#chang chia sheng
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Tang Duzhi... Make a wish to me...
#exclusive love#exclusive love the series#獨佔接班人#tang duzhi x wang zhan#duzhi x wang zhan#tang duzhi#wang zhan#parker mao#mao chi sheng#chang chia sheng#tobelle#lextag#userrlana#userrzey#userspring#mjtag#rosytracks#mygifs*#taiwanese series#taiwanese drama#taiwanese bl#taiwan bl#taiwan drama#the tension between them is killing me. hope next week we get a kiss where they're both into it 😏🔥 and one's not pretending to sleep 🙄😂
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Exclusive Love | Official Trailer
Taiwanese Drama - 2025, 12 episodes
#Drama: Exclusive Love#TWDrama#Taiwanese Drama - 2025#LGBTQ+#BL GIFS#Post: Trailer 2025#獨佔接班人#Parker Mao#Chang Chia Sheng#Hsv Wei Tse#Pu Ching Heng
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Episode 1 & 2 (Now Available on Gagaoolala, IQIYI & Viki)
Yes, Parker Mao is back on my screen.
Tang Du Zhi (PARKER MAO) is a funeral director and he is top notch tasked to get the heir to a successful funeral home ready to take the helm. However Wang Zhan (CHANG CHIA SHENG) wants nothing more than to excel as a singer.
A trope making the rounds in 2025 seems to be feelings for someone before meeting them (I'm looking at you Your Sky...fondly)
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Series: Exclusive Love
[Nickname: PARKER MAO]
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List of Gods, most of which are no longer worshipped. via /r/atheism
List of Gods, most of which are no longer worshipped.
A, Adad, Adapa, Adrammelech, Aeon, Agasaya, Aglibol, Ahriman, Ahura Mazda, Ahurani, Ai-ada, Al-Lat, Aja, Aka, Alalu, Al-Lat, Amm, Al-Uzza (El-'Ozza or Han-Uzzai), An, Anahita, Anath (Anat), Anatu, Anbay, Anshar, Anu, Anunitu, An-Zu, Apsu, Aqhat, Ararat, Arinna, Asherali, Ashnan, Ashtoreth, Ashur, Astarte, Atar, Athirat, Athtart, Attis, Aya, Baal (Bel), Baalat (Ba'Alat), Baau, Basamum, Beelsamin, Belit-Seri, Beruth, Borak, Broxa, Caelestis, Cassios, Lebanon, Antilebanon, and Brathy, Chaos, Chemosh, Cotys, Cybele, Daena, Daevas, Dagon, Damkina, Dazimus, Derketo, Dhat-Badan, Dilmun, Dumuzi (Du'uzu), Duttur, Ea, El, Endukugga, Enki, Enlil, Ennugi, Eriskegal, Ereshkigal (Allatu), Eshara, Eshmun, Firanak, Fravashi, Gatamdug, Genea, Genos, Gestinanna, Gula, Hadad, Hannahanna, Hatti, Hea, Hiribi, The Houri, Humban, Innana, Ishkur, Ishtar, Ithm, Jamshid or Jamshyd, Jehovah, Jesus, Kabta, Kadi, Kamrusepas, Ki (Kiki), Kingu, Kolpia, Kothar-u-Khasis, Lahar, Marduk, Mari, Meni, Merodach, Misor, Moloch, Mot, Mushdama, Mylitta, Naamah, Nabu (Nebo), Nairyosangha, Nammu, Namtaru, Nanna, Nebo, Nergal, Nidaba, Ninhursag or Nintu, Ninlil, Ninsar, Nintur, Ninurta, Pa, Qadshu, Rapithwin, Resheph (Mikal or Mekal), Rimmon, Sadarnuna, Shahar, Shalim, Shamish, Shapshu, Sheger, Sin, Siris (Sirah), Taautos, Tammuz, Tanit, Taru, Tasimmet, Telipinu, Tiamat, Tishtrya, Tsehub, Utnapishtim, Utu, Wurusemu, Yam, Yarih (Yarikh), Yima, Zaba, Zababa, Zam, Zanahary (Zanaharibe), Zarpandit, Zarathustra, Zatavu, Zazavavindrano, Ziusudra, Zu (Imdugud), Zurvan
Ba, Caishen, Chang Fei, Chang Hsien, Chang Pan, Ch'ang Tsai, Chao san-Niang, Chao T'eng-k'ang, Chen Kao, Ch'eng Huang, Cheng San-Kung, Cheng Yuan-ho, Chi Po, Chien-Ti, Chih Jih, Chih Nii, Chih Nu, Ch'ih Sung-tzu, Ching Ling Tzu, Ch'ing Lung, Chin-hua Niang-niang, Chio Yuan-Tzu, Chou Wang, Chu Niao, Chu Ying, Chuang-Mu, Chu-jung, Chun T'i, Ch'ung Ling-yu, Chung Liu, Chung-kuei, Chung-li Ch'üan, Di Jun, Fan K'uei, Fei Lien, Feng Pho-Pho, Fengbo, Fu Hsing, Fu-Hsi, Fu-Pao, Gaomei, Guan Di, Hao Ch'iu, Heng-o, Ho Po (Ping-I), Hou Chi, Hou T'u, Hsi Ling-su, Hsi Shih, Hsi Wang Mu, Hsiao Wu, Hsieh T'ien-chun, Hsien Nung, Hsi-shen, Hsu Ch'ang, Hsuan Wen-hua, Huang Ti, Huang T'ing, Huo Pu, Hu-Shen, Jen An, Jizo Bosatsu, Keng Yen-cheng, King Wan, Ko Hsien-Weng, Kuan Ti, Kuan Ti, Kuei-ku Tzu, Kuo Tzu-i, Lai Cho, Lao Lang, Lei Kung, Lei Tsu, Li Lao-chun, Li Tien, Liu Meng, Liu Pei, Lo Shen, Lo Yu, Lo-Tsu Ta-Hsien, Lu Hsing, Lung Yen, Lu-pan, Ma-Ku, Mang Chin-i, Mang Shen, Mao Meng, Men Shen, Miao Hu, Mi-lo Fo, Ming Shang, Nan-chi Hsien-weng, Niu Wang, Nu Wa, Nu-kua, Pa, Pa Cha, Pai Chung, Pai Liu-Fang, Pai Yu, P'an Niang, P'an-Chin-Lien, Pao Yuan-ch'uan, Phan Ku, P'i Chia-Ma, Pien Ho, San Kuan, Sao-ch'ing Niang, Sarudahiko, Shang Chien, Shang Ti, She chi, Shen Hsui-Chih, Shen Nung, Sheng Mu, Shih Liang, Shiu Fang, Shou-lao, Shun I Fu-jen, Sien-Tsang, Ssu-ma Hsiang-ju, Sun Pin, Sun Ssu-miao, Sung-Chiang, Tan Chu, T'ang Ming Huang, Tao Kung, T'ien Fei, Tien Hou, Tien Mu, Ti-tsang, Tsai Shen, Ts'an Nu, Ts'ang Chien, Tsao Chun, Tsao-Wang, T'shai-Shen, Tung Chun, T'ung Chung-chung, T'ung Lai-yu, Tung Lu, T'ung Ming, Tzu-ku Shen, Wa, Wang Ta-hsien, Wang-Mu-Niang-Niang, Weiwobo, Wen-ch'ang, Wu-tai Yuan-shuai, Xi Hou, Xi Wangmu, Xiu Wenyin, Yanwang, Yaoji, Yen-lo, Yen-Lo-Wang, Yi, Yu, Yu Ch'iang, Yu Huang, Yun-T'ung, Yu-Tzu, Zaoshen, Zhang Xi, , Zhinü, , Zhongguei, , Zigu Shen, , Zisun, Ch'ang-O
Aba-khatun, Aigiarm, Ajysyt, Alkonost, Almoshi, Altan-Telgey, Ama, Anapel, As-ava, Ausaitis, Austeja, Ayt'ar, Baba Yaga (Jezi Baba), Belobog (Belun), Boldogasszony, Breksta, Bugady Musun, Chernobog (Crnobog, Czarnobog, Czerneboch, Cernobog), Cinei-new, Colleda (Koliada), Cuvto-ava, Dali, Darzu-mate, Dazhbog, Debena, Devana, Diiwica (Dilwica), Doda (Dodola), Dolya, Dragoni, Dugnai, Dunne Enin, Edji, Elena, Erce, Etugen, Falvara, The Fates, The Fatit, Gabija, Ganiklis, Giltine, Hotogov Mailgan, Hov-ava, Iarila, Isten, Ja-neb'a, Jedza, Joda-mate, Kaldas, Kaltes, Keretkun, Khadau, Khursun (Khors), Kostrubonko, Kovas, Krumine, Kupala, Kupalo, Laima, Leshy, Marina, Marzana, Matergabiae, Mat Syra Zemlya, Medeine, Menu (Menulis), Mir-Susne-Khum, Myesyats, Nastasija, (Russia) Goddess of sleep., Nelaima, Norov, Numi-Tarem, Nyia, Ora, Ot, Patollo, Patrimpas, Pereplut, Perkuno, Perun, Pikuolis, Pilnytis, Piluitus, Potrimpo, Puskaitis, Rod, Rugevit, Rultennin, Rusalki, Sakhadai-Noin, Saule, Semargl, Stribog, Sudjaje, Svantovit (Svantevit, Svitovyd), Svarazic (Svarozic, Svarogich), Tengri, Tñairgin, Triglav, Ulgen (Ulgan, Ülgön), Veles (Volos), Vesna, Xatel-Ekwa, Xoli-Kaltes, Yamm, Yarilo, Yarovit, Ynakhsyt, Zaria, Zeme mate, Zemyna, Ziva (Siva), Zizilia, Zonget, Zorya, Zvoruna, Zvezda Dennitsa, Zywie
Aditi, Adityas, Ambika, Ananta (Shesha), Annapurna (Annapatni), Aruna, Ashvins, Balarama, Bhairavi, Brahma, Buddha, Dakini, Devi, Dharma, Dhisana, Durga, Dyaus, Ganesa (Ganesha), Ganga (Ganges), Garuda, Gauri, Gopis, Hanuman, Hari-Hara, Hulka Devi, Jagganath, Jyeshtha, Kama, Karttikeya, Krishna, Krtya, Kubera, Kubjika, Lakshmi or Laksmi, Manasha, Manu, Maya, Meru, Nagas, Nandi, Naraka, Nataraja, Nirriti, Parjanya, Parvati, Paurnamasi, Prithivi, Purusha, Radha, Rati, Ratri, Rudra, Sanjna, Sati, Shashti, Shatala, Sitala (Satala), Skanda, Sunrta, Surya, Svasti-devi, Tvashtar, Uma, Urjani, Vach, Varuna, Vayu, Vishnu (Avatars of Vishnu: Matsya; Kurma; Varaha; Narasinha; Vamana; Parasurama; Rama; Krishna; Buddha; Kalki), Vishvakarman, Yama, Sraddha
Japan: Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone, Ama no Uzume, Ama-terasu, Amatsu Mikaboshi, Benten (Benzai-Ten), Bishamon, Chimata-No-Kami, Chup-Kamui, Daikoku, Ebisu, Emma-O, Fudo, Fuji, Fukurokuju, Gekka-O, Hachiman, Hettsui-No-Kami, Ho-Masubi, Hotei, Inari, Izanagi and Izanami, Jizo Bosatsu, Jurojin, Kagutsuchi, Kamado-No-Kami, Kami, Kawa-No-Kami, Kaya-Nu-Hima, Kishijoten, Kishi-Mojin, Kunitokotatchi, Marici, Monju-Bosatsu, Nai-No-Kami, No-Il Ja-Dae, O-Kuni-Nushi, Omoigane, Raiden, Shine-Tsu-Hiko, Shoten, Susa-no-wo, Tajika-no-mikoto, Tsuki-yomi, Uka no Mitanna, Uke-mochi, Uso-dori, Uzume, Wakahirume, Yainato-Hnneno-Mikoi, Yama-No-Kami, Yama-no-Karni, Yaya-Zakurai, Yuki-Onne
Agni, Ammavaru, Asuras, Banka-Mundi, Brihaspati, Budhi Pallien, Candi, Challalamma, Chinnintamma, Devas, Dyaush, Gauri-Sankar, Grhadevi, Gujeswari, Indra, Kali, Lohasur Devi, Mayavel, Mitra, Prajapati, Puchan, Purandhi, Rakshas, Rudrani, Rumina, Samundra, Sarasvati, Savitar, Siva (Shiva), Soma, Sura, Surabhi, Tulsi, Ushas, Vata, Visvamitra, Vivasvat, Vritra, Waghai Devi, Yaparamma, Yayu, Zumiang Nui, Diti
Other Asian: Dewi Shri, Po Yan Dari, Shuzanghu, Antaboga, Yakushi Nyorai, Mulhalmoni, Tankun, Yondung Halmoni, Aryong Jong, Quan Yin , Tengri, Uminai-gami, Kamado-No-Kami, Kunitokotatchi, Giri Devi, Dewi Nawang Sasih, Brag-srin-mo, Samanta-Bhadra, Sangs-rgyas-mkhá, Sengdroma, Sgeg-mo-ma, Tho-og, Ui Tango, Yum-chen-mo, Zas-ster-ma-dmar-mo, Chandra, Dyaus, Ratri, Rodasi, Vayu, Au-Co
African Gods, Demigods and First Men:
Abassi , Abuk , Adu Ogyinae , Agé , Agwe , Aida Wedo , Ajalamo, Aje, Ajok, Akonadi, Akongo, Akuj, Amma, Anansi, Asase Yaa, Ashiakle, Atai , Ayaba, Aziri, Baatsi, Bayanni, Bele Alua, Bomo rambi, Bosumabla, Buk, Buku, Bumba, Bunzi, Buruku, Cagn, Candit, Cghene, Coti, Damballah-Wedo, Dan, Deng, Domfe, Dongo, Edinkira, Efé, Egungun-oya, Eka Abassi, Elephant Girl Mbombe, Emayian, Enekpe, En-Kai, Eseasar, Eshu, Esu, Fa, Faran, Faro, Fatouma, Fidi Mukullu, Fon, Gleti, Gonzuole, Gû, Gua, Gulu, Gunab, Hammadi, Hêbiesso, Iku, Ilankaka, Imana, Iruwa, Isaywa, Juok, Kazooba, Khakaba, Khonvum, Kibuka, Kintu, Lebé, Leza, Libanza, Lituolone, Loko, Marwe, Massim Biambe, Mawu-Lisa (Leza), Mboze, Mebeli, Minepa, Moombi, Mukameiguru, Mukasa, Muluku, Mulungu, Mwambu, Nai, Nambi, Nana Buluku, Nanan-Bouclou, Nenaunir, Ng Ai, Nyaliep, Nyambé, Nyankopon, Nyasaye, Nzame, Oboto, Obumo, Odudua-Orishala, Ogun, Olokun, Olorun, Orisha Nla, Orunmila, Osanyin, Oshe, Osun, Oya, Phebele, Pokot-Suk, Ralubumbha, Rugaba, Ruhanga, Ryangombe, Sagbata, Shagpona, Shango, Sopona, Tano, Thixo, Tilo, Tokoloshi, Tsui, Tsui'goab, Umvelinqangi, Unkulunkulu, Utixo, Wak, Wamara, Wantu Su, Wele, Were, Woto, Xevioso, Yangombi, Yemonja, Ymoa, Ymoja, Yoruba, Zambi, Zanahary , Zinkibaru
Australian Gods, Goddesses and Places in the Dreamtime:
Alinga, Anjea, Apunga, Arahuta, Ariki, Arohirohi, Bamapana, Banaitja, Bara, Barraiya, Biame, Bila, Boaliri, Bobbi-bobbi, Bunbulama, Bunjil, Cunnembeille, Daramulum, Dilga, Djanggawul Sisters, Eingana, Erathipa, Gidja , Gnowee, Haumia, Hine Titama, Ingridi, Julana, Julunggul, Junkgowa, Karora, Kunapipi-Kalwadi-Kadjara, Lia, Madalait, Makara, Nabudi, Palpinkalare, Papa, Rangi, Rongo, Tane, Tangaroa, Tawhiri-ma-tea, Tomituka, Tu, Ungamilia, Walo, Waramurungundi, Wati Kutjarra, Wawalag Sisters, Wuluwaid, Wuragag, Wuriupranili, Wurrunna, Yhi
Buddhism, Gods and Relatives of God:
Aizen-Myoo, Ajima,Dai-itoku-Myoo, Fudo-Myoo, Gozanze-Myoo, Gundari-Myoo, Hariti, Kongo-Myoo, Kujaku-Myoo, Ni-O
Carribean: Gods, Monsters and Vodun Spirits
Agaman Nibo , Agwe, Agweta, Ah Uaynih, Aida Wedo , Atabei , Ayida , Ayizan, Azacca, Baron Samedi, Ulrich, Ellegua, Ogun, Ochosi, Chango, Itaba, Amelia, Christalline, Clairmé, Clairmeziné, Coatrischie, Damballah , Emanjah, Erzuli, Erzulie, Ezili, Ghede, Guabancex, Guabonito, Guamaonocon, Imanje, Karous, Laloue-diji, Legba, Loa, Loco, Maitresse Amelia , Mapiangueh, Marie-aimée, Marinette, Mombu, Marassa, Nana Buruku, Oba, Obtala, Ochu, Ochumare, Oddudua, Ogoun, Olokum, Olosa, Oshun, Oya, Philomena, Sirêne, The Diablesse, Itaba, Tsilah, Ursule, Vierge, Yemaya , Zaka
Celtic: Gods, Goddesses, Divine Kings and Pagan Saints
Abarta, Abna, Abnoba, Aine, Airetech,Akonadi, Amaethon, Ameathon, An Cailleach, Andraste, Antenociticus, Aranrhod, Arawn, Arianrod, Artio, Badb,Balor, Banbha, Becuma, Belatucadros, Belatu-Cadros, Belenus, Beli,Belimawr, Belinus, Bendigeidfran, Bile, Blathnat, Blodeuwedd, Boann, Bodus,Bormanus, Borvo, Bran, Branwen, Bres, Brigid, Brigit, Caridwen, Carpantus,Cathbadh, Cecht, Cernach, Cernunnos, Cliodna, Cocidius, Conchobar, Condatis, Cormac,Coronus,Cosunea, Coventina, Crarus,Creidhne, Creirwy, Cu Chulainn, Cu roi, Cuda, Cuill,Cyhiraeth,Dagda, Damona, Dana, Danu, D'Aulnoy,Dea Artio, Deirdre , Dewi, Dian, Diancecht, Dis Pater, Donn, Dwyn, Dylan, Dywel,Efnisien, Elatha, Epona, Eriu, Esos, Esus, Eurymedon,Fedelma, Fergus, Finn, Fodla, Goewyn, Gog, Goibhniu, Govannon , Grainne, Greine,Gwydion, Gwynn ap Nudd, Herne, Hu'Gadarn, Keltoi,Keridwen, Kernunnos,Ler, Lir, Lleu Llaw Gyffes, Lludd, Llyr, Llywy, Luchta, Lug, Lugh,Lugus, Mabinogion,Mabon, Mac Da Tho, Macha, Magog, Manannan, Manawydan, Maponos, Math, Math Ap Mathonwy, Medb, Moccos,Modron, Mogons, Morrig, Morrigan, Nabon,Nantosuelta, Naoise, Nechtan, Nedoledius,Nehalennia, Nemhain, Net,Nisien, Nodens, Noisi, Nuada, Nwywre,Oengus, Ogma, Ogmios, Oisin, Pach,Partholon, Penard Dun, Pryderi, Pwyll, Rhiannon, Rosmerta, Samhain, Segidaiacus, Sirona, Sucellus, Sulis, Taliesin, Taranis, Teutates, The Horned One,The Hunt, Treveni,Tyne, Urien, Ursula of the Silver Host, Vellaunus, Vitiris, White Lady
Egyptian: Gods, Gods Incarnate and Personified Divine Forces:
Amaunet, Amen, Amon, Amun, Anat, Anqet, Antaios, Anubis, Anuket, Apep, Apis, Astarte, Aten, Aton, Atum, Bastet, Bat, Buto, Duamutef, Duamutef, Hapi, Har-pa-khered, Hathor, Hauhet, Heket, Horus, Huh, Imset, Isis, Kauket, Kebechsenef, Khensu, Khepri, Khnemu, Khnum, Khonsu, Kuk, Maahes, Ma'at, Mehen, Meretseger, Min, Mnewer, Mut, Naunet, Nefertem, Neith, Nekhbet, Nephthys, Nun, Nut, Osiris, Ptah, Ra , Re, Renenet, Sakhmet, Satet, Seb, Seker, Sekhmet, Serapis, Serket, Set, Seth, Shai, Shu, Shu, Sia, Sobek, Sokar, Tefnut, Tem, Thoth
Hellenes (Greek) Tradition (Gods, Demigods, Divine Bastards)
Acidalia, Aello, Aesculapius, Agathe, Agdistis, Ageleia, Aglauros, Agne, Agoraia, Agreia, Agreie, Agreiphontes, Agreus, Agrios, Agrotera, Aguieus, Aidoneus, Aigiokhos, Aigletes, Aigobolos, Ainia,Ainippe, Aithuia , Akesios, Akraia, Aktaios, Alalkomene, Alasiotas, Alcibie, Alcinoe, Alcippe, Alcis,Alea, Alexikakos, Aligena, Aliterios, Alkaia, Amaltheia, Ambidexter, Ambologera, Amynomene,Anaduomene, Anaea, Anax, Anaxilea, Androdameia,Andromache, Andromeda, Androphonos, Anosia, Antandre,Antania, Antheus, Anthroporraistes, Antianara, Antianeira, Antibrote, Antimache, Antimachos, Antiope,Antiopeia, Aoide, Apatouria, Aphneius, Aphrodite, Apollo, Apotropaios, Areia, Areia, Areion, Areopagite, Ares, Areto, Areximacha,Argus, Aridnus,Aristaios, Aristomache, Arkhegetes, Arktos, Arretos, Arsenothelys, Artemis, Asclepius, Asklepios, Aspheleios, Asteria, Astraeos , Athene, Auxites, Avaris, Axios, Axios Tauros,Bakcheios, Bakchos, Basileus, Basilis, Bassareus, Bauros, Boophis, Boreas , Botryophoros, Boukeros, Boulaia, Boulaios, Bremusa,Bromios, Byblis,Bythios, Caliope, Cedreatis, Celaneo, centaur, Cerberus, Charidotes, Charybdis, Chimera, Chloe, Chloris , Choreutes, Choroplekes, Chthonios, Clete, Clio, clotho,Clyemne, cockatrice, Crataeis, Custos, Cybebe, Cybele, Cyclops, Daphnaia, Daphnephoros, Deianeira, Deinomache, Delia, Delios, Delphic, Delphinios, Demeter, Dendrites, Derimacheia,Derinoe, Despoina, Dikerotes, Dimeter, Dimorphos, Dindymene, Dioktoros, Dionysos, Discordia, Dissotokos, Dithyrambos, Doris, Dryope,Echephyle,Echidna, Eiraphiotes, Ekstatophoros, Eleemon, Eleuthereus, Eleutherios, Ennosigaios, Enodia, Enodios, Enoplios, Enorches, Enualios, Eos , Epaine, Epidotes, Epikourios, Epipontia, Epitragidia, Epitumbidia, Erato, Ergane, Eribromios, Erigdoupos, Erinus, Eriobea, Eriounios, Eriphos, Eris, Eros,Euanthes, Euaster, Eubouleus, Euboulos, Euios, Eukhaitos, Eukleia, Eukles, Eumache, Eunemos, Euplois, Euros , Eurybe,Euryleia, Euterpe, Fates,Fortuna, Gaia, Gaieokhos, Galea, Gamelia, Gamelios, Gamostolos, Genetor, Genetullis, Geryon, Gethosynos, giants, Gigantophonos, Glaukopis, Gorgons, Gorgopis, Graiae, griffin, Gynaikothoinas, Gynnis, Hagisilaos, Hagnos, Haides, Harmothoe, harpy, Hegemone, Hegemonios, Hekate, Hekatos, Helios, Hellotis, Hephaistia, Hephaistos, Hera, Heraios, Herakles, Herkeios, Hermes, Heros Theos, Hersos, Hestia, Heteira, Hiksios, Hipp, Hippia, Hippios, Hippoi Athanatoi, Hippolyte, Hippolyte II,Hippomache,Hippothoe, Horkos, Hugieia, Hupatos, Hydra, Hypate, Hyperborean, Hypsipyle, Hypsistos, Iakchos, Iatros, Idaia, Invictus, Iphito,Ismenios, Ismenus,Itonia, Kabeiria, Kabeiroi, Kakia, Kallinikos, Kallipugos, Kallisti, Kappotas, Karneios, Karpophoros, Karytis, Kataibates, Katakhthonios, Kathatsios, Keladeine, Keraunos, Kerykes, Khalinitis, Khalkioikos, Kharmon, Khera, Khloe, Khlori,Khloris,Khruse, Khthonia, Khthonios, Kidaria, Kissobryos, Kissokomes, Kissos, Kitharodos, Kleidouchos, Kleoptoleme, Klymenos, Kore, Koruthalia, Korymbophoros, Kourotrophos, Kranaia, Kranaios, Krataiis, Kreousa, Kretogenes, Kriophoros, Kronides, Kronos,Kryphios, Ktesios, Kubebe, Kupris, Kuprogenes, Kurotrophos, Kuthereia, Kybele, Kydoime,Kynthia, Kyrios, Ladon, Lakinia, Lamia, Lampter, Laodoke, Laphria, Lenaios, Leukatas, Leukatas, Leukolenos, Leukophruene, Liknites, Limenia, Limnaios, Limnatis, Logios, Lokhia, Lousia, Loxias, Lukaios, Lukeios, Lyaios, Lygodesma, Lykopis, Lyseus, Lysippe, Maimaktes, Mainomenos, Majestas, Makar, Maleatas, Manikos, Mantis, Marpe, Marpesia, Medusa, Megale, Meilikhios, Melaina, Melainis, Melanaigis, Melanippe,Melete, Melousa, Melpomene, Melqart, Meses, Mimnousa, Minotaur, Mneme, Molpadia,Monogenes, Morpho, Morychos, Musagates, Musagetes, Nebrodes, Nephelegereta, Nereus,Nete, Nike, Nikephoros, Nomios, Nomius, Notos , Nyktelios, Nyktipolos, Nympheuomene, Nysios, Oiketor, Okyale, Okypous, Olumpios, Omadios, Ombrios, Orithia,Orius,Ortheia, Orthos, Ourania, Ourios, Paelemona, Paian, Pais, Palaios, Pallas, Pan Megas, Panakhais, Pandemos, Pandrosos, Pantariste, Parthenos, PAsianax, Pasiphaessa, Pater, Pater, Patroo s, Pegasus, Pelagia, Penthesilea, Perikionios, Persephone, Petraios, Phanes, Phanter, Phatria, Philios, Philippis, Philomeides, Phoebe, Phoebus, Phoenix, Phoibos, Phosphoros, Phratrios, Phutalmios, Physis, Pisto, Plouton, Polemusa,Poliakhos, Polias, Polieus, Polumetis, Polydektes, Polygethes, Polymnia, Polymorphos, Polyonomos, Porne, Poseidon, Potnia Khaos, Potnia Pheron, Promakhos, Pronoia, Propulaios, Propylaia, Proserpine, Prothoe, Protogonos, Prytaneia, Psychopompos, Puronia, Puthios, Pyrgomache, Python, Rhea, Sabazios, Salpinx, satyr, Saxanus, Scyleia,Scylla, sirens, Skeptouchos, Smintheus, Sophia, Sosipolis, Soter, Soteria, Sphinx, Staphylos, Sthenias, Sthenios, Strife, Summakhia, Sykites, Syzygia, Tallaios, Taureos, Taurokeros, Taurophagos, Tauropolos, Tauropon, Tecmessa, Teisipyte, Teleios, Telepyleia,Teletarches, Terpsichore, Thalestris, Thalia, The Dioskouroi, Theos, Theritas, Thermodosa, Thraso, Thyonidas, Thyrsophoros, Tmolene, Toxaris, Toxis, Toxophile,Trevia, Tricephalus, Trieterikos, Trigonos, Trismegestos, Tritogeneia, Tropaios, Trophonius,Tumborukhos, Tyche, Typhon, Urania, Valasca, Xanthippe, Xenios, Zagreus, Zathos, Zephryos , Zeus, Zeus Katakhthonios, Zoophoros Topana
Native American: Gods, Heroes, and Anthropomorphized Facets of Nature
Aakuluujjusi, Ab Kin zoc, Abaangui , Ababinili , Ac Yanto, Acan, Acat, Achiyalatopa , Acna, Acolmiztli, Acolnahuacatl, Acuecucyoticihuati, Adamisil Wedo, Adaox , Adekagagwaa , Adlet , Adlivun, Agloolik , Aguara , Ah Bolom Tzacab, Ah Cancum, Ah Chun Caan, Ah Chuy Kak, Ah Ciliz, Ah Cun Can, Ah Cuxtal, Ah hulneb, Ah Kin, Ah Kumix Uinicob, Ah Mun, Ah Muzencab, Ah Patnar Uinicob, Ah Peku, Ah Puch, Ah Tabai, Ah UincirDz'acab, Ah Uuc Ticab, Ah Wink-ir Masa, Ahau Chamahez, Ahau-Kin, Ahmakiq, Ahnt Alis Pok', Ahnt Kai', Aholi , Ahsonnutli , Ahuic, Ahulane, Aiauh, Aipaloovik , Ajbit, Ajilee , Ajtzak, Akbaalia , Akba-atatdia , Akhlut , Akhushtal, Akna , Akycha, Alaghom Naom Tzentel, Albino Spirit animals , Alektca , Alignak, Allanque , Allowat Sakima , Alom, Alowatsakima , Amaguq , Amala , Amimitl, Amitolane, Amotken , Andaokut , Andiciopec , Anerneq , Anetlacualtiliztli, Angalkuq , Angpetu Wi, Anguta, Angwusnasomtaka , Ani Hyuntikwalaski , Animal spirits , Aningan, Aniwye , Anog Ite , Anpao, Apanuugak , Apicilnic , Apikunni , Apotamkin , Apoyan Tachi , Apozanolotl, Apu Punchau, Aqalax , Arendiwane , Arnakua'gsak , Asdiwal , Asgaya Gigagei, Asiaq , Asin , Asintmah, Atacokai , Atahensic, Aticpac Calqui Cihuatl, Atira, Atisokan , Atius Tirawa , Atl, Atlacamani, Atlacoya, Atlatonin, Atlaua, Atshen , Auilix, Aulanerk , Aumanil , Aunggaak , Aunt Nancy , Awaeh Yegendji , Awakkule , Awitelin Tsta , Awonawilona, Ayauhteotl, Azeban, Baaxpee , Bacabs, Backlum Chaam, Bagucks , Bakbakwalanooksiwae , Balam, Baldhead , Basamacha , Basket Woman , Bead Spitter , Bear , Bear Medicine Woman , Bear Woman , Beaver , Beaver Doctor , Big Heads, Big Man Eater , Big Tail , Big Twisted Flute , Bikeh hozho, Bitol, Black Hactcin , Black Tamanous , Blind Boy , Blind Man , Blood Clot Boy , Bloody Hand , Blue-Jay , Bmola , Bolontiku, Breathmaker, Buffalo , Buluc Chabtan, Burnt Belly , Burnt Face , Butterfly , Cabaguil, Cacoch, Cajolom, Cakulha, Camaxtli, Camozotz, Cannibal Grandmother , Cannibal Woman , Canotila , Capa , Caprakan, Ca-the-ña, Cauac, Centeotl, Centzonuitznaua, Cetan , Chac Uayab Xoc, Chac, Chahnameed , Chakwaina Okya, Chalchihuitlicue, Chalchiuhtlatonal, Chalchiutotolin, Chalmecacihuilt, Chalmecatl, Chamer, Changing Bear Woman , Changing Woman , Chantico, Chaob, Charred Body , Chepi , Chibiabos ,Chibirias, Chiccan, Chicomecoatl, Chicomexochtli, Chiconahui, Chiconahuiehecatl, Chie, Child-Born-in-Jug , Chirakan, Chulyen , Cihuacoatl, Cin-an-ev , Cinteotl, Cipactli, Cirapé , Cit Chac Coh, Cit-Bolon-Tum, Citlalatonac, Citlalicue, Ciucoatl, Ciuteoteo, Cizin, Cliff ogre , Coatlicue, Cochimetl, Cocijo, Colel Cab, Colop U Uichkin, Copil, Coyolxauhqui, Coyopa, Coyote , Cripple Boy , Crow , Crow Woman , Cum hau, Cunawabi , Dagwanoenyent , Dahdahwat , Daldal , Deohako, Dhol , Diyin dine , Djien , Djigonasee , Dohkwibuhch , Dzalarhons , Dzalarhons, Eagentci , Eagle , Earth Shaman , Eeyeekalduk , Ehecatl, Ehlaumel , Eithinoha , Ekchuah, Enumclaw , Eototo, Esaugetuh Emissee , Esceheman, Eschetewuarha, Estanatlehi , Estasanatlehi , Estsanatlehi, Evaki, Evening Star, Ewah , Ewauna, Face , Faces of the Forests , False Faces , Famine , Fastachee , Fire Dogs , First Creator , First Man and First Woman, First Scolder , Flint Man , Flood , Flower Woman , Foot Stuck Child , Ga'an, Ga-gaah , Gahe, Galokwudzuwis , Gaoh, Gawaunduk, Geezhigo-Quae, Gendenwitha, Genetaska, Ghanan, Gitche Manitou, Glispa, Glooskap , Gluscabi , Gluskab , Gluskap, Godasiyo, Gohone , Great Seahouse, Greenmantle , Gucumatz, Gukumatz, Gunnodoyak, Gyhldeptis, Ha Wen Neyu , Hacauitz , Hacha'kyum, Hagondes , Hahgwehdiyu , Hamatsa , Hamedicu, Hanghepi Wi, Hantceiitehi , Haokah , Hastseoltoi, Hastshehogan , He'mask.as , Hen, Heyoka , Hiawatha , Hino, Hisakitaimisi, Hokhokw , Hotoru, Huehuecoyotl, Huehueteotl, Huitaca , Huitzilopochtli, Huixtocihuatl, Hummingbird, Hun hunahpu, Hun Pic Tok, Hunab Ku, Hunahpu Utiu, Hunahpu, Hunahpu-Gutch, Hunhau, Hurakan, Iatiku And Nautsiti, Ich-kanava , Ictinike , Idliragijenget , Idlirvirisong, Igaluk , Ignirtoq , Ikanam , Iktomi , Ilamatecuhtli, Illapa, Ilya p'a, i'noGo tied , Inti, Inua , Ioskeha , Ipalnemohuani, Isakakate, Ishigaq , Isitoq , Issitoq , Ite , Itzamná, Itzananohk`u, Itzlacoliuhque, Itzli, Itzpapalotl, Ix Chebel Yax, Ixbalanque, Ixchel, Ixchup, Ixmucane, Ixpiyacoc, Ixtab, Ixtlilton, Ixtubtin, Ixzaluoh, Iya , Iyatiku , Iztaccihuatl, Iztacmixcohuatl, Jaguar Night, Jaguar Quitze, Jogah , Kaakwha , Kabun , Kabun , Kachinas, Kadlu , Ka-Ha-Si , Ka-Ha-Si , Kaik , Kaiti , Kan, Kana'ti and Selu , Kanati, Kan-u-Uayeyab, Kan-xib-yui, Kapoonis , Katsinas, Keelut , Ketchimanetowa, Ketq Skwaye, Kianto, Kigatilik , Kilya, K'in, Kinich Ahau, Kinich Kakmo, Kishelemukong , Kisin, Kitcki Manitou, Kmukamch , Kokopelli , Ko'lok , Kukulcan, Kushapatshikan , Kutni , Kutya'I , Kwakwakalanooksiwae ,Kwatee , Kwekwaxa'we , Kwikumat , Kyoi , Lagua , Land Otter People , Lawalawa , Logobola , Loha, Lone Man , Long Nose , Loon , Loon Medicine , Loon Woman , Loo-wit, Macaw Woman, Macuilxochitl, Maho Peneta, Mahucutah, Makenaima , Malesk , Malina , Malinalxochi, Malsum, Malsumis , Mam, Mama Cocha, Man in moon , Manabozho , Manetuwak , Mani'to, Manitou , Mannegishi , Manu, Masaya, Masewi , Master of Life , Master Of Winds, Matshishkapeu , Mavutsinim , Mayahuel, Medeoulin , Mekala , Menahka, Meteinuwak , Metztli, Mexitl, Michabo, Mictecacihuatl, Mictlan, Mictlantecuhtli, Mikchich , Mikumwesu , Mitnal, Mixcoatl, Mongwi Kachinum , Morning Star, Motho and Mungo , Mulac, Muut , Muyingwa , Nacon, Nagenatzani, Nagi Tanka , Nagual, Nahual, Nakawé, Nanabojo, Nanabozho , Nanabush, Nanahuatzin, Nanautzin, Nanih Waiya, Nankil'slas , Nanook , Naum, Negafook , Nerrivik , Nesaru, Nianque , Nishanu , Nohochacyum, Nokomis, Nootaikok , North Star, Nujalik , Nukatem , Nunne Chaha , Ocasta, Ockabewis, Odzihozo , Ohtas , Oklatabashih, Old Man , Olelbis, Omacatl, Omecihuatl, Ometecuhtli, Onatha , One Tail of Clear Hair , Oonawieh Unggi , Opochtli, Oshadagea, Owl Woman , Pah , Pah, Paiowa, Pakrokitat , Pana , Patecatl, Pautiwa, Paynal, Pemtemweha , Piasa , Pikváhahirak , Pinga , Pomola , Pot-tilter , Prairie Falcon , Ptehehincalasanwin , Pukkeenegak , Qaholom, Qakma, Qiqirn , Quaoar , Quetzalcoatl, Qumu , Quootis-hooi, Rabbit, Ragno, Raven, Raw Gums , Rukko, Sagamores , Sagapgia , Sanopi , Saynday , Sedna, Selu, Shakuru, Sharkura, Shilup Chito Osh, Shrimp house, Sila , Sint Holo , Sio humis, Sisiutl , Skan , Snallygaster , Sosondowah , South Star, Spider Woman , Sta-au , Stonecoats , Sun, Sungrey , Ta Tanka , Tabaldak , Taime , Taiowa , Talocan, Tans , Taqwus , Tarhuhyiawahku, Tarquiup Inua , Tate , Tawa, Tawiscara, Ta'xet , Tcisaki , Tecciztecatl, Tekkeitserktock, Tekkeitsertok , Telmekic , Teoyaomqui, Tepeu, Tepeyollotl, Teteoinnan, Tezcatlipoca, Thobadestchin, Thoume', Thunder , Thunder Bird , Tieholtsodi, Tihtipihin , Tirawa , Tirawa Atius, Tlacolotl, Tlahuixcalpantecuhtli, Tlaloc, Tlaltecuhtli, Tlauixcalpantecuhtli, Tlazolteotl, Tohil, Tokpela ,Tonantzin , Tonatiuh, To'nenile, Tonenili , Tootega , Torngasak, Torngasoak , Trickster/Transformer , True jaguar, Tsentsa, Tsichtinako, Tsohanoai Tsonoqwa , Tsul 'Kalu , Tulugaak , Tumas , Tunkan ingan, Turquoise Boy , Twin Thunder Boys, Txamsem , Tzakol, Tzitzimime, Uazzale , Uchtsiti, Udó , Uentshukumishiteu , Ueuecoyotl, Ugly Way , Ugni , Uhepono , Uitzilopochtli, Ukat , Underwater Panthers , Unhcegila , Unipkaat , Unk, Unktomi , Untunktahe , Urcaguary, Utea , Uwashil , Vassagijik , Voltan, Wabosso , Wabun , Wachabe, Wah-Kah-Nee, Wakan , Wakanda , Wakan-Tanka, Wakinyan , Wan niomi , Wanagi , Wananikwe , Watavinewa , Water babies , Waukheon , We-gyet , Wemicus , Wendigo , Wentshukumishiteu , White Buffalo Woman, Whope , Wi , Wicahmunga , Wihmunga , Windigo, Winonah, Wisagatcak , Wisagatcak, Wishpoosh , Wiyot , Wovoka , Wuya , Xaman Ek, Xelas , Xibalba, Xilonen, Xipe Totec, Xiuhcoatl, Xiuhtecuhtli, Xiuhtecutli, Xmucane, Xochipili , Xochiquetzal, Xocotl, Xolotl, Xpiyacoc, Xpuch And Xtah, Yacatecuhtli, Yaluk, Yanauluha , Ya-o-gah , Yeba Ka, Yebaad, Yehl , Yeitso, Yiacatecuhtli, Yolkai Estsan, Yoskeha , Yum Kaax, Yuwipi , Zaramama, Zipaltonal, Zotz
Norse Deities, Giants and Monsters:
Aegir, Aesir, Alfrigg, Audumbla, Aurgelmir, Balder, Berchta, Bergelmir, Bor, Bragi, Brisings, Buri, Etin, Fenris, Forseti, Frey, Freyja, Frigga, Gefion, Gerda, Gode, Gymir, Harke, Heimdall, Hel, Hermod, Hodur, Holda, Holle, Honir, Hymir, Idun, Jormungandr, Ljolsalfs, Loki, Magni, Mimir, Mistarblindi, Muspel, Nanna, Nanni, Nerthus, Njord, Norns, Odin, Perchta, Ran, Rig, Segyn, Sif, Skadi, Skirnir, Skuld, Sleipnir, Surt, Svadilfari, tanngniotr, tanngrisnr, Thiassi, Thor, Thrud, Thrudgelmir, Thrym, Thurs, Tyr, Uller, Urd, Vali, Vali, Valkyries, Vanir, Ve, Verdandi, Vidar, Wode, Ymir
Pacific islands: Deities, Demigods and Immortal Monsters:
Abeguwo, Abere, Adaro, Afekan, Ai Tupua'i, 'Aiaru, Ala Muki, Alalahe, Alii Menehune, Aluluei, Aruaka, Asin, Atanea, Audjal, Aumakua, Babamik, Bakoa, Barong, Batara Kala, Buring Une, Darago, Dayang-Raca, De Ai, Dogai, Enda Semangko, Faumea, Giriputri, Goga, Haumea, Hiiaka', Hina, Hine, Hoa-Tapu, 'Imoa, Io, Kanaloa, Kanaloa, Kane, Kapo, Kava, Konori, Ku, Kuhuluhulumanu, Kuklikimoku, Kukoae, Ku'ula, Laka, Laulaati, Lono, Mahiuki, MakeMake, Marruni, Maru, Maui, Melu, Menehune, Moeuhane, MOO-LAU, Ndauthina, Ne Te-reere, Nevinbimbaau, Ngendei, Nobu, Oro, Ove, Paka'a, Papa, Pele, Quat, Rangi, Rati, Rati-mbati-ndua, Ratu-Mai-Mbula, Rua, Ruahatu, Saning Sri, Ta'aroa, Taaroa, Tamakaia, Tane, Tanemahuta, Tangaroa, Tawhaki, Tiki, Tinirau, Tu, Tuli, Turi-a-faumea, Uira, Ukupanipo, Ulupoka, Umboko Indra, Vanuatu, Wahini-Hal, Walutahanga, Wari-Ma-Te-Takere, Whaitiri, Whatu, Wigan
South American: Deities, Demigods, Beings of Divine Substance:
Abaangui, Aclla, Akewa, Asima Si, Atoja, Auchimalgen, Axomama, Bachué, Beru, Bochica, Boiuna, Calounger, Catequil, Cavillaca, Ceiuci, Chasca, Chie, Cocomama, Gaumansuri, Huitaca, Iae, Ilyap'a, Ina, Inti, Ituana, Jamaina , Jandira, Jarina, Jubbu-jang-sangne, Ka-ata-killa, Kilya, Kuat, Kun, Luandinha, Lupi, Mama Allpa, Mama Quilla, Mamacocha, Manco Capac, Maret-Jikky, Maretkhmakniam, Mariana, Oshossi, Pachamac, Pachamama, Perimbó, Rainha Barba, Si, Supai, Topétine, Viracocha, Yemanja (Imanje), Zume
Submitted May 28, 2023 at 04:42PM by dreamer100__ (From Reddit https://ift.tt/uTlQcN4)
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Soft Computing, Volume 29, Issue 1, January 2025
1) KMSBOT: enhancing educational institutions with an AI-powered semantic search engine and graph database
Author(s): D. Venkata Subramanian, J. ChandraV. Rohini
Pages: 1 - 15
2) Stabilization of impulsive fuzzy dynamic systems involving Caputo short-memory fractional derivative
Author(s): Truong Vinh An, Ngo Van Hoa, Nguyen Trang Thao
Pages: 17 - 36
3) Application of SaRT–SVM algorithm for leakage pattern recognition of hydraulic check valve
Author(s): Chengbiao Tong, Nariman Sepehri
Pages: 37 - 51
4) Construction of a novel five-dimensional Hamiltonian conservative hyperchaotic system and its application in image encryption
Author(s): Minxiu Yan, Shuyan Li
Pages: 53 - 67
5) European option pricing under a generalized fractional Brownian motion Heston exponential Hull–White model with transaction costs by the Deep Galerkin Method
Author(s): Mahsa Motameni, Farshid Mehrdoust, Ali Reza Najafi
Pages: 69 - 88
6) A lightweight and efficient model for botnet detection in IoT using stacked ensemble learning
Author(s): Rasool Esmaeilyfard, Zohre Shoaei, Reza Javidan
Pages: 89 - 101
7) Leader-follower green traffic assignment problem with online supervised machine learning solution approach
Author(s): M. Sadra, M. Zaferanieh, J. Yazdimoghaddam
Pages: 103 - 116
8) Enhancing Stock Prediction ability through News Perspective and Deep Learning with attention mechanisms
Author(s): Mei Yang, Fanjie Fu, Zhi Xiao
Pages: 117 - 126
9) Cooperative enhancement method of train operation planning featuring express and local modes for urban rail transit lines
Author(s): Wenliang Zhou, Mehdi Oldache, Guangming Xu
Pages: 127 - 155
10) Quadratic and Lagrange interpolation-based butterfly optimization algorithm for numerical optimization and engineering design problem
Author(s): Sushmita Sharma, Apu Kumar Saha, Saroj Kumar Sahoo
Pages: 157 - 194
11) Benders decomposition for the multi-agent location and scheduling problem on unrelated parallel machines
Author(s): Jun Liu, Yongjian Yang, Feng Yang
Pages: 195 - 212
12) A multi-objective Fuzzy Robust Optimization model for open-pit mine planning under uncertainty
Author(s): Sayed Abolghasem Soleimani Bafghi, Hasan Hosseini Nasab, Ali reza Yarahmadi Bafghi
Pages: 213 - 235
13) A game theoretic approach for pricing of red blood cells under supply and demand uncertainty and government role
Author(s): Minoo Kamrantabar, Saeed Yaghoubi, Atieh Fander
Pages: 237 - 260
14) The location problem of emergency materials in uncertain environment
Author(s): Jihe Xiao, Yuhong Sheng
Pages: 261 - 273
15) RCS: a fast path planning algorithm for unmanned aerial vehicles
Author(s): Mohammad Reza Ranjbar Divkoti, Mostafa Nouri-Baygi
Pages: 275 - 298
16) Exploring the selected strategies and multiple selected paths for digital music subscription services using the DSA-NRM approach consideration of various stakeholders
Author(s): Kuo-Pao Tsai, Feng-Chao Yang, Chia-Li Lin
Pages: 299 - 320
17) A genomic signal processing approach for identification and classification of coronavirus sequences
Author(s): Amin Khodaei, Behzad Mozaffari-Tazehkand, Hadi Sharifi
Pages: 321 - 338
18) Secure signal and image transmissions using chaotic synchronization scheme under cyber-attack in the communication channel
Author(s): Shaghayegh Nobakht, Ali-Akbar Ahmadi
Pages: 339 - 353
19) ASAQ—Ant-Miner: optimized rule-based classifier
Author(s): Umair Ayub, Bushra Almas
Pages: 355 - 364
20) Representations of binary relations and object reduction of attribute-oriented concept lattices
Author(s): Wei Yao, Chang-Jie Zhou
Pages: 365 - 373
21) Short-term time series prediction based on evolutionary interpolation of Chebyshev polynomials with internal smoothing
Author(s): Loreta Saunoriene, Jinde Cao, Minvydas Ragulskis
Pages: 375 - 389
22) Application of machine learning and deep learning techniques on reverse vaccinology – a systematic literature review
Author(s): Hany Alashwal, Nishi Palakkal Kochunni, Kadhim Hayawi
Pages: 391 - 403
23) CoverGAN: cover photo generation from text story using layout guided GAN
Author(s): Adeel Cheema, M. Asif Naeem
Pages: 405 - 423
0 notes
Urban farmers and activists struggle to keep farming spaces within the cities
Around the world, urban farming spaces are becoming increasingly common. For some, it is a way to supplement food production for city dwellers. For others, it is simply about the therapeutic effects of farming and the reduction of stress. However, despite the benefits, there are also many challenges, such as land ownership and the busy nature of city life that leaves little time for recreational pursuits. Join us today as we hear from those pushing for urban farming spaces in Taiwan, and the obstacles they encounter.
Surrounding this lush green rapeseed garden, is Taipei’s affluent Tianmu District. With a bustling department store off to the right, the garden produces quite the contrast.
A hen clucks loudly, drowning out the sounds of people nearby. As if responding to the people, the hen breaks the barrier between city and farmland.
Chang Chia-hao
Volunteer farmer
We also have to work. So, throughout the week, it’s basically just the people who live nearby who will come here and do this farming. If we’re busy with work, then on Saturday and Sunday we’ll all come together here as a group and work on it.
Sharing the harvest is a source of joy for these part-time farmers, but their urban farm is also a source of frustration at times.
Tou Hui-hsia
Volunteer farmer
Lots of people pass through here to look around, and there people who come here at night when they’re out for a walk. Naturally, when they see the beautiful okra plants, the beautiful eggplants, the vibrant red hot peppers, they inevitably want to pick a little to take with them. We put up signs, which we hope will encourage people not to do this. However, even if we catch people picking the crops, we can’t report them to the police, we can only try to persuade them not to do so.
However, this unfortunate setback is not enough to destroy the passion these volunteers have for farming.
Tou Hui-hsia
Volunteer farmer
It’s like what I told my sons. I grow okra and sweet potato leaves today, so that they can eat them.
Sharing the harvest with family members makes farming more fun, and what is harvested is more than just produce.
According to data from the United Nations, as of 2020 the percentage of the world’s population living in cities was 56%. By 2050, that number is projected to grow to 68%. Some countries have already begun promoting urban farming programs.
Liu Che-wei
Take Seoul, for example. Overall it’s a very similar city to Taipei geographically — both are within basins. Over in South Korea, there are lots of urban areas in the basin. In November 2011, the government there passed the Act on Development and Support of Urban Agriculture. This act is really special. It not only promotes agriculture, but also everyday farming, community farming, and so on.
Urban farming can be a great pastime, and in some countries the practice has even contributed to food self-sufficiency for urban residents.
Chang Sheng-lin
National Taiwan University
Cuba over the past 30 or 40 years was impacted by the Cold War, and it was prohibited from importing oil, and prohibited from having all manner of exchanges with Western countries. Therefore, urban farming there is extremely developed. Organic farming there is also quite developed. So, when people say that urban farming and organic farming can’t support a society, well, Cuba is an example that refutes that.
However, relying on urban farming for society’s survival is something still far out of reach for Taiwan – especially given Taiwan’s limited land and large population.
Liu Che-wei
Lots of public sector space, public land, can’t be converted to different long-term use. What can be done now, is to open up rooftops for communities to use for farming. We can open up these underutilized spaces for adoption by community organizations, so they can be converted into public farming spaces.
In terms of using public spaces for community farming, Fujian Borough in Taipei’s Songshan District provides a very good example.
This farm was established in 2015. Three years earlier, in 2012, this plot of land belonged to the Ministry of National Defense. Locals fought to gain use of the land, so that they could set up this farm, and bring some well-needed greenery to the borough. However, 10 years on, it is no more.
Lin Kun-hsin
Fujian Borough warden
This space here is about 500 ping, arranged in a perfectly square plot. It’s very suitable for building a social-housing complex, so we got caught up in such plans. The farm was here for about 10 years, and made everyone very happy, so of course the borough residents are very upset about this. We have protested, but we came up against regulations, because this plot belongs to the defense ministry.
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Who are the “Venoms Mob?”
Well, first things first: if you go to China and talk about the 5 Venoms, or the Venoms Mob, they’ll have absolutely no idea who you’re talking about there, because that’s a fandom-term among US Kung Fu cult movie fans.

In Hong Kong, the Venoms are known as director Chang Cheh’s Weapons Expert Troupe, a group of five lifelong friends, martial artists, bodybuilders, exotic weapons experts, and trained acrobats who did at least a dozen movies for manly man Kung Fu director Chang Cheh in the 1970s and 1980s. They were the real deal: they usually choreographed their own fight scenes, which often involved flips and crazy stunts due to their acrobat training, high-wire acts, and unusual and exotic weaponry not typically seen even in martial arts movies. It’s like every single one of them drank the Captain America potion. Their films tended to end in heroic sacrifices, and the Venoms, for all their athleticism and daring, tended to be identifiable people on the bottom end of the societal ladder: homeless drifters, refugees, itinerant hobos, traveling performers, or restaurant workers.

The Venoms were stars in the US, particularly among the black community who love Chinese martial arts movies, not just because of their truly breathtaking skill and choreography, but because they are how most people feel they are, secretly, deep down: rams among sheep. They are the poor, downtrodden, or average person who decides “not to take it anymore” after untold indignities. This is also why the Venoms are especially important to the black community. In fact, if you want to know how much the Venoms mean to their fans, just go up to nearly any Black Dad over 45+ and ask about the “5 Venoms.”

Chang Cheh, Director of the Venoms
The best way to describe the director and writer of the Venoms films, Chang Cheh is that he is basically Mac from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia if he decided to make Gladiator and loved Sergio Leone and Kurasawa.

The director and writer of the Venoms movies, and maybe the most significant name in the history of Kung Fu cinema apart from Bruce Lee, Chang Cheh was towering enough that Quentin Tarantino dedicated Kill Bill Part 2 to Chang Cheh in the closing credits. It would not be inaccurate to say he invented the Kung Fu movie as we know it, with its training montages, mentor-student relationships, all cut with themes of vengeance, noble self-sacrifice, and rebellion of poor and ordinary people against unjust authority.
Chang Cheh’s life story is fascinating. His father was a warlord during the Republican Era between the World Wars, which must have made for an interesting school career day. He started as a film critic and became a screenwriter, then from being a screenwriter, became a director. I wonder if that is the reason that Chang Cheh was so fascinated by themes of masculinity and male bonding, as the arty, openly gay movie critic son of a central Asian warlord had a nearly impossible standard of masculinity to live up to.

The two Western movies that are, thematically, the closest to Chang Cheh are Gladiator and Saving Private Ryan, and if you like both of those movies, you’ll probably like him. His heroes are often James Dean-like angry young men, poor and at the outskirts of society. His movies tend to end in heroic self-sacrifice for a noble cause, and tend to have themes of vengeance, arty blood red slaughter, and a distrust of authority and government of any kind. He loves bloodshed and thinks violence is beautiful; an image that comes up often is someone in an all white outfit that gets covered in blood, an arty view of violence similar to his two biggest influences, Sergio Leone and Kurosawa. Like the Shawshank Redemption, Chang Cheh movies are essentially ensemble pieces about the friendships and close comradely bonds of brotherhood between men. Very few women of any kind have extensive speaking parts in his movies.

Another movie that also summarizes Chang Cheh would be 300. Remember that Sarah Silverman bit where she said that “300 is the answer to the question, how gay is this movie on a scale of 1 to 10?” Not just because it is about an entirely male cast, or about finding fulfillment in noble self-sacrifice and heroism Alamo-style against desperate odds, but also because it’s about glorifying the male body, with tons of abs and pecs. I suppose I should mention here that Chang Cheh’s movies are profoundly homoerotic, and discussion of their homoeroticism is the major way film academics talk about these movies. How many scenes in Cheh’s movies are about dudes hanging out with their shirts off, flexing their muscles? Or about “brothers” who clasp each other on the shoulder while looking longingly into each other’s eyes in a shot-reverse shot? The only meaningful relationship in his movies are male ones. I dislike passing on cheap gossip, but by all accounts it’s actually an open secret in the Hong Kong film industry that Chang Cheh was homosexual and lived with other men.

Yi Kuang -Screenwriter of the Venoms
The screenwriter of nearly all the Venoms movies, much like Chang Cheh, Yi Kuang had an interesting life. He was a Communist Party officer who went to Inner Mongolia, where his primary job was writing death sentences for landlords. Once idealistic, he left disillusioned with the Chinese Communist Party, and a remained a die-hard anticommunist. Evil bureaucrats tend to show up in his stories often for that reason, and a common theme of his scripts is the anger of ordinary people against distant, unapproachable authorities. There’s no understanding Venoms films without their screenwriter. Chang Cheh started as a screenwriter and wrote his movies, but Yi Kuang was his most frequent partner.

Interestingly, Yi Kuang got famous long after for writing a series of supernatural and horror novels called the Mr. Wisely books, where a traditional Chinese medicine expert fights for sites of power charged with Feng Shui. It’s interesting to see his turn to the supernatural, sorcery, and ghosts as an overreaction to his distaste for Marxist materialism. Of all the Venoms films, the one that shows his influence the strongest was the one the Venoms fight an evil human sacrifice devil cult, Masked Avengers.
The Hero – Kuo Chui

A guy with a big smile and a body carved out of marble, Kuo Chui started as a circus acrobat before becoming a stuntman and then a leading actor. He was the Venom with the strongest and most natural screen presence, the one that was the most “movie star.” In fact, he was almost always the hero and central character of Venoms movies, usually playing the most levelheaded and strategic minded of the group.
Kuo Chui deserves some credit also for being the one Venom to actually direct a movie himself, Ninja in the Deadly Trap. This sounds like a heck of a leap, but in Hong Kong, nearly all choreographers also direct their fight scenes. It’s no surprise that a common career path in Hong Kong cinema is to go from choreographer to director (see also Chang Cheh’s ex-choreographers, Tang Chia and 36 Chambers director Liu Chia Liang)
The Bad Guy – Lu Feng

Every single movie, Lu Feng was the heel, the bad guy. I mean, heck, in Shaolin Rescuers, he even played the evil apprentice of the supreme supervillain of the martial arts, Pai Mei! But no matter what, Lu Feng was just so cool that you couldn’t help but root for him just a little bit. He was a character type common in pro wrestling: the arrogant “cool heel,” like Rick Flair and the Horsemen.

The Venoms tended to be workaday regular poor guys, but Lu Feng usually played a rich guy who oozed arrogance and menace, rather like the evil rich football player heel in college movies.
The Funny Guy – Chiang Sheng

A guy who usually played the funny young hero or a wisecracking comedy sidekick prone to wiseassery and pratfalls, Chiang Peng was the Venom who most benefited from the rise of Jackie Chan, and his introduction of silent film era inspired physical comedy into the otherwise stale Kung Fu film. Like Robin Williams, Chiang Shiang was someone who made everyone else laugh, but because he had a lot of darkness inside him, which ended up killing him. Chiang Sheng is the only Venom to not be with us, he drank himself to death after his divorce in 1991. Because of this, there can never really be a full Venoms reunion.

One of the most amazing things about Hong Kong cinema in the 70s is that the actors tended to have scraggly teeth that aren’t perfect and that seemed to be Chang Shieng’s defining trait. To be clear, I am not in any way mocking him for having bad teeth. In fact, I think it is rather winsome and endearing, like a teenager with braces.
The Tough Guy – Lo Meng

Known as the “Shaolin Hercules,” the person I’d compare Lo Meng to is Mr. Worf. Ultra-strong, humorless, intimidating, dead serious and never smiling, he was by far the most muscular and powerful of the Venoms, with tons of machismo and swagger, “big dick energy” as the kids say today. The camera tends to linger on his oiled up biceps and chest in extreme close-up…but was also, usually, the first to die in nearly all of these films. Much like how Worf was the toughest guy ever, but usually got beat up a lot so the writers could show that the situation was serious. In fact, Lo Meng, still in great shape, was in Ip Man 4, where, not one to break with a tradition, he was the first guy to get his ass beat in the film, even in a movie made in the Year of Our Lord 2020.
Lo Meng tends to be the “backup main hero” and was even the main character in films like 2 Champions of Shaolin. He had the most impressive “solo” film career apart from the other Venoms. Like Geri Halliwell, he left the Venoms to do his own thing, which is why the defining trait of the later Venom films is that he wasn’t there.
Lo Meng wasn’t Taiwanese like the other Venoms, and was a native of Hong Kong. In fact, he got his start in the film industry not as a stuntman or muscleman, but as an accountant for the Shaw Brothers studios, and he lifted weights and did Praying Mantis Kung Fu as a hobby. That’s…that’s hilarious. Reminds me of that fake Simpsons movie, Undercover Nerd with Renier Wolfcastle:
The Wild Card – Chun Shieng
Would YOU trust this man? I wouldn’t. He betrayed the Toad!

That’s Chun Shieng for you, the wild card Venom who could “go either way” and so wasn’t an entirely trustworthy ally.
Allow me to correct a misconception I’ve seen in a lot of places: Chun is sometimes known as “the one Korean Venom.” He isn’t Korean but Chinese, but he was trained in Korea and is a Tae Kwon Do expert, unlike the other Venoms, who studied Chinese Kung Fu and Peking Opera. And it certainly shows: he always fights with a kick-heavy Tae Kwon Do style that does not look much like any Kung Fu at all.
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Kuo Chui, Jason Pai Piao, Lo Mang, Chang Cheh, Lau Fong-Sai, Sun Chien, Chiang Sheng, and Lu Feng during Crippled Avengers (1978)
#Kuo Chui#Jason Pai Piao#Lo Mang#Chang Cheh#Lau Fong-Sai#Sun Chien#Chiang Sheng#Lu Feng#Crippled Avengers#Venom Mob#b tier venom#They all look fabulous#I love how Kuo Chui is walking by in shorts and everyone else is looking in a different direction
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MV | 田馥甄 一一 - Hebe Tien One,after Another from Grass Jelly on Vimeo.
Published by:Pourquoi Pas Music Limited 何樂音樂有限公司 Executive Producer:Benoit Chen 陳信榮 CEO:Ching Wu 吳怡青 Music Director:George Chen 陳建騏 Marketing Director:Tim Lin 林建良 Marcom Specialist:Wewe Liu 劉子瑋 Press Promotion:Harry Yang 楊宗翰 Marketing Executive:Tin Ting 丁佩舟 / Ning Chiu 邱羿寧 Internet & Activity Promotion Executive:Boa Hu 胡寶彩 Video Photographer:Ning Chiu 邱羿寧 Still Photographer:Ray Chang 張芮
Management Company:A TUNE MUSIC CO., LTD 樂來樂好有限公司 General Manager:Hui-Cheng Liao 廖彗呈 Planning Manager:Elaine Wu 吳玫瑱 Project Manager:Shang-Chih Huang 黃尚智 Project Executive:Tori Yen 顏思瑜
Stylist:Chi-Lun Fang 方綺倫 Stylist Assistant:Mengchu Yang 楊孟築 Couture Making:Yu-Hao Chang 張祐豪 Hair Stylist:Johnny Ho @ Hair Culture Makeup:Queena Tseng 曾宥寧 Choreography Consultant:Chou Shu-Yi 周書毅
Lyricist:Radio Mars 火星電台 Composer:Radio Mars 火星電台 Producer:Radio Mars 火星電台 Arrangement:Radio Mars 火星電台 Acoustic Guitar:Yu Zeng 曾宇 Bass:Yang Han 韓陽 Drum:Yongheng Wu 貝貝 (武勇恆) Trumpet:Xiaochuan Li 李曉川 Backing Vocals Arrangement:Hebe Tien 田馥甄 / Shaofeng Huang 黃少峰 Backing Vocal:Hebe Tien 田馥甄 Recording Engineers:Adam Huang 黄欽勝 / Alex 阿烈 Recording Studios:Mega Force Studio 強力錄音室 / MDD Studio 北京 / Soundhub Studios 上海升赫錄音棚 Mixing Engineer:Adam Huang 黄欽勝 Mixing Studio:Mega Force Studio 強力錄音室 Mastering Studio:FLAIR MASTERING WORKS Mastering Engineer:UCHIDA TAKAHIRO 內田孝弘 OP:北京飛行者音樂科技有限公司 SP:北京飛行者音樂科技有限公司 Sound Effect:FORGOOD SOUND 好多聲音
Production DEPT.: Production House:Grass Jelly Studio 仙草影像 Director:Muh Chen 陳奕仁 Assistant Director:Xiao Chi Lin 林曉娸 Director’s Assistant:Vege Tsai 蔡馨慧
Producer:Hanson Wang 王漢聲 @ Wang’s Studio 聲意旺影音工作室 Line Producer: Hsi Hao Wang 王璽皓 / Karen Liang 梁紋綾 / Yi Cen Lin 林宜岑
D.P.:Dantol Peng 彭文星 1st Asst. Camera:Yu Hao Liu 劉于豪 Camera Assistant:Shang Ju Yang 楊尚儒 / Che Ming Chang 張哲銘 Equipment (BOLT): Ting Kuan Chung 丁冠中 / Ting Kuan Chieh 丁冠傑 / Chien Hsu Tu 凃健旭 / Chao Hsiang Wang 王朝祥
Gaffer:Pony Ma 馬銘財 Best Boy Electrician:Yu Sheng Gao 高煜盛 / Jun Rong Tian 田峻榮 Electrician: Keng Hua Kuo 郭耿華 / Guo Min Lin 林國民 / Chen Wei Lin 林辰緯
Art Director:Mingko Wang 王閔可 Set Decorator:Bobby Wang 王敬捷 Art Assistant:Pei Chi Huang 黃霈琪 / Yi Suan Chen 陳宜瑄 Best Boy Grip: Jyun Ying Siao 蕭郡英 / You Cheng Huang 黃宥誠 / Chen Wei Huang 黃辰煒 / Guo Min Lin 林國民 / Ming Lung Wu 吳明龍 / Tzu Chi Fan 范子薺 / Chia Chieh Li 李加杰
Scenic:阿榮道具制作室 Chien Min Chien 簡建民 / Chien Sung Chien 簡建松
Stylist:Yu Ping 郁萍 / Barbie Chen 陳八比 @ Mii2styling 米兔皇造型工作室 Makeup & Hairstyle: Ching Yi Chen 陳靜怡 / Liang Yu Huang 黃亮瑜 / Zhen Hao Chiu 邱楨皓 / Hsin Wei Wang 王伈葦 / Chiao Wei Chang 張巧薇
Casting:Gime 蘇錦銘 Talent List:Tai Chong Chen 陳泰中 / Okashi Lu 呂美潔 / Ryan Hsieh 謝東豪 / Ching Chiang Wang 王靖江 / Hsi Hao Wang 王璽皓 / Ya Huang Lee 李雅煌 / Kevin Yang 楊宗昇 / Li Tai Cheng 鄭禮岱 / Daniel Chen 陳少卉
Camera Rental:Leader Asia Pacific Creativity Center 利達數位影音科技股份有限公司 Studio & Lighting Rental: Hong Chen Film Studio 鴻臣實業有限公司 Equipment:LEE RONG FILM & TV EQUIPMENT CO. 力榮影業有限公司
Virtual Camera for Previsualization: MoonShine Virtual Studio 夢想動畫虛擬攝影棚
Post-Production House:Grass Jelly Studio 仙草影像 Executive Producer:Eliza Lee 李依蒨 / Okashi Lu 呂美潔 Project Manager: Roddy Hung 洪凡柔 / Ekijo Lai 賴奕如 Financial Manager:Lulu Chen 陳奕如
CG & Compositing Lead: Greg Miao 苗天雨
Story: Muh Chen 陳奕仁 / Castor Ou 歐聰瑩 / Yu Shuo Leung 梁育碩 / Both Li 李季軒 / Xiao Chi Lin 林曉娸 / QB Lian 連又潔 / Meiling Chen 陳美齡 / Yutzu Liu 劉又慈
Storyboard: Yu Shuo Leung 梁育碩
Concept Designer: Yu Shuo Leung 梁育碩 / Castor Ou 歐聰瑩 / Both Li 李季軒 / QB Lian 連又潔 / Meiling Chen 陳美齡 / Yutzu Liu 劉又慈
3D Animator: Skip Chen 陳慈仁 / Janet Wang 王玨凝 / Youzi Su 蘇袖惠 / Nigel Huang 黃勗 / Eason Chen 陳家和 / Yu Hsuan Huang 黃于瑄 / Yuki Chou 周祐諆
3D Animator Assistant: Jia Yu Chen 陳家榆 / Ting Yi Lu 呂庭儀
VFX Artist: Skip Chen 陳慈仁 / Jerry Liu 劉至弘 / Yu Hsuan Huang 黃于瑄
Roto Artist: Bio Luo 駱信宏 / Ruth Yu 余如晨 / Bono Chang 張暐明 / Sharon Lee 李淑娟 / Sean Tsai 蔡尚甫 / Szu Tzu Huang 黃思慈 / Meng Cheng Hsieh 謝孟成 / Sean Lin 林昱燊 / Laba Lee 李建緯
Compositing: Wen Ting Li 李文婷 / Nigel Huang 黃勗 / Eason Chen 陳家和 / Ching Chi 冀擎
Compositor’s Assistant: Yuki Chou 周祐諆 / Yu Hsuan Huang 黃于瑄 / Jerry Liu 劉至弘 / Jia Yu Chen 陳家榆 Grading:Pixelfly Digital 傳翼數位影像 / Moya Chou 周佳聖
指導單位:文化部 主辦單位:文化內容策進院 特別感謝:IP內容實驗室 製作協力 財團法人工業技術研究院 2020.06
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九天玄女 Jiutian Xuannü (Mysterious Woman of the Nine Heavens)
九天玄女娘娘 Jiutian Xuannü niangniang (Mysterious Woman, Damsel of the Nine Heavens)
The Mysterious Woman is and emissary of the Queen Mother of the West (Xiwang mu) and transmitted various magical arts and talismans to aid the Yellow Emperor in his battles.
The Taoist master Tu Kuang-t'ing includes a biographical account of the Mysterious Woman in his "Record of the Assembled Transcendents of the Fortified Walled City," a compendium of lives of goddesses and female saints important to the Shang Ch'ing or Supreme Qear Realm school of Taoism, of which he was a master. An English translation of part of this document follows below;
The Mysterious Woman of the Nine Heavens was the teacher of the Yellow Thearch (Huang ti) and the disciple of the Primal Ruler known as the Incomparable Mother (the Queen Mother of the West). In former times, the Yellow Thearch became ruler of the Yu hsiung Kingdom; he took Shen Nung's grandson, Yii Wang, as his assistant. Later, when all was in decline, the various feudal lords attacked each other and sought each other with a thousand swords. Based on the colour of his direction, each gave himself a cognomen after one of the five phases. The descendent of Tai Hao (Fu Hsi) called himself the Blue-green Thearch, the descendent of Shen Nung, Yii Wang, called himself the Scarlet Thearch, the descendent of Kung Kung called himself the White Thearch, and the descendent of the Ko Tien clan called himself the Black Thearch. The Thearch, arising from the Barren Wastes of Yu hsiung, called himself the Yellow Thearch. He was reverent indeed. The lower nobles turned themselves around and cultivated virtue.
After the Thearch had been on the throne twenty-one years, Ch'ih Yu set forth his calamities. His eighty-one elder and younger brothers had the bodies of wild birds and human speech; they had bronze heads with iron foreheads. They relished sand and gobbled rocks, but did not eat the five grains. They created the shapes of five tigers to harm the black-haired people, and cast weapons in the mountains of Ko Iu without using the Thearch's decree.
The Thearch, wanting to punish them, sought far and wide for talented and capable men to act as his assistants. He obtained Feng Hall at a comer of the sea and Li Mu at the Great Marsh. He made an assistant of Ta Hung; the Heavenly Elder acted as his teacher. He established the offices of the three common-lords to represent the three platforms. Feng Hou for the Supreme Platform, the Heavenly Elder for the Middle Platform, and Wu Sheng the Lower Platform.
First, the Thearch grasped the precious tripods. Without being heated on a stove, their contents were cooked. He welcomed the sun and investigated the divining stalks. He made Feng Hou his general and the son of Lady Fei Hsiu his heir apparent. He employed Chang Jo, Hsi P'eng and Li Mu. Faces radiant, they went forth on dragons. Ts'ang Chieh, Jung Ch'eng, Ta Nao, She Lung, and the flock of his vassals acted as auxiliary wings. They fought .Ch'ih Yu at Cho Iu; the Thearch and his teachers did not triumph. Ch'ih Yu created a great mist; for three days inside and outside were indistinguishable.
Following the model of the Dipper's governing mechanism, Feng Hou made a great vehicle with a handle pointing south to distinguish correctly the four directions. The Thearch, drawing upon his anxiety and grief, fasted beneath T'ai shan. The Queen Mother sent him an emissary wearing a dark fox-fur cloak. She bestowed talismans upon the Thearch, saying: "If you make your thoughts essential and then report to heaven, you will definitely receive a response from the Grand Supreme.
The Thearch dwelt for several days in the great mist, so impenetrable it obscured both daylight and the dark of night The Mysterious Woman descended into it, riding a cinnabar phoenix, holdingphosphors and clouds as reins. She wore variegated kingfisher-feather garments of nine colours. She perched before the Thearch, who repeatedly saluted her and received her command. The Mysterious Woman said: "1base myself on the teachings of the Grand Supreme. If you have any doubts, you may question me.
The Thearch kowtowed and said: "Ch'ih Yu is cruelly crossing us. His poison is harming all the black-haired people. The four seas are sobbing. no one can protect his own nature or life. I want the art of winning a myriad victories in a myriad battles. Can I cut off the harm facing my people?"
The Mysterious Woman thereupon bestowed upon the Thearch the Talisman of the Military Token of the Six Chia and the Six len, the Five Numinous Treasure Talismans and Whips, the Document on Using Ghosts and Spirits as Messengers, the Seal of the Five Bright-Shiners for Regulating the Uncanny and Communicating with the Numina, the Formula of the Five Yin and Five Yang for Concealing the CJzia, Charts for Grabbing the Mechanism of Victory and Defeat from the Ten Essences and Four Spirits of the Grand Unity, Charts of the Five Marchmounts and Four Holy Rivers, Instructions on the Essentials of the Divining Slips, jade junctures of the nine radiances, pennants of the Ten cutoffs, swords which command demons, an auroral cloud cap and fire belt pendant, dragon halberds and rainbow banners, a kingfisher carriage and green palanquin with sinuous dragons as the inner pair of the draft team and tigers riding astride, a thousand flowered canopies, eight simurgh carts, feathered flutes and mysterious staffs, rainbow standards and jade battle axes, phenomena of the divine transcendents, seals of the five dragons, pearls of the nine bright-shiners, junctures of the nine heavens: all went to make military tokens. There were five-coloured banners to distinguish the emperors of the five directions.
The Thearch subsequently restored and led all. The feudal lords fought again, driving out the demons. The scattered ill-omened creatures were placed against him in battle array. The Rain Master and Wind Sire acted as guards; responsive dragons stored up water to attack the Thearch. But the Thearch controlled them all. Thereupon he destroyed Ch'ih Yu in the wilds of Chiieh pen. At his grave mound in the township of Chung chi, the Thearch buried him, dividing his four limbs. Subsequently Yii Wang resisted the mandate and the Thearch punished him as well, in the wilds of Pan ch'iian. The Thearch pursued the Hsiin yu to the north, and greatly settled the four quadrants. He exhaustively paced to the four extremities, travelling altogether over twenty-eight thousand li. Then he cast tripods to set up the nine provinces, and established vassals of the nine courses and nine virtues to observe heaven and earth, sacrifice to the ten thousand numina, hand down models, and establish teachings.
After that he selected bronze from Mount Shou and cast tripods at Mount Ching. A yellow dragon descended to welcome him. Riding the dragon, the Thearch ascended to heaven. All of this was done on the basis of the talismans, whip, charts, and plans bestowed by the Mysterious Woman.
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22nd February 2022, London Fashion Week oqLiq AW 22-23 “ SPACETIME” Taiwanese brand, oqLiq, focuses on creating high-end performance fashion using technical fabrics with an emphasis on functional simplicity. Based in Tainan, Taiwan, 10 years in the industry have resulted in oqLiq garnering much global attention and this season marks the return to London Fashion week with a cinematic and abstract digital showcase. For FW22 at London Fashion Week, oqLiq transports the viewers to a futuristic and imaginative world. Taking the essence of Taoism, which holds harmony and unity as its core values, and embedding it throughout the collection with a subtle East Asian aesthetic to create considered pieces where each element is purposeful and adds to the multifunctional nature of the garment. When the film starts, a large spherical camera emerges, representing the viewer and pulling the audience into oqLiq’s world. Earthy color palettes are reflected in the immense landscape of the digital world with the infinite deserts and towering cityscapes. The four heavenly kings are seen morphing into humans to portray the idea of people striving to find peace in a world filled with uncertainty and unrest, and how kindness in human nature is transformative enough to carry the human race through the current disruption to our world. The design team focuses on technical design and innovative materials with minimalist utilitarian features to complete and redefine urban outdoor clothing. In terms of materials, oqLiq has incorporated the use of a lightweight fabric made from oyster shells combined with recycled plastic bottles this season; the fabric is then fused together with insulation layers via a high-pressure sealing process to minimize stitching hence keeping the heat trapped between the wearer and the clothing. As always, Oqliq’s process starts from the fabrics - from there, founders and designers Kay and Orbit build each of their creations into a piece of high-quality garments with a real purpose for their everyday customers.
▋A film by oqLiq
▋ 導演 Director 呂奇駿 Lu Chi-Chun ▋製片 Producer鄭城庭__Cheng Ting,Jeng ▋製片助理 Producer Assistant陳玉羲__Yu Xi,Chen ▋攝影師 Director of Photography范勝翔 fan sheng siang ▋攝大助 1st Assistant Camera胡瑋洲__Hu Wei,Chou ▋攝大助 1st Assistant Camera郭澤穎__Ken Kuo ▋燈光師 Gaffer洪國城 _Hung Kuo,Cheng ▋燈大助 Beat boy毛福祥_MAO FU,SIANG ▋燈光助理 Electricians羅敬硯_ Lo Chin,Yen 羅智軒_ Jerry Lo ▋攝影器材 Camera Equipment 真正有影映像制造社 TRUE FILM STUDIO ▋燈光器材 Lighting Equipment 中影股份有限公司 Central Pictures Corporation ▋VFX 白鹿動畫特效WhiteDeer VFX Hsieh Chia Chun 謝佳峻 Wono Chen 陳文農 Chien Yu Hsuan 簡妤瑄 Chang Chiu Kai 張求凱 Liu Wen Hao 劉文豪 ▋3D Artist 黃耀霆 Huang Yao Ting 林洵宇 LIN HSUN YU @lhy.animation 李明學 MING XUE LEE @MING_XUE 張嘉仁 ZHANG,JIA-REN ▋Concept Artist 概念設計師 呂奇駿 LU CHI-CHUN ▋動畫師 Animator 黃耀霆 Huang Yao Ting 林洵宇 LIN HSUN YU @lhy.animation 李明學 MING XUE LEE @MING_XUE 張嘉仁 ZHANG,JIA-REN ▋建模師 Modeller 黃耀霆 HUANG YAO TING 張嘉仁 ZHANG,JIA-REN ▋剪接 Editor 喻斌 PIN YU ▋BTS劉艾佛 (Radioiver Liu)范中瀚 Vastsea Fan ▋Stylist張元誠 MAKOTO CHANG ▋Hair Stylist 黑鵝摩沙 HAIRMOSA.LAB 張皓閔 Min Zhang 張皓淳 Pure Zhang 黃打 Juno Huang ▋ Makeup artist 黃俊樺 Shifty Huang 謝伊婷 Eva 化妝助理 曾湘糴 Zeng siang di ▋Models 吳珝陽 Duke / Ig:wu_duke 李制益 Daniel / Ig:daniel.li.sayhihi 林翊群 Erie / Ig:yichun_1016 廖彥龍 Adson /Ig:adson0124 王采嫻 Chelsea /Ig:chelc.w 呂亞璇 Kiki /Ig: kiki900199 江尚儒 Glay glay_chiang 賴浚程Jun Lai @jun1212__
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Episode 1 & 2
Forced Proximity is another trope in this BL as Ace Funeral Director is not only the mentor of Wang Zhan (CHANG CHIA SHENG) but his new roommate. Tang Du Zhi (PARKER MAO) with help has taken Wang Zhan by force to live with while he prepares him for his upcoming duties as an heir.
But as Du Zhi falls harder for Zhan. Will he encourage his dream of being singer? Or will Zhan give up his passion for singing in order to fulfill some family obligations?
@pose4photoml @just-another-boyslove-blog
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Series: Exclusive Love
[Nickname: PARKER MAO]
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Ten sustainable architecture proposals by SUTD students
Sustainable Design for a Better World is the theme on which students from the Singapore University of Technology and Design based the projects in this school show, tackling issues like wildfire resilience, land scarcity and electronic waste.
The projects in this digital showcase were completed by those in the Architecture and Sustainable Design studio, as part of the university's Master of Architecture programme.
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
University: Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) Exhibition title: Sustainable Design for a Better World Course: Master of Architecture Studio: Architecture and Sustainable Design
School statement:
"Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is pleased to present exemplary student work from the recent graduating class of December, 2020. These Master of Architecture students, while enrolled in the Architecture and Sustainable Design program, have embarked upon investigative architectural projects that address salient needs of multiple levels of societies in serious need of shelter, stability and architectural solutions. Concerned students represented in this sampling demonstrate the intellectual rigour and care which Singapore University of Technology and Design theoretical Master of Architecture projects embody.
"These 10 proposed architectural solutions strive to help humankind in Southeast Asia and across the globe. The thinking, planning, digital drawing and visionary solutions demonstrate how a Master of Architecture student's mind matures while mentored in the Architecture Sustainable Design program at SUTD" – Daniel Whittaker, senior lecturer.
The Makers Museum by Chia Sheng Wei
The Makers Museum is an exploration in rethinking the typology of a museum as more than just a repository of artefacts showcased in gallery spaces, but also a space for the act of creation. Chia Sheng Wei harnessed the use of artificial intelligence, working in tandem with human stakeholders, to ensure that this future museum is a product of: a) high-intelligence generative processes, b) collective decisions and c) specialist interventions. This forward-looking project’s intention is to feature the new museum’s architecture as the zeitgeist; the museum reconfigures itself over time to suit the needs and desires of the age, through a series of modular inter-connected components.
Student: Chia Sheng Wei Award: DP Architects Design Excellence Award (Master’s) Thesis advisor: Immanuel Koh
Rebuilding Paradise by Ng Wen Qi
As urban habitats and natural landscapes become increasingly intermixed, wildfires that are capable of devastating entire towns and communities have become commonplace in wildland-urban interface areas. Ng Wen Qi's thesis takes a critical relook at wildfire resilience by understanding the wildfire crisis in the Californian context, where the pursuit towards aggressively fortifying urban habitats has become modus operandi.
This thesis project deconstructs the adaptive features and time-specific mechanisms that make up the ecological model of fire-adapted ecosystems. As a result, a new prototype for its urban-architectural equivalent is envisioned. This prototype takes on the form of a strategically vulnerable, regenerative suburban community situated in Paradise, a town left crippled by one of California's most destructive fires. This thesis project is a rebuttal against the typically loss-adverse, hyper-defensive narrative for resilience, proposing instead an approach of targeted loss and architectural and ecological regeneration.
Student: Ng Wen Qi Award: Master of Architecture, winner of two Thesis Awards – Representation and Social Innovation Thesis advisor: Peter Ortner
Repoldergramming by Poon Weng Shern
Global population growth and its concomitant infrastructure networks grow, in tandem, polders as reactions to climate change and polders as state establishment. The lack of critique towards this infrastructure arises from the skewed perception of these as purely "technical" constructs of engineering rather than messy assemblages or cyborg complexes. Site Testbed, Hai Phong City, the port city of Hanoi, in Vietnam, served as the prime site of this thesis investigation. The infrastructure component of the breakwater is re-investigated in terms of how new aquaculture-centred activities can enable greater food production and efficient harvesting to feed an ever-growing population demanding greater nutritional intake to sustain such growth.
Student: Poon Weng Shern Award: Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Research Thesis advisor: Eva Castro
Aviation 2050 by Tan Gee Yang
The aviation industry has proven to be largely resilient to external shocks since the 2000s and the demand of air travel has been doubling every 15 years. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has compelled many governments to implement lockdowns; this halt to travel has shed light on the fragility of airport terminals on two scales: the circulation of passengers and the process that govern the way people move in the airport.
This thesis posits that a more adaptive circulation framework within Singapore's Changi airport is a means to building anti-fragility. It aims to develop a framework for a more adaptive and flexible circulation system, allowing airports to handle varying undefined future scenarios. At the same time, this would also allow for the more efficient processing of passengers, providing a more intuitive way-finding experience. This thesis hence imagines a future adaptive anti-fragile airport that can embrace change, dynamically absorbing and rebalancing itself to the unforeseen demands ahead.
Student: Tan Gee Yang Award: Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Computation Thesis advisor: Sam Joyce
Deployable Enclosure by Tan Zhi Wei
Architecture constantly seeks to find ways to respond and adapt to changing situations. Unequal and impromptu influxes of transient populations, due to economic and humanitarian migrations, results in a worsening of housing issues in cities and countries that are already face land scarcity.
Tan Zhi Wei's thesis aims to find an appropriate architectural solution to the problems of population growth and habitation issues that arise — through the use of transportable, deployable and lightweight structures. Such structures were conventionally thought of as temporary structures meant to be quickly erected for short periods, however advances in technology and building methods could allow for such structures to become habitable living spaces to alleviate problems caused by ever increasing population numbers.
Student: Tan Zhi Wei Award: Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Fabrication Thesis advisor: Kenneth Tracy
Urban Tranquillity by Pang Yun Jie
This thesis proposes a sequence of spaces for tranquil experiences in high-density cities. There is a need for such restorative spaces because city dwellers have been found to have a greater likelihood of developing mood and anxiety disorders. While there are many architectural examples that provide calm spaces, they often do not address the noise pollution of the modern city. To enable mindfulness amid noise pollution, Pang Yun Jie’s thesis proposes a building that provides an experiential journey, offering a choreographed transition from a spectrum of city sounds, one sound source at a time.
Student: Pang Yun Jie Award: Master of Architecture Thesis Award – Sustainability Thesis advisor: Thomas Schroepfer
Moving Capitals by Michelle Gouw
Jakarta's sinking urban situation due to climate change and rising sea levels has prompted the official government to move its central government offices and capitol buildings to East Kalimantan. The building of the new capital might have significant environmental and social impacts on Borneo. Michelle Gouw's thesis proposes a new building typology for the new capital that aims to minimise the negative ecological impact of the development.
Gouw proposes a "hovering" compact urban fabric, with a minimal building footprint to allow for the ecosystem of Kalimantan to remain intact as much as possible. Referring to Lazar Khidekel proposals of 'aero city', elevating a city is one way to break the correlation between construction of the cities and destruction of nature. As such, Gouw's vision for the new capital aims to redefine sustainable urban architecture for Indonesia and beyond.
Student: Michelle Gouw Award: A nomination for two awards: Sustainability and Social Innovation Thesis advisor: Thomas Schroepfer
Singapore 2075 by Caleb See De Kai
This thesis seeks to speculate on the trend of unbridled technological implementation within our built environment, where the varied integration of and seemingly benevolent decisions made on technology in everyday lives may cumulate into an unstable and unsustainable future, without our realisation of the consequences unleashed. Three primary stakeholders are considered: the people, the government, and corporate entities. Within this framework, the relationships and dynamics are investigated. Caleb asks: "Who has the ultimate control within the next generation smart city, and how truly smart are people in an inherently top-down smart city?"
Through the use of fiction and world-building, a series made of three acts invites discussions on the Internet-of-Things of today, caricaturing and challenging established dogma. This theoretical narrative takes the position of the National Cyberspace Agency, in the 2070s. Its future goal is to shape Singapore to be a technologically advanced and compatible digital hub through investments in infrastructures of connectivity and collaboration, thereby aligning with Singapore's national agenda of being a neutral platform and smart nation.
Student: Caleb See De Kai Award: A nomination for two awards: Research and Social Innovation Thesis advisor: Sam Joyce
New Operaism by Ian Soon Wen
Ian Soon Wen's thesis asks the question, "What does an alternate future for the exploited workers in Southeast Asia's electronic waste industry look like?" New Operaism is a speculative fiction that envisions a new form of territorial life, one that seeks to inhabit the uninhabitable. Given the vulnerability of coastal waste infrastructures, the project attempts to transform a drowning landfill at the mercy of climate change into a thriving cyborg community.
Examining the starting and ending points of the global trans-boundary electronic waste flow, the vulnerable communities living in close proximity to the landfill begin to occupy their new aquatic territory by processing the landfill and trans-boundary electronic waste into building materials, aquaculture and energy systems, augmenting the natural and synthetic systems into a cyborg ecology. A trans-human society established from urgency, the exploited labourers project themselves into an alternate reality, one in which they gain full autonomy by harnessing the power of technology to move into a post-labour future.
Student: Ian Soon Wen Award: A nomination for two awards: Research and Manufacturing Thesis advisor: Eva Castro
Urban Deltascapes by Tan Chiew Yu Audrey
Most of Singapore's coast is lined with seawalls. These 'hard' defensive structures significantly limit a more symbiotic relationship with the sea that can include ecological processes involving both terrestrial and marine environments. Recognising that climate change and the related rise of sea levels will impact Singapore, Audrey's thesis explores an alternative strategy for Singapore — as an urban environment that embraces its relationship to water.
The Keppel-Labrador-Bukit Chermin Planning Area presents an ideal testing ground. Situated along the coastline and adjacent to the ecologically-diverse Berlayer Creek, this thesis presents an alternative approach to new developments along this Southern Waterfront. Instead of conventional 'hard' defences, this reprogramming proposes a resilient coast through use of natural systems — to not only protect and restore ecologies, but to develop the city with these natural environments in mind. This project proposes an urban solution that mediates between land and water along the existing ecologically sensitive Berlayer Creek that features one of Singapore's largest remaining mangrove forests.
Student: Tan Chiew Yu Audrey Award: A nomination for award: Sustainability Thesis advisor: Thomas Schroepfer
Partnership content
This school show is a partnership between Dezeen and Singapore University of Technology and Design. Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.
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