#charles x victoria
lovelygirlnicole15 · 2 months
@androidcharles is your girl Amelia available for my Dave? I heard she's in love with him (correct me if I'm wrong)
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I made this meme cuz my Dave is single
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23victoria · 4 months
“can you watch my boyfriend for a sec?” ❁
f1 grid x fem!reader
summary: TikTok trend with the grid!!
authors note: saw the carlos one and knew i had to write about it!! his reaction made me laugh!! i also just saw mclaren do it to oscar!! i hope the other teams do it to their drivers as well!! also first time writing for seb, jenson, and daniel, i had the time so i said why not?!any feedback is appreciated and please like, comment, and reblog!! hope you enjoy!!
f1 masterlist
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You: "Hey guys, can you watch my boyfriend for a sec? I need to grab something from the car."
You head out, leaving Lewis alone in front of your phone's camera. He looks around, slightly bewildered.
"What? Y/N who’s on the phone? Uh, hey there. I guess I'm being watched. So... how's everyone doing? Good? Cool. Uh, any Mercedes fans here?" He starts talking about his day and how Roscoe is doing, trying to entertain the 'audience'. "Alright, she'll be back any minute now... right?"
You: "Hey guys, can you watch my boyfriend for a sec? I need to take out the trash."
Max raises an eyebrow as you walk away. He looks at the phone, unsure of what to say.
"Huh? Um, okay. This is weird. Hi, everyone….I guess…..Y/N what is this?! Who’s on the phone? So…what do we do now? Should I... talk about racing? Or... maybe I could just sit here…?" He awkwardly shuffles in his seat, checking his watch. "How long does it take to throw out the trash? Y/N come back! I don’t know what to say or do!"
You: "Hey guys, can you watch my boyfriend for a sec? I need to get a drink from the kitchen."
Lando grins as you walk away, immediately knowing the TikTok trend. He leans in closer to the camera.
"Hey, TikTok! I was wondering when Y/N was going to do this trend on me! What have you guys been up to? Should I prank her back? Give me some ideas in the comments!" He starts to look around, trying to find something to do. "Should I play some games on my computer or maybe I'll hide and jump out when she gets back?"
You: "Hey guys, can you watch my boyfriend for a sec? I need to get my food."
Oscar blinks, looking at the phone and then at the door you just walked towards. He frowns slightly.
"Huh? What….okay? Uh, hi? I guess you guys are going to watch me eat my breakfast…Not sure what I'm supposed to do here. Should I be saying something interesting?" He scratches his head, and moves his food around, clearly uncomfortable. "So, did you guys have breakfast yet? I hope you did, breakfast is important….uhhh yea. Y/N!! Babe!! Come back!! I don’t know what to do!!"
You: "Hey guys, can you watch my boyfriend for a sec? I need to take a call."
Charles watches you leave, then looks at the phone, confused but trying to be polite.
"Uh? Wait what? Hello, everyone. I guess your...on watch duty?" He laughs nervously. "This feels strange. Maybe I should sing a song? Or talk about Ferrari? Oh, I know, I'll play some music on my piano!" He moves towards the piano, but then hesitates. "Wait, how long is this call going to be? Y/N! Baby!!"
You: "Hey guys, can you watch my boyfriend for a sec? I need to make a smoothie."
Carlos looks at the camera, then at the direction you went, raising an eyebrow.
“What is this? Hello? Anyone there? Who were you talking to? Y/N?! Uhhhh hi… Wait, a smoothie? Bebe make me one too please! Okay, hi everyone. This is Carlos, just here... being watched?" He starts looking around, picking up random items on the table. "So, let me show you my favorite things on this table. This is a cool pen, and this is... a coaster. Fascinating, right?" He chuckles, shaking his head. "This is so weird. How long does making a smoothie take anyway?"
You: "Hey guys, can you watch my boyfriend for a sec? I need to water the plants."
Sebastian gives you a puzzled look as you leave and then turns to the camera, smiling politely.
"What?! Y/N what is this? Hello? Hello? Anywhere there? I’m confused… Y/N!! Who were you talking too? Honey? … Um, hello everyone… I guess I'm under surveillance now." He chuckles. "So, while she's watering the plants, let's talk about... sustainability! Did you know you can make your own compost at home? It's really simple and great for your garden." He starts explaining the process, gesturing enthusiastically. "I hope she comes back soon because I might run out of eco-friendly tips! Oh wait!! I know! Let me show you my bees!!"
You: "Hey guys, can you watch my boyfriend for a sec? I need to grab the mail."
Jenson watches you leave with a bemused smile, then looks at the phone.
"Ummm what?! Babe? Y/N? Hello? Uhhh..hey there. So, I guess I need to be watched for a minute. You guys are in babysitting duty? Let’s see... what can I do to entertain you?" He glances around and spots his dogs. "Hey, meet my dogs! Come here babies!." He tries to get their attention but Bentley and Rouge ignore him, while Storm walks up to him, just to sit and stare at him. "Well, that didn’t go as planned. I guess they’re tired from playing this morning. Oh well, maybe next time! Isn’t that right Storm." he says putting down the camera.
You: "Hey guys, can you watch my boyfriend for a sec? I need to fix something in the bathroom."
Daniel immediately grins and laughs as you walk away, sensing a prank.
“Huh? Babe? What? Oh wait! It’s that TikTok trend!! Alright, what’s up TikTok, what's going on? He starts making funny faces at the camera and then leans in closer. "I have no idea what to talk about. This is so stupid and awkward.” He says bursting out laughing. He keeps glancing towards the bathroom, barely containing his laughter. "Babe come back!!"
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© 23victoria 2024 I all rights reserved. do not republish, steal repost, modify, translate, or claim my work as your own.
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kingkenzieofmold · 4 months
Speaking of background characters, Victoria Grit is an underrated character. But can you make Charles X Victoria Grit ship? Any of it...
(This will be my last request from now on if you think I already requested much, Tell me if I'm not that bother you... Thank You ^^").
(do not worry you’re good!) I have been meaning to draw this ship for a hot minute so I hope you enjoy!!<3
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nellzzzzzsblogg · 1 month
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Day 1! 3/100
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aliceosemansolos · 7 days
i watched the heartstopper trailer and it was so good!! im so excited for season 3 even though it will def destroy me.
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Do you ever read every fanfiction to the point that you have to pretend you've never seen it before in your entire life as to properly enjoy it?
Like lando norris? Daniel ricciardo? Charles leclerc?
Who's that? Never heard of them?
When I tell you the way I switch obsessions is insane and I don't wanna leave this one 😭😭
(Also yes it's almost midnight on a school night and I need sleep cause I'm ill and have other medical issues that are affected by sleep but who cares)
Love you guys 💗
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echotrinityme · 1 month
Distrust Neutral ending: Agents of Despair
A/N:  This takes place after chapter 21 and before chapter 22 onwards—warning: Violence and blood.
The Government and The Toppat have managed to capture the Cult of Desperationis and put each of them into a cell with high security. Dr. V has created a special room where the members can be in special pods and undo the brainwashing.  The room is under high guard and no one but the General and Dr. V are allowed there.
However, not everything is back to normal.
The leader, Briar Bloodsworth, has not been captured yet, driving everyone crazy.  Charles and Victoria were especially anxious. On the other hand, Rupert and Henry were doing what they were supposed to be doing. They were still giving intel to Briar and in return, Briar gave them instructions on what to do next. No one was none the wiser. 
But someone started to notice their strange behavior and decided to investigate.
The night sky was on display and the stars were twinkling. There was a slight breeze and night creatures were awake doing their night routine. Everyone was asleep. 
A noise jostled Jose Gonzales out of slumber, he looked around but it was dark. He stood up got dressed and looked outside. He found nothing since it was dark save for a few light bugs flying around. He was about to fall asleep when he spotted a figure walking into the clearing. Jose furrowed his brow, who's up at this time of night? He quietly followed the figure who went to the clearing, the figure kept walking but occasionally the figure looked behind them to see if they were being followed.
Jose crouched as he hid behind a bush so the figure wouldn't see him and it was dark so he was hoping he didn't get caught. The figure stopped in the middle of the clearing and took out what looked like a phone, the figure unlocked the phone and dialed something. The figure waited for the other person in the line to answer, the person answered, and the figure began talking to the person. 
Jose was watching the figure discreetly while trying to figure out who the figure was, he kept watching to see if he recognized any features. He then spotted a blue earpiece and saw familiar white hair when the figure stepped into the moonlight.
It was Henry!
Jose was confused. Who was Henry talking to? And why is he acting off?"
Since Rupert and Henry were rescued from Briar, Jose noticed they'd been acting off. Like they weren't themselves, he saw that sometimes Rupert or Henry have listless eyes or seem to be in a state of "insanity" when training someone. Jose started putting pieces together while Henry was still talking on the phone. Jose was thinking about Rupert's and Henry's odd behavior when he sucked in a breath, Henry was looking in his direction. Jose felt his heart beating as Henry stared at him, he hoped that Henry didn't see him. 
Henry kept staring at him and his eyes flashed with something Jose couldn't make out then he resumed speaking to the phone. Jose breathed a sigh of relief as he quietly stood up and was about to head back when he felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, he looked down in confusion. 
He saw red in his uniform along with a hand surrounding a knife, the person holding the knife took out the knife and Jose fell to the ground with a groan. Jose covered his wound with his right hand as he gazed up to find a pair of golden eyes staring down at him, Rupert's cold gaze upon Jose then it turned to his hand that was holding the knife covered in blood.
"Y'know..." Rupert said with a tone that made Jose shiver in coldness, "It's kind of rude to spy on someone's conversation,"
Jose blinked as he felt tears started to prick up, "R-Rupert? W-Why?" 
"Let's just say it's fun to kill,"
Rupert smiled at Jose who felt his veins turn to ice. Rupert never smiled. He sometimes smiles but his smile here, it was not happiness. The smile was creepy and cold. Jose looked around to see if Henry was still there but to his horror, he was gone. Jose started to run away from Rupert who was still smiling when he cried out in pain, Henry stabbed him in his other lower half. Jose fell to the ground in pain, and Rupert calmly came over to them. Jose stared up at them with his blurry vision and saw their eyes were red and their faces full of insanity. 
"Yo-u Y- You g-g-guys why?" Jose squeaked as he cried. Rupert and Henry both sneered at him, "Aw, c'mon Jose" Rupert replied with a chirp, "I thought we were having fun?"
Henry giggled as Jose started trembling in fear, the wounds in his lower abdomen were stinging and he needed to treat them or else they would get infected. He looked around to find an escape route when he felt something sharp against his leg, he screamed but his mouth was quickly covered with a hand.
"Don't scream," Henry said coldly, "You'll ruin the fun if you do that," 
Rupert pulled out his knife and stared at Jose's blood. Henry held up his knife and lunged at Jose while keeping Jose's mouth covered. Jose screamed into Henry's hand while his back was burning with pain, Henry chuckled in amusement. 
Henry glanced at Rupert, "Should we numb him?" he asked as he brought out a mini black bag.
"Nah, let him feel it," Rupert answered with a wicked smile, "Just use an adrenaline shot on him,"
Jose's eyes widened in fear as Henry pulled out a liquid needle. Henry plunged the needle into Jose's neck and Jose cried a little. Jose felt a burst of energy, his heart beating faster. Jose stared at them with a questioning look and muffled "What did you guys do to me?"
They laughed darkly, "We just put an adrenaline shot into you, nothing special," Henry answered.  
Jose felt sweat as he cried, why were they doing this to him? He thought they were friends?! Then he remembered their behavior and their rescue from Briar. He read a file report on how Briar's brainwashing affects a person's behavior, a more broken version of themselves replaces their behavior. Jose's eyes widened, and Rupert and Henry were brainwashed by Briar! 
Briar brainwashed them before they got to them. Jose needed to get out of here and warn everyone about them! But.. how?
Rupert and Henry were trying to figure out what to do with Jose, Henry's hand moved away from Jose's mouth. Jose saw this and he opened his mouth and bit Henry's mouth hard. Henry cried out in pain and held his hand. Rupert was about to help Henry when he felt something hard on his face, he fell on his back with an oof. Jose kicked Rupert and he quickly ran deeper into the clearing. Rupert cursed in Russian as Henry stood up, and they ran after him.
When he was far away, he stopped at a tree and looked behind him. He didn't see them and he sighed. He leaned against the tree to try to rest but couldn't stay there long or else Rupert and Henry would find him. Jose looked at his wounds as black dots started forming in his vision, the adrenaline had worn off. 
"Fuck! Not now!" he thought as he felt dizzy, he had to move and contact the general. He then remembered his comms. He reached into his pocket but couldn't find his comms. "Shit! I must have left them back at my tent!" he whispered. He searched around again but no signs of Rupert or Henry. He got up and quickly headed back to base. He didn't get far as he got tackled by Rupert who found him, Henry was behind him. 
Rupert and Jose struggled since Jose was putting up a fight this time. Rupert was getting impatient, Henry saw this and went over to them. Henry held Jose down, and Rupert brought out his knife. Jose was losing blood as he felt his consciousness lifting away, Rupert smirked.
"Good night, Jose," Rupert said as he plunged the knife.
June was holding a tray while waiting to get her breakfast. In front of her was the Bukowski twins and behind her was Sarah Connifers. She frowned as she looked around, she was worried. Sarah noticed this and also frowned.
"Oi, what's the matter June?" Sarah asked with her Scottish accent.
"I wonder where Jose is, he's usually up at this time," June replied.
Sarah looked around but didn't spot Jose, she spotted Charles, Ellie, Henry, Rupert, and Victoria sitting at a table together. She knows the drama between Rupert, Henry, and Victoria and has Victoria's sympathies. She looked for Jose again but alas, she didn't see him. 
"I'm sure he's fine, June," Sarah said happily, trying to calm June down, "I think he's just sleeping still,"
"I know but he never oversleeps,"
"Look, if he's not here by a certain time, we can go over to his tent and see if he is ok," Sarah said, "Okay?"
June nodded as she got her breakfast and Sarah sat at a table. They talked while they ate, and the others did the same. After a while, June and Sarah finished their meal. They cleaned up and headed out to find Jose. They were going to Jose's tent when someone stopped them, "Oi, the General wants us for a meeting," Rupert said.
June and Sarah stared at Rupert who smiled at them, they blinked as they stared at his smile. He never smiles unless it's with Henry or something he enjoys. The girls looked at each other and then at Rupert, "Is the meeting now?" June asked.
Rupert nodded, "C'mon, let's go,"
"But we were-" 
"Now!" Rupert snapped, making the girls flinch, and quickly went with Rupert. They didn't forget about Jose and decided to visit him after the meeting. The meeting was in the cafeteria because it was bigger and fit the soldiers and Toppat clan members. 
The General and Victoria were discussing what to do with the former members of the Cult of Desperationis, Reginald and Right Hand Man were beside them. They were thinking of putting the members in jail or the Wall. Sarah and Rupert paid attention but June had other things on her mind. She was worried about Jose and she wanted to check up on him. She looked over at Rupert who looked bored, and she frowned. She sighed and whispered into Sarah's ear. She quietly got up and went outside.
June took deep breaths and she calmed down. She felt nervous inside the cafeteria since Rupert was acting more aloof than usual, and felt a sense of anxiety by being near him. She shook her head, "C'mon June, it's probably that he is still angry about Briar's escaping," she thought.
"I guess I better find Jose," June said to herself. She walked to Jose's tent and found the tent flap open. She blinked as she looked inside, it was dark and she saw no sign of Jose.
"Psst! Jose?" June said tentatively, "Are you there?"
She went inside but didn't see him. She turned on the light next to Jose's bed but Jose was not there. June immediately panicked and went out of the tent. She was about to call the General when she looked down and saw a bootprint, she then looked and found more bootprints. She followed them into the clearing, she kept following them until they stopped. 
"Huh?" she thought, "Why do they stop?" 
She looked up to find trees but one of the trees had something hanging off the branch.
Everyone from the cafeteria heard her screaming and went out to find her. Charles was the first to find her and was about to ask what was wrong when she collapsed. She pointed in a direction and Charles followed what she was looking at. His eyes widened as he felt his blood run cold and his face turned a sickly green. The General caught up with them along with the others, he was panting as he gulped up a breath. 
He calmed down and demanded, "What's going on? What happened?!"
Charles and June pointed in the same direction and he glanced at what they were seeing. His eyes widened and everyone gasped in horror. 
Hanging on a tree branch was a figure tied up in a rope, wearing a green government uniform and a green hard hat. The figure was covered in blood and its head was hanging off to the side and his eyes were open. Everyone immediately recognized it was Jose Gonzales hanging off the branch. The General and Victoria went up to him quickly to check a pulse but he was dead. Charles went up to them while Sarah and the others comforted June. 
Charles cringed at the wounds Jose had sustained, it looked like he was stabbed a lot. Charles closed his eyes to mourn him but opened them again when he saw a piece of white hanging out of Jose's front shirt pocket. He gently took the paper out and looked at its contents. He growled as he felt his blood boil, Victoria and Galeforce approached him.
"Charlie?" Galeforce said, "Whatcha got there?"
Charles handed them the paper and he and Victoria saw what made Charles angry. They both gasped in shock and horror. 
"We're still here," was written in blood on the paper. 
Everyone dispersed into different places because of Jose. Some went back to their tents, some hung out with friends, and some were in the bathroom emptying their contents from their stomachs cause of the gore. Charles, Ellie, Victoria, Rupert, Henry, and Galeforce were watching soldiers taking down Jose's disemboweled corpse. Galeforce sighed as they put Jose into a body bag and wheeled him off to the morgue. Galeforce glanced at everyone with a solemn look, "I will inform Jose's family of his death," 
Galeforce left them alone, leaving Charles and everyone else staring at the tree where Jose was hung up. Fear and anger clouded their faces, they stayed quiet until a voice spoke up.
"Who would kill him? Ellie asked.
"And have the gall to kill him near our base?" Victoria added.
Charles, Henry, and Rupert didn't answer her as they stared at the tree. Charles glanced at Rupert who looked angrier than usual, Rupert clenched his fists and walked out of the clearing. Everyone gave him sympathetic looks and left him alone. They always know that when Rupert is upset, it's better to leave him alone. June and Sarah were at the medbay to get June checked out. June was in shock and Sarah was comforting her. 
Later, Charles found Rupert hiding behind a boulder. Rupert had his head down and was standing up. 
"Rupert? Buddy?" Charles said hesitantly.
"Hmm?" Rupert replied but didn't lift his head.
"You okay?"
Charles frowned, Rupert was brooding. He knew that Rupert and Jose had a mentor/student relationship and were friends, so Jose's death hit Rupert hard. Charles approached him and Rupert glanced up at him. "We will catch the killer, Rupert," Charles said, "I promise,"
Rupert didn't say anything, and Charles sighed. "I'll leave you alone,"
Charles said his goodbyes and left Rupert alone. After Charles left, Rupert cracked a smile. Poor, stupid Charles. He just finished talking to Jose's killer. 
A couple of days later, Charles, Victoria, and Galeforce were investigating Jose's death in the General's office. His funeral was two days ago and they want justice for Jose. They looked over his file and morgue report. 
"It still makes no sense," Victoria said, "How can he be killed a couple of miles away from the base?" 
"And who killed him? Why would they kill him in the first place? Everybody loved him," Charles added sadly.
"Hmmm, we don't know but let's safely assume it's not one of us," Galeforce replied.
"Or the Toppat clan members," Victoria said.
They kept thinking, looked at the clues, and eliminated any suspects but still found no answer. They kept digging until someone cleared their throat, they all looked up to see June July standing before them. She rubbed her arms nervously and she looked like she hadn't slept. The General had put her into the military's psychologist after she found Jose's corpse.
"What is it, June?" Victoria asked gently, "Everything okay?"
June didn't say anything at first, she stared down at the floor. Charles put a comforting hand on June, "Hey June? You okay?" he questioned.
"W-what if we didn't capture all of the members of the c-cult?" June asked coldly.
Galeforce, Charles, and Victoria blinked in confusion and shock. "What if there are more members than the ones we captured?" June continued angrily, "Like the ones who are not in the group?"
Charles's eyes widened, "Like agents?" Galeforce questioned.
"Yes," June answered, "Someone who we haven't identified,"
Everyone was thinking about who could be an agent of Briar, and then Charles and Victoria glanced at each other. They both have the same thought. Charles cleared his throat which made Galeforce glance at him.
"Yes, Charlie?" 
"Sir. I think I know who can be an agent for Briar," Charles murmured.
"What? Who?" Galeforce demanded.
Charles stared at everyone and he closed his eyes.
Rupert followed Charles into the clearing, the same one where they found Jose's corpse. Charles came to Rupert's tent, told him he needed to talk to him, and led him to the clearing. They stopped inside the clearing. Charles took a deep breath and exhaled. He faced Rupert who crossed his arms, "So what did ya want to talk to me about, Charles?" 
Charles didn't want to do this. Unbeknownst to Rupert, Victoria, and the others hid behind the clearing bushes. They wanted to catch Rupert in the act, and Charles was the one to do it.  
"Do you remember the day we rescued you and Henry from the leader?" Charles asked slowly.
"Ya, thanks for that," Rupert replied, "What about it?" 
Charles wasn't sure how to tell Rupert about his suspicions, he was in denial. He knew Jose had suspicions about Rupert when they rescued him and Henry from Briar. "Are you sure you didn't find the leader?" Charles asked softly. 
Rupert frowned, "Yeah,"
Rupert's tone was cold and clipped, drawing Charles that something was off. Everybody including Charles knew Rupert wasn't a social butterfly and preferred to be alone. He does hang out with Charles and Victoria, he and Henry are a couple and are always together. Charles frowned, speaking of Henry, how come he hasn't noticed Rupert's strange behavior?
Rupert's eyes flashed red and he was about to question why Charles asked him this question when he heard rustling in the bushes. The General, Victoria, and everyone else stood up from the bushes with their weapons aimed at Rupert. 
"Rupert Price, you are under arrest for the suspicion of murder of Jose Gonzales!" Galeforce exclaimed angrily while holding his gun at Rupert. 
Rupert growled as he glared at Charles, he put his hands up slowly. Charles gulped, Rupert's glare was cold and it made Charles feel guilty.  "Charles... what is this?" 
"Rupert, you are being accused of murder against Jose Gonzales," Charles stared at Rupert coldly, "Which is unbelievable! Are you a murderer?!"
A shadow appeared on Rupert's face as he hung his head down, he didn't answer Charles. The area was quiet and tense. There were no sounds except from the birds, and Charles could hear his heartbeat against his chest. "Rupert... please say something," Charles demanded.
Rupert didn't respond, but his body started trembling, and Charles heard a low laughter.
"Hehehe..." Rupert chuckled darkly, he was still trembling. Charles raised an eyebrow while everyone tensed up, "Hehe...HeHAHAHAHA!"
Rupert lifted his head and everyone's veins turned cold when they saw his eyes. His eyes were white with black swirls and his smile held insanity. Rupert stopped laughing as he kept smiling deviously, he stared at Charles. "Congratulations, Charles," he purred, "You caught me,"
Rupert's eyes flashed red while he showed his pearly, white sharp teeth. Charles started shaking, "His eyes... They are the same color as the eyes of the cult before we captured them," he thought. 
"Rupert Price. You're under arrest for the murder of Jose Gonzales," Galeforce said as he had two soldiers handcuffed Rupert. Galeforce's face was neutral but Charles could see anger and disappointment in his eyes.
Rupert didn't say a word while handcuffed; he was still smiling, and his eyes weren't those disturbing swirls. They were red like blood. Rupert was still smiling as he was led out of the clearing. Charles and everyone stared after him with grim looks on their faces. 
Charles was watching the General interrogate Rupert outside the interrogation room, Charles wanted to punch that smug smile Rupert was wearing. Victoria came up to him, standing next to him. She put a hand on his shoulder, "Charles? Charlie?" she said tentatively, but he didn't respond to her calls.
He kept watching Galeforce asking Rupert why he'd killed Jose.
(I was originally going to write the whole interrogation but I'm lazy and I want to get to the reveal where Charles and everyone else find out Rupert and Henry were brainwashed)
Galeforce pinched the bridge of his nose, he felt a headache brewing as he stared up at Rupert. Rupert smiled like he had done nothing wrong like he didn't murdered one of his own. Galeforce took a deep breath and exhaled as he gave Rupert a hard stare. 
"Of all my time as a military officer," Galeforce started, his tone full of disappointment and anger, "I have never dealt with something like this,"
Rupert kept smiling which annoyed the General and pissed off Charles. "Rupert... why did you kill Jose Gonzales?"  
Rupert chuckled darkly as he leaned in, and Galeforce leaned back. Rupert was handcuffed to the interrogation table so Galeforce had nothing to worry about... for now.
"He was about to ruin our plan," Rupert replied with a chirp," And we have to kill him for it,"
Galeforce furrowed his brows in confusion as Rupert's eyes became white with black swirls, Charles and Victoria felt a sense of dread when they saw his eyes. However, Charles noticed something that Rupert said.
"Wait, what does mean we?" Charles questioned, Victoria shrugged her shoulders and then she suddenly remembered some important information. "Hey, do you remember the reports on how the members of the Cult of Desperationis's eyes were red, and sometimes their eyes were white with black swirls?" she asked.
Charles nodded as he read through those reports a while ago. He remembered the victims were brainwashed to do Briar's bidding and the horrible stuff they did to other people. He also read how the victims were brainwashed which was horrifying and no one should be able to go through it. Then his brain gave him a thought about the brainwashing and the day they rescued Rupert and Henry.
Charles gasped as he felt his heart hammer against his chest and he glanced at Victoria who stared at him with fear in her eyes. Her eyes confirmed his suspicion. 
"Rupert's been brainwashed," Charles murmured.
"No... by Briar?" Victoria replied.
Charles ran into the interrogation room without answering Victoria, Galeforce jumped while Rupert turned his head at Charles like it was a normal thing. "Charlie? What's going on? I'm busy with Ru-"
"Rupert's been brainwashed by Briar Bloodsworth!" Charles exclaimed angrily, Victoria came into the room as the General stood up, and Galeforce's eyes widened upon Charles's confession.
"What? Brainwashed?" he asked, he looked at Victoria who nodded to back Charles up.
"Yeah. The reports that contain how you can tell a victim of Briar has been brainwashed and Rupert's eyes match the documents," Victoria explained.
A deep, dark chuckle brought the trio to look in Rupert's direction, Rupert's eyes were crimson and his eyes lit up with insanity. "Congratulations, Charles," he said coldly, his eyes landed on Victoria, "And Tori... Another win for the Government," Rupert growled that last word which made Victoria shiver a bit.
The trio stared at Rupert who was smiling creepily at them. Charles frowned and was about to ask how Rupert was brainwashed when he remembered something else. "Hey, Rupert? Is Henry brainwashed too?" he asked hard.
The General's and Victoria's eyes widened. 
Rupert clicked his teeth in response. 
"Damn it..." Charles said angrily.
"Get Henry and bring him here NOW," Galeforce ordered Victoria in an authoritative tone.
"Yes, sir," Victoria nodded numbly.
Moments later, Victoria had the Bukowski twins bring Henry in and put him into another interrogation room. Victoria questioned him but got the same response from Rupert. 
The General and Charles were back to interrogating Rupert. 
"Rupert, where's Briar," the General questioned.
"Fuck you, old man," Rupert growled which stunned the General and Charles.
Victoria sighed as she looked at Henry who smiled at her but the smile was not happy. "Henry, do you know where Briar is?" she asked gently.
"No. Even if I did, would I tell you guys?" Henry signed even though he was handcuffed to the table. Victoria shook her head and stood up to leave the room. She closed the door as the General and Charles exited the other room. The trio stood in front of the room Rupert was in.
"Any luck?" The General asked, folding his arms.
"No," Victoria replied sadly, "I don't think they are going to tell us where's Briar hiding,"
The trio glanced at Rupert in the interrogation room, looking in the mirror. They are unsure if Rupert knows they are behind the mirror but he doesn't care, "My phone is ringing and I think it's for you," 
The trio quickly entered the room and Charles took Rupert's phone out of his pocket. The caller id was unknown and Charles answered the phone. There was no call but a video and Charles played it.
In the video, a man with long hair with the color of deep blue was staring back at them. He was wearing something you would see at a Halloween party but more casual and his eyes were a scarlet. He was sitting in a white room and sitting on a chair. 
"Why hello there!" the person on the video spoke, his voice was smooth and deep, "My name is Briar Bloodsworth, and congratulations for figuring out that two of your soldiers were my pawns the whole time!"
Galeforce growled as Charles clenched his fists in anger and Victoria gasped. "Now you may be wondering where I am and why am I sending you this video?" Briar inquired, waiting for a response but it was a recording, "Well, I can answer both questions,"
"My location is discreet but by the time you finish this video, I'm already in a different country. And the answer to why I'm sending you this video is that I wanna see the looks of despair on your faces,"
Galeforce picked up the phone in rage and gripped the phone tightly, "Do you have any idea who you are FUCKING WITH!" he shouted that last phrase which made everyone sans Rupert jump in shock. They had never him curse before. "Um...sir," Victoria said tentatively, "It's a recording,"
"You're probably wondering who I'm dealing with," Briar implored as if he heard the General's question, "I'm dealing with a defense force who in reality, sucks at their job,"
"I mean c'mon Government dogs," Briar continued, "You guys were supposed to take down the Toppat Clan and you keep failing every time! And you didn't even notice that two of your own were acting strangely because of me,"
The General looked away while Charles and Victoria felt guilty. "Don't worry though," Briar chuckled, "I find the stupidity of the whole Government quite amusing,"
Then Briar's expression turned serious, "Now we gotta talk about the elephant in the room. Why did Rupert and Henry kill Jose?" Everyone's ears perked up upon hearing Briar's statement, "Well you see... they got bored and so did I,"
"What?" Charles said incredulously. 
"You see if I've planned out everything in hindsight, that would be so boring," Briar explained, crossing his arms, "So Rupert and Henry decided to mix things up to make a little point,"
"So Jose was not even part of your plan," Galeforce said softly, "It was a betrayal,"
"And I heard he and Rupert shared a mentor and student relationship which made his death take a whole new level of damn!" Briar finished, "I wonder how he felt when he was betrayed by his mentor... he must have felt an unhealthy amount of hope that he wouldn't be betrayed by his mentor. However, the feeling of hope was replaced by a feeling of despair," 
Everyone felt immense emotions all at once. Anger, numbness, sadness, and despair. The video was about to end, Briar clapped his hands together with a smile on his face. "Well, looks like we're out of time. I should be heading out," Briar stood up and took the camera with him, "Before I go, you will be getting a phone call from someone you should know, General,"
Galeforce blinked as Briar held up his fingers for a countdown, "You will get the countdown in three, two, one,"
As if on cue, June entered the room with a telephone. "Sir," she said emotionlessly, "the warden from the Wall wants to talk to you," 
Galeforce put down the cell phone and lifted the phone from the receiver, "Hello," he answered.
 The person on the other end spoke to the General. Charles, Victoria, and Rupert eavesdropped on his conversation. They heard "No", "What", and "I see" from the General and then they heard "Thank you" and the General ended the call. He gave the phone back to June who nodded and exited the room. The video ended and the tension thickened. 
"Who was that?" Victoria asked.
"It was Dmitri Petrov," Galeforce replied, tone void of emotion, "He told me that Briar Bloodsworth is in custody,"
"WHAT?!" Charles and Victoria exclaimed in unison.
"Is that what he meant that he's in "another country," Victoria inquired.
"Yes," Galeforce answered tiredly, he glanced over at Rupert whose head was down. His bangs covered his eyes, and he said nothing after the video ended.  The room was silent for a few moments, "What now?" Charles asked, breaking the silence.
The General cleared his throat and looked at Charles, "We will put Rupert and Henry with Dr. V who will undo their brainwashing," he explained, "And then we will discuss what to do with them afterward. Charles and Victoria nodded and they both exited out of the room. Galeforce glanced at Rupert who still didn't look at him, he sighed and exited the room.
Charles was standing in front of the makeshift memorial for Jose at the tree where he had been found. He stared at it, looking at all the gifts and flowers the soldiers had put there. Charles's face was full of apathy, he crossed his arms and felt a headache brewing. Victoria, Ellie, and the Bukowski twins came up to him. Victoria put a comforting hand on his shoulder and smiled sadly at him. 
They stared at the memorial in silence. 
"I can't believe they were brainwashed," Ellie murmured, breaking the silence.
"They played us like a fiddle," Calvin added darkly.
Charles clenched his fists as he looked up to the sky, he felt something wet in his eyes. He then let out a scream that frightened everyone around him.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" Charles screamed until his voice gave out. Charles turned around and headed back to his place. Victoria noted that Charles was crying. 
Rupert and Henry were cured of their brainwashing a couple of weeks later. However, the damage was already done. Several people have died by their hands and there was nothing they could do about it. They told the General and Dr. V how they were brainwashed. They were horrified that Briar put them through such a terrible ordeal especially for Rupert, since Briar had a lobotomy done on him. 
"So... how long will you guys be gone?" Charles asked, watching Rupert and Henry put their stuff in the car. The president wanted to imprison Rupert and Henry, but the General thought they'd suffered enough. The General and the President decided that Rupert and Henry would live in exile. Henry was putting in a suitcase as Rupert approached Charles, Victoria, Dave, Johnny, and Ellie. 
"Forever," Rupert replied bluntly.
Rupert frowned at everybody's grim faces, he knew they were disappointed about his answer but there was nothing he could do. "I'm sorry... it's for the best for us," 
"We know," Victoria said sadly, she looked like she was about to cry and so did Ellie. Johnny's expression was of anger and Dave wasn't looking at him. Charles's face was full of apathy. Henry was done packing their stuff into their car and approached the group. "Everything is packed into the car, Rupert," Henry signed sadly, he became completely mute upon returning to normal which made everyone's hearts break. 
"Thanks... diamond," Rupert told Henry, they both turned to face the others. It was time for them to go but first, they needed to say goodbye to everyone. "I guess this is goodbye," Rupert muttered.
"Wait, before you go," Dave inquired, stepping closer to Rupert, "Where will you go?"
"We can't say," Henry responded as Charles and Ellie approached him.
"Oh..." Dave said softly, he faced Rupert and hugged Rupert. Rupert hesitated but quickly wrapped his arms around him. Johnny joined him and Victoria did too. The only people who aren't here to say goodbye to them are the Bukowski twins and June July. The Bukowski twins were scared of them and June refused to see them. She was still angry and hurt about Jose's death and even refused to speak to them. 
A couple of minutes later, the group hug dispersed. Rupert and Henry headed to the car but before they could leave, someone stopped them. "Hey, before you guys go," Charles said, getting their attention, "Did you guys know you were killing people? And do you regret killing them?"
The tension was awkward and became heavy, "Charles!" Victoria reprimanded.
"It's ok, Tori," Rupert said tightly, he stared at Charles who crossed his arms and frowned at him, "To answer your questions, Charles," he replied, hanging his head down in shame, "I don't know but we do regret killing people who don't deserve it. Right, Henry?" Henry nodded sadly. 
"Ok..." Charles said, begrudgingly accepting their answer, "Take care, you guys. It's been an honor serving with you before you were brainwashed," Charles waved at them and they waved back. They got into the car and left the Government base. Charles and the others watched them until they were gone. Johnny, Dave, and Ellie entered the base but Charles and Victoria remained outside.
"Charles?" Victoria said tentatively, "You ok?"
Charles chuckled and glanced at Victoria who gasped when she saw Charles was crying. "Yes, I am, Tori," he answered, voice cracking, "We captured Briar but we lost a lot of people, including Jose, Rupert, and Henry,"
Charles wiped his eyes and held out his hand for Victoria to take it, "C'mon... let's go. It's finally over... " 
Victoria blinked at him in confusion but smiled, she took his hand while blushing. "Okay..." she replied softly. They made their way back into the base.
A couple of weeks later, Briar was found dead in his cell with no proper diagnosis of how he died. 
A/N: And the Distrust series is done! I have done the good, and bad, and now the neutral ending of Distrust. Also, almost 6,000 words... And happy late THSC anniversary!
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pelova4president · 9 months
Another poll… I desperately need some more inspiration/ideas cus i got some writers block. These are the ideas i have for now, let me know if you have any prompts/things you’d like to see!
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After watching The Sandman and falling completely in love with Hob Gadling and Ferdinand Kingsley, I've jumped into Victoria without a second thought after finding out that our beloved Ferdie starred in it.
I have now finished the first season and, apart from really liking the show, my mind has slowly been creating this AU in which Charles Francatelli, the character Ferdinand plays in Victoria, is actually one of Hob Gadling's alter egos through the centuries.
There is quite a resemblance between the two characters' personalities and there have been a couple of scenes that made me scream: "Omg, this would be such a nice parallel with the Sandman!"
So here's my essay:
Warning: there will be Victoria S1 and The Sandman S1 spoilers
Firstly and foremost, I have to aknowledge the obvious: they're both golden retrievers. This is quite an easy one, but both of the characters are so kind and genuine and have an incredible joy for life, from what I was able to see, that you simply cannot love them immediately!
In Victoria, Francatelli is a great chef. Like, an incredibly good chef. And it would makes sense that Hob Gadling, an immortal who must have lived thousands of lives, might have become incredibly good at many things, cooking being one of it.
Francatelli, as a chef, is always looking for new flavours and combinations and he's delighted when Nancy, a dressmaker he then falls in love with, suggests adding something to enhance his already great work. And this love for novelty really reminds me of another character we all know...
This love for new things is also shown when he shows Nancy (yes, I will talk a lot about her, so what?) the ice they have in the palace and you can tell he's so happy that he can show her something unexpected and new (just as Hob was so passionate when telling Dream about all those changes he had witnessed in 1489)
In episode 1x06 of Victoria, Francatelli quite literally faces the indian plague in the London slums to go rescue Nancy's cousin and her baby and he puts them in a better accomodation. Now, his gesture alone makes him a brave man that we know Hob already is, but also it would make sense that Hob Gadling, a man who cannot die, would go in a place like that to help someone else (even if it is to impress the woman he loves)
Still in 1x06 of Victoria, after helping her, Francatelli asks Nancy for something in return, and what does he wants, I hear you ask? Her FUCKING NAME! When I tell you I screamed at that scene because a) OMG, THIS MAN IS THE MOST ADORABLE CUTIEPIE THAT I'VE EVER SEEN ON TELEVISION WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S NOT REAL??? b) obviously Hob Gadling, who's spent the last 400 years meeting with and crushing on a stranger who never revealed his name, would want to know first thing first the name of the person he's falling in love with!
In 1x07 of Victoria, Francatelli prepares a dinner date and a special dessert for Nancy (he literally creates it just for her!) and, apart from the fact that all that scene is just so. freaking. adorable!, all I could think of was Hob and the big feast he arranged to impress Dream in 1589. This man really read somewhere that "the quickest way to your crush's heart is through their stomach" and blindly believed it.
The fact that we know close to nothing about Francatelli's backstory lets my mind wonder... we just know that he worked his way to get where he is and that he comes from a lowly background, which could easily apply to Hob (quick reminder, I'm still in S1, so they might delve into Charles' backstory more in future seasons)
Also, very small detail, but Francatelli says at some point that "he never forgets a face" and, I don't know, I feel like Hob could have a good memory for people. Remembering those he met and lost along the way; friends, family, lovers and so on...
These are my main thoughts for now. I will add more as they come to me and as I watch more seasons (I've already spoiled myself quite a bit of the third season and GOD!, there are some good and painful parallel right there!)
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my ramblings! :D
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orcaofmyheart99 · 2 years
Hey! I'm Mac and I write on AO3.
Some of my writing is NSFW/adult. I am currently taking requests for Dead Boy Detectives, Newsies and Good Omens fanfic. If you have any ideas/prompts tell me and I will write a short fic for you 💖
Fandom Chaos
Chaos at the Theatre
Dead Boy Detectives
Victoria De Angelis Fluff
Ice Cream
Victoria De Angelis Smut
Miss You
Tokyo Nights
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit
Amanda Rollins and Olivia Benson NSFW/explicit
I’m on my Knees
A Week in Paradise 
Rafael Barba and Sonny Carisi
All I Want For Christmas Is You
Christmas Photos
Rooftop Picnic
The Poor GUY’S head is spinning 
New Year’s Eve with You
Under The Mistletoe
Am I Gay?
Gay Awakening
Sneeze the Day
Hamilton Plays a prank for one last time
The poor GUY’S head is spinning 
Guess My Tradition 
Burr Pranks Hamilton 
Rick Astley? I don’t know a Rick Astley...
Good Omens 
Snow Angels
Torna a Casa
Picnic in the Park 
Pumpkin Spice Latte
The Office (Pam/Karen)
Falling for You
Three Times They Almost Kissed and One Time They Did
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hamilando · 3 months
ੈ✩ don’t embarrass an angel (smau) ੈ✩
pairing : charles leclerc x fem reader
summary : a Victoria secret model in love with a formula-1 driver, ofc there will be rumours
tw : little hate, could be a little suggestive as reader is a vs angel !
fc: Taylor Hill *she is so pretty-*
a/n : thank you so much to @xshazxx for suggesting this ! lysm 🫶🏻
·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚
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liked by charlesleclerc, fransisca.ngnomes and 678,456 others
y/nhill the girlies are back for 24! @ victoriasecret
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user2 oh to have a pretty friend group 😞
user3 are we just ignore the cheating rumours ?
user4 and charles in her likes !?
user5 I really don't know who to believe 👀
charlesleclerc ❤️
user6 she didn't even like his comment-
user7 so it's true 💀
fransisca.ngnomes the visuals are serving as usual 🫴🏻
y/nhill all your love bbygurl 🫶🏻
realbarbarapalvin I think I need to marry you
y/nhill we both already are married hun 😞
user8 this girl has the audacity to post naked pictures but not address the rumours 💀
user9 wtf
user10 calm down brother
user11 they really were not made for each other, one is a model and other is a driver 🙌🏻
user12 and the fact both travel a lot
user13 it was never meant to last 🫡
victoriasecret our gorgeous 💌
liked by y/nhill
user14 but lord perceval got perceval jr out of hand
user15 💀
user16 charle's fans are entertainment fr 💪🏻
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, carlossainz55, arthurleclerc and 1,233,121 others
y/nhill Heartbreak is one thing , my ego's another, I beg you, don't embarrass me, motherfucker ✨
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user1 holddup, THE LIKES !?
user3 SO IS CARLOS !?
user5 what in the f1 tea did just happen -
arthurleclerc downloaded the song for our next karaoke session 💪🏻
y/nhill best brother right here
user6 the interactions and rumours are killing me 💀
sabrinacarpenter much love and also congratulations ❤️
y/nhill thank you love ❤️
user8 her comeback bro-
user9 u sure ?
charlesleclerc my angel
y/nhill who will gladly kill you 🤭
user10 umm 🤔
lilihye akex is telling you to unblock her
y/nhill only if he gives you ring like mine 🤭
lilihye 🤭
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liked by charlesleclerc, arthurleclerc, carlossainz55 and 678,839 others
y/nhill Leclerc’s since 24 🫶🏻
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user1 wha-
user2 WHA-
user3 WHAT-
user4 so the rumours were false 🤔
user5 and they are still together 🤔
arthurleclerc MA SOUER
liked by y/nhill
pascaleleclerc lots of love ma fille ❤️
y/nhill mama leclerc ❤️
user6 excuse me, SISTER AND DAUGHTER !?
user7 we skipped a whole season here -
user11 fhffhhffhfh
user12 even the official ferrari posted-
user13 charles proposed after her first show of the year !?
user14 the best denial to cheating rumours 💍
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liked by charlesleclerc, y/nhillleclerc, and 2,378,789 others
scuderiaferrari the pictures are blurry because admin was also crying 🫶🏻
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user1 it's time I delete my insta
user2 me too
charleslecerc ❤️
liked by scuderiaferrari
y/nhillleclerc ❤️
liked by scuderiaferrari
user4 it's ok admin, we are also crying because of the onion rings 😭
liked by scuderiaferrari
user5 they look so pretty -
landonoriss congratulations!!! 👏🏻
oscarpiastri mum and dad 💪🏻
user6 that's why charles adopted oscar-
arthurleclerc I WAS THE BEST MAN
carlossainz55 it was fun watching the rumours at their wedding
user7 carlos 💀
maxverstappen1 he got his muse to win now
charesleclerc see you in spain 💪🏻
lewishamilton it was an amazing wedding !!
charlesleclerc you were only invited because of roscoe and the fact I might have to race with you next year 😀
y/nhillleclerc *have
y/nhillleclerc you are always invited, Team Hammer since d1
lewishamilton ❤️
user9 let me go and bawl my eyes out
user10 what's the point of being bisexual if both my man and girl are married
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liked by charlesleclerc, lilihye, realbarbarapalvin and 3,678,362 others
y/nhillleclerc my first and last kiss as your girlfriend ❤️
comments on this post have been restricted
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 11 months
Stickmintober 2023 Day 19: Dance
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Dance in the sky in a beautiful night
Have a Magician Heroes Charles and Victoria dancing in the sky (Charles has flying powers) at night.
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This prompt was made by @androidcharles
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23victoria · 4 months
“I Love You” ❁
f1 grid x fem!reader
this is a drabble based of the “i love you but not saying it back to your partner” tiktok trend
wc: 1.7k
authors note: this is my first drabble! any feedback is appreciated and please like, comment, and reblog!! hope you enjoy!!
f1 masterlist
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You saw this TikTok trend and found it funny. Lewis was getting ready to go to his training session so it was the perfect time. Setting up your phone discreetly to capture the moment, he walked to the door, ready to leave.
“I love you,” he said warmly.
“Bye!” you responded, busy with mixing the batter for your cupcakes.
Lewis paused, a bit taken aback. “I love you,” he repeated, louder this time.
“Bye, Lewis! Hurry or you’ll be late!” you repeated, waving him off.
Lewis’s brow furrowed slightly. “Is everything okay baby? Did I do something wrong?”
“Lewis everything is fine, you can’t be late for your training session. I’ll see you later!” you say still paying him no mind, making sure the batter is mixed smoothly.
Lewis starts to worry that he did something wrong. “Baby I'm sorry if I did something that upset you. Can you please say I love you back” he says getting ready to cancel his session.
Finally, you broke into laughter, revealing you were just playing with him. “No, it’s just a TikTok trend. I promise you did nothing wrong. I love you baby!” you say walking up to him.
Relieved, Lewis laughs giving you a quick kiss. “You got me good. I love you too,” he said, leaving with a smile.
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You are always up for a good laugh, so you decided to try the trend with Max before he heads to his meeting.
“I love you,” Max said, grabbing his keys to the car.
“Bye, Max. Be safe!” you responded nonchalantly from the couch watching a true story documentary.
Max stopped in his tracks. “I love you,” he repeated, his tone more insistent.
“Bye!” you replied, looking at the tv with a faint smirk.
Max’s usually confident expression faltered. “Is something wrong? Why aren’t you saying it back?”
“Saying what back?” you say with a confused face trying to mask your laughter.
“I love you, Y/N. Say it back.” Max says no longer in the door but in front of you blocking the tv.
You couldn’t keep a straight face any longer and burst out laughing. “It’s a just TikTok trend, babe!”
Max's shoulders dropped in relief, laughing with you. “You made me so worried! I thought I did something to piss you off or forgot an important day! I love you too.” he says shaking his head making his way to the door.
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Lando loves to play tricks and pranks on you so you decided it’s time to return the favor. You set the camera up on the dresser as you sit up in bed. Lando is on his way to film a YouTube video for Quadrant.
“I love you,” he said cheerfully.
“Bye, Lando!” you replied, focused on your phone.
Lando stops in his spot, staring at you. “I love you,” he repeated, sounding more unsure.
“Bye! Have fun!” you said again, trying not to smile.
Lando’s playful demeanor turned serious. His heart racing. “What’s wrong with you?”
Looking at him confusedly, you say “Nothing, why?”
“Why? Um, maybe because you aren’t saying “I love you” back to me” Lando says now siting on the bed infront if you.
“Did I do something wrong? Why won’t you say it back” he adds.
Unable to play along anymore you laugh, saying “It’s just a TikTok trend, baby.”
Lando lays his back in the bed singing in relief, “You scared me, I was about to call Oscar and ask Lily to see what’s wrong with you.
“Aww baby” you say moving to laying on top of him. Smiling at him while you kiss his nose you say, “I love you!”
Lando smiles hugging you and flipping you over so now he’s on top. “I’m so gonna get you back, but I love you too.” he says giggling in your neck.
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Charles was going to take Leo for a walk, you decided to stay back to make lunch. You set up the camera on the kitchen counter ready to prank Charles.
“I love you,” he said softly, giving you a kiss on the cheek as he hold Leo in his hands.
“Bye, Charles. Bye, Leo!” you say only paying attention to Leo not him.
Charles repeats himself. “I love you, ma cherìe” he says again, a little louder.
“Bye!” you repeated, paying him no mind.
Charles’s face showed genuine concern. “Is everything okay? Did I upset you?”
“Yes everything’s fine.” you say trying to ignore his presence again.
He sets Leo down and stares and the side of your head and says even louder, “I love you, ma chéri”
You do your best to hold your composure and not laugh while focusing on the task in front of you, “Bye Charles, be safe!” you say in a normal voice.
Charles' eyes bore into you and the next thing you know, you feel one hand under your chin, the other on your waist turning you to face him. “I.” Kiss. “Love.” Kiss. “You.” Kiss.
You smile as he kisses you between each word, giggling at him, you say “I love you Charles.” “I’m just playing with you baby, it’s a trend going around on TikTok.”
Charles shakes his head and laughs. “Don’t ever do that again, ma chéri” “You really had me worried. Thank you for finally saying it back. I love you too.” he says smiling cheekily, giving you a kiss on the lips before he’s out the door with Leo.
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The trend has been going around on TikTok for a min now and you immediately knew you had to play this prank on Oscar. He’s always so calm and laid back so you wondered if this will get to him. He’s getting ready to leave to record some videos with Lando for McLaren, so this is the best time to do it.
“I love you,” he said with a smile, halfway out the door of the hotel room.
“Bye, Oscar!” you replied, not meeting his eyes.
Oscar stopped dead in his tracks looking confused. He turns his body around at the door. “I love you,” he says again, trying to get your attention.
“Bye, Oscar!” you respond, hiding your smile behind the blanket as you play a game on your phone.
Oscar still has a confused look on his face as he says, “I love you, Y/N.” You don’t respond instead just straight up ignore him.
He walks back into the room, closing the door. He stands at your side and repeats himself with his arms crossed. “I love you Y/N.”
You look up at him and say “Okay, hurry and go before you're late!”
Oscar looks at you dumbfounded and gets on the bed laying on top of you. You groan and try to push him off, “Oscar get off! You're going to be late! You have to go! you say still trying to escape free.
“No, not until you tell me what I did to make you so upset that you're not saying “I love you” back to me” he says , putting even more of his weight on you.
You laugh saying, “Aww, babe, it’s just a prank.“ It’s a TikTok trend!”
Oscar lifts himself off of you, and sighs in relief laying next to you, laughing. “You know I only just joined TikTok, you had me really worried there. You laugh rolling on him to give him a kiss. “I know. I love you too, babe, even if you do act like a millennial sometimes.”
“Hey!” he says as he rolls over trapping you as he attacks you with tickles to your stomach and kisses all over your face.
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Carlos is on his way to a photo shoot with Charles and Ferrari for Vogue. You decide it’s the perfect time to do the TikTok prank on him.
“I love you,” he says, giving you a kiss on the forehead, his eyes twinkling.
“Bye, Carlos!” you reply, barely glancing at him as you walk away.
Carlos paused, looking puzzled. “I love you,” he repeated, his tone even louder.
“Bye!” you say again, stifling a giggle as you sit on the couch, searching through Hulu for a show to watch.
Carlos’s face falls. He walks towards you and says your name. You ignore him and now he’s sitting on the couch next to you just staring.
Feeling his eyes burn through the side of your head you turn to him and say “Did you forget something? You can’t be late for this photoshoot.”
“Ah okay, I see how it is. You acknowledge my presence to ask me if I forgot something but you can’t say “I love you” back to me?” he says moving closer to you on the couch.
Ignoring what he said, you say “Bye!”
Carlos doesn’t move and just sits there and grabs your chin and says “Repeat after me cariño. Say “I”
“Bye” you say.
“No, say “I”, he says again.
“Bye.” you respond.
Carlos shifts in his seat moving even closer to you, saying “Cariño say the word “I”
You look Carlos dead in the eyes and say “Bye.”
“Okay, that’s how you wanna play.” he says as he tackles you softly on the couch, your back hitting the sofa with him on top of you pulling your shirt up revealing your stomach.
Holding the shirt he says, “I’m going to ask you one more time, cariño, say “I love you.”
“No.” Just as that word escapes your mouth you feel him blowing raspberries on your stomach, tickling you as you try your best to escape from his hold. “Say it!” he yells. “No!” and now he’s biting your cheeks and kissing you all over your face.
“I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you” Say it back he says not stopping his attacks.
“Okay, okay!” “I love you, Carlos,” you say breathlessly.
Laughing as you try to catch your breath. You kiss him all over his face, telling him, “It’s just a TikTok trend, baby. You know I love you so so much!”
Carlos laughs, “Of course it is, you and your TikTok addiction” “Hey!” you say eyes wide as he calls you out. “I’m just playing cariño, your TikTok addiction is cute, not so nice when the tricks are played on you huh?” “Yea, yea, whatever!” You say pushing him off smiling.
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© 23victoria 2024 I all rights reserved. do not republish, steal repost, modify, translate, or claim my work as your own.
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adrienneleclerc · 3 months
hiii! I was wondering if you could please do a fic where Charles is dating a tall reader kinda like Tom and Zendaya's relationship
Hi! So Tom and Zendaya have a two inch difference, I can definitely make Charles date like a 6’1 reader, I was debating whether or not to make her a model so she can take advantage of her height. So I made her model for the same agency as Kika and she met Charles through Kika.
Model Behavior
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Tall! Reader
Summary: Charles is obsessed with his girlfriend
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: i Don’t really follow “Tomdaya” like that But from what i see on TikTok, Tom is Zendaya’s biggest fan so let’s see how this turns out. Also sorry for the late response! I have not been sleeping well lately, let me tell you. Don’t know if this is what you wanted…
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Kika and Y/N were doing a photo shoot for the Miss Dior perfume, they were in hair and makeup.
“Oh just FYI, my boyfriend and his friends are coming on the shoot.” Kika said as the makeup artist was doing her eyebrows.
“Oh that’s cool, I finally get to meet your F1 boyfriend. Why are they coming over though?” Y/N asked.
“Pierre said that he doesn’t have a race this weekend so he is free for today and he invited Charles with him because they’re doing something later.” Kika responded after checking her texts.
“Cool, cool, how’s my blowout looking, Dana?” Y/N asked her hairstylist
“It’s looking good, mama.” Dana said.
“You sure?” Y/N asked. (Personally, as someone with 2C/3A curls, I get paranoid when it comes to blowouts. Not to mention pin straight hair, I think it looks awful on me)
“Yes I’m sure." Dana replied, putting rollers in Y/N's hair to have that voluminous 90s blowout look. Kika and Y/N were sipping their smoothies that they got earlier when Kika's eyes were covered.
"Guess who." The frenchman said. Kika took his hands off her eyes and turned her head.
"Pierre, querido, hi!" Kika got up from her chair to hug him. When he separated from him, she saw Charles. "Charles, can't believe you're here." She hugged him as well. "Oh, this is my friend and coworker, Y/N." Kika introduced Y/N to the F1 drivers and Y/N got up from her chair.
"It is nice to meet you guys." Y/N said, hugging the boys as well. Charles was in awe of Y/N, not because she was taller than him, but because she was so beautiful, so ethereal, basically a walking angel. He wouldn't be surprised if she was a Victoria's Secret Angel as well.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Pierre, this is my friend Charles." Pierre said, patting Charles on the back, he just waved.
“Oh Charles, congratulations on your home race win, that must have been exciting, right?” Y/N asked.
“You Watch Formula 1?” Charles asked, finally getting the nerve to speak.
“Oh yeah, big Ferrari fan too.” Y/N commented and Charles smiled.
“Hey, we should all go out to eat when the shoot is done.” Kika suggested, looking between charles and Y/N.
“Sounds great.” Charles said.
“But we’re supposed to…” Pierre was interrupted by Kika dragging him away. “What.”
“Querido, It’s obvious Charles likes Y/N and she likes him too, let’s just do a little double date and see if Charles asks her out himself.” Kika explained to her boyfriend.
“Okay fine, but you have to pay me back for paintball.” Pierre said and Kika rolled her eyes.
“Yeah i know, bebé.” Kika said and she walked back to Charles and Y/N, who were still talking to each other. Kika was going to say something when Dana came back.
“Y/N, time to take those rollers out. Kika, you’re needed on set.” Dana said, taking out Y/N’s rollers and brushing out the Dyson curls.
“Oh yeah, I’ll talk to you later.” Kika said to Y/N. They took some pictures with Kika, then pictures with Y/N, and then there were some, photos taken with Kika and Y/N together. The shoot took about 2 hours and Charles was just watching in awe, seeing how Y/N posed and how the photos turned out in the monitor, she truly was beautiful.
“That’s a wrap everyone! Kika, Y/N, good work girls, I’ll see you on the runway.” The guy in charge said. Kika and Y/N thanked the man and changed back to their usual clothes before leaving with Pierre and Charles.
The 4 of them went out to eat and they had a great time. At the end of the night, Charles managed to ask Y/N out on a proper date and she said yes. They have been dating for a few months and Charles couldn’t be a better boyfriend.
Charles took videos of Y/N walking the runway, behind the scenes photos of Y/N getting ready, posted them to his instagram grid and story. He is so proud of her, he was standing up whenever Y/N walked out, clapping, cheering, being Y/N’s biggest fan.
“You were spectacular out there, mon coeur.” Charles said, getting on his tiptoes to kiss her cheek. Y/N was wearing heels so now she was 5 inches taller than him.
“Thank you, baby.” Y/N said. When they were walking outside the venue, paparazzi started taking photos of them. They made it to his car and Y/N saw Charles’s instagram. “Aww, thank you, Charles, you’re the best.” Y/N kisses him before he started the car. They made it to Charles apartment and Y/N was getting ready for bed.
“You are so beautiful, Mon coeur.” Charles said, looking at Y/N removing her runway makeup.
“You don’t have to keep saying that, you know.” Y/N said.
“But it’s true. I am so lucky to have you, my whole following thinks so too.” Charles said before kissing her. “You coming to the Grand Prix next weekend?”
“Yep! I Don’t have any photo shoots to do that weekend so I’m going to support you and Carlos.” Y/N said.
“Perfect, I love you.” Charles said, kissing her again.
“I love you too, babe. Goodnight.” Y/N said, they got into bed and cuddled until they slept.
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Liked by francisca.cgomes and 1,378,993 others
charles_leclerc Milan Fashion Week (spring-summer 2025) with yourusername, she was amazing as always, so proud of my beautiful girlfriend, she’ll be on billboards in no time.
User27 I thought it was an Y/N fan account at first, but it was just Charles simping for his girlfriend 😂
User 32 Y/N is so beautiful 😍 how did Charles bag a baddie like her
charles_Leclerc guess im just lucky
User 23 imagine having your boyfriend dedicating a post to you. They are such an adorable couple
User 45 Y/N dedicates posts to him too whenever she’s at a Grand Prix, they are so perfect for each other
User 61 girl, they’ve been dating for 3 months, relax
User 45 but they’re so cute 🥰
The End
Hope y’all liked it! Also, just a little experiment, if you follow me, comment why, thank you!
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astonmartinii · 1 year
Could you do a smau where she’s max’s sister and dominating MotoGP the way max is f1. Maybe they have the typical annoying younger sister/protective big brother relationship and he finds out she’s dating one of the f1 drivers? Xx
cherry lip balm | oscar piastri social media au
pairing: oscar piastri x motogp!verstappen!reader
the verstappen siblings run motorsport, but the youngest's f1 allegiances may belong elsewhere
f1 and motogp
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liked by oscarpiastri, danielricciardo and 1,405,466 others
tagged: maxverstappen1, yourusername
f1 and motogp: happy international siblings day to max and y/n verstappen, these two have 60 wins between them 🏆
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user1: my faves i love them
user2: the way jos wasn't gonna let them kids do anything else lol
yourusername: + victoria verstappen the patron saint who puts up with both of us love you 🥰
maxverstappen: you mean putting up with you ? i'm a mature man of the world now
yourusername: girl you are fussier than all of our nephews put together mature MY ASS
maxverstappen1: i am mature and i have BOUNDARIES
yourusername: yeah you have boundaries between all your food you bland man
victoriaverstappen: i think you just proved y/n right
user3: they are the most unhinged people ever i feel so bad for victoria lol
user4: patiently waiting for y/n's championship
marcmarquez93: no marquez representation?
yourusername: you need to serve more
maxverstappen1: you guys don't have the verstappen sass
user5: someone needs to stop them 😭
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1 and 832,771 others
yourusername: the two sides of a race week
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user6: the way she won this race and was like yeah i need that 0.5 of me drinking coffee actually
yourusername: it's a hot chocolate cause i'm a child
user7: are we all collectively ignoring the whole ass man on the last slide?
maxverstappen1: no we're not Y/N Y/M/N VERSTAPPEN CALL ME THIS INSTANT
yourusername: calm it on the all caps and maybe i'll call you
maxverstappen1: MAYBE?
yourusername: well that's not making it any better maxie
user8: i can't loose this parasocial relationship y/n get that man's hands off of you now
landonorris: y/n please pick up max's call he's threatening to throw my monza trophy PLEASE PICK UP I DON'T HAVE THAT MANY TROPHIES
yourusername: please refer to my previous comment about all caps and then come back
landonorris: y/n may you please call your beloved brother back so my very limited trophy collection does not get destroyed
yourusername: sure just for you lando ❤️
maxverstappen1: STOP FLIRTING PLEASE
yourusername: i just picked up ... and ur still commenting (plus that's not lando in the pic btw he's too skinny to be him)
landonorris: why am i getting bullied by both verstappens today, i'm just trying to help :(
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername and 1,034,661 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: there's no party like a verstappen party and a verstappen-only party with no BOYFRIENDS because they don't exist :)
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user14: ahaha passive aggressive max is my fave
yourusername: just cause you're too much of a pussy to ask charles out so i can't have a boy friend?
maxverstappen1: what?
yourusername: what?
user15: max as overprotective brother is my new favourite thing
danielricciardo: i fear y/n is 22 years old and her own woman
yourusername: awwww thanks danny at least one man here has SENSE
maxverstappen1: how much did she pay you to comment that?
danielricciardo: she didn't pay me but my house plant currently at hers was being held at gun point
yourusername: i would never
danielricciardo: so i can delete my comment
yourusername: do that and sheila gets it
user16: i know we should be more concerned with max going insane, but daniel's choice of name for his house plant is the most pressing issue
user17: hear me out but for comedic purposes ... i need y/n's bf to be a driver
maxverstappen1: do not speak that into the universe
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liked by landonorris, yourusername and 808,943 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri: i like the taste of her cherry lip balm
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user22: what 😭 the 😭 fuck 😭
yourusername: you don't taste half bad either ;)
oscarpiastri: come back to bed
oscarpiastri: how do you know my middle name?
maxverstappen1: i called your mum, anyhow YOU ARE A DEAD MAN
oscarpiastri: how did you get my mum's number?
maxverstappen1: i'm trying to threaten you please stop asking questions
yourusername: maxy please stop trying to be scary i know you still wear footy pjamas at christmas
maxverstappen1: well i hope oscar is terrified by my christmas spirit
user23: i feel like i lose brain cells watching y/n and max talk to each other
user24: we ignoring the fact that max managed to get oscar's mum's number just to ask for his middle name PETTY KING
maxverstappen1: it was more than a middle name, i needed a character witness
maxverstappen1: i understand you are making points and no one has a bad word to say about him ... but i've got to stick to the bit now
oscarpiastri: so i'm not going to die in hungary?
maxverstappen1: no. but keep all your business to yourself, i don't need to know what lip balm my sister uses and that you own a bed
oscarpiastri: got it 🫡
user25: well that was dramatic
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liked by oscarpiastri, yourusername and 1,203,788 others
tagged: yourusername, oscarpiastri
maxverstappen1: congrats on your first podium in f1 oscar, welcome to the family i guess ... don't take photos on my phone every again
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user28: so we can all say oscar has max's approval now?
user29: mans was like wow he challenged me in the race he has the stamp of approval now
yourusername: jokes on you we look great @oscarpiastri
oscarpiastri: and what the people don't know is that max was also doing face masks with us
maxverstappen1: not the serve you think it is i am very secure in my masculinity
yourusername: i'm glad you've gotten over your weird older brother act ... does this mean you'll both come to my next race?
oscarpiastri: i'll be there :)
maxverstappen1: i guess
yourusername: whooooooooop finally
user30: the way i am so happy for oscar i feel like i've been on this journey with him
user31: honestly rookie of the year and it's not even close
user30: i was talking about him and max... but yeah he's doing great !!!
landonorris: can i also get a pass for your next race y/n for keeping it a secret?
maxverstappen1: WHAT
yourusername: ur so dumb i actually can't
oscarpiastri: i'm not helping you here dude i just got approval
landonorris: well now i regret helping you guys
maxverstappen1: open your door lando
user32: is he dead?
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liked by oscarpiastri, maxverstappen1 and 1,348,300 others
tagged: maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri
yourusername: fifth win of the season, my family and the love of my life, what could be better
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user33: i feel like the shit storm of max and oscar has defo distracted us from the fact that f1 and motogp fans are suffering through a verstappen winning nearly every race
maxverstappen1: i want everyone to appreciate my character growth as i took that gross ass last photo
yourusername: thank you maxy, what a sacrifice
oscarpiastri: thanks dude, you did push me in the water right after though
maxverstappen1: uh you snooze you lose, a verstappen rule of life, you had no phone on you so fair game, i thought you wanted to be part of this family
oscarpiastri: I DO ... does this mean i can push you in next time?
maxverstappen1: absolutely not.
yourusername: do it anyway osc i'll protect you babe
oscarpiastri: idk i'm scared
yourusername: he's ticklish he's so easy to beat
maxverstappen1: THAT WAS A SECRET Y/N
user34: if you told me last season that i'd see max go from wanting to kill piastri to being brothers with him and that i'd know he wears footy pjs and is ticklish i'd laugh in ur face
maxverstappen1: ONLY AT CHRISTMAS
oscarpiastri: don't worry mate i think it's cute
maxverstappen1: okay now i prefer you over y/n
yourusername: who? what? where? when? why?
oscarpiastri: soz babe you snooze you lose
note: ahhhhh i really enjoyed writing this so i hope you enjoy i love writing comment domestics if you couldn't tell lol xx
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aliceosemansolos · 18 days
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