#character: nell valez
runningthrough-if · 3 days
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[ intro post ]
Silas Barclay, Jr.
Name: Silas Casten Barclay II (Jr.) Age: 28 Highest Education: Bachelor’s in Environmental Science Star Sign: Aries Moon Sign: Aries Rising Sign: Sagittarius Hangout: Graves (Bar) Favorite Things: E’s signature Old Fashioneds, bow hunting season, gambling, talking shit, and his best friend, Jasper Barclay. Least Favorite Things: His father, beer and hard seltzers, {redacted}, and anyone who’s ever said, “Hunting is a job?”. Fun Fact: Never understands any modern references or memes Jasper tries to show him. Personality: Silas is known around town for his brash and aggressive attitude, and while he is those things, he’s also incredibly observant and perceptive. However, the later are traits he’d rather hide away as his father enjoys calling them ‘sensitive attributes’. Even when he shouldn’t be, he’s conscious of his family’s wishes and does his best to fill the mold they’ve laid out for him. Appearance: 6’1. Tan skin. Dark brown eyes. Long, black hair (with a gray streak at the font) that’s normally pulled back in a bun. Wears dark jeans, plain t-shirts, and simple tennis shoes a majority of the time.
Nell Valez
Name: Nell Maria Valez Age: 30 Highest Education: Associates in Funeral Services Star Sign: Pisces Moon Sign: Virgo Rising Sign: Pisces Hangout: Vonn Swamp Favorite Things: Ethical and sustainable taxidermy, Joyce Carol Oates’ short stories, foxgloves, and jazz music. Least Favorite Things: ‘Aesthetic’ witches, those who hunt for fun rather than necessity, and gender stereotypes. Fun Fact: She only buys clothes that are black, white, or green. It started when she was a teenager and just kind of stuck. Personality: Nell is known for being down to earth and friendly. She’s got an calm demeanor about her which seems to naturally attract people - even though she would prefer to be alone, outside of her coven. Appearance: 5’4. Umber skin. Light brown eyes. 4A (slightly coiled), black hair that falls at her shoulders when styled. Wears lots of lace and layers no matter the season. Has a double nose piercing on both sides that she adorns with gold jewelry. Minimal to no makeup.
Ellis/Eve Van de Ber
Name: Ellis/Eve Montgomery Van de Ber Age: 32 Highest Education: Bachelors in Public Relations Star Sign: Leo Moon Sign: Aquarius Rising Sign: Virgo Hangout: Bambi’s (Trailer Park) Favorite Things: Top shelf whiskey, {redacted} behind the bar, and 70’s pornos. Least Favorite Things: Being a ‘Van de Ber’, those they assume are prudes, and Willow’s Rest. Fun Fact: Once stole a baby alligator from Vonn Swamp and set it loose in the bar for shits and giggles. No…really. Personality: E is know for being the life of the party; whether or not that’s a good thing depends on the day and the party. Despite their constant need for attention, they tend to keep people at an arm’s length. It’s fine to talk to each other at the bar, but no, you’re not getting their phone number and no, they’re not adding you on any social media. Despite their flaws, those who are able to get close to them see someone who cares deeply not only for their personal relationships, but someone who holds theirself to an impossible standard. Appearance: 5’8. Golden skin. Green eyes. Shoulder length brown hair that’s cut in a wolf cut. Black and white, traditional tattoos covering 95% of their body. Multiple ear piercings and a lower lip (black hoop) piercing on right side. Usually wears black jeans, a black tank-top, and black combat boots (with a leather jacket in cooler weather). Heavy makeup (Eve).
Orson Barclay
Name: Orson Archer Barclay Age: 29 Highest Education: Bachelors in English. (Missing 3 classes from his Library Science Degree.) Star Sign: Virgo Moon Sign: Virgo Rising Sign: Libra Hangout: Landry’s Rowe Library Favorite Things: Anne Rice, visiting his parent’s graves, shots of espresso, and fishing at Vonn Swamp. Least Favorite Things: Willow’s Rest, rush hour at Able & Poes, and hot tea. Fun Fact: Recently began working to re-open the shut down movie theater near the edge of town. (His parent’s were working on this before their passing.) Personality: For a man who runs the most popular restaurant in town, Orson is still a mystery to most of the locals. He’s polite and level-headed while working, but aside from small town gossip, not many know much about him. Appearance: 6’3. Tan skin. Dark blue eyes. Dark brown hair cut short and clean. Wears glasses. Has one tattoo to memorialize his parents on his right arm (upper). Typically dressed in simple, dark slacks, button downs (of various patters and colors), and loafers.
Vernon/Verena Hart
Name: Vernon/Verena Reese Hart Age: 31 Highest Education: High School Diploma Star Sign: Libra Moon Sign: Cancer Rising Sign: Aquarius Hangout: N/AFavorite Things: Horror movies (slashers and creature features are their favorites), collecting funky mugs, volunteering at animal shelters, and film photography. Least Favorite Things: Pretentiousness, art schools, and their anxiety. Fun Fact: Can play guitar and would be a musician if not a photographer. Personality: V is known for their expansive creativity; they see the world as a canvas ready to photograph, narrate, paint, etc. To the world, they may be bubbly and fun and a bit too self-centered, but you see a different side of them. With you they’re more attentive and caring; it’s less about them and more about your needs and feelings. Appearance: 5’8. Pale skin. Green eyes. Curly, long (light coppery) red hair parted in the middle with curtain bangs (Verena). Short on the sides, long on top, curly, red hair styled messily (Vernon). Freckles across their nose and cheek. Double ear piercings. Both dress rather casually in jeans, pullovers, and simple shoes.
Cash/Cassandra Landry
Name: Cash/Cassandra Riven Landry Age: 35 Highest Education: ??? Star Sign: Sagittarius Moon Sign: Scorpio Rising Sign: Taurus Favorite Things: Leading the church, polaroid photos, communion, and baptismal sessions in Vonn Swamp. Least Favorite Things: {redacted}, {redacted}, their parents, their sisters, and Orson Landry. Fun Fact: Has tried to re-write the bible on multiple occasions. Personality: Cash/Cassandra are known for being a little odd, but they still manage to draw people in with an easy charisma. They’re the epitome of understanding how to make you feel like you are the most seen and important person in the room. Despite their long-winded, religious rants, people still line up to talk to them when they come into the heart of the town. Appearance: 5’10. Pale skin. Light blue eyes. Long, straight blonde (platinum) hair that they normally wear down. No piercings or tattoos. Often seen wearing their ‘Sunday best’, monochromatic white outfits.
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runningthrough-if · 2 days
Who are the big spoons and who are the little spoons out of the ROs?
Big Spoons: Orson, C Little Spoons: Nell, E, V Big spoon who desperately always wants to be the little spoon: Silas
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runningthrough-if · 2 days
What are the ROs love languages?
Hiding under 'Keep Reading' to shorten post (because I truly cannot shut the fuck up). For reference, these are the ROs' romantic love languages; their platonic may vary.
Thank you for the question!
Giving: Acts of Service - Silas is big on 'don't tell me, show me'. Even in the early stages of a relationship, MC would find little, but thoughtful things done for them. Ex: drawing them a bath after a long day, cleaning up their space when work is hectic, or bringing them their favorite beverage before a date. Receiving: Quality Time - It's no secret to Silas that people don't really want to spend time around him and honestly, he doesn't blame them. He knows he's got flaws. So when MC constantly shows up to see him, even just for a few moments, his heart swells.
Giving: Gifts - Nell normally doesn't even realize that she's giving gifts to her partners. Sometimes she just sees a flower, a bone, a gemstone, etc. that reminds her of them and feels that they must have said thing. MC's living space would quickly be decorated with knick-knacks from her. Receiving: Acts of Service - Nell is fairly used to receiving praise, or compliments, from those around her. Of course, they're special, but she's grown so used to them that they don't hold a ton of romantic value. MC going out of their way to pick up her living space, do the dishes, or hang her clothes up would mean the world to her.
Giving: Quality Time - E is charismatic, but personally, closed off. Once they leave the bar/party/event, they don't want to talk to anyone. When the adrenaline from a social event wears off, they become a completely different person; closed off, quiet, and thoughtful. When MC notices E is going out of their way to give away some of their alone time, it's a good sign. They're trying, in their own way, to let them know that they are an important aspect of their life. Receiving: Gifts (Thoughtfully) - E is so used to people wanting something from them - free drinks, sex, political connections - that most of people's attempts to 'suck up' roll off their back. MC giving E a gift that is relevant to them (something they mentioned once, a joke the two share, etc.) would send E spiraling in the best way.
Giving: Quality Time - When Orson is in a romantic relationship, he becomes enamored with that other person, quickly. He wants to be around them as often as he can - which can be hard while running Able & Poes. It's his love language, but also his biggest insecurity. He never wants his partner to feel overwhelmed or suffocated. Receiving: Physical Touch - Orson struggles...in many regards. He's also hyper-aware that people can say whatever they want to get whatever they want. When MC gives him subtle touches of encouragement or is physically excited (kisses and hugs) to see him, he can be comforted in knowing they're in a good place.
Giving: Acts of Service - V enjoys seeing the smile on their partners' faces when they realize that they've done something for them. It's almost a high in knowing they put that emotion there. With V, MC would truly never need to lift a finger. Of course, they absolutely could, but not without V pouting. "Let me do that for you, please." Receiving: Words of Affirmation - The critiques and praises they receive daily on their photographs has changed the way V accepts any and all words. They're aware of how words can change a person's perception of not only their art, but themselves. Hearing or reading genuine words of love from MC is their favorite thing. (Letters and cards. They LOVE them. It's words of affirmation that they can keep forever.)
Giving & Receiving: Physical Touch - It's hard to go into detail about this without giving away too many spoilers, but C loves physical touch; for positive and negative reasons. There's a sensual feeling to every touch they give and receive.
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runningthrough-if · 18 hours
🔧 WRENCH - are they good at fixing relationships? or do they tend to avoid doing so?
Oh, let's talk about it!
Good at fixing relationships: Nell and V. Not actively avoiding it, but needs a little push: Orson. Avoids at all costs because they're hard headed: Silas and E. Has literally never done anything wrong (in their own mind) so it's up to everyone else to fix the problem: C.
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runningthrough-if · 18 hours
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
Sure, here's a few random facts! (I've also added the 'fun fact' from the character introduction post for those who may have missed it.)
Never understands any modern references or memes Jasper (his best friend) tries to show him.
Would rather be a Park Ranger than a Hunter. This is why he chose to study Environmental Science.
Is interested in becoming a Spirits Specialist/Expert. (This is a person who has extensive and specialized expertise and knowledge of spirits and alcohol.)
"Accidentally" broke E's nose during a bar fight.
She only buys clothes that are black, white, or green. It started when she was a teenager and just kind of stuck.
Desperately wants to move to Florida, but could never leave her students/coven behind.
Partners with the Landry's Rowe Public Library to host events for the town multiple times a year. Ex: pumpkin carving, gardening classes, and foraging seminars.
Once stole a baby alligator from Vonn Swamp and set it loose in the bar for shits and giggles. No…really.
Absolutely loves to read, but pretends that they don't. They keep their books hidden in a truck at the end of their bed.
Out of all of the ROs, E would be the most likely to fall into the Weeping Willow cult. E despising C is truly saving them.
Recently began working to re-open the shut down movie theater near the edge of town. (His parent’s were working on this before their passing.)
Volunteers at the Landry's Rowe Public Library as often as he can.
Always, always, always sponsors a fall festival for families in the town. This takes place in on his family's land near Able & Poes.
Can play guitar and would be a musician if not a photographer.
Has two male genuine pigs as pets and loves them dearly. They have their own room in V's apartment with loads of space to run, hide, and eat. Their names are Pumpkin and Chip.
Keeps a tiny ghost hunting book in their car at all times. "Because you never know when you might need to communicate with the dead, MC."
Has tried to re-write the bible on multiple occasions.
Became an ordained while they were sad and drunk one night. The first wedding they officiated was [redacted] Landry only 3 months later.
Smells like a vanilla cupcake at all times.
Collects vintage country records.
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runningthrough-if · 5 days
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Welcome to Landry’s Rowe.
Founded in 1733
Population: 3,667
After being let go from your job only a month prior, you’ve headed off on a ‘horror’ road trip across the United States with your best friend. Visiting the most disturbing locations in the country should have incited something within you right? Fear, joy, anxiety, anything.
But the trip is coming to an end and it’s been…well, a bust. Nothing has pushed your overwhelming numbness to the side. God, you’d give anything just to feel a sliver of an emotion.
Until it happens.
Landry’s Rowe wasn’t even a town on your list; it was just a place to stop for a burger.
‘Running Through the Trees’ is a wip, southern gothic interactive fiction with elements of horror, mystery, and romance. It is rated 18+ due to themes that may be disturbing to some readers. ‘Running Through’ explores themes of gore, violence, sexual content, drug use, cults, spiritual psychosis, complex human relationships, etc.
If you're interested in cults, creature features, mysteries, and morally gray characters, this may be for you.
Customize your MC. This includes: name, appearance, gender identity, pronouns, and more!
Make choices that matter. Your choices change the story and the route you end up on.
Use your former in game job to progress the story. You were previously either an archaeologist (at a metaphysical museum), an archivist (for occult books), or a college professor (folk-tales and their lore).
Explore the three completely different routes within the same story. There’s a hunter’s route, protector’s route, and cult route.
Build a romantic relationship with 5 different romance options or form a purely sexual relationship with 1 option. While there are element of romance within this game, you do not need to interact with that element to enjoy the story.
Read a story about main characters who are slightly older. Everyone is between 28-35.
Build relationships with a variety of side characters.
Do some slice of life things, such as: foraging, gardening, tea making, etc.
Silas Barclay Jr., He/Him, 28, Hunter // “They’re dangerous and therefore, they must be taken out.”
Silas Jr. is the youngest, and only living, son of head hunter and guild leader, Silas Barclay Sr. His mother, Sylvia Cass, disappeared a month after his birth.
The Barclays are one of the three founding families of Landry’s Rowe.
Silas is truly hesitant to become a hunter, but those around town would never be able to tell. He pushes his own feelings aside for the sake of family legacy.
He’s known for his brash attitude, frequent bar fights, and founders family ‘get out of jail free’ connections.
Only romanceable if you choose to pursue the hunter’s route. Choosing the protector’s route or the cult’s route will lock you out.
Nell Valez, She/Her, 30, Witch // “They’re confused and scared, but they can be helped without bloodshed.”
Nell runs the local coven, under the guise of a reformatory school, alongside Natalie Van de Ber. The Van de Bers are one of three founding families of Landry’s Rowe.
She is fiercely protective of her home, her coven, and her relationships.
She is known for her gentle demeanor, botanical knowledge, and ability to think/act quickly under pressure.
Only romanceable if you choose to pursue the protector’s route. Choosing the hunter’s route or the cult’s route will lock you out.
Ellis/Eve Van de Ber, Gender Selectable, 32, Bartender at Graves
E has been a bartender at Graves since their 21st birthday. That night they strode behind the bar and demanded the owner, Abraham Barclay, show them how to make a whiskey sour.
They’re insecure about their current state of life, but it’s easier to take a shot and make a joke than it is to go to therapy.
They’re known for their sarcastic comments, charming smile, and all those rumors surrounding their shady family dynamics.
Only romanceable if you choose to pursue the hunter’s route. Choosing the protector’s route or the cult’s route will lock you out.
Orson Barclay, He/Him, 29, Owner of Able & Poe
Orson Barclay is the only son of Raven and Savannah Barclay, who passed away during a routine boating tour at the Vonn Swamp six years prior. After their passing, he took over Able & Poe and pushed aside his efforts of becoming the Landry’s Rowe librarian.
He is the cousin of Silas Barclay Jr.
He’s known for his quiet demeanor, endless thirst for knowledge, and natural fishing skill.
Only romanceable if you choose to pursue the protector’s route. Choosing the hunter’s route or the cult’s route will lock you out.
Vernon/Verena Hart, Gender Selectable, 31, Your Best Friend
V has been your best friend for as long as you can remember (since you two grew up beside each other).
They work as a freelance, and pretty popular, photographer with a niche in unsettling or haunting imagery.
They’re loyal to a fault, a bit impulsive, and always down to have a good time.
They’re romanceable no matter which route you choose.
V is asexual. Please keep that in mind during their route.
Cash/Cassandra Landry, 35, Cult Leader Pastor of Weeping Willows // “They’re powerful which means we should be controlling them.”
C Landry is the youngest child of Wilson and Ruby Landry, who were killed during a community outing ten years prior. They both died of a gunshot wound to the head, but their killer remains unknown.
Their 3 sisters each moved away the moment they turned 18 (prior to their parents' death).
The Landrys are one of the three founding families of Landry’s Rowe.
C runs Willow’s Rest, a church and community center, nestled between Vonn Swamp and Perla’s Bed & Breakfast.
They’re know for their charismatic personality, religious rants, and the polaroid camera they constantly carry.
Only romanceable if you choose to pursue the cult’s route. Choosing the hunter’s route or the protector’s route will lock you out.
Their ‘romance’ is not a true relationship, but rather a strictly physical relationship.
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runningthrough-if · 2 days
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A compilation of questions, tags, lore posts, etc.
Character tags:
Silas Barclay l Nell Valez l E Van de Ber l Orson Barclay l V Hart l C Landry
Location tags:
Landry's Rowe l Bambi's Trailer Park l Able & Poes l Graves l Perla's Bed & Breakfast l Vonn Swamp l Willow's Rest
Family Tags:
Barclays l Landrys l Van de Bers
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Family Lore:
Who has the largest lineage in Landry's Rowe?
Character Lore:
What are the ROs' love languages? Who are the big spoons/little spoons? Random facts about the ROs? Do they try to fix relationships?
Game Mechanics
When do we choose a route?
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Other tags:
Author updates l Inbox l Other IFs
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