#character negativity
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cringefaecompilation · 1 month ago
even critical role goes: everyone is deserving of a second chance no matter what they did... except the briarwoods. fuck those guys, they're the worst!
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nyaskitten · 5 months ago
You take away my Airazor, you take away my Tigatron, you take away my Dinobot, and you leave me with SILVERBOLT ??? the guy who's all about being so noble and kind and gentle and heroic and ANNOYING HES ANNOYING GET OFF MY SCREEN NOW !!! LEAVE !!! DIE !!! FUCK YOU !!!! HES THE DEFINITION OF EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE PAINTINGS OF THE WEREWOLF !!! ESPECIALLY THE ONE SITTING AGAINST A TREE !!!!
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etoilesbienne · 1 year ago
what did q phil say😭 if i can ask
"you know i hope we are the cursed team now, because when all the eggs die itll be all his (bbh's) fault"
like i like phil but what the fuck 😭 ? who says this about the guy who raised your kid for like a month? like did i not watch people come into bbh's chat to make sure chayanne didnt die for weeks in may. sure whatever purgatory makes everyone worse
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senseiwu · 2 months ago
I’d like to hear your thoughts on koko
I'm gonna put this under a cut, for two reasons... it's a bit long, but more importantly: This is not a positive post. Please skip this if you do not want to see negativity of a character you really like.
I Don't like her. Maybe it's just my mother issues but everyone going on about how she's such a great mother and SOO much better than Misako pisses me off.
How the hell does she not notice her son being bullied ON THE RADIO?? And on TV?? Sure he may not tell her things, but... we all hear chart toppers, even if we don't want to.
The argument that she's working all the time kinda sucks too. That would suck for Lloyd. Why do they even stay in that city? It's being attacked by his father all the time. If she's working so much to afford it, wouldn't it be better to go somewhere else? Somewhere where your son isn't public enemy #1 simply because of his father?
I'm not saying she's terrible, just that she, and the way the fandom treats Misako in regards to her, pisses me off.
Yes, she's sooo great, that's why Lloyd seems to feel like he can't tell her things. (Look at how close they are in the show....) And don't get me started on the "high school is the best time of your life!" DUDE??? EBERYONE HATES HIM???
I hate when people do stuff set in the show but replace Misako with her!!! Don't get me started on the ship with her and show g@rm either, and the freaking name for it... "they deserved better" ugh. That man didn't even 'deserve' Misako, what the hell do you mean "better". She deserves better. I know people like to pretend the letter didn't exist, or was "really" from him, or some BS, but you can't ignore him LYING TO HER FOR FORTY YEARS??
I don't know if this made much sense, I just woke up, and I've gotta get ready for work. And again, maybe this is my own trauma with my own mother coming through - I had a hard time liking mother characters before Misako - as well as my general dislike for the movie and especially what it did to three of my favourite characters.
Please don't come for me other people, or try to insinuate I'm a hypocrite again. I'm not posting this in tags and I tried avoiding naming people with unique and noticeable names. Unlike people who tag their hate I don't want as many people to see this as possible. I don't care if you like koko; good for you if you do. Idk I feel like I have to have this lil disclaimer here. Idk if other people get upset about seeing negative talk of their faves like I do so I've tried to make it as clear as possible to avoid this if you don't want to see it...
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venatorisms · 1 month ago
I don’t give a shit about varric honestly.
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ultraviolet-ink · 9 months ago
hot take, genklint (and genklintville) sucks as ships and does their characters a HUGE disservice and actively makes them less interesting, especially since both men are defined by their families rather than their friendship. genshin did kill klint out of honor, but both mens families impact the game and story more than that one single moment. that moment wouldnt have been so impactful if they had no families, thats what makes it so horribly tragic. lbr, people dont care about lady baskerville like they do genshin and klint— she's just an afterthought of "oh shes here too i guess". cowards...
Strongly agree | Agree | Neutral | Disagree | Strongly disagree
So I will admit that I'm not much of a Genk/int girlie, and I'm even less a Genk/intvi//e girlie (censoring these so they don't show up in the tags), so I do hope that this won't come off as super salty/mean. I do try to keep myself from saying that certain ships suck bc I know what it's like to be on the other side of that. That being said, I definitely see why Genk/int is so popular, it's very homoerotic to duel to the death to save your bff's honor, and tbh, Lady B really is kind of a lamp in this story (she doesn't even have a name!). If there's anything I'm still really salty about in the games is that Lady B really is treated like an afterthought to the point where she doesn't even have a name, despite being one of the main characters' mother! This could easily be explained as part of the sort of rushed nature of production since DGS 1 wasn't as big a success as it could have been, and the fact that Takushu had to cut the games down significantly, but that's a rant for another day. I do think that as a ship Genk/int could easily provide another layer of tragedy and angst, this sort of illicit affair that could prove disastrous should their loved ones find out, these paragons of honor and loyalty proving that they are human after all, flaws and imperfections and all that comes with it. I guess that's one aspect that makes the ship interesting to me, that telenovela shit XD As for your Genk/intvi//e analysis, I definitely agree there, she really does feel kind of like a third wheel and is sort of tacked on at the last minute. And I do say this as someone who really likes making ocs and filling in the blanks, but at the end of the day, there is only so much you can do with a character that is just a lamp before you just get to straight up oc territory (not that that's a bad thing, it's always really fun to see different interpretations on Lady B!)
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I think ppl who genuinely defend Sam do a lil bit too much. "Stop demonizing him he has mental issues" or smth like no he stabbed his best friend
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moved-to-piersgender · 2 years ago
No i don't want to follow the Burgerpants tag I want to push Burgerpants down the stairs
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sirdurbe · 2 months ago
"soulburner fan" is not a protected class, jfc, don't be such fucking martyrs
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genlossranbooautism · 6 months ago
You use "arospec people can still date and feel romantic attraction " as an excuse to ship cannon aro characters , I use it as justification to headcannon characters who canonically feel romantic attraction as arospec , we are not the same
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phantomrose96 · 6 months ago
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She’s cooking
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cringefaecompilation · 24 days ago
i do really think trying to reframe ludinus' motives as inherently noble from the start and insisting he trusted mortal people's inherent ability to survive without gods massively castrates him as a villain and detracts from the story matt is trying to tell. why have a story about the lowest caste "npc" characters saving the world if you're going to turn around and say, "but the person with the most privilege was the one who truly understood everything about oppression and loved them all secretly! r/humanityfuckyeah"
he could have helped anyone at any time with the amount of power he attained but refused to and instead moved to commit xenophobic hate crimes against the kryn and straight up be a culture vulture to ruidusborns. he told laudna to her face she would never truly understand oppression despite knowing she was victim to colonization from the briarwoods. he destroyed liliana emotionally, mentally, and almost physically and then said in front of her that he never trusted her and victim blamed her for him almost killing her. ludinus lost the plot decades ago and is running on fumes, something matt himself confirmed. he does not care anymore.
bell's hells having six billion arguments on what to do with the gods (which ngl looking back on, sort of are just them taking aloud about their opinions and then ending the conversation after everyone has said something more than anything) might have been a little arduous to some people, but their constant back-and-forth discussions at least showed they cared more about the feelings of other people. certainly more than ludinus, who decided only his feelings and trauma mattered, and he would do anything to prove himself right and be the unsung hero that he saw himself as.
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dawning-skye · 4 months ago
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Crown of Vengeance. 👑 (not immune to cait in a coat)
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etoilesbienne · 1 year ago
It’s so crazy like. This man took care of your kids and made sure they didn’t die for months on end solely out of love and you want your kids to die just to spite him 😭
id say something douchey back about how maybe he doesn't deserve those kids but knowing the damn fandom war going on rn i feel like people are going to take it as me being a whiny blue team fan ... sorry ive had to watch bbh of all people talk about wanting to quit the event every day this week im just tired. literally like this isn't fun these aren't like... fun character spirals... its just people being miserable assholes in a boring ass way
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ultraviolet-ink · 8 months ago
For that Choose Violence ask game: 4, 7, and 25
4- what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
Honestly, if I ever see someone say anything about "kill yourself" or "x should Kill themselves" it's an immediate block, even if we've been friends for years. That's a line no one should ever cross 7- what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
I've already said Kazuma, so I won't cheat again. Hugh O'Connor. I just think the people who are obsessed with him are exhausting, idk why, I just was annoyed by him and then was soured because there was this annoying bot on twitter that was Hugh O'Connor that always posted "I hope aatwt doesn't see me without my glasses" that was a huge spam thing 25- common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
"anyone who ships x is delusional!!!" "I can't believe I have to tag don't tag as X" "People seriously ship x??" yes, yes they do, it's the internet, people will ship something, you might find it gross and distasteful, but it exists, you cannot control other people. block tags and if people won't tag, block them, it's not that hard
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Rowan was really weird, like soooo weird. Wtf was up with that?
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