#charis northmoor
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legilimenace · 1 year ago
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WWTG - 8th of December, Archery Shooting
Orpheus' time at Winbourne had thus far been a bust. As much as he held affections for the Northmoors he did not endear to Amantha stepping on his toes during the welcome ball, and the croquet game went about as well for him as removing a niffler from a mountain of gold. But, fate seemed to smile on him and the rest of the Kenways as they glanced over at archery on the agenda. It seemed, at long last, he would be in his element.
As the guests headed over toward the arranged targets, Orpheus was flanked on either side by Charis and his sister. It seemed that he had been alone in his discomfort as both ladies and the rest of their combined family members had been nearly jubilant since the ball.
"Well I'm sure your spirits have now been lifted," Crescentia smiled as she looped her arm around his, the poinsettia red skirt of her dress gently swishing with each step taken to match his pace. "Dear Charis has told me you've been absolutely miserable. I admit I did notice your maudlin gaze in the gazebo...I was almost inclined to slip a potion in your glass, you know. There's a charming little legend I'd heard from the lady of the house about the magic of midnight proposals..." she chuckled and shared a side glance with Charis who rolled her eyes.
"You're carrying around love potions? Here??" Orpheus uttered in shock. His sister, ever the calculated risk-taker, would surely not dare to do something so bold and unconscionable. Not while they were here. Not when their father would've cautioned her against carrying her concealed stash with her for the weekend.
Crescentia feigned a guilty look, hovering her hand over her mouth with a wide-eyed stare. "Oh, did I say that aloud?" Callous yet amused, she let out a short gasp when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
"Orpheus is right, do try to be respectable," Charis added. "We don't need our hosts questioning a spiked cocktail."
"That's true, but they may instead question why it is that this one is such a great marksman after seeing his dreadful work with the mallet." Too hard, then too soft, and a few bumps in the terrain later that paved the way to disaster, and Orpheus had resigned from the game of croquet, earning a pat on the back from Oswin and Charis' father.
"Kenways don't play croquet," Orpheus grumbled. The two women laughed.
"That's a new one. Did you divine that from the runes?"
"I could've divined that from his playing," Charis grinned. "But I'm counting on your win this time. Planning on putting your hereditary 'gift' to the test, cousin?" Kenways had very few claims to fame, but an affinity with a bow was one that had persisted thanks to the work of one of their ancestors: a spell to make arrows fly straight. It had served them well across the years for discretion in the absence of wands, though many family members became accustomed to the item regardless, and Orpheus didn't take too kindly to the suggestion that he would have to cheat to succeed.
"I don't need any gift to hit a target, Charis. I think I can manage."
"I know you can. Go on, then. Earn your legacy; impress our hosts," she said, pointing to where Malcolm and Primrose stood not so far off.
With a gentle pat on the shoulder and a troublesome smirk, Crescentia retreated to her elder brother's side who had opted to sit on the sidelines for the competition. "Shame the family gift doesn't work on croquet balls," she whispered over her shoulder to Oswin. Although he didn't respond with more than a twitch of the mouth, their thoughts were aligned in a moment of sibling understanding. Even if it had, he wouldn't have used it.
Charis had taken it upon herself to converse with Primrose and Malcom as Orpheus readied himself with a bow. He had previously displayed himself as rather awkward throughout his time at Winbourne, but the moment his stance has shifted into a confident alignment and his gaze was solidly focused on the target. His back heel nestled into the snow as he nocked an arrow, an air of calm proceeding his aim. And then....whoosh! The arrow was set loose and swiftly buried itself along the outer rim of the center circle.
"He may not look it, but Orpheus is rather grand at archery," Charis praised, gently applauding the shot with gloved hands. Perhaps, she considered, some damage control was necessary after he had fumbled to truly promote himself in an acceptable manner. "Fancies himself a bit of a hunter but doesn't like to say it all too much. A shame, is it not?" She continued to watch as he then landed a bullseye. It seemed things were going both their ways, and she couldn't wait to receive her betted galleons from Crescentia...
Credit to @endlessly-cursed for the event (+ mentions of Primrose) & @gaygryffindorgal for Malcolm
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legilimenace · 1 year ago
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4th of December- "Back" at Winbourne
The Kenways and Northmoors ascended the steps of Wimbourne, arms intertwined with one another in a melange of the latter family's bright dresses and suits and straw-colored hair, and the former's dark and deep features. Neither family had ever ventured to the manor before even in spite of having received invitations in years past. The early winter months were usually reserved for their own mixed gathering in America between themselves and the Fenwicks, though as circumstances (and stars) aligned, the opportunity finally arrived for most of them to all gather together under the same roof, though not without challenges.
As Charis Northmoor entered the manor with Orpheus Kenway in tow, her wonder at the beauty of the estate was disrupted as she felt his arm twitch underneath her hand and quickly glanced over at him. He seemed barely present as he fussed with his jacket, the material readjusting along his arms with every roll of his shoulders.
"You look uncomfortable," she stated plainly.
"Maybe that's because I am uncomfortable," he whispered, adjusting his newly pressed jacket and throwing a nervous look in her direction. Charis sighed as she patted his shoulder.
"Oh, do get a hold of yourself. It's not like you're meeting the Minister of Magic."
"Then why does it feel that way, cousin?"
"Well, I don't know. Could it be because you're clean-shaven and—well, clean for the first time in two years?"
"Aren't you an absolute riot," he grumbled, still missing his bangs that gathered in tangled curls over his eyes and splayed from his ears. Even with the remaining hair on his head, he felt almost bald, and would've dived into his disappointment with having to cut his hair if Charis, as always, hadn't been quick to bring him out of his tunnel of thoughts.
"And you're overreacting. Wasn't she in your house at Hogwarts?"
"Yes but I never spoke to her."
"So now you have the opportunity," Charis tutted, humored at his discontent but still somewhat concerned that he'd end up embarrassing the lot of them in front of such a prestigious wizarding family. Their fathers would never forgive her if she led him astray, though she would've certainly delighted to see him fall over himself in front of the viscountess. Mess up a custom, speak a little too openly, disrupt the order of things and call attention to himself...it would be all too easy for him to do so. She just didn't want to be at his side when it inevitably happened. Terrence Kenway may have been a schmoozer, a businessman, and all-around what one of her family friends would call a tough son-of-a-bitch, but it was all too apparent that he had laid to waste all instruction in decorum for his second eldest son. Two years at Hogwarts had done Orpheus some good, but returning to America soon after seemed to put him right back where he started.
Charis peered over the people in front of them, seeing Orpheus' older brother smiling away as he greeted the Grays alongside some of their other family members and friends, that same precious and mirthful Kenway smile that she'd grown familiar with since she was a child. "Oswin seems to be managing well," she commented, her eyes flickering back to her friend to gauge his reaction.
"Oswin always manages well." He scoffed at his brother's antics and lowered his head slightly. As they drew slightly closer to their hosts he felt Charis's hand—which had been quite gently resting around his forearm until that moment—tighten aggressively with her nails digging into his sleeve.
"Better follow his lead then." Her tone came out sharper than intended as she looked around at the manor when her father threw a look over his shoulder and ushered them closer. Orpheus had always felt second best to his brother and she thought that the comment might've managed to encourage him in stepping up his game, though she wasn't all too fond of the somber expression that remained on his face. She sighed and loosened her grip around his arm. "Stand tall and get ready...yank," she jokingly added behind a carefully crafted grin, and it was then that Charis could nearly feel the ghost of a smile lining Orpheus' own features as he straightened up.
There was a softness that followed as she beamed at the newlyweds; lovely and dignified with the viscountess still nearly just as she remembered from her short time at Hogwarts. She rather admired Primrose and the life that she had created for herself, so different thus far than the one Charis herself had led, but from the outside seemingly just as sweet.
"Lady Gray, Lord Stolberg-Burke, thank you for extending an invitation to our families once again. I'm so glad that we could finally attend after all these years." Polite, rehearsed, though not entirely insincere, Charis felt herself starting to feel actually excited for the weekend as they greeted the couple.
"Congrats on the marriage," Orpheus added as he started to maneuver to extend a handshake—all previous training he was given having been forgotten in mere seconds—before Charis nudged his arm back down with a warning glance. It appeared that she'd have to be on babysitting duty for the whole weekend...
Orpheus gif credit
Event by @endlessly-cursed Malcolm belongs to @gaygryffindorgal
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legilimenace · 1 year ago
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Hi People!
This is your OC captain speaking, aka the person behind all the craziness on this blog, but feel free to call me Luce, or Lucy. I love baking, writing, and editing, and though I'm pretty mediocre at all three they bring me a lot of joy. I really like world-building and have a fun time trying to put the pieces together of unresolved things in stories (aka. what's going on in the lives of the side characters while the main folks are off saving the world). I'm here to have fun and share my musings with you all, and I hope you stick around! Thanks for stopping by.
This is my blog for HP-related OC's. For all other fandoms, check out: @lucesbloodbank
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Harry Potter
The Walking Dead
Anne with an E
Downton Abbey
The Last of Us
Until Dawn
Alan Wake
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....To be updated over time
HP Victorian Era
Charis Northmoor | Tag
Orpheus Kenway | Tag
Merrick Brume | Tag
HP Mid-Century
Isora Jolie Nasmyth | Tag
Forrest Slade | Tag
Bryce Fenwick | Tag
Jilly Fenwick | Tag
Talon Northmoor | Tag
Erica Northmoor | Tag
— Minor OC's —
Osric Northmoor | Tag
HP Next Gen
Noor Verma-Dhendron | Tag
Mansi Verma-Dhendron | Tag
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legilimenace · 1 year ago
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⋆✴ HP: Charis Northmoor ✴⋆
Name: Charis Northmoor
Nicknames: "Cousin" (by the Fenwicks and Kenways)
Name Meanings: Charis - grace, kindness, and life
Birthdate: March 3rd, 1881
Nationality: English
Gender: Female
Blood Status: Pureblood
Sexuality: Heterosexual
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⋆✴ Education ✴⋆
School: Homeschooled (11–15), Hogwarts (15–17)
Charis' education was always a very transient one with extensive practical experience as she tagged along with her father and their friends, gaining hands-on learning with beasts, magical plants, and necessary skills for wizards and witches to have. When she got to Hogwarts, her experience was almost a bit stifling and she frequently longed for the outdoors, feeling almost beyond her peers (whether or not such a perception was truly accurate). Her father, however, couldn't have been happier that she was in an actual school and faring relatively well, as he had thought it would turn out much worse
House: Slytherin
Charis hadn't been quite sure what to make of her house placement when she first got to Hgowarts. At first, she didn't think much of it beyond it being the "ambitious House," but as she came to realize the kind of identity valuation that her peers made of her once the hat had made its decision, she felt slightly resentful. She may not have been entirely on the side of fraternizing with no-majs/muggles (and being placed in such a house felt more like a callout than an affirmation) but she had nothing against squibs or those born from non-magical parents as some of her housemates seemed to. Her placement in Slytherin forced her to call into question some of her belief systems and a sense of hypocrisy that she wasn't aware of.
Best Class: Study of Ancient Runes
Worst Class: History of Magic
Electives: Magical Theory, Arithmancy
Quidditch: N/A
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⋆✴ Magic ✴⋆
Wand: Vine wand with a unicorn hair core, 11 ¼ and reasonably supple flexibility
Charis received her wand from Ollivander's and it was a near-shocking circumstance to have the wand begin to glow within its box as she approached the counter, not even needing to hold it. She was aware from off-handed comments by the Kenways that vine wands have always been rather sensitive, but it came as quite a shock to her to feel such a pull to the wand.
Pets: Owl (Beedle)
Boggart: Being burned alive
Riddikulus: The fire turns into puppies nipping at her ankles
Patronus: Nightjar
Amortentia: -
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⋆✴ Physical ✴⋆
Height: 5'5"
Body build:
Eye color: Blue-green
Skin tone: Pale
Hair color: Blonde
Type of hair: Curly
Usual fashion of dress:
Amidst polite society (and very often outside of it), Charis can be found in clothes with every frill, lace, and floral embellishment. She greatly enjoys the feeling of looking well-put-together, donning a fancy hat or brooch to accompany her outfits that usually mix a shade of white with another rich color. When keeping the company of her American family friends, she will still do her best to look just as put together, though will do her best to be more sensible overall with her choice of footwear and maneuvering capabilities.
Jewelry or accessories: Family ring, modest pearl earrings
Voice: Slightly airy and raspy with a more pointed enunciation
Face claim: Ashleigh Stewart
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⋆✴ Personality ✴⋆
Personality traits: Direct, curious, friendly, humored, impatient, sharp-tongued, adventurous, discerning, deceptive, selfish, determined, pragmatic, proactive
⋆✴ Favorites ✴⋆
Color: Powder blue
Food: Bread and butter pudding
Literature: Fairytales and folklore
Most prized possession: A family ring with a crescent moon and stars, bequeathed by her paternal grandmother
Likes: Insects—fireflies especially, hydrangeas, discovery, mooncalves, wood nymphs, cherry cordial
Dislikes: Hodags, remaining indoors for long, being out-done, impractical homework, sea creatures, floral teas, dragonhide
⋆✴ Habits ✴⋆
Smokes: No
Drinks: Yes, socially
Other drugs: No
Mannerisms: Clicks her tongue often when irritated
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⋆✴ Family ✴⋆
Mother: Drusilla Northmoor (n��e Max) †
Born in southern Britain, Drusilla was a pureblood from a middle-class and opportunistic family who relished in the chance to marry their children off to powerful wizarding families such as the Blacks and the Zabinis. The Northmoors were equally as good of a match, not necessarily for their perspectives on blood purity, but for fabled whispers of a power long forgotten or rather lost to time as the treasure of the united Northmoor, Fenwick, and Kenway clans was locked away under quest and shrouded in mystery.
Thus, Drusilla was arranged to be married to Elchion Northmoor a couple of years after graduating from Hogwarts. It was not a match of love, but they came to care for one another as one would care for a companion. For many years they struggled to have children, and to take her away from the prying eyes of British wizarding society, Elchion brought her to America to reacquaint himself and introduce her to the families he had been close with as a child where even their great grandfathers' grandfathers had known one another.
Charis was, unfortunately, too young to remember her mother as she had died not too long after giving birth to Amantha, an unplanned "October surprise" of sorts.
Drusilla had already been fairly old to have even had Charis, and at the time that she had to give birth to Amantha the family could not reach a wizarding hospital and so they entered a muggle one. Unfortunately, they were not able to keep her alive, and this further fueled Elchion's distrust of muggles.
Father: Elchion Northmoor (b. 1846)
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Elchion was somewhat of a soft soul prone to vices, though no more so than his dear friend Terrence Kenway. Even in spite of his stern and often pensive manner, by comparison Elchion was rather gentle
Charis had never known her father to ever be cruel to her or Amantha, only ever particular about raising them with standards and grace. He himself was a man of class even when "roughing it" in the vast American countryside, but he was never above deceit as a means to an end and his perspective on muggles/no-majs was quite close-minded, perceiving them to be of a threat worth not taking lightly
Drusilla may not have been the love of his life but he was still distraught and infuriated by her passing and would partake in alcohol quite often. In spite of his sorry state he still loved both his children and wished the best for them and for that, Charis loved him dearly, even if she didn't always feel inclined to love his rules.
Though he never remarried, after Charis and Amantha grew to adulthood and left his care, he settled into a small estate in southern France and took with him a few of the Fenwicks that had grown tired of traveling around America
Sister: Amantha Northmoor (b. 1884)
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Amantha was placed in Ravenclaw when the Northmoor girls arrived back in Britain to attend Hogwarts
Perhaps it was because she was younger, but in spite of her outward composure, Amantha was even more free-spirited than Charis and much preferred being with her American wizard friends than her new British ones.
Once she graduated from Hogwarts, she practically rushed back to the US to reconvene with the Fenwicks
Later she marries Walter Fenwick and they have two sons together
Charis got along relatively well with her sister, but there was always an element of detachment between them as though they were better friends than they were siblings
⋆✴ Relationships with Others ✴⋆
*Open to all relationships
Best friend(s):
Orpheus Kenway
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Closest in age of all the Kenway children and dearest in her heart, Orpheus is one of Charis' closest friends. Even as they may be very distantly related through their ancestors (a fact that perpetuates a joking sobriquet of "cousin"), he is truly like the brother that she never had—as, she would argue, the rest of the Kenway boys were as well.
The Kenways (Oswin, Crescentia, Eren, Terrence), The Fenwicks (Randall, Julietta, Ruby, Isleen, Walt, Ira, Nory, Melina)
Love interest(s):
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legilimenace · 1 year ago
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Introducing...Charis Northmoor
Born in Britain yet having emigrated back and forth to the US after birth, Charis always felt as though she was a part of an extensive apprenticeship as she accompanied her father and sister on a near-decade long traversal through the Americas alongside a group of other wizards that she had come to see as her family, and some others that she regarded as her dearest friends. Little did she know of the ties that bound them farther than her memory could sustain and deeper than she could ever imagine. When her father decides that it's time Charis and her sister rejoin the polite and pureblood British wizarding society (and attend Hogwarts), her re-adjustment to her new/old life is quite a shock, and not necessarily a welcome one...
Full Name: Charis Northmoor
Birthdate: March 3rd, 1881
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue-green
Family: Elchion Northmoor (father), Drusilla Northmoor née Max (mother), Amantha Northmoor (younger sister)
Friends: Kenway family, Fenwick family
House: Slytherin
Blood Status: Pureblood
Likes: Ancient Runes (a family trait, it would seem), fairytales and folklore, insects—fireflies especially, powder blue, hydrangeas, discovery, mooncalves, wood nymphs, bread and butter pudding, cherry cordial
Dislikes: Hodags, remaining indoors for long, being out-done, impractical homework, sea creatures, floral teas, dragonhide
Personality: Direct, curious, friendly, humored, impatient, sharp-tongued, adventurous, discerning, deceptive, selfish, determined, pragmatic, proactive
Faceclaim: Ashleigh Stewart
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fischerfrey · 1 year ago
oh my god, this was so much fun! good to have you along for the ride for this event😌
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4th of December- "Back" at Winbourne
The Kenways and Northmoors ascended the steps of Wimbourne, arms intertwined with one another in a melange of the latter family's bright dresses and suits and straw-colored hair, and the former's dark and deep features. Neither family had ever ventured to the manor before even in spite of having received invitations in years past. The early winter months were usually reserved for their own mixed gathering in America between themselves and the Fenwicks, though as circumstances (and stars) aligned, the opportunity finally arrived for most of them to all gather together under the same roof, though not without challenges.
As Charis Northmoor entered the manor with Orpheus Kenway in tow, her wonder at the beauty of the estate was disrupted as she felt his arm twitch underneath her hand and quickly glanced over at him. He seemed barely present as he fussed with his jacket, the material readjusting along his arms with every roll of his shoulders.
"You look uncomfortable," she stated plainly.
"Maybe that's because I am uncomfortable," he whispered, adjusting his newly pressed jacket and throwing a nervous look in her direction. Charis sighed as she patted his shoulder.
"Oh, do get a hold of yourself. It's not like you're meeting the Minister of Magic."
"Then why does it feel that way, cousin?"
"Well, I don't know. Could it be because you're clean-shaven and—well, clean for the first time in two years?"
"Aren't you an absolute riot," he grumbled, still missing his bangs that gathered in tangled curls over his eyes and splayed from his ears. Even with the remaining hair on his head, he felt almost bald, and would've dived into his disappointment with having to cut his hair if Charis, as always, hadn't been quick to bring him out of his tunnel of thoughts.
"And you're overreacting. Wasn't she in your house at Hogwarts?"
"Yes but I never spoke to her."
"So now you have the opportunity," Charis tutted, humored at his discontent but still somewhat concerned that he'd end up embarrassing the lot of them in front of such a prestigious wizarding family. Their fathers would never forgive her if she led him astray, though she would've certainly delighted to see him fall over himself in front of the viscountess. Mess up a custom, speak a little too openly, disrupt the order of things and call attention to himself...it would be all too easy for him to do so. She just didn't want to be at his side when it inevitably happened. Terrence Kenway may have been a schmoozer, a businessman, and all-around what one of her family friends would call a tough son-of-a-bitch, but it was all too apparent that he had laid to waste all instruction in decorum for his second eldest son. Two years at Hogwarts had done Orpheus some good, but returning to America soon after seemed to put him right back where he started.
Charis peered over the people in front of them, seeing Orpheus' older brother smiling away as he greeted the Grays alongside some of their other family members and friends, that same precious and mirthful Kenway smile that she'd grown familiar with since she was a child. "Oswin seems to be managing well," she commented, her eyes flickering back to her friend to gauge his reaction.
"Oswin always manages well." He scoffed at his brother's antics and lowered his head slightly. As they drew slightly closer to their hosts he felt Charis's hand—which had been quite gently resting around his forearm until that moment—tighten aggressively with her nails digging into his sleeve.
"Better follow his lead then." Her tone came out sharper than intended as she looked around at the manor when her father threw a look over his shoulder and ushered them closer. Orpheus had always felt second best to his brother and she thought that the comment might've managed to encourage him in stepping up his game, though she wasn't all too fond of the somber expression that remained on his face. She sighed and loosened her grip around his arm. "Stand tall and get ready...yank," she jokingly added behind a carefully crafted grin, and it was then that Charis could nearly feel the ghost of a smile lining Orpheus' own features as he straightened up.
There was a softness that followed as she beamed at the newlyweds; lovely and dignified with the viscountess still nearly just as she remembered from her short time at Hogwarts. She rather admired Primrose and the life that she had created for herself, so different thus far than the one Charis herself had led, but from the outside seemingly just as sweet.
"Lady Gray, Lord Stolberg-Burke, thank you for extending an invitation to our families once again. I'm so glad that we could finally attend after all these years." Polite, rehearsed, though not entirely insincere, Charis felt herself starting to feel actually excited for the weekend as they greeted the couple.
"Congrats on the marriage," Orpheus added as he started to maneuver to extend a handshake—all previous training he was given having been forgotten in mere seconds—before Charis nudged his arm back down with a warning glance. It appeared that she'd have to be on babysitting duty for the whole weekend...
Orpheus gif credit
Event by @endlessly-cursed
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