#character: zheng ren
movielosophy · 6 months
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Live Surgery Room | I need your help to convince the director.
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xiakeponz · 1 year
for modern AU fics - what chinese media did diaspora consume?
making this post because some of us in the diaspora server were having a chat about what Chinese media "Diaspora Chinese" watched in the 90's - 2000's (and even sooner than that) while not having access to satellite chinese media or streaming services - this is in the context of writing modern AU fics based off Chinese media/novels (so your main character's grandpa or uncle is not, in fact, watching an episode of Friends or Shortland Street or something as flavour text because sorry what the hell-)
We generally watched a lot of stuff on VCDs, including bootlegged and non-bootlegged movies, shows, anime/donghua. My household had a whole VCD album of this, and a lot of VCDs (even if they were pirated editions) would have a fancy hardcover box with a magnetic clasp and some artwork representing the show on it.
All of this is Mandarin - so not TVB stuff, because I'm from Northern China and I don't know any cantonese - but Canto friends, please feel free to add to the list! This is mostly stuff my parents liked to watch, or I liked to watch with them, with the exception of a few which I mainly watched with friends/cousins when I was maybe (in most cases) eleven/twelve years old onwards. This is a pretty personal list, meant to give people general idea of a possible "ballpark" of sorts, and by no means exhaustive.
Now, for the list of shows which I can confirm I had or someone I know had on VCD or some kind of offline media format lol (I'll try add release year stamps and links to the EN wikipedia where possible):
Period dramas (mostly Qing Dynasty stuff):
Huan Zhu Gege 还珠格格 (1998, April-) This is a classic, so many memes come from this show; hugely popular series, basically cemented Zhang Tie Lin's face as the face of the Qing Emperor for about a decade. Tie Chi Tong Ya Ji Xiao Lan 铁齿铜牙纪晓岚 (2002-2010) - I loved this show as a kid and watched all four seasons on repeat with family... The "trio" in this show are well known and loved.
Amazing Detective Di Ren Jie / 神探狄仁杰 (2004) A very popular and addictive show. Ok now the Big Four:
Romance of 3 kingdoms 1994 / 三国演义 (1994) - a classic that has had many remakes, my older cousin would play this on repeat...
Hong Lou Meng/红楼梦 (1987) - another classic with many remakes, but I think the most recognised by the public one is the 1987 one.
Journey to the West / 西游记 live action (1986) - I think the 1986 version of the live action is the most recognised one. *Shui Hu Zhuan / 水浒传 (1998) - I am not too familliar with the live action of this one in my household tbh bc my mum doesn't like it lol (she keeps saying it's too depressing) but I'm sure it's up there with the rest of the big four, if anyone has an opinion on this one please let me know!
Modern setting shows:
My dad loved all the Sun Honglei (孙红雷 - actor name) stuff, iirc it was a lot of MinGuo period espionage stuff, your shanghai 1920's sxc aesthetic. This actor has been around since 1999? Qian Fu (潜伏)was very famous, and Ren Jian Zheng Dao Shi Cang Sang (人间正道是沧桑)。 These were around '08 and '09.
Chuang Guan Dong - 闯关东 (2008) (Baidu link, sorry - couldn't get an EN wikipedia one). This show was huge when it was airing, everyone was watching it. I was pretty young but even I watched it and got invested ... and I thought it was such an "old person" show at the time lmao. Xiao Bing Zhang Ga / 小兵张嘎 (2004) (sorry, again Baidu link) - yo, anti-japanese war movies set between 1937-1945 were crazy popular - this is one of them and was very popular):
Donghua/Anime (all the stuff kid me watched and some which I didn't but were popular):
喜羊羊与灰太狼 (2005-) Calabash Brothers / 葫芦兄弟 (1986-1987) Black Cat Detective / Hei Mao Jing Zhang 黑猫警长 (1984-2010) Lan Mao Tao Qi 3000 Wen 蓝蓝猫淘气3000问 AKA 蓝猫 (blue cat) (October 1999 - Present) Legend of Ne Zha 哪吒传奇 (2003) Journey to the West/Xi You Ji 西游记 This was truly the Donghua I grew up on from when I was a bb, the OP song and ED song are classic bangers all kids know. Slam Dunk/ 灌篮高手 - People truly watched a lot of anime that may or may not have been terribly dubbed into mando (possibly canto too). Late 80s and 90s kids were all over this, and Dragon Ball, Crayon Shinchan (labixiaoxin).
Taiwanese Dramas:
This is mid-late 2000's, I would be remiss to not talk about the Taiwanese dramas of this era. Mike He, Rainie Yang, Wu Zun (amongst many, many others) were huge. Stuff like Dou Niu Yao Bu Yao, it started with a kiss, Hua Yang Shao Nv (Taiwanese version of Hana Kimi) were all pretty popular. Not sure if these shows all hold up in 2023, but boy were they popular at the time.
Note about CNY:
For CNY, people would try to tune into 春节联欢晚会 (the CCTV official CNY show) at that One Friend Who Had China Satellite TV's house. Zhao Ben Shan / 赵本山 was a comedy staple, and the show would often feature people from the music industry to perform. Eventually these people became more and more relevant to my gen and Jay Chou etc started appearing.
Last but not least Xian Jiaaaan 仙剑:
In 2005 I was all over 仙剑奇侠传 (Chinese Paladin), based off the video game. This show was crazy popular and probably sent me and a whole lot of other kids into Xianxia / Wuxia hell (and Hu Ge hell, and later I came back to love Liu Yifei). Thank you. The OST is a true banger.
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azulserszzp · 5 months
avatar characters were never given full names so i decided to give them full names 
FULL NAMES (kids 1st)
Aang Kesen
Sokka Yukihiro
Jet Rikuto
Zuko Homura (Lee Rinjiro)
Mai Yīnchén
Suki Takeru
Katara Yukihiro
Azula Homura
Ty lee Fei
Toph Beifong
Yue Yukitomo
FULL NAMES (adults)
Bato Cui
Chit Sang Zhu
Hakoda Yukihiro
Zhao Liu
Gyatso Feng
Ozai Homura
Ursa Homura/Hinata
Iroh Homura (Mushi Zheng)
Yukihiro meaning "ocean of snow"
Takeru meaning "warrior"
Homura meaning “blaze” or “flame”
Rinjiro meaning “second son of the approaching fire.”
Feng meaning "wind" or "air"
Zhu meaning "vermilion red" or "cinnabar"
Yīnchén - Means "gloomy"
Fei meaning "fairy"
Rikuto meaning "land"
Beifong meaning "northern square"
Yukitomo meaning "snow friend"
Liu meaning "kill and destroy"
Cui meaning "towering"
Kesen meaning "spirit, energy, air"
Hinata meaning "sunny place or a sunny side"
Zheng meaning "tea"
Yukihiro = you-key-hair-ro
Takeru = take-ou-tear-ou
Homura = hoe-more-uh
Feng = fuh-aang
Yīnchén = yin-chin
Fei = fuh-aye
Rikuto = rick-toe
Beifong = bae-fuh-ong
Yukitomo = you-key-toe-mo
Kesen = kay-sin
Cui = chew-ee
Liu = luh-ouu
Hinata = huh-naa-tuh
Rinjiro = ren-gee-ro
Zheng = zuh-ee-ong
(i thought the giving zhao the name of zuko's actor was funny also bc it suited him by the way to my knowledge, all of the names are asian although i didn't take them from just the cultures that would've been based off of where they lived like for example katara and sokka's last name to my knowledge isn't inuit ursa's two last names isn't her surname it's her second married name zuko's second name is her surname which he uses as a disguise "Lee Rinjiro")
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bizarrequazar · 1 year
GJ and ZZH Updates — July 16-22
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
07-16 → Yu Zheng, Zhang Zhehan’s former shithead boss (see 21-11-03), posted a video of himself wearing one of the Zhang Sanjian hats. @zhongwans​​ made a great post explaining how him being involved with the scam seems to be the final piece of the puzzle for how they got a hold of the Instagram account. Tweets about this: [1] [2] [3]
→ Gong Jun posted on Weibo: “Ridiculous! Yesterday was a good night, when did I get drunk?” and replied in character to a few fan comments under the post. The Gong Jun Outside Office account reposted this with the addition, “Replying to Your Highness, never. It’s just the beautiful scenery on the tree (deleted all the small ones [ie. videos/pictures of Han Ye drunk] that should be deleted, don’t worry)” Fan Observation: Gong Jun originally posted this at 11:05 (511 kadian), only to delete it and repost it a minute later.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted six gifs of Han Ye. Caption: “It doesn’t matter, anyway, His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon will make a move! Dropping a set of ‘ridiculous’ series of emoticons, you come be ridiculous!”
→ The Legend of Anle Weibo posted two promotional stills of Han Ye.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a compilation video of Han Ye saying “ridiculous”. Caption: “‘Ridiculous-ge’ has a stable output. Q: How many times did His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon say ridiculous?” They also posted a similar video to Douyin.
→ The Legend of Anle Weibo posted a promotional video of Gong Jun and Dilireba doing tacit understanding gestures together.
→ The Legend of Anle Weibo posted a behind the scenes video. Caption: “Dajing's ‘drama essence’ trio Ren Anle @ Dear-Dilraba Dilmurat, Han Ye @ Gong Jun Simon, Luo Mingxi @ Modern Xiongdi Liu Yuning officially debuted as a group! Serious and focused in the play, a second of success outside the play, fancy and funny non-stop, hurry up and watch~”
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted a video of Gong Jun resting in his trailer while filming Legend of Anle. Caption: “His Highness is back from a private visit, and is still a little bit reluctant to change from the little beggar’s costume. 🥺”
→ Gong Jun posted an image of drunk Han Ye. Caption: “Scored twice, I Ye am drunk...”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a video behind the scenes footage from Legend of Anle. Caption: “His Highness @ Gong Jun Simon’s daily business trip to the south of the Yangtze River 📹 The handsome and unrestrained Prince of Dajing, behind him is the disaster relief food that the people want. At this moment, it is reliable 😭” BGM is I’ll Do It by Heidi Montag and Why Would I Ever by Paula DeAnda. 
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a promotional image of Han Ye. Caption: “His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon secretly arrived south of the Yangtze River, running to investigate the people's sentiments. As rigorous as Ye, never let the number of steps reveal your whereabouts!”
07-17 → Filming wrapped for Gong Jun’s upcoming drama The Truth. 
→ The Legend of Anle Weibo posted a promotional poster. 
→ Fresh posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun’s studio made a post announcing that he and the other of stars of Legend of Anle would be doing a livestream that evening. 
→ The Legend of Anle Weibo posted another behind the scenes video. Caption: “Under the moonlight, Ren Anle @ Dear-Dilraba Dilmurat and Han Ye @ Gong Jun Simon look at each other in circles, gazing at each other so romantically, and behind the romance there is this wave of operations, let’s find out together~”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted four images of Han Ye. Caption: “‘Ye’ is good at diligence, His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon’s daily motivational wallpapers are here, let's work hard on ‘Ye’ with His Highness!”
→ The Legend of Anle Weibo posted two promotional stills of Han Ye.
→ The Instagram posted a two photos and a video of “Zhang Zhehan”.
→ The Legend of Anle Weibo posted a promotional poster of Han Ye.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a picture comic about Legend of Anle’s second story arc. Caption: “His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon has successfully solved the Jiangnan corruption case! See how His Highness peels off the cocoon, appeases the victims, and punishes the corrupt officials. Tonight at 21:00, lock into the Weibo live broadcast and join the chess game!”
→ Gong Jun, Dilireba, and Liu Yuning did a livestream together to promote Legend of Anle. [full recording] [highlights thread]
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→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a promotional image celebrating Legend of Anle reaching 10,000 popularity index. The Legend of Anle Weibo also posted a video celebrating the milestone.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted four gifs of Gong Jun waiting for the livestream to start. Caption: “His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon’s Exit Record 🈶️ Let’s talk again next time!”
07-18 → Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted a video from the previous day of Gong Jun singing Jay Chou’s Hair Like Snow. Caption: “Boss said it was good, but it was really good. Giving the very good song ‘Hair Like Snow’ to everyone”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a douyin of Han Ye acting properly vs acting foolishly. Caption: “If you brush it [the video], you will earn it, and quickly get the special ‘Ye’ term used by different units!”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a photo of him from The Truth’s wrap party. Caption: “Through the fog and reveal the truth, Ye Qian @ Gong Jun Simon breaks the situation and moves forward, waiting to meet you!”
→ Gong Jun posted two photos from The Truth’s wrap party. Caption: “All crimes cannot escape legal sanctions. Looking forward to meeting Ye Qian again.” This was reposted by his studio with the added caption, “Move with the wind, observe the traces carefully, and look forward to meeting Ye Qian @ Gong Jun Simon again!” It was also reposted by the The Truth Weibo account, added caption: “Looking forward to Police Officer Ye Qian”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a behind the scenes clip from Legend of Anle. Caption: “‘Ye’ is busy day and night ‘Ye’, click on the video below, and immediately get permission to view the work record of His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon ‘Ye’~”
→ 361° posted the gif of drunk Han Ye that Gong Jun had posted the previous week. 
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a promotional image of Han Ye. Caption: “Drinking games? The distinguished player Prince @ Gong Jun Simon has shut down the mic”
07-19 → The Legend of Anle Weibo posted a behind the scenes video. Caption: “The studio presents ‘accident’ footage, with professional equipment on rainy days, no real demonstration props, and hilarious play props ‘let go as soon as you say it’... The dense laughter makes people laugh from ear to ear, Come and watch and check the happy energy with one click!”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a behind the scenes video from a Legend of Anle photoshoot. Caption: “Jade robes and brocade clothes, eyebrows like an ink painting, His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon is full of elegance and nobility in every gesture”
→ The Legend of Anle Weibo posted two promotional stills of Han Ye.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted an image of Han Ye with an MBTI category (ISTJ). Caption: “Picked up an MBTI personality test card for His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon's special ‘Ye’ version, mentally stable, leadership qualities get 🧐”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a behind the scenes video from Legend of Anle. Caption: “Hidden Camera is back online! Follow the camera, let's find the special moment of His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon's studio camp ‘Ye’”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a promotional image for Legend of Anle. Caption: “The Prince's Mansion has good news for ‘Ye’! The Legend of Anle has reached over 10,000 [popularity index] on Youku for 3 consecutive days. Prince Han Ye @ Gong Jun Simon thanks you for your support!”
07-20 → The Legend of Anle Weibo posted a behind the scenes video of the drunk Han Ye scene. Caption: “There is a lot of joy behind the banquet! Ren Anle @ Dear-Dilraba Dilmurat is shocked and continues to laugh, Han Ye @ Gong Jun Simon sips ‘drinks’ non-stop, and bluntly said ‘fly to the sky’.” 
→ The Instagram posted nine photos of “Zhang Zhehan” and scenery. 
→ The Legend of Anle Weibo posted another behind the scenes video. Caption: “One second I said I could trust the props, but the next second the props were the ‘culprit’, after all, I failed! There is also Ren Anle @Dear-Dilraba Dilmurat who was unsuspectingly caught by Han Ye @ Gong Jun Simon , and learned to draw inferences when he suddenly realized. 
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a video compilation of Han Ye acting commanding. Caption: “His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon Dajing special anti ‘Ye’, respect Ye!”
→ The Legend of Anle Weibo posted two promotional stills of Han Ye. Caption: “The original intention does not change to what I want, and I will never give up if I devote myself wholeheartedly.“
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted two live photos of him doing calligraphy on a paper fan. Caption: “His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon dedicates calligraphy, the ‘Ridiculous-ge’ who engages in creation is not ridiculous”
→ Gong Jun and the other main cast members of Legend of Anle attended a media conference to promote the show. [full video] Clips: [1] [2] [3] [4]
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted a video of Gong Jun at the media conference. Caption: “Prince @ Gong Jun Simon comes to sprinkle some candy on the family”
→ Gong Jun posted seven photos of himself from that day. Caption: “#The Legend of Anle# and the other ‘Ye’.”
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→ Gong Jun’s studio posted nine photos from the same photoshoot. Caption: “Light and dark have quality, watch His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon guarding the temperature of his fingertips between square inches.”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a behind the scenes video. Caption: “Dajing etiquette class has started! Click to view Prince Han Ye @ Gong Jun Simon’s public etiquette class, being taught by His Royal Highness, a rare opportunity~”
→ Gong Jun posted a douyin of himself doing a little dance. Caption: “After singing, enter the dance world.” BGM is 宝贝在干嘛 by Noisemakers.
07-21 → Gong Jun posted a commercial he did for L’Oreal. 
→ The stolen Xiao Yu account being run by Hewitt (see 07-14 last week) wiped all of its content.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted nine photos of him from the previous day’s event. Caption: “Follow His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon to realize the freedom of yellow (huang) sugar (tang*), oh ‘Ye’✌🏻” *“ridiculous”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a douyin of bloopers from the previous day’s dance douyin Caption: “His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon has practiced!” BGM is Leyla by Mesto.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a behind the scenes video of Legend of Anle. Caption: “A record of the construction of the Dajing royal team! Click on the video to subscribe to the exclusive ‘Ye’ life vlog of the Prince Han Ye @ Gong Jun Simon with one click!”
07-22 → Gong Jun’s studio posted the full airing schedule for Legend of Anle: 39 episodes, concluding on 08-06 for VIP (1 or 2 episodes a day), 09-01 for free viewers (1 episode every weekday).
→ QuelleVous posted a thread explaining recent findings about the Zhang Sanjian songs, showing evidence that many were either sampled from or completely bought from other songwriters. [Followup] Earlier in the week, Flora had also tweeted showing that on the most recent song, the lyricist and composer were only credited with a single initial on YouTube.
→ The Legend of Anle Weibo posted two promotional stills of Han Ye. 
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a video putting similar clips from Legend of Anle and The Flaming Heart side by side. Caption: “Even in parallel time and space, the trajectories of the stories will meet at a certain moment, colliding with a new ‘firework’” Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted two gifs of the same scenes half an hour later. Caption: “Regardless of past life or present life, he will choose to rush into the flames without hesitation, just to stick to the beliefs in his heart.”
→ The Legend of Anle Weibo posted a behind the scenes video. Caption: “Behind the scenes of the fire are Ren Anle @ Dear-Dilraba Dilmurat, Han Ye @ Gong Jun Simon’s vigorous ‘scaring’, matryoshka-style ‘princess carry’, and Luo Mingxi @ Modern Brother Liu Yuning’s desperation caused the whole room to burst into laughter...Quickly poke to watch the highlights~”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a video compiling Han Ye’s greatest hits so far. Caption: “‘Ye’ is full of heart, His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon's career is on the rise, and he is rolling up 👍”
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted a behind the scenes video of Gong Jun riding a horse. Caption: “The prince’s ‘driving’ school is open today ‘Ye’, click to watch His Royal Highness @ Gong Jun Simon begin class! 😎😎”
→ Gong Jun Outdoor Office posted a video of Gong Jun greeting fans from the balcony of the building where he had filmed an episode of Hello Saturday that day. Caption: “Thank you for all your hard work, love and motivation, thank you for all your patience, support and understanding, and thank you for your 100% love. Everyone be safe getting home!” [subbed fancam]
Additional Reading:  → #GongJun and #TheLegendofAnle trended on Twitter throughout much of the week. I haven’t been keeping tabs on Weibo hotsearch, sorry.
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arytha · 7 months
After patting the dust off his hand, Yin Ren leaned forward and carefully checked on Zheng Chengshuo’s wound. “It’s okay. It’s quite shallow.” “I know.” “I helped you dodge the knife attack, so that counts as paying back for the cake.” Yin Ren struggled. Originally he was going to mention chocolate muffins, but now it seemed that it didn’t matter. “Actually, I found him just now.” Zhong Chengshuo wiped away the blood from his glasses and spoke in a sincere tone. “If you hadn’t pulled me away, I could have subdued him right then and there.” In other words, what he did was unnecessary. He could’ve caught a ghost, while Zhong Chengshuo would have caught this knife-wielder without injuries. Why even mention such a woeful matter? Yin Ren: “…..” Yin Ren: “Zhong Ge, has anyone ever told you your personality is very…” “Out of character? Many have told me this.” Zhong Chengshuo put back on his glasses while maintaining a calm expression. “Fortunately, I have no need to fit in for the time being.” Aren’t you missing the point? Yin Ren didn’t know if the dizziness at the moment was because he had used evil qi or because his partner was too maverick… or maybe both. Sadly, he realized that chocolate muffins were out of the question.
yin ren don't mind him
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dhappyorangec · 18 days
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Fan Cam: Shu Jin Ren Jia please air soon, rumored to be Sept 2024
"Translation: "Shu Brocade Family: But you can protect the people you want to protect! Oh my, such a sense of fate~ Ji Yingying, come quickly~ Tan Songyun, Zheng Yecheng~"
This seems to be referring to a scene or a moment in a drama involving actors Tan Songyun and Zheng Yecheng.
Here’s a breakdown of the Chinese vocabulary used in the sentence:
1. **蜀锦 (Shǔ jǐn)** – Refers to "Shu Brocade," a famous silk fabric from the Sichuan region (Shu is the ancient name for Sichuan). Here, it might refer to a TV drama or a metaphorical phrase, depending on context.
2. **人家 (rén jiā)** – This can mean "family," "household," or refer to someone in a colloquial or affectionate manner like "person" or "you."
3. **但 (dàn)** – "But" or "however."
4. **你 (nǐ)** – "You."
5. **可以 (kě yǐ)** – "Can" or "be able to."
6. **保护 (bǎo hù)** – "To protect."
7. **你想保护的人 (nǐ xiǎng bǎo hù de rén)** – "The person you want to protect."
8. **呀 (ya)** – A particle used to express emphasis, surprise, or exclamation.
9. **天哪 (tiān na)** – "Oh my God" or "Heavens!" Used to express surprise or astonishment.
10. **宿命感 (sù mìng gǎn)** – "Sense of fate" or "feeling of destiny." 宿命 (sù mìng) means "fate" or "destiny," and 感 (gǎn) means "feeling" or "sense."
11. **季英英 (Jì Yīngyīng)** – A name, possibly referring to a character in a drama.
12. **快来 (kuài lái)** – "Come quickly" or "hurry."
13. **谭松韵 (Tán Sōngyùn)** – The name of the actress Tan Songyun.
14. **郑业成 (Zhèng Yèchéng)** – The name of the actor Zheng Yecheng.
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yeonchi · 3 months
Dynasty Warriors Weapon Moveset Power Rankings Tier List
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With all the weapon movesets analysed and ranked, here is a summary tier list I've made of all the rankings. You can make your own weapon tier list on Tiermaker out of all movesets from 3 to 9.
Weapons with orange background show the characters who maintained their EX weapon from 7 to 8 while weapons with a golden background show the characters who had their weapons changed in or before 8 along with new characters in that game. Yueying's bladebow uses the image from 6 because the creator forgot to add the one for 8.
The ranking summary is after the break.
Lu Bu (呂布): Halberd (方天戟)
Xu Shu (徐庶): Sword & Hook (撃剣)
Sun Quan (孫権): Flame Blade (焔刃剣)
Xiahou Dun (夏侯惇): Podao (朴刀)
Dian Wei (典韋): Axe (手斧)
Zhou Yu (周瑜): Staff (棍)
Sun Shangxiang (孫尚香): Wheels (圏)
Zhao Yun (趙雲): Dragon Spear (龍槍)
Zhang Fei (張飛): Double Pike (双矛)
Zhuge Liang (諸葛亮): War Fan (羽扇)
Zhang Liao (張遼): Twin Axes (双鉞)
Sun Quan (孫権): Sword (刀)
Ma Chao (馬超): Spear (槍)
Zhang He (張郃): Claws (鉤爪)
Zhurong (祝融): Boomerang (飛刀)
Zhou Tai (周泰): Curved Sword (弧刀)
Cao Pi (曹丕): Dual Blade (双刃剣)
Ding Feng (丁奉): Circle Blade (断月刃)
Ma Dai (馬岱): Brush (妖筆)
Bao Sanniang (鮑三娘): Spinner (旋刃盤)
Sima Shi (司馬師): Lightning Sword (迅雷剣)
Sima Zhao (司馬昭): Striking Sword (烈撃刀)
Wang Yi (王異): Trishula (筆架叉)
Yue Jin (楽進): Dual Hookblades (双鉤)
Lu Su (魯粛): Rake (九歯鈀)
Jia Chong (賈充): Throwing Axes (舞投刃)
Yu Jin (于禁): War Trident (三尖刀)
Lu Lingqi (呂玲綺): Crossed Pike (十字戟)
Xu Zhu (許褚): Club (砕棒)
Taishi Ci (太史慈): Twin Rods (双鞭)
Guan Yu (関羽): Cresent Blade (偃月刀)
Diaochan (貂蝉): Chain Whip (多節鞭)
Xiahou Yuan (夏侯淵): Bow & Rod (鞭箭弓)
Sun Jian (孫堅): Nine Rings Blade (九環刀)
Lu Meng (呂蒙): Pike (戟)
Gan Ning (甘寧): Flail (鎖分銅)
Liu Bei (劉備): Twin Swords (双剣)
Huang Zhong (黄忠): Bow (弓)
Zhang Jiao (張角): Shaman Rod (錫杖)
Xu Huang (徐晃): Great Axe (大斧)
Zhenji (甄姫): Flute (笛)
Wei Yan (魏延): Double Voulge (長柄双刀)
Cao Ren (曹仁): Spike Shield (牙壁)
Yueying (月英): Dagger-axe (戦戈)
Pang De (龐徳): Mace (狼牙棒)
Ling Tong (凌統): Three Sectional Staff (三節棍)
Xingcai (星彩): Sword & Shield (盾牌剣)
Cai Wenji (蔡文姫): Harp (箜篌)
Jia Xu (賈詡): Chain & Sickle (鎖鎌)
Liu Shan (劉禅): Rapier (細剣)
Deng Ai (鄧艾): Revolving Crossbow (螺旋弩)
Wang Yuanji (王元姫): Throwing Knives (鏢)
Zhong Hui (鍾会): Flying Swords (飛翔剣)
Guo Huai (郭淮): Arm Cannon (連弩砲)
Guo Jia (郭嘉): Orb & Scepter (打球棍)
Li Dian (李典): Wheeled Halberd (車旋戟)
Han Dang (韓当): Short Pike (短戟)
Guan Yinping (関銀屏): Dual-headed Mace (双頭錘)
Zhang Chunhua (張春華): Wired Gloves (蟷螂鉄糸)
Chen Gong (陳宮): Art of War Scroll (兵法簡)
Xiaoqiao (小喬): Paired Fans (双扇)
Xun Yu (荀彧): Formation Wand (陣杖)
Cao Cao (曹操): General’s Sword (将剣)
Sima Yi (司馬懿): Horsehair Whip (拂塵)
Jiang Wei (姜維): Double-edge Trident (両刃槍)
Sun Ce (孫策): Tonfa (旋棍)
Daqiao (大喬): Pugil Stick (双杖)
Xiaoqiao (小喬): Iron Fan (鉄扇)
Meng Huo (孟獲): Gloves (鬼神手甲)
Guan Ping (関平): Great Sword (大剣)
Zuo Ci (左慈): Talisman Cards (呪符)
Lianshi (練師): Crossbow (弩)
Guan Suo (関索): Nunchaku (両節棍)
Wen Yang (文鴦): Javelin (擲槍)
Fa Zheng (法正): Woven Cloth (連結布)
Meng Huo (孟獲): Stele (石柱)
Wang Yi (王異): Emei Piercers (峨嵋刺)
Lianshi (練師): Mandarin Duck Hooks (鴛鴦鉞)
Liu Shan (劉禅): Dragon Column (龍床几)
Guan Suo (関索): Sabaton (飛蹴甲)
Lu Xun (陸遜): Swallow Swords (飛燕剣)
Huang Gai (黄蓋): Arm Blade (鉄舟)
Pang Tong (龐統): Shadow Fan (翳扇)
Zhuge Dan (諸葛誕): Short Rod (短鉄鞭)
Xiahou Ba (夏侯覇): Siege Spear (破城槍)
Guan Xing (関興): Wingblades (双翼刀)
Deng Ai (鄧艾): Revolving Crossbow (螺旋弩)
Yuan Shao (袁紹): Extension Blade (伸細剣)
Zhang Bao (張苞): Flail Sword (連刃刺)
Zhu Ran (朱然): Flame Bow (火焔弓)
Yueying (月英): Bladebow (刃弩)
0 notes
ttoca · 2 years
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Yi Province stands as the western-most territory of Han China. In what is now Sichuan and Chongqing. Hot, humid, trading in silk and spice and constantly threatened by aggressive tribes and encroaching petty kingdoms on the borders, the reign of Emperor Ling did the province no favours.
All that changed, however, when Liu Yan took control. Formerly a speaker at court, it was his petition to reintroduce the office of provincial governorships, officials with far more control over their territories with the right to marshal armies and act decisively without waiting for the court's consent, that arguably paved the way to the warlord era after the rule of Dong Zhuo.
Liu Yan is ambitious and highly capable, revitalising a previously rebel-ridden backwater into the powerhouse of Western-China, protected on all sides by natural terrain with sizeable armies and productive bounty, providing a haven to refugees near and far. Soon becoming a rival to those who seek to make the empire theirs, Liu Yan knows that Yi will not fall easily.
However, he remains just a man, vulnerable and mortal, and after him, his unpromising youngest son, Liu Zhang, is the only child currently not a hostage in the capital. If Liu Zhang takes command, he shall be unable to reign with the resolute nature his father was famous for and corruption and treachery will follow, presenting the ideal playing-field for powerful men with their own agendas. (Left To Right) (Top Row) Yan Yan, Zhang Ren, Lei Tong (Upper-Middle Row) Peng Yang, Pang Xi, Lai Jinggong, Liu Yan, Fei Baifen, Meng Da, Huang Quan (Lower-Middle Row) Dong He, Liu Ba, Liu Zhang, Fa Zheng, Qin Mi (Bottom Row) Wu Lan, Wu Mutan, She Yuan, Zhang Song
Zhang Song is famously described as physically grotesque in the Romance. However, his description relates an image that, to put it bluntly, resembles a WWII-era Asian stereotype caricature which I felt wasn't ideal. So instead I created a sort of 'troll'-like character, stunted and warty with a bulbous nose, tiny eyes, wide mouth and an absurd atmosphere about him.
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drwcn · 4 years
How To Name Your Chinese Characters: 
I’ve pasted the Top 100 common last names in alphabetical order, and bolded the ones that appear in CQL:   
B: 白 Bai C: 蔡 Cai ; 曹 Cao ;  常 Chang ; 曾 Ceng ;  陈 Chen ;  程 Cheng ;  崔 Cui ; D: 戴 Dai ; 邓 Deng ; 丁 Ding ; 董 Dong ; 杜 Du ; F: 范 Fan ; 方 Fang ; 冯 Feng ; 付 Fu ; G: 高 Gao ;  葛 Ge  ; 龚 Gong ; 顾 Gu ; 郭 Guo ; H: 韩 Han ; 何 He ; 贺 He 洪 Hong ; 侯 Hou ; 黄 Hua ; 胡 Hu ; J: 贾 Jia ; 蒋 Jiang ; 姜 Jiang ; 江 Jiang ; 金 Jin ; K: 康 Kang ; L:  赖 Lai ; 李 Li ;  黎 Li ; 廖 Liao ; 梁 Liang ; 林 Lin ; 刘 Liu ; 陆 Lu ; 卢 Lu ; 路 Lu ; 吕 Lü ; 罗 Luo ; M: 马 Ma ; 麦 Mai ; 毛 Mao ; 孟 Meng ; N:  倪 Ni  ;  牛 Niu ; P: 潘 Pan ; 彭 Peng ; Q: 钱 Qian ; 秦 Qin ; 邱 Qiu ; R:任 Ren ; S: 邵 Shao ; 沈 Sheng ; 史 Shi ; 石 Shi ; 施 Shi ; 宋 Song ; 苏 Su ; 孙 Sun ; T: 陶 Tao ; 谭 Tan ; 唐 Tang ; 田 Tian ; W: 万 Wan ; 王 Wang ;  汪 Wang ; 魏 Wei ; 吴 Wu ; X: 邢 Xing ; 夏 Xia ;  蕭 Xiao ; 谢 Xie ; 徐 Xu ; 许 Xu ; 薛 Xue ; Y: 阎 Yan ; 严 Yan ; 杨 Yang ; 姚 Yao ; 叶 Ye ;  余 Yu ; 于 Yu ; 袁 Yuan ; Z: 张 Zhang ;  赵 Zhao ; 郑 Zheng ; 钟 Zhong ; 周 Zhou ;  朱 Zhu ;  庄 Zhuang ;  邹 Zou ;
Above are all single character last names, but there are some double character Chinese last names, seen below (list not exhaustive): 
独孤 Du’Gu ;  公孙 Gong’Sun ; 南宫 Nan’Gong    欧阳 Ou’Yang ;  司马 Si’Ma ; 上官 Shang’Guan ; 宇文 Yu’Wen ; 长孙 Zhang’Sun ; 诸葛 Zhu’GE ; 
Light*: 光 (guāng) - light,  亮 liàng - bright / shine, 明 (míng) - bright, 曦 (xī) - early dawn, 昀 (yún) - daylight, 昭 (zhāo) - light, clear,照 (zhào) - to shine upon,
Fire: 焰 (yàn) - flames, 烟 (yān) - smoke,炎 (yán) - heat/burn, 烨 (yè) - dazzling light,  
Water: also see “weather” OR “bodies of water” under nature; note the words below while are related to water have meanings that mean some kind of virtue: 清 (qīng) - clarity / purity, 澄 (chéng) - clarity/quiet, 澈 (chè) - clear/penetrating, 涟 (lián) - ripple, 漪 (yī) - ripple, 泓 (hóng) - vast water, 湛 (zhàn) - clear/crystal, 露 (lù) - dew, 泠 (líng) - cool, cold, 涛 (tāo) - big wave,泽 (zé),浩 hào - grand/vast (water),涵 (han) - deep submergence / tolerance / educated
Weather: 雨 (yǔ) - rain, 霖 (lín) - downpouring rain, 冰 (bīng) - ice, 雪 (xuě) - snow,  霜 (shuāng) - frost 
Wind: 风 (fēng) - wind
* some “Light” words overlap in meaning with words that mean “sun/day”
Season: 春 (chūn) - spring, 夏 (xià) - summer, 秋 (qíu) - aumtum, 冬 (dōng) - winter
Time of Day: 朝 (zhāo) - early morning / toward, 晨 (chén) - morning / dawn, 晓 (xiǎo) - morning, 旭 (xù) - dawn/rising sun,昼 (zhòu) - day,皖 (wǎn) - late evening,夜 (yè) - night 
Star/Sky/Space: 云 (yún) - cloud,天 (tiān) - sky/ heaven,霞 (xiá) - afterglow of a rising or setting sun,月 (yuè) - moon,日 (ri) - day / sun,阳 (yáng) - sun,宇 (yǔ) - space,星 (xīng) - star
Birds: 燕 (yàn) - sparrow, 雁 (yàn) - loon, 莺 (yīng) - oriole, 鸢 (yuān) - kite bird (family Accipitridae),羽 (yǔ) - feather
Creatures: 龙 (lóng) - dragon/imperial
Plants/Flowers:* 兰 (lán) - orchids,  竹 (zhú) - bamboo, 筠 (yún) - tough exterior of bamboos, 萱 (xuān) - day-lily, 松 (sōng) - pine, 叶 (yè) - leaf, 枫 (fēng) - maple, 柏 bó/bǎi - cedar/cypress, 梅 (méi) - plum, 丹 (dān) - peony
Mountains: 山 (shān), 峰 (fēng) - summit, 峥 (zhēng),
Bodies of water: 江 (jiāng) - large river/straits, 河 (hé) - river, 湖 (hú) - lake, 海 (hǎi) - sea, 溪 (xī) - stream, 池 (chí) - pond, 潭 (tán) - larger pond, 洋 (yáng) - ocean
* I didn’t include a lot of flower names because it’s very easy to name a character with flowers that heavily implies she’s a prostitute. 
Astuteness: 睿 ruì - astute / foresight, 智 (zhi), 慧 (hui), 哲 (zhé) - wise/philosophy, 
Educated:  博 (bó) - extensively educated, 墨 (mo) - ink, 诗 (shi) - poetry / literature, 文 (wén) - language / gentle / literary, 学 (xue) - study, 彦 (yàn) - accomplished / knowledgeable, 知 (zhi) - to know, 斌 (bīn) - refined, 赋 (fù) - to be endowed with knowledge
Loyalty: 忠 (zhōng) - loyal, 真 (zhēn) - true 
Bravery: 勇 (yǒng) - brave, 杰 (jié) - outstanding, hero
Determination/Perseverance: 毅 (yì) - resolute / brave, 恒 (héng) - everlasting, 衡 (héng) - across, to judge/evaluate,成 (chéng) - to succeed, 志 (zhì) - aspiration / the will
Goodness/Kindness: 嘉 (jiā) - excellent / auspicious,磊 (lěi) - rock / open & honest, 正 (zhèng) - straight / upright / principle,
Elegance: 雅 (yǎ) - elegant, 庄 (zhuāng) - respectful/formal/solemn, 彬 (bīn) - refined / polite, 
Handsome: 俊 jùn - handsome/talented 
Peace: 宁 (níng) - quietness/to pacify, 安 (ān) - peace, safety
Grandness/Excellence:宏 (hóng) - grand,豪 (háo) - grand, heroic,昊 (hào) - limitless / the vast sky,华 (huá) - magnificent, 赫 (hè) - red/famous/great, 隆 (lóng) - magnificent, 伟 (wěi) - greatness / large,轩 (xuān) - pavilion with a view/high,卓 (zhuó) - outstanding
Female Descriptor/Virtues/Beauty: 婉 (wǎn),惠 (huì), 妮 (nī), 娇 (jiāo), 娥 (é), 婵 (chán) (I didn’t include specific translations for these because they’re all adjectives for women meaning beauty or virtue) 
Adverbs: 如 (rú) - as,若 (ruò) - as, alike,宛 (wǎn) - like / as though,
Verbs: 飞 (fēi) - to fly,  顾 (gù) - to think/consider, 怀 (huái) - to miss, to possess, 落(luò) - to fall, to leave behind,梦 (mèng) - to dream, 思 (sī) - to consider / to miss (someone),忆 (yì) - memory, 希 (xī) - yearn / admire
Colours: 红 (hóng) - red, 赤 (chì) - crimson, 黄 (huàng) - yellow, 碧 (bì) - green,青(qīng) - azure,蓝 (lán) - blue, 紫 (zǐ) - violet ,玄 (xuán) - black, 白 (baí) - white
Number:一 (yī), 二 (er) - two, 三 (san) - three,  四 (si) - four,  五 (wu) - five, 六 (liu) - six, 七(qi) - seven, 八 (ba) - eight,  九 (jiu) - nine, 十 (shi) - ten
Direction: 东 (dōng) - east, 西 (xi) - west, 南 (nan) - south, 北 (bei) - north,
Other: 子 (zǐ) - child, 然 (rán) - correct / thusly
《Jade》: *there are SO MANY words that generally mean some kind of jade, bc when ppl put jade in their children’s name they don’t literally mean the rock, it’s used to symbolize purity, goodness, kindness, beauty, virtue etc*  琛 (chen), 瑶 (yao),  玥 (yue),  琪 (qi),  琳 (lin)
凡 (fan) - mortality 
色 (se) - colour, beauty. In buddhism, “se” symbolizes everything secular
了 (liao) - finished, done, letting go 
尘 (chen) - dust, I’m not… versed in buddhism enough to explain “chen”, it’s similar to “se”
悟 (wu) - knowing? Cognition? To understand a higher meaning
无 (wu) - nothing, the void, also part of like “letting go” 
戒 (jie) - to “quit”, but not in a bad way. In buddhism, monks are supposed to “quit” their earthly desires.
极 (ji) - greatness, also related to the state of nirvana (? I think?) 
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movielosophy · 1 year
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后浪 | forgiven
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asianhappinesss · 3 years
The Moon Brightens For You (2020)
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Quirky and unconventional, Zhan Qinghong grew up well enough, but she never shared the dreams most treasured by her peers. While other girls dreamed of marrying well, Qinghong dreams of only one thing: to become a great martial arts master. Ready to turn her dreams into reality, Qinghong entered the martial arts world with wide-eyed innocence and insatiable curiosity. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for her to realize that the world which she had so long believed to be a world of righteousness and honor, was actually controlled by wicked traitors. Determined to reform the fighting world, Qinghong relies on her intelligence and tenacity to bring about change; but the work proves to be both difficult and dangerous. Realizing the path she has chosen may be too treacherous to travel alone, Qinghong never suspected that Junan City’s notorious playboy would be the one to come alongside her on her quest. Yet, when fate brings them together, that is exactly what Lin Fang does. Using his reputation as a sickly aristocrat with a penchant for wooing women to hide much darker motives, Lin Fang has but one goal in life: to exact revenge for his clan. After meeting Qinghong, Lin Fang’s hardened heart begins to soften and he finds himself drawn to her unexpected charms. Unwilling to let Qinghong fight her battles alone, Lin Fang takes up her cause and together, they take on the daunting task of reforming and rebuilding the world of martial arts from the ground up.
It is easy to understand why The Moon Brightens For You has quite a lot of viewers giving it a positive review. Overall, it is an enjoyable watch even if you think the acting sucks. Well, some people seem to think so while others hold a contrary opinion especially when it comes to the male lead. Personally, I find Alan Yu’s acting to be a little stiff. His demeanor is very robotic-like especially in the beginning of the drama. I don’t know whether he tends to act this way or the character that he plays are all similar because he also seemed to display the same style in Eternal Love Ten Miles Of Peach Blossoms. The good thing is he gets a bit better later on when the relationship with the female lead begins. He loosens up more then apart from just displaying a poker face. But I still feel that he lags behind other actors who have also played cool and stoic roles such as Zheng Ye Cheng in The Sleepless Princess and Allen Ren in Under The Power. They were able to inject more life and nuances into their characters while Alan Yu’s Lin Fang just seems rather bland in comparison. Chemistry Qing Long is a lively character and Fair Xing makes it work with her grins and a dash of mischievousness. As opposites attract, a dose of chemistry is automatically generated in Qing Long’s interactions with Lin Fang. As their relationship progresses, the chemistry improves further as the teasings begin and Lin Fang starts taking the initiative for a welcomed change. So, while I don’t quite enjoy Alan Yu’s acting, I can still feel a bit of the chemistry between him and Fair Xing in the drama to make the loving moments watchable. Generally, Fair Xing has her way of generating the required sparks with her co-stars. She also has a good couple vibe with the male leads in Put Your Head On My Shoulder as well as the more recent My Little Happiness. A Role Reversal For A Change Another positive aspect of The Moon Brightens For You is the role reversal of the male and female characters. Typically, it is the male lead who will protect the female lead with his excellent martial arts skills or they are equals at the very least. But in this drama, Lin Fang is weakened by poison and has no martial arts skills while Qing Hong is his protector instead. It is something different from the usual which I think is refreshing for a historical drama. However, if you are used to the typical heroes and prefer a more macho character, Lin Fang may fall short of your ideals. At times, he may seem useless when being confronted by enemies. His strength lies in his strategic thinking and intellect that has its advantages but he would always be in need of someone to protect him in physical fights. A Good Number Of Fighting Scenes Being a wuxia drama, good fighting scenes are necessary to raise the excitement level. In The Moon Brightens For You, there is a sufficient number of such scenes which are well choreographed that should pleased fans of this genre. In fact, the drama has all the hallmarks of a wuxia story with turmoil in the wulin, the fight for a manual with a bit of politics thrown in, the eventual increase in the protagonist’s martial arts skills, and a romance. It does have a good plot to work with and the story does suck you in especially after the first 10 episodes. What Could Make You Drop This As mentioned, the male lead’s acting might put some viewers off. If you can’t get used to Alan Yu’s expressionless acting, it is indeed a little difficult to get invested in the story. On the other hand, if you like to see more of Lin Fang with Qing Hong, it might also annoy you that the romance between Qing Hong and Wen You takes up a big chunk of the drama. You need to have the patience to sit through almost three-quarter of the drama before the relationship of the main couple begins. For me, I’m not watching this for the romance and thus, it is fine with me. But if you are, then you would have to decide if the slow-burn romance of the main couple would be worth the wait. My Verdict – Watch If You Are A Wuxia Drama Fan Overall, The Moon Brightens For You
is one of the better wuxia dramas for 2020. At the very least, its story and execution is interesting enough to draw viewers in compared to say, And The Winner Is Love. Of course, it won’t be able to match the fighting scenes in the bigger budget wuxia dramas like Heaven Sword And Dragon Sabre. But these scenes are still sufficiently engrossing to me that I’m happy to watch till the end. Personally, my main complaints about this drama is the slow start-off and Lin Fang’s character. I just find the first dozen episodes to be a tad boring before the story really kicks up in intensity. As for Lin Fang’s character, I’m not too keen that he keeps hiding things from Qing Hong including Wen You’s marriage to the princess. He also hides the fact that he has been poisoned. Hence, I’m not particularly gung-ho about their romance. But then again, I’m not watching this for their love story which makes it easier to sit through. For this The Moon Brightens For You review, I think a score of 7/10 would be fair. It has its weaknesses and still falls a little short of being a really compelling wuxia drama as the ultimate bad guy and overall direction of the plot is still kind of predictable. Nevertheless, do give it a go as it does have a unique story with some level of suspense.
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rvexillology · 4 years
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Pre-Qing Ancient China's imperial flag: the Great Chang
from /r/vexillology Top comment: Warning: LONG The Great Chang banner (大常/太常) is also called Banner of Celestial Bodies (辰旒). This banner reigns supreme among other banners specified in the [Zhou Dynasty](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zhou_dynasty)'s ritual system (which was still adopted and implemented by later dynasties. The "great" part is written either 太(tai) or 大(da), but their meanings are essentially identical. If we were to treat an absolute monarchy's royal banner/standard as the state's national flag (anyone remember that Russian yellow flag with a black double-headed eagle holding four maps?), then yeah, this flag would be the Ancient Chinese kingdoms' flag. In summary: * 《[唐通典·职官七·太常卿](https://ctext.org/text.pl?node=553367)》: 颜师古曰:太常者,王之旌也,画日月焉。 [*Comprehensive Institutions of Tang*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tongdian)*·Government Offices part 7·Minister of Ceremonies*: Tang historian [Yan Shigu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yan_Shigu) said: **The Great Chang is the monarch's flag, with the sun and the moon illustrated on it**. \*Note that the minister of ceremonies (太常/太常卿) shares the same name as the flag itself. The paragraph from the *Rites of Zhou* below assigned different Chinese characters to what in English can be described as just flags. Basically it's like "this flag (for this usage) is called this" so I'll just use the pinyin Chang for convenience. ​ * 《[周礼·春官](https://ctext.org/rites-of-zhou/chun-guan-zong-bo)》:司常:掌九旗之物名,各有屬,以待國事。日月為常,交龍為旗,通帛為旃,雜帛為物,熊虎為旗,鳥隼為旟,龜蛇為旐,全羽為旞,析羽為旌。及國之大閱,贊司馬頒旗物:王建大常,諸侯建旗,孤卿建旃,大夫、士建物,師都建旗,州里建旟,縣鄙建旐,道車載旞,斿車載旌。 [*Rites of Zhou*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rites_of_Zhou)*·Offices of Spring*: Ceremonial Minister of Chang: they are responsible for handling the nine banenrs, which belong to various groups, in order to carry out ceremonial activities. Banners featuring the sun & moon are called Cháng (常). They are for the monarch. Banners featuring (only) the alternating dragons are called Qí (旗). They are for the vassal lords. Banners with their field and decorations made with pure red fabric are called Zhān (旃). They are for the high-position court officials. Banners with their field made with pure red fabric but with their decorations made with white fabric are called Wù (物). They are for the scholar-officials. Banners featuring bears and tigers are also called Qí (旗). They are for the officials governing the outskirts. Banners featuring raptors are called Yú (旟). They are for the officials governing the inner cities. Banners featuring turtles and snakes are called Zhào (旐). They are for the officials governing Bi's (500 households) and Xian's (2500 households). Banners made with all colorful decorative feathers are called Suì (旞). They are for the monarch's carriage pulled by 20 horses. Banners made with selected handful of the feathers are called Jīng (旌). They are for the monarch's carriage pulled by 36 horses. ​ The [*Qing Imperial Encyclopaedia*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gujin_Tushu_Jicheng) (欽定古今圖書集成) can come in handy since they compiled many previous dynasties' documents together. [The Three Rites Illustrated](https://zh.wikisource.org/zh-hant/%E6%AC%BD%E5%AE%9A%E5%8F%A4%E4%BB%8A%E5%9C%96%E6%9B%B8%E9%9B%86%E6%88%90/%E7%B6%93%E6%BF%9F%E5%BD%99%E7%B7%A8/%E6%88%8E%E6%94%BF%E5%85%B8/%E7%AC%AC269%E5%8D%B7) (三禮圖) section has some pictures and offers these sources: * 《周礼·春官·巾车》:王乘玉輅,建太常十有二斿以祀。 *Rites of Zhou·Offices of Spring·Curtained Carriage*: When the monarch travels by his carriage, the Great Chang with twelve stripes is hoisted. ​ * 《儀禮注疏·卷十·覲禮》:王建太常,縿首畫日月,其下及斿交,畫升龍降龍。 *Annotations on the* [*Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etiquette_and_Ceremonial)*·Volume 10·Etiquettes of Presenting at Court*: The monarch flies the Great Chang, with the sun and the moon illustrated on hoist, and with rising and descending dragons drawn underneath it and on the stripes. ​ About the inclusion of stars (can be seen in many illustrations), the below document may support that: * 《孝經注疏》:案鄭注《周禮·司服》稱,至周而以日、月、星辰畫於旌旗,所謂「三辰旂旗,昭其明也」。 *Annotations on the* [*Classic of Filial Piety*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classic_of_Filial_Piety): According to Han scholar [Zheng Xuan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zheng_Xuan)'s annotation on the *Rites of Zhou·Administrator of Costumes*, during Zhou Dynasty the sun, moon & stars were drawn on the banner, signifying that "The banner of the three celestial bodies demonstrates brilliance (this part in quote marks originated from [*Zuo zhuan*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zuo_zhuan))." ​ Detailed measurements were not really available. I only managed to find the proportion of horizontal lengths from the [*Book of the Later Han*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_the_Later_Han). Artists didn't really strictly followed them. * 《[後漢書·志·舆服上](https://zh.wikisource.org/wiki/%E5%BE%8C%E6%BC%A2%E6%9B%B8/%E5%8D%B7119)》:天子五路,(...), 建太常,十有二斿,九仞曳地,日月升龍,象天明也。 *Book of the Later Han·Records on Clothing part I*: The monarch has five carriages. (...) \[The carriages\] hoist the Great Chang, with twelve nine-ren-long stripes touching the ground. It features the sun, moon, and rising dragons, symbolizing the heaven's brilliance. ​ * 《[後漢書·志·禮儀下](https://zh.wikisource.org/wiki/%E5%BE%8C%E6%BC%A2%E6%9B%B8/%E5%8D%B796)》:旂之制,長三仞,十有二游,曳地,畫日、月、升龍 *Book of the Later Han·Records on Etiquettes part III*: The flag is three rens long, with twelve stripes touching the ground. The sun, moon, and rising dragons are illustrated on it. ​ The sun & moon are the most significant components. Various historical examples at least maintained that. What other things should be added onto it seemed to vary. Some other resources for reference: * [All the Great Changs illustrated in the two Ming paintings of *Departure Herald Imperial Procession Leaving the Palace* & *Return Clearing Imperial Procession Returning to the Palace* (出警圖&入蹕圖)](https://i.imgur.com/l5afoqu.jpg) * [*Collected Rites of Great Ming* (大明集禮) Volume 43 (page 8 on this PDF)](https://archive.wul.waseda.ac.jp/kosho/wa04/wa04_06292/wa04_06292_0032/wa04_06292_0032.pdf) * [The Nine-Banner System Diagram from the Ming book *the Seven Classics Illustrated* (七經圖](http://gmzm.org/bbooks/%E7%BB%BC%E5%90%88%E7%B1%BB/%E4%B8%83%E7%BB%8F%E5%9B%BE/%E5%8D%B711%E8%87%B312/index.asp?page=59)[)](http://gmzm.org/bbooks/%E7%BB%BC%E5%90%88%E7%B1%BB/%E4%B8%83%E7%BB%8F%E5%9B%BE/%E5%8D%B711%E8%87%B312/index.asp?page=59) * Bonus: 16-17th century Japanese painter [Kano Sansetsu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kan%C5%8D_Sansetsu)'s [*Song of Everlasting Regret Emaki*](https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/art-and-design/visual-art/art-in-focus-song-of-lasting-sorrow-by-kano-sansetsu-1.3673449) has a [Tang official holding the Great Chang in his hand as if it's a regular flag](https://i.imgur.com/RiJDKlt.png).
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valdsforest · 3 years
Qi Wei Shang - “The Wife is First” Character/Location List
might have SPOILERS BELOW!
Incomplete / Work in Progress
[Back to Main Page]
Jing Shao (JS):
3rd Prince with title “Cheng Wang”
Jing Chen’s younger Brother
Nickname: Xiao Shao
works at Ministry of War
Mu Hanzhang (JQ):
Courtesy name: Jun Qing
title: Wang Fei aka Cheng Wang Fei
2nd son of the North Marquis(born to a concubine mother making him a ‘bastard’)
 Jing Shao’s Household Concubines:
Song LingXin (SLX):
originally secondary wife, demoted to 3rd rank concubine
daughter of Minister of War Song An
Concubine Li
send to nunnery
Concubine Yan
gave away to 4th prince
was planted as a ‘spy’ by the 1st prince
Jing Shao’s Household servants:
Ren Feng (RF)
Commander of JS’s close Imperal Guards
Steward Yun
Housekeeper / Manager of the servants
Yun Zhu (YZ)
JS and JQ’s young servant boy, mainly JQ
Dou Fu (DF)
JS and JQ’s other main servant
Zhi Xi
responsible for the food
Meng Xi
responsible for the tea
dead for drugging JQ’s food with an aphrodisiac
Miao Xi
responsible for lighting/candles and bedroom arrangements
Lan Ting and Lan Xuan
responsible for cleaning and washing
Ge Ruo Yi (GRY)
Family was killed by the King of the Southeast
JS remembers her from his past life, she helped end the war
JQ’s personal maid
Royal Family
Emperor Hong Zheng:
Current Emperor
Father of Jing Chen and JS with Empress Yuan
Empress Yuan:
Mother of Jing Chen and JS
passed away/dead
Empress Wu:
New Empress after Empress Yuan died
Mother of 4th Prince, Jing Yu
Jing Rong (JR):
Eldest Prince
works at Ministry of Work
Jing Chen (JC):
2nd prince
First born of Empress Yuan
JS’s older brother
works at Ministry of Confucian Rites
Jing Yu (JY):
4th Prince
responsible for the arrangement tributes of foreign lands
North Marquis Family
Mu Jin / North Marquis:
JQ’s father
Mu Ling Bao (MLB):
Eldest son of Mu Jin, legitimate
Older half-brother of JQ
Mu Yangwen (MYW):
JQ’s cousin
Mu Huafeng (MHF):
JQ’s cousin
Minister of War -> Minister Sun
Assistant of Ministry of War -> Song An
Assistant of Ministry of Revenue -> Xiao Yuan (XY)
courtesy name: Heng Zhi
JS’s friend and adviser of JS regarding on relationships
Husband to Zhou Jin 
Zhou Jin (ZJ)
wife of Xiao Yuan
owner of Hui Wei restaurant
close friend to JQ
Maiden Mei - old aquaintence of JS and owner of a wine store
Grandma Zhou - JQ’s wet nurse
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japaneseadventures · 5 years
Prince of Tennis (2019) Characters
This list was made based on the Chinese and Japanese Wikipedia entries for Prince of Tennis (2019), and the Dramawiki for the names of most of the actors. Please let me know if you spot any mistakes/ have any more to add!
Legend: [CHN Character name] [Name in Chinese characters] (Actor): Original JPN Name Names with readings I'm not sure of are in italics
Yu Qing 育青 / Seishun Academy
Lu Xia 路夏 (Peng Yu Chang): Echizen Ryoma
Mu Siyang 穆司陽 (Xie Bin Bin): Tezuka Kunimitsu
Qiao Chen 喬晨 (Dong Li): Momoshiro Takeshi
Chi Dayong 池大勇 (Zhu Zhi Ling): Oishi Shuichiro
Zhuo Zhi 卓治 (Zhang Yi Jie): Fuji Syusuke
Tang Jiale 唐佳樂 (Xu Ke): Kikumaru Eiji
Yan Zhiming 嚴智明 (Li He): Inui Sadaharu
He Xinglong 賀興隆 (Fan Lin Feng): Kawamura Takashi
Zhang Baiyang 張百揚 (Wu Xu Dong): Kaidoh Kaoru
Qi Ying 齐瑛 (Song Yi Ren): Ryuzaki Sakuno
Peng Shang 彭湘 (Lu Jia): Osakada Tomoka
Huang Jing 黃靖 (Yu Kai Ning): Combination of Arai, Sasabe, etal
Ma Xiuwen 馬修文 (Zhang Ke Yuan)
A Mu 阿穆 (Li Jun Zheng)
Qi Na 齐娜 (He Jia Yi): Ryuzaki Sumire
Lu Xiangqian 路向前 (Wu Qi Jiang): Echizen Nanjiroh
Hao Dahe 郝大河 (Jin Yu Bo):  Yamato Yudai
Yu Hang 育航 / Gyokurin
Bu Zhongchuan 钟歩川 (Jin Hao Chen): Fukawa Kimiyoshi
Wu Quan 吴泉 (Zhang Hang [YOUNG-G]): Izumi Tomoya
Yu Feng 玉峰 / Fudoumine:
Xu Ziping 徐子平 (Chen Shang Ze): Tachibana Kippei
Yan Jiang 燕江 (Wang Yong Feng): Sakurai Masaya
Shi Tienan 旋铁男 (Yang Chen Yi): Ishida Tetsu
Sima Yiwu 司马亦武 (Kong Chui Nan): Ibu Shinji
Shen Weiming 申伟明 (Liu Cheng Lin): Kamio Akira
Chen Desen 陈德森 (Gu Yu): Mori Tatsunori
Wei Kefei 韦克飞 (Ming Peng): Uchimura Kyosuke
Xu Xingzi 徐杏子 (Sun Jia Yu): Tachibana An
Xing Yao 星耀 / Hyotei Academy
Ji Jingwu 纪景梧 (Ren Yan Kai): Atobe Keigo
Hua Chonghong 华崇宏 (Yu An): Kabaji Munehiro
Hu Liangliang 胡亮亮 (Yang Ze): Shishido Ryo
Song Ci 宋慈 (Shi Zi Xun): Akutagawa Jiroh
You Shixing 游世星 (Fan Xiao Dong): Oshitari Yuushi
Yue Yang 岳阳 (Gao Xin): Mukahi Gakuto
Ji Nuo 吉诺 (Jiang Xin Qi): Hiyoshi Wakashi
Feng Zhiyuan 冯志远 (Jin Zhong Xi): Ootori Choutaro
Coach Fu 付教錬 (Tian Jia Da): Sakaki Tarou
No. 3 (Shisan) High School 市三 / Yamabuki
Ya Jiuxin 亚久辛 (Wang Yan Yang): Akutsu Jin
Shen Qianshi 沈千石 (Lou Ming): Sengoku Kiyosumi
Nan Jianzhi 南建知 (Liu Yu Feng): Minami Kentarou
Tan Yitai 谭一泰 (Huang Xing Yuan): Dan Taichi
Fang Yadong 方亚东 (Peng Gang): Higashikata Masami
Ma Lintao 马林涛 (Zhang Yuan Kun): Muramachi Tohji
Coach Tian 田教練 (Hong Wei): Banda Mikiya
Chen Huijing 陳慧敬 (Yang Cai Ying): Akutsu Sayuri
Guo Zi 國子 / St. Rudolph
Zhuo Yu 卓宇 (Zhao Zi Qi): Fuji Yuuta
Guan Yue 关岳 (Lan Bo): Mizuki Hajime
Qiao Ze 乔泽 (Liu Ming Kai): Akazawa Yoshiro
Ling Tian 梁田 (Jerry Chang): Kaneda Ichiro
Liu Zecheng 刘泽成 (Tang Xiang En): Yanagisawa Shinya
Qin Yifei 秦一婓 (Deng Zhi Yuan): Kisarazu Atsushi
No. 6 (Di Liu) 第六 / Rokkaku
Kui Jian 奎建 (Lei Ming): Aoi Kentaro
Yu Zifeng 余子风 (Fu Yan Zhang): Kurobane Harukaze
Lin Xiyan 林希彦 (Yao Jun Zhe): Itsuki Marehiko
Tian Ye 田野 (Wang Hao Yu): Amane Hikaru
Zuo Xiaohu 左小虎 (Li Zheng Jun): Saeki Kojiro
Mu Jinliang 穆金亮 (Zhai Xu): Kisarazu Ryo
Liu Muyun/Mr. Six 劉牧雲/六爷 (Hou Tong Jiang): Oji
Hai Guang 海广 / Rikkaidai
Bai Shiting 白市廷 (Ren Yun Jie): Yukimura Seiichi
Tian Zilong 田子龙 (Xiang Yun Long): Sanada Genichiro
Ke Jie 柯杰 (Tan Xu): Jackal Kuwahara
Liu Lian 柳濂 (Wang Yi Bo): Yanagi Renji
Jin Wentai 金文太 (Cao Jun Xiang): Marui Bunta
Yuan Chi 袁驰 (Shen Qi): Kirihara Akaya
Wang Yaren 王雅人 (Xu Rui Lin): Nioh Masaharu
Lu Sheng 吕胜 (Li Shu Ren): Yagyuu Hiroshi
Ying Cai 英才 / Ginka
Xiang Jingtian 向静天 (Chen Peng Wan Li): Fukushi Michiru
Chen Dahai 陈大海 (Ma Wenchao)
Lin Ye 林叶 (An Zi Yang)
Other Characters
Sha Sha 沙莎 (Liu Yong Xi): Shiba Saori
Li Na ��娜 (Li Na) [Bookstore owner]
Jiang 姜 (Jiang Shang): Tatsugoro [Racquet repair man]
*(2020.03.11) Fixed typo on Bai Shiting's actor name. Thanks to @tsunaminh for pointing it out!
*(2020.03.16) Fixed Ji Nuo's name! Thanks to @rlkkai for pointing it out!
*(2020.04.08) Fixed typo in Lu Xiangqian's name
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irichika013 · 3 years
0. Introduction + Trivia
A bit about the person behind the blog:
I am super new to C-drama as a whole and have never properly used tumblr in my life...but I fell in love with this series one whole year later than the rest of the world, and am devastated to see that the 3rd canon pairing of the series is barely discussed. Thus I have made it my mission to leave their footprint in the English fandom! 
(I spent the last 5 months reading the novel 3+ times and going through all the analysing/fan theory posts on Lofter and Weibo...so most of the opinions I've forms stem from there and I take zero credit for noticing all the details, I thank the fandom for that! Being multilingual means that I can read both sides of the comments but it hurts to see that I can’t share them T.T)
15/07/21 EDIT:
So I have been informed that they are actually pretty well received by international fans and is a rather popular pairing! But there seems to be some misunderstanding that they're not canon :P
I'm still super bitter that there's a grand total of one fic and one piece of art on AO3/tumblr by the time I came around to finding the series though T.T  From all the youtube comments and discussion threads I've found on google they still need a little bit of a push and there's still a meaning for this blog, and I just enjoy writing about them...so stay tuned!
About the pairing:
I have a few theories as to why they're so overlooked compared to the other two:
1. As side characters, they barely have any screen time compared with CFT and SXR as is. They also never got the official confirmation like Lord Qi and Jiu Lang from the books where they were compared to CFT and SXR who were clearly lovers.
2. Their story is almost split into 2, with the novel mainly showing XQS's seemingly unrequited love, but the drama ties everything together and Du Qi gives his reply.
3. In the 6 deleted episodes, there's at least 2, possibly 3, scenes that are super important to their relationship and character development. So much got taken out that it even affected the average viewer's experience with the main plot.
Plus the story is written mainly in SXR/CFT POV so the author hid their relationship so well... They're super subtle, but if you take a moment to properly read their interaction, it's quite obvious that they're not just friends.
As mentioned above both the novel and the drama illustrated their relationship in a different way (likely because they had to tone down a LOT of things due to the censorship so it can actually be filmed/aired, or that the author wanted to complete their untold story in the form of the drama) and it's very interesting to see how the information from both mediums comes together to paint the full picture!
I will be posting translations of snippets of the novel, some important transcript from the drama, additional information regarding deleted scenes and writing posts to summarise the information to lead to my final conclusion that is also the title of this blog.
For those who didn't know, the author of the novel, Shui Ru Tian Er was one of the three scriptwriters for the drama series, so we can see this as everything that transpired in the drama having the seal of approval and is pretty much canon.
Another scriptwriter, Jiu Ren, is an editor who produces fan-edit videos on the Chinese media site, Bilibili. In 2017 she released a fan-made PV of Winter Begonia using footage from other dramas starring Yin Zheng (Andrew Yin) as Shang XiRui and it was her recommendation that brought us the Boss-Shang we know today.
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the-archlich · 4 years
You are put in charge of a koei warriors game that takes place from the years 190 to 220 what factions would you put in it and which characters would you put in each faction? (Max 20 characters for each faction)
I put too much time into this.
Within these parameters, its actually a lot easier than you might think. Since it’s a Han game instead of 3K it means I don’t have to think about characters who were mostly important later, or who had a lot of longevity. Instead I can focus on telling a pretty comprehensive story about Han’s collapse and not really worry about what comes after.
I’ve gone with a Wei, Wu, Shu, and Other structure because I think that works. 20 characters for each. A lot of people who didn’t make the cut only did so because characters who serve multiple factions are better for the narrative overall:
Cao Cao
Cao Ren
Xiahou Dun
Lady Bian
Xiahou Yuan
Xun Yu
Zhong Yao
Xu Huang
Yu Jin
Xu Chu
Zhang Xiu
Jia Xu
Zhang Liao
Lady Zhen
Zhang He
Wang Lang
Hua Xin
Pang De
Zang Ba
Chen Deng
Sun Jian
Sun Ce
Sun Quan
Lady Wu
Sun Ben
Bu Lianshi
Zhang Zhao
Zhou Yu
Lu Fan
Lu Su
Lu Meng
Yu Fan
Cheng Pu
Huang Gai
Zhu Zhi
Jiang Qin
Zhou Tai
Gan Ning
Ling Tong
Taishi Ci
Liu Bei
Zhang Fei
Guan Yu
Jian Yong
Zhao Yun
Lady Gan
Mi Fang
Zhuge Liang
Ma Liang
Fa Zheng
Chen Dao
Ma Su
Yang Yi
Liu Feng
Wei Yan
Huo Jun
Pang Tong
Huang Zhong
Ma Chao
Ma Dai
Yuan Shao
Lady Liu
Qu Yi
Tian Feng
Yuan Tan
Shen Pei
Liu Biao
Huang Zu
Dong Zhuo
Xu Rong
Lu Bu
Gongsun Zan
Guan Jing
Zhang Yan
Yuan Shu
Yang Hong
Tao Qian
Liu Yao
Han Sui
A lot of these OTHERs are thickened out by characters who will later end up in other factions (mostly Wei).
Yuan Shao has his circle (Lady Liu, Qu Yi, Tian Feng, Yuan Tan, Tadun, and Shen Pei) as well as Zhang He and Lady Zhen, giving him a sizable chunk of characters. Enough to tell a story with.
Liu Biao has Huang Zu, but also a lot of guys who will later wind up in Shu: Ma Liang, Ma Su, Yang Yi, Huo Jun, Pang Tong, Huang Zhong; arguably Zhuge Liang and Wei Yan as well. And at times you can even give him Gan Ning, Zhang Xiu, and Jia Xu. That’s a pretty big chunk of officers.
Dong Zhuo has Xu Rong, of course, And Lu Bu was a significant factor in the early Jian’an years. Of course Dong Zhuo’s group also has Jia Xu, Zhang Xiu, and Zhang Liao - and Xu Huang during the years of Li Jue’s regime.
Gongsun Zan and Guan Jing form the core of his faction, along with his ally Zhang Yan. They also have Liu Bei, Jian Yong, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun to thicken it out.
Yuan Shu and Yang Hong also have many of the Wu characters under them until the whole Zhong Dynasty thing. This includes Sun Jian, Sun Ce, Lady Wu, Sun Ben, Zhang Zhao, Zhou Yu, Lu Fan, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, and Zhu Zhi. This gives him a significant group to play with.
Tao Qian would have his native officers like Zang Ba, Chen Deng, and Mi Fang; and at the most important part would be joined by Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Jian Yong, Zhao Yun, Lady Gan, and Chen Dao. Those guys can really flesh a story out when you put them where they’re supposed to be.
Liu Yao’s group is small but includes people who will be important later: Taishi Ci, Yu Fan, Wang Lang, and Hua Xin.
Han Sui represents the Liang Warlords - enemies to Sun Jian, Dong Zhuo, and Cao Cao. He’s got Ma Chao, Ma Dai, and Pang De. I’d love to give him more but had to call it off somewhere.
All of this should allow for a pretty comprehensive story. Most major warlords are represented, with a handful of loyalists and officers who later served larger groups. The only major gap is Liu Zhang, but he mostly just sat on his hands until Liu Bei showed up. He wasn’t much of a factor in anyone else’s tale so we can gloss over him.
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