enchantedwitchling · 1 year
The Power of Intuition: Developing Your Psychic Abilities.
Intuition is a powerful gift that we all possess. It's the inner knowing, the gut feeling, the psychic sense that guides us. Whether you're new to exploring your intuitive abilities or looking to enhance them, here are some exercises and tips to help you tap into the magic of your own intuition.
1. Meditation for Clarity 🧘‍♂️🌌
Take time each day to meditate. Clear your mind, focus on your breath, and allow your intuition to surface. The more you practice, the more in tune you become with your inner wisdom.
2. Trust Your Gut Feeling 🤔💭
Start small by listening to your gut instincts in everyday situations. Trust that inner voice when making decisions. Over time, this will strengthen your intuitive muscle.
3. Tarot and Oracle Cards 🔮🃏
Experiment with divination tools like Tarot or Oracle cards. These can be excellent tools for honing your intuitive skills. Draw a card daily and interpret its message based on your intuition.
4. Dream Journaling 🌙📓
Keep a dream journal by your bedside. Record your dreams as soon as you wake up. Often, dreams contain intuitive insights and symbolism that can be deciphered over time.
5. Practice Empathy and Active Listening 👂❤️
Empathize with others and practice active listening. Tuning into their emotions and thoughts can help you fine-tune your intuitive abilities.
6. Nature Connection 🌿🌳
Spend time in nature. The natural world has its own intuitive energy. Take walks, sit quietly, and observe. Nature can amplify your intuitive senses.
7. Develop Your Third Eye Chakra 🧘‍♀️👁️
Work on balancing and opening your third eye chakra through meditation and visualization exercises. This energy center is often associated with intuition.
8. Trust the Process 🌟🌈
Remember, developing intuition takes time and patience. Trust in your own unique journey. Your intuition is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it becomes.
9. Seek Guidance 🤝🌠
Consider seeking guidance from experienced intuitives or psychics. They can offer insights and techniques based on their own experiences.
10. Keep a Journal of Intuitive Experiences 📔✨
Document your intuitive experiences in a journal. This helps you track your progress and learn from your insights.
Your intuition is a valuable compass on your life's journey. Embrace it, nurture it, and allow it to illuminate your path. The more you connect with your intuition, the more you'll discover the profound wisdom that resides within you.
Embrace the magic of your intuition, and let it lead you toward a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.
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thesensteawitch · 22 days
Message From Your Previous Lifetime!!!!!!!!🥀🌿🪵🥀🌿🪵🥀🌿
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hello, Senstea Souls!🌾
Here is another pick a pile reading! This is a collective reading so take what resonates and leave what doesn't. 🌟
Pile 1 🥀
Hello, my beautiful pile 1. While I was shuffling the first deck to get a card for you, I saw a ship, and the cards that you got are the moon and the sun (at the bottom). Maybe you've sailed across the oceans in your previous lifetime and spent your days and nights traveling with the ebbs and flows of the water. Next we have the snake and the swan. Maybe the letter S means something for you. God, the amount of self-reflection I see in your pile is insane. You seem to be an old soul. The wisdom you carry in this lifetime is the work you've done in your previous lifetimes! Yes, LIFETIMES. In this lifetime, you're in the process of recalling your gifts. It's so beautiful. Your energy is magnetizing. You've got a deep understanding of light and the dark, the polarities. In this lifetime, you're called to find your balance. In your previous lifetime, you were a nurturer. Someone who played an important role for society but the role was such that people didn't pay much heed to or just couldn't recognize. But what you were doing was helping others immensely. It helped them in their survival. You could have been a trader. You came into people's lives and helped them, and they didn't even recognize you.
You appeared to be a normal person, but only a few were aware of what you do! It feels like you were on some secret mission, and that's why no one had any idea who you were or how you were playing an important role in the collective's life. It also seems to me that you played multiple roles in your previous lifetime. You couldn't be put into a box. Strong Aquarius and Sagittarius energy I am picking up. And a bit of Pisces too. Even your tarot cards are so on point! You have the fool, six of wands, seven of pentacles, the moon (again!), ace of pentacles, and ten of cups. You've lived for others! And you held so much compassion for others that you went to huge lengths to make sure others were living their best lives. In this lifetime, it seems you find it difficult to express how much you love and care about others. I feel you are restricted from giving too much to others. Maybe this time you're supposed to learn to balance and make sure you live a complete life too. You need to remember that you're not God, and healthy boundaries are necessary to live a joyful life. When we focus too much on one aspect of life in one lifetime, then in another we may feel restricted toward that area because we lost our balance by putting excess energy in one area. And nature always finds its balance. At times you may feel conflicted regarding whether you should be selfless or selfish and may feel more comfortable just thinking about yourself. But if you overdo this, then again you'll create imbalance. Learn to fill your cup first so that you can fill others' cup as well. Maybe you're an overthinker as well. And due to this overthinking, you often feel drained or have headaches. Also, you need to heal your throat chakra so that you can freely and fluently express the love you hold for others. You can be the hero, but not the martyr.
Pile 2 🥀
Hello, my beautiful pile 2. Your card took some time to come out. And you've got the tower as your main card. While shuffling, I heard the word 'shame’ in my mind. There's something that your energy doesn't want to disclose about your last lifetime. Maybe what happened was quite tragic. The strength your soul has today is because of the ugly experiences that happened in the previous lifetime. Your soul feels a bit reluctant to go into the details of what happened. It would rather want you to just remember your strength. God! Are you stubborn, pile 2? Well, you are! Clearly. Your past energies are distracting me by sliding so many cards out of the deck. Your soul wants to look forward to the future, and it's kind of glad that it reincarnated in this era. I heard, “Where people are not actively attacking someone's home.” I mean, wars happen in this lifetime too, but your soul feels a bit relieved in this one because it's here it's different. You went through a huge loss in the previous lifetime to have strong willpower. I hear, “I am afraid of all I am. My mind feels like a foreign land. Silence ringing inside my head. Please carry me, carry me home.... I got addicted to a losing game.” I feel that sometimes you surprise yourself with your own strength. You wonder from where all of this power comes from. It's all because your soul remembers, no matter how hard it wants to hide what happened. It cannot reverse the effect of it.
I really don't know if you're optimistic or pessimistic, but your soul is saying that it cannot fight its fate. The way you show up in the world, no one can judge that you've got a world of barren land and broken homes within you. It's tragic. If sometimes you feel gloomy, know that it's the hollowness coming from the past. Oh God, maybe some of you are crying over someone or a lost connection. This is very specific. I hear, “Secrets I have held in my heart are harder to have than I thought.” You feel more than you ever show! Don't do that. Please. You do have a playful side to you, which can truly pull you out of this intense energy that's flowing in circles within you and cannot find a way to be released. There's something that you're waiting for from your previous lifetime. Oh No! Some of you're waiting for your past life lover. I just heard ‘Romeo and Juliet' (it's a reference). Perhaps you were forced to separate from your lover in the past lifetime. The songs are going crazy! 😭 I hear, “But it's all good I haven't known anybody like you. I have heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime, and I'm pretty sure you're that love of mine.” Now I'm sure this is about love. Some of you may have had a tower moment in a connection you wanted to live for lifetimes. You and this person are in hermit mode. And it seems to me that the ball is in your court? This connection is your dream come true. Don't worry, I can see that divine timing is at play in this connection. The one who left the connection is supposed to make the move. You're meant to be with the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE in this lifetime. I mean the cards say it all. You have the king of cups, ten of pentacles, eight of cups, the hermit, the star and the knight of pentacles. The oracle card says, “Wait for important information.” So I feel one of you will be intuitively guided to this connection or you already are. I did not expect the message to take such a strong turn. You've got so much to confess to this person. In fact, you both do! Justice will happen here. It's your unrequited love from the last lifetime.🥹
Pile 3 🥀
Hello, my beautiful pile 3. It seems that the purpose you were following in your last lifetime didn't reach its full potential. Divine intervention happened, and you had to stop doing what you were doing. But that helped you reflect and gain even more wisdom. You've been slow in your work, but you're doing it well. In this lifetime, you're supposed to fulfill your purpose and enjoy the fruits of your hard work. You may be someone who is detail-oriented and likes to have their life organized. You do better when you are not rushed. You clearly don't do well under pressure. You've got speed too, but you cannot always be racing. The spirit animals that came out for you are- spider, cheetah, and deer. As your purpose remains unfulfilled in the previous lifetime, in this lifetime you feel that you're not good enough. Sometimes the attitude of being a perfectionist leads you to serious burnouts and even confusion. You are never satisfied with life. You're always looking for the next best thing. Because you had no control over fulfilling your purpose in previous lifetime, you may struggle with the need to control everything around you. But the universe wants you to surrender and trust the unknown. Just fall in love with what you do and let go of the results. If you remain too much in your masculine energy (which is to keep doing and doing!) then you may end up distorting your feminine side that allows you to receive your blessings in abundance! Also, as much as it's important to be consistent, let yourself be flexible and don't try to live by the schedule. Do what your intuition calls you to do. If you are willing to listen, you can hear your intuition guiding you in every step of the way. I hear the word ‘wounded warrior’ for you. The challenges that you face in your everyday life, especially while creating something, come your way because YOU ARE CAPABLE of rising above them. In this lifetime, you're being hit left, right, and corner by the synchronisties because the universe wants you to sit down and decode the message and remember why you reincarnated. What was the true reason? Also, another message that is coming for you is that you've free will to redefine your purpose as you move forward because you're learning, recalling, and consistently expanding your vision.
Life can be overwhelming for you, but know it's only overwhelming when you find yourself stuck in a loop. You think your main job is to free yourself from cycles after cycles. You break free from one big circle and then from another even bigger circle, and this keeps going on. And it gets exhausting, I know! But I do see that the universe is about to hand you the key to break free from this never-ending trap and be the one looking at the source of these loops. You're supposed to stay connected to the divine, and that's all. You're out of your misery! Maintain faith at every second of your life. Visualize God walking with you every step of the way! And you will be free. Then whatever you do, no matter how small, will give you immense success! I know you do see people around you and you wonder that they aren't doing as much as you are and they are still ahead of you. Why? Well, I don't know about them. But for you to win and be able to make your talents reach every corner of the world, it's necessary for you to walk with God. Human capacity is limited, but when our energies get intertwined with that of the source, that is when we become eternal and what we do can live forever. It all happens with the grace of God. In the last time you had your faith broken because you were doing everything right and yet you couldn't fulfill your purpose. In this lifetime, you're not born to just fulfill your purpose but to regain your faith in the creator so that whatever you create lives for lifetimes.
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thetarotwitch111 · 1 month
What's your dark side?
When you understand better your darker aspects and take steps to balance them, you can enjoy fully their potential without falling into their traps. Each of these dark gifts offers you the opportunity to live the best life, aligned with who you truly are,but only if you approach them with the right perspective...
✨I hope this reading brings you some clarity and guidance. If it resonated with you, I’d love to hear about it!
✨ And if you’re looking for something more personal, I also do individual readings—just DM me anytime.
Now, let's go for your reading!
Close your eyes, concetrate, take this moment for yourself only and ask your guides and the universe to tell you in which pile is the message meant for you.
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Cards from: The Magickal Botanical Oracle by Maxine Miller
💚 Pile 1:The Witch's Garden
Your Dark Side: You possess a unique ability to delve into the depths of life where most fear to tread. This dark side makes you a seeker of hidden truths and buried secrets. However, the darker aspects of this ability lie in your potential to become consumed by the shadows you explore. Your curiosity for the unknown can lead you into obsessive or compulsive behaviors, as you dig deeper into the mysteries that others would rather leave alone. There’s a danger in becoming too comfortable in these dark spaces, where the lines between reality and illusion can blur. This can manifest as an attraction to the morbid or the macabre, pulling you into thoughts or environments that are difficult to escape from.
Perks of having your dark side: Your deep understanding of the darker aspects of life allows you to see and appreciate the full spectrum of human experience. You can help others navigate their own darkness, providing a guiding light in times of despair. This makes you incredibly empathetic and resilient, able to face life’s challenges with a calm that others admire. Your willingness to confront the uncomfortable truths of existence gives you a wisdom that is rare and valuable.
Cautions: The danger with your dark side is in becoming too absorbed in it. Your fascination with the hidden and the obscure can isolate you from others, as they may not understand or share your interests. This can lead to feelings of loneliness or alienation. Additionally, your comfort with the darker aspects of life may attract negative energies or entities that feed off your interest in the macabre, leading to a draining of your emotional or spiritual vitality. There’s also a risk of becoming overly cynical or pessimistic, as constant exposure to life’s darker side can skew your perception of the world.
Witch’s advice: To maintain balance and protect yourself from these darker influences, work with moonstone to keep your emotions steady and your intuition sharp. Incorporate a bath ritual with lavender and rosemary to cleanse any negative energy you may pick up during your explorations. You can use a white candle (as it represent all colors) during meditation to honor and contain your shadow side, and ask your spiritual guides to balance your energy and remind you of the light (with the laws of universe). Regularly burn sage or palo santo to purify your space, ensuring that you are not overwhelmed by the energies you encounter.
💚 Pile 2: Belladonna
Your dark side: Your charm is a powerful tool, but it comes with a darker edge. You have the ability to manipulate others, bending their will to serve your own purposes, and this can lead you to have some behaviors and make some decisions that are ethically questionable, using deceit or seduction to get what you want. The darker aspects of your charm are tied to a potential for narcissism, where the focus on your own desires eclipses any concern for the well-being of others. You may find yourself using people as pawns in a game, not fully considering the impact of your actions on their lives. This can lead to a cycle of destructive relationships, where trust is eroded and connections are shallow.
Perks of having your dark side: Your charm gives you the ability to achieve goals that others might find impossible. You can navigate complex social dynamics with ease, making you a powerful force in both personal and professional settings. Your ability to influence others means you can often turn situations to your advantage, leading to success in areas where others might struggle. This dark side also gives you a strategic mind, allowing you to plan and execute with precision.
Cautions: The danger with Belladonna’s dark allure is the potential to lose touch with your authentic self. The constant use of charm and manipulation can create a façade that becomes difficult to maintain, leading to feelings of emptiness or dissatisfaction. There’s also the risk of alienating those around you as they begin to see through your manipulations. Over time, this can result in a lack of deep, meaningful connections, leaving you isolated despite your social success. Additionally, the power you wield can lead to an inflated ego, where you start to believe that you are invincible or above the rules that govern others.
Witch’s advice: To keep your darker tendencies in check, carry obsidian to ground yourself and maintain a connection to your true intentions. Brew a tea with mugwort to enhance your clarity and ensure that your actions are aligned with your higher self and to amplify your charm without falling into manipulation, indulge in a bath with white rose petals and jasmine—these will help you connect with your heart and maintain sincerity in your interactions. You can also light a red candle and ask for help to your spiritual guides (with the laws of universe) to focus your ambition, but also to be mindful of the impact of your actions on others and your own path. A lavender and camomille tea is always a good choice too.
💚 Pile 3: Thorn Apple
Your dark side: You are a natural risk-taker, unafraid to venture into the unknown or push boundaries that others fear to cross. This fearlessness is part of your dark side, but it also has a darker aspect, recklessness and your attraction to danger can lead you to make impulsive decisions without fully considering the consequences or others feelings. You might find yourself drawn to self-destructive behaviors, or seeking out adrenaline-fueled experiences that put you or others at risk. There’s a potential for addiction to the thrill, leading you down paths that are difficult to return from. This dark side can also manifest as a tendency to challenge authority or rules, not out of principle, but for the sheer thrill of defiance.
Perks of having your dark side: Your willingness to take risks gives you a unique advantage in life. You are able to achieve things that others would never attempt, simply because you’re not afraid to fail. This boldness allows you to live a life that is full and intense, rich with experiences that most people can only dream of. Your dark side also gives you the ability to inspire others, encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones and embrace life’s challenges.
Cautions: The flip side of your fearlessness is the potential for chaos. Your attraction to extremes can lead to instability in your life, where you constantly seek out new thrills without considering the long-term impact. This can strain relationships, as those around you may find it difficult to keep up with your pace or understand your need for intensity. There’s also a risk of burnout, as the constant push for more can exhaust your physical, emotional, and mental resources. Additionally, your tendency to defy rules and authority can create conflict and put you in situations where the stakes are dangerously high.
Witch’s advice: To protect yourself as you navigate these intense experiences, carry a black tourmaline as a shield against negative energies and to keep you grounded in reality. Cleanse your spirit regularly with a bath infused with hyssop. (This herb will purify your energy and remove any residue from your daring ventures). You can also light a purple candle for your guides to ask (with the laws of universe) for energies of transformation, transmutations and protection when embarking on new challenges, ensuring that you are guided and guarded. Burn myrrh or frankincense incense to clear your path and sharpen your focus, helping you maintain clarity and strength even when faced with the most extreme situations.
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psychics4unet · 1 month
100 Mind-Blowing Ways to Supercharge Your Spirituality 🚀✨
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Start a daily meditation practice 🧘‍♀️
Create a spiritual vision board 🌟
Share your favorite spiritual quotes 📜
Explore different types of meditation 🕉️
Write about your spiritual growth journey 🌱
Engage with spiritual communities 🤝
Practice gratitude daily 🙏
Use crystals for energy healing 💎
Follow and interact with spiritual bloggers ✨
Share your tarot card readings 🔮
Write about your dreams and their meanings 🌙
Read and discuss spiritual books 📚
Explore and practice different forms of divination 🃏
Practice and share mindfulness techniques 🌸
Create and use affirmations ✨
Participate in spiritual challenges or prompts 🏆
Discover tips for finding inner peace ☮️
Explore meditation apps 📱
Experience and reflect on spiritual retreats 🏞️
Learn about and practice different spiritual rituals 🛕
Listen to spiritual podcasts 🎧
Experience and share energy healing 🌈
Set up a sacred space or altar 🕯️
Reflect on the benefits of a spiritual practice 📖
Share how spirituality impacts your life 🌟
Connect with your higher self 🌌
Study and understand spiritual symbolism 🖼️
Learn from various spiritual teachers 🧑‍🏫
Set spiritual goals 🎯
Curate spiritual playlists 🎵
Explore spiritual rituals for different seasons 🌿
Practice self-care 🛁
Connect spirituality with creativity 🎨
Maintain spiritual balance ⚖️
Discover spiritual websites 🌐
Engage in spiritual journaling 📔
Try guided meditations 🎙️
Explore spiritual practices from different cultures 🌏
Develop and trust your intuition 🔮
Understand spirituality's impact on mental health 🧠
Explore chakra healing 🌈
Include prayer in your spiritual practice 🙏
Create spiritual art 🖌️
Embrace spiritual rituals for the seasons 🌿
Experience different types of yoga 🧘‍♂️
Align with your spiritual path 🔗
Stay spiritually motivated 🌟
Use spiritual practices for stress relief 🌿
Cultivate compassion in spirituality ❤️
Discover and explore spiritual blogs 🌐
Recognize the personal growth benefits of spirituality 🌱
Learn about spiritual symbols and their meanings ✨
Build a spiritual routine 📅
Practice forgiveness as part of spirituality 💖
Use spiritual practices to manifest desires 🌠
Embrace rituals for abundance 💰
Connect with nature in your spiritual practice 🌳
Create a spiritual self-care checklist 📝
Explore past-life regression 🌌
Connect with spiritual guides 👼
Maintain spiritual boundaries 🚧
Experience different energy work practices 🌟
Reflect on spiritual quotes and their meanings 🗣️
Understand spirituality's impact on relationships ❤️
Explore spiritual cleansing rituals 🌊
Balance spirituality with daily life ⚖️
Embrace mindfulness 🌿
Try spiritual DIY projects 🎨
Use spiritual practices for healing 🌸
Participate in spiritual ceremonies 🎉
Focus on living in the present moment ⏳
Explore various spiritual healing practices 💫
Build spiritual resilience 💪
Empower yourself through spirituality 🌟
Engage in spiritual challenges 🎯
Join spiritual group activities 🤝
Use and learn about spiritual tools 🛠️
Overcome obstacles through spirituality 🏔️
Seek spiritual mentorship 🧑‍🏫
Integrate spirituality into your routine 📅
Practice self-love in spirituality ❤️
Make a spiritual vision board 🖼️
Use spiritual practices for relaxation 🌸
Express spirituality through art 🎨
Practice gratitude 🙏
Enhance creativity with spiritual practices 🌈
Nurture spiritual connections 🧩
Transform personally through spirituality 🌟
Use journaling prompts for spiritual growth 📓
Experience spiritual awakening 🌅
Boost energy with spiritual practices ⚡
Utilize rituals in your spiritual life 🧙‍♀️
Ground yourself spiritually 🌍
Build a spiritual support network 🤝
Increase spiritual self-awareness 🧠
Improve yourself with a spiritual plan 📋
Make daily decisions with spirituality 🌟
Create spiritual art 🎨
Incorporate meditation into your practice 🧘‍♂️
Practice regular spiritual activities 🌱
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inshelliesworld · 11 months
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🌟 Some helpful healing affirmations for all 7 chakras. ❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜
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starshine555 · 3 months
I have this placement, and I’ve had to do a lot of deep diving. This one is for you guys.
Uranus shows an area of our life where we want freedom, but in order to have freedom we need to become disciplined before-hand. True freedom can only be obtained after having self-discipline. Having a square aspecting your mercury can show verbal frustration, or experiencing difficulty saying what you mean and articulating yourself. And with Mercury square Uranus, this frustration intensifies, because Uranus just wants to be free once and for all!
These people can experience a multitude of things such as: stuttering, using the wrong volume at the wrong time, feeling like they have a knot in their throat when they have something to say, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, talking too fast, mumbling, speaking sporadically or in spurts, and so on...
Now...HERE is where I give you the solutions:
🌟start reading and writing everyday!!!
🌟do guided throat chakra meditations.
🌟talk with a pen between your teeth while reading a book.
🌟practice talking slowly.
🌟take a break from caffeine.
🌟do lip trills.
🌟Film yourself talking in front of a camera and watch yourself. What can you improve on?
🌟Try vocal toning.
🌟Observe some of the beliefs you have about your speech. Do you have a belief that you sound silly or annoying when you talk? why?
🌟 Create a self concept that is super articulate.
🌟Affirm that speaking comes easy to you, to create a neural pathway that allows your brain to obey that command. And your brain will rewire itself to speak with smoothness.
🌟Do surrender meditations. It helps to surrender to anxiety than to avoid it. The Anxiety Guy on YT has some good meditations for this.
🌟Visualize a reality where people are amazed at how well you speak.
My YouTube- Lauren Champion
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queenofwhoredom · 11 months
how would you recommend we go about healing our sacral and root chakras? which activities should we do? love your blog btw 🌟
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What has personally worked for me to heal my "lower" chakras, was to connect to the different realms of art which has activated all my senses to the fullest. I truly believe it is not necessary to utilize any sophisticated nor any expensive tool: make sensuality your lifestyle and in return sensuality will thank you with its sweetness.
The realm of movement: I started with pole dance which has truly connected me to more fluidity in life...and I will start belly dance soon. However, I do enjoy these belly dance workouts by Leilah Isaac on YouTube. You don't necessarily have to join any dance club or group as you can do it from the comfort of your home. I do believe lots of people underestimate the power of our hips, especially for women. Lots of emotional debris are rooted in our hips, which is the center of our sacral chakra, movement is truly a form of medicine.. A healed sacral chakra (and hips) can help you redirect your energy, think of snakes which can control the energies.. I think it is important for each individual to identify what form of movement is needed for navigating through the specific phase you are, e.g I have noticed when I was in my "I am tired of being the nice girl" phase, I started strength training to gain more mental strength and audacity.
The realm of passion: Ask yourself what truly make you passionate about in life? Is it reading? Is it going on nature walks? Music? Do the people around you make you feel good about yourself and about life? I know it could be difficult sometimes to make time for our passions and deepest wishes and to confront yourself to the truth etc..though but honestly the lust for life you will experience is worth all the efforts and time.
The realm of visuals and smells : During my stagnant period, I totally lost touch with my most adored hobby which are perfumes, oils and essential oils. I have personally realised that cultivating a sacred relationship with your body is a prerequisite to heal your lower chakras. How do you treat your body? Do you listen to your body? Do you give your body the Goddess treatment it deserves?
The realm of emotions: Check in with yourself emotionally..
Archetypal work: I picked up certain archetypes that I wanted to embody as a form of inspiration. For instance, to connect to my sacral chakra and remove all the stagnancy out of my life, I started to connect to archetypes as the exotic dancer archetype.. But most importantly, it must be noted that YOU know what is best for you as intuition comes hand in hand with a healthy sacral chakra.
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ancientastarwis · 11 months
Welcome to November! 🌟 The unique Pick One Image that I've prepared this month has the theme of forest animals, mainly because two options were intuitively clear before even choosing a theme. Choose the animal(s) you feel guided and let me know your option(s) below. Each option contains guidance for November through tarot and/or oracle, as I'm intuitively guided.
There's something special about this month, because I was guided to pull from two! oracles. Each image contains one card from one oracle and two cards from a different oracle. The first is Work Your Light by @rebeccacampbell_author and the other cards are pulled from the Earth Magic by Steven D. Farmer.
Feel free to book a personal reading or session with me, covering any area you might need guidance with, through the tools that you trust the most.
Leave a like and reblog this post if you loved it. Your support means a lot to me.
Have a beautiful day♥️
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Open for Results 🦉🐇🦌
Option 1: Owl 🦉
MINTAKAN. Longing for home. Belonging. The original Lightworkers. Mintakans are a soul group who originated on a planet in the constellation Orion. They were the first star beings to travel to Earth, and believed to be the original Lightworkers. The Mintakans’ home planet is thought to have been a water world with water so pure that you could see through it for miles. For this reason, Mintakans feel most at peace and at home when in or around crystal-clear water. They are here to teach us to see the potential in everything and the light in all beings. Many Mintakans have an odd longing for ‘home,’ and struggle with feeling like they don’t belong. It is thought that this is due to their home planet no longer being in existence. If you pulled this card, it could mean that you are a Mintakan or are longing for a sense of belonging and Root Chakra healing is necessary for you to feel secure and safe. Perhaps you feel this longing to find home without knowing where that is, or you’ve been moving around a lot and yearn for a place on Earth to call your own. If so, you are being called to connect with Mother Earth and create it for yourself now. To choose where you feel most at home and create it, rather than waiting for the feeling of belonging to come. Repeat: I allow myself to be truly here and at home on this planet. I release any grief around not belonging or feeling held and call in the perfect home.'
SPRING EQUINOX: Rebirth. You thought this passage you have been through would never end. Trust as certain that the light of the world fades every few months, it makes its return, and the Earth rejoices. The fresh breath of spring sweeps away the cobwebs acquired from the absence of the light. The light is now obviously increasing as Nature begins to emerge in all her many forms, shapes, and colors that remind ns of the continual cycles of Earth Mother. This cycle of rebirth you are experiencing follows a considerably challenging time. Any tears you may have shed have cleared the way for what has been gesturing, which is now ripe and ready to emerge. That which no longer serves you needs to be put to rest so that a freshness and newness of spirit can make itself known to you. Sometimes birth can be pain fid, particularly in that passage just before delivery, yet what emerges can be fresh and beautiful. Be with the emergence of this next cycle with faith and grace.
CRYSTALS: Focus. The nature of quartz crystals, the second most common element in the Earth's crust, is that they help focus the power of our life force, or Spirit. Where attention goes, power flows—and crystals magnify this power tenfold. Our intention influences where our attention goes. When we're consciously aware of our intention, it facilitates the focus of that spiritual power and supports the manifestation in material reality of that intention. It is time to bring your complete focus to the subject of your inquiry. Eliminate all distractions, and give this your undivided attention. Whether this is a project, relationship, or simply a relaxing time spent walking in Nature, be fully present to the situation. This sharpening of focus will expand your awareness and allow your inner guidance to penetrate your consciousness, which can then be parlayed into appropriate action By being focused with crystal clarity, you are in the flow of your life force and, in fact, have become one with it. It is not a hypervigilant or tension-filled state, but one of relaxed attention. Keep your eyes, ears, and heart focused on that which you need to pay attention to, and miracles can be created. To paraphrase a fictional elder, "Use the Force," and use it in life-enhancing ways.
Option 2: Rabbit 🐇
LEAP. You go first. The Universe will catch you. Life bends for the courageous. The Universe wants to support you, but first you need to leap. To throw your life up in the air. Perhaps you know what you are being called to leap toward (or away from) but are scared to make the move. Or maybe perhaps you are waiting for a big fat sign, or instruction manual, or permission to do so first. If this is you, then this card is your sign and permission slip to take a deep breath, and leap into the unknown. It’s scary to let go of all that we know in hope for something new. And it’s normal to feel anxious at the thought of letting go of what we know for sure. But this is the unavoidable process of rising. And right now, this is how you are being called to live. Nature is constantly showing us how to live with courage. Fall comes every year and encourages the trees to loosen their grip. To allow what once was so full of life, to fall away, leaf by leaf. For a moment, it feels like nothing will grow again. The branches are left bare without the comfort of what once was. But in the morn of spring, new shoots begin to appear and something new is born that is even more glorious than before.
STONE PEOPLE: Vigilance. Remain vigilant at this time, but not out of fear. "Vigilant" simply means opening up your mind and senses to information as it is presented to you: through your eyes, ears, physical sensations, and detached thoughts. It is especially true in two main areas. First, follow any gut feelings that tell you to be wary about someone or something; second, pay close attention to an important opportunity that presents itself one that may enhance your life and the lives of others. Maintain your vigilance of the clues around you and inside of you. Assess what is emanating from your body, and then sort out any conditioned responses from what is purely instinctual. Examine the situation with heart, intuition, and mind in harmony; for this is how vigilance serves you. Detach, take a breath, and stand tall in your stature.
WOLF: Instinct. You have lost touch with your instinctual sensitivities. It is the result of cultural and/or religious proscriptions dictating that anything wild and instinctual is threatening and, therefore, has to be controlled or eliminated. Now is the time to overcome this limited mind­ set and tune in to these instinctual cues. Let the Spirit of Wolf be your teacher, and call upon this benevolent being for help identifying what those specific cues are saying. Shed some of your inhibitions with the only guideline being to "do no harm.” Experiment by getting out of the straitjacket of familiar societal norms and listening to those sensations in your gut that are trying to give you a message. It may be a warning or an urging to take action of some sort. Take some deep breaths, and simply notice what your bodily sensations are telling you. Your mind will be the receiver of that information, and your body and mind can learn to work more closely with each other once again.
Option 3: Deer 🦌
DON’T DIM TO FIT IN. How are you dimming your light in order to fit in? Don't dim your light to accommodate someone else's smallness. We are all born to shine big and bright. The Universe is expanding and you are part of the Universe, so expanding is part of your nature. If someone makes you want to retract, notice, and slowly back away; they are not for you and you are not forthem. Better yet, find it within yourself to expand and shine your light anyway. Flowers don’t open and close according to who is walking by. They open and show their beauty regardless. If others don’t want to be around you, or you make them uncomfortable, it’s because you are shining light on the fact that they are dimming to fit in. By choosing to shine bright you may just inspire them to turn on their light too. Or not. Keep your light on anyway. All relationships are essentially an energetic agreement. The moment one person decides to start rising up and allowing their light to shine, it changes the energetic agreement and can create some waves. That's completely normal. The relationships that are meant to last will adapt to the change in energy. Others won’t because they were likely born under the proviso of'I love you, as long as you don’t shine brighter than me.' That’s OK, not all people are meant to be in your life forever. But the lessons they teach us can still live on.
STAR MOTHER. How can you Mother yourself? You are more held than you could possibly imagine. Loved and cherished so dearly that, if you knew, you would not spend one second of your life in separation, worry or fear. Let the Mother carry your burdens; let Her rock away your fears. Lay all of your worries, regrets, shame and guilt on Her altar. Please, please sweet child, do not fear. You are love in motion. If you see it, you are already healed, Let Her remind you of your goodness. Let Her love away your fears. Your capacity to love and hold others is limited to your capacity to love and hold yourself. Be compassionate with your sweet body, mind, and soul. Treat yourself like the beautiful spirit that you truly are. Remind yourself that you are doing your best and try not to carry it all on your own. You have got this and the Mother has got you. Let Her broad arms take away your burdens; let Her lift the weight of the world off your shoulders. Forgive yourself, my dear sweet child of the Earth.
MILKY WAY: Perspective. You have lost your perspective, so it is time to step back, breathe, and allow yourself to detach in order to gather information from your senses and regain your perspective about the situation. Detachment does not mean that you no longer care—it simply indicates that you are looking at things from a different point of view. It is an outlook that is not clouded by emotions, judgment, or attachment to outcome, but instead maintains a nonreactive awareness of these things. The Witness, that internal aspect of yourself that simply observes everything in your life, offers his or her eyes here. Through these lenses of pure awareness, you can examine all aspects of your experiences—physical, emotional, and mental—without denying anything. By doing so, you will come to understand a greater perspective than is typically justified by the ego, which allows you to see what is before you with clear vision and an open mind.
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kensanwrites · 1 month
Selenite Affirmations with Delta Waves
Welcome to our video, "Crystal Series: Selenite Affirmations with Delta Waves" – Your Gateway to Enhanced Spiritual Clarity and Protection! 
🌌✨ Step into a realm of profound peace and spiritual purification with our carefully curated session, blending the high vibrational energy of selenite with the deeply relaxing tones of Delta Waves. 
This combination is designed to cleanse your aura, sharpen your mental clarity, and shield your energetic field, making it a perfect tool for deep meditation and spiritual introspection. 
 🌟 Highlights of what you'll experience in this video: 
 *Delta Wave Ambiance* 🌀: Experience the tranquil, healing frequencies of Delta Waves, which facilitate a state of deep relaxation and make your mind receptive to the affirmations. These waves are known for promoting restorative sleep and deep meditative states, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the affirmations. 
 *Selenite-Inspired Affirmations* 🌟: Engage with powerful affirmations that draw upon the metaphysical properties of selenite for spiritual clarity and protection. These affirmations are designed to purify your energy, strengthen your spiritual connections, and create a barrier against lower vibrational energies. 
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 *Effective Listening Strategy* 🎧: For optimal results, listen to this video in a quiet, comfortable space where you can relax fully. Use headphones to experience the full benefits of the Delta Waves and affirmations. 
Allow yourself to listen before sleep or during meditation to deeply integrate the healing frequencies and affirmations into your subconscious. 
 *Deep Meditation and Relaxation* 🧘‍♂️: Let the combined effect of Delta Waves and selenite affirmations guide you into profound relaxation and meditation. The session will help to clear your mind of clutter, align your chakras, and reinforce your spiritual defenses. 
 Join us on this transformative journey as we harness the serene power of Delta Waves and the purifying energy of selenite affirmations. 
Subscribe, like, and hit the notification bell to stay connected with our empowering content.
 🚀 Embrace the transformative power of selenite and Delta Waves to enhance your spiritual health and protect your energetic well-being. 
Let’s embark on this journey of healing and transformation together! 🌟
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monratarot · 3 months
Tarot card spreads masterlist
Hello, everyone! Moni here! 🧚‍♀️
I'm writing this update for those who want to find more easily the example of spreads that I use in my readings. It's just a small list but in time I will update it.
Feel free to take a pick into it and hope that it will help all the new tarot readers to understand more about spreads.
Don't forget that this are strict examples and that you can also create your own spread that can apply on your situation or your request.
🌅🌙🌟Celtic cross spread
🌅🌙🌟Chakra spread,
🌅🌙🌟Elemental advice spread
🌅🌙🌟Four cards tarot spread
🌅🌙🌟Money tarot spread
🌅🌙🌟Making tough decisions tarot spread
🌅🌙🌟Personality Tarot Spread
🌅🌙🌟 Love spread tarot
🌅🌙🌟Career tarot spread
🌅🌙🌟A Repeating Tarot Card Spread
🌅🌙🌟New year ahead tarot spread
If you want help or want me to create a new type of tarot spread just send me a request!
Don't forget to share and like my post. This will help my blog a lot.
Wish you only the best!🍀🍀🍀
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9sychic · 1 month
🌙🔮🌙PSYCHIC READINGS🌙🔮😺 With the Great Cosmic Angel @9sychic
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**If you want a Psychic/Tarot reading from me first u must follow me! 😺If you are NOT following me, you will not receive your reading!!!!OK😺 ******************************************************************** Whether you’re seeking advice, clarity, or validation, MY MYSTIC INTUITIVE PSYHIC+TAROT card readings can provide meaningful insights and support. Experience the magic of a tarot card readings and discover the wisdom they hold. Let the cards, and my Divine Spiritual Insight and Energy guide you on your Journey towards self-discovery and inner growth,.. And Finally Recieve the ANSWERS that You Have been Seeking.. Get the Answers you so badly need right now. Don't wait any longer- give me your ask and don't hesitate! Trust in the power of the tarot and the messages it brings. Trust in my Spiritual and Intuitive Wisdom. Embrace the intuitive guidance that awaits you.
🌶️🍐I will answer Your Q's through my Ask🍇Not Dms PLZthnx 🌶️🍐You may Ask me Directly at this account or you may send your Question(s) to my main blog: @cosmic-angel-fiona on Tumblr 🌶️🍐Your Question(s) are NOT limited much; Anything goes! I will answer basically ANYTHING that you need to know!! There are No Exceptions so far, so, ask me any burning question(s) that you have. 🌶️🍐Ask me about: birth of a child, pregnancy, legal matters and health issues and matters relating to family, Also Anything about Your Ex LOL !! BUT HEY: DON'T ask about K-Pop or Karma 🌶️🍐Ask for Advice in relationship, love, career & finance, self-discovery, healing, marriage, romance and even how someone may feel towards you.🌟 🌶️🍐Ask for my guidance on any subject basically 🌶️🍐You may Ask 2-Q-per Ask(as long as they are related) 🌶️🍐Be patient and respectful 🌶️🍐You may Ask me Directly at this account or you may send your Question(s) to my main blog: @cosmic-angel-fiona on Tumblr 🌶️🍐Your Question(s) are NOT limited much; Anything goes! I will answer basically ANYTHING that you need to know!! There are No Exceptions so far, so, ask me the burning question(s) that you have. 🌶️🍐ask me about: birth of a child, pregnancy, legal matters and health issues and matters relating to family, Also Anything about Your Ex LOL !! BUT; DON'T ask about K-Pop, Karma, or Chakras 🌶️🍐Ask for Advice in relationship, love, career, marriage, romance and even how someone may feel towards you.🌟 🌶️🍐Ask for guidance on any subject or topic basically` 🌶️🍐You may Ask 2Q per Ask(as long as they are related) 🌶️🍐Be patient and respectful 🌶️🍐Feedback is mandatory
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elcitigre2021 · 3 months
Quando você sintoniza a sua aura com a energia do universo, seu chakra se abre como uma flor, irradiando vibrações positivas que elevam sua alma.
🌸 Sinta a conexão profunda com o cosmos, onde cada respiração é uma dança de energia pura, alimentando seu espírito e harmonizando seu ser.
🌟 Deixe a luz interior brilhar intensamente, iluminando o caminho com paz, amor e sabedoria.
Boa Noite!
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sappy-witch · 1 year
Pendulums in Witchcraft 📿✨
Hello darlings 🥰
The enchanting pendulum has been used for centuries to tap into the realms of divination, providing insight and guidance on our spiritual journeys. Let's explore the fascinating world of pendulums and how you can use them in your own practice:
📿 What is a Pendulum? 
A pendulum is a weighted object attached to a string or chain. It acts as a sensitive tool that responds to the subtle energies around us. Pendulums can be made of various materials such as crystal, metal, wood, or even a simple object like a ring. They come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, each carrying its own unique energy.
🔮 How to Use a Pendulum
Set Your Intention: Before using your pendulum, it's important to set your intention. Clearly state that you seek guidance, insight, or answers to specific questions. This helps establish a connection between you and the pendulum.
Cleanse and Energize: Start by cleansing and energizing your pendulum. You can use methods such as smudging, visualization, or placing it in the moonlight to clear any unwanted energies and charge it with positive vibrations.
Establish Yes/No Responses: Begin by asking your pendulum to show you its "yes" and "no" responses. This can vary from person to person and pendulum to pendulum. It might swing back and forth, side to side, or in a circular motion. Take note of the specific movements for your pendulum.
Ask Clear Questions: To use the pendulum for divination, ask clear and specific questions that can be answered with a yes or no. Hold the pendulum steady in your hand and observe its movements. The pendulum will respond by swinging or rotating in a particular direction, indicating the answer.
Trust Your Intuition: As you work with the pendulum, trust your intuition and the messages it conveys. Pay attention to the subtle energies and vibrations you sense. Sometimes the pendulum's movements may feel more intuitive than a simple yes or no response.
Practice and Learn: Like any divination tool, using a pendulum requires practice and patience. Spend time getting to know your pendulum, understanding its unique energy, and refining your connection. The more you work with it, the stronger your bond will become.
🌟 Using Pendulums for Healing and Decision Making
In addition to divination, pendulums can be used for energy healing, chakra balancing, and decision making. They can help identify energy blockages, locate areas in need of healing, and provide guidance on important choices. Trust your pendulum as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth.
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Your pendulum is a sacred tool that amplifies your own intuition and connection with the spiritual realm. Approach it with reverence, trust, and an open mind. Enjoy the journey of exploring the hidden realms of wisdom and insight with this enchanting divination tool.
May your pendulum bring you clarity, guidance, and a deeper connection to your inner wisdom. Embrace the magic! ✨🔮
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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midheavenastrology · 2 years
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🏹if u have the asteroid eris in aries 🔥☄️🕯️in the 12th house - spiritual warrior 🧿🌟- basically u are literally fighting the spirit world/bad vibes/energy vampires 🧛‍♀️🩸that lurk in the subconscious/ephemeral ✨world
🏹leo ♌️ and prominent 5th house placements: probs have a very psychic link to cats 🐈 i tend to believe that if cats are naturally drawn to you, then ur pineal 👁️ gland is a lot more open 🧿and reflective to energies beyond the physical plane 👽🛸no shade to dogs/dog lovers ( i love dogs 🐕) but dogs are def more root 🌲🏕️chakra animals :)
🏹if u have the moon 🌝 cancer or neptune 🌌in the 3rd house, people with lunar 🌛🌜or neptunian qualities will often without knowing it tell you something you need to hear 👂: like an intuitive 🪬knowing. for ex: my friend is a cancer moon, rising and i have cancer in my 3rd house..whenever she says something that comes from her higher self (like she's reading tarot) 🃏🎴i take note because it often comes into fruition 🍒🍉🍓🍊🍋later.
🏹if u want to have great seggs 🥵♨️🌶️may I recommend hookin up when the moon is in a fire sign 🔥or earth 🌲sign ? (air 🌬️is all about mental 🧠stimulation, so it��s not rly going to bring seggsy energy and water 💧 is self contained and can get lost in emotions 😩so it’s better to be alone during a water moon (maybe scorpio ♏️ maybe..but could get toxic 😬🙈real fast)
🏹people trash 🗑️🚮 8th house synastry and i get it..it can turn super super toxic ☠️real quick (obsession, jealousy, possessiveness blah blah) but if u crave and desire 🍆this kinda passionate ❤️‍🔥exchange, 8th house could be a hot synastry aspect for y’all. not to mention it’s the house of SEGGS 🍆🍑so u will def def have RLY great sex with whoever lands in ur 8th house. like eat me up, lick u all over, go several rounds kinda passion ❤️‍🔥
🏹hear me out y’all: i kno traditional 🥱synastry puts earth+water 🌲💧together and fire+air 🌬️🔥together but I think in particular capricorn ♑️ placements are better off with air 🌬️signs; why ? because we’re an extremely cerebral 🧠earth sign. we're sandwiched between sagittarius (the higher mind/scholar/teacher) and aquarius (THE intellectual mastermind) it’s no wonder we always seem to attract air signs…🌬️🌬️🌬️
or is it just me lol ? 😪🤓
🏹be careful during a mars ❤️‍🔥🔥🥵transit in ur chart- for example: let’s say u have mars in the 5th house and it’s leo ♌️ season (leo rules the 5th house) u will unknowingly attract aggressive 😡🤬😤confrontational people. basically they’re karmic peeps who come back to fight u 🤺🧯take them as you will (my strategy is always detachment) also this could attract overtly sexual ❤️‍🔥🍆🌶️energy as well- like peeps be hollering at u all day long 😮‍💨 (also peep the sign as well..if it’s in pisces, they can lash out at you by acting like a victim 😭or do the blame game)
🏹on the other hand when venus 🥰😘😍is transiting ur chart, be god dang thankful cus ur literally attracting pleasure 💘💌👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼abundance in the house it’s transiting - i mean sometimes that could be not so chill if it’s in a not so fun house but every house has its good/bad. let's say you have venus in the 11th house -then u will attract lots o’ cute af friendships 👯‍♀️👯👯‍♂️community support 🧞‍♀️🧞🧞‍♂️and help in ur hopes+dreams- check the sign as well to see what kinda friends, community support you’ll attract- if it’s in leo, it will be creative 🎨👩‍🎨👩🏼‍🎤artistic, flashy and beautiful 💄👸🤴peeps. venus in the most layman terms is the things you love, so when it’s being aspected, suddenly there will be an abundance of the things you love 💕
🏹astrologer robert glasscock 🙏 says that the angular houses (1, 4, 7, 10) are ur present, cadent is ur (3, 6, 9, 12) past and succèdent (2, 5, 8, 11) is ur future. if this is true and u believe in timeline jumping ⚛️⚗️- try to understand ur planetary placements in the succèdent houses and how that future 🔮could unfold.
for ex: say you have mostly fire🔥 and air 🌬️placements in those houses/this lifetime might be about embracing more of ur masculine 💪energy/take action. also dependent on the signs and planets- i have the moon in 5th in virgo (subconscious creativity) 🎨👩🏼‍🎤🎸🎷venus in 11th in pisces: creativity and expressing this creativity as a mode of healing ❤️‍🩹 is v impt to me.
🏹also a great way to really tap into what ur soul calling is is to look at ur venus 💘and moon 🌝sign placements/aspects: think of it: ur moon is ur emotional 🥹 comfort, it’s what u are naturally gifted 🎁🧧at and venus is what you love 🥰it's honestly the easiest way to see what could bring us the greatest joy 😎🥳🤸‍♀️🎆when fully acknowledged and understood.
🏹i have a theory that u start to meet more people 🧍‍♀️🧍🏻🧍‍♂️who embody ur progressed chart. it's like they’re secret teachers 👩‍🏫 that teach u how they express being that sign: for ex; say u were a venus in pisces ♓️ and now ur progressed is venus in aries ♈️ u will start to meet more aries placements: this shows you the parts of u that u might need to shed 🥲in order to progress more in life. it doesn’t mean u aren’t a venus in pisces anymore just that some of the traits of this placement has to transform 🐛🦋so u can basically “progress” in ur soul 🌌journey ..does this make sense ?
🏹i believe masculine ♀︎♂︎♀︎♁ energies ⚛️embody their mars+sun ✿✿✿signs more and feminine energies ⚛️embody their moon+venus signs more. what do y'all think ? maybe jupiter for masculine 🔥as well and ❤️‍🔥lilith for feminine.
🏹fire signs🔥🔥🔥- how many of y’all have a fireplace 🏕️at ur place lol
🏹people who have virgo ♍️ libra ♎️ and scorpio ♏️ placements prominently in their chart : chefs kiss 🤌 y'all are the bombshell 👸💋💄🥰personified: u are both the maiden, goddess and femme fatale 😎
🏹saturn 🪐 influenced signs- (capricorn, aquarius) have the most beautiful bone 🦴🩻😇🤤structure- like no joke, y'all look like greek statues. 🗿🗽
🏹if u wanna embody ur bad bitch 💋🌶️❤️‍🔥💄💃energy: channel ur lilith placement: what sign and what house is it in and what aspects is it making. for ex: lilith in pisces ♓️in the 8th house 💀⚰️🪦aspecting saturn 🪐: u get into ur bad bitch era ❤️‍🔥when u become a spiritual warrior 🗡️✊that becomes a channel for others to transform ⛓️🔗their old constructs of sex+death 🍆⚰️and money 💰
🏹virgo placements have the best style 👗👚👖👙🥻👘🥼🩱fight me on this 🤺
🏹if the benefic 😎👏🍀🌞🕶️planets are transiting ur 12th house, u best believe ur angel 👼 guides are watching over u- expect lots and lots of synchronicities 🕍🌻🍄🐚divine timing ⏱️ and unexpected abundance 🤘🎉🍦
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that's all 🌞🍀🌞🍀🌞🍀🌞🍀🌞 i hope y'all enjoyed and got some fruitful 🍒🍑🍉insights 🧘‍♀️🧿🪬👁️🔮
happy virgo full moon y'all (iz my moon sign 🌝🌚🎑
love y'all 💜💘💌
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rdarkvoid · 6 months
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**Disclaimer:** This captivating Madara Uchiha fan art is a product of artificial intelligence, not the brilliant mind of Masashi Kishimoto. The Naruto franchise, with all its shinobi glory, rightfully belongs to the master creator. Let's keep our chakra pure and our respect for original artists intact! 🌟🖋️🍥
This monochromatic artwork, reminiscent of Kishimoto’s style, depicts Madara Uchiha, a prominent figure from the Uchiha clan in the “Naruto” series. The intense expression and dynamic linework capture Madara’s formidable presence, embodying his enigmatic and powerful character within the narrative. The black and white illustration showcases Madara with spiky hair, wearing a high-collared cloak. His eyes, visible beneath heavy shading, convey an intense look. The minimalistic background, enhanced by splattered ink effects, directs focus to Madara. The detailed and sharp linework mirrors Kishimoto’s original art style. 🖋️🎨
Remember, folks: Sharingan eyes are cool, but plagiarism isn’t! 🙅‍♂️🚫
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crybabyboyscout · 7 months
I’m so grateful for plant medicine. Have been really enjoying consistent microdosing and higher dose trips this last week. The heart chakra, crown and third eye chakra expansion is quite literally out of this world. 🌟
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