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johnaeryns · 8 months ago
Lola!!! I'm so happy you're still active. I miss you on Twitter a lot 😢
hiiiiiii!! i miss you too 😭 i'm not dead i've just been busy with classes but hopefully once i finish writing this article (im dying) i'll be online more this summer
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anxiouspotatorants · 2 years ago
Thanks for tagging me! Oh my god where do I even begin?
I haven’t seen The Music Man or Fame, so I can’t speak on them (though I do believe Stella has connected Music Man to Logan, actually). I’ve actually said that I think Jess could have seen Heathers at some point, but only if Doula or Lane’s twins force him too. He’d prefer the original movie and be very uncomfortable about how much he relates to the musical version of J.D. I haven’t seen the musical version of The Apartment, but the movie definitely feels like something he’d love. And Hadestown? Yes. Just- yes. Me and @chambersofthesea have talked a lot about this and that Jess would love it. On my own post I put down the Epics, the Chants, When The Chips Are Down, Way Down Hadestown and Promises as songs he would particularly love (so like, half the musical).
As for part 2 of your post... I’ve only seen two, sorry. But they’re also the two musicals I’ve mentioned in my own elaborate Jess the musical theatre nerd posts!
From Once I would say Leave and Say It To Me Now, because they fit perfectly with season 4 Jess but could also be songs that haunt him post a certain scene in season 6.
And Company. Oh Company. I don’t think Jess is a Sondheim “stan” and I don’t actually think he’d relate all that much to Bobby, but the feelings expressed throughout the show of love and loneliness? Oh boy would he. I highlighted Another Hundred People because of his New York roots and Sorry-Grateful because it feels like his state of mind in season 3.
Jess Mariano + Musicals
Okay, I just decided to do this, because I'm really curious as to which other non-referenced musicals Jess could be a fan of, and I'm begging @stellaluna33 @butchjess and @anxiouspotatorants for your inputs on this, so I wonder whether Jess would like the following musicals-
1. The Music Man
River City, Iowa- the opposite of Stars Hollow
Jess could definitely connect to Tommy Djilis as well as his forbidden romance with Zaneeta Shynn. His favourite number would be "Marian the Librarian" as well as "You've Got Trouble" and "Goodnight My Someone"- he definitely would be affected by the last track.
2. Fame
It's kind of an underrated 80s classic, having won an Oscar for it's title track, but I think Jess would like the Bonus track- Miles from Here.
3. Heathers
He'd love the track- Lifeboat and Seventeen. Nuff said. He personally prefers the movie, but he's a sucker for the soundtrack.
4. The Apartment musical- Promises, Promises
"I'll Never Love Again"- that would definitely be on his playlist. Including the title track.
5. Hadestown
He'd think of it as "Les Miserables" with Greek tradition. He would love the opening number- Any Way the Wind Blows, and Why We Build The Wall.
So musical aficionados and Jess Mariano fans, assemble!!!
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scoopsgf · 3 years ago
I somehow got warped into listening to a Gilmore Girls podcast where they discussed the infamous "I know you" line with two r*gan fans and only one lit fan and of course, everyone was against it. So it got me wondering what your opinion on that line is, specifically? I never considered it bad or even "manipulative" of Jess because even if you were to argue that he "tried to guilt Rory for not being 'a perfect version of herself that he made up'", that doesn't really hold up within the narrative in season 6 when Jess pretty much leaves her alone afterwards? And many like to argue that Jess just knew "a version" of Rory about 1.5 years before seeing her again when she dropped out of Yale, but that alone isn't a) a significant amount of time that has passed, and b) doesn't negate the fact that Jess could obviously tell that Rory was just lost and aimless, not that he was angry with her because she dropped out of Yale and decided to pursue something else because obviously, Rory had not taken up any other route after the season 5 finale, she had just become aimless. So yeah, if you'd be interested about discussing this, I'd love to hear your opinion on it
i imagine the people who say they’re against it only do so because they’re biased and just… don’t understand what jess meant by it. the bottom line is, he does know her. he knows her ambitions and life goals—to become an overseas correspondent, the next christiane amanpour, to attend an ivy league school and do well there. academia has always been a passion of rory’s; you could even go so far as to identify it as a piece of her personality, so the fact that she’d dropped out of a school she fought tooth and nail to get into was definitely alarming (to everyone, not just to jess). of course he was gonna ask her what the hell was going on??? he was concerned. beyond that, everything he said was true, and you can tell from rory’s facial expressions that she knows it. also, the fact that this conversation gets her to go back to yale says everything. i don’t understand why people are so against it. like, literati aside it’s what gets rory back on track, so the fact that people resent it even as a narrative device when these are the same people who hate on rory for dropping out and “spiralling” just baffles me. anyway, i don’t at all see any part of the speech as manipulative or guilt-tripping. i see it as someone who loves rory and understands her questioning why she’s settling for a guy who drags her down and a lifestyle that doesn’t at all suit her, nor compliment her interests. there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.
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georgianadarcies · 3 years ago
Lmao that bit you said about Logan comparing himself to Lorelai as if the two situations are remotely similar is what gets me about his whole spiel at the end of season 7. Like ok, you acknowledge you grew up privileged, but what exactly are you going to do now that you know about it? Are you actually going to try and build your way up from the start or conveniently get a job based off of your previous highly regarded education in an Ivy League, your family name AND your previous work experience in a high-ranking position? And he does exactly that! Like you can't tell me a regular person could nail a partner role in a startup that easily in San Francisco unless he was rich and was a potential investor in the company. It's not even close to Lorelai being a maid who lived in a tool shed with a BABY while being a teenager. It's also why all his bs talking to Rory about also being a trust fund kid just falls flat to me bc even if it's on the same level as him, what exactly makes him think he's just allowed to flaunt calling her out just because he's "aware" of his position? It's even worse than Rory writing an article about rich people that will have absolutely no influence on their lives, but yes ofc we need Logan the Great Hamburger to call Rory out on her audacity while he continues to rub elbows with his yacht buddies.
logan's perception of reality is so warped like I don't even know where to begin. I mean first of all, season seven attempted to make him aware of his privilege in an effort to "redeem" him or something, when in five and six he had always seemed to think of himself as "different." like he never really connected him getting away with everything to his wealth and last name, and always complained about how actually he was suffering so much because his dad wanted him to work for him and stop fucking around. but in season seven in their effort to make logan the Best Man Ever they made him aware of it, although they seem to have failed to realize that just acknowledging that you have privilege and then going on with life as before means absolutely nothing. and he doesn't even seem to realize that maybe he bounced back after quitting his job so quickly because of his name and money. he was playing poor boy for an episode when he, what, got his first credit card statement at twenty-five years old and had to crash with paris and rory, and then the next episode he's already finding a job in tech. someone starting out trying to get a similar job but without the huntzberger name and wealth would not have the same chance of getting hired that logan did. but because he wasn't earning money for a month but still sitting on a trust fund he's suddenly on the same level as lorelai? absolutely not. lorelai may have still been a gilmore but that doesn't mean anything outside of emily and richard's sphere, whereas the huntzberger name is associated with a multi millionaire newspaper conglomerate. lorelai had to make her own way for years and built a life for herself with years of hard work, and logan had to slum it in a cheap apartment for a month. so he seems to think that he's suffered and struggled just as much as lorelai but that rory is also somehow on the same level as him because her grandparents have money. rory doesn't have that money!! and she doesn't take it for granted!! she works her ass off to earn what her grandparents pay for. logan didn't earn his job by any means, and then got another job super quickly because of his name and resume. yeah, that's the same.
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battlestar-royco · 3 years ago
I haven't read the books yet so I'm a big newbie when it comes to the Dune story, but I've managed to pick up on *some* info regarding the world building from wiki pages and yeah, regarding the character arcs I feel like the movie cut off way too much than what it could've had regarding the characters. Oddly enough the most moving part for me aside from the Duke's death and how even in the catatonic state he was in, mourned his family, was Paul's visions moment. I still don't know how I'll get around to feeling about his character later on (I do know that you're not supposed to think he's a hero or is right at all), but I feel like *that* moment established how what's to come for him will not be good in the slightest. I feel like they could've easily made it more positive or less ominous if they wanted to, and it would've helped to establish him as an actual savior (though obviously a white one) if they wanted that, but the music and his obvious distress over it just made it clear that what the potential future for him will be is /not good/. And granted, I don't want to excuse him by saying "well this is what he's meant to do" because frankly he could've allowed himself to die in his battle with Jamis! Like if you know that so many of the visions you get are not good then maybe it IS better for you to go! But nope, he doesn't.
I am sad to hear that Jessica and the Duke's emotional bond and trust was a more watered down version of the book because the concept sounds really intriguing. Because technically she IS supposed to be manipulating him from the start by making sure that she has his child for future political treaties through a marriage and she has to give him a daughter for this, but ends up giving him a son because she loves him? Whereas in the movie I feel like the mother superior telling her "you're so proud of yourself you think you could bring the holy messiah to earth" kind of made it look like she did it more for herself than because she loved Duke so much that she was willing to "betray" her superior and her teachings for this. Idk how Jessica will handle the role Paul will get later on I guess but what I could see from the movie is that she def loves him as her kid, and not just as this actual supposed superior being. I kind of wish we just got more scenes between Paul and the Duke because I feel like that relationship lacked more emotional depth and nuance? In comparison to Paul and Jessica as son and mother, but idk if they're just more distant in the books so this is how it's supposed to be. Regarding the other characters I VERY much agree with Yueh's betrayal feeling lackluster. Idk how it is in the book but his role felt kind of subpar that when it happened, while the overthrowing was grandiose on a cinematic scale, on a personal one, it wasn't as good? Like he just seemed a more distant character from the family members and the fact that he did it because he wanted to save his wife isn't really shown enough for an audience member to feel for his character more. He's essentially trapped and he did it because it was either his wife or this family but like....it all happens so suddenly that by the time he's dead you're kind of 😐 about it.
This ask is too damn long and I'm sorry, but yeah my basic 2 cents as a newbie.
Okay I love the energy of this long ass ask.
I wasn't totally feeling Paul's vision--except for the shot of him and Chani above Caladan (so ominous)--but I'm glad it worked for you! I think they could've done more to make Paul's trajectory more clearly evil if that was what they were going for, but it did feel ambiguous. I didn't get a triumphant/heroic impression of the Atreides, especially not from the Fremen. Personally, Leto's singular tear really did me in.
Jessica and Leto's relationship in the book was a major emotional anchor for me, so I too was disappointed by their depiction. Removing the "traitor in the house" plot also removed the implicit, deep trust Jessica, Paul, and Leto had in each other and their allies despite all the other fuckery they get into. There was so much more going on between just Jessica and Leto, let alone how they delegate their people. The movie didn't impress upon us how coveted, talented, and integral Bene Gesserit are to the galaxy, which in turn definitely impacted Jessica's relationships and the way she drove the plot. I die for complex marriages whose conflict doesn't come from infidelity or abuse. Also women with powers and dark agendas.
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reputayswift · 4 years ago
I have zero clue as to what context is in this scene but I remember watching a compilation of scenes with the dude on the left (Chris! I now remembered his name!) and when this came up I just died. Sometimes enjoying One Tree Hill means enjoying the crazy without knowing the why
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I FORGOT ABOUT CHRIS KELLER!!! I genuinely can’t remember the context either GOD. You could give me any explanation and I’d believe you. If I had a nickel for every time one of Taylor’s mv boyfriends starred in OTH I would have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it is weird it happened twice!
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gilmoredanesmariano · 6 years ago
Facebook and reddit feel like toxic cesspools for anyone who so much as dares to like Jess. I feel like it's probably bc a lot of fans who are older (like women in their 30s), flock to these sites bc they latter is mainly for discussion whilst the former is ofc the magnet for older ppl, and what I particularly hate the most abt their behavior is how they either outright demean you or behave passive agressive when someone calls out their hypocrisy. Most of them think Jess fans are
2: Pre-pubescent teens who just like Jess because he's a 'bad boy' and think that no one who loves him is capable of rational thought, but when they're called out for it they either ignore the obvious or they just continue to be insulting. It's really infuriating but also weird? Like idk, I guess most of these ppl just love the illusion of wealth that comes with logan and rory in the later seasons so they stick to that like glue
3: and hey, if you're into that so much then so be it. But you don't have to be so f$*@$%g awful towards anyone else that doesn't share your opinion? Also I find it extremely disturbing how they're willing to demonize a TEENAGER for typical teenage behavior but a 30 yo man having an affair or just acting like he can do whatever bc money is absolutely acceptable
4:  Sorry for the rant, I just had to get that out of my system
Ya like I don’t care if they hate him, whatever floats their boat, but it’s the fact that they are just SO cruel about it and have to make sure everyone knows they hate him, and we’re wrong for liking him. Not to mention they judge him so harshly for his behaviour when he is just a kid with a legitimate reason for acting the way he does. Like I was discussing with someone else on here, some of the other characters, Rory included, have done just as bad, or worse things than him and yet he is the one everyone judges so harshly, a 17-year-old kid with a terrible upbringing. They say it doesn’t matter that he grew up and got better, he was still horrible at 17, but I think it’s amazing that he was able to work through so many issues when the start of his life was so crummy. I don’t know I just don’t get why out of everyone, he is the character everyone judges so harshly... You may be right about the age gap between those sites and this one, I just thought it was odd that different sites had such different opinions! All I know is those groups are not a fun place to be for a Jess fan
For anyone confused these asks are referring to this post
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rumaan · 6 years ago
Ohh pls tell me more about your s6 AU for Jess x Rory!! If you can
I am The Worst at answering things from my inbox so I am sorry for how long I have sat on this! I blame being on mobile tumblr 98% of the time!
My S6 Literati AU that has sat unfinished on my google drive is basically canon compliant up to the Philadelphia episode and then it spins into canon divergent that has secret dating and (I plan for it to have) the 2006 world cup and generally Rory doing things I wish she’d done at the end of S6!
I have about 40k written but haven’t added to it in over a year! I don’t want to start publishing until I have it finished because I HATE leaving fics incomplete for years so basically send some Literati writing vibes my way so I can get a second wind and finish this completely self indulgent AU.
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autumnrory · 6 years ago
chambersofthesea replied to your post: do you ever just REALLY THINK about the fact that...
I’ll never get over the look on his face as she is leaving her room after convincing him to stay
oh my god i knowwwwwwww
rory: don’t i look trustworthy
jess: maybe
jess internally: i feel like this is the year of realizing things
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i had to gif it real fast bc look at this shit he really does know immediately that he’s gone for this girl GOODBYE
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missgoalie75 · 6 years ago
chambersofthesea replied to your post: too little too late, taylor. sorry.
Honestly? Same. A friend of mine screencapped her republican fans being completely tone deaf and not only saying they still love her but just twisted her words into something like “taylor wants you to vote based on YOUR beliefs, THAT was her message”
omg embarrassing. the only decent thing about this timing is that she took their money first.
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johnaeryns · 4 years ago
I'm not that active in the Buffy fandom but based off of what I've seen you really ARE one of the few people who can be trusted to use her braincells when it's necessary in this fandom. Also I know you're not in the gilmore girls fandom anymore but I'll be happy to inform you that you continue to be one of the few people that had common sense in that fandom as well. In conclusion, you're the "why are you booing me? I'm right" of the fandoms
thank you angela omg 😭😭 honestly can’t believe multiple think about me like this but i’m very honored. i have one brain cell left and i’ve reserved it exclusively for talking about tv shows on the WB, functioning in every day life can wait.
what is my fandom “reputation”
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darlinggod · 7 years ago
Why do you reblog cursed posts so that other followers will have to suffer too? I mean I know why but still; why
if i see something bad everyone else has to too itsequality.gif
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scoopsgf · 3 years ago
Random thought but one of my favorite underrated scenes with Jess and Luke has GOT to be Luke taking out the sledge hammer and hitting the wall while a rock version of "What a wonderful world" plays. It's just so random and funny, and throughout it Jess goes from annoyed to "what the fuck is he doing?". Like him scrambling to get up and see what Luke is gonna do gets me every time, they're so funny.
NO REALLY i love this scene and it always slips my mind so it ends up being just as hilarious as the first time whenever i rewatch. like jess is so ready to be all sarcastic and exasperated, but then his interest gets piqued and idk idk maybe im obsessed w him or something but i just think he looks so childlike and adorable there. ugrrhfbgn <3
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georgianadarcies · 3 years ago
I know some people are gonna be all "oh come on the other guys did worse!" re: Ross's treatment of Monica's previous eating habits but like, for all of Joey and Chandler's previous comments to how she looked in the prom tape, they never went out of their way to mess with what she ate or specifically called her eating compulsive. one of the things that bothered me a lot in the girl scout cookies episode was how Ross knew exactly how much of a problem Monica had with eating them as a kid, yet instead of focusing on selling them elsewhere, he got her hooked on them again and then shamed her for being hung up on the cookies after he had already made her eat them. I don't even think he was that terrible in the episode bc he still tried to do something good for the girl scout who got hurt, but his behavior towards Monica's previous eating habits, especially when he knows so much about it + how their mother treats her, was trash. You don't have to be a model sibling to simply respect your younger sibling's complicated history with food, and it really doesn't matter if you feel like that's "just how siblings are" when he's deliberately being a dick to her.
I feel like a lot of the "fat monica" jokes really cannot be attributed to the individual characters because that was just the tone of the show. similar to how the homophobic jokes in gilmore girls don't mean that lorelai is homophobic herself. but ross always like... goes a step further? like actually being an asshole and trying to get her to indulge in her old unhealthy habits or shit like that. I know that's supposed to be a joke too but?? I totally agree, it's just... too far of him
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battlestar-royco · 3 years ago
Thanks for replying! I was kind of worried that the message was weird bc it was too long but I really appreciate all the discussions that you and your mutuals have shared, so thank you for that!
Aw no problem! Luckily I like talking about Dune. And I'm glad you enjoyed the movie!!
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marthajefferson · 7 years ago
I know you probably aren't interested in those things anymore but when I was 15 and a newbie to tumblr, I found your then active blog and to this day I'm still in love with all your graphics and gifs on that blog. It took me way too long but I'm currently learning how to make graphics myself, so they're very much an inspiration to me
aww, i’m very touched by such a message and you are loyal haha i mean, my interests changed over the years so… thank you so much for still-following me :D you are very brave!! i try to make edits/gifs/drawings regularly but sadly, i am not *that* inspired currently, sorry… but THANK YOU SFM FOR YOUR MESSAGE  ❤
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