#chargers football
delayed-affection · 2 years
Slumber Party
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Justin Herbert x reader
Warnings: Awkward Justin at the end
Word count: 2.1k
You walk through Justin’s front door, hands full with bags, “It’s slumber party time!”
He quickly makes his way over to you, “It’s not a slumber party.” He chuckles, “You’re just spending the night.”
You huff as he grabs a bag from you, “That’s technically a slumber party.”
He looks into the bag he took, “You know I have food, right? There’s no need for a bag full snacks.”
You follow him as he walks to the kitchen, “Well I thought all you would have are protein bars and pre workout.”
He puts down the bag and grabs your shoulders, “Y/n. I’m still a human, I have to eat in order to survive. If you get hungry we could get chipotle or I could make you something.”
You drop your bags and grab his forearm, “I hate to break this to you, Herby, but I don’t actually like Chipotle.”
He looks at you in disbelief, “You had it like two weeks ago though.”
“I didn’t want you to eat alone. You invited me out and I would’ve felt bad if I just sat there watching you.” You inform
He lets his hands drop from your shoulders, “If I knew that I wouldn’t have gone there.”
“It’s fine, Herbert.” You assure with a small smile.
You pick up the bags on the floor and back up, “Look, I’m going to put these away and when I’m done we can get this slumber party started. Oh and What time is your game tomorrow?”
“It starts at ten but I have to be there before eight. And again, this is not a slumber party.” he says
He puts away all the snacks you brought while you put away your night bag and little things you brought for later.
“Are you sure you don’t want to play.” He asks loading up his game.
You nod, “Yeah, I’d much rather watch you play than me spend a round not knowing what was going on.”
He grabs his controller and sits down, “I’m not going to let you sit there and watch me.”
“You’re not.” You argue, “If its that big of a deal, I’ll play something on my laptop.”
He rolls his eyes, “Play what? Solitaire?”
You get up off the couch and walk to get your laptop, “Sims 4, actually.”
“Sims 4?” he whispers to himself.
You don’t spend too much time playing Sims not wanting to get wrapped into it and not being able to stop.
 You watch him play a few rounds of C.O.D, he wins a couple before calling it quits after a quick loss.
He gets up and puts his controller away, “Are you hungry?”
“For chipotle?” You tease
“Ha ha.” He says, “I’m being serious.”
He looks down at his watch, “Its six thirty, do you wanna stay here and make something? Or we could order something?”
You stand up, “I’m already ahead of you.”
You bring him to the kitchen, “If you actually looked at the things I brought you would’ve noticed that they’re for cajun chicken pasta.”
“I was wondering why you chicken in the bag.” He confesses
You pat his cheek, “I think you’ve taken one too many hits to the head.”
The two of you now sit in his living, your legs lay on top of his lap while his feet are propped up on the coffee table.
He mindlessly rubs his thumb on your calf.
His eyes are trained in the tv, watching an episode of NCIS.
Your eyes however are on him, watching how his face slightly scrunches at the sight of the body. How the flashes of the screen light up his face.
You pick up your phone and see that it’s nine o’clock, already having ate dinner you know it’s only a matter of time til he’s off to bed for his early morning.
Putting your phone down you sit up straight and pick yourself up off the couch.
He looks up at you with wonder and slight concern, “Where are you going? It was just getting to the good part.”
You make your way to the guest room, “I’m just going to go grab something’s and change. You should change too. Oh, and wash your face while you’re in there.”
You leave him in the living room, hoping that he’ll go change for bed. Changing into an old shirt and some shorts, you wash your face and brush your teeth.
You grab one of the bags you brought, bring it with you out to the living room. Justin sits on the couch in different clothes.
He hears you coming and looks up from his phone, “What’s in the bag that required me to change and wash my face?”
Sitting down next to him you start pulling things out of the bag: face masks, serum, face rollers, eye cream, lip scrubs, chapstick, and moisturizer.
He looks at all the stuff laid out on the table, “What is this?”
You smile at him, “Stuff for your face, stuff that will make it look and feel nice.”
He raises an eyebrow at you, “Does my face not look nice?”
You shake your head, not wanting it to sound like that, “Your face is very nice, Herby. You’re like the prettiest boy I’ve ever seen.”
He blushes and smiles at your words, unable to reply.
You meant what you said, he was very pretty and his bashfulness wasn’t helping.
You pull a box out from the bag, “Would you like some tea before we start? I brought your favorite, well I hope it’s your favorite.”
He looks at the box and nods, “Yeah, yeah… tea would be nice and it is my favorite, thank you.”
You go to make the tea as he looks through all the things you brought.
You carefully bring the two cups back, not wanting to spill any of the hot liquid on yourself. You set them down along with some napkins.
You sit down with your entire body facing him, “Are you ready?”
He laughs softly, “Do I have a choice?”
“Well yes but no, because if you say no I’m just going to beg until you say yes.” You tell him, “Okay, now, is it okay if I get up close and personal?”
He looks at you for a second but nods.
You pick up the two lip scrubs you brought, “Do you want cherry or strawberry?”
“Umm… Cherry, I guess.” He answers comes out more as a question.
“These are lip scrubs, I probably should have started with that, but do you want to apply it or do you want me to? Or do you want to watch me do it first and then you try?”
“I’ll… I’ll watch you first.”
You hand him the cherry one and unscrew the strawberry one, “Okay, so you’re going to take a little on your finger and apply to your lips.”
He watches as you apply small layer to your lips.
“Then you just rub your lips together.” You do just as said and grab a napkin, “Then you wipe them off or you can lick them but personally I think that’s gross.”
Wiping your lips off you nod at him, “Your turn.”
He does exactly what you did and takes the napkin from you wiping his lips, “What now?”
You pull two headbands out from the bag, “Would you like a cow or a bow?” You give him no time to respond, “Doesn’t matter you’re getting the cow.”
You slip the headband over and, on your head, handing him his. He looks at the headband and then to you before hesitantly putting it on.
Picking up the face masks you tear one open, “This is a sheet mask, it’s going to be cold but it helps. I must ask, can I touch your face?”
He rolls his eyes, “Yes, Y/n, you can touch my face.”
You scoot closer to him and take out the mask, “close your eyes please.”
When his eyes close you start to put on the mask. He flinches when you smooth it down by his eye making you jump.
You go to apologize thinking you got some of the mask in his eye or that you poked him but stop yourself when you hear him trying not to laugh.
You lightly flick his forehead and mumble, “asshole.”
Once it’s fully smoothed down on his face you scoot back, “You can open your eyes now, you’re going to let it sit on your face for ten minutes.”
You tear open the other and put it on, he watches as you do it with such ease.
He waits til your done to ask his long but short awaited questions, “What is this supposed to help with? Also can I drink with this on?”
“These ones are to brighten your skin but there are a bunch of different ones that do different things and yes you can drink with it on. I like to think that why the hole is there.”
He picks up his mug and the two of you watch a little more of the show before you have to take them off.
Throwing away the masks you move onto the next item, making sure you washed your hands first.
“Okay so this is a Hyaluronic Acid serum and just because it says acid doesn’t mean it’s going to burn your face. It’s going to help with the dry spots on your face.” You inform knowing the questions he’s going to ask.
“Okay so I’m going to put some onto my hands and then rub it on your face. Sound good?” You ask picking up the bottle.
He nods, “Can I put it on you?”
You let out a soft chuckle, “Sure, are your hands clean?”
He nods again and you give him the okay.
You put some into your hands, rubbing them together you move them to his face, “Close your eyes please.”
He closes his eyes and lets you rub your hands around his face. When you’re done he opens them and holds his hands out.
Dropping some into his hands, he rubs his hands together and slowly moves closer to your face.
He looks at you, taking in your face; he smiles to himself as you close your eyes. He lightly moves his hands around your face, afraid that he’ll hurt you somehow.
His hands stop moving at your cheeks but you keep your eyes closed waiting for him to do something. Except his hands don’t move and he doesn’t say anything.
You open your eyes, “We have two things left, you ready?”
He drops his hands and sighs, “Yeah, what’s left?”
You pick up two containers, eye cream and moisturizer, “The blue container is the eye cream which surprisingly goes under your eyes and the pink container is the moisturizer and that goes all over your face. Simple.”
You take off your headband, “We also won’t be needing these anymore.”
He follows your lead taking off his headband.
You clap your hands together when you’re done, “And just like that, we’re finished. Now all we have to do is go to sleep and the slumber party will be, sadly, over.”
He laughs, “I’d call this more of a spa day than a slumber party.”
“What are you talking about? We hung out, cooked dinner, played cod; well you played, all I did was watch. But we started to binge NCIS and had a self care night. I’d say that’s a slumber party.” You argue
“Where’s the party? Aren’t parties supposed to be fun?”
You roll your eyes getting up, “I thought we were having fun, jackass.”
He laughs and gets up, “I was joking, this was very much so a party.” He puts his hands on your shoulders, “A slumber party, some would say.”
You give him a slight stern look, “You’re just saying that to be nice.”
He smiles and moves his hand to your face, “I’m always nice.”
You softly laugh, “Yeah, but you can be an ass sometimes.”
“Yeah?” He asks
Your eyes flicker to his lips, “Yeah.”
 “I know.” He whispers, his face slowly moving closer to yours. Long silent seconds pass.
His hands bringing your face closer, closing what little space was left. His lips met yours.
Its sweet and gentle, the type of kiss that could sweep you off your feet. Short little pecks follow as the two of you pull away.
He looks at you with love in his eyes, “Sleep with me?”
Your face fills with confusion, “Huh?”
He quickly shakes his head, letting his hands drop from your face, “I mean, go to bed with me- No that still sounds weird. Ummm... Would you like to lay down and go to sleep with me?”
You try your best not to laugh at his awkwardness, “Let’s get you to bed, J.” You take his hand, “And I’ll even sleep with you.”
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mensuited · 3 months
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jherbo10 · 6 months
Thanks to Elle for the reminder that paintball Justin exists ❤️
This man’s humor is my favorite 🥰 he’s got me grinning too much 🤭
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bad268 · 8 months
Hi I love your work can you write about justin and a reporter ask a question about you( your relationship is unknown) and he’s loses his temper a lil but Is also trying not to disclose anything.
Private, But Not Secret (Justin Herbert X Reporter! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/NFL
Requested: Clearly (I love him so much)
Warnings: mentions of when Justin broke his leg in college
Pronouns: Third person (They/them)
W.C. 1031
Summary: A reporter takes a question too far, so Justin takes evasive action.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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It all started when they met in college, the University of Oregon. Y/n, a sports journalism major, and Justin, a science major on the football team. A match made in heaven, one would say. Their classes did not overlap a lot, but Y/n was assigned to cover the football team. It was only natural for the two to spark something. 
They began hanging out outside of the games and practices during the summer of their junior year and became official at the end of the football season. The two decided to keep it between themselves because the last thing they needed was people making comments about the quarterback and a journalist being together.
Fast forward a few years, Justin is doing well with the LA Chargers and Y/n has established themself with CBS. Y/n was the lead journalist when it came to the LA Chargers, and they were always reporting on Sundays. Their relationship remained strong, and no one other than their respective families and closest friends knew of the two.
Even though they were on the down low, everyone could see that Justin had a soft spot for Y/n in conferences. No matter the outcome of the game, Justin would smile and give very detailed responses. Heck, he would even banter back and forth with them!
One game in particular, Y/n could not attend. Y/n was visiting family, so they asked one of their newer reporters to fill their space. The game was pretty good for the LA Chargers and Justin with him throwing three touchdowns and running one in himself. Despite being at their parents’ house, Y/n turned on the post-game conference just as Justin came on the stage. All of the journalists were congratulating Justin and asking game-related questions until it got to one reporter. 
“Perla with CBS,” she started, Y/n immediately recognized the voice as their coworker who filled in for them. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but my colleague, Y/n, is not here today.”
“No, I noticed,” Justin chuckled. “They’re at every game and every press conference, so it’s nice to see them taking a break.”
“Many people, myself included, have noticed that you two seem to have a stronger bond than just reporter and player,” Perla scoffed. Immediately, Y/n could sense where the question was going, and so could Justin. “Is there anything happening behind the scenes between you two?”
“That has nothing to do with the game, and frankly, it’s none of your business,” Justin answered monotonously.
“I mean, it’s obvious to everyone that Y/n doesn’t have the proper experience to have this job, so it’s clear that they’re doing some ‘behind the scenes’ favors,” Perla continued, completely disregarding Justin’s first answer and obvious distaste for the question.
“First off, don’t ever talk down on someone like Y/n who is higher up than you,” Justin started off, glaring at Perla through the crowd. “Second, if we were in a relationship, how would I have any say in their job? I have no personal connection to CBS, and I just don’t have that power. Lastly, if you’re going to keep talking shit, you can leave, and we’ll make sure that CBS knows how you aren’t actually working within your role. I don’t think your boss would appreciate that his sports reporter is poking her nose around in topics that don’t deal with sports, right?”
“Are you threatening me?” Perla gasped, surrounding reporters were eating it up. Justin was known for being quiet and reserved, so seeing him lash back was a one in a million shot. 
“It’s not a threat, it’s a promise,” Justin replied. “Slander against Y/n will not be tolerated, especially when I know that they specifically chose you for this gig because they believed in you.”
After the conference, Justin called Y/n on his way home.
“Thank you for standing up for me, J,” Y/n greeted almost immediately after answering the phone. “People need to learn to stay in their own lane.”
“I’ll always defend you,” Justin laughed. “We do need to talk to your boss about that, though. That was unacceptable.”
“I really thought Perla was just misunderstood,” Y/n replied sadly. “Turns out she’s just out for drama.”
“If people are going to keep asking about it,” Justin started, “how would you feel about us announcing us? We could be private but not secret, and I’ll make sure to add that we’ve been together since junior year.”
“If I get to help choose the pictures and the caption, I think it would be best,” Y/n admitted. “Plus, you kind of already outed us during the conference when you said ‘we’ will make sure that CBS knows.”
“For fucks sake,” Justin chuckled in disbelief. “I tried so hard to keep it hidden.”
“Well, now we don’t need to,” Y/n comforted. “Remember, private but not secret from now on.”
The next game day came faster than either were prepared for. Both shared two pictures to their Instagrams with the caption, “Five years and counting.” One of them was taken during the off-season, and the other was of the two sitting on the couch with Justin’s broken leg and Y/n dressed up as a nurse from junior year. The posts gained a lot of traction, but it was now in the open. Neither wanted to change that.
After the game and another win for the LA Chargers, there was, of course, another conference. This time, Y/n was back in their place.
“Y/n with CBS,” they smiled as Justin looked their way. “First off, congratulations on announcing your relationship. You two look very happy together.”
“Thanks,” Justin laughed at the brief teasing. "We've been through a lot together. Couldn't see myself without them, honestly."
“That's cute, but I would rather talk about that last play though,” Y/n quickly got on topic. “A 69-yard throw to Keenan Allen for the game-winning touchdown. With this win, you helped secure your place at the top of your division and a place in the playoff. Tell me, does your arm hurt with these long throws?”
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thegreatturbo17 · 16 days
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justherbert10 · 30 days
Chance Meetings
This is my first story! enjoy!
word count: ~3400
The air in the bustling press room of the SoFi Stadium is charged with electricity as the LA Chargers celebrate their latest victory. Justin, the star quarterback, stands tall, his blue eyes scanning the sea of faces, looking for a moment of reprieve from the storm of flashing cameras and eager reporters. His gaze locks onto a figure that seems to glow amidst the chaos—a young woman with y/e/c and y/h/c hair, her smile as radiant as the setting sun. Y/n, a rising star in the world of entertainment and a surprise guest due to her friendship with Formula 1 legend Lewis Hamilton, feels the same magnetic pull. As they are introduced, their hands meet in a firm but gentle handshake, a silent promise of friendship, and perhaps more, in a world that often feels scripted.
"Justin, you make dodging defensive lines look like a cakewalk compared to dodging these paparazzi!" She playfully nudges his arm, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Ah, you've got to learn the art of the juke, Y/n," he says with a wink. "But I'd say you're pretty adept at navigating through crowds with that charm of yours." He nods towards the group of star-struck fans that had gathered around her earlier.  The corner of Y/n's mouth twitches upwards in a knowing smile as she leans closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "You think I'm good? You should see me when I'm dodging the plot twists in my next movie script."
Justin chuckles, the sound resonating deep in his chest. "Now that's a game I wouldn't mind watching you play," he says, his eyes twinkling with amusement. He glances around the room, noticing the way people's eyes keep darting in their direction. The whispers and glances from the other attendees don't go unnoticed. "You know, it's crazy how quickly the spotlight finds us," he muses, a hint of wistfulness in his voice. "I miss the days when I could just grab a burger without someone asking for a selfie." He sighs, looking down at his hand wrapped around a bottle of water. "But I guess that's the price we pay for chasing our dreams, right?"
"It definitely has its perks," Y/n agrees, her smile wistful. "But sometimes I just want to be Y/n from Y/h/t again, you know?" She takes a sip of her drink, her eyes scanning the room before returning to Justin's. "So, tell me, how does a small-town boy from Oregon become the heartthrob of LA?"
"Well," Justin says, leaning back slightly, "It's a long story, but it all started with a love for the game and a father who believed in me more than anyone else." He pauses, his gaze drifting momentarily before refocusing on Y/n. "But let's not talk about me. What brings you to the world of football, Y/n?"
"Ah, the world of football," she echoes, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "It's all thanks to Lewis. He's like a father figure to me, and he's been introducing me to his own brand of speed and competition." She smiles warmly at the mention of her mentor. "But honestly, I've always had a soft spot for sports. It's like watching a live-action movie with the most unpredictable plot twists."
Justin nods, understanding the allure of the unpredictable. "Sounds like you've got a taste for the thrill," he says, leaning in slightly, his voice a mix of curiosity and admiration. "You ever get the chance to throw a ball around, or are you strictly an audience kind of girl?" His words are teasing, but there's a genuine interest in his eyes. He's used to people seeing him as the poster boy for the sport, not a regular guy who enjoys a good toss.
"Oh, you'd be surprised," Y/n says, her smile widening as she recounts tales of her impromptu football sessions with Lewis. "He's been trying to teach me the basics, and I've got to say, I'm not half bad." She mimics throwing a perfect spiral, her hand twisting gracefully through the air. "But let's not tell anyone, I wouldn't want to ruin your reputation."
Justin laughs, the sound rich and genuine. "Your secret's safe with me, Y/n. Besides, I've seen enough Hollywood magic to know that anything's possible with the right coach." He leans in, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "And if you ever need some tips from the real deal, you know where to find me."
The connection between them is palpable, a silent understanding that they share a common ground of chasing dreams and navigating fame. Y/n's eyes dance with excitement at the prospect of learning from a pro.
 "You know, I might just take you up on that," she says, her voice filled with the excitement of a child offered a secret treat. "But for now, let's enjoy the rest of the night. Maybe we can find a quiet spot where we don't have to whisper over the din of the party?" She glances around the room, her gaze lingering on the crowded space.
"I know just the place," Justin says, his eyes lighting up with a mischievous glint. He motions for her to follow him with a subtle nod of his head. They weave through the throng of people, his hand occasionally brushing against the small of her back, guiding her gently through the sea of bodies.
They arrive at a secluded patio area, the cool evening breeze carrying the faint scent of jasmine from the nearby garden. The noise of the party fades into the background, leaving only the distant murmur of the ocean and the occasional cheer from the die-hard fans watching the post-game analysis on the outdoor screens. Justin pulls out a chair for her, his movements as smooth as the passing plays he's known for. As they sit, their legs brush against each other, sending a shiver of anticipation up Y/n's spine. "This is more my speed," he says with a genuine smile, looking around the quiet space.
Y/n's eyes widen in delight as she takes in the serene surroundings. The twinkling lights strung above cast a soft glow over the patio, creating a cozy haven amidst the cacophony of the event. "It's like stepping into a different world," she whispers, her voice filled with wonder. She runs her fingers along the cool metal of the chair, feeling the gentle vibrations of the distant cheers. As she sits, she crosses her legs, the fabric of her dress whispering against her skin. The sensation of his hand briefly on her back lingers, sending a warmth that spreads through her body. She returns his smile, her heart fluttering at the kindness behind the gesture. "Thank you for this," she says, her eyes meeting his, the blue depths of his irises reminding her of the Pacific she'd seen in photos from his hometown.
Justin pulls out a chair for Y/n with a chivalrous grace that seems almost out of place amidst the flashy glamour of the event. He can't help but feel a swell of pride at her approval, the corners of his mouth curling up into a genuine smile. As they sit, the energy between them shifts, becoming more intimate, more real. He leans back in his chair, the leather creaking softly under his weight, and takes a deep breath, savoring the scent of jasmine that fills the air. "It's the least I could do," he says, his voice low and earnest. "I know how overwhelming these things can get. Sometimes you just need a break from the madness." His gaze holds hers for a moment longer than necessary, the silence stretching out like a tightrope between them. Then, with a shrug of his broad shoulders, he cracks open a beer, the cap flying off with a satisfying hiss. "So, what's your favorite thing about LA?"
"The people," Y/n says without hesitation, her eyes lingering on the horizon where the stadium lights bleed into the night sky. "Everyone's got a story, a dream they're chasing. It's like the whole city's alive with possibility." She takes a sip of her drink, the cool liquid a welcome contrast to the warmth of the evening. "But I miss the quiet nights back home, where you can hear the crickets and the rustle of leaves." She looks at him, curiosity piqued. "What about you, Justin? What do you miss most about Oregon?"
"The rain," Justin says with a nostalgic smile, his eyes reflecting the distant twinkle of the stars. "There's something about the way it sounds on the roof, the smell of wet earth, and the quiet that follows. It's like the world's hushing itself so you can hear your own thoughts." He takes a swig of his beer, the foam clinging to his upper lip for a moment before he wipes it away with the back of his hand. "But LA has its moments. The ocean, the palm trees...it's got its own kind of magic."
The conversation flows easily between them, their shared experiences of leaving small towns for the big city creating a bond that feels both familiar and exciting. The sound of their laughter intertwines with the distant murmur of the party, creating a symphony of shared secrets and new beginnings.
The moment is shattered by the sudden appearance of Joey, his towering frame silhouetted by the light spilling from the party inside. His boisterous laughter fills the night air as he claps Justin on the shoulder, a knowing smirk playing across his face. "Well, well, well," he says, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Looks like someone's finally decided to take my advice and snag themselves a date." Justin rolls his eyes, but the warmth in his cheeks betrays his embarrassment. Y/n laughs, the sound like the tinkling of glass bells, and shakes her head. "You two really are like brothers," she says, playfully swatting at Joey's hand. "Could you at least pretend to be subtle?" Joey just chuckles, his eyes flicking between the two of them before he settles into the chair next to Justin, his grin unabashed. "So, what's the story here?" he asks, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest. "Or is it too early for me to start planning the wedding?"
Justin's cheeks redden slightly as he tries to brush off Joey's teasing. "It's not a date," he mumbles, his voice gruff. But the smile that tugs at his lips gives him away. Y/n giggles, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves," she says, playfully nudging Joey's arm. "We're just two friends enjoying a quiet night amidst the madness." Joey winks at her, his blond hair catching the light. "Friends, huh?" He leans back in his chair, a smug look on his face. "Well, if you say so. But if you ever need a best man, I'm your guy." The air between Justin and Y/n crackles with unspoken tension as they share a look that speaks volumes about the depth of their connection.
The playful banter between Justin and Joey brings a blush to Y/n's cheeks, but she quickly recovers, her laughter as bright as the stars above. She playfully swats at Joey's arm. "You're terrible," she says, though the smile on her face tells a different story. "But I'm surprised you noticed. Usually, you're too busy breaking defensive lines to care about my social life."
Joey's grin stretches from ear to ear as he takes a seat next to Justin, his eyes gleaming with mischief. He nudges Justin with his elbow, his voice a playful rumble. "Finally," he says, waggling his eyebrows. "I've been waiting for you to find someone who can keep up with your fast pace, both on and off the field." He winks at Y/n, his blue eyes twinkling with a hint of teasing. "And let me tell you, Justin here is the king of slow plays. But I see the way you two look at each other, and it's like watching a highlight reel of a perfect game." He laughs, slapping his knee. "I'd say it's about time you scored a touchdown in the love department, buddy."
Justin's eyes dart to Y/n, his cheeks reddening further. He playfully shoves Joey's shoulder, trying to deflect the attention. "You're one to talk, Joey," he counters, his voice tight with a mix of embarrassment and amusement. "Remember that time you tried to woo the mayor's daughter with your 'world-famous' pancake recipe?" The memory brings a round of laughter to the trio, breaking the tension.
"Oh no," Y/n gasps dramatically, her eyes widening. "What happened?" She leans in, eager for the juicy details, her curiosity piqued by the sudden shift in the conversation.
Justin's eyes widen in mock horror as Joey crashes into the conversation, his cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red. He playfully swats at his friend's massive arm, trying to shoo him away like a pesky fly. "It's not a date," he protests, his voice a little too loud. His heart races in his chest as he feels the weight of Joey's words, the truth behind the teasing. But he can't deny the thrill that runs through him at the thought of it being true. He glances at Y/n, her laughter lighting up her face, and feels a warmth spread through him that has nothing to do with the beer. "You're just jealous because you can't handle a night without making headlines," he says, his voice tinged with affectionate sarcasm. Joey just laughs, not bothered in the slightest by the jab.
Y/n's laughter is like a summer breeze, light and airy, filling the quiet corner of the patio with a gentle warmth. She watches the playful banter between the two friends with an amused smile, her Y/e/c eyes sparkling. She's used to being the center of attention, but there's something refreshing about being part of this unscripted moment. When Joey finally takes a seat, his presence is like a warm embrace, reminding her of the camaraderie that comes with shared experiences. "So, you're the one who's been trying to play matchmaker," she says, tilting her head to the side as she assesses him with a playful glint in her eye. "What's your secret? Spill it, I want in on the action." She leans in conspiratorially, her fingers tracing the rim of her glass, her eyes darting between Joey and Justin, enjoying the blend of embarrassment and camaraderie between them.
Joey's laugh booms across the patio, the sound resonating with the easy comfort of an old friend who knows all the best stories. He leans back in his chair, his arms folded behind his head, a smug smile playing on his lips. "Secret?" He says, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "It's simple, really. I just know what a catch my boy here is." He nudges Justin with his elbow, the motion causing the chair to rock slightly. "And when I saw you two," he says, gesturing between them, "I knew it was game over."
The air thickens with the weight of Joey's words, and Justin's heart skips a beat. He clears his throat, trying to regain his composure, his eyes flickering to Y/n. Her smile is gentle, a knowing look in her eyes that suggests she sees right through their playful banter.
"Well, it's been quite the evening," Y/n says, glancing at her phone with a sigh. "But I've got an early call time tomorrow, and I can't let Hollywood's toughest director catch me yawning on set." She stands up, smoothing out her dress with a grace that belies the sudden sadness in her eyes. "Thank you for the escape, guys. It's been... refreshing." She looks at Justin, the unspoken understanding between them as palpable as the night air. "I'll see you around, Justin," she says, her voice a soft caress. "And Joey," she adds, her smile widening, "you keep him out of trouble, okay?"
"Oh, you bet I will," Joey says, his grin never faltering. He stands up as well, towering over both of them. "But you know me, I'm the king of stirring the pot." He winks at Y/n before slapping Justin on the back. "Take care, sweetheart," he says, his tone teasing but affectionate. "And don't let this guy sweet talk you into any crazy bets. He's got a silver tongue when he wants to."
Justin stands up with her, his hand instinctively reaching out to help her chair. "It's been a pleasure, Y/n," he says, his voice sincere, his eyes holding hers for a beat longer than necessary. "I hope our paths cross again soon." The gravity of his words hangs in the air, hinting at the connection that's grown between them in such a short time.
As Y/n says her goodbyes, Justin can't help but feel a pang of regret at their impromptu meeting coming to an end. He watches her slip away into the night, her laughter fading into the buzz of the party. His heart feels lighter than it has in a long time, and he knows that this isn't the last he'll see of her. With a nod to Joey, he gathers his things and heads home, his mind racing with thoughts of her smile, her wit, and the way her eyes lit up when she talked about her love for racing. The quiet of the night seems to amplify his longing as he navigates the city streets, the neon lights reflecting off his windshield like a kaleidoscope of their shared moments.
The party goes on without them, a cacophony of voices and music that now seems a bit hollow. As Y/n's silhouette retreats into the night, Justin can't shake the feeling that he's lost something precious. He says his goodnights to Joey with a forced smile and heads home, his thoughts swirling like a tornado around the charming girl. Her laughter echoes in his mind, her words of kindness and understanding resonating in his soul. The drive back to his beachfront apartment is a blur, the city lights a mere backdrop to the replay of their conversation. He parks his car in the garage, the engine's purr the only sound to break the silence. The cool ocean breeze whispers through the open windows, carrying the faint scent of jasmine from the patio. He can't stop thinking about her, his heart racing with excitement and a hint of fear that he might never find someone who truly gets him like she seems to.
The memory of Y/n's dress clinging to her curves plays on a loop in Justin's mind as he walks into his apartment, the quiet hum of the fridge the only company to his racing thoughts. He tries to shake off the image, but it lingers like the scent of her perfume on his shirt. He heads to the bathroom, the thought of her contagious energy making his pulse quicken. 
As the steam fills the bathroom, Justin's thoughts drift back to the press of Y/n's body against his, the way her dress clung to her curves like a second skin. The memory sends a jolt of desire through him, and he can't help but let his hand wander, his fingertips grazing his abs as he imagines the softness of her touch. His hand moves lower, his thoughts spinning a web of passionate encounters, each more vivid than the last. The water pummels his back, a rhythmic beat that matches the tempo of his thoughts. He pictures her laugh, her eyes sparkling with mischief, and feels a sudden surge of arousal. He lets out a low groan, his hand moving faster as he gives in to the fantasy, the warm water a silent witness to his longing. The climax hits him like a wave, crashing over him and leaving him breathless, his heart pounding against his ribs. He leans heavily against the wall, the water now cold against his skin, as he comes back to reality with a gasp. It's not just physical desire; it's the connection they share that fuels his need for her. He turns off the shower, the silence ringing in his ears, feeling both satisfied and empty, knowing that the real thing would be nothing short of earth-shattering.
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justinherbertobsessed · 10 months
Just Justin casually supporting a grown man’s full weight like it’s nothing 🤭
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0sincerelyella · 11 months
Can I request one of Justin Herbert where you’re comforting him after a tough game, with lots of fluff, and it’s more of a night routine where they have dinner, watch tv, get ready for bed, cuddle! Thanks ☺️
I’m proud of you - Justin Herbert
Summary: Justin has a tough win, y/n will always be proud of him no matter what
notes: THIS IS SO EXCITING i don’t pay much attention to justin (being a bengals fan) but i do very much enjoy watching him play, so this should be fun:)
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y/n turned off the TV with a sigh. she had just watched an absolutely devastating chargers loss. she couldn’t make it to the game, due to working late, and she knew it would take a toll on justin.
immediately y/n stood to start her after loss routine. knowing he’d be home in about two hours she began a quick meal.
she gathered every extra blanket in the house and sat them on their couch. she placed candles and the food on the coffee table. she grabbed his favorite pair of comfy clothes and set them beside the blankets, finally she put on his favorite movie, pressing pause, and awaited his arrival
when she heard keys in the door, she walked into the kitchen to greet him at the door. the door opened and justin tossed his duffle bag next to the door. “i’m home!” he called, a tired sound to his voice. y/n pulled him in a hug before he could even look up to see her. he smiled, taking a breath and instantly relaxing under her touch. “you did amazing justin, absolutely amazing im so so proud of you”
his hand rested behind her head and gripped her hair softly as he pulls her tighter into a hug. she knew he didn’t think so, but he wasn’t going to argue with her. he loves her and doesn’t want to hurt her “I love you” he whispers, rocking them side to side. “i love you too” she smiled, loving the hug. justin lifted his head, suddenly realizing there was a nice smell coming from the stove
“what is that smell?” he made his way into the kitchen with a happy smile on his face. “your favorite” y/n answered, holding his hand as he discovered a meatloaf in the oven, pieces already cut out of. “y/n, baby you didn’t have to” he looked as he was about to cry.
football meant a lot to him, he wanted nothing more than to bring his team to victory every game. but unfortunately it didn’t happen. the standard he held himself up to really hurt his ego sometimes. but every time without fail, y/n is at home, with his favorite food, his favorite clothes, and his favorite movie. she’s always there to take care of him, she’s his favorite girl.
justin grabbed the clothes off the couch and instantly changed like a kid ripping open a Christmas present. his smile got even bigger when he realized y/n was wearing matching pjs with his own. “oh my goodness” he said, picking her up and spinning her around in an excited happy manner. “i love you till the ends of the earth” justin held her so tightly, plopping them both on the couch.
“i love you justin, i love you so much it hurts” he kissed all over her face. y/n reached up to turn on the movie, high school musical, and they both leaned back on the couch.
justin held her to his chest as he recited the movie. he has seen this movie a million times and knew it like the back of his hand.
y/n traced hearts on his arms as she layed on his chest. justin kissed her head over and over in between every pause to sing the songs. justin stands up excitedly
“we’re sourin!” he pointed to y/n
“flyin” she started quietly
“there’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach”
justin picked y/n up and sang to her like some stupid cheesy romance movie.
even though he lost his game today, he had his girl right by his side. he could care less, win, lose, he did what he loved to do and he had the girl of his dreams.
after the movie was over, y/n yawned, curling into justin’s side. “tired?” he asked, looking over at his girlfriend. she shook her head, barely able to keep her eyes open.
justin laughed, scooping her up into his arms much to her protest. she wiggled around in his arms and giggled. “put me down!” he shook his head, and ran up the stairs. he sat her on the bathroom counter and kissed her forehead “get ready for bed” he said, walking away and shutting their shared bedroom door.
“justinnnn!!!” she called, slouching in a pouty mood. “brush your teeth!” he called, presumably busy with something unknown.
y/n did as told, brushing her teeth and washing her face, she put her hair up and ran to the bedroom door, knocking like a mad woman “justin! i’m done and i’m tired let me in” justin waisted no time in letting her in, and she was met with blankets apon blankets stacked on the bed in a cozy nest, her favorite cartoons on the TV, and her favorite stuffed animals in the nest.
y/n squealed, running and jumping into the nest. she cuddled herself into the blankets, leaving justin at the door. “your such a jerk” he laughed, crawling into the blankets with her.
“i love you sweet girl” he said, kissing her face
“i love you too justin” she smiled, “oh and,” she turned around to face him
she placed a kiss to his lips with a soft
“i’m proud of you”
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jherbo10 · 1 month
Justin before the game ❤️
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blackmensuited · 8 days
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winguontheweb · 9 months
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We love Scorigami and also women doing hot girl shit
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j-herb · 1 year
that’s more like it 😌
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mensuited · 2 years
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ilyasorokinn · 2 years
hi taylor!!! congrats on 2.5k followers 🫶🏼
hmm, could i request "lazy kisses that dont even count as kisses but you could live in that moment forever because LOVE" with Justin Herbert? thank you :)
this is the first thing i've ever written for justin, so hope you all enjoy :) also this is really cheesy, so that's a warning
"lazy kisses that don't even count as kisses but you could live in that moment forever because LOVE" (from this prompt list)
practice, for some reason, was always so early in the morning that the sun was barely up. they must've hated you because whenever that stupid alarm rang, justin was up and at 'em.
his alarm went off at 7:30, and instead of hitting snooze like a normal person, he hit stop and got out of bed, and got ready for the day.
today was no different. his alarm went off early and he shut it off and made his way into the bathroom. he was practically a pro at getting ready in the dark.
he brushed his teeth and washed his face with a cleanser (something you taught him because his 3-1 was not doing it) before getting dressed, again, in the dark.
his bag had been packed the night before so all that was left to do was feed the cat and say goodbye to you. he fed your cat (who was really your child) and then climbed back into bed with you.
that was always how he would say goodbye. he would climb into bed with you and give you one last cuddle before he was off. he wrapped his arms around you and pressed gentle kisses against your shoulder.
"y/n..." he whispered. you groaned, turning your head away from him, "i just wanted to say bye before i go."
"too early." he heard you say through the muffled pillow.
"i know, but i gotta go, i just wanted to say goodbye and i love you." he kissed your shoulder again.
"i love you, too." you finally turned your head around to see him, "too early," you whined.
"i know, you can go back to sleep after i leave."
"won't be able to." you sighed.
"i'm sorry." he caressed your hair, "but i'll be back later and we can go to that new place you told me about last week."
"really? you hate all the tiktok recommendations though."
"i read the reviews on the plane after you told me about it." he shrugged.
you smiled, "i love you." you repeated.
"i love you, too." he leaned down, his forehead against yours.
"did you wash your face this morning?" you asked, reaching up to feel his face.
"yes, i did, you weirdo." he laughed, dodging your hand.
"skincare is important." you reminded him. he leaned back down.
you sighed happily, closing your eyes. you both knew he had to leave soon, but you didn't want to move. it was comfortable.
"can you pick up cat food on your way home?" you asked out of the blue, opening your eyes and meeting his.
he hummed, "anything else?"
you shook your head. he raised a brow, "fine. some kit kats?"
"that's better." he nodded with a laugh, "i'll be home in a few hours. maybe you can finally build that shelf that's been sitting in the garage for the past month."
"too heavy." you shook your head.
"i'll bring it in before i leave."
"okay, we'll see." you nodded. you sunk back into the pillows while he pushed himself up, leaning over you. your lips barely touched but you could feel his lips grazing yours. neither of you moved any closer, not wanting to ruin the moment.
eventually, justin's alarm telling him he had to go rang, and you frowned, "i gotta go, but i'll bring in the shelf. i'll see you later." he finally pressed his lips to your's before he was gone.
"i love you!" you yelled after him.
"i love you, too." he hollered back.
taylor's 2.5k celly!
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the-football-chick · 9 months
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Week 15 kicked off with Thursday Night Football Chargers @ Raiders
Nothing short of an embarrassment for the Chargers under backup QB Easton Stick as they get mollywhopped 63-21 by the Raiders on TNF.
Stick, who is replacing the injured Justin Herbert, didn't really have a bad game going 23/32 for 257 yards, 3 TDs and 1 INT but it couldn't match the Raiders electrified offense tonight with rookie QB Aidan O'Connell going 20/34 for 248 yards and 4 TDs, and their defense also adding 2 TDs, and a trick play by WR Jakobi Meyers throwing to star WR Davante Adams for another TD. 👀
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Chargers coach Brandon Staley's seat getting pretty hot with the team losing their last 5 out of 6 and sitting in last place in the AFC West at 5-9.
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IG: raiders (12/14/23)
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