#chandelure. hates sugar and lets her flounder for a bit trying to figure out which button to press
hoofpeet · 2 years
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cut the inevitable infodump off in the tags before it could get too long but it is conceptually funny to me that I draw Sugar as babygirl supreme. doggy girl doing doggy things running after tennis balls and curling up on Emmet’s bed in the middle of the night . But is ultimately also essentially a middle aged business man who runs a major transit station and is very serious about her job <3
would Emmet even know tho . I think it’s funniest if Emmet is too busy wallowing in his own misery the whole time to fully think through the situation and realize that Sugar’s effectively been doing Ingo’s job for the last 2 years.. He just walks into [Ingo’s] office one day and sees Sugar typing up a very long winded professional email like ??? 
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