#channel 8 entertainment news
amandaanddonnie · 7 months
8 Passengers - "Mommy Vlogger" RUBY FRANKE Sentenced 4 to 60 YEARS in Pr...
0 notes
nicromancytarot · 7 months
This is a general reading based on a collective of people. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. If you don’t feel the pile resonates with you, don’t be scared to try another, if it still doesn’t feel right, that’s ok! Maybe our energies aren’t as connected and my readings are not for you.
I do these strictly for fun and educational purposes. I don’t change for these readings and I do not fake readings.
I asked my spirit guides if you would ever stumble across the opportunity of dating your celebrity crush, pick a pile to find out what they had to say!!
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Pile 1 ———> Pile 2 ———> Pile 3
Pile 4 ———> Pile 5 ———> Pile 6
Pile 7 ———> Pile 8 ———> Pile 9
DISCLAIMER: This is purely for fun and entertainment, this is based on where you are now in your life, as free will can affect your path. This is not to fuel anyone’s parasocial behaviour.
3 of swords, 6 of cups, 4 of wands, judgement, 6 of pentacles, the magician
I do see this being a possibility of an opportunity which will come up for you. With the 3 of swords I see this celebrity coming into your life more prominently after a heartbreak, something I believe will be you having experienced. The 6 of cups gives me the thought that your celebrity crush will be the person to help build you back up again, and help you become the person you were before. The 4 of wands is marriage dude, you guys have a high possibility of not only dating, but also marrying your desired celebrity.
Your relationship seems to be one that you have prayed or manifested for, the universe listened to you. Honestly you might have tried to manifest someone with the characteristics, and appearance of your celebrity crush, but the universe was just kind of like “fuck it, let’s just give them the real deal.”
The knight of wands reversed, page of pentacles, queen of cups, queen of wands, ace of pentacles, 7 of swords
I see this being something you will have the opportunity to experience. With the knight of wands reversed, I would say in order to be with your celebrity crush, you would have to release an ex of yours, it’s as if you have a choice to either try something new, or stick with the old.
This ex of yours may have caused you a lot of drama and trouble in the past, your celebrity crush is the opposite, with the page of pentacles, and the queen of cups, I can see that they offer you stability in all forms, unlike the ex of yours.
I do see that this relationship won’t be all you would expect it to be, not in a bad way, but your celebrity doesn’t seem as though they are their real self when they are posing for cameras or talking to their fans, it’s nothing bad, they are just a lot different than what you expected.
However, I do think this will be a long term relationship, and you will feel very comfortable with them, as they shall with you.
The lovers reversed, the knight of pentacles in reversed, 6 of swords, ace of pentacles, the king of wands, the wheel of fortune
I unfortunately do not see this as something you will have the opportunity of experiencing, I see there will already be someone in your life by the time you even could possibly have the opportunity, I’m feeling a lot of young Pedro Pescal fans here. This other person in your love life is being described as your person, your soulmate, your future spouse. You will not want this celebrity by the time you have this person.
With the knight of pentacles in reverse, and the 6 of swords, I do not think you have the patience to wait until you are old enough to be with this person, and therefore your path will be diverted to meet your own person.
7 of wands, the high priestess, the page of wands, 6 of wands, death, the star
I do see this being an opportunity that you will have the privilege of experiencing. With the seven of wands, I do feel as though you will have to work to get it however, same goes with the high priestess, you may even manifest this person, intentionally or unintentionally.
With the death and the star, I do see that you will be mentally transformed into a different person when in this relationship, your celebrity may be older or more mature than you, they will help you be more wise like them lmao.
The chariot, the page of wands, the ace of wands, the star, the knight of pentacles, the queen of cups
I do not see you having the opportunity of experiencing dating your celebrity crush. With the chariot and page of wands, I honestly think you’ll be too busy doing other things by the time that your able to meet this person. With the page of wands, it’s like you’re creating something else, building a relationship, perhaps career by this point. The ace of wands shows me a quick moving on, so honestly you may even be over this celebrity in a few months-years.
The star, again with self improvement, this person really won’t be that important in your life soon. They could get cancelled or something, turn out to be a bad person, and therefore dating them won’t really align with your beliefs.
10 pentacles, 9 wands, 5 swords reversed, 5 wands, the world, the knight of cups
I do see the ability of you receiving the opportunity to date your celebrity crush. With the 10 of pentacles, I can see you honestly might meet this person, feeling a sense of excitement, but not much expectation, perhaps they will ask for your number, or they will initiate more of a conversation with you. You’ll go home to you family and friends, telling them about this crazy experience.
I see they will be quick to contact you again, with the 9 of wands, and the 5 of swords reversed, I can tell that they might be wanting to let you know how serious they are about pursuing you, which is why they contact you so quickly.
With the knight of cups, they will most likely be the one to actually ask you to be in a relationship with them, they will be the one to initiate the commitment, showing you once again how serious they are to make this a long term thing. With the world I notice that this relationship, and the attention alone from your celebrity crush, will be making you have a lot more self love, and it will help you if you have suffered from self doubt and self hatred in the past.
Death reversed, the queen of cups reversed, 8 of swords, the sun, the ace of cups, the wheel of fortune
I unfortunately don’t see you having the opportunity to be in a relationship with your celebrity crush. With death in reverse, along with the queen of cups also in reverse, it seems that you may still be a fan of this person by the time you perhaps meet them, or are old enough to date them. Being a fan of this person at that time would not offer you any stability in your relationship, and the power dynamic would be very evident.
The 8 of swords is showing me that this relationship would make either of you feel very isolated, almost like they have to be careful around you since you’re a fan, or you put them on a pedestal since they’re your idol.
The sun, the ace of cups, and the wheel of fortune are telling me that you will achieve everything you desire, other than dating this person of course. I see that this person can totally help you mentally in the way that you approach relationships, they may even offer you advice, or tips, in a non parasocial way, as I do not believe you will ever know this person on a personal level.
9 of pentacles, 2 of wands reversed, 6 of cups, the queen of wands, 7 of swords, the knight of pentacles
I do see this being an opportunity for you to be able to experience. With the 9 of pentacles, it definitely seems like a very flourishing relationship, one filled with a lot of happiness, and abundance in all forms.
I do unfortunately with the 2 of wands in reverse believe that this may be a short lived relationship, it will certainly feel worth it’s time, and such an incredible thing for both parties to have experienced, however I do not think it will last long.
With the 6 of cups in contrast with the 7 of swords, I do think this will be a connection which will help you see your own worth, deal with past trauma and betrayal, perhaps even teaching both you want in relationships. It will be one of those things that you always look back on and think about with a smile, however I don’t imagine it will last forever.
Strength, the tower, the queen of swords, the hierophant, 4 of cups, the chariot
I do see you facing this possibility in the future. This is an odd pile, an interesting one, but certainly something different. I think you will be working within the same space as this person by the time you meet, or you will know people who work with them, creating some mutual friend group.
I think with the strength card, and the tower, you will honestly be trying to act normal around this person, trying your hardest not to make it clear that you used to be a fan of them, or even that you are currently still a fan of them.
I notice that they may pick up on your nervous energy, they seem like a picky person with the 4 of cups, so they may like that you’re not paying much mind to them, they’re very used to people jumping all over them, so your celebrity certainly respects your distance from them, although they feel like that creates a challenge for them to conquer.
This will be very unexpected for you, you may even think you’re dreaming when it happens, however I see this being a long-lived connection, one of many abundances and dreams to be fulfilled.
I’m also picking up that they may think it’s comical that you were such a big fan of them, but they really, really like it.
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reality-detective · 7 months
Questions To Ask Ourselves:
1. What is an Egyptian pyramid doing on a US dollar bill?
2. Why did 56 countries sign a treaty not to take risks and enter Antarctica?
3. Why do planes never fly over Antarctica?
4. How did NASA "lose" the photos of the moon landing, one of the most important moments for humanity?
5. If Neil Armstrong was the first to walk on the moon, who held the camera?
6. Why haven't we gone back to the moon?
7. If monkeys evolved into humans, why are there still monkeys?
8. Why does 95% of our DNA exist as "junk"? Who decided it was actually "garbage"?
9. How were huge, symmetrical, detailed, sacred, and geometrically regular structures such as cathedrals and parliamentary buildings created by people who lived in log cabins, rode horse-drawn carriages, and had no machines or lasers?
10. How is it that similar pre-Columbian architecture is found all over the world?
11. Why are there images in ancient Egyptian art that resemble "spaceships"?
12. Why were remains and images of giant people found? And why do different ancient scriptures from various cultures, including the Bible, talk about giants?
13. Why are there images of mushrooms in ancient Christian art? And why does the Pope dress up like a giant Amanita muscaria mushroom?
14. Why do ancient Egyptian artworks show jaws, and is it a coincidence that the pineal gland resembles jaws?
15. Why are there descriptions of dragons all over the world and in different cultures, thousands of years apart, and also mentioned in the Bible?
16. Why is there so much blatant satanic symbolism in the music and entertainment industry?
17. Why do most video games revolve around killing?
18. How is it possible that movies and cartoons like The Simpsons can predict certain cultural events so accurately?
19. How do forest fires melt cars but leave trees intact?
20. What is the national debt? If there is a borrower, there must also be a lender: who is it?
21. How is it that the so-called "national debt" has increased despite tax increases? Where does the taxpayer's money go?
22. Why is alcohol and tobacco poisoning considered "normal" and referred to simply as "drinking" and "smoking"?
23. Why are alcohol and tobacco shown in almost all shows and movies?
24. How do news presenters around the world and on various channels say and repeat the same script word for word?
25. If we are more progressive and informed than ever before, why do we have the highest rates of obesity, cancer, and heart disease, not to mention depression?
Questions you should have already been asking yourself and there are many more you should be asking. 🤔
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l33bang24 · 7 months
OMG It’s You…
Youtube! Fem reader x Stray Kids
Summary: Y/N’s YouTube channel is taking off after her reactions to Stray Kids MV God’s Menu. Now she’s making videos nonstop along with working a full time job. What would happen if she got offered a job of a lifetime and met the boys of her succession?
⚠️ Warning ⚠️: overthinking, anxiety, undeserving, frustration, fatigue
🏷️: @laylasbunbunny @weirdowithaphone @silverstarburst @jusanontstuff @anxiousskylar @drewsandsebastianswife @amararosesblog @niaalove (taglist open)
Chapter 2 Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
I don’t think people understand just how exhausting life can be. ‘Not to mention expensive too.’ I thought to myself. When I got home I greeted my family before dumping my stuff by the front door then headed to my room. I collapsed on the bed and let out a huge sigh. I didn’t want to get up because of how exhausted I was but I needed to edit some of my videos I’ve made in the last couple of days. I dreaded doing it because I lost some of my footage due to me falling asleep at the computer. How I did it exactly is a mystery to me. All I know is I tried to find it and it wasn’t there.
I got up and started moving about the room. I needed to get changed and get a shower before I started working. As I was in the shower I started reflecting on my YouTube channel. I’m an introvert as most people would say. I don’t socialize much with others unless I’m at work where I have to, but I usually mind my own business. Unless I hear gossip then I’m interested. I debated whether if it was a good idea to start a channel since I didn’t think I was very entertaining.
You see I grew up in the South where I listened to Country music along with some Pop and occasional Hip Hop or R&B. When I first heard K-pop music it was odd at first but over time I came to really enjoy it. Which brings me to where I am now, listening to K-pop music and rating the group’s albums from my perspective and reacting to videos of them being silly. Stray Kids found their way into my heart one day and since then they’ve become a part of my life.
After getting refreshed, I go into the kitchen to find something to eat since my stomach made a gurgling noise. I decided on a sandwich and some chips. After making my food I head back to my room and start up my computer and monitors. It’s been a little over a year now since I started this channel. I knew from the start that doing a reaction channel probably wouldn’t go viral right away, but after some time more people started to find my channel and following me. Especially after my reaction to God’s Menu MV. Call it the Felix effect if you would. Even to the point where they were excited for new videos to come out.
I always worried that people wouldn’t like my videos, but then I would see all the positive comments and smile that I made someone’s day better. I used that positivity to keep me going, doesn’t mean that I didn’t get hate here or there. Although there are a bunch of people who stood up for me. That would always make my day better.
‘Focus Y/N. You still have to finish these two videos so you can start making more for next week.’ I shook my head and got working on my videos that I already recorded. ‘I need to re-record what I deleted so that I can finish editing this video.” I got to work on the one I didn’t mess up first before going to the second one. I pulled my camera towards me and turning it on. I pulled up the previous videos I had watched from that evening before doing my intro.
“Hello Lovelies and welcome back to the channel. So, as you will see I’m dressed different from my previous video. Reason being is that I deleted some footage and now I’m having to re-record where I left off. So, let’s get started shall we.”
Third Person POV
The boys were taking a small break from practice. They’ve been going at it for days it seemed like, even if it were only a couple of hours. Things were picking up since their comeback was coming up soon. As each one of them found a place to relax, Felix was watching a video on YouTube.
“How many times have you watched that same video?” Felix looked up to see his other half looking at his screen with his eyebrows raised. “I can’t help it. She’s very relatable, super sweet, and I love her accent. Plus she’s beautiful and has gorgeous y/e/c eyes.” Hyunjin sits down beside Felix. “Okay okay I get it, you love everything about Y/N. It’s not like you’re the only one though.” Hyunjin takes a moment to look at the rest of his members. “We all have seen her videos and like her just the same as you, if not more.” Felix sighs. “I know. I guess some days I enjoy watching her videos because they make me smile. Especially when some days are harder than others. Her videos comfort me like a warm hug on a cold day.” Felix smiles thinking about it while Hyunjin smiles at him, understanding where he comes from.
He remembers when they first found Y/N’s videos. During Chan’s room, there were some Stays that told Chan to look her up and watch her videos. It didn’t happen right away but Stays were persistent on them watching her, so they finally watched one of her videos just to see what their fans were talking about. One video turned into three videos then seven videos, up until the point where they had seen all of her videos. Some might say that Stray Kids themselves love Y/N’s videos more than Stays. Each member has there own favorite episodes of Y/N as well as their favorite qualities of her. Chan likes how motherly she acts, especially when it comes to Stays asking her questions on certain topics. Lee Minho likes how she can understand and speak Korean. Even go as far as to have subtitles in Korean for people who don’t understand English that well.
Changbin likes her laugh, especially when its uncontrollable laughter. It makes him want to laugh with her. Hyunjin likes how creative she can be with her edits. Like when she adds in all these cool effects or audio cues that make the video even more engaging. Han Jisung likes how uncharacteristically funny she can be without trying. Felix like her smile, he thinks it’s her most charming point. Seungmin likes her sassy/blunt side. He thinks that’s the funniest part of her personality. Jeongin likes her whole personality in general. He knows he could see her as an older sister if he ever met her.
Hyunjin turns back to Felix “I believe that’s exactly how Stays feel seeing videos of us too. We’ve seen them express it through messages and videos. So I get where you’re coming from.” He pats Felix’s knee and moves to go back over to his original spot.
“SHE JUST POSTED A NEW VIDEO!” All of the boys looked in the direction of the voice they heard. All scrambling to get over to Changbin who had called them. “Well what are you waiting for? Play the video!” Lee Know shouts as Changbin presses play on his phone.
(Terrible title but it’s all I could come up with lol. Hope you all like it! I’m trying something new so who knows how far I’ll go with this one. I’ll try to update as much as I can. Thanks!)
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beansterpie · 8 months
K I threw together a translation for the new es21 anniversary chapter! There's probably mistakes and some awkward phrasing because I always end up prioritizing accuracy over flow rip. Hopefully the way I've formatted this isn't a total pain to read. I recommend looking at the page first, and then referring to the translation when you can't read something. I skipped any panels that don't have dialogue/text so just reading the translations might be confusing. Anyway it's under the cut!
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(Lol sorry I didn't bother translating character blurbs on the right)
Page 1 Panel 1: Announcer: “Noooooww, there’s barely any time left on the clock! This final play will decide the outcome of the match!!” Panel 2: “One of these teams will command the University American Football World!! Panel 3: Which one will it be!? Panel 4: Two star players who once fought together now face off— Panel 5: in this Final Decisive Match”
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Page 2-3 Panel 1: Eyeshield 21 aka: Kobayakawa Sena!! VS. The Commander from Hell: Hiruma Yoichi!! Panel 2: Set, Hut!!!
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Cover page (4-5): Their First Collision!! Sena [Eyeshield 21] and Hiruma [the one who named him (literally the ‘parent’ who named him)]—
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Page 6 Panel 1: [Some months earlier—] Panel 3: DEVILBAT GHOST!!
Page 7 Panel 1: TRIDENT TACKLE!!!
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Page 8-9 Panel 1: The ball was fumbled!! Whichever team manages to claim it will win….!! Panel 2: [An American Football rule you can understand in 1 SECOND] Devilbat: YA—HA— It’s stupidly simple! Carry the ball to the enemy line and score (a touchdown)! DB jr.: You can get around 7 points! Panel 4: Monta: CATCH MAX!!! Panel 5: Suzuna: YA—!!! Panel 6: Announcer: The Kanto representatives for the Japanese National American Football University Championships is the team lead by Eyeshield 21 aka. Kobayakawa Sena— the Enma Fires…..!!!!
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Page 10 Panel 1: Sakuraba: You really got revenge on us this year. It’s frustrating but it was our total defeat….! Panel 2: Sena: Though, one-on-one, for the most part I couldn’t really get past you (Shin-san) until the very end… Panel 4: Shin: undecipherable Panel 6: Ootawara: OOOOHHHHH MAKE SURE YOU HIT THEM HARD ENOUGH FOR THE BOTH OF US, KURITA—!! Panel 7: Takami: Finally, you’ve earned the right to challenge the undefeated champions Page 11 Panel 1 & 2: Takami: The championship finals against the team lead by Hiruma, the Saikyodai Wizards— at the Koushien Bowl….!!! Panel 3: Sena: Yes….!!
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Page 12 Panel 4: Monta: Mukya! What the hell, we can’t get into the club room! Riku: Looks like we have a few visitors— Panel 5: Crowd: The United States President’s son?? Even SP (I believe this is a tv channel) is here… Page 13 Panel 3: Sena: T-this is way too crazy… Kurita: To clear away people like this…..
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Page 14 Panel…2?: Hiruma: Kekekekeke, you’re late fucking Fatty and fucking Shrimps Panel 3: Kurita: HIRUMA! Sena: —san!! Monta: And that guy’s from the American Match, the ultimate boss… wait actually, he’s a NFL player now! Page 15 Panel 1: It’s the President’s Junior, Mr. Don….!! Panel 2: Don: An ordinary person goes to a foreign country to run rampant for their own entertainment. A champion (or king lol) goes to a foreign country to express his respect. Panel 3: Don: In this country, it seems excessive meddling from pros in the affairs of amateurs isn’t appreciated, so I’ll get straight to the heart of the matter. Panel 4: Don: Together we will fight and acquire the throne. I’ve come to welcome/receive one hero. Panel 6: Kurita: ?? Monta: What does that mean? Sena: Isn’t this excessive meddling…..
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Page 16 Panel 1: Crack! Panel 2: Sena: ….?? Inside my shoulder pad… Panel 3: Sena: What is this, it’s tiny… A white chip? Monta: Ooh, it’s in our shoulder pads too!! Riku: Since when… Panel 4: Hiruma: It’s called an RFID (radio frequency identification (apparently lol)) chip. When you have this on— Panel 5: Glasses: The current location of each player can be determined and measured by inches. Stats like speed and acceleration, it can analyze all data in real time. Enma Babes (presumably): A SCI-FI MACHINE LIKE THAT EXISTS!? Page 17 Panel 1: Don: There’s nothing Sci-Fi about it. Within the NFL world, all players have been using this for a number of years now. Sena & Monta: REALLY!!? Hiruma: They even have them inside the balls. Since you can measure the rotations that way Devibat: It’s true!! DB jr.: The actual pro sports world sure is turning into something amazing! Panel 2: Riku: So, this data analysis chip… Panel 3: Riku: Why are they in our protective equipment…?? Sena: I mean, there’s only one person in this world who would be devilish enough to quietly do something like that… Panel 4: Glasses: With this hoard of collected data, and by using the help of something like Google Brain, we can rely on machine learning to— Sena: Goo… what? Machine…?? Panel 5: Don: How sad~ Oohh, AI, AI! Civilization has simply taken the human privilege of ‘thinking’, and given it up to machines.
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Page 18 Panel 1: Don: Most of all, humanity’s been dulled by favoritism, politics and social correctness. Well, compared to a slow/primitive ruler, it’s (AI) infinitely more reliable. Panel 2: [For our team to reach victory, what kind of player is indispensable? The answer provided by the AI was—] Panel 3: A running back with the speed of light! Or— A phantasmagoric (look it up) quarterback! Panel 5: Glasses: International Player Pass Way Program. In short, there is one slot available for a foreign student trainee as the Japanese representative. Don: Which means that we would be receiving you into our team. Page 19 Panel 1: Kobayakawa Sena, Hiruma Yoichi: between the two of you, only one—
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Page 20 Panel 3: (I believe this is some sort of form that Sena filled out about what he wants to pursue after graduation— he says after graduation he wants to become a pro American Football athlete) Panel 4: Hiruma: With my physical abilities, I won’t be able to get into the NFL the usual way. Panel 5: Hiruma: Obviously, I’ll struggle for the top even if it kills me. That’s the thing that makes it fun….! Page 21 Panel 1: Don: When I consulted the man at the top, Panther, about which one to pick— he gave me a truly straightforward answer. Panel 2: Panther: Hm? Well they’re going to have a confrontation directly in the Koshien Bowl, aren’t they? Panel 3: Panther: Sena VS. Hiruma!! We’ll just take whoever wins. Because, isn’t that American Football…!!
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Page 22 Panel 1: Sena: …… this contest against Hiruma-san, I’m glad that it’s an American football match. Panel 2: Sena: If it wasn’t, there’s no way I could win against Hiruma-san, you’d bring out your blackmail book and in an instant…. Hiruma: Kekeke, seems like you understand the situation reeeeal well Panel 3: Sena: I mean, whether it’s Don-san’s AI verdict or the pro tryouts— if you put your mind to it, you could use your blackmail book to get whatever you wanted. But, Hiruma-san, when it comes to American football, you’ve always…. you’ve always— Panel 5: Toss~ Panel 6: Hiruma: Well, since I’m going to win against you and become a top pro, I don’t need this thing. Page 23 Panel 5: Sena: But, the one who’ll win is me
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Page 24 Sena: I’ll go to defeat you with all my strength. So, Hiruma-san, you also— Hiruma: Kekeke, naturally Page 25 Panel 1: HANSHIN KOSHIEN STADIUM Panel 3: Kurita: Truthfully, I want to root for both of their dreams— For Sena-kun, and for Hiruma. But if I really can’t choose both—
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Page 26-27 Panel 1: Kurita: FUNNURABAAA!!!!! Panel 2: Kurita: For the sake of my team, and for Sena-kun’s sake, I’ll defeat Hiruma…..!!! Panel 3: Announcer: Koshien Bowl, the final, decisive match! Against the Saikyodai Wizards, made up of all star members throughout the country— Panel 4: Announcer: Somehow!! The Enma Fires are just slightly in the lead!! Panel 5: Gaou: Fuh… Half of American football is decided by the power of the line. This is the unmatched power of Kurita when he has something to protect….!!!
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Page 28 Panel 1: Announcer: Noooooww, there’s barely any time left on the clock! This final play will decide the outcome of the match!! Panel 2: Announcer: Two star players who once fought together now face off— Panel 3: Announcer: In this Final Decisive Match!! Panel 4: Announcer: Eyeshield 21 aka. Kobayakawa Sena!! Vs. The Commander from Hell, Hiruma Yoichi!! Page 29 Panel 1: Hiruma: KILL! KILL! Panel 2: Suzuna: K.I.L.L…..to kill? What’s it mean? Doburoku: In American football, it’s a sign that’s given by the pitcher. It means to completely kill the strategy that had been agreed upon. To put it simply, it’s a signal to hurriedly reset the strategy of the play. Panel 3: Mizumachi: After seeing our defense formation, looks like they want to change things up! Panel 4: Sena: Hiruma-san’s— that ever-changing adaptability’s strength—
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Page 30 Panel 1: Hiruma: Kill— Panel 4: Unsui: NO!! THERE HASN’T BEEN ANY CHANGE IN HIS PLAN!! Page 31 Panel 1: Hiruma (I think): This was just a snap counter from the get go— A signal to start the play after the 4th KILL…!!! Panel 2: Enma player: Shit, even though we know what kind of guy he is! Enma player 2: He’s gonna throw a pass— Enma player 3: No, don’t let Hiruma trick you! He’s not throwing— he’s still holding it!! Panel 3: This is a run….!! Panel 5: Shit, that’s wrong, it’s a pass after all….!!!
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Page 32 TOUCHDOOOOWN!!! Page 33 Panel 1: Hiruma: YA— HA—!!! Panel 2: Announcer: The final decisive battle was completely controlled by the sorcerer of the field-- Hiruma Yoichi! (there's actually a word in this line I don't understand lol, but this should be the general gist) Panel 3: Announcer: In a sudden turnabout victory, the Saikyodai Wizards win the championship—
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Page 34 Panel 1: Announcer: —No, the remaining time on the clock is 1 second!! Panel 2: Hiruma: !! Taka: That was my bad. Panel 3: Taka: On the ground was Sena-kun with his light speed, and in the air Monta was closing in. I had no choice but to catch the ball one second earlier than planned. Panel 5: Unsui (presumably): — 1 second left. Whether we laugh or cry about it, this will be the final play— Page 35 Panel 1: Sena: These sort of seriously close calls… I dunno if you’d call it deja vu or— Panel 2: Monta: That’s right! This is the kind of cliff’s edge that we’ve run along a bunch of times! Panel 3: Agon: Aaaahhh? Ain’t this match already certain victory— Panel 4: Agon: —If we weren’t up against the tiny trash brigade, that is. Hiruma: Kekeke yo~~~ You also know what’s up huh, fucking dreads. Panel 6: Yamato: That’s right, all of us should know by now well enough that it hurts. Panel 7: Yamato: That there are demon-like men out there whose power explodes during dire straits like this.
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Page 36 Panel 1: That there was once a miraculous team called the Devilbats— Panel 2: Hiruma: The last play will be Eyeshield 21! They’ll 100,000,000,000% comes at us with Sena’s run!! Anything else is a ruse, completely ignore it, don’t even think 1mm that it’ll be anything else!! Panel 3: Unsui: There’s only one way to go: Sena’s run. All of us will open a path!! Page 37 Panel 1 & 2: Sena’s Run, Complete Specialized All Star Team!! VS. Anti-Sena formation, Complete Specialized All Star Team!!
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Page 38: — DON! Page 39 Panel 1: Announcer: Remaining time: 0 seconds! Panel 2: Announcer: With this last play, it’s game set! Panel 4: Yamabushi: Rodio Drive!! Are they coming with Riku!? Taka: No— Panel 6: Riku: Sena…!!
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Page 40 Panel 3: IKKYUU…!! Panel 4: How can he reach it, to go into a cut from such a distance…..
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Page 42 Panel 1: Sena: UUOOOOOOOOHH!! Panel 2: Mamori: Sena…! Panel 3: Ikkyuu: That guy’s too damn fast— I already knew that but…..!! Panel 4: Announcer: Sure enough, in the end they went with the light speed running back, Eyeshield 21!!! Page 43 Panel 1: Mizumachi: Uha! I said make way! Panel 3: Chuubou: A path for Sena-senpai….!!!
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Page 44-45 Panel 3: Announcer: He’s passed everyone! At this rate it’s a touchdown—!!! Panel 4: Hiruma: Kekeke, dig out your eyeballs and give them a good wash— take another look. It’s not over. Panel 5: Kid: He’ll stand in the way— in the end, the ultimate opponent—
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Page 46 Panel 1: AGON!!! Page 47 Panel 2: Shin: Sena’s Devilbat Ghost has been fully realized. Panel 3: Shin: It’s a perfect technique for a runner to get past his opponent. The Optimal Technique/Solution.
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Page 48 Panel 2: vvrrrrr (vibration sounds) Panel 3: Glasses: The Optimal Solution for this situation is none other than the Devilbat Ghost. But even then, Agon who possesses inherent superhuman reaction speed will likely stop him. Panel 4: [That is the judgement the machine learning system has made based on the real time analysis from the RFID chip] Page 49 Panel 3: Shin: The essential thing you need to reach new heights, is to surpass your Optimal Technique/Solution™— with Courage™ Panel 5: Sena: That’s right— my road isn’t limited only to the two directions that I can dodge Panel 6: Shin: It relies on his light speed cuts. A third option, much like a trident. In a manner of speaking—
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Page 50 Panel 1: DEVILBAT TRIDENT!!! Page 51 Panel 1: Mizumachi: You mean he might not dodge!? Riku: A headlong collision!! There’s no way… Panel 2: Glasses: It’s absolutely impossible, how reckless. There’s no chance of winning. The AI declares that this is at most a feint. In the end, Sena will definitely move to evade him! Panel 3: Hiruma: Kekeke, you’re wrong. It’s a hundred billion years too early to try getting past using that hand. Panel 4: Hiruma: But that’s why you’ll go for it. Isn’t that right, Sena. Panel 5: Agon: Aaahhh~~ Hiruma, I’ve fought with you so many times it makes me sick, so I already know all of that….!!!
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Page 52 Panel 1: Hiruma ??: The Human brain hasn’t been able to compete with semiconductors for a long time. I’m sure it’ll aaaalll become like that in the future. Panel 2: Hiruma: When it comes to searching for Optimal Solutions™, no one can compete against Sir AI anymore. But— Panel 3: Shin: Beyond the Optimal Solution™ Panel 4: Beyond even the very summit— you continue to struggle with only courage at your back. Page 53 Panel 1: THAT IS WHAT AN ATHLETE IS Panel 3: ??: I’LL GO PRO AND KILL EVERYONE!! Panel 4: ??: I’LL SURPASS THE TOP!!! Panel 5: ??: That athlete will be—
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Page 54-55 Panel 1: Hiruma: ME Panel 2: Sena: ME Panel 3: [He surpasses theory, with his light speed courage—!!]
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panelshowsource · 4 days
there are a lot of fun lil things to catch up and enjoy and shout out so think of this as my lil newsletter of the week :)
been a lot of great discussions on the rest is entertainment recently! a few i recommend: 1) in this ep richard discusses the former (😥) importance of the edinburgh fringe and how the pipeline standup>stage>stardom has completely changed with the popularisation of social media and the instant delivery of topical comedy (loved the vittorio shoutout!); 2) in this recent ep (8:17) richard talks about the integrity and motivations of professional tv quizzers, like those on the chase; and 3) in this another recent ep (20:33) richard passionately criticises the emmys allowing the bear to compete as a comedy series and yet again stands up for out-of-work as well as underappreciated comedy writers
rob beckett & romesh ranganathan are doing promo for the new season of rob & romesh vs, so here is a ridiculous video of them doing "impressions" on ladbible lmao
david mitchell's new series ludwig comes out this week!!! this is a wonderful interview with david + rave reviews are rolling in from the guardian, the radio times, and more
larry dean had a small speaking part in the netflix film this time next year, which is out now!
icymi global superstar, drag artist, and scottish comedian/enne lawrence chaney took over trixie's channel a few weeks ago
GRAHAM NORTON SHOW IS BACK ON FRIDAY!!! 9/27 Lady Gaga, Colin Farrell, Demi Moore, Richard Ayoade, and Jack Savoretti & Miles Kane 10/4 Hugh Grant, Sebastian Stan, Greg Davies, and Neneh Cherry
i know i talked about this last week but just so everything is in one place here are the links for bobby mair's and harriet kemsley's episodes of the divorce podcast
vic reeves recently made a few comments about wanting to get back with bob to do something new 🥹
some new books out! and most of these include book tours — including richard osman in the USA this week!!! tickets here We Solve Murders by Richard Osman Friends of Dorothy by Sandi Toksvig Jokes, Jokes, Jokes by Jenny Eclair Frankie by Graham Norton
speaking of people coming to north america here are a few coming up: 9/5–10/3 Jamali Maddix 10/11–10/27 Sindhu Vee 11/8 Michael & Jack Whitehall 11/9–13 Paul Chowdhry 2025 Romesh Ranganathan, Mo Gilligan (can anyone else believe ben elton went to mf abu dhabi but couldn't make it over to the usa for a show or two 🥲)
david o'doherty has a new podcast out with max rushden called what did you do yesterday?, and the first guests include elis james, lou sanders, alex horne, josh widdicombe, and suzi ruffell
just a reminder that fin taylor is still...fin tayloring over on ig
joe lycett is currently filming a series for sky where he goes to all of the birminghams in the usa LMAO he's giving sneak peeks of his country-wide travels on his social media so check them out hehe
fern brady won big at the sky arts awards :")<3
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metallicaislife · 11 months
Phone Call Confession
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A/N: I love this video!! It was one of the first video's I watched of Metallica. ❤️
Requested by: @dallysnecklace
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 845
Warnings: none
“Hey babe, time to wake up.” 
My eyes fluttered open as Kirk rubbed my shoulder softly bringing me back to consciousness. 
“Are we here?” I asked, rubbing my eyes. 
“Yeah, I let you sleep in.” He smiled. I sleepily smiled back. 
“Thank you, love. I’ll be ready in 5.” I said and got up. I quickly brushed my teeth, brushed my hair, touched up on my makeup and changed into something that wasn’t wrinkly. 
“Ready, babe?” Kirk asked, handing me a water. 
“Yes, thank you.” I took a sip. Our fingers interlocked as we walked off the bus. I made eye contact with the person who had the camera. We knew they would be filming, but it’s probably just for archive footage so I don’t mind. By the time this video is released, Kirk and I will have gone public with our relationship. 
We’ve been dating for a while now, but I’m not famous and the band is just starting to get the recognition they deserve, so other than family and close friends we opted to keep our relationship private for the time being. 
We entered the building and were herded into the room that had five phones, one for each member and the lady who runs the radio station. 
Kirk sat on the desk that had the phone he would use on it. I sat in the chair next to him and immediately plopped my head in his lap. He gave a soft chuckle and played with my hair. 
I tuned the lady out as she explained to them what they were going to be doing. It didn’t pertain to me so I spaced out doing my best to stay awake. 
“Can I get you guys anything?” The lady asked. 
“Can I get a beer, and a tea?” Kirk asked. 
“Yeah, of course.” She smiled and left to go retrieve the beverages. 
“Double fisting it?” I asked, resting my chin on his lap looking up. 
“The tea is for you silly.” He said tapping my nose. 
“Thank you.” I grinned. 
The lady came back shortly, the tea was helping me to wake up and be a little bit more alert. 
Soon the calls started coming in. It was fun to hear the guys talking to their fans. I couldn’t help playing with Kirk’s hand that wasn’t holding the phone. In between calls he would chat with me softly trying to keep me entertained even though he didn’t need to. I am always happy just to be with him and the other guys. 
I was aware of the camera, but didn’t pay much attention to it. 
The next call that came went to Cliff. Kirk and I were giggling softly trying not to interrupt Cliff or the others. I had noticed James plugging his ear trying to focus on what the person on the line was saying, poor guy. I thought it was ironic when Lars moved his hand indicating the person on the other line was a big talker. 
“Uh, yeah, you can talk to him, hold on.” Cliff said, I turned to him and locked eyes. His hazel eyes showed a little bit of confusion. He pulled the phone from his ear and covered the mouthpiece. 
“They want to talk to you, Kirk.” He said. 
“Huh? Okay…” Kirk stood and took the phone from Cliff. Cliff moved and sat where Kirk was. 
“Is this rolling live?” Cliff leaned over and asked the lady and she nodded. 
“Yeah, this is broadcasting on our college news channel.” She responded. 
My eyes widened and I turned my focus back to Kirk. 
“Yeah, she’s my girlfriend.” You heard Kirk answer. “We’ve been dating for 8 months.” He paused letting the other person talk, his eyes met mine and he patted his lap. I got up and sat down. “Yeah, I love her, she is great. She supports me and the other guys and is not a distraction in any sense.” He replied, his arm instinctively wrapped around me and his thumb rubbed my hip. “Aw, thanks man. It was nice talking to you.” Kirk hung up. My cheeks were aflame. I suppose our relationship was out in the open a little earlier than we wanted but, it didn’t change anything. I still love him and will continue to support him. 
Kirk looked directly at the camera. 
“This is Y/N, and she’s been my girlfriend the past 8 months and we've been best friends for years.” He announced. I smiled and waved, then he pulled my face to his and gave me a sweet kiss. 
“Aw thank god, you have no idea how many times I accidentally spilled the beans.” Lars said, covering his heart. 
We all laughed and they continued on with the phone calls and interviews. 
“Was that okay, babe?” Kirk asked softly and I nodded. 
“Most definitely.” I smiled and kissed his nose. 
“I’m glad.” He said and gave me another short kiss, before answering another phone call.
I am ecstatic I no longer have to hide my love for Kirk from the world. 
Thank you for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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atiny-for-life · 3 months
Creative Spotlight #5: Choi San
Intro: With so many new Atinys coming in, I figured now would be a good time to shed some light on all the boys' creative solo projects over the years, big and small.
Like Seonghwa, San also tried his hand at ASMR and appeared twice on M2's Tingle Interview series. Once with Wooyoung in 2020 (San did great and Wooyoung was just confused af by what they were asking him to do - it's hilarious):
And once with Yunho in 2021 (Yunho did a lot better than Wooyoung - he seemed to actually know what he was getting himself into):
The Sanchelin Guide
Like the others, San launched his own series in 2020 and his is all about "critiquing" restaurants (really, it's just him giving anime girl reactions in a voice over while we watch him eat - it's fantastic):
Episode 2 was released shortly after the first, with Episode 3 following in early 2021 and Episode 4 in mid-2022, marking the latest addition to the series.
Cover Songs
San posted his first cover song to Ateez's channel last year.
Lee Hi's Breathe suits his voice incredibly well, going from sweet and soft to powerful high notes. It's a deeply emotional song with a backstory that was shared in the comments by a YouTube user:
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nikki6030: He covered a song which is rather a very emotional song if you have been in Kpop for long… it was a song composed by SHINee Jonghyun (RIP my angel) for Lee Hi who suffered from panic disorder and breathing difficulty… Lee Hi sang this song once again after Jonghyun’s departure and made everyone cry… this song is just that special & San’s beautiful vocal reminded me of Jonghyun… and how idols struggle and feel being the public’s entertainment…. Let’s spread Love!!
2 months ago, San and Jongho collaborated on a cover of IU's Dear Name:
From songs like Turbulence, we already knew their voices sound breathtaking together, but this cover really highlights all aspects in which they mesh well. At 4:05, when the song builds, my heart stops until San comes in and they both harmonize - it's such a gorgeous cover.
Pentatonix Collab
Many don't seem to know this, but two years ago, Yunho, San, and Jongho were featured on a Pentatonix song called A Little Space which even included a Korean verse:
Imitation Soundtrack
Like Yunho, Seonghwa, and Jongho, San was part of the Imitation cast and, within the show-verse, part of the group Sparkling, together with Seonghwa and Yunho.
Since this is the third post on which I'm posting a Diamond performance, here's a fun fact for those who haven't watched the show (yet): going by the show's canon, Jongho's group, Shax, debuted prior to Sparkling so they had the running joke on set that Jongho needed to be addressed formally by the other three since he was their senior. Good times.
8 months ago, San's dance performance to Imagine Dragons' Warriors was released, featuring a choreography San, BBtrippin, and TARZAN collaborated on:
It's got everything you'd expect from San-level quality in a performance: controlled power, facial expression, palpable emotion - it's gripping, it's stunning, and the camera work, costumes, lighting and editing are only enhance it all the more. We even get a touch of CGI to bring it all together and make it look as grand as it feels:
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altheaubade · 4 months
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❪ 191103 ❫       /       published on november 3 , 2019
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JYP Entertainment's boy group Stray Kids will be returning as a nine-member group after the departure of a former member.
JYP released an introduction video to their official Youtube channel to welcome the newest member of the group, Thea. Thea, 20 in Korean age, has been with the agency since 2012. She is known to be thoroughly talented in dancing, singing and rapping. This is JYP Entertainment's first co-ed group, the first in the industry for some time.
Straykids, which formerly consisted of eight members after the departure of former member woojin due to personal reasons, Bang Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, I.N, will be having their official comeback as a nine-member unit on December 9th with their fifth mini album "Clé: Levanter".
The album was set to be released on November 25, 2019, but it was delayed due to Woojin's departure from the group on October 27.
The album will be released on December 9, 2019, after being re-recorded with new member Thea.
Watch the welcome video for the new member of the now co-ed group Thea below!
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[ +122 , -102 ] sigh... why did they have to add a girl into a boy group
[ +16 , -137 ] I can see a future for her in the group.. fighting thea!
[ +232 , -101 ] as a stay, look no offense to the girl im sure she's wonderful but I think this is the company's way of covering up woojin's departure
[ +11 , -30 ] I wish they were just left them as an 8 member group...
[ +102 , -114 ] I wonder what she did to get into the group
[ +112 , -95 ] we never asked for a new member send her back
[ +92 , -82 ] I wish they didn't add her as a member... straykids is a boy group not a co-ed group like they claim
[ +77 , -89 ] Stray Kids is a boy group we dont want a girl
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thea taglist ˒ @puppy-minnie @nettix6 @dollie-i (lmk if you wanna be added!)
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4townlove · 5 months
4⭐Town Daydream: 4Town go to the Superbowl
im back yall!!! this vision struck me today and the joy of 4Town overcame me so i had to get it out. i hope you enjoy the read ☺️
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the announcement shook the fanbase to its core. 4Townies had been waiting for their band to get an opportunity this big for years and now, just in time for their 5 year anniversary, the official 4Town website posted something new and curious to the blog:
a simple picture of 8 bowls against a background of the same rich blue that bordered their logo.
the first three bowls, one small medium and large respectively, were simple, plain white bowls. but the remaining 5, all of equal size, were enormous, towering over the other three by an extraordinary degree and all coloured in 4Towns signature golden orange.
and the blog was titled: See You There X
immediately, as if a kicked hornets nest, 4Townies across the internet began to theorise. on every social media and forum page on the web was alive and the hashtag #4TownThoughts burst to life again on all of them. fans and music fans bickered and compiled their thoughts and deliberated, desperately trying to decipher what this cryptid post meant.... until....
about 3 hours and 46 minutes after the post dropped, a user by the handle @/RobairesR0seBud screamed into the torrential ether, tagging the largest 4Town fan accounts and blogs:
and all it took was Robaire himself reblogging their post with a simple "🌹❤️" for it to be as if a supernova had erupted at the centre of the earth and across the internet.
the instant Robaire reblogged it, it was shared on the official 4Town social media pages, and within seconds, it had been screenshotted, recorded, clipped, reposted and soon enough, a wildfire of excitement had taken over 4Townies and spilt over into the wider music scene.
major entertainment outlet, gossip column, and celebrity news account and channel were covering the surprising announcement, as well as the discovery by the once inoccuous fan account @/RobairesR0seBud.
speculation about the songs they'd perform at the halftime show quickly kicked up in a flare also, which only became more chaotic when the members themselves posted on their own Instagram accounts about the announcement.
Aaron Z even teased a potential new song drop at the show itself when he posted to his story. over a selfie of captured in the reflection of the glass of the recording studio's booth, dressed in a white tanktop and grey joggers, one hand pushed through his short dreads, Z wrote:
"something old, something new, something overdue"
and suddenly, it was official.
just in time for their 5th anniversary, 4Town would be performing at the Superbowl Half-time Show, solidifying their name as one of the most influential music artists and boybands of recent history.
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9800sblog · 4 months
hybe labels tarot reading
reputation in the kpop industry
[ hybe labels include every company under their umbrella, artists, staff and ceos ]
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* I changed the opinions of idols for artists in general, because I wanted to include producers, stylists, designers, etc.
in general
the star, page of swords, 4 of cups reversed, 10 of pentacles, knight of swords
needless to say, these are very intelligent people, strong mentality, an interesting and maybe unusual way of doing business, they may not have very typical hierarchy in the company. definitely a force to be reckon with, the lyric "I'm a newbie soon to be butterfly" from le sserafim - smart, describes their reputation perfectly, this business model, groups and plans may have been created when they were very young and/or new to the job, and it's been working out exactly as planned. the term "hybe family" used by fans is quite accurate, from the 10 of pentacles and the star cards, everyone seems quite comfortable and easy-going with each other, may often exchange encouraging messages and visit each other. these are very hardworking, passionate, focused people, the knight of swords represents well what strong opponents they really are. this isn't talking about other entertainment companies and/or other artists, it's about people that try to ruin them (like the people spreading rumors, mistranslations, etc. about them oftenly), I think the whole situation happening right now is a good example, it's very obvious they're not fighting with each other, but towards the same goal, in one direction, and the people that are obsessed with the "feud" pretend to not be able to connect one thing with the other. this seems like a funny business model as the star card in my deck is a literal clown making jokes. the young women are great examples of what the company is all about, like le sserafim saying they'll secretly change the industry while everyone makes fun of them, and they're having fun, making things easy for them and those like them. the 4 of cups reversed really represents their introspection level, in the card, the person is chilling with the cups they already own, while a random being tries to offer them a different cup and they just laugh, it's quite an interesting company that many like to study. they're definitely helping the justice system, it's easy to notice in this spread, nothing new, most of them seem to have police license and/or training. very weird people too hehe
channeled song:
closer artists
wheel of fortune, the devil, 2 of cups, king of wands, the sun
again, they're really a force to be reckoned with, there's no reason to go against them, so if you do, you will screw yourself and your adjacents. karma seems to be on their side more often than not, because they accept bad consequences for their mistakes. again, it really seems they all have some sort of really strong training like military level, these cards are really impotent. it's easy to make business and get to an agreement with them, they're very nice people, treat fans and admirers with sympathy. they have each other's backs and those that are equally nice to them, they aren't afraid to be mean or senseless tho, it's something about the culture of their founders. fantasy and science are a big part of the company, they have a lot of respect in general! oh, they lie for fun, for sure! because those that need to know the truth, get it easily, so it's funny to see people try to crack their codes. they're very accepting of all types of people, it's a very accessible environment, place and community. nobody in the industry seems to be really scared of them, when it comes to ador vs hybe, it seems to be one of those things very obvious to those that know about business and entertainment, it doesn't seem to be about min heejin vs hitman bang, it's more about what they represent, what their names mean in documents, etc.
channeled song:
8 of pentacles reversed, king of swords, the lovers, 4 of wands, 9 of cups, the world reversed
wow!!! criminals are really screwed in this company, don't worry, none of the public figures involved in this "feud" are bad people, otherwise, they would've had their consequences a LONG time ago, nothing pass by them unnoticed hahaha 😆 people there are really strong, really intelligent, and so is their businesses, staff outside of the company are very impressed! don't underestimate anyone involved there, including minors, they already know more than you if you do so haha it's a really accessible company, and easy, simple people, with a lot to show off for, most about them is misinterpreted and they really don't care, justice is on their side, as a whole. they don't care about a good reputation or money, they're just having fun and following laws, it's a very strict and by the rules place, not very square people tho haha they don't have to try very hard or work much, they're too smart omg hahahah it's not just about dancing on stage, they do a lot more behind the scenes, as usual in kpop! their names are very established, hybe may die, but none of the public figures would suffer from that at all (everyone you can find their names in documents (specially court docukents), internet, associations, etc. they're all considered public figures). none about this screams paying to win awards, actually the 8 of pentacles reversed would insinuate the opposite, as the card literally shows someone making money, if it was upright in this situation, it would insinuate money laundering or general corruption, but they don't care enough about fame to do that (the world reversed). this spread literally says "it's not my fault that everybody loves me". they're not ruining common people's lives, it's just another attempt to ruin working people's reputations, but as britney spears said "hoping I'd resort to some havoc, end up settling in court, now are you sure you want a piece of me?"
channeled song:
female artists (including those that work there/with them)
temperance, 4 of pentacles, 6 of cups, 5 of swords, the hermit, the hierophant
oh literally trust them with their eyes closed... they feel very safe around everyone and everything there, this is literally the opposite of how people have been trying to taint their image. they're very into psychology, spirituality and other ways of being respectful of all beings, it's like how they have fun.. this whole mess seems to be about charity being taken advantage of, the 5 of swords explains well, a typical business thing that usually happens behind the scenes, but they're probably taking advantage to fix other things, including different industries. for female artists, these are just regular people trying to do what they like (including business), being sabotaged by people they lowkey depend on, seems like politicians, since kpop is a part of south korean government for a few years now, and we've been having a surge of poorly made politics for over a decade. they like the way people think over there, the way they live and how they treat what is 'other', the 4 of pentacles seems to represent culture and hobbies in this spread. it's a wide range, it has a lot of history, people have many stories to tell, it holds a lot of life, talent is never-ending, those are very good brains. there's a lot of secret information, as accessibility has been very relevant in the reading so far, in this spread it seems to mean that a lot of them are disabled or innately sick, so they have a different type of business indeed. endless knowledge.
channeled song:
male artists (including those that work there/with them)
queen of pentacles, king of cups, 6 of wands, the tower reversed, the empress
very similar vibes, they feel well taken care of and respected there, it's easy to have respect towards everyone too. hm, it's a very organized company and people, that like to clean up mess, they're fun, easy going, respectable/celebrated, talented, nurturing. associating with them means you'll probably get to get your ducks in a row, the people in power are easy to get along with, easy to understand, relatable and helpful, not at all the "dark ceo vibes" title people been trying to stick up their asses. just very similar opinions to the female artists, just different cards. they do want the public and/or people like politicians to stop interfering with their work, cause they end up having to do things they wouldn't usually do.
channeled song:
before anyone talks about the military training thing, that's a very common thing for entertainers since the beginning of the industry, I mean, royalty used to wear clothes and crowns that weighted multiple kilograms just for paintings, these people are often in situations of danger and they have to be able to not depend on personal security service, or else they'd have to pee and sleep with them. txt literally debuted with morse code, aka military communication, and bts - dope mv "this is bangtan style", they're all dressed up in some kind of police uniform. non militaries cannot wear military attire, it's illegal, yet we often see kpop idols wearing camouflage and other similar styles. why would they spend years training under these companies to debut "poorly singing, poorly dancing, no stage presence" like it's so common to hear online? it's an industry after all, not children playtime.
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lgcent · 11 days
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CRYSTALLIS (크리스털리스) 'Brand New Me' The First Album
▶️ 네이버TV : tv.naver.com/LGCent ▶️ YouTube : youtube.com/channel/LGCENT ▶️ LEGACY Instagram : instagram.com/LGCENT ▶️ CRYSTALLIS Instagram : instagram.com/cryst8llis
#CRYSTALLIS #크리스털리스 #BRAND_NEW_ME #MENOW Copyright © 2024 LEGACY Entertainment. All rights reserved.
(A/N: This was originally posted on July 8, 2024.)
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heejinkwan · 7 months
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FALLEN ANGEL is the second mini album by ASTELLA, a South Korean soloist. It was released on February 23, 2024 by StarShip Entertainment. The album consists of seven tracks, one including title track NOBODY KNOWS. It is available both physically and digitally.
ASTELLA promoted the album for 4 weeks total, promoting NOBDODY KNOWS and b-side MANIAC for 2 weeks each. NOBODY KNOWS peaked at 2 on the gaon charts while MANIAC peaked at 11. although unpromoted, Kingdom Come and Lucid Dream also charted, peaking at 19 and 25 the week after the album's release. The album received global attention as well, peaking at 10 on the US Billboard 200, also charting in 20 other countries including Japan, Brazil, FinLand, Thailand, and the UK. ASTELLA won a total of 9 music show awards for this album, NOBDOY KNOWS winning 7 with MANIAC earning 3.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ i. the tracklist !
i. ✭ .   nobody knows ( title track )
ii. ✭ . maniac
iii. ✭ . rewind
iv. ✭ . lucid dream
v. ✭ . kingdom come
vi. ✭ . automatic
vii. ✭ . thirsty
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ get your photocards here !
*ੈ♡⸝⸝ ii. the styling !
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ iii. the reception !
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✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ iv. the notes !
₊˚ෆ the concept of this album was basically an omen to her performance on fictitouscore, her being a fallen angel, like the title of the album says.
₊˚ෆ the album was automatically a banger, earning a 7.2 score on pitchfork, astella garnered many new fans off of the release of nobody knows itself.
₊˚ෆ a lot of stellars believe that they should’ve made kingdom come be the title track, seeing that it’s gone so viral, but others understand why nobody knows was chosen for the title track.
₊˚ෆ astella blew up on tik tok! people already saying that nobody knows is soty and that it was the best release so far!
₊˚ෆ she did many challenges with julie and hanuel of kiss of life, karina of aespa, joy of red velvet, and yeji of itzy.
₊˚ෆ she made many new friends including yeji, who she met from being friends with karina.
₊˚ෆ and all the rumors are true! the album may or may not be about yeonjun, who she has been rumored to be dating ever since 2020 west they had a minor acquaintance.
₊˚ෆ she began being close to him while being in promise, but after leaving he was one of the only people she talked to all the time, the rest being her family, the promise members, and karina.
₊˚ෆ they began officially dating in 2022 but never actually confirms it so nobody knows is like her saying it but not actually saying it.
₊˚ෆ when it peaked number two on billboard, heejin’s family called her and they celebrated with a cake, congratulating her on her success.
₊˚ෆ she literally did a live at like 1am happy, which turned into her crying because of how overwhelmed and happy she was that the song was doing well, the comments were congratulating her and telling her not to cry.
₊˚ෆ during maniac promotions, a lot of people felt like the song did not fit the album and complained that it was being promoted and not kingdom come, which was gaining more streams than maniac.
₊˚ෆ starship released two videos of the recording process of both nobody knows and maniac, which gained so much traction on twitter and tik tok with videos with over 1m+ likes and views.
₊˚ෆ even though she hadn’t planned it, heejin ended up finding out that she will be performing at coachella 2024 in california alongside other kpop artists such as lesserafim and ateez.
₊˚ෆ even though no one expected it, rewind also ended up getting popular! after many stellars posted the song in a sped up version, making people who did even stan heejin wonder what the song was, it even got non kpop fans bopping to it!
₊˚ෆ after catching onto it, heejjn ended up posting a lyric video of rewind on her channel, and after a week it charted at number 8 on top 100: south korea on apple music, youtube music charts at number 1, and gaon chart at number 5.
₊˚ෆ stellars can really say this is their favorite era of astella so far, when the music is good how can you not stan?
₊˚ෆ very much inspired by this by @dr3amluc1d
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casper-spills · 3 months
| Paid Readings |
Discaimer: Tarot reading is for entertainment purposes only and should never take the place of professional therapy or professional legal, medicinal or financial advice.
I have the right to refuse service if I am not comfortable continuing with the request. Under 18'swill not be able to request a reading on sex.
✦More Info ✦Masterlist ✦Support me through Kofi
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𓆩♡𓆪 𝙎𝙐𝙈𝙈𝙀𝙍 𝘿𝙄𝙎𝘾𝙊𝙐𝙉𝙏 50% 𝙊𝙁𝙁 !! 𓆩♡𓆪
Ends on September 22nd
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✦ General Reading £10 ~ £5 - A short to medium summary of what you might need to hear at the moment or what needs to be brought to your attention.
·˚ ༘ This reading will include two oracle messages and a list of keywords and signs to look out for.
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✦ Wellbeing Reading £10/22 ~ £5/11 - You can ask up to 5 questions about your physical, mental or general wellbeing and you will get a short to medium summary per question. Prices will increase per question.
·˚ ༘ These readings could include a list of areas on your body you should pay attention to/look out for, clarity on a situation/emotional baggage or a list of health precautions you should take.
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✦ Career Reading £10/22 ~ £5/11 - You can ask up to 5 questions about your career, work or finances and you will get a short to medium summary per question. Prices will increase per question.
·˚ ༘ These readings could include possible career paths you could explore or future career or finacial opportunities coming your way.
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✦ Prediction Readings £15/27 ~ £8/14 - You can ask up to 5 questions about your week, month, year or future and you will get a detailed medium to long prediction per question. Prices will increase per question.
·˚ ༘ These readings could include keywords and signs to look out for, a timeframe of when something will happen, details about potential new people coming into your life, life lessons you will learn or things to expect in the next coming days/months/years.
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✦ Love Readings £15/27 ~ £8/14 - You can ask up to 5 questions about your love life, relationships or your future spouse and you will get a detailed medium to long description per question. Prices will increase per question.
·˚ ༘ These readings could include details/traits about your future spouse, keywords and signs to look out for, channeled messages from your future spouse/current partner, details about who your secret admirer is, hypothetical descriptions or stories of you and your person.
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✦ Sex Readings £20/32 ~ £10/16 - You can ask up to 5 questions about your sex life or sexual relationships and you will get a detailed description per question. Prices will increase per question. These readings are only available to 18+.
These readings could include keywords and signs to look out for, a list of kinks you could explore, details about what your partner likes, channeled messages from your future spouse/current partner hypotheticals, your sex appeal, details about your future spouse appearance, a list of things your partner wants to explore/do with you.
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♥Thank you for your support!♥
Dividers by @cafekitsune, @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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darkmaga-retard · 11 days
Tuesday September 17, 2024 Truth Bomb
Karen Bracken
The Maga People - another good video by Nicole Shanahan - 2 min. 29 secs. VIDEO
Walgreens gets $100M contract from BARDA to target you and your children by Sasha Latypova - can you say BOYCOTT? ARTICLE
It doesn't matter if Moderna is profitable, because it is funded by the US military and Bill Gates and their goals are not about "shareholders" - ARTICLE
Secret Agent Swift? Taylor Appears In NATO Psychological Operations Video - Anyone that is in the entertainment business and wishes to experience huge success must carry the progressive narrative or they don’t work. Taylor Swift if owned. ARTICLE/VIDEO (7 min.)
FBI whistleblower WARNS about agent investigating 2nd Trump assassination attempt with Glenn Beck and whistleblower Steve Friend - Steve Friend is a true American hero. I have seen him in several interviews and he has dropped many bombs about the FBI - 10 min. VIDEO
IT BEGINS: Sweden PAYING people to remigrate - Well, well, well all those government officials that thought they were and are so smart aren’t so smart now are they? It is not like there tax paying citizens didn’t try to warn them. One fact that the Americans need to understand: Our Constitution gives the federal government control over NATURALIZATION (from Art. 1 Sec. 8 -To establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;)……they have no constitutional authority to open our borders. Every state must declare an invasion and throw the illegals out of their state. Send them home or send them to a state that wants them like Maine, California, New York. We do not constitutionally have to accept illegals that cross our border illegally and we do not have to educate them, give them health care, social security or welfare. If we cut off the handouts they would stop coming and those that are here will self deport. Time to wake up to what the federal government can and cannot do and what the states can and cannot do. Start with the Bill of Rights (which puts controls on the federal government not the states) pay close attention to the 9th and 10th Amendment. The read Art. 1 Sec. 8, 9, 10. Then skip on over to Art. VI Clause 2 (the Supremacy Clause) only laws made in pursuance thereof (the Constitution) trump the state and the people of the state. If the law expands outside of the 18 enumerated powers in Art. 1 Sec. 8 granted to the federal government by the states and the people of the states it is null and void of law and therefore is not to be obeyed. The states and the people of the states are the final arbiter of the Constitution NOT the Supreme Court. - ARTICLE
Was the Assassination Attempt a Distraction to Cover Up Another Bombshell? - has FOX or any other channel covered the ABC whistleblower and his signed and notorized affadavit sent to Speaker Johnson the day before the debate stating the debate was rigged covered this story??? But they sure are covering the “attempted” assassination attempt aren’t they? This article rings pretty darn true for me. ARTICLE
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theofficersacademy · 2 months
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When you agreed to come to this island two moons ago to help with its renovation, you didn't exactly expect this to be the outcome.
That's what's painted on a wooden archway at the dock when you disembark from your boat. With lumpy, irregular letters and dried drips of paint, it looks like it might have been painted by someone's kid. Maybe that rich guy you were working for has one? You really have no idea. Nevertheless, the church says it wouldn't hurt to entertain the client, but you get the feeling that testing the attractions you and your colleagues pitched in to build was a hidden part of the contract. Might as well get this over with. At least you won't have classes for a month, right?
Whether you've been here working for the last two months, or you're arriving for the first time, your HAPPYLAND ADVENTURE starts at this ramshackle pier, the sun and the glimmering sea at your back and a white, sandy shore separating you from the steamy, overgrown jungle up ahead. You've been allowed to pack like you're on vacation, so you haul your luggage (there are no attendants here, you lament) up to the welcoming archway.
"WELCOME TO HAPPYLAND!" a mechanical bird sitting on a perch next to the sign says over and over again. "RIGHT THIS WAY."
Rocks have been laid in the sand in the shape of arrows, you realize, so you and the rest of your bewildered allies follow them...
What’s Going On?
Welcome to Happyland, the fifth anniversary event for the Officers Academy! Please continue reading below for information and rules.
The event this year is vastly different than past years. While every muse who signed up has been assigned to a team, teams will NOT be assigned a mod to preside over them or be physically separated from other teams. Instead, muses can mix and mingle across the island however they like. Backstabbing and forming new allegiances are all allowed, but your team's score will be what matters in the end. Keep this in mind as your muse chooses where to spend their time each week.
Additionally, there will be a high level of elimination each week, beginning from the first week. Once eliminated, your muse will not be able to participate in event games and objectives for the rest of the month. You will still be able to interact within the setting in order to obtain the grand prize, but this will require you to be more proactive about your own participation.
The Affluence mission board will be extended through the end of this month, but no new missions will be added. If your muse is sitting out of the event or you find yourself with nothing to do, use this month to catch up on past threads or thread together about your classmates and colleagues who have left for the event.
Happyland General Rules
Signups are closed and will not be reopened.
Find a list of the teams and housing arrangements here.
You may only start Happyland threads between August 1st and August 31st. Event threads may be continued after the event, but no new ones may be started. Likewise, only IC posts made between 8/1 and 8/31 will count toward prizes.
While we still encourage you to make choices based on what your character would do, this focus of this event is on interacting with one another instead of exploration.
Outside of your muse's chosen objective, you may interact within your location for the week however and with whomever you like. However, your muse's chosen objective should be your priority. Please plan your load accordingly.
Please tag all event-related IC posts with #toahappyland2024.
Happyland Schedule
August 1st - 4th: Getting Situated
August 5th - 11th: Week 1
August 12th - 18th: Week 2
August 19th - 25th: Week 3
August 26th - 31st: Week 4
Instead of team threads this year, our event channels will be separated into locations. Your muse can only be at one location per week (with the exception of the first few days), and therefore can only interact with others who have chosen to go to that location. Interactions will be a mix of dash threads, asks, and chatplays, and we will allow chatplays that have been compiled into docs and word counted to count for thread masteries at the end of the month as long as your muse has contributed at least 400 words.
Prizes and How to Get Them
Two sets of prizes will be awarded for the Happyland event.
All muses entering the event automatically receive one of these prizes upon participating. You may message the masterlist as soon as you have made your first event post.
Canon Lord characters: You are granted access to your exclusive promotional class. This class will have mastery requirements of a Master Tier class and will also require rank A in Authority and a drabble. Please message the masterlist to claim it. To see muses that qualify and their corresponding prizes, please refer to the fourth page of this sheet. You will also be granted your Personal Skill. Please refer to the section below.
Characters who have not claimed a Personal Skill: You will be allowed to claim your Personal Skill. Please refer to this sheet for examples and guidance on crafting one for yourself. Characters who already have personal skills in their respective games will receive their canon skill, so you do not need to design one. If you need help designing your skill, please ask for advice in the personal skill workshop channel in the Discord server. All personal skills must be submitted to the masterlist’s inbox for final approval.
All others: If your character participated in past lore events and has already received all participation prizes that they are eligible for, you may claim an additional ability that you qualify for from the ranking chart.
If you prefer to hold off on choosing your participation prizes (i.e. waiting on skill points, etc.), you may do so until the grand prize claim period after the event. However, keep in mind that you may only feature any new abilities in threads after claiming them.
This will be awarded at the end of the event to any muse who reaches a minimum of 12 IC event posts. Contains:
One free skill point
Two choices from an event-limited selection of prizes
And a third prize — unknown for now
More information on that will come at the conclusion of the event, so for now, simply enjoy what Happyland has to offer!
And as always, feel free to message the masterlist or use the Discord if you have any questions.
- The House Leaders
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