#char: sass in a wedding dress
house-of-booklr · 8 years
Donna Noble | The Most Important Woman
0 notes
gemini75eeyore · 8 years
Char: Reader, Jensen, Amber (AC), Mentioned: Jared
Word count: 1857
As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!!! Happy reading!!!
Chapter 7
You woke up around 8 am since you didn't have to work, you decided to get dressed and run some errands. You grabbed your laptop to see if Jensen had messaged you. You didn't see a message waiting for you so you decided to just shoot him a quick message "Hey, good morning or afternoon depending on when you get this," then you closed the IM window and went to the kitchen to cook some bacon, eggs, and toast. You sat at the kitchen table and ate. After you finished eating, you washed the dishes, gave your dogs food and water, then let them out before grabbing your keys and heading out to run errands. You wanted to get things done and out the way so you could relax the rest of your days off. You got a notification from messenger when you were on your way home. You waited till you got home to check it.
"Hey Y/N! Good morning! I'm happy that you messaged me. I was a little worried that you might have been scared off by me offering to fly to you and then we could fly to PA together. :) Jensen"
"Well, to be honest, Jensen, I was taken by surprise but I'm starting to like the idea," You sent it quickly before you had a chance to rethink it.
"Great! I actually would like to have the chance to talk to you face to face before we sing together again. :) Jensen," He replied so quickly. You didn't think he was right there but you were happy to be able to chat again.
"Do you think you can get away with it, lol? You know and not get in trouble?" You didn't want him to get in trouble especially legally.
"I didn't think of that. I will tell them I have a very sick friend in Springfield, IL and I will catch a flight from the Springfield airport. Jensen"
"Just a reminder that you should travel in disguise, lol."
"True, especially since I'll be traveling alone and no one is to know. I can't be caught with someone as the tabloids would have a field day, lol. Jensen"
"Should I go ahead and order the plane tickets or do you want to check with your boss first about how much time you can get off? Jensen"
"Hang on and I will try to call him now to see how much vacation time I have. BRB," You're so excited that he wants to spend time with you. You grab your phone and call work to see what amount of time you can get off for the convention. Your boss says you only have enough vacation time for 3 days but because you usually have Fri and Sat off anyway, those days wouldn't count. So you thanked your boss and told him that you will submit the request via the website.
"Well, I have enough time that I can have a total of 5 days so it looks like flying is really my only option, lol." You say smiling nervously thinking about flying.
"Great then I will go ahead and order the tickets! Jensen"
"Do you want me to pay you back for my ticket?" You say as you don't want him to feel obligated.
"Oh, no, it's fine, I have tons of frequent flyer miles. It won't cost anything if at all, lol. Besides, it's the least I can do.  :)  Jensen"
"I need to call Amber and let her know that I will be there and to see how long Amber wants me there. I'll be back shortly. :)" You say hoping that Amber won't have a problem with you being there for the whole convention.
"Ok Y/N! Chat with you soon! :) Jensen"
You hope that she answers as you press the send button to call Amber. It rings a few times. You start thinking you're going to get her voicemail, then she answers sounding like she was slightly out of breath.
"Thank you for calling Creation Entertainment, this is Amber, how may I direct your call?" Amber says as she answered the phone breathlessly.
"Hi Amber, this Y/N Y/L/N. I was calling to let you know about Pittsburgh," You say and allowing her a moment to catch her breath.
"Hello Y/N! So are you going to be able to get time off?" Amber says with hope and excitement.
"Well, I wondering how many days I need to take off actually. Do you only want me there for karaoke night or longer?" You ask trying to she what she had planned. You already knew that Jensen wants you there for the entire convention but you can't let her know that because he wasn't supposed to contact you.
"Well, you can stay for as long as you can and want. I'll take care of everything." Amber says excitedly.
"Ok, great! I already checked with my boss and I actually have enough time that I can be there for the entire convention," You say smiling.
"Awesome!! I'll get started on the arrangements right now! What do you want to do for transportation?" Amber says remembering that you're afraid to fly and planned to drive.
"I have that covered as long as you have me covered for everything else," You chuckled at the last part you said.
"That's great! I got you taken care of for everything else. I'll even provide you a rental car while in Pittsburgh if you want to go somewhere to save you gas," Amber says smiling and you can hear her smiling.
"Amber, I just have to say you're amazing and I can't wait to meet you in Pittsburgh! You will be there, right?" You say excitedly.
"Yes, I'll be there as I don't want to miss you and Jensen singing/harmonizing together again and I can't wait to meet you too! I need your address to mail the tickets and all other info, please," Amber says smiling
"No problem," You say then you give her your address.
"Is there anything else you need?" You ask to make sure she has everything she needs before you end the call.
"Actually 1 more thing. I need your shirt size as I will be listing you as a volunteer. You might be needed for a few hours on Fri before karaoke and Sun to volunteer so that I can show that's why we paid your expenses," Amber chuckled.
"Sure, no problem I understand. My shirt size is XLG. I like my shirts to fit loosely," You chuckle.
"Well, Y/N, thanks for calling me back and I'm glad I was able to talk to you. I can't wait to see you next month!" Amber says.
"I'm glad we got to talk too. I'll see you next month. Goodbye," You say and then hang up smiling.
It's after 1 pm and you realize you're getting hungry so you decide to go make a sandwich and grab some chips before you start to message Jensen back. After you eat, you clean up the little bit of mess you made in the kitchen then you go grab your laptop to take it to the kitchen table to type easier. You see that Jensen hasn't messaged you so you send him a short little message "Hey Jensen, I just talked to Amber and I'll be there for the entire convention." Then you close the IM window as you don't expect him to be sitting at his computer and decide to watch "True Blood" again. You watched a couple of episodes before you got a notice that Jensen had messaged you back. You smiled and opened the message.
"Hey Y/N, that's great news and I have great news too! Jensen"
"Oh really? What news?" You figured it would be that he got the tickets ordered and that everything was "in order".
"Well, I went to Jared's to ask him a question about the flights. I tried to tell him that I was going to visit a very sick friend. He, of course, knows me so well that when I told him where I was trying to go, he knew that wasn't the truth. He said, 'You're trying to go see Y/N by yourself.' At that point, I couldn't hide my smile when he said your name. He said, 'I knew it!' He was actually happy and said he will help me figure this out so that I won't get in trouble. Jensen"
"OMG! I could kiss him!" You chuckled
"But you won't, right? Jensen" Jensen was wondering if you might be interested in Jared from that comment.
"No, well maybe on the cheek if both him and Gen are ok with it. I like Jared and I think he's good looking but I don't mess with married men. However, I would take another hug from him. He gives amazing hugs! I wouldn't mind another hug from you too!" You say smiling remembering your photo ops and the hugs they gave you.
"I would gladly give you another hug!!! I also got the tickets ordered! Jay"
"I can't wait to get another hug from you!! So what time should I be at the airport?" You want to have it planned even though it's still a couple weeks away.
"The flight is scheduled for departure Wed Sept 5th at 7 pm. My flight will arrive about 4 pm so there will be an overlay. You can come hang out with me and we can make sure everything is situated so we're not rushed to catch our flight and this will give us and extra night in Pittsburgh if you're ok with that. The next flight to Pittsburgh from Springfield would have made us late for the convention. I had to book a room in a different hotel for the first night but Jared helped me with that so that we wouldn't get caught, lol. Jay"
"Sounds great, Jay! I'll switch my shifts around that week so I don't have to take more time off and I'll get there about 3:30 pm so I can greet you when you get off your flight. :)" You type excitedly.
"Awesome! I can't wait to see you, sweetheart! Jay" He typed it quickly and hit send so he couldn't change his mind. He hopes that you respond well to being called sweetheart.
"I really would love to chat with you all day long but I need to run to the store. I'll message you later if you want or you can just shoot me a message later. :)" You don't want to put too much pressure on either of you but you really would like to talk to him as much as you can.
"Ok, sweetheart. I'll talk to you later! Jay"
"Yes, I can't wait!! :) TTYL" You reply smiling.
You go do some grocery shopping. You put everything away when you got home. Then you plopped down on your couch and realized you were tired from all the running around and getting up so early. You decided to take a nap.
@just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms, @crowleysplaythings, @avasmommy224, @atc74, @teamfreewill-imagine, @bringmesomepie, @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog, @riversong-sam, @impala-dreamer, @impalaimagining, @haseaufdrogen, @dancingalone21, @hollygopossum, @redhead95, @zoeb86, @hellkat2@catackles16, @frenchybell, @frickfracklesackles, @jalove-wecallhimdean, @ruined-by-destiel, @spn-fan-girl-173, @katnharper, @ddubstepp1009, @curliesallovertheplace, @papizota, @apacik, @stray0cat, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @deansleather, @littlegreenplasticsoldier, @m5awesomesauce, @cheezbot, @moonstonrmystyk, @donnaintx, @the-great-irene, @dorky-and-i-know-it, @nothin-after-79, @demonangelimpala, @thamiagiarraidhbriosgaid, @emilydank, @mrs-squirrel-chester, @madiisaurusrex, @mamapeterson
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