#character analysis(?) of my beloved cuz he needs more love ♡♡♡
pue3lla · 1 year
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I see Heizou as someone who definitely doesn’t take care of himself properly.
So caught up in his cases, trying to help people, watching out for criminals’ family… he completely forgets about himself. About his wellbeing, about his free-time and about taking a proper rest. It must be so mentally draining going every day investigating, trying to find leads, puzzling them all together and then getting bashed on by the captives’ relatives and friends for nothing but their own selfishness. How terrible he must feel I can’t help but wonder, always trying to make the best choice to keep people safe, only to second guess his decision and actions because he couldn’t make everyone happy.
Living day by day having to carry the burden of his occupation really takes a toll on him. He forgets to eat, to properly rest, to think about himself just for once. And the fact that he doesn’t have anyone to turn to is even worse. There’s no one there to remind him of his own health or needs, his family sees him as a brat and his co-workers and the citizens don’t even bother trying to get to know him due to the popular misconception that Heizou is ‘difficult to get along with’, disliking him for the sole reason of not knowing him.
He just needs someone, a friend, a partner that can be there for him when he is at his lowest and not judge him, not invalidate him because ’there’s nothing too difficult for prodigy detective Shikanoin Heizou’. I can only imagine how sick he must be of hearing those things every time he asks for help, how discouraging it must be to be declined the assistance he needs just because he is known for being a genius.
Shikanoin Heizou is human. He has needs, he has feelings, he has a heart. And people tend to forget that. Heizou is not just a detective, he is not a brat, he is not an invincible being that can withstand the pressures of stress for an inhuman amount of time. He is insecure, he is lonely, he is kind and understanding and he is holding a deep wish to have someone that will see his qualities, his skills and his wits but love him still for his personality, his flaws and his shortcomings.
Someone that will not push him away in times of need.
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