#charles leclerc and leclerc!fem reader
amberjazmyn · 2 months
"i see him in your eyes, i hear him in your laugh. i think that's why i always found my way back to you..."🫶
pairing : charles leclerc x bianchi!fem reader
summary : after consistently being reunited on the anniversary of the loss of jules and finally allowing the spark to ignite , charles & elena have their wedding day on the 17th of july 2021.
warnings : tears but happy this time, mentions of jules bianchi, childhood friends to lovers to married, mentions of herve leclerc
a/n : like mentioned in the end a/n of the first part, i had to break it into two parts due to reaching the writing block limit or whatever and because i was dumb and all that, i lost all of the last half of what i wrote. and it was because i copied it and then forgot to paste it elsewhere and went to copy the link of the first part to my masterlist so now i have to rewrite it all and i want to scream my house down because it was fucking magnificant and now i have to see if i can remember what i fucking wrote!
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17th july 2021 - monte-carlo, monaco
today was the day everyone had been waiting the longest for. it was the wedding day of charles leclerc and elena bianchi. but it was also the six year anniversary since the world alongside the bianchi's and leclerc's lost elena's beautiful brother, jules. but even with such a happy event on what was once such a somber day, they didn't leave out nor did they forget to include jules in every single thing. alongside including charles' father, herve, since no one wanted to have herve forgotten either.
the day had gone smoothly. and now it was the time that everyone had been waiting for. charles had no nerves and hadn't felt shaky at all which people admired as he stood alongside his two brothers and the rest of his closest men in his life at the altar. however, that all changed the second the church doors opened and out came elena and her father philippe.
that was when charles could see his whole world standing in front of him. his soon-to-be wife's smile lighting up the entire church. it had already been fulled with light but the light of elena's smile outshone all of them with just her sweet smile that had never changed over the years the two had known one another. standing next to charles he had his two brothers, enzo and arthur, max, lando, carlos, pierre and joris. elena had the girlfriends of the drivers and her brothers alongside one of their cousins to be paired up with joris.
charles was shocked he was still standing. his legs had started to turn to mush as it felt like it was taking forever for elena and her father to make it to the front of the altar next to him. with his brothers next to him though, charles knew they wouldn't let him fall, because they too, arthur and enzo, were nervous as well. charles and elena had decided if they were going to do one traditional thing at their wedding it was going to be the not seeing one another twenty-fours before their wedding day. even though they loved the idea of having a first look, they decided against it and instead opted for giving one another handwritten notes with a little peek into their written vows to one another to read to the videographer whilst getting ready.
so because they didn't do the first look that was now becoming a more modern tradition at weddings, this was them reuniting with one another and seeing each other again after twenty-four hours. since they couldn't even talk to one another between doors or even text each other. it had been quite literally banned by the bridesmaids and groomsmen. even though they had gone through the twenty-fours without each other perfectly, not even trying to see if they could catch a peek at one another or sneak a cheeky text, it was truly something they'd never do again if they were given the choice.
finally, elena was next to charles at the altar and the celebrant had welcomed everyone and given them permission to sit back down, the ceremony begun. it was a quick introduction and all of a sudden it had gotten to the vows. and even though the only real interaction they had with one another was through the letters they had written and given to each other whilst getting ready and had the teeniest peek to what was being included, it wasn't a real outline of one another's handwritten vows. so because they didn't write their vows together, it was truly a mystery as to what each others vows were. and they loved the thought of getting surprised by one anothers vows since, like mentioned earlier, they didn't really want the typical traditional wedding of saying the traditional sort of vows especially when their love languages were words of affirmation, physical touch and quality time. speaking of the vows, elena was starting them since she had requested to go first and there was no way charles was ever going to be able to argue or say no to her. and besides, he was fine to go second anyway even if he was certain in the fact that he'd be crying during elena's as well as during his own.
taking in a big deep breath, holding charles' hand tightly, elena began her vows. speaking them in english since not everyone at their wedding could speak and understand french.
"charles marc herve perceval leclerc. before i announce to you my promises and vows to you, i just need to tell you that i love you so much and that you have never ever made me doubt your love for me like you think you have. because the truth is, nothing you could say or do could make me doubt you, full stop. even when we weren't attached at the hip after we drifted apart after losing my beloved and beautiful older brother and your beautiful godfather jules. because for those who weren't aware, my family and the leclerc's grew up together and jules, myself, arthur and charles were what was known as the core four. we were attached at the hip. so attached in fact that those around us thought we would die if we weren't next to each other and invading one anothers personal space because for the four of us, with enzo on the rare occasion, had no concept of what the term personal space meant *giggles*..." elena paused to catch her breath before continuing
"...however, that all began to change when things did change. even when the only time we'd get to talk was over the phone or through texts or facetimes, i always knew just how much you loved me. there was never any doubt in my mind that there was a moment in which a switch turned in your mind that changed that feeling that you had for me. nor was there ever a doubt in my mind that the same switch of me not loving you was in my own mind. because there wasn't. there was never a moment in my life where i didn't love you wholeheartedly," she paused again to smile lovingly at charles and to comfort him as everyone watched on
"even when we were towing the thin line between friendship and relationship. even when we were growing up and we didn't know what the word love meant outside of familial love, there was always a small spark that was always ignited when i was around you. so much to the point as we started to grow up, jules and lorenzo amongst those around us started to notice it. everyone except for us because we weren't looking past that familial love due to the fact that both families had grown up together only a mere 28mins apart from each other. however, as we got older things started to change between us and the main one being our relationship since you were starting to inch closer and closer to making it into formula one. and then suzuka 2014 happened and jules had his accident and the world stopped to a grinding halt. we stayed in japan whilst they tried everything they could with their knowledge and it was only enough to bring him back home to france. and then he died. the world was slipped from underneath me and i felt like i was a fish bobbling along for a gasp of air before sinking back down into the depths below me. i watched as you got further in motorsports, reaching f3, f2 and then f1," elena's vows were beautiful but they were only going to get better as charles watched with teary eyes and a huge smile on his face
"but before that, we drifted apart from one another and i think it slowly cut me open that we had drifted apart. through no fault of ourselves but because you had gotten so busy that you had no other choice but to continue on even though you had to watch as i heartbreakingly wanted to give up and almost did. but then, at every anniversary on this very day, we started to magically meet up again on the same day, whether it was in monaco or in france for that one year that i returned back to france *tearful giggles*." everyone giggled at that comment that elena only was in france once during an annviersary for jules
"and we just thought it was a silly conincidence that we were in monaco at the same time for jules one-year anniversary. however, by the second and third year anniversary, we started to realise that it wasn't just a coincidence. there was a reason, a pull from the universe that was bringing us back to one another on this very day for the last six years. it wasn't until the four year anniversary though that it all changed. the spark exploded on that day when i had found you on a beach crying. it broke my heart to find you crying on that beach in monaco. however, you'll never know just how much joy it gave me to see you that day. you had done so well within your sport whereas i had only just made the permanent move to monaco the year earlier to go to university. and it was all because i no longer felt like i was a fish that was drowning and i could finally get up everyday and give myself a reason to wake up..." elena smiled as she continued, proud and shocked by her emotional strength
"...you had told me the reason you were crying and it was because you had found the letter that had a plan within it about how jules wanted to matchmake us together after he had excriciatingly watched us be so oblivious by it. he had written that letter just before he had his final ever race at suzuka..." elena trailed off as sniffles filled the room as her smile stayed unmoved
"...after he had written that letter and that plan, he had given it to arthur with him promising my brother that he'd keep it safe. and if he wasn't going to be alive for the day that his plan of being cupid would actually work and come to furition that it would be arthur that would give charles or myself the letter. except, it wasn't arthur and it was charles that had found it, hence why i had found him crying that day on the beach near my university. well, jules, i am pleased to announce that you playing cupid did work but it was delayed by a few years *tearful giggles*..." elena giggled as she reached her hand to charles' cheek to wipe away the tears that had made their way down
"...whilst it does devastate me that jules had this big of a gut feeling that he wouldn't make it out of that grand prix alive to see this plan work. i'm glad he felt like he could give it to arthur to keep it safe so it wouldn't get lost nor forgotten. it always shocks me to my core that the reason why we are all standing here today is because jules and his soul gave me and charles the light that gave us the guide to find one another on this very day every year. even though we wouldn't see each other on any other day apart from facetime calls and text messages, jules always made sure he had his baby sister and beautiful godson were together on the day he lost his life..." elena took a big breath in as she started to get into the most emotional part of her vows that had her crying to the point there were tears on the little book that she was reading her vows from
"...i mention jules a lot but especially today because whilst this day is now a day filled with happier memories of me and charles beginning our relationship, getting engaged and now married, today was also the day that we did lose jules. and even though he isn't alive to witness this, i can't ignore the fact that the reason why i stand here today and say all of this in front of you is because of jules." elena smiled at her to be husband before she broke eye contact and looked toward the empty chair at the front on charles' that was occupied by a photo frame that housed what elena had always said was her favourite photo of her older brother, jules
"my dear charlie, the reason why i love you so much is all because of jules. not only was he the one that introduced me to you but he was the one that always brought me to you, whether that was when he was alive or when he isn't. in the same way jules loved me, you too loved me. even when i thought i could and would never be loved like that, you still loved me in every version of myself. whether i was on the floor hysterically crying in the gut-wrenching grief of missing jules or if i was having the time of my life and truly radiating joy and laughing. it didn't matter what emotion i was feeling, you never let me forget just how much you truly loved me in the same way jules never let me forget how much he truly loved me. jules...i see him everywhere and everyday but i see him the most in you, charlie. i see him in your eyes, i hear him in your laugh. i think that's why i always found my way back to you even when it seemed as though after the loss of jules we'd never fix that time of us being close in our lives again. but it was then that i should have known that no matter if he's alive or not, jules would never let me stray that far away from you, always bringing me back to my true home and my true love..." it was this part of her vows that really made charles and everyone else cry and emotional, it was like jules was igniting her soul and as though he was standing right next to her as she said all of it
"...charlie, my vows to you are that i'll support you in every single moment in your life. whether it's joyous or it's rock bottom, i want you to know that you will never have to doubt that i won't be there to pick you back up when you fall and celebrate you when you are at the top. i will never go to bed angry because i know life's too short to purposefully hold onto those emotions for too long and because i never want you to think that anything you've done or said has made me angry at you. i never want you to think something you've disagreed with or had a different opinion to me about is of less importance than mine. i want you to know that anything you say to me is important whether it is classed as 'stupid' or not. i want you to know you can trust me with everything and anything in your life. i want you to know that i will go through water, fire, and the deepest ocean to fight for you and make sure you are happy because seeing you upset, angry, insecure is devastating and i never want you to have to go through those same negative emotions that i went through. but in saying that, if you do get sad, angry or insecure, i want you to know that i will be there to pick you right back up because i don't want you to not be supported like i wasn't..." elena trailed off as she stared into charles' eyes as she smiled
"...i promise i'll cry with you, i'll be at every single grand prix because i can't stand only seeing you on the same day once a year *laughter*. and you best believe i'll be wearing all the ferrari gear in support of my gorgeous husband and his just as gorgeous teammate *laughter*. and i also promise that i'll dance with you in every corner of our house, i'll sing with you even though you really can't sing and should only stick to f1 *laughter* and i will always make sure that no matter how quickly or how long it takes, that i will make sure you get the loving, happy family of your own that you've always wanted. i love you so much my dearest charlie and i don't think i could find anyone else in this world to be marrying but you. i owe all of this life and my joy to you," elena smiles as she gives her vow book back to her maid of honour, rebecca, carlos' girlfriend
it was silent for a moment or two since everyone was in shock at elena's vows. they were the best wedding vows every single person in that church had heard before by a bride or a groom. the church then erupted into booms of cheers and whistles as elena shyly giggled. the day she had written her vows she had written them on the same beach that she had heard and found charles crying back in 2019 on the four-year anniversary. and charles had no idea because he was having fun in the water alongside carlos, max, lando, daniel, joris, enzo and arthur. the girlfriends though were surrounding elena as she wrote them even though every time elena lifted her head up to crack her neck, the girls quickly looked away and continued their 'tanning session' only for them to be little nosy nellies and go back to watching elena write her vows the second she'd put her head back down and continue writing. however, they truly had no idea that these were the vows she had written. and they were blown away, it was as though edgar allen poe had written them just because of how poetic her words were.
now it was charles' turn and he was now freaking out. taking in a deep breath the same way elena did before hers, elena held charles' free hand tightly, caressing his hand as they smiled at one another.
"elena alexandra bianchi. before i announce to you and this church my vows to you, i thought it was important to remind you of just how much i love you. we always fight that we love one another more than the other. it's funny, truly because of how heated these arguments get *giggles*. however, the reason why i tell you that i love you more isn't just to one up you or because i'm making it into a competition of who loves who more because i'm never saying that i could love you more than you could love me. i say i love you more because i love you more than the bad days ahead of us. i love you more than any fight we will ever have. i love you more than any obstacle we'll face whether that's in regards to us getting pregnant or any illnesses. i love you more than i'll love formula one because whilst that is my job and something i love, that will never take the crown when it's lined up next to you. i love you more than comfortable silence that we can sit in for hours. i love you more than hearing a chord progression of my piano. i love you more than anything in this world could make me love. i could never pretend to love you, even when we were growing up it never crossed my mind that loving you was a joke or that it wasn't something i made up or that it wasn't real..." charles was doing amazingly, he had managed to compose himself to the point where he was only teary-eyed but it was clear he was back to the verge of those tears slipping down his cheeks
"...i'm not someone who tends to regret things in my life because that's not how i like to live my life. however, if i was to say i have one regret in my life, it would have been the ways in which i lied to my father herve, my godfather jules and you when we weren't dating but on that fine line between being just friends and something more. i dont even regret lying to myself because i don't need nor deserve that apology but you three, my father and jules do need it. i remember the day of jules accident, it was just before he was leaving so he could start the race when he walked past me and stopped me. telling me he had to tell me something important and that it was about you. and of course, the second your name was mentioned, i was locked in and nothing could break that focus *tearful giggles*. he had told me that the reason why you would hug me so tightly because since forever, you've given me and no one else, the tightest, most home-like hugs. jules had said it was because...because you were so worried i would disappear into thin air. but he had also mentioned something else and it had taken me by surprise that i didn't know how to react. i mentioned this earlier but the hugs i got from you, elena, were hugs that no one else was allowed to have. they were only reserved for me and it wasn't until jules had brought it up before that race that i realised. he had told me that he reason why you would hug me so tight was because you were so scared of losing me in the same way you would lose jules everytime he left for a race and when you hugged me, it was you projecting the way you felt so frightened for jules and how much you missed him onto me because of the fact you were in love with me and you were so worried you were going to lose me in the same way we ended up losing jules. and because i'm seen as jules' replacement, it was easy for you to project those feelings to me when we'd hug because that was when i realised that was the same reason why i'd hug you so tightly as well..." charles trailed off as his tears started to stream down his cheeks as elena smiled and wiped them away
"...that night after we told one another our last ever interactions with jules without even realising it would be forever, you had also said something that still makes me feel uneasy. you had made a pinky promise with jules that if he had made the podium at the end of that race that he would finally get the charles x elena hug that he had always wanted but was never able to get. after you told me that, of course my heart shattered but then i pulled you into the tight hug that had meant to be reserved for jules that night..." charles' voice cracked as it failed away, closing his eyes as his head dropped down
elena's heart breaking as she brought her hand to his cheek and softly lifted his head up. resting her forehead against his, she softly reassured him and told him to keep going. he was doing a beautiful job and from the looks of it, he hadn't had that much left of his vows left. nodding his head, he composed himself and continued.
"...all my life i had always looked up to jules and aspired to follow him through life. and unfortunately, i'll never get that opportunity for that ended on this very day six years ago. but for the last three years now, beautiful and more happier memories have been made on this day. like me finally asking you to be my girlfriend after you found me crying over finding jules' letter on the beach in monte-carlo *tearful giggles*. me proposing to you the year after that in 2020 during the afterparty that had us celebrating pierre's win at the italian grand prix in monza. and now today, the day in which i vow you my entire life, to support you when you are struggling, to laugh and cry with you. to love you without hesitation and without fear of being judged. to help give and provide for our family that i'll help with raising. to do anything you ask even if it means leaving formula one if it is what needs to happen. today is the day that i say i do want to marry you. today is the day i stand here proudly and say that there is no one else i could dream about marrying because there is no one in this world or in any universe that even comes close to you and the way you make me feel. nor is there anyone else in this world and universe that could light up my life in the same way you light up every place you walk into. i know this is something you've never actually asked me but i promise that in every single universe that could have existed in this world that isn't this one, i would find you and i'd love you in every single one. even if it meant in a different universe this day wasn't happening, this burning love i feel wouldn't disappear. but i am happy to say that in this universe i don't have to worry about that day ever happening that i'd have to doubt your love for me. i love you so much, elena alexandra bianchi and if it's anyone's honour to be loved in this relationship, it's me..." charles trails off as everyone thinks he is done but with a cheeky but tearful smile he continues as everyone giggles at the antics
"...elena, i also promise you that i will be your biggest fan and your biggest confidant. i promise to always fight for you and with you, even if the fight is as serious as fighting over which colour we should paint the walls *tearful giggles*. i promise to trust and value your opinions because no matter how much you tell me it's stupid or not important, it is. i promise to always validate your emotions because it's not silly or stupid if you are crying over a movie or over missing jules. nor is it silly or stupid if you are jumping from wall to wall because of something that you are so excited over like your favourite singer or band. i never want you to think you can't come to me when you are crying or when you are speaking so quickly to the point it's not elligible because you are so excited. i also promise the silly things like sharing my food with you, letting you look so much more better in my clothes than me *giggles*, to share the piano with you because whilst you like to be modest about it, you really are an amazing pianist and to share the highs and lows of this wonderful thing we call life as the leclerc's. whilst it may be an uphill climb it's not too much of a climb that it has to be done alone. and i also promise that i will always choose you over and over again even when you force me to choose something different, i never will because there isn't something different that i would want, only you. falling for you wasn't falling at all, elena. it was walking into a house and knowing you're home." was how charles finished his vows and similar to elena it was silent
of course, everyone knew that english wasn't the easiest language for charles. however, it was as though he was as fluent as a fluent english speaker could get. whilst his accent peaked through on the odd quiver of emotion, it never lasted too long. applause finally erupted through the church as it echoed as everyone finally remembered that applauding was in fact what they were supposed to be doing. and then, came the part that everyone had been longing the entire ceremony for. the moment in which charles and elena were finally mr and mrs leclerc.
"...now that our couple have said they do agree on holy matrimony, it is my biggest honour to announce to this congregation of those that are loved by the couple that i am introducing you all to mr and mrs charles and elena leclerc!" cheers and squeals of excitement overwhelmed the giggling celebrant as he continued when the noise fizzled out
"charles, you may now finally kiss your bride!" he announced before stepping out of the way so the photographer could get photos of the kiss
once again, cheers and squeals bounched between the walls of the church as charles dipped his beautiful wife down to the floor. his hand on the base of her back and the other supporting her head as elena giggled wholeheartedly into the kiss. everyone watching on with huge smiles and teary faces as their hands began to feel sore from all the applause. charles and elena finally broke out of the kiss as they then walked back down the aisle together as husband and wife whilst the wedding party followed behind them.
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liked by charlesleclerc, maxverstappen1, kellypiquet, landonorris, carlossainz55, iamrebeccad, francisca.cgomes, oscarpiastri, arthurleclerc and 12k others
elenaleclerc taking a page out of my vows for this caption: "it didn't matter what emotion i was feeling, you never let me forget just how much you truly loved me in the same way jules never let me forget how much he truly loved me. jules...i see him everywhere and everyday but i see him the most in you, charlie. i see him in your eyes, i hear him in your laugh. i think that's why i always found my way back to you even when it seemed as though after the loss of jules we'd never fix that time of us being close in our lives again. but it was then that i should have known that no matter if he's alive or not, jules would never let me stray that far away from you, always bringing me back to my true home and my true love."
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charlesleclerc putain, tu m'as encore fait pleurer chérie fuck, you got me crying again sweetheart. i love you so much my angel forever and always
elenaleclerc charlesleclerc i love you so much more my charlie!
maxverstappen1 that singular moment in your vows had me sobbing, elena and i'm on the verge of being in that state once again!
elenaleclerc maxverstappen maxie, you are such a sweetheart! and i am so shocked that i wasn't crying because i was weeping when i wrote them down whilst we had that beach day
kellypiquet oh my gosh, that passage of your vows had me and max SOBBING! i can't even, elena, you are quite literally a poet!
elenaleclerc kellypiquet oh stop it, kelly, i am by no means a poet even though i am at university for advanced english literature.
landonorris jesus lord no, not this passage again! i just finished crying over it and now i'm gonna start crying all over again!
elenaleclerc landonorris i'm sorry lando but i just had to, it's my favourite excerpt of my vows! it's okay if it's too much for little lando norris, i still love you!
carlossainz55 the best part of the vows for sure my love! you had all of us in tears
elenaleclerc carlossainz55 oh carlos, that is so sweet of you to say so thank you! and i will issue a public apology for the tears and dehydration you all went through!
iamrebeccad i am biting my cheeks so hard to not cry reading this post rn, elena!
elenaleclerc iamrebeccad oh i love you rebecca, so much!
francisca.cgomes these photos with that specific passage omg i'm gonna scream, cry and throw up!
elenaleclerc francisca.cgomes i don't think you're the only one doing that kika haha
oscarpiastri these words were heartbreaking but in the best way possible, elena!
elenaleclerc oscarpiastri thank you oscie! i'm glad you and lily could make it!
arthurleclerc don't make me cry again, elena!
elenaleclerc arthurleclerc i'm sorry thuthur, i'll make it up to you i promise!
sebastianvettel beautiful words, elena! jules is for sure the soul that brought you and charles back to each other
elenaleclerc sebastianvettel thank you seb and jules truly is the soul that made all of this happen and i am so grateful for it!
f1gossip omg i am crying! and if that's only one passage of your vows then i can only imagine the rest of your vows and how much i'd cry reading the rest!
elenaleclerc f1gossip aw, you are so sweet! and trust me, whilst this one was the passage that made everyone cry the most, there was one other one that was just as close! i promise we'll post the wedding video as soon as we get it with me and charles' full vows included xx
bianchiphotos i think i just heard my heart stop @ "i see him in your eyes, i hear him in your laugh. i think that's why i always found my way back to you even when it seemed as though after the loss of jules we'd never fix that time of us being close in our lives again." and at "my charlie". definitely sleeping, crying and throwing up on the highway tonight because if someone doesn't love me like that then i don't want it!
elenaleclerc bianchiphotos omg you are so sweet! and i think a couple more people are going to join you on that highway tonight but don't stay there for too long, it's too dangerous sweetie xx
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liked by elenaleclerc, pierregasly, lewishamilton, maxverstappen1, leclerc_pascale, philippebianchi, f1gossip and 13k others
charlesleclerc copying my wife, here is my favourite passage from my vows: "and i also promise that i will always choose you over and over again even when you force me to choose something different, i never will because there isn't something different that i would want, only you. falling for you wasn't falling at all, elena. it was walking into a house and knowing you're home."
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elenaleclerc i love you so much my charlie! i don't want something different either because nothing is better than you
charlesleclerc elenaleclerc my beautiful wife forever and ever
pierregasly why are you guys still trying to make us cry? the wedding was yesterday, surely you can let us survive one day without crying again!
charlesleclerc pierregasly i'm sorry, i just couldn't wait any longer to post the photos!
lewishamilton beautiful words charles! congratulations once again to you and elena's wedding, it was an honour to be apart of it!
charlesleclerc lewishamilton thank you lewis, it was a pleasure and honour having you there as our guest!
maxverstappen1 surprise surprise, i'm back to crying again
charlesleclerc maxverstappen1 haha i really am sorry!
leclerc_pascale i love you my precious boy! congratulations to you and beautiful elena
charlesleclerc leclerc_pascale i love you too maman and elena sends her love as well
philippebianchi thank you for making my baby girl the happiest she's ever been! jules is for sure glad that his plan worked
charlesleclerc philippebianchi thank you philippe for still letting me love your daughter even after the distance that we had between us and yes, jules is definitely glad it worked
f1gossip jesus, charles, your vows are also making me cry! do i wanna know the rest of your vows as well? back to the highway we all go!
charlesleclerc f1gossip haha, i am sorry! and omg please don't go to the highway, that's dangerous!
username oh, i just realised elena calls charles "my charlie" and now i don't know if that's the sweetest thing in the world or if i wanna follow f1gossip and sleep on the highway
charlesleclerc username like i said to f1gossip please don't go to the highway it's dangerous and cold! and yes, it melts my heart too and makes me get teary-eyed when she calls me 'my charlie' as well!
arthurleclerc another set of vows that had me crying, yay me!
charlesleclerc arthurleclerc haha, max basically commented the same thing!
username "even when you force me to choose something different, i never will because there isn't something different that i would want, only you" - i want that, someone, anyone...please? can i have this too?
charlesleclerc username i promise you will get it one day, it may not be in this near future but it will happen and you'll get to look back to this post and this comment and be happy that you have it xx
well, even though i had to rewrite it all, i think i managed to remember majority of the vows except i do think this version was a hell of a lot better than the first one. but now it's finished i am so relieved since this had been in my drafts for a few days now which never usually happens. so i hope you guys do enjoy this happy ending because i truly think this two-parter is one of my favourites i've ever written! also, just realised in this part that i had been spelling philippe bianchi, jules bianchi's dad's, name wrong the whole time until i properly looked up the spelling so, that is my bad so i will change the spelling if i mention philippe in the first part tomorrow since it's way past midnight when i'm finally posting this!
36 notes · View notes
poetsblvd · 5 months
bisous 𖤓 carlos sainz 𝒙 leclerc!reader.
❨ summary. all he wanted was a kiss, it’s not his fault the paparazzi caught it, and it’s totally coincidental that your brother’s going to kill him. ❩
❨ faceclaim. @/claudiamariewalsh on instagram <3 ❩
❨ notes. i had sm fun doing this! though it did exceed the limit i was looking at, becoming a bit long, but i do wanna do a part two to this because imo the charles x carlos beef is gonna be really funny!! i hope you enjoy xx ❩
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ instagram.
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liked by charles_leclerc and 30,987 others.
yourinstagram. wined and dined xo
view all 11,345 comments.
username when god has favourites 😩
username holy shit
charles_leclerc mon poupette! tellement jolie.
yourusername je t’aime cha xx
username my brother is a dick compared to charles lmao
arthur_leclerc bet you were smelly.
yourusername bet you came out of a gutter.
username now that’s more like my brother
username not carlos creeping in the likes 👀
username girl bffr he’s like 6 years older than her??
username so lol #zaddy
username don’t ever say ‘zaddy again’.
landonorris wined, dined and sixty-nined.
charles_leclerc get out.
yourusername ew you weirdo
landonorris so it’s funny when kevin in the office says it??
yourusername he has rizz, unlike you.
maxverstappen1 real.
landonorris i hate you.
francisca.cgomes so stunning my girl 😻
yourusername love u forever keeks <33
username someone look at me like she does in the third pic 😭
carlossainz55 espléndida
yourusername 🤭❤️
charles_leclerc ???
arthur_leclerc ???
landonorris ???
username lando what??
landonorris felt a bit left out there 🤷‍♂️
⋆⭒˚.⋆ twitter.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ instagram.
carlossainz55 added to their stories.
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seen by yourusername and 800,567 others.
yourusername replied to this story.
⤷ mon coeur 🫶🏼
⤷ je t’aime tellement !!
landonorris replied to this story.
⤷ did you wine her and dine her??
⤷ ;) ;)
charles_leclerc replied to this story.
⤷ i bought yn a ring so similar for her 21st!
⤷ what a small world eh mate?
⋆⭒˚.⋆ text messages between yn and charles.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ text messages between yn and carlos.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ instagram.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by carlossainz55 and 47,222 others.
yourinstagram sunny days ☀️
view all 24,432 comments.
username carlos crying in the likes lol
username someone check on big bro charlie 😭
charles_leclerc poupette???
charles_leclerc que se passe-t-il?? ( what’s going on? )
charles_leclerc you didn’t say BOYS were gonna be on this trip!!
yourusername is my hair not pretty?
yourusername you haven’t complimented it yet?
yourusername it’s healthier and you haven’t noticed :((
francisca.cgomes you should be ashamed charles_leclerc
pierregasly absolutely sick of you charles !!
landonorris even i noticed her stunning hair! it’s smoother!
maxverstappen1 disgusting behaviour
charles_leclerc ??? no ??
yourusername oh?? it’s not healthier? i’m not pretty anymore?
francisc.cgomes HOW DARE YOU charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc NON poupette desolee
yourusername don’t talk to me.
username me when i dream
gigihadid 😻😻
arthur_leclerc stunning hair btw
yourusername love u tur
username he’s being nice??
arthur_leclerc too bad it doesn’t help the ugly face lol
username nvm
charles_leclerc pick up the phone poupette
charles_leclerc you’re very pretty !! you’re hair is so shiny !!
charles_leclerc we’ll go shopping soon poupette 💌
yourusername okay charlie love u 🥰
arthur_leclerc i want a new ps5
charles_leclerc get it yourself.
carlossainz55 hermosa
username poor boy
username mans desperate fr
username not when she’s soft launching mate 😭😭
⋆⭒˚.⋆ instagram
carlossainz55 added to their stories.
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seen by charles_leclerc and 1,678,432 others.
yourusername replied to this story.
⤷ photographer of the year !
⤷ very much thought you were gonna use the pic of me falling.
⤷ love u
charles_leclerc replied to this story.
⤷ girls’ hair get better every day.
⤷ looks oddly similar too tbh
⤷ where’d you say you were vacationing again mate?
charles_leclerc can no longer view your stories
landonorris replied to this story.
⤷ shiny hair 👀
⋆⭒˚.⋆ twitter.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ text messages between yn and kika.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ twitter.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ texts between yn and charles, and charles and carlos.
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ instagram
yourusername added to their stories.
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seen by carlossainz55 and 986,444 others.
charles_leclerc replied to your story.
⤷ poupette you’ve never done anything wrong in your life.
⤷ i’m not mad, call me please
⤷ desolee bebe
⤷ i have that new chanel you wanted ❤️
landonorris replied to your story.
⤷ so unserious lmao
pierregasly replied to your story.
⤷ charles is going to buy the entire mall y/n !!
⤷ tell him you’re not mad at him
francisca.cgomes replied to your story.
⤷ tell pierre to piss off
⤷ let charles buy you what he wants.
⤷ omg tell him you want a ferrari !!
⤷ IN PINK !!
carlossainz55 replied to your story.
⤷ mi vida your brothers texting me again
⤷ it’s very weird he’s apologising now??
⤷ he’s asking me if you want a pink ferrari??
⤷ bebita you should have told me you want a pink ferrari??
⤷ with a matching bag okay my love 🩷
arthur_leclerc replied to your story.
lorenzotl replied to your story.
⤷ i’m very happy for you mon chou ❤️
⤷ ignore arthur he doesn’t need a new ps5
⤷ he makes his own money.
⋆⭒˚.⋆ instagram.
carlossainz55 added to their stories.
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seen by charles_leclerc and 1,410,333 others.
charles leclerc replied to your story.
⤷ who do you think you are buying MY sister a pink ferrari
⤷ you be with her, okay. you date her, okay. but buying her things?
⤷ and a matching bag???
⤷ you piece of shit.
⤷ when i said we were brothers i didn’t mean this!
yourusername replied to your story.
⤷ ma vie 💌
⤷ je t’aime tellement <3
arthur_leclerc replied to your story.
⤷ y/n wants a ps5!!
⤷ brother 😃😃
francisca.cgomes replied to your story.
⤷ you picked up the correct bag for her!!
⤷ she also likes chanel and hermès !!
⤷ you’ll be outdoing charles in no time !!
⋆⭒˚.⋆ twitter.
Tumblr media
❨ disclaimer. i do not own any of the images above, all were found on pinterest, this is purely for fun and nothing is based on real life ❩
2K notes · View notes
23victoria · 4 months
“what did you just call me?”❁
f1 grid x fem!reader
ft. lewis hamilton, max verstappen, lando norris, oscar piastri, charles leclerc, carlos sainz
authros note: thank you anon for the request!!! hope you like it🤍! just fluff and comedy ig!! any feedback is appreciated and please like, comment, and reblog!! hope you enjoy!! also sorry if your name is April!! 😭
f1 masterlist
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You are sitting in your apartment, the scent of Max's cologne lingering in the air. The two of you have just come back from dinner, and you're now nestled comfortably on the couch. Max is s through channels on the TV, looking relaxed in a simple T-shirt and jeans.
"Hey, Marcus, can you pass me the remote?" you say absentmindedly.
Max freezes, his hand hovering over the remote. He turns to you, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What did you just call me?"
You look up at him with innocent eyes. "I called you Max."
He shakes his head slowly, his piercing blue eyes narrowing. "No, you didn't. You called me Marcus. Who the fuck is Marcus? That’s a ugly ass name."
You feign surprise. "No way, Max. Why would I call you Marcus? I don’t know anyone named Marcus."
Max leans forward, his expression a mix of amusement and irritation. "Are you fucking with me?"
You bite your lip to keep from laughing. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, Marcus."
Face turning red, he crosses his arms, his biceps bulging slightly. "You definitely called me Marcus. You got a boyfriend named Marcus I don’t know about?"
You laugh, unable to keep up the act any longer. "Alright, you got me. It was a prank. I would never call you by someone else’s name baby, you know that."
Max's stern expression softens into a grin. "You and your pranks," he says, shaking his head. "Don’t do it again, you had my heart racing."
You lean in and kiss him on the cheek. "Promise, Max. You're the only one on my mind."
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You're in the passenger seat of Lewis car, the city lights of Monaco illuminating the night. Lewis, ever the style icon, is dressed impeccably in a designer jacket and sunglasses, even though it's already dark.
"Lucas, can you turn up the music?" you ask casually.
Lewis takes his eyes off the road for a moment, a look of disbelief crossing his face. "What did you just call me?"
You glance at him with a confused expression. "I called you Lewis."
He shakes his head, a smirk playing on his lips. "No, you called me Lucas."
You maintain your innocent demeanor. "Lucas? Why would I call you Lucas? I think you're hearing things, Lewis."
He pulls over parking the car and turns to you, "I know what I heard. You said Lucas? Are you thinking about someone else while you're with me?"
You try to hold back your laughter. "Of course not, Lucas. Why would I think about anyone else when I'm with you?"
Lewis' jaw drops as he stares at you in shock. "Right there!?! Just now! You called me Lucas? Who the fuck is Lucas? And why is he on your mind?!"
You finally let out a laugh. "Alright, alright. I’m sorry baby! It was a prank."
Lewis shakes his head, sighing in relief, smiling. "You love messing with me, don't you? You almost made me shit my pants. I was getting ready to drive back home and say ‘fuck it’ to dinner."
You grin and laughing. "Not you getting ready to cancel dinner! You was gonna let me starve?!”
“Hell yeah! Coming in my car calling me another mans name!” he’s says exasperated.
“Baby, you know I would never call you by the wrong name." you say rubbing the back of his neck.
He reaches over and squeezes your thigh as he kisses you. "Just making sure. Because there's only room for one man in your heart and that’s me."
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You're at the beach, lounging on a sunbed next to Lando. The sound of waves crashing against the shore is soothing, as the sounds of people laughing fill the air, the sun shining brightly making your skin glow.
"Levi, can you pass me the sunscreen?" you ask without thinking.
Lando sits up, his relaxed expression turning serious. "What did you just call me?"
You look at him with wide eyes. "I called you Lando."
He frowns. "No, you said Levi."
You tilt your head, pretending to be confused. "I’m pretty sure I know my boyfriend's name is Lando not Levi."
“Well I'm pretty sure you don’t since you called me Levi, I heard you, unless I’m turning deaf at 24.” he says with an annoyed tone.
He takes his sunglasses off, his boyish face looking a bit hurt. "Are you sure you're not mixing me up with your side piece named Levi?"
You stifle a giggle. "Side piece?!? I’m not cheating on you, Lando. Why would I do that?"
He narrows his eyes at you. "Because you just called me another man’s name."
“Okay, but what makes you think you're not the side piece?” you say with a straight face.
He freezes staring you at jaw dropped, in shock not knowing what to say, “Wha-“
You burst out laughing, unable to keep the charade going. "I’m joking baby. It was a prank!"
Lando still stares at you trying to comprehend what just happened. Frowning he says “Why would I be the side piece?”
You start to laugh uncontrollably, “That’s what you're focused on! Seriously! I told you I was just playing with you!”
Lando's frown turns into a slight smile. "Yea but, I’m not side piece material, I’m main piece material.” he says softly.
You smile, shaking your head. “Yes Lando, you are main piece material, that's why you're my boyfriend.”
You take his hands in yours, “You being more offended being called a side piece than another man’s name is concerning.” You say in humor and slight disbelief.
He leans over kissing you on the nose. "Because we all know I’m boyfriend material. Unlike whoever this “Levi” is."
“You’re something else.” you say laughing at his antics.
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You're in the kitchen, helping him cook dinner. The aroma of fresh basil and tomatoes fills the air, making your mouth water. You take the freshly chopped onions and throw it in the pan.
"Chris, can you pass me the olive oil?" you ask casually.
Charles stops chopping vegetables and looks at you, bewildered. "What did you just call me?"
You give him an innocent look. "I called you Charles."
He shakes his head slowly, a puzzled expression on his face. "No, you said Chris."
You blink at him. "Did I? I don't think so, Chris."
He narrows his eyes, a hint of frustration in his voice. "You just called me Chris again.”
“No I didn’t, I just called you Charles.” you say seriously.
“Nope, you didn’t.” Putting down the knife, walking towards you. He says, “Who’s Chris?"
"I don’t know. I don’t know anyone named Chris.” You say trying to keep a straight face.
Charles steps closer, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Well clearly you do because you just called me his name."
“I’m telling you I didn’t call you that. You’re just hearing things.” you say starting to get nervous.
“Am I?” he says, staring at you.
You can't help but laugh nervously. "Alright, holy fuck! It was a prank! Stop being all scary!"
Charles shakes his head, chuckling. "You're lucky I knew you were just joking. Just don't let it happen again." He says as he moves closer to your wrapping his hand around your neck squeezing it softly as he says “Your mine and mine only. Yes?”
“Yes.” you say breathlessly as he kisses you briefly before pulling away, smirking as he says “You burned the onions.”
“Oh shit!” you say turning around to turn off the stove as Charles laughs.
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You're sitting in the living room, watching a movie together. The lights are dimmed, and the atmosphere is cozy and intimate.
"Oliver, can you pass me the ice cream?" you ask, your eyes glued to the screen.
Oscar pauses the movie and looks at you, confused. "What did you just say?”
“I asked if you could pass me the ice cream? you say confused.
”No. What did you just call me?" He says turning his body towards you.
You glance at him, playing innocent. "I called you Oscar."
He shakes his head, a slight frown forming. "No, you said Oliver."
You feign surprise. "Who the fuck is Oliver?"
He leans back, crossing his arms. "That’s what the fuck I’m trying to figure April, sorry I mean Y/N?
You gasp saying “Who the fuck is April?”
“I don’t know, who the fuck is Oliver?” he says as he shrugs his shoulders.
“Babe I called you Oscar so why the fuck are you calling me April?” you say trying not to laugh.
“Why the fuck did you call me Oliver, April? Why are you thinking about this man instead of paying attention to the movie?" he says.
You struggle to keep a straight face. "Stop calling me April!! And I’m not, Oscar. Why would I think about anyone else? Why are you thinking about some girl named April?"
He narrows his eyes, his face holding a scowl he says, "Because you just called me another man’s name, April."
“My names not April, Oliver.” You shaking your head while rolling your eyes. "I was just trying to annoy you, it was a prank."
Oscar's frown turns into a smile. "I know April. You really like messing with me, don't you?"
You grin and nod. "Yes Oliver, I can't help it!”
“But you know I would never actually call you by the wrong name baby." you say as you crawl into his lap straddling him.
He wraps his arms around your waist bringing you closer, kissing you. "I know baby, just making sure."
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You're outside in your backyard, relaxing by the pool with Carlos. The sun is shining, and the sound of water gently splashing adds to the tranquil atmosphere. You lean back in your chair, enjoying the warmth, and then decide to add a bit of fun to the moment.
"Babe, could you get me a drink, please?" you ask sweetly.
Carlos gets up with a smile. "Sure thing baby!"
As he heads to the kitchen, you call out, "Thanks, Marcus!"
Carlos stops in his tracks and turns around, raising an eyebrow. "Marcus?"
You feign innocence. "What? I said Carlos."
He chuckles, shaking his head. "No, you definitely said Marcus. Who's this Marcus guy?"
You giggle. "What are you talking about? I said Carlos."
Carlos narrows his eyes playfully. "Alright, if that's how you want to play it."
A few moments later, he returns with your drink and hands it to you. "Here you go, my love."
"Thanks, Marcus," you say with a grin.
Carlos doesn't miss a beat. "Oh, okay." Without warning, he scoops you up in his arms.
You scream, "Carlos, put me down!"
He grins devilishly. "You said Marcus, remember?" And with that, he jumps into the pool, taking you with him. You both splash into the water, and when you come up for air, you sputter, "Carlos, what the hell?"
He laughs, brushing the wet hair from his face. "Oh, looks like you do know my name."
You roll your eyes but can't help but laugh along with him. " Of course I know your name baby."
He pulls you close, still smiling. "I know you do. I can play games too, cariño, if you want me to."
You both laugh, “No, no. You win.” you say pulling away from him. “For now." Then, with a quick motion, you splash water into his face and make a dash for the edge of the pool.
Carlos wipes his face, laughing. "Oh, that’s how you want to play cariño, you're so going to get it now!" He starts to chase you as you scramble out of the pool, both of you laughing.
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© 23victoria 2023-24 I all rights reserved. do not republish, steal repost, modify, translate or claim my work as your own
3K notes · View notes
no-144444 · 17 days
the grid reacts: getting caught making out!
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featuring: Oscar Piastri, Charles Leclerc, Daniel Riccardo, George Russell, Alex Albon, Lewis Hamilton, Max Verstappen, Lando Norris
Oscar Piastri 
It was just meant to be a small peck, but then he wrapped his arms around you, and it escalated. It had all started with a tiny peck, just before you left his driver’s room to leave him time alone before the race, but Oscar had very persuasive lips (and a very persuasive tongue). He lifted you into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist as he deepened the kiss, holding you impossibly close. Then he sat down on his physio table, making you straddle him as you got as turned on as he was. You two had time, right? His hands grabbed anywhere and everywhere, exploring your body, despite knowing it so well. You whimpered into his mouth as he squeezed your ass, making you jolt forward. He smirked as you pulled back, throwing him a look of annoyance. 
“Let me kiss it better?” he smirked and you playfully hit his chest, and he pulled you back in for another kiss. "I love you."
“Oscar! We’ve been calling you for-” Lando’s voice rang out as you scrambled to get off of him, but Lando had already seen. You buried your head in your hands, embarrassed and trying not to laugh as Oscar pulled his cap off of his head and covered his bulge. Lando burst out laughing, nearly falling to the floor as he realised what he’d walked in on, and you got up to leave, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek and giving Lando a kick on your way out. 
You: We are never doing that again. Top 10 most embarrassing moments of my life. 
Oscar: Ok WatchMojo. 
You: Sassy man apocalypse. 
Charles Leclerc
Charles was a horny man after races. No matter how tired he was, he had to have you. That’s how you ended up in his driver’s room with his lips on yours. He was intoxicating. His sounds, his lips, his tongue. Everything. 
“Mon coeur,” he bit down softly on your collarbone. “Tu es trop belle pour être vraie-” (you are too beautiful to be true)
“Shut the fuck up and fuck me Charles,” you said, out of breath. He had a habit of trying to take things slowly, especially in risky places. You were almost sure he had a thing for doing it in public. He smirked down at you and pressed his lips to your again, using one hand to start to undo your trousers. 
Suddenly the door flew open and you both sat up, hitting your head off of the other’s head, both of you groaning out in pain. 
“Connerie,” he hissed, holding his forehead. 
“Motherfuck!” you groaned as Arthur stared at the two of you dumbfounded, his cheeks red. 
“I’ll just… come back later,” he said, then closed the door behind him. 
“We’ve just traumatised your little brother,” you sighed, hiding your face in the nape of his neck. 
“He will survive,” he chuckled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“Too bad my pride didn’t,” you added, making him laugh. God, you loved his laugh. 
Daniel Riccardo 
He was a slick bastard. One ‘I need help with my suit babe’  and there you were in his driver’s room, your shirt being pulled off and new hickies being left over the fading ones. It had been 2 weeks since you’d seen Daniel, too busy to come to the last race, and then you were travelling for a friend’s wedding. Now you were back, and Daniel was planning on showing you just how much he missed you, 40 minutes before the race started, aka, when he was already supposed to be in the damn car. 
“Daniel, we should stop just-” You started, thinking about someone walking in on you two. Sadly RB didn’t give their driver’s fucking locks on their doors, probably because of Baku 2018… yeah, you and Daniel weren’t exactly quiet, and he wasn’t exactly happy after that race. “Slow down.”
He pulled back, smirking up at you. “Baby, come on, we have a bunch of time, and I haven’t seen you in 2 whole weeks, who’s going to walk in?”
You nodded and pressed your lips to his again, allowing your conscience to fall away with the way he was kissing you. Kissing Daniel was like nothing else. Everything else fell away, there was only him. 
But who would walk in? Yuki, probably. 
“Daniel- WOAH! LOCK THE DOOR!” he screamed, alerting the entire motorhome of your actions. You quickly pulled your shirt back over your head as he ran out. As Daniel laughed for a solid minute, you tried to get over your loss of dignity. Yuki sure did make things interesting.
“I have no lock arsehole!” Daniel laughed. 
“You do! It’s the weird thing above the handle!” One of the mechanics shouted back. You walked over to the door, turning the thing above the handle, and the door locked. Daniel laughed even harder. 
Once you finally stopped Daniel from laughing, you both walked out to the whole team clapping and whooping. 
Yeah, not your finest moment. 
George Russell
His stupid dumb pretty face. He just looked so kissable, and you couldn’t help yourself. He was covered in champagne, and he was supposed to be using these 5 minutes to shower and change, but you had other plans. You ran him to his driver’s room, started kissing him, and didn’t stop. He didn’t seem to mind, even if it meant he wouldn’t get to shower and he’d just be champagne-y all night. He pushed you against the wall, his hands on your waist as you ran your fingers through his hair. His soft, gorgeous hair. 
His hands travelled up, taking your top with them and you smirked. 
“Getting handsy?” You smirked. 
“Never,” he shook his head and pulled your top off, beginning his assault on your neck. 
“George! Get out of the fucking shower, you can condition later- OH FUCK OFF!” Aleix, his trainer shouted and ran back out the door. George did the gentlemanly thing and covered you, but not without laughter. 
“George!” you hissed as he laughed. “Give me my top!” 
He handed you your top and quickly changed into a new suit, spraying himself in deodorant. He pressed a quick kiss to your cheek with one last chuckle. “It's a good story for the grandkids,” he shrugged, leaving you with a smile as he went off to do interviews.
Alex Albon
Alex had finished in the points again, and you were just so proud of him. Since he’d gotten out of the car you’d kissed him many a thousand times, but he wasn’t complaining. Actually he’d started making out with you about 3 minutes ago, and something in his kisses told you he wasn’t planning on stopping.
“Your mom will be here any minute,” you reminded him, pulling away. He rolled his eyes. 
“Did you seriously just mention my mom while I had a semi?”
“You mentioned my mom!” 
You chuckled and pressed another kiss to his perfect lips. He pulled you back in, kissing you deeply as his hands ran through your hair, messing it up, but you didn’t care. It felt too good, he felt too good. He nipped at your lips, coaxing them open so he could push his tongue into your mouth. His hands slowly went further down, dangerously close to where your top zipped. 
“Alex,” You warned, breathless. 
He smirked up at you. “For a minute?” 
“Alex? Are you in here?” George asked, walking in. The Brit was stopped in his tracks when he saw you on his lap, hiding your face in his neck as you tried to contain your embarrassment. He hadn’t even seen anything, but your cheek heated and you wanted the floor to swallow you up.  “Oh, sorry for cockblocking, chat later.”
You both started laughing when he left. 
“We need to start locking the door,” he sighed. 
“I think I’m in shock, I thought that was your mom!” you cried, your breath finally going back to normal as Alex laughed at you. 
Lewis Hamilton
It wasn’t fair how good he looked in his media day outfits, and he knew it too. He knew you’d pull him to the side and tell him to meet you in his driver’s room, he knew he’d come, and he knew he’d get to fuck you. 
So there you were, in his driver’s room, his lips on yours as you both desperately pulled each other’s clothes off. 
Too bad you forgot to lock the door. 
“Lewis have you- HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK MY EYES!” Lando immediately covered his eyes, turning around as you dressed yourselves. Did you feel guilty? Yes. Did you care at all? Not really. As soon as he left, would you two continue? Probably. “HAVE SOME SHAME AND HUMILITY PLEASE?”
Lewis laughed. “What do you need now?” 
“Bleach for my eyes, maybe!” Lando’s voice cracked and he turned back, his cheeks red. “I need an extra ice pack if you have one.” 
Lewis nodded and got one of his ice packs out of the freezer in the corner of his room. “Here.”
Lando took it and left without another word. You looked at Lewis, shaking your head. 
“I thought you locked the door,” you smirked, allowing him to wrap his arms around your waist and kiss up your neck. 
“That’s funny, I thought you did,” he smirked. 
“You’re going to get us caught,” you whispered. 
“I don’t really care.”
Max Verstappen 
He’d won (again), and he was horny afterwards (again). As soon as he was done with the podium and the main interviews, he ran to his driver’s room and called you to meet him there, needing some ‘support’.
“Max,” you hissed as he cupped one of your breasts in his hand, kissing down your neck. 
“Yes?”  he answered innocently, pressing his lips to yours again. 
“You have interviews-” 
“Fuck the media,” he whispered. “I want you.”
“Max this is a bad idea-” 
Just then, the door swung open to reveal Daniel, holding a camera. 
“You two need to keep it down, we can hear you down at RB!” he laughed as MAx started blushing, pushing his friend out of the room. They fought for a moment, but Daniel eventually left you two alone. Max sat beside you, letting you lean into him. 
“He’s going to post that, isn’t he?”  You asked. 
He nodded. “Yeah.”
You’d never have a day of peace with him, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Lando Norris
He was a sly bitch. It started as small pecks on your neck and the top of your head, then it was kisses on the lips, and now he had his tongue down your throat as you ground down on him, even though you both knew he was needed elsewhere.
"That's it," he whispered, loosing himself in the feeling of the both of you. "Feels so good."
You nodded, in pure ecstasy as you felt his hands and lips on you. "So good Lan."
His hands pulled you closer (if that was even possible) and you smiled into the kiss. This was the perfect moment-
"LAN!" Zak brown's voice pulled you both out of it, and you scrambled to get up.
Lando sighed as you left his lap and groaned out a simple "What?"
"We need you for a marketing thing, come on, chop chop!" Zak was as oblivious and cheery as ever and you could barely contain your laughter at Lando's 'annoyed teenager' face, as you and Oscar had started calling it.
"Bye baby," you pressed a kiss to his cheek, and he fought back the urge to ignore his duties and just go back to the hotel and spend the rest of the day with you.
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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captainreecejames · 3 months
Miss Movin On || My Ex is a Footballer CL16 Edition
links [masterlist] [my ex series masterlist] [series update with more footballers]
summary your ex is engaged and you haven't moved on, or have you?
pairings ex!federico chiesa x reader, charles leclerc x reader faceclaim benedetta porcaroli
warnings cursing, mentions of austria 24
notes lol this is kinda short but my head has been hurting for the past few days so I haven't been able to do much. Fernando Alonso's my ex is the next one I'm working on.
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yn's instagram messages -----
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yn's messages -----
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ynusername posted a story -------
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ynusername posted ---------
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liked by carmenmmundt, arthurleclerc and others
ynusername me and the bestie tagged opheliamillaiss
load more comments
opheliamillaiss ti amo ynnie! i love you ynnie ↳ ynusername sei bellessima you are beautiful
username1 i HAVE seen two pretty best friends
username7 she's trying to distract us from her story ↳ username8 yn, babe, who was the man??
username2 why is arthur leclerc lurking in the likes? ↳ username3 was it him in the story? ↳ username2 no i don't think so ↳ username3 your're right, looked more like charles
username4 girl it's time to move on ↳ username5 she posts about her friend and you guys are mentioning chiesa! can't make anyone happy here
username6 thoughts on the euros? ↳ ynusername :(((
yn's whatsapp messages -------
"unofficial official drivers group chat"
charlie now accepting caption ideas for my post about yn
ynnie charles no
max emilian charles yes
ynnie max no
danny ric max yes
landotd max no
ynnie lol not the norstappen breakup drama
landotd you made this my name didn't you
ynnie well... yes you did say it was better than the actual trophy 🤷‍♀️
landotd you make me want to say max yes
ynnie lmao telling the f1 girlies that I'm the reason yall are getting back together
charlie and none of you are helping me with the caption
frenchie pie shhh cha, we're watching the girls fighting messaged haha'd by 11
princess george "imagine getting knocked out of the euros and losing yn, couldn't be me"
albono aww, george that's a good one
carmen 🩵 that's because it's my idea
lily 🏌️🏻‍♀️💙 I knew it babe
aussie son fumbled the bag and the girl or winning isn't for everyone, but it is for me 👎🏻 by ynnie
lily 🧡 how about monagasque men do it better 👎🏻 by ynnie
carmen 🩵 damn lils!
frenchie pie "you broke her heart, I breaka da spaghetti" 👎🏻 by ynnie
logie bear "formula 1 > soccer"
lewlew make that football and you got a good one
kmags why are we coming up with captions?
hulk 💚 because yn's ex man is messaging her being a dick and so charles has decided to hard launch
kmags ohhh wait, how do you know this nico?
hulk 💚 I stay in the know 💪🏼
ynnie gotta keep my grid dad up to date
nando why the fuck is he your grid dad??
lewlew yeah wtf?
ynnie uhm, cause my grid dad can't be my boyfriends grid dad or my son's dad's boyfriend???
charlie still getting off topic
frenchie pie don't worry chiesa, she's moved on to someone better
kika!! 💘 pierre, he is not saying that!
ynnie thank you!! someone actually on my side
kika!! 💘 say 'don't worry, she's moved on'
ynnie how about none of those
charlie i don't see you coming up with anything, mon cherie
ynnie meet my love, yn?? my beautiful girlfriend, yn?? something normal please
charles_leclerc posted ------
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liked by ynusername, scuderiaferrari and others
charles_leclerc don't worry bud, she's moved on
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username11 calling chiesa bud is insane
username12 two different tifosi coming together to NOT maximize their joint slay ↳ username11 charles really declaring war on juve fans ↳ username12 who will win? ferrari or juve?
ynusername sha, this is not what we agreed on. ↳ charles_leclerc but this is funnier, no? ↳ ynusername I blame pierregasly for this ↳ pierregasly that's okay, MY bestie is iconic ↳ francisca.cgomes are you calling me not iconic ↳ ynusername hahaha, let's all laugh at pierre now ♥️ by estebanocon ↳ username13 not estie bestie liking that comment
username14 THE HAND ON HER THROAT IN THE SECOND PICTURE??? YN HOW DID YOU SURVIVE? ↳ username15 BITCH WHO CARES ABOUT THAT HAND!! LOOK AT THE FIRST PICTURE! ↳ username14 charles marking his spot like a dog
lewishamilton look at you two! ↳ ynusername hi future teammate!
logansargeant i liked my suggestion :( ↳ charles_leclerc me too ↳ oscarpiastri personally my options were better ↳ username16 now I want to know what you all suggested ↳ logansargeant formula 1 > soccer
username17 someone should edit that picture of jorginho getting the spaghetti dumped on him to chiesa, but it's actually formula 1 cars ↳ username18 winning isn't for everyone, but it is for Charles ↳ oscarpiastri that's what I said! ↳ username18 omg twins!
username19 chiesa really fumbled the bag ↳ oscarpiastri I said that one too! ↳ username19 oscar just twinning with everyone!
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makiwife · 6 months
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F the big 3 CL16!
Driver’s Soft Launch Series
Charles Leclerc x Redbull Driver! Verstappen!Reader
Author’s notes: hihi!! back from my year long slump😭 all pics are from Pinterest. It’s a long one so hope you enjoy!! it gets vv messy😈.
Warnings: cursing, sexual themes.
next part
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Liked by maxverstappen1, Lilymhe, charles_leclerc, and 2.5 million others
Y/nverstappen with love xoxo
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maxverstappen1: Where is your shirt in the first pic🤨🤨
charles_leclerc liked this comment
↳ Y/nverstappen: fym… it’s right there😅
francisca.cgomes: YOURE SO BEAUTIFUL BABY🥰
Y/nverstappen liked this comment
Lilymhe: bae is looking so FINEE
↳ Y/nverstappen: my wife I love you🥹
Landonorris: bro is posing before a GP😭
↳ Y/nverstappen: bro hasn’t given anyone vip paddock passes since he got broken up with😭
↳ danielriccardo: LMAOO🤣🤣
redbullY/nfan: SHE GAGGED HIM
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Liked by alexandrasaintmleux, gerihalliwellhorner, carlossainz55, and 3 million others
Y/nverstappen date before race ❤️‍🔥
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Redbullluv: DATE NIGHT W WHOM?!???
Lilymhe: STUNNING☺️☺️
↳ Y/nverstappen: I love you lil🥰
danielriccardo: the people want to know who you’re soft launching
↳ maxverstappen1: what the fuck is soft launching🤨
↳ Y/nverstappen: 🤫🤫
gerihalliwellhorner: very beautiful Y/n💕
Y/nverstappen liked this comment
pierregasly: I wonder who it is😁😁
↳ carlossainz55: hmm I also wonder😏
↳ Carlosleclerc6: bro knows who it is😭🧌
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During qualifying day interviews:
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Liked by charles_lerclerc, maxverstappen1, lewishamilton, and 4.3 million others
Y/nverstappen fuck the big 3, it's just big ME.
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maxverstappen1: congrats baby sis!! P1 looks good on you
↳ Y/nverstappen: thank you maxie🙏 i love you.
lewishamilton: congratulations Y/n!! very proud of you.
↳ Y/nverstappen: THANK YOU LEW🥹 you're so sweet
charles_leclerc: P1 BABYY
↳ Y/nvestappen: my haters got me to where I am☺️
redbullracing: simply simply lovey!! amazing results y/n🙌 keep up the wonderful work. (nice caption)
landonorris: that caption is so messy, i love it
↳ alexalbon: SO VEERY MESSI
↳ Y/nvestappen: “I don’t really have a lot to comment on that, except that he was being a pussy”
↳ maxverstappen1 liked this comment
↳danielriccardo: bro wanted all the smoke
↳ Y/nverstappen: lily do you want head or sum 😛
↳ alexalbon: google, how to dislike a comment??🤨better yet, how to report someone??😃
Y/nverstappen posted on their story
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alexandrasaintmleux, Lilymhe, charles_leclerc, and others liked your story
alexandrasaintmleux replied to your story: princess treatment only for the best 💕
Y/nverstappen: I literally love you alex baby🥹🥹
landonorris replied to your story: this is so booktok of charles
Y/nverstappen: LMAOO SO TRUEE
charles_leclerc replied to your story: you deserve everything and more. I'm so very proud mon amour ❤️.
Y/nverstappen: cha baby I’m actually so in love with you❤️❤️
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A/n: Guys i literally had so much fun writing this!! I def want to make a pt2 because there wasn't really any soft launching/ flirting happening. I lowk wanted to show you guys a little bit of her personality, but I also wanted to ease into the romance yk. sorry for the yap sesh but I hope you enjoyed!!
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matchaverse · 4 months
F1 Drivers x spicy girlfriend texts
summary: just some spicy texts the drivers get from their girlfriend.
warning: sexual content (18+), mdni
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sunrizef1 · 5 months
What happens in Vegas pt 8
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader ex!max verstappen x reader
Warnings: more cursing than usual
A/N: I’m fast asf boi (not really, this did take a while)
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yourusername added to their story
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forzarma · 6 months
makeup disaster
pairing: lando norris x fem!reader
summary: lando Doing your makeup on stream what could possibly go wrong?
warnings:haven’t proofread 😞
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You joined Lando while he was streaming last week, and both of you were playing a game. Well, you lost, which means you’re gonna let him do your makeup on his next stream.
Both of you sat, and you got your makeup essentials that you’re gonna have to use for this stream, hoping Lando wouldn’t freestyle your face considering the fact he doesn’t know anything about makeup.
“Hello chat,” he said while looking at the computer, “so apparently I’m doing your makeup,” giving a cheeky smile.
“I’m regretting this already, omg,” you said, laughing nervously.
“Anyways, first thing, I guess primer ’cause you have been nagging about killing me if I don’t put it first,” Lando said.
You rolled your eyes playfully at him.
He started tapping your face aggressively.
“Ouch, Lando,” you said, giving him a stern look.
“I’m trying, okay?” he said, looking at you innocently.
“Anyways, I think we need to use this,” he said while holding your foundation and your beauty blender.
He blended your foundation, and you were thanking god that he was doing good for now. Well, your happiness didn’t last long when you saw him taking your setting powder and putting it over your face.
“Wait, Lando—“ you were trying to tell him he should put concealer, but all you heard was “SHUSH.” You gave him a literal side-eye.
And then he had the audacity to put concealer after what the hell????
Looking at the mirror, all you could see is your cakey face.
He opened your eyeshadow palette and took a bright blue and started putting it over your eyes.
Then he picked your blush, PAINTED your face with it, making you look like a tomato.
Then he got the liquid eyeliner and hummed, “this is interesting,” and decided to literally act like your eyes are drawing papers.
He gave his attention to the chat, reading it, and people saying that’s not how he should put things, just for him to say, “nah, y’all are just wrong, I know what I’m doing.”
He took the lip liner, he put it on your lips, and gloss.
“Alright chat, that’s the finished look,” he said, looking proud as if he did an achievement.
“You did terrible, Lando,” you said, looking at him.
“You know, I did good, better than you do,” he muttered.
“Alright, I hope you guys enjoyed this stream and don’t fall in love with my makeup skills ’cause,” he said, smirking, then he ended the stream.
After ending the stream, Lando turned to you with a cheeky grin. "Alright love, let me help get that makeup off you. Can't have you walking around looking like a clown all night!" 
You playfully hit his arm. "Whose fault is that?" You retorted with a laugh. Lando gently took a makeup wipe and started dabbing at your face, his touches soft and caring as he removed the remains of his "artwork." 
"There we are, much better." He smiled, gazing into your eyes. You felt yourself getting lost in his stare, all thoughts of the disastrous makeup attempt melting away. 
Suddenly , you leaned in and pressed your lips to his in a sweet kiss. Lando made a small noise of surprise but quickly melted into the kiss, cupping your cheek tenderly as he kissed you back. The spark between you that had been building for so long was finally igniting. 
When you finally broke apart, Lando rested his forehead against yours, breathing heavily. "Well, I may not be able to do makeup but at least I know how to do that," he whispered with a wink. You giggled, feeling giddy and light. It seemed the stream had ended on a much sweeter note than anticipated. Your "punishment" had turned out to be quite the reward after all.
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jellyfishsthings · 5 months
Masterlist No.2 (no.1 here)
Edit: Updated version ✌️
¤ = smut
smau = social media au
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Marauders Era:
James Potter:
Eating out, vol.2 ¤
Remus Lupin:
Touches ¤
And the were roomates ¤
Shy reader
Mean bf Remus ¤
Being mean to himself
Kinktober fav.1, fav.2 , fav.3 ¤
Animagus comfort
The One We Were Caught
Head Cannons
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Star Wars:
Anakin Skyalker:
Headboard gripper ¤
Forbidden Love ¤
God I hate you ¤
He is that type of guy ¤
Pussy eater ¤
Baby fever , vol.2 ¤
Bloody Skywalker
Back to you
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Formula 1+2:
Oscar Piastri:
Bubbles was...
Mich Shumacker:
Fake Dating (smau)
Charles Leclerc:
Meet cute
Max Verstappen:
Three Musketeers (smau series)
Ollie Bearman:
Dating Headcannons
Lando Norris:
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disneyprincemuke · 7 months
ღ this barbie has a baby
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"wait a second," max blinks, hands in the air to stop the conversation from going any further than it could. the rest of the guys quiet down and slowly turn to him. "are we just going to glaze over the fact that she said she's bringing a baby to the paddocks tomorrow?"
lando furrows his eyebrows. "surely, she's not talking about an actual baby, right?" he looks around for approval. "i just assumed she was talking about a... partner... boyfriend, perhaps?"
mick shrugs, "i always just assumed she was talking about a grown person. she wouldn't bring an infant to the track."
"is no one even concerned that she's only turning 19 this year and you lot assume that she's got a baby?" alex asks, scowling at his friends as he scratches his head. "maybe she knows someone named baby?"
"she calls them 'my baby', though," mick points out as he presses his lips together. "it has to be a person, right?"
"who's betting what?" charles raises his eyebrows. "i think it's neither a partner nor an infant. a car she named baby, maybe."
max furrows his eyebrows, throwing charles a questioning stare. charles just shrugs before looking around the group to get their opinions as well.
"okay, i bet dinner that it's just a friend," alex says. "you're all going to be eating your shit when tomorrow comes."
lando shakes his head. "i still think it's a boyfriend."
"what if it's a girlfriend?"
"fine," lando scoffs, clenching his jaw as he glares at charles from the corner of his eyes, "then i think it's a partner. happy?"
mick scrunches his nose. "i am not participating in a bet about my teammate! and i've seen her car before – it's definitely not called baby."
"don't be such a party pooper," max frowns. "come on, mick, you have to have made some assumption about who or what this baby is. i still think it's an infant."
"she's 18!"
"potato, potato," max waves their concerns off. "so this is all for dinner, right? bet?"
"yeah, bet."
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"mick!" she throws her arm into the air at the sight of the german entering the paddocks, waving him to approach her. "come here! i want you to meet baby!"
mick perks up, eyebrows shooting up that he's coincidentally the first face she's seen as their day starts. she's in the middle of a crowd, hands held out ahead of her as he approaches. as the crowd dissipates, he realises that she's got a stroller parked in front of her.
could it actually be an infant? oh, god, suddenly he's very concerned for her as a person in general. how could this have happened?
"this is baby!" she grins, unzipping its cover to reveal two ears and a brown sweater. "my cat!"
his blue eyes jump between the cat and the girl with a pink bow in her hair, unsure what to do with the revelation that baby is a cat. so who exactly is buying dinner tonight? "your cat? baby is a cat?"
"yes!" she beams, reaching down to scratch the feline's chin, who purrs and closes her eyes at the affection. "my dad got me baby two years ago when i finished in the top 10."
"wait," mick looks down at baby again, "is she wearing a louis vuitton sweater?"
"well, she's a sphynx," she frowns, fixing the sweater and pulling it down a little, "she gets cold sometimes." then she takes a step back with a grin, hands held out as she spins around. "and look! we match!"
"why are you spinning– oh, what's this?" lando grins, noticing the way they were conversing before he even passed through the gantry. "oh! what is that?"
"her cat," mick says through gritted teeth, eyes widening and hitting lando softly on the arm to urge him to just keep his opinions to himself. "baby. that's barbie's cat – baby."
"you named your c-" lando scowls softly, dropping his head low as the girl stops spinning. he turns to mick to hide his face away and blinks. "that's not a cat, mate. that's raw chicken."
mick simply shrugs in response. “i know.”
“she’s a sphynx! isn’t she cute?” the girl giggles, tapping lando on the shoulder. “and we’re matching clothes.”
lando stares at her. “this is baby… a cat? not even a person? not even an actual infant?”
she blinks at him. “infant? i’m 18.”
“what are you guys doing obstructing the paddock entrance and wh– hey, what’s this?” alex approaches with his hands grabbing the straps of his backpack.
“it’s baby,” lando grins, blinking hard at his friend. “a cat.”
“oh, how love– oh,” alex cuts himself off as he hunched over and looks into the carrier. he looks at lando and mick. “i imagined a more fluffy cat.”
“is that raw chicken wearing an lv sweater?” max pops up between mick and lando, furrowing his eyebrows.
“raw– she’s a cat,” she says again, pointing at baby with vindiction. “do you need to start wearing glasses?”
max grins with a small nod. he turns slightly to the men next to her. “why does her cat look something i’d find in the poultry section of the grocery store?”
“probably because it is part of the poultry section of the grocery store,” alex mutters, maintaining his grin to appease the young girl standing in front of them.
“oh, what a lovely looking cat!” charles beams, towering over the stroller wide eyed. “can i pet her?”
“yes! this is baby!” she shrieks excitedly, grabbing charles’s shoulder. she holds her arms out. “look — we’re matching clothes!”
charles’s eyes widen along with his smile. “oh! you have to get me some so i can match with you guys one day!”
“fun’s over,” max grumbles under his breath, waving his hands in the air to dismiss themselves. “i’ll see you and your chicken later.”
she furrows her eyebrows. “she’s a cat!”
— bonus
"a chicken?" oscar blinks, scowling slightly at the older men standing before him. "she has a pet chicken?"
"sphynx cat," mick points out with a tired sigh and a roll of his eyes. he turns to max, "you can't keep calling baby a chicken. you'll upset barbie."
max throws his hands in the air. "you should have seen baby! that's not a cat!"
logan tilts his head, eyebrows furrowed. "what's a sphynx cat?" he shrugs when he receives stares from them. "i'm not a cat person."
"those hairless cats," oscar explains. "have you got a picture of this said pet chicken?"
"pet chicken?" fernando had been walking by when he suddenly overhears something of a pet chicken which, in theory, is already such an absurd situation. he just has to know what is going on. "who has a pet chicken?"
he takes a step back. "that's some next-level rich people behaviour. not even lance owns a chicken?"
"sphynx cat," mick corrects again, looking around to ensure that she's not around to hear the guys making fun of her choice of best friend in the form of a pet. "it doesn't even look like a raw chicken, mate, it's a grey cat."
oscar grins. "so raw chicken that's expired?"
"a sphynx cat!" fernando cheers with a soft clap. "how nice! but isn't that a bit..."
"could be worse, really," mick mutters. "she told me earlier she originally wanted a tiger."
"really? what pulled her away from wanting a tiger?" logan asks.
mick sighs. "she read up that it's not very conducive for wild animals to be domesticated. she does, however, contribute tons of money to wildlife charities monthly."
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taglist: @33-81 @darleneslane @namgification @happy-nico @nikfigueiredo @localwhoore @angsthology @renarots @elliegrey2803 @cha-hot @cosmoscoffeee @fanficweasley @sugarhoneylemons @aquangxl @omgsuperstarg @strawberryubin @lovecarsgoingvroom @mangotaitai @cherry-piee @ladyladybuggg @lethalvenus @gentlyweeps-world @spilled-coffee-cup @charizznorizz @wcnorris @storminacloud @minkyungseokie @viennakarma @leilanixx @daniellef89x @fezlvr @lavisenri @xcharlottemikaelsonx @ultraviolencesam @selsbackyard @ilove-tswizzle @riddle-me-im-sirius @kindestofkings
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poetsblvd · 4 months
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“I see I’ve been replaced.” Charles grins, sock clad feet moving towards your bed where you lay cuddled up with Leo on your chest.
You smile fingers softly running up and down the puppy’s head as he nuzzles further into you. “Don’t be ridiculous Cha, It was never a competition. Leo will always be the clear winner of my heart.”
“I’m wounded.” He slaps his hand on his chest, a show of faux hurt, staring at you and your baby all cuddled up.
“Scoot over will you Ma vie?”
You nod, carefully pushing yourself and Leo to give room to Charles who sits down gently, making sure not to ruffle the bed too much and wake the sleeping and incredibly energetic dog.
He settles next to you, a little higher on the bed so your head can rest on his shoulder comfortably, without compromising Leo’s position and his sleep.
Placing his hand on yours that lays on Leo’s fur, he pecks your forehead, a warm feeling encompassing him.
You, Leo and him. He’s sure he’s found perfection.
“Je t’aime. Je t’aime beaucoup.” The words are murmured on your forehead, as you push yourself closer to him.
“Je t’aime aussi.”
His hands wind around Leo’s body pulling the puppy and you on his chest.
His voice comes out soft, “See, I have my whole world near my heart now. It’s where I keep you, always.
You sniffle, hand coming over to cover your eyes burrowing yourself deeper in his chest. “Cha you’re gonna make me cry.”
“S'il te plaît, ne pleure pas.” He chuckles softly. ( please don’t cry )
“I feel like don’t say it enough, and I know you tell me it’s enough and you know that I love you, but I know it’s not easy being with me. I travel too much, my work is too demanding, the hate you get is disgusting, and I can get frustrating, but Merde, I love you so much and I don’t say it enough.” His voice cracks a little towards the end, and he pulls you closer to him, still wary of the little puppy on him.
Eyes roving your face he zeroes on your slightly red eyes, he chokes out a laugh whining when your fingers softly pinch his ears.
“You’re so pretty mon couer, I’m sorry if i don’t say that enough either. Si jolie, si belle et toute à moi.” ( so pretty, so beautiful and all mine )
You kiss his lips, grinning cheekily. “And Leo’s.”
“Hah! And Leo’s, how could I have forgotten?”
“I don’t know I thought I made it pretty clear there’s no competition?”
“Of course not! Both of us belong solely to you.”
“I think a certain world champion would disagree.” You tease, giggling when he tickles your waist.
“I love you so very much mon amour.”
“I love you too, so much.”
“…And Leo?”
“And Leo.”
love note , i feel like i got a bit emotional in between there and i’m sorryy, but i kind of feel like i needed it, but this was really cutesy !! i hope you enjoyed thank you for requesting ++ i know the puppy in the pic isn’t leo pls !! <33
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23victoria · 4 months
“would you love me if i was bald?” ✿
f1 grid x fem!reader
ft. lewis hamilton, max verstappen, lando norris, oscar piastri, charles leclerc, carlos sainz
authors note: this is literally just a crack fic!! i don’t know if i like this 😭 everything is jokes please do not take any of this seriously!! does contain sexual innuendos!! any feedback is appreciated and please like, comment, and reblog!! hope you enjoy!!
f1 masterlist
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© 23victoria 2023-24 I all rights reserved. do not republish, steal repost, modify, translate or claim my work as your own
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no-144444 · 5 days
HI! i love your writing and i was wondering if you would do a grid reacts to us finding out we were a bet? And if you wouldn't mind adding Logan too?
Thanks ml xxxx
the grid reacts: you find out you're a bet!
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Featuring: Oscar Piastri, Logan Sargeant, Daniel Riccardo, George Russell, Alex Albon, Charles LeClerc, Lewis Hamilton, Max Verstappen, Lando Norris
thank you for requesting! xxxx
Oscar Piastri:
He walked into your shared apartment, a smile on his face. He hadn’t seen you in a week, and you’d both been too busy to call or text too much, so finally, he’d be back with his girl. 
He wasn’t expecting the bare apartment he’d known so well before you’d moved in. He wasn’t expecting your things to be gone, or the note on the table, or your engagement ring beside it. 
Dear Oscar, 
I found out. I know we were a bet, and I know you’d try to convince me that you loved me, and that it was all real. I don’t doubt that it was real. I know I loved you, and I felt the love from you (either that, or you’re a brilliant actor and picked the wrong profession). But I feel betrayed. I wish you would’ve just come to me immediately and told me how we started, even if I was mad at you for a while. You kept a huge secret for 2 years, Oscar. That’s not a short amount of time. I love you, and I still love you, but I need some time on my own to figure stuff out. I moved back out into my old apartment, and don’t worry, I’m still your girlfriend, but I just wanted space to think. We’ll work our way back up to being fiancé’s but until then, I am still very much yours, unless you don’t want me to be. I need to trust you again. 
Love, Y/n. 
His heart sank. He knew it was stupid to try and keep it a secret, and it had truly been tearing him apart for the last 2 years, but this… this was too much. He was thankful that you two at least we’re breaking up. But the engagement reversal thing was fucking with him. He adored you. He loved you. Yes, it was stupid, but he did stupid stuff all the time. Forgetting his keys, sleeping through his alarm, wearing his shirt inside out. You always told him it was endearing. 
“Hey,” your voice brought him out of his trance. “I wanted to be here when you came back, sorry, there was traffic.”
He turned around to see you. You looked at him. He was crying.
“I’m so sorry,” his voice broke as you nodded. 
“I know you are,” you stepped closer to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “We’ll get through this, yeah?”
He nodded, burying his head in the crook of your neck. You let him cry it out for a little while, then pulled away. 
“You’ll be ok, we’ll be ok, yeah?”
He sniffled. “Yeah.”
“I love you,” you reminded him, wiping away tears as you went along. 
“I love you so much, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I just… I was so scared a-and-”
“I understand,” you nodded. “But that doesn’t mean I forgive you.”
He nodded, playing with your engagement ring in his hands. He broke again, sobbing. You wrapped your arms around him again, letting him calm himself down. “Please put it back on,” he whispered, begging you. 
You thought about it for a moment. You loved Oscar, and you knew you’d forgive him. It was harder not to forgive him, in all honesty. You’d read his hundreds of drafts of the speeches he had planned to say to you. Lando had shown them to you when he told you. You knew how this had been tearing him apart. But you knew how it stung, being betrayed like this. 
“Ok,” you nodded. He slipped the ring back onto your finger and a weight was lifted off of his chest, while one was placed onto yours. 
God, maybe love did conquer all. And that idea fucking terrified you. 
Logan Sargeant:
“Go up to her, she’s a McLaren engineer,” Lewis’s friend’s voice rang out over the speaker of your phone. “I’ll give you 2 grand if you can fuck her tonight.”
“It’s not like I need the money,” Logan smirked, cocky as ever. “But I’ll take that.”
The camera panned to Logan walking up to you, and your world shattered. 
“Hey babe,” he called, walking into the apartment. There you were sitting, seething on the couch. “How was your weekend?”
“Great,” you answered shortly. “Have you looked at social media recently?”
“No, why?” he asked, resting his hands on your waist. He tried not to read into your stiff posture. Was this the moment? Had you really found out? 
“I was a bet,” you sighed, brushing his hands off of you. “And you didn’t even have the heart to tell me.”
You hadn’t planned on crying, you thought you’d scream at him, give him a piece of your mind, but it was hard to get angry when he was standing there, looking so helpless. You loved him, and all you’d ever been to him was a bet. You’d only met a year ago, started dating 6 months ago. You’d meant nothing the entire time. Just a fuck and a check. You just felt… defeated, and used. 
“Baby please, let me explain, it’s not what-” He started but you sighed.
“Explain what? That you ‘love’ me? I don’t care. I deserve someone who tells me the truth, and you couldn’t even do that. I had to find out with the rest of the world. Don’t you realise how stupid I look? All the posts I made, everything I told my friends and family, and the entire time it’s all been a lie? I look like a fucking idiot.” 
Logan looked down, ashamed. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered, taking your hand. “I’ll do anything to make this right, please Y/n, I love you.”
“How am I supposed to trust you? And how am I going to look going back to you? Why did you fuck this all up?” You groaned in frustration. “I fucking loved you!” 
“I love you too!” he pleaded. “Please let me make this right, I don’t care about the media, or whatever, I care about you, and I care about us.”
“What ‘us’? We’ve been based on a lie this entire time!”
“Please don’t say that,” he was crying now, so were you. “Please don’t say it was a lie.” 
You took your hand from his. “Logan, we’re done. Please don’t contact me.”
And that was that. He broke your heart and you broke his. 
Daniel Riccardo: 
He watched in horror as you opened the message on his phone from Scotty. 
“You have to tell her. This isn’t right anymore Dan.”
“What is Scott talking about?” You chuckled. 
“Nothing,” Daniel smiled, but it looked forced. 
“Dan, come on, you can tell me,” you smiled sweetly. 
“Seriously, I have no clue what he’s talking about,” he nervously chuckled. 
Your face dropped into an angry frown. “So he was right, you wouldn’t even admit it if I gave you the chance,” you sighed. “That’s great, thanks Daniel.” 
“What do you mean?”
“I know about the bet,” you sighed. “Scotty told me last week.”
Daniel sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“Me too,” you turned to him. “Why would you lie?” 
“I was scared.”
“Of what?” 
“Of losing you,” he shrugged. “I thought it would just be better to… keep you in the dark I guess. I wasn’t really thinking straight.”
“I wish you would’ve just told me,” you sighed, looking up at him. 
You were both silent for a moment.
“What does this mean for us?” he asked. 
“What ‘us’? We were based on a lie Daniel. A lie you told for a whole year.”
“So that’s it?” he gritted out. 
“That’s it.”
George Russell: 
“Have you talked to her about it yet?” Alex asked. “You have to tell her mate, it’s gone on too long.”
“It’s been 6 months Alex, and, by the way, I actually love her,” he scoffed. “I’m trying to figure out the best way to explain it.”
“Explain what? That you were dared to ask her out for money? Mate, you sound like a dick no matter what, she’ll break up with you no matter what,” Alex sighed, disappointed in his friend. 
“She’s probably right to,” George admitted. “Fuck!” he groaned. 
You stepped into the room, trying to pretend that everything was alright. Both of the men looked up, terrified of what came next. 
“Please let me explain,” George rushed out, taking your hand. Alex quickly left you two to speak alone, patting you on the back as he left. George stood up and took your hand. 
You nodded. “Explain.”
George’s frown lifted slightly, elated that you would even give him the chance to explain. “It was a stupid bet and I never took any money. I stopped speaking to the guys after we met, and I promise I’ve been trying to tell you, I just… I get scared every time that I’ll lose you. I don’t deserve you, but I love you Y/n. And I’m so sorry.”
You nodded. “I just… give me some time, yeah?”
He nodded. “All the time you need, of course.” 
You took a deep breath, wrapping your arms around his neck in a short hug. “I’ll call you, yeah?”
He nodded, letting himself enjoy your embrace. “Please call me. Anytime.”
You pulled back, still holding back your tears somehow. “Yeah. Good luck today.”
“If I win, it’ll be for you. It’s always for you,” he smiled softly. 
“Yeah,” you sighed, leaving with a broken heart, and a choice to make. 
Alex Albon: 
“Can we talk?” Alex asked, 2 months in.
“About what?” you questioned. You were sitting in his apartment in Monaco, eating dinner before catching a movie at a nearby cinema. 
“How we met.”
“Proceed,” you nodded, turning your full attention to him. 
“We met at Jimmy’s, and I was there with my friends, and we were being assholes, and I'm sorry that’s how you met me,” he hesitated. “And that night, I was dared to go up to you, only because they knew I’d never get a chance with you because you’re… well, you’re you, and I’m me. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but we were just having so much fun and-”
“You thought you couldn’t get a chance with me?” You chuckled. 
Alex looked up. “Well, no. You’re gorgeous-”
“You’re a very hot Formula 1 driver! Alex, I was losing it when you came up to me!” 
“I thought you didn’t know anything about F1?!” 
“I don’t! But I know about hot famous guys!”
“You liar!” he laughed. 
“You lied too!” you laughed. 
He smiled. “ I guess we’re pretty evenly matched then, yeah?”
“I guess,” you shrugged, then leaned over and pressed your lips to his. 
Charles Leclerc: 
You and Charles were new, like new new.But he’d invited you to the paddock nonetheless, and you had the weekend off, so off you went to the Ferrari garage. You’d met the so-called ‘Prince of Monaco’ at an Indycar event a few months back when he got your number, and since then you’d been texting back and forth. He finally asked you out, and you agreed, I mean, who wouldn’t, right? Even though you worked in Indycar, you were a born and raised Monegasquean and you were proud of your heritage, and pretty excited to be dating the Monegasque. 
“Oh shit,” Pierre grumbled, bumping into you. Recognition finally crossed his face and he smiled. “Y/n, right? We met at the Indycar thing, right?”
“Hi Pierre, yeah, nice to see you,” you smiled. Behind him came Charles, a bright smile for you. 
“Are you here for work or-? Oh, for Charles,” he smirked and turned back to Charles . “Le pari est-il toujours valable?” (is the bet still on?)
Your face faltered. Charles didn’t tell you about any bet. What bet?
“Je ne lui ai pas encore dit,” Charles mumbled. Pierre’s smirk grew, as did the sinking pit in your stomach. (I haven’t told her yet.)
“Hey,” Charles turned to you with a smile on his face. 
“Hi,” you nodded, more reserved than before. “Congrats on pole.”
His smile dampened. “Is everything alright?”
“All good,” you mustered up your fakest smile. “Ne parie peut-être pas sur une fille qui vit à Monaco, connard.” (Maybe don't make a bet over a girl who lives in Monaco, asshole.) 
Charles looked dumbstruck for a moment, and you left him like that. You were worth more than that. 
Lewis Hamilton: 
“Have you told her yet?” George asked, eying you from the other side of the garage. 
Lewis shook his head. “I can’t find the right time.” “You need to tell her soon, it’s only a matter of time before someone else tells her.” 
“I know I do, I just… everytime I try to bring it up it’s like she’s extra sweet and perfect and I just can’t break her heart like that-”
“Break who’s heart?” you asked, standing beside Lewis. 
George shot him a look to say ‘tell her now’, and he nodded. George left you two to talk. 
“I was… I came up to you… I-”
“It was a bet to ask me out, I know,” you nodded, sipping your drink. “Whose heart are you breaking?”
Lewis’s brow furrowed. “Yours?”
“I overheard you and your friends at the bar that night,” you explained. “I don’t care. We’re dating because of it, I love you, blah, blah, blah,” you smiled. “Unless it’s been a charade the whole time-”
“NO! It hasn’t, I love you, I promise,” he wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed kisses to your cheek as you laughed. 
“You thought that would break my heart?”
His ego was becoming a little bit more than bruised. “Hey!”
You laughed. “OK, ok, relax. Yes, it would’ve broken my heart,” you teased. 
He pushed you off, smiling. “I don’t want your pity-”
“Not even a pity fuck?” you whispered, a mischievous smirk on your lips.  
He smiled. “Well, I always want that.”
Max Verstappen: 
“Fuck this game!” Max cursed after his game had crashed for the third time. You made your way into the living room, looking in on the game.
“Everything alright?” you asked. 
“All good, sorry liefje,” he responded, not even turning around. 
“Is that the girl we put the bets on?” One of his friends asked. Max panicked and shut down the stream, then immediately turned to you. 
“Liefje…” he started. You stood there in shock. 
“Is that true?” you started. “Was I a fucking bet?!” you shouted. 
“It- I- Yes, it started like that, but I love you, I-I’m in love with you!” 
“How can I ever fucking trust you?” you shot back. “You’re a liar!”
“I’m sorry-”
“What the fuck does ‘sorry’ do? I’m leaving Max. You are so not the man I thought you were,” you pushed past him, grabbing some of your essentials from your bedroom as he followed behind you, begging you to stay. 
You left. He was the one who messed up. 
All because of a dumb bet. 
Lando Norris: 
He was sweating through his shirt. Max’s eyes bore into him all night, more specifically, how his arm was draped over your shoulder. He understood his best friend’s confusion. It was mere months ago that Lando had been dared to go up to you and ask you out, mere months ago when he sent a photo into the group chat of you sleeping soundly beside him, asking for the transfers from the men who’d told him to ask you out and somehow get you back into his bed before the next morning. Since then, things had in fact changed. He had changed. You had changed him.
“Lan,” Max hissed. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“Max,” Lando mumbled. “Not now.”
“She deserves to know,” Pietra shook her head. “Y/n, listen to me, I know Lando had probably been a lovely guy but he asked you out because he was dared to-”
“Pietra!” Lando groaned. “What the fuck!”
You turned to Pietra, pushing Lando’s arm off of you. “Are you serious?”
“She’s telling the truth,” Max added. 
“Y/n please, just let me explain-”
“There’s nothing to fucking explain. You’re an asshole, don’t call me again,” you scoffed, getting up and leaving with Pietra following quickly behind. 
Lando was helpless.
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captainreecejames · 4 months
Pick Me Up?
Charles Leclerc imagine
summary : the four times Charles picks you up and the one time you pick him up.
pairing : Charles leclerc x fem!reader
I believe there is no mention of YN, but I'm not 100% sure.
word count : 3.5 k
warnings : none that I can think of
note : I only read over this once so if there's spelling errors or other mistakes that's what happened. Next up should either be Logan Sargeant my ex is a footballer or the social media accompanying fic. Anyways, enjoy and me if you like it!!
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1. Charles picks you up from a bad date
The date had started fine.
Actually more than fine. He showed up on time, was pleasant to the waitress, and had good manners. Really, he would have even gotten a second date, if he hadn’t brought up Formula 1.
It’s a topic you tend to avoid when meeting new people, as they either tend to know a lot already and want to use you to get to Charles or they don’t know anything and assume that you are using Charles, when they know nothing about your relationship. It was a hassle you learned to shut down before it even began.
But back at the date with Vince, he had brought it up and that’s when things started to go down hill. 
Despite your best efforts, when people brought up Formula 1, you grew taller and more focused on the conversation, it’s like a switch flipped. While Charles driving for the best known team certainly helped your interest, everything about the sport was fascinating for you and you couldn’t help but geek out when the topic came up. 
Vince noticed your reaction and his casual demeanor turned critical. “You only know about it because you think the drivers are hot.” That had made your smile drop instantly, brows furrowing as you tried to respond. “Probably can’t even name all the teams.” He thinks that stumps you, but you’ve dealt with enough shitty men in this sport, you’re not taking anything more from this wanna-be investor.
“I don’t have to prove my knowledge of F1 to you,” you state, deciding that this dinner is now over.
“Oh, now I know you can’t even name five drivers.” Your frown deepens, picking up your napkin and placing it on the table next to your plate. It had gone down hill so fast, how disappointing.
“Your attempt at insulting me into submission is falling flat.” His eyes are wide at your comment, and he must not have expected you realize his move. You flag the waitress over and she walks quickly back to your table, noticing how you’re not smiling anymore. Seems like this date is a bust, so another twenty note must be added to the jar of bets amongst the staff of this restaurant.
(You and Charles visit the place often as it was the sight of your first job, but also the food and people were lovely, and bringing a first date here was the safest option.)
(So they all knew you and were betting on when the dam breaks and you two admit your feelings for each other.)
You hand Lucille enough money to cover both yours and Vince’s meals, not bothering with the change. Your goal now is to get as far away from Vince as soon as possible. He  opens his mouth to say something again, but you are already out of your seat and walking towards the front door, phone calling Charles to pick you up.
He answers on the first ring, always on alert when you go on dates.
(Not because he’s jealous or anything, but because he’s worried about you and needs to make sure that you stay safe. He’s been tempted to bribe the staff of your little restaurant for information during dates after a particularly bad one, but his mom talked him out of it.)
“Ma cherie, is everything alright?” You roll your eyes at his question, just knowing that there’s a smirk on his face right now. He didn’t have a great feeling about Vince, but he wouldn’t say I told you so.
“Can you pick me up please?” You barely need to finish your question before he answers with an ‘of course, I’m already on my way.’
“Need me to stay on the phone?” You glance back at the restaurant, looking in the window to find Vince scrolling away on his phone, oblivious to the movement around him.
“No, focus on the streets. I’ll be fine.” Charles hums his answer and hangs up, leaving you to look busy on the streets of Monte Carlo.
He pulls up not even two minutes later, stopping the car haphazardly in a tow-away zone. You rush to the side, opening the door and shimmying in as fast as you can because even though this is Charles Leclerc’s very recognizable Pista, you don’t want to risk any tickets. While he pulls away you realize how fast he showed up and a question forms on your lips, but he speaks before you have the chance to ask.
“I was only down the road at the marina.” He seems sheepish, like the answer is rehearsed, but you don’t push it because you’re still grateful that he showed up. What would you do without him to pick up after a bad date?
2. Charles picks you cause your car breaks down
This time when you call him should feel less embarrassing than other times, but really it only feels worse. How are you going to admit to him that the car you’ve been saving up for and desperately wanting since you were 7 just crapped out on you before you could even get out of the parking garage? Especially when he advised you against such car. It would be humiliating. 
Alas, you made the call, practicing in your mind what you would say to him. 
Again, he picks up on the first ring, though this time you’re not sure as to why he answered so fast.
“Is everything alright, ma cherie?” You blush, grateful he can’t see your face.
“I’m stuck,” you exhale, ready to face what ever he has in store for you.
“My car won’t start and I’m still at work, everyone else has left and I’m in need of a ride.”
“Okay,” he answers, relief filling you. “I’m leaving the gym with Andrea, I should be there in 15 minutes. Don’t talk to any strangers.”
“Love you too, Charles.” You roll your eyes, hanging up on him and sitting in the drivers seat of your beloved, but broken, car. That’s some good money about to go down the drain for the tow and mechanic fees. As you debate calling your dad to help you out with diagnosing what’s wrong with the car, a familiar rumble enters the garage, and you see the ever famous Pista pulling up next to you, a smirking Charles in the driver’s seat.
“Someone call for a pick up?” You want to roll your eyes at him, but the smile on his face makes the irritation melt away. After a long day at work, made even longer because your stupid car that you really wanted wouldn’t start, all you feel is relief and affection for the man in front of you, and it’s a little too overwhelming.
Tears pool in your eyes and Charles frowns, cutting the engine and climbing out so he can hug you. He only admits it to his mother, but holding you is just as good a driving when he’s driving on the track with a car that responds to his every command.
(And what he won’t admit to anyone is that if holding you feels like that, then kissing you must feel like he’s just won a world championship.)
“Ma cherie,” he whispers, pulling your body into his own and stroking your hair to soothe you. He doesn’t ask any questions, which you’re grateful for, you don’t actually know what’s wrong other than everything is just too much and him showing up makes you feel safe enough to let it all out.
When you’ve finally slowed your breathing and made yourself relax he pulls away, looking at you with so much love in his eyes that you’re not sure if you’re dreaming. “Now you know what it felt like to drive under Binnotto.”
The comment is a shock and it makes you snort, which is what Charles was going for. Your laugh that he thinks could make him smile even in the darkest moods. “You can’t say that Mr. Ferrari.” You smack his chest while shaking your head, but the rueful smile on your face tells him that you still haven’t gotten over the team principle screwing him over.
Then the smile eases into something much more natural, and he knows the tense moment has passed. “Takeout?” he suggests, ushering you to the passenger side of his car. You nod at him and he’s pretty sure that he would do anything to make you smile.
3. Charles picks you up for a spontaneous lunch date
The next day it’s he who calls you, but you still an answer on the first ring.
(You’ve dedicated a Måneskin song as his ringtone so you always know when he’s calling)
(He made your ringtone a Mika song after you dragged him to a concert)
“Charles,” you answer, confusion in your tone.
“Ma cherie!” he sounds excited and you can’t help but want to follow him anywhere he goes when he sounds like that.
“Is everything alright?” You ask it this time, because shouldn’t he be packing for a race now?
“I’m outside, we’re going to spend the day on the water.” After leaving your home last night, Charles decided that you needed a pick me up, and what better way but to spend a few hours lounging around on his yacht, soaking up the sun and enjoying each other’s company.
(No one else would be there, but this wasn’t a date.)
(Seriously Arthur, it wasn’t a date.)
You spare a glance around your room, laundry begging to be done and dishes waiting to be washed. Yeah, you could use a day away from chores.
“Let me grab a bag,” you tell him, already throwing more clothes around the room in search of your favorite bathing suit. He hums through the speaker and you put your phone down to keep searching for the bathing suit. It was your favorite red crossover one piece and you be damned if you didn’t wear it today, anything to manifest a Ferrari win.
When you finally manage to find it, in the pile of clean but not put away laundry, you pick your phone back up and tell Charles you’ll be right down.
In two minutes you’re out the door of apartment, eyes landing on Charles leaning against his car. He looks so handsome with the windswept hair and Ray-bans on, you really have to wonder why he’s spending the afternoon with you and not some model he met in a garage.
(He’d say it’s because it’s the weekend before a race and this is a tradition, spending the afternoon with you before he leaves is the only way to ward off bad luck.)
(Seriously, before the Netherlands race last year you'd been unable to make it because of a bad cold and he had to retire the car that race, so safe to say you were forced to the boat, or his apartment, or he came over before the plane every time after that.)
Maybe the question is what would he do without you?
4. Charles picks you up from a girl’s night
This time Charles doesn’t pick up on the first ring, in fact, he barely makes it to the phone in time to answer. That’s because it’s not you who is calling, but rather a friend.
You and few girl friends had decided on a girls night out for one of them going through a bad break up, but after a few pregame shots and then drinks at this club, you were pretty intoxicated.
Looking for your group after coming back from the bathroom and the bar, you had spotted Lando and Max across the room, which made you think about Charles.
(Not that he ever really left your mind.)
And when you think about Charles, you wonder where he is, so you went to your friends. Both their faces lit up when they saw you, indicating that they were also not sober. After a quick hug for both of them you turn to survey the rest of the bar, looking for your Monagasque. 
“He’s not here!” shouts Max, trying to be heard over the noise. Your shoulders drop, turning back to the two racers with a pout on your lips.
“Where is he?” you ask, trying to seem nonchalant, but drunk you can’t hide her feelings as easily as sober you.
(Many would argue that sober you can’t hide her feelings easily either, but all that matters is that Charles doesn’t find out. And since he’s too occupied in hiding his also obvious feelings, you’re both oblivious to the other’s pining.)
Lando says that Charles stayed at home, something about playing the piano and having an early night was more tempting than drinks. The real reason being that if Charles went out he would not have been able to stop thinking about you and your potential suitors, which would lead to him drinking to forget. He was not up for another heartbreak hangover.
Your eyes light up at the mention of Charles playing the piano, sitting down in the booth with them. “Oh! I bet it’s going to sound wonderful!” Both drivers roll their eyes, and to their disappointment, you’re not drunk enough to miss it. “You don’t like his music?” The accusation in your tone makes them readjust their face. It’s not that they don’t like his compositions, it’s just that when Charles explains them, it’s almost always about how you looked on a certain day and he just was so inspired he had to put something down. They’re really tired of the back and forth between you too.
You begin your speech on how talented Charles is at the piano, which then morphs into how talented he is as a driver, and then as a person. It all turns into a ramble about how proud you are of him, something they’ve all heard before.
When you’ve somehow made it to Leo and how Charles chose the perfect puppy, the man himself shows up.
“Ma cherie,” he interjects, placing a hand on your shoulder to get your attention. You turn towards him, and Max swears that there should be cartoon hearts in your eyes.
“Charles!” you yell, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug. “What are you doing here?” You’re slightly too loud for being in his arms, but he doesn’t care if you yell his ear off, it’s still you.
“Max said you were ready to come home.” Your brows furrow at that, because you don’t remember ever saying that, or even Max disappearing to call Charles, but you can’t be mad at him showing up.
“One more drink?” you ask, eyes pleading with him. Charles shakes his head, he can feel how much he’s supporting your weight even while sitting and knows that any more alcohol will likely end with you tripping over yourself.
“Water,” he answers and you’ve agreed to the words coming out of his mouth because it’s Charles, and he’ll never steer you wrong.
Charles heads to the bar to grab a water, running into your group of friends there. He tells them your status and that’ll he’ll be taking you home after this drink. They all nod along, most of them predicting that the night would end like this: Charles showing up and driving you home.
When it’s finally time to leave and Charles has ushered you out of the packed club into his Pista, you remember that you came here with a completely different group. “The girls!”
“Don’t worry, ma cherie, I saw them before we left and told them I’d take you home.” The gentle smile on his face is enough to put one on yours. Where would you be without him, indeed.
+ 1. You pick Charles up from the airport
You’ve got a new car now, thanks to Charles, and since he needs to be picked up from the airport, you’ve decided to take it for a nice spin. The roads are relatively clear for the drive, and you’re there in the usual 30 minutes. That makes you early for Charles, but you take the time to work out what you’re going to say to him.
Before you get out of the car you text him your location, so that he can head right out and find you, rather than you going into the terminal to look for him. He always was better at finding you.
The last night out had not only ended with Charles taking you home, but with a revelation. You couldn’t keep living like this. Loving him so much and not telling him was suffocating. It made you feel like you were on the edge of a cliff with nothing to keep you safe, and you were tired of it. So the question was, how did you tell him.
“Charles, I’ve been in love with you for ages,” you said, but shook your head. That didn’t sound right.
“Charles, I have to tell you something really important. I think I’m in love with you.” No, you shook your head again and groaned. “I don’t think I’m in love with him, I know I am.”
“Charles, you’re the most important person in my life, I don’t know what I’d do with out you.” Okay, solid start, you might have something with that.
“Charles light of my life.” No. “That’s too cheesy.”
“God, I wish I could put into words how much you mean to me. I love you so much I don’t know what to do with myself most of the time. It’s like I need to feel you to be able to breathe properly. All I really ever need is for you to look and smile at me and I’ll know that everything will be alright. I can get through anything with you there. If you love someone else it would break my heart, but knowing that you’re happy is all I need to be okay. I’d live with the thought of you loving someone else, because if they made you as happy and good as I feel, then there’s nothing more I could ask for.” Yeah, that sounded-
“Well it’s a good thing I love you too.”
You screamed, turning around to see Charles behind you in all his glory. Black sweatshirt and baggy jeans, hair messy like he ran his hand through it multiple times.
“How long have you been there?” you asked, face turning red enough to rival Ferrari.
“At Charles, light of my life.” He shrugged, like you hadn’t just bared your soul out to him. “Though, I disagree, it’s not too cheesy.” Could you get any redder? Feels like this is as red as a human being could get before self-combusting.
He’s just standing there, with a dopey smile on his face that you want to kiss, but you can’t. Something is holding you to the spot. You force yourself to say something. “Can you say something else?”
“Like what?”
“Anything else, I feel like I’m going to explode if you don’t say something.”
“Thanks for coming to pick me up.” He adds a shrug to the end and you narrow your eyes.
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
“Oh, you want me to say that I love you too.”
“I don’t want you to say it if you don’t mean it.” If you were a kid you’d add a stomp to the end, as if you were throwing a temper tantrum. He furrows his brow like he’s confused and still you want to kiss him senseless.
“Well, I mean it.”
Now you’re the one confused. “What?”
“I love you too, and I don’t think I’d be okay if you loved someone else as much as I love you. Because I’m selfish and a terrible man and I want you all to myself.” He shakes his head. “I need you all to myself,” he corrects. “You’re the love of my life and if I wasn’t yours then I don’t think I could go on. But you said you do love me, so everything is so much easier now.” Each sentence is punctuated with a step closer, until he’s just a few inches from you, like he needs you to take the last step. You do, without hesitation, because you really would do anything for him.
Eyes glancing at his lips and back, you catch him doing the same thing. “I love you more than anything in this world. I’d give up racing if you asked, I do anything for you.”
Another glance at his lips. “I’d never ask that of you, Charles. But, I love you too, and I’d do anything for you.” His smile at those words would normally catch you off guard, like you’d stop breathing at it, but somehow it just makes everything easier right now. So you kiss him.
Leaning forward those last few inches to grab his shoulders and pull him down so you can kiss him with as much love as you can muster. If words can’t explain how much you love him then maybe kissing him will convey it. That you love him more than words, actions and thoughts can combine. You love him.
(And he loves you.)
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matchaverse · 5 months
pairing: charles leclerc x ex!fem!singer!reader and oscar piastri x fem!singer!reader
summary: when charles cheats on oscar’s friend while they are on tour, it causes so much drama on the grid.
fam claim: melanie martinez
part two part three
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[instagram] emilylove
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liked by charlesleclerc, charlieputh and 738,638 others
olivialove | stream my new song! “pacify her” ❤️
charlesleclerc: it’s so good baby! 🫶🏻
olivialove: thank you!!!
username: oh that’s not…
username: no way you made a song about STEALING YOUR BFFS BOYFRIEND??
username: no fr like that isn’t a flex
username: olivia isn’t a good friend
oscarpiastri: shitty song 😒
username: oscar will defend y/n til he dies
olivialove: too bad idc about your opinion
[instagram] oscarpiastri
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liked by yourusername, logansargeant, and 838,638 others
tagged | @yourusername @logansargeant
oscarpiastri | flew out with logan to see y/n perform live
yourusername: i love you guys 😭❤️ i so needed this
oscarpiastri: ofc!! we will always support you ❤️
logansargeant: i always forget how beautiful your voice it 😫
username: i love this trio
username: y/n is so talented and their ticket prices are amazing! never too expensive
yourusername: if i was allowed to make them free i would
username: please!! that would be awesome
username: oscar being y/ns biggest fan is so cute
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