#chancellor zillobeast
bolithesenate · 1 year
doodle for the random Chancellor Zillobeast update
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i've no clue where that came from, but i aint gonna complain. writing Nurp again was fun
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bolithesenate · 1 year
an (in) comprehensive guide of my fics and the nicknames I give them on discord
this is simply for my own amusement, but eh
The Mud of The Covenant Is Thicker Than The Grandmaster’s Stew --> Mud fic
The Manda Provides --> time travelling mandalorian prophet baby
Meanwhile On Mandalore --> cool satine au
I Won’t Hesitate --> serenno au
Solving The Galaxy’s Problems With Swift Violence And A Grave Misunderstanding of How The Force Works --> pspsps fic / my sequels rewrite
The Jaster Mereel School of Cover IDs --> the larp fic
Space Nerds Galore --> the nerdverse / yanjocaster
The War of The... Cilantro? --> cilantro fic
Things Happen, Slightly To The Left --> witcher au
We Didn’t Start The Fire --> i dont talk about that one much so there isn’t one really?
Chancellor Zilobist --> the zillobeast fic
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bolithesenate · 4 years
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Fox has to catalogue every plant because one of the senators had an allergic reaction to one of them and they don’t know which one.
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bolithesenate · 4 years
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The origins of the Drinking Nights with the Senatorial Aides.
Fox meets Orn Free Taa's aides in a bar and they start bitching (bc honestly, those poor women must have so many bottled up aggression)
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bolithesenate · 4 years
Thorn and his cactus :)
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(Inspired by the last chap of my fic)
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