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bastrod · 2 months ago
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El Chanal Rain God in combat, based on the El Chanal Rain God Vessel
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karmathehalflander · 5 months ago
That’s it I’m going to make some comic panels for my personal take on a post VTLD Symbrock reunion. I have a solid idea for it and it’s been haunting my brain.
Not going to be a complete comic more just something I make art for when inspiration strikes.
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popclture · 1 year ago
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Shutter Island (2010)
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eli-void · 2 months ago
it's very funny to me when people on other sites think tumblr is dead and go "yeah that's so tragic, the only thing we have left are those very funny screenshots"
and I look at the screenshots and I shit you not there are always some posts i know for a fact are less then a month old
and this is all because unlike any functioning social media platform the timestamps here are optional
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electric-lavender · 5 months ago
I’m a workaholic and I’m taking this week off to visit my friends from college, I’m lovingly calling this trip shore leave, and we went to get margaritas last night. I, of course, dressed in my Kirk closet cosplay and I may have drank so much I threw up in a planter on the way to the car.
I still managed to be the first one up this morning. Hopefully my beloved friends will be up soon so I can make banana bread.
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aschenblumen · 1 year ago
Benoît Chanal y Claudio Jara, Jorge Peña Hen. Creer para crear. Documental sobre la vida y obra del compositor y pedagogo chileno. Subtítulos en francés incrustados.
A propósito del aniversario de nacimiento de Jorge Peña Hen, quien nació el 16 de enero de 1928.
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quotescanvas04 · 2 years ago
"Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door."
-Coco Chanel
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alertachiapas · 22 days ago
Chanal: Sin escobas, pero en paz y con finanzas sanas
El nuevo gobierno municipal enfrenta abandono, pero apuesta por la estabilidad y el desarrollo El presidente municipal de Chanal, Alejandro Gómez Entzin, reveló la crítica situación en la que encontró el municipio tras asumir el cargo el 1 de octubre. “No nos dejaron ni una escoba ni un trapeador”, expresó, en referencia al abandono en el que recibió la administración. A pesar de este panorama,…
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#पाखंडी_बाबाओं_झूठसे_बाज_आजाओ शर्म करो शर्म करो
कृपालु जी महाराज का कहना है कि पुराणों ने शंकर जी को पूर्ण ब्रह्म माना है, वेदों ने भी माना है। इन नकलियों को पुराणों का ही ज्ञान नहीं है कि ये जब अपनी जन्म-मृत्यु स्वयं स्वीकार करते हैं तो ये पूर्ण ब्रह्म कैसे हुए और बात करते हैं
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invadingfrogs · 6 months ago
Andrew laeddis x Dolores Chanal core
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animazed · 1 year ago
literally sitting in this chevrolet dealer reading my own blog and laughing to myself
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stpauldevarces2026 · 1 year ago
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Dans les yeux des enfants ... : le cirque est magique. Dans quelques jours, Grenoble accueille la 21 ème édition du Festival International du Cirque (du 30 nov. au 03 déc.). Une manifestation magnifique mise sur pied par
un organisateur hors pair : M. Guy Chanal. Pour les amoureux des cirques à noter aussi le Cirque Imagine à Lyon (Vaulx-en-Velin) : c'est top ! Un dîner de qualité au milieu des spectacles alternant humour de bon goût, cascades et numéros spectaculaires. Le cirque est un moment magique où le spectacle n'est pas que sur scène il est aussi dans ... les yeux des enfants.
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claustrophobic-jellybean · 2 years ago
I'm not watchin Dizny channel moviez what you talkin 'bout?
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ccattre · 1 year ago
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WHA HOO MY JAK AND DAXTER OC TIME!!! It's my turn now, I still have 2 more other peoples characters im going to be drawing, though ^w^
So I've been trying to get this drawing right for months, and I'm finally happy with the results. So this is Blair. She's based on an old oc I had when I was young, but I completely changed her LOL.
So Blairs thing is using eco crystals and building holders for them that allow the user to harness the crystals' power like a chanaler could.
She was born in Main town and always had a fascination with utilizing eco crystals with old technology. Her main goal was to bring eco back into the hands of the people. She excelled in school, and her studies in college got some attention. She was invited to join the citys scientist in exchange for resources for her research.
She researched what she wanted in the beginning, but as her skills and knowledge were shown, she was slowly forced to do more tasks that started to dwell from her perfered research. Eventually, she was promoted to a special team lead by the Barron that didn't reveal its goals.
The work she preferred involved tinkering with precursor metals and combinding them with the eco crystals, creating tools. The work for this new team involved extracting eco crystals into moldable liquids to sent out in viles for the Barrons project's.
It didn't take too long for Blair to see the fucked up shit that was going on around town, but when she tried to stand down from her position she was threatened. She worked as a Haven scientist for around 4 years, until one day an accident happened that Blair used as a ploy to escape Haven and fake her death.
The accident resulted when Blair was fiddling with a yellow eco crystal, and a unintentional crack caused the crystal to explode, sending a layer of active yellow eco flying, starting a fire in the lab, but also coating the left side of her body from her face to her stomach. (why you wear protective glasses)
She left Haven with the last of the money she had and wondered the wastelands. She eventually stumbled upon a group of female marauders who took her in, and she became the groups medic (shes not too qualified but can handle eco better than the rest of them). She continued her original research and successfully began a line of eco crystal jewelry and armor that can be used as weapons and tools. And the drawing above is showing how she looks like during this phase in her life.
AND THATS WHAT I HAVE FOR NOW!! Ima draw a proper character sheet soon with all her stuff on it, but im just happy to finally post this. :D
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mado008 · 9 months ago
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Telegtam chanal: Mado008MK
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ineedhelpmentally13 · 10 months ago
I have to rant about the ( listening to your song requests vod on sherbs vod chanal)
- the fact that sherb didn't know partner in crime by Madilyn mei
-Owch how dare. I'm Offended😤
-But still one of my fav comfort streamers 💜💛
- me when I know and love half of the songs in the vod! Yipppeee!
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