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isawiitch · 1 year ago
magical girl wip
(girls from this post) (youtube)
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sunmoonclouds · 3 months ago
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my contribution to getting shadowpeach bio parents au trending @kyri45
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clownartmonth · 8 months ago
Clown Month 2024 Prompt List
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Presenting the 2024 prompt list!
Clown Month is an event held in August, in the same vein as Inktober or Mermay, where you create one piece of art for every day of the month.
The only goal of the event is to inspire art and celebrate clowns, so the prompts are entirely optional - you can skip prompts, combine them, ignore them entirely, only do certain days... just have fun!
This is open to all forms of art! Drawing, writing, makeup, doll-making, ...
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If you want me to reblog something you made for/is inspired by the event, you can: 1. tag me in the post 2. use the tag #clown month 2024 or 3. send it as an ask or a submission.
If you do NOT want me to reblog your work, please say so in your post.
If you have any other questions, feel free to send me an ask or a dm!
> General Clown Month Info <
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Image ID and prompt list under the cut
Image ID: A drawing of a close up portrait of a clown with short pink hair, eyes with pink and yellow swirls, white skin, a pink nose, and pink hearts on its cheeks. It is looking to the side and smiling. At the top of the image "Clown Month" is written in white blocky letters, with "by @boxbug" written above it and "2024" underneath. The prompt list is overlayed onto the portrait, and reads as follows:
Free day
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alwaysbewoke · 9 months ago
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nah nah nah. y'all wanted to be white so bad, stay there with them and EAT THAT RACISM smfh
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monthly-writing-challenges · 4 months ago
About the Blog!
This blog is an attempt to collate and collect all the non-fandom-specific (writing) challenges hosted annually during specific months posted on tumblr - it is not an attempt to take credit for any of these challenges! Please follow the actual blogs of the challenges you're interested in participating in and check out their individual prompt challenge rules!!
There are many, many more writing challenges out there than these monthly challenges, if you're looking (daily prompts, yearly prompts, fandom specific challenges, etc.). If you know of a challenge that hasn't made it to this blog and fits the above criteria, please let me know, I'm happy to share it.
Monthly prompt blogs for the next three months (Mar. 2025 - May 2025):
March 2025:
The Whumps of March by @storyweaverofgondor! Category: themed whump. Running since 2024. 2025 status: prompts are posted. [Type: prompt-a-day]
Multiamory March by @polyamships! Category: romance (specifically polyamory). Running since 2021. 2025 status: prompts are posted. [Type: prompt-a-day]
@marchwhumpness! Category: whump. First year running! 2025 status: prompts are posted. [Type: prompt-a-day]
@marchofpain! Category: hurt/comfort/whump. Running since 2024. 2025 status: prompts are posted. [Type: prompt-a-day]
Match March by @monthlywritingchallenges! Category: relationships. First year running! 2025 status: prompts are posted. [Type: prompt-a-day]
Monster March by @borealwrites! Category: monsters. Running since 2023. 2025 status: prompts are posted. [Type: prompt-a-day]
April 2025:
@whumpril! Category: whump. Running since 2023. 2025 status: prompts are posted. [Type: prompt-a-day]
Angstpril by @chaos-company! Category: angst. Running since 2021. 2025 status: prompts are posted. [Type: prompt-a-day]
@aprilisthecruelestmonth! Category: whump. Running since 2024. 2025 status: prompts are posted. [Type: prompt-a-day]
May 2025:
@themerrywhumpofmay! Category: whump. Running since 2023. 2025 status: unknown. [Type: prompt-a-day]
@whumpay! Category: whump. Running since 2021. 2025 status: accepting prompt suggestions. [Type: prompt-a-day]
@medwhumpmay! Category: (medical) whump. Running since 2024. 2025 status: accepting prompt suggestions. [Type: prompt-a-day]
@domaystic! Category: domestic prompts. Running since 2022. 2025 status: prompts are posted. [Type: prompt-a-day]
@may-lancholy! Category: whump. First year running. 2025 status: details to come. [Type: prompt-a-day]
Check out the active and inactive challenge lists for other months!
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cryscendo · 5 months ago
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Wipe off that angel face and go back to high school.
@giftober 2024 | day 5: angelic
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steggydaily · 2 months ago
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welcome to our second monthly event, the valentine's day challenge! this event is for all types of fan creators, so we have four options of prompts for you to choose: pastels, lyrics, happy ending, and love languages. you can pick one prompt or combine them, you can also interpret them as you wish! the event will run from Febraury 10th through Febarury 16th
how to participate: reblog this post follow our blog caption your post with: @steggydaily  valentine's day challenge: [prompt] tag the post with #steggydaily
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mooralltach · 5 months ago
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Found some fun Draw the squad/your faves/otp/OC’s refs in a magazine!
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klaineadvent · 3 months ago
Hello Klainers!
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Sorry for the late start, but yes there is a
December Klaine Fanworks Challenge!!!
(Brought to you by the @klaineadvent blog.)
Once again, this will be a 21 day challenge! Hopefully giving everyone time to complete the event before other obligations kick in, or time to catch up if you like.
The Dates. December 1 - December 21 
The Words. Every day around 6am, US Eastern Standard Time, a fresh new word will pop out of the queue. This year the words are not alphabetical, and were chosen by a random word generator. We’ve got a pair of wonderful artists this year working up the slides, so say a big thanks to @mynonah and @justasmallbloginabigklainefandom!  They both did AMAZING work on a very last minute schedule! 
Keep in mind that a lot of words have many definitions, and the one listed is only a suggestion. Feel free to incorporate any definition you like. Also - we often get asked if it has to be the exact version of the word listed - and while I’m not the word police and you can do what works for you, isn’t part of the fun making it work? 
How to participate. Anyone can contribute, no need to sign up! There will be a single word prompt post each day for 21 days (December 1-21). You can write a drabble (or a sentence or a novel, if you like), create an art piece, make fresh gifs based on the prompt - whatever inspires you! This year the tag will be: “december klaine challenge 2024” and please tag with the word of the day so volunteers can ID the posts they need to reblog (please please please make sure all of your contributions are tagged so we can find them!). 
Contribute however works best for you. You can do something every day, every 4th day, once a week, altogether at the end, whatever works for you and your schedule. Use all the prompts or pick and choose what speaks to you. Set your own challenges. The only requirements for the Challenge are that it be Klaine centered, and that it references or uses one the word (or theme) prompt in some way.
Volunteers will be reblogging fics to the @todaydreambelieversfic blog, so you can always go scroll the blog to find the latest entries.  Of course everyone (especially the authors!) would be delighted if people reblogged to their own blog - the more people who reblog something the wider the potential viewing audience. We want to encourage everyone to reblog as many fics as they like all throughout the month!!
Partnership. This year again we’ll be partnering with @todaydreambelieversfic.  Authors and other creators for the December Klaine Fanworks Challenge who would like an additional place to promote their works are welcome to join as members. Just send a private message to @todaydreambelieversfic with your email address and they’ll add you to the blog membership.
Archive of Our Own. We have created a collection on AO3 for those people who don’t post to tumblr, and where those folks who do post to tumblr can share their advent works if you like! You can find this collection here!
Want to Volunteer? We can always use people to help with the daily reblogs!  If you can spare one or two days please signup here!! If you are not already a member of the @todaydreambelieversfic blog, just message them with your email and you’ll be added!
“But what if I don’t write or make art and don’t have time to volunteer?”  You are the most important person in the Challenge!! Read the fics, look at the art, let the authors and artists know how much you appreciate their work by reblogging and commenting and liking and all those things creators like. Nothing helps a writer or artist losing steam get motivated more than a nice comment from someone. 
I think that covers everything, so if you have any questions or there’s something that’s not clear, please ask! 
Happy Writing!!
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be-it-so · 4 months ago
You do not understand how important it is for me that Odysseus, after stringing the bow, did not immediately shoot Antinous, but first made sure to win the contest Penelope set up to prove himself as her husband again first and foremost before doing anything else.
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desultory-novice · 1 month ago
"Prince of Radiant Frost Blanc"
To sate @starflungwaddledee 's curiosity (thank you for the nice comment you left >w< ) and for all those who like their narratively-entangled swordsman in a more mature flavor!
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Alt Vers.
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Yes, his wings are also rainbow-colored XD
I went ahead with this because I've been loving this combo of thin pencil lines + flat colors with hand-picked gradients and wanted to do more of it to keep the process fresh in my mind. And, for the most part, it's been pretty fast! Noir, for example, took >2 hrs!
...Blanc, however, took me FIVE!!
Je regrette...
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clownartmonth · 2 years ago
2023 Prompt List
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The 2023 Prompt List is here!
Clown Month is an event held in July, in the same vein as Inktober or Mermay, where you create one piece of art for every day of the month.
The only goal of the event is to inspire art and celebrate clowns, so the prompts are entirely optional - you can skip prompts, combine them, ignore them entirely, only do certain days... just have fun!
This is open to all forms of art! Drawing, writing, makeup, doll-making, ...
If you want me to reblog something you made for/is inspired by the event, you can: 1. tag me in the post 2. use the tag #clown month 2023 or 3. send it as an ask or a submission.
If you do NOT want me to reblog your work, please say so in your post.
If you have any other questions, feel free to send me an ask or a dm!
Also, thank you to @demoniclown and @misumisu2002 for sending in their clownsonas for the illustration, and to anyone else who came by during the streams to say hi or give feedback :°)
Image ID and prompt list under the cut
Image ID: A banner at the top of the image reads "Clown Month", with "@boxbug presents" written above it. A yellow balloon with "2023" floats next to it. 3 clowns hold up panels that list all the prompts. The list is as follows:
Demon / Angel
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icedroppedinparasolcider · 5 months ago
to the mizuki5 doomposters, i have to ask: are we reading the same 25ji story? in what reality does this storyline lead you to conclude that mizuki5 will be some sort of breakup event for mizuena or niigo as a whole given every event since the conclusion of Say Goodbye to Masked Me has been a process of confronting their internal conflicts and finally finding ways to heal from their pain? it would be entirely counteractive to the point of 25ji if they were to write niigo, any of them, not accepting mizuki for who they are. yes, they are scared of this possibility, but they're also traumatised and paranoid, as evident by the rooftop scene of My Footprints, Your Destination. that very event makes it clear that mizuki was caught up in her own fears and acting irrationally as a result; we have several events since then where mizuki openly contemplates telling ena The Secret, and we see in multiple events mizuki concluding that they're no longer going to run away from this problem. the cliffhanger at the end of Reeling in the Lights shows exactly that: mizuki telling herself that she's not going to run away and that it's time to confront this fear. which, again, is the entire point of the arc this story has been on since third anni.
you people are far too obsessed with the idea of divorce arcs and breakup events. i know the wxs second arc teased that possibility for several events, but it was also the entire point of that story to have a "don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened" message. the other four units don't even approach those ideas?? ichisaki divorce in Parallel Harmonies was basically the exact same concept as shihonami divorce in Unwavering Feelings, Now Put Into Words: two characters struggling to get on the same page about something they're both very passionate about. the difference between the two events being that ichisaki have literally never argued before and had no idea how to navigate the problem without the interference of the virtual singers, while shihonami managed to figure it out on their own, and thus dwelled on the problem for less time. anhane divorce in Whip the Wimp Girl!! was the direct conclusion of a massive underlying conflict in an's story progression that was first made clear in Bout for Beside You, with an finally expressing the feelings and fears she'd kept hidden from kohane, and not once did kohane even begin to get upset. you can see it in kohane's untrained for the set; she's effectively fallen in love with this girl who completely shook her to her core all over again because of an finally letting loose her raw emotion in an unfiltered way. Whip the Wimp Girl!! wasn't a divorce arc, it was an event that only made more powerful the bond between the vivids, it amplified the aibou magic that's existed between them since the main story. and that event, alongside concluding an's story arc, provided the motivation and drive to kohane to achieve what she does in OVER RAD SQUAD.
will there be conflict in mizuki5? yes, because it's an entire event and they always have some form of central conflict for the characters to confront. mizuki's fears are the conflict, and her finding a way to face them will be the entire point of the event. from the pieces before me, i personally think this will happen through mizuki being forced into a position where they have no choice but to face this, but it's not like they're completely unprepared; Searching for a Reflection Beneath the Waters had mizuki tell themselves they need to face their problems so they'll know how to help mafuyu do just that, Next to the Unchanging Warmth was a reminder of how far they've come and that hiding who they are for the sake of being accepted will only make them more miserable, and then the end of Reeling in the Lights was the decision to confront it. it might not happen in the way they want, but it's not like mizuki doesn't want this to happen at all. they've had an entire story arc since My Footprints, Your Destination; hell, they wanted to tell ena during that event! they just didn't because they were scared, and finding the strength to stop running away has been the point of mizuki's story since Our Escape For Survival. pairing that with her being rejected would be completely counter to everything project sekai's story represents.
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completeoveranalysis · 24 days ago
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It’s one chapter of xxxHolic, how heartbreaking could it be?
Part 3 of Chapter 92 begins shortly!
The first two parts of this chapter are here if you need it.
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novella-november · 5 months ago
For the record, I've gotten another ask that is complaining that I am encouraging people to branch out and experiment with original fiction vs fanfiction for the short story events -- that is to say, the events that consist of four, 5k short stories in a month, NOT me telling people they have to write 30k original words in November. If you read it that way, please go back and re-read the original posts.
It has part of this blog from day 1 that fanfiction is not only included and embraced in this challenge alongside technical and non-fiction writing, and if you take me encouraging people to also give original fiction *a try* on one of the mini challenges as a personal attack of some kind, I'm not sure what to say.... except I'm not going to have my inbox filled with this.
Re-read my biggest, top post, where I literally included Fanfiction and technical, non-fiction writing as fully fledged options on the literal announcement post of this blog.
I do not hate fanfiction, I do not look down on fanfiction, and I read and write plenty of it myself.
Suggesting that people might consider writing a short original story for one of the 5k a week challenges is not me attacking fanfiction or fanfiction writers, because I literally am one.
I am not going to be engaging in any further asks that act like I am browbeating or guilting people into not writing fanfiction or that I am "looking down on fanfiction writers".
I've responded privately to probably a dozen different blogs who asked about fanfiction since this blog began and forgot those dozen responses weren't visible to the rest of Tumblr, so it looked like the only times I had mentioned it at all were when I got asked twice in 24 hours about it.
Its been on the announcement post of this blog since day one that fanfiction is allowed along with any other form of writing.
If you are mad at me for encouraging people to give original writing a try for a writing contest alongside fanfiction then idk man 🤷
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astracora · 2 months ago
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A Mandated Holiday Break - Chapter 7
Characters: Sylus x gn!mc (poly lads)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1554
Written: 22nd December 2024
Notes: Post-relationship Sylus/MC-centric but poly LADs, with my personal pov of the game and lil headcanons littered in.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Masterlist AO3
He's been relegated to picking up supplies. You'd thrust a list at him that morning, and he'd almost seen a tail behind you, flicking and curling like a question mark.
It isn't the first time you've had him wrapped around your finger, requesting his assistance. Normally you only ask when you're sick, desperate for supplies and he's available. (He'll always be available.)
Still, this time you've handed him a list for crafts, shoved him from his own base, and you peppered his face in kisses before he can even respond or argue. 
Not that he would, but he wishes you would at least come shopping with him. He's found himself enjoying the domesticity of you puttering around aisles while he pushes a trolley. If he takes his eyes off you, you'll steal the trolley and go skidding down an empty aisle.
Which is how he stands now, in the living room of his base, hands full of arts and crafts supplies, while he stares at a tree he doesn't remember buying.
It's twinkling with lights half done, but otherwise it bears no decoration. The twins are balancing on each other's shoulders trying to throw the multicoloured flashing lights up towards the top of it. You're there underneath, ready to catch them if them.
He's pretty sure someone's going to end up with a broken bone. (Which he does not want to explain to the doctor.)
With a flick of his finger, black and red swirling mist quickly remove lights from hands and twist them around the top of the tree. Gently, and carefully.
He's only slightly smug, smirk in full, when you turn to him in surprise. He's even more smug when your face instantly warms, eyes twinkling at him.
If he were really a crow, his feathers would poof up and he'd preen. Instead he wipes his hand on his shirt collar and extends the bags he's holding, "For you, kitten."
Your whirlwind of activity rushes over, the twins wobbling before they manage to detangle themselves, grabbing at the bag and pulling them to the floor. Separating things out.
He watches absently, but you're focused and tapping on your chin as you think, so he abandons you to your considerations to make himself useful. Warm drinks in hand before he returns to you.
Sylus finds you showing the twins how to fold and make ornaments with coloured paper. He hesitates at the door, if you had wanted ornaments, why did you not just ask for them? He could have ordered any number. Any colour. Anything you wanted.
He's again unsettled by a strange uncomfortable dissatisfaction, you do not make it easy to provide for you. To satisfy every desire. He wonders how you became someone who holds them so close to the chest, scared to want, all over again. He offers hot chocolate to the twins, and frothed coffee to you, (the smell never gets better), before sitting next to you on the floor, cross legged and curious.
You look over and grin, and for a second he sees ears tilting forwards in mischief, pupils blown and ready to pounce. "We didn't have a lot growing up, so me and Caleb would make ornaments for the tree with Gran. The twins wanted to try..." there's a question there that you want to ask but you can't quite... get the words out.
He can read you well enough to know the hesitation, and he leans in, voice low, fingers brushing your cheek, "Show me."
Sylus prides himself on learning, he's good at picking up skills, but he cannot be said to be creative. He is, however, good at following steps. He does, however, enjoy trying.
It's not a new skill that will be useful for anything other than moments like this, but truthfully if he only ever learned skills for moments like this, he'd be a happier fiend than he has any right to.
The twins decide to get pens and decorate the shapes he folds, while you sit nearby fretting over a new challenge. He finds himself looking over and peering but you catch him and point at his hands in an unspoken order. Focus.
He chuckles, only you would dare to order him about, and only you would gain his obedience as he follows your orders.
As they end up with a pile of... he's not sure he'd call anything he and the twins have made art, the fish would surely have something to say if he tried, he already dreads the upcoming conversation, but you're thrilled and excited as you come over to look. Picking up paper baubles and stars that the twins have drawn silly faces on.
There's a happy flush to Luke and Kieran's face as you wholeheartedly approve, and he swallows a lump in his throat that he doesn't really understand. Yet he wants to cry, he thinks, and he's not really sure why. Or what caused it.
He doesn't linger, doesn't have time, as you're pushing him towards the tree, "You get the top, Luke, middle, Kieran, bottom." Then you're running off.
He's starting to think the holidays are a little too much trouble... (Warm, vibrant, comforting.) That lilting voice that sounds like yours again.
Your soul is always so noisy, he muses, warmed and placated.
They're almost done when you come back, this time you're not as energetic. There's waves coming off you, nerves and anxiety rippling under skin. He pauses, where he's about to hang a star, and looks down  at you. As soon as he does you swallow, shoving a cardboard box into his arms.
Not a box? It has numbers on it?
"We-" you swallow past the nerves and push on. Ever ready to fight a monster. Even if the monster is yourself, "also used to make calendars for each other. It's late, so it's only twelve days." He catches your hand before it scratches at your arm, smoothing his thumb over your fingers and then rubbing circles into your palm. He blinks down at the thing, and sees today. He drops the star he's holding unceremoniously and presses the little cardboard flap open.
The calendar is decorated with a picture of a crow surrounded by presents. He remembers the fish encouraging your artistic pursuits, and while he's not sure if it's good, he never seems to be sure if it's good... he knows he likes it.
Inside is a hand wrapped chocolate and a small note.
Day one - A reminder that I love you, and appreciate you always, thank you Sylus.
You're still fidgeting, and at this point the twins have peeked their heads over to stare at his bounty. The longer he stares, the more he realises he has to speak, has to respond but his throat feels closed and his chest is so tight. It hurts. It hurts.
"If it's stupid you don't have to-"
He drops his calendar and he presses you into his chest. He's sure if he were better practiced in his emotions he'd cry. Instead he just encompasses you in his body, squeezing and holding and drowning in you. He nips at your cheek, hand squeezing your face, he wants to bite and chew and claw and scratch.
He can't understand and he doesn't want to hurt, but he breathes you in. Relieved he has no tail to betray him, wagging furiously. You're giggling at his reaction, trying to pull away from his rough handling, calling his name out like knives in his heart, and he finally kisses you. Over and over and over. Tasting his name on your lips and your love in his heart.
Then he startles, pulling away quickly to see that thankfully the twins had caught his gift, the note and the chocolate. Placing it on the side. They're giving him a look like he's a fool, he might be, because he has an evol that can move things for him. Instead his foolish body betrayed him.
"Hunter! Do we get one?" Luke calls, pouting, and you keep a hold on Sylus' hand. Grounding him as he looks at your note over and over, pressing your thumb into his wrist, and smoothing his rapid uneven heartbeat there.
Still you extend a makeshift calendar to the twins, one each, identical except for the names. He can tell that you'd been careful to match every line. "Of course."
He absently notes that you've left four more on the side. The fish, the doctor, the prince and an untouched one for your family. The note is finally placed in his pocket, right over his heart, where he knows he'll keep it until it's worn and unreadable. Not that it matters, because he'll remember it always.
As you watch him smooth his fingers over it, you laugh, "You know there's eleven more days of those right?" Your nerves are still simmering, he can tell, but you're thrilled for his reaction and eased with his earnestness and joy. He lets your words settle and then darts to the calendar on the side, he hears the twins opening theirs but barely cares.
You panic when you realise he's going to just tear the thing open for more of your feelings recorded in pretty stationary paper, before you throw yourself at his back, "Sylus! No! They're for other days!"
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