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Been having a throwback moment and listening to old groups I used to love when I was really into Kpop many years ago-btw stan second gen Kpop-and evening though I’m not into modern day Kpop anymore, it still feels nice to see all of the different groups I was attached to!
Likewise, Stan my otp changrick because even if you aren’t an old Teen Top Stan like I am, you can’t deny that this isn’t mad cute uwu 🥺
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Join me as Chunji and lets rp okay? ♡ (let’s also make chunjoe hahaha I’m so pathetic :’( )
Also this rp is super active!!! ♡♡♡♡
#teen top#kpop#kpop rp#chunji#changjo#ricky#niel#c.a.p#chunjoe#n.a.p#changrick#lee chanhee#lee byunghun#bang minsoo#ahn daniel#yoo changhyun#choi jonghyun#please#i'll be a good rp partner#we can para#we can action#just get here angels!!!
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#ChoiJongHyun #Changjo #TeenTop
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when you do cute shit and your crush doesn’t even notice you!! ㅠ_ㅠ
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they are so precious please protect them (*≧∀≦*)
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Still waiting for the day when Teen Top will perform Rocking with the same vigor they did when it first came out
#changrick hardly ever do their fighting part#cap lost his swagger#the la la la la la part is never done#correctly like in their original choreography#I just want to see it again#and it's not like it's ljoe's fault#because this has been happening as soon as that era ended
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Love is pain , ch 39 You will fall for me
“ Enjoyed your night ? " Chanhee monotonously inquired right from his spot - laying on the bed , phone in hands - . " Yea .. ? " said Byunghun almost falling asleep right then and there as he took off his jacket and hung it over the chair . " Cool . " Chanhee spoke sternly making the other confused .
Byunghun pressed his lips tightly , getting thoughtful . Clearly , there was something bugging Chanhee and it seemed to involve him as well . " What's wrong ? " It was then Byunghun's turn to direct a question at the elder . Chanhee ignored him , pretending to be distracted by his phone. Growing irritated , the younger puffed not bothering about his stance being far from the bed and consequently Chanhee. In fact , he was grateful he kept a distance because it seemed something cool was about to happen. More like heated .
" Chanhee ! You know I hate silent treatment . If you have something to say , just spit it out ! " Snarled Byunghun staring at the other , waiting for him to place the goddamn cell phone down so they could have a proper conversation . Which Chanhee did , seconds later though . He had adjusted his head on the bed post leaning comfortably on it , making sure he was looking straight into Byunghun's dark brown-almost-black orbs .
" I have sources , Byunghun . " Chanhee randomly stated whilst Byunghun blinked , before narrowing his eyebrows in realization.
Did Chanhee know how humiliated Byunghun had felt hearing that ? When was he ever gonna stop searching after his own boyfriend ? " And those sources told me exactly how you enjoyed your night .. " Chanhee stressed the word ' Exactly ' , shutting his eyes briefly at it . Byunghun crossed his arms , both eyebrows shot up , a scoff escaping his lips as he got a gist of what was going on. " Yea ? Care to enlighten me what pissed you so much about me enjoying my night ? " Mocked Byunghun , a lopsided smile etched on his lips .
Aggravated , Chanhee sat up abruptly dropping the nonchalant act .“ Don't you realize you have been spending more time with your friends recently ? “ Fired Chanhee , fully knowing the rest of the night wouldn't exactly spell enjoyment .
“ THAT is because YOU are busy with your father's company ! I'M allowed to go out and have fun . I'm not a prisoner, you know . “ That wasn't the first time jealousy had blinded Chanhee . Byunghun should have gotten used to it. Nonetheless , he never did . And something inside him whispered , he never would . By the time Byunghun snapped out of his thoughts , he felt Chanhee’s presence closer , real close . The said had gotten up and stood right in front of the younger , eyes piercing .
“ You are a prisoner , Byunghun . “ He said it calmly like it was a matter of fact nodding once .
“ My prisoner . Mine ! “ Okay , it would be a lie saying Byunghun didn’t enjoy his lover’s jealousy but not to that extent .
The younger made no remark about that allowing Chanhee to take the lead again , allowing their argument to go from bad to worse .. Though something inside him told him it wouldn't have been any better if he did make a remark .
" How many times do you have to lie before you are satisfied , Byunghun ? " Though low , Chanhee's tone hurt Byunghun beyond repair . " What??!! " shrieked the blonde . " When did I eve- " He widened his eyes in disbelief only to have the other interrupt him. " You lied to me before !! Back then when you said you would be meeting Changhyun where in fact you were meeting Myungsoo!! “ Snapped Chanhee , waving his shaking fist in free air . Grateful his short pause hadn't allowed Byunghun enough time to retort , Chanhee took a deep breath regaining his composure . " Though small and possibly white , a lie is a lie ! " Hissed Chanhee . “ I can't believe you no matter how darn much I love you .. “ He honestly felt bad saying that but he had to .
“ Lying is a disease - to me - . “ He said with a tone of finality . “ I won't disregard even a white lie , Byunghun ! Just because you are the love of my life , doesn't mean you are a saint ; impeccable. “ Chanhee had his serious moments as well after all and he wasn’t exactly the best person to deal with when serious . Byunghun stood there only staring at his supposed lover . He felt so stupid he didn’t defend himself . Lastly , as if Chanhee wanted to cure Byunghun of the so called lying disease , he spoke up again. “ If you can make a habit of lying then you can make one of stopping . “ His tone considerably lower yet strict , Chanhee resumed , unwavering determination- to prove his point- overflowed his mindset. " And if you lied once , it means you have an inclination to do so again ! I have every right to think you are lying anytime now . " To say Byunghun was flabbergasted and crestfallen would be an understatement.A terrible one at that . It took him a couple of seconds to regain his composure , to swallow deeply and reconnect his widely parted lips . His hands that were crossed , hung loosely as if mirroring his disheartened , defeated state. Suffering deafening silence , the tension-filled room grew even more suffocating , if that was possible .
Settling for staring at Chanhee in sheer disappointment and affliction , Byunghun bitterly scoffed averting his eyes to the wall at his left - over which hung a lonely painting of a withering snow-white rose . What a metaphor ! Barely refraining from getting emotional , Byunghun once again redirected his almost black orbs to Chanhee . “ First of all . I’m not a prisoner ! Do I really have to tell you such term is not actually a good one ? It’s not romantic nor nice .. I wouldn’t enjoy hearing it and if you think I would then you are wrong . Choose your words ! This is not a prison , I’m here willingly ! And If I ever feel like it’s getting as suffocating as a cage , I would fly away ! “ Such a daring argument , Byunghun knew and he wasn’t even done .
Chanhee , though , was too astonished by such reaction rendering him speechless but not for a long time ..
“ That won’t happen ! you won’t ever leave my side . “ Chanhee took in a deep breath before gazing intensely at the younger , dominance practically overflowing in his tone .
“ I can and will if I ever felt you are being too much ! “ Insisted Byunghun returning the intense gaze .
“ My word is final , Byunghun ! whatever you plan to do , report to me . I don’t want you to go out often , you should be here the moment I get back home . “ commanded Chanhee completely ignoring the younger’s previous words like they never mattered because he wouldn’t let Byunghun leave . Not now .. Not after he had engraved himself too deeply in the elder's heart .
Byunghun licked his lips nodding as he tried his best to suppress his rage .
He was not a child to report to Chanhee ! He never had to do such thing with his parents , his legal guardians ! Chanhee was sure taking it too far .
" You know what ? I say you've watched too many TV dramas for your own good . I wouldn't be surprised if one day you accused me of sleeping with Myungsoo ! " His chest heaving in and out , Byunghun snapped , his veins almost popping out of his neck , face tainted red contrasting his normally fair complexion . Anger , hurt and disappointment surged , running up his spine . And Before Chanhee could even utter a word , the door slammed shut as Byunghun stormed out of the room knowing their argument could have gotten brutally worse after his remark . Few days ~ ♦ ~ later “ What took you so long ? ” Asked Chanhee as he answered the door . Byunghun replied only to have Chanhee cock his head at Myungsoo , waiting for his brother's confirmation. Licking his lips at the obvious insult , Byunghun scoffed simultaneously. He was hurt that Chanhee didn't even bother to consider his feelings in front of Myungsoo . " Yea , he is telling the truth . " Defended Myungsoo mentally scolding his brother . Chanhee snorted before mocking , saying " There's a first to everything . " Byunghun's jaw could have dropped . However , he found himself staring at Chanhee , mouth sealed shut . He didn’t know that the elder was feeling upset not because of jealousy alone but because of getting no attention or concern . Chanhee’s life had somehow changed into piles of papers , a list of employees and dozens of new contacts saved in his phone .. A lot to memorize , a lot to organize and manage .. The fact he had argued with Byunghun a lot recently made him even more upset , they have never fought that much and unfortunately , he had a feeling they would be fighting even more in the near future .
Night time :
" I thought you knew how Chanhee swayed by now. "
Stated Myungsoo , pouring himself a cup of ice cappuccino defying the cold weather. " What do you mean ? " Growled Byunghun , his features scrunched up in distress and impatience . Myungsoo parted his lips for a sigh but said nothing .
He put the ice cappuccino back in the fridge , made himself comfortable on the chair across the younger and lastly sipped from his cup as if he needed it in order to start talking . Byunghun grew even more impatient , tapping his feet and fingers .
" I thought you were brighter than tha- " " Enough of your thoughts , Myungsoo ! Skip the teasing ! " Byunghun cut him short , growing easily irritated .
Noting that , Myungsoo faked a cough , deciding to drop his humorous act. " Well .. Chanhee has his sick ways of conveying whatever is there on his equally sick mind . " Byunghun cocked his head , " Elaborate " style.
" .. I wasn't present when you guys got together . However , I can easily guess he had his fair share of being an obsessive , possessive and irrationally jealous boyfriend . "
Byunghun almost gasped at how true that was . Myungsoo , unfazed , moved on with his talk
" Chanhee does things worrying about the future.. If he accuses you of being touchy with other guys or has you under siege , it means he is warning you not to think of cheating on him and that things wouldn't turn pretty if you did . "
He had explained deeply like chanhee was an intricate mess of emotions . " Hence and similarly.. If he accuses you of lying and pushes your limits too much about it , it means he is warning you not to lie to him ever again . " " You could say it’s his own version of ‘ Being cautious ‘ . “ concluded Myungsoo , his hands making air quotation marks . Byunghun scoffed loudly. “ What a fucking psycho ! " Byunghun didn’t lie about the party and deep inside he knew chanhee was aware of that too . However , it seemed Chanhee wanted a certain point engraved on Byunghun's mind . That being , { If I was being irrationally mad when there was a big chance you hadn't lied , imagine how I would get if you actually had . }
Few days later , Byunghun pov : His room : I talk to myself these days . Everything had finally took a toll on me . Upon coming to realization I had literally devoured the Pâté in less than a minute ( well in figurative sense , I mean ) , I scrunched the plastic bag then observed the back of it . " Keep in aerated place away from direct sunlight . " Trailing my eyes a little lower , I read " one piece . " Ahahahahahahaha ~ Yup . I did it . I just cracked up at my own silly joke. The anime " one piece " came to mind , first thing. Well , now I know loneliness and having had a fight with Chanhee are not good for my health.
Meanwhile , Changjo pov : A thought bugged me and I had to ask. " Do you still like Byunghun ? " A silence - I expected - reigned the air as I let those words easily slip past my lips . " Where did this come from ? " Was his answer , more like question . He looked utterly taken aback by it but he managed to let out a brief awkward laughter thinking I would let it slide that way . " Nothing. " I fiddled with my fingers suddenly feeling self-conscious . " It just sort of crossed my mind. " I idly added , sighing as I locked eye-contact with him. " Jonghyun - ah .. " He closed his eyes , slightly smiling in disbelief but I was more interested in the excuse he would be making up that I left him enough room to think all he liked . And when he didn't have anything to say , I took the lead. " Changhyun , it is clear you still do .. I mean , ever since we have started dating , I was always the one to take the initiative. “ “ I'm always the one thinking how we would spend the next day, I'm always the one to plan everything.. I'm willing to do any and everything for you .. And the fact I doubt you would do half of those things for me hammers in my heart like no other ! " I took a deep breath before I contemplated my following words because they would literally change everything. " You never felt the sudden urge to surprise me with anything because you , Changhyun , are lying to yourself thinking you would move on and get over Byunghun with me .. No . The better term would be BY me , by using me. " My words were harsh but that was that was only because I was hurt just as bad . " My lie was allowing myself into yours .. " My voice nearly cracked as I pieced the puzzle together. His eyebrows never ceased knotting all way through my speech . His eyes were enough of a proof .. He was confused , ashamed and disappointed .. - in himself or in me , that I didn't quite manage to grasp - . But more than anything .. he looked thoughtful as if my words had a lot more impact than I had expected them to have. As if he wasn't even aware he was hurting me all that time . He gulped blinking before recollecting himself as he readied himself to finally start being honest. " Jonghyun ! Byunghun was my first love AND best friend ! " I flinched hearing ( the four- lettered-word ) and (Byunghun) in one sentence but did not interrupt him , I was far more busy controlling the sickening feeling creeping up my spine . Having been mentally and emotionally drained if not destroyed ; because of one-sided devotion and expectations , I barely contained the stinging sensation surging through my veins as though a deadly disease. " It is not easy to get him out of my heart , I admit . But that is absolutely no reason for you to accuse me of such deeds !! " His voice wavered not because he was lying , but because he was hurt I had thought of him like that . But Then again , I was hurting as well ! I needed answers ! We both averted our eyes elsewhere , doing our hardest not to burst into tears and for once we were equally hurt , nonetheless , due to different reasons . Looking at the vibrant-green forest painting hanging on the wall , a thought crossed my mind. Green . Green eye . It was getting harder controlling any gasps , whimpers or voice cracking . However, I willed myself to spill it all. " Changhyun , I see the way you look at Chanhee . " I bitterly smiled not sparing him a look as I calmly opened the gates of hell a bit more upon our so called relationship . " What do you mean? " He asked , breathing heavy as he attempted to silence his weeps . " YOU are jealous of him , Changhyun !! " I snapped , spinning my head at him in the speed of light . Was I sick of him playing dumb or rather sick of myself for never having it in me to confront him ? He stood up towering my sitting position , his lips parted but no words came out . I watched as he massaged his jaw , alternating between licking , biting his lips and parting them as though suppressing a disastrous confession . " of course I would be jealous !! The guy came out of the blue , poisoned Byunghun's mind if not hypnotized and managed to do the thing I , Yoo Changhyun - Byunghun's best friend - , had failed to !! " " If anyone had it in him to turn Byunghun gay , it should have been me ! " In the midst of his outburst , Changhyun had missed the fact his words had a total negative impact on me , to say the least !! Where did I stand in all Of that ? " I hate it ! Chanhee easily outshines me , makes me feel incompetent and that had only increased when they had that accident . " " I have never imagined he could risk his life for Byunghun to survive !! " He Paused to catch deep breath , his chest contracting and expanding rapidly . " I'm disappointed in myself because I feel incompetent .. And that worries me regarding us .. " I could just scoff at that . " No .. No . Don't you dare turn this around like you care about me . "
I had nearly snickered refusing to believe in his words anymore . It has always been about Byunghun and will forever stay that way . I was downgrading myself saying that but it was better than being delusional .
updated : October /20/2015
word count : 3163
Hello , guyz .
I made some contributions to this chapter ( highlighted in light gray ) and saved some parts for later chapters ~ Which means more fights for Chunjoe ~
I hope you like this new version ~
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Lore: Ricky x Changjo en algo dramatico (ojala canon)
Autora: Mrs. Daisy
Número de palabras: 860 palabras
Aclaraciones: me puse a buscar ChangRick porque estaba un poco oxidada con TEEN TOP y la idea surgió de este post de gifs.
Advertencias: ¿celos? ¿Los celos pueden ser contados como advertencias?
Notas: siento muchísimo el retraso de este prompt… como era tan pequeñita la petición ni me había dado cuenta de que andaba por ahí rondando, además, hemos tenido un tiempo de un poco de esparcimiento en el blog. Espero que el gusto por la historia reemplace a todo el tiempo tardado en entregarla.
JongHyun observaba quizás un poco preocupado cómo los botellines de soju se iban amontonando sobre la mesa, vacíos, a medida que la noche iba avanzando. Algunos de sus compañeros de grupo se encontraban ya bastante ebrios, mientras que a otros apenas se les notaba la cogorza. Para beber grandes cantidades de alcohol y que no se subiera demasiado había que tener un don que, al menos, ChanHee y ChangHyun no tenían estaba bastante claro que no tenían… pero ellos lo intentaban, trataban de aguantar el ritmo de los demás sin poder hacerlo y acababan como estaban en aquellos momentos: demasiado borrachos.
A JongHyun también le preocupaba el hecho de que aquellos dos no tuvieran raciocinio alguno porque de ocasiones como aquella habían salido algunos momentos embarazosos que luego ninguno de los dos quería recordar. La última vez habían acabado medio desnudos en el salón del piso en el que se habían reunido mientras bailaban todas las canciones que aparecían de forma aleatoria en el reproductor, pero generalmente, lo que hacían era echarse el uno encima del otro y se besaban.
El menor de TEEN TOP sabía que ChanHee era cariñoso, también sabía que, borracho, ChangHyun se volvía bastante cariñoso… y por eso, no le gustaba para nada que ambos se emborracharan tanto, por eso y porque ChangHyun era su novio y no podía ir tranquilamente besando a todo aquel que se le pusiera a tiro. Pero JongHyun trataba de ser un novio comprensivo… generalmente…
Aquella noche, no estaba del todo comprensivo, así que, cuando vio cómo ChanHee se lanzó hacia ChangHyun para meterle la lengua hasta la campanilla, no lo soportó.
Mientras Daniel se reía como un loco y señalaba a los dos besucones, JongHyun se levantó del lugar en el que estaba sentado y, tambaleándose un poco, se acercó a ellos para separarlos antes de que la exploración bucal fuera demasiado intensa. Tiró de ChangHyun para levantarlo del suelo y alejarlo del mayor, no fue demasiado brusco, pero su acción los sorprendió a ambos y ChanHee se quejó de que le había quitado su diversión antes de lanzarse a por ByungHun haciendo que Daniel se riera todavía más fuerte. JongHyun aprovechó el momento para agarrar bien fuerte a su chico y salir con él de la habitación al balcón, a que le diera un poco de aire fresco para ver si así se despejaba y se le pasaba un poco la borrachera que llevaba encima.
Una vez ambos estuvieron fuera, con el ruido de la ciudad nocturna amortiguando los sonidos que llegaban desde el interior de la vivienda, JongHyun abrazó fuertemente al mayor por la espalda y lo atrajo hacia su cuerpo de forma quizás un poco posesiva. Pero ChangHyun era su novio y le molestaba demasiado que cada vez que se emborrachaba tuviera que estar besando a ChanHee, si quería besar a alguien, podía besarlo a él tranquilamente, cuando quisiera, que no se opondría a ello.
—JongHyun… hace calor… —murmuró ChangHyun, tratando de librarse de su agarre, pero no lo consiguió porque el menor siempre había sido más fuerte que él—. JongHyun-ah…
—No me gusta que beses a ChanHee hyung —dijo, aunque no tenía nada que ver con lo que el otro había dicho antes—. Si quieres besar a alguien… bésame a mí…
JongHyun notó a ChangHyun vibrar contra su cuerpo antes de escuchar su risa y frunció el ceño porque no entendía el motivo por el cual el otro se reía. Pero estaba borracho, así que, se lo tendría que pasar por alto, como otras muchas cosas, por lo que simplemente suspiró. El mayor poco a poco se comenzó a dar la vuelta en sus brazos hasta que quedaron cara a cara y una sonrisa se extendió en los labios ajenos que JongHyun no pudo evitar corresponder.
—Los besos solo son besos y solo importan cuando se los das a una persona a la que quieres —comentó ChangHyun—. Para mí no importan nada los besos que le doy a ChanHee hyung, porque no lo quiero… solo te quiero a ti… por eso me importan solo los besos que te doy a ti…
JongHyun no pudo evitar ampliar su sonrisa al escuchar aquello, porque sólo los niños y los borrachos decían la verdad… y ChangHyun estaba muy borracho, así que, tenía que estar siendo muy sincero. Por ese motivo, el menor no dudó ni un solo segundo en acercarse al rostro sonrojado del chico para darle un beso que le supo más a alcohol que a otra cosa, pero que seguía siendo especial para ellos, solo algo para ellos, especial y único.
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Check out @MnetMcountdown's Tweet:
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Chunji must get lonely on tours now because him and L.joe were always roommates at the hotels :(
It was always ChangRick, CAPNiel, and ChunJoe. But Chunji always left L.joe in the room alone to go play with ChangRick anyways so L.joe was always lonely. I guess Chunji probably just does the same now and comes back to an empty room. IDK
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연예인 봤음!! 저에게도 이런 일이 와우 생각보다 키도 크구 잘생겼네요!! 응원할게요 틴탑 리키군!!
View celebrity !! This also happens to me. He is tall and handsome than I thought! I'll cheer you up.
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name a couple as cute and disgusting as them... i’ll wait
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ok so everybody has been talking about how at the end of the video when they disappear and only their shoes are left behind it represents that the footwork is so fast that their shoes come off. but if you pay attention closely you will see that before disappearing ricky was holding a photo of the bus station where changjo used to be, and before disappearing niel was holding a photo of himself. it means changrick have been in love for the whole video and niel has been in love with himself.
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作者changrick (已失去) 看板Wanted 標題[徵求] 壞 時間Thu Jul 6 00:49:23 2017 有時候覺得自己根本壞, 如果有機會我會好好補償回來的。 徵人聊天到睡著吧! 文字語音站內都可。 台南 32y male 有點壞的大叔 Line:qwrrtyuiop123 Skype:top10200723 希望遇到有共同語言與想法的人 常聊吧! — ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址:...
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