#cham lokeema
halos-top-alien-model · 11 months
Sangheili Bracket Round 2 Match 5
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Avu Med 'Telcam / The Bishop:
Debuted in Halo: Glasslands
Born May 29th, 2485, he served as an interpreter of several human lanugages and reached the rank of Field Master before his resignation from the Covenant military. Even after the Covenant's end, he still held faith towards the Forerunners being gods and considered Arbiter Thel 'Vadam an "indfidel" for saying otherwise. Now leading the Servants of the Abiding Truth - an ancient order of monks that predate the Covenant - 'Telcam sought to incite insurrection against the Arbiter, going so far as to ally with ONI. His terms were that humanity cease to "blaspheme" the divinity of the Foreruners and stop involving themselves in Sangheili affairs once the Servants took over, although even after ONI agreed he still questioned what their true plan was. Still, he began meeting with them on New Llanelli for weapon shipments. Later, Jul and Forze 'Mdama would seek his audience, leading him to launch a plan with them and Buran 'Utaral to retrieve 'Utaral's ship from the shipyard and hide it close to Mdama state. Meanwhile, unbenknowst to him, Kilo-Five - the same ONI team he was conducting meetings with - sabotaged a plan he had with the ship Piety and stole a Huragok from him. They were able to convince him it was Kig-Yar pirates responsible and an angered 'Telcam wrongfully set his vengeful sights on Venezia as a result. Then, at another meeting on New Llanelli, Jul 'Mdama would be captured by Spartan Naomi-010 - having followed 'Telcam there under suspicions of who he was getting weapons from. After this, 'Telcam would meet with Professor Evan Philips - one of his ONI contacts - on Sanghelios, being unaware that one of Philips' secret objectives on the planet was to gather intelligencer on his temple.
Suddenly, Jiralhanae terrorists would launch an attack, causing 'Telcam to aid in killing them. This sudden attack made 'Telcam decide to begin his own attack on Vadam state earlier than originally planned. He led the assult from Unflinching Resolve, where Jul 'Mdama's wife - Raia - joined him, searching for her lost husband. His religious fervor soon became a hindrance to his own plans, as he sought to avoid damaging any Forerunner relics in the area. As the assault continued, Unflinching Resolve became damaged and 'Telcam ignored warnings that it needed to retreat, causing it to be shot down. Crash-landing on the Vadam shoreline, 'Telcam would led the survivors to join the rest of the attacking force on the coast to avoid capture. It was then that 'Telcam gained more allies, as the news that the Arbiter was allowing humans to help fight off 'Telcam made some keeps previously indecisive in the civil war choose to side with 'Telcam. However, this was still not enough, as the UNSC Infinity arrived and began destroying several ships. Still holding value to ONI, he was abducted by Kilo-Five to ensure his survival, being taken away by them in Port Stanley. At the same time, the AI onboard took the cover of a Kig-Yar shipmistress, so that no one involved would realize it was ONI aiding in destroying some of the Arbiter's ships. This even fooled 'Telcam, who asked of Sav Fel, an actual pirate that actually stole from him a different ship, the Pious Inquisitor. Finally, when most of 'Telcam's forces were defeated, Port Stanley would retreat and drop 'Telcam off at New Llanelli.
Now lacking in ships following the failed attack, 'Telcam would put out a reward for Pious Inquisitor's return. Shipmistress Chol Von would seemingly take up the offer, only to plan to double-cross him and take the ship for herself. However, ultimately a scuffle between herself, Kilo-Five, and human Insurrectionists would cause the ship to be destroyed. Meanwhile, 'Telcam established a new base on New Llanelli. Some time later, he met once again with Kilo-Five, exchanging information with them. Feeling responsible for the death of Raia and Jul's disappearance, 'Telcam would take on their eldest son Dural 'Mdama as an apprentice, who would go on to become a leading member of the Servants and work directly under 'Telcam. 
When Jul reappeared to establish a new Covenant, the Servants would refuse to join up, continuing their own operations. By Janurary 21, 2558, ONI would decide 'Telcam was no longer useful to them alive. They would send SPARTAN-G059 to assassinate him on New Llanelli. After going through his forces, the Spartan would fight 'Telcam on directly. The end of the struggle would come from a single pistol shot to the head. 'Telcams final word was the iconic: "Wort."
Cham 'Lokeema:
Debuted in Halo 5: Guardians (Mission Intel)
A medic within the Swords of Sanghelios. A log detailing his thoughts regarding the old Sangheili tradition of seeing medical aid as dishonorable was found by Fireteam Osiris within the Arbiter's camp. "If shame is the price of compassion, so be it."
Additional commentary: For the longest time I thought him and the medic NPC that goes on about fighting Death every day were the same guy. Honestly will probably still headcanon it, but couldn't add it to the description in good conscious since I couldn't find proof when I looked.
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"Who broke it?" but it's the Swords of Sanghelios
Thel: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Rhu: ...I did. I broke it.
Thel: No. No you didn't. Vari?
Vari: Don't look at me. Look at Cham.
Cham: What?! I didn't break it.
Vari: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Cham: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Vari: Suspicious.
Cham: No it's not!
Dimkee: If it matters, probably not, but Mahkee was the last one to use it.
Mahkee: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Dimkee: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Mahkee: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Dimkee!
Rhu: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Thel.
Thel: No! Who broke it!?
Cham: Thel...Rtas has been awfully quiet.
Rtas: REALLY?!
Everyone but Thel: *arguing*
Thel: *turning to Osiris* I broke it. It burned my hand so I punched it. I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a colo head on a stick.
Thel: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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Sangheili Bracket Round 1 Match 10
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Cham 'Lokeema:
Debuted in Halo 5: Guardians (Mission Intel)
A medic within the Swords of Sanghelios. A log detailing his thoughts regarding the old Sangheili tradition of seeing medical aid as dishonorable was found by Fireteam Osiris within the Arbiter's camp. "If shame is the price of compassion, so be it."
Additional commentary: For the longest time I thought him and the medic NPC that goes on about fighting Death every day were the same guy. Honestly will probably still headcanon it, but couldn't add it to the description in good conscious since I couldn't find proof when I looked.
Kasha 'Hilot:
Debuted in Halo: Fractures ("Lessons Learned")
A female member of the Swords of the Sanghelios. Previously married to Kaidon Gerdon 'Hilot and managing affairs within her state, she would leave Sanghelios following his death in 2554. When she did, she became the second in command of security for the Onyx United Research Project. During March of that year, she would meet with Spartans Lucy-B091 and Tom-B292, only for a misunderstanding to cause a nearby UNSC soldier to initiate a brawl with her. Tom would intervene and defeat the soldier. By 2558, Kasha would become the headmaster of the school built on Onyx / Paxopolis, Pax Institute. At the same time, she would foster Asum 'Mdama, who went by the name of Bakar to hide his ties to Mdama. She would attempt to be friendly with new arrival Molly Patel, but the teen still showed discomfort towards Sangheili. Later, she would lead about 50 students of Pax Institute on a field trip to a Foreruner facility called the Repository, until the sudden arrival of a beast caused danger. She would get injured, but helped save the students and Mike Spenser in the process. Some time would pass before Cortana's message to the galaxy sounded, followed by the awakening of Onyx's Guardian. Kasha would help lead everyone during the lockdown at school, gathering them all into the cafeteria. However, the Pale Blade and the Servants of Abiding Truth would arrive and begin attacking at the same time as the Forerunner armigers. She would get shot in the process, but the Pale Blade would ultimately decide not to finish her off. Kasha would make a recovery, now living in hiding from Cortana thanks to Onyx's slipspace bubble being reactivated, joining the other leaders of Onyx in planning what to do next.
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halos-top-alien-model · 10 months
Sangheili Bracket Quarter-Finals Match 2
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halos-top-alien-model · 10 months
Sangheili Bracket Round 3 Match 3
More info below:
Cham 'Lokeema:
Debuted in Halo 5: Guardians (Mission Intel)
A medic within the Swords of Sanghelios. A log detailing his thoughts regarding the old Sangheili tradition of seeing medical aid as dishonorable was found by Fireteam Osiris within the Arbiter's camp. "If shame is the price of compassion, so be it."
Additional commentary: For the longest time I thought him and the medic NPC that goes on about fighting Death every day were the same guy. Honestly will probably still headcanon it, but couldn't add it to the description in good conscious since I couldn't find proof when I looked.
Ernicka the Scar-Maker:
Debuted in Halo: Broken Circle
Living within 9th century BCE times, Ernicka would serve as the second in command to Ussa 'Xellus during the San'Shyuum-Sangheili war. At one point, helped lead trops against the San'Shyuum, repelling them from the Planet of Blue and Red. Whilst he believed the they would not attack from their ships - in fear of damaging Forerunner structures - Ussa would recognize that they indeed had a weapon they could fire to kill them while not causing damage. Ernicka followed orders to retreat and survived. Later, when the war ended, he would be amongst those that still distrusted the San'Shyuum and the newly formed Covenant. He would continue to aid Ussa when Covenant loyalists attempted to end his heresy and even correctly deduced there was a spy within their midst helping the Covenant. After killing the spy once revealed, he joined the others in leaving Sanghelios for a shield world dubbed the Refuge. Once there, Ernicka would assist Ussa in governing the Sangheili living there. At one point, Salus 'Crolon would approach and question the duo, saying things that Ernicka felt were treasonous, although Ussa would argue that 'Crolon was merely annoying. As colony-building continue, Ernicka would break up a fight between 'Crolon and young lovestruck Tersa 'Gunok, although was also impressed with the latter's courage. Later, he would have to arrest Tersa and his love Lnur 'Mol on suspicions they were planning a rebellion, but their innocence would be proven and the tables turned against the true rebels: 'Crolon and 'Drem. Ernicka would throw a burnblade into 'Drem's back when he tried to escape, then finished him off with decapitation. However, 'Crolon would escape execution and the shield world, going to inform the Covenant of the Refuge. With the threat of the Covenant arriving, Ernicka would reluctantly trust the shield world's monitor, Enduring Bias. In order to make the Covenant believe they all were dead, the shield world would be disassembled into fragments. Everyone survived by hiding in freight movers, which notably made Ernicka nauseous. For the rest of his life after, he would live in the fragmented habitats under Ussa's leadership, immortalized in sculptures (particularly with him battling 'Crolon) and in legend for centuries. A descendant of his - Tirk 'Surb - would come to serve as the head of Refuge Security during the year 2552.
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halos-top-alien-model · 9 months
Sangheili Bracket Wrap-Up
To the surprise of absolutely no one, our first place victor is Thel 'Vadam while our second place victor is Rtas 'Vadum. Let's give it up to the boys!
Our third place victor is Usze 'Taham while our fourth place is Henry. Henry is also distinguished for being the least known of the final four and for making it the furthest out of the "book-original characters", although due to the existence of the motion comics the furthest "book-only" character (as of this wrap-up) is actually a tie between Lak 'Vadamee and Tul 'Juran.
The female Sangheili to make it the furthest was Tul 'Juran, who reached the Quarter-Finals.
The last of the 'Mdama family to be voted out was Raia, while Rhu 'Vrath and Cham 'Lokeema are tied for making it the furthest out of all the background Swords of Sanghelios characters. Round Two was where 2 out of the 3 Banished Sangheili in the line-up was taken out.
Round Three was the furthest any of the antagonistic characters reached, these antagonists / villains being Sesa 'Refumee, Zhar, and Xytan 'Jar Wattinree.
Shout out to some of our underdogs who succeeded more than I expected: Unnamed Shipmaster of Righteous Vigilance (he literally has no name, not even a nickname, how did he make it pass the first round?!) and Meduu the Fierce (she exists in only a sentence in the encyclopedia yet she made it to Round Three).
And finally, I wanted to give a special shout-out to possibly the two most humiliating Round One defeats: Nizat 'Kvarosee and Inslaan 'Gadogai. They were clearly not welcome in the second round, although at least 'Kvarosee has the excuse of going up against Rtas; 'Gadogai, you literally lost to a nameless character, how the-
And actually, since this is my blog, a final shout-out to my obscure blorbos: Jat (thank you for carrying him past the first round) and Crei 'Ayomuu (my poor little meow meow they were ruthless against you).
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Sangheili Bracket
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Round One:
Unnamed Shipmaster of Righteous Vigilance vs Inslaan 'Gadogai
Sesa 'Refumee vs Han
Tul 'Juran vs Jul 'Mdama
Vul 'Soran vs Zuka 'Zamamee
Nizat 'Kvarosee vs Rtas 'Vadum
Rho 'Barutamee vs Ripa 'Moramee
Zhar vs Vari 'Damat
Vel 'Trokaik vs Reff 'Talamee
Unnamed Field Marshal vs Avu Med 'Telcam
Cham 'Lokeema vs Kasha 'Hilot
Parg Vol vs Okro 'Vagaduun
Ernicka the Scar-Maker vs Ayit 'Sevi
Dural 'Mdama vs Raia 'Mdama
Heki 'Gibadee vs Orna 'Fulsamee
N'tho 'Sraom vs Usze 'Taham
Forze 'Mdama vs Chak 'Lok
Fal 'Chavamee vs Jeht 'Lcmutee
Ussa 'Xellus vs Toha 'Sumai
Thel 'Vadam vs Tam 'Lakosee
Jega 'Rdonmai vs Bero 'Kusavai
Meduu the Fierce vs Bal'tol 'Xellus
Kitun 'Arach vs Asum 'Mdama / Bakar
Rhu 'Vrath vs Thars 'Sarov
Jat vs Veer
Mahkee 'Chava vs Crei 'Ayomuu
Voro Nar 'Mantakree vs Gek ‘Lhar
Jacul 'Arach vs Olabisi 'Varo'dai
Henry vs Tano 'Inanraree
Let 'Volir vs Rojka 'Kasaan
Xytan 'Jar Wattinree vs Sali 'Nyon
Meduz 'Ra'ashai vs Ghe 'Talot
Lak 'Vadamee vs Thon 'Talamee
Round Two:
Unnamed Shipmaster of Righteous Vigilance vs Sesa 'Refumee
Tul 'Juran vs Zuka 'Zamamee
Rtas 'Vadum vs Ripa 'Moramee
Zhar vs Vel 'Trokaik
Avu Med 'Telcam vs Cham 'Lokeema
Okro 'Vagaduun vs Ernicka the Scar-Maker
Raia 'Mdama vs Heki 'Gibadee
Usze 'Taham vs Chak 'Lok
Fal 'Chavamee vs Ussa 'Xellus
Thel 'Vadam vs Jega 'Rdonmai
Meduu the Fierce vs Asum 'Mdama
Rhu 'Vrath vs Jat
Mahkee 'Chava vs Voro Nar 'Mantakree
Olabisi 'Varo'dai vs Henry
Rojka 'Kasaan vs Xytan 'Jar Wattinree
Meduz 'Ra'ashai vs Lak 'Vadamee
Round Three:
Sesa 'Refumee vs Tul 'Juran
Rtas 'Vadum vs Zhar
Cham 'Lokeema vs Ernicka the Scar-Maker
Raia 'Mdama vs Usze 'Taham
Fal 'Chavamee vs Thel 'Vadam
Meduu the Fierce vs Rhu 'Vrath
Mahkee 'Chava vs Henry
Xytan 'Jar Wattinree vs Lak 'Vadamee
Tul 'Juran vs Rtas 'Vadum
Cham 'Lokeema vs Usze 'Taham
Thel 'Vadam vs Rhu 'Vrath
Henry vs Lak 'Vadamee
Rtas 'Vadum vs Usze 'Taham
Thel 'Vadam vs Henry
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