dreamescapeswriting · 3 days ago
Exposed ~ BC
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‧₊˚ ☽ ⋅WORD COUNT: 3.4
‧₊˚ ☽ ⋅PAIRING: Chan x reader
‧₊˚ ☽ ⋅GENRE: established relationship, angst, soft ending, chan being protective boyfriend, your relationship is leaked,
‧₊˚ ☽ ⋅Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - October 2024
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It started off like any other day. Everything felt normal when you woke up, you and Chan had kissed goodbye like you did every single day before work and everything had been as it should have.
The usual hum of the office buzzed around you, and you sat at your desk with a smile, still laughing with your colleagues about a ridiculous moment that happened during the morning meeting.
“I can’t believe he actually said that,” you chuckled, glancing at your friend across the desk. You couldn't believe one of the interns had taken over the meeting after your boss had left, acting as though he'd know exactly what he was talking about... newsflash...he didn't.
“Does he even know what ‘synergy’ means?” you giggled a little and your friend, Sarah, shook her head, trying to keep her laughter under control.
“He’s just throwing words around to sound smart. I thought we were all going to lose it when he started talking about optimizing our optimized optimizations.” The two of you burst into laughter again, drawing curious glances from the people nearby, glares soon followed and you rolled your eyes. It was one of those lighthearted mornings—work felt manageable, and the little stresses of life were nowhere to be found.
Even your secret life with Chan didn’t feel overwhelming today, sometimes it felt hard to hide that part of your life from everyone you knew at work. But for nearly four years, you had both kept your relationship perfectly hidden, enjoying your time together away from prying eyes. You didn't care that you had to hide it, you understood why since life with an idol wasn't going to be all it was made out to be in the fanfictions you sometimes found yourself reading.
"Poor thing, maybe we should invite him to lunch though, just so we don't make him feel isolated," you told her as she nodded along with you. The last thing you wanted was to be mean to someone who clearly was trying his best here.
Soon the laughter died down, and you leaned back in your chair, reaching for your coffee. It was still warm—just the way you liked it. Everything felt routine. Normal.
But normal didn’t last.
Your phone, sitting innocuously beside your keyboard, buzzed once. Then again. And again. It wasn't like you to get so many notifications unless your friend was off from work and spammed you with reels so you bit down on your lip. You weren't exactly allowed your phone out so you glanced at it briefly, expecting a couple of messages from Chan or maybe a group chat blowing up. But the notifications were relentless.
Your brow furrowed as you picked up the phone. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the flood of messages—dozens of notifications on social media, texts from unknown numbers, and even missed calls. Confusion turned to panic as you scrolled through the chaos, trying to make sense of it all.
“What’s wrong?” Sarah asked, noticing the sudden change in your expression. Before you could answer, another notification popped up on your screen—a tagged post from one of Chan’s members. Your stomach dropped as you read the caption:
CHANGBIN(jutdwae): "Congratulations on four years! You two deserve all the happiness."
You blinked, reading it again to make sure you weren’t imagining things. Not only was there the captain and tag of your Instagram there were countless images of you and Chan together.
No, this couldn’t be happening. It had to be a mistake. But the fans knew. They had pieced it together. The relationship you had kept under wraps for years was now out there for the world to see.
Your phone was going insane and there was no way you were going to be able to get into contact with Chan at this rate so you slid the phone into DND mode.
“I—uh, I have to go,” you mumbled, standing up from your desk, but your legs felt weak, your mind racing. There was no way this was happening, Changbin was usually more careful than this. What was he thinking?!
Your coworkers had started to murmur, glancing at their own phones, probably seeing the same posts and comments. Some of them gave you sympathetic looks, others were confused, staring at you to make sure that you were the person you claimed to be.
"Yn, wait." Sarah sounded panicked as she walked with you, holding your lower back as she shook her head at you,
"What's wrong-" That’s when you noticed it. Outside, through the wide office windows, a crowd had gathered. A large one. The people were holding their phones, taking pictures, pointing. You could hear the muffled sounds of their voices growing louder.
Oh no.
“Y/N, talk to me...What’s going on?” Sarah asked, standing beside you, worry etched into her features. You swallowed the lump in your throat, Sarah knew you were seeing someone you couldn't talk about...someone well-known in the media but she'd respected you when you couldn't tell her who.
“Fans,” you whispered, unable to tear your eyes away from the window. You had no idea how you were even going to get out of there with that mess building up outside.
“They know. About me and Chan.” Sarah’s eyes widened in shock at the name. She opened her mouth to say something, but the words were drowned out by the sudden realization that the fans weren’t just outside—they were here for you and clearly weren't just going to walk away anytime soon.
Your phone rang suddenly, startling you out of your daze. It was Chan. Thanks to him being in your favourites he was the only number able to get through to you,
“Y/N! Are you okay? I’m so, so sorry. I swear we’re trying to fix this,” his voice was panicked, almost breathless. You knew his management were going to do everything that they could to make this all go away but you were still stuck,
“I’m at work, Chan,” you whispered, struggling to stay calm. You knew how crazy people seemed to be when it came to idols but you had no idea it was going to end up like this,
“There are fans outside. How do they even know where I am?” He cursed under his breath, and you could hear the tension in his voice. He said something to someone in the room before he bit down on his lap,
“Stay inside. Don’t go near them. I’m coming to get you.” He told you but you heard arguing on the other end of the line, Chan's voice raising as he yelled back at whoever was yelling at him.
"Chan..." you whispered, you already knew what he was going to say next. There was no way JYP was going to let him walk out of that building to come and save you.
“I’m at the company, but they’re not letting me leave. There’s media everywhere outside, and they won’t let me out,” he sounded helpless, something you weren’t used to hearing from him. Chan was always calm and composed, but now he was frantic, desperate to fix this. You hated that he was in this mess right now and you weren't right there to support him throughout it.
“I know you've got shit to deal with...B-But Chan, I don’t know what to do,” you admitted quietly, your hand shaking as you pressed the phone to your ear. Tears were building up in your eyes at the thought of walking outside and being mobbed...What if one of them hurt you? You were sure STAY wouldn't but there were some fans just crazy enough to try,
“It’s really bad, Chan.” You whispered as you saw people banging on the windows and screaming. There were police doing what they could to disburse the crowd but it wasn't exactly something that was just going to go away with a snap of their fingers.
You could hear him pacing on the other end, muttering to himself, trying to figure out a solution.
“I’ll call someone. I’ll get you out of there. Just... just stay away from the windows. I’ll figure this out.” At that moment, your boss appeared beside you, his expression serious as he glanced out at the growing crowd outside the building.
"Chan, my boss is here..." You kept your eyes on your boss who seemed worried about all of this,
"Baby, I promise you I'm going to fix this...T-Text me...or something, please...Please," The desperation dripping from Chan's voice made your chest tighten,
"Sure...I will, baby, I gotta go...I'll be okay."You promised before ending the phone call. Your boss straightened his tie, Jason wasn't usually known for being overly caring about his employees but right now he looked worried for you. As did a lot of other people inside of the office,
“Y/N, we need to get you out of here. Follow me,” he said softly, motioning toward a side exit. You looked back at your desk—at the normalcy you had only moments ago—and then at the chaos outside. Your heart pounded as you nodded at your boss.
Your boss led you through a hallway toward the back exit, shielding you from the chaos outside.
"Sarah is going to go outside with a hood up, she'll distract them long enough for you to make it to the car." Your boss explained as he walked with you hurriedly toward the parking lot. A lot of the focus was on the front doors as screams erupted.
When you finally reached your car and made it home you figured all of this mess would be over. That you could hold up inside of the house and forget this whole thing had happened but as you pulled up it was clear that wasn't on the agenda for the night. You froze at the sight in front of you. Your apartment was swarming with people—fans, stalkers, media. They were everywhere. Cameras were shoved in your windows as people scrambled to get the smallest information about you from them.
You couldn’t go home. Your home was overtaken by fans who luckily hadn't noticed your car yet so you started driving and with trembling fingers, you called Chan again.
“I can’t go home,” you told him as you did your best not to cry. There was no way you could drive if you were crying. Chan's silence was deafening. You knew he felt responsible, that he was desperate to fix this, but there was nothing he could do right now.
“I’m getting you a hotel, no one will know okay?” Chan finally said. You could hear him typing on his laptop and you bit down on your lip at the thought of it. You were never going to have your normal life again,
“Stay there tonight. I’ll come to you first thing in the morning, I promise.” You nodded, even though he couldn’t see you. You trusted him—he would fix this. But for now, all you could do was hide away, waiting for the storm to pass.
"I love you, Channie." You whispered as you continued to drive aimlessly until he gave you the directions.
"I love you too, I'm going to sort this...I'm not going to let you get dragged down." He promised before sending you all of the details you were going to need.
"I've booked it under Patricia Kennedy, no one will trace it to us," He said as you smiled softly at the thought of using a fake name, like some kind of spy.
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Hours had passed, and even though the hotel room was silent, your mind was anything but. The dark curtains were drawn tight, shutting out the world outside, but it didn’t stop the gnawing anxiety in your chest. You had blocked the door with a chair, even though you knew it was overkill, but after everything that had happened today, you couldn’t help it. The thought of anyone else finding you made your skin crawl.
Your phone was still on DND and didn't dare try to see if you had phone calls from friends. All you knew was that your phone was close to death thanks to it overloading with numbers. You'd managed to private all of your social media accounts and uninstalled them to stop some of the notifications, and you'd tried to call your phone provider to block unknown numbers but there was too much for them to handle.
You sat curled up on the bed, your phone clutched tightly in your hand as you waited for Chan, he had called to tell you he was on his way, but time seemed to stretch, each minute dragging slower than the last. Even in the safety of the hotel, the fear refused to let go.
A knock came at the door, sharp and sudden.
Your heart jumped to your throat, and your grip tightened on the phone as you stared at the door. It was just a knock, but your body froze. What if it wasn’t him? What if someone had followed him here? What if—
“It’s me, baby. It’s Chan.” His voice came through the door, soft but certain.
“Please open the door.” You hesitated, your hand hovering over the door handle. A part of you was still scared, irrational thoughts swirling in your head. You couldn’t help it—the day had been too overwhelming, with too many eyes on you, and too much chaos.
"Yn, I promise, it’s just me. Please,” Chan’s voice was gentle but urgent, trying to calm your panic from the other side. He tapped on the door once again and you stared at the handle.
“I’m here now.” You exhaled shakily and, after a long pause, slowly removed the chair from the door and unlatched the lock. With trembling hands, you cracked the door open, just enough to peek out. The sight of Chan’s concerned face melted away some of your fear. He looked stressed and exhausted, his hair was in all kinds of directions and he looked unkept which wasn't like him at all,
“Hey,” he said softly, offering a small, reassuring smile. You stepped back and let him in, closing the door quickly behind him. As soon as the door shut, Chan’s arms were around you, pulling you into a tight, protective embrace. His familiar warmth was the only thing grounding you, and for the first time since the day started, you felt a tiny bit of safety. You hid your head in his neck and did your best not to cry, you didn't want to make him feel any worse than he already did about all of this,
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled against his chest, your voice barely a whisper. “I didn’t know if it was you.”
“Don’t be sorry,” he murmured into your hair, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. He stroked your back softly, he would have done the same thing if he was in your position.
“You’ve had a terrible day. I’m just glad I’m here now.�� He gently pulled back to take a look around the room. His eyes landed on the tightly shut curtains, the chair you had used to block the door. His brow furrowed slightly, and you could see the worry etched in his face.
“You blocked the door?” he asked softly, though there was no judgment in his tone, only concern. You nodded, feeling a little embarrassed, you scratched the back of your neck as you glanced over at him.
“I didn’t want anyone getting in.” Chan reached out, pulling you back into his arms as if he could protect you from everything. There were already plans in motion to get a guard for you, there were some stationed all over the hotel as he stood there.
“You don’t have to worry about that anymore,” he whispered. “No one’s getting in here but me. I promise.” You leaned into him, letting out a shaky breath.
“I feel like I can’t breathe. Every time I think it’s over, it’s just... not.”
“I know,” Chan said softly, rubbing gentle circles on your back. The two of you had hidden for four years, and this was something you'd talked about but nothing could have prepared you for it,
“But we’re going to fix this. I’m going to fix this. You shouldn’t have to go through this, not because of me.” You pulled back slightly to look up at him, his expression filled with guilt. You shook your head at him and touched his face softly, running your thumb along his skin.
“It’s not your fault, Chan.” He shook his head, his jaw clenched. He'd already fought with Changbin about it and apologised for it, he knew that accidents happened but he'd been stressed and took it out on the younger member.
“I should’ve been more careful. We’ve kept this a secret for so long, and now—”
“No,” you cut him off, shaking your head. “This isn’t on you. It’s just... an accident. It’s no one’s fault.” Chan’s eyes softened as he cupped your face gently, his thumb brushing against your cheek.
“I’ll do whatever it takes to make this right,” he promised.
“I don’t care how long it takes. I’ll protect you, okay? I’ll keep you safe.” Tears welled in your eyes, but they weren’t from fear anymore. You knew Chan would do everything within his power - and more - to protect you, you had no doubt in your mind.
“I know,” you whispered, leaning into his touch. “I trust you.” Chan pulled you into another hug, holding you close as if he could shield you from the world outside. And for now, in the quiet of the hotel room, that was enough.
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Days passed after the chaos of the leak, and things slowly began to settle. The initial frenzy had been overwhelming, but JYP Entertainment had stepped in, issuing a statement about the mistake, and calling for fans to respect your privacy. The company took legal action against those who crossed the line, and while the attention hadn’t completely disappeared, it was manageable now. Your numbers had been changed and you'd managed to delete most of the followers who were fans in your social media accounts.
Chan had kept his promise. He had stayed with you every step of the way, ensuring you were never left alone to deal with the aftermath. You spent a few days holed up in the hotel together, the world feeling small but safe as long as you were by his side. You mostly lived in his shirts and off room-serive which had been more fun than you'd been expecting.
One morning, you both sat on the hotel room bed, the soft glow of sunlight peeking through the curtains. The two of you were quiet, sipping on coffee, the stillness a welcome change from the chaos you had endured. It almost felt normal again.
“Are you ready to go home today?” Chan asked, glancing at you with a hopeful smile. You nodded, taking a deep breath, you'd been wanting to stay longer but only because you were enjoying being so close to him.
“Yeah. I think I’m ready.”
“Good,” he said softly.
“I know it's been a lot, but we made it through. I knew we would...” He ran his fingers over your skin softly and you smiled. You looked at him, really looked at him—his face filled with determination and love, he looked better than he did when he first arrived here. Even though things had spiralled out of control, you couldn’t imagine going through this without him by your side.
“I couldn’t have done this without you,” you admitted. “You kept me sane.” Chan smiled warmly, setting his coffee cup down before reaching out to take your hand in his.
“We’re in this together, always. Nothing’s going to change that.” You squeezed his hand, feeling the truth in his words. After everything, you knew your relationship was stronger than ever. The world might have learned your secret, but it hadn’t broken what you had—it had only made you closer.
As the two of you stood, getting ready to head back home, Chan paused and turned to face you.
"I love you...okay? Them knowing, changes nothing. I promise you that we'll get into a routine," He told you as he pulled you into his arms and kissed you softly.
"I know baby, I love you too." You wrapped your arms around him and he backed you up toward the bed again making you giggle.
"Maybe we can spend a few more hours locked away though," He whispered in your ear.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years ago
Unfinished Business ~ Part Seven [M]
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WORD COUNT: 7.9K [Smut chapter]
WARNINGS: Mentions of mafia, strong language, murder, blood, unprotected sex,
PAIRING: Bang Chan X Reader
DESCRIPTION: Part seven of nine of my new Bang Chan series. 
You’re taken hostage but one of Seoul’s leading mafia families Bang Chan but he doesn’t take you because he wants to fake a marriage or make you fall for him in 365 days no…He wants to use you for his own personal gain. To take over another family but when you try to escape things take a turn for the worst and you learn Chan isn’t one to be messed with.(Please I suck at describing stuff)
THEMES: Smut will be included in a later chapter so this is a fic for a mature audience, Chan x Fem!Reader, Self insert
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The next morning Chan woke up to an empty bed and he sat up straight, staring around the room for any sign of a struggle in case you'd been taken in the night. But there wasn't anything, then his mind went to you running away in the middle of the night while he slept. He slipped out of the bed and walked towards the bedroom door where he heard music playing from down the hallway. It was muffled through the door, but it was the song he and you had sung in the kitchen before. He travelled down the steps of the stairs and into the living room where Minho and Felix were having breakfast, calmly talking to one another while nodding their heads along to the song. Chan could see you in the kitchen through the serving hatch that was in place there. You were swaying in time to the music and humming along to the words as you flipped pancakes and cooked bacon in another frying pan. It smelt amazing and the whole room smelt as though you could eat it, Chan came into the kitchen unbeknownst to you and watched you as you did this. It was entertaining to him to watch you be this happy and free in the house, since he hadn't seen you this way before it was refreshing to see you act in this way.
"You look happy," You dropped the spatula at the sound of his voice, he chuckled bending down to pick it up for you and place it into the sink.
"I am happy...strangely." You whispered the last part but he heard you, even if you didn't want him to hear it. It was only because you didn't want to admit that it was true to yourself just yet. Your head was still at war with itself.
"Look last night-" He started, he didn't want you to kiss him just because you'd been worried about something.
"I wanted to kiss you, I wasn't just scared and sort comfort in your arms." You admitted to him and he smiled, relieved, he was delighted that you could practically read his mind on how he was feeling but he was even more thrilled to hear that you wanted to kiss him and it hadn't just been some kind of fluke. He'd wanted you to want that since the moment you agreed to stay with him with his first offer before he'd killed Mrs Lu.
"I'd like to take you out to dinner, just you, me and Jisung who will sit far away so we can be alone." You were a little shocked that he was asking you out instead of telling you to go out like he normally would but you nodded at him, despite the plan that was to make him fall for you and leave you found yourself actually falling for him and starting to like him which had been weird for you. You'd never really liked anyone this way before or at least, not this strongly before. 
"I promise to explain everything over dinner. But I have somewhere to be right now, I have a meeting. Minho is watching over you with Felix for the day." Chan came over to you and left a kiss on your forehead his lips were soft on your skin, his hand rested on your lower back as if you were a couple, it felt good to have him do this.
"I'll pick you up at 7 and we'll go out. Be ready. Wear one of those dresses from your wardrobe." He told you trying to loosen down on the orders but you nodded at him and watched as he made his way towards the staircase and back up the stairs he'd originally came from. Changbin came down them next, you were greeted with a glare from him, you'd gotten them all morning so it was nothing new to you. You just decided to be as nice as you could with him since it would probably piss him off more.
"Food Changbin?" You questioned in the kindest way you could possibly imagine and he accepted - it shocked you a little still you plated him up the food that had originally been for chan and handed it to him, he stared at you and then over at Felix and Minho you could tell he had something he wanted to say but wasn't going to in front of them. So you smiled at him and turned off the oven, happily skipping towards the door.
"I have a date to get ready for." You mumbled moving out of the kitchen and going up the staircase towards your room but you bumped into Chan in the hallway upstairs, his hand landed on your waist to steady you from falling down the stairs behind you and you felt a shock wave hit your body.
"Hi." You giggled excitedly, jumping up to kiss him on the cheek you had no idea what was coming over you but every time you were around him you were filled with a sudden burst of happiness and butterflies mixed with a warm feeling and joy that just made you want to be around him constantly.
"Hello," He chuckled looking down into your eyes as you smiled at him. This was the most he’d seen you smile and that smile made him want to stay home all day but he couldn't. The boys at the office were helping track down Namjoon who seemed to go back into the hole he'd crawled out of after threatening you last night.
"What are we doing tonight? Do I need to wear anything specific?" He shook his head and tapped his nose to signal that it was a secret, he wasn't going to give anything away to what he was going to do with you that night. Only that it was going to be romantic and special for you he’d everything planned in his head.
"Is Jisung free? I want him to help me get ready." You told him and he looked down at his watch while you straightened up his tie for him, his stomach turned as you did it the same way that she - his ex wife -  used to do it for him in the mornings tapping it down when it was straightened perfectly, it felt oddly nice to have it back in his life. Something that would seem so small to anyone else but meant the world to Chan.
"I'll send him around when he gets up. It's his day off so no promises, why Jisung?" He questioned, he suddenly felt overwhelmed with a wave of jealously that you wanted to be around someone else so much other than him. You'd grown closer to Jisung than you had any of the other guys and it worried him a little thinking you would start to fall for him or that you'd try turning Jisung against him, he tried not to think about it too much. Jisung had been with him for years so there was little chance of that happening.
"He's my favourite," You teased tapping his tie over his chest again and smiling up at him but the smile faded when you saw how mad Chan seemed to get from a seemingly innocent comment.
"It was a joke, I don't know. I'm just close to him. Like a younger brother," You told him quickly and he seemed to calm down you smiled at him and kissed his cheek once again wanting to relax a little more.
"You should go, the sooner you're gone the quicker the time will pass." You spoke to him he sighed knowing you were right and he left down the stairs, calling Seungmin and Hyunjin to tell them he was ready for work that morning.
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"No," Jisung said as he laid sprawled out on your bed, he was watching as you came and went in all the different outfit ideas you had but he was saying no to everything you'd put on so far and at this rate, you were going to need a new wardrobe.
"Why?" You asked putting your hands on your hips as you stared at Jisung wondering what could possibly be wrong with this option. It seemed perfect to you, it was a low cut top with a pair of jeans. Jisung knew what Chan would think the moment he saw it, he’d be angry at the fact that everyone else could see what he wanted to be his.
"It's too showy." You groaned at him and threw a pillow in his direction as you went back into the wardrobe, you were looking through the racks while he ate popcorn from a bowl on your bed as if this was some kind of show to him.
"So...do you actually like him then?" You could tell by the tone of his voice he was concerned for your true intentions for his boss were. You didn't want to lie to him so you slowly came out of the wardrobe clutching onto the last dress that was within your wardrobe.
"Yes...I- Jisung my heart and my head are pulling me in opposite directions." You admitted finally and it was like a weight had been taken away from your chest as soon as the words left your mouth. You knew you needed to talk to someone about it and Jisung was the only person you knew you would ever be able to trust enough to talk with about all of this.
"What's your head saying?" He moved over on the bed and you sat down beside him, taking a handful of popcorn and slowly munching on the pieces as you thought about how to talk to him about it, Chan was his boss at the end of the day and he could just as easily go to him about all of this.
"My head is screaming that I'm insane, he killed someone I loved and that I need to get out."
"And your heart?" He questioned you without a sign of how he was feeling about hearing you say that about Chan. Turning to look at him you could see his eyes filling with tears as you stared at him. He was an exact replica of the pleading face emoji and it made your heart cry out for him to stop, he was pleading with you mentally not to hurt Chan and you knew that you hadn't known Chan long but you knew he'd been through enough without you adding hurt to him.
"To take him into my life with open arms and love him no matter what." You whispered to him finally admitting it to yourself that you liked him truly, madly and deeply enough that it seemed like love to you. Something  Mrs Lu had taught you growing up was that you only ever had true love once or twice in your life, go out and grab it by the horns while you can.
"Love him?" You nodded at his question and his pleading face turned into a giant smile at the thought of Chan finally being happy again, letting go and becoming the happier chan he used to know well. He'd noticed how much happier Chan had become since taking you and he was glad it was happening, even on the first night he walked into the bar and Chan saw you he was happier just by being in your vicinity.. Neither of you had noticed Changbin was outside the door of your room listening to everything you were saying, but even he was happy that you weren't just trying to use Chan to your own advantage like he had thought. Not that he trusted you fully yet anyway, he was going to have to convince Chan that he would go along tonight instead of Jisung since you'd grown close enough to Jisung it was probably easier for him to be fooled than the rest of them.
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Chan was waiting anxiously by the front door for you debating with himself if this was a good idea Changbin had come up with the plan. There was something happening tonight that you weren’t going to know about, Changbin called him at lunch to go over everything. Now Changbin was waiting in the car that would follow you both around that night instead of being in the same car as you. It would give you both a little more freedom, more room to breathe and Chan could talk to you and tell you anything and everything you wanted to know. He was going to be as open with you as he could manage and tell you anything and everything you wanted to know about him and his life.
"Where are we going?" Your voice rang through the air and Chan looked up at the staircase to see you walking down the steps towards him, you were in a plain black off the shoulder skater dress with a pair of vans on since you wanted comfort, it looked great on you.
"Surprise, come on." You smiled and headed down the last steps to reach his side, the boys were all watching you from the living room interested to see what was going to happen. You leant up and kissed Chan on the cheek and his ears turned a bright red colour as the boys all let out cocky remarks in his direction with some wolf whistles which Chan did not approve of. You weren't a dog so you shouldn't have to deal with that kind of behaviour from them,
"Enough. Come on." He chuckled taking your hand in his and walking you out of the door and towards his black Porsche that was waiting for him. He unlocked your door and helped you inside before going around to his own and getting into it.
"Seatbelt." You warned him and he shook his head at you making sure to put it on before he started up the car, you stared at the side of his head while he drove. You were trying not to listen to your head, Jisung had gone through everything with you before telling you to listen to your heart. Trust your heart. Chan was only the way he was because of the things he'd been through, he'd never ever do anything to hurt you or harm you in any way. Explaining that when your ankle had been hurt and Chan made it worse he'd heard him crying for hours after he did it. Deep down inside he was a soft guy with a kind heart you just had to find your way to it without hurting him or scaring him off.
"What are you thinking about?" He questioned as he turned to look at you at a red light, you shook your head as you tried to think of something to say to him.
"Nothing, I was just admiring your beauty." He groaned and started trying to hide from you but you begged him not to, reminding him that he was gorgeous and you truly meant it, he was the most handsome man you'd ever met there was no denying that. Everyone had a crush on him and if they said they didn't they were lying.
"Stop, you're handsome." You giggled at him and he groaned at you before turning a corner and down a dark road, you had no idea where you were going but you trusted Chan enough to get you there safely.
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"Chan what-" He held his finger up to his lips as he walked you through the care home that you knew too well the night shift workers were all standing behind the desk watching you closely.
"Mr Bang, it's nice to see you again." The receptionist said as she came out from behind the desk, you came out from behind Chan and she smiled at you. You'd seen her a lot since you used to volunteer there with her,
"Y/n! We were beginning to wonder where you'd gotten to. Are you two here together?" You nodded and Chan linked his hands with yours making sure your fingers were interlocked to prove it to be true.
 "We're here to see her grandfather," You watched as she walked you through the long hallways and towards the canteen, they were having a painting session in there. All of them hunched over plates and designing them to look beautiful it had been something you introduced them to when you started here.
"Go on in," The nurse urged, you looked at Chan and he joined you pulling you into the room he wasn't going to let you go through any of this alone.
"Y/n! Chan!" You heard one of the elderly ladies call out your name and you stared at Chan, he must have come here a lot as well because everyone seemed to be calling him over to them and wanting to talk to him for a little while. It was true, he used to come when he was deciding on what to do with his money -- donating it that was -- and he’d gotten to know some of the elderly people and workers.
"Ah look! They're on a date!" One of the eldest ladies - Mina - said to her husband as they watched you walking around together hand in hand.
"How long have you been courting?! Is this why we don't see you anymore young lady?!" Mina screamed at you jokingly. You were so distracted by her yells that you hadn't seen a walking stick and tripped over it. Chan immediately wrapped his arms around you to stop you from hitting the floor, he had reflexes faster than a cat.
"Look at the way he holds her!" The women cooed all of them wishing that they could have the relationship you had,
"Leave them alone, she's here to see her grandfather," Mina grumbled once you were stood up once again, Chan chuckled as he saw how shy you were getting around them he found it endearing.
"I thought you came here a lot," He said as he realised just how shy you were around them you nodded at him confirming it to be true,
"I did but I came alone and not with someone who was incredibly good looking." You poked his cheek and looked around for your grandfather spotting him sitting by the window alone and not taking part in the painting.
"Here." You pulled Chan in his direction and sat down across from your grandfather it was safe to say Chan was a little nervous to be meeting someone in your family,
"Why aren't you painting Harold?" You questioned nicely looking at the blank white plate in front of him,
"I don't know what to paint. I don't even like painting." You faked a gasp at him and moved around to sit beside him wanting to show him just how untrue that statement was,
"Now you and I both know that isn't true," You mumbled to him looking as he stared at you, you were used to the blank expression he gave whenever he looked at you. He couldn't remember who you were most days so you smiled weakly at him trying not to get too hurt over this.
"I'm Y/n, this is Bang Chan." Chan shook your grandfather's hand he was trying to make a good impression even if the man didn't know who you were and then he turned to you when your grandfather did,
"I know who you are-" For a moment your heart swelled up as you thought for just a second that he had remembered who you were your whole world seemed to get brighter at the thought of him remembering you,
"You're that bright girl that always come by to cheer us up, Chan here is always on the news." You smiled softly as he remembered you a little, even that was better than him not knowing who you were at all but Chan looked a little upset that he knew him from the news, it meant he knew what he did for a living and that wasn’t the impression he wanted to give to him.
"You know how to paint, look." You said taking the paintbrush from the tray and beginning to paint some flowers around the edge of the plate using his hand as well as your own to guide him. Chan and your grandfather watched you intensely as you turned the plain white plate into a floral garden with his name written along the bottom in a fancy font.
"Whoa," Chan exclaimed as you finished and put the paintbrush into the water he knew you were good at painting on the walls but he never would have imagined this.
"She's a keeper. You'll have a whole new plate stash whenever you want." You laughed softly along with him and Chan.
"It's beautiful, you should keep it." Your grandfather spoke to you, sliding the plate to be directly in front of you but you shook your head and slid it back over to him,
"I want you to paint something next-"
"Only if you and pretty boy here will make your own plates." You agreed to paint some more with him trying to hold back the laughter as he called Chan ‘Pretty boy’. Chan had planned on staying there as long as you both could, it was 7 pm and the visiting hours were long overdue but no one was going to tell him what he could and couldn't do.
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While Chan helped some of the residents to their beds with the nurses you stayed back to clean up the plates for everyone along with the painting supplies. Your hand graced over the one that you and Chan had painted together. It wasn’t much, just a plate with flowers on either side, Chan had tried to copy the way you painted - failing horribly - you smiled at it, your eyes filling with tears as you looked at your names together at the bottom of the plate,
"You're in love," A voice called out from behind you making you jump a little almost dropping the plate you were holding. Your back straightened up as you turned to see who it was that was talking to you.
"Sighing away and smiling like that," The old lady sat down on one of the chairs and patted the space next to her tiredly reaching for her oxygen mask, you set the plate down and went to sit beside her.
"I thought so," She laughed softly, it was so easy to tell who was in love for the first time. They always found it hard to hide from it, even if you didn't know it yourself everyone else could already tell you were falling in love. The small smiles you would make when you thought no one was around, the skip in your step and the way your whole face would light up whenever that person was around you.
“Loving someone like him can be dangerous, you better be careful.” She grumbled looking at you through her glasses as if she was trying to warn you about him. She’d heard of him, everyone had, so she wanted to make sure you were sure about all of this.
"Were you ever in love?" You questioned as she ran her hands over yours, you noticed a tan line where a wedding ring should have been and you smiled at the thought of her never having taken it off before until the moment she lost her husband or wife.
"Of course I was, I still am," She took a locket from around her neck, it was a love heart shaped locket - her ring around the golden chain as well. Opening it to reveal a wedding photo of herself and her husband, both standing there smiling as they cut the cake together giant smiles plastered across their faces.
"He was the love of my life, you should tell Chan." You frowned at her words not following along with her logic,
"Tell Chan you loved someone-" 
"No, tell Chan you love him." She grumbled playfully hitting you around the back of the head with her hand,
"I'm scared...What if he doesn't feel the same way?" She scoffed at you shaking her head as you mentioned it as if anyone in the place couldn’t already tell how Chan felt about you from one glance,
"The way he looks at you, the boy is head over heels in love with you. There’s no denying how he feel about you." Her voice came out shaky as she reached for her mask again, taking in another deep breath.
"You ready to go?" Chan's voice came out of nowhere as he walked into the room unannounced, you nodded standing up and bowing to the elderly lady before you left the room a nurse going in after you to escort Mrs Park back to her bedroom for the night.
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 "Chan that was-" You tried to thank him for the wonderful night but he cut you off,
"The night isn't finished I promise." He chuckled wrapping his arm around your shoulder and taking you back to the car, Changbin was waiting in his behind yours and you smiled softly at him. You were hoping he was in a better mood than he had been but he seemed to still be annoyed at you for something you hadn't done and didn't intend to do anymore.
"Where are we going next, or is it another surprise for me?" He nodded to confirm that it was indeed another surprise drive for you he'd planned everything perfectly that day with Changbin. Everything had to go perfect tonight..
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"We're here." You looked around outside of the car windows, there was nothing but a glass building that had fogged class in front of you.
"Where is here exactly?" You questioned going to get out of the car but the door was locked,
"You'll see." He got out of his side and came around to unlock and open the door for you, he wanted to be the gentleman that night and look after you like he should have been doing from the start. This was how he should have done it from the beginning, wining and dining you instead of the whole kidnapping thing and the murder but he would explain that to you soon. He would explain everything to you.
"Thank you." You whispered as he helped you out of the car and began walking you towards the building, as you got closer you were able to read the signs. 'Botanical gardens', you stared at the back of his head as you walked inside. The place was empty except for Changbin who was walking far behind to keep an eye on you both since it was his job to do so,
"Chan this is insane." You said as you looked around, all of the lights were turned off except for fairy lights lighting up the paths and flowered areas, as well as small lamps on the plaques telling you what flower was growing.
"I thought it would be somewhere nice and private for us," He smiled looking around when he felt your hand snake and intertwine with his. Changbin watched as you both lazily walked around the pavement and towards a blanket one of the workers had set up for you. It had food waiting for you to eat, a whole picnic set out.
"It's beautiful." He sat you down on the blanket and you waited for him to sit next to you so you could lay your head on his shoulder.
"Changbin go and walk around, make the rounds." Chan stated as he eyed his guard up carefully. This was the start of the plan. Changbin left you alone and Chan turned into a serious mode. He took your hands into his as he sat down beside you and told you he would tell you everything about his wife,
"Chan if it makes you uncomfortable I don't want you to-" There was one thing you were sure of, there was no way the story of Chan killing his wife was true so you didn’t want to do something that could make Chan upset.
"I want to, you have to know what happened now that you're at risk because of it." You swallowed the lump that was starting to form in your throat, you'd come up with theories about what could have happened to his wife but you'd never put serious thought into them before.
"I went away on one of our ''business trips'' and I left her home, alone, without one of the boys to watch her because she said she didn't need them. She was sure she didn’t need protecting but when I came back home she erm." He choked up trying to get the words out but tears were rolling down the cheeks at the thought of her, he was over her he really was but bringing up the subject of her death was always a touchy subject for him. It was all he could picture whenever he thought about her, the images burnt into his brain.
"The house was torn apart, blood was all over the place and she was dead in my office. She'd put up a fight but she'd been tortured. I always knew it was Namjoon that did it to her but now I know for sure that it was him now that he threatened you." You nodded along with him and placed your hand over his, rubbing it to let him know that it was okay that he could stop if it felt too difficult talking about it. You were there and you weren't going to go anywhere any time soon, he stared at your hand and placed his other one on top of it. Holding you and trying to breathe through what he was going to say next,
"I'll never let him get hold of you, and I'll make sure he pays for what he did to her now I know for sure it was him." You liked the vulnerable side of him, it was opening up a side to him that only made you fall harder for him.
"Sorry! Here." He picked up a strawberry and placed it into your mouth, he was trying to change the subject so you went along with him on it since the subject was clearly bothering him.
"Why here?" You questioned gesturing around the building you were sitting in and he shrugged his shoulders handing you another strawberry as soon as you finished the first one,
"I always thought this place was beautiful and you love painting flowers so much so I figured it would be a nice peaceful place to come." You smiled at him thanking him for bringing you here, it was truly beautiful inside of here.
"What did you do before all of the mafia stuff?" It was something that had been playing on your mind for a while you wanted to know everything you could about his life, he shrugged his shoulders not really having an answer for it.
"I can't remember much, I just remember having a dead-end job, never going anywhere and I decided it wasn't the life for me. I took charge...I worked my way up from the bottom though." He went on to explain how he’d worked for someone just like him and when the man died he’d taken over in his place continuing his hard work on.
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"I had a wonderful time." You said as you stared up at the ceiling of the gardens, you were laying on the picnic blanket together well and truly stuffed from the food you'd gotten. Your head was resting on Chan's chest while you listened to his heart pumping, his breathing was soothing to you just like it was last night and you could have fallen asleep right there if you wanted to. You felt protected with him and it was a nice feeling, something you hadn't felt in a long time.
"We should get going, it's late." He told you as he realised the time, it was almost 1 in the morning, it was pitch black outside and Changbin had just gone to the top floor on the building to stay out of the way again.
"Okay," You whispered, sitting up from his chest and turning to look at him you'd been resisting the urge to kiss him all night but right here and right now he looked too good to pass up. His black hair was tossed to the side and he looked so sleepy his eyes were struggling to stay open it was cute, you kissed him passionately and felt him smirk against your lips.
"Hi." He whispered as he chuckled, you’d shifted to sit on his lap, you wanted him badly and every nerve in your body was telling you to just go for it. To throw caution to the wind and kiss him like you’d been wanting to all night.
"Hi." You whispered back to him kissing him again, his left hand fell onto your waist and his right was cupping your cheek while you made out in the garden centre. You bit down on his bottom lip dragging it away softly before kissing him hungrily this time. He could already sense where this was going to go but he couldn’t,
"Mmm, no. Not here." He whispered to you, pulling away from your lips and watching as you pouted at him, you were still straddling his lap and you could tell he wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
"You want me too." You whimpered, grinding your hips a little making yourself whimper as you could feel how hard he was through his trousers. He let out a groan of pleasure when he felt you do that but he couldn't. Not here. There were too many dangers in this, Namjoon could walk in any minute it would be too easy for him to kill you and Chan in one go, Changbin could walk back in any minute and catch you both naked on the floor and the third option which killed him to think of. You could run away when you had Chan naked and he could do nothing to stop you,
"I do but not here, it's too open you could run away from me..." His voice trailed off and you sat back on his legs a little sad that he thought that of you. That he thought even after a night like this and the night before that you would run away from him.
"I already promised you I wasn't going anywhere, don't you trust me?" He shook his head and then nodded it confused on how he was feeling he didn't know. He was conflicted over everything in his head and heart.
"In my heart I trust you but in my head, I don't." He admitted and you nodded at him, understanding him completely since it had been something you’d felt towards him for a long time. He had every right to be scared that you would runoff. You'd tried it in the past and you knew he was scared that Namjoon would find you, it was enough to know he cared about you and bring you some confidence to tell him how you felt but not yet.
"I promise I'm not going anywhere Chan," He looked at you as you ran your hand over his cheek running your fingers along his cheek and smiling as he locked eyes with you his skin began to turn pink as you stared into his eyes,
"Please," You begged him, kissing down his neck as you unbuttoned the top of his shirt feeling needier than ever, he growled at you as soon as your lips came into contact with his skin and he ran his hands up your thighs on the inside of your dress dragging you back onto his lap.
"You want me?" He questioned as you continued to suck on his neck hungrily, You nodded to him desperately,
"I want all of you," You whispered kissing him passionately once again rolling your hips down just to feel how hard he was, he let out a strangled groan as you reached down to undo his suit trousers. This was stupidly dangerous but right now he was too lost in the moment with you, he kissed down your neck sucking on the skin as you let out a low whimper of pleasure. The sound made him weaker, he wanted to hear what you could sound like once he was buried inside of you.
"You sure? Here?" He gestured around you and you ground down onto his fingers that were now at your soaking core,
"I've never been so sure about anything in my entire life." You assured him by looking him in the eyes as you spoke to him. He took himself out from his trousers, you didn't want to waste any more time not having him inside of you, there wasn’t time for foreplay right now. You were throbbing around nothing just at the thought of him fucking you,
"S-Shit," You hissed as he teased himself in your folds coating himself in your arousal not wanting to hurt you since you weren’t about to let him do anything else just yet, he moaned out as soon as he felt you dripping onto his cock.
"Please Chan-" You were cut short as he slowly lowered you down onto his length both of you moaning out as you hit the bottom of his length taking every inch of him inside of you you rolled your head back as you slowly began to rise and fall on top of him trying to adjust to him.
"You're so warm," He grunted holding you close wrapping his arms around your back and pressing you against him, it had been so long since he'd done anything like this he'd forgotten what it felt like, you shook your head as he began to help you move up and down slowly. He pushed the top of your dress down as he began sucking on your breasts.
"F-Faster," You begged him looking down into his eyes as you begged for him to do this to you, you'd dreamt of it the night before after you had that kiss and now it was finally happening. All thoughts of everything he'd done melted out of your memory as he began to thrust up into you, his hands on your waist as he held you still enough that he was in control of what was happening.
Your nails dug into his shirt as you felt his tip hit your g-spot with each thrust of his hips making you cry out in pleasure each time he moved,
"Fuck Chan!" You practically screamed forgetting that Changbin was out there somewhere with you but you didn't care, your nails dragged down his chest as you felt yourself clenching around him each time he hit you deeper than before. He groaned looking up at you lost in the noises you were making and the way your face scrunched whenever he hit just the right spot. 
He laid back against the floor and began thrusting up into you harder, each time your walls clamping around him making him grunt out. You weakly lent your hands down on his chest grasping as his shirt,
"R-Right there," Your eyes shut tightly as you felt him hitting you just where you needed him without fail making you feel as though he was deep inside your gut, you could already feel your orgasm building up.
"I-I can't hold back Y/n," He croaked out looking at you as you continued to ride him, he wanted to pound into you, he didn’t want a slow ride. He needed you badly.
"Then don't." He swiftly pulled out of you laying you down gently below him on the blanket, he lifted your dress up to your waist as he lined himself up at your entrance slowly easing back into you until he felt your hilt, your toes curled at the new angle.
"Fuck," Your eyes filled with tears at the new angle and he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder starting off slow with each of his thrusts looking you in the eyes as he continued to fuck into you. Hitting you deep as you moaned out at each tiny move he made as soon as he knew you were comfortable he began to push in and out of you roughly, making you whimper.
"F-Faster," You told him looking him in the eyes to show him it was okay and that you could handle it and he smirked putting his hands on your waist and pulling you closer before he pinned your hips to the floor and began slamming in and out of you at a ruthless pace, you screamed out in pleasure.
"Oh fuck!" You cried out back arching off the floor as he rocked into you smirking as you cried out his name loudly, your nails dragging into the blanket as you tried to keep yourself from getting too loud inside of the building. Your orgasm was fast approaching, your toes curling with each pump into you. Chan knew that Changbin would have gotten the idea not to come back right now and he groaned feeling you clench around him, it was bringing him closer to his own release,
"I'm c-close." He mumbled looking at you as he moaned out your name lowly, he wished he could have lasted longer but it had been so long since he'd ever been inside of someone that it was building up far too quickly and the way you were clenching around him made him want to bust the moment he’d entered you the first time.
"Me too," He chuckled, bending down to kiss you softly and romantically. As he made out with you his hand ran down the front of your body rubbing your clit roughly to match the pace of his thrusts, tugging and rubbing quickly.
"Ugh shit, Chan p-please," You begged for him to let you cum but he chuckled darkly, liking the way you begged for something like this so he continued to shake his head denying you of your orgasm. You hissed at him as you rolled over with him still inside of you taking control of the situation, you continued to ride him at a faster pace wanting to look at him while you came around him.
After a few more thrusts Chan grunted holding you down on him as he came inside of you, feeling him fill you up sent you over the edge making you cum around him as your hips bucked up trying to keep the friction going. Your orgasm filled your head as you began to feel as though you were floating as hips bucked against him, you could already feel his cum dripping down onto him again mixed with yours.
"I love you, Chan." The words ripped through you the moment you came around him and then everything was like shattering glass, it started slowly at first cracking at the edges until it all came crashing down onto the floor. He jumped to his feet shaking his head at you as you were left empty without him there anymore you whined at the feeling of emptiness so soon after cumming but nothing could compare to what was coming,
"No. No, you don't." Panic rushed through him as the words left his mouth, he didn't give you time to say anything else or do anything else he just left you there in the middle of the gardens in the barely lit room you'd been sitting in together. This wasn't part of the plan, he was supposed to take you there and be seen by Namjoon, none of this was supposed to happen! He groaned hitting the steering wheel of his car as he started the engine up quickly.
You straightened out the stress as you got up to chase after him wanting answers as to where he was going,
"Chan?!" You called out trying to follow after him but the place was like a maze and you were lost without him inside of here with you, you hadn’t paid attention to where you were walking and in your post brain fog from your orgasm it was hard to read the signs and make sense of them.
By the time you got out to the parking lot and to his car and Changbin's car was speeding off into the night without a second glance back at you which meant you were alone outside where you had no idea how to get back home or if you were even welcome there, after what Chan had just done inside of the gardens.
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You began walking back the way you thought you came, you'd started following their tire tracks but lost them when they conjoined with other car tracks. Now you were wandering around aimlessly in the night at the side of the road trying to find a way to get back or at least get into town. Why couldn't Jisung have been the one to go with you and Chan? He never would have left you out in the middle of nowhere at 2 in the morning, every leaf blowing in the wind and tree branch breaking had you on edge. You were crying to yourself as you walked rubbing your hands up and down your arms as you tried to keep warm, you were alone and terrified that something was going to happen to you. All you had to do was get to Chan and straighten everything out, he couldn't actually be upset because you told him you loved him, everyone had told you to grab hold of love by the horns. That he loved you back but here you were in the cold of night, alone. If he loved you he never would have done this to you, you felt disgusted in yourself for letting him fuck you and leave you. You wanted him to be here right now to protect you but he wasn't, he was probably at home where it was safe and warm not even thinking about you. A branch snapped from behind you but you didn't turn around, you knew it was all in your head so you continued down the road until you heard a car engine come close before cutting out,
"Chan?" You whispered, turning around and hoping it would be him, maybe he'd come to his senses and decided to bring you back home. The headlights were obstructing your view but you knew it wasn't Chan from the moment the voice left the silhouette.
"Well, well angel. Looks like he left you for me to play with." You squinted to see Namjoon smirking at you as the headlights on his car cut out, he must have been waiting all night for something to go wrong. Or had someone follow you and let him know if something happened. You looked around for a sign of anyone to help you but there was no one it was the dead of night, not many people would be driving around and Chan was gone, Changbin definitely wasn't going to come racing back for you any time soon.
"He's not going to come back, sweetheart."
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A/n: Just wanted to see how you’re all doing and to thank you for reading this so far! It’s my first ‘series’ on here so I was nervous about it. I loved writing this and I cant wait for you guys to see the ending I have planned!! 
Tagline: @moonprincessdiviniation (I hope I did my editing justice baby!!!) @taestannie @kneel-begyourpardon @calling-dips-on-j-hope @hugs4chan @peachyhan @ncitythoughts @inseonqt @cloudsgathering​ @atletino​ @mischiefmakerliesmith5​ @freckledquokka @happygirl327​ 
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