Explore tagged Tumblr posts
1. **存在の絶対化**: 異能生存体の存在そのものを否定する力を用いる。例えば、異能生存体の存在を"0"としてしまうような力。
2. **時空操作**: 異能生存体を存在する時空から完全に取り除く、あるいは異能生存体の時間軸を無限に伸ばして永遠に動けない状態にする。
3. **現実操作**: 現実そのものを変えてしまい、異能生存体が存在しない現実を作り出す。
4. **無力化**: 死ぬことはできないかもしれませんが、何もできない状態、例えば動けなくなる、考えることもできなくなる、といった状態にする。
5. **封印**: 絶対に死なないという性質を持つ生物を、何らかの封印の中に閉じ込め、世の中から取り除く。
1. **時間の歪曲**:異能生存体が「死ねない」という性質を持つのであれば、彼らを無限の時間のループに閉じ込めることで、永遠に同じ時間を繰り返させることができる。この方法で彼らを動きを封じることができる。
2. **空間の隔離**:異能生存体を別の次元や空間に閉じ込めることで、現実の世界から取り除く。彼らが死ぬことはできないが、現実の世界に存在しない場所に閉じ込めることは可能である。
3. **意識の変更**:彼らの意識や記憶を操作し、自分が異能生存体であることを忘れさせる。または自分の存在意義や目的を変えてしまうことで、彼らをコントロールする。
4. **感情の操作**:彼らの感情や欲望を操作することで、彼らの行動をコントロールし、従順な存在とする。
1. **攻撃の本質**:「世界ごと斬る斬撃」は文字通り、対象をこの世から取り除くような力を持つとされる。これが異能生存体に有効かどうかは、異能生存体の「死ねない」という定義による。物理的な破壊ではなく、存在そのものを否定するような力であれば、異能生存体にも有効である可能性が考えられます。
2. **力の源**:宿儺がこの技を習得する過程で魔虚羅からの学習があったとしても、その力の源や原理が異能生存体に対してどれほどの影響を及ぼすかは不明確です。
3. **異能生存体の特性**:「死ねない」という特性がどのような原理で成り立っているのかによって、攻撃の有効性が変わる可能性がある。
1. **物理的な隔離**:異能生存体を物理的に動けなくするための施設や装置を使用して閉じ込める。
2. **空間の隔離**:異次元や特定��空間に閉じ込めて、通常の世界から取り除く。
3. **時間の操作**:異能生存体を時間の流れから取り除く、または時間を止めることで行動を制限する。
1. **感覚遮断**:異能生存体の感覚を遮断し、外界との接触を遮断することで行動を制限する。
2. **物理的な束縛**:極めて頑丈な材料を使用して異能生存体を束縛し、動きを封じる。
3. **特殊な環境の構築**:例えば、異能生存体を低温環境に置くことで、活動を極限まで低下させる。
4. **精神的な干渉**:もし可能であれば、異能生存体の精神や意識に干渉し、彼の意志や行���を制御する。
1. **使用者の判断**:「超人(コメディアン)」の術式の効果は使用者の「こうしたらウケる」という感覚に依存します。したがって、使用者が異能生存体に関する特定の行動や変化を「ウケる」と感じるかどうかが、術式の有効性を左右します。
2. **術式の限界**:「超人(コメディアン)」にも一定の限界や制約がある可能性が考えられます。これによって、異能生存体に対してどれほどの影響を与えることができるかが変わってくるでしょう。
3. **異能生存体の特性**:「生き残る」という能力がどのような原理で成り立っているのか、またその能力が「超人(コメディアン)」の術式にどれほど抵抗するのかが重要です。
確かにですね 何度もすみません
1. **捕食中の生存**:インドアフィッシュに捕食されても、室内が密閉��れている限り、相手は死ぬことがないとの説明があります。このため、異能生存体がインドアフィッシュに捕食されても、その間は死亡しないでしょう。
2. **室内が開放された際の死亡**:室内が開放されると、インドアフィッシュは消滅し、その結果として捕食された部分に基づく死亡が起こるとされています。ここでのポイントは、異能生存体の「死ねない」という特性が、このような死亡原因にどれほどの抵抗力を持つのかです。インドアフィッシュによる死亡と異能生存体の生存能力との間にどのような相互作用があるのかは明確には分かりません。
3. **室内の定義**:インドアフィッシュの効果が発動する「密閉された室内」とは具体的にどのような状態を指すのかも、異能生存体との対決において重要な要素となり得ます。
1. **死の事実を取り消す**:異能生存体が何らかの原因で死亡した場合、その死の事実を「なかったこと」にすることで、異能生存体を再び生き返らせることが可能と考えられます。
2. **異能の事実を取り消す**:もし「大嘘付き(オールフィクション)」が異能生存体の「死ねない」という能力そのものを「なかったこと」にできるのであれば、異能生存体は通常の生物になるかもしれません。
3. **制約による限界**:しかし、「他者の人生と深く結びつきのある能力もなかったこと」にはできないという制約があります。この制約が、異能生存体の「死ねない」という能力にどれほど影響するのかは、具体的な状況やその能力の背景によります。
1. **「死ねない」という特性の変更**:「正喰者(リアルイーター)」が異能生存体の「死ねない」という特性を変更する場合、この特性の原因や根底にある要因をどのように変えるかによって、異能生存体の能力が弱体化する、または無効化する可能性が考えられます。
2. **制約と限界**:「正喰者(リアルイーター)」には、まったく無関係のスキルに作り変えることができないという制約があるため、この制約の中で「死ねない」という特性をどのように変更するかが鍵となります。
3. **能力の変更後の結果**:「死ねない」という特性を変更した後、異能生存体がどのような状態や能力になるのかも重要です。例えば、特性を変更することで異能生存体が他の新しい能力を手に入れる可能性も考えられます。
1. **能力の詳細**:「境界を操る程度の能力」の具体的な制約や限界、そしてどれだけ強力に境界を操作できるのか。
2. **異能生存体の「死ねない」の原因**:「死ねない」という特性がどのような原因や仕組みで成り立っているのか。この原因が明確に「境界」として定義できるものであれば、効果的に操ることができる可能性があります。
3. **他の影響**:「死ねない」と「死ねる」の境界を操作することで、異能生存体に対して他の未知の影響や副作用が生じる可能性も考えられます。
1. **無限の情報の影響**:異能生存体は「死ねない」特性を持っていますが、それは物理的なダメージや通常の生命活動の停止に関するものである可能性があります。五条の「無量空処」は異なるタイプの効果を持ち、知覚や情報処理の面で対象を圧倒するため、異能生存体もこの影響を受ける可能性があります。
2. **永遠の拘束**:異能生存体が「無量空処」の効果で死ぬことができない場合、その結果、永遠に無量空処の中で無限の情報を処理し続ける拘束状態になる可能性があります。これは異能生存体にとっても非常に厳しい状態であると言えるでしょう。
3. **異能生存体の特性の詳細**:「死ねない」原因や仕組みによって、五条の「無量空処」の効果との相互作用が変わる可能性があります。
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"i go on chatGpt to learn about logos pathos and ethos" you... should use an actual source for that.........
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The AI Chatbot isn't going to fuck you
#shay speaks#anti ai#anti ai writing#i have to get back on the clock but i think the guy im arguing with used chargpt to write his argument#and uh. its nonsense. it makes no sense
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~~Spoilers (S26 E4)~~
Okay, the new episode. I thought it was pretty good, I’m glad we got an episode where the kids felt as much like kids as they possibly could for modern South Park, I like the relationship between Stan and Wendy and the relationship between Clyde and Bebe. Here are my thoughts in way too much detail.
First, The positives:
I live for Clybe. They’re such a garbage fire couple and I am here for it. Same thing goes for Stendy. Canon Stendy is such a hot mess now that it’s like watching “Balloon Boy” unfold live. I understand that some people may not like it, especially when Stendy used to be so wholesome (I’ll touch on this later). But as an isolated thing, it’s entertaining in my opinion. The inclusion of Clyde as a semi-major part of the episode does it a favor too.
Garrison! I don’t know how much he’s done since his flop (Trump) era. I genuinely missed him and think he’s relatively in character for this episode. Maybe he would notice that the dumbest kids in his class are suddenly really good at writing, but he’s not the brightest bulb himself so maybe he wouldn’t. I enjoyed seeing Rick again, I’m glad they remembered him.
Cartman! Finally, this is exactly what he would do in this situation. There’s no question of redemption for that little asshole, he said something about women ruining slavery during the episode. But he wasn’t even the first person to discover the AI and he immediately started gatekeeping it. Icon. And perfectly in character for him.
This episode was relevant, but still fun. It didn’t even feel like it really took a stance on AI, it just told a story based around the technology. They really took their own advice and didn’t preach, they just had characters do stuff and sort of argued for both sides. Some of my favorite episodes do this, like Best Friends Forever (S9 E4)
But, The Negatives:
Stan is mean to Wendy. There is something so wholesome about early Stendy, where Stan is head over heals “in love” with Wendy and would do anything for her. Yes, a toxic relationship has a place in the show, but that’s what for Clybe is for, and they were a garbage fire since Clubhouses (S2 E12). This episode would have worked just as well if Stan didn’t want to hurt Wendy’s feelings by not knowing what to say/ not having time to respond. Honestly it’s not that bad isolated to this episode, but I feel like there’s been a shift where every relationship is a little one sided or toxic.
Weird pacing/structure. I wasn’t sure if this should be a nitpick or a true negative, but pacing is important. Some parts of the episode move a little bit slow, which is fine, but that long ass scene where a kid uses the bathroom for like 45 seconds could have been cut if you needed extra time to make the ending feel like it wasn’t a random after thought. This could be a product of certain parts of the episode being written by an AI, though I’m not sure how much of it actually was. If it was just the ending or the text messages or the major story beats, or maybe it was nothing at all and they just credited ChatGPT for fun. Still, it could have been better.
And what’s life without Random nitpicks?
A little itty bit out of touch. Just a tiny bit, but like why does the Home Screen of the iPhone 12s that the kids have look like it’s from 2010? Also it’s not like nobody would have heard of ChatGPT
That scene of Peter Mullen peeing was way too long. Very Family Guy style, with a long drawn out joke that went on for it to still be funny.
I don’t really like the design of the character played by the incomparable Betty Boogie Parker. It feels too modern, and I liked Heather William’s design more.
#south park#Season 26#Deep learning#I liked this episode#I don’t know if it’s better or worse than Cupid Ye#I think I prefer Cupid Ye#this one was pretty good though#I’m not sure how much of it was written by CharGPT#I think the ending was#it felt like it ended too fast#whatever though#good episode
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Good for you for resisting the call. I remember the temptation to refer to translations when I was a classics major in the 90s. Each time I gave in seemed harmless, but robbed me of the chance to work it out for myself, the skill I trying to learn.
You are training yourself to research topics and use critical thinking.
These skills were already in short supply — at least in the US — before chatGPT, due to public school funding being tied to students spitting out correct answers on standardized tests.  That raised a generation prone to binary thinking (correct/incorrect), less equipped to grapple with complex issues.
The ChatGPT generation is going to have an even harder time figuring things out for themselves, if they don't practice.
You're learning how to judge what's a good source of information. You're learning the difference between evidence and opinion. You're learning methods and mental approaches that can be applied to other problems.
You're going to be better-prepared than your peers to deal with the misinformation and plausible-sounding BS we all face now that people, corporations and politicians are using tools like chatGPT to share news and information, sell us things, or make claims about history, truth, and other people.
it's so fucking frustrating to be in college and know everyone uses chatgpt and to be tempted by it constantly while also knowing intellectually that it doesn't work and it's a bad idea. like, i hang out in the library a lot, and i see people using chatgpt on assignments almost every day. and i know it isn't a good way to learn, because it's not really "artificial intelligence" so much as it is an auto text generator. and it gives you wrong information or badly worded sentences all the time. but every week i stare down assignments i don't want to do and i think man. if only i could type this prompt into a text generator and have it done in 10 minutes flat. and i know it wouldn't work. it wouldn't synthesize information from the text the way professors want, it wouldn't know how to answer questions, it just spits out vaguely related words for a couple paragraphs. but knowing my classmates get their work done in 10 minutes flat with it while i fight every ounce of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in my body is infuriating.
#on the one hand i'm sorry i never finished my phD and left academia#but on the other hand it was already a nightmare for my friends still in academia#when students started turning in papers copied and pasted from parts of the internet#having to wade through and grade charGPT garbage the students didn't write#is going to be an utter NIGHTMARE#I predict a wave of retirements#why bother teaching when so few are there to learn?
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where do you draw the line with AI in the sims, with some modders such as TurboDriver talking having used it to an extent? https://tag.hexagram.ca/wickedwhims-a-conversation-about-adult-content-creation-and-responsible-adult-mods-design-in-the-sims-franchise-by-aurelie-petit/
hii! :]
i bet u mean this here right?
AP: Do you ever use AI in your work? TD: Oh yeah, because I do a lot of this stuff myself. Most of the time, I try to get other people involved, but sometimes, I just need simple things and I struggle a lot with coming up with ideas for writing. There’s so many of these descriptions in the mod and I don’t know what to write. And so, I ask ChatGPT for ideas on what to write, and it just tells me the kind of wording I can use. It never tells me anything that I can directly use because AI is awful still, but it’s good for ideas. I haven’t found any other AI that’s useful for this, other than building my own and it takes so much time that I gave up."
first of - i actually wasn't aware that turbo uses chatgpt DESPITE knowing that AI is bullshit and i think it's obvious that i don't like that kind of ai usage either. so yeah, i'm critical of turbo for using ai for something as relatively simple as writing a description... of course if english isn't your first language or you just have problems with grammar or writing in of itself it can be hard BUT there are and must be different ways to deal with that other than chatgpt or other ai.
since i'm not into gameplay rn i haven't used wicked whims in a while but obv turbos mods are essential for a lot of simmers to even pick up the game but that shouldn't make him using ai ok either. it might not be as on the nose as these ai-simblrs generating their "screenshots/renders" but it's still not great lol. u obv can argue that turbo did most of his modding by himself in comparison to the ai-simblrs where most of their "work" was done by ai but that shouldn't excuse chargpt usage either. still not cool.
my opinion is that ai-generating is completely obsolete, we've always been able to live our lives without it before it became a thing so why use something as "useless" that causes so much harm in so many ways?
sadly i have a feeling that using ai will become something like smoking has been for a long time before it became banned inside in most places and generally more awareness of the dangers was raised. despite smoking being so harmful it became a normalized thing and most people didn't talk much about the bad side of it just because so many people did it. (to be fair there's nothing positive about smoking lol) unfortunately using ai seems to be taking a similar path with its usage being normalized despite all the bad things that come with it BUT that shouldn't stop us from critically thinking of it and speaking up, right? :]
(btw i'm sorry if this came off as rambling but... english isn't my first language and i didn't use chatgpt lol °-°)
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#this is gonna be the only thing to make me laugh today. there are still 10 hours before i get to pass out but i know these things#Russia didn’t pay their chargpt bill so X Twitter accounts are being stupid
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question for all my current college students: what AI policy do you respond best to? I’m teaching an intro comm course this fall (super fucking excited to be back teaching at the college level) and I really don’t want the students to think they need to rely on chatGPT or AI. Grammarly is fine because I think it’s genuinely helpful, but I know a lot students use these things because they either a) think it’s a time saver and can slip one past the teacher, or b) English isn’t their first language and they’re scared of not having correct grammar. The latter I totally sympathize with, and I plan to explain to the students that it’s their voice in their writing that I’m looking for. I could not give two shits about grammar. As long as in text citations and references are correct, we’re good.
so! What’s the best way I can phrase “please don’t use AI tools or charGPT for your assignments”? I should also mention I do not plan on assigning many writing assignments because I personally don’t want to read and grade them but still, I need to put the policy on the syllabus
any input would be greatly appreciated!!
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You hating CharGPT and AI art makes you prettier tbh
thank you:3
#the only time I'll reblog ai is to tell everyone is ai because UNFORTUNATELY my beloved mutuals I've noticed can't tell when it's ai#so i am there to tell them is ai 👍🫶 and to tell everyone else because that way is annoying and until the op blocks me i will not stop#THAT INCLUDES THE FUNNY AI KNOCK IT OFF
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do you ever use anything like ai tools to help you write?
I have actually
ChatGPT helps me a lot-
I do not copy and paste.
With that aside, I do ask CharGPT to describe a certain scene to me and whatever It tells me, I tend to take inspiration from that without stealing any of its words.
Reason being: I have issues with picturing certain scenes and such. I think that’s my autism, I’m not sure
Long story short: Yes, but it’s not very often at all :)
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Seeing posts where people argue CharGPT is a general intelligence because it acts like one, and just no it's a fancy autocomplete. It doesn't have the thought structure required for general intelligence.
In many cases it can act like one, but it's like a stage actor playing a doctor as to a real doctor. Yes if they rehearse enough well researched scripts you could conceivably ask them anything medical and get an answer, but they lack the underlying knowledge to reason out why that pattern of words is the right answer.
#this is not to say its bad or useless#jusy that how it works is important to these discussions#as it informs where its flaws are#and how it masks over them well
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Quora uses chargpt to give answers and its so funny because someone is like “do angels actually help people” and it’s like “angels aren’t real they are fake ok”
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Разработка Apple Intelligence отстает от ChatGPT на два года
В компании считают, что ситуация с ИИ могла быть лучше. Но у техногиганта есть преимущества.
Компания Apple значительно отстает от лидеров отрасли в разработке генеративного искусственного интеллекта. Об этом сообщает корреспондент Bloomberg Марк Гурман со ссылкой на внутренние исследования американского техногиганта.
Согласно данным, которые фигурируют в компании, разработка фирменного умного помощника Apple Intelligence отстает от лидеров более чем на два года. Технологии конкурентов оказались более продвинутыми. Например, CharGPT компании OpenAI на 25% точнее обновленного голосового помощника Siri. Помимо этого, он может ответить на 30% больше вопросов.
Есть проблема и доступом к новым ИИ-функциям. Apple Intelligence анонсировали еще в начале лета 2024 года, однако большинство фишек появятся на устройствах компании позднее. Например, в рекламе свежего iPad mini упоминаются четыре умные функции. Три из них начнут работать лишь в период с декабря по март.
Несмотря на это, как считают эксперты, у Apple есть некоторые преимущества в ИИ-гонке. Среди них — возможность выпустить технологии на огромном количестве собственных устройств. Сейчас компания адаптирует все больше девайсов для использования нейросетей. Apple Intelligence поддерживают шесть моделей iPhone, все актуальные компьютеры и ноутбуки Mac, а также практически все iPad.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/10/21/263-razrabotka-apple-intelligence-otstaet-ot-chatgpt-na-dva-goda-grss-349315716.html
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Yall know Adamtots, the horror comic artist? Now tell me why there are multiple comments under his fake lost media story telling him to use CharGPT to find what the lost media was….
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next lesson: talking your issue through with others in your field. bonus points if it takes less water and energy than a charGPT prompt to do so
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