#channie's room season 5
stray-but-okay · 2 years
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STAY strike yet again
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strayfoxxchan · 1 year
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【Fan Fiction】 | series ◈ | unfinished ◇ | idol ❥ | non-idol ♡ |
◈◇❥ Raindrops & Cigarettes {Part 1} {Part 2} {Part 3} {Part 4} {Part 5}
❥ Merry Chris-mas!
◈◇♡ Class Time {Part 1} {Part 2}
❥ On Behalf of Me
♡ Team [Crush] Tactics
【Fan Art】 | skzoo ▷ | non-skzoo ► |
▷ Channie’s Room
► Scribbles
► His Smile
▷ Y/N x Wolf Chan
▷ [Ask Request]
▷ [Ask Request 2]
▷ Maxident
▷ Performance
▷ GreyRacha
▷ Let Me Do It For You, Vampy
▷ Victory
► Painting
▷ Hoodie Season
▷ Baklava
▷ Frogs, Fairies, Chocolate and Strawberries [Fic by @thevampywolf]
▷ Really Big Crush [Fic by @thevampywolf]
► Cozy
► Talk About Strats
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【Fan Fiction】 | series ◈ | unfinished ◇ | idol ❥ | non-idol ♡ |
【Fan Art】 | skzoo ▷ | non-skzoo ► |
▷ The Pose
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【Fan Fiction】 | series ◈ | unfinished ◇ | idol ❥ | non-idol ♡ |
【Fan Art】 | skzoo ▷ | non-skzoo ► |
▷ GreyRacha
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【Fan Fiction】 | series ◈ | unfinished ◇ | idol ❥ | non-idol ♡ |
【Fan Art】 | skzoo ▷ | non-skzoo ► |
▷ Birthday Parrot
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【Fan Fiction】 | series ◈ | unfinished ◇ | idol ❥ | non-idol ♡ |
❥ Coffee Break
【Fan Art】 | skzoo ▷ | non-skzoo ► |
▷ [Ask Request]
▷ GreyRacha
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【Fan Fiction】 | series ◈ | unfinished ◇ | idol ❥ | non-idol ♡ |
【Fan Art】 | skzoo ▷ | non-skzoo ► |
▷ RachaLog #1
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【Fan Fiction】 | series ◈ | unfinished ◇ | idol ❥ | non-idol ♡ |
◈♡ Girl’s Best Friend {Part 1} {Part 2}
【Fan Art】 | skzoo ▷ | non-skzoo ► |
▷ RachaLog #1
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【Fan Fiction】 | series ◈ | unfinished ◇ | idol ❥ | non-idol ♡ |
【Fan Art】 | skzoo ▷ | non-skzoo ► |
▷ [Ask Request]
▷ RachaLog #1
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54 notes · View notes
I have pack logistics questions so pardon me if this is nerdy but I’m a certified lore whore. Also it’s long…just like Channie’s..nose😊
1) for camping/pack runs, if there a general meal planned established then do select members go shopping? Does cooking responsibility switch each time or does it stay pretty consistent?Or is it kinda all for yourself bring your own food(even if everyone ends up sharing?
2) does the entire pack take off ever every single full moon? Do some of them get special accommodations if it happens during the week? Do any of the boys get a bit moody if their partner can’t join them for midweek runs?
3) does the pack as a consensus on the best season to run on or is it individual? If so what?
4) do packs in this universe have anything to physically show/establish them as being apart of a certain pack? Easily I think like a ring or necklace, little more permanent would be like a tattoo.
5) do you think the pack would struggle once/if the moved into individual homes? Like I can’t see them living across town from each other, but I can imagine living that close for that long and then not smelling or sensing all your mates might be jarring to a wolf.
5) wolves have a LOT of pride. Is Chan’s response stronger than anyone else’s (besides a mate’s) when one of his packmates are disrespected or hurt? Think like if he heard someone calling Min a “halfbreed/mutt” or picking/threatening jisung or Felix because they are male omegas. How quick is his wolf to violence in those cases?
6) Do they jokingly call the extra rooms where they can ride out ruts and heats “horny jail”
7) Do the pack parents keep maybe like a rough schedule (or specific if the individual is comfortable sharing it)of cycles for everyone that way they could predict when tempers might be higher?
8) besides others they are romantically involved with, do the wolves think about themselves as packmates in a “this is my friend” way or a “this is my sibling way”? For our humans, since they don’t have a wolf in their brain do they truly feel part of the pack? Like when they really soak in the moment with all of them do they think “I love my pack” or do they think “I love my friends/siblings”?
-🥝( I probably should have split this into multiple asks)
never apologise for this!! i love these questions skjdfhsjkdf
they try to plan what they're gonna eat on their days there. so, yes. they'll make a list of items and a few of the pack members will go to the grocery store to get the items (it's usually jeongin + autumn + changbin, but they might rotate every once in a while if the three of them aren't up for it). sometimes they prepare the meals and take them already ready just to re-heat, other times they just take the groceries and cook there. if they cook beforehand, tasks are split between households. if they cook during the trip, it's usually felix cooking, but others help frequently because he refuses to cook alone for that many people (not like other pack members would let him anyway kfjhskjf).
they always go together. i think Chris might be able to count the times they didn't with one hand (runs are very VERY important for werewolves, so missing one can get them a bit... cranky). for those that work in a supernatural environment (like Jisung), they probably just need to submit some paperwork at the beginning f the year with the nights they need and they always get them approved since it's a necessity. for those working in human spaces, they either call in sick or try to get days off. those with partners, they sulk if their partner can't come for one reason or another (Chris is the king of sulking whenever he has to spend a full moon without pretty nowadays. hell, even if it's just going out for a run and it's not a full moon, he'll sulk lol).
it's all personal preference. if i had to decide fave seasons for each ones: winter = chris, seungmin | autumn: changbin, ginger, jisung | summer = felix, jeongin | spring = minho, hyunjin (as usual, this is subject to change, it's just what i think at this present time lol).
some packs do (i like to think Moss' does. i just haven't decided what they have yet). Chris' doesn't, mostly because none of them has felt the need to have anything.
they would. i think it'll feel unnatural to not be close to each other, so moving too far away is just not an option. it's in their nature to live together and ensure everyone's well fed and taken care of (whatever this last bit entitles...). for Chris' pack, if they move out of their current den and into houses, i'm sure they'll only do it if they find adjacent houses. like, they literally need to be right next to each other/in front of each other or they won't move. it'd probably feel a bit weird at first since they're not in the same space, but i'm sure they'll get used to it eventually. but yeah, the closer together the houses are, the better.
it honestly depends. i feel like Chris particularly is heavily influenced by the moon cycle. depending on the phase of the moon he can either react very violently or very logically. he always tries to go the logical route because, you know, he's their Leader and he has to act all collected. but... yeah, i'm sure he's gotten in a few fights in his life over things like these lol. it can get pretty ugly if the full moon's close.
i love this actually. so, yes. yes they do.
of course. not only to be aware of mood changes, but also to make sure they're more or less available in case they're needed to help with anything (like getting them supplies and whatnot).
i think it goes beyond "this is my friend" and "this is my sibling". it's a type of bond that it's not easily explained, it's just... they're just pack members. and yes, humans that fully integrate into the pack feel this way, too. i suppose there could be humans that don't integrate completely, so they'd be more on the "these are my friends for life" kinda mindset, but it's not the case for Chris' pack. pretty and kitten are fully integrated into the dynamic.
hope these answers make sense, i'm super sleepy ksjdfhskjdf
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starlostastronaut · 10 months
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PAIRING: han jisung x reader
GENRE: fluff, maybe a bit of angst? not really tho
WC: 0.94k
CW: nothing i think, felix featured for like two seconds
PROMPT: "falling for their best friend. stupid, i know. i mean, who does that?" "i did"
the first story is here! i don't even know what happened here but this was born at one am, so that should be self explanatory lol. enjoy reading <3
title from complete mess - 5 seconds of summer
general masterlist here
mctc masterlist | next >>
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“I got this,” you said to yourself, pacing in front of the boys’ dorm. Today was the day you decided to finally do it - to finally confess to Jisung. It had been too long, and the pining was getting more and more useless with every passing day. You knew he would never love you back; otherwise, the other boys would have said something by now. You knew you were in for a rejection, but you were tired of hopelessly longing. And it was better for everybody to let yourself be officially rejected and move on.
Your hand reached for the door handle. Your fingers brushed against the cold metal, and you gripped the handle, taking a deep breath. “Nope, I don't get this,” you decided in a split second, suddenly panicking. You let go of the door and turned around, fully intending to march down the hall back to Seungmin to tell him you failed and maybe to cry a little. Seungmin gave good hugs, so you would be okay.
Unfortunately for you, at that moment the apartment door opened and Felix appeared in the hallway. “Hi! Coming to see Jisung?” He greeted you in English, giving you the signature Felix sunshine smile.
You could but dumbly nod. “Yeah, that's what I'm here for. I need to talk to him,” you ended up saying. You probably sounded too serious, because Felix's smile fell for a moment. He composed himself soon enough, though, linking his arm with yours and not giving you the chance to ponder his reaction. He led you inside almost ceremoniously, just like a king would his queen. Felix released you once you stood in front of Jisung's door.
“Well, I'm off to see Channie-hyung. Be nice to Sungie, please. It was hard for him to do,” Felix said, squeezing your shoulder gently as a form of goodbye. Then he rushed off in the direction you came from, leaving you to stand there utterly confused. 
What did Felix mean by “it was hard for him”? You haven't seen or heard from Jisung for the last two days. And as far as you knew, Stray Kids were on break before comeback season. And knowing Jisung, his plan on how to spend his breaks included exactly three activities: watching anime with Minho, hanging out with you, and occasionally working on some songs. And neither of those things has ever been "hard", so what the hell was Felix on about? 
Lost in your thoughts and theories, you somehow missed that the little blonde gremlin knocked on the door. So you got properly startled when it opened with a click and Jisung's head peaked out. “What are you doing here?” he asked, genuinely surprised.
“Oh, is it a bad time?” you asked anxiously, even the last bits of confidence and determination to confess crumbling down. “I can come back different-”
“No!” Jisung all but yelled. “I mean, no, stay. I actually want to talk about something,” he said, after making sure none of his members were coming to scold him for yelling. 
“Okay,” you smiled. “I wanted to talk to you too, so..." You left the sentence unfinished, letting Jisung take the lead. And he did. Jisung grabbed your arm and dragged you to his room without saying another word. Immediately after closing the door, he apologized, reasoning his behavior by not wanting the members who might be inside the dorm to know you're here. 
“So, can I-” you both said at the same time. Your eyes met, and the laugh both of you let out was nothing short of awkward. This was it, you thought. I'm going to tell him.
“You go first,” you encouraged him as he averted his gaze. You weren’t sure if you would still have the confidence after letting him speak first, but you would manage. It was better to let Jisung talk first; otherwise, he might get too nervous to speak. 
“Okay,” Jisung murmured. "I wanted to tell you, but I never found the courage to, until Felix bullied me into it this morning." He laughed, short and forcibly, to alleviate the heaviness of the situation. Jisung began pacing in front of his bed, not being brave enough to look you in the eyes. “So you know how I usually do a lot of stupid things? Well… I might have done the dumbest one yet. I kinda… accidentally... fell in love. With... with you, I mean. And it's super cliché, I know. I mean, falling for your best friend, who does that?” He chuckled, but it was very clear he's faking it. 
You stood there completely in shock. Did you hear that right? He actually loved you back. Your heart did a little happy dance at his words. So that was what Felix meant. He thought Jisung had already confessed, and that was why you came to the dorm. Which was when you remembered you still needed to tell him. Jisung was beginning to ramble, and that was never a good sign. You quickly reached for his hands, stopping him from fidgeting. “Jisung. Jisung, it's okay. I did that too.” You whispered the last part, but your words were still loud and clear for him. Jisung slowly looked up, finding your eyes. 
“I'm… I'm your best friend,” he said, so quietly that if it weren’t for your close proximity, you wouldn't have heard him. You smiled and nodded, confirming his suspicion. “Can I..." he asked. It was an invitation rather than a question, and despite leaving the statement open, you both knew what he meant.
“Yes,” you breathed out as his lips pressed to yours. 
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taglist: @stayconnecteed @saintriots @vivioluh
©starlostastronaut 2023 | do not repost/translate my work without permission
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chiskz · 2 years
... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ .. masterlist
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Park "Chichi" Ichi is the ninth, fictional member of the male k-pop group Stray Kids, selected through the survival program Stray 9th. Ichi made her debut in December 2019, with the EP "Clé: Levanter". She's a choreographer, main dancer, sub rapper and sub vocalist.
⚠️ DISCLAIMER ⚠️ I will not answer any questions related to how my content is made. The number of anonymous questions about this is appalling, and the people asking do not have even an ounce of decency to at least pretend to like what I create.
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... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ .. ABOUT
kprofile || predebut || handwriting & handwritten profile || faceclaim
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... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ .. RELATIONSHIPS
inside SKZ || outside SKZ
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... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ .. ERAS
TBA [ATE] || moirai || LALALALA [樂-STAR] || Social Path / Super Bowl (Japanese ver.) || S-CLASS [★★★★★ (5-STAR)] || THE SOUND || MEMBER BRANDING || SKZ-REPLAY Album || CASE 143 [MAXIDENT] || CIRCUS || MANIAC [ODDINARY] || Thunderous [NOEASY] || ALL IN || Back Door [IN LIFE] || God's Menu [GO LIVE] || Levanter [CLÉ: LEVANTER]
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... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ .. SOCIAL MEDIAS & INTERNET
twitter || instagram || tiktok || bubble jyp || articles || stan twitter || chichi's fanbase
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... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ .. SURVIVALS / VARIETY SHOWS
STRAY 9TH || SKZ-CODE || SKZ-TALKER || RACHA LOG || 2 Kids Room || KINGDOM || your friendly neighbour, CHICHI! || SUGA's SUCHWITA
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... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ .. YOUTUBE
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... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ .. SOLO PROJECTS & MUSIC SHOWS
"Law School" (2021) || Alice in Borderland - Season 2 (2022) || Omosan Street Magazine || DIOR x J-HOPE & CHICHI || "They're gonna fire me tomorrow!" (2023) || YAMAZAKI - single with SUGA (BTS) || Squid Game 2 || PARTY'S NOT OVER - Street Woman Fighter 2
MAMA 2023 || VMAs 2023 || K-CON LA 2023 || 2023 K-Global Heart Dream Awards || Music Bank in Paris (2023) || MAMA 2022 || 2022 SBS Gayo Daejeon
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... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ .. DRABBLES BY @alyszaen
ChangChi Trilogy: circle, triangle, square || break the rules || doodle
the stolen moment (chi x skz) || families fight (chi x seungmin angst) || dating (chi x seungmin fluff) || phonecall (seungmin and chichi breaking up) || backhug (soft chi x changbin)
... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ .. DRABBLES BY ME
flower in a vase (hyunjin x chi) || up all night (bang chan & chi) || red lights mv || channie's room - reaction to red lights mv || red lights mv - behind the scenes || the sound - story ver mv || fake feelings in fake world (seungmin & chichi) || saturday night fever (MAMA 2022) || drunk on... what? (drunk chichi with broken heart) || I don't steal, I borrow! (soft chi x changbin) || game called healthy friendship (soft chi & felix) || kawasaki once more (chi being in love with changbin) || i'll be your man (kingdom performance) || I'm not going anywhere || Very Early Birthday (Changbin's Bday Special)
321 notes · View notes
thenewblackcanvas · 2 years
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20's ♡ she/they ♡ POC
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⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙ writing: stray kids, ateez, bts, seventeen, etc ⋆˙⟡♡⟡⋆˙
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IMPORTANT: MINORS DNI 。°⚠︎°。 I do not want minors interacting with my content esp nsfw content. It is also NOT my responsibility to safeguard your experience. Please pay attention to warnings if you are sensitive about certain topics. This is your warning.
directory ♡︎ fic rec page ♡︎ nsfw visuals
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Stroking him while holding him pt 2 (Feb 18th) ♡
↳ Changbin, Jeongin, Hyunjin, and Minho; nsfw
Stroking him while holding him (Jan 16th) ♡
↳ Felix, Jisung, Seungmin, and Chan; nsfw
Big Dick!Chan and Possessive Reader (Jan 8th) ♡
↳ small drabble; nsfw
2023 • Done ♡
[depression break]
Poly December (All month)
↳ masterlist for all 2023 Poly December writings
spooky season masterlist (All month) 🎃
↳ masterlist for all 2023 Spooky Season writings
#3: mischievous swaying with chan (Sep 30th) ♡
↳ chan mild public play; little smutty
#2: chan being a meanie nsfw (Sep 29th) ♡
↳ mild brain rot of chan going from sweetie to meanie in bed; smutty
#1: Chan comes home from tour (Sep 29th) ♡
↳ my feelings about chan coming home; fluffy and smutty
Siren 2 (Sep 4th) ♡
↳ Seonghwa shares something special with you
Chan comfort (Sep 3rd) ♡
↳ you bring Chan home from work and you can practically hear his racing thoughts
7 nurses, 2 patients (July 24th) ♡
↳ you and Mingi are recovering together with the most chaotic staff of nurses: your boyfriends
April (oops)
The Innocents: 01 (Apr 26th) ♡
↳ Jimin saves two innocents caught in the crossfire; Mafia!Jimin x Yoongi x Reader (8pm est)
Felix makes three: 01 (Apr 26th) ♡
↳ The morning after the ice is broken; Chanlix x Reader (6pm est)
Bang Chan masterpost (Apr 17th) ♡
↳ just a masterlist of my Chan content because im a whore for him :)
[10:45] felix ft. jisung, changbin, and hyunjin) (Apr 15th) ♡
↳ you get impatient; nsfw
[1:56] chanlix 2am tears ; suggestive (Apr 15th) ♡
↳ a late night visitor’s tears
chan draft drabble, mildly nsfw (Apr 11th) ♡
↳ chan unknowingly insults you, felix hears things he shouldn’t
just a finale (Apr 10th) ♡
↳ the finale, pt 7 nsfw yunho drabble (thank you)
don’t shut me out(dont shut your legs) (Apr 4th) ♡
↳ pt 6 nsfw yunho drabble
tourist fireworks (Jan 10th) ♡
↳ yunho new year’s drabble
private new year (Jan 10th) ♡
↳ bang chan new year’s drabble
it’s been a good year (Jan 1st) ♡
↳ woosan new years drabble
2022 • Done ♡
poly masterlist (Nov 15th) ♡
↳ masterlist for my polyamorous posts
imagine someone found your sex tape (Nov 9th) ♡
↳ woosan drabble (2am thought)
spooky season masterlist (All month) 🎃
↳ masterlist for everything I released in October
Notice:// some haven’t been posted yet
vampire training: prologue (Oct 13th) ♡
↳ vampire!yunho mini series | series masterlist
request: demon!wooyoung x angel!reader (Oct 7th) ♡
↳ spooky season request (smut)
darkness falls across the land (Sep 30th) ♡
↳ Halloween masterlist 2022
chanlix and comfort skz reposts (Sep 23rd) ♡
↳ reposting of my poly chanlix and soft comforting skz drabbles from my old acc
just a room away (Sep 23rd) ♡
↳ pt 5 nsfw yunho drabble
woosan drabble add-on (Sep 17th) ♡ 
↳ something extra for the woosan one👇🏽 he’s gonna leave marks
woosan drabble (Sep 15th) ♡ 
↳ San hears screams and bursts in to scold woo. Bad timing?
just a mistake (Sep 11th) ♡ 
↳ pt 4 nsfw yunho drabble
Hard hours (Sep 10th) ♡ 
↳ a few asks
just a little thunder (Sep 9th) ♡ 
↳ pt 3 nsfw yunho drabble
Hard hours (Sep 9th) ♡ 
↳ a couple posts
????! JK
↳ finally posted this JK au
RIC ch 4
↳ the start of part two
↳ the past and present
use me - bill withers (July 7th) ♡ 
↳ drabble based on use me by bill withers
perv!chan (July 7th) ♡ 
↳ lil thought of bestie perv channie
channie comfort during depressive episode (June 25th) ♡ 
↳ chan fluff comfort drabble
just a ride home (June 13th) ♡ 
↳ pt 2 nsfw yunho drabble
don’t hang up (June 8th) ♡
↳ nsfw yunho drabble
Random hard thought (May 31st) ♡
↳ nsfw yunho thought
please don’t regret it (May 31st) ♡
↳ angsty chan drabble
the monsters in all of us: one (May 5th) ♡
↳ vampire!jungkook story from my old blog (nsfw)
reconciliation in currency ch 3 (May 5th) ♡
↳ the interview (nsfw)
reconciliation in currency ch 2 (May 3rd) ♡
↳ tae’s pov
reconciliation in currency ch 1 (May 2nd) ♡
↳ sugar daddy! former bestfriend! taehyung
slightly insecure reader with comforting channie (May 1st) ♡
↳ bang chan drabble, slightly nsfw
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♡ directory ♡  
111 notes · View notes
hyunllx · 4 years
The Christmas Baker
A Hyunlix Hallmark Fic Chapter 5/5 wc: 4.9k
Hwang Hyunjin is a rich, cocky, famous dancer that prefers to keep to himself during the holidays. When his roommate drags him along to visit his hometown, however, Hyunjin meets a boy who helps him believe in the spirit of the season. Primarily Hyunjin’s pov with Felix’s pov added in occasionally. series warnings: Extremely cliche. You will probably cringe at some points but its okay. chapter warnings:  None, just super cheesy :) note: This fic is not meant to accurately reflect or portray the members of SKZ. This is just for fun.
Read the last chapter here
“Do we have to go?” Felix couldn’t help the whine in his throat as he let Chan push his body into his coat. He winced slightly at the pulling on his wrist when the sleeve passed over it, the pain of the fresh injury having caught up with him over the last 24 hours.
“Yes we have to go. You know you’re going to regret it if you don’t.” Chan paused as he held up Lix’s gloves, realizing he wasn’t going to be able to get them on over the cast. He stuffed them into his hoodie’s pouch after a moment and pulled a beanie onto his little brother’s head instead, “Besides, don’t you want to be there for Hyunjin’s first time at the party?”
Felix let out a small huff as he let his brother dress him like a child; it was easier to have help, even if a little embarrassing. He was right too, Felix DID want to be there with Hyunjin. He knew Hyunjin didn’t care much for the holiday, but the little school-boy crush in him wanted desperately to show him a good time, even if he was hurt. 
"Yeah, I guess… I just know everyones gonna be disappointed about the cookies…"
"No, don't think that Lix. Even if Seungmin got only one batch done everyone will be happy to see that you're okay."
The door behind them opened as Chan finished speaking, a tightly bundled Hyunjin rushing in and almost knocking into them,
"Ah! You guys are almost ready!"
Felix looked at the taller boy curiously; since he'd got home from the clinic, Hyunjin had been in and out constantly all day and night. He'd return home for a quick meal or a nap, or to watch Felix as he slept himself, but he was gone again within a few hours, leaving Felix very little time to talk to him. Felix missed him when he was gone, a dangerous thing to feel given Hyunjin was still thinking about his own feelings, but he couldn't help it. When he saw Hyunjin's face light up as their gazes met, he hoped Hyunjin missed him too.
"Chan-hyung," Hyunjin turned his eyes to Chan, who immediately perked up. Felix blinked in surprise, looking between them; since arriving Hyunjin hadn't used such casual, affectionate language before. It was new… but Felix liked hearing him happy and comfortable nonetheless, "Um, some people want you at the town hall immediately. I can bring Felix in a little bit, but you should go meet them as soon as possible."
"Who?" Felix interjected. They were up to something; he could see the twitching at the corner of Chan's mouth that he gets when trying not to smile.
"I'm sure it's just last minute changes, Lixie. I'll go now, thank you Hyunjin."
"Hyung…" Chan gave his forehead a quick goodbye kiss and managed to escape Felix's grasp as he reached for his brother's coat. Hyunjin didn't help, draping a long arm across Felix's shoulders to guide him into the dining room, "Why can't we all just go together?"
Hyunjin paused, clearly not having thought about that before in whatever he was planning,
"Uh, I have something I wanna do first. Here, put your arm on the table."
Felix let out another sigh but obeyed, taking a seat and stretching out his arm as much as he could with the cast, "Like this?"
"Yeah. Now let me just fi- Ah!" Hyunjin shuffled through the many pockets on his thick coat until he produced a thick, black sharpie marker.
With great care not to twist too much, Hyunjin took Felix's arm in his hand and turned it over until his inner wrist was face-up. A hot blush bloomed across Lix's cheeks when Hyunjin popped the marker cap off with his teeth, using the black ink to write something he couldn't yet see on his cast. He felt as though he were back in middle school, having the popular boy sign his cast to sport the signature in front of everyone. 
One proud grin later, Hyunjin pulled away to show Felix his message. Though the thick marker smeared a bit over the rough surface of the cast, his forearm read:
Felix,  Get well soon so we can dance together. Merry Christmas Hyunjin.
Accompanying the words was a heart drawn directly over his broken wrist. Felix felt as though his own heart may burst,
"What's this?"
"Just a little motivation to get better." Hyunjin snapped the cap back on the marker, avoiding his gaze. His ears were red and he rocked nervously on his heels. He was so incredibly…. cute. Felix wanted nothing more than to kiss him.
Not now. Not today. He reminded himself Hyunjin was still sorting out his feelings.
"Is this an official signature?" He teased instead, eliciting a giggle from Hyunjin,
"Technically yeah, I dunno how much it'll sell for-" His words cut off with a surprised gasp as Felix stood up and pulled him into a tight hug.
"Thank you, Hyunjin." 
Hyunjin hesitated; Felix knew he understood the deeper meaning, he didn't need to hear anything in return. After a few rapid heartbeats, Hyunjin wound his arms around Felix in return, crushing him into the thick, squishy coat he still wore. Felix buried his face into the warmth of his chest for a moment, savouring the slip of affection more than he knew he should.
"So uhh…" Hyunjin stuttered, visibly flustered as he broke the embrace, "Are you ready to go?"
Felix nodded, letting Hyunjin lead him outside and down to the driveway. It was dark outside, long past evening and the moon and stars covered in a thick blanket of dark clouds. Despite the black sky above, the town was brightly lit with millions of little glowing bulbs lining the streets. Felix grinned at the sight, feeling lighter and more excited about the party than he had inside.
The only problem was the bitter cold.
As they walked, a breeze stirred in the air, not strong but deeply cold. It bit and stung Felix's cheeks and exposed skin,
"Ah shit…" He groaned as his fingers ached, fumbling the zipper of one of his jacket pockets, "Channie took my gloves with him…"
"Here…" Hyunjin's eyebrows knit together in concern as he plucked off one of his mittens. Felix opened his mouth to reject the mitten, not wanting Hyunjin to have to suffer the cold too, only to have his words halted when Hyunjin's hand slipped into his.
The taller boy winced as Felix's cold flesh pressed against his own, but continued to lace their fingers together. His large hand enveloped Felix's palm, warming his skin. Ears turning red with the sudden intimacy, Felix ducked his head, biting back a smile.
"Is this okay?" Hyunjin asked, his voice timid.
"This is perfect."
They continued to walk in shy silence, Felix's heartbeat roaring so loudly in his ears he was convinced Hyunjin could hear it too. Occasionally they would dare to spare a look at each other, catching the other's eye just to look away. Each time the grip on each other's hand grew tighter, more afraid to let go.
Is this his way of telling me he made up his mind? Felix wondered to himself. He didn't want to voice the thought aloud in case it wasn't true. He had to wait for Hyunjin to be ready to say it. No matter how painful the wait was.
They made their way to the center of town where the town hall stood among the maze of shoveled paths. The windows were all lit up orange and red and warm white, lights and ribbon strung around every tree and hedge and post, drawing them in with the promise of fun and warmth.
Except the sight of the building so close caused the anxiety to gnaw at Felix’s gut again.
“What’s wrong?” They paused at the bottom of the stairs, Hyunjin sensing his hesitation as his steps slowed and his grip grew weaker.
“I’m… really worried people are going to be disappointed to see me. Since I didn’t get to finish setting up everything.” He admitted with a sigh, his breath swirling around him in the cold, “I don’t like letting people down.”
“Hey…” Hyunjin frowned, slipping his hand out of Felix’s to pull him into a side-hug. Felix’s ears grew white-hot at the sudden affection, his hand clutching onto Hyunjin’s coat, “Do you trust me?”
Felix blinked at the question. It felt odd, like he should suspect something was wrong. Yet as he looked up into Hyunjin’s warm, smiling eyes, he knew he did, unquestionably.
“Yes, I trust you.”
“Then trust I wouldn’t bring you here if I thought it would upset you.”
Before Felix could ask what he meant by that, Hyunjin grabbed his hand again and pulled him up the steps to the grand entrance to the old building. The doors were closed, which he found odd, and they both had to push to get them open. Blinking against the assault of brilliant decorations lighting the entire entry hall, Felix stood in the doorway for a moment, dumbfounded at the sight before him.
“Merry Christmas, Felix!” Everyone who had gathered for the event was crowded in the room, dressed up in their santa hats and cheesy sweaters, and all looking at him with the happiest smiles. His neighbours, his employees, his friends, everyone was there and greeted him with a chorus of cheers. Above them hung the typical “Happy Holidays” banner that was used every year, though with a new addition. A second crudely-yet-endearingly-made banner hung from the bottom of the thick fabric:
Get Well Soon Felix
At the center of the entryway, sitting under the standard tree, was a board with papers and notes of various colours pinned up under a sign reading “Dear Felix Lee:” He walked into the crowd, accepting the hugs and high-fives and head rubs from the people he loved so dearly as he passed, until he got to the board. 
Just from glancing over them, most of the letters echoed the sentiment of wanting him to get well and recover. Some letters thanked him for running the bakery, or for being so kind. Some called him an essential part of the community. All of them conveyed unconditional love.
Tears welled in his eyes, a wave of relief and overwhelming love crashing over him, lifting the burden of anxiety from his shoulders. No one was disappointed in him… they were worried. The whole town, worried about him.
Seungmin broke away from the crowd and bounced up to Felix excitedly, the bells hanging from his reindeer antler headband jingling over the music playing deeper in the hall.
“What do you think? Were you surprised?”
“Seungminnie... how- how did you do all this?”
“Actually… it was his idea.” Seungmin grinned, pointing behind Felix to where Hyunjin still stood awkwardly in the doorway.
“Hyunjin? Did this?” Felix blinked several times, his brain unable to process that statement.
“Ah… I have to admit, he also did most of those.” Draping an arm across Felix’s shoulders, Seungmin turned him to face the wall lined with tables of food and drink. At the center of it all was a familiar long table and display case both piled high with hundreds of cookies of various shapes and sizes. Several kids crowded around the table armed with plastic bags of brightly coloured frosting as they decorated their treats. Just like any other year. Like nothing happened.
The tears in his eyes spilled over, and Felix started to cry.
Hyunjin lingered in the doorway, watching as Felix took in the surprise everyone had worked so hard to make for him. He was cold and tired, but it still felt odd walking into such a personal celebration. He was still an outsider.
“Hyunjinnie? What are you doing?” Hyunjin didn’t notice Chan escape the crowd until his hand rested on his shoulder, startling him.
“Oh… uh, I’m not sure.” Chan followed his gaze to where Felix and Seungmin were speaking excitedly,
“Go to him.”
“Come on, Hyunjin. You did all this for him. You need to tell him.”
Hyunjin didn’t need to be asked twice when Felix turned to look at him, tears glittering under the glowing lights illuminating the hall. He was at Seungmin’s side in an instant, pushing his way through the crowd with his heart racing.
“What’s wrong?” Felix rubbed the tears from his eyes with his sleeve as he saw Hyunjin approach, Seungmin’s face lighting up,
“Um… I’ll go find Minho and give you two a minute.” He gave Hyunjin a reassuring pat on the shoulder before slipping into the crowd, a friendly gesture that still felt so surreal. He’d spent so much time with Felix’s best friend over the last two days, they felt like friends themselves.
“What the matter?” Hyunjin repeated to Felix this time, his heart aching as he watched the small boy try in vain to wipe his tears away.
“I- I can’t believe you did all this… For me?” Hyunjin dropped his eyes, ears burning with embarrassment under his beanie,
“I felt really bad that you couldn’t finish something you were looking forward to so badly. Especially because I feel like it was partially my fault. Seungmin, Minho, and Chan helped a lot.”
“Thank you so much.” Felix tugged him into a tight hug, burying his face into Hyunjin’s chest. He was sure it was to hide his tears, yet he couldn’t complain. He embraced Felix tightly, resting his chin atop his head.
“Thank you for always being so kind to me.”
Felix giggled shyly as he pulled away, his cheeks red now from rubbing his tears off them. Hyunjin took the smaller boy’s face in his hands and used his thumbs to gently do so instead. Not even two days ago, he would’ve considered the action a mistake. It would’ve made him panic at the way his heart pounds and his tummy flutters. The way a dizzy warmness spreads through his veins.
But today… today when he saw the look of pure affection in Felix’s chocolate brown eyes, it brought Hyunjin nothing but joy.
"How are we all doing?" Chan’s voice boomed over a mic and speakers at the back of the hall, startling them both. They giggled shyly to themselves as the crowd cheered, everyone’s attention turning to the platform where Chan stood, set up with his laptop and DJ equipment, which Hyunjin had come to find took up most of his obnoxious amount of luggage,
“Good! Good. It’s really great to be home again to see everyone, especially at this time of year. Um, as you all know, we’re not just here to celebrate Christmas Eve tonight, we’re gathered to celebrate someone very special to my heart. Someone that’s very special to all of us.” 
The crowd cheered again, making Felix’s ear turn red and his fingers fumble bashfully with the hem of his jacket. Hyunjin’s heart swelled at the love flooding the room for this boy he cared for so deeply. He wanted to make sure Felix never stopped feeling that love.
Feeling HIS love.
Hyunjin couldn’t deny it anymore. He loved Felix. Relief washed over him like a warm bath, comforting and healing. If only he could make it through tonight… through this party with all these people around… Hyunjin made up his mind to tell Felix when they returned home.
“If you don’t mind, I’ve had a request to play one of his favourite songs. I’d like to play it now, before people start getting tired. You’re welcome to come dance along if you would like. Please enjoy yourselves.” 
Claps of excitement rose from the crowd as they parted around the two of them, giving Felix a path to the empty space in front of Chan used as a small dance floor. A smile touched Hyunjin’s lips as the track began to play; the last time he’d heard it he was sat on a couch in Felix’s bakery, watching snow flutter in the wind and waiting for the sweetest boy to bring him something to eat. Felix’s eyes also lit up as he recognized the song, though a frown quickly replaced the smile forming on his lips,
“Ah man… I wish I could dance to this.”
“Why can’t you?” Felix lifted his hand that was trapped inside the pink cast, cocking his head,
“It’s not exactly going to feel good if I try.” Hyunjin smiled gently at him in response, taking his uninjured hand and giving it a gentle squeeze,
“Trust me?”
“I told you I do.”
“Then come dance with me.” Felix nodded cautiously, letting Hyunjin lead him out onto the dance floor. Other couples and kids had already ventured out, swaying or bouncing along to the music in their own little worlds, only acknowledging them enough to not bump into them.
Hyunjin felt more confident like this; he liked the way people in the crowd turned to watch them curiously, and the way the music felt coursing through his muscles. It buzzed in him as if he were preparing to go on stage. The adrenaline before a performance was like anything else in the world. At least he’d thought so until he’d fallen in love. Now both mixed in his chest as he guided Felix’s hands to his shoulders and wrapped his own arms around the small boy’s waist, creating a cocktail of joy and comfort and safety in his body that he’d never thought he’d ever feel.
“Is this okay?” He mumbled, swaying their bodys slightly to the slow pace of the song. He was sure they looked like school kids at their first dance together, but he didn’t care. He felt just as giddy as he would’ve if they were kids.
“Mmm… yeah. This is good.” Felix tucked his head under Hyunjin’s chin, leaning against his chest. Hyunjin didn’t mind the pressure, he relished in Felix’s body heat pressing into him, the way their breathing slowly fell into sync with each other as they enjoyed the moment in silence. As they swayed to the music, Hyunjin caught Chan’s eye from his little stage setup; he was watching them with the biggest smile Hyunjin had ever seen him make. His best friend lifted a thumbs-up, and Hyunjin returned it, the fluttering in his stomach spreading throughout his entire body. 
“This is really nice.” Felix murmured against Hyunjin’s chest, breaking the comfortable silence between them.
“Yeah, it is.”
“I wish we could do this forever…” Hyunjin could tell by Felix’s tone that he was testing him, poking the waters to see if he would confess his feelings. With a sigh, Hyunjin slipped one hand up Felix’s back to cradle the back of his head, fingers massaging his scalp gently to prompt him to look up.
Their eyes met, and Hyunjin couldn’t help but notice how close their faces were… how easy it would be to lean in and kiss him…
No… that would be unfair to such a sensitive, sweet boy like Felix. Hyunjin knew he had to wait.
“Listen… Can we talk later? When we’re alone… I don’t want to have this conversation in front of all these people, okay?” Felix’s face started to fall so he quickly added, “It’s not bad, I promise. I just… would rather it be private.”
A spark of hope flickered in Felix’s smile as he nodded, sliding his arms from Hyunjin’s shoulder to his neck, dragging him down into a tight hug. Hyunjin buried his face into the crook of the boy’s neck, taking in his sweet, sugary scent and his warmth. He felt peaceful like this, like he was home for the first time.
“Do you mind if I steal him for a minute?” A voice interrupted their embrace as the song ended, Seungmin having walked up to them while they were lost in each other. His puppy face was lit up with an approving smile, stifling a little of the embarrassment that was heating Hyunjin’s face, “There’s some friends who want to see Lixie.”
“Oh yeah… of course. Um… I’ll be over with the cookies if you need me.”
“I’ll find you.” Felix promised, his eyes lingering on Hyunjin as Seungmin led him away until the crowd swallowed them both.
Sparks lingered on Hyunjin’s skin where their bodies were touching for so long, making him giddy as he skipped over to his post. For the first time in his life the christmas tunes that Chan played didn't seem so grating. He understood the joy and the warmth. Though he didn't have nostalgia about the holiday, Hyunjin found himself looking forward to making new memories.
He hoped they would be with Felix.
Hyunjin didn't know how much time had passed that he sat in one of the chairs behind the table stacked high with frosting and cookies. It must've been awhile because he didn't realize he'd dozed off until the metal legs of another chair scraped across the floor next to him.  He nearly jumped out of his skin, and seeing it was Minho who'd come to join him definitely didn't settle his unease.
They didn't spend much time together over the last couple days, Minho being focused helping Chan set up the hall while Hyunjin stayed in the bakery with Seungmin. The little time they did spend together, Hyunjin saw a soft side to him when he spoke to his boyfriend and when he was thinking about Felix. He wasn't so intimidatingly cold, but he clearly did not trust outsiders. Hyunjin couldn't blame him for that, he respected it.
Minho spoke, dragging Hyunjin further out of his sleepy daze. He tried to push the drowsiness away as the days of work and little rest rapidly caught up to him,
"I said, he really likes you. Felix. I don't know if you know, but I've never seen him look at someone like he looks at you." Hyunjin swallowed, meeting Minho’s intense gaze as he spoke.
“Um… I think I like him too to be honest…”
A heavy palm slapped onto Hyunjin’s shoulder, startling him before he could even begin to feel the embarrassment of admitting his feelings aloud to someone else. Minho’s hands were only slightly larger than Felix’s, but his grip was strong enough to make Hyunjin quiver,
“Felix is more than just Channie’s little brother. He’s family. I love that little boy and if you hurt him you’re going to regret it.”
Hyunjin fought the instinct to turtle into his coat and hide from the intense gaze pinning him to the chair, swallowing as he managed to hold eye contact. He knew Minho was testing him, trying to see if he’d crumble and run. But he didn’t want to, he never wanted to.
“I know. If I hurt him I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself.” Minho silently held his gaze for a moment before his eyes softened, a smile entertaining his lips,
“Correct answer. Welcome to the family. I better be able to trust you.” 
Hyunjin blinked rapidly in shock at the sudden shift. Minho had been nothing but closed off with him since they first met, yet now he was extending a timid warmth to him. He looked friendly even. Hyunjin felt incredibly privileged,
“I uh… yes. Yes, you can trust me.”
“Minho-hyung!” Felix’s voice cut through the music as he bounced up to them, his face alight with his brilliant grin but his eyes wary as he glanced between them, “You’re not scaring Hyunjin, are you?”
“No, he’s alright.” Minho smiled as he pulled Felix into his lap, holding him by the waist as the younger boy wrapped an arm around his shoulders to steady himself, “Are you having a good time?”
Felix nodded, grinning at the both of them. Hyunjin’s heart fluttered watching him be so cuddly with his close friend, he looked so small, vulnerable, and unbelievably cute. Though he couldn’t deny the small pang of jealousy in his belly. 
“I haven’t tried the cookies yet!” Lix complained, prompting Minho to scoot a little closer to the table. Hyunjin joined them as Felix reached for the nearest tray of star-shaped cookies. Seungmin had pre-decorated these ones with gold and silver frosting, and tiny glittering sprinkles in matching colours. He picked out three and passed them out between each of them, making a happy little noise as he bit into the treat.
Hyunjin held his breath as Felix took a moment to chew slowly, savoring and analyzing the flavors. He swallowed and a warm smile broke across his face,
“Hyunjin, these taste so good!” Lix looked up at him as if in awe, taking another bite like he couldn’t believe it. Hyunjin squirmed with embarrassment, biting into his own cookie,
“I guess I had a good teacher…”
Felix beamed at him, finishing his cookie with large, hungry bites. When he finished, he used the parchment lining the tray to wrap up the remaining cookies and stick them in his pocket for later. 
“I’m starting to feel tired though. It’s close to midnight.” he whined, resting his head against Minho’s to punctuate his point.
“That’s funny, I caught Hyunjin sleeping just a few minutes ago.” Minho teased. Hyunjin opened his mouth to protest, but Felix let out a loud yawn that cut him off,
“Maybe we should head home a little early?”
“If you want to leave now, I’ll walk you home.” Hyunjin offered, making Felix perk up with a smile,
"Okay, I'd like that." Minho helped Felix off his lap, giving him a playful swat on the butt,
"Be careful, no more accidents." Felix squeaked and giggled, giving his friend a quick hug,
"I'll be okay Hyung, Hyunjin is with me."
Their fingers naturally locking together, Hyunjin let Felix lead him through the crowd and out into the night. The breeze had died while they were in the party, taking the edge of bitterness out of the cold air. Still, the boys huddled together as they walked, both for warmth and the comfort of each other's proximity. 
Felix talked about the letters he'd read and the signatures from friends that he'd accumulated on his cast through the night. Hyunjin really did desperately try to listen, yet with every step he took closer to the house, the more his brain melted into pudding as he realized he was getting closer and closer to having to confess his feelings.
Why am I so anxious? He asked himself, I already know how he'll react. I've already admitted how I feel.
The driveway came into view. Hyunjin thought he might throw up. 
"Thank you again for everything you did." Felix said as they shuffled up toward the house, "You really didn't have to do all of that." 
Hyunjin paused, stopping Felix and making him look up, confused at his sudden hesitation.
"Yes, I did." He sighed, building the courage to look Felix in the eye. The boy cocked his head, sensing the seriousness in Hyunjin's tone, "I already told you this but I do like you… a lot. In an overwhelming sort of way. It really scared me to know you were hurt. I realized that no matter how hard I tried to push my feelings away, they were just going to keep growing. I- I think I'm falling in love with you, Felix. And I want to be with you. It's the only thing I want."
“Hyunjin…” Felix’s voice was gentle, warm, his eyes welling with tears much like Hyunjin’s own, “I’m falling in love with you too.”
“Do you- Do you think we can try to work this out?” He hated the way his voice broke with the nerves and overwhelming sense of joy pulsing through him.
“I would really like that.”
Floodgates opened somewhere inside Hyunjin and all the love and desire he’d been holding back crashed through his system, washing away his doubts and fears. The crushing tide brought back the need to hold Felix, to kiss him and never let go. He didn’t need to stop himself anymore. One hand lifted to rest against the smaller boy’s cheek, pulling him in like gravity until their lips touched for the first time. Felix’s arms wrapped around Hyunjin’s neck, pulling him even closer, deepening the kiss with a content sigh.
All Hyunjin could think about was how his lips tasted like sugar, how when their tongues found each other, he tasted like vanilla and butter. His lips were so soft, his happy little moans and gasps the sweetest music Hyunjin had ever heard. He wanted to stay in this moment for the rest of his life.
They finally broke away when something cold and wet settled on Hyunjin’s cheek, then again on his nose, and his knuckles. Chest heaving, he looked up as snowflakes drifted down from the dark clouds above, swirling around them gently. Felix let out an excited laugh, the flakes settling on his freckles and long eyelashes. He was so beautiful.
I can’t believe he’s mine.
“Felix? Merry Christmas.” The small boy beamed at him with a grin that rivaled all the lights in the town,
“Merry Christmas, Hyunjin.”
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serenzippity · 5 years
I was tagged by @tiredsanwon and I really don't want to do homework right now so let's stay distracted. 
1. Nickname: Fargo
2. Zodiac sign: Taurus
3. Height: 5′2
4. Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
5. Last thing googled: Fashion Nova Returns
6. Favourite artist: (I’m just gonna list the kpop ones) Monsta X, Got7, Hyolyn, EXO, Everglow, Sistar, CLC, CL, Chungha, Pentagon, KARD, VAV, IZ, Dreamcatcher
7. Song stuck in my head: Mix of “Dumb Litty” by KARD, “Hobgoblin” by CLC, and “Hot Girl Bummer” by blackbear. Turn it up and throw a tantrum/This that throw up in your Birkin bag/Hook up with someone random. Can you tell I’m in a mood right now?
8. Favourite time of the day: Sunset. 
9. Favourite colour: Black
10. Following: 96
11. Followers: 1,908 which completely dumbfounds me. Like why?
12. Do I get asks: Yeah, but honestly 8/10 are hate or questions that I don’t feel like answering. If I have to read another message saying how it’s sexist to stan boy groups but not girl groups is I’ll probably scream.
13. Amount of sleep: I’m in law school so I thrive off three to four hours during the weekdays and eight to ten during the weekends. 
14. Favourite number: 3 and 13.
15. Any hobbies: Writing, cooking, shopping, reading. You can often find me at the dance studio or even at a coffee shop re-reading Brave New World.
16. Dream job: Ideally I’d love to work with rhinos. Realistically a lawyer specializing in technology, maritime, or entertainment. 
17. Instruments: None. 
18. Language: English, semi-fluent verbal Italian, some bits and pieces of French, Hebrew, Spanish, and Arabic. I also know a lot of Korean curse words (thank you Nikki). 
19. Favourite song(s): I have so many, but the three songs that I can listen to over and over without getting sick of them are “youknowbetter” by Hyolyn, “All These Years” by Camilla Cabello, and “Hello Bitches” by CL.
20. Random facts: (1) My emotions fluctuate throughout the year because I’m a very nostalgic person. My seasonal depression hits me really hard and I outwardly show it more than most people. (2) I know how to code. I’m trained in SQL, as well as HTML and CSS. I’m just too lazy to utilize them. (3) I am a designer handbag whore, but most of my collection came from my great aunt who died and left me her closet. It’s all locked in a safe at my parent's house, and the total value is over $500K. I only utilize a few pieces in my own home. 
21. Aesthetic: (pulled from an old ask and edited) Freshly baked croissants and black chicory coffee. Bottomless mimosas and oak tree-lined streets. Mint gum and peach flavored lipgloss. Black Celine bags and velvet blazers. Chanel perfume and silver rings. Tan skin and wavy silver hair. Rose scented candles and chunks of citrine. Afternoons on Magazine Street followed by nights on Frenchman. Dusty books and Hermes scarves. Thigh-high boots and soft leggings. Happy hour and glittering reading rooms. Fluttering eyelashes and mysterious fingers. Maps of the world and overactive imaginations. 
I’ll tag @broccoli-channie-soup  @heonieween @kwanisms @kihyunsbabe and whoever else wants to do this. 
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rkjibeom · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
MGA5 CALLBACK INTERVIEW Mentioned in one way or another: @rkjeongin @rknak @hyojinrk @rkjooyoung @jisungxrk @rkchris @rkxbin
After the last performance is finished up, the CEOs are left to discuss while all the contestants are whisked away one by one to a small room. It’s supposed to be an interview which was pretty tame compared to the performances just now. Thankfully, this gave Seungmin the time to simply breathe and collect his thoughts on the whole ordeal.
When it’s his turn to be interviewed, Seungmin beams at the interviewer while bowing his head in greeting. “Hello, I’m Kim Seungmin!” Immediately after introducing himself, Seungmin is asked a bunch of questions by the interviewer.
“How did you feel when you received the news of the callback?”
“Ahhh, yes.” With a slight nod of his head, Seungmin seemed to mull over his answer. “For one thing, I’m extremely grateful to simply be given this opportunity. I’m not the best performer out there but I’m trying and knowing that I have this chance right in front of me? It’s… absolutely amazing and wonderful. I hope for good things in the future.”
“What went through your mind when the judges were revealed?”
Seungmin laughed and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “If I’m being honest… I feel like I kind of expected it? Like the MGAs are for the Big 5 companies to scout new and incredible talent? It was totally obvious that they’d be here to judge us. Like totally.” He nodded to himself at his answer before snapping his finger. “Oh, of course, I watched last season’s MGAs and they were here as well so I just put two and two together.”
The interviewer seemed to stifle a chuckle at the response but continued on. “How do you think you did?”
At this question, Seungmin’s face fell from a bright smile to a softer, muted one. “If I’m being honest… I don’t think I gave it my one hundred percent bur I did try, of course. There’s only so much of practice that can match the real thing. I guess my nerves got the best of me and it’s… regrettable. But nothing I can do about it except keep trying again and again until I’m left satisfied, yanno? I enjoyed singing, though.”
“Were there any performances that you liked?”
“Hmmmm…” While pursing his lips together and furrowing his eyebrows in through, Seungmin mentally rewound through all the performances in his head. There were definitely a bunch he thoroughly enjoyed. “I might be biased but definitely my friends. Channie hyung is better than I thought. Binnie hyung is a great rapper! Jisung-ie’s like my other half and I couldn’t be anymore proud of him. Oh! My baby, Jeonginnie, did amazing as well! He’s great! My cousin, Hyojinnie hyung, did really well too. I’m happy about that.”
He clears his throat as a faint blush appears on his face. His gaze drifts elsewhere and he seems much shyer now. “Also that one girl…. Nakyung-ssi. Umm, she’s really pretty and her whole performance was definitely captivating. She’s got the confidence of a future idol, that’s for sure.” He coughs into a fist and awkwardly waits for the next question as he tries to will the blush off his face.
“What did you think of Kim Jooyoung’s performance? He’s your biological brother, correct?”
Seungmin blinked rapidly and paused. He didn’t really think he’d be asked a question like this. A super specific question regarding his brother actually. It felt a little personal but he supposed an interview was an interview.
“My brother… he…” Seungmin smiled softly. “He’s better than I originally thought he’d be. He’s very surprising, I’ll give him that. Be on the lookout for him, hehe.” Despite laughing it off, Seungmin felt proud of himself for managing to talk about his brother whom he didn’t even realize until recently that they entered the same audition.
“Is there anyone you think is certain to move onto the next phase of the MGAs?”
That’s a difficult question, Seungmin thinks as he tries to come up with an answer. “Well… nobody’s perfect. I believe that everyone has strengths and weaknesses that were shown in their performances. Me included. But personally, I really think that so and so did a really good job. I was blown away, that’s for sure.”
”Is there anyone you think is certain to be eliminated today?”
Seungmin bit his lower lip. Not hard enough to break skin but just enough where it was easy to tell he was in distress due to such a question. “All these performances were great so I can’t imagine seeing anyone being eliminated… But then again, this is a competition after all.” Seungmin looks up and offers such a sad smile. “Potentially… myself? Although, if I had to choose someone other than myself…” Seungmin laughs and shakes his head. “Sorry, nobody comes to mind.”
“Thank you, that will be all.”
Seungmin smiled politely, thanking the interviewer as well, and stood up. Eventually, he was brought back to his seat and he heaved out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding. Now all that’s left to do was play the waiting game. A game he knew all too well quite frankly.
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han-and-kai · 7 years
Puppy Love
Genre: Fluff Ship: Woochan-> Chan x Woojin Requested: yes its like 5 days till xmas and even tho i dont celebrate it, i sure do love the lights and all the happiness and the snow xD so dont mind the xmas themes
The holiday seasons was more than merry in the Stray Kids dorms. Jisung had decided that they all do a secret santa, and all nine boys were excited by it. They chose their names from a hat (jisung’s beanie) and several ohhhh’s heard around the room.
The boys then all went to their rooms, thinking what they should get for their selected member.  Chan in particular, seemed a bit off when he received the name of his giftee. His eyes widened and his cheeks turned slightly pink, soon his expression turned into a goofy smile as he tucked the name into his pocket. This went unnoticed by Jisung and Changbin. The two nodded at each other and went to their hyung, making sure nobody else was in the room.
“So hyungie, who did you get?” “I can’t tell you, what if it’s you Jisung?” “So you have a crush on Jisung?” “What, no?” “Oh Channie hyung, it was very obvious by your reaction, that you like whoever you got the name of, so spill it.” “Aish you two stop, I don’t like anyone.” “Changbinnie who do you think it is?” “You forgot to say hyung you doofus, and its probably Woojinnie hyung” “SHHH HE MIGHT HEAR YOU” “OH MY GOSH CHANGBINNIE YOU WERE RIGHT!”
Chan sat there blushing hard, the two boys laughing at how cute their hyung was, Jisung poking his said repeatedly singing “Leader Bang has a crush!!” and Changbin smiling saying “If you need help, come to us, 3racha will stick together, and don’t worry, we won’t tell.” 
Chan sighed, waiting for his dongsaengs to finish their little episode, until they heard the door open, revealing their other blonde hyung.  The room went silent, until Jisung said “Oh look at the time, let’s go Binnie!” earning a slap on the shoulder from Changbin for forgetting honorifics. 
“Did they try to pester you into telling them who you got?” “Uh yea” “Aish don’t worry, even if you did, I’m sure they wouldn’t spoil it.”
All Chan could do was smile and nod, not wanting to make a fool of himself in front of Woojin.
“You okay Channie?”
The nickname sent a warm sensation through his body, the sweet sound making Chan smile with a soft “yea” until he got up and left the room, going who knows where to hide. 
The next few days, Chan seemed distant, he didn’t talk to anyone much, he would go out everyday and come back with bags and would immediately hide them. Most of the boys thought it was for the secret santa, and they weren’t wrong. But Woojin was worried, Chan was doing all this along with working, he could see the stress on his face. 
He went to their shared room and knocked the door,
“Channie, can I come in.” After a few bustles and random sounds, Chan opened the door. 
“Are you okay?” “Yea, perfectly fine.” “You looked stressed, and you’re pushing yourself, I don’t want you to get sick.”
Chan felt a mix of happy and guilty. He was glad that Woojin cared about him, but he couldn’t help but feel guilty for making him worry. He looked up to meet Woojin’s eyes, turning into cute crescents as he smiled, and he returned a shy smile to the latter. His cheeks turned to a darker pink as Woojin stepped closer, placing his hand on Chan’s cheek, and then his forehead.
“You’re burning hot, Channie.”
Even though Chan understood the context, he still felt flustered. 
“Here, lay down, I’m gonna get you some food and water so you can take medicine, you probably got a cold from going out so much in the cold and stressing your body.”
Chan complied with a silent nod, letting Woojin take care of him with soft thank you’s here and there, 2 of 3rachas softly smiling as they passed their hyungs’ room.
The next day the boys woke up and immediately surrounded the tree as it was Christmas morning, everyone except Chan, who apparently had left that morning.
They all sat awaiting their hyung’s return. They heard the door open, and music start playing, soft piano, sweet and sentimental.
“You’re secret santa is here!”
The boys say Chan enter with a giagantic red box, small holes poked all around the sides. They were all excited to see who this glorious present belonged to. 
Chan approached Woojin, placing the box in front of the blonde.
“For you, Woojinnie.”
The latter smiled at the nickname, opening the box with a gasp. The rest of the boys peered over the top and starting making incoherent happy sounds. Woojin picked the present out of the box; a corgi. 
“You got me a dog!! Oh my gosh Channie, you were doing all this for me?”  “There’s one more thing, look at his collar.”
Woojin inspected the collar, seeing a little heart pendant on the front, turning it to reveal and engraving that said “Be mine” 
The rest of the boys stared in anticipation, Woojin handing the dog to Hyunjin, standing up and wrapping his arms around Chan.
“Of course I’m going to say yes.” 
Chan smiled sweetly, putting his arms around Woojin.
“Merry Christmas Woojinnie.” “Merry Christmas babe.”
Chan pulled back with a light blush on his cheeks, chuckling at the nickname his now boyfriend gave him. 
Woojin gave his new boyfriend a peck on the cheek and rejoined the other boys who began exchanging presents. 
Chan sat at his side, cuddling with him and their new puppy, Byung.
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stray-but-okay · 1 year
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that’s our leader!
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stray-but-okay · 2 years
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stray-but-okay · 2 years
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tell me something I don’t know
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stray-but-okay · 2 years
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Chan: Let me tell you a fun story
Also Chan: Begins to tell the most traumatizing story I’ve ever heard
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stray-but-okay · 2 years
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“...I am kind of old”
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hyunllx · 4 years
The Christmas Baker
A Hyunlix Hallmark Fic Chapter 2/5 wc: 3k
Hwang Hyunjin is a rich, cocky, famous dancer that prefers to keep to himself during the holidays. When his roommate drags him along to visit his hometown, however, Hyunjin meets a boy who helps him believe in the spirit of the season. Primarily Hyunjin’s pov with Felix’s pov added in occasionally. series warnings: Extremely cliche. You will probably cringe at some points but its okay. chapter warnings:  None note: This fic is not meant to accurately reflect or portray the members of SKZ. This is just for fun. Read the last chapter here
The floorboards of Felix’s guest bedroom shuddered and creaked as Hyunjin paced back and forth in the small space. He always felt the need to move when he was nervous, and to say he was nervous this morning was an understatement. He lingered in his room, eyes focusing on the frost and snow-covered window on one wall and the closed door to the rest of the house on the opposite wall as he walked between them.
Come on Hyunjin, you can’t stay in here forever… he thought to himself, psyching himself up to reach for the door knob. His head raced through all the possible scenarios that would happen when he met Felix and Chan for breakfast, all of them including further embarrassing himself.
How was he supposed to look his best friend in the face when all he’d done during the night was lie awake thinking about his brother? How could he talk to Felix after being unable to sleep due to the boy’s voice saying his name ringing in his ears?
“Hyunjin?” Hyunjin froze as that same voice called his name from beyond the door. He shivered as he turned to knob, undecided on whether he was grateful for the push to leave his room or still not ready to face his host. As the door opened slowly, a bright, sunny, familiar smile greeted him,
“Oh! You’re awake.” Felix’s nose and ears were bright pink and a few snowflakes lingered on his oversized jacket, making him look exceptionally young when paired with his grin, “I finished shovelling out the driveway so we can head to the bakery whenever you’re ready. If you still want to of course-” He added the last bit quickly, nervousness clear in his voice.
“Okay. Uh- let’s go.” Hyunjin agreed without thinking about it, too blinded by Felix’s smile to argue with his own words. 
“Do you like hot chocolate?” Felix asked suddenly as they descended the stairs to leave. Hyunjin frowned in confusion, grabbing his jacket from the hanger by the front door,
“Yeah, why?”
“Wait here!” The boy motioned for him to stay by the door while he rushed to the kitchen, returning a minute later with two coffee to-go cups. The cup was pleasantly warm in Hyunjin’s cold fingers as he took one,
“Thanks.” He bowed slightly, thankful for the heat when Felix opened the door and frigid, biting air nipped his face. At least his hands would be warm while they walked. I should’ve grabbed one of Chan’s big hoodies. He thought to himself. 
Hyunjin paused, realizing finally that they were missing someone, “Where’s Chan?”
“Hm?” Felix looked at him in surprise, like he hadn’t expected Hyunjin to speak while they were walking, “Oh, he went to help shovel out the town hall so people can start setting up decorations. He didn’t tell you?”
Hyunjin shook his head. Chan was known for being selfless and hardworking like that, but he usually would’ve told him where he was going. Maybe it was last minute and didn’t have a chance.
Hyunjin and Felix walked side-by-side in silence, enjoying their hot chocolates to the melody of snow crunching under their shoes. Occasionally the wind would pick up slightly, bringing with it a soft creaking and rustling of the trees lining the streets. Felix only looked up when this happened, checking the buildings around them before looking back down at his cup. Hyunjin admittedly thought the behaviour was odd and watched him curiously each time, though he didn’t want to embarrass the boy by asking out loud. 
As they approached what looked to be the busy town center, they passed under a metal awning that stretched over the sidewalk in front of a storefront. The creaking noise became louder, more like a groaning. Definitely not the trees as Hyunjin had thought before. Felix lifted his head to look around again, concern in his eyes when he turned to look at Hyunjin.
“Get out of the way.”
“What?” Too late. Before he could finish Hyunjin was yanked by the hand, losing his balance and stumbling into Felix, then into the storefront wall. The groaning sound peaked, followed by the roar of snow and ice crashing down to the sidewalk from the awning above, inches from where he’d stood.
“Holy shit…” Hyunjin whispered, then laughed nervously at the realization he could’ve been badly hurt had the mountain of ice in front of them actually hit him, “Thank you.” 
They both paused, realizing their hands were still clasped together. Felix’s palm was warm against Hyunjin’s own, and incredibly small wrapped up in his fingers. Delicate and soft, it left Hyunjin’s heart beating quicker than before.
Why was his heart beating so fast? Why did it feel so nice to hold this boy’s hand?
“Felix! Are you guys alright?” Their hands wrenched apart as a boy jogged up behind them. He was nearly as tall as Hyunjin, and had the most puppy-like face he’d ever seen. His big, innocent eyes were bright with concern as he skidded to a stop on the slushy snow at their feet. A second boy followed behind, slower but with equal concern chiseled into the sharp features of his handsome face.
“Seungmin!” Felix smiled awkwardly, his cheeks and ears red, not just from the cold, “We’re alright, it didn’t hit us.”
This must be the ex-roommate, Hyunjin recalled from dinner the night before, and the on-again-off-again boyfriend. The second boy placed a hand on Seungmin’s shoulder and glared up and down at Hyunjin, clearly checking him over to make sure he wasn’t dangerous,
“Who’s this?”
“Oh,” Felix interjected, shaking his head, “This is hyung’s friend, Hyunjin. This is Seungmin and Minho.”
“Nice to meet you.” Seungmin gave a polite wave and bow, which Hyunjin returned, albeit awkwardly. Minho glared at him a moment longer before giving an unimpressed sniff and turning to Felix,
“Channie is home?”
“Yeah, he’s helping at the town hall right now.”
“Great, we’ll go that way.” Without saying goodbye he turned and headed back the direction they’d come. Seungmin looked back and forth between Felix and the boyfriend who was clearly not going to wait for him,
“Are you sure you don’t need help at the bakery?”
“I’ve got plenty of help.” Hyunjin caught Felix looking up at him as he reassured his friend. Seungmin caught the glance too and grinned at the both of them, giving Felix a nod before dashing off after Minho, now several yards down the sidewalk. Felix let out a long sigh as they were alone again,
“Sorry, that was awkward.”
“It wasn’t that awkward,” Hyunjin lied, following as Felix resumed walking, “Seungmin seems nice.”
“Yeah… he is. So is Minho when you get to know him.” Hyunjin gave a snort of disbelief,
“I’ll take your word for it.” 
They came to a stop at the end of the street, where it met a crossroads along the town’s main road. The bakery was nestled into the crook between the ending building and a larger store, the bakery itself not much larger than Felix’s tiny house. The weathered bricks of the exterior were a dull red-brown, contrasting the bright cream-coloured door. A “Merry Christmas” banner hung over the large front window, strung up between decorative sconces on either side.
The top of a standing chalkboard poked out of the snow piled underneath the window; Hyunjin used his foot to kick some of the ice clear while he watched Felix. 
The boy stood on his tip-toes, reaching as far as he could to pull the top off the sconce by the door. His hand was small enough to fit inside, and he fished around for a moment before producing a key from inside the lamp.
He paused when he noticed Hyunjin watching, pointing the key at him playfully,
"You didn't see that."
A smile spread involuntarily across Hyunjin's face. His mask was slipping, but he barely noticed with the way Felix's eyes glinted with mischief and excitement, his freckles standing out dark against the pink blush of cold on his cheeks. The cup in his hands had long cooled, and he found himself missing the warmth of holding the boy's hand. His heart fluttered, bringing him back to the moment,
"See what?" He asked innocently. Maybe he could let the mask slip this once.
Felix let out a sickly-sweet giggle as he unlocked the bakery, welcoming Hyunjin inside with a wave,
"Come on inside. It'll warm up quickly."
As he stepped inside the small building, Hyunjin felt less like he'd walked into a small town bakery and more like he'd walked onto a movie set. Everything was quiet, dark, waiting to be filled with the warm smells of baking and the taste of delicious treats. Perhaps it was the pastel yellows and bright pinks that decorated the space, but Hyunjin felt the lingering memories of love and happiness here. It felt like home.
Felix led him behind the main counter to the kitchen; ovens lined the far wall and a massive steel table stood at the center of the room,
“Can you help me by bringing out the flour? I’ll get the ovens preheating so it warms up a bit.” He pointed to a second room off to one side, a storage space filled with ingredients like a pantry. Hyunjin nodded, figuring that sounded easy enough.
He failed to anticipate the bags of flour being nearly as tall as Felix himself. And weighing much more. With a sigh of relief he found a bag that was half used, slightly easier to drag along the floor. With white knuckles as he clenched the bag in his hands, Hyunjin pulled the sack into the kitchen and let it rest under the main counter.
“How do you do that by yourself?” He puffed dramatically, earning himself another giggle as he retrieved a brick of butter from one of the large refrigerators,
“I don’t usually need this much. We’re gonna be using up a lot of my ingredients over the next couple of days.”
“Why are you making so many?”
“Well-” Felix spoke as he continued to collect what they needed, placing a large metal bowl in front of Hyunjin with a handful of utensils clattering around inside, “Our little town only has about 500 people here. Some people leave to visit family. So everyone that remains can have at least a couple cookies. Guests too of course.” He grinned up at Hyunjin with that brilliant sunshine smile. His eyes got lost in the wrinkles that formed around his cheeks. Hyunjin shook his head. Why did he keep losing himself like that?
“So… what now?”
“Now you measure out two cups of this.” Felix pushed a large bag of powdered sugar toward him. Hyunjin hesitated,
“You want me to? I’m not a very good cook.”
“Neither is Seungmin,” Felix laughed, “You don’t have to be a good cook to put ingredients into a bowl. It’ll go faster with two of us.”
Hyunjin grimaced at the thought of fucking up some of the cookies, but he figured he might as well try. Dumping the utensils out of his bowl, he followed Felix’s instructions to use a chopstick to level off the cup of sugar before emptying it into the bowl. The same for the butter, the flour, and the other simple ingredients, taking care to get the proportions right. Eventually the dough formed together, soft yet sticky enough to form into shapes.
“You did well!” Felix praised as Hyunjin lifted his mixture out of the bowl to show him, “It’s definitely the right texture. See? I knew you could do it.”
Hyunjin had to admit he was proud of himself for not messing anything up so far. He tossed a ball of dough between his gloved hands with a smile, letting himself enjoy the moment. He'd never gotten to make christmas cookies before. Was this excitement how children felt when they were baking with their families? It was nice, comforting even. Especially when he had someone to guide him.
"Are we cutting them now?"
"Not yet, the dough has to chill for a little bit first." Felix pulled a sheet of plastic wrap across the workstation, plopping his dough in the center, "We'll start mixing the second batch while these are in the fridge."
"Second batch?" He hadn't realized they were making more than what he held in his hands. Felix smiled, taking the giant dough ball from Hyunjin's fingers,
"Of course, this will only make like 50 cookies."
"Why do you think I'm not doing them all the day of?" Felix laughed, putting the wrapped bundles of dough into the refrigerator, returning to their work station with more eggs and butter.
Hyunjin managed his way through the second batch, but by the time he was mixing the final round of flour into the third batch, his arm started to ache with the effort. He paused for a moment to shake out the tense muscles and joints, sighing.
Felix continued mixing his dough with no trouble, a smile on his lips and his deep voice humming a soft tune. Hyunjin recognized it as one of Chan's songs, one he'd choreographed no less. Muscle memory caused his legs to start moving to the unheard beat. Felix caught sight of it and giggled (God why was his giggle so cute?),
"Sorry, it was stuck in my head. You ready to take a break?"
Before Hyunjin could respond, his stomach rumbled loudly, reminding them he hadn't eaten since dinner. They both laughed,
"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry."
"Go take a break out on a couch. I'll put these in the fridge and make some brunch for us."
He didn't have to tell Hyunjin twice. He made his way out of the kitch and plopped down on a couch in front of the big window. It was snowing again, though the flakes were light and drifted in a gentle breeze. Not the driving heavy snow from the night before. The window was cold but the heat of the ovens carried through the building, making the room nice and warm.
Hyunjin pulled out his phone and idly flicked through his music. His fingers eventually found the track Felix had been humming and hit play. It was a slower melody, a song about lost love and heartbreak. What a big softie Chan was. 
Perhaps it was the snow falling outside the window, or homesickness, or the fact that there was a beautiful boy mere paces away from him cooking him food, but the lyrics pulled at his heartstrings differently today. Hyunjin never thought of himself as someone to fall in love. He liked the fast dating life. He liked flings and one-night stands. No attachments, just the high of a good time with someone new and exciting. 
But this feeling... it was new. It beat on his heart like a drum and caused his brain to turn to mush. All he wanted to do was hear Felix’s cute giggle, see his sunshiney bright grin. It was completely overwhelming. 
It frightened him.
“I heard you playing that song.” Felix said as he emerged from the kitchen, making Hyunjin jump. He hadn’t realized the song had stopped, or that his playlist had proceeded to play two more songs after.
“You made me want to listen to it.” He tried to gather himself again as he took the plate of food Felix offered him. Their fingers brushed. Hyunjin’s heart started drumming again. It worsened as Felix sat directly next to him on the couch instead of any of the chairs in the room. Shaking his head, Hyunjin turned to his plate, a small stack of pancakes and a tower of scrambled eggs, still hot off the stove.
“I really love the choreography you did for it.” Hyunjin paused, the eggs in his chopsticks falling back to his plate,
“You know my choreography?” Felix’s face turned bright red, and he too turned to his food to escape the sudden embarrassment,
“I know most of them. I like dancing in my free time. Yours are always the most enjoyable to watch.” A streak of pride cut through Hyunjin’s fluttering nerves at the praise.
“Thank you. Maybe you could show me some time?”
“I’d like that.” They shared a shy smile before digging into their food, both starving after working all morning on an empty stomach.
Felix finished first, setting his plate down before leaning back against the couch, running his fingers through his silver hair,
“It’s snowing again, I’m sorry you couldn’t see more of the town like you wanted.”
“It’s alright. I- I’ve enjoyed it here.” Hyunjin allowed the mask to slip, just a little. Felix beamed at him, resting a hand on Hyunjin’s arm. The affectionate touch was unexpected and his muscles tensed under the boy’s small fingers. Felix immediately withdrew his hand, his smile fading,
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“Noo, no it’s fine…” His brain was fogging over again, “I just- I don’t understand how I feel about you yet.”
Shit, shit, shit. He wasn’t supposed to say that out loud.
“Have I done something wrong?” Felix looked as though Hyunjin had kicked him in the face.
“No! It’s not you-” Hyunjin’s body was screaming at him to run away from the overwhelming cocktail of emotions flooding his brain, “I’m sorry, I need to take a walk. I’ll be back-”
He barely finished his sentence before standing and bolting out the door, abandoning his food. He didn’t look back at the hurt in Felix’s eyes. He couldn’t.
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