#character: kios surana
whalefelled · 1 year
[ SENSUAL ] evaios... maybe awakening :)
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i don't ever wanna leave. i'll watch you sleep || @martyriess
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"Have you done this before?" Evadne had asked breathless around the the long kiss Kios had pulled her into. She could manage just a brief shake of head before she was pulling Evadne into another kiss.
Now the rogue was kneeling in bed and Kios was propped up on the pillows, legs hooked lazily around Evadne. Her shift was scrunched up to her thighs and Evadne's fingers traced lazy patterns up her calves and thighs that made Kios wiggle her toes in her socks since they tickled a little, but they also set a flush alight in her chest.
She was red up to her ears.
Chewing on her bottom lip thoughtfully Kios extended her legs as long as they could before she sat up slowly, hands moving to Evadne's shoulders to push her back into the bed.
"I thought you'd never done anything like this?" the rouge stated, speaking to regain her composure at the sudden change to Kios atop of her.
"I'm feeling brave and like you'll be a good teacher if I do something wrong. I have been told I'm a quick learner after all-" it had been Evadne's words after their first few kisses, though Kios never knew if she was just flattering her or not. She knew she was certainly better than she was a few months ago.
The mage presses a kiss at the junction of Evadne's neck and shoulder, using just a hint of teeth that should feel make the other squirm, and she could only smile about it.
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sky-fire-forever · 3 months
My prompt list for @dadrunkwriting
Please feel free to send me any prompt for any character or relationship, even ones I don't have listed, as I may be willing to try something new! My own OCs will be used for any player characters.
Here are some relationships and characters I'd be especially willing to write for! Asterisks (*) represent characters or relationships I prefer to write at the moment.
Romantic Relationships:
Zevran/Warden, Leliana/Warden, Sten/Warden, Alistair/Warden, Morrigan/Warden, Anders/Warden*, Nathaniel/Warden, Anders/Karl, Anders/Hawke*, Fenris/Hawke, Fenris/Anders*, Fenris/Anders/Hawke*, Sebastian/Hawke, Isabela/Hawke, Merrill/Hawke, Varric/Hawke, Kirkwall Polycule, Isabela/Hawke/Fenris, Dorian/Inquisitor
Queerplatonic Relationships:
Justice/Warden*, Fenris/Anders*, Justice/Hawke*, Justice/Anders*, Justice/Anders/Hawke*, Varric/Hawke
Other Relationships:
Jowan&Warden, Sten&Warden, Leliana&Warden, Morrigan&Warden, Alistair&Warden, Wynne&Warden, Shale&Warden, Anders&Warden, Justice&Warden*, Nathaniel&Justice, Nathaniel&Warden, Anders&Varric, Carver&Anders, Leandra&Hawke, Carver&Hawke, Malcolm&Hawke, Merrill&Hawke, Isabela&Hawke, Varric&Hawke, Aveline&Hawke, Cole&Anders*, Cole&Hawke*, Cole&Inquisitor
Orion Mahariel, Rose Tabris, Pigfrid Brosca, Benten Brosca, Ralsei Aeducan, Orla Cousland, Eluvia Amell , Primrose Surana , Scorpius Hawke , Aster Hawke, Aurora Hawke, Mal Hawke , Angel Hawke, Ariel Hawke , Kelli Hawke, Kios Hawke , Cygnus Adaar
Sadderday Prompts
Angst Prompts
Pining/Yearning Prompts
Feeling Safe Prompts
Flirty Prompts
Epic the Musical Prompts
Dialogue Prompts
Angst Dialogue Prompts
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
Dragon Age Inspired Prompts
Hurt/Comfort Prompts (Hard to Find)
Rivals Sentence Starters
Protective Prompts
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seahaloed · 4 years
It seemed so strange... a title. She supposed Champion was not a title truly, but it made her feel like one of the hero’s out of the books in the Circle. She gripped the small brooch of Redcliffe Heraldry that she’d been gifted before she finally tucked it safely into a pouch at her side.
(she didn’t understand how everyone was celebrating, she felt exhausted.)
“I think you once promised me to dance the remigold, Alistair—” she teased as she was finally served a cup of ale, pitcher left for her to pour from as she pleases. She’s.... well she’s never actually had a real drink. There was an attempt made by some templars she recalls to brew spirits as they felt the price for an ale at the Spoiled Princess too high, but that was quickly squashed by the Knight-Commander.
“Do you know how to dance?” She ventured, taking a small sniff of the sweet ale in her cup before taking a cautious sip.
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dirthara-mama · 6 years
OC Associations
RULES: Repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
I was tagged by @lonely-spaghetti , thank you so much!
Alignments taken from this chart, which I feel is much more comprehensive than the usual alignment chart.
Zodiac signs taken from this reddit post.
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Inquisitor Ayelet Lavellan; neutral good. casual, loyal, slightly melancholy, resourceful.
COLOR(S): Crimson, black, cream, gold.
MONTH: Kingsway (September)
SONG(S): Moments - Tove Lo, Seven Nation Army - Zella Day, Weight In Gold - Gallant
PLANT: Ivy, balsam, sweet briar
SMELL(S): Honeysuckle, freshly turned soil, sun-warmed skin
PLACE(S): Emerald Graves, Free Marches, Arbor Wilds
FOOD: Chocolate, roasted veggies, Dalish flatbread
“The Sword of Mercy”
Currently used as the symbol of the Templar Order, many born under this sign feel drawn to the organization (for better or worse), fascinated with justice and the arcane. Those under this sign will often behave with a righteous attitude, which is luckily offset by their desire to seek justice. Debating issues with someone under this sign is a confusing matter, as they are capable of separating what they feel from what needs to happen. Priding themselves on being able to see the truth of the matter, they despise liars and manipulators, who they perceive as being more into self-preservation than exposing the truth. Unfortunately, their dedicated nature can be twisted and abused by the manipulators they so hate, and those under this sign have a reputation for naivety. However, guided by the right hand, those with the blessing of the sword can be wonderful avatars of justice, and will consciously seek out cases where they can assist those being treated unjustly. 
DRINK: Antivan sweet red wine
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Warden Commander Myriani Surana; cruel good. arrogant, charitable, polished, dramatic.
ANIMAL: Cassowary
COLOR(S): Silver, blue, black, deep purple.
MONTH: Cloudreach (April)
SONG(S): Bad Girls - MIA, In The Middle - Dodie, Woman - Kesha
PLANT: Witchhazel, dahlia, gladiolus
SMELL(S): Jasmin, petrichor.
GEMSTONE: Sapphire
SEASON: Winter
PLACE(S): Storm Coast, Denerim, Val Royeaux
FOOD: Soups, hard candies from her favorite shop in Denerim
“The Thunderbolt”
Life for those who are born with the blessing of the wrathful God is one that is built upon impulse and creativity. Bright, but eccentric, these folk are usually iconic trendsetters and brilliant inventors. Beware the temperament of the Thunderbolts, however, as their focused anger burns hot and long. These creative souls hold fast to the adage of, ‘forgive, but never forget.’ Their furious temper, however, is often brushed off as just a side-effect of their passionate nature, which is renowned throughout Thedas. Intelligent, but not arrogant, and outgoing, but not unkind, those under this sign are often quite popular, and those that dislike them still tend to admire them.
ELEMENT(S): Air - Lightning
DRINK: Orlesian brandy
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Asenath Lavellan; neutral kind. optimistic, trusting, protective, naive.
ANIMAL: Mabari
COLOR(S): Yellow, green, brown, gold.
MONTH: Firstfall (November)
SONG(S): Chasing This - Misterwives, I Just Came to Dance - Gibbz, Wild Heart - Bleachers
PLANT: Aster, sunflower, crocus
SMELL(S): Clove, lemon, pine.
SEASON: Spring
PLACE(S): Sunny Crestwood, Arbor Wilds, Antiva City
FOOD: Citrus fruits, battered fish
“The Chaos”
Thought to represent the old God Zazikel, who ruled of chaos, those with this blessing are humorous, life-of-the-party individuals who enjoy a good time above all. Generous to a fault, they will spend money freely on those around them, and often worry those close to them with their poor management techniques. However, if those under chaos run into trouble, they often just laugh it off, and of all the signs, are the most optimistic. Forgiving, open, and always ready with a bright smile, it’s hard to hate those with this sign, even with all the chaos that they seem to bring thanks to their carefree and accepting attitude. Caution is advised for those under this sign, who would most likely just brush off such somber warnings.     
DRINK: Cold ale from this shitty tavern in Ostwick.
I’m gonna tag @drellvhen, @goblin-deity, @nurvorn, @bitchesofostwick, @vixils and anybody else who feels like yelling about an OC :>
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whalefelled · 1 year
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“You’re leering,” Kios half-scolded, tone flate. She was often so keen to avoid anything that might turn into an argument amongst those they traveled with, but sitting here at the fire she watched Ellis stare Morrigan down for the better part of the evening.
Her stomach turned.
“I would say she doesn’t bite, but she might at you—” oh Andraste take her, that was her actually needling the poor noble… and all she could is look and feel pleased with herself about it before she looked up from the scrap journal she had tucked against her legs. The mage’s feet shuffled in the dirt as she settled on staring at Ellis with her wide and unsettling gaze (“deer-like” Leliana had said. Shale likened it to a specter).
He looked genuinely interested in the Witch… and a sigh left her as she sat up a little bit more to get closer to the fire and put another few dry branches into the pit. “Do you want to talk to her about somethiiing?” Kios drew the word out as she squinted at her fellow Warden, finding herself chewing on the inside of her bottom lip.
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whalefelled · 1 year
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how do they act when they cry? for kios :plead:
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Sniff. SniffSniff. Sniff.
"Are you crying?" Morrigan's voice cuts into Kios' chest worse than any blade that has been sung at her within the past 48 hours.
"No," Kios states, sniffling again, "It's the onions." Kios claims dropping some of the chipped foraged onions into the cooking pot even as she hiccups a little.
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For the most part, Kios doesn't cry. When she's distressed she shuts herself off entirely and just sits quietly. Her crying is the healthier option and to a degree shows she feels safe with those around her.
She almost never cried while living in the circle, and when she did she hid the fact the best she could. Kios still often tries to hide or minimize her own tears, and is the kind of person who, while crying, sobs about hating to cry.
She will also just cry quietly alone, trying to will herself to stop because it's a form of self regulation she's uncomfortable with as an adult.
Happy tears she's okay with and she cannot explain the difference to people, but there is! a difference!
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whalefelled · 2 years
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starter for @martyriess
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Kios took the steps two at a time, staff all but abandoned in the entryway of what they'd managed to rebuild of Vigil's Keep since the siege. She was thankful for the fact that she and the other Wardens had stopped at a proper inn the night before so she wasn't the worst she's ever smelled, having sprung the extra coin for a nice bath so she might throw herself directly into Evadne's arms the first chance she could.
That had been the plan but her partner according to Oghren was still in bed, apparently up late wrestling with managing the money going to repairs.
Pushing the door to their room open, Kios peeked her head inside first, and sure enough Evadne was still asleep. Kios managed to be as quiet as she was able, removing her shoes and walking heel to toe as both Evadne and Zevran had shown her to muffle her steps so she might seat herself at the bed's edge.
Carefully she reached out, brushing her back from her lover's neck to brush her thumb gently over the scar that peeked up over her neckline and a palm smoothed all the way down her back, smoothing to rest at her side. "Good morning, Lover." Kios greeted, voice low and sweet, reigning in her desire to throw her entire body into her partner's still sleepy form and wrapping her up in a close hug.
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seahaloed · 4 years
bold what definitely applies to your muse. italicize what sometimes applies.   repost ;   don’t  reblog !
𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 .    tries to do everything at once.  doesn’t know when to stop and take care of themselves. bends over backwards for everyone even if someone did them dirty.  has entirely too much on their plate.
𝐓𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐔𝐒 .     idealistic. spends a lot of time trying to impress others. doesn’t like to apologize. eating is a coping mechanism or just addictive personalities in general. a tad codependent.
𝐆𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 .   the most flip floppy people ever. what’s today’s mood? never apologizes. in denial 90% of the time. their way is the highway. desperately needs a break. they have a hard time setting goals because their goals scare them.
𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 .  the literal meaning of i’ll give you the shirt off my back. isolates themselves in fear of someone hurting them. wants to change but is scared of change. complains a lot but never takes advice people give them.
𝐋𝐄𝐎 .     no one takes them seriously because they feel they always have to portray themselves as the fun one. is actually really sad inside. honestly needs a hug.  exhausted always.
𝐕𝐈𝐑𝐆𝐎 .     can dish it but can’t take it. rushes everything. anxious. plans their future but forgets to live in the moment. sometimes ignores their friends because they have so much on their mind. talks about themselves a lot and sometimes forgets to ask the other person how they are.
𝐋𝐈𝐁𝐑𝐀 . solves everyone’s problems but their own. is actually really sad and lonely. gets easily heartbroken but tries not to show it. will do anything to justify bad decisions. honestly just wants everyone to love them but doesn’t really love their self.
𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐈𝐎 .    easily set off. will give anyone the cold shoulder at any time even without reason. keeps a lot in. so observant that they often times find out things that hurt them. too many “what ifs” swirling in their heads.has trouble showing their true selves.
𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 .     impatient. brash. commitment issues. body issues. doesn’t realize they don’t need to change for anyone. has a lot of different goals to a point where they get overwhelmed. just wants to disappear and do what they want without anyone questioning them.
𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐍 .    scared people won’t like them unless they’re at the top of their game 24/7. takes a lot for them to talk about their feelings.secretly struggling. fake happy. needs a plan but doesn’t know what that plan is.confident but insecure at the same time. wants to be stable but sometimes wishes they could drop everyone’s expectations of them and live normally.
𝐀𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐔𝐒 .  gets heartbroken like 30 times a week. trust issues. can be unmotivated and disinterested. feels they have to adapt to every person they meet so they can be liked. doesn’t know how to tap into their emotions despite being very intuitive. confused. expects little.
𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐒 .     empathetic often to a point of no return. plays the victim. doesn’t know when to say no. cynical. hermit. is very impatient. trusts everyone too much. can be secretly very critical and judgmental. can only tolerate maybe ten minutes of social interaction. needs a lot of validation.
tagged by: @firstknight 🥺🥺🥺 
tagging: @cheatdeaths, @chanticle (Julia!), @honeyglaze (Merrill!), and you! Steal it!
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seahaloed · 4 years
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we can share the bed. if that’s not weird. || @firstknight
“It’s not!” Her voice squeaks slightly, and her grip tightens on the front of her cotton night gown a fraction  before she loosens her hold all together. “It’s just...” well it was one thing sleeping in camp or in their tent, they barely got out of full armor or the ground was too cold to get a full night’s rest anyway, “Different.” Kios decides is the best wording for it.
(it was a little weird, but not in a bad way.)
She hovers a moment longer by the the door, fiddling with her armor and staff, making sure she wasn’t dulling the tip of the blade on her staff where it was resting. Across the room Kios watched as Alistair was fiddling with his own bits and bobs, so she took the brave first few steps and crawled under the covers. The mage removed the pillow from behind her head And instead sat with her back to the headboard and held the cushion tight to her chest, burying the bottom half of her face into it as she watched Alistair rally his bravery to join her.
She is kind enough to turn her gaze away as he straightens himself with a finality before he finally decides to join her. She would hate for the light reflecting in her eyes to startle him.
The biggest difference is that there is not the separation of their bedrolls, and she for once can feel exactly how warm he is. The next difference is that the bed is so much larger than their tent. There are also softer edges to him than she imagined, and that weight of heavy armor did not translate to the way he settled into the bed beside her. He was muscular, sure, but nothing really denoted his skills with a sword other than the callouses on his hands when they are like this. After a beat, the mage scoots down, putting the pillow once hugged back behind her and resting on her side to face him. Reaching out, Kios curls a hand around his forearm, smile curling across her features as he carefully readjusted to take her hand and guide it to rest on his chest where she knows he knows she likes to put it. It’s where her thumb can smooth against the dip of where his sternum meets his rib cage.
“It’s a little weird” she finally comments, readjusting her head on the pillow and tucking more of it beneath her head so she could see him better in the dull moonlight of the room as laughter bubbles up between them at her words. She can’t help the small snort that leaves her and she raises a hand to cover her face as their laughter echoes in time with the dying fire. “Do you mind it?” He’s still smiling as he asks her, turning his head to look at her. “No... I prefer it I think, it’s certainly better than camping.” She notes with an amused look, thumb smoothing against the small jut of one of his ribs as her hand resettles on his chest.
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seahaloed · 4 years
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a kiss... out of love. || @firstknight​
A nightmare had woken her. She was not unused to her own mind startling her awake or fighting with her thoughts, but the nightmares that the Joining gifted her with were different and had a cruel slick to how they woke her.
(either way she was often left with not having much to say after one.)
She did not expect Alistair up as she emerged from her tent and into the cold night air, she shivered even as she brought her blanket more surely around her shoulders with the lingering warmth from sleep. She is thankful as he speaks, and she turns her gaze up through the canopy of leaves and to the twin moons and mess of countless stars. She assumes he’s gone quiet for several minutes, as when she refocuses, he’s watching her over the campfire and she gives an apologetic smile before winding over to sit beside him.
He is warm, not just in demeanor or from the flames, but he just radiates warmth and safety. Carefully, Kios curls the blanket around both of them, settling close with her cheek resting against against his arm. Sitting like this they are more of a height, and she finds it far easier to tuck close against him, hands finding the sleeve edge of his tunic to worry at with curious fingers.
“You didn’t answer me, you know?” His voice is light, and when Kios gives him a confused look he repeats himself, from what she assumed was from when she first emerged. “I had asked if you were alright?” She follows his gaze to where she’s toying with his sleeve and watching him turn his palm upwards in offer, Kios presses her palm to his with a nod.
“I’ve been better—” she finally manages, voice small between the crackle of the fire and where she’s resting against his arm. She clasps his hand in hers, giving it a few squeezes before she sits up, pressing a kiss to the edge of his lips before settling back against him “Are you?” Kios wonders then, look up at him with an edge of worry, adjusting herself to rest higher up on his arm.
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seahaloed · 4 years
Kiss for everyone’s favorite crow!!!! @hvadeina
“They’re gloves, Dalish make—” Kios notes with a smile at the Crow. She had listened, worried that the man thought she hadn’t given how quiet she was, but she was just worried that had she interrupted Zevran he wouldn’t open up ever again.
(she knows that most of their other companions still don’t trust him, but kios thinks he’s ever so charming... and he’d been truthful about his intentions, she can respect that.)
His expression is unreadable to her, and her brows knit in worry that she might’ve offended him, or misunderstood him bringing it up. She shifts on uneasy feet, hands clasping in front of herself to pick at the edge of skin on her thumb. Before she can open her mouth to apologize he flashes her a smile... and Kios smiles because seeing it makes her realize that every joke, smirk, and wink before was a mask to a degree. This.... this was a real smile.
He thanks her with a tenderness tucked into his voice as he grips the gloves closer to himself.
“Of course, Zevran,” Her arms drop to her sides with a tender gaze of her own, giving him a soft smile before she stands on her toes to give his cheek a fleeting kiss as she makes her way into her tent for the night.
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seahaloed · 4 years
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' i’m never gonna leave your side. i’m always gonna be there. ' || @blightmantra​
Kios touches at her busted lip with a soft hiss and a scowl before she pulls lightly on the fade to heal the gash with a hum. She knows she’s spoken just over a dozen words to Alistair, but the reassurance is gentle and sweet, and warm her chest.
“Thank you...” she whispers, finally pulling away from the pond edge to take a seat at the fire. She slots herself immediately at his side, patting her legs for Barkspawn to join them. The heavy beast lumbered over, settling his front half over her legs, legs splayed out behind him. “You know... I always wanted a Mabari... this is not how I thought I’d get one, but--” she scratches behind the Mabari’s ear, watching her feet kick out behind her with a happy bark before she rested her head on Alistair’s thigh.
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“I will be at your side too, Alistair.” she finally replied, lifting her hand up to him slightly she extended a pinky, “Pinky promise?” she ventured.
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seahaloed · 4 years
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♚ : Head scratches + ♧ : Your muse playing with their hair || @firstknight​
There is, on some subconscious level, the understanding that someone has entered her office and is talking to her. She is currently reading a report and sitting on her desk top rather than her chair with a cup of cold tea at her side. The report is detail the last of the Mother’s forces being slaughtered and other notes of entrances to the deep roads that require resealing. Meaning she would need to secure the mining and masonry for that to be done properly.
(which mean politicking. which meant parties...)
It is only once she feels careful fingers curling into strands of her hair does her attention snap, and Kios realizes her visitor. Kios sits still, letting Alistair rebraid her hair as he had earlier in the morning, resting her eyes a moment. When he finishes she finally sets aside the report, Kios leans backwards, grunting slightly as her back meets silverite griffon breastplate rather than soft chest. Whining a little as Alistair laughs she can’t help but chuckle, even if it is slightly pained. “You laugh at my pain, Ser Warden—“ she teases, pulling herself back up and turning her body to face Alistair instead.
“It’s not my fault you forgot metal hurts.” He jokes raises a hand up, tucking a few strands he’d missed behind her ear. Kios unfolds her legs, feet dangling off the edge of the desk as she sweetly raises her hands to shuffle into Alistair’s hair in return, only to ruffle it slightly.
When Alistair pulls his head away with a grin to fix his hair, Kios stands with a long stretch. The mage’s joints pop and she shakes the feeling back into tired limbs before taking the offered hand to step down from the desk. Boots hit the floor and she curls herself close to him as she turns her gaze upwards. “Lunch on?” She offers, raising his hand to kiss his knuckles twice.
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seahaloed · 4 years
Kios Surana never once imagined she would see Flemeth again... granted it was and was not the Flemeth that she knew. As the Witch of the Wilds was wont to do, she came with terrible news.
(your dearest companion is trapped on the other side of the veil.)
The mage did not care for the cost, or what game Flemeth was playing, Surana accepted the offered helping hand barely wary of the insistence that there was no price to repay. This was Alistair, almost no price would be too high for Kios, and she knew that was wrong. The Witch sent her to an Eluvian of all things, with specific instruction of how exactly to access the mirrors she’d only ever seen Morrigan use. Kios understood the allure of blood magic, as with such a small amount the centuries untouched mirror sprung to life with the only lingering price being a stinging palm and blood sticky on her skin. 
Passing through felt a little like changing altitudes, her eardrums protesting and popping. Passing through green light and smoke of the fade hung in her lungs as her eyes adjusted to the shifting landscape, and all at once she was a terrified child at her Harrowing again. Life or death, and prey for demons. If she failed she’d die.
If she failed Alistair would die. It was a vision she was far too familiar with from her youth, but now was a much closer to reality that held her in a vice grip.
She was mostly on her own now save for the spirit known and Clarity who was at her side as they had been for years now, made reality by the fade. “Okay, let’s go find him,” Kios insists, hesitating a moment before Clarity whizzed ahead to take lead, waiting briefly for Kios to reign in her fear. It feels childish, and wrong, but she turns her gaze upon the Black City that hangs, just out of reach, and prays for the first time in years.
“Maker, my enemies are abundant. Many are those who rise up against me. But my faith sustains me; I shall not fear the legion, Should they set themselves against me.”
She is not sure that she believes anymore, but the words do at least help her overcome her frozen fear and walk.
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seahaloed · 4 years
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“ i had forgotten how charmingly ethereal you can be ” || @firstknight​
With the threat of The Mother and The Architect dealt with, there was still the lingering Darkspawn to deal with that had dispersed into Ferelden, Kocari Wilds, and into the fringes of Orlais. The Thaw is what it was called, and Kios was more than happy to join dragging along some new recruits with only mild complaining.
(She left Nathaniel in charge of seeing the keep rebuilt, it was his home after all.)
They’d managed to make it just in time to see a fellow group of Wardens surrounded on all sides by some ugly looking ogres, hurlocks, and a mess of other Darkspawn that Kios didn’t have the names for. The shift from skin to fur and teeth was easier and easier; the taste of Darkspawn blood on serrated tongue still tastes acrid. The rhythm and dance of battle now an old friend.
As the battle came to a slow conclusion and she stood, and looked to the other Wardens to see if any of them needed healing when she heard his voice, and her heart sang. “Alistair!” She bound into his arms, staff falling to the wayside to sling her arms tight around his neck and pull him into a tight hug. As he grunted with some slight soreness, Kios released him, gloved hands coming up to cup his cheeks instead.
“I’ve missed you.” she murmured, standing on her toes to pepper kisses across his dirt smudged face.
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seahaloed · 4 years
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❛ embrace the inevitable. snuggle with the inevitable. take the inevitable out to a nice, candle-lit dinner. ❜ || @firstknight
"Not when the inevitable smells like the dead fish in the waters around Kinloch after a storm--" Surana laughs, bracing a hand on Alistair's chest and quickly ducking under one of his arms to try and get away. She’s gotten faster and actually learning how to fight has made her almost hard to catch... almost.
(she briefly considered shifting in his grasp just to pin him to the ground and make her daring escape.)
The mage let out a small noise of surprise was caught around the waist and hugged she kicked her legs out as a lame attempt to get away with a bright laugh. "This isn't fair! You're bigger than me!" Kios pouted with an endeared huff, admitting defeat by going slack. “You smell rotten, Alistair—” she noted with a groan, “And I thought you liked having a nice fire lit dinners, you always cook the best meals, you know?” she intoned, it was close enough in her mind to a candle lit dinner.
In truth, they both smell kind of awful as the Deep Roads had not been kind as far as a bathing schedule went. Kios could still feel the lingering gristle of Darkspawn under her nails and was looking forward to dunking herself into the nearest body of water to scrub the layers of grime off. 
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