#char: violet clarke
augus1 · 7 months
𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍.
comente 🦄 + NOME DO CHAR + UM LUGAR + UMA PROMPT para um starter com CAROLINE FORBES — (02/03)
comente 👑 + NOME DO CHAR + UM LUGAR + UMA PROMPT para um starter com CLARKE GRIFFIN — (01/03)
comente 🎀 + NOME DO CHAR + UM LUGAR + UMA PROMPT para um starter com ELIZABETH 'BETTY' SILVERS — (02/03)
comente ✨ + NOME DO CHAR + UM LUGAR + UMA PROMPT para um starter com FEYRE ARCHERON — (01/03)
comente ⚡️ + NOME DO CHAR + UM LUGAR + UMA PROMPT para um starter com VIOLET SORRENGAIL — (03/03)
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historymaiden · 4 years
The Five of Us
A headcanon, sponsored by Me.
In all honestly, the reason she has so many brothers is the fact that her mom always wanted a daughter, and wouldn't stop until she got one, and her dad was more than willing to have a daughter of his own. So when she was born on April 18th, 1918, she was adored over by both her parents, her grandparents, and her four older brothers.
Violet has 4 brothers. Thomas (10 years older than her), a surgeon at Letterman Hospital, Matthew (7 years older than her), a lawyer in a law firm also in San Francisco, Peter (5 years older than her), who works in the docks in San Fran, and Fred (2 years older than her) who works as a mechanic in Lockheed-Martin in Burbank.
In all honestly, the reason she has so many brothers is the fact that her mom always wanted a daughter, and wouldn't stop until she got one, and her dad was more than willing to have a daughter of his own. So when she was born on April 18th, 1918, she was adored over by both her parents, her grandparents, and her four older brothers.
They all help her grow in certain ways. By the age of five, she's helping her dad, Fred, and Thomas change the oil and put tires on a car. Peter, the quietest of the bunch, teaches her to read and write, and she got her school's penmanship award at age 7. There was still lots of fun by all of them, wrestling matches in the backyard, followed by cold showers and a glass of milk and cookies. By the age of ten, she's helping Thomas study for his college exams as a pre-med student and helping Fred with his penmanship as well, because he was always tinkering with the one car they had for the 7 of them. But they did end up committing minor terrors on their mother by fighting or wrestling with each other. And when Matthew turned 21, he taught her how to chug alcohol.
It was really Thomas' studying sessions that spurred her interest in being a nurse, and when they had well, "Bring your kid to school day", he brought in Violet. It was a turning point, because it was at a hospital, and she got to help patients, and being able to see the gratefulness on everyone's faces when she helps them.
Matthew was busy, but he let her sit in his room that he shared with Peter and study with him for his high school exams, and her exams as well with her books and pens. And well, she graduated with a high school degree. She then went onto become a nurse, going to nursing school in San Francisco, and then well, she graduated.
She wanted to see the world. She blamed it on Peter with all of his books and she had just read the Hobbit, which came out two years earlier. But, she signed up for the Army Nurses Corp, said goodbye to her family and left for Manila in 1939.
Then the war broke out, and she was captured in Manila and taken as a POW to Sant Tomas, and then Los Banos internment camp. They were called the Angels of Bataan back home, but really, secretly, they called themselves the Battling Belles of Bataan. Not the Angels. They were surviving, and that was it.
But, on February 3rd, 1945, they were liberated by General MacArthur and none other than "Matthew!" She screams, seeing him and he looks before seeing her and starts crying and she tackles him in a hug. This felt right. but not exactly. "Is everyone else okay?" she says. "Everyone's fine, Mom and Dad are both fine, I'm in the 1st Calvarly under MacArthur, Peter's an Air Raid Warden, Thomas is at Brooks Hospital as a surgeon, and Fred's a mechanic in the Navy. I honestly thought Fred would see you first but..." "Just shut up and hug me asshole," she murmurs and he hugs her. She would have to wait for another two weeks to be flown out to see all of her brothers, but Matthew gets permission to escorts her home, and she smiles at him as the plane takes off from Manila.
It takes about 24 hours for them to land in San Francisco, but when they do, and he escorts her off the plane and she sees all of her brothers before hugging them all, and it feels just like home.
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superbataddicted · 4 years
Writer’s Month 2020 (Day 8)
Day 8 Prompt: Eight
Pairing: Superbat
Title: The Artist and his Florist - Chapter 8 - The 3 Trials
Warning: Graphic description of violence, Torture and angst with a good ending
She came in majestic grandeur accompanied by eight.
Sitting on a throne of midnight blue, all that Bruce could see was Her violet eyes. The rest of her was shrouded in robes that shifted through different shades of black when she moved, and it glittered like stars had been strewn on it.
It was all very regal and impressive, especially with Her eight arrayed behind Her. Of differing heights and sizes, they were all armed and armoured, menacing and dangerous. Bruce had never laid eyes on them before. Yet he knew very well what sort of harm each of them could deliver, the images of their prowess coming unbidden to his mind.
Bruce knew that it was all Her doing – the images and his inability to look away from Her. Nauseating vertigo would overwhelm him whenever his eyes were not on Her, for the space that they stood in was devoid of anything. There were no ground, no horizon, no sky – nothing that Bruce could orientate by, except Her and Her eight.
“Yield, mortal and surrender your soulmark.”
A voice, soft yet commanding, echoed in Bruce’s head, marking the start of his first trial.
Hands shaking, Bruce swallowed hard before making his reply, “No, I won’t.”
And piercing pain exploded all over, sharp and excruciating
Bruce screamed in agony. He writhed and struggled but couldn’t escape the hell that awaited him.
His fingers and his toes then his limbs were being cut off inch by inch, the blade, wielded by one of the eight, whirling so fast that pieces of him went flying. Then he was being set ablaze by another of her eight, blue flames charring his skin and his eyeballs combusting in the heat. Then the scenario switched again, his organs being crushed one by one by an invisible force, blood streaming from his eyes and ears and nose and mouth.
The torture went on, conducted by the eight and Bruce screamed till his vocal cords broke, till he was begging for the sweet release of death.
And the pain vanished, leaving Bruce sobbing into his arms, muscles twitching uncontrollably. He barely registered the fact that his body was still intact, not a mark or blemish could be found.
“Yield, mortal, surrender your soulmark and no more shall be done.”
Her voice echoed in his head and Bruce cringed, face ashen. Then he retched, the thought of going through all that once more, horrifying and unbearable.
You must stay strong...and it will end.
The words floated up through the haze of his crippling fear, and Bruce clung to them like a drowning man clutching straws.
One down, two to go, he told himself. One down, two to go, he repeated again. One down, two to go. One down..
Lips trembling, Bruce looked at Her who had suddenly stood up, clearly displeased.
“No, I will not.”
And Bruce braced himself for the pain that was to come.
But there were none.
Instead, his head was yanked up as he was forced onto his knees. And others screamed and screamed right before him.
Alfred was being hacked to pieces, inch by inch, parts of him hitting Bruce and staining his face red. Then Jon was writhing in flames, his ashes falling and the scent of his roasting meat filled Bruce’s nostrils. Then Bruce was splattered with blood as Dick’s organs were crushed one by one, his body twisted and deformed with each crush. And then Clark, flayed alive, his skin and flesh peeling off in layers, fluttering down to land on Bruce.
It went on and on, each subjected to one torture after another. And through it all – Dick, Jon, Alfred, Clark – they stared at Bruce and begged for his help. They cursed and blamed him for their ordeal. And they pleaded with him to surrender for their sakes.
All that Bruce could do was watch and listen, held down by strong hands that he could not break free from. And he keened, heart constricted with pain and guilt, and he begged and begged.
“Please, stop, please! I’ll do anything so just please stop and don’t hurt them anymore.”
The horrifying scenes vanished and so did the hands that held him fast. Bruce dropped down, curling into a ball. He squeezed his eyes shut but he couldn’t get them out of his mind. The images had been seared into his brains and he could still hear them screaming in his ears.
“Yield, mortal,” A hand smoothed down Bruce’s hair, soft and gentle, “Surrender your soulmark and none shall come to pass.”
Bruce shuddered, ashamed at his sudden desire to lean into that comforting touch. He dragged himself away before sitting up, swaying as if he might topple again.
Standing up. She frowned at him.
“Shall I send the eight then? Shall I put them through all you have seen?”
And Bruce, heart breaking, shook his head.
“Then yield, mortal. Surrender your soulmark.”
He wanted so much to – fear and guilt and blame diluting his faith in Alfred’s words that no harm would be done. But Clark....he clung to the thought of Clark. Clark who had weathered through millenniums searching for him and never once gave up.
How could he then surrender after only two trials?
Sucking in a shaky breath, Bruce shook his head, “No, I will not.”
And didn’t even bothered to brace himself for what was to come.
It was the sunset scene again.
Clark was leaning in, head tilting, lips parting. Their lips met and Bruce forgot how to breath, lost in the kiss. Then arms were drawing him into Clark’s embrace and it felt so good that Bruce wanted to stay there forever.
Their lips parted and confetti was showering down, catching on their white suits and hair. Claps and cheers resounded in the church when Clark held their hands high, showing off their wedding rings. Bruce couldn’t stop smiling at the love in Clark’s eyes. They were all for him, promising to make him happy.
Then they were making out, on the beach at their honeymoon, in the bed they just bought for their new home, on the new sofa too. Then they were adopting a dog together, cooking meals together, taking walks together, growing old together.
Bruce’s heart ached with longing, wanting badly to live such a life with Clark. And Her voice spoke again in his head.
“I can grant you this, a lifetime of love and happiness together. So yield, mortal and surrender your soulmark.”
A lifetime of this with Clark – Bruce’s eyes welled up at the thought. A lifetime of this instead of sitting by Clark’s bedside, knowing that he would never wake up.
But it would only be a lifetime, a tiny voice, not Hers, murmured in his head, Isn’t that too little.
Bruce jerked, startled by the thought that had sneaked into his head. The voice sounded so like himself, yet not exactly the same.
Then all thought processes was disrupted by Her, loud and insistent in Bruce’s head.
“Yield, mortal! Surrender your soulmark at once!”
And Bruce staggered to his feet, a smirk on his lips.
“No, I will never!”
(Sorry for the delay. Life got in the way and I didn’t have time. Will try my best to play catch-up.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 - Part 1) , Chapter 6 (Part 2) , Chapter 7
(Next Chapter - Illness)
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Mouse’s Reclist (#2/?)
It’s time for a second reclist! Here’s the first, if you want. This is again in no particular order. Title, author, pairing, and fandom will be listed, as well as if it’s a WIP.
The first few are going to be Snarry, because my reading list recently has basically consisted of entirely Snarry. Why? Because I fucking love Snarry. Sue me.
Angels on the Moon by Writcraft - Harry Potter/Snarry  - The aftermath of the war is almost as difficult as the war itself, Harry is a mess and Severus is a reluctant survivor forced back to Hogwarts to recuperate from his injuries. When a brick-bonding spell goes awry, Harry and Severus are forced to confront hatred, misunderstandings and a new and unexpected intimacy which takes them both by surprise. Notes: This is the classic-style Eighth Year!Fic, which has long been my favourite trope in the HP fandom. It’s an especially loved trope of mine when it comes to Snarry, too, as I am problematic filth, and teacher-student relationships are my jam. It’s also a classic bonding!fic. But the way it handles the tropes is just… *chef’s kiss*
The Man Underneath by maraudersaffair - Harry Potter/Snarry - Severus is a secret Auror and must always be disguised. When Harry Potter becomes his new partner, Severus struggles hiding his true identity and burning attraction. Notes: This is more bottom!Snape than top!Snape, which I know isn’t to everyone’s taste. However, it’s fucking fantastic, and as someone who has a cathartic and self-fulfilling love of “char A is ugly and has a shittonne of self-hatred and yet manages to score super hot char B” (something that I struggle with myself and still worry how I manage to keep my own gorgeous partner over), this is perfect. Not that I even agree with J.K.’s assessment on Sev’s ugliness. I like the “goth filled with churning angst” look. 
a forest, dark and deep by bleedcolor - Harry Potter/Snarry - Once, many years ago (for that is when all great stories begin, many years ago; we never consider we might be in the midst of our own great story) there lived a boy. But wait, you might say, there is nothing special about a boy living, many people do and never amount to much of anything. You would be right, but you would also be wrong, because this story is not about a boy who lived, but The Boy Who Lived, and that is all the difference. Notes: Harry is cursed and must go on an adventure to the Fountain of Youth to find the cure. I cried. I cried a lot. I cried a lot a lot a lot a lot. Happy ending, though! Fairy tale fic. One of the best fics to read if you want magic in the HP universe portrayed more like magic in ancient medieval history tends to be portrayed: mysterious, Eldritch, Occult-like power that requires strange and sometimes dangerous rituals to harness.
you like making me work for it by bottlefamebrewglory - Harry Potter/Snarry - “Before what, Mr. Potter?”//Before Snape had looked at him, drunk and miserable without knowing why, and told him that he could change his future if he wanted. Before he had pulled Snape out of the darkness he’d been determined to drown in. Before the memories. Before he’d looked into Snape’s eyes and watched him die.//Harry didn’t often change his mind, not about people. He’d been accused by Hermione more than once of being stubborn, even prejudiced. And, once upon a time, he’d thought he’d known exactly who Severus Snape was. But that had changed and Harry was no longer that boy anymore, just as Snape could no longer ever be just his hated professor.//“Before,” Harry said again, more finally.//Harry was pretty sure the fact that everyone never thought he’d live past seventeen was at least half the reason becoming an actual adult was so goddamn strange. Severus just wanted to get on with his life now that it was free of controlling old men.//Or, five times Harry flirted with Snape and one time Snape flirted with Harry. Notes: @snapedefender‘s most recent masterpiece. Post-War!fic, one of the best of. Harry worms his way into Severus’ life, as he always does. Also he has a big crush. Their interactions are golden. Everything about this is golden, in fact. It’s just delightful. Read it, please.
How the War Was Won by avioleta - Harry Potter/Snarry - Severus Snape should be dead. Instead, he wakes up after the Battle of Hogwarts to find himself quarantined in a house full of Gryffindors, waiting for Harry bloody Potter to save the world…again. And Severus must be going crazy because he can’t seem to stop thinking about Potter. (Or, where Harry needs a distraction, and Severus doesn’t refuse.) Notes: War Doesn’t End with The Battle of Hogwarts!fic. And it’s by avioleta, a longtime and well-loved Snarry writer. Well-loved for good reason! They know what they’re doing, and it shows. I’ve long loved “Harry and any number of Slytherins are holed up together and must get along” as a trope, and this nails it perfectly. Another fav was in my previous reclist, Hauntingly by ObsidianPen, where Harry is holed up with Draco, Sev, AND Tom! Fun times!
Chasing Ghosts by DictionaryWrites - Harry Potter/Snarry/WIP - “I guess I’m not ready to join the land of the living just yet,” Harry says. “Need a little more time here at Hogwarts, with all the ghosts. You know what I mean?”//In the aftermath of the war, Harry doesn't feel ready to leave the safety of the castle, and to go out into the world at large: he wants to stay. The Room of Requirement - with great reluctance - grants his wish. Notes: Adult!Harry wakes up in the Marauders Era and becomes a teacher, all while he tries to figure out the nature of spacetime. TIME TRAVEL!FIC! That’s in all caps because I love and adore time travel!fic with all my heart. Again, more of a bottom!Snape story. I used to think I preferred top!Snape, but bottom!Snape has come into my heart with a passion as of late and showed me I’m not always going to want Snape to nail Harry into his mattress. This also shows more of Snape’s backstory, with mentor!Lucius and all, which is a fav of mine as well.
OKAY! Enough Snarry, yes, sorry. Moving on!
Love Potion #9 by murderlight - Bleach/GrimmIchi - Gifted with a horrifying box of potion-laced chocolates from Urahara in the hopes he might feed them to somebody, Ichigo thought all the excitement for Valentine’s Day was done with. Then Grimmjow had to get snacky.//A story in which Ichigo is entrusted with the scientifically altered affections of his once-enemy, and might just discover some of his own. Notes: I love the goddamn love potion/love spell trope. This one highlights the dubcon nature of making someone fall in love with you (even on accident) a lot more, but still makes everyone’s feelings feel genuine and real. And of course it ends happily. And there’s no noncon, if that’s not to your taste. Ichigo is a good boy and does not stroke that pussy until that pussy is entirely free from Kisuke’s experimental serums. Yes, I made that pun.
The Edinburgh Problem by snorklepie - Sherlock/Johnlock - “A nice holiday, just a bit more...murdery. ” John said drily.//“Yes! The best kind of holiday!” Sherlock beamed. “So we won’t get bored!”//After he separates from Mary, John returns to Baker Street. Following a request for help from Sherlock's cousin Violet, the detective and his blogger take a trip to Edinburgh. John discovers more about the Holmes family and Sherlock than he bargained for, but tries not to run screaming. Notes: I fell in love with Violet immediately. I am so gay. If you are also attracted to women, you will probably join me in falling in love with Violet. She is amazing, and very Holmes. But a more balanced Holmes. Well, as balanced as a Holmes can be. I love case fic, I love Sherlock Holmes in general because of my adoration for murder mystery (yes, I am a forensics major, thank you for being able to clock me very obviously), and I love deep backstory and family bonding. It’s a long, long ride, but it is undoubtedly worth every single minute.
The Loss of Flesh and Soul by deuxexmycroft - Sherlock/Johnlock/Abandoned WIP - Five years after John Watson puts the murderous Sherlock Holmes behind bars, a vicious copycat killer emerges. A reluctant John is pulled out of retirement to seek the expertise of the only man who can help, a man who has developed an unsettling obsession with John himself.//Crossover with Red Dragon/Silence of the Lambs Notes: It’s Hannigram but Johnlock, what’s not to love? Sherlock’s characterisation in the TV show is already unsettling enough (well, in the beginning, but I like to pretend Sherlock doesn’t exist past S2), so adding in a little Hannibal Lecter is fantastic. Yes, it’s an abandoned WIP. Yes, that hurts like hell. But it’s so, so worth it anyway. Seriously, this is one of the best executions of serial killer!Sherlock I’ve seen in fandom, and given how fucking gigantic the Sherlock fandom is, hopefully you can see how big of a thumbs up that is imho!
Sinking the Land by emungere - Sherlock/Mystrade - Three weeks ago, Mycroft Holmes picked Lestrade up outside New Scotland Yard and made him an offer he'd been unable to refuse, despite his best judgement. Mycroft had sucked his cock, dropped him off at home, and Lestrade hadn't heard a word from him since.//Now, the door of the black car swung open as Lestrade drew level with it. He could just see Mycroft's profile, hawkish nose and shallow chin limned by the orange glow of the streetlight. Notes: Porn WITH plot! That’s the best way to take your porn, imho. One of the best ways I’ve seen the Mystrade relationship developed. It’s just so real. And Lestrade is so head-over-heels, which is my favourite way to take my Lestrade :p.
Clark Kent, of Krypton by TerresDeBrume - DCEU/Superbat - Batman crashes on Krypton a few days before the Turn of the Year celebrations, and Kal-El's life takes a sharp turn to the left, on a path that will, ultimately, lead him to becoming Clark Kent. Notes: Krypton Wasn’t Destroyed!fic is always, always, always my favourite. Sci-fi mystery again, yes. If you saw my first reclist, then you understand that I am always going to fall for a sci-fi mystery fic. This one develops Kryptonian culture beautifully, and equally-as-perfectly encapsulates what “Clark Kent Pretending to Be a Mild-Mannered Reporter, but on Krypton” would actually look like.
Q It Again by writerofprose - Star Trek/QCard - Picard thinks his position, as captain of the Enterprise, plays the largest role in Q's obsession with him. Q would like to take that bet, even if Picard wasn't making one. What say they try it again, from the start? Without the captain nonsense? Notes: A poignant take on Q’s weird fixation with Picard. Not that anyone can blame him. I mean, shit, the man is Jean-luc Picard. Anyone would be fixated on him. Q uses his Q powers to explore Picard in multiple alternate universes, and erases his own memories in order to come in unbiased. Picard gets to keep his original memories, and those of the AU. Does Q still like Picard as much when he’s not at the helm of the Enterprise?
American Outlaws by manic_intent - Red Dead Redemption/Morston - “Bounty’s for one ‘Jim Milton’,” Sadie said, as she got close to the man under the oak tree. “Wanted for murder, robbery, and unnatural acts.”//“Unnatural what?”///“Don’t got details on here.” Sadie passed the folded up poster to her hunting partner. “You all right?”//Arthur Morgan didn’t answer her as he smoothed open the poster. He was aggressively smoking a cigarette, his second, judging from the stub on the grass. Notes: I loved RDR and RDR2 so much that I wrote my own fic in the fandom, despite knowing jackshit about late 1800’s America. It was only a ficlet, in order to hide how little I remember from my contemporary history classes, but much more talented people than me took on the burden of whole-ass novels. Here’s everyone’s fav BNF manic’s take on a fix-it Morston, pre-RDR1 but post-RDR2. It’s excellent. Who doesn’t enjoy forbidden love historical romance? Especially with a delicious helping of age gap. If you’d like Vandermorgan or even Vandermorston, check out more of manic’s stuff, and also kriegersan, who is another long-time fav of mine. 
Every Deckerstar fic by wollfgang. But especially a softer beginning, an amnesia!fic, and if you saw all of me, a true form!Lucifer!fic. You know, since angels are described as weird Eldritch beings in ancient texts. Both tropes are my favourite. Also that latter one has monsterfucking and we are all monsterfuckers here.
A Modest Proposal by ignaz - House M.D./Hilson - Tritter's case against House still depends on subpoenaed testimony from Wilson. To save House from losing everything, the doctors of PPTH decide on an unusual solution, which in turn leads to unexpected consequences. This is a story about the sacrifices we make that turn out not to be such great sacrifices after all. (Contains spoilers for everything up to and including "Merry Little Christmas.") Notes: Work 355 on the AO3. It’s that OG. And for an OG slash fandom, too. Well, not Star Trek levels of OG, but it’s a fandom based on Sherlock Holmes, and ACD did come before Star Trek! You’ve probably read it. It’s the OG Hilson Pretend Marriage!fic. But I had to rec it because when I get bored I watch House on Amazon Prime (or the thousands of clips they upload to YT nowadays), and I always am struck by HOW GAY HOUSE AND WILSON ARE OH MY GOD. I can never watch it with Mum in the room, though, because she was in the medical field before she retired, and the unrealistic nature of how House characters behave (and some of the medical procedures) make her SOOOOOO peeved. Though doctors, especially surgeons, were apparently huge egotistical dicks at times. Maybe not kill your own patient levels, though.
In A Place Where No One Appeared by Gefionne - Star Wars/Kylux - Following the destruction of Starkiller Base, General Hux is ordered to remove a wounded Kylo Ren to a place where he can recuperate. Knowing nowhere else to house him safely and discreetly, Hux takes Ren to his family’s estate on Arkanis. He anticipates adding this experience to the already long list of abhorrent memories he has of his childhood home, but six weeks in company with Ren turns out to be something quite unlike Hux expected. Notes: The imagery is so fucking vivid, I love it. The entire world of Arkanis is just lit up so beautifully in Gefionne’s words. This takes a little liberty with Hux’s backstory, given there wasn’t too much out at the time, but it’s so fucking good, I’d prefer its canon to the actual one, lmao. 
all that you love will be carried away by coldhope - Star Wars/Kylux - Supreme Leader, the oscillator is failing. The collapse has begun. There is nothing that can be done.//Hux, sent to retrieve Kylo Ren from the dying Starkiller Base, has lost almost everything, and has little patience or tolerance left for anyone or anything--particularly not Snoke's pet pseudo-Sith and his amateur theatrics. But you do the job that is in front of you, to the best of your ability, and you hold on as long as you can. Notes: One of the first Kylux fics, and one of the best. Their relationship is just so real here.
London Calling by SectoBoss - Overwatch/WidowTracer - Recaptured by Overwatch, Widowmaker is sent on a mission to assassinate a high-ranking Talon agent in London. It should be an easy mission – get in, take the shot, and leave. But when Tracer’s your getaway pilot a lot of things can go wrong, and things like 'subtlety' and 'discretion' tend to be the first casualties. Now, lying low after the mission goes awry, the pair of them have to survive in the city until Overwatch can get them home. Notes: Written when OW was in its heyday. And before the fandom was qqqquite as bad as it became. A WidowTracer case!fic, with Amelie as the reluctant good guy, which is always the best trope and I don’t take concrit on this point.
To the Victor, The Spoil by Annakovsky - Hunger Games/Haymitch/Katniss - No berries, no mockingjay, no rebellion. Katniss killed Peeta in the arena, and now she has to live with herself like every other victor. Notes: An old fandom, an older fic, back in the day when nobody complained about fucked up dark!fic. And fucked up dark!fic this is. Rape, age gap, age gap rape, Katniss losing all hope about the future, etc. But damn, it’s good.
The Want of You by MKK - Star Trek/Garashir - Julian Bashir is not quite sure yet about his feelings toward his enigmatic new friend Elim Garak. So when they both show symptoms of a mysterious illness, it seems they'll now have more time apart to ponder the future of the relationship. Their symptoms worsen, however, and to their shock, they discover there's only one way to effectively and inexplicably ease the pain: getting physically closer and closer - and closer. Notes: A forced bonding!fic where Bashir doesn’t actually know Garak all that well. As in, set very early in the canon. Very early. Which is my favourite way to read this beloved trope, because the whole fun of it (imho) is characters who barely have a grasp on each other’s personalities being forced to learn them.
Timeshare by astolat - Harry Potter/Drarry - “It’s not for long,” Hermione said. “By the time we get back to Hogwarts, the Unfettering Brew will be ready.”//“Listen to you!” Ron said. “He’s got to get through a month with the Dursleys and a month at Malfoy Manor. With Draco Malfoy.”//“Yeah, thanks,” Harry said, because he hadn’t just spent the last week contemplating just how much more horrible his summer holidays were about to be than they’d ever been before. Notes: Another forced bonding!fic, this time by AO3’s own founder. I love it. I love it, I love it, I love it. Their interactions here are perfect.
Speaking of Drarry, here’s a Veela!Draco fic I’ve recced before, but I don’t believe was in the original masterpost.
Talk to Me by Saras_Girl - Harry Potter/Drarry - When the usual channels of communication are shut down, the most surprising people can find a way in. A strange little love story. Notes: Harry is temporarily deaf and blind thanks to a misaimed spell. Draco takes care of him, in secret. Identity porn at its best.
Semaphore by DevilDoll - MCU/Stony - "I’m trying to like you, Tony. You’re just making it very hard." Notes: I wanted to rec another OG. One of the first Stony fics in the MCU, and still one of the best. It holds up very, very well and is worth a read if, by some miracle, you haven’t already.
Prisoner’s Dilemma by AvocadoLove - MCU/Stony - After taking the airplane down in the Arctic, Steve wakes to find himself imprisoned as a human test subject. With no idea where in the world he is, his only ally is a fast-talking inventor in the cell next door. Something’s off about Tony that Steve can’t put his finger on, and it’s obvious Tony doesn't fully trust him either. But to escape they may not have a choice… Notes: IDENTITY PORN! And it’s by an author I adore. AvocadoLove has pioneered the MCU MattFoggy fandom, and also donated their efforts and words to Stony. It’s the best. And it’s canon divergence! Which is another favourite trope, and one I can’t ever seem to stop writing myself. I have a lot of appreciation for it.
Speaking of MattFoggy, all of theapplepielifestyle’s works for the pairing are amazing. And all of their works in general.
Belief Space by magicasen - Marvel 616/Stony - The Time Gem appears not when it is wanted, but when it is needed. Steve learns this the hard way.//(Or: an Infinity #6 AU where Thane refuses his birthright and the Avengers are doomed - until the Time Gem shows up within Captain America's grasp.) Notes: A 616!Stony fic, if you’re craving something in the comics rather than the movies. Still with Civil War angst and Stony angry tension, just this time it’s even more painful, because their friendship in the comics!verse was beautiful and their fallout even more devastating.
This time tomorrow (where were we?) by dorcas_gustine - Marvel 616/Stony - Tony goes to see Wanda, and suddenly Steve is alive and there are Skrulls! Or maybe Tony is just going crazy. Nothing happens in this fic, until the very end. Seriously. There's a lot of talking, mostly at inopportune moments, Tony's views on the acceptable gifts to give people are slightly different from everyone else's and he spends more time than would seem necessary being (half-)naked. What else is new? Notes: More 616 for your Stony needs! Tony time travels into a word pre-Secret Invasion and decides to fix things his damn self.
despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) by praximeter (Zimario) - MCU/Stucky - “They really didn’t want the mask to come off.” Hill thumbed through the scans, and pulled out a film that she then handed over to Sam, face mostly expressionless but for the flat line of her pursed lips.//Sam accepted the film and held it up to the light, angling so both he and Steve could see it, squinting at the outline of the Winter Soldier’s skull, and the blips of unnatural white that showed up, God, in his brain, not to mention about half his teeth, plus the mask, with its thin protrusions—//“Those are pins,” Steve realized. He looked over at Hill. “The mask—it’s nailed to his face.”//Hill’s face was as unmoved as ever. “Like I said. They really didn’t want it coming off.” Notes: TWS Identity Porn!AU. Gore, given that the Winter Soldier’s mask is literally stuck to his face. But it’s excellent.
Simple by Osidiano - MCU/Stucky - Written for the capkink meme; "To the Winter Soldier, there are basically three kinds of people in the world: superiors, mission support, and targets. He doesn't have the context to understand things like friendship. So what he sees in the Smithsonian exhibit and what little he remembers or feels about his past, he interprets in that light. He thinks that Steve must have been his handler during World War II. That the reason he couldn't kill Steve and the reason he was smiling in the museum photos was because Steve was a good superior who treated him well (or at least didn't hurt him like Pierce and Rumlow, which to him might be the best he can imagine).//Thinking he understands the situation, he decides to report to Steve. Cue misunderstandings, confusion, and heartache for both of them." Notes: Bucky taking a while to snap out of TWS mode is one of my favourite tropes. This fic executes it perfectly.
Bridge Over Troubled Water by soniclipstick (veriscence) - MCU/Stuckony/Phlint - Ultron is destroyed, the Avengers are in disarray, and the Winter Soldier is still in the wind. Steve knows that he has to fix the ever-growing ocean of distrust between Tony and himself, so he takes a leap of faith and tasks Tony with the most important thing: finding Bucky Barnes. But it takes a pair of sexy but stolen hand warmers, several robots, Hawkeye and countless selfies before Steve realises the immensity of what he's set into motion. Notes: I would die for Stuckony as a ship. It’s one of my favourites to read and to write, and this fic here encapsulates it quite frankly in the best way. 
Strange New Worlds by Leletha - Supernatural/Destiel/Sabriel - AU…THE FUTURE: Humanity survives everything, spreads to the stars, and finds it needs to know where it can land. Enter interplanetary explorers Sam and Dean Winchester…and sentient starships Gabriel and Castiel. Then ships and crews start disappearing out in the black and, as usual, all goes straight to hell. Notes: I corresponded with Le’letha when they originally wrote this fic, and my love for it has only grown in the years since. Sci-fi mystery, yes. Dude, Castiel is a sentient spaceship. That itself is premise enough.
In His Image by Anonymous - Supernatural/Sabriel - Kali can breathe life back into a corpse, but what exactly is Gabriel now? Gabriel flits around various centuries trying to work that out, Dean has another powered-down angel and a little brother to look out for, Castiel has forgotten how to trust, and someone keeps sending Sam annoying little notes on his laptop. Oh, and Bobby would like to remind you all that there’s an Apocalypse still going on. Covers season 5 from Gabriel’s death to the finale. Notes: My favourite Sabriel fic. God only knows why the author abandoned it. I have their original name, but it doesn’t feel right to reveal it when they made the conscious choice to anonymise. Let me just say that they were a favourite of mine.
If You Were the Last Woman on Earth by Vali - Doctor Who/Thoschei (Twissy) - Just because your best enemy accidentally destroyed planet Earth is no reason to refuse her hospitality. Written for the Only One Bed fanfic challenge. Notes: That last note doesn’t even begin to cover how wonderful this fic is. Tropes are irrelevant, this captures them perfectly. Still one of my fav ever Thoschei fics. Now just get me one where The Master calls our titular hero Theta Cubed Sigma Ex Squared Lungbarrow, please.
A Wealth of Sorrows by evelynwaaaaah - Dragon Age/Solavellan - Things are getting back to normal in Skyhold now that Corypheus is gone. Until the Inquisitor collapses in mid-conversation.  Notes: Solavellan is still a ship I would die for. This fic will make you ship it, if the game didn’t already. And this is coming from someone who romanced Cullen on my first playthrough.
Reclamation by copperbadge - Harry Potter/Background Jily and Wolfstar - In an alternate universe, one man still struggles with a moral decision made many years before. Notes: What if Tom Marvolo Riddle wasn’t quite the same maniac of the canon!verse and was accepted to the position of DADA professor? By the esteemed copperbadge.
Truth and Illusion by penny_dreadful - Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica/MadoHomu/KyoSaya - “I’ve, um, been dreaming.” She closes her eyes because it’s easier to ignore Mami and Homura’s stares. “In, in my dream I’m still in bed, but I-I’m not alone, Sayaka’s next to me but she’s not breathing, she’s—”//She’s pale and cold and pretty in the same way the stained glass windows of Kyoko’s father’s church are pretty and she’s lying so still she can’t be anything but dead. But in her dream Kyoko still curls around her, soul gem in hand, keeping her warm, keeping her safe—//“—she’s dead, I didn’t even know her that well and she’s dead and in my dream I’m so, I’m scared that there’s nothing I can do.” She opens her eyes. “But there really is nothing I can do. She’s already gone, and we left her there.” She stares hard at her hands. “We weren’t really even friends.” Notes: Not really a fix-it for MadoHomu, but certainly one for SayaKyo. Homura does more spacetime bullshit. Kyouko remembers.
I think that should cover it for now! That took me ageeeees, and I have games to go waste my life on and fics to write now lmao. Let me know if you want a third installment!
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ricc1 · 5 years
outfits intensifies
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 love the work that i did, it’s so chibi and lineLes
basically this is from this one roblox game; royale high and i really like the outfits there and decided to redraw my characters that i used in the game and been tryna find a good poses for these characters anNDFNDEKWRHJH
aura is the char i’ll be using from now on (her name supposed to be ryushi but roblox kept on censoring it ; () but the others are characters i’ve used before and aint rlly sure if i’ll use em but shrugs.
i kinda wanna do more doodles like this, lineless drawing is soo fun to do! though the background hard to do ; (
thats all  ;P
ORDER LEFT - RIGHT - BOTTOM: Aura  Lila Violet ??? “Goldie” Clarke (i aint sure of her first name) (c) @riccidev​
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lizabethstucker · 3 years
Asimov's Science Fiction (March/April 2017)
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Digging into my backlot of science fiction magazines. A mixture of verse and stories. I've only reviewed and rated the stories. This particular issue is the 40th Anniversary one! 3.8 out of 5 "Soulmates.com" by Will McIntosh Daniel wants someone to share his life with, to love and be loved by. When he meets Winnie through a dating app, he thinks she could be the one almost immediately. Emily, his former girlfriend and current best friend, is more suspicious, doing a deep dive on who Winnie could be. Which, considering they never meet in person despite Winnie being in Atlanta and Daniel in Athens, not that long a drive, is valid. Starts extremely slowly, assumingly to establish the characters. Not my favorite way as most writers don't do a good job at it. I'm not entirely certain that this is actually science fiction, despite the use of Artificial Intelligence. As to Daniel, I found him to be incredibly childish, blind, immature, and boring. He learned absolutely nothing from his experience. I struggled to complete this novella. 2.5 out of 5 "Number Thirty-Nine Skink" by Suzanne Palmer It started simply enough, an expedition designed to bring life in balance to an empty planet. Then the humans left suddenly, leaving Mike willingly behind with Kadey whose programming makes the creatures populating the area. When Mike dies of cancer, Kadey continues her work. Until the night something changes. Poor Kadey, struggling with loneliness, possibly incomplete programming, and the knowledge hidden from her regarding why the humans left. Sad, yes, but with a more hopeful ending that is also a beginning. Lovely story, so well written. 4.5 out of 5 "Three Can Keep a Secret..." by Bill Johnson & Gregory Frost A convoluted tale of assassins, misdirection, love, greed, and con-artistry with an almost noir feel to it. It's almost impossible to give a synopsis that isn't chockful of spoilers. The first person narrator isn't totally reliable, but still intriguing in what he shares. I loved this more than I expected with this strange little story. FYI, in case you don't know, the title is from an old saying. Three can keep a secret if two of them are dead. 4.5 out of 5 "The Ones Who Know Where They Are Going" by Sarah Pinsker A child must suffer so the city can be happy, or so they say. One particular child is taken from her mother, locked away in the dark with no social interaction beyond the delivery of food. As time passes, language is lost and memories of a happier time begin to fade. Then one day the door isn't shut tightly and the child gets out of the tiny dark room. She crawls up the stairs, each step bringing back a particular memory, heading for freedom. But at what cost? Rip my heart out, why don't you? Two and a half pages of the most gut-wrenching narrative. The tightly woven writing is painfully descriptive. And the ending! Oh, the ending. I just cannot deal with it. 5 out of 5 "Invasion of the Saucer-Men" by Dale Bailey Teenagers have been foiling alien invasions for some time. After all, the adults are either locked in their homes consuming television or would dismiss the very idea of aliens. The newest landing of a flying saucer bonds together teens out at the local make-out point. Per the author, his idea was to take the cheesy sci-fi and horror movie titles of the 1950s and treat the core idea with some emotional and thematic nuance. Here we have a group of teen archetypes, from the football star to the nerds to the beauty. There are also the followers that are always found in high school. This brings back memories of too many cheesy nights at the drive-ins in my county. I've always found my sympathies fell with the aliens most of the time, faced with humans whose first response to the unknown was always violence. Horrible ending to this story. Horrible. CW: extremely graphic attack. 3 out of 5 "Kitty Hawk" by Alan Smale After receiving word of her brother's death, Katharine Wriht travels from Ohio to North Carolina to help her other brother. Instead of Orville preparing to pack up for the trip home with his beloved
brother's body, he is trying to continue with the flight experiments that killed Wilbur. Katharine finds herself engaged in helping, even learning to fly herself. This is a complete AU of the Wright Brothers and the birth of flight, through World War I and the suffrage movement. The writing is evocative of the time period and the dangers of experimental flight. I don't know why it didn't click with me, but I struggled quite a bit in reading this imaginative tale. I can see others enjoying this greatly, just not me. 3 out of 5 "Cupido" by Rich Larson Marcel is a genius at chemistry. He came up with a way to make pheromones specific to the pair he's paid to bring together, either by one of the potential couple or by a third party. The majority of the money he charges goes to pay for his grandmother's colon cancer treatment. As word gets around, he finds himself moving to smaller cities to avoid identification. As yet, what he does isn't illegal. He didn't expect to find himself attracted to his potential mark. Frankly, I don't consider this to be science fiction at all. The science is already viable. Add the consent issues which would be called dubcon (dubious consent) and I'm too busy cringing to enjoy. In my mind, Marcel is anything but a hero. 3 out of 5 "A Singular Event in the Fourth Dimension" by Andrea M. Pawley Olive was removed from the reducer pile, adopted by a childless couple to help stave off loneliness. Now that the second grandmother is living with them and Mama was pregnant, Olive is worried that she will be sent back to the pile, no longer needed. A loving, imaginative little android who believes in fairy dust, even if the fairies never seem to do anything magical like in the stories. Love doesn't have to be limited to just humans or blood relations. Sweet and touching. 4.5 out of 5 "The Wisdom of the Group" by Ian R. MacLeod There are theories and studies about group-think, how certain groups can intuit a trend or coming situation without any real knowledge. With the right group, the members could get wealthy or probably save the world, depending on their inclination. Samuel has been part of such a group since brought in by his professor while still in university. Now, years later, Samuel is wealthy, has a liv-in lover, three dogs with unfortunate names, and a gorgeous house in Washington state. But something is wrong, something that seems to be originating from Samuel. The response is usually to cut the wrong out of the group. A complicated basis for a disturbing story. I had to sit on this one for a while in order to determine what I felt about it. Definitely strong writing, could almost be considered psychological horror. I don't know if I would ever say that I liked it, but I recognize the work done and the uniqueness of the story. 3.5 out of 5 "After the Atrocity" by Ian Creasey Abu Hameed, the terrorist behind the attack that left ten thousand people dead, has also died during interrogation. The solution? A machine that can make exact copies, complete with memories, of an individual. Violet Ruiz, operator and creator of the machine, even made a duplicate of herself in order to work 24/7. As Hameed's copies die during the enhanced interrogation, more copies are needed. Soon Violet II wonders about the ethical implications. Well thought out consideration of just how far a nation is willing to go in search of revenge wrapped in the disguise of intel. Patriot Act, enhanced interrogation the Greater Good, dismantling both Habeas Corpus and the Geneva Convention, anyone? 4 out of 5 "Goner" by Gregory Norman Bossert In order to explore space, humans had to be converted from flesh into nanotechnology based creatures. The pilots call themselves Goners. Char's best friend's father is a Goner. Already fascinated with the idea of flying, Char uses a sliver of Pilot Clark to begin changing. While this is complete in itself, the story also begs for more. What is happening to Char? Will he be allowed to live his dreams despite his age? S fascinating a concept. 3.5 out of 5 "We Regret the Error" by Terry
Bisson A series of news corrections from the future. So many corrections, even some corrections of corrections. Taken individually, these are amusing. Pieced together, there is a much deeper story playing out. Oh, and a nice dig at Disney's well-known history of not paying some of their artists for their work. 3 out of 5 "Tao Zero" by Damien Broderick Teenagers, incredibly smart ones, have unprotected sex after winning $370 million in the Mega Millions lottery. The celebration leads to a child, the narrator, and the money to try to trap the Tao, the Way that cannot be named, inside a machine. I tried, I really tried to read this without success. After rereading the first two pages over and over in an attempt to struggle through, I put the story aside, hoping to pick it back up when refreshed. Didn't work. DNF
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showercapkid · 7 years
I was tagged by @c0tt0n-cxndy-prince thanks bro !!
Name?: Charles Benjamin. im very white.
Nickname?: Charlie (well duh) Char, Chuck, Chucky, Chuckles the Clown, Charmander. All dubbed by my dad hes odd.
Gender?: male
Sexuality?: mostly boys
Height?: 5'7? i should actually find out
Sign?: a stupid water bearer
Age/birthday?: 82 days until im the dancing queen. fun fact i just googled a calendar countdown to get the exact number im a dork
Favourite colours?: grey, navy blue, maroon, pale turquoise.
Average hours of sleep?: like 3 but on a good day 9.
How many blankets do you sleep under?: i currently have four wrapped around my person bc im sick
Where do you live?: the province where everybody lives in canada
Where do you want to live?: new york for acting reasons or vancouver for acting reasons
Favourite books?: 1984, Dearly Departed, Every Day, The Hero’s Guide to Saving Your Kingdom, The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making. (i lov them all dearly pls someone else read them/talk to me abt them)
Favourite band/artists?: oh jeez,, elvis costello, the beatles, dodie clark, panic at the disco, watsky, bing crosby, bill wurtz, david bowie, tessa violet + rusty clanton,,, ,, im going to stop while im ahead and also taylor swift
Dream job?: christian borle. I wanna be christian borle. except with maybe more tv credits. so andrew rannells i guess. oo victor garber. ok im just listing actors i hope to emulate one day ill shut up
Dream trip?: id like to visit ireland thatd be cool
Hobbies?: guitar, writing, comics.
How many languages can you speak?: ugh im down to only two i stopped practicing my german its gone for gut
What do you spend most of your time doing?: uhh does being sad and gay count. mostly binging old fav tv shows over and over again and playing harvest moon
Favourite food?: burgers from five guys, fries from mcdonalds. im gross i kno
I tag: the usual,, nobody unless u want to do it
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th-inspo-blog1 · 7 years
Olá a todos! Sejam muito bem vindos mais uma vez ao baile de caridade da família Cavanaugh, eu sou a Poppy e serei a apresentadora deste leilão. Quero desde já dizer, que tudo isto é uma brincadeira, não queremos que considerem este “leilão” uma ofensa, até porque não estamos vendendo as pessoas, as verbas obtidas serão todas para as instituições de caridade, que agradecem a vossa colaboração e os demais participantes quiseram participar de livre vontade. Considerem uma saída com um amigo, um encontro talvez, mas acima de tudo, é para diversão e solidariedade. Eu irei começar por apresentar cada um dos participantes e quem estiver interessado, pode levantar a mão e comentar qual o valor do lance! Se divirtam todos e mais uma vez, obrigada em nome da família Cavanaugh e das instituições, pela vossa participação. 
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“O leilão decorreu de uma forma divertida, tocaram músicas engraçadas para a apresentação de cada um dos participantes, que assim que subiram ao palco puderam fazer aquilo que tinham em mente para persuadir o público a dar lances pelos mesmos. Foi um momento de diversão e que proveu gargalhadas pelos demais. Poppy apresentou os participantes, descrevendo algumas curiosidades relativamente aos mesmos e flertando com alguns, claramente brincando. Será anunciado na Hamptons Magazine o total arrecadado pelo leilão e também alguns comentários dos jornalistas presentes no local acerca do evento e dos convidados do mesmo”. 
Thalia Guzmann & Josephine Beaumont
Adam Grayson & Sophie Clarke
Destiny Houston & Veronica Sawyer
Howard Strucker & Nathan Donovan
Violet Beaumont & Charlotte Daydream
Blair Kingston & Kale Di Fiore
Jonathan Langdon & Lucas Cavanaugh
Contessa Van der Hest & Aurora Van Houten
Harvey Sullivan & Cordelia Brooks
Gabriel Cavanaugh & Ruby Van Houten
Ravena Van Houten  & Frederich Hochscheidt
Ian Shepherd & Anne Beaumont
Caleb Donovan & Gregor Burlew
Evie Rockfeller & Beatrice Artkins
Donatello Donovan & Megara Shafic
Rory Valentine & Nathalie Di Fiore
Clyde Archibald & Arthur Sawyer
Vênus Sawyer & Christopher Ericksen
Barbara Donovan & Andreas Di Fiore
Katherine Hoover & Angelic Di Fiore
Elena Watson & Amelia Salvatore
Brick Eckhart & Zoella Artkins
Chermond Leblanc & Elle Lablanc
Jackson Salvatore & Morgan Andrews
Thomas Donovan & Alexandra Daniels
Jeffrey Shepherd & Sophie Beaumont & Eric Orleans
Informamos que todos os pares foram sorteados online, nada foi corrupto por parte da moderação, até porque decidimos fazer as coisas deste jeito, de forma a que os demais chars possam interagir, alguns até o irão fazer pela primeira vez.
Não precisam de considerar isso um “encontro”, pode ser somente uma saída entre amigos, até porque temos pares do mesmo gênero que não têm interesse uns nos outros, sem ser somente por amizade. 
Entre cada player podem combinar quem é que deu o lance por quem, qual o valor, e tantos outros pormenores, fica ao vosso critério. 
Amanhã, iremos postar no blog de inspo, uma lista de lugares para terem ideias de onde podem combinar esses encontros/saídas. 
Esperemos que se divirtam a interagir com os demais chars e combinem encontros/saídas memoráveis, que nós com certeza iremos amar de ficar acompanhando. Por essa razão, para quem vai postar o plot do leilão a partir de amanhã, poderão fazê-lo com a tag #thleilão. Assim todos podem acompanhar o vosso turno/mini-turno/chat.
Agradecemos desde já a todos os players que sugeriram os chars para participantes do leilão.
Por favor dêem like ou comentem este post para sabermos que obtiveram conhecimento do mesmo. 
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historymaiden · 3 years
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historymaiden · 3 years
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