#character dev
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pantry-rats · 2 months ago
"I'm not sure how to dress up my character from X time period."
Well I don't have all answers but I have a quick fix! Step 1. Check out The Met Collection https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection
Step 2. Put in the necessary details like era and location, etc-
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Step 3. Browse the selections until you find something fitting.
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Welcome to the rad ass world of museum archives. (theres plenty more on the internet to look around, now go forth!)
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bull3t-f0r-my-v4lentine · 6 months ago
always see myself profoundly curious at waluigis backstory since there isn’t many hints out there as to who or why he is.
i always thought, what if he was once just like luigi? shy, cowardly, a messy amount of disoriented and always found himself an outcast. while luigi is currently praised for being himself and called a hero despite his flaws, waluigi just wasn’t ever able to obtain that level of appreciation and respect. no matter what he tried, he found himself circling between different personalities, until he found his current one. nasty, unfiltered, crude and at the same time, lost. in what he thought would make him stronger and more well liked, he actually lost his way in finding out who he wants to be.
it’s why i feel he isn’t nasty to daisy or even remotely forceful in his advances. he doesn’t envy daisy, but he envies luigi. so reasonably he’s more hard on him and has no intention on having any form of relationship with him. with daisy however, he respects her to the best of his abilities. he has no reason to be hasty to a woman he fancies.
luigi in a big way can understand his anger at the world. he can’t deny to anyone or himself he too has experience with anger and sadness within himself. insecurity is no stranger to him, and he’s no stranger to shame. he wishes sometimes he could have a chat with waluigi 1 on 1, specifically about what he’s ever done to him to make him angry at him. he knows he’s the main target for WL’s antics, though this specific time, he can’t find a reason to be angry back, just ever more confused and curious.
waluigi does wish he could just ask him “how do you do it?” — as in, how does he gain the respect and praise from people for being himself? he is far from being able to find his own personality again, but he at least wants to know how he can stop hiding. what opportunities and things he’s missed can he still experience? what’s waiting for him beyond the veil of honesty? though he could, he couldn’t possibly work up the courage, nor live with the potential shame afterwards of being a sucker. with that, he’s also reminded this is exactly why he’s just like luigi. which pushes him more, for a longing of relatability and true love.
his relationship with wario is just complicated. he treats him like he’s a nuisance some days, and like an acquaintance other days. can he say he doesn’t feel loved by wario? in all honesty— no. it’s been the only friendship he’s had in his life where he had a purpose and a role in life. he’s at the point where he takes any positive attention— maybe not even positive most of the time, but just attention. in a way he feels he’d be nothing without wario. though, thing is, wario is not cruel enough to say something like that. he can’t articulate or pinpoint his own feelings himself, but waluigi is his friend. he’ll say “you’re a big dumb idiot” but he’ll never say “i hate you” or anything. he’ll knock him on the head a few times a day, but he’ll never twist his arm and break it or something. (well, i actually have no idea what they’re capable of. lmao)
all around waluigi is confused, and confusing. while i like the mystery around him, why not make the mystery a part of him?
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rustic-space-fiddle · 11 months ago
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Conceptual art of a Mountain Grazer || The Mountain Grazers raise cattle (see cow sketches below the cut), herding them from grassy mountainside to grassy mountainside by season. Sometimes they have to climb to get vantage points, clear pathways (the cows are not as graceful), and rescue calves that have been separated. They’re so strong that most of them can pull off feats like the one shown here: scaling an over-sheer cliff side with a calf dangling from one foot. Incredibly hearty and athletic, these fellas are the most no-nonsense of the Grazer species.
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bubblyernie · 7 months ago
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Some sketches of Sadie cuz I think she’s got some fun shapes
art tag // commission info
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novapark · 8 months ago
List 5 facts about a favorite sim of yours, and send this to 10 simblrs whose sims you adore ♥♥♥
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Sorry for holding this so long, I was waiting until I was in the mood to do some dev. Since my next chapter will be Eevi focused I've been doing some work on her off and on lately.
Her birthday is September 14th, the day before election day in Suvia. Caused a bit of chaos the year she was born since her mom wasn't able to do the usual ceremonial tasks tied to it.
Her cousin Carina is her best friend. They're only a few months apart in age so they've spent most of their lives in the same schools and social groups.
She's really empathetic to other people's feelings but can be extremely naïve about experiences outside her own.
She's kind of a second mom to her younger siblings, though not because her parents or siblings want that. Just that oldest daughter syndrome going wild in her head.
She has dreams of finding her "one true person," as modeled by her parent's nearly life-long close relationship. Will she? Who knows, her future is pretty wide open still.
Thanks for taggin me in this. <3
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tennocrim · 2 months ago
trying to think of name(s) for my drifter & operator
im gonna say that neither remembers their original name anymore and go for nicknames; maybe ones they give each other?
maybe the drifter called the operator 'kiddo' once without thinking, and it gave her a bad ptsd episode (bc of the man in the wall using their dad's face/nickname), so they decide to give her a new name to use instead
my (very loose) backstory is that their parents were scientists, the mom being an astrophysicist that called her Stardust (i didnt know that it was also a nickname from an npc til after so SHUSH), so the drifter says 'remember what mom called us? how about we call you Stardust'
still not sure what they call the drifter yet; probably something less whimsical, bc they're much more down to earth & serious than her
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charliearlet · 1 year ago
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Let's get dressed with Pyrrha
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a-stumble-bee · 1 year ago
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inspiration - westley (princess bride), dr. watson (sherlock)
a recent addition to the grande sonnerie since the summer, he's a wanderer. some might say a lost soul but he knows exactly where he's going and that's wherever the wind takes him. not one for regrets, this move may be the first.
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razzypossum · 2 years ago
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Making this ref was an absolute freaking nightmare
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jonjonathanjon · 2 years ago
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A few Man-Bat designs for my Rogues' Gallery redesign.
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antisolararc · 2 years ago
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Meridian | Ivrel | Tjong | Vita | Audrist | Zee
Compensating for something through a series of foolproof schemes.
Unlicensed private investigator and former professional blackmailer turned tabloid reporter Vita Caturnon definitely thinks she's getting something out of this, though it's not really clear what that is... But that's just part of the plan! You aren't supposed to know!
She is one of the 24 children of infamous faith healer and politician Aloysius Caturnon, whom she often proclaims her intent to kill. For his part, Aloysius either hasn't noticed this or doesn't care. Vita first ventured from their wealthy suburb some 6 years ago, meeting Ivrel shortly afterward and roping her into their schemes. Vita adjusted to her new unscrupulous lifestyle of extortion surprisingly quickly.
Vita is an assertive self-starter who couldn't mind her own business to save her life. She is highly observant, analytical, and always trying to twist a situation to her advantage. But she is not as subtle as she thinks she is. Vita has something to say about everyone and everything. They tend to get on people's nerves. However, her bombastic demeanor frequently leads people to underestimate her as well. She hates to leave anything unresolved, so she'll always go above and beyond to close every book. Despite their general disregard for niceties, they are very generous, and they certainly won't let you pay them back. The rampant inequality and social dysfunction of her home country of Valonvyr disgusts her, and she feels no guilt over harassing and extorting the elites. At the same time, she doesn't blame anyone for hating her over her antics - in fact, she seems to revel in it. Vita considers herself weak and despises that she always has to rely on others (especially Ivrel) for protection. She is quite easily flustered.
Like most of the Caturnon children, she is an elemental, though neither she nor any of her siblings possess their father's rare power that he'd hoped to pass on. Vita in particular has a fairly low magic capacity, which they are rather ashamed of (but would never admit). Her low-level plant manipulation powers wouldn't be of much use in a fight. Vita can see and hear through the flowers she creates, so she uses them to spy on people instead.
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autumnhortsnort · 2 years ago
Man I love making height sheets for characters because it's really funny to realize the shortest character doesn't even come up the the knees of the tallest character.
little dude you're so smol and that lady is so tall.
Also one character being taller than the other when sitting but is quite a bit shorter when standing.
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tlatd · 2 years ago
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A Playlist
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polkaplots · 2 months ago
Meerkat model sheet (WIP)
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a model sheet for a series I’m helping out on, this fella is one of the main characters!
(character not mine, he belongs to alphusfunkk_ on instagram!!)
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novapark · 1 year ago
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Full Name:  Terra Delphine Zola Novari  Traits: Self - Assured, Loyal, High Maintenance, Squeamish, and Evil.  Birth Date: June 16th, 2001 Gender: Cis Home Country: Viridis (Sunset Isles) Current Location:  SimDonia  Education: International School Graduate (basically a politics oriented private school) Occupation:  Noble  Titles: Doma (lady) Affiliations: Viridi Royal Family Parents:  Princess Estra Novari  Siblings: Poppea, Gianna, Micah, Nadia, Ashra, Zarina, Rosalina, Farrah, Petra, and Magnus Children: None Sexuality: Straight but on the aromantic side. Not to say she cannot experience a connection with someone but she loves herself first.  Significant Other(s): None   Height: 5'4 Weight: 109 lbs Race:  Darkened Kasari  Eye Color:  Green and Purple  Hair Color: Red Skin color: A Sun-Kissed Pale Glasses or contact lenses? None  Distinguishing features: Heterochromia and pointed ears.  Tattoos:  Novari House Brand Piercings:  Just Ears How do they dress? Style (Elegant, shabby etc.):  Eclectic  Hairstyle: Prefers it Long   Favorite Color(s): Yellow and Green Bad Habits:  Obsessed with her phone and social media Hobbies: Singing, Playing Piano, Dancing, Clubbing, Fashion, Modeling, Grifting, Shopping Special Skills:  Keepin that to myself rn. Fluent Languages:  Sorori, Simlish  Introvert/Extrovert:  Extrovert  Alignment: chaotic neutral, though sometimes chaotic evil when she gets spiteful  Religious Affiliation:  Sorori Polytheism General Spirituality: A devout of Cali (he's kinda like their Apollo) but largely ignores the other gods because they are "ugly and uninteresting."
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mzcain27 · 2 years ago
I think game studios should just release their character creators online. For the times when I don’t wanna play the whole game, just the lil dress up part
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