charasgenociderun · 6 months
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Fallout New Vegas.
“True Genocide Run.”
The Mojave WILL Go Empty. (And So Will The DLC Locations.) Kill every single N.P.C in every area, the Mojave is a big place. So, I will be uploading a map of it on here for you to use as a guide.
Manipulation, Is Key. (The order of which locations you eradicate is irrelevant, do faction quests or not. It’s up to you.) While I say this, I should note: Goodsprings will fall first.
Every Vessel Is Different. (Experiment with different builds, there is no “right” way to go about it. Everyone has their own preferred play style.
Wipe The Slate Clean. (Completing Lonesome Road and launching the nukes at both N.C.R and Legion is required.)
Vegas, Belongs To No-one. (Since you will be killing everyone, the only person who you can side with is Yes Man. During the Mojave’s Final Stand, you need to destroy Hoover Dam. Rendering it unusable is key to ending any future attempts by N.C.R and Legion to try and settle on the Mojave Graveyard.)
My Brain? I Hardly Know Her. (The benefits of the Heartless, Brainless and Spineless perks are vital to ensuring that you are strong enough to fight.)
Chara, The True Name. (Since we are following in the footsteps of Undertale’s Genocide Run. Having your vessel be named Chara is a fun way to channel that inner demonic power.)
Never Let Go. (Dead Money is notoriously difficult, so I recommend going to Old World Blues first, acquiring the necessary perks recommended. Here’s some tips: Kill your compatriots in the Madre. Do it however you want, my preferred method is a cosmic knife to the throat.)
Survivors, In A Dying Land. (Randomly generated N.P.Cs will be a recurring presence, especially around Camp McCarran. So, be prepared if you’re doing double takes around that area.)
Link to an interactive map of the Mojave:
That does it!
Oh, and the most important thing is that you have fun, try new things. Thats why I made this run to begin with.
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