#char: gekkeiju hikōkai
You look better covered in blood” ( you said hikokai, so for them.))
Hikōkai licked his lips, yellow-blue eyes bright with an internal light touched by distance as he grinned. "Thanks~!" Was he thinking about the last time he lost himself in an ANBU silencing mission? Perhaps...
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The blond lets out a breath, indigo eyes wide and startled as he stares up at the one holding him by the waist - and subsequently preventing him from toppling head first down the stairs. A glance behind him and at the landing far beneath them both has Yuuga shuddering ( mon dieu ) and he turns his attention back towards his savior, offering them a weak and shaky smile. "Th-thank you, truly. That would have been a very terrible way to end the day. You really saved me."
He'd rather not think about how it could have ended; a broken leg, neck, or arm, or even worse would not have been surprising. Another shiver ripples down Yuuga's spine and he makes a mental note to be more careful around stairs from now on.
“Ooh, better be careful, cutie~~” The upperclassman said glibly, holding Aoyama with ease as they grinned foxily at him. “You’re one of the cute Hero-coursers from the year-below, aren’t you~~?” He clicked his tongue, mirthful yellow-blue eyes wide as one corner of his mouth ticked up. Straightening him they dusted the shoulders of his uniform, when a sharp tssh came from their sides. Another student, (shorter) with a clip-board under his arm, levelled an unforgiving, critical gaze at the upperclassman -- despite seemingly blind with his pale, pupilless eyes. “Taiyō-sempai, why are you still toiling here? Don’t you have...” Nearly-white irises slanted, just barely edged with hydrangea blue. “...some place else to be...?”
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9 [any]
What would be considered a "good dream"? Well,,........
Other than -cough cough- the special kind Hikōkai does actually dream about some of the things they've done and experienced under ANBU fondly-- though they would be more nightmares to other shinobi,,,. (The smell and taste of blood in the air, the heated fluttering adrenaline rush of seeing the fear in the white of his victim's eyes,, the feeling of being high on his job,,,.)
Ferd would... also beyond the "special kind" enjoy romantic fluffy-sappy dreams about nature and his partner(s),,,. He dreams about forests and meadows and rivers,, chasing and long slow kisses with no rush or quicker more frequent ones with lips that taste like burning summer,,,. He dreams about them in different forms, water exchanged like air or the flutter of wings or the sweet juicy burst of fruit...
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"You going to eat that?" (idk pick any muse you think is acceptable.))
"What, this?"
Hikōkai eyed the hours-old corpse lying on the battlefield bemusedly, toeing it with a mud splattered boot,,.
"No, not enough lotus for my taste, mm?" "Free for you to take, tanin-san..."
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(( my muse has inappropriate thoughts about everyone's muses. usually he's thinking about how edible or fight-able they are. ))
//extremely funnily enough our hikōkai kinda vibes with that as the ANBU poison-specialist member they are,,,,
//though they are generally a little more promiscuous than cannibalistic LOL;; (but if we ever feel like throwing-out a less-sane! hikōkai 'verse he just might bite...)
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-Proceeds to give each one a boop on the nose-
Hironori kitten-sneezed, and with a smooth motion redirected the stranger’s hand away. “Pardon me, tanin-san...”
Inorai chuckled in bewilderment, and stared at the offender with a rather Inuzuka half-tilt of his head, before continuing his way down to the Konoha General Hospital.
Utsukushinagare blankly stared at the stranger, dark eyes boring into their form before he silently stepped away.
Quartz gave them a thumbs’-up,, and Aikokyū copied him from where they had temporarily stopped their jog around the Village in the morning,,,. “YOSH!! YOU MUST BE FEELING QUITE YOUTHFUL THIS MORNING, CIVILIAN-SAN!!!”
Hikōkai chuckled liltingly, and leaned in even closer to the stranger’s touch like a big jungle cat, eyelashes fluttering a touch mockingly. “My~~~...” They made an inquisitive noise, with the breath of laughter. “You sure like to poke the sleeping bijuu stranger-san~~.....”
Makano blinked rapidly three times, wriggling the tip of their nose like a rabbit’s. “Hai-hai...???”
Ferd kitten-sneezed too,, and proceeded to drag his sleeve over his face, blinking. “What?”
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basil amaryllis aloe
b - does your muse have a love - hate relationship with anyone or anything ?
a - what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ?   how do they express that pride ?   
 a - how does your muse handle grief ?
what sound does a sheep make? lol,,,
Hikōkai doesn’t have a love/hate relationship with anyone we can think of,,,.... they’re a pretty “friendly” fellow and more likely to “live and let-live” as you could say. They probably are the focus of some love/hate from their higher-ups though lol,,,
Hikōkai takes pride on themself. A little egocentric, but it’s true -- they’re proud of what they have made,, their skill, their deadliness,,,.. Mostly it’s shown by them acting seemingly careless,, or arrogant,, when facing what should register as a threat. Or irreverent, whimsical, not-taking-things-seriously y’know????
grief... hikōkai does not handle grief well at all,,, --;; 
shuts down, represses, mad unhinged cackling laughter and throwing themself even harder into their work,, less careful about keeping themself safe -- hikōkai can feel it like a scalpel through layers and layers of frozen numb muscle, body clumsy heavy slow like stone, like a bull, like ice,,,. “what are you talking about? | nothing happened.” redirections, irrelevance, inappropriate jokes, they’re not... the most sensitive so they’re not great for people who are also grieving the same thing as well,,.
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//this is really hikokai vibes LMAO
BLOOD:  Ferd has a few faint scars (like a hand-ful;;) from his time Ammoreia;; -- he’s honestly lucky, (and aware of it,,), that he’s gained so few as a civilian who’s been an honorary part of an adventuring group and having encountered his own fair-share of antagonists.... He’s been burnt (and healed completely from that,,), stabbed and sliced of course,, and blinded -- though that was less injury and more magically-affected,,,. The worst might’ve been the bleedings caused by the crown of black-iron he gained when he underwent an experience so traumatic he later got his memory suppressed of it. It’s the worst, to him, due to the associations and how they may or may not cause him to flash-back from trauma,,.
FEEL - Hikōkai is touch-starved, to some extent, as is not entirely uncommon for shinobi and ANBU in particular -- but Hikōkai is a pretty touchy-feely kind of person so this is largely offset by them swanning around and just rolling onto people like a very large, very dangerous cat. So a fine shiver rolling down their spine, their body, from a stranger’s touch. Honestly? Hikōkai would be more intrigued by this foolish, foolish person to so dare touch a random, elite shinobi as themself -- especially as a poison-practioner. Their friends... most don’t touch them more than an arm slung over their shoulder, so they expect touches to their hands and shoulders. Doesn’t stop them from letting people touch their hair or their face though ha. Hikōkai is openly receptive for the touch of their lover(s), if they have any -- they’re also glad for shoulder-pats from their father and their mother holding their hand.
Ferd is also very touchy-feely,, of a person,,, so he might startle a little if touched-suddenly by a stranger, but would easily accept it (if that touch starts to roam, well,, he may get uncomfortable and try to subtly shift away). He melts into the touch of his lover(s), and you can figuratively see the puppy-ears/puppy-tail he’d be furiously wagging if a friend decided to initiate random cuddling or skin-ship,,,,.
XXX = Hikōkai has, in a $!cked up, not-entirely-present mind fallen into a public session of group sex with three other tokubetsu jounin/chunnin ANBU shinobi from the same mission directly after just returning to Konoha -- right around the outer wall of the Village. They were still bloody - not just Hikōkai,,. 
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It was a lovely day. Hikōkai was letting a lovely light green butterfly flap its wings on their finger when they spotted what appeared to be the only bird-masked ANBU member left in Konoha - his curly hair catching a little bit of the morning’s sunlight. “Oh! Hey there!” Hikōkai greeted, smiling behind their mask. They tilted their head as they felt the butterfly leave, standing up. “What brings you here around Training Ground 48 today?”
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[ WOUND ]:          upon noticing a recent injury on the receiver’s person, the sender carefully moves closer, running a thumb (or hand) across the wound in a gentle, troubled manner.
If you want lol
((//thank you!!
The blonde quirked their head in confusion, a small smile still lingering on their lips. “Whatcha doing there?” They didn’t even flinch as Izuku’s thumb pressed against the bruise spreading up against their side, towards their ribcage from their right- Haruhi did hum however when he paused. “...’S what...? ...You don’t gotta worry, I’ve had wa-a-y worse...”
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[TUCK] - for sender to find receiver’s muse asleep somewhere and tuck them in with a blanket (or jacket, etc)
It had been a habit of the other to fall asleep in a small little nook in the apartment. Despite having a room the nook was cozy and warm, surrounded with books Izuku enjoyed reading on his off days where the sun filtered in juuust right. Izuku has slept there too, On the nights he stayed up late doing his notebooks.
He put a heat lamp in that small little corner for the winter. Eyeing the other he very lightly placed a blanket around their sides to give them more cushion. A villain maybe, but he’s grown quite fond of the other… a small, soft smile on his lips.
Hikōkai smiled in his sleep, ever the slightest aware of the other presence in the room - with the softest sound contentedly snuggled into the trapping. “ᴹᵐ...” He was so lucky to have someone so sweet by his side, he knew it~~ “🇸‌🇹‌🇦‌🇾‌...” One hand just-so snagged the sleeve of the pro Hero, skin radiating warmth with the brush against his partner’s skin.
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The infiltration was going perfectly.
Hikōkai hummed under their breath as the arm under their python-steel grasp slipped-  The lovely scream cut off as the lummox choked on his tongue, his dislocated and broken shoulder flopping away from Hikōkai‘s emptied hands. “This is what happens when you defy the Yurei-Kuroi (lit. “ghost” + “black”), Iguro-kun~” They crooned lovingly into Toshio-san’s ear - his body tremored minutely as his breath was stolen from the sheer pain Hikōkai had granted him with. They tapped a cheerful line down his arm, smiling as the tremors increased with ev-e-ry touch. “Hmm? What’s that?” Hikōkai watched his throat spasm as he tried to respond - wheezing, breathless. Well, he’d recover -  Hikōkai, after all, had simply been told to “make him regret it - but don’t traumatize him too much! God, you keep on gettin’ worse ev’ry time I see you, you monster”.
Whistling, Hikōkai rubbed their hands to dry them as they left the helpfully near-by! washroom, Toshio-san having walked-slash-half-carried off by Inu-kun under worried, nervous brown eyes. The Yurei-Kuroi weren’t extremely different than the common, half-serious organizations that Hikōkai’d infiltrated before -- though they’d never had to deal with just so many kekkei-genkei before! Why, it would almost be intimidating -- if there weren’t all so... underutilized. Toshio-san had the minor kekkei-genkei of being able to modify his fingers. Hacchan had fire-resistance. Then again, apparently in this society that Hikōkai had found themself in near everyone had some form of “kekkei-genkei”. All unique, too! Incredible. Alas, Hikōkai themself did not receive one arriving here, but they only idly wondered what it would be for a few moments - the drawbacks of not being able to do anything else at their disposal didn’t quite compare. Hikōkai pulled on a pair of thin, medic’s-grade milky-translucent gloves as they turned the corner - on their way to the so-called “lounge/common” area where sometimes various members of the Yurei-Kuroi could be found - when two sounds hit their ear.
One, the low tone that accompanied the actually-not-low-quality red light-alarms that were periodically found lining the top of the concrete structure’s doorways.  Two, the higher, slightly flat melody of the lovely “Dream Sweet - in Sea Major” they’d discovered that Hikōkai had put to their own, smaller and more personal alarm over near their bunkbed. 
-Oh! ...Oh no.  It appeared a Hero~ had come to investigate and break-up this little den of malhumanity, huh?
#thread-start!!#ic: danger danger toil and trouble#char: gekkeiju hikōkai#partner: brighteyedcrybaby - izuku#//uhh generating world-building/lore for Setting sir#//uh-oh!! looks like hikōkai bein' all too-happy-ANBU again~!#//spontaneous-character-generation-complete-with-minor-details#//tagged for slightly-dark content#toshio iguro (read: traditionally) had been skimming money from what he was supposed to be returning to the gang as a gang-member#there are actually /two/ inu's at yurei-kuroi -#hikokai calls them both -kun though#this is inu-san - iguro's mild-mannered and reticent friend with short brown hair and brown eyes#//y'know that 'extra' who helped bakugou beat up izuku with the long-fingers quirk?#//quirk looks like that now#//but iguro can also thicken his fingers too - making them stronger#antei haru is a woman with red-orange hair pulled into a messy low ponytail and a six-pack#toshio iguro has a shaved-bald head but he used to have a long mohawk-mane of dark hair#//name break-downs:#antei meaning stability/firmness/durability#haru meaning light/sun/male here#toshio meaning outstanding person + husband#//cribbing the meaning of 'iguro' from reddit - 'guro' is dark - right?#'dream sweet in sea major' is not actually flat - it's just the tinny speaker that it's being played from#the 'head-quarters' of yurei-kuroi is an abandoned and slightly-ruined concrete building - part of it is underground#//the bunk beds were not initially part of the whole deal - but they got added eventually for people to crash on#even so; hikokai brought their own bunk-bed mattress and made it slightly more personal than other people#//woo boy... WORLD BUILDING TIME#world-building!!#//world-building slap-patch-job on the spot!!#boy that's a lot of tags;;
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💬 // Midoriya @ Taiyō Haruhi
"Hmm?" The blonde pulled out an earbud, lips curved up into a gentle smile. "What’d you need, Midoriya?" The double-classing older student’s other hand continued to work on whatever he was making, the ratchet-wrench gleaming as it was tossed up and down between fluid turns of their wrist.
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Dreams and Nightmares. [muse choice is yours~]
Muse: Taiyō Haruhi (Gekkeiju Hikōkai)
[-”Day 91″. The script is slanted, a scratchy scrawl on lined notebook paper - not even parallel to the lines, even. Rather, the words are aligned to an invisible line that dips down to the right corner. It was like the writer had purposefully used a ruler to write in a way contrary to the very purpose of the lines on the paper to begin with.]
“-It’s been three months now that I’ve been here. Don’t think the previous... uhh Haruhi. Man, it’s still weird to say that. Write that. Yeah, whatever. The previous Haruhi apparently was a little feral, so at least it wasn’t so weird when I went hecking bonkers and started doing whatever now that I knew that I could get away with whatever. Ma’s pretty cool, pretty chill for somebody whose son got snatched by a Body Imposter. Oops.”
“His wardrobe was soo dull though. Gag! All just collared dull shirts in sensible deep blue and white and he looked like a mini office-worker, no joke. Haruhi man you’ve gotta spice it up a little, you know? It’s good to see that at least the rest of his body isn’t so dull that we can’t eat Sunese pepper dishes though. Not that they have it here.”
There is a splotch of ink where their pen had apparently rested too long before the text picks up again.
“...I would have made them if it wasn’t that it’d be a little too out-of-character for this kid. Geez. This was a downer.”
“Oh, speaking of which, I had a weird dream last night.”
The following is a re-imagining in still-wet ink sketches that are blotted out the edges, and more slanted font.
“There was a Scorpion, and it deserved that capital S, you’ll see, and it was chasing me. Down these winding and tall canyon-walls like Kumo, like Kumo on a heavy-grey-cloud-laden sky, thunderin’ up above but no rain, no rain, no rain just yet the lighting was all dim and grey and that Scorpion was HUGE. Huge, lemme tell you. Pinchers the size of a good hound, like Hatake’s Uhei and you could ride onna these things, you know. Its carapace was a dull brown and it reminded me... of those children’s stories back in Suna, back in Suna when I was young, you know? I think it was the fact that I missed Sunese rice-soup last night. The Scorpion was chasing me, and I was running, running, down these canyon walls and oh it was thundering, it was thunderin’ and I’d looked back while running (something you should never do. For shame!) and there was a Chasm in front of me. It deserved that capital C too. I tripped.” The ink has pooled here too, a larger blotch before a sketch of a scorpion in silhouette upon a rocky cliff, illumined by un-colored white lightning. Another sketch on the opposite of the page, of a greyhound with curiously enough bandages wrapping the majority of its neck, and head. While the picture of the scorpion is heavily inked, the “sky” dark and the carapace gleaming with the lightning’s light, the other doodle is simply of the dog standing, a thin shadow under its feet. “The Scorpion was near me now and its pinchers were raised above its head. I opened my mouth.”
“Then I woke up. Man, almost went to grab a kunai- but with a coupla blinks I remembered. Where I was. Had my heart beatin’ and everything though!”
Wonder whether it meant anything?
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Tentative Character Sheet for Utsu - (Walking-By Verse)
(Credit: Picrew creator 乍 - here)
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Character Name: Utsukushinagare Lee (note! Lee is both Rock Lee’s personal name (first name) and that children who have inherited ‘Rock’ are Rock Lee’s children with other people, while his children with Sakura and Sai are ‘Lees’). Sai... named his son while Sakura and Lee were preoccupied with recovering from Sakura’s birthing - Sakura on anesthetics and Lee... having his hand absolutely crushed from holding hers. It means “beautiful flow/stream”, which Sai had intended to reference ink.  Character’s nickname: ‘Utsu’ from most everybody, ‘‘Gare’ from Shinki and Ajikaku, sometimes. As not unexpected, Utsukushinagare’s full name is somewhat of a mouthful at times and most of the Walking-By children adopted Quartz’s casual use of ‘Utsu’ and it spread outwards from there. Birth date: (FILL LATER) Physical appearance: Utsukushinagare takes very much after his father Sai Lee, both in personality, temperament, and appearance. While he does not look a carbon copy of Sai at his age, he does have many sufficiently similar traits. Age: 8-20 (in flux according to when they’re Mused out - 14 as a starting point.) How old does he appear: Tends to look young and baby-faced as he grows older - at his current age does not look especially older or younger than he is in reality, though he does deliberately angle and highlight different things to make his impression young or older. Height: Average for a Konohan boy - will not grow to be tall. Body build: Slender, slightly waifish - but make no mistake - takes after his father Sai much in build, looking deceptively ‘soft’ in musculature. Shape of face: FILL LATER Eyes: Utsukushinagare’s eyes are dark with the pupil not easily seen - not black like his father Sai’s, but simply a color so dark it is near black. On a side note, Sai’s own eyes are black but with an underside of dark gray, while Lee’s are a dark deep brown also easily mistaken for black. Glasses or contacts: Skin tone: Rather pale, like his father Sai, but notably more in-line with other children in Konoha Distinguishing marks: FILL LATER Predominant features: Notably extremely fair skin, which unfortunately is difficult to pin down to any single location, much less family. Speaks with a very slight accent that is hard to pin down - Utsukushinagare has a slight Ame/Rain sound, which stands out the most; very, very, slight. Is easily recognizable and identified from his voice as Konohaean. Nondescript to anyone who hasn’t seen Sai hair. Despite his attractiveness, easily blends into a crowd.  Hair: He has similarly short, simple dark hair that is cut in a similar style to his father Sai’s - though his hair unlike his father’s is simply a dark brunette rather than Sai’s black. Type of hair: Voice: Pleasant and smooth, a light tenor. Overall attractiveness: Utsu has been rated “very attractive” by his brothers and Hironori of the Walking-By children - in fact, is considered one of the ‘top bachelors’ in Konoha as he grows up.  Physical disabilities:  Usual fashion of dress: Practical, muted colors primarily in blue-gray or simply gray. Black and white. Long sleeves, but not heavy. Favorite outfit: A varsity-style jacket in simple black and white - standard Konohan shinobi gear - long, slightly loose pants that reach his ankles in black - plain t-shirt under jacket (solid black or white). Jewelry or accessories: FILL LATER Good personality traits: Diplomatic - rational - sympathetic Bad personality traits: Will rather try to obscure own true opinion rather than make a fuss - Disingenuous - Slight tendency to cede and make peace rather than stand to a point. Mood character is most often in: Calm. Sense of humor: Muted, but yes, Utsu does have a sense of humor. He’s most particularly amused by wordplay or visual puns -  Character’s greatest joy in life: Watching nature, from Konoha’s fields to the canyons of Kumo or the perpetual-drizzle of Ame. Spending time with, or watching, his family and friends - having all of those he cares about safe. Character’s greatest fear: Harm befalling those he cares about or is charged to protect/watch over. Why? Self-explanatory. What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? War. Utsukushinagare has studied and been taught about the horrors of the previous Wars by Kakashi - and he absolutely does not want one from breaking out and tearing Konoha, his Konoha, his family apart. In fact, he may even cross over some of his lines and morals just to try to prevent that if he feels it would be necessary. Character is most at ease when: At home, at peace - knowing that nothing is immediately wrong in the world - especially with people he knows. Most ill at ease when: FILL LATER Enraged when: FILL LATER Depressed or sad when: FILL LATER Priorities: FILL LATER Life philosophy: FILL LATER If granted one wish, it would be: FILL LATER Character’s soft spot: Nature, (some) bugs, plants, his siblings, then the rest of his family and friends - yes Utsukushinagare holds his precious siblings a touch higher/more than everyone else he cares about.  Is this soft spot obvious to others? Generally, as when he’s out on the field or out of Konoha? Not usually. He keeps a strong wall between his public, free information and self and his private one - it would be remiss of him to openly expose his weaknesses like that even if he might occasionally, quietly gush about his siblings (perhaps like Itachi would with Sasuke, in another world). Greatest strength: FILL LATER Greatest vulnerability or weakness: FILL LATER   Biggest regret: FILL LATER Minor regret: FILL LATER Biggest accomplishment: FILL LATER Minor accomplishment: FILL LATER Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: FILL LATER Character’s darkest secret: FILL LATER Does anyone else know? FILL LATER Drives and motivations: FILL LATER Immediate goals: FILL LATER Long term goals: FILL LATER How the character plans to accomplish these goals: FILL LATER How other characters will be affected: FILL LATER Hometown: Konoha!! The Village Hidden in the Leaves is treasured/deep to him, and he is a loyal shinobi of Konohagakure. Type of childhood: Peaceful! Calm, nice, and friendly. But for him, he made his own choice of initiating and accepting an apprenticeship with retired Rokudaime Hokage Hatake Kakashi, and since he was 6 has spent most of childhood out of the Village, spending around similar amounts of time in Ame, Kiri, Kumo, and Suna. Pets: He does own a mixed-breed cat (bengal-savannah hybrid tom named アロエヴェラ - Aloe Vera) and hound (russet husky-retriever breed named 遠い目/Tōi-me - Far Eyes) in his apartment in Konoha - they’re petsit by Ino and Omoi’s son, who we still haven’t found a good enough name for yet. He exists. First memory: Wrapping his small fingers around one of Sai’s kunai while he was distracted talking to his partners - half-laughingly and half-sadly Sakura said Utsukushinagare was growing up to be a fine ninja, which was only backed by everything he said and did as he grew older. Most important childhood memory: The first time  Childhood hero: FILL LATER Dream job: FILL LATER Education: Utsukushinagare did not attend the Academy!! He went straight into an apprenticeship that took him out of the Hidden Leaf, and therefore has a thorough grounding in politics, many, various social etiquettes, history (lots of history), calligraphy and writing and more than a basic amount of fuinjutsu/rune-reading/activation though he does not currently have any interest in learning sealing/fuinjutsu like his sibling Ajikaku, mathematics, tactics, and both theory and on-the-go shinobi basics and essentials like all the basic tools and Academy Three. Kakashi was a very thorough teacher, now being as relaxed as he was running genuinely, without Naruto/Team 7′s luck safe and simple C-rank missions for the grounding start of Utsukushinagare’s training and also being a one-on-one instructor of a dedicated, serious student. He Religion: FILL LATER Finances: FILL LATER Present current location: Either out in the field, outside of the village - alone, or returning back to Konoha - fresh from a mission or on break, also alone - back to visit his family, presumably. Currently living with: He both owns his own apartment, with no roommate, and also stays sometimes at his room at his parents’ house - Sakura’s house, actually. 
Occupation: A fine young shinobi of the Hidden Leaf (genin to jonin rank depending on time range - we stick to playing him as relatively young, but in “canon” he’s an early-promoted jonin!!) Family: Sakura, Sai, and Lee are his parents, and his direct siblings/family are Ajikaku and Aikokyū - though he is half-brother to Quartz, through Lee their mutual father. Consequently of the Konoha Huddle, or what-ever the poly mess we’ve made the Konoha 13+/Sand Siblings into, he loosely considers many of the other “next-generation” as his more distant cousins as well. They might as well be, Mother: Sakura. FILL LATER Father(s): Sai and Lee. As Sai is the one that “stays-at-home” the most often, Utsukushinagare is closest to him out of all his parents, and looks up to him. Is not especially trying to emulate/mimic his father - things just developed naturally and it’s just acknowledged he’s just very much like his father Sai.  Siblings: Ajikaku and Aikokyū. FILL LATER Spouse: None! Pre-established or not, this is “open” if you want to plot out/talk it out with us - drop in!! or by!! Children: None! Open to writing “Utsukushinagare accidental baby/child aquisition”, very much so though!! Other important family members: FILL LATER Favorites Color: FILL LATER Least favorite color: FILL LATER Music: Food: Literature: FILL LATER Form of entertainment: FILL LATER Expressions: FILL LATER Mode of transportation: FILL LATER Most prized possession: FILL LATER Habits: FILL LATER Hobbies: FILL LATER Plays a musical instrument? FILL LATER Plays a sport? FILL LATER How he/she would spend a rainy day: FILL LATER Spending habits: FILL LATER Smokes: Does not smoke! Will do so for missions and to blend in - when he does so, prefers the light, somewhat-higher quality mint-tasting brand from Kumo that produces nice plumes of white, much less scentful smoke. Drinks: Does not drink!! Though when he does, for social purposes among those he’s friendly with, he prefers the likes of mojitos, caipirinhas, and mint juleps. Other drugs: No!! Though he may have done a few injections (he’d rather do that than the other methods, but sometimes he doesn’t have a choice-) for missions, Utsukushinagare keeps a very strict oversight of his own body and will clean and rest for weeks afterwards.  What does he/she do too much of? FILL LATER What does he/she do too little of? FILL LATER Extremely skilled at:  FILL LATER Extremely unskilled at: FILL LATER Nervous tics: Utsukushinagare tends to still instead of fidget when he’s surprised - Usual body posture: Straight-backed, but not overly straight and formal - he only does so when apologetic or embarrassed. Mannerisms: FILL LATER Peculiarities: FILL LATER Optimist or pessimist? Introvert or extrovert? Daredevil or cautious? Logical or emotional? Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Prefers working or relaxing? Confident or unsure of himself/herself?
Animal lover? Yes, like bugs, cats, and predatory animals - or deer, lambs, dogs, what have you - to be honest, Utsu prefers plants. How he feels about himself: He’s mostly self-aware and relatively confident/satisfied in how and where he’s built himself at his age - though he does have some subconscious fears about other people not being genuinely, openly friends with him, tolerating him and his occasional quirks. One word the character would use to describe self: Poised. One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: FILL LATER What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? His diplomatic and calm nature. What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? His difficulties being honest and true to himself with others he trusts - to fully relax his guard is no small task. What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Utsu? Doesn’t care...? about his physical appearance much - though he does take care of it and himself it’s an unconscious, “mission-ready“/”maintenance“/”appearances-matter” kind of thing. Some of his classmates are jealous/envious at how effortlessly he pulls it off. That being said, he’s most proud of how he’s crafted his smile. Sai is also a proud father in being able to create and help create such an open smile, as while he’s improved vastly from his initial times in public Konoha, he’s still not quite able to erase the slight unnaturalness from his - it’s become integrated into him. His personality. Sakura tells him that she loves him even more for it, and to not try to erase himself further - Sai is good as he is. He never fails to melt a little when she asks/demands him to smile for her, and himself. What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Utsu would probably rate his skin tone as his worst feature - it has both been mocked, in some way, by other-Village genin-shinobi (”milky”, “moon-white”, “lily”), and made trouble for him by making him desirable, like to that one old, initially not-unpleasant Lady in her Tea Parlor who ended up being a fifty-years-long preyer of young people from the town and beyond - turned out she was draining them of their blood to bathe in. Yes she’s based off of Elizabeth Bathory. How does the character think others perceive him/her: FILL LATER What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: FILL LATER Relationships with others: FILL LATER Opinion of other people in general: To be treated politely but distantly - Utsu may be very subtle about it, but he tends to keep people at a distance - even those he cares about, at times. Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Not usually, but Utsukushinagare tends to reserve and observe judgement but outwardly maintain a polite and respectful manner. Usually he’s quite nonjudgmental and it’s a rare occasion that he meets someone that either gets under his skin or repulses him in some way. Person character most hates: None! Utsu is not an especially hateful person. Best friend(s): FILL LATER Love interest(s): Utsukushinagare is single “canonically” and this will not change for now - that being said, if you and yours are interested in musing up a ship feel free to drop in our IMs or askblox to yell at us - we should talk more there!! Person character goes to for advice: Kakashi, his mentor, primarily. Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: His younger siblings, and generally more of the New Konoha Peace Generation - especially as he’s around a year or two older than most of them. Person character feels shy or awkward around: FILL LATER Person character openly admires: Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Kakashi, Sai, Sakura Person character secretly admires: FILL LATER Most important person in character’s life before story starts: FILL LATER After story starts: FILL LATER
Additional References: additional credit to Picrew-Creator duckyora - link here. y’know, in fact, this first initial picrew formed our visual impression of what Utsu was going to look like. like the varsity-jacket and the choker. Similarly, it’s also the currently best to-date that we have found/”made” for Aikokyū. Neat-o.
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