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“I took care of my whole family when they had nothing, okay, when they were as poor and as homeless as McConaughey. I made sure they ate, I made sure they had a roof over their head, I made sure my little brother and sister got to school on time. Me, Sam, the ‘slacker.’”
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CHARACTER NAME/ALIAS: Richard John Grayson, aka Nightwing. FACECLAIM: Jesus Castro AFFILIATIONS: The Titans, The Justice League AGE (physical age as well, if different): 30 SPECIES (human, metahuman, alien, etc): Human IS YOUR CHARACTER’S IDENTITY SECRET OR PUBLIC?: Secret IF SECRET, OR YOUR CHARACTER IS A CIVILIAN, DO THEY HAVE A CIVILIAN OCCUPATION?: I don't think so, he'd be too busy with his duties in the mousehole. DOES YOUR CHARACTER LIVE IN THE MOUSEHOLE? IF SO, WHAT ARE THEIR DUTIES?: Yes, and I'd like him to be a pilot if that's all right.
1.) Trustworthy - Dick is consistent, reliable, and he can always be counted on to come running if his help is needed. He has a firm and unwavering sense of morality that keeps him grounded and confident in his abilities. 2.) Intelligent - Even though people look at him and assume he's just a pretty boy, he has genius-level intellect and is very good at deducing patterns and drawing connections. 3.) Adaptability - He prefers to have a plan going in, but he knows nothing goes according to plan. Dick is always prepared with multiple alternate routes and fail safes, should something go wrong, but he was also trained by Batman.
1.) Perfectionist - Dick can be extremely hard on himself and others. If he sees any room for error or makes a mistake, especially when there are lives on the line, he can be harsh with others and where they're lacking. 2.) Overextends himself - Although he has plenty of siblings to share the weight, Dick tends to think he can and should take on everything himself. He has a difficult time saying no when someone needs help, no matter who it is, and can run himself down to the bone trying to do everything for everyone. 3.) Private - While this isn't inherently a negative trait, Dick can take his need for privacy too far. He can and will keep secrets from his team if he thinks it's the right thing to do, or might protect them from getting hurt. He has the tendency to make independent decisions regardless of whether or not he's running a group. He sees it as his responsibility to make the hard calls, even if it means shutting down any possibility for collaboration.
POWERS AND/OR ABILITIES: Acrobatics, computer hacking, disguise, escapology, firearms, genius level intellect, forensic science, criminology, indomitable will, investigation, aikido, most forms of dance, boxing, capoeira, eskrima, hapkido, jeet kune do, judo jujitsu, karate, ninjitsu, sambo, savate, taekwondo, kung fu, multilingualism (English, Romani, Spanish, French, Italian, German, Japanese, Russian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, Sorbian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Greek, Latin, Swedish, Dutch, Farsi, Swahili, Mandarin, Kikuyu, Cantonese, Arabic, and ASL), peak human strength, peak human agility, peak human speed, peak human reflexes, peak human stamina, peak human endurance, peak human senses, stealth, swordsmanship, tracking, and weaponry.
WHAT BROUGHT YOUR CHARACTER TO SOKOVIA?: After Dick temporarily lost his memory, he was estranged from the rest of his family for some time. If it's okay with everyone, I'd like to pick up once his memory's returned and he's himself again. Once he's settled things in Bludhaven, he would go to Sokovia because that's where his family is.
DID THEY SIGN THE ACCORDS? WHY OR WHY NOT?: No. Dick is not the sort of person who would bow to outside pressure. He knows what he is doing is right, so he wouldn't bend even if someone else told him otherwise. He has a strong sense of obligation and duty to continue.
WANTED CHARACTER CONNECTIONS: Dick has a lot of connections, but I'm most excited to plot with the bat-family! Apart from that, I want him to reconnect with his Titans team.
POTENTIAL CHARACTER ARCS: I would really like to flesh out and develop the relationships he has with each of his family members. I really like the dynamic between him and Bruce. I hated the whole Ric storyline and really want to re-establish his connection to the family.
Bludhaven belonged to Nightwing. Leaving Robin behind had been one of the most difficult things he'd ever done, but it also meant starting anew. He settled on Bludhaven because it was close and desperately needed his help. The crime rate was worse than Gotham's a good day--Gotham's evil stepsister, that's what he'd told Cass, and he hadn't been exaggerating. Even though Gotham was just over the bridge, having his own identity and his own city granted him independence he'd never experienced before. Now that he was leading his own team and carving out a real place for himself, he no longer felt as if he were in Batman's shadow.
KGBeast's failed assassination changed everything. Once Dick regained consciousness, he had no idea who he was and didn't recognize his own family. Overwhelmed by the information he was given, he withdrew from all of it and vehemently opposed having anything to do with Nightwing or with the Wayne family. He found menial jobs to get by: taxi driver, bartender, waiter, and avoided anyone that had to do with his past. With Dick Grayson. That wasn't him anymore. He didn't want to get involved, especially as the world around him descended to chaos.
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Character Profile: “Teller”
(Teller is not his name - more of a title or placeholder name)
(Setting: High fantasy)
A bard-turned-librarian who has a specific focus on history and mythology.
His home life as a child was abusive; his dad was a horribly lazy terror who directed all of his pent up frustration at himself towards Teller and his mother.
Teller’s one solace in this was the volumes of books on history and myth that his mother kept; they would often sit together while she would read him stories from these books. As such, he grew up idealizing historical and mythological figures over his own father.
As he got older, he began to spend more and more time out in the woods near his house as a way to avoid his dad, learning various survival skills. When Teller was about sixteen, his mother died. Realizing there was nothing left for him at his home, he left home and began to make the journey to the closest city.
During a stay at an inn, while he was trying to find a place to settle down and build a life, he came across a group of adventurers. They reminded him much of the types of larger-than-life people he would read of in his childhood; he made the decision to join them on their adventures, no matter what they thought. At first they did not care much for him, but as time went on, they accepted the young man as an integral part of their group.
Late adult life:
He would later become a librarian at a renowned university, as well as a highly respected historian. [To-be-written, not much detail here]
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ADVOCATE CASE FILE: Oscine — ( about page. )
REAL NAME: Alexis Portella | DOB: May 8th, 1985 CIVILIAN IDENTITY: Sign Language Interpreter & Consultant ( with expertise in ASL. ) GENDER: Male | ORIENTATION: Bisexual/Aromantic CLASS: BLAST
SKILLSET: Alexis wasn’t a month old before he was discovered to be powered. At first, the extent of his power was believed to be the ability to break down any non-living matter with the sound vibrations of his voice. No wine glass or wooden door was safe around six-year-old Alex. However, the development of puberty also brought the development of his innate abilities. His vocal cords became a weapon that allowed him not only to shatter concrete but alter its state of matter and reform it, with a simple volume pitch and aggravated shift in tone. What his power lacks in precision when it comes to constructing and reforming in comparison to something like a willpower-powered ring or alchemy, they more than make up for it in overall destructive and defensive capabilities.
WEAKNESS(ES): The years of repressing his power throughout his early development have left him with very little control, even with an eventual decade of experience as a hero under his belt. He cannot speak without his ability manifesting in some way, and frequent use of his voice will still drain Alex of energy and cause damage to his throat, which can become permanent if ever pushed. This leaves him extremely cautious about using his ability ( and talking altogether ) and selective about when to move to action during a fight.
ORIGIN: Alexis showed no signs of being anything but a typical baby when he was firstborn. Delivered into the world in a Maryland hospital room, his initials cries offered no hint to the power that his voice would eventually hold. Both of his parents were average and rather unremarkable. But his moth was kind and nurturing and more than enough for Alexis when his father left them behind. He worked hard to make her proud and then stopped working altogether when she passed away. It wasn’t until he accidentally stopped a hostage situation at the age of twenty-two and met an already established mute hero that Alexis considered becoming one himself.
For nearly three years, Alexis worked on his own and largely failed at making a name for himself. However, he did manage to convince his idol to take him under his wing and started the training that would see him become a notable masked crime fighter. They went on to fight for seven years together and then his mentor fell in battle. Alexis’ renewed grief left him raw and vulnerable, and far more prone to retaliating to his fellow hero’s ableist remarks or tendencies - until they all but blackballed him from every league. It wasn’t until Alex felt half himself again that he decided to carry on the fight and joined the Advocates.
APPEARANCE: Standing over six feet, Lexis often strikes a lean and imposing figure. He’s also never spotted with anything less than a five o’clock shadow, even if the stubble makes the scar on his lower lip all the more apparent. He has a tattoo of a black-capped chickadee over his heart to honor his deceased mother, who used to call Lex her ‘little songbird’.
Oscine ( INSP/REF. ): A black ( red in ref image ) and midnight blue ( yellow in ref image ) suit of body armor that comes in pieces, granting flexibility for hand to hand combat at the risk of a few more weak spots. The only thing that’s left uncovered is the bottom half of his face, the top half is protected by a helmet decorated by small wings on the side.
SPEED ◼◼◻◻◻◻
#text post#ooc post#charbio!#[ largely power/hero history related.#general life history will be finished on the about page. ]#intro.
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get to know: ben hanscom (insp.)
#itedit#benhanscomedit#itcentral#itmovieofficial#loserssource#*gifs#*charbio#it (2017)#disagreeing in the tags is 100% acceptable#disagree on the actual edit and i'll block u#also? i love him#the best boy#100
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whiz kid who splits her time between college, cheerleading and about a million charitable courses in her attempt to help save the world. <p> fc: molly quinn
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Name: Azalea Syanthos Nereusou. Role: The Little Mermaid and The Sea Witch. Gender: Female.
Age: 18. Birthday: 18th September. Race: Mermaid.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Relationship Status: Single.
Place of Origin: Kouralion Courts.
Grade: First year college student at Praefatio Academy.
Dorm: Room 4, Torch of Coral.
Azalea is the second youngest child of the Nereusou-Poseidonou clan from the Kouralion Courts, and Nerissa’s twin sister. While her family has heavy Greek Pantheon lineage, Azalea is the first in her bloodline to be a fairy tale, thus making her both a Fable and pseudo-Greek deity.
At a young age, she had a curiosity for magic and the arcane, particularly from seeing her mother’s talent in witchcraft. Additionally, she was a very well-known for her beautiful singing voice, its peerlessness perhaps the first sign that she was going to be written as The Little Mermaid.
She attended Praefatio Academy since preschool with Nerissa, her mother’s alma matter, but was expected to transfer to Olympia Academy like her other siblings. However, having chosen the fairy tale route, Azalea continued to attend Praefatio. Some time in high school, she was announced to be a member of The Fairest Five, her rank being The Fairest of Them All.
During her last year of high school, Azalea changed her fairy tale destiny by become both The Little Mermaid and The Sea Witch, thus causing a bit an upset with the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, while some of the other Fable folk reacted more positively. Azalea’s standing to the public view is half-and-half, and the constant talk about her has turned her more timid, and reserved.
Azalea grew up with Conan Hemming, a descendant of The Big Bad Wolf, whom is her best friend, and additionally another reason why she didn’t want to leave Praefatio.
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Full Name: Rosalie de Cristaux. Aliases: Rosie. Title: The Bridge Between Worlds, The Bridge, Gatekeeper, Lady. Birthday: 8th September. Race: Fae. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. Relationship Status: Dating Xemnas (Soulmate). Home World: Château de Cristaux. Other Residences: Twilight Town, The World That Never Was. Family: Baudouin de Cristaux (father), Giselle de Cristaux (mother).
Biological Age: 22. Eye Colour: Lilac. Hair Colour: Rose bloom pink. Height/Weight: 168 cm/64 kg. Build: Hourglass. Skin Tone: Relatively fair. Face Shape: Oval, chubby cheeks.
Rosalie doesn’t see the world in black or white. Rather, she believes that things are always in the grey area, and that everything happens for a reason. She sees things in the point of view of others, particularly like how not everyone has the same definition of what’s right and wrong.
As the prime source of what keeps the Worlds connected, Rosalie knows and understands the weightage upon her shoulders, along with the responsibilities that she has to handle with the job.
Although Rosalie takes her role seriously, she isn’t completely serious, stiff, or uptight, but rather lighthearted and carefree for the most part. She is often seen as cheerful and upbeat, always seeing the positive side of things no matter how bleak a situation may be.
She is also quite intelligent, particularly in battle strategy and risk management, being able to assess situations on the spot.
Remarkably friendly (and occasionally quite a loud mouth), Rosalie adores befriending the new people she’s met in her journey, regardless their personality; Be they standoffish, brash, eccentric, rude — It doesn’t matter, she welcomes them all with open arms.
Despite all this, there is some sense of negativity to being as easygoing as Rosalie is, as often when things don’t go her way or the way she thought they may go, she has to handle the situation to the best of her abilities. This makes her a bit of a pushover, or someone that can easily be walked all over. In her own opinion, Rosalie sees herself as someone with remarkably low expectations, thus not setting herself up for disappointment as easily.
Rosalie has always been a curious lass, even when she was younger. Maybe even a bit too curious for her own good, always keen on learning and discovering new things, places, and meeting people.
Furthermore, Rosalie doesn’t bask in the light, nor does she fear the darkness. She is comfortably situated in the centre between the two and between Xemnas’ thighs.
Beneath everything else, Rosalie can be seen as a very selfish person. For an example, she knew of Xemnas’ overall plans but never told any of the other Organization members, nor did she warn Sora, or anyone else for that matter. While this proves how loyal she is to Xemnas, it also shows how much she prioritizes him. However, Rosalie is not blinded by love, and steps in or intervenes with his plans if they put her duty in jeopardy.
The inhabitants of Château de Cristaux are Fae-like people whom were guided and influenced by the Crystals within the underground of her family’s castle. While the World itself is named after the Château, it spreads to forests, villages, and farms on the outskirts towards the mines. The World is made up of mostly pastel and pearlescent colours, particularly on pinks and purples.
Rosalie’s people all had magic coursing through their veins, mostly used for healing, sustenance, and agriculture while Rosalie herself became the sole source of keeping the wards surrounding the World up, thus making her its guardian by extension.
Since separation of the Worlds, Château de Cristaux has been forgotten through magic, and former rulers have isolated the World and treated it like a haven and sanctuary, sealing anyone from entering or leaving without permission from the appointed gatekeeper.
As mentioned prior, her people, and Rosalie herself, are Fae-like, especially in their culture: beliefs, rituals, and spiritual connections. They see their Crystals as sacred, believing their very livelihood and lifespan depends on them, and refer to themselves as the Crystalline, though the term is rarely used due to a lack of outsiders that visit. Another ‘tradition’ is that eventually, at a certain point in their life, a Crystal will tell them who their Soulmate is, and a mating bond will form. Soulates of the Crystalline can be anyone, and only properly form after they’ve met, but don’t necessarily develop in an instant. Commonly, it is other Crystalline; However, some unlucky souls find their Soulmate in residents of other Worlds, and due to the wards, never get to meet or be with them. Mating bonds needn’t always be acted on or accepted, and sometimes are ignored completely in the modern times, believed to be part of old traditions.
The Crystals and the existence of the Cristaux bloodline is the sole reason why there is neither an excess of light or darkness in the World.
Baudouin was the former Bridge Between Worlds and thus its former ‘ruler,’ however Rosalie is the current bearer of the title.
A little bud in bloom.
The only child of Baudouin and Giselle de Cristaux, Rosalie was the next one to take up the mantle and role of the Bridge Between Worlds. Thus, her childhood and upbringing involved a lot of preparations for when she was mature enough to handle her duties. She experienced all sorts of training, all to hone the abilities that eventually would aid her; Particularly opening pathways or gateways for those with the ability to travel through them.
Her Home World is a lavish, elegant, and beautiful place, with her and her family having lived in a castle-like estate. While having a princess-like upbringing, Rosalie always had the heart of an adventurer, longing to explore the other Worlds she was groomed to protect the balance of.
The relationship between herself and her parents wasn’t necessarily warm, but fine all the same. Which was all the more reason why leaving home was easier for an adolescent Rosalie. She had inherited the title and responsibility from her father, who was a stern, and dedicated to his work; Only weak, and putting in the presence of his wife. Her mother was just as stern as her father. Despite the femininity of her name, Giselle was harsh and ferocious woman, built like an Amazon and originally the personal guard to Baudouin. The two married after their mating bond finally clicked after years of romantic tension, and during a brief courtship.
Although she doesn’t show it much in the current day, Rosalie felt significantly burdened by her responsibilities when she was younger, always feeling a sense of weight on her shoulders. Despite having to grow up fast, Rosalie had a pleasant childhood, having enjoyed herself as well as having a good environment to be raised in.
When Rosalie eventually came of age and was prepared enough, she was sent off to maintain the connections between all the Worlds.
The Darkness is not taking any prisoners tonight, my dear.
In her adventures, Rosalie travelled from the dry savannahs of the Pride Lands, to the underwater world of Atlantica, the Land of Dragons, Wonderland, and so on.
Each World provided her with the thrill of adventuring and discovery of new places, history, people, and stories for her to remember in the days to come.
Yet no amount of training or preparation could have prepared her for the outbreak of the Heartless. However, some of the Worlds disappearing was what brought Rosalie out at her busiest. Restoring the invisible threads that connected one World to the other while the ‘chosen’ she kept hearing about battled the darkness and locked the Keyholes. Rosalie eventually managed to reconstruct all of the destroyed Worlds once Ansem was defeated by Sora, Donald, and Goofy, and through the situation, she discovered new insight on both darkness and light.
In this moment I let go, with you.
And despite all this, the one place which left the biggest impact on her was one which wasn’t originally on her 'list.’ Having — quite literally — stumbled into The World That Never Was. This was where Rosalie met Organization XIII’s leader, Xemnas, for the first time, but only for a brief, passing moment. As the World was a bit too much for her to handle due to its uniqueness (much alike the End of the World), she had to leave to attend to the other Worlds once the Nobodies had began to spring up.
Still, her wish to properly meet the mysterious, hooded figure came true when they ran into each other in Twilight Town.
Even though she was well-aware that Xemnas was a Nobody, Rosalie’s significant soft spot for him was not ignored in the least. The two of them, despite one being overemotional and the other having a severe lack of emotion, became a couple. A very odd pair; She was the somebody that gave her heart to nobody. While not entirely agreeing with his methods, and goals, Rosalie never intervened with his plans.
Rosalie was devastated at Xemnas’ supposed defeat at the hands of Sora and Riku, yet still didn’t blame them whatsoever. Everyone had a different definition of what was right and wrong. Yet, that didn’t make it hurt any less, of course.
But then for some reason, he came back, they were reunited. Young Xehanort and Xemnas explained it to her but honestly what the fuck even why did they bring time travel into this. “You have a giant fucking forehead,” Rosalie yells at Xehanort, and Xemnas drags her away before things get out of hand. they have hot sex or something i have to check my fanfiction
After they were reunited, Rosalie told Xemnas that he was her Soulmate.
Rosalie wears a white tube top with a black under bust, and with a black pair of panties shorts that have a chain belt across to fasten her ruffled cape skirt. She wears a pair of ribboned pink heels, black thigh high socks, and pink fingerless gloves. Her wavy hair is kept up in a ponytail, held back with a black hairband.
There is honestly nothing functional or practical about her outfit, but honestly at least there aren’t like fifty thousand unnecessary zippers.
Like really, what the Hell is going on over there?
Rosalie wields a metallic pink whip sword, adorned with a rose keychain and motifs across it. The radius of her weapon is wide, and has the ability to inflict damage on both Heartless, and Nobodies, though Rosalie doesn't normally come to blows with the latter.
Her choice of weaponry also permits her to open, and even close pathways if necessary. Though not entirely the sole source of her powers, her whip sword lets her use these abilities without draining too much of her energy as it would if she went freehanded.
Additionally, her weapon lets her open doorways, and with Xemnas' teachings, she is also capable of opening Dark Corridors.
Rosalie has various whip swords, all with differing names, and having a rose keychain. Her known weapons are: Wicked Rose, Savage Thorns, Dragon Spine (Ultima).
Everything has rhythm.
Rosalie is a skilled gymnast, thus making her quite flexible and quick on the battlefield. Her attacks do not deal great deals of damage too often (unless used in repetitive succession, such as Rosea Arcanum), but are very quick and often stuns her foes.
Her battle style uses a mix of both swordsmanship (when her whip sword is not detached), and a dominatrix whip user.
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Full Name: Vyloria Aliases: Tiny Sailor. Birthday: 15th September. Race: Nereid. Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual. Relationship Status: Single. Place of Origin: ??? Religion: Agnostic. Family: ???
Biological Age: 16. Eye Colour: Gold. Hair Colour: Light blonde, with dark blonde-light brown tips. Height/Weight: 157cm/54kg. Build: Petite. Skin Tone: Tan. Face Shape: Cute as heck.
0 notes
“We’re gonna sing a song together, and the music usually starts when I say something like ‘It’s Brittany, bitch’ or I do one of my magical turns.”
#glee#gleeedit#brittany pierce#brittanypierceedit#heather morris#charbio#*#i feel like this one is the most controversial ones i've done in terms of character typings....i stand by this tho
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Inquisitor as a Companion.
Basics; —
Inquisitor’s Name: Aerdes Lavellan.
Race, Class, & Specialization: Elf, Mage, Arcane Warrior; Fire, and frost favour.
Varric’s Nickname for them: Rosy.
Default Tarot Card: The Empress.
Title: The Inquisitor (unofficially, post Trespasser), Keeper, First to the Keeper (formerly).
Birthday: Eluviesta, 9:23 Dragon.
Race: Elf (Dalish).
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Relationship Status: Married to Iron Bull (presumably).
Religion: Old Elven.
Family: Nerite Lavellan (cousin), Clan Lavellan, Gérard de Noailles (adopted father), Penelope de Noailles (adopted mother), Mariette de Noailles (adopted sister).
Biological Age: 17-18 at the start of Inquisition, 21 at the end of events in Trespasser.
Eye Colour: Hazel.
Hair Colour: Dark brown.
Height/Weight: 163cm/55kg.
Build: Slim, and petite.
Skin Tone: Tan.
Distinguishing Features: Aerdes’ Vallaslin was originally a tattoo in respect to Mythal, however was later modified to resemble an Orlesian mask, imprinted onto her face. She also has a beauty mark under her lips, and a large scar going through her left eye.
Personality; —
Aerdes is both the wind, and the mountain — She is flexible, and able to change her opinion on matters, yet at the same time is immovable if her mind is properly set on something. She is described as compassionate, as most of her actions are beneficial to others. Though, to the all-seeing eye, it should be noted that Aerdes’ actions also benefit her in some way. This is most likely from her time spent in Orlais.
However, Aerdes’ cunning and skills of manipulation aren’t negative, and more often than not meet the best interest in many others, as well as not harming them. Still, she does everything a certain way for a reason, always having an ulterior motive despite having the best intentions at heart. Perhaps the most selfless thing she has ever done was risking her life in the standoff between Corypheus and his Lyrium-infused Dragon, so that the others could survive Haven.
Born with magic pumping through her veins, Aerdes was appointed First to the Keeper at a ripe age of 13. Her magical capabilities, talents and ability to harness them were perfected at an early stage.
Her cousin, Nerite, was born within the same year as her, and were both coincidentally mages. However, Clan Lavellan didn’t send the latter away, and rather Nerite was appointed to be Keeper Deshanna’s Second.
This sparked a bit of a friendly rivalry between Aerdes and Nerite, however this is mostly one-sided on Nerite’s end.
The Lavellan Clan moved from place to place very often, and Aerdes was happy in the wild for the most part, however always wanted a little more adventure and not necessarily live as a vagrant.
Her wishes were sparked to life when a high ranking noble family from Orlais had lost their way through the woods after a failed assassination attempt, and were saved from Aerdes and Nerite from being attacked by wolves.
The house head, Gérard, and his wife, Penelope, were both grateful and fond of their Elven saviours, for their rescue saved them both as well as their young daughter Mariette.
After the clan had tended, sheltered, and aided the Noailles family, the head of the household offered a favour in return: Taking in one of the Lavellan clan’s members to experience living in Orlais, under the safety of the noble family. Aerdes was the only one keen to go, and through persuasion skills, the Keeper Deshanna and the Elders eventually let her go — Albeit with a great deal of hesitance.
Aerdes convinced her higher ups that her going to Orlais would prove beneficial for their clan, giving them more insight, connections, and perhaps a chance to better the opinions of City Elves and Orlesian nobles of the Dalish.
Gérard was the first person to notice the potential in Aerdes’ conversation and charismatic skills, and knew that she was capable of being moulded into a powerful player in The Grand Game.
For her protection of being both a mage and a Dalish elf in Orlais, Gérard suggested giving Aerdes’s Vallaslin a modification. Though not traditional, and perhaps disrespectful, the survival of their newly appointed, and future Keeper was vital. As every slave/servant in Orlais needed to wear a mask of their owners, Aerdes’ unique ‘tattoos’ would prevent her from being harmed in the city, for if she was killed and her body was found, people would know that she belonged to the Noailles.
This is how Aerdes got her more mask-like pattern for her Vallaslin, as opposed to the typical style; Ironically, her Vallaslin literally became slave markings.
Although recognized as a slave to the public, Aerdes was treated like a second daughter to Gérard and Penelope, and like an older sister to Mariette. The arrangement was beneficial to both Aerdes and the Noailles. As Aerdes was given access to books on old magics, as well being able to pick up whatever else other apostate children of nobles were learning, and additionally learning and experiencing The Grand Game and how it worked firsthand. As for Gérard and his family, owning a Dalish slave was admirable, and having branded Aerdes with her mask was seen as humiliating to other nobles.
Aerdes being a mage was suspected by many others outside the family, however there was never enough proof for this to be discovered.
She spent several years with the Noailles, up until she was 17. Afterwards, she returned to her clan, where she would later be propositioned with another ‘infiltration’ of sorts.
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts.
Aerdes’ sharp tongue and wit is perfectly displayed in The Winter Palace in Halamshiral, where she outplays everyone with power or say (notably Empress Celene and Grand Duke Gaspard).
Upon arrival at the palace, many of the nobility recognized Aerdes by her distinguishing Vallaslin, however under the protection of the Inquisition and Gaspard de Chalons, neither Aerdes nor Gérard lost face in the discovery that the Inquisitor was a mage.
Initially receiving disapproval for both her race and her being a mage, Aerdes paid little mind to her comments of being a ‘knife-ear’ or an ‘abomination.’ Rather, she vividly displays her true colours in front of her associates, who realize there is more to her than they originally thought.
The first instance is in Aerdes finding Montbelliard’s Ring for a noblewoman, where the Inquisitor dances around the subject.
Prior to entering the palace, Aerdes’ snooping for secrets and eavesdropping did not go unnoticed to the Spymaster, who began to confirm her assumptions of the Inquisitor’s past and stay in Orlais.
While her suspicion and coy way of playing earned the approval of a few members of the court, to some of her companions, Aerdes seemed well in her element amongst the nobles — Even with Gaspard’s initial warning, Lavellan appeared to be far too comfortable in playing cunning.
After having entered The Winter Palace and proceeding to the ballroom, Aerdes was introduced as ‘Lady Inquisitor Aerdes Lavellan, formerly of House Naoilles.’
She speaks to Gaspard, Briala, Celene and her ladies-in-waiting shortly after the introduction. While seen as a ‘formality,’ it was also an opportunity to see things in each one of their perspectives.
Before speaking to Leliana, she mingles with the nobility. Some familiar faces remark that they she is very good at keeping secrets and covering her tracks, while others speak ill of her thinking that she can associate in their ranks. Regardless, Aerdes still manages to strike a deal with Lady Mantillon. Other Elven servants also interact with Aerdes, warning her of strange things happening in the Servant Quarters.
After the Inquisitor speaks to Leliana, they then discuss plans on what to do, as well as to be on the look out for Celene’s Arcane Advisor.
Once the attention around her had died down, and her companions began to get on the move, Aerdes then did investigations of her own: Starting with the Guest Wing, and later the Grand Library as well.
At one point, while returning to the ballroom for show, Aerdes meets Morrigan, the occult advisor mentioned by Leliana. She explains that she was attacked by a Tevinter agent, and passes the keys to the servant quarters.
Aerdes then takes her small party of companions with her to investigate the servant quarters and later the Grand Apartments, where they are greeted with a Venatori attack. They hunt down the Harlequin, and are later joined by Briala.
Briala states that she has noticed how ‘busy’ Aerdes had been, and thanks her and her companions for avenging her people that had been slaughtered. She offers the Inquisitor her alliance, along with her underlings, believing that Aerdes would be having a hefty say in the outcome of the negotiations.
Though vague, Aerdes implies that she might fancy Briala and her allies being on the Inquisition’s side, particularly because they both want better for their people as a whole, not just the City Elves or the Dalish.
Once the party returns to the ballroom, Florianna de Chalons requests a dance with Aerdes, saying that others cannot hear them on the dance floor.
After her dance with Florianne, Aerdes discusses their options with her advisors, who all give suggestions on who to save, and who to slay; Aerdes, however, believes there must be a reason the Duchess is throwing her own brother under the bus.
She later dances with Iron Bull, which shocks the court, but also fascinated them — especially after the Inquisitor’s dance with Florianne de Chalons. The attention and gossip about them humoured Bull quite a deal, remarking about how the Orlesians were struggling to piece together that the two were involved.
Needless to say, wagging tongues wouldn’t cease whispering about an Elven apostate with a Qunari mercenary.
Before the Inquisitor investigates the Royal Wing with her party, she approaches Gaspard and Briala with the material she has on them thus far.
In the Royal Wing, a hefty amount of dirt on Briala, Celene, and Gaspard land ever-so-nicely on Aerdes’ lap, properly sealing each of their fates in her hand.
Upon rescuing the Elf being attacked by the Harlequin, she receives blackmail material on Briala. In Celene’s private quarters, she discovers material on the Empress. And in the courtyard, she learns something vital about Gaspard.
She was later pressed and questioned by the three advisors on how well she was able to ‘fit in’ with the Orlesians, and beat them at their own game. Though Dalish by birth, and a firm follower of the old ways, Aerdes is as Orlesian as any noble. It is here where more light is shed on her past time in Orlais to her companions and her advisors.
Aerdes then tells the truth about her time as a temporary ‘slave’ in Orlais under the Noailles family educated her in the ways of The Grand Game, which thus explains how she managed to execute things to her favour, and get the ending she wanted: Celene remaining in power, with Briala putting in heavy input at her side. As for Gaspard? The bastard was beheaded, probably.
Leliana comments to Josephine and Cullen that Aerdes had possibly been playing all of them all along.
On the balcony, after the events have subsided, Aerdes and Iron Bull share a moment. She tells him that although the political games were fun, the highlight of her night was being reunited with adopted family. Bull then offers to make her night even better, and the pair of them dance for the second time in the ballroom (and also try to find more snacks).
————— —————
Where they are in Haven: In the apothecary.
Where they are in Skyhold: In the gardens.
Things they Generally Approve of: Reuniting Briala and Celene (major approval),
Side-quests or in conversation: helping the Dalish, not looking down on elves.
Things they Generally Disapprove of:
Feelings on the Mages:
Feelings on the Templars:
Friends in the Inquisition: Vivienne, Iron Bull, Dorian, Varric, Cole, Leliana —
Generally, Aerdes gets along with everyone. Her and Cassandra have differing views, but have a mutual respect for each other. Once specializations have been unlocked, party banter reveals that occasionally the two spar/train together. Aerdes changes Cassandra’s views on magic greatly, and similarly Cassandra makes Aerdes realize that there needs to be some restraints on magic.
Aerdes is particularly fond of Iron Bull, often flirting with him in a cheeky, albeit less than subtle manner. Bull entertains this, and comments on how forward Aerdes is for being so ‘inexperienced.’ If neither are romanced, and Dorian and Bull’s romance hasn’t been triggered, the two will eventually get together. Bull strictly calls Aerdes ‘Kadan’ after it has been locked in, and Aerdes calls him ‘Vhenan.’
Vivienne has a surprisingly good relationship with Aerdes. Originally starting out rocky, with Vivienne being a supporter of Circles and Templars, and Aerdes being more of an apostate. However, the two soon find common ground in their love of Orlais, and The Game. Aerdes being a terrific player impresses Vivienne, and the two tend to talk about their reputations in Orlais.
Banter; —
When she sees a Dragon:
Travel Banter with Canon Companions of your choice:
Aerdes: So, Madame de Fer.
Vivienne: La Dame Peinte.
Aerdes: I wasn’t aware gossip of me would reach the ears of the Enchanters. I’m almost honoured.
Vivienne: My dear, gossip of you spread like wildfire in Orlais. You’re lucky the Noailles family are practically royalty. I’m surprised that news of an Elven apostate practically being an entertainer in the Imperial Court hasn’t cost you your life.
Aerdes: I was still more a servant like the other elves than anything else. Besides, I think the branding on my face seemed like a punishment to the Orlesians. Even though it’s a mask I wear with pride.
Vivienne: Once again, I’m curious as to how the other nobility didn’t try to get rid of you, my dear.
Vivienne: You certainly have a way of charming the nobles in Skyhold, don’t you?
Aerdes: You mean for a Dalish Elf that was once a servant? (Laughs.) It’s easier when they’re out of Orlais. The more eyes that are watching them that aren’t Orlesian, the more vulnerable they are.
Vivienne: Are you sure you aren’t Orlesian by blood?
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Katya: Currently deep down in our much beloved Crystalviz- Augmented, Dic #sailormoon swag, conceptualizing a newish oc - Chibiusa/Rini's matured-to-young-adulthood, Kurai-looking (from SMSacrifice), younger sister, Serendipity, who isn't about that CrystalTokyo utopian life, and eventually ends up with Diamond,, though, seeing someone make a Senshi sister of Diamond, and Sapphire, is really awesome. And then, since we've not been on here, we've got our lovely Makai, Ali&En, who appear in the filler eps of R, and OCs Ari&El, the latter of whom, is their Senshi. We'll probably post a charbios thing at some point, to use as a handy one-stop-shop reference link.
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Character Profile: Nova
(Setting: Modern-fantasy)
Nova is a doe (trans girl) who has an eye for the occult in a literal sense - she has a unique sort of sight that allows her to see the spiritual phenomena laid on top of her world.
From childhood, she has had the ability to see much of the spiritual “stewards” of the world. In childhood, this was chalked up to an overactive imagination that strongly personified the environment around her, but in reality these were spirits local to the area that she alone was able to see unaided.
Though she very rarely actually interacted with these spirits, she eventually gained the attention of one named Citra. Through a mutual interest in each other’s worlds, they were both able to gain knowledge of the other’s world, and became fast, if odd friends.
Eventually, Citra decided that they wanted to make the leap into taking on a physical body. Despite Nova’s complete unfamiliarity with how to affect the occult, rather than just observing it, she decided to go to work, giving herself a crash course in the mystical before completing a ritual that culminated in cutting off her own two antlers, giving a bit of her life to Citra to bring it into this world.
(Appearance: Orange, like an orange creamsicle, and white on her abdomen. It’s a redesign of my oldest fursona, if anyone remembers that.)
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“When you get a nose job, when you change your eyes, when you bleach your freckles, you’re just announcing to the world: ‘I don’t like myself very much.’ The drams of this week have made me realize if I don’t have many Asian sex symbols to look up to, I have an obligation to become one myself. My new mantra is, ‘Be the change you wanna see in the world.’”
#glee#gleeedit#tina cohen chang#tinacohenchangedit#jenna ushkowitz#*#charbio#shout out fellow infps!
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Character Profile: Citra
(Setting: Modern-fantasy)
Citra is a localized spirit of nature manifest into physical form - a colorful, paper and plaster pinata shaped like a deer, with two real antlers atop its head.
Having lost much of its “domain” to expansion of civilization, it has lost much of its power and purpose. However, it became incredibly interested in the new environment as it grew up around it, and spent much time exploring it as it grew up around it. However, with this change came a large reduction in the amount that Citra was able to affect the physical world.
One day, it was able to feel something it had seldom felt before - the feeling of being watched. This was Nova, a doe with the special and rare ability to see across whatever veil separated Citra from the physical world.
Citra, being very interested in the fact this being could see it, followed Nova home. Over the course of weeks, Citra acquainted itself with Nova, and began communicating directly with her. They became fast, if unusual friends.
Citra eventually convinced Nova to attempt to bind it into a physical form of some kind. Though Nova was inexperienced reaching across the barrier between the physical and the spiritual rather than just looking across it, with help, she eventually succeeded in creating Citra’s body, after giving over a part of herself in the form of her antlers.
(I will try to add a quick and dirty reference drawn on top of a base later..)
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