#champion ash
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fandomstars · 5 months ago
can I request ash x gender neutral reader fluff?? If you do oneshots can you do one? any plot, or if you will do headcannons can it be ash as your boyfriend :3
Sure! :)
Ash x Gender Neutral Reader
Dating Ash would include….
Pokémon battles, like if there is space where you are, he’ll have the urge every time.
A nice nature walk works too, especially where he can look around in awe at all the different Pokemon.
His Pokemon will want to assets you, as they will not have anyone harm their trainer, he’s been through enough (maybe after a long while, he’ll tell you said stories).
If Pikachu jumps/climbs on your shoulder, you’re a definite keeper.
When it comes to romance stuff like kissing and all, it takes a while.
Usually it’s a kiss on the cheek, he has experience with that (he asks you don’t ask).
But he will eventually kiss you on the lips, but be prepared…it might take a lot to get it right (no seriously, he’s never done it before, it’ll be a while).
If you’re a coordinator, don’t worry! (Hahaha get it?) Ash will be your biggest supporter! No matter how many deadly glares he’ll get from Kenny and Drew if Dawn and May are in said contest too.
Plus he’ll always be impressed no matter what, and not just cause the outfit you wear makes you shine bright.
He might even join in for fun, as well as probably try to make a contest league where it’s a duo teams facing one another.
Look, whether it’s gym battles, contest, or something else, prepare for him to always ask to battle alongside you.
Also yes, your Pokémon ship the two of you so much. Even if you’re not a battler per se, they will gladly step up.
Win or lose, Ash will always give you a kiss on the cheek for a job well done.
And when he alone is battling in some tournament (idk as master trainer you really can’t stop the guy), he’ll run over to the stands with every win to you, and kiss you with such passion.
Yes, Brock might be in the corner super jealous and dreary.
Misty thinks it’s hilarious, and has already started a betting pool on when you’ll get married.
A lot have bet you’ll be asking instead of Ash. Because….Ash.
But big surprise, he does!
He might have to make it short though, as Misty and others will be chasing him down for money lost.
Only Paul, Goh, Kiawe, and Lana have guessed it would be him. No there will be explanation.
Also Pikachu will evolve at said wedding, and no not just to get a second dance with you, but this time on foot instead of on shoulder.
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So what do you think?
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stgosupremacy · 1 year ago
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Also can we just appreciate how Ash's pants seem to get shorter and shorter till they reach
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gods-of-kanto · 1 year ago
Ash, if you can change your fur color...can you make it like those disco balls? Where the colors change constantly?
Ash is just staring at you.
((is the buzzing back??))
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mr-moasty-toasty · 1 month ago
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𝙈𝙖𝙮𝙗𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠 𝙄’𝙢 𝘼 𝙇𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙏𝙤𝙤 𝘽𝙧𝙖𝙨𝙝,
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✧・゚: ✧・゚: 𝘽𝙪𝙩 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙄𝙨 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚, :・゚✧:・゚✧
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══════» 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙄𝙨 𝘼𝙨𝙝 «══════
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lorekeeper-backset · 1 year ago
I think that Ash is perfectly aware that the title of Pokemon Master is vague and unattainable. He continues to chase it not to gain the title but instead to push himself to continue to get better and have more fun adventures along the way.
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pokemon-ash-aus · 2 years ago
Hello everyone!!!
Due to the amount of questions and popularity, Professor Peach- Champion Ash and Kanto Prince Indigo will all be moved to a seperate blog!
I will be finishing all the answers sent here, but i'll post them over there.
This is mostly to keeo it organized and to prevent my entire blog just flooding with strictly interaction posts XD
Dont worry if you've sent an ask here though, i'll tag all the users not on anon accordingly so you all can see!
But if you remember your ask, you can still ask it on the other blog and i'll just delete it on his end without saving it :3 (to avoid double ups!)
I do want to answer at least one interaction a day overthere so it will be consistent and slowly more characters will be added in.
So feel free to follow @gods-of-kanto
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Have fun :D
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Ash is willing to battle Nemona although he, Lillie, and Mia has to pick up the kids including, Randall and some of their kids' lovers.
While, Mia has the urge to wanting to catch a Maschiff.
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catpriciousmarjara · 1 year ago
I'm back on the Pokemon train again. Why? Don't know. But here's a social media AU.
Who's that Pokemon?! Its Zeroara! - Whymustwedolife - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Anime) [Archive of Our Own]
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aurelion-solar · 1 year ago
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Still Here - Season 2024 Cinematic
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dantelionwishes · 5 months ago
(posting on behalf of my gf <33!!!!)
sometimes a girl just wants merch of her ships 🎀
i'm so happy that i got to debut this merch line at pokecon last month ! it's one of my most self-indulgent creations by far and pokecon allowed me to meet other people who like the same niches as i do!
they're up for pre-0rder until nov.3, along with a bunch of my other pokemon merch so be sure to check them out <3 l!nk to the PO forms below (and in my bio)!
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fandomstars · 2 years ago
Pokemon anime request! Ash’s companions (other than Alola) reacting to his championship win in the Alola league
Misty: Knew from the time at the Orange League that he’d make it, if anything he already did back then. But league being official was just the last step. Still wished he used many of his water type Pokemon.
Brock: He called it the minute Ash forfeit his first gym battle ever. This kid was going to go far. Now if he could just get Kukui and others to help get him some therapy.
Tracy: He was literally drawing Ash’s final league battle from frame to frame. Goes on to make the Pokémon anime series with input from Ash and his other friends across the regions.
May: Knew he’d make it someday, after all, he beat the Battle Frontier. Hopefully he waited to have a big feast until her plane hit Alola.
Max: He finally been able to start his journey. He had just won his first gym badge when the league began. He quickly rushed home to watch the rest with his family. His Treecko and Ralts cheering with him as Ash won it. Of course, he always has a small part of him, guilty for how he treated Ash when they first meet. Boy, if he could go back in time and tell his past self this.
Dawn: Always knew he was going to win someday. She knew Piplup was all for it, plus not having to worry about his Gible’s draco meteor. Just wished she’d had been able to see it in person. But she clearly made that up once he went for the masters tournament!
Iris: Despite their quibbles, she always knew Ash would exceed in Pokémon battling. Now she wished he had more dragon types, let alone used the ones he had besides an ultra beast. But she’s proud either way.
Cilan: He knew it like the back of his hand, like the lines of a cookbook, the station to a train. Yeah he’s basically part of the Ash fanclub and for sure is the co-founder that totally bet Ash would become the best one day.
N: He knew the moment he laid eyes on Ash, that he’d do great things. He’s one of the reasons he can tolerate Pokemon battles, even see the enjoyment and thrill in some cases, but mostly through Ash’s battles. He could defiantly feel Ashs Pokémon’s cheers from all over the region, and perhaps a certain legendary bird or more.
Clemont: He’s a gym leader after all, he could tell from each battle he did whether someone could go far if given the push. Ash was one of those, despite the fact he knew since he first battled him when they first meet.
Serena: Knew he had it in him, and hoped he’d be happy. Also he rejected her and their good friends to this day.
Bonnie: Cheered the loudest, now even more psyched to go on her own journey. Perhaps battle Ash and his mons along the way.
Basing this on if the Alola series was only a couple months since Kalos (since it started as a summer trip) and lasted about a year after, hence why Max is old enough to go on a journey, but Bonnie isn’t.
Bonus! Rivals (and by rivals I mean actual rivals. Not looking at you Cameron and others I forget. Sorry Gladion and others I know but this is excluding Alola.)
Gary: While he wish he could kick his 10 year old’s butt, but he knows Ash won’t have gone as far without his help. So he better mention him in his acceptation speech. But for real, he’s so proud of Ashy Boy.
Paul: Ever since he heard of Ash beating the Battle Frontier, he knew he was going to become a champion. Not that he’d admit it. No, but he’d totally admit he had the better rival battle out of all of Ash’s rivals.
Barry: Now Ash owes him 10 million more, for he knew Ash would become champion. He just wished he’d battle him for that.
Trip: Ever since he loss to Ash in the Unova league, he’s gone through a big change. Ash showed him what the perfect trainer is, caring for Pokémon and people alike. So yeah, he’s less of a jerk.
Alain: While he wished he got a rematch before Ash made it, he’s glad he did. No matter how much of a odd presence keeps saying Ash was the Kalos champ despite the outcome.
Sawyer: He’s Ash’s number one fan. Of course he was going to become champion. Of course, he wished to battle him again before he done so.
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stgosupremacy · 2 years ago
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I'll go anywhere if I'm with you,
If lightning strikes or any shade of blue... 🌩
// please don't repost :) //
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gods-of-kanto · 1 year ago
How would you all shiny look like would it be green like normal mewtwo or would you have the normal shiny Pokémon like Lucario or Absol or would it be a mix of the two
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Ash: I feel Violated. Why is it yellow- why am i yellow!?
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Peach: Its easy to trigger the Shiny gene- we cant keep this up forever though, but uh- i do not look good in green. I look like i rolled in grass- wait- why is my Gem ALSO a different color!?
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Indigo: Ah- I red?
((they dont seem to like this))
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moonxpalace · 10 days ago
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Snippets from the Champion side of social media part 2
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pokemon-ash-aus · 2 years ago
Well Ash, it’s the dumber ones who are usually the ones who end up winning these small contests.
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Ash: So- this is what Peach meant by some people are just mean for no reason.
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millidew · 3 months ago
thinking about the pallet town country accent i KNOW red/blue / ash/gary would have. it’d be loud and clear in ash’s voice but gary and blue would 100% cover it up. no one can hear red of course but it’d show up in how he spelled things as a kid. leaf never ended up staying long enough to pick it up, which blue was jealous of
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