keepingitneutral · 27 days
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Vercorin Chalet, Briey de chippis, Chalais, Switzerland,
Savioz Fabrizzi Architect
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I’m cooking yall
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1908 funeral of Cardinal Richard, Archbishop of Paris
French vintage postcard, mailed to Chalais
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super-2-0-0-0 · 2 years
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the entire fucking desi iwtv fandom
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sigurism · 1 year
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alain delon/cinépanorama/françois chalais
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kaantt · 1 year
Some new memes for @aramielles
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dratefahmed1 · 4 months
100 Essential Questions and Answers About Hajj #hajj #hajj2024 #hajj1443 #hajjmubarakstatus
#hajj #hajj2024 #hajj1443 #hajjmubarakstatus #hajjnewislamicstatus #hajjvlog #hajj1443 #hajjstatusforwhatsapp “100 Essential Questions and Answers About Hajj” by Dr. Atef Ahmed Get Your Free Ebook And Audio Book Copy Now Kindle eBook Paperback At lulu Ebook Paperback Embark on your Hajj pilgrimage with confidence and clarity through “100 Essential Questions and Answers About Hajj” by Dr. Atef…
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ejcmedia · 9 months
[RCC] "J’étais cette petite fille qui a vu la mort, et l’amour est au bout du voyage"
C’est l’un des rendez-vous traditionnels des Rencontres cinématographiques de Cannes (RCC). Au cinéma Les Arcades, une carte blanche a été donnée à Licange production. Sa dirigeante, Meï-Chen Chalais, a sélectionné trois documentaires maison dédiés à des monstres sacrés du cinéma. Meï-Chen Chalais, mercredi 29 novembre à Cannes : « Le mandarinier est un symbole au Vietnam, c’est une bonne idée…
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wally-b-feed · 2 years
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Chalai Rana, 2022
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youryurigoddess · 11 months
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I was minding my own business and analyzing another part of the A. Z. Fell & Co. bookshop from the Radio Times footage when I noticed something interesting on Aziraphale’s desk. It looks like the angel was studying a handwritten copy of someone’s last will and testament and left in a hurry, with a bronze medal and a fountain pen on top of it. And… an attachment of a land registry plan, barely visible underneath.
Obviously that’s when my South Downs obsessed brain turned all of its alarms on and decided to read the whole thing. And look for the missing parts, since only a portion of the original document was visible on screen. Unfortunately the full text is much longer and less exciting than anticipated, and — spoiler alert — related to a different area of the country, but still relevant to the Good Omens universe. We’ll look into that in a moment.
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Let’s start with the struck bronze medal — acting here as a paperweight, which makes the documents in question already stand out from the usual bumph and bric-a-brac accumulated by Aziraphale over an unknown period of time on his desk.
It’s a very interesting rendition of the mythological scene centered around Daedalus fastening the wings onto his son Icarus (little does he know that this attempt to escape imprisonment will lead to his son’s demise). Contrary to popular sentiment in the history of art, this particular version of Icarus isn’t depicted as a child or teenager, but as a warrior donning a helmet and preparing himself to battle. Which makes perfect sense after discovering that it was made for the Royal Air Force Athletic & Cross Country Association’s WAAF Athletic Championships in 1945. There’s some poetic irony in the fact that the medal was apparently given to the third place winner in a high jump category.
Apart from its obviously military style, this concept seems inspired by a 1885-86 medal by Auguste Patey commemorating the experimental flights at the first French wind tunnel at Chalais-Meudon, a town on the banks of the Seine near Paris. On 9 August 1884, engineers Charles Renard and Arthur Constantin Krebs made the first controllable free flight there when they piloted their airship, La France, over a course and returned to their starting point. From 9 August 1884 to 23 September 1885, La France made seven flights and was able to return to its starting point five times.
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The last Will and Testament of Josiah Wedgwood
The last Will and Testament of me, Josiah Wedgwood, of Etruria, in the County of Stafford, made the second day of November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-three, in manner and form following (that is to say): I give and bequeath unto my dear and affectionate Wife, Sarah Wedgwood, all that messuage or dwelling-house situate at or near Etruria aforesaid, with the buildings, gardens, and appurtenances thereto belonging, late in the holding of Mr. Thomas Wedgwood; and also all that field or piece of land in which the same stands, containing eight acres or thereabouts; and also all that close, piece, or parcel of land lying contiguous to the said dwelling-house, called the Horse Pasture, containing by estimation twelve acres or thereabouts; and also all that piece or parcel of land situate at Etruria aforesaid, heretofore purchased by me from Mr. Hugh Booth; To have and to hold the said messuage or dwelling-house, pieces or parcels of land, hereditaments and premises, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto my said Wife, Sarah Wedgwood and her assigns, for and during the term of her natural life. And from and after her decease, I give and devise all and singular the said messuage or dwelling-house, pieces or parcels of land, hereditaments, and premises, with their and every of their appurtenances, unto my Son, Josiah Wedgwood, his heirs and assigns for ever. Also I give and bequeath the sum of three thousand pounds unto my said Wife, to be paid to her within twelve months next after my decease. Also I give and bequeath unto my said Wife so much and such part of my household goods and furniture as is mentioned and specified in the Schedule or Paper Writing hereunto annexed, marked with the Letter A. Also I give and bequeath the sum of ten thousand pounds unto my Executors hereinafter named, upon trust that they, my said Executors, do and shall place the said sum of ten thousand pounds out upon some good and sufficient public or private security or securitys, at interest, to be approved of nevertheless by my said Wife, and do and shall pay to, or permit and suffer my said Wife to receive and take the interest, dividends, and produce of the said sum of Ten thousand pounds, as the same shall from time to time become due to and for her own use and benefit for and during the term of her natural life.
And from and after the decease of my said Wife, I direct that the said sum of ten thousand pounds shall be applied for and towards payment and satisfaction of the several legacys or sums of money hereinafter given by me. And I do hereby direct that the provision hereinbefore made or intended for my said Wife shall be in lieu, bar, and satisfaction of dower and thirds at Common Law. Also I give and devise unto my said Executors, for the use of my said son, Josiah Wedgwood, his heirs and assigns for ever, that part of Etruria Estate which I now occupy, upon the north side of the Turnpike Road leading from Newcastle to Leek, with the house I now live in, the outbuildings belonging to the same, with the pleasure grounds and all appurtenances thereto belonging, being about sixty-five acres; and also another part of the Etruria Estate, now in the occupation of Richard Hall, being about sixty-eight acres; And also another part of the Etruria Estate, now in the occupation of Thomas Ford, being about forty-five acres; and also the Estate late a part of the White House Estate, on the south side the Turnpike Road leading from Newcastle to Leek; and likewise the land purchased from Thomas Heath, with a small meadow on the north side the said Road, and lying in the Parish of Woolstanton; and likewise a meadow lately purchased from John Mare, of Handley, — all in the holding of Richard Billington, being altogether about eighty-one acres; and also a piece of land on the south side of the same Road, now in the holding of Daniel Haywood, being about two acres; and also an Estate bought from George Taylor, and now in the holding of Jonathan Adams, being about nine acres; and also a small piece of land adjoining the land bought from Hugh Booth, together with a part of the Hough Meadow, and now in the holding of John Ryder, being about four acres; and also an estate called the Spittels, situate in Penkhull, in the Parish of Stoke upon Trent, and lately purchased from James Godwin, containing sixty-three acres or thereabouts; and also an Estate adjoining to the Spittels on one side, and to Stoke Lane on the other, situate in Penkhull aforesaid, in the Parish of Stoke upon Trent, late in the holding of Humphrey Ratcliff, containing fifteen acres or thereabouts; and also a piece of land called the Woodhills, situate in the Parish of Stoke upon Trent, lately purchased from Ralph Baddeley, and now in my own occupation, being about eleven acres; and also all buildings, tenements, houses, farmhouses, outhouses, pot works, warehouses, workshops, and other buildings, of what kind soever they may be, situate, standing, and being upon any of the land or premises above named, and not hereinbefore devised; and also all my share of the models and molds of the Manufactory in Etruria aforesaid. Also I give and bequeath the sum of thirty thousand pounds unto my son John Wedgwood. Also I give and bequeath the sum of twenty-nine thousand one hundred and ten pounds, and likewise twenty shares in the Monmouthshire Canal, unto my Son Thomas Wedgwood.
Also I give and bequeath the sum of twenty-five thousand pounds unto my daughter Susannah Wedgwood; and which said several legacys or sums of thirty thousand pounds, and twenty-nine thousand one hundred and ten pounds, and twenty shares in the Monmouthshire Canal, and twenty-five thousand pounds, so given to my said Son John Wedgwood, and to my said Son Thomas Wedgwood, and to my said Daughter Susannah Wedgwood, I do hereby direct shall be paid to them as soon as conveniently may be after my decease, together with interest for the same in the mean time, after the rate of four pounds and ten shillings per centum per annum. Also I give and bequeath the sum of twenty-five thousand pounds unto my Daughter Catharine Wedgwood, to be paid to her as soon after her age of twenty-one years, or day of marriage, which shall first happen, as conveniently may be, with interest for the same in the mean time after the rate of four pounds and ten shillings per centum per annum. Also I give and bequeath the sum of twenty-five thousand pounds unto my Daughter Sarah Wedgwood, to be paid to her as soon after her age of twenty-one years, or day of marriage, which shall first happen, as conveniently may be, with interest for the same in the mean time after the rate of four pounds and ten shillings per centum per annum. Provided always, and I do hereby direct, that in case my said Daughters Catherine Wedgwood and Sarah Wedgwood, or either of them, shall happen to die unmarried before the age of twenty-one years, then that the legacy or legacys of her or them so dying shall sink into and become part of the residue of my personal Estate, and be applied and disposed of accordingly, as shall hereinafter be mentioned. Also I do hereby declare it to be my will that all the rest, residue, and remainder of my said stock in trade, goods, wares, implements, materials, and utensils of trade, and other matters and things used by me, in or belonging to my said Manufactory, except the models or molds therein used or kept, shall, at the time of my decease, sink into and become part of the residue of my personal estate, and be applied and disposed of accordingly. Also I give and bequeath all and singular my household goods and furniture not hereinbefore given to my said Wife, together with all my books, prints, books of prints, pictures, and cabinets of Experiments, of Fossils, and of Natural History, unto my said Son Josiah Wedgwood. And I do hereby commit the Guardianship and Tuition of such of my said children as shall not at the time of my decease have attained the age of twenty-one years unto my said Wife and my said Son John Wedgwood, until such children shall attain the said age. And I do direct that the fortunes or portions of such of my said children shall in the mean time be managed by my said Wife and my said Son John Wedgwood, and a competent part of the interest and produce thereof be applied for their maintenance and education, and the residue of such interest and produce be suffered to accumulate for their benefit and advantage in such manner as my said Wife and Son John Wedgwood shall in their discretion think most meet and proper.
Also I givo and bequeath one annuity or yearly sum of twenty pounds unto my Brother in Law, Philip Clark, for and during the term of his natural life. Also I give and bequeath one annuity or yearly sum of Twenty pounds unto my Niece, Sarah Taylor, for and during the term of her natural life. Also I give and bequeath one annuity or yearly sum of twenty pounds unto Mr. Alexander Chisholm, for and during the term of his natural life; recommending it to my Son Josiah Wedgwood to give him any further assistance that he may stand in need of, to make the remainder of his life easy and comfortable. And I do hereby direct that the said several and respective annuitys of twenty pounds, twenty pounds, and twenty pounds shall be paid and payable quarterly, at the four most usual feasts or days of payment in the year, (that is to say) on every twenty-fifth day of March, twenty-fourth day of June, twenty-ninth day of September, and twenty-fifth day of December, by even and equal portions, free and clear of and from all taxes, charges, and deductions whatsoever; the first payment thereof to begin and be made on such of the said days as shall first and next happen after my decease. Also I give and bequeath the sum of ten guineas unto the said Alexander Chisholm, as a testimony of my regard for him. Also I give and bequeath the sum of two hundred pounds apiece unto all and every the children of my Nephew Thomas Byerley, who shall be living at the time of my decease, to be paid to them at their respective ages of twenty-one years: Provided always, and in case any one or more of the said children shall happen to die without issue before he, she, or they shall attain the said age, then I direct that the legacy or legacys to him, her, or them so dying shall go and be paid unto and amongst the survivors or survivor of them equally, share and share alike, in case there shall be more than one, at such time and in such manner as is hereinbefore directed and expressed of and concerning the said original legacys or sums of two hundred pounds: Provided also, and in case all the said children shall happen to die without issue before they shall attain the said age, then I direct that all the said legacies or sums of Two hundred pounds so given to them as aforesaid shall sink into and become part of the residue of my personal estate, and be applied and disposed of accordingly. And I do hereby expressly direct and declare that no interest shall be allowed or paid upon the said respective legacys or sums of two hundred pounds in the mean time from my decease to the time that the same shall become payable by virtue of this my Will; such legacys or sums of two hundred pounds being given by me in lieu of legacys or sums of one hundred pounds, which it was originally my intention to have directed to be placed out at interest, and to have accumulated for such children of the said Thomas Byerley as aforesaid until they should attain the age of twenty-one years. Also I give and bequeath unto each of my Nephews Thomas and John Wedgwood, Sons of my late Nephew Thomas Wedgwood, of the Upper House in Burslem, the sum of two hundred pounds each, to be paid to them at their respective ages of twenty-one years: Provided always, and in case they shall either or both of them die before they arrive at the age of twenty-one years, I direct that the legacy or legacys of the party or parties so dying, of two hundred pounds so given to them as aforesaid, shall sink into and become part of the residue of my personal estate, and be applied and disposed of accordingly.
Also I give to my Servant George Jones the sum of twenty guineas, as a token of my remembrance of his faithful services to me. Also I give and bequeath to the several persons whose names shall be mentioned and comprised in the Schedule or List hereto annexed, signed with my name, and marked with the letter "B," the mourning Rings or other small legacys or sums of money which shall be therein specified and expressed. Also I give and bequeath unto James Caldwell, Esq., of Newcastle under Lyme, in the County of Stafford, the sum of one hundred pounds, which I desire he will accept as a testimony of my friendship and esteem for him. And I do hereby direct and appoint that my said Nephew Thomas Byerley shall, under the direction of my Executors, settle my accounts and manage and conduct the collection of my debts and other matters relating to the settlement of my concerns in business; and that a Salary of one hundred pounds per annum be allowed and paid to him for such particular service, so long as he shall be employed therein, over and above all charges and expenses attending the same. And it is also my Will that an estate at Burslem, late in the occupation of Joseph Wedgwood, consisting of a newly erected dwelling house, a set of pot works, with other buildings, and a field called the Cross Hill, containing altogether about two acres; and likewise an estate in the Parish of Astbury, in the County of Chester, called Spengreen, and now in the holding of Thomas Johnson, containing about seventy-five acres or thereabouts; and also a piece of land on the east side of the Bridge in Congleton, in the said County of Chester, being about two rods; and also all the rest, residue, and remainder, messages, lands, tenements, hereditaments, and real estate, money, securities for money, debts due and owing, personal Estate and Effects of what nature or kind soever or wheresoever, not hereinbefore particularly devised or disposed of, together with such or so much of the several sums of money hereinbefore mentioned and bequeathed as shall, by means of the contingencies and directions hereinbefore expressed, shall all of them sink into and become parts of the said residue of my personal Estate. And I do hereby give, devise, and bequeath the same unto my said Executors, for the payment of the legacys and annuities hereinbefore mentioned; and provided there should be a residue after the above mentioned payments, then I direct that such residue shall go and be divided unto and amongst my said children, John Wedgwood, Thomas Wedgwood, Susannah Wedgwood, Catherine Wedgwood, and Sarah Wedgwood, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, equally, share and share alike, as tenants in common, and not as joint tenants; and if there should be any deficiency of real or personal estates for paying the said legacys and annuitys, such deficiency shall in that case be born equally amongst and made up by those my said children above named, (that is to say) John Wedgwood, Thomas Wedgwood, Susannah Wedgwood, Catherine Wedgwood, and Sarah Wedgwood, share and share alike, in proportion to the amount of the legacys to them herein left and bequeathed. And I do hereby nominate, constitute, and appoint my said Wife, my said Son John Wedgwood, and the said James Caldwell, Esq., Executrix and Executors of this my Will. And lastly, I do hereby revoke all former or other Will or Wills by me at any time heretofore made, and do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament.
In witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament, contained in six sheets of paper, and have to each of the first five sheets thereof set my hand, and to the sixth and last sheet thereof my hand and seal the day and year first before written. — Jos. Wedgwood (L.S.)
Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said Josiah Wedgwood, as and for his last Will and Testament, in the presence of us, who in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto; the several following words being first interlined: money—my—happen—said. — Alexr. Chisholm, Thomas Mitchell, Joseph Mitchell, Joseph Rutland
John Wedgwood, of Etruria, in the County of Stafford, Esquire, maketh oath, and saith that he has searched among the papers and writings of his late Father, Josiah Wedgwood, late of Etruria aforesaid, Esquire, deceased, in order to find certain Schedules or Paper Writings referred to in the last Will and Testament of the said Josiah Wedgwood, and therein mentioned to be annexed thereto, and respectively marked A and B. And this Deponent further saith that he has not been able to find such Schedules or Paper Writings, or either of them; and this Deponent further saith that he has never heard or been informed, nor does he believe that the said Josiah Wedgwood ever wrote or made out, or caused to be written or made out, such Schedules or Paper Writings, or either of them. — John Wedgwood
Sworn at Newcastle under Lyme, in the County of Stafford, the 29th day of June, 1795, Before me, John Lloyd, a Commissioner.
Proved at London, 2nd July, 1795, before the Judge, by the Oath of John Wedgwood, the Son, one of the Executors, to whom Administration was granted, having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer. Power reserved of making the like grant to Sarah Wedgwood, Widow, the Relict, and James Caldwell, the other Executors, when they shall apply for the same.
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That was… certainly a lot of words. Let’s see if they mean anything! Turns out that this isn’t another John Gibson, rural postman and shoemaker from New Cumnock, Scotland, but a prominent historical figure with close familial connections to someone whose name you definitely know.
Josiah Wedgwood (12 July 1730 – 3 January 1795) was an English potter, entrepreneur and abolitionist. Founding the Wedgwood company in 1759, he developed improved pottery bodies by systematic experimentation, and was the leader in the industrialisation of the manufacture of European pottery. He is credited as a pioneer of modern marketing, specifically direct mail, money back guarantees, travelling salesmen, carrying pattern boxes for display, self-service, free delivery, buy one get one free, and illustrated catalogues.
As well as pretty, decorative vases and crockery with aesthetics and technology rooted in antiquity, Wedgwood put his designs to a more radical use. He was elected onto the Committee of the Abolition of the Slave Trade and designed an anti-slavery medallion which became the most famous image of a black person in all of 18th-century art. Covering the costs of distribution and production himself, Wedgwood ensured that it became a powerful symbol of public support.
Josiah was also a founder of the famous Darwin–Wedgwood family and the grandfather of Charles and Emma Darwin. It was the considerable inheritance Josiah left to his son, Josiah II, that enabled young Darwin’s survey voyage aboard HMS Beagle and, consequently, the development of his theory of evolution.
Okay, but what links the “Prince of Potters” to Aziraphale and his bookshop?
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In 1774 Josiah Wedgwood and his longtime business partner, Thomas Bentley, opened a new warehouse, enamelling rooms and most handsome showrooms at 12-13 Greek Street, Soho. In 1795, after Josiah’s death, the Wedgwood studio moved to 8 St. James’s Square and the buildings were later occupied by coachmakers, writers and other artists.
Now, through Word of God we already know that Aziraphale spent the 1600s using his personal savings to gradually buy out portions of the neighboring land in order to build the original bookshop “on Greek Street just off Old Compton”, which finally opened in its current form in 1800.
This means that for the time Josiah’s company operated in Soho, they were at least neighbors.
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mashriqiyyah · 4 days
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Hum insan baaz cheezon aur logo'n ke kho Jane ke mehaz tasawwur se bhi dar jate hain. Hum kehte hain, Aisa kabhi na ho, agar aisa hua to hum mar jayenge, ya ye na hua to zindagi ko jeena mushkil hojayega, ya ye ek Shey hai jiske baghayr hum nahi reh sakte...
Lekin pata hai phir kya hota hai? Jab hum kisi pyari shey ya insan ke humse door chalay jane ke khauf ko apne andar yun sambhalkr rakhte hain, ke phir wo khauf kahin na kahin humaray aur Allah ke talluq me dakhalandazi karne lag jaye to pata hai Allah subhanhuwata'ala kya saabit Karwa Detay Hain humpar? Ke duniya me aisa kuch nahi hai, Siwaye Allah Ki Zaat ke, jiske baghayr insan "jee" nahi sakta ho.
Wo khwaab jisko Haqeeqat banane me insan din raat ek kar de, wo aankhon ke saamne khaaq ban jata hai aur insan bas Bebasi se usay dekhta reh jata hai. Wo insan jisay hum apni jaan ke upar bhi tarjeeh den, wo iss qadar mayoos kardeta hai, ke ussay doori banane ke alawa koi raasta nh bachta, ya phir zindagi aur maut ka waqt uss insan ko humse door zameen ke neechay le jata hai aur hum Matti ki qabar par ronay ke alawa kuch nahi kar sakte. Allah aisa waqt Dikha Detay Hain, ke hum apne mehboob logo'n, cheezon, aur khwaabon ko apne haathon se dafna dete hain...aur uss waqt zehn me ye khayal aata hai, ke shayad iske baad saans band hojaye. Shayad ab kisi bhi lamhe zindagi khatm ho jaye. Lekin na saansein band hoti hain, na zindagi khatm hoti hai. Aur phir waqt ke saath, qarb me jeetay hue humein samajh aajata hai ke duniya ka sabse bada sadma ye hai, ke hum khatm nh hotay jab humari pasandeeda cheezein khatm hoti hain. Hum jee rhe hotay hain, chahay uss jeenay ki Wahid alamat ye ho ki hum saans lerhe hain. Tootay khwaab, bichhre hue mehboob aur gumshudah cheezon ke saath hum chalte rehte hai , jab tak meyaad hai, jeetay rehte hain. Ghum se bhari raaton me apni saansein aur imaan ko bachane ki koshish karte hain, kyunke Momin Nakeel Lagay oont ki tarah hai, jidhar usay le jaaya jaaye udhar hi chal padta hai. Momin umeed nahi haarta, Allah ke Reham se mayoos nahi hota, Momin har haal me Shukr aur Sabr ka aadi banta jata hai. Sabr ka pyala labrez bhi honay lag jaaye, to Momin yahi kehta hai,
Aapko raazi karne ke liye mai sabr karta rahunga (ya Allah) halanki mera Sabr mujhay jaan se maar raha hai. Ye meray liye kaafi hai ke Aap mujhsay raazi Hon, phir chahay mera Sabr meri jaan hi kyun na le.
✍🏻 ~ mashriqiyyah
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kafi-farigh-yusra · 2 months
جو ہم پہ گزری، سو گزری مگر شبِ ہجراں
ہمارے اشک تری عاقبت سنوار چلے
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Jo hum pe guzri, so guzri, magar shab-e-hijra'n
Hamaray ashk teri aaqibat sanwaat chalay
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qalbofnight · 1 year
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translate:' Indeed my lord is near'.
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Nit Naye Naqsh Banatay Ho Mita Daitay Ho, Janay Kiss Jurm-E-Tamanna Ki Saza Daitay Ho,
Kabhi Kunker Ko Bana Daitay Ho Heeray Ki Kani, Kabhi Heeron Ko Bhi Mitti Mein Mila Daitay Ho,
Zindagi Kitnay He Murdoon Ko Ata Ki Jiss Nai, Wo Maseeha Bhi Saleebon Pay Saja Daitay Ho,
Khuwahish-E-Deed Jo Kar Baithay Sir-E-Tuur Koi, Tuur Hee Bark e Tajaali Say Jala Daitay Ho Nalay Namrood Mein Dalwatay Ho Qudrat Na Khaleeq, Khud Hee Phir Naar Ko Gulzaar Bana Daitay Ho,
Chahay Kin Aan Mein Phainko Kabhi Maah Kinaan, Noor Yaqoob Ki Aankhon Ka Bujha Daitay Ho Day Ke Yusuf Ko Kabhi Mirs K Bazaaron Mein, Aakhir Kaar Shah-E-Misr Bana Daitay Ho,
Jazb O Masti Ki Jo Manzil Pe Pohonchta Hai Koi, Baith Ker Dil Mein Anal Haq Ki Sada Daitay Ho Khud He Lagwatay Ho Phir Kufr K Fatway Us Per, Khud He Mansoor Ko Sooli Peh Charha Daitay Ho,
Apni Hasti Bhi Wo Ik Rooz Gawa Baith'ta Hai, Apne Darshan Ki Lagan Jiss Ko Laga Daitay Ho
Koi Ranjha Jo Kabhi Khooj Mein Nikle Teri, Tum Usay Jhang K Bele Mein Rula Daitay Ho,
Justujo Lay K Tumhari Joh Chalay Qais Koi, Us Ko Majno Kisi Laila Ka Bana Daitay Ho Jot? Sassi K Agar Mun Mein Tumhari Jagay, Tum Usay Taptay Hoay Thal Mein Jala Daitay Ho,
Sohni Gar Tum Ko Mahiwaal Tassawur Ker Le, Us Ko Bikhri Howi Lehroon Mein Baha Daitay Ho,
Khudh Joh Chaho To Sar-E-Arsh Bula Ker Mehboob, Aik He Raat Mein Mairaaj Kara Daitay Ho,
Tum Ek Gorakh Dhanda Ho
Aap Hi Apna Pardah Ho Tum Ek Gorakh Dhanda Ho.,,
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shadowseductress · 5 months
No new friends, poora gang chalay saaath I got love for my homies yo
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aiklahori · 7 months
میں ان میں بھٹکتے ہوئے جگنو کی طرح ہوں
اس شخص کی آنکھیں ہیں کسی رات کی مانند
دل روز سجاتا ہوں میں دلہن کی طرح سے
غم روز چلے آتے ہیں بارات کی مانند
Dil roz sajaata hun main dulhan ki tarah se
gham roz chalay aate hain baraat ki maanind
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