#charles chiniquy
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thisbibliophiile · 11 months ago
"Is not the priest the true representative of Christ on earth? In his ordination, is not the priest made the equal, and, in a sense, the superior of Christ? For when he celebrates Mass he commands Christ, and that very Son of God is bound to obey! It is not in the power of Christ to resist the orders of the priest. He must come down from heaven every time the priest orders Him. The priest shuts Him up in the holy tabernacles or takes him out of them, according to his own will."
- Charles Chiniquy quoting Leprohon, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome
I have no words for this outright horrific blasphemy.
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christophe76460 · 2 years ago
Hist. Réforme #40 - Les pionniers de la foi évangélique du Québec au 19e et 20e siècle (1837-1960)
Avant 1960 le contexte québécois était très hostile à la foi protestante. Dans cette présentation nous survolerons l’histoire de la Mission de la Grande-Ligne avec Henriette Feller et Louis Roussy, nous verrons brièvement les efforts de la Société Missionnaire Canadienne-Française ainsi qu’un survole biographique du controversé Charles Chiniquy afin de fixer le contexte social qui a précédé le grand réveil évangélique du Québec dans les années 1970.
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ducktracy · 5 years ago
chuck (charles) jones
tex (frederick) avery
bob (robert) clampett
bob (robert) mckimson
friz (isadore) freleng
art (arthur) davis
norm (norman) mccabe
jack (james) king
ben (joseph) hardaway
gerry (germain) chiniquy
frank (francis) tashlin — sometimes credited as tish tash
rudy (rudolf) ising
obviously there are more directors out there but. weird
almost every single looney tunes director i can think of goes by a nickname of some sort
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whatisonthemoonarchive · 6 years ago
'Just as the conviction about Jesuits controlling the world deserves our consideration periodically, theories still have to be proven.'    Frank F
  Glad you asked for proof. According to a frequent contributor of this blog:
'I can just hear them say, “Well, Moon stopped Communism”. What utter, complete bullshit. Moon was just as likely to collaborate with Communists as he was with fascists. The way to stop Communism is simply stop financing it. The history of International finance and Communism is an important study in itself. One that is totally absent from most school history books for obvious reasons.'  Frank F
Yes, quite right.
Who financed communism? The  people who financed communism are the same ones who financed Hitler.  Many historians and researchers have proven that the true originators of communism were not Marx, Lenin and Stalin. Nor, was the true originator of Nazism, Hitler. Research has shown that the people behind Marx Lenin and Stalin are the same ones who control Wall Street and the privately and foreign owned Federal Reserve Banking system. These are the culprits behind the world's wars and unrest:
 'In 1915, the American International Corporation was formed in New York. Its principal goal was the coordination of aid, particularly financial assistance, to the Bolsheviks which had previously been provided by [Jacob] Schiff and other bankers on an informal basis. The new firm was funded by J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers, and the National City Bank. Chairman of the Board was Frank Vanderlip, former president of National City [and McKinley assassination co conspirator  -fwf,]  and member of the Jekyll Island group which wrote the Federal Reserve Act in 1910…*  No one would seriously believe that bankers of this magnitude would finance an "anti -capitalist" revolution for the Communists, yet this is exactly what happened. These same men financed Woodrow Wilson's political campaigns, and it was these same men to whom Wilson referred in his opening address to the Paris Peace Conference, when he said,
 "... There are men in the United States of the finest temper who are in sympathy with Bolshevism because it appears to them to offer that regime of opportunity to the individual which they desire to bring about." (The Great Conspiracy Against Russia, Seghers and Kahn.)
The men of "the finest temper", to whom Wilson referred, the Morgans and the Rockefellers, did not really desire opportunity for the individual; what they desired was of slavery under the World Order, and this is the goal which they continue to strive to achieve, on a world wide basis.'   From THE WORLD ORDER Our Secret Rulers by Eustace Mullins
The Federal Reserve Banking system is part of a larger worldwide privately owned central banking system which forces sovereign nations to borrow their own national currency from privately and foreign owned central banks at interest, instead of printing their own money as would be proper.  Who controls this worldwide privately owned central banking system? The Vatican Jesuits* (with the aid of the Rothschilds who hold the title of 'Vatican Treasurer):
Karen Hudes former World Bank employee exposes Vatican and Jesuits    https://youtu.be/9uIzhDDBFV8?t=110
Network of Global Corporate Control Jesuits    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtYdQamXyMM
World banker Karen Hudes: Banking control under the Jesuit Order    https://youtu.be/Weu6pgQ4E8Y?t=2707
Karen Hudes, Former World Bank Senior Legal Counsel-Turned-Whistleblower exposes Jesuit control  November 5, 2013                  by Jerry Robinson, FTMDaily.com Editor-in-Chief
Editor’s Note: Karen Hudes has quite a story to tell. As the former senior legal counsel at the World Bank, Karen claims to have witnessed — and documented — immense levels of financial and political corruption. Recently, Karen Hudes contacted our office with a large number of documents exposing corruption within her former employer, the World Bank. In a world dominated by a handful of powerful families and corporations, I believe we need more people like Karen who will take a risk to spread the truth. I recently sat down with Karen and asked her to share her story about the corruption she witnessed firsthand during her employment at the World Bank.
Jerry Robinson: Karen, you are a former senior legal counselor at the World Bank, which is an institution that was created by the Bretton Woods Arrangement back in 1944. The World Bank’s official mission is to “help eradicate poverty,” but you claim you saw corruption. What exactly did you witness at the World Bank? ….who actually profits from the corruption and money laundering?
KH: If you look at Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup, Bank of America, or Wells Fargo, these are all one entity because their boards are all interlocking. This group is in control of the Federal Reserve system, and of the central banks of the 58 countries that belong to Bank for International Settlements. These [central banks] are not government entities, they are private entities. This group thinks it sits above the law, and that’s why we never truly know what’s going on because this group has bought up control of the press and is bound and determined not to let the citizens of these countries know what is going on.
JR: Very interesting. Now this group of people, this cabal that you are speaking of, how big is it? Who is involved?
KH: What I found out actually is that there are layers upon layers and that there are secret groups that go around acting like the enforcers or the coordinators or whatever you want to call them. So I can tell you who these groups are so you can get a good picture of how this group operates. There’s something called the Knights of Malta, there’s something called the Council of Foreign Relations, there’s something called the Bilderberg Group, there’s something called the Trilateral Commission, and fasten your seatbelts, folks… there’s something called the Jesuits. These people are the ones that are determining and have mapped this out… you know, these groups are kind of like the successors of the groups that were operating to assassinate Lincoln, and of the group that assassinated JFK. And they have had a plan that they are systematically implementing.     https://followthemoney.com/world-bank-corruption-whistleblower/
*Vatican & Jesuit Order research resources:
In Minnesota, the news of Lincoln's assassination was reported hours before it actually occurred:
"Three or four hours before Lincoln was murdered in Washington, the 14th of April, 1865, that murder was not only known by some one, but it was circulated and talked of in the streets, and in the houses of the priestly and Romish town of St. Joseph, Minnesota. The fact is undeniable; the testimonies are unchallengeable: and there were no railroad nor any telegraph communications nearer than forty or eighty miles from the nearest station to St. Joseph.
... there is not a man of sound judgment who will have any doubt about that fact, the 14th of April, 1865, the priests of Rome knew and circulated the death of Lincoln four hours before its occurrence in their Roman Catholic town of St. Joseph, Minnesota. But they could not circulate it without knowing it, and they could not know it, without belonging to the band of conspirators who assassinated President Lincoln."    Fifty Years in the Church of Rome By Charles Chiniquy    http://exmoonagainstnwo.freeforums.net/thread/8/foreign-subversion-who-president-work?page=2
Charles Chiniquy - (1809—1899) He exposed the Jesuits as the assassins of President Lincoln during the 1880s.
Charles Chiniquy collection
José Rizal - (1861-1896)                                                  joserizal.ph
Emmett McLoughlin - (1907-????) "Irishman, who exposed the Roman hierarchy as responsible for the excessive crime among Roman Catholic peoples, in forbidding the public school system to teach about the Inquisition, and for carrying out the assassination of Abraham Lincoln." (book: "Vatican Assassins", 2001)
Hiram Dukes - (1914-1990)
Avro Manhattan - (1914-1990) author
toresearch: "He was educated at the Sorbonne and the London School of Economics. During World War Two he was jailed in Italy for refusing to serve Mussolini's army. Later during the war, he operated a radio station called "Radio Freedom" broadcasting to nations occupied by the Axis Powers. For this service he was made a Knight of Malta. His friends included H.G. Wells, Pablo Picasso, George Bernard Shaw and scientist Marie Stopes." [1]
to research: "His aristocratic roots meant that he was a Knight of the House of Savoy as well as a Knight Templar and a Knight of the Order of Mercedes." [2]
Books linked here: 911:Vatican_&_Jesuits#Literature
Malachi Martin - (1921–1999), a former Jesuit who authored critical books on the Jesuits and the Vatican.
Jack Chick - (1924-) comic author, and critic of the Catholic Church
Edmond Paris - author
Edmund Paris ~ The Vatican Against Europe PDF
Edmund Paris ~ The Secret History of Jesuits (1975) PDF
Alberto Rivera - (1936-1997. multiple assassination attempts, murdered ) ex-Jesuit general 1997 who told the public about the Jesuit infiltration actions.
multiple articles on chick.com (do a search on "Alberto Rivera")
assassination info
small article
todo: Nuri Rivera
 ? Look up name
Youtube Spanish video confession of a jesuit (spanish)
Tupper Saussy - (1936-2007) artist/musician/author. Author of "Rulers Of Evil: Useful Knowledge about Governing Bodies".
"Finding the lost" (2001), article on his discovery of the Jesuit/Masonic mafia influences in the US.
Milton William Cooper (Bill Cooper, lured and shot by police men, murdered) - (1943-2001), author, shortwave broadcaster,
Behold A Pale Horse
audio clip
video: The Hour of Our Time - The Legacy of William Cooper
video: William Cooper - Behold a pale horse lecture
Walter Veith
official site (Total Onslaught video series)
Ian Paisley
ianpaisley.org European Institute of Protestant Studies
In 1988, when Pope John Paul II delivered a speech to the European Parliament, Paisley shouted "I Denounce you as the AntiChrist!" and held up a red poster reading "Pope John Paul II ANTICHRIST" in black letters. John Paul continued with his address after Paisley was ejected from the hemicycle by fellow MEPs. Some reports claimed that other MEPs assisted in expelling him from the chamber, and that Paisley was booed and struck by other MEPs, who also hurled objects at him, leading to his hospitalisation. The elderly Otto von Habsburg helped to wrestle Paisley out of the room (wikipedia)
Jim Arrabito - (1950-1990, murdered?), artist and evangelist
"On September 2, 1990, while returning from a photography trip in Alaska, Jim and two of his sons (Tony and Joey) were killed in a plane crash which also took the lives of the pilot and a young missionary from New Zealand."
video:A fascinating comparison of ancient religious symbolism
video:Jesuit Order Occult History
video:The Inroads of Spiritualism
video:The Babylonian Connection
video:James Arrabito John the Revelator
video:Home from the Heavens
Richard Bennett (Ex-Jesuit Priest)
archive.org works
video: Vatican Control Through Civil Law
Eric Jon Phelps - secret society researcher (Jesuit Order / Vatican / masonic cults)
interviews and book excerpts
google video's
youtube video's
"Throughout history, the Jesuit Order has been tied together with war and genocide, being formally removed from many countries, including France and England. As researchers claim the Jesuits are the real spiritual controllers of the New World Order, author Phelps has also called for the Order's banishment in this country. However, with more than 28 major universities from coast to coast, the Order has created a strong political and financial foothold here, including secret control of the CFR and control of many banks like Bank of America and the Federal Reserve banking system, making Phelps' call for banishment a difficult if not improbable task." [3]
C.T. Wilcox - author and actor
Book: "Transformation of the Republic", 2006
"an expose of Vatican and Jesuit intrigues and interference into the political structure of the United States and Europe. It contains shocking revelations and fully authenticated documentation, much of it hidden for almost 100 years, to support the conclusion that the United States has been transformed from a beacon of light and hope into an empire with beast-like tendencies and that the world is headed for a Vatican led and instigated cataclysm while it sleepwalks towards the edge."
J. Crowley - "Irishman, who, at the turn of the Twentieth Century warned of the Jesuits’ conspiracy to destroy the bulwark of America’s popular liberties – the Public School System – furthering the quest of "making America dominantly Catholic." Authoring The Pope—Chief of White Slavers, High Priest of Intrigue, Crowley also warned of the Jesuits’ power in Washington, D.C. and their plan to use American political and military might to restore the Pope’s Temporal Power in Rome and extend its influence around the world. This was accomplished during the Second Thirty Years’ War (World War I and World War II – 1914-1945) and the public schools were destroyed by Supreme Court decisions handed down by a Chief Justice who was an arch-conspirator in the Kennedy Assassination, Earl Warren." (book: "Vatican Assassins", 2001)
"Papal Despotism" (Chapter VIII of Romanism)
more info
Gerard Bouffard - former Catholic Archbishop of Guatemala and Vatican insider. (contracted bone cancer)
"Besides painting a dark picture of the Black Pope in Rome, Bishop Bouffard claims the evil power of the Jesuits extends throughout the world, including solid infiltration of the U.S. government, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and major religious organizations."
Thomas Richards - a former Roman Catholic who is warning Americans about the evil Vatican and Jesuit hierarchy trying to destroy America.
podcast (Nov. 07, 2006)
Bill Hughes - author of The Enemy Unmasked and The Secret Terrorists, telling listeners that the Vatican through the Jesuit Order are the real spiritual controllers of the New World Order.
podcast (Oct. 17, 2006)
videos: Catholic infiltration of the SDA
Bobby G. Limeta
Madelin Murrey O'Hair - " Just before O'Hair, and her family, was to go to New York, to protest the Pope, she and her family disappeared without a trace. Again the media silence was deafening."
Slats Grobnik
Richard Bennett (short bio)
Stan West
Ralph Moss
Tony Alamo
Pasted from <https://www.thebabylonmatrix.com/index.php?title=911:Whistleblowers>
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goalhofer · 6 years ago
Happy 209th birthday, Fr. Charles Chiniquy.
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sainamzz-blog · 13 years ago
Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith
“Clarity, intelligence, ardour and magnificence – these are the stains of a writer in prime type, and Father Barron delivers the entirese items to endure on this outstanding reflection on the Catholic faith. If you read one e book this yr on what Catholics think about and why, this is the e e-book to examine – and to partake accompanying completely differents.” –Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap, Archbishop of Denver“Father Robert Barron’s Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith decide ons a route so much less traveled in best possible us to explore the religion thru memories, biographies, and pictures. In these pages, we meet the “Word made Flesh” now not simplest within theological kindulations, but in addition in saints and poets, cathedrals and chants, clergymen and prophets. What constructs Catholicism so compelling are the approachs by which Father Barron presentations how the Incarnation goes on in the proper, the great, and the beautiful.” – Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York “Catholicism is almost definitely one in every ofst an important endeavors ever to improve what Pope John Paul II known as ‘The New Evangelization.’” –George Weigel, author of Witness to Hope and The End and the Beginning “Prepare your self for an entrancing tour of the a large number of aspects of Catholicism.  From Her artwork to Her architecture, Her theological riches, to the inspired personalities which have crammed Her pews, the Catholic Church is laid naked through a priest who is greater than as so much as the responsibility. Like the Faith it are having a look out fors to seize, it is a experience with the intention to depart you full – after which hungering for additonal.” –Raymond Arroyo, New York Times Bestselling Author of Mother Angelica and host of EWTN's The World Over Live “Father Robert Barron is a superb educational, a well-liked writer, a are in the hunt forer and a seer. In Catholicism he illuminates realitys that have the ability to set us free. It will most certainly be a benchmark ebook for years but to come.” –Michael Leach, author of Why Stay Catholic? “When Father Barron is speaking, I cannot stop listening. Whatever he writes, I cannot put down unfinished. He likes the dad or mums he addresses. He writes regarding what matters to us. To learn him is to be cherished in word after phrase. In these web pages, coronary heart speak abouts to coronary heart..Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith
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thisbibliophiile · 1 year ago
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The author of one book keeps referencing the other, so now I've downloaded two six hundred page books
Thus far I am mildly horrified by the second
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Today in Christian History
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Today is Saturday, September 21st, the 264th day of 2019. There are 101 days left in the year.
Today’s Highlight in History:
1451: Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa orders Jews of Holland to wear a yellow badge.
1748: Death at Harrowgate, England, of John Balguy, a Church of England priest who had written many books of theology and apologetics as well as an essay on redemption that rejected substitution in atonement.
1795: The first lodge of Orangemen is organized in Loughgall, County Armagh, Ireland. Named after William, Prince of Orange, it will be a bitterly sectarian Protestant fraternity that will clash often with equally angry Roman Catholic societies known as Defenders or Ribbonmen.
1832: Death at Abbotsford of the novelist and poet Sir Walter Scott, who had also written hymns. Two of the best known were “The Day of Wrath, that Dreadful Day,” and “When Israel of the Lord Beloved.”
1833: Archbishop Signaie ordains Charles Chiniquy as a priest in Quebec Cathedral. After causing several scandals, Chiniquy will quit Catholicism and vilify his former church.
1935: Death of James M. Gray, who had been a Bible teacher, author, pastor (Reformed Episcopal Church), dean and president of Moody Bible Institute, an editor of the Scofield reference Bible and hymnwriter. Among his hymns was “Nor Silver Nor Gold” and “Only a Sinner.”
1992: Muslim extremists attack a Christian radio station in the Philippines, killing Greg Hapalla (who is taping a program in the local language) and control operator Greg Bacabis.
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Today in Christian History
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Today is Wednesday, January 16th, the 16th day of 2019. There are 349 days left in the year.
Today’s Highlight in History:
648: Death at Forsheim, France, of St. Fursey who had founded monasteries in England and Gaul. Many years earlier, Fursey, while seriously ill, had fallen into a trance in which he saw visions of heaven and hell that he recorded. These will probably be among the sources from which Dante will draw inspiration for the descriptions of hell and heaven in his Inferno and Paradiso.
1543: British Parliament prohibits the reading of the New Testament in English by “women or artificer’s prentices, journeymen, servingmen of the degree of yeoman, or under, husbandmen or labourers...”
1545: Death at Altenburg, Saxony, of Georg Spalatin, a friend of Luther. As confidential secretary, councilor, librarian, historian, archivist, and relic-buyer for elector Frederick the Wise he had been able to promote the Reformation.
1604: Puritan John Rainolds suggests to King James I “that there might bee a newe translation of the Bible, as consonant as can be to the original Hebrew and Greek.” James will grant approval the next day. Seven years later, the Authorized Version (King James Version) will be published.
1630: Archbishop William Laud consecrates St. Catherine Cree Church, in Leadenhall Street, London, with ritual and ceremony that his detractors consider excessive and counter to Reformation or Puritan tendencies.
1650: Death of Blessed Maximus, Priest of Totma in Vologda District, a “fool for Christ” who had continually fasted and prayed. The Orthodox consider him a saint because of miracles alleged to have occurred at his tomb.
1786: Virginia adopts a statute for establishing religious freedom authored by Thomas Jefferson.
1815: Reformer Henry Thornton dies at William Wilberforce’s house in London, England. A banker and Parliamentarian, he had been the financial brains behind the social schemes of the philanthropic and anti-slavery group known as the Clapham Sect.
1899: Death in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, of Charles P. Chiniquy, who had been a Catholic priest but, following disciplinary action, left the church and became a popular American agitator against Catholicism and the author of the anti-Catholic book, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome. He had also blamed Lincoln’s assassination on a Catholic conspiracy.
1929: Abraham Odekunle Aiki returns to his home town in Ilero, Nigeria, where for more than forty years he will preach, visit, pray, and study. His church will grow from thirty-nine members to over one thousand, and he will plant several new churches and establish a school where none had previously existed.
1999: United Methodists disturb many fellow Methodists and other traditional Christians by “blessing” a lesbian couple before fifteen hundred people in Sacramento, California. The women were lay leaders who had lived together for fifteen years.
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christophe76460 · 5 years ago
Avant 1960 le contexte québécois était très hostile à la foi protestante. Dans cette présentation nous survolerons l'histoire de la Mission de la Grande-Ligne avec Henriette Feller et Louis Roussy, nous verrons brièvement les efforts de la Société Missionnaire Canadienne-Française ainsi qu'un survole biographique du controversé Charles Chiniquy afin de fixer le contexte social qui a précédé le grand réveil évangélique du Québec dans les années 1970. [ 41 more words ]
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