs any help, which she refuses primly. While she talks to him she nearly misses grabbing a branch and he looks up, which only startles her more, and she loses her footing while nearly to the ground.
She screams on her way down, cut short with a sharp snap. The shock of it stuns her, to the point she cant feel anything but an ache. The boy and Stringer rush in, and Charlotte, though winded, makes to get up when pain lances through her leg. She’s horrified to realize a root that had grown out of the trunk has torn it’s way through her skirts, her undergarments, and indeed even her leg. It’s pierced right through the fleshy part of her calf, and though she is not unused to the sight of blood she flinches to look at the gore. 
The boy begins to panic, and Stringer assesses the situation quickly and instructs Charlotte not to move her leg. Charlotte pushes him to tell her how bad it is and he sends the boy running for the doctor in the direction he came, telling him to run like the devil’s on his heels. Once they’re alone he tells Charlotte that the root might have hit something vital, while wrapping her leg, and that if he pulls her leg up now to remove the root, she may bleed out before they even get to the village. He produces a knife from his pocket and says he could cut the root from underneath to move her, but it would hurt like the devil and he’d rather the doctor see her as Stringer might make things worse. Charlotte tells him, not to be whiny but it already hurts quite a bit, and he grimaces and says they’ll wait for the doctor, and takes her hand. 
Charlotte cannot sink into the silence of the forest, the pain keeping her on edge, and asks him how the construction of the pagoda is coming along, which he haltingly admits has been vetoed. Charlotte encourages him, which he doesn’t want to hear while thinking about his burned work, but he can’t say no to her in her state and she’s so earnest. 
She tells him quite genuinely that she admires his talent and ambition, and he tries to coax her into any other topic to keep her mind off the pain. The discussion lags when they start to speak of childhood injuries, and he discovers she’s an excellent shot tho she did injure herself with the kickback when she first started learning how to handle a gun. He admits that he once put a nail clean through his palm- the hazards of construction- and they turn back to the root through her leg. 
She wonders if it will scar, likely so, and thinks about whether she’ll be able to walk properly but can’t voice the fear. James sees it in her face and tells her if she does she can tell people the tallest tales imaginable- she fought off pirates. She was carried away by the fae folk. She led a secret life as a spy for the crown. Charlotte giggles and says she always wanted to be an adventurer. 
Her thoughts come back around to whether it will effect her ability to walk and to her horror she starts tearing up. James very gentlemanly doesn’t mention this and simply tightens his grip on her hand in his and says help will be there soon.
The boy reaches town and Sidney’s friends hear him at the pub. They rush to the Parker household where Sidney is with his brother and the entire story is blurted out. Tom immediately heads out to fetch the doctor and Sidney volunteers to go into the woods with the boy to look for Charlotte, as does Arthur, who he is told is being kept watch over by James Stringer. Mary waits at the house for their return, and the Parker sister (Diana) volunteers to go fetch Georgiana as support once Charlotte arrives.
James and Charlotte’s conversation has dwindled down, and the sun is also soon to set. Stringer becomes nervous about how long it’s taking the boy to get help, and also being in the woods alone at night without a weapon or a fire. Charlotte notices his wariness and asks him to be frank with her, so he does. There aren’t many wolves in Sanditon that he knows of but there are some, and she’s still bleeding. 
Charlotte resolves to cut the root of the tree, and Stringer asks her if she’s sure and then pulls out his knife once more.
He tells Charlotte this will likely hurt like the devil, and she tells him she trusts him, which Stringer takes to heart.
After sawing through the root, Stringer picks her up and takes her out of the forest
sidney and his gang of helpers find where charlotte was and isn’t any longer, he’s very frustrated
stringer and charlotte run into Lady Denham and Esther on the road and hop in their coach to the town
Mary opens the door to her house to find Charlotte in Stringer’s arms, Esther and Lady Denham behind them. She hurries them to lay Charlotte on the table and explains that the Doctor was contacted but probably headed to the forest to meet with Sidney, they couldn’t wait. 
Between Mary, Lady Denham and Esther, Georgiana, and Diana, they decide to stop the bleeding, clean the wound with alcohol, and then cauterize it. All the while Stringer tries to keep Charlotte’s mind from what’s happening, jokingly saying after all they’ve been through, she should call him James when she stutters over his last name. To his surprise, maybe it’s the shock setting in, Charlotte tells him then he must call her Charlotte (something he’s wanted since he’s met her, but not like this). He holds her shoulders down as they pull the root out, and then for the alcohol which burns like they’ve set her leg on fire.  
Finally Mary pulls a poker from the fire to cauterize the wound and Georgiana holds Charlotte’s hand, James her shoulders, Esther her other leg. And when the poker touches her skin she nearly blacks out from the pain. Her screams are loud enough to be heard outside, and to the ignorance of everyone around her they in fact are. 
Mary raises the poker for the other side of the wound as Charlotte appears near fainting. 
Outside, Sidney has just arrived with the boy and some men, the Doctor not far behind –Babbington notes Lady Denham’s coach-, when Charlotte’s scream cuts through the night. He and Babbington rush for the doors to the Parker residence and the sight inside staggers them a moment- Mary with the poker in her hand, the smell of burnt flesh, Georgiana’s stricken face and the back of the man who is holding Charlotte by the shoulders, saying her name over and over while her head lolls to the side. Sidney sees that she has passed out and her pale face sparks a rage in him he did not know he possessed. 
He lurches forward and tears the man away from her, drags him back, though the man struggles, to slam him against the drawing room wall. It’s then he realizes it’s Stringer, and though he knows he should let him go, that none of this is his fault and he has in fact probably helped Charlotte, he can’t help but think of her slack face and that Stringer is somehow responsible. Stringer ceases struggling to get back to Charlotte as he catches Sidney’s eye, and perhaps he spots some of the anger there because he soon grabs at Sidney’s lapels as well and through gritted teeth demands Sidney let him go. 
Behind them, Georgiana insists the same, and then the doctor comes through the doors with Tom and Sidney grudgingly releases Stringer, who hurriedly returns to Charlotte's side, though not, Sidney notes, to grasp her again. With all the new people in the room he maintains a respectable distance from Charlotte. While Sidney should be pleased with this he feels it means the closeness they had outside of public view somehow meant more than it should, and that Stringer knows this. 
The doctor takes a quick inventory of Charlotte, and Sidney cringes to hear what she’s been through as Stringer and Mary answer what questions they can. The doctor proclaims Mary has done as best she could and that fever will likely set in, which will be the worst of it. Charlotte must stay abed and be cared for, and they will pray the fever passes. In the meantime, the doctor says, he will head back to lady Denham’s to collect some medicinal concoctions that may ease her pain. Tom agrees to go with him again, and Lady Denham and Esther also follow them out. Mary says she will stay awake with Charlotte, and Sidney, eyeing Stringer’s orbit around the collapsed girl, says he will take her to her room. He near shoulders Stringer out of the way to get to Charlotte, and she’s frighteningly light in his arms when he lifts her. 
His frustration with the circumstance quickly turning to worry, he bids Stringer good night (no ‘thank you’ to follow) and quickly heads upstairs. Mary thanks James as she passes by, clasping his hand when he says he wishes he could have done more and telling him Charlotte might not have even made it this far if it wasn’t for him.
As he turns to go Georgiana calls his name and tells him the moment she awakes she’ll let him know. James thanks her, more than a little relieved, and goes. 
Upstairs, Sidney lays Charlotte gently on her bed and Mary fishes a nightgown out of her boudoir. Georgiana comes into the room and they usher Sidney out to change her, telling him they have it well in hand. Feeling helpless and not liking how small she seems, as white as the sheets beneath her, Sidney leaves.
He goes downstairs and grabs a drink to calm his nerves, but every sound from above him sets him on edge and he can’t shake the intense feeling that had come over him when he saw her on that table. Brooding, he stands by the fire to mull over his thoughts. 
Not too long later, the doctor and Tom arrive at the house and rush upstairs. Sidney follows at a distance, wary of the feelings that still swamp him, and the doctor is let into Charlotte’s room, Mary at the door, while he and Tom are kept outside. Tom claps him on the shoulder and suggests they head back downstairs for another drink. 
Midway through his second brandy, Sidney asks if Tom thinks she’ll pull out of it, unable to forget her pale face, and Tom assures him that Charlotte is a formidable girl, too strong to let this take her from them. Sidney can’t help but think of Stringer hovering over her at Tom’s words. 
He hesitates and then asks if Tom thinks she’ll lose the leg. Tom grows dour and says he’s seen many an injury in his time, and there’s no telling. They must have faith Charlotte will have the strength to get through this unchanged. Sidney says that’s an impossible hope, as at the very least Miss Heywood will likely have a limp to contend with for the rest of her life. 
Tom assuages his brother with thoughts of Charlotte’s tenacity and says there’s nothing he’s seen so far that could keep that girl from happiness; surely this would not be enough to stop her.
Sidney hears his own fears echoed in his brother’s shaking voice and lets the topic go.
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agrippinaes · 2 years
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@willwriteforruns asked: charlotte x sydney, charlotte x colbourne, or charlotte x young stringer?
she's not half the woman you are, charlotte. if he can't see that, he doesn't deserve you.
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heywood-stringer · 3 years
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SANDITON (2019—)
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perioddramasource · 3 years
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Charlotte & James + hands
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crazychicke · 2 years
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moodboards: James Stringer & Charlotte Heywood - Sanditon
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mockscreens · 2 years
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please like/reblog if you save!
more sanditon lockscreens here!
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alexedler · 3 years
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Thank you, Mr. Stringer. Would that all men could be like you.
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lavellenchanted · 4 years
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Thank you, Mr. Stringer. Would that all men could be like you.
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useyourtelescope · 1 year
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Sanditon Fanfiction | Charlotte Heywood/James Stringer 19k | Rated G | Canon Divergence
When Charlotte returns to Sanditon with the family employing her as a governess, she becomes reacquainted with Mr. Stringer who has lately returned to town himself.
[read on AO3]
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solo-ojo-jojo · 1 year
Sea Change - A Sanditon Fanfic
Sanditon Fanfiction|Charlotte Heywood/James Stringer|Ch 1 of ?|1.3K|Rated G|Season One Alternate Take|Developing friendships|Friends to lovers
Story summary: Charlotte chances upon Mr Stringer on her way to the carriage to London. He insists upon going with her to find Georgiana, and their futures are forever changed.
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I've written my first fic for Sanditon! It takes place at the end of s01e05 when Charlotte decides to set out on her own to rescue Georgiana.
Read an excerpt below the gif set from @heywood-stringer, or jump on over to AO3 to read it now!
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Original gif set here
An uncommonly heavy rain had reached Sanditon overnight, the swift winds and steady drops bringing a rise to the sea level and delaying travel to and from the seaside town.
Frustrated by those delays and determined as ever to right what had gone so terribly wrong, Miss Charlotte Heywood may as well have been wearing horse blinders as she made her way past the construction site on her way to the carriage bound for London.
“Miss Heywood?”
She stopped promptly at hearing her name called.
Charlotte placed a hand on her bonnet, squinting to see past the rising sun as she looked up to find the man attached to the voice. “Mr Stringer,” she greeted, adjusting her position so she could see him more clearly. “My apologies. I did not mean to pass by without saying hello. I seem I find myself rather distracted at the moment.”
He studied her countenance, noting the effort that went into forcing a pleasant smile to cover her furrowed brow. “If I may say so, you seem more distressed than distracted,” he said, his voice low and laced with concern. “Is everything all right, Miss Heywood?”
“I am, of course, troubled by Miss Lambe’s abduction.” 
“Of course,” he repeated softly. “I know that she has become a good friend to you.”
“No one has heard word of her since you delivered the news that she was taken by those men instead of meeting Mr Molyneux as planned.” She fidgeted with the strap of her reticule as she avoided letting on the true reason for her worry. “If you’ll excuse me, Mr Stringer, I must be going.”
Charlotte did not wait for a response from Mr Stringer before taking off in the direction of the coach house.
But Miss Heywood’s evasive nature seemed so unlike her that Mr Stringer’s concern had only increased. He would not be satisfied until he was assured that Miss Heywood was no longer in distress and he wasted no time in following after her.
“May I ask where you are going with such haste?”
She looked over her shoulder, then turned towards him and quieted her voice. “I am on my way to London to retrieve Miss Lambe.”
“I see. And what did the Parkers have to say about this?”
“I have left word for Mrs Parker of my mission,” she offered nonchalantly.
Mr Stringer nodded and continued to walk alongside her in silence as he decided on what to say next. “Is there anyone accompanying you, Miss Heywood?” he asked, trying to match her casual tone.
“I am travelling alone.”
“Miss Heywood…” James considered how his words might be received before he continued speaking. “I appreciate that you are more concerned with the safe return of your friend than with your own safety. But I do not think it is wise to go in search of Miss Lambe of your own accord.”
“I thank you for your concern, Mister Stringer, but I am more than capable of travelling to London by myself.”
“I have do doubt of that, Miss. But once you arrive in London… Do you have a plan for locating Miss Lambe?”
“I–” Charlotte paused as she considered his question. She lifted her chin defiantly as she spoke. “I shall start with locating Mr Molyneux. I have his address from our correspondence.”
“If you will allow me to say so, Miss Heywood… Given the nature of Miss Lambe’s disappearance, I fear that this could be a dangerous situation you find yourself in.”
She left out a huff and resumed her quickened pace towards her destination. “I am determined to see that my friend is safe. You will not deter me from my journey.” 
His long strides allowed him to easily catch up with her. “I apologise if you have misunderstood me, Miss Heywood. For I do not wish to deter you from going in search of Miss Lambe. I wish to accompany you and see that you both have a safe return to Sanditon.”
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treasureplanetsheep · 3 years
Me: *wanders into the Sanditon tag for the first time since the show ended*
*sees it filled with charlotte x young stringer gifsets*
Me: "As it should be."
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primrose-avenue · 4 years
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The jealousy is strong in this one.
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dylanobrienisbatman · 3 years
Okay but since Sidney isn’t coming back... does that mean we’re getting Charlotte x James Stringer endgame?
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