#chapter 28: nine-tails...!!
everynart · 7 months
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0ynes · 1 year
What I love about Naruto when he let's Kurama's chakra out, is that it's still him. The blood thirst, the anger, the want for revenge, are all Naruto's feelings. Kurama just enhances his strengh, it's not taking over his body/conscience. He is hurting and he wants to let it out.
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Naruto has a literal demon inside, but at the same time Kurama represents Naruto's figurative inner demons. The anger and frustration he feels when people scorn and mistreart him, the feeling of not being good enough, all the ugly feelings he tries to keep deep inside him come out when something hurts me deeply. Naruto always keeps himself in check and tries to stay in a better path, above those feelings. But there are moments where he is just like "fuck it" and acts on his ugly feelings. Kurama is the visual representation of that. But also it's own thing.
Naruto owns the inner demon trope, is what I'm saying.
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peskellence · 3 months
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Pairing: RK900/Gavin Reed
Tags: Post Pacifist Ending, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Smut, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Read on AO3 here:
Summary: A lot has changed since the revolution. Crimes against androids are now being treated with greater severity, with many being subject to the same penalties as crimes against humans. While anti-android attitudes are on the decline, transforming the mindset of an entire city is no simple task.
A reluctant Gavin Reed and his new partner RK900 have been assigned to investigate a string of disturbing murders. Despite the shift in Detroit's social climate, Gavin still holds reservations about whether or not androids are truly alive. Will his developing feelings for 'Nines' prompt a shift in perspective?
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Depression/Self Destructive Behaviour, Smut
Word Count: 3.3K
Actually Decent (3)
[12:47 pm] HEY gav
[12:47 pm] guess what
[12:48 pm] me and Jasmine are finally official 
Gavin glanced down at his phone, scanning through the messages he had just received from Tina, scoffing fondly. After a few moments of deliberation, he fired off a playful response:
that's great ti
and the last nine months of you hooking up in the supply closet didnt count because…?
As the reply was sent, Nines emerged from the kitchen, deftly sidestepping the assembly of cats congregating at his feet. Carrie seemed determined to trip him up, intercepting his path with every movement. Wendy supported the efforts, trailing closely behind, batting her tail. 
The android was wearing one of his favourite lounging tops, an old graphic t-shirt of Gavin's that he hadn't worn in years. It depicted a montage of famous horror icons drawn in a cartoonish style. Their arms were draped around each other as they posed for a group photo, pulling faces at the camera. 
Actually Decent (2)
Because its finally on the socials <3 <3 <3
this is the best day of my life
Observing his approach, Gavin couldn't help but marvel at how Nines managed to look so effortlessly good whilst wearing a beaten-up shirt that was at least fifteen years old—paired with a set of baggy sweatpants that looked like they'd lost a fight with a swarm of moths. 
He supposed it helped that the garment was a tad too short, teasing at a small sliver of midsection every time he raised his arms. It was downright pornographic, and he intended to write a letter to CyberLife regarding the issue. Either a complaint or a thank you. He hadn't decided yet. 
"The popcorn is in the microwave," Nines smoothly informed, scooping up the most placid of the cats, Nancy, into his arms. He stroked her soft brown fur in long, affectionate brushes before skillfully finding the sweet spot between her neck and ear. The cat melted into the touch as the android moved his fingers with well-rehearsed precision.
"Okay, cool, now all we gotta do is find something to watch," Gavin mumbled, tearing his attention away from the appealing sight long enough to trail his thumb across the power button of a chewed-up television remote. 
The action was delayed, however, as not seconds after setting down his phone, it fired off again, demanding his attention with a precession of frenzied dings:
Actually Decent (7)
I might ask her if she wants to move in with me 
thats the next step after socials right?
Is it too early to propose?
Nines had reached the sofa, tutting frustratedly at the pair of legs strewn across the thoroughly claw-marked cushions. He nudged one of the offending limbs with his knee, continuing to scratch behind the ear of an increasingly vocal Nancy. "Move."
Gavin huffed indignantly, although a playful roll of his eyes assured it wasn't serious. He raised his legs, allowing his partner to sit before casually slumping his feet across his lap. Nines, having anticipated this, lifted up the fluffy mound that was purring appreciatively in his arms. Once settled, he placed the cat in the junction between his feet.
As he replied to Tina, the android claimed the forgotten remote and proceeded to flick through channels, searching for something of interest.
How very lesbian of you.
Yes its too early you freak.
Actually Decent:
:( Sad.
we could have had a joint wedding.
When you and Nines get married, are you gonna take his name, or are you gonna keep yours?
Nines doesn't have a last name 
and he's basically taken mine already
Actually Decent:
Awww, that sucks. I thought Gavin Serial Number 
313 248 317 - 87 had a nice ring to it.
I'd definitely take Jas’ surname. Mrs and Mrs 162 441 229. Really rolls off the tongue don't you think <3 
"I'm not seeing anything I think we'd particularly enjoy," Nines commented, as he made a subtle gesture towards the TV.
Gavin looked up to inspect the screen and was assaulted with a visual barrage of rapidly changing images, blurring into each other at a dizzying rate. His eyes ached, and his forehead pulsed as he vainly attempted to process what he was seeing. "Jesus , slow down. We don't all have advanced optical units; I can't take shit in that quickly."
The pace of the flicking decreased, albeit marginally, as Nines glanced over at him—a mischievous smirk pulling at his lips. "I'm struggling to recall the last time you asked me to slow down."
The seductive resonance of his voice betrayed the double meaning with transparency. It left Gavin to splutter incredulously, mouth gaping in disbelief before he matched his partner's expression with his own crooked smile. "We literally did it this morning, asshole. God, you’re insatiable."
"I see no reason why we can't also partake this afternoon. It is my day off, after all." Carefully so as not to disturb the cat, Nines had begun trailing his free hand across the inside of one of the man's legs. Starting at his ankle before migrating up the taut muscle of his calf. 
It didn’t matter how much time they spent together; the seemingly endless endurance of his libido was something that Gavin was still adjusting to. The android had been permitted decidedly less time to indulge in carnal pleasures, and had made it clear since the beginning of their relationship that he was intent on making up for lost time.
"Easy, Casanova," the man said lowly, suppressing the emergent groan that was building in his throat as the hand brushed the inside of his thigh, seemingly intent on trailing further. "Let's watch a movie first, and then I'll think about it. Give my body a chance to recover."
He squinted at the television again, making another attempt at assigning sense to the disorientating mess being hurled in his face. The rate seemed to have increased significantly in the wake of their playful exchange, and he knew for a fact Nines was doing it on purpose.
Having had some fun at his partner's expense, he eventually relented, handing the remote back to Gavin with quiet complacency. The frenetic blur of images halted, settling on what seemed to be an antique evaluation show. A well-dressed couple engaged in an animated conversation with a heavy-set man in a garish bright suit. They were sharing a bewildering level of enthusiasm over what looked to be a teapot.
Oh, Hell no.
Gavin switched the channel quickly, grimacing as he did so. The sour expression only deepened as the next show involved another suburban, button-down couple chatting menially with a dour-looking host. The only discernible difference seemed to be that the subject of interest was now determining which shade of indistinguishable beige paint should be used to decorate a downstairs bathroom.
After breezing through a few more channels of equally mind-numbing programming, he grew increasingly defeated, grunting under his breath in frustration. "Ugh, you're right. This is all trash—the joys of Daytime TV, I guess."
"If you would pay for a streaming service or two, then you wouldn't be at the mercy of public broadcasting."
"What do I look like, a millionaire? Those sickness paychecks only go so far. I don't have streaming money."
"You'll be back at work and earning your full pay soon enough." The android reclined back in his seat as Nancy kneaded her claws into his lap, seeking a comfortable position. Ultimately, she sank down, curling into a tight ball. "Perhaps you ought to treat yourself; I'd be happy to split the cost."
"Animal shelter money doesn't really constitute ‘rolling in it’ either, Nines."
His partner tutted at the persistent pessimism before seeking out another compromise. "Alright, fine. Then we can watch one of your DVDs."
"We've watched the entire collection more times than I can count. I wanna find something you haven't seen yet."
"Truly, I don't mind what we watch as long as we do it together."
Gavin pointed to his throat and made a prolonged retching noise. "You and the sappy crap."
Nancy, who had begun dozing against his leg, roused slightly, her tail bristling and amber eyes scanning her surroundings. The noise was not enough to prompt her to flee, as a soothing stroke from Nines ensured she settled back down. 
He shot his partner an incredulous look, to which Gavin responded by prodding a heel into his abdomen. "Oh, don't give me that look, I'm kidding."
"I know you are. You'd be utterly devastated if I ever relented on the ‘sappy crap’" There was a brief crackle of static, which marked a shift in tone towards the end of the sentence. The typically smooth, measured resonance of his voice adopted a more abrasive quality. 
Gavin scowled, noting the uncanny familiarity as he sunk further into the cushions. "I do not sound like that."
"You sound exactly like that—It is a sample of your voice."
"Bullshit. You pitch-shifted it, and now you're just trying to mess with me." Returning his attention to the television, the man continued to trawl through the increasingly dire options. He was on the brink of admitting defeat when an unwelcome image asserted its presence, filling the screen from corner to corner:
Dimitar Petrov stood at a wooden stand, fixating on something out of view. His hazel eyes appeared relentlessly cold, darkened with detached cruelty. A nervous-looking man in an ill-fitting blue suit stood to his side, running his fingers anxiously through spiked black hair. Gavin felt his chest tighten as the once-jovial air surrounding the couple dissipated, replaced by an unpleasant tension.
He’d forgotten what day it was—and suspected he had done so consciously, at least to some extent. Not wanting the unwelcome reminder of the events that took place several months ago to dampen the mood.
After the initial shock waned, he sat himself upright, focusing his attention on the screen. The camera panned over to a gallery filled with solemn faces, with the corresponding attendants sitting in respectful silence. A few voices broke through, with the laboured sobs of one attendee proving particularly disruptive. Gavin recognised her as Stephenie, the sister of Jennifer Parkins — the Reaper's only human victim. 
Focus then shifted to an older man on the opposite end of the room, looming over the proceedings with a stern expression. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached a verdict?"
"We have, Your Honor."
An anticipative breath lodged in his throat as Gavin leaned closer. The forgotten remote was still clutched in his grasp, trapped in an increasingly tightened vice. Then, a hand found his forearm, stirring his attention just enough that his focus pulled away from the screen.
As their gazes locked, Nines gave his arm a tentative squeeze before softly addressing him. "I suggest we find some lighter viewing. Perhaps a psychological horror."
"Doesn't get much more horrifying than this fucker," the man seethed, glowering at the television as the camera focused back on Dimitar. He quietly reassured the android, resting a hand across his in a placating gesture. "It's okay, I wanna hear what they say."
Any lingering noise in the court dissipated as an effort was made by the more hysterical onlookers to quiet themselves. The foreperson stood from his chair, a paper clutched in his hands. His eyes were narrowed as he gave it a cursory scan before finally addressing the courtroom. "In the Case of The Androids Of Detroit Versus Dimitar Petrov, we find the defendant… Guilty of all charges."
The gallery stirred back to life as ripples of sounds echoed through. Gasps of relief mingled with more vocal affirmations as tearful spectators embraced each other. 
"The court accepts the jury's verdict. Dimitar Petrov, you are hereby convicted of sixteen counts of first-degree murder. Given the severity of your crimes, the court sentences you to life in prison without the possibility of parole."
With a defeated sigh, the blue-clad lawyer slumped in his chair, casting a weary glance at a man on an opposing bench. The figure in question, decked head-to-toe in ostentatious maroon, quietly gathered his papers, nodding in measured satisfaction. Dimitar seldom reacted to the verdict save for a cruel sneer. A set of bailiffs emerged at the stand, flanking him on either side before placing their hands on his shoulders and leading him away.
"Fucking good," Gavin remarked, exhaling the fraught breath that he had been holding during the deliberation. "Exactly what that piece of shit deserves."
As he said this, a high-pitched ding could be heard from the kitchen, which he recognised as the microwave. The man stood up from his semi-reclined position, grunting as he did. Though he made an effort to withdraw his feet slowly, the action proved enough to finally disturb Nancy. She dropped to the floor and plodded away towards the kitchen, presumably in anticipation of food. Nines was visibly saddened by her departure as his hand hovered longingly where she had been resting.
"Need to get a new couch; the support on this one is terrible." Gavin craned forward, pressing his hands to the small of his back as the bones emitted a soft crack. "My back is killing me."
The android transitioned from displeasure to amusement in rapid succession as he let out a terse snort.
"Hey, don't laugh," the man retorted, levelling him with an accusatory look. "It's completely reasonable for me to want to sit on a comfortable couch."
"I'm not laughing because it's unreasonable. I just think you're being a tad dramatic."
Gavin scoffed, spinning on his heel in a deliberate show of theatrics, accompanied by a flagrant eye roll. Advancing toward the kitchen, a distant mewl could be heard, accompanied by a more exuberant yowl of impatience—easily recognisable as Tiffany. 
"It's all part of ageing, Nines, and it's only getting worse from here. You still gonna want me when I look like a wrinkled ball sack?"
"That would imply you don't already."
"Ooo, harsh .” He emitted a sharp hissing noise, clutching his chest in a show of exaggerated offence. "I'm thirty-six, you smug asshole."
"Thirty-seven in a few weeks.”
"Yeah, don't remind me," he growled as his playful demeanour started to wane. "I found another grey hair this morning. That's five now."
"Ahh yes, a sure sign that false teeth and an orthopaedic pillow loom closely on the horizon."
"If you keep teasing, I'll have to bump my midlife crisis ahead a few years."
Emerging into the kitchen, the sounds of anticipative yowls grew, and he made a detour en route to the microwave. A growing congregation of hungry cats gathered at his feet, glassy eyes staring up in anticipation.
"Gavin, none of that matters to me," he heard Nines protest from the other room. The playful joviality of his voice was absent, replaced with something more sincere. “Your appearance may change, but you will be the same person—and I will continue to adore you.” 
"Easy to say when you're gonna spend the rest of your life looking like an underwear model."
As the cupboard creaked open, he heard a flurry of movement from another room, followed by the frantic plodding of feet. A frenzied blur of black and white came screeching into the kitchen, thunderous paws losing grip as the cat collided head-first with a wall.
Goddammit Richie. 
"If you knew I would age the same as you, that my physical appearance would also be subject to change, would you feel any differently?"
His hand stilled on the handle. Bristling at the unexpected question, he swiftly abandoned his current task, much to the vocal chagrin of his pets. "No, of course not. Why the hell would that change anything?"
Then a realisation struck him. He had never been one for overt sentiment, with Nines having comfortably taken that role in the relationship. That being said, the negligence he had demonstrated at failing to express that particular affirmation—several months after its emergence—couldn't really be excused.
"Nines…I love you. You know that, right?" 
The confession was met by a weighty silence, which left Gavin with a disquieting sense of unease. He quietly receded back through the kitchen and peered his head around the corner of the doorway, seeking to gauge his partner's response.
Nines was staring at him, eyes glossed with ill-concealed sentiment, as his lips were pulled into a small, grateful smile. Everything about his softened expression seemed to exude adoration—and unyielding devotion. "I do, but it feels truly wonderful to hear you say it."
The draw of his voice was magnetising, compelling the man to abandon everything he had been doing. He hurried back to the couch and, without another word exchanged, straddled his partner's hips, capturing his mouth in a fervid kiss. The android groaned appreciatively, mingled with a static-like charge, as he kissed back with matched enthusiasm. 
"What about the popcorn?" Nines gently teased, having pulled back just enough that the words danced enticingly against the man's lips.
"Fuck it, that can wait," Gavin murmured, his mouth running a languid path across the length of his jaw. "The movie, too. I've had enough rest."
Then Richie—who the couple had long since surmised was the embodiment of chaos tenuously masquerading as a cat—barrelled his way through the living room. His trajectory was only halted as he jumped onto a windowsill, knocking over several ornaments with a brush of his tail.
Rather than stopping there, he somehow managed to scamper his way up one of the curtains, getting his claws embedded at the top and marking it with sizeable tears as he tried to wriggle free. In the process, the rail above dislodged, collapsing to the floor, taking the curtains, and a still-attached cat with it. 
Anything that remained on the windowsill was promptly displaced, including a succulent that Tina had gifted Gavin as a Get Well Soon gift. The plant hit the floor with a crack, shattering into a mess of dirt and ceramic.
Goddammit Richie.
He emitted a deep groan into his partner’s shoulder as the android shared in his discontent, albeit with a more subdued resignation. "That's a shame; I rather liked that plant."
Carefully, he encouraged his partner off his lap so they could both stand to inspect the damage. As he did so, Wendy came charging out of the kitchen, being chased by Carrie, dashing in front of the couple and almost sending them toppling over. 
"You know, with all these additional bodies, conditions are getting rather cramped."
Picking up the curtains, Gavin noted in frustration that the flimsy support beam had been warped as a result of the impact. "I'm gonna move out soon…before I lose any more of my fucking deposit."
Nines stood to his side, conducting a survey of the room. His attention was drawn to the distinctive scratch marks etched across nearly every wooden surface, as well as a large indent in the plasterboard beside the door. "I’m afraid it might be a bit late for that."
Gavin grumbled in begrudging acknowledgement. He set the mangled curtains back on the floor, determining them to be beyond salvaging, as he folded his arms over his chest. "Don’t get me wrong, this place is a shithole, but it kind of sucks to leave so soon. I only just moved in."
"You’ve been here for almost a year," Nines smoothly corrected.
"Yeah, but I only just finished unpacking."
There was a lull in the discussion as his partner fell silent, lips pursed thoughtfully. At times like this, he missed the days when flickers of light on his forehead would seek to betray his line of thinking. The android was much harder to read without his LED, although he respected his decision to remove it —seeking to shed all superfluous reminders of his past. 
Mercifully, this had extended to his CyberLife jacket, which had found itself on the receiving end of Gavin's lighter. It had been an extremely cathartic evening for both of them.
"Well, my home is larger than yours," Nines eventually said, his voice carrying with it an air of measured rationale. "You could always stay with me for a while. Until you find other living arrangements."
The invitation caught Gavin off-guard as his folded arms slackened, falling limply to his sides. "You’d let me move in with you? Seriously?"
"I see no reason why we could not reach some sort of ‘agreement.’"There was a teasing edge to this as the android leaned forward, deftly cupping his jaw and capturing his lips in a stolen kiss. "On the promise that you might make some effort to be a touch more organised."
The man snorted at the suggestion, brow raised incredulously as he leant his weight into the affectionate touch. "Not happening. Nice try, though."
"The arrangement needn’t be temporary…" Nines continued, his gaze flickering to the side as though claimed by a sudden rush of uncertainty. "You could stay indefinitely, should you like."
It was Gavin's turn to fall silent. In his previous relationships, moving in together hadn't even been a consideration until a full year of established dating. Even then, he had met the suggestion with marked resistance. 
With Nines, nothing about their relationship had ever run as conventional, making the swift progression seem oddly fitting. Any fleeting reservations he may have held soon deserted him, yielding to the trepidation in his partner's eyes. 
It occurred that he had never felt so deeply compelled to commit himself to someone, and it would be foolish to dismiss the significance of that. 
"I guess we’re together most nights anyway, so it makes practical sense. Might take you up on that offer."
"I hope you will," Nines replied, his voice airy and drawn out, like a gracious sigh. He wrapped his arms smoothly around his partner, pulling him close. "I love you, Gavin."
"I know you do—schmaltzy bastard."
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Yatai Stalls:Japanese Street Food :- Street food vendors are known as Yatai in Japan and while they can be seen in abundance at festivals.
The text written in those colorful nobari :
串だんご (Kushi-dango)
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Dango is a Japanese sweet that has been loved by Japanese people for a long time. Dango is a dough made by adding water to powdered grains such as rice, rolling it up and steaming it. Currently, skewered dumplings are often recognized as so-called dumplings, but there are also dumplings that are not skewered. Dumplings flavored with soy sauce, miso, and soybean flour have long been popular among Japanese people. There are also dango called hanami dango and tsukimi dango, which are often seen at events and are said to bring good luck.
たこ焼 (Takoyaki)
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Diced octopus encased in a light batter and rolled into a ball with spring onion and ginger and topped with green seaweed, sauce, sliced and dried bonito, and sometimes drizzled with mayonnaise. The exterior of a takoyaki ball is a nice golden brown while the interior can be a touch molten. A single order of takoyaki typically contains about eight balls that are topped with shaved bonito flakes (katsuobushi), aonori seaweed flakes and drizzled with mayonnaise and takoyaki sauce.
おでん (Oden)
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"Oden" is very popular winter dish all over Japan, and each region has original taste, as Ozouni new year soup. Various kind of ingredients slowly simmered in flavorful dashi broth.
• Masks
Traditional Japanese masks (お面) are mostly decorative and can easily be found at festivals and shrine events. Masks have long played an important role in Japanese culture. Most of these masks are archetypes borrowed from mythology, ancient dances, or noh theater and military costume. Traditional masks are still used by theater actors or Shinto dancers. The most popular Japanese masks are often inspired by yokai; Supernatural Japanese creatures that appear in popular legends and beliefs. In Kabuki theater, they used makeup to embody characters such as demons or to translate expressions such as anger, feelings of sadness or rage on the faces. The Kabuki actors, as opposed to the Noh Theater, do not wear masks. The mask has also the function of hiding any individual traces of the actor. The fox mask is worn on the faces of many festival goers during Shinto ceremonies. Kitsune mask always using White colour based with red patterns. Inari Shrine had red colors everywhere included on the fox statues of the shrine. Most of the foxes serve Inari has white fur. In most of Japanese festival, Kitsune mask always using White colour based with red patterns. The mask of the fox used in Noh play or Kagura play is white. Kitsunes are believed to have from one to nine tails. The number of tails a kitsune has indicates its age and strength. Kitsunes can come in different colors but turn white or gold upon gaining their 9th tail. The Nine Tailed Fox, or Kyuubi no Kitsune, can hear and see everything that goes on around the world. They wear these (kitsune) masks, in order to attract good benefits and thus ensure a good harvest.
Here are the masks I identified from the panel above.
1. Ramenman in Kinnikuman series
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The Japanese manga series Kinnikuman was written and illustrated by Yoshinori Nakai and Takashi Shimada, known as Yudetamago. The series follow Kinnikuman, a superhero who must win a wrestling tournament to retain the title of prince of Planet Kinniku. The manga was first published in Shueisha's magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump as a two one-shots in December 1978 and March 1979. The regular serialization started with the publication of the first chapter in the May 28, 1979 issue of Weekly Shōnen Jump, where it was serialized weekly until its conclusion in March 1987. Tatakae!! Ramenman is an alternate-universe and spin-off series to Yudetamago's previous work: Kinnikuman. It is focused around the character of Ramenman, who travels the land to fight various enemies. It was serialized in Shueisha's Fresh Jump magazine from 1982 until 1988.
2. Kamen Rider (1971 TV series)
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Kamen Rider is a tokusatsu franchise created by manga creator Shotaro Ishinomori.
3. Chiaotzu in Dragon Ball
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4. Sun Wukong
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(The picture I'm using from Toriyama's bonus illustration featured in Dragon Ball's 6th volume)
In the novel, this headgear is something that binds sun wukong. Originally, he didn't wear it, but after following Tang Sanzang, that is, his master. At the beginning, he liked to kill some ordinary people without any spells. Tang Sanzang felt that his character was very bad, so there was a god, she called Guanshiyin Bodhisattva.This Bodhisattva also taught Tang Sanzang a formula. She used the temptation to make Monkey King wear a hat, and then the hat became this headgear, if Monkey King wanted to kill ordinary people.Tang Sanzang can recite formulas, and this headdress will shrink, giving Monkey King a headache and unable to use any spells. @dob-siki thank you for the information!!!
5. Hyottoko mask
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Hyottoko means this facial expression or a mask with this funny face. It's a man. The pouting bent expression of his mouth is very significant. The size of the left and right eyes can be different too. In the mask or the person, who wears the mask often puts Japanese cotton towel (Tenugui) around the head. This character originally came from ancient traditional Japanese dance called Bugaku. The face of this character is an old man playing a funny and ridiculous role. He saw a beautiful couple dancing beautifully and admired and appreciated their dancing while drinking a lot of sake. He was very impressed and tried to dance like that with his wife. But they were too drunk and too old to dance gracefully, so their "dance" turned out to be very funny and awkward. There are many different stories about Hyotoko in Japan. The name Hyottoko came from Hi-Otoko (fire man). He is blowing air through a hollow bamboo stick to make fire. And his expression is showing how hard he is trying. His mouth is also known to resemble sake bottle. Hyottoko masks are commonly used during traditional Japanese dances in order to bring good luck.
I don't know whether the following findings are correct or wrong.
6. Lokai in Star Trek : Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (1969)
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This is what came to my mind when I saw white on the right side and black on the left side.
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sagesilentfire · 11 months
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I FINISHED A SKETCHBOOK! Every page is drawn upon. It only took me... eight years. Wow. I only started working on it in earnest about six months ago, though, so... yeah. 
TO CELEBRATE: I want to take one of these sketches and develop it into a full rendered digital painting. I will make a fun little quiz and we'll narrow it down to one drawing. Quiz and logistics coming later, but will be posted here.
A lot of this is me figuring out designs for characters I haven't even written about yet, so look out for that. I'll elaborate one every sketch if you're interested, so keep reading if you want to know who's who. The sketches are generally in reverse chronological order from top to bottom.
1. Alice, a new character in Star and Marcie and the Forces of Evil, my latest project. She's fighting. She's a fighter. She's a love interest, but I hope I make her interesting on her own.
2. Cinder, wearing a shirt Kowari and Kultarr got for her. He will never take it off.
3. Various faces for Iako, a character in my next project that I'm 90% sure on the design for. She lives in a world of kitsunes who accidentally got addicted to gaining their nine tails through murder. Also magic powers are cursed. Iako wants to make magic better, so she goes on a trip to a mysterious island that holds the key to ending the curses... and their lives. Also it's based on the original premise of Lightlark. Hehe. Prologue can be found here. It's part 2.
4. lorge Sílthéy and small derg. 
5. Practicing SilkWings and playing around with dragon faces, plus their defining attributes.
6. ANCIENT Sílthéy expression practice. This is years before the eye redesign, but you can still get the essence of her character and how she's born out of my religious trauma.
7. ANCIENT Sílthéy expression practice cont.
8. SilkWing practice with face shapes.
9. Alice fullbody. My second drawing of her, getting her design down.
10. a. Evelyn, the protag of a story I'd like to tell someday. I can't say much more than that, except that it's a tragedy of epic proportions. b. Human Sílthéy
11. Alice and Shinjai. Shinjai is a main character in SAMATFOE, and she and Alice have an almost-thing going. 
12. Iako and a still unnamed... side character? They're studying the book Iako gets in the prologue.
13. This is [NAME REDACTED]. They're from a universe inspired by Star Wars, but if it was animated and also deeply weird. [NAME REDACTED] is [TOP SECRET INFORMATION]
14. First drawing of Alice. Figuring out her cheekmarks, and what I wanted to keep in her show design (she's based on a one-off background character).
15. More Iako drawings. Left out her hair in a, can't remember if it was intentional or not.
16. A dragon from a Wings of Fire inspired sci-fi world.
17. RPG species. They're aliens who are eusocial, and females are split into four "genders"/roles in society. This gender is soldier, distinguished by their massive claws and size. Their job is everything that requires strength.
18. An early Tethalaos, and also an entirely plausible form for them to take.
19. Above mentioned RPG species. This gender is gatherer, distinguished by their small body and delicate hands. 
20. Another dragon from above mentioned Wings of Fire inspired sci-fi.
21, 23-26. More sketches of [NAME REDACTED]. As you might guess, I quite like them. I just think they're neat, and I wanted to get their design down solidly.
22. Wasp friend :D
27. Shinjai's new crown, as seen in the latest chapter of SAMATFOE.
28. Funny Christmas Carol-inspired AU of SAMATFOE that I drew after being bludgeoned over the head with Christmas music for hours in a holiday sale I was working at.
29. Sílthéy being big mad.
30. RainWing. Not sure who this is.
31. Toffee's Mewberty wings.
32. More Evelyn.
33. LunarWings, but in my sci-fi world.
34. Yet another species in my sci-fi world.
35. Star and Marcie from SAMATFOE
36. Espina, a character from an urban-fantasy boarding school story about being bonded to animals people often find disgusting and repulsive. Espina controls wasps.
37. All the they/them nonbinary characters in SAMATFOE at the time of this drawing. From left to right: Nova, Toffee, Necahua, Dr. Edevane, Mayhem and Miette Maizley, Higgs, and of course, Tethalaos. Drawn at a nonbinary people meetup.
38. Sílthéy again
39. The oldest drawing in the book, Darkstalker from before we even knew what he looked like. An old doodle, but it proves how dedicated I was to Darkstalker being a good guy back in the day.
40. A design for an old idea I had of a hollow mountain filled with outcasts from society. Might revisit it, there's enough there to make at least a novella.
41. Toffee fashion sketches.
42. An old drawing of Sílthéy in her Wings of Fire dragon form, a hybrid named Liminal (nicknamed Lin). I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, honestly.
43. Sílthéy even BIGGER mad
44. More from the hollow mountain. The outcasts are protected by these guys, and in exchange they're cleaned and fed.
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Foxtail & Wolfsbane Part 28
Summary: Your lifelong obsession to hunt down the Nine-Tailed Fox has not gone as expected, and seventeen years later, you find yourself coming back to the place where it all started: Hogwarts. However, with Sirius Black’s escape from Azkaban and Headmaster Dumbledore’s hire of a certain Professor R. J. Lupin, you suddenly find yourself intertwined in the fates of those with whom you thought you had parted ways with long ago. 
[Multi-Post Story] [Rowan Scamander x Reader] [Remus Lupin x Reader] [Young Sirius Black x Reader] [Tristan Graves x Reader] [Severus Snape x Reader] *Note: Rowan Scamander, Tristan Graves, Susana Holmes, Cas Carneirus, Henrietta Weiss, and Thomas Picquery are OC characters. *Please do not repost or copy my work without my permission. Thank You!
Note: Part 28 does not contain any explicit smut. However, there are descriptions of kissing, touching, and grinding. There are also past references to sexual acts. 
Note: Please also note that, completely unrelated to any sexual acts, there is violence (fighting) and references to blood and wounds in this part. 
☾ Click Here for Foxtail & Wolfsbane Home Page (All Chapter Links) ☾
The next morning, you blinked awake to find yourself wrapped snugly in Rowan’s arms. You could hear him snoring gently behind you, and his chest was pressed warmly against your back.
You glanced over at the clock on the wall. We have to go soon, to catch that Portkey.
Slipping out of Rowan’s embrace, you headed into the shower and washed up.
By the time you came back out, Rowan was gone. In fact, he wasn’t even in the room anymore.
You wrapped a bathrobe around yourself and headed for the door. You opened it and stuck your head outside, wondering if you might spot Rowan leaving or coming back to your room.  
You spotted Rowan standing in the middle of the hallway, only two doors down. He had his ear pressed up against the door. You stared at him in surprise.
Catching you poking your head out of the room, Rowan quickly lifted his finger and pressed it to his lips, indicating for you to stay silent. Then, he motioned for you to go back inside your room. Instead, you came and joined him at the door.
Rowan tried to stop you, but you slapped his hand away and pressed your ear against the door, too.
At once, you heard the innkeeper’s voice, saying loudly, “Yes! Yes, I swear to you, it was Scamander. He rented a room from me yesterday – he’s still here now! – and you know what? He brought a woman with him.”
Another voice, a woman’s voice, replied, with great interest, “A woman? Was she blonde? Wearing a print dress? Clutching a pink handbag?”
“Uh, no. Blue-haired. No handbag that I can remember.”
“Blue hair? My goodness. He’s branching out in his tastes, isn’t he? He usually goes for the more feminine sort.”
By now, Rowan was trying to pry you off the door and you were doing your damnedest to hold onto the door knob.
Rowan hissed into your ear, “You – let – go – right – now!”
You shook your head furiously and held onto the doorknob even tighter.
Meanwhile, the innkeeper continued, “Yeah, and I tell you what – he wasn’t shy about her, either! I heard them going at it for hours yesterday night!”
“Yes, moaning and groaning and thumping and all the rest!”
“Excellent. Well, as promised, here’s 25 Galleons. Thank you for your information. You’re doing journalism a great service, I tell you!”
Rowan grabbed you around the waist and gave you a hard yank. Your hands finally slipped off the doorknob.
“Ah!” you gasped.
Both you and Rowan went tumbling back onto the floor.
“Ugh!” Rowan groaned as he fell back against the floor, and you landed on top of him.
There was a sudden rush of footsteps and then – the door slammed open.
“Oh, my! Speak of the devil!”
“Quick – get a picture!”
“Wha -?” Your bathrobe was in complete disarray and yet, the journalist already had her camera out and pointed towards you.
“Wait, no!” you started to yell.
Rowan leapt to his feet, snatched the camera out of the journalist’s hands and dashed it against the floor, where it broke into several pieces.
The journalist gasped. “Rowan Scamander! Do you have any idea how expensive that camera is?”
“You can bill me for it later, Rita,” Rowan said grimly.
Rita laughed. Then, she pointed at you with a long, garish green quill. “So, this is the girl, eh? Anything you’d like to say about Rowan?”
Rowan made a snatch for the quill as well, but Rita managed to whip it away in time.
Then, Rowan stepped back, shielding you from view. “Don’t you dare drag her into your disgusting world, Skeeter.”
“Disgusting?” Rita looked highly offended. “My readers would beg to differ - ”
“Then they’re disgusting, too,” Rowan said shortly. Turning his head slightly to speak to you, Rowan murmured lowly, “Go. I’ll catch up with you.”
You were worried – not for yourself, but for Rowan. He was shivering all over with a dangerous energy. “You’re – Are you going to hurt them?”
“I’m just going to have a word with the innkeeper.”
The way he’s speaking promises something violent, though, you thought. Yet, you knew you would only make the situation more difficult by staying here. You pressed your hands against Rowan’s back, trying to be reassuring. “I’m fine, so, please don’t do anything on my behalf. Come back to our room quickly.”
Shooting Rita and the innkeeper a nasty look, you hurried back to your room.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
The minute you shut your door behind you, Rowan said, in a clipped voice, “You can go, Rita.”
Rita grinned. “Well, I got what I came here for, anyways. And, my goodness, Rowan, you’re soft with her, aren’t you? Whispering to her like that…”
Rowan glared at her.
Rita laughed, but her laugh was now nervous. “Never mind. You’ll read it all in the article tomorrow.”
Rowan growled lowly, “One of these days…”
“Yes, one of these days,” Rita said airily. “But for now, there’s nothing you can do to me, is there? Even the Ministry won’t let you off easy if you hinder their gossip column reporter…”
With that, Rita waved her fingers at Rowan before she strutted away.
Rowan grabbed the front of the innkeeper’s shirt and dragged him back into the room he’d come from. Once inside, he slammed the innkeeper against the wall.
“Sir! I’m sorry, sir!” the innkeeper yelped, terrified.
“I can’t threaten her, but I can threaten you,” Rowan growled furiously. “If you let Skeeter print even one word about the woman who came with me, I will make sure your inn never sells another room again. Am I understood?”
“Good. Now go.” Rowan let go of the man’s shirt.
The innkeeper hurriedly scrambled away, desperate to catch Rita and persuade her to change the details of the story to make you unidentifiable.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Rowan came back to the room, to find you already dressed and waiting nervously for him. A heavy silence engulfed the room. You bit your lower lip, too anxious to say anything.
Rowan merely asked you, “Are you ready to go?”
Rowan reached into his cloak, as if to make sure he had something. Then, he held his hand to you. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”
You took his hand. To your relief, Rowan squeezed your hand gently, as if telling you not to worry, before he led you out of the room.
You remembered what Rowan had said to you yesterday, when the innkeeper had gone out of his way to give you two a bigger room.
“People are exhausting,” Rowan breathed out.  
You said to him, “People shouldn’t feel exhausting to you, Rowan. Not when they’re tripping over their feet to make you comfortable.”
Rowan barked out a short, bitter laugh. “Comfortable?”
Now, you were starting to understand why he had reacted that way.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
The bright, beaming girl was waiting for you and Rowan. Rowan was polite enough, but he barely looked her way. Instead, he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you in close to him. You stared up at him for a moment, wondering if he was all right and simultaneously knowing he wasn’t. Because Rowan wouldn’t look at you either.
The girl yelled out, “All right – 3, 2, 1!” You and Rowan reached out together and touched the glowing bucket at the same time.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Remus checked the newspapers every day, scanning it to make sure that was nothing about Sirius in there. For even though Sirius was still living with him, Remus didn’t trust Sirius to stay out of trouble. Besides, there was no telling what Wormtail was up to these days. So, even when Sirius repeatedly told him that he was being a good boy and staying put, Remus still carefully scanned the Daily Prophet every morning. Every time he flipped a page, Remus shot a dubious glance at Sirius, who was sitting across from him at the table and sipping black coffee.
Remus made to skip over the ‘Gossip’ column when a name caught his eye. He hesitated and looked closer. “Rowan Scamander, famous Magizoologist and child prodigy of Newt and Tina Scamander, was reported to have spent last night at the Knuckleberry Inn with a new woman. Sources report that she had bright pink hair and a terrible, scowling attitude...”
Remus frowned. Pink hair? But Lovely’s got blue hair.  
At once, his mind went into overdrive. Did she dye it pink? Maybe to match Rowan’s hair a bit more, so they could be a couple? Or maybe it wasn’t her at all, but another woman - but why would Rowan be with another woman? He wasn’t cheating on her, was he? If he did, he deserves a long, slow, painful death. Wait. Did he and Lovely part ways already? But then, where is Lovely? Is she safe? Is she all right?
“Moony?” Sirius looked over confusedly at Remus, who had suddenly stood up,
“Er - nothing. Sorry.” Remus sat back down. He tried to act normal, but a moment later, he had buried his head in his hands and was gripping at his hair. She did have blue hair, right? I haven’t gone completely insane. Right? 
Sirius reached over and tapped Remus’ shoulder. “No, you haven’t got blue hair, Remus. But, if you keep yanking at your hair like that, pretty soon you’re going to have no hair at all.” Sirius grinned, as he mused, “A hairless werewolf. Now, that would be interesting.”
“Shut up, Padfoot,” Remus muttered despondently. “I’ve already got enough in my head without that cursed image in my mind.”  
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
You stared out at the snow-capped mountaintops. While the mountaintops were crested in white snow, the forest that lay immediately before you was clearly in summer mode. Flowers were bursting into life on the forest floor, and the sunlight above filtered down through the lush foliage to cast yellow-green light everywhere.
“Do you know where we need to go?” Rowan asked you.
“To a point.”
Rowan gazed at the forest for a moment. He realized, “I’ve been here before.”
You looked back at him, surprised. “You have? When?”
“Some years ago… My father and I were chasing a kappa.”
“Kappas are Japanese water demons, right?”
“Yes. And I remember…” Rowan hesitated. He couldn’t quite put into words what he had experienced. He had been running after his father, who had been single-mindedly chasing the kappa, when all of a sudden, the ground under his feet had shifted. Rowan had stopped, wondering if an earthquake was occurring. But everything was already still and back to normal. He had called out to his father, then…
Newt looked back at his son. “What is it, Rowan? Is something the matter?”
“Do kappas produce force fields?”
Newt shook his head. “You know they don’t, Rowan.”
Meanwhile, less than a mile away, you had just exited the eternal winter world, and unbeknownst to you, you were now carrying the Nine-Tailed Fox within your very soul…
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
The two of you were walking through the forest. Neither of you had spoken in hours.
Feeling a great need to break the awkwardness, you said, as playfully as you could, “So, you’ve dated a blonde woman who carries a pink handbag, hm?”
Rowan muttered, “I didn’t realize you picked up on that.” “Oh, come on,” you teased, “tell me about her.”
“You know her, too.”
“I do?”
“Yeah, she went to Hogwarts with us. Magdalene. She was a Hufflepuff.”
You frowned. “She was our year?”
“Yes.” Rowan glanced at you. Seeing the complete confusion on your face, he became amused. “You really didn’t interact with very many people at Hogwarts, huh?”
You shrugged.
“Her mother’s the Head of International Magical Cooperation,” he explained. “So she crosses paths quite a bit with my parents, and I end up seeing Mag a lot. In fact, when my father and I were responsible for tracking down all of the creatures’ movements, we had to report to her.”
“Ah. And have you – er  - ?” “What? Slept with her?” Rowan seemed amused that you would even ask such a thing. “Yeah, I have.”
“How many times?”
“Is this an inquisition?”
“Just answer.”
“I used to see her about once a month -”
“Once a month!” Your eyes bulged.
“ – To report our findings to her,” he answered smoothly.
Rowan smirked tauntingly as he finished, “And we fucked every time.”
“Christ,” you muttered.  
“I haven’t seen her for over a year now, though. We’ve been busy with our own things.”
Rowan watched you, as you were walking in front of him. He thought you were so cute to ask about these things, and he was happy to know that you were curious at all. It showed, for once, a tiny bit of possessiveness on your end, too. But it wouldn’t match up anywhere close to his, Rowan knew, as he asked you now, “Well, what about you?”
You looked back over your shoulder at him. “What about me?”
“You wouldn’t believe the amount of snide comments I got from Tristan about you,” Rowan finally revealed. “About how well he took care of you on my behalf. Fucking bastard.”
You hurriedly looked forward again, as you felt a warm blush sweep over your face. “It was merely a matter of convenience,” you said humbly.
Rowan suddenly caught up with you. He grabbed your wrist and made you spin around. “Oh, yeah? Just convenience?”
You refused to meet Rowan’s eyes as you replied, “Yep.”
“You didn’t find him handsome, like all the other girls tend to?”
In a clipped voice, you responded, “Finding someone handsome and having sex with them has no relationship. It’s not mutually inclusive or exclusive.”
Rowan replied quite quickly, “So – that’s a yes, then?”
“Okay, Rowan, this is an inquisition.” You poked at his chest. “Will you get out of the way? We need to keep going.”
Rowan’s response was to firmly guide you to the nearest tree and press you up against it. “Answer me. You found him handsome?”
You finally looked Rowan square in the eyes. “Yes, for Merlin’s sake, he’s handsome. I’m sure anyone would agree. Even you.”
“Sure, he’s handsome, the smug bastard,” Rowan muttered. Then, gazing down at you, he asked crudely, “Tell me. Did you find him handsome when he fucked you?” He lifted his hand and traced your lips with his fingers. “Did you think to yourself how good-looking he was when he was inside of you? And did you whimper like a bitch in heat when you fell to your knees and sucked on his cock?”
There was no helping it – you flushed a bright red now. Irritated, you muttered, “Why do you have to talk like that?”
“Anyone else?” Rowan asked you, intending to make the most of it while the two of you were on this subject. “Anyone else have the honor of taking your tight little cunt all to himself for a night?”
I wonder if steam is coming out of my head, you wondered vaguely.
“C’mon, love.” Rowan gently slapped your cheek.
That’s it. With a growl, you pounced on him. Grabbing Rowan by the collar, you shoved him down while raising your right foot to trip him.
Rowan went sprawling. “Oof!”
You jumped on top of him and grabbed his collar again. “Will you stop trying to embarrass me, you disrespectful little twerp?”
Rowan burst out laughing.
Son of a - ! You grabbed a handful of leaves and threw them at his face.
Rowan sputtered in his laughter, but he only said, “Ah, you should see how flustered you get, love. It’s only sex.”
“All right. Fine.” You sat on top of Rowan, who was still lying on the ground. Trying to tease him back, you slowly began to grind your hips again him, as you told him, “It wasn’t just Graves. There was another man, too – Severus Snape.”
Rowan breathed out when he felt you moving on top of him, but, far from being disarmed, he only grinned and remarked, “Ah, so it’s really not about being handsome.”
“Wha -?” Your mouth dropped open. “That’s so mean!”
Rowan laughed heartily.
You thumped him in the chest. “Damn you, Rowan Jacob Scamander!”
“Ow!” Rowan gasped softly, but then, he caught your hand and then –
Fwump. He flipped the two of you so that suddenly, you were under him.
You blinked up at him dizzily, surprised by finding yourself abruptly lying on the forest floor.
Rowan had put one hand under your head, to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself when you fell back, and with his other hand, he was still grasping your wrist. Keeping you there under him, he asked you, “And what about me?”
“Yeah. What do you think about me?”
Annoyed at him, you replied, “I’d say you’re not nearly as handsome as Tristan Graves, nor are you as profoundly intelligent as Severus Sn – ah!”
Rowan pushed his hips against yours. His broad, sturdy hips lifted yours clean off the ground for a moment, while your chin met your chest briefly. Then, sitting back down on his heels, Rowan challenged you, with his voice in a light growl, “You sure about that?”
“Ah – um… y-yes,” you stuttered out.
“You absolutely sure?”
“Yes,” you stressed.
Rowan’s eyes were so lively. Looking up at him, seeing the backdrop of the endless bright blue sky and yellow-green leaves, his bright hair, warm eyes, and cinnamon freckles stood out more than ever. He looks… carefree, you thought. Thank Merlin. After what happened at that inn, I’m so glad he’s all right.
Rowan saw it – the way the hardness in your eyes melted. Smiling, he leaned down and nuzzled your cheek with his nose. “But you prefer me, anyways.” He touched the tip of your nose with his. “Right?”
You couldn’t help but smile. You slid your arms around his shoulders, as you whispered back, “Right.”
Rowan’s mouth caught yours in a warm kiss. You hugged him, pulling him down on top of you to deepen the kiss. For a moment, on that forest floor, patterned with the canopy of summer foliage, there stood out Rowan’s ginger hair and your blue hair, as the two of you kissed and held onto each other.
A few minutes passed, when you suddenly clutched onto the back of Rowan’s cloak and reminded him, in a soft whisper, “We have to keep moving.”
Rowan sighed. “But I haven’t made you repent yet.”
“For what?”
“For implying that those other men were better for you.”
“I never said such a - ”
“You did.” Rowan’s hand slipped from your face to your throat. You felt his warm, thick fingers wrap around your neck for a moment, as he whispered into your ear, “And you’ll pay for that, little one.”
You held your breath.
Rowan withdrew his hand. He stood up, pulling you up with him. “But later,” he agreed. He reached out and brushed a few stray leaves caught in your hair off your head. “We better get moving. Don’t want you to get stuck in your fox form, do we?”
You shook your head furiously. For a moment, Rowan pictured the way your fox ears would erratically flop on your head from you shaking your head like that. With a soft smile, Rowan nodded at you, indicating that you should go ahead.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
Three hours later, you were finally close to the heart of the mountain, where the slit in the time-space fabric – the entrance to this strange, impossible winter land – lay. But the truth was that the Nine-Tailed Fox was putting up a hell of a struggle inside of you.
With every step you took, the Fox dug her claws deep inside of your chest and she sank her entire spiritual weight (which was immense) into you, so that every step forward felt like you were dragging forth a million bricks.
Will – you – come – on? you growled in your head.
No! The Fox barked back at you and snapped her jaws furiously.
You winced and stumbled back a few steps.
“Whoa.” Rowan grabbed you. “Are you all right?”
“I’m fine,” you replied, despite the fact that you were breathing quite heavily.
You tried to step forward again, when the Fox flashed her tails and you felt a bolt of blue lightning go through your body. You collapsed.
“Hey!” Rowan caught you again. “What’s going on?”
“N-Nothing,” you said feebly. “It’s just – We’re close. We’re nearly there.”
Rowan looked confusedly at the patch of forest the two of you were standing in. It looked exactly like all the other parts of the forest you’d been traipsing through for the past four hours.
“Nearly where?”
Grimacing, you shook your head at him. “I can’t tell you.”
“And, for the thousandth time,” Rowan asked, “why not?”
“Because,” you replied cryptically, “if you know exactly where it is and what it is, you can never get out.”
“That’s some real myth logic right there.” Rowan sighed grimly. “I always preferred natural creatures.”
I’ll change your mind, the Fox promised silkily. That is, if you stop this silly girl from dragging us back to this eternal prison.  
Rowan paused and looked at you.
“Don’t listen to her,” you said bluntly.
Hmpfh. Displeased with you, the Fox turned her head away.
“All right. I’ll accept the fact that you can’t tell me where exactly our destination is,” Rowan said. “But then, how am I supposed to know whether we’re close or not?”
You reached out and grasped Rowan’s hand. “You have to trust me.”
Rowan’s eyes swept across your face. But he found that you weren’t even looking at him. Instead, you were concentrating very hard on a spot about ten feet in front of you.
Rowan turned his head and tried to see whatever it was you were seeing. Only, there seemed to be nothing there.
Still gripping Rowan’s hand, you stepped forward – you could see it – that glimmering stitch in the air that only those who knew to look for it would ever see. It was a tiny, sparkling, silver slit in the air that could easily be walked past,  mistaken for sunlight or a drifting spider web. But you knew it wasn’t.
You lifted your hand and reached for it.
No! The Fox rammed her snout against your chest.
“Ow!” You winced and your hand closed into a fist for a moment.
Rowan gripped your other hand back. “What’s going on -?” You shook your head. Taking a deep breath, you reached forward again.
Stop it! You can’t - ! You musn’t - ! The Fox threw back her head and howled long and loud.
I will! You formed an unbreakable resolve in your heart. You may be taking up quite a bit of my soul, but my body is still mine! I will enter if I wish!
The Fox growled back at you angrily, It’s not your world to go back to! A grumble ran through her chest and blue fire began to spurt up around her. Her tails swished furiously in the air, leaving streaks of blue flame whistling through the air. You let out a pained whimper as you felt as though the inside of your body was being charred alive by burning blue fire.
But you were close – so close – Your index finger touched the sparkling silver rip in the air… At once, your hand was freezing cold. You gritted your teeth as ice and fire warred in your body. You were shaking all over. Rowan was extremely concerned about you. But you couldn’t hear a thing he was saying. All you could do was focus on getting through – you thrust your hand through the gap, widening it and –
You had no reply, for you were already tumbling forward into the snowy landscape of the eternal winterland.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
“Pft!” Terribly confused, Rowan spat out a mouthful of snow. “What in the world - ?” His mouth fell open as he took in the sight of a landscape that could not exist in reality – a landscape of perfect winter. Every line in this world was defined so sharply that the very air one breathed almost cut, like glass, and yet, because everything was colored a ghostly white, it was difficult to make out anything at all. Just the act of looking out into this world gave one headaches and made one question their sense of reality. This was particularly true for Rowan, who was a very practical-minded person.
Meanwhile, having stumbled in first, you had tumbled further down the hillside. For a moment, you lay there in the snow, dizzy from the tumble. You blinked up at the white sky, while a white moon – or was it a white sun? – dimly lit up the world through a veil of thick clouds. Snow flurries streaked down from the sky, landing on your cheeks.
No… the Fox whispered. Why did you come back?
You know why, you told her. This place is a time crystal. Time doesn’t progress the way it does in the real world. So, as long as I stay here, I should be able to prevent your nine hundredth birthday from coming. Right?
You are so single-minded. Yes, you are right about the way time works here. But whereas in the real world, time was your only enemy; here, there are other terrors to be dealt with. You have made a foolish trade – in no longer worrying about time, you must now worry about other terrors that you know nothing about.
Like what? A deep frown appeared on your face, as you pondered, what exactly is this place?
The Fox sighed sadly. You should have asked that question before you entered this realm.
Well, you replied, tell me now.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
There was a time when mythology flourished – when tales of the fantastical were believed in. Of course, fantasy had it’s own logic, but at the time, people were willing to believe it, and that allowed that logic to take on manifestations of phenomena.
However, as the world confused survival with power, strict delineations were made between what was logical and illogical, what was considered  fantastical and ‘real.’ The world grew duller and the sparks of energy required to sustain the fantastical became rare.
At the time of this transition, the Nine-Tailed Fox was only a baby. Her youth made her more adaptable and she grew up with a certain immunity to the harsh delineations that were killing off the rest of the mythological beasts. She recognized that the world was harsh and bitter, but she was able to accept that fact in a way her elders seemed unable to.
As the mythological world shrank, the Fox had to watch as, one by one, her family of Nine-Tailed Foxes and her friends – the snow spirits, the artic sirens, the winter owls, and the ice phoenixes – all began to fade away, starving from want of spirit energy.
In less than five hundred years, the Nine-Tailed Fox was almost completely alone. The only ones who remained were herself and a single ice phoenix.
As spirit energy diminished even further, the Nine-Tailed Fox and the ice phoenix realized that they needed to create a type of haven if they were to sustain any mythological life.
The Nine-Tailed Fox created an illusionary world that could house myth. It was a world of snow and ice because that was her natural element. Meanwhile, her last friend, the ice phoenix, made the ultimate sacrifice. He didn’t tell the Fox beforehand because he knew she would prevent him from doing it, but when the day came that the Nine-Tailed Fox proudly came to announce that she had finished building her world, the ice phoenix tore out his own heart. He died, but his heart remained – burning into ashes, then becoming re-born, over and over again – and that energy sustained, and continues to sustain, this winterland.
In that way, the mythological world was saved. Only, the Nine-Tailed Fox was dreadfully alone in this world. There was nothing to distract her, either, because it was simply her internal world externalized. She knew this landscape like the back of her paw. There was nothing to explore here.
Thus, the world of myth had been saved, but there were no creatures to fill it. At first, the Nine-Tailed Fox continued to hold onto hope, but when more than six hundred years had passed, her loneliness finally won out. She finally admitted to herself that she was keeping this realm alive for nothing.
I must have been too selfish, the Fox thought to herself. I only wanted a haven for spirits like me to flourish. But I was too hasty or too immature. Perhaps it’s not my place to care for anyone else. And this desolate place is just a reflection of my mistake, of my barren soul. It’s a prison – it’s a place where I should remain, to reflect upon my sins, until I die.
So, the Nine-Tailed Fox buried herself in a snowy hillside and waited to die. Only, she found that she couldn’t. Something was keeping her tethered to this pseudo-world. She didn’t know why. The Fox didn’t know that, thousands of miles away, in a tiny attic of a magical castle, a strange little soul was poring over books and staring out windows, dreaming of the Fox and believing that she was alive and absolutely worth seeing. That small, blue-haired dreamer didn’t realize that she was creating sparks of mythical energy and the Fox didn’t realize that she was on the receiving end of it.
However, while the sparks of energy kept the Fox alive and awake, in her mind, the Fox’s loneliness had beaten out her hope, so that a strange thing began to happen in the Fox’s spirit. Just as magical powers can become a malignant Obscurial in a witch or wizard, the Fox’s spiritual energy can transform into ‘succubus’ energy.  Succubi and incubi are born in many ways and take many forms, but one of these ways occurs when a mythological spirit suffers intensely and for a long period of time from want of spiritual energy. That hunger overwhelms the spirit’s other wants and needs and forms a malignant agency of its own. A succubus was born within the Fox’s soul.
Then, who should come along but you and your little artic fox… By that point, over thirteen hundred years had passed. The succubus spirit within the Fox was so famished that she burst out of the Fox and immediately made to devour you. However, the Nine-Tailed Fox stopped her and instead wondered if you might be the vessel through which they escaped. The succubus spirit was convinced and allowed the Fox to inhabit you…
The Fox had hoped that, at some point, you would resolve the hollow space of your own soul, thus vanquishing the succubus and forcing the Fox out of your soul – and letting them die. The Fox had learned of human beings as fickle creatures. So, she was surprised when, against all reason, you refused to close up this hollow in your heart that kept whispering the strange name of “Remus Lupin”…
And now, with that hollow still in your heart, you’d dragged the Fox back into this eternal winterland. Yes, time looped here, but in dragging the Fox back here, you were forcing her into her prison, into the loneliest place she had ever been, and by consequence, the succubus within the Fox woke up, stronger than ever, and needing to devour souls…
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
“Hey. Wake up! C’mon, open your eyes!”
Your eyes flashed open. So that’s why, you realized. That’s why… when I first transform, I take on the Fox’s features – her ears and tails, but if I go further than that, I take on the features of that deathly beautiful woman – that’s the succubus within the Fox.
Rowan was shaking your shoulders none-too-gently.
I should have known, you thought. The Nine-Tailed Fox does take on human form to amuse itself and it does take energy from humans through sex and sensuality, but it’s not nearly as intense and frequent as a succubus would require.
“Oh, thank Merlin!” Rowan breathed out. “I thought you’d… Damn it, why’d you scare me like that? Huh?” He hugged you so tightly it hurt.
“I’m okay,” you told Rowan.
Sitting up, you saw that you and Rowan were still sitting on the snowy hillside you’d landed on. Night had fallen.
Rowan, seeing you looking around, commented, “This place is beautiful, but it gives me the creeps. Everything is so stilted here. And there isn’t any other life apparent. No tracks in the snow or anything… ”
“Yes,” you agreed quietly. “Time works differently here.”
You hesitated. If what the Fox said is true, then the succubus is going to wake up within me soon.
It was an impossible situation. If you stepped out into the real world, time would catch up with you, the Fox would turn nine hundred, and upon receiving her ninth tail, she would overwhelm you. If you remained in here, keeping the Fox lonely and desolate, the succubus would erupt out of the Fox and overtake you and devour either your soul or the souls of anyone around you.
I warned you not to come back, the Fox said miserably. I told you that your best chance was to let this young man, Rowan, help you heal the hollow in my heart out in the real world. Why didn’t you listen to me?
Do you think Rowan can help me here? you wondered. Wait - more importantly, is he safe here?
I don’t know, the Fox whispered. There’s no telling what the succubus will do. And – while in the real world, the succubus and I are both forced within the confines of your soul and body, this winterland is a spiritual world, which means she can detach herself from both of us and physically wander her as herself.
You mean, she can exist apart from you?
Yes. Don’t you remember when you first met me? Well, to be more accurate – remember the first time you met her?
You remembered.
Silver eyes blinked at you from behind a brilliant curtain of flashing white tails.
Then, the very air shifted – and a most beautiful woman was standing before you. Her raven black hair, perfect blood-red lips, and her seductive eyes, framed in thick lashes, were all contained in a lovely heart-shaped face. She was dressed in gorgeously embroidered silver silk robes with red roses stitched all over the long arms of the robe. The red detailing looked chillingly beautiful across the otherwise white landscape. It looked like the world was bleeding out on the robe and lips of this most ethereal woman. Her blood-red lips parted, and she began to speak in a most mesmerizing voice, “Little girl, why are you in this forest? Did you mean to trespass on my territory?”
“So, that woman I met – she’s your succubus form?”
The Fox nodded.
“What was your human form like before that?”
“More nymph-like. Lighter, airier… With blue hair.”
You paused. “With blue hair?”
Despite the hopelessness of the situation, you smiled a little. “That’s good to know…”
What will you do, little one? the Fox wondered. Also, you must remember – if you send Rowan away, you won’t have a way out of here. Because of the way that time works here – in eternal loops – once you have knowledge of this place, you cannot get out. Otherwise, the time crystal would break.
You let out a deep breath. Then, you turned to Rowan, “Rowan.”
“What is it?”
Reaching over, you took his hand in yours. “Thank you for coming with me.”
“I think I should be thanking you, for letting me tag along. Now, mind explaining what this place is?”
You shook your head. “Can’t tell you that.”
“Still?” Rowan huffed impatiently.
You smiled. He looks so young when he does that. You squeezed his hand tightly, as you told him, “Listen, Rowan, if you climb back up the hill, you’ll see a golden slit in the air. That’s the doorway out of here.”
“Right. It was a silver slit in the air coming in,” Rowan recalled. “So, going out, it’s reverse energy.”
“That makes sense…” Rowan’s voice trailed off. He looked at you. “But why are you telling me this?”
“Because…” You slipped your hand out of his. “I want you to go.”
Rowan’s eyes flashed open. “To -?”
“Go. Yes.”
“And you’re coming with me, naturally.”
“No. I have to stay here.”
“I’m to leave you here?”
Rowan bristled. “No way. This place is a haunted place. I can feel it. There’s no way I’m - ”
“Rowan!” you shouted loudly.
Startled, Rowan blinked.
Quietly, you whispered, “Please. For my sake.”
Rowan struggled, gritting his teeth. He started to reach for your hand again, but then he jerked his hand back, as if he’d been burnt. Finally, he burst out, “Come on! Be reasonable. How the hell can I leave you here? I know you’ve been struggling against the Nine-Tailed Fox lately. In fact, you’ve nearly lost yourself to her already. This strange place is her arena, isn’t it? My father always said never to underestimate a creature in their own habitat. So how am I supposed to know you’re going to be all right without me?”
“Because,” you pushed back, “it’s not for you to be all right about, Rowan. The Nine-Tailed Fox… Well, she’s always been my dream, and this is my journey. You… You have no place in it. I don’t mean to sound cruel. I don’t mean to hurt you. But it’s true. That’s why I need you to go.”  
Rowan was completely still for a second. Then, he asked, “What are you planning to do?”
You didn’t say anything aloud to Rowan, but in your mind, you resolved, I’m going to let the succubus devour my soul. Then, with the succubus satiated, the Nine-Tailed Fox will continue living as her true self once more.
Do you understand what you are saying? the Nine-Tailed Fox called out urgently in your head. You will die!
But you will survive, you replied to the Fox. And with you alive, this mythological world will continue, as desolate as it may seem.
Why do you care? the Fox wondered. You’ll be gone.
Your eyes slowly began to glimmer with tears, as you confessed to her, Whether it’s Rowan or Remus or you, the Nine-Tailed Fox herself, no one in this world will ever understand how lonely I was when I was younger, and what solace it brought me to believe in the world of myth. A world where even strange creatures can be free and glory in their own beings…
I want that world to continue. In fact, I want it to be vibrant, even if I’m no longer around to see it. That way, if there’s anyone like me in the real world, their crazy beliefs will be real, and that fact in itself will bring dignity to that person’s soul. There will be such a thing as ‘beauty’ attached even to the most far-fetched things…
The Fox was quiet. Then, with a soft sigh, she whispered tenderly, I’m sorry you were so lonely.
It’s all right, you told her. I know that… well… You looked up at Rowan. Now I know that I wasn’t ever totally alone. Somebody did care for me, all that time.
“What…?” Rowan murmured, catching your gaze.
“You have to go,” you whispered. You stepped forward and pushed Rowan back. When your hands came up against his chest, tears dropped from your eyes and splashed on Rowan’s hands, for he had reached out to you.
“But what are you planning to do once I leave?” Rowan asked you, both scolding and pleading with you. He grabbed your shoulder. “I won’t leave until you give me an answer.”
You blinked up at him. A strand of blue hair caught on your tear-stained cheek.
You reached up and tugged it away from your face. As your fingers slipped through your blue hair, you murmured, “I’m going to make sure that this world continues to exist.”
“This world - The Nine-Tailed Fox’s world?”
“And… that’s all?” Rowan’s brow furrowed. He didn’t quite understand what you were saying, so he ended up just repeating what you had said. “You’re just going to ensure that it survives?”
You nodded.
Rowan still felt quite uneasy, but he didn’t know what else he could do. He instinctively knew that what you said was true – this was your journey and he had come with you as far as he could. And yet…
You took Rowan’s hand off of your shoulder. You kissed his fingertips briefly and then you let go.
“Go, Rowan. The door is right there.” You pointed up to the top of the hillside.
Rowan gazed at you for a beat longer. Then, with a slight cough, he began to make his way back up the hillside.
Just before he reached the golden line, he turned back and looked at you. He hesitated. He swore there was a shadow behind you… of a woman with long, raven-black hair and blood-red lips…
You lifted your hand and you smiled as you waved at him.
Rowan nodded once. Then, he turned and pushed his hand through the golden slit. The world whirled and Rowan was sent back to the real world. And any chance you had of escaping this world alive went with him.
*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *
As soon as Rowan was gone, you turned around.
You glared fiercely at the succubus, who was standing there, dressed in her silver robes with red roses stitched all across it. She stared at you with sharp, hungry eyes.
“Come to me,” she hissed. “If we cannot have his soul, let us have yours.”
“I already said you could devour me,” you acknowledged. “But I didn’t say I would make it easy for you.”
You lifted your wand and shouted, “Incendio!” A blast of fire burst out of your wand.
The succubus howled and stumbled back, shielding her face from the singeing fire.
Next, you cried out, “Expecto Patronum!”
A pale blue Nine-Tailed Fox erupted from the end of your wand and leapt forth.
By now, the succubus was back on her feet. You watched as her fingernails grew into claws and blood began to drip from her sharp, glaring eyes.
“I have been hungry for too long,” the succubus whispered. “Don’t you understand? I was born because that Nine-Tailed Fox couldn’t control her own emotions! It’s only natural for me to want to devour souls!”
“I know that,” you muttered grimly. “And when you defeat me, I’ll let you eat my soul. But it would be disrespectful of me to lay down so easily, after all of the people who helped me survive so far!”
You pointed your wand at the succubus and yelled, “Go!”
Your Patronus growled fearsomely and then bounded forward.
At the same time, you shouted, “Incendio Maximus!”
A halo of fire blasted forth.
The succubus used her fingertip to draw a crimson circle in the air. A transparent, glowing red shield appeared before her. Your Patronus scratched at the shield, but it did not break.
The succubus then ducked the halo of fire you had sent her way. In a whoosh of dark wind, the succubus managed to flash forward directly in front of you.
Staring down at you, she whispered, “Fine. You tried. Now die.”
With that sentiment, she struck a violent blow, piercing your chest with her sharp, long nails.
You screamed out in horror and pain as you felt your chest being gouged into. Your Patronus leapt onto the succubus’ shoulders and buried its fangs into her head, forcing her to back away.
However, the damage had already been done. You fell backwards into the glistening, white snow. Crimson spattered the ground besides you.
As your eyes closed, your Patronus, with a soft, sad whimper, flickered out. The Patronus’ tails disappeared, one by one.
Nine, eight, seven…
Child, let me help! I can fight against the succubus, the Nine-Tailed Fox, who was still tied to the hollow within your soul, begged to you.
No, you choked out, you… stay… you stay inside me until she’s gone. You have to survive.
Six, five, four…
The Fox howled in anguish. In a pained whisper, she wondered, You’re leaving me, too? Why is it that I always have to survive? I’m tired of legacy…
You breathed out wearily. Your vision was almost completely dark, only you could make out a few snowflakes skittering across your vision.
So, this is what you meant when you said you weren’t free, you realized. The expectations that everyone has left behind, the prison that you accidentally entrapped yourself in, your own loneliness… You’ve trapped, too.
Just then, the succubus leaned over you and opened her fanged mouth. All you saw was a pitch-black vortex leading into her hellish soul.
You don’t have to miss me, though, you told the Fox wryly. I’m just a human.
Tagged Users: @areomalfoy @saltstacks
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lunocura · 1 year
Chapter 28 was entirely a fight, so I didn't have much to comment on. However, Nine Tails mode is indeed cool.
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0613magazine · 2 years
221028 MTV News
Jin's Journey As 'The Astronaut' Has Just Begun
The BTS member talks working with Coldplay on his latest solo single
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For almost a year, debates about whether or not BTS should be exempted from South Korea’s compulsory military service have raged. However, it wasn’t until a few weeks ago when the group members and their label, Big Hit Music, confirmed the group’s forthcoming conscription, after conquering the city of Busan for their Yet to Come in Busan concert. The statements said all members would enlist once their respective individual schedules have been completed — starting with BTS’s oldest member, Jin.
But what also stood out from the statement was the announcement of Jin’s highly anticipated solo project. On the tail of the successful energy-boosting 2021 solo single “Super Tuna” — "I hope many people don't know this song!” he said on rapper Lee Youngji’s YouTube Show No Prepare. “It's very embarrassing.” — the Korean superstar has gone from land to sea to, now, space in his musical journey. In what can be seen as the ultimate passion project, Jin’s artistic path comes full circle with his brand-new single “The Astronaut,” out today (October 28).
For over nine years, Jin, whose real name is Kim Seok-jin (known to fans as Mr. Worldwide Handsome), has made history and left his mark alongside fellow BTS members RM, SUGA, j-hope, Jimin, V, and Jung Kook. But despite their outstanding global recognition, Jin is still grounded and yearns to do more. On “The Astronaut,” Jin connected with his longtime favorite musical act Coldplay as co-writers on the track. (Their song follows last year’s chart-topping, certified platinum BTS/Coldplay collaboration “My Universe.”)
Following the themes of space, Jin uses “The Astronaut” as a sonic metaphor for his own story, as he blasts into an uncharted new chapter of his life. The song also serves as a love letter to ARMY when he sings, “When I’m with you, there is no one else.”
Just days before his debut performance of the track in Buenos Aires for Coldplay’s live broadcasted concert, we caught up with Jin to break down his solo project, his journey, and his artistry.
MTV News: How did this all come about? Because you were always a fan of Coldplay, then you got to work with them last year. Was it from the moment Chris Martin gave you his guitar then?
Jin: When Chris gave me his guitar, I was honestly just too happy to think of anything else at that moment. As you know, I am a big fan of Coldplay! I wanted to write a song with the theme of space, so I reached out to them. The first time BTS and Coldplay were collaborating, I just felt unreal. This time feels a bit different as we wrote the song together. And it’s very meaningful to me.
MTV News: How does it feel to become a successful fan?
Jin: It’s usually hard to even imagine yourself doing something together with your idol, right? That’s why it felt so unreal at first, and I thought to myself, “Oh, I’m pretty big now.” [laughs]
I feel that we became closer with each other during this project as I was more involved, compared to our previous collaborative work as BTS. But seriously, I still can’t believe that this is actually happening!
MTV News: Can you describe the process of co-writing?
Jin: To me, writing lyrics is not easy. Even if I had a specific message I wanted to get across, writing the lyrics that blended in with the melody was hard. Nonetheless, I had so much fun because I was firm about the message I wanted to portray and show my love towards ARMY.
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MTV News: For times in which you’ve co-written or assisted in arranging and producing your own projects, how do you cope with creator’s block?
Jin: I’m a very simple person. I like straightforward expressions, so I don’t try to make it hard. For instance, I write about something I saw earlier in the day just because it briefly caught my attention. So I don’t think I’ve experienced a serious creator’s block up until this point.
MTV News: Do you feel like there’s more to prove about you every time you release a solo song?
Jin: For solo tracks, there is indeed some pressure that comes from me having to lead the song from the beginning till the end. I’d say it’s more of proving to myself how much I’ve improved over the years rather than having to prove something — skills, creativity, etc. — to someone else. Of course, whenever I release new music, I always hope that our fans will enjoy it. I’m so grateful that our fans can resonate with me through our music.
MTV News: What was the feedback from the BTS members once they heard “The Astronaut?”
Jin: When they first heard the track, some of the members told me that this would be a great track to release in fall. That music also has seasonality. Our members have good taste in music.
MTV News: An astronaut is someone who is on a journey to get to a specific destination in space. In your career, where are you on your journey? Have you found your destination? If so, what is it?
Jin: I don’t think I have any specific destination in mind. Rather, I always dream of performing onstage with our members and staying with our fans for a long time.
“The Astronaut” talks about an astronaut who accidentally lands on Earth, but decides to settle down to stay with his loved ones — ARMY. Anyone can face an unexpected situation just like the astronaut in the song. I believe if I go with the flow even in those unexpected situations, I would get closer to the desired destination one day.
MTV News: You’ve released a handful of solo tracks in the past: “Tonight,” “Moon,” “Epiphany,” “Awake,” “Abyss,” and “Super Tuna.” Which song is your favorite, and why?
Jin: If I had to pick just one, I’d say “Moon.” I love the mood and I actively participated in the making of the track — writing the song, the lyrics, and designing the concept. I love the song! And I just realized both “Moon” and “The Astronaut” portray my love towards ARMY.
MTV News: You wrote the lyrics with the fondness for fans. As the year is about to come to a close soon, is there anything else you want to say to ARMY that you haven’t had the chance to relay in the song?
Jin: I always have so much to say to our fans. Though I try to convey how much I love them and care about them in the lyrics, it’s always never enough. ARMY makes me a better person and my life happier. Love you, always. [makes a heart with his hands]
MTV News: What’s next for you?
Jin: I want to try so much more as an artist, and as an individual, Kim Seok-jin. You will get to see what I can show you more! And my everyday goal is to live a fun, happy life!
MTV News: Last question, Mr. Worldwide Handsome Jin. What would you like to be remembered as?
Jin: WWHF! Worldwide Handsome Forever!
Source: MTV News
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Boruto the ninja demigod by Queteimporta55
Naruto & Percy Jackson and the Olympians Xover Rated: K, Spanish, Words: 5k+, Favs: 1, Follows: 2, Published: Sep 10, 2021 Updated: Jan 28
1Chapter 1: 1
chapter 1
A new day was coming to the elemental nations as he alone began to illuminate what until a few years ago had been the scene of the battle that had changed the world and even more recently the scene of a battle between two people who had been considered almost brothers
Sitting between the feet of the Hokage statues was a young man of about fourteen.
The young man had spiky blonde hair with a leaf-like hairstyle tanned skin blue eyes and two whisker marks on his cheeks he was dressed in a black jacket with red stripes on the sleeves with a bolt symbol on his chest and the emblem of the Uzumaki clan on the back black pants and black combat sandals
The young man was Boruto Uzumaki son of the Seventh hokage and fourth Jinchuriki of the nine-tailed bijuu
Dad, what would you do if you were in my place, Boruto said, thinking about what his mother had recently discovered, Hinata Hyuuga was not only the cause of his father's death, but she could also be the cause of the disappearance of his older sister a few years ago. weeks and most likely also wanted to kill him
Giving a sigh, he jumped from where he was to go to Konoha. He still had a lot to learn and to do before he could face his mother.
Some time later
Boruto here follow our voice
Damn… there they are again Boruto thought and in fact if you were so used to the weirdness of ninjas you would have thought he was going crazy
Boruto here follows our voice the voices repeated again and Boruto sighed already annoyed with all this matter as if he no longer had more important things to do at this moment although he also felt a little curious about who they could be finally decided to change his course yes found himself running in direction where he knew the voices came from
It was a few minutes later that he found himself arriving at a clearing in the woods where he saw what he thought were the two most beautiful women he had ever seen in his life.
The first was a 1.65 m tall woman had long straight red hair tied in a ponytail white skin violet-gray eyes was wearing a black blouse with an image of an owl on the front, tight gray pants gray jacket with the Uzumaki clan emblem on the back and black combat sandals
The second was a 1.60 m tall woman with white skin, dark blue hair and white eyes without a pupil, she was wearing a black one-piece suit, a cream vest with the Hyuuga logo on the back.
Also, they both gave off an aura of pure power but each had a different feel.
They are the people who spoke in my head Boruto asked bluntly causing a different reaction in each woman
For one, the blue-haired girl seemed surprised while the red-haired girl was just amused and nostalgic for her frankness.
That's right honey but please sit down we have things to discuss the redhead said and pointed to a rock in front of them
Boruto nodded a little nervously and proceeded to do the request for some reason these women were familiar to him but more the redhead
Alright so now my name is Athena goddess of wisdom strategy and battle and she is Aphrodite goddess of love and lust and we are your grandmothers which makes you a demigod or more specifically a legacy said
You're lying, my grandmothers are dead Boruto said
No it's not, but maybe you've heard of our mortal forms Kushina Uzumaki and Hikari Hyuuga Aphrodite said and activated the Biakugan at the same time Athena showed the adamantine chains
Boruto froze when he heard the names and saw one of the famous Kekkei Genkai of Uzumaki in the redhead and the Kekkei Genkai Hyuuga in the blue-haired one, although it was more with the name of Kushina Uzumaki that was a well-known name in Konoha and how could it not be if It was the name of the wife of the Fourth Hokage and mother of the Seventh Hokage, as well as being one of the most powerful Kunoichi that had ever existed, and to make it even more interesting, she was also the crown princess of Uzu no Kuni.
If it is true what they say why are they here now Boruto said
We are here to take you to our world since here you are in serious danger as you have noticed for a while now your mother is not the same as before and we are worried that she will try to do the same as your father and sister Athena said and although she does not she was exactly a fan of Hinata and would have preferred any other woman for her son's wife she had known the former Hyuuga heiress since she was a child and had realized that something had not been right with her recently
Boruto nodded in affirmation, it was true since the invasion of the Otsutsuki his mother had changed too much there was something strange in her that he could not identify it was as if she was no longer herself
Well, in that case I agree to go with you Boruto said making the two goddesses smile
In that case please close your eyes Boruto Aphrodite said making the blonde hesitate to fulfill a strange request like that
Do what he tells you brat I hear the voice of the bijuu say in his mind
But Kyubi Boruto tried to complain with the bijuu
Well, if you want to be disintegrated, it's up to you, it's not like I care about the bijuu, he replied and Boruto turned pale and proceeded to do the request, although neither of them would like it, he knew that the bijuu had no reason to lie to him.
As the inside of the sealed bijuu he sighed in relief even if the brat didn't like him he had promised Naruto that he would take care of his two brats he had already lost one and he didn't plan on losing the other
At the same time outside the two goddesses began to glow brightly as they disappeared along with the blond.
/Change of scene/
Where did they take me Boruto asked seeing that now he was in some apartment that although it was not very luxurious it still seemed like a nice place to live
We are in New York City United States Athena said
More specifically in your new apartment and the place where you will live while you are not in the camp Aphrodite said
New York?… camp? Which camp Boruto asked
Yes, New York, and as for the camp, I mean Camp Half-Blood, a place that at some point you are going to meet and have to go, honey, Aphrodite said and Boruto nodded, although not very convinced at the idea of ​​having to go to a stupid camp.
Now however we have to say goodbye before Zeus notices our absence but don't worry we'll still visit you when we can Aphrodite said
And don't forget to study Greek mythology, you will need it, Athena said
Well at least I don't have to go to school Boruto thought it would be the same as in the Elemental Nations too bad his illusions were broken by his red-haired grandmother
Besides that since you are a child you will have to go to school Athena said and disappeared in flash followed a few minutes by Aphrodite who had finished saying some more things to Boruto and give him some more things he needed like some more extra clothes than they had already left him before bringing him
end of chapter
Episode 2
It had been several months since he had arrived in this new world and it had taken him a long time to get used to the place and the situation that was happening although he also could not deny that it had been a refreshing change without having to deal with being the center of attention from everyone around him or having to be in the shadow of his family even if he had some minor inconveniences like the fact that he was now apparently dyslexic although Kyuubi had said that he always had been and it just hadn't been noticed because his great-grandfather for his father's side was a shinto god so his brain was also connected to the language they called Japanese in this world and that was the same language they spoke in the Elemental Nations although the unfortunate fox had never wanted to tell him which god shinto was that it wasrelated
Although in the end it wasn't all bad as you can see; she had met a boy with the same problem. His name was Percy Jackson.
Anyway after some time of friendship with Percy he met his other friend, through his friendship with Percy he met Grover Underwood The boy was an invalid because he was always seen with crutches. And in his opinion the boy was a bit of a hippy because he almost never ate meat and because of the way he dressed although in general Grover was a pretty nice guy
Now though our trio was on a bus headed to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to learn about Greek mythology though it wasn't like Boruto needed it anyway since he already knew a lot. Sitting on his seat, Boruto saw what Percy was wearing today. The dark-haired boy was wearing an orange shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes. Grover, who was sitting next to Percy, had on his usual crutches, a yellow shirt, and oversized pants that hid his shoes.
Boruto was the weird ball of the group He wore which worked for him. Boruto now wore a black t-shirt that had the image of a red Chinese dragon on the front with a red long sleeved t-shirt, ripped jeans, and a pair of black DC shoes.
Percy was lying upset at the time because Nancy Bobofit was throwing wads of her peanut butter and jelly at Grover, who was acting like nothing was happening for him. Sure, if Percy did anything to stop her, he'd get kicked out for something stupid. The boy was already on parole because of the weird things that happened to him. Boruto, however, was not and he could do anything within reason. He smiled in anticipation.
I'm going to kill her. Boruto heard Percy mutter.
It's okay. I like peanut butter. Grover commented when he had to dodge a piece of Nancy's lunch.
That is all! Percy grunted as he started to get up, but Grover stopped him. It was then that Percy saw the look in Boruto's eyes and smiled.
You're already on parole. Grover reminded him of Percy. You know who they'll blame if something happens he said
Percy smiled and said, Only if I'm the one doing it.
That statement made Grover suddenly look at Boruto and he was about to warn his other friend in the seat next to them, but he never got the chance to because just then, Nancy threw another portion of her lunch at Grover. Boruto, who had been playing with a paper soccer ball, immediately threw the paper projectile at the bundle and it caught the piece of sandwich and kept traveling towards the window where he pierced it a bit.
Mrs. Boba fett began Boruto with an annoyed smile as he made fun of the girl's last name. Please stop that. he said
Why the hell do you care Uzumaki! You're too cool for those two losers, so why bother helping them? The redhead questioned
Because they are better people than you Boruto said with a look that sent shivers down the girl's spine. Now please stop or next time the paper soccer ball will be on you and not on the window she said
Nancy took another look at the window to see what part of the paper was outside and paled. She quickly nodded her head. Good girl. Boruto said making many of the students around him laugh including Percy and Grover
/Change of scene/
Mr. Brunner led the museum tour. He headed to the front in his wheelchair, leading the group through the large kitchen, past marble statues and display cases filled with really old black and orange pottery. Boruto couldn't help but feel a bit nostalgic at the choice of colors. Boruto looked at Percy and saw that the boy was impressed by the fact that these old things were in good condition.
Dude, you open his pendant with your mouth. Boruto said and Percy's face turned red causing the redhead to laugh
I'm sorry, it's just that these things are very old Percy said
Heh well when you have fans looking for these things they find them and try to return them to the condition Boruto was in said.
Percy looked at Boruto strangely before shaking his head. I keep forgetting that you're one of those fans. I mean you read about all that Greek mythology all the time he said
Heh well there are some interesting things Boruto said and shrugged as they walked with the group to where Mr. Brunner had stopped. Also, Mr. Brunner assumes that we should both know everything he said to which Percy just rolled his eyes,
It's easy for you to say, I mean you excel at everything you do Percy said
Boruto just shrugged in response.
Turning their attention back to Mr. Brunner, they fell silent, listening to the guy tell them about the Old Gods and the like. He had gathered them around a column thirteen feet high with a great sphinx on top, and the man began to tell us what a tombstone, a stela, looked like for a girl our age. He told us about the carvings on the sides.
Boruto noticed that Percy was actually paying attention, but the idiots around them wouldn't stop talking for a second and Percy told them to shut up. For some strange reason, Mrs. Dodds, the annoying math teacher, would cast the evil eye on both of them. It was as if she expected them to do something wrong. That pissed off Boruto even more and he kept getting a bad vibe from her. Her energy felt strange too he knew he would have to watch her.
Grover noticed this too and we both nodded at each other. This was someone they would watch out for because when Percy told them that he thought she wasn't human, Grover gave him a very serious look as if she already knew and agreed with him.
Anyway, Mr. Brunner went on to talk about Greek funerary art. When Nancy babbled on about a naked man on the Stela, Boruto saw Percy scream and practically yelled at him to shut up.
Mr. Jackson, do you have anything you want to say? Mr. Brunner asked putting his two hands together.
No sir. Percy replied, embarrassed by his outburst, causing Boruto to shake his head. Sure, he was going to say the same thing to the redhead but Percy beat him to it. Because he would embarrass her but she would say that she was a pervert to see the statue of her.
The man in the wheelchair pointed to one of the images on the stele and asked Percy what the image meant.
Urm Percy starting before he got a little confident once he recognized the images.
That is Kronos eating his children right he said
Mr. Brunner said obviously not satisfied.
And did he do this why? I ask
Seeing Percy having a hard time answering that question, Boruto decided to intervene. The psycho ate his children why would they take over someday like he did? Boruto explained, getting a sigh of relief from Percy. The lord of the titans went and stuffed her panties in a heap and ate her children for it but all he really did was set the prophecy in motion and he screwed up because his wife hid their last child Zeus and gave him the boy a stone. to eat Talk about a real rock head Boruto joked which made a lot of people laugh including Mr. Brunner. Anyway, when Zeus grew up, he tricked his father into throwing up his brothers and sisters and well... the war between the titans and gods came and the gods won.
Hey! one of the girls commented on the vomiting part
Of course, in my opinion, I find it strange that even if the gods were immortal, that they survived in Rock Head's stomach all those years. Hey look at me little brother I'm still alive and covered in stomach acid come on hug! Boruto joked making people laugh.
As if we were going to use this in real life. As if to say on our job applications, 'Please explain why Kronos ate his children everyone heard Nancy mutter
And why, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Uzumaki. Brunner said: To paraphrase Ms. Bobofit's excellent question, does this matter in real life?
Arrested. Grover muttered
Shut! Nancy barked at Grover, his face turning redder than his hair.
I don't know. Percy said and shrugged, a little relieved that Nancy was chosen as well.
I guess because, what we learned in school can be applied to the real world even if we don't expect it too, Boruto answered.
Brunner smiled. That's correct, Mr. Uzumaki. To rephrase that, what you learn in school can be applied to the real world, even if people don't think it is. Another full credit to you Mr. Uzumaki, and a half credit to you Mr. Jackson. On the happiest note, it's lunchtime. Mrs. Dodds, could you take us back outside? she said
/Change of scene/
during lunch
The class was gathered on the steps of the museum as they watched the traffic both on the roads and in the hallways, as most were off work and headed to lunch. It looked like a nasty storm was brewing in the sky as dark clouds headed over the city.
Boruto sat on the edge of a fountain with Percy and Grover as they ate their lunches with Boruto having some yakisoba buns much to Boruto's delight no doubt his grandmother Athena had become his favorite with this even if still as good as the ones they sold at yuki bakeries
Did you get Detention again? Grover asked looking at Percy.
Did not say. Not from Brunner. I just wish he'd say goodbye to me sometimes. I mean I'm not a genius
Understood Boruto said laughing, which earned him a punch in the arm from Percy
Hmm okay Grover said with a shrug. Can I have your apple? he said getting another laugh from Boruto as Percy ran over the apple.
Boruto looked towards his class to see some of the boys playing pranks on each other which Boruto couldn't help but remember the troublesome squad during his time at the ninja academy when he and his three friends had made their own with their pranks.
and the best thing is that they almost always came out well since most of the time they could not find evidence to blame him for being responsible for the joke
Boruto gave a small smile remembering all those moments
Nancy Bobofit was trying to steal something from a lady's purse, and of course Mrs. Dodd didn't see a thing.
The three of them started chatting quietly about the trip and what they might be doing for the summer when Nancy Bobofit and her annoying friends came over and got brave by throwing their lunch on Grover, causing Boruto and Percy to look at her.
UPS. She drawled as she smiled at Percy, as if daring him to do something about it. That and Boruto didn't have a paper soccer ball to help. Boruto realized that Percy was angry and was trying to control his temper and was failing miserably. Then something strange happened. The water in the fountain rose and he pushed her onto her butt. However, that is not what he saw. Percy and Boruto pushed me! Nancy said. Then that old hag, Miss Dodds came up to them with a hard look. All around her they heard whispers of what had happened. Apparently, Boruto wasn't the only one who saw the water move.
After the old hag told her that Nancy was fine, she turned the two kids and started with that "Now honey" crap, but Percy beat her to it. I know. Percy complained, One month erasing workbooks he said and Boruto sighed.
Friend I that you better not guess my punishment because it is sure that they will give you something worse Boruto said speaking from experience
And really as I thought it had not been the right thing for Percy to say
You two come with me. Said Mrs. Dodd
Expect! Grover spoke: It was me! I pushed her! We both started Grover because of that. Percy was surprised that Grover was trying to cover for them. Boruto was put off that Grover wanted the punishment for them.
The old crone didn't seem to notice and glared at him so hard her chin trembled. After all, she was afraid of the old hag. I don't think so, Mr. Underwood.
But- Grover tried to say but didn't get any further when Mrs. Dodd interrupted
"You'll stay here," he said, forcefully slamming each word with anger, which made Grover flinch a little.
It's OK man. Percy told his friend as Boruto nodded.
With that, they left with Percy giving Nancy an evil look as Boruto slowly pulled out a paper soccer ball, making the girl pale. That only made Boruto smile. However, when they looked back at Miss Dodds, she was already at the entrance to the museum. The boys looked at each other, thinking how the hell did he get there so fast? Boruto had a feeling that this was not a good thing.
/Change of scene/
The boys walked to the end of the hall, thinking the old hag was going to make them buy a shirt to replace Nancy's wet one, but that doesn't seem to be the case because they stopped by the gift shop. Something is not right here. How far into the museum do you have to take us to complain about us? Why do I have the feeling that a fight awaits me? Boruto thought as they went further into the museum. He saw that Percy had the same thoughts as him.
The small group returned to the museum's Greek and Roman gallery to find the place completely empty. They heard her groan as she looked at the marble image of the Greek gods. You guys have been giving us trouble, she said, she said suddenly. This made the boys look at her strangely. Percy was thinking about the sweets he was selling while Boruto was thinking about how he had been making some extra copies of his homework and selling it to people who didn't do theirs. Good? He said
Uh, I'm not sure what you're talking about. boruto replied
Ma'am, I don't… Percy started, but the old hag wouldn't let him finish.
Your time is up! She hissed ominously. Then came the weirdness. Her eyes began to glow like barbecue coals. Her fingers stretched out, clawed. Her jacket melted into great leathery wings. She wasn't human, that was for sure. She was more or less an old bitch with bat wings and swishes and a mouth full of yellow fangs and it seemed that she was the boys as her next meal.
Boruto sighed already expecting something like this since if his grandmothers were goddesses who were supposed to be a myth then who could deny the possibility that the other gods also existed or even more than one of those monsters also existed or was even alive
As her older sister once told her, she always expects the unexpected. That's when the old hag lunged at Percy. Boruto, he acted fast and tried to take his bag of weapons the bag of weapons that he didn't have
Great just the day I decided not to bring my bag of weapons boruto thought
Percy called his friend, I need you to promise not to tell anyone what I'm about to do, he said.
What? Percy asked
do you promise? boruto said
Yes, it's okay, I promise! Percy agreed.
"Well Boruto said as his hands began to wave at speeds that even a Sharingan would find difficult to grasp all of them with pressure and accuracy as Mrs. Dodds was only inches away from coming up with a cut when…"
Wind style: palm jet Boruto said hitting his palm against Mrs. Dodd producing a powerful gust of wind that sent the old bat crashing into the wall causing a hiss of pain from Mrs. Dodds
H-how did you do that? Percy asked in complete shock.
I'll explain it later Boruto said, right now we have more important things to deal with he said seeing how Mrs. Dodd got up
What the hell is needed to kill this old bat? Boruto said seeing that his jutsu had not caused as much damage as he expected having been practically useless
That's when things got even weirder
Mr. Brunner pushed his chair toward the gallery entrance with two pens.
Percy! Boruto! what ho! Brunner yelped, and tossed each pen into the air.
Percy and Boruto dodge her while grabbing each pen. When they took the pens, they were no longer pens. Percy's was a sword that they saw Mr. Brunner use on tournament days where he challenges their knowledge of Greek mythology. But Boruto's was a different story.
Boruto's was a long, double-edged bronze blade with a gold wing-shaped handguard with a dark blue gem in the center.
Dying honeys Mrs. Dodds growled
On my Percy mark, swing, Boruto said
Percy reluctantly nodded before Mrs. Dodds flew straight at them.
Now! boruto scream
At the same time, they swung their swords, striking Mrs. Dodds in the shoulder and piercing her body cleanly as if she were made of water. Whistle!
Mrs. Dodds exploded into nothing more than golden dust which dispersed into the air leaving nothing but a sulfur smell.
The boys were now alone in the gallery
Percy was now holding a pen while Boruto was holding one of those pens that you click the button at the end to use.
Mr. Brunner was not there either.
They decided to leave the Museum.
/Change of scene/
Back outside, it had started to rain. Grover was Grover was using his museum map as a tent to keep from getting too wet, while Nancy was still wet from looking at them and smiling. I hope Mrs. Kerr gave them a beating! she said
WHO? Percy blurted out.
Our teacher, duh! Nancy said
Do you have any idea what he's talking about? Percy asked
What do you mean? Boruto said pretending to be confused having obeyed the intentions that his grandmother Aphrodite had given telepathically
it's not funny Boruto Percy complained this is serious he said to then ask Grover about the old witch only getting a Who as an answer from his hippy friend to Percy's annoyance
and better because you don't ask Bunner about this lady... what do you say her name is maybe he knows something and solves your doubts Boruto said
Come on, I'll go with you, he said, yes, both boys went with Bunner
Mr. Brunner, who was under a red umbrella reading his book, as if he had never looked up distracted and asked:
Ah, those would be my pens. Please bring your own writing utensils in the future, Mr. Jackson and Mr. Uzumaki.
They handed Mr. Brunner their pens, forgetting that they still had them.
Mr. Percy began, where is Mrs. Dodds? she said
Mr. Brunner looked at Percy blankly. WHO? he said
You know, Mrs. Dodds, the math teacher, Percy explained.
Boy, there's no Mrs. Dodd on this trip, nor is there one at school. Are you feeling okay? Brunner said worriedly before leaving. Come, it's time to go back to the museum he said
As Boruto walked away I only ask to think about how interesting and fun things could get from now on
end of chapter
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aizoro · 4 years
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chapter 28: nine tails...!!
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everynart · 7 months
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kunxcii · 5 years
nct social media au favorites / recommendations pt 2
click here for pt 1! this has been sitting in my drafts for a few weeks so i decided to finally finish it up and post it so that all of u socially responsible people staying home will have something to binge. listed in the order i read them but also sorted by member in age order. asterisk (*) = favs. (ongoing!) = incomplete at the time i posted this. (neutral ending) = if u care that ending may not be happy or yn x member may not end up together, sorry if i spoiled it.
had to search pretty far and wide for these so i doubt there will be a pt 3 - also i’m currently on a cdrama/cvariety fix lol. as usual, be my friend! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
✰ multiple paths / mystery member ✰
friendship (multi: jaehyun, johnny, lucas) by jxngolas
all i need (ongoing!) by peachysicheng
✰ taeil ✰ (none)
✰ johnny ✰
streak breaker by softtm (neutral ending)
i’m so in love by romanticwyh
✰ taeyong ✰
*muse by jenoptimist
cloud 9 by bunny-doyounq
angel by sugaaasweet
is he an angel or a devil? by asteriaguk
fool by yongtxt
✰ yuta ✰
doctor, doctor by jaeculturetechnology
yes chef by butterbeeryuta
laces and things by butterbeeryuta
coming home by cupofjae
pâro (ongoing!) by jenoptimist
let me love u (ongoing!) by bunny-doyounq
airdrop (ongoing!) by taehunnies
✰ kun ✰ 
talking to the moon by dearncityy
not alone (ongoing!) by cupofjae
✰ doyoung ✰
*don’t need your love by cupofjae
*sanctuary by bunny-doyounq
anti by softtm
dear no one by dearncityy
sunflower by jaeehyuns
forced by radianthyuck (can’t find last chapter anywhere)
*where u at? (on hold) by suhdone
✰ ten ✰
collaboration by onflowerpaths
✰ jaehyun ✰
*tongue tied by peachysicheng
the breakfast club by kkuljaehyun
fly away with me by cupofjae
welcome to my playground by cupofjae
deep water by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
*balance of us by solecize
young elites by markeu-lii
hericane by weishenv
breathless by peachyuns
the games you play by fluffyjenope
through the night by jaeehyuns (neutral ending)
pretty reckless by yukhheis (neutral ending)
roller skates by hhjwrld
the beauty within (ongoing!) by justwinwin
end to start (ongoing!) by bunny-doyounq
✰ winwin ✰
different skies by dearncityy
✰ jungwoo ✰
5:05 by jaeehyuns
la vie en rose by haechanhearts
✰ lucas ✰
playboy by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
unrequited love by textingwithnct
*do you think about me too? by byunnct
you & i by leejenopes (some links don’t work, scroll on blog)
slam (ongoing!) by wereseoyoung
keep yourself alive (ongoing!) by sushi-xuxii
the librarian (ongoing!) by princekunge
✰ mark ✰
game over by jenoptimist
connected by treerachas
mona lisa by weishenv
*unexspected by hyucksupremacist (neutral ending, i shed tears tho it was so good) (some links may not work so you’ll have to search on the blog or replace hyuckcryptid with hyucksupremacist)
*game over by kettlewrites
easy as pie by nctzen-mess
*yours by wereseoyoung
flickering by fluffyjenope
*vintage by yongtxt
how to get the boy (ongoing?/ neutral ending) by yojeongin
clueless (coming soon) by chicagoletters (suhdone remade)
✰ xiaojun ✰
*the muse by princekunge
*just before sunrise by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
2 fast  by markftmingi
play pretend (ongoing!) by dreamingxuxi
✰ hendery ✰
rags & riches by markftmingi
*love talk by jxngolas
✰ renjun ✰
replay 1:27pm by jxngolas
celebrity crush by ncttrinities
art tour ltd. by ncttrinities
coffee & water paints by kettlewrites
catfished! by heartjwi-main
love maze by aiurjins
wistful by treerachas
youtuber!renjun by poutyjwoo
*the one where renjun gets kissed by ncttrinities
*the rich truth: away we happened (ongoing!) by ncttrinities
history is a bench (ongoing!) by butterbeeryuta
✰ jeno ✰
more than friends by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
love club by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
badlands by poutyjwoo
our first and last dance by tinybinnie
reckless behavior by fentyyoons (unmarked tw ch 28-29)
habits by nanaluvie (neutral ending)
adore u by hhjwrld
119 (ongoing!) by ncttrinities
dear you, (ongoing!) by matterhalos
✰ haechan ✰
*heartbreaker by jxngolas
to him by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
my page by lysyuta
stoned by haechanhearts
remember me by seofthours
rewind by heartjwi-main
sunflower by softtm
sweet revenge by starsuhh
fingers crossed by treerachas (some links may not work so search on blog)
summer of ‘69 (ongoing!) by radianthyuck
place your bets (ongoing!) by hyukcieee
✰ jaemin ✰
puzzle by nationaldoyoungday
what family says, goes by hyukcieee
timeless by lysyuta
put me on by hyucksupremacist (some links may not work so you’ll have to search on the blog or replace hyuckcryptid with hyucksupremacist)
what i hate like about you by kettlewrites
*ferris wheel by yedarnit
what i like about you by neomrk
money talk by tinybinnie
a tail worth telling by rosehyck
playing the part by nctzen-mess
*my first and last by jxngolas (sequel to heartbreaker)
falling, hard by fentyyoons
*dead lover’s society by atrabiliousse
fashion friends by xiaocity
twelve days of christmas by lovieskihyun
✰ yangyang ✰
siren by dearncityy
the lab partner by princekunge
let me love you (ongoing!) by jxngolas
✰ chenle ✰
i’m so bad for you by neomrk
*turf war by hyucksupremacist
✰ jisung ✰
flower cafe by poutyjwoo
by my side by nctzen-mess
*my first and last by lysyuta
why not me, the dancer by heartjwi-main (some links link to wrong ch, search on blog)
hieraeth by heartjwi-main (sequel to why not me, the dancer) (some links link to wrong ch, search on blog)
along the lines of (ongoing!) by heartjwi
✰ non-nct ✰ (mostly from authors whose nct work i’ve read)
*bad guy ft. pentagon yanan by markftmingi
*crush culture ft. stray kids hyunjin by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
*somebody else ft. ateez yunho by nakyngs (was bitchendery)
*money talks ft. seventeen jun by dahyunminggyu
*big reputation ft. nine percent xukun by dahyunminggyu
plot twists ft. stray kids bang chan by desertskz
*do re mi ft. bts jungkook by taeyegu
l.c.t ft. bts jungkook by peachyuns
*bad at love ft. seventeen wonwoo by sankyeom
online ft. stray kids hyunjin by hhjwrld
find my iphone ft. bts yoongi by ediblesuga
*stay and cook ft. bts jungkook by firebettercallnct
*press start ft. bts jungkook by lovelyyyoongi
*keep it fruity ft. seventeen maknae line by cupidhaos
honeysuckles and dewdrops ft. stray kids hyunjin (ongoing!) by strawberryjmilk
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dayseternal-blog · 3 years
If you ever finish answering all of yours awaiting asks...
45 questions for you 👀
Lolllll BADLUCKBREBIS, you are so funny.
Inspiration and Reading Asks:
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
It looks like I started writing in 2017. I've been reflecting recently on how there are so many regularly active writers now compared to in 2017-2018. It was the tail-end of some of my fave writer's activity within fandom. Utsus was posting less and less. The Tumblr NaruHina fandom seemed to disappear, a whole community of writers left for other things (matchaball, nekomamoru, magmawrites, cherryjutsu, spyder-m, tenney-shoes, eliphya, among others). 2018 was a very quiet year, but! I avidly read katarinahime and bunnyhoodlum's works! In 2019, quirrrky restarted things with NaruHina Week!
2. How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?
Recently I’m primarily a reader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because there's so many writers now!!!!!!!!
3. Are there any fics that inspired you to write what you do?
Yeah, let’s list them.  “A Special Friend” by agitosgirl inspired “Nightdreams.  “Medicine” by @grimmjowkurosakidrake​ inspired “White Lilies.  “Torch Song” by @mmmbuttery inspired “About You.”  The language in “Unless the World Were to End” by @bunny-hoodlum​ inspired the language in “That was the plan.”  “In Between Drinks” by @peppercornpress inspired “In Between Drinks NH.”
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
“Operation: Bring Home Naruto” by Dragonwannabe - Rated T, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Complete. Hinata's been assigned the mission of getting Naruto back home safely after his last dangerous assignment. But can she handle the undercover identity as his girlfriend that she’d been given without revealing her true feelings for him?
“The Mission” by Lunawraythe - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. It wasn't that Hinata never expected to work with Naruto, just never on a mission quite like this.
“The Loving Type” by @peppercornpresses - Rated M, Canon-Divergent, Multi-chapter, Ongoing. A few years have passed since the Fourth Shinobi War, in which...Rookie Nine steadily advances in rank. Naruto gets engaged. Hinata leaves Konoha. And Kakashi schemes for days.
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
ahhh.  I do have quite a few pet peeves.  If the fic is Canon-Compliant or Canon-Divergent, I expect Naruto and Hinata to behave like Japanese people.  Say what you want, but the Naruto Universe is definitely Japanese in my book.  So that means no shoes in the house.  Nothing rattles me more than reading Hinata taking her sandals off before climbing into bed.  Like, what?  she was wearing her outdoor shoes indoors this whole time??
mmm... another pet peeve is when the writer describes Hinata in a kimono, but it sounds like an American Halloween costume, like the slutty version, instead of an actual kimono.
mmm... and the other big pet peeve I have is when it’s Hinata’s first time eating ramen because Naruto is showing her the wonders of ramen.  lol.  why.  how.  in what world would a Japanese person make it to their teenage years without ever eating ramen.
I have a bunch of other little pet peeves regarding Japanese culture in fanfics.  But in general, it doesn’t stop me from reading the fic if I'm already in the middle of it.  I’ll continue reading it and will probably recommend it to other people anyway. If I can tell based on the summary, then it's not for me, and I don't read it. If this makes anyone feel nervous about writing fanfiction, that's not my intention! I would also be happy to be a sensitivity reader if necessary.
6. How do you find new fic to read? Where do you primarily read fanfiction?
I primarily read fanfics on AO3 and ffnet.  I find new ones by constantly checking the Hyuuga Hinata/Uzumaki Naruto tag on AO3 or looking into a writer’s favorites list on ffnet.
7. Do you prefer to read short fics or long fics?
Short fics.
8. How often do you reblog/comment on fics that you like?
I reblog pretty often. I don't comment as often as I used to😕 I used to comment on every fic I liked.
9. Tag 3 fic writers you think are underrated/unknown in the fandom/fanfiction community.
Uhh?? Idk. I think recently the writing group here is pretty tight, everyone seems to know everyone.
10. What’s your favorite fandom, pairing, or character to read fic for?
Naruto fandom and NaruHina.
Fanfiction Writing Asks:
11. How do you come up with your fic titles?
I usually take it from words used in the story or from the prompt.
12. Tell the author your favorite fic title of theirs (not the fic, strictly title). Author: what’s your favorite title you’ve come up with and why?
I think...maybe "Tell Me of Forevers" or "Nightdreams." I like those because they aren't taken word-for-word directly from the story, but touch on a theme in the story.
13. Do you outline your fics? How much of a headache would someone get if they just looked at an outline of yours without reading the fic?
Yes, I outline. They wouldn't get a headache, I think. It's usually just a summary.
14. Do you have a personal word minimum that you hold yourself too? Why or why not?
Nope. I didn't know people do that.
15. Tell the author your favorite fic of theirs. What’s your (the author’s) favorite fic you’ve written?
My favorite fic continues to be "It's No Secret."
16. Do you research for your fics? If so, how deep of a rabbit hole have you gone down by accident when researching?
Yes, I do. I've done historical and folktale research for "Little Samurai." I did area/location research for "Last Chance." I did historical research for "About You." I did fairy tale research for "Catskin." I did a ton of astronomy research for "The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl." And I did lighting research for "Inspo." I go pretty deep.
17. How obsessively do you sit and stare at your fic after you’ve just posted and wait for feedback?
I don't. I usually have something else I need to do or I go to bed.
18. Do you have a WIP that you keep telling yourself you’ll eventually get back to, but deep down you know that’s probably a lie?
I actually think I can finish all of mine if I just try.
19. Do you edit your fics after you write them, or do you prefer to just hit post and run (because it’s someone else’s problem now)?
I always edit before posting to AO3. Anything I post directly on Tumblr might not be edited.
20. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
21. What’s your least favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Starting a new chapter.
22. Do you take fic requests? If so, for what characters and why?
On occasion. If someone sends me a request, I'll think about writing it. Sometimes I do write and post it, sometimes I leave them in my drafts for a better day.
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
From what I already have posted, probably friends-to-lovers, secret relationship/forbidden love, or high school au. I don't think I have an intentional favorite.
24. What’s a trope that you’d like to never hear about as long as you live, let alone write?
Public humiliation / public degradation.
25. Do you listen to music as you write? If possible, link your writing playlist.
No, not usually.
26. What’s your biggest distraction when writing?
Tumblr feed, all the pictures to scroll through mindlessly.
27. Do you like to give your readers some warning of what might be coming or just slap them in the face with content at random?
lol, whatever is fine.
28. How do you deal with writing pressure (ie: pressure to update, negative comments, deadlines, etc)?
Well, pressure to update is not a big deal to me. I do this for fun, so I don't think I unnecessarily pressure myself too much. With negative comments, I don't get too many of those, and I think I do my best to avoid situations where I might get negative feedback.
29. Have you ever written for an exchange or event of some kind? Which one(s)? Did you enjoy it?
Yeah, I like the events. My favorite was NH2020, the year-long one last year. I also enjoyed the Secret Santa last year since @badluckbrebis was my giftee.
30. Post a snippet from your current WIP without context - no more than 300 words.
Ecstasy slides through his veins, blooming over his mind, cocooning him in pleasant sensations, cum shooting out in eager twitches against hot, milking flesh.
31. Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
Naruto Uzumaki, always.
32. Copy and paste your top three favorite lines/jokes/sentences you’ve ever written. What fics do they come from?
Top 3 faves in order:
That was the plan: "She shifts in his arms, and cloth and cleavage come pillowing up to his face, and he’s certain that she’s scooped from the same puffy stuff his adolescent daydreams were made of."
Tell Me of Forevers: "What he wouldn’t do to inspire every blush, every smile of hers for an eternity when such moments already only speak “forever” to him."
White Lilies: "Whether at his feet, in his eyes, ears, mind, if not reaching his heart, she never landed anywhere. (It’s okay.)"
I consider "White Lilies" to have my technically best writing, so it was kind of hard to choose just one line from that fic! But I decided that one's my favorite line from the whole story.
33. What do you like writing better: one shots or multi-chapter stuff?
34. How much of yourself and your life experiences do you put into your writing? What do you think your readers’ image of you is?
A lot of my life experiences are in my writing. Hmm, I think readers probably think I'm...hmm...either empathetic or really perverted?
35. How much has writing fic changed your life?
I spend a lot less time on real-life social media than before.
36. Are there any fics or fandoms you’re embarrassed to have written or been part of?
I'm kind of embarrassed of "Honeymoon at the Hot Springs" lol. It's fine.
37. Give an update on your current WIP - if you don’t have one, give a sneak peek to a title or idea that you have and would like to write.
My current WIP is that A/B/O fic I started for February Smut Month Prompts: Sweet as Candy or Love Bites. I'm going to title it "Sweet As," and it'll be about how Naruto and Hinata become Alpha/Omega mates. It's really kinky, really smutty, and totally what I would want to read.
38. What does your writing process look like? How chaotic is it on a scale of 1 (very tame) to 10 (you can’t handle this kind of chaos)?
uhh???? a 1?? I've never once thought of my writing process as chaotic. Ahh, then I think of bunnyhoodlum's multiple drafts for the same chapter, and I realize that there exist types of writing processes that I would not be able to handle...
39. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
My smut.
40. How did you come up with the idea for [x fic]?
41. What’s your most popular fic (with the most notes on tumblr, most hits/kudos on ao3)?
Idk about Tumblr,,, maybe White Lilies got the most attention here. My most popular fic is Nightdreams on AO3.
42. Asker: pick three of the author’s works. Author: rank them 1 (the best) - 3 (the worst) based on whatever criteria you want - this could be something totally random that isn’t quality related (like simply ranking fics based on how many trains appear in them) - have fun!
43. Talk about a positive experience with fanfiction or the fanfiction community that you will always remember.
I will always remember how people congratulated me for finishing White Lilies😭 Also, when peppercornpresses made that FIRST art of my story, I just, I just stared at it all day.
44. Rant about something writing related.
hmmm, I don't feel like ranting about anything. I just recently ranted about my pet peeves above.
45. Fic specific questions - if you have any weird questions about specific works, here’s your shot to ask them!
I did them all! Nice questions.
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akindofmagictoo · 3 years
chapter titles tag game
thanks @quilloftheclouds ❤️ I do indeed name my chapters, and I will follow your lead and explain a little bit. 
I will not follow your lead in doing them all. Hurricane has 43 chapters. that’s too many. (also many of them are self-explanatory) 
Chapter 1: The Stranger (shockingly, a stranger shows up. it might be our favourite cinnamon roll boi) 
Chapter 5: Grimmur (his first proper appearance. hi trashcan) 
Chapter 10: Bilge Rat (talking about Anvindr being a trashcan and why Tempest hates him so much. he gets called a bilge rat, and Theo, being not a sailor, needs an explanation of the term) 
Chapter 12: Escaping Newhaven (prison break time!) 
Chapter 15: Shoals (we are in some physical shoals. this one is pretty straightforward) 
Chapter 23: The Captain’s Daughter (this has a couple layers of puns, including the fact that this term is also used to refer to the cat-o’-nine-tails) 
Chapter 28: Ship Aflame (a ship gets set on fire. this is a good thing) 
Chapter 32: I Don’t Want Your Apologies (a quote. get rekt, [redacted]) 
Chapter 35: Try Me (also a quote. again, get rekt) 
Chapter 41: One Hell of a Drug (there may be some kissies in this chapter) 
a lot of my chapter names are place names, ship names, or quotes lol 
I shall tag @diphthongsfordays and anyone else who wants to play :D 
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crazy-moko · 3 years
Ken ga Toki: In-game Dictionary Translation
Tumblr media
Proofreaders: Ran
Translator’s Note: **This is not an official translation and I’m just doing this as a hobby.**  If you can somewhat read Japanese, please do play the game.
Other Chapters:
1. 異天津霊剣布都御魂  Kotoamatsu Reiken Futsu no Mitama A Sword God that bestows the power of Kami-oroshi unto the Five Great Swords. He appeared before the heroine for the sake of fighting the marebitos. 
2. 天下五剣 (Tenka Goken) The Five Great Swords Mikadzuki Munechika, Juzamaru, Dōjigiri, Oodenta, Onimaru Kunitsuna; these are the names of the five swords. The masters of these swords will be able to use the power of “Kami-oroshi”.
3. 鬼丸の姫 (Onimaru no Hime) Onimaru’s Princess A title bestowed upon Onimaru Kunitsuna’s wielder. Without one’s knowledge, this title was spread far and wide in Nakatsu no Kuni.
4. 刻者 (Tokijya) The Engraver A term Futsu no Mitama used when calling out to Onimaru’s Princess. It seems there is a deeper meaning behind it…… 
5. 神降 (Kami-oroshi) Descent of the Gods The power that allows one to seal the Marebitos and summon allies. However, the price to be paid is…… 
6. 現世 (Utsushiyo) The Present World The world of rebirth and reincarnation. A place where humans, onis and ayakashis live.
7. 常夜 (Tokoyo) The Land of Eternal Night An eternal world where time stopped flowing. A place where the immortal marebitos live.
8. 奈落衆 (Naraku-shū) The Hell Corps The forces led by Rokudō Rinne. They are tasked to steal the Five Great Swords and to achieve Rokudō Rinne’s plans to turn the Present World into a world of Marebitos.
9. 常世の門 (Tokoyo no Mon) The Gate of Eternal Night The five gates that connect the Land of Eternal Night to the Present World. The current existing gates are Yomotsu Hirasaka, Nirai Kanai, Kōmadan, Fudaraku and Rendaino. Each of these gates has its respective gatekeeper.
10. 六通輪廻 Rokudō Rinne The gatekeeper of Yomotsu Hirasaka. The constant conflict between the humans, onis and ayakashis; he believes that none of these are necessary and tries to take over Nakatsu no Kuni.
11. 魔尹臥無 Mayun Ganashi The gatekeeper of Nirai Kanai. Aoi’s older brother; an oni who was turned into a marebito.
12. 徳川忠長 Tokugawa Tadanaga The gatekeeper of Kōmadan. When he was alive, he lost his position and committed suicide; Rokudō Rinne then used Tadanaga’s grudge towards the Shogunate and used the Jewel of Resuscitation to revive him.
13. 蛭子神 Hiruko The gatekeeper of Fudaraku. She is Ruko’s sister. The guardian deity of the sea; she also plays the role of a gatekeeper in Nakatsu no Kuni.
14. 九尾 (Kyūbi) Nine Tails The gatekeeper of Rendaino. She turned into a Marebito due to a grudge towards Mitsukuni for sealing her.
15. 虚 (Utsuro) Void Rokudō Rinne’s hidden technique. He can create puppets by pouring blood unto Higanbanas. They take on the exact appearance of those from the Present World.
16. 日光東照宮 (Nikkō Tōshōgū) Nikkō Tōshō-gū Shrine The headquarters that Tokugawa Iemitsu presented to Onimaru’s Princess to defeat the marebito army. There are various facilities such as a smithy, a hot spring, a dojo, living quarters, etc. However, the miasma around the Tōshō-gū Shrine needs to be cleansed before use...…  **Note: There’s an actual shrine with the same name in real life.
17. 御命試合 (Gozenjiai) The Sword Tournament A tournament that is held in the presence of the Shogun to obtain the rights to the Five Great Swords.
18. 一番刀 Ichibangatana A title bestowed upon the winners of the Sword Tournament. They are also awarded with one of the Five Great Swords.
19. 芝右衛門狸 Shibaemon Tanuki A youkai that the heroine rescued. He serves as a guide; in the story, he plays an active part as a local deity. He can turn into a teapot with pourable tea.
20. 四神護符 (Shishin Gofu) Talismans of the Four Gods The four types of talismans used to ward off the miasma surrounding Tōshō-gū Shrine. The Suzaku Talisman, the Seiryū Talisman, the Byakko Talisman and the Genbu Talisman.
21. 瘴気 (Shōki) Miasma Miasma from Tokoyo. It can pollute the Present World and cause corrosion. 
22. 瘴気侵蝕 (Shōki Shinshoku) Miasma Corrosion When youkais are corroded by the miasma, they will enter berserk mode.
23. 小田原提灯 (Odawara Djōchin) Cylindrical Paper Lantern A lantern that can ward off evil spirits. Sutras are written onto the lantern; it seems that the Marebitos are unable to approach it.
24. 木霊 (Kodama) Tree Sprites Youkais that live in trees. Only those with special abilities can see them.
25. 三神宝 (Sanjinbō) The Three Sacred Treasures **Folklore version These treasures can ward off miasma. Sword of Yaegaki, Mirror of Mafutsu and Ame-naru-fumi. **Note: Ame-naru-fumi = Sacred scriptures that contains the writings of Ame-naru-michi (the Way of Heaven)
26. 天下三槍 (Tenka Sansō) The Three Great Spears These spears can ward off miasma. Nihongō is owned by Idzuna; Otogine was robbed by Mayun Ganashi. Tonbokiri is currently missing.
27. 鬼族の集落 (Onizoku no Shuuraku) Oni Clan Settlements There are 5 main Oni clan settlements in Nakatsu no Kuni. They are Aogashima, Ōminoyama (Mount Ōmi), Kinojō, Ikijima (Iki Island) and Megijima.
28. 蝦夷族 (Emishizoku) Emishi Clan Also known as the Ainu’s in the modern era. An ethnic minority that lives in the Ezo region. They have their own special tradition and culture. All knowledge of their culture and tradition have been passed down orally as they have no written language. **Note: Ezo region is the historical equivalent of the Northern island of Japan. The name was changed to Hokkaidō in 1869.
29. 日月堂 Nichigetsu-dō A general store that Sahanji runs in the Country of Suruga. It’s main purpose is to craft puppets but he takes repair requests as well.
30. 張礼堂 Chōkō-dō A private military school that Shōsetsu opened for the monetary impaired rōnins. He hopes the rōnins will regain the art of living by providing them with knowledge.
31. 百鬼夜行 (Hyakki Yakō) 100 Demons Parade A gang of chivalrous thieves formed by Yamidara, Mizuchi and Naginosuke; the 100 Demons Parade. Their main activity is to save the oppressed demons. Currently accepting new applications.
32. 刻渡の力 (Tokiwari no Chikara) Power of Engravement The special ability of the Three Sacred Treasures. The treasures have a special ability to cross time. But one needs to possess a special strength to use the ability…...
33. 桃源郷 (Tōgenkyō) Shangri-la A mythical land that’s separate from the Present World. Only the chosen ones can see the entrance to this land.
34. 飯綱の法 (Idzuna no Hō) Idzuna’s Law Idzuna’s special ability. If he gets injured, he will heal immediately. Rather than calling it a cure, it’s more fitting to refer to this ability as regeneration.
35. ???
36. 蓬莱玉 (Hōrai Tama) Hōrai Jewel A strange fruit bore from the Divine Tree on Hōrai Immortal Island that exists somewhere in the legendary sea. Among the fruits, only the ones that have reached maturity are called Hōrai Jewels. **Note: Hōrai Island is the Japanese term of Penglai Island
37. 蓬莱玉の枝 (Hōrai Tama no E) The Jeweled Branch of Hōrai The branch of a divine tree in the far distance on Hōrai Immortal Island. After a fixed amount of time, the branch will bear mature fruits.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Will update if more terms are added.
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imitranslates · 5 years
Fukigen na Mononokean Ch. 75
The search for Aoi begins!
Please remember to check out the official English release when it comes out, preferably on Crunchyroll if you’re able to!
The newest chapter can be read on the official website by clicking the yellow button labeled 読む!
Fukigen na Mononokean Chapter 75 - Leading Shore
Page 1
Abeno: I am the master of the Mononokean, Abeno Haruitsuki.
Requesting to open a door to the Underworld.
(Demon: I'm in your debt.)
(Demon: Farewell.)
(Abeno: Farewell.)
Page 2
Mononokean: Welcome back.
Abeno: Nngh..
Abeno: Back...
Mononokean: !?
Mononokean: Itsuki!!
Ashiya: Abeno-saaaan!?
(Ashiya: Abeno-san! Heeey!)
Page 3
Ashiya: Sleep well...
Ashiya: Wah... There are dark circles under his eyes...
Mononokean: Of course he's going to look awful when he's been opening the door twice day after day!
Mononokean: He put together this crazy schedule to finish all of his previous requests before the search for Aoi begins...! (Goodness gracious!!)
Ashiya: Sorry...
Page 4
Ashiya: But because of that, all of the booked requests have been safely completed as of today.
Ashiya: It's all according to Abeno-san's schedule.
Since it's winter break, we'll be able to begin our search.
Mononokean: How long is your high school's winter break?
Ashiya: It's about two weeks.
Mononokean: In other words, the search for Aoi will conclude at the end of winter break, right?
Page 5
Ashiya: Yeah...
Ashiya: Even if we don't have any results, it will be the end of the search for Aoi-san...
That's the promise we made with the Princess.
Ashiya: But...
Ashiya: I want to meet Aoi-san, too.
Ashiya: If I meet them, I'd like to ask about Sakae...
(Like, why they decided to make a human who killed demons an unofficial employee of the Mononokean, or...)
(If they were there on November 2nd when Sakae died, what happened that day...)
Page 6
Ashiya: That's why,
Ashiya: I'll believe that Aoi-san is alive, and go search for him.
Ashiya: We'll find him, just watch!
Page 7
Abeno: .......
Page 8
Teacher: And that's all your tips for winter break.
Teacher: This is a precious vacation for your high school life.
Your homework is to have fun in moderation.
Teacher: I'm going to buy my daughter a bicycle, so I'll be absorbed in biking with my daughter... It'll be great!
So class, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Ashiya: Abeno-san, homeroom is over.
Fusshi: Ashiyaaan, Abenoon!
Fusshi: Let's hang out this winter break!
Saga: The four of us can visit the shrine together.
Ashiya: Sorry... We have work this break.
Fusshi: I see. Good luck with woork!
(Fusshi: Merikuri!)
(Saga: Happy New Year.)
(Ashiya: Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!)
(Zenko: Have a happy new year.)
(Ashiya: Happy new year.)
Page 9
Ashiya: Alright then. Tomorrow, winter break will start.
Ashiya: Please link the Mononokean to the entryway of my house at nine o'clock.
I'll be prepared at the door ten minutes prior.
Ashiya: Let's do our best searching for Aoi-san tomorrow!
Page 10
Ashiya: Seeya, Abeno-san! Until tomorrow! (Bye~)
Abeno: Wait.
Abeno: You mean today, right?
Ashiya: Eh?
Abeno: Winter break really begins as soon as homeroom is over... right?
Ashiya: Today...
Ashiya: I had plans to get a Christmas cake on the way home...
Page 11
Abeno: Work takes priority. (Let's go.)
Ashiya: Hello, Mom?! Due to some urgent business, I won't be able to pick up the cake, so please pick it up instead!
Abeno: Mononokean, come.
Mononokean: Have a safe journey!
Page 12
Ashiya: Huh?
Ashiya: The Justice didn't come to meet me...
Ashiya: Damn... If the Justice isn't there, I'm not allowed to enter the Underworld.
Abeno: This isn't the Underworld, so you're free to enter.
Ashiya: ...Huh? Then, are we in the Mundane world?
Weren't we supposed to go to the forest today?
Abeno: We are in the forest. (That's why the Justice doesn't need to come.)
Page 13
Abeno: This is Aoi's house, which was build inside the forest...
Abeno: In other words, it's the Mononokean.
(The... Mono... nokean?)
Page 14
Ashiya: (Wh!?) The Mononokean?!
Ashiya: This is the main body?!
Abeno: This is where our clients from the Underworld come in from.
Ashiya: Huh...
Abeno: It's within the Princess's divine protection, so the plague plant and its seed bugs are repelled and can't infect anyone.
Ashiya: It's true, I can't see any bugs flying around or any plague plants...
Mononokean: With my power, I can remove them from the nearby vicinity.
Abeno: However, everything beyond here is out of the barrier's range.
Abeno: As I told you before,  you won't be able to sense a demon's aura if they've been infected.
I also won't be able to call the Mononokean.
Page 15
Abeno: From here on, we'll be searching outside the barrier for Aoi.
Abeno: The situation puts their chance of being alive at practically zero, but
If they survived, and they haven't returned to the Underworld or the Mononokean, they should still be within the forest.
Abeno: Don't overlook even the slightest trace.
If you find anything at all, let me know immediately.
Ashiya: Roger!
(This is the first and final search for Aoi-san...)
Page 16
Ashiya: Even if there's a 0% chance, I have faith! If the two of us are searching for them, the odds of finding something double!
Ashiya: We'll definitely find Aoi-san!
Abeno: Let's go, Ashiya.
Ashiya: Yes!
Ashiya: We're heading out!
Page 17
Ashiya: AOI-SAAAN!!
Ashiya: AOI-SAN!
Ashiya: Are you there!?!
Abeno: (This is unbearable... But I guess it is useful to have a human megaphone on a search like this...)
(Abeno: It's loud, though...)
Ashiya: Ao...
Page 18
Ashiya: Abeno-san, take a look at this. There's an 'x' mark on this tree.
Abeno: Ah?
Abeno: Yeah... I made that as a benchmark so I wouldn't get lost in the forest long ago.
(Ashiya: So it's a guidepost.)
Ashiya: Aoi-saaan! If you're there, please respond!
I'm an employee of the Mononokean! I'm Ashiya. It's good to meet you!
Ashiya: Abeno-san and I have come to look for you!
Ashiya: .....
Ashiya: Mmm... I don't hear anything right now.
Abeno: We'll be leaving the barrier in a moment.
Ashiya: !
Ashiya: Hmm... A sweet smell. Isn't this...
Page 19
Ashiya: (The scent of the blooms of a plague plant.)
Ashiya: !?
Page 20
Abeno: From here on is outside the barrier's range.
Aoi should be here somewhere.
Page 22
Ashiya: Plague plants are growing wildly all over the place.
Ashiya: And there are tons of insects attracted to the scent of the blossoms...
(Aoi-san is alive in this place...)
(They must be here, in this dangerous land that's covered in curses...)
Page 23
Ashiya: What is it?
Abeno: Try looking at the roots of the plague plant.
Ashiya: The roots...?
Abeno: It doesn't look like there's anything here, right?
Ashiya: Yeah... Nothing that catches my eye.
Page 24
Abeno: In the roots are where Aoi's remains should be.
Abeno: I told you those who are possessed by the parasite shrub grow into large trees, but...
Well, just in case, check the roots of the plague plants, too.
Ashiya: ...
Ashiya: ...Okay.
[Even though we believe that they're alive...
We won't be able to search properly if we avert our eyes from the possibility of their death.]
Abeno: I want to search this whole area today as a start.
If you notice something, no matter how trivial, report it to me.
Ashiya: Yes...
Abeno: What a listless answer. (Where's your energy?)
Ashiya: Beginning the search! FIGHT!!
Page 25
Ashiya: Aoi-san!! Are you here?!
It's nice to meet you! I'm Ashiya, an employee of the Mononokean!
Ashiya: Before I started my second year at Modoribashi High School, a demon named Fuzzy attached himself to me, and it hurt, so I went to Abeno-san to get an exorcism! I ended up with a million yen bill, so I'm working here to pay off my debt!
Abeno: Your message is changing, y'know.
Ashiya: Aoi-san, are you here!?
Page 26
Ashiya: .....?!
[Could this perhaps... be...?!]
Ashiya: A cat's...
Page 27
Abeno: ...Ah?
Ashiya: Abeno-san, this...
Page 28
Demon: !?
Abeno&Ashiya: !?
Ashiya: ...Hm?!
Ashiya: GYAAAH?! A huge fuzzy caterpillar!!
Page 29
Abeno: Ashiya-kun?
Ashiya: I'm sorry!!! (Caterpillar!! Shoo!!)
Ashiya: Ow!
Ashiya: The hair of that caterpillar pricked me... It stings...
Abeno: (Geez.) There's some disinfectant in the medicine box, so we'll put that on...! (Though I don't know how effective it is for humans...!)
Ashiya: Okay...
Ashiya: .....
Page 30
Ashiya: (I thought it was Aoi's remains...)
Ashiya: (That was bad for my heart... (I was really flustered...))
(Abeno: Give me your hand.)
(Ashiya: Yes...)
Ashiya: (I was terrified and I don't even know Aoi-san personally...
So what Abeno-san felt must not even compare...)
(Abeno-san doesn't tend to show his emotions, but...)
Abeno: ?
Abeno: Sterilization complete. Resume the search.)
(Ashiya: Thank you for treating me!)
[Even though he's like that...]
Page 31
[If he's able to reunite with Aoi-san,
[Will he show a happy smile?]
(Ashiya: Aoi-saaan!)
(Ashiya: Abeno-san! There, deep in the brush! I saw a black shadow moving!)
(Abeno: It's another bug, huh...)
[If we end up finding Aoi's remains,]
[Will he be unable to stop his tears?]
Page 32
Ashiya: !
Page 33
Ashiya: Abeno-san? Is this place next to the ocean?
Ashiya: Just now, there was the sound of waves from that direction, right?
Abeno: ...
(Ashiya: ...Huh?)
Page 34
Abeno: Ashiya.
Guide me toward where you heard that sound.
Ashiya: Okay! It's through this thicket.
Ashiya: In this direction...
Ashiya: !?
Page 35
Ashiya: ...Huh?
Ashiya: There's no ocean anywhere, not even a puddle. (I don't hear anything, either...)
Abeno: As I thought, we're back where we started.
Ashiya: Huh?
Abeno: I looked at that tree's mark before we went through the thicket.
Ashiya: That's weird? When did we end up making a U-turn?
Page 36
Abeno: We've definitely been going straight.
Ashiya: !
Abeno: But it seems we've come back to where we started.
Ashiya: Where we started...?
Ashiya: Uwaah, it's true!! Are we in an infinite loop!? What are we going to do?!
Abeno: I wonder.
Page 37
Abeno: Back when I came here on my own to find Aoi,
The same phenomenon happened.
Abeno: Even if I went somewhere else, I'd end up walking back where I started. I tried to get around it, but it was the same no matter what.
Somehow, there's something here to stop us from heading deeper into the forest.
Ashiya: Then, Aoi's movement should have been hampered, too!
Ashiya: Aoi-san went into the forest,
Since it was outside of the barrier, and we're stopped from going into the forest, they have to be in the area!
Abeno: Yeah...
Page 38
Abeno: That's if their movement was actually stopped.
Abeno: Haa...
Abeno: The Underworld doesn't have an ocean, and I didn't hear any waves.
Could you have mistaken the sound of the wind?
Ashiya: If you say it like that... I guess it's possible...
Ashiya: I'm sorry...
Page 39
Ashiya: On the very first day of the search, I mistook that fuzzy caterpillar for a cat's tail, and I'm hearing the sounds of waves...
Ashiya: I've been holding back the search and... I've let you down...
Abeno: ...
Abeno: ...Haa...
Abeno: Idiot.
Ashiya: Sorry...
Abeno: Compared to the day where I didn't come across anything at all, today is better.
Page 40
Abeno: The guy who boasted that "We'll definitely find them!" shouldn't get disheartened this easily.
Abeno: We're going to steadily search like today, over and over again during winter break.
I'd be at a loss if we didn't find a single clue, so even a caterpillar is exciting.
Page 41
Abeno: At least try to keep your mood up, you easily discouraged five year old.
Ashiya: Wha!? (Easily discouraged?!)
Abeno: Are you just going to keep standing there? Do your job, easily discouraged caterpillar mishearing five year old.
(Ashiya: The nickname got extended!)
Abeno: Besides, it's not like you've only just started being a hindrance during our work, right?
I'm so accustomed to your mistakes that I don't even notice them anymore.
Ashiya: ......
Abeno: Now matter how much you mess up, you'll show me an even bigger mistake later.
Easily discouraged caterpillar mishearing garbage five year old boy.
Ashiya: ...!!
Page 42
Ashiya: He's an ill-tempered, foul-mouthed blond-haired excessively handsome guy!! Abeno-san is always calling me such horrible names!! Hurry up and come out!! Shouldn't the second master of the Mononokean stop treating his employees this outrageously?!! Even though we're both employees, he's so much nicer to Fuzzy!!!
Abeno: Hairball is much quieter than this roaring demon, for one.
Ashiya: Who's a roaring demon?!
Abeno: How'd you even hear my mumbling? You roaring demon with long ears.
Ashiya: Aoi-san!! Do you hear Abeno-san!!
Page 43
(Abeno: Ah?)
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