#char: charlie weasley
lunamadhatter99 · 1 year
Charlie Weasley x fem!reader
I was inspired.
If you want to be tagged in future Charlie work... let me know
@once-upon-an-imagine here's your tag.
Summary: time to meet the family.
Warnings: none. Too much cuteness.
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"I don't think I can do this," I mutter as I lay down on the bed, with Charlie standing next to me.
"Yes, you can," he reassures me, with a gentle tapping on my leg, "They're gonna love you!"
"No, they won't," I complain.
"Well... your family loved me, and I, too, was scared! Yet it went well!" He tries to make me reason.
I look up at him, sitting up straight, staring into his eyes.
"You got it easier. You had to charm two people, my mom and my grandfather, " I say, holding up two fingers, "I have to charm 8 people!"
Charlie simply smiles at me, so sweetly I could just melt on the spot of I wasn't so terrified. He moves his hand to cup my cheek, softly stroking it with his thumb.
"Love, my absolute, gorgeous, funny, cute, love of my life, perfect reason of my existence" he starts making hard for me to hold a giggle at his antics "You can charm a whole Great Hall at Hogwarts without even trying. No effort, everyone at your feet."
I roll my eyes but can't help but chuckle again.
"No, don't you roll those pretty eyes at me, young lady! It's true, " he laughs, too."You have nothing to worry about. I promise you!"
"Nooooooooo!" He pouts."Nope. Shush. They already love you and.."
"You told them about me!?" I widen my eyes, and I lay back down trying to hide under the covers.
"Love?" I hear him laughing softly."Love, c'mon out."
I sit up again.
"Of course I told them about you. You are the love of my life, I had to talk about you." He laughs again, holding my hands in his."They can't wait to meet you, and they already love you, "
I sigh deeply. I look up at him, trying to find any sign of mockery, but, unfortunately for me, I don't find any.
"Fine," I whine. "Fine, we'll go see your family,"
"Yes!" He cheers, standing up, taking me with him and hugging me. "They're gonna love you, sweetheart."
"Yeah... yeah, alright." I wave him off and just get to work and prepare my bags.
"You're okay, love, you're fine." Charlie caresses my back as we walk closer to his childhood's home.
"Yeah... I know... I am..." I stutter out, breathing heavily.
"You're shaking," he informs me. "Okay, hey. Look at me. "
He stops me and turns me to look at him.
"Breath." He breathes in and waits for me to do the same.
I take a deep breath and mimic him.
"In and out. Good girl, " he smiles.
"Let's get it over with, " I almost beg.
He grabs my hand, and together, we walk to the front door.
Charlie knocks once, and the door is already opening, revealing a short red-haired woman with the biggest smile on her face I've ever seen. She must be Charlie's mother.
"Charlie!" She exclaims quickly, hugging Charlie.
"Hi, mom," he says, hugging her back, "I can't breathe, mom." He chuckles breathlessly.
She lets him go and turns to me.
"Aw, and you must be Y/n. It's so nice to finally meet you, my dear" she coos.
"So nice meeting you, Mrs Weasley." I hold my hand out to shake her hand, but she quickly moves it and cages me in a big hug.
"Just call me Molly, dear," she says, letting me go, "C'mon, let's go inside."
"See? Nothing to worry about, " Charlie whispers to me as we get into the house.
"Just one out of eight." I take a breath as I'm led into what I think is the living room.
"Charlie!" A red-haired girl runs up to Charlie, giving him a quick hug, "finally!"
She doesn't look much older than thirteen, I think.
"C'mon, we're not that late!" Charlie defends himself."By the way, Ginny, this is Y/n, my girlfriend, "
"Hi," I timidly wave at her.
She looks at me for a second, then smiles brightly and turns to her brother.
"She's too pretty for you, Char," she teases, and I can't help but laugh a little at that.
"It's so nice to be home," Charlie sighs sarcastically. "Don't laugh!" He turns to me to shove me a little.
"I'm sorry, love," I say, holding his hand.
" 'love' ? You two are so cute, " Ginny exclaims.
"Look who finally decided to join us," a voice calls.
"You took your time," another voice speaks.
I look up and see two identical red heads coming up to us.
"Love? These two are Fred and George." He introduces us. "Don't trust them," he adds in a whisper.
"Hey!" They say together.
"That's rude!"
"Very rude, brother," one of them comes in front of me, taking my hand. "Don't listen to him. We are not that bad," he kisses my hand.
"Right. We are true gentlemen. " The other one moves his twin out of the way to kiss my hand, too.
"Yeah... ask Ron what they did to his teddy bear when he was younger, " Charlie accuses.
"What..?" I say with a small giggle.
"Are you sure you want him?"
"You can still back down, you know."
"Alright, leave her alone!" Charlie laughs and leads me further into the room with the rest of his family.
"Hello, everyone." He waves at everyone."This is Y/n, my girlfriend, "
"Hello, it's a pleasure being here." I wave too and look at all the faces.
"Oh, my dear girl, we finally meet you. Charlie told us so much about you. " A tall man stands up from the couch to get closer. "I'm Arthur. Charlie's father"
"Oh, pleasure to meet you, Mr Weas-"
"Arthur, please. You're family now, no need for formalities, " he says, sending me a smile that I return, then he's off to the kitchen, probably to help his wife.
"Alright, that one there is Bill," Charlie points at a long-haired man sitting on the couch.
"Hi," I say.
"Hi, lovely," he smiles.
"Don't flirt with my girlfriend, thanks," Charlie complains.
"I just said 'hi,' " Bill defends himself, raising his hands up in the air.
"I'm Ron," a much younger boy stands up and walks to us, I was just in time to notice he was pushed by a brunette sitting beside him.
"Nice to meet you," I shake his hand.
"I'm Hermione Granger, Ronald's friend." The girls stand up as well.
"I'm Y/n L/n," I say, shaking her hand as well. "Wait... Granger?" I ask, and she nods."Are your parents dentists? Or maybe a relative is?"
"Yeah. My parents" she smiles gently.
"My parents used to take me to them, I think, when I was younger!" I explain.
"Yes, I remember them being so nice. I was never scared," I laugh. " they're still working, I hope,"
"Oh yes, they are," she answers.
"It's so nice to hear this."
"Oh, Harry. Hi, " Charlie greets, so I look past Hermione to see a boy with glasses walking in.
"Hey, Charlie. How are you?" He asks.
"I'm great, hey, this is my girlfriend Y/n."
"Hey," I say, going to shake his hand, and while doing this, I notice a scar on his face.
"I'm Harry," he simply says.
"Nice to meet you." I smile gently at him.
"Dinner is ready!" Molly screams from the kitchen.
"Finally!" Ron exclaims.
"How are you always hungry?" Hermione asks as she follows everyone into the kitchen.
Harry sends me an amused smile and walks away.
"Wait..." I say, holding Charlie's hand. "I met your parents, 2, I met your little sister, 3, the twins 5, Ron, 6, Bill, 7... Hermione and Harry are not your siblings... isn't anyone missing?" I ask, confused.
"Yeah... I don't think Percy's gonna join us. Too busy at the ministry, " he says, almost defeated, so I decide not to press the subject.
"Oh... okay... it's alright. " I smile at him." C'mon, can't wait to finally taste your mom's food. "
We arrive in the kitchen, and there are two open seats left... on opposite sides.
"C'mon, dear, come sit here." Molly jokes, pointing at the seat next to Ginny but still close to her.
"You'll be fine," Charlie whispers to me before going to sit next to his father.
I take a seat, Ginny is on my left, Molly on hers, on my right sit Hermione and in front of me there's Bill.
"Free yourself for a bit." Bill jokes, catching Charlie's attention.
"How about you sit here, brother?" Charlie offers, pointing at where Harry is sitting, in front of him.
"Charlie, behave" Arthur scolds his son, who simply sit, but I can sense he's keeping an eye on his brother, all while everyone is laughing and just goes back and their own business.
"Now, dear, tell me all about it." Molly starts as she puts a generous slice of shepherd's pie on my plate. "How did you two meet?"
"Oh," I nervously laugh. "Well.."
"Mom, don't make her nervous," Ginny says to her mother.
"No, no, it's fine, really," I reassure them. "I... well, I had just finished my seventh year at Hogwarts and"
"You too were at Hogwarts. How nice!" She comments, that huge gentle smile always on her face.
"Yes, but I've always been very quiet, so I don't think he has ever actually noticed me before we met there, actually," I say.
"Weasleys are louder by nature," Ginny assures me, smiling too.
"He sure is. Anyway, I had finished my last year and I wanted to take a year for myself, after my father's death it's been kind of hard, helping at home when I wasn't at Hogwarts and... yeah, I wanted to paint magical creatures, so I travelled all the way to Romania."
"You paint?" Bill asks, and I nod."Oh wow, you will have to show us some of your work, "
"Yeah, maybe next time I'll bring some." I smile at him.
"Go on," Ginny urges. She looks at me with dreamy eyes.
"I arrive in this camp, and I was almost expecting and hoping they could show me more accurate pictures of dragons to take inspiration from. At first, I found this, I have to say, very rude man, asking me constantly why I was there and why I was bothering them. He also almost threw away the drawing I was showing him to explain why I was there.
"What?! Please tell me Charlie arrived to tell him something, " Ginny exclaims.
"Uhm... no." I laugh softly."No, I spent, I think, a good hour and a half dealing with this man, "
"Oh poor thing," Molly sighs. "And then?"
"I managed to get onto the camp and look at some pictures and drawings, and I started to paint something. So I'm sitting there, painting quietly when suddenly something fell right beside me. Or someone fell right beside me. " I laugh at the memory.
"Really?" Bill asks very amused by his brother's first impression.
"Yes. Not only did he scare me, but he fell on my oil paint, getting it all over him. Especially on his face."
"Oh, that would've been such a great view," Bill laughs.
"It was," I confirm.
"And then?" Ginny asks.
"Then he started to apologise, profusely, saying he would've bought back all the water paint. But I assured him he didn't need to, since my grandfather owed a shop with all the materials I needed."
"Oh my dear boy," Molly tries to hold back the laughter but fails.
"We started to talk, and once I told him I wanted to paint a dragon... well.. that same night, he sneaked me back into the camp and let me meet one of the dragons there. I painted, and he sat there watching me the whole time."
"Awe." Ginny sighed, still that dreamy look on her.
"I hope he's been a gentleman since then," Molly says.
"He is, I promise. He's really great, I can promise you, you did a great job. " I smile at her, and she just waves me off, but I know my words meant a lot.
We spent the rest of the dinner talking about everything else. I got to talk with Hermione about her parents and about being a muggle-born and the fact that Ron, Harry and her are aboutto start their fourth year, I also got to talk with Ginny about Quidditch and with Bill about his job as curse-breaker at the Bank.
I was having a really good time with everybody that I didn't notice it was getting late.
As everybody is going to bed, Charlie walks up to me, takes my hand, and leads me outside.
"So?" He asks.
"What?" I ask back.
"It went well," he grins.
"Shut up!" I laugh, covering my eyes, feeling embarrassed.
"They love you! I knew it. " I feel him hugging me tightly.
"Yeah, fine, you win. I was scared for nothing, " I say, pushing him away, but he grabs my hand and pulls me back to him.
"Exactly." He keeps grinning.
"They wanted to know about how we've met," I tell him.
"Oh, merlin... now Bill's gonna make fun of me for the rest for my life, " he laughs defeated.
"Sorry, but your sister was so into the story and had that dreamy look on her face..." I explain.
"It's alright, love," he kisses my nose. " I'm happy you felt at home with them. I'm not sure about Bill, but I can't kick him out. "
"Don't be mean," I laugh. "You know I have my eyes on you, only you,"
"I know." He smiles proudly.
"He does have great hair," I murmur.
"What?" He widens his eyes, and I laugh, bringing him in for a kiss.
"Your hair is not so bad either, don't worry,"
He laughs with me, holding me close to him, stroking my sides lovingly.
"You know," he says after a moment. "You were wrong earlier,"
"I did notice you when we were at Hogwarts," he says, and I let out a gentle laugh, earning a confused look.
"How could you?" I say .I was three years younger than you, and I was... like... very quiet, Charlie. I'm not mad, if that's what you're thinking. " I smile at him to reassure him.
"You liked to paint in the astronomy tower" he starts "you came to the Quidditch matches, yes, but you sat as far as possible so you weren't getting in people's way and they not in yours. You always ate sitting as close as possible to the doors in the Great Hall. And..."he kisses my nose again,"and you drew a new creature for Hagrid every week. "
I look at him confused. How does he know all of this?
"How?" I finally ask.
"Told you. I did notice you, " he smiles.
"But why did you say anything?" I chuckle.
"I don't know, honestly. I guess with me moving to Romania, I didn't want you to feel like I was abandoning you or feel like you had to follow me... I didn't want to break our hearts. " he lets out a nervous chuckle. "It sounds stupid now... seeing how we turned out"
"A little." I chuckle too, "better late than never, people say. Right?"
"Right," he agrees, I kiss him softly. "I love you,"
"I love you too, Charlie." I move my hand to caress his cheek, and he leans into my touch.
"Aaww!" We hear from above us.
We look up in time to see Ginny watching us from an open window and then being dragged inside by Hermione.
"Sorry," she says apologetically before disappearing into the house.
Charlie and I look at each other, laughing.
"Alright, c'mon. Let's go get some sleep, my love. " Charlie leads me back inside.
"Let's," I agree as I follow him.
It did go well after all.
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captainlunaxmen · 9 months
Charlie Weasley x reader
This is a repost since the old blog doesn't work anymore. 🥰Also if you want to be tagged in future Charlie's stories let me know❤️
Summary: time to meet the family.
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"I don't think I can do this," I mutter as I lay down on the bed, with Charlie standing next to me.
"Yes, you can," he reassures me, with a gentle tapping on my leg, "They're gonna love you!"
"No, they won't," I complain.
"Well... your parents loved me, and I, too, was scared! Yet it went well!" He tries to make me reason.
I look up at him, sitting up straight, staring into his eyes.
"You got it easier. You had to charm two people, my mom and my grandfather, " I say, holding up two fingers, "I have to charm 8 people!"
Charlie simply smiles at me, so sweetly I could just melt on the spot of I wasn't so terrified. He moves his hand to cup my cheek, softly stroking it with his thumb.
"Love, my absolute, gorgeous, funny, cute, love of my life, perfect reason of my existence" he starts making hard for me to hold a giggle at his antics "You can charm a whole Great Hall at Hogwarts without even trying. No effort, everyone at your feet."
I roll my eyes but can't help but chuckle again.
"No, don't you roll those pretty eyes at me, young lady! It's true, " he laughs, too."You have nothing to worry about. I promise you!"
"Nooooooooo!" He pouts."Nope. Shush. They already love you and.."
"You told them about me!?" I widen my eyes, and I lay back down trying to hide under the covers.
"Love?" I hear him laughing softly."Love, c'mon out."
I sit up again.
"Of course I told them about you. You are the love of my life, I had to talk about you." He laughs again, holding my hands in his."They can't wait to meet you, and they already love you, "
I sigh deeply. I look up at him, trying to find any sign of mockery, but, unfortunately for me, I don't find any.
"Fine," I whine. "Fine, we'll go see your family,"
"Yes!" He cheers, standing up, taking me with him and hugging me. "They're gonna love you, sweetheart."
"Yeah... yeah, alright." I wave him off and just get to work and prepare my bags.
"You're okay, love, you're fine." Charlie caresses my back as we walk closer to his childhood's home.
"Yeah... I know... I am..." I stutter out, breathing heavily.
"You're shaking," he informs me. "Okay, hey. Look at me. "
He stops me and turns me to look at him.
"Breath." He breathes in and waits for me to do the same.
I take a deep breath and mimic him.
"In and out. Good girl, " he smiles.
"Let's get it over with, " I almost beg.
He grabs my hand, and together, we walk to the front door.
Charlie knocks once, and the door is already opening, revealing a short red-haired woman with the biggest smile on her face I've ever seen. She must be Charlie's mother.
"Charlie!" She exclaims quickly, hugging Charlie.
"Hi, mom," he says, hugging her back, "I can't breathe, mom." He chuckles breathlessly.
She lets him go and turns to me.
"Aw, and you must be Y/n. It's so nice to finally meet you, my dear" she coos.
"So nice meeting you, Mrs Weasley." I hold my hand out to shake her hand, but she quickly moves it and cages me in a big hug.
"Just call me Molly, dear," she says, letting me go, "C'mon, let's go inside."
"See? Nothing to worry about, " Charlie whispers to me as we get into the house.
"Just one out of eight." I take a breath as I'm led into what I think is the living room.
"Charlie!" A red-haired girl runs up to Charlie, giving him a quick hug, "finally!"
She doesn't look much older than thirteen, I think.
"C'mon, we're not that late!" Charlie defends himself."By the way, Ginny, this is Y/n, my girlfriend, "
"Hi," I timidly wave at her.
She looks at me for a second, then smiles brightly and turns to her brother.
"She's too pretty for you, Char," she teases, and I can't help but laugh a little at that.
"It's so nice to be home," Charlie sighs sarcastically. "Don't laugh!" He turns to me to shove me a little.
"I'm sorry, love," I say, holding his hand.
" 'love' ? You two are so cute, " Ginny exclaims.
"Look who finally decided to join us," a voice calls.
"You took your time," another voice speaks.
I look up and see two identical red heads coming up to us.
"Love? These two are Fred and George." He introduces us. "Don't trust them," he adds in a whisper.
"Hey!" They say together.
"That's rude!"
"Very rude, brother," one of them comes in front of me, taking my hand. "Don't listen to him. We are not that bad," he kisses my hand.
"Right. We are true gentlemen. " The other one moves his twin out of the way to kiss my hand, too.
"Yeah... ask Ron what they did to his teddy bear when he was younger, " Charlie accuses.
"What..?" I say with a small giggle.
"Are you sure you want him?"
"You can still back down, you know."
"Alright, leave her alone!" Charlie laughs and leads me further into the room with the rest of his family.
"Hello, everyone." He waves at everyone."This is Y/n, my girlfriend, "
"Hello, it's a pleasure being here." I wave too and look at all the faces.
"Oh, my dear girl, we finally meet you. Charlie told us so much about you. " A tall man stands up from the couch to get closer. "I'm Arthur. Charlie's father"
"Oh, pleasure to meet you, Mr Weas-"
"Arthur, please. You're family now, no need for formalities, " he says, sending me a smile that I return, then he's off to the kitchen, probably to help his wife.
"Alright, that one there is Bill," Charlie points at a long-haired man sitting on the couch.
"Hi," I say.
"Hi, lovely," he smiles.
"Don't flirt with my girlfriend, thanks," Charlie complains.
"I just said 'hi,' " Bill defends himself, raising his hands up in the air.
"I'm Ron," a much younger boy stands up and walks to us, I was just in time to notice he was pushed by a brunette sitting beside him.
"Nice to meet you," I shake his hand.
"I'm Hermione Granger, Ronald's friend." The girls stand up as well.
"I'm Y/n L/n," I say, shaking her hand as well. "Wait... Granger?" I ask, and she nods."Are your parents dentists? Or maybe a relative is?"
"Yeah. My parents" she smiles gently.
"My parents used to take me to them, I think, when I was younger!" I explain.
"Yes, I remember them being so nice. I was never scared," I laugh. " they're still working, I hope,"
"Oh yes, they are," she answers.
"It's so nice to hear this."
"Oh, Harry. Hi, " Charlie greets, so I look past Hermione to see a boy with glasses walking in.
"Hey, Charlie. How are you?" He asks.
"I'm great, hey, this is my girlfriend Y/n."
"Hey," I say, going to shake his hand, and while doing this, I notice a scar on his face.
"I'm Harry," he simply says.
"Nice to meet you." I smile gently at him.
"Dinner is ready!" Molly screams from the kitchen.
"Finally!" Ron exclaims.
"How are you always hungry?" Hermione asks as she follows everyone into the kitchen.
Harry sends me an amused smile and walks away.
"Wait..." I say, holding Charlie's hand .I met your parents, 2, I met your little sister, 3, the twins 5, Ron, 6, Bill, 7... Hermione and Harry are not your siblings... isn't anyone missing?" I ask, confused.
"Yeah... I don't think Percy's gonna join us. Too busy at the ministry, " he says, almost defeated, so I decide not to press the subject.
"Oh... okay... it's alright. " I smile at him." C'mon, can't wait to finally taste your mom's food. "
We arrive in the kitchen, and there are two open seats left... on opposite sides.
"C'mon, dear, come sit here." Molly jokes, pointing at the seat next to Ginny but still close to her.
"You'll be fine," Charlie whispers to me before going to sit next to his father.
I take a seat, Ginny is on my left, Molly on hers, on my right sit Hermione and in front of me there's Bill.
"Free yourself for a bit." Bill jokes, catching Charlie's attention.
"How about you sit here, brother?" Charlie offers, pointing at where Harry is sitting, in front of him.
"Charlie, behave" Arthur scolds his son, who simply sit, but I can sense he's keeping an eye on his brother, all while everyone is laughing and just goes back and their own business.
"Now, dear, tell me all about it." Molly starts as she puts a generous slice of shepherd's pie on my plate. "How did you two meet?"
"Oh," I nervously laugh. "Well.."
"Mom, don't make her nervous," Ginny says to her mother.
"No, no, it's fine, really," I reassure them. "I... well, I had just finished my seventh year at Hogwarts and"
"You too were at Hogwarts. How nice!" She comments, that huge gentle smile always on her face.
"Yes, but I've always been very quiet, so I don't think he has ever actually noticed me before we met there, actually," I say.
"Weasleys are louder by nature," Ginny assures me, smiling too.
"He sure is. Anyway, I had finished my last year and I wanted to take a year for myself, after my father's death it's been kind of hard, helping at home when I wasn't at Hogwarts and... yeah, I wanted to paint magical creatures, so I travelled all the way to Romania."
"You paint?" Bill asks, and I nod."Oh wow, you will have to show us some of your work, "
"Yeah, maybe next time I'll bring some." I smile at him.
"Go on," Ginny urges. She looks at me with dreamy eyes.
"I arrive in this camp, and I was almost expecting and hoping they could show me more accurate pictures of dragons to take inspiration from. At first, I found this, I have to say, very rude man, asking me constantly why I was there and why I was bothering them. He also almost threw away the drawing I was showing him to explain why I was there.
"What?! Please tell me Charlie arrived to tell him something, " Ginny exclaims.
"Uhm... no." I laugh softly."No, I spent, I think, a good hour and a half dealing with this man, "
"Oh poor thing," Molly sighs. "And then?"
"I managed to get onto the camp and look at some pictures and drawings, and I started to paint something. So I'm sitting there, painting quietly when suddenly something fell right beside me. Or someone fell right beside me. " I laugh at the memory.
"Really?" Bill asks very amused by his brother's first impression.
"Yes. Not only did he scare me, but he fell on my oil paint, getting it all over him. Especially on his face."
"Oh, that would've been such a great view," Bill laughs.
"It was," I confirm.
"And then?" Ginny asks.
"Then he started to apologise, profusely, saying he would've bought back all the water paint. But I assured him he didn't need to, since my grandfather owed a shop with all the materials I needed."
"Oh my dear boy," Molly tries to hold back the laughter but fails.
"We started to talk, and once I told him I wanted to paint a dragon... well.. that same night, he sneaked me back into the camp and let me meet one of the dragons there. I painted, and he sat there watching me the whole time."
"Awe." Ginny sighed, still that dreamy look on her.
"I hope he's been a gentleman since then," Molly says.
"He is, I promise. He's really great, I can promise you, you did a great job. " I smile at her, and she just waves me off, but I know my words meant a lot.
We spent the rest of the dinner talking about everything else. I got to talk with Hermione about her parents and about being a muggle-born and the fact that Ron, Harry and her are aboutto start their fourth year, I also got to talk with Ginny about Quidditch and with Bill about his job as curse-breaker at the Bank.
I was having a really good time with everybody that I didn't notice it was getting late.
As everybody is going to bed, Charlie walks up to me, takes my hand, and leads me outside.
"So?" He asks.
"What?" I ask back.
"It went well," he grins.
"Shut up!" I laugh, covering my eyes, feeling embarrassed.
"They love you! I knew it. " I feel him hugging me tightly.
"Yeah, fine, you win. I was scared for nothing, " I say, pushing him away, but he grabs my hand and pulls me back to him.
"Exactly." He keeps grinning.
"They wanted to know about how we've met," I tell him.
"Oh, merlin... now Bill's gonna make fun of me for the rest for my life, " he laughs defeated.
"Sorry, but your sister was so into the story and had that dreamy look on her face..." I explain.
"It's alright, love," he kisses my nose. " I'm happy you felt at home with them. I'm not sure about Bill, but I can't kick him out. "
"Don't be mean," I laugh. "You know I have my eyes on you, only you,"
"I know." He smiles proudly.
"He does have great hair," I murmur.
"What?" He widens his eyes, and I laugh, bringing him in for a kiss.
"Your hair is not so bad either, don't worry,"
He laughs with me, holding me close to him, stroking my sides lovingly.
"You know," she says after a moment. "You were wrong earlier,"
"I did notice you when we were at Hogwarts," he says, and I let out a gentle laugh, earning a confused look.
"How could you?" I say .I was two years younger than you, and I was... like... very quiet, Charlie. I'm not mad, if that's what you're thinking. " I smile at him to reassure him.
"You liked to paint in the astronomy tower" he starts "you came to the Quidditch matches, yes, but you sat as far as possible so you weren't getting in people's way and they not in yours. You always ate sitting as close as possible to the doors in the Great Hall. And..."he kisses my nose again,"and you drew a new creature for Hagrid every week. "
I look at him confused. How does he know all of this?
"How?" I finally ask.
"Told you. I did notice you, " he smiles.
"But why did you say anything?" I chuckle.
"I don't know, honestly. I guess with me moving to Romania, I didn't want you to feel like I was abandoning you or feel like you had to follow me... I didn't want to break out hearts. " he lets out a nervous chuckle. "It sounds stupid now... seeing how we turned out"
"A little." I chuckle too, "better late than never, people say. Right?"
"Right," he agrees, I kiss him softly. "I love you,"
"I love you too, Charlie." I move my hand to caress his cheek, and he leans into my touch.
"Aaww!" We hear from above us.
We look up in time to see Ginny watching us from an open window and then being dragged inside by Hermione.
"Sorry," she says apologetically before disappearing into the house.
Charlie and I look at each other, laughing.
"Alright, c'mon. Let's go get some sleep, my love. " Charlie leads me back inside.
"Let's," I agree as I follow him.
It did go well after all.
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thatdammchickennugget · 3 months
Follower Celebrations
☆ no rating // ★ mature // ♡ requested
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❀ Harry Potter Headcanon Ask Game (500 followers celebration <3)
☆ Fred Weasley - "dance" / "date" ☆ Charlie Weasley - "family" ☆ Hermione Granger - "crush" ☆ Luna Lovegood - "date" ☆ Blaise Zabini - "affection" ☆ Mattheo Riddle - "sky" / "affection" ☆ Theodore Nott - "sky" / "jealous" ☆ Lorenzo Berkshire - "sky" / "ass" / "habit" / "jealous" ☆ James Potter - "gift"
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❀ Character Match-Ups Game (1.500 followers celebration <3)
☆ anon x fred weasley ☆ ree x theodore nott ☆ celeste x ominis gaunt ☆ lyss x mattheo riddle ☆ anon x theodore nott ☆ elliot x draco malfoy/regulus black ☆ char x percy jackson ☆ georgia x mattheo riddle ☆ jay x theodore nott/stiles stilinski ☆ anon x ominis gaunt/mattheo riddle ☆ holly x draco malfoy ☆ daniella x lorenzo berkshire/zuko/grover underwood ☆ mykie x mattheo riddle ☆ anon x fred weasley/liam dunbar ☆ sayuri x remus lupin ☆ ultramarinetovelvet x tom riddle ☆ anon x lorenzo berkshire ☆ anon x theodore nott ☆ aussiehufflepuff x mattheo riddle ☆ anon x luna lovegood/sokka ☆ anon x blaise zabini
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Sick- Charlie Weasley x OC
Charlie Weasley x Adora Parrish
Description: Charlie gets sick right before the Quidditch World Cup, leaving Adora to go without him. Of course, we all know what happens after the game
Word Count: 2.1k
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“Are you sure you’ll be okay here, Char?” Adora asked worriedly and she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Charlie laughed from his place on the couch. 
“Adora it’ll only be one night and we’re literally at my mum’s house.” The girl rolled her eyes in response. 
“I know, I just feel bad. You’ve been looking forward to this for so long and now you’re sick. I don’t want you to feel bad if I go without you.” She sighed and sat down beside his feet, which laid across the couch. Charlie frowned at her guilty expression and scooted forward so he was right beside her. He took her hands, grabbing her attention. 
“Hey, you’ve been looking forward to this too,” he pointed out softly. “You’ve been wanting to go just as much as I have. It’d be criminal to make you stay home from the Quidditch World Cup just because I got sick at the last minute.” 
That evening was the night of the Quidditch World Cup: Ireland vs. Bulgaria. Arthur, the twins, Bill, Ron, Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Adora and Charlie were supposed to go with Amos Diggory and his son Cedric. Unfortunately, Charlie woke up that morning feeling sick, so he couldn’t go. He could barely get up which meant he was stuck at home with Molly and Percy. Sophia was chosen to go so the ticket wasn’t wasted, but Adora still felt back that he couldn’t go (despite his claims that it was okay).
“Are you sure?” Adora finally asked, still looking hesitant. Charlie gave his girlfriend a reassuring smile. 
“Cross my heart,” he responded without hesitation. “Just make sure that you have enough fun for the both of us.” Adora giggled at that and nodded, feeling better now.
“Merlin, that was like watching a really bad soap opera,” Fred said from the bottom of the stairs, making their heads snap to him. 
“What’s a sopra?” Adora asked, very confused. 
“A soap opera,” George corrected from beside his brother, “is a television or radio drama series dealing typically with daily events in the lives of the same group of characters. It’s really melodramatic and exaggerated. Mal taught us that.” The two walked over to them while Adora hummed in thought. 
“In that case,” she started, grabbing a pillow from the other side of her. “Shut up.” She threw the pillow at Fred, who laughed and threw it back. 
“That’s enough everyone,” Arthur said as he walked in. “We’ve got to get going or else we’ll be late. Adora, do you have your things?” The girl nodded and held up her brown leather rucksack. Arthur nodded then called Harry, Ron and Hermione down. Bill walked in from the backyard with Sophia in tow. 
Garden’s de-gnomed,” he informed his father, who smiled gratefully. The rest of the family (save for Percy, who was probably in his room “working on important stuff for Mr. Fudge to look over”) walked in and Molly began saying bye to everyone. 
“Make sure you guys stay safe out there. Adora,” Molly spoke, making the girl look up at the call of her name. “I’ll make sure to take good care of Charlie for you.” Adora laughed and gave her a hug goodbye, making Charlie pout and cross his arms. 
“Mum, I’m literally twenty-three,” he grumbled childishly. Molly gave him a pointed look and rested her hands on her hips.
“What you are is sick with a cold while your worried fiance is leaving you for the night. Therefore, I’m taking care of you while she’s gone,” she reiterated. The boy’s shoulders slumped and he pouted at Adora. She only leaned down and kissed his cheek. 
“Sorry love, what your mother says goes,” she said simply. He tried to suppress a smile when she kissed his cheek, but couldn’t. 
“Alright, I guess.” She nodded and stood once again, looking around until her eyes landed on Arthur, asking him if they were ready to go. The man nodded and began herding everyone out the door. 
“Bye love!” Charlie called just before Adora was out the door. She blew a kiss in response before beginning to walk beside Hermione and Ginny. 
“I’m just saying!” Adora exclaimed as she sat around the “living room” of the tent with the twins, Bill and Ron. “Ireland’s been pushing through the entire season, didn’t you hear about them against England? I think they’re going to win. Krum will probably catch the Snitch though,” she said matter-of-factly. Fred hummed thoughtfully. 
“Well, you haven’t been wrong once this season. I don’t see why you would be wrong this time. My money’s on Ireland,” he said, placing a few Galleons down. Ron shook his head. 
“Krum’s definitely going to catch the Snitch, but Bulgaria’s going to win either way,” he responded, also placing a Galleon down. George agreed with Adora while Bill sided with Ron.
“Guess time will only tell,” Adora stated, handing the money to Arthur for safe keeping during the game. 
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Fred ended up being right about Adora’s predictions. She once again predicted the game correctly, Ireland absolutely destroyed Bulgaria but Krum caught the Snitch so the loss wasn’t that bad. Adora was happy to be six Galleons richer after the game.
Adora leaned against the railing as she watched the crowd exit the stands and begin to disperse like a hand fan folding out. She saw a flash out of the corner of her eye, making her blink profusely as she waited for her vision to come back. 
“Oops! Sorry Adora,” Ginny apologized, lowering her camera with an awkward smile. 
“Ginny, what are you doing with that thing?” Adora asked, rubbing her eyes as her vision finally cleared. The girl shrugged nonchalantly.
“Well, Charlie asked me to take lots of pictures of you. So, I took lots of pictures during the game and now that your team won,” the redhead explained. Adora rolled her eyes playfully, she should have known. 
“Come on, let’s get inside. It’s getting cold,” she said, wrapping an arm around the girl’s shoulders and leading her inside the tent. The twins were poking fun at Ron for his infatuation with the Bulgarian Seeker. 
“He’s not just an athlete!” Ron exclaimed. “He’s an artist.” Ginny laughed as she and Adora walked over to him. 
“I think you’re in love, Ron,” she teased. Ron didn’t have the chance to reply before Fred walked out from behind him. 
“Viktor I love you,” he sang before George  repeated his twin’s actions. 
“Viktor I do!” 
“When we’re apart, my heart beats only for you!” The rest joined in with the singing before falling out laughing while Ron rolled his eyes. The screams from outside suddenly increased, making Fred and Adora look to the entrance. 
“Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on,” Fred said humorously, making Adora laugh and nod as Arthur entered once more, a serious look on his face. 
“We have to leave now,” he instructed, effectively stopping the merriment. “It’s not the Irish,” he told Fred before beginning to grab their bags. 
“What’s going on dad?” Bill asked as he stood. Arthur didn’t answer, instead tossing everyone their bags and leading them out. The sight was enough to stop them in their tracks and Sophia gasped from behind Adora. 
“Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility,” Arthur instructed firmly, prompting George to pull his sister closer to him. 
“Adora, you stay with Bill and Sophie,” he continued, looking at the girl. “Everyone stay together and head back to the Portkey, I’ll meet you there.” With that, he pulled out his wand and ran off. Bill took Adora’s hand with his free one and the nine of them began running through the mass of people. 
Adora looked over her shoulder every few seconds to make sure none of the masked men were behind her. That ended up causing her to trip over a collapsed tent. Bill and Sophia had to stop and help her up, which separated them from the others. Just seconds later there was a heavy force that knocked everyone in the vicinity down. That effectively separated Adora from Bill and Sophia in the midst of people trying to get up and continue running to safety. The girl became disoriented as she stood, so she ended up following the crowd into the woods not far from the stadium for safety. 
She ended up by herself in the mass of trees and ducked when a group of masked men passed by. As of right now she was absolutely terrified and she was in pain. When she fell the first time she had twisted her ankle, but she hadn’t had time to worry about it. She had no idea how long she stayed in the same spot, just holding her breath and waiting for it all to go away. Eventually, her ears perked up upon hearing her name being called by multiple people. 
“Adora!” The first voice she recognized was Ginny’s.
“Dora!” The twins yelled simultaneously. 
“ADORA PARISH!” Arthur’s voice was the loudest and most frantic. 
“Don’t worry dad, we’ll find her,” Bill comforted his father. Adora pondered for a moment, wondering if it was just a ruse to get her out there. After hearing Arthur call her name again, sounding even more worried, she decided to make herself known. She stepped over the shrubs and pushed through the tree branches that surrounded her. 
“Arthur?” She called upon making it to the clearing. All heads snapped to her and Arthur let out a relieved sigh. He ran towards her, and she met him halfway, limping as fast as she could. The man pulled her into a bone crushing hug once she was close enough. 
“Oh my dear,” he breathed out, sounding relieved. “I was so worried about you.” Adora smiled and returned the hug. Once they pulled away, everyone took turns hugging her. 
“I think it’s time we go home,” Arthur spoke softly, looking around at what was left of the campground. Adora kept her gaze down, too afraid to see the damages as everyone solemnly made their way back to the Portkey. 
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Molly was waiting outside for them by the time they got home. Word travelled fast apparently because the first thing she did was pull her husband into a tight hug. She gave everyone a vice-like hug, leaving Adora for last. 
“Charlie’s in his room. The poor dear’s been worried sick since we heard the news,” she informed the girl. Adora nodded and kissed the woman’s cheek before running inside, heading upstairs as fast as she could with her ankle hurting. After knocking on his door, she didn’t have to wait for the door open and almost instantly she was met with a hug. 
“Oh my darling, I was so worried about you,” Charlie said urgently. “Are you okay? You’re not hurt, are you?” He pulled away and cupped her face, examining her for injuries.
“Char, I’m fine. Seriously it’s just a twisted ankle at worst,” Adora brushed it off, but Charlie wasn’t having it. He continued to fret, taking her hand and leading her into his room. He sat her down and began looking at her ankle. 
“I should have gone with you, I knew I shouldn’t have stayed home,” he muttered anxiously. Adora shook her head and took his hands. 
“There was nothing that could have been done, Charlie. The only thing that would change is your chance of getting hurt. I’d rather you stay home than get hurt,” she said softly but firmly. Charlie looked exactly how she had just that morning: guilty and nervous. It was for a different reason this time, though. 
“Please, I’m tired. Just lay with me for right now, my ankle will be okay in the morning,” she begged quietly. Charlie looked hesitant, but she just tugged him towards her. She laid down, him following just a second later. His arms went around her waist while her head laid on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Charlie whispered after a minute. Adora thought for a second, then shook her head. 
“I was so scared, Charlie,” she whispered back, her voice cracking as her eyes welled up with tears. “I thought I wouldn’t see you again.” Charlie’s grip on her tightened. 
“Don’t say that, Dora,” he demanded. “That’s never going to happen.” Adora shook her head again and looked down. He squeezed her hip to get her attention. SHe looked up to him as a tear slipped down her cheek. 
“No matter where you are or what happens to you, I’ll never leave your side. You’re never leaving my sight again.” Adora knew better than to argue, so she just nodded. He nodded in satisfaction then kissed the top of her head. 
“Get some sleep,” he instructed softly. Adora didn’t argue with that either. Instead, she nodded and closed her eyes, laying her head on his chest once more. 
“I love you Charlie,” she mumbled tiredly, drifting off to sleep before she could hear his response. 
“I love you too, more than anything.”
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petriichvrs · 1 year
𝙰𝙽𝙾𝙽𝚈𝙼𝙾𝚄𝚂  𝙰𝚂𝙺𝙴𝙳  :   17 / 39 / 26
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17. DO YOU USE DICTIONARIES OR THESAURUSES OFTEN WHEN WRITING?  :  you know. i sort’ve do. it’s not like i’m breaking them out at every opportunity but i am very forgetful and i will often google a word just to make sure i’m right in its meaning and sometimes a different word will be right on the tip of my tongue but i won’t be able to think of it, so i always comb through synonyms of the words i do remember to try and find it. i don’t like to go too crazy but i def do shop around a bit for the best sounding words when i’m trying to put my best foot forward in a reply. 
39. WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS THE BEST FACECLAIM DECISION YOU’VE EVER MADE?  :  oh. oh i have a few. and they are not all nox specific. alex fitzalan as edward cullen. oscar isaac as charlie swan. boyd holbrook as clint barton. gemma chan as jean grey. i was also THE trendsetter in the hp rpc in terms of the fcs people started using for certain chars so i give you - jessica barden as ginny weasley, chella man as neville longbottom, kedar williams stirling as dean thomas, sandra oh as sybill trelawney, keira knightley / winona ryder as bellatrix black, felix mallard as sirius black, even lorenzo zurzolo as peter pettigrew... like i have never missed. my hubris is showing. but i enjoy casting these guys SO much. 
26. WHO WAS YOUR VERY FIRST MUSE? WOULD YOU CONSIDER WRITING THEM NOW?  :  absolutely NOT. i’ve been thinking on this for hours because i think i’ve forgotten the name of my actual first muse, but i’m pretty sure my second just had two buffy the vampire slayer names just MASHED together and she had a buffy fc too, back when like. well. on forum they weren’t really fcs and we didn’t really care about them as much as we do here, so i just used a random buffy actress to like. give the general vibe. i don’t remember a single thing about her other than these facts and i think she should stay gone. actually. i will admit it here, since it’s in the interest of this meme night event - one fun fact about me is that for my first full year of rp i used to only use people who appeared on buffy as fcs, which meant i had the entire main cast claimed but i ALSO had like. random extra #1, #2 and #3. 
𝙼𝚄𝙽  𝙳𝙴𝚅𝙴𝙻𝙾𝙿𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃  𝚀𝚄𝙴𝚂𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽𝚂  »  currently  not  accepting  !
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I ship you with Charlie Weasley! ((There are no gifs of a casted Charlie so I decided Sam Heughan. I decided))
Intro: I love your description of yourself and so it was easy peasy to imagine you in a scenario where you could very well get yourself out of it, but a little help by a clever man might not be unwarranted.
Had lots of fun cracking jokes in this one.
It burned.
The overpriced lemon drink made you pucker your lips and left behind a flavour similar to sour candies that had been soaked in your grandmother’s bathroom cleaner. Very specific. You don’t remember ever tasting toilet antiseptic. Have you?
You had envisaged this night going much differently.
Your date is an accountant. And it’s not his fault that he gives all accountants the exact reputation expected of them from infancy. Formal, nice, dull. Smells like a nice department store aftershave his mother bought him. Who lives with him. That’s not weird. He has a 401k. There’s a patch of dry skin to the left of his sweetheart shaped lip.
“....so that’s when I told Graham no it’s because your formula is not for the right function, sum….”
You really were hoping the accent would help. It has not. You don’t know whether to scream or yawn so you smile.
“get it-”
It comes out sharper than you mean to, “I got it. Will you excuse me-need to go use the restroom.”
The water from the club’s bathroom sink is desperately splashed into your face over and over. Still not as mind-numbing as the conversation. It’s the most invigorating thing you’ve felt all night. If you hear one more accountant joke or weird fact about David’s mother you might very well explode. The bathroom door opens as a man goes to the urinal closet to you to take a piss. Why? Like why right there? Creep. The sound of it splashing against the tile is the only sound except for a  dull throb of bass from the dance-floor underfoot. You just want to go home. Everything is buzzing. Annoyance.
“You know if you were any louder out there the whole block would hear ya”
You squint over. “I’m sorry, excuse you?” His accent is nicer than your dates. Do the English travel in packs? Like pigeons? The United States like a honing device or maybe those bug lights that lure you in then ZAP. Dead. With a shake you get off the excess water and go to grab a paper towel. Wary of the stranger with his odd introduction. An earring catches the light as he runs a free hand through red hair. He’s hot. Weird. But hot.
“Sorry, I could hear you...well..you were ‘loud’ like I said and I think you might prefer eating nails than talking to whathisname”. Jiggling back into some seriously tight pants, your gaze goes back up now little scared. You had quite literally thought about eating nails at some point in the conversation. He shouldn’t know that. Lucky guess. You go to walk around the man. The ginger looks over your face quickly and realizes something. He quickly cleans up.
“That sounds weird. Doesn’t it?”
“Yeah just a bit my sweet dude.”
“‘Sweet dude’. That’s a new one.” He laughs and it’s not a serial killer laugh. You think. You're not sure you’ve ever heard a serial killer so you may not be a good judge of character in this regard.
“Nah, legilimens.”
Your fear quickly dissipates  into anger. How dare-
“You’re right that sounds worse doesn’t it?”
“You think?”
“It’s just you were giving off bad vibes when the gent started touching you. That’s the empath shit you don’t need care about- and thought-”
No business of his about how’d you said you weren’t interested in anything like That as politely as possible and he’d still somehow found ways to touch you. You’d handle it.
“That’d you’d save me? I can take care of myself, thanks. You can’t just go barging into people’s head-”
His brow furrows and he protests. “I didn’t barge.”
“Sneak in like a sneaky little snake man.”
The bark of a laugh on the man fills every corner. You don’t like how it sneaks up into your chest and makes you stop thinking about where you’ve tasted toilet antiseptic before. Arms remain crossed as the Englishman stays a healthy distance away. His hands go  up in a contrite manner. Yeah. We will see how sorry he really is….
“Listen. I’m sorry it was invasive and won’t do it again. Just answer me one question. Or not, won’t force you. ‘Do you want a way out with the gent or not?’”
Like a balloon all the air goes out of you.
A feeble protest. As the ginger puts out an eager hand as he gets within a couple feet of you,
“Then Charlie Weasely at your service. Man with a plan against the wankers of the world. And at least a pint of liquid courage in me.”
You can’t help the lip twitch that’s almost a smile in the right lighting. As Charlie’s voice lowers to match his soften eyes,
“If you’ll have me?”
There is a pause. “Fine. But you are still a weird snakey man.” Taking his hand, you never realized how much you appreciated a man who believes in skincare and hand lotion. Firsts for everything tonight.
“I’ll take it. But I’m a Gryffindor.”The man straight up lets out a “Rawr.” Hands and all. Christ on a bike you are going to have to re-evaluate your standards after this evening for the company you keep. You go to follow him out of the bathroom. No plan except to follow this funky little Weasley into God knows what.
“Quit staring at my ass.” he says.
“Get out of my head.”
“Oh sweetheart, I didn’t need to read your mind to know that one.”
Charlie’s wink makes you grin for the first time that night. Making you believe it may be salvageable after all.
Poor David.
He’s got his mother.
He’ll be alright.
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official-weasley · 3 years
My mind keeps thinking about The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley Alternative Ending and wants me to create an AU out of it. And now I can't stop creating ideas of one-shots about it. I have like 40 stories ready to be written. And it's all pure family fluff. My heart can't take it! Send help!
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magiaesabiduria · 3 years
💋 (only just saw this and robin would like some kisses for luc. Or Chester from Charlie.)
The first 5 Asks to send 💋 get a kiss
This had sort of become their thing, relaxing in the home they shared while they were out here on the job. Chester would sometimes be in his other form sometimes he would remain in his wizard form. Charlie enjoyed spending time with him so somewhere along the line they started cuddling, falling into it without hesitating or without second guessing — which for Charlie was rare and he had a feeling it was that way with Chester too. He smiled at Chester, looking at him as he shifted from his animagus form back to wizard. Charlie made room for that to happen but he didn’t pull away. Instead, he waited for Chester to settle again before leaning over and pressing a chaste kiss to his head, “it’s amazing… you are amazing,” he told him. Charlie pulled back and stared at him, gaze dropping to Chester’s lips then slowly back up to his eyes. Charlie took a steadying breath then leaned closer but stopped just short of kissing him, breath ghosting over Chester’s lips as he asked, “can I?”
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daily-hayley568 · 2 years
part 2: “i’m still in love with you”
Part 1: “i should’ve seen this coming.”
summary: in which the reader confesses something she didn’t mean too. 
warnings: more angst, cheating, manipulation
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It had been days since the Burrow incident, Ginny Potter had decided it was time for a girls night. Charlie was staying on the first floor of the manor which was the guest’s suite. 
“Char, I’m heading out.” I gripped the doorframe swinging myself into his room.
“Alright, be home by 9:30 and no boys.” Charlie was lying on his bed flipping through a book about dragons, which didn’t surprise me. 
“Alright mom.”  I giggled, shaking my head. “Weirdo.” 
“Right you are.” Charlie winked.
“Bye, Char!” I waved goodbye, stepping out of the manor, walking towards the field that was just outside of the anti-apparition wards. 
We all decided to meet at a small pub across the street from Florean Fortescues. Pushing the door open, I instantly spotted the flaming hair towards the corner. It was weird searching for Ginny instead of Fred, but I needed to forget him. Somehow. 
The carefree, easy smile dropped from my face when Chloe was sitting next to Ginny smiling brightly. Ginny was forcing a smile that turned genuine when she caught sight of me walking towards the group. I took the seat on the end across from Ginny and next to Hermione. 
“Hey, Minister.” I nudged Hermione who rolled her eyes playfully. 
“It was so sweet when my Freddie-pumpkin proposed. It was like we were just meant for each other.” Chloe said, dreamily and sending a glance of mischief towards me. 
Freddie-pumpkin? Fred used to be weirded out when I called him ‘my sweetest pie’ after I made his favourite pie. Maybe we weren’t meant for each other after all, but Ginny sent me a confused gaze after Chloe said that. 
“Oh, and to celebrate I made him a coconut cake!” 
“Fred hates coconut?” I frowned and Chloe’s smile dropped away from her face. 
“How would you know, you two aren’t even together? I know my man better than you dreamt you did.” 
“Chloe!” Pansy shouted across the table. “Have you no class?”
“It’s hard to have class when you open your legs for everyone.” Ginny scowled. 
“Nargles have more class than her.” Luna huffed, sipping her apple juice. 
“Honestly, you and Fred deserve each other.” I spat, getting up from the table and walking towards the door. 
“Yeah, it’s really easy to see what I have and you don’t.” I spun on my heel, striking my hand after her face. 
Hermione and Luna gasped while Pansy and Ginny shouted cheers. I retracted my hand and ran towards the door.
Fred was not who he used to be, and George Weasley knew that. Fred wasn’t the same twin after me. Fred started acting differently and only going on and on about Chloe. She wasn’t even interesting. Angelina had mentioned to George about it and he shrugged it off at first, but now? Now Fred seemed as if he was a robot. And George had to find out why. 
“And then I got on one knee and said-” 
“You’ve said it about a million times, Fred. I know what you said and you’re engaged to her now.” 
“She’s just gorgeous.” 
“And I can’t believe I’m marrying her.” 
“You never said this kind of stuff about y/n, you know.” 
“Who cares about her?” 
“You did, until you cheated on her.” George huffed. 
“Oh well.” 
“Oh well? You’re an absolute arse, Fred.” 
George’s twin shrugged and ate one of the chocolates that Chloe had packed him for lunch. She did that every day. She packed him chocolates and he would eat them and then his rants about her would be longer- wait. 
George remembered a year after he left Hogwarts, Ron had eaten chocolates, intended for Harry Potter, that had amortentia in it. It started to click with George and George snatched the chocolates away. “You know I was thinking; me and you should go on a twin diet?” 
“But Chloe made those for me.” Fred groaned trying to take them back. 
“No, Fred. We’re on a diet. I’ll get the protein drink I want to try.” George walked towards the stock room of the store and found the love potions were so low on stock even though he ordered them last month and people hadn’t been buying them. George quickly shuffled to the left where he kept the antidote of amortentia just in case something backlashed. 
George poured the love potion antidote into the water, “This looks like a protein shake? Yeah.” 
“Here you go, my favorite twin.” George smiled, shoving the cup at him. 
George watched as his twin downed the drink in one gulp and then leaned over coughing out the sour-tasting liquid. 
“What happened? Where am I?” Fred mumbled mostly to himself, rubbing his head. 
George was right! Chloe put Fred under amortentia for an entire year. No wonder he would drone on and on about that blonde that did nothing but ruin him. 
“You’re at work Freddie.” George gave him a soft smile. “What’s the last thing you remember clearly?”
“Y/N and I were fighting over something? About how her life shouldn’t bother mine, but the more clear memory is the day Chloe was a customer and offered me some kind of chocolate? And now here I am?”
“Well how is your life right now?” 
“Y/N and I are happily dating and we live in an apartment studio, and I had been out late that entire week because I was trying to plan a surprise for her? Did that surprise ever happen? Where is Y/N by the way?” George’s frown deepened with pity for his twin. He truly didn’t remember anything before the amortentia. 
“Well, I couldn’t tell you where Y/N is. You two broke up a year ago and you started dating Chloe Argen; the customer who offered you chocolate? You proposed a few weeks ago. Y/N sold the apartment studio and now she has a mansion beside the Malfoy’s after her fashion line took off.” 
“Her fashion line took off?” George nodded, “I’m so proud of her.”  Fred smiled softly. “So why did Y/n and I break up?”
“You left her. For Chloe.” 
I was sitting at my desk, in my office, when the door swung open. Charlie held two paper sacks with a grin on his face when I looked up. 
“Special delivery from Molly Weasley.” Charlie set the bag on the desk and I opened the bag, taking a peek at the 
“I love her so much.” I grinned, taking out the home cooked meal and taking a bite out of it. 
“I love her too.” Charlie smiled, eating his own food. 
Lunch was peaceful and we sat talking to each other about plans for dinner and Charlie had to leave to apparate to the Romanian reserve for the night. I waved goodbye and went back to work. 
When the studio began to close, I packed up my sketchbooks and bags walking to the exit. I waved goodbye to my new secretary, Lina, and walked outside to the apparition point. 
Maybe it was the dark alley or sketchy lighting of the street that made me uncomfortable, but something was uncomfortable about the situation. Usually, the walk felt normal but this was off. And the reason why was because someone was following me. 
I felt their beady eyes and I swung around coming face to face with a flaming Chloe Argen. “This is all your fault!” 
“What is?” I frowned in confusion, happening to glance at her left hand that no longer held the place of the diamond ring. 
“You’re the reason Fred broke up with me!” 
“I didn’t know you and Fred broke up, but good for him.” I nodded, moving past her. 
“Didn’t you do this because you wanted Fred?”
“No,” I turned around to face her, “I didn’t do this. I’m not you, Chloe. I’m not stealing someone else’s lover, but if by chance, Fred realizes his love for me, then me and him will talk about it. I would never stoop so low to steal someone else’s boyfriend. You should take lessons about that.” I rolled my eyes trying to brush past her again. 
“It’s not fair!” She whined, “I had this elaborate plan and you still get the guy.” I turned around to face her and she seemed delusional at this point. 
“Elaborate plan?”
“Yeah. I gave Fred amortentia so he would fall for me not you–oh fuck–. I just admitted that.” 
“Yeah. You did. You gave my boyfriend a love potion? You took him away from me for a year, made me miserable, and it was a game? How dare you use him like that.” 
“I just wanted him to like me.” 
“Coveting and jealousy make someone take extreme measures.” I spun around and apparated away, exhausted from the conversation. 
But of course, life never seems to choose me as it’s favorite and that’s why I assume the universe sent Fred Weasley to be sitting on my front door step. 
“What are you doing here?” I sighed, as he stood up to greet me. I was drained of all of this and I quite literally just wanted it to be over. I just wanted to be happy, but it was too much to ask for. 
“I just wanted to talk to you.” I pushed the door open and he followed me inside. 
“The last time you talked to me, you told me I was the reason we broke up.” 
Fred frowned and he seemed truly confused. Did he not remember? Who cares. If he doesn’t remember it doesn’t excuse the harshness. 
“I apologize. I apologize for everything. I was under a love potion from Chloe and it doesn’t excuse the way I treated you. I’m truly sorry.” 
Dropping my purse on the kitchen counter, I finally looked up at him. He looked awful. His ginger hair was disheveled and his brown eyes had accompanying eye bags. His shirt and pants were wrinkled. Has this really hurt him?
“You’re right. You did treat me awful after our breakup. I was miserable, Fred.” 
“I just want to fix everything I did wrong-dammit Y/N-. I’m awful; I feel awful.” 
“I cried over you. I didn’t do anything for weeks because of you. Because you told me I wasn’t enough for you, Fred. I felt like nothing. You think you feel awful now!? Put yourself in my shoes; imagine the love of your fucking life tells you that you don’t mean anything anymore! You’re sitting there fighting in your living room, that you two share, and your lover tells you that he doesn’t fucking love you anymore!? He tells you that he’s in love with someone else and you’re so, so angry with him. You were tired of seeing them all over each other and faked a relationship because of it. When your love knew how hard it was to accept him and open up and he destroys that. AND IT MAKES ME SO MAD. You want to know why?! IT MAKES ME SO FUCKING MAD BECAUSE I’M STILL IN LOVE WITH YOU.” I choked on my words and tears stained my cheeks as I quickly wiped them away. 
“I still love you too, Y/n. We can fix this, I swear. We can be just like we were.” 
“No, we can’t be just like we were. We can’t fix this. I need time to process this.” Fred wrapped his arms around me, but I pushed him away lightly, “--and space.” He nodded, looking to the floor. “We could possibly fix it, but right now I need to think. So, goodnight Fred.” I gave him a soft smile when he returned and he left the house. 
That night, lying in bed, I just wanted Charlie. He would know what to say to make me feel better. He gave the perfect hugs when I was feeling down and he would offer to watch muggle movies on the telly with me and eat muggle ice cream. Charlie was the perfect guy and I missed him. He promised to be back on the weekend and I wanted to see him so bad right now, but he had a life that I couldn’t keep back from him. Charlie’s smiles had always made my heart flutter that I thought was normal. 
As I continued to think about it. I was also in love with Charlie.
Fuck. I was in love with two brothers.
This is a lot shorter than Part one but it had a lot of information. Part three will be soon! 
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ameliora-j · 3 years
twin flame ii // gw x reader
words: 2k
warnings: angst. like a LOT. bestfriend breakup, mention of blood
a/n: this one is significantly shorter than the first,, sry besties :)
part one | part three | part four
your heart twisted itself in pained knots, increasing the pounding of your head tenfold. it had been this way for days now. christmas with the weasleys came and went and the tension between you and george was thick. you could barely even look at each other without passing hard glares. you had all planned to go to the field at the back of the burrow and play quidditch, and you were currently tasked with collecting george. you knocked gently on the twins’ door before opening it. “hi georgie,” you beamed.
“hello butterfly,” he spat the nickname bitterly and you were taken aback. you ignored the twinge of pain in your chest as you stepped further into the room.
“um… we’re all gonna go and play quidditch. if you wanna join,” you offered a smile. “i need my broom partner,” you had never learned how to fly a broom. you figured life should be lived on the ground, the way merlin intended it to be.
“no thanks,” he grumbled.
“c’mon georgie, we’re the dream team!” you persisted.
“why don’t you ask charlie to be apart of your dream team. seems he’s already replaced me with everything else in your life,” the last part was muffled, not intended for your ears, but you still heard it. you furrowed your brows slightly before answering.
“don’t be silly georgie, i can’t play quidditch without my partner. you can’t break up the dream team,” you pushed, ignoring your confusion.
“yn, i’d really rather not watch you eye-fuck my brother. go ask him to be on your team. or better yet, learn to fly a broom. it’s truly not that hard of a task, even a simpleton such as yourself should be able to catch on quickly,” he seethed.
your heart skipped a beat as it sunk to your stomach and tears pooled at your bottom lash line. you nodded once and pivoted on your heel to leave the room. you sniffled quietly as you closed the door to his room and went downstairs. “george?” fred asked as you came into view.
“he doesn’t wanna play,” you murmured half heartedly as you pushed passed the group of people to go outside. you released a sigh as you plunked yourself down onto the grass, lying back and throwing your arms over your eyes as you forced yourself to keep your tears at bay.
“hey, ynn, c’mon you can fly with me,” charlie offered with a smile as he held a strong arm out to you.
“nah, ‘s okay charlie. i’ll watch with fleur and hermione,” you murmured softly.
charlie’s brows furrowed slightly. you had never called him ‘charlie.’ it was always ‘char char.’ “you okay?” he asked and you simply nodded in response. he released a sigh as he jogged to the center of the field where his other siblings, and harry, were at.
“what happened mon amour?” fleur asked you softly.
“he called me stupid,” you sniffled. “said i replaced him with charlie but i didn’t,” you whimpered softly as you confided in the two girls sat on your sides. “he hates me. this was a stupid plan. ‘m just gonna go home,” you sobbed softly, causing fleur to pull your head to her lap as she trekked her fingers through your hair.
“i’m sorry, yn. i didn’t know he would react like this,” hermione spoke softly.
“not your fault, mione,” you murmured half heartedly as you stood and wiped your eyes. “‘m gonna go home,” you released a shaky breath as you pushed yourself to stand.
you dusted your bottom off as you walked back into the burrow. you waved your wand, packing your stuff neatly in your bag before you wrote a note, thanking molly and arthur and left it on the counter. you grabbed your bag and headed to the fireplace, throwing the floo powder and taking yourself to your childhood home.
“hey yn!” your older brother greeted. “thought you were spending break with the weasleys?” he asked, confused.
“yeah,” you murmured despondently as you walked up to your room.
“okay?” his brows furrowed slightly. when you got to your room, you took out a pair of sweatpants and a gryffindor sweatshirt that you stole from george’s wardrobe and forced yourself to shower.
the water was hot. boiling even. you should have flinched at the heat. screamed. cried. something. but you didn’t. you couldn’t. you were uncomfortably numb. so you just stood there, unmoving, staring at the shower wall as the scorching hot water fell over your body. your breaths came out irregularly as you stood there. your body was screaming for you to get out. to turn down the heat of the water. to do something to stop the pain of the burns. but your mind told you that you deserved this. you needed to feel something other than the pain twisting around in your chest.
by the time you stepped out, your skin was tinted with a slight pinkish color. you took a ragged breath in as you dried yourself off and pulled on the sweatpants and sweatshirt. you didn’t even bother brushing through your hair as you pulled up the hoodie and tied the strings tightly. you whimpered soft as your tears made a trail on the floor on your trek back to your room. you crawled out of your window and climbed up to the roof. you ended up falling asleep on your roof, exhausted from the weight of your tears.
you spent the rest of your christmas break—and longer—at your own home. you didn’t return untill fred had owled you telling you had three more days of paid vacation for the year. you flooed to your shared apartment with the twins and changed into your uniform, brushing through the knots in your hair that had accumulated over the days you laid in bed, sulking. you walked down the stairs into the shop as you pulled your hair into a ponytail and took your post at the till. “sorry ‘m late,” you murmured to fred, who appeared to be filling in for you at the present moment.
“you okay, bunny?” fred asked as he slid over so you could take over. you could only manage a despondent hum as you began working.
“thank you for shopping with weasley’s wizard wheezes, were you able to find everything okay today?” you asked the young wizard at the counter with a smile that didn’t reach your eyes.
that’s basically how the rest of your day went. forcing your tears back everytime george had to speak to you and being only half present with the customers instead of your usual lively self. when the day had ended and george locked the doors, you walked into the twins’ office and handed fred an envelope. “what’s this, bunny?” he asked you.
“my two weeks,” you murmured softly.
“you’re quitting?” he asked with raised brows.
“yeah,” you murmured. “found a job uh… closer to home. my brothers will be by to collect my stuff tomorrow,” you told him. “‘m gonna go pack,” you didn’t let fred say more as you quickly turned on your heel and walked back up to the apartment. “sorry,” you murmured as you bumped into george on your way up. he only gave you a distracted grunt in response.
as you walked up the stairs, you heard the argument brew between fred and george on your behalf. “fix her!” fred demanded.
“i didn’t do anything!” george defended.
“you broke her,” fred pushed back.
“she’s fine,” you could practically hear george roll his eyes.
“she’s quitting.” fred deadpanned.
“what?” george asked, shock lacing his tone.
“and she’s moving back with her brothers. so go and fix her. make this right,” you decided to end your eavesdropping here and rushed upstairs and into george’s room, where all your things were kept. you knelt on the floor as you took out your suitcases. you were halfway done when you heard the door creak open.
“butterfly?” your heart twisted and tears stung the backs of your eyes at the nickname you hadn’t heard in over a week. “whatcha up to?” he asked.
“packing,” you murmured softly, but he heard. and boy did he miss your voice like hell.
“for what?” he asked curiously as he sat on his bed.
“‘m moving back home. got a new job,” never once did you look up from your task, for you knew if you did, you would break.
“where at, butterfly?” he knelt on the floor in front of you as he began to help you fold your clothes.
“some muggle bookstore. ‘s close to the house,” your murmurs could barely be heard over the loud thumping of both of your hearts. however, george picked up on every word. he grasped your hands in his, effectively stopping your progress. “george please,” you whispered.
“look at me, butterfly,” he demanded softly.
“george,” you repeated a little bit louder.
“look at me. and tell me this will make you happy. and i will let you walk out that door.” you didn’t. you couldn’t. you knew that this isn’t what you wanted as well as he did. “you can’t, right? because it won’t,” he pointed out.
“i can’t be here, george. i don’t want to be,” you told him, still refusing to meet his gaze.
“why? because of me? because i will leave. yn, if that’s what it takes to make you happy, then i will walk out of that door and go back to live with mum. you only ever have to see me in a professional setting. and i’ll communicate with you through fred at work,” he spoke seriously.
“i don’t want that, george. and neither do you,” you told him.
“i don’t, but if it makes you happy then that’s what you’ll get,” he told you.
“no george!” you shouted.
“then what do you want?!” he shouted back.
“you george!” you yelled, finally meeting his gaze. “i want you! i’ve only ever wanted you but you’re too fucking stupid to see what’s right in front of you! i mean merlin’s beard george i’ve been in bloody love with you since fifth fucking year but you’re never seen it!” you finally released all the emotions you’ve been holding in for years. “i just wanted you,” you whispered softly, your voice cracking as tears fell.
you pushed yourself to stand from the floor and waved your wand, packing the rest of your stuff as you grabbed your suitcase. “butterfly, i-“ you quickly cut him off.
“don’t, george.” there was acrimony written all over your tone. “i don’t want your pity.” you sniffled and hastily wiped your eyes. you passed fred on your way out.
“yn?” he asked softly.
“bye fred,” you murmured softly. “i changed my mind. my resignation is effective immediately. i won’t be in tomorrow.”
“yn wait,” fred called.
“please don’t,” you shook your head. “d-don’t try and get me to stay. please just… just leave me alone,” you sniffled.
“i’m sorry…” he spoke softly. you just shook your head and wiped your tears away as you flicked your wand to apparate back home. when you landed on the road a few miles away from your house, you let out a wail of agony. your arm had splinched during the apparition process. you took a deep breath and pushed yourself through it. you knew this was a bad idea. every wizarding book in history advised against it. even a muggle would know not to. but you pushed past the thoughts to apparate into your living room.
“yn!” your older brother shouted as he saw you, blood pouring from your splinched right arm. you were only able to take two steps before you fell to the floor of your living room. you let out a soft groan and a whine of agony before closing your eyes, letting the feelings consume you. the pain in your arm cancelled out the pain in your chest as you let darkness overcome you, falling into the void, listening to the frantic screaming voices of your siblings.
stupid feelings. stupid boys. stupid george weasley. stupid twin flame.
twin flame. it’s almost laughable now. what a lie.
tags: @i-love-scott-mccall @ellerosie2332 @rmvb24 @astralpcrker @daisybloommm @maybeisthemoon @moonliightbabes @stormi-ames @jochim322 @coninl @melonoptimist @lunajoyce3 @clairdemoony @mangoberry99 @imclueless @enya-2004 @prongsyy @lol-whoandwhat-is-dis @burnfleur @anything444ourmoony @horrorxweasley @alicecullens-gf @theincredibledeadlyviper @georgeweasleyshoe3697 @narwhalebaby
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billivm · 5 years
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lumosandnoxwriting · 4 years
Inked Up - Fred Weasley
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Title: Inked up Pairing: Fred x Fem!Muggle!TattooArtist!Reader Warnings: NSFW!! Dirty talk, fingering, female receiving oral, unprotected sex, choking. There is also mention of needles!! Summary: Fred never thought he’d get a tattoo. But of course when a pretty girl offers he can’t say no. A/N: Summary is shit but again, what else is new. I had a dream about Fred getting a tattoo and couldn’t stop thinking about it so here you guys go lol. Thank you to everyone who suggested tattoo ideas!! Feedback is always welcome!! Tags: not tagging anyone as I am unsure who is 18+!
Charlie watches Molly disappear back into the kitchen after dropping off some hot chocolate to everyone in the living room, muttering something about starting to prep the food for tomorrow’s feast. After the war he’s made an effort to come home more often, but it’s been a few months since he’s seen all of his siblings, and he’s made a major upgrade to his body that he’s been dying to show off.
“Finally thought she’d never leave.” Everyone turns to look at Charlie and he gives them a smile. “I wanna show you guys something.”
When Charlie starts to take off his shirt Fred puts his hands up. “Woah there, Char. Do I have to remind you that we’re all related to you?” he jokes. “Although some of us not yet,” he teases, nudging Harry with his foot. He and Ginny got engaged a few months ago and as her older brother Fred has taken it upon himself to tease them both about it every chance he gets.
“Oh, screw off, Fred. I got a tattoo you prat,” Charlie explains as he pulls his shirt off over his head. He turns around so everyone can see the ink on his shoulder blade. It’s a rather amazing portrait of a Hungarian horntail, and they all gasp as its wings start to flap and fire shoots out of its nose. “Sick, right?”
Fred stares at it in awe, watching it move over and over again. He’s never really thought about getting a tattoo or any real body modifications. He watched Katie Bell pierce Alicia Spinnet’s ears with a needle and an ice cube in the common room second year, and that was enough for him to decide that he never wanted to do anything like that to his own body. But now, watching the tattoo on his brother’s back move he can’t help but wonder what a tattoo would look like on his own body.
“Looks wicked, Charlie,” Ginny comments. “Does mum know?”
Charlie shakes his head with a laugh and pulls his shirt back on before turning back to face his siblings. “No, and no one in this room is gonna tell her.”
“I dunno, Charlie. Mum’s been giving me crap about my earring for years, might be nice to not hear about it for a while,” Bill teases.
Charlie throws a pillow at Bill, and everyone gets back to what they were doing before Charlie’s announcement, except for Fred, who’s still thinking about the tattoo on his brother’s back.
Like most decisions in Fred’s life, his decision to get a tattoo is impulsive. He’s been thinking about getting a tattoo since Charlie showed his off on Christmas Eve, so when he’s heading back towards Diagon Alley with coffee for him and George it seems natural for him to take a detour into a tattoo shop. Six months is a fairly long time to think about something and he doesn’t seem the harm in just merely looking around.
“Hi, can I help you with something?”
Fred pulls his attention away from the art that litters the walls of the small space towards the counter in front of him. He’d been so mesmerized by the atmosphere that he didn’t even notice the young woman standing just a few feet away. But now that he has, he can’t seem to look away.
She is by far the most beautiful woman Fred has ever seen. Her long hair cascades down her back and there’s light reflecting off of the small diamond of her nose piercing. The variety of simple, black line art tattoos that crawl up her left arm stand out on her skin, and Fred let’s his eyes trace over them for a moment. He lets his eyes trail back up to hers and he gives her his signature smirk.
“I’ve been thinking about getting a tattoo, actually,” Fred explains, stepping up to the counter. He rests his hands on the counter and leans on them, and Fred watches as the young women’s eyes trace the muscles and veins of his forearms.
“Well you’ve come to the right place,” the young woman responds as her eyes meet Fred’s once again. There’s a fresh pink tint to her cheeks and it makes Fred’s heart beat faster in his chest. “Do you have any idea of what you’d want to get?”
“I’ve got a few, I think. I dunno, I don’t want to pick the wrong thing and end up with something I hate on my body for the rest of my life, ya know?” he chuckles.
“That’s part of the thrill isn’t it?” she asks. Her eyes are bright with mischief, and Fred can feel himself swooning. “I’ve got a fair few tattoos that I picked out just a few minutes before my appointment. Sometimes life shouldn’t be taken so seriously. And if you really hate something you can always get it covered up later.”
Fred lets his eyes trace some of her tattoos again while he waits for his heart rate to calm down. He’s already become enamored by this woman and he doesn’t even know her name. “Well you’ve convinced me then. D’you have any suggestions? Being an expert and all,” he flirts.
The flush on the woman’s cheeks deepens and Fred practically drools when she pulls her plump bottom lip between her teeth as she thinks. “Well since you’re a virgin, a tattoo virgin,” she clarifies when Fred snickers. “I’d recommend something simple and meaningful. That way if you realize tattoos aren’t for you at least the one you have means something. And if tattoos are for you, the boring one is already out of the way and your next one can be something fun.”
“Like a meaningful date, something like that?” Fred asks, a few different ideas swimming around in his mind.
“As long as it’s not an anniversary with a girlfriend. I can’t tell you how many of those I’ve had to cover up,” the young woman laughs.
“No girlfriend, so no worries there,” Fred responds, unable to miss the excited look that crosses the woman’s face. “I’m Fred, by the way.”
The woman holds out her hand, a shiver running down her spine when Fred grabs it. “I’m Y/N.” After their handshake the linger with their hands clasped together, both a little reluctant to let go.
Fred makes an appointment for a tattoo that evening, and by the time he stops at Gringotts to grab some muggle money and heads into the joke shop both the coffees in his hand have gone cold.
“Took you long enough, git. Did you get lost?” George teases, using his wand to rewarm both of their drinks. One Saturday a month they keep the shop closed and use the opportunity to rearrange the shelves, inventory the products so they can put orders into their suppliers and make up new displays. They never want the store to seem boring or stagnant, and this one day a month allows them to keep things interesting.
“I had to make a few stops on the way,” Fred explains, starting to dig through a box of whizbangs.
“Okay mister secretive,” George huffs. “You finally get a girlfriend you haven’t told me about?”
Fred doesn’t look up from what he’s doing, knowing the flush on his cheeks will only cause George to tease him further. “You’re an idiot.” He had planned on keeping his tattoo a secret for a bit, something just for him. But there are few things in the world Fred keeps from George. “I’m gonna get a tattoo.”
“Oh?” George asks in surprise. “You’ve never talked about it before.”
Fred shrugs. “Just been thinking about it, for a bit. Since Charlie showed us his at Christmas. I never thought it’d be something for me but, it seemed cool. I noticed a shop on my way back and popped in. Just to see what it was about. But I started talking to the girl in there-“
“Ah,” George says in realization, cutting Fred off. “A pretty girl convinced you to get one. I see, I see,” he teases.
Fred looks up at George this time and whips a whizbang box at his head. “I didn’t say she was pretty.”
“That blush on your cheeks does though,” George responds with a chuckle.
“You’re an asshat.”
George rolls his eyes. “So, what did the pretty girl say that made you get a tattoo?”
George seems genuinely interested, so Fred chooses to ignore the teasing tone he has. “That life isn’t so serious.”
“That’s it? This woman must be drop dead gorgeous if that’s all it took for you to decide to put something on your body forever.”
“I mean that wasn’t what she said verbatim. And it sounded better when she said it,” Fred insists, throwing another whizbang box at George. He cheers when it hits his brother in the chest and he ducks his head when George whips it right back at him. “And even though it’s none of your business and it had no bearing on my decision, she was hot as hell.”
When Fred returns to the shop that night his knees are shaking slightly, and he has butterflies in his stomach. He’s excited and scared at the same time, but all around ready for this new experience. Y/N is already waiting for him at the counter when he steps in the shop, and the warm smile she shoots him does wonders to calm his nerves.
“Long time no see,” he greets smoothly, coming up to stand in front of the counter again.
“Sorry who are you again?” she teases with a wink. Y/N has been looking forward to Fred’s return since the moment the shop door shut behind him. It’s rare someone as handsome and charming as Fred walks into the shop, and the chemistry between them had been too heavy to deny. Y/N’s one major rule is to refrain from sleeping with her clients, but one look at Fred’s muscles bulging in his thin t-shirt had her ready to jump over the counter and into his strong arms.
Fred gasps and places a hand on his chest, feigning hurt. “Am I really that unforgettable?”
“There are many words I would use to describe you, Fred. And unforgettable is not one of them,” she responds, making her voice as sultry as possible.
Fred had a feeling Y/N had been attracted to him when he came into the shop earlier, but her confirmation leaves a warm feeling in his chest. He hasn’t stopped thinking about her since this morning and he hopes he leaves this appointment with more than just a tattoo. “Really? Care to share a few?”
“I care to share more than a few things with you, Fred. But we’ve got other things to attend to first.” Y/N bites her lip, letting her eyes rake up and down Fred’s body for a moment, before motioning for him to follow her. She leads Fred over to her station where she’d already started to get things set up. “Here’s the stencil I drew up, it’s pretty simple so I can always add more if you want.”
Fred takes the piece of paper from Y/N, letting his finger graze the back of her hand for a moment. “It’s perfect, Y/N.”
Y/N smiles at Fred taking the stencil back from him. “Great. Where do you want it to go?”
Fred bites his lip and he makes direct eye contact with Y/N as he pulls his shirt off over his head. He watches her eyes drop down to his torso for a moment and he tenses his ab muscles for a moment. “I was thinking right here,” he starts, grabbing Y/N’s attention again. He gestures to the area under his right pec. “The uh, what’s this called? Under boob area?” he chuckles.
“The pec?” she asks with a laugh, unable to keep her eyes from wandering down to Fred’s bare torso. Apart from a few random scars his skin is milky white and perfect. Obviously he takes care of his body, and Y/N can tell his muscles are hard and toned. She wants to dig her nails into his flesh, but she’ll settle with digging her tattoo needle into it first.
“The pec, right. That’s what it’s called.” As Y/N prepares to put the stencil on his skin Fred lets himself admire her. The skirt she’s wearing is short, and it exposes half of a large tattoo on her right thigh. Fred is imagining what it would feel like to sink his teeth into it, when Y/N is touching his chest lightly.
“There,” she says as she finishes putting the stencil on. “Go check it out in the mirror and see what you think. I can make it bigger or smaller if you want and we can change the placement up too.”
Fred watches as Y/N turns around to do something at her station, his eyes focused on the way the fabric of her skirt clings to her ass. When Y/N turns around and catches him looking he smirks. “Oh, was I supposed to be checking out the tattoo? My mistake.” Fred winks at her before turning towards the mirror and examining how the stencil looks on his skin.
“Look good?” Y/N asks when Fred turns back around. She sits down in her chair and motions for Fred to lay back on the table.
“Looks perfect,” Fred confirms. He feels his nerves start to return ss he climbs up on the table and lays back. He watches as Y/N pulls on a pair of gloves and smiles at her when she looks down at him. “You do have your license to do this, right? Probably should have asked that before we got this far.”
Y/N laughs. “You’re in safe hands, Fred. I promise.” She grabs her gun and turns it on before gently dips the needle into the maroon ink Fred had picked out earlier. “Let me know if you need a break or the pain is too intense, okay?”
“Roger that.” The hum of the gun is somewhat soothing to Fred and he takes a deep breath, slowly releasing it as Y/N presses the gun to the first line. “Oh,” he breathes, eyes wide. “Not as bad as I thought it would be.”
Y/N chuckles as she starts to trace the stencil, pausing for a moment to collect some more ink. “Told ya you were in safe hands.” She continues to ink Fred’s skin for a moment, trying not to pay attention to how close they are. “So why this date? You said you don’t have a girlfriend but it’s far too recent to be your birthday, unless you’re a very mature three-year-old.” she asks, trying to distract herself from how bad she wants to climb on top of him.
Fred holds in his laugh until Y/N has pulled the gun away from his skin. “It’s uh, the day that I almost died, actually,” he mumbles, wiping his sweaty palms off on his jeans. It’s been just over three years since the Battle of Hogwarts, and even though Fred’s nightmares about that night have long since stopped talking about it never fails to make him emotional.
“Oh,” Y/N says softly, starting to trace the numbers once again. “That’s um. Sorry, I’m not sure what to say. I really wasn’t expecting you to say that.”
“It’s okay. That’s what all the scars are from, actually. Freak accident, a stone wall collapsed on top of me.” For a moment Fred is actually glad that he can lie to Y/N about his brush with death. Hearing that he was nearly murdered during the final battle of a war against a dark wizard is far more terrifying. “I felt powerless for a long time after it happened, which is why I wanted to get this tattoo. Take back some of the power I lost.”
“Wow, Fred. That’s really beautiful.” Y/N undeniably feels attracted to Fred, and she’s starting to realize it goes far deeper than just wanting him in her bed. He’s charismatic and charming, but there’s sincerity and softness in there too. “I got a rose for my first tattoo because it’s my Mum’s name and I figured it would make her less angry.”
Fred chuckles, thankful for Y/N’s distraction. “Did it work?”
“Not at all,” Y/N reveals. “She didn’t talk to me, for weeks. She’s okay with it now, especially since it’s my career. But yeah she was pretty pissed for a long time.”
“And that’s exactly why I don’t plan on ever telling my Mum. My older brother pierced his ear years ago and she still gives him crap about it even though he’s married with a kid now. I will never hear the end of it if she finds out about this.”
“Guess this will have to be our dirty little secret,” Y/N teases with a wink.
“As long as it’s not the only dirty think between us,” Fred fires back, smirking when her cheeks flush pink.
Y/N rolls her eyes to try and downplay how turned on she is. “Keep it in your pants a little bit longer, Fred. We’re almost done here.”
“As long as you promise to help me take it out of my pants later on,” Fred suggests with a wink.
“You’re one cheeky bastard. Has anyone ever told you that?” Y/N asks as she finishes up the tattoo. She turns her gun off and puts it down, before grabbing a paper towel to wipe off the access ink.
“Many times, though it sounds much better coming from your mouth.” Fred sits up slowly, and heads over to the mirror to examine the tattoo. The ink is the same color as his old Gryffindor Quidditch Robes and the font is simple, but Fred is completely enamored by it. His eyes trace over the numbers over and over again, like they might disappear if he looks away.
“You like it?” Y/N asks, watching Fred as she cleans her station up.
Fred turns to look at Y/N, a huge smile on his face. “It’s absolutely perfect. You did an amazing job.”
“Thank you, Fred.” Y/N feels like she’s on cloud 9, and she slowly approaches Fred so she can finish up the appointment. “Now you’ll need to wash it a few times a day with unscented soap and pat it dry with a paper towel and apply some ointment to it as well. As it heals it’ll itch like crazy but try your hardest not to scratch it. You should wear a loose shirt for the first few days, so the tattoo doesn’t stick to it.” Y/N places a piece of clingfilm on Fred’s chest, subtly feeling his hard muscles as she smoothes it out. “You have to leave this on for a few hours. Sound good?” Y/N looks up at Fred then, letting out a small gasp at how intense his gaze is.
“Sounds perfect.” As Y/N starts to pull her hands away Fred grabs them in his and brings her into his chest. He intertwines their fingers with one hand, while the other comes up to cup her cheek. “Can I kiss you?” When Y/N nods weakly Fred leans down and presses their lips together in a slow kiss.
As they kiss it starts to turn desperate and Y/N whines as Fred’s hands start to shove up the back of her shirt. “As much as I would love to fuck you right here we’d be breaking about 20 different health code violations,” Y/N pants as Fred starts to trail kisses down her neck. “There’s a staircase, in the back. It leads up to my flat. I need to fuck,” her sentence cuts off with a moan as Fred starts to suck a mark into her skin.
“I need to fuck too,” Fred jokes, pulling away from her slightly. “I’ll wait for you upstairs while you do whatever you need to down here, yeah?” Fred kisses Y/N again briefly before forcing himself away. He grabs his t-shirt and looks over his shoulder at Y/N one last time before he heads off towards her flat.
“Fucking finally,” Y/N groans a few minutes later when she’s joining Fred. She pushes him up against her front door, one of her hands grabbing his neck to pull him into a kiss, while the other goes to his crotch and palms his hardening erection through his trousers. “You have no idea how hard it was for me to not jump on you the second you laid back on that table.”
Fred moans as Y/N grips him through his trousers, her lips biting at the sensitive skin on his neck. “Do you have any idea how unbelievably sexy I find you? The second I saw you I wanted to bend you over that fucking counter and ruin you.” Fred brings their lips together again in a hot kiss as Y/N opens the door and shoves Fred into her flat.
Y/N lives in a small studio, so it’s easy for her to guide Fred over to her bed while they kiss. She pushes him back onto her bed and kicks off her shoes before climbing back over him. “Fuck I so wish you had, Fred. I spent all day thinking about your hands and your stupid arm muscles.”
“Let me show you what I can do with these hands then, princess.” Fred kicks off his shoes before flipping them over. He starts to press open mouthed kisses to the column of Y/N’s throat as his hands move under her shirt and up her torso. His hands cup her breasts, and when his thumbs rub over Y/N’s nipples he lets out a surprised gasp. “Holy fucking shit that’s hot. Take your shirt off.”
Y/N laughs as she sits up enough to pull her shirt off over her head. She tosses it away and as soon as her back is against the bed again, Fred’s hands are cupping and massaging her breasts. He’s watching her intensely and it sends a shiver down her spine. Y/N lets out a low moan as Fred’s thumbs start to toy with the silver barbells in her nipples.
Fred leans down and takes one of her nipples into his mouth, moaning when the cool metal touches his warm tongue. The tip of the tongue joys with the jewelry for a few moments before Fred’s teeth nibble at the sensitive bud. Y/N’s moans spur him on, and he starts to grind his erection against her thigh. “You are so fucking sexy, Y/N.”
“More, Fred, please,” Y/N pants. Fred’s every manipulation on her breasts is sending shocks of pleasure right to her aching core, and Y/N is desperate for more. “Show me what else your hands can do.”
Fred reluctantly gets off of the bed to rid himself of the rest of his clothes, motioning for Y/N to do the same. “Can’t wait to bury my fingers in you,” Fred growls as he settles back in between Y/N’s legs. He bends Y/N’s knees and pushes her thighs back as far as they’ll go so she’s completely spread open for him. He starts to slowly trail his fingers up her thigh watching as goosebumps erupt in their wake. “Such a pretty pussy you have, princess. And so wet too.” Fred’s thumb starts to slowly rub through Y/N’s folds, his eyes watching Y/N’s face. “This all for me, princess?”
Y/N moans as Fred’s thumb starts to slowly rub circles on her clit. “All for you Fred, fuck. Need more, please.”
“Need what?” he teases, his index finger slowly starting to trace her dripping entrance. “Need my fingers to fuck your desperate cunt?”
“Fred,” Y/N moans as he finally sinks his index finger into her. She starts to toy with her nipples as he adds another finger, slowly curling them as he pumps them in and out of her.
“Such a tight cunt, princess,” Fred coos. He watches as Y/N writhes underneath him, mesmerized by the way her teeth tug at her bottom lip. “My cock might split you in two if I try and fuck you.” Y/N lets out a low moan at that and Fred smirks. “You like that, princess? You want my cock to split you open?”
Y/N nods, too busy panting and moaning to actually answer Fred. His fingers are hitting her g-spot with every thrust and his thumb is rubbing hard circles on her clit. Arousal is building in her stomach at a rapid pace, and just the thought of Fred splitting her open on his cock nearly pushes her over the edge.
“Come on my fingers first, princess. Then I’m gonna fuck you so hard you forget your name.” Fred focuses on bringing Y/N to her climax then, quickening the speed at which his fingers are fucking into her. He replaces the thumb that’s rubbing at her clit with his mouth, immediately sucking the sensitive bud between his lips and nibbling on it gently.
“Oh fuck, Freddie,” Y/N moans as she hits her climax, her legs shutting from the pleasure, trapping Fred’s head between her thighs. He starts to moan around her clit, sending extra shockwaves of pleasure through Y/N’s body. Her back arches as another mini orgasm rips through her body, her hips grinding down onto Fred’s face. “Oh my god,” Y/N gasps as she starts to come down, her legs relaxing so Fred can sit up.
“Such a good girl princess,” he praises, bringing the fingers that had been in Y/N up to her mouth. She immediately brings them between her lips and sucks, letting her tongue wrap around them as she tastes herself on the digits. Fred’s cock twitches as he imagines her mouth wrapped around something else, and he has to pull his fingers away to keep from coming at the sight. “You taste so good, don’t you princess?”
Y/N hums in confirmation, and she reaches up to grab Fred, pulling him down into a kiss. She lets her tongue roam around his mouth, moaning into it. “Fuck me Fred, please. Need you now.”
Fred grabs one of Y/N’s legs and hitches it over his shoulder, gripping the base of his cock to line up with her entrance. Her folds are glistening, and he can’t resist letting the tip of his cock run through them. “Such a warm cunt, princess. Gonna make my cock feel so good.” Fred starts to slowly push his hips forward not stopping until his hips are pushed flush to Y/N’s. “Oh my fuck, princess. Such a tight little pussy you have. Gripping my cock so well.”
“Move Fred, please,” Y/N begs, her own hips starting to buck up in search of friction. “Fuck me hard, please. Want you to ruin me.”
Fred leans over Y/N and braces himself on one of his hands, starting to pound into her relentlessly. “Not gonna touch your clit, princess,” Fred grunts as he lands a hard thrust. “Wanna see if I can get you to come from just my cock.”
Y/N moans and grips Fred’s shoulders with her hands to avoid touching herself. Fred is fucking into her deeply, and the head of his cock is rubbing her g-spot with every movement. “Stretching me out so good, Freddie,” Y/N groans. “Feel so full. Love being full of your cock.”
Fred leans down to peck Y/N’s lips several times before his head dips down to briefly toy with her nipple. “Fuck, princess. Making such pretty noises for me.” Y/N’s mouth is hanging open, a mixture of moans, pants and whines leaving her lips. “Can I try something, princess? Let me know if you don’t like it okay?”
“I trust you, Fred.”
Fred wraps the hand he isn’t supporting himself on around Y/N’s throat, just barely applying pressure to the sides. He groans as her walls tighten around his cock, applying just a bit more pressure. “This okay, princess? Need to hear your words.”
“Yes, Fred,” Y/N gasps. “Choke me harder.” When Fred applies more pressure Y/N’s eyes roll to the back of her head, her walls clenching and twitching around Fred as she suddenly hits her climax.
“Such a good girl, princess. So good for me,” Fred praises, releasing Y/N’s throat so she can breathe normally as she comes down from her orgasm. “Gonna come, princess. Can I fill you up? Wanna be full of my come?”
Y/N nods, clenching around Fred to help him reach his climax. “Fill me up Fred, please. Wanna feel your cum dripping down my thighs.”
That does it for Fred, and his hips stutter as he starts to shoot his load deep inside of Y/N. He rolls his hips slowly as he comes down, only pulling out when his cock has finished twitching. He stays between Y/N’s legs for a moment, watching her folds flutter as some of his release starts to drip out of her and down onto the bed. He collapses on the bed next to Y/N and opens an arm for her to cuddle into his chest.
“Fuck that was hot,” she giggles, pressing a few kisses to Fred’s sweaty skin. One of her arms winds around his waist, squeezing slightly. “You can stay the night. If you want. No pressure or anything,” she rambles, embarrassment washing over her.
Fred tilts her chin up, leaning down to press a sweet kiss to her lips. “Darling, not even a fire would get me up out of this bed away from you.”
When Fred wakes up in the morning Y/N is still asleep, cuddled up under the blanket with his t-shirt on. He presses a soft kiss to her forehead before getting out of bed and stumbling to the bathroom. Before they passed out, Y/N had shown him how to properly take care of his tattoo and he starts to repeat the process. Once it’s clean and he’s applied a thin layer of ointment, Fred just let’s his finger trace over the fresh ink, watching himself in the mirror.
“So? Do you regret it?” Y/N asks, leaning against the doorway to the bathroom.
Fred turns to look at her, crossing his arms over his chest. “The tattoo? Or the sex?”
Y/N ponders his questions for a moment. “Both.”
“No to both,” Fred answers honestly. He opens his arms, and Y/N immediately presses herself against his front, winding her arms around his middle. Fred grips her waist with one hand, while the other starts to gently rub her back.
“When do you think you’ll want more?” Y/N asks, looking up at Fred.
“Tattoos? Or sex?” he asks with a grin.
“Both,” Y/N repeats.
Fred bites his lip. “Tattoo maybe in a few weeks, once this one is healed up. But the sex? I’d say right now.” He leans down to press a kiss to Y/N’s mouth, slowly walking them back over to her bed.
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Welcome to Our Hell // Charlie Gillespie
IN WHICH: Charlie asks the reader a simple question that leads the man to fall down a rabbit hole of reading. Despite the panic you felt along with your fellow writers you still introduced and helped him navigate the pool of fanfiction.
Warnings: None (it’s actually possible with me??)
Words: 1k
A/N: I couldn’t resist making a tiny blurb about the revelation that Charlie has read fanfiction, that he enjoyed reading it. I actually talked about how Owen and Charlie would react to jatp fanfiction so sorry for manifesting 😬
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Your eyes slightly glanced up from your computer to where a certain someone was humming along to an Eagles song. His hips swayed as he slipped the egg in the pan, unaware of your eyes following him. He was entirely in his own world while he left you to finish up what he was led to believe was just school work.
The innate cheerful aura the male gave off regardless of the landscape had always been one of your favourite things about him. He saw the joy and good in things most people tended to overlook. It didn’t matter if he had his guitar in his hands or a cooking tool; he’d shoot that smile that melted your heart.
“Whatcha doin’?” Charlie questioned, peering over the island in the apartment you had rented in the city.
“Just doing some work.” You replied, beginning to type once more with a sudden burst of inspiration. You barely noticed he had slid the egg onto the plate before he was at your side.
“Are you writing for Tumblr?”
That one sentence froze you. Fingers stiffened above the well-loved keyboard of your computer you’d invested a fair amount of money on. Goosebumps swarmed every inch of your skin that suddenly lost a few shades.
Your skittish gaze found purchase in the warm ocean of hazel that bore no judgment, “Did you just say Tumblr? H-how do you know Tumblr Charlie?”
The Canadian hummed in response with a thoughtful expression, “I saw this really cool artwork, and it had a link. I followed it to Tumblr. It’s such a cool site.”
“It’s a hell site.” You deadpanned at the young actor who held no contempt for the different creativity methods unleashed in the fandom. Your e/c irises stayed stuck in a battle of colour with his own eyes.
“If it’s a hell site, why do you go on it?”
“It’s like a car crash or a burning building. It’s horrifying, but you stay to see which outcome ends up winning.” You had to carefully find the words to eloquently describe why you kept returning to a site that was frustrating at times.
“There’s so much diversity from songs, traditional art, poems, dances, covers and now writing. It’s insane.” Charlie chucked as he nudged the plate of breakfast he’d cooked for you, “I’m really digging the ‘90s Lalex books-”
“Fanfics. Fics for short.” You offered the man who held a slight expression of confusion that quickly cleared up, “And the writing has been going on since the series dropped. I’d be rich for every fic that referenced Luke’s aversion to sleeves.”
The boisterous laugh filled the room as Charlie hunched over. His arms wrapped around his midsection.
“Don’t you find it weird that there are fics about you?”
“Weird?” Charlie spoke, scrunching up his nose adorably. His hazel eyes lightened further, “Y/N, I’m not weirded out. I’m honoured that I made enough impact to have people writing about me.”
A small smile broke across your face, “You totally have a secret account, don’t you?”
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“No. NO.” The whisper come in the dark of the bedroom where both sides of the couple should be sleeping. You had been before Charlie whined with his phone attached to his hand.
“Baby?” You groaned, turning to find him still invested in the world of fanfiction. His hazel eyes, tear-filled, raised to meet yours, “What are you doing up at-3am?”
“I just finished reading this adorable fic about Willex. The euphoria had me reading the next fic without reading the summary.” Charlie cried to the bedside light you’d turned when his sniffles woke you up. The near distraught man didn’t fight as you gently took his face out of his hand.
“Oh, Char.” You hummed, bringing the brunette into your arms as he mourned whatever was in the fic.
“Luke died with his girlfriend waiting in the Orpheum. She lived and began a life with Bobby..er Trevor.” Charlie whispered against the soft comforter you’d only recently bought, “They never got to say goodbye. As Luke’s portrayer, I just know the double betrayal took him to his knees.”
“Ah, you found @losttinwritings​ ‘See you Again’. That one is a doozy.” You winced, remembering the heartbreaker, “You, however, need sleep.”
Charlie’s eyes quickly met the phone sitting in between you two, “But-”
“Here.” You handed over your own phone after clicking your secondary account, “It’s one of my all-time comfort fics when I’m feeling sad. @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ always nails it out of the park but ‘Love Shack’? Immaculate.”
Charlie’s eyes flickered between the phone in his hand to your eyes twinkling in the albeit shitty lighting the cheap lamp offered. The vulnerability in your eyes at offering your blog took his breath away. This was a place where you were safe in your thoughts with no judgment.
“Oh! And @cherrymaybank​ created ‘A Romantic’. A beautiful story in the eyes of a hopeless romantic Luke and the stoic, independent reader.” You offered with a grin and sigh of happiness, “I’ll have to start tagging you in the ones I adore. Definitely gonna introduce you to @merceret​’s work; it’s always amazing regardless of how long the fic is or the distance between work. I’d wait a thousand years for her.”
Charlie’s lips spread to reveal that smile that always had you falling back in love over and over again. It even eased the panic you felt viewing Charlie’s rather honest confession he put on his Insta story. He’d caused panic within the writing community as he boldly announced his pride, awe, joy and love for all the fandom provided creatively. 
Next thing you knew, you’d started sending each other fics you’d think the other would enjoy; it often ended up with the same fic being sent. Charlie didn’t address the topic publicly to allow the buzz of panic to die down. He also never discovered your personal writing blog either, well, that you knew about.
Sometimes you’d find him sniffling over a story where Luke discovers his girlfriend was unknowingly pregnant and never got to see him child grow up. That one also tore your heart apart and you’d been the one to write it. Just a secret you’d be taking to your grave.
@safehavenmuse @siennanoelle01 @whiterose291 @mell-bell @blackhood5sos @ficrecsideblog @ifilwtmfc @deadpoolgirl23 @crappy-unicorn @sunsetcurve-h @elioelioeli0 @lovesanimals @popcrone818 @lolychu @deepsleepnat @tenaciousperfectionunknown @aunicornmademedoit @just-a-writer-here @simp4reggie @faithiebrock01 @overlyhypedup @differentsoulrascalsalad @aesthetic-lyss @versaceapa @carleywhittaker @lostgirl219 @itsalexx21 @elllaoo4 @merxxleighann @mediocremunge @fantomlovesjuke4ever @dpaccione @oswin05 @kaylinfayezink @aberette13 @faithie-brock-gillespie01 @eharvey0218 @overlyhypedup @benstormy @auriandthepussicats @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @whothefuckstolemykeds  @siriuswvrld @princessvader15 @xoxbloodreinaxox @heimdoodle @joshy-obx @lovesanimals @oopsiedoopsie23 @am3l1a-24 @flying-solo-without-you @jaskiers-sweetkiss @lostrandomfangirln @must-be-a-weasley-92 @jatp-holland @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @dxlanhxlland @dasexydevitt13 @ifilwtmfc @arianagrandes-things @kinda-really-lost @marinettepotterandplagg @ssprayberrythings @morgandamrose @thedarkqueenofavalon @zukoshonourr @crybabyddl @spooky-season-bitch @kcd15 @morganayennefertyrell @magnet-girl @all-in-fangirl @kinda-really-lost @tenaciousperfectionunknown @badwolf00593 @blowakissbabe @talksoprettyjjx @thesweetestsinner @kaitieskidmore1 @writerinlearning @aiofheavenandhell @sageellsworth05 @link-102 @thesweetestsinner @merceret​ @imsydneywalker​ @sunsetcurvej @nicoledawson5604 @merceret​ @kexrtiz​ @biqherosix @lukewearingbeanies​ @dangersolns @soverignparker
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milkiane · 3 years
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so i am feeling incredibly emotional rn so, here’s an appreciation post for my favorite people. (this have been in my drafts for three weeks now) -- so why not post this along with my sleepover <3 sleepover bash
need i say more? no— but i will anyway. asteria, my mean cheerleader girlfriend, you are the first moot i’ve ever had, and honestly, i wouldn’t have it any other way. you're my favorite person in the entire world, and pls i am getting so emotional rn, i hate you >:-( i’ve told you everything at my previous letters but i just want you, and everyone else who’s about to read this, to know that you’re my platonic (and quite possibly romantic) soulmate, and my other-third, because pansy owns the shit out of us. love u lots, don’t say it back <3
my favorite headcanon writer 😩 pls alyssa, i’ve had, and still do, have so much fun talking with you. i really, really, love your company, i love your writing, and most especially love you. you were one of my moots that talked to me with such ease and comfort despite being a tad bit younger than you, and it’s been fun ! you’re like one of those seniors who befriends juniors, but still have this amazing (and envying) friendship with each other. not only that, but you being my friend, and me being a dumbass, made our own version of the golden trio with @weasleyyy ! now, this is a story i’ll tell my kids. love u, even if you choose to chomp me <3
gHAZAL ! now, are you thankful for me being a half-asleep dumbass who thought you were rose because of your similar urls before, or what ? because i definitely am PFT SJSHSJSHSJN anyways, i’m so happy to have you in my life. i’m a sucker for your chaotic and impulsive energy, and your little thoughts about the hpu. just like rose, thank you for acting just as yourself around me, a smol bisexual mess, because i really do appreciate it, and now you made me a fanclub— which btw, i still cannot get over with. i wheeze everytime i remember it. i love u, madame gazelle, even if you’re a mean li’l fuck ! <3
AAAAAAAAH heather, you are officially my unofficial soft british best friend, and no, you do not have a say in this, because you’re stuck with me forever. thank you so much for helping me with terms i need for writing. you’ve been the best, you’ve supported me through every ups and downs with my writings ever since we’ve met. it wasn’t even too long ago ! but you’ve welcomed me like i was a long lost friend of yours. love u, h, the lily to my marlene <3
aliciaaa !! you’re honestly like an older sister i’ve never had. i’ve never had anyone to rant about my marvel fangirlings with, but i am so glad that you were so open with my rants and conspiracy theories. you’ve never judged me or shown any disinterest with my rambles, you’ve been so supportive and you continue to give me the same energy as mine. it’s a very little thing to fuss about, but lish, you’ve got to know that it means so much to me. i’m tearing up— blame the hormones. but really, i’m so grateful for you and your company (and your maxibaby fics). love u to the moon and back ! <3
isa isa isa isa isaaaa, pls i love u so much. that’s all i want to say, but ofc, i need to say more. you have been one of my best friends— we clicked the moment we spoke to each other and i was incredibly happy to be your moot. i couldn’t even believe it at first because you’re this rly cool writer with tons of followers and i’m just another user in the crowd but like, everything i want to say is beyond the words that want to come out of my mouth, so i’ll leave it with a thank you for choosing me to be one of your mutuals. thank you for blessing me, and the others, with your lovely fics. never stop doing what you love, i’m here for you always. always was, and always will be. i mean, it should be with the jointed graves and all. love u <3
SOOOORINNNN. sometimes i question what’s happening inside your head. like one second your posting angsty fics and thoughts, and next thing i know you’re posting a dancing prongs gif. i’ll never understand, i reckon, but that’s alright, i’ll love you just the way you are, even if you break my heart with your angst. tell me who hurt you and i’ll beat them up. i love u so much, i’m still listening to your playlist, because it’s astronomical. sending you some forehead kisses <3
vivian !! i’m still beyond grateful for you and your artistic and writing talents. you’re such an angel, and i’m so incredibly happy to have you in my life. you’re a sweetheart. you’re every sweet-soft-fluffy nickname there is, because honestly? i cannot speak well, or think straight because i don’t think words can describe how lucky i am to have you. well, i love u, and that’s all i could comprehend <3
karis ! you’re honestly one of my fave moots because you never fail to make me so appreciated and loved. your out of the blue messages always make me feel so happy because you’re so wholesome and nice. i’m very, very, glad to have you in my life. thank you for always being there to be my personal therapist and my human diary— who listens to all of my writing ideas, even if i have tons of wips to write. thank you for inspiring me to write again, without you, i would’ve never find my passion for writing again, so thank you, thank you for being the sweetest person there is, i love you ! <3
ANYA ! darling, you are one of the very first mutuals i’ve ever talked to, you’ve welcomed me with open arms when i was new here and i wouldn’t change anything in the world. i’m so glad that you were the first person i’ve ever talked to because you are practically the human form of a squishmallow. don’t question me, you’re my squishmallow. anyways, you’re such a lovely person and i’m very happy to have you in my life, love you ! <3
cHARLY-CHAR !! hehe you are like one of those nice, cool, senior students in school, you never fail to make me so giddy and loved. i’m so happy to have you in my life, and i’m wishing you all the happiness and love in the world because you truly do deserve it, especially when you’ve been nothing but so kind and friendly. pls i feel like crying because i don’t know what i did to deserve you. I BLAME U AND UR AMAZING WRITING SKILLS FOR MAKING ME SOFT >:-( i love you tho <3 — also thank you for that play fighting blurb with fred, i didn’t know that i needed to bite his cute butt until i read it.
ZOE ZOE ZOE ZOE ZOE ZOE ! I LOVE YOU. i feel so complete when i read your peter fics. i always look forward to them because it’s not everyday you find someone who actually writes him so good, and i know we don’t really interact much, but i feel like i got to know you more through reading your fics. u better trust me when i say that i’ll be your personal hype woman and maxibaby supporter, because i am, and i will forever be ! love u <3
amelia, you bitch, i love you. to be honest, i've never really expected us to be friends, but ofc, here you are, simping for me and now we're besties. you've been, and still are, so fun to be around with-- only because i get to tease the shit out of you >:-) anyways, thank you for keeping up with my utter bullshit, i'm here for you always, i hope you know that. love ya ! <3
wAHH-- sasha, hi. pFT JSADHJSAHDJH SORRY BUT PLEASE I LOVE YOU, DID YOU KNOW? it's been so painfully awkward at first because believe me, i'm the most gauche person you'll ever meet if we talk for the first time, but as soon as we grow accustomed to each other, you'd wish that you never spoke to me, because i'm this hot fucking mess, so thank you for keeping up with me. you're one of my favorite mutuals in here. i love you more than puppies and hello kitty pancakes <3
+ my mutuals who’ve been such amazing people, we haven’t talked as much as the tagged moots but i love you all just as equally, you lot mean the world to me, and i’m willing to go on the ends of the earth for all of you <3
@anchoeritic @babyjordy @frankenkyleluvr @ronsbadidea @kc-needs-coffee @nevilles-top @weasleyclaw @sweetnspicysimp @redbullchick @willowbleedsonpaper @weasleysandwheezes @daffodilmoons @incorrectpeterparker @dracosaccount @cedrics-grave @pad-foots @peepeepotter @oldschoolkiddo @spideyspixies @daltonacademia @eunoniaa @love-peachh @george-fabian-weasley @mayonnaise-and-anarchy @darthwheezely @thotbutpurple @l0ttadreamz @daisyyy2516 @prettywhitedoves @band--psycho @widowdays @loveboyhalo @gxtitobxby @fandomvariousness @nothinghcppens (i passed the 50 tags rule, eek— i’m sorry, i love all of you whom i didn’t get to tag, though 🥺)
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thedragonweasley · 4 years
I very much like to think that the twins got a little inspiration spark that began their mischief from Charlie. And not quite the way you may think.
He loves dragons....you know....dragons....and so there is definitely a large component of who Charlie is that is unphased or unafraid of danger, risks and probably relishes in it.
Now I am going to take some liberty here and go ahead and say that it made Molly Weasley absolutely nuts. And the twins noticed.
Like, Molly is just going about her wonderful, magical day and then shit just explodes in the backyard. Once she has stopped screaming there is an absolute riot of clucking. Yes. Clucking.
Molly's left eye gets all twitchy and had never apparated faster. She shows up to find a charred and slightly on fire Charlie standing with his arms up and yelling triumphantly. As it turns out he had smuggled a fire breathing chicken home, he had kidnapped it on a field trip (Hogwarts was trying out a thing, didn't pan out) to the ministry.
He thinks it's just a chicken, just a regular chicken that needed liberation from it's cardboard confines. And upon bringing it home he decided to try a spell that he was sure would turn it into a dragon. So when he cast the spell and the chicken erupted in a flaming cluckery, Charlie was sure he had done it. Unbeknownst to him, he had stolen a fire-breathing chicken.
*catches breath, holds finger up*
Enter Molly, who had been yelling before she apparated. Charlie just flipping out because he just made a chicken breathe fire and Arthur comes around talking about a stolen magical creature at work. Chaos
And then Fred and George, lil dudes bopping around doing lil Fred 'n George shemamigans and they witness the whole thing, all of it. Because you know they had their noses in that the minute they saw Charlie take a chicken out from under his cloak and put it with the others. They saw that the chicken had been sparking at the mouth everytime it clucked. They watched the failed spell, explosion of flames, mom show up and have an absolute conniption and then dad with the earth shattering news of the obvious.
They see the whole thing play out and one of those sparks the chicken clucked found them and they said yes. And that was the spark that fueled their chaotic mischief.
I dont know if this head canon is about Charlie, the twins or the chicken. It might be about the chicken.
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official-weasley · 3 years
A Bundle Of Joy - (The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley AU)
Warnings: talking about and giving birth
Word count: 4,275
Characters: Charlie Weasley and my OC Nova from TICW which you can find here
“Love, help me, how is this supposed to be looked at?” Charlie was sitting next to me on the sofa in my family home, reading a book about giving birth, having it turned upside down with his head tilted to the side.
“What are you looking at?” I giggled, finding the whole thing amusing.
We have been staying with my mum for the past week. I am one day before my due date and Charlie wanted us to be closer to the hospital so that we can be ready when the baby arrives. I was watching a cartoon on the telly while Charlie was educating himself – thinking he needs to know every term involving childbirth so that he will know what is going on once we are in the delivery room.
I, however, didn't want to pick a book up for the first time in my life. I was nervous as it is and at this point, I have read everything two, some books even three times, and reading about how my lady parts are going to stretch to help me push the baby out made me nauseous. Since my mum bought herself a telly, I decided to turn full-on Muggle and distract myself with a cat chasing after a mouse, occasionally answering Charlie's questions.
“It's the birthing canal and this is the right way to look at it.” I took the book from him and turned it around.
“Huh.” Charlie stared at it, half in confusion half in admiration, his head still a bit tilted to the side.
“Your body is fascinating, love.” He blinked at the picture one more time before turning the page when I gasped.
“What, what is it?” Charlie was so startled by my action that he threw the book to the floor.
“I thought he was going to catch him this time!” I pointed at the television screen.
“What?” Charlie asked, a puzzled expression on his face.
“Jerry was almost caught by Tom.”
“Oh,” Charlie let out a sigh of relief, “I thought something was happening with the baby.”
Ever since we came to my mum's, Charlie has been even more on edge than I was. He was so excited that the time to meet our first child has finally arrived that he had a hard time containing it. Every time I sighed or gasped or just took a deep breath, he was up and alert, ready to take me to the hospital, thinking it was time.
“For the 100th time, Char, I would tell you if it had to do with the baby, as I do every time I have to pee or when they kick.” I smiled gently at him.
“Want anything for dinner?” My mum came to the living room and leaned on the doorway.
“Yes, please!” Charlie's eyes sparkled.
He has always been a nervous eater and he has been eating more than usual for the past 2 weeks, trying to calm down his nerves.
“We can either make some eggs, pancakes or we can order pizza?” Mum suggested.
“I'll make the pancakes!” Charlie got up at once, motioning to my mum to sit next to me after kissing me on the lips and exiting the room.
“It's cute how excited he is.” My mum giggled as she sat down.
“Yeah, he's excited for both of us, because I am too tired at this point to share his enthusiasm.” I smiled.
“You can't wait for this to be over, huh?” Mum put her arm around my shoulders and pulled me toward herself.
“It's a bit nerve-wracking thinking it can happen at any moment.” I sighed.
It was good talking about this to someone else than Charlie because he was on edge as it is and I didn't want to overwhelm him some more by expressing my concerns.
“It will all be over soon.” Mum started stroking my hair, planting a little kiss on the top of my head.
“I wanted to ask you if it would be okay if we stay here for another week or so once the baby arrives?”
“Of course,” Mum said nonchalantly.
“They are still making some finishing touches on the house and I don't want the baby around so much noise.”
Even though we bought our dream home almost 4 months ago, it took some time to get all the papers and even though we deemed it perfect there were a few things we wanted to change. By the time we found the right workers and Charlie being busy with his job we finally started to get everything in order.
“So, do you have any names ready?” Mum asked, excitement in her voice.
“We do.” I nodded. “But we want to keep it a surprise. I hope that's okay.”
“Of course. Did you pick the names?” My mum lifted an eyebrow at me.
“What do you think?” I giggled.
“Yeah, I thought it was Charlie.” She laughed.
She knew me too well. Even though I always knew I would like to have a family one day, I never gave much thought to the baby names so when Charlie and I finally talked about it and he told me how he would name our children I fell in love with those names.
“You'll be great parents,” mum said gently, pushing me a bit more onto her body.
“Thank you, mum.” I couldn't hide the grin that spread all over my face. “I can't wait. I feel so ready to be a mum.”
“I know you do and you'll be better than I ever was.”
“You are an amazing mum, what are you talking about?” I furrowed my brows.
“Well, I could be home more often.” She suggested.
“Perhaps,” I rubbed my chin, “but then I would probably turn out more spoiled.” We both laughed.
“Pancake time!” We both turned our heads toward Charlie's voice.
Mum helped me get up and we made our way to the kitchen. I couldn't wait to eat some Charlie-made pancakes. He always makes them extra fluffy and he makes the best ones.
I turned around, my hand searching for Nova so I could spoon her when I felt something wet on our bed. My eyes opened at once, seeing her fast asleep on her back, gently snoring. She was adorable and I giggled at the sounds she was making. She was always a person to sleep on her belly and now that she couldn't and sleeping on the side felt weird to her, she occasionally snored.
I shook my head, remembering that our bed was wet. Nova had to pee a lot during pregnancy. The farther along she got, the more time she spent in the bathroom. Sometimes she would pretend that she was mad at the baby for pressing on her bladder so much and her talking to her belly made me fall more in love with her each time.
I didn't want to wake her – her being as nervous as she is as it's her due date today, finding her sound asleep was a blessing. I wanted her to be as rested as she could be for the delivery but I couldn't let her sleep on a wet bed.
“Love, wake up.” I put my hand on her shoulder, shaking her gently while whispering in her ear.
“Huh?” She mumbled without opening her eyes.
“Love, you...I think you peed yourself and I don't want you to sleep on it.”
I didn't know how to tell her. There was nothing to be embarrassed about.
“What?!” She bolted upright, now completely awake.
“The bed, it's wet.” I scratched the back of my head, trying not to make a big deal out of it.
Nova's eyes went from mine to our sheets and back to me.
“I didn't pee myself.” She said, her voice rusty.
“Well, I didn't either but our sheets are wet.” I bit my lip.
“Charlie...” She whispered my name, her eyes widening as if she has just remembered something. “I don't think this is pee.”
“What?” I turned on the light on my side of the bed to see the sheets better.
I looked at Nova, looking panicked, her hand on her underwear.
“Charlie, I think my water broke.” She breathed.
“What!” I jumped out of the bed at once. “Are you sure?” I swallowed my nerves.
Nova just nodded, pressing her legs together.
“Okay, okay. Let me help you get up and get dressed and then we'll wake up your mum.” I hurried to her side of the bed and offered her my hand.
“No, I'll get dressed on my own. Please, go wake up my mum now.” Nova said with a shaky voice, trying to desperately hide that she was beyond nervous.
I rushed out of our bedroom across the hall and gently knocked on Olivia's door. I heard her say to come in so I opened the door.
“Olivia, Nova thinks her water just broke!” I said with the highest-pitched voice I have ever heard come out of my mouth.
“Oh, my!” Olivia got up at once, starting toward her wardrobe. “I'll be right down. Go help Nova.”
I hurried back to the room we were sleeping in to see how Nova was progressing.
“How are you doing, love? How are you feeling?” I caught her pulling a jumper over her head and I helped her pull it all the way down.
“My back hurts a bit and I feel extremely uncomfortable.” She bit the inner side of her cheek, looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes of hers.
“Okay. I woke up your mum. Let me help you downstairs.” I grabbed her hand and led her out of the bedroom.
“Olivia, could you take the bag we prepared?” I said while opening the front door.
“Already have it.” She hurried after us, her car keys in her other hand.
The second Nova asked her mum if we could stay here during her last days of pregnancy, Olivia requested a car from the Ministry. Because she was one of their top Aurors, she got it at once and was ready to drive us to the hospital when the time would come because we all knew that Nova was forbidden to apparate in her last trimester.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” Olivia looked at us in the rear mirror of the car.
“I...I think I'm okay.” Nova took a deep breath, trying to smile.
“Just breathe as we practiced, we're almost there.”
I was so glad that Nova's mum was with us. Her calmness made me less nervous as I knew I would panic way more if we were alone.
���Okay, Charlie, help her to the hospital, I will just park the car and I'll be right with you.” The second the car stopped, I opened the door and got outside, offering Nova my hand to help her get out of the car. “You're doing great, sweetheart!” I heard Olivia shout before I closed the door and helped Nova walk to the hospital.
Since it was in the middle of the night, there weren't many people around and it was easy to find a nurse.
“How can I help you?” The woman at the window asked. “My wife's water broke,” I spoke for Nova, who looked paler than usual and as if she forgot how to speak.
“When's her due date?” The nurse said with a gentle voice.
“When exactly did her water break?” She posed another question.
“I don't know. We woke up due to the sheets being wet.” I shrugged my shoulders, disappointed in myself that I couldn't give her a proper answer.
“Alright, Mrs.?”
“Weasley.” Nova half-whispered.
“Alright, Mrs. Weasley. Let us take you to the doctor to see how far along are you.” She smiled gently at Nova and then at me, while another nurse joined us, bringing Nova a wheelchair so that she doesn't have to walk.
The doctor was already waiting for us once we entered the room. The nurse and I helped Nova get up and walk to the bed the doctor motioned to.
“Okay, Mrs. Weasley. Do we have any trouble breathing?” The doctor asked with a gentle voice while putting on her gloves.
“Just some back pain.” Nova sat down on the bed, allowing the nurse to take off her pants.
“Please lay down and spread your legs.”
Nova did as she was told, searching for my hand. I rushed to her side and kneeled next to the bed to grab her hand.
“I'm here, love. You're doing great.” I whispered in her ear.
“Today's your due date?” The doctor asked.
“Yes, 2nd February,” I answered as Nova's breaths started to get deeper.
“Well, your baby sure is eager to meet you, because you are already 6 centimeters dilated.” The doctor grinned.
“Miss Moore, start preparing the delivery room, I think this is going to go nice and smoothly.” The doctor said to the nurse and she hurried out of the room.
“How are the contractions coming along?” The doctor turned back to Nova.
“I don't know. I don't feel anything, really.” Nova said after a second of giving her body her full attention.
“No pressure on your pelvis or back pain?” The doctor asked.
“I feel the pressure and the back pain comes and goes but it's not that bad.”
“Okay, is the back pain present now?”
“No.” Nova shook her head.
“Okay, now listen closely. When you will feel the muscles of your uterus tighten, please tell me. Those are contractions.” The doctor explained.
“I felt that before but it was so mild. I thought it hurt more.” Nova said incredulously.
“The pain will intensify when you get dilated more but it also depends how high your pain threshold is.”
We all turned around when we heard a knock on the door. It opened and Olivia poked her head inside.
“Can I join you?” She said in a whisper.
“And who might you be?” The doctor stood up, ready to tell her to go away. “It's alright, she's my mother,” Nova said before her face screwed up from the pain.
“Okay, now it hurt more!” She said through her teeth when the pain allowed her to speak, squeezing my hand.
“Mrs. Blackwood, you can be with them until we take her to the delivery room. There we have a policy of only the father being present at birth.” The doctor said to Olivia.
“No problem.” She nodded and rushed to the other side of the bed to hold Nova's hand.
“Mrs. Weasley, please tell me when the next contraction kicks in so we can time them.” The doctor pressed a button on her watch and gestured for Nova to spread her legs again.
“Two more centimeters.” The doctor smiled at Nova. “Are you ready?”
“No.” Nova shook her head before clutching my hand so hard that I thought she is going to break all the bones in it.
“You just breathe. Deep and slow breaths now. I will go get the nurse so we can take you to the delivery room.” She stood up and rushed outside.
“You're doing great, sweetheart. It's definitely going smoother than when I was pregnant with you.” Olivia giggled. “My water broke at home and your dad and I hurried to the hospital but then you decided to take your precious time and it came to a point when they almost sent us home because I was dilating so slowly.”
“I don't know...if it's good or bad...that it's happening...so fast.” Nova said between her breaths.
“Every birth is different, sweetheart. Everything will be okay and you are doing just fine.” Olivia tried calming Nova down.
Just as the next contraction hit, the doctor came back with a nurse who had a wheelchair ready for Nova to sit in. I helped her get up when the pain passed, trying to hide how my hands were shaking, as I was getting more nervous by the minute.
“Char.” Nova breathed.
“Yes, love?” I leaned closer to her, to hear what she has to say.
“Now would be a good time...for one of your...stories.” She tried sitting as upright as possible, trying to appear strong even though I knew she was in a lot of pain.
“Okay, okay.” I scratched the top of my head, trying to think of anything to keep her mind off labor.
“Uhm.” My nerves were getting the best of me and made my mind completely blank. “Oh! Do you remember our detention in the Forest with Hagrid?”
Nova just hummed to let me know she was listening.
I was halfway through my story when we entered the delivery room and the second they placed Nova on the bed she squeezed my hand so tight that I forgot what I was even talking about.
“Alright, Nova, it's time for you to start pushing.” The doctor said to Nova as everything was ready.
There were 3 nurses and a doctor with us in the delivery room, while Olivia had to stay outside as the doctor ordered her before.
Nova locked eyes with me, nervously biting her lip and I gave her a reassuring smile along with my nod. I know she was nervous and she was scared as this was an entirely new experience for her, but I was proud of her for how great she was doing so far – coping with the pain and listening to our doctor – and I knew she would do a brilliant job.
“You got this, love. I believe in you and you are ready.” I whispered to her and I got a small nod in return before she turned to face the doctor.
“Take deep breaths and only push when I tell you to and stop when I tell you to and we are going to do just fine.” The doctor put on her mask and leaned closer to Nova's legs.
Nova's body started spasming due to another contraction and the doctor told her to start pushing.
This was it! It was happening. It just dawned on me that we are going to become parents today. I didn't have the time to be nervous when I felt pain in my left hand, Nova gripping it ever so strong, and her screaming while trying to push the baby out filled my ears.
I felt so helpless just standing there while she did all the work. I know it meant the world to her that I was by her side and that she could squeeze my hand but I also know that the pain in my hand was nothing compared to what she was going through.
I stopped counting how many times the doctor told Nova to push. I was focused on her breathing as the nurse dictated it, trying to breathe with her in the hope it will help her in some way.
“Charlie, it hurts.” I could barely hear her say between her teeth as the doctor motioned for her to start pushing again.
“You're doing great, we're almost there. Just squeeze my hand as much as you can and just breathe.” I placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head.
I could see that her body was weakening, slowly losing strength the adrenaline of the whole situation gave her.
“Just a little longer, love. Just imagine holding our baby.”
“Okay, the head is out. Nova, I will need you to give it your all now. The worst is behind you.” The doctor encouraged her.
Nova pushed again, letting out a scream that made me want to do the same. The events after that unfolded so fast that I hardly remember what happened.
The nurses rushed to the doctor when I heard a cry, as the doctor seemed to be holding something between Nova's legs. One of the nurses motioned for me to get closer and I used my right hand to get my left one out of Nova's grip.
I couldn't believe my eyes, it was...it was our baby! I thanked Merlin that I looked through all the pictures in those books Nova had because otherwise I would be startled by the sight of the whole situation.
“Would you like to cut the umbilical cord, Mr. Weasley?” One of the nurses handed me a pair of scissors and pointed to the spot where I should make a cut.
I was so busy staring at our child, their beautiful cry – gasping for air – filling my ears.
“Mr. Weasley.” The nurse repeated my name, gently.
I carefully approached the cord with the scissors and cut through it.
“It's a girl.” The doctor said, looking first at Nova and then at me, while the nurses took the baby away to clean it. “You did a fantastic job, Mrs. Weasley. You should be proud, Mr. Weasley.”
“Oh, I am,” I said, my voice shaking, moving closer to my wife, who had her eyes closed, relieved that it was over.
“Did you hear that, love? We have a girl!” I wrapped my arms around her and the second those words came out of my mouth, the tears I tried so desperately to hold in, ran down my cheeks.
“We have a girl,” Nova repeated, her voice rasp and tired.
“You did so great. I am so proud of you, Nova.” I kissed her gently on the mouth.
“A very healthy baby girl.” The nurse brought our daughter to us. “Would you like to hold her, Mr. Weasley?”
“Ye...Yes, please.” I said with a shaky voice, turning to the nurse.
“Be careful with the head. There you go.”
The second she placed her in my hands, a new set of tears ran down my cheeks. She was beyond beautiful.
“She is so tiny!” I exclaimed, sitting down next to Nova so she could look at her.
She had more hair on her head than I expected and there was no question if she was mine, because her hair was fiery red. Her eyes looked dark blue when she opened them for a split second, but I know that that can still change and it didn't matter. She was just born yet she was the most beautiful girl in the world.
“Hi, sweetheart.” Nova smiled at her and gently brushed her finger over her tiny hand.
“There's no rush, but we ask every time. Do you have the name yet?” One of the nurses came closer to us again.
“Char,” Nova called my name gently as I placed our daughter in her hands, her cheeks soaked with tears.
“Hmm?” I couldn't muster more than a hum, too busy staring at the breathtaking view in front of me.
Nova was smiling at the baby, wiping her cheek before waving her hand at our daughter.
“Hi, you beautiful girl.” She whispered to her and brought her closer to her head to place a gentle kiss on the top of her nose.
“The name.” Nova's eyes locked with mine, the smile never leaving her face.
“What?” I breathed, not sure what she was saying.
“The nurse asked for a name.” She giggled, looking back down to our baby girl who had her hand wrapped around Nova's index finger.
I blinked at her a few times.
“We...we didn't discuss it.” I stuttered.
“Charlie, you told me when we first talked about family what you want to name our firstborn if it's a girl.” Nova gestured for me to get closer so she could kiss me.
“I...you really want to name her that? You can pick another name.” I said gently.
“No. I love that name and I remember how proud you were when you told it to me. And I think,” her eyes switching from me back to our girl, “that it's perfect for her.”
“Aoede,” I said, turning to the nurse.
“Aww, that is a beautiful name.” The nurse smiled at me. “Any middle names?”
“Io,” Nova said, not looking away from our bundle of joy.
“Can my mother come in now?” Nova asked after us staring at Aoede for solid 10 minutes.
I looked at the nurse who nodded and I hurried to the door to find Olivia.
“Charlie, is everything okay? How is she coming along?” Olivia was pacing up and down in front of the delivery room, biting her lower lip.
“It's over. You can come inside.” I sniffed and smiled at her.
Olivia gasped and hurried after me into the room.
“Olivia, meet your granddaughter, Aoede Io.” I nudged her to go closer to Nova because the second she laid her eyes on her daughter holding a baby she stopped walking and I was pretty sure she stopped breathing too.
“Oh, Charlie!” She exclaimed her hands over her mouth. “She is perfect.” She pulled me into a tight hug and I couldn't help but get overwhelmed again, releasing the tears.
“Nova, sweetheart, how are you feeling?” Olivia leaned closer to Nova when she offered her to hold the baby.
“A bit tired, but it was worth it.” Nova smiled weakly.
I knew that if she could she would fall asleep in five seconds – she looked so exhausted.
“She looks just like you when you were a baby,” Olivia whispered, her eyes locked on her granddaughter now. “Yes, you do. Yes, you do.”
I chuckled at the voices Olivia was making and sat down on Nova's bed to pull her into a tight embrace.
“You did it, mummy,” I whispered to her and felt her body vibrate in giggles.
“We did it, daddy.” She corrected me, bringing a new set of tears to my eyes.
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