#chainsaw man front cover
karlartreid · 2 years
Chainsaw Man Latest Art Cover Reveal REACTION and BreakDown By An Animator/Artist/Analyst
Today we look into the latest Chainsaw Man Artwork and not just that we also look into Chainsaw Man's latest teaser trailer analyse it and talk about what makes it and each artwork so visceral in this video!
So sit back Relax and Enjoy!
▶ GET 1 months Free Art Classes with me HERE 👇🏿-
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mudanonaito · 11 months
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@animangacreators challenge #3 ↳ alphabet challenge 2.0 (3/26) : C → CHAINSAW MAN
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z0mibite · 2 months
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short little tommy oneshot, small warning of s/a, not graphicly depicted by there's two mentions. typical tcm warnings, death, blood, murder, ect. soft tommy, probably ooc.
You should be disgusted.
You should feel terrified.
And you did, to be fair. But not nearly as much as you should.
Not when that giant had brutalized those bikers who attempted to assault you, and not when he had treated you so gently. Maybe it was the fact that you didn't put up a fight, that instead of struggling to escape him, you reached up for him as a frightened child would. You had wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him tightly, rather than beating against him.
You were brought to the same dark, damp, moldy room as the bikers, but he didn't shove a meat hook through your shoulder, he sat you down on an unorganized workbench, sharp tools scattered around on top of it. In front of you was some type of chopping block. The wood was stained with a brownish color in a pooling shape, the sides dripping. Some of it was more red and fresher, and the smell of copper hung stagnant in your senses. It was so heavy you could nearly taste it, and the air being so humid and thick didn't help.
The bikers, they begged you.
They looked directly at you and cried for you to help them as the monster of a man poured gasoline into his chainsaw, the smell of diesel overpowering the smell of copper for the time being. The two men and one woman who had cornered you at that shop, tearing at your clothes until the ‘Sheriff’ stepped in. You simply stared, watched as the man revved the chainsaw and began dismembering them one by one.
By the time he'd finished, he was covered in blood, and he wasn't the only one. You couldn't see his face well, but you heard his breath hitch slightly as he saw how much of a mess he had made on you. He walked to the sink, grabbed a rag you doubted was clean before wetting it, and began wiping the crimson off you. The only sounds you could hear was his breathing, and the drips you could only decipher due to the difference in how heavy they sounded.
Your eyes met his as he gently rubbed the blood off your cheek, his hands holding your jaw still despite you making no attempt to move. He paused his movements to wipe his thumbs under your eyes, the tears that threatened to spill finally falling as he pushed them out. He tilted his head curiously before moving one hand to the back of your head, the other holding your back as he pulled you into his chest. The hug was inexperienced and awkward, but comforting nonetheless. His body heat enveloped you, and somehow, even after watching every moment of his brutal acts, your muscles relaxed, and the tension in your body slowly left with a long exhale.
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sooniebby · 1 year
If requests are still open, can I ask for somno/breeding kink with Beam from chainsaw man, with him just passing out on top of male reader after he finishes, basically just cuddling subconsciously. Love your work btw, they’re fun to read. If my request needs more description, I’ll try again
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꧁ 𝘽𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙭 𝙢𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 ꧂
Word count › 1.4k
Rating › NSFT
Warnings › beam dumb
Kinks › breeding, light somno
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
(Name) wanted to jump off a bridge. He knew what he was getting into dating someone as idiotic as Beam but he truly didn’t believe it could get so bad. Yet here he was, having to wait for Beam to wash off the cow shit he was drenched in. 
How did this happen? He wasn’t sure. Denji had come up with some elaborate reason why but (Name) had decided to just deal with him later. He groaned to himself as he slipped out of his work clothes, ready to pull on his pjs when Beam opened the bathroom door. 
A grin spread on his lips, “(Name), are we about to have sex?!” 
“No.” (Name) said, throwing his work pants at Beam’s face. He was way too angry to have any sort of sexual activity with the man that was just covered in cow shit. 
“Why not?!” Beam whined, walking over to (Name) with a pout on his lips. If he had human eyes, maybe he would’ve tried to use puppy dog eyes on him. 
“You rolled in cow shit.” 
“But I showered…” 
A huff left Beam’s throat as he sat down on the bed. He was silently sulking as (Name) continued to change. Ever since the first time they had sex, Beam was very into it. He always asked in the worst way possible for it but (Name) was used to that. 
“No. Sleep.” 
Beam sighed but did as he was told, moving to lay down in his spot. (Name) turned off the lights and laid down on the bed, ready for a good nights rest after a stressful day of cow shit. 
It was only maybe an hour or so when (Name) felt something rub against his ass cheeks. 
Oh he wanted to jump off a roof. 
Beam was rubbing his naked (!!!) cock against his ass. 
Wait, his shorts were down. 
The absolute pervert pulled his pants down. (Name) was wondering what he should use to kill Beam but stopped himself. They had talked about something like this once—saying that it should be done randomly. But really? He chose today? 
The day cow shit touched his body?! 
Ew. (Name) tried not to think about the cow shit as he heard the stuttered breathing of Beam as he began to thrust between his ass cheeks. It was a bit flattering that Beam was using him as a masturbation tool, really. 
But he’d never tell Beam that unless he wanted him to get more annoying. 
Beam muttered something before easily pulling (Name)’s body closer, earning a grunt from him. He didn’t move for a second, seeing if (Name) was awake before continuing. The skin against each other was a bit harsh and it seemed Beam had noticed because he stopped. 
(Name) felt the blankets be pulled away to free his lower half, the cold air on his skin. He waited for any type of lube to touch his body only to hear the sound of someone spitting. 
(Name) wanted to cry. No fucking way that he used spit instead of the fucking lube in the nightstand right beside him. Did he forget?! How was the spit supposed to substitute for lube? 
He couldn’t just let this idiot continue. What if he tried to shove it in his poor asshole and he’d bleed to death?! 
(Name) turned around to face Beam who looked embarrassed. “It’s fine. But don’t use your spit. Use lube next time.” He said, pointing over to the nightstand on Beam’s side. Beam nodded and grabbed the lube, handing it over to him. 
“So I can do it again just with lube…?” 
“Yeah, sure.” (Name) muttered, easily coating his fingers and shoving them inside. It was pretty easy to do—he no longer felt embarrassed in front of Beam either. Beam watched with amazement as he easily slipped his fingers in and out. 
“(Name), you’re almost on the same level as Lord Chainsaw!” 
“Bring up Denji again during sex and I’ll never let you fuck me again.” 
(Name) hummed and motioned for him to get between his legs. Beam’s previous sad look was gone in a minute as he quickly went to the spot he had once called his ‘destiny’. Or whatever bullshit he spouts during sex. 
He kinda just says whatever on his mind. (Name) slipped out his fingers and laid down, using two fingers to spread open his hole. Beam grinned in excitement, grabbing (Name)’s legs and pushing them upward. 
“Thank you, (Name).” 
“I’m not a meal—hurry up.” 
One quick thrust and he was inside. (Name) arched his back as he cried out in pleasure. He would never admit it out loud but he really believed Beam was pretty good at sex despite being so innocent otherwise. 
Maybe it was because (Name) really only had one partner before him. Or it’s that Beam’s much larger cock did most of the work. It didn’t matter really. 
“Lord Chainsaw taught me something about sex.” 
(Name) wanted to kick Beam off of him but it was a bit hard with the strength the man had on his legs. He simply grunted in disappointment but continued to enjoy the steady thrusting inside his hole. 
“Did you ever think about me cumming inside?” 
“Hng?!” (Name) gasped at a the sudden drag against his prostate. He had never really did. Beam usually pulled out but (Name) had never told him to. It was just something he did. 
What would cum feel like inside…? 
“He told me we can make babies that way,” Beam grinned. “That’s a good idea, right?” 
(Name) was going to murder Denji after this. He could only whimper as Beam continued to push forward, folding (Name) into a mating press. This was a position they tried once and only once because (Name) complained he wasn’t flexible enough for it. 
He still wasn’t but he couldn’t exactly stop him. 
He was enjoying it. His cock was reaching in deeper than most of the other positions and no way in hell would he gave it up. The pleasure he felt was so different than anything else. 
His toes curled as he threw his head back, mouth opened in a silent scream. Their neighbours would surely talk to them in the morning about late night sex. The sound of the headboard against the wall would certainly bother them. 
To (Name), it was only edging him further. Each thrust into his body caused him to clench down on Beam’s cock. Beam himself was grunting at the pressure, muttering on about the supposed children (Name) would give him. 
Yeah, Denji was going to die tomorrow. 
(Name) wrapped his arms around Beam’s neck and gave him a small smile. “You can cum inside.” He whispered, gasping at a particular deep drag on his prostate. 
“Okay, okay. We’ll become a family this way, yeah?” 
“Sure, sure…” (Name) muttered, feeling himself close. 
Beam seemed close by the way his thrusting became unsteady. His usual rhythm that he had was gone and all he seemed to want was to chase his release. (Name)’s pleasure didn’t matter to him much right now. 
(Name) was close himself, biting his lip to stop the moans that’ll stream out of his mouth from the harsh thrusting. It took really only three more thrusts when Beam muttered something about being a good father. 
(Name) ignored it and whispered out words of encouragement for him to cum. 
One last thrust that somehow ended right at his prostate. (Name) arched his back and cummed on his stomach, a moan slipping from his lips. Beam was right behind him, cumming deep inside him. 
The feeling of the warm cum inside him made (Name) shivered. He could get addicted to this. His legs certainly hurt though as he tried to push Beam off of him. Only to realise that the damn fool was fast asleep. 
(Name) groaned at the much heavier body on top of him. Yeah, no way could he push him off. He sighed but decided to get comfortable. It was weird to still have Beam’s cock inside him but he kinda liked it. 
The feeling of cum slipping out of him though was bothering him. It was going to be hard to clean himself out in the morning. 
“Night, Beam..” (Name) muttered, smiling at him as he burrowed his head on his shoulder. The two cuddled for the night, enjoying the warmth of the other. 
While Denji in his own apartment sneezed violently. Why was he suddenly scared for tomorrow…? 
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
╰┈─➤ END
First ever Beam fic!! I’m trying new things with my writing lol—mainly small jokes in smut
Requests are open!! Yubin fic tomorrow <3
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kishibe-kisser · 6 months
New recruit gets a little bold with Kishibe (suggestive)
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Tags: reader x Kishibe (Chainsaw Man), smoking, teasing, hair pulling, cursing and that's about it
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"Old cynical man." You tutted, stroking the blonde laced with gray head of hair. He had an iron grip on your hips, holding you straddling his lap. He looked up at you, unimpressed with your insults but incredibly impressed with the way the buttons of your white blouse gapped at your tits. New recruits were simply so bold these days.
Kishibe wasn't one to look at his team members twice, in any way shape or form. However when you wandered in, your tight uniform wrapped around your 20 something year old body and teasing smile, he knew he was in trouble. You might have been new but you were level-headed and mature. You weren't dumb and that was an additional point in Kishibe's book. He was the type of man to watch from a distance, so he never expected to see you watching him in return. It made him feel like a pervy old man and while that wasn't exactly wrong, no one had to know.
"If you're going to occupy me like this the least you can do is light up a cigarette for me." He said roughly, gesturing to his pocket. "You know those will kill you." You told him, leaning down and reaching into his pocket. Your lips brushed his cheek as you did so, lighting the cigarette and placing it between his lips. You had him a little flustered not that he'd admit it.
"What's a girl like you doing with an old fuck like me? Shouldn't you be with someone more like Hayakawa?" He asked, not meaning a word and pulling the cigarette from his lips to tap off the excess. "Hayakawa's cute, but not what I'm interested in." You explained, now playing with the older man's tie. His free hand squeezing your pant covered ass slightly. "Besides it doesn't seem like you have much of a problem with it." You added on, grinding down on the bulge you felt forming.
Kishibe bucked his hips a little, listening to the small, surprised gasp that left your mouth. It was the first time he cracked a smile and your sounds made him feel like he regained control of the situation. "What do you want from me, doll?" He asked you, hand reaching up to grip your chin and forcing you to look at him. God you were fucking gorgeous to him, looking at him with a mischevious eyes. "Having fun. Work is stressfull. You should know all about that." You told him, biting back a moan at the grip he had on your chin.
"I like playing with you, Kishibe." You added on, keeping your voice low and placing your lips mere inches from his. The man chuckled, stubbing out his cigarette before his grip on your chin moved to your hair. His expression was dark, smirk playing on his lips as he noticed you grab the front of his suit jacket for leverage.
"Then play with me sweetheart, no one's stopping you."
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A/N: Can't believe it took me this long to write for Kishibe considering my username lmao. This was fun.
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mattsturniolosmuse · 4 months
You're Like Me
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Young Dexter Morgan x Reader
Summary: You are also a serial killer, for the same reason as Dexter. You only kill people who deserve to be killed. When Dexter gets bullied, you stick up for him, starting a friendship.
Warnings: SMUT, oral male receiving, p in v, unprotected sex (please practice safe sex)
"Look! It's Dreadful Dexter!" Someone says, pointing to Dexter and laughing.
You looked over. Dexter was sitting at a picnic table, picking at his lunch. You felt bad for him. He was always a target for being picked on. He was just so much different from everybody else.
"Hey, leave him alone, won't you?" You call towards the bully. He looks at you and chuckles.
"What're you going to do about it, Miss Prissy?" He asked, crossing his arms.
You could do lots of things. Usually involving a roll of duct tape and a chainsaw.
"If only you knew." You say. He laughs and walks away, picking up a basketball off of the court.
You approach Dexter.
"Hey, Dex." You say. He smiles shyly.
"Hi. And... thanks." He says, packing up his lunch.
"No problem. Want to walk to class together?" You ask. He nods. He was in your biology class, and he was really smart. Right now, you were doing dissections, which you and him seem to be the only ones who enjoy it.
The walk to class was pretty much silent. You looked at him. His long hair was brushing over his face, and he was biting his lips.
You had to admit, he was pretty cute.
"You want to hang out after school today?" You ask to break the silence.
He shakes his head. "Sorry, I have... something to do."
You nod.
"Tomorrow after school?" He says instead. You smile and nod. You got to class, and you find your desk, and he finds his.
You were in the forest just outside Miami, looking for some new spots to take your victims. After an hour, you had found an old shack.
Perfect. You thought to yourself.
But when you entered the front, you heard voices coming from inside. You froze.
"What about her? Remember her?" A familiar voice said.
"No- no! I swear!" Another voice said, trembling. Then it started screaming.
You went further into the shack. Layers of plastic sheet covered the walls. And then you see him.
Dexter standing over the naked body of an older man, who was duct taped to a table. A saw was slicing through the mans arm.
Dexter jumps when he sees you.
"Y/N? I-i can explain!" He says, looking at you with fear in his eyes.
You just smile.
"Dex, you're doing it wrong." You say, taking the saw from him.
"You have to cut in a smooth motion, tip to blade. It helps make a cleaner cut and takes out less blood." You say, demonstrating.
Dexter looks at you.
"You're like me." He says, lips barely parting to say the words. You nod and blush, looking down.
He takes a step closer to you, and your bodies are touching. You look up into his bright blue eyes. But they aren't bright anymore.
Soon enough his lips are on yours. You freeze, not knowing what to do or how to do it. But soon enough, you're kissing back, your hands in his hair.
Dexter tilts his head, so you do the same, the opposite way. His hands trail down your sides and rest on your waist. He squeezes gently and you gasp. Dexter takes this opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth. He spins you around and pushes you against the wooden wall behind him.
"Jump." He says, his voice deep. You obey, jumping. He catches you and wraps your legs around his waist, still pushing you up against the wall.
"I'm gonna fuck you so good, baby." He says, his lips moving to your neck. He leaves a few love bites across your throat and jaw. You tug at the hem of his shirt, and he pauses to lift it over his head and off of his body.
His lips attack yours again, his tongue forcing its way past your lips. You trail your hands down his stomach. He doesn't have abs, but he's still in good shape.
Dexter's hands fumble with the strings of your sweatpants. He finally gets them off, and his hand rubs circles through the fabric of your underwear. You moan slightly and throw your head back.
"W-wait, Dex." You say, looking him in the eyes.
"You ok?" He asks, suddenly scared.
"Yeah, I just want to try something first." You say. He puts you down and you push him against the wall, kneeling in front of him. You tug his jeans down along with his boxers.
"God, baby." He says as you kiss his tip, throbbing red and leaking precum. His body jerks as you take all of him in your mouth.
"Mmm..." He moans, tangling his hands in your hair. He tugs slightly, and you hum, sending vibrations down his dick. He pushes your head into him, and he hits the back of your throat, making you gag and drool.
"S-so good, baby." He whimpers. You feel him twitching, and not long after, his warm cum shoots down your throat. You stand up, wiping the excess off of your chin and kissing him. He turns you around once more, and you jump automatically. You grind into him, and he groans, hastily pulling your panties off. You unzip your sweater and reach your hands back to unbuckle your bra, still not breaking the sloppy kiss.
You are both now fully naked.
"You ready?" Dexter asks you, making eye contact. You nod, and he pushes himself into your wet folds, letting out the loudest moan yet.
You gasp at the new feeling. Sure, you've had fingers in you before, but this was different. He was a tad bit bigger than your little fingers.
"S-so tight, baby." Dexter says, pushing in and out of you, slowly getting faster in pace.
"D-dexter! Faster, please!" You moan, nails digging into his skin. He obeys, fucking you at an inhumanly pace. His face is buried in your neck, gently kissing the skin.
His lips trail down to your breasts, leaving huge hickeys all over. He lifts one nipple into his mouth, roughly kneeding the other.
"I'm s-so close, Dex." You say, cock drunk.
"Me too." Dexter responds. His pounds started getting slower and sloppier, and soon you feel his seed shoot into you. He keeps going, waiting for you to orgasm. You clench down on him. He moans sinfully.
"Come on, baby, cum all over my cock." He whispers in your ear. You release, whimpering in his ear, toes curling.
Dexter pulls out of you and places you on the floor, handing you your clothes. You guys silently dress and he pulls you in for a hug.
"I love you. I never knew I was capable feelings until I met you." He says, kissing the top of your head.
"I love you too, Dex. Now, what are we going to do with this body?" You say, gesturing towards the bloody mess on the table.
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mulberrysilk · 1 year
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Lavender Haze
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Urahara Kisuke x f!succubusreader
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Summary: The vacant house next to Urahara's shop no longer remained empty as a pretty girl moves in. Was he obsessed with the girl next door? Maybe. But how could anyone blame him when you looked so delectable? Plus, he made sure to keep an eye on you, something about your reiatsu was different too...He's just being a good neighbor, that's it! He didn't expect to find out that you were more than just his beautiful neigbour...
cw: eventual smut, inspired by that line in the Chainsaw Man scene, low-key Urahara is stalkery, reader is a succubus, unprotected seggs, reader has succubus form which is small horns, wings and tail, oral(male receiving), creampie, Urahara is in love with his succubus lover, talks of reiatsu you know bleach stuff
wc: 8.2k ( she’s a long one y’all)
a/n: thought this was gonna be normal nasty smut with the normal girl next door. Turns out I made she's a succubus. ADHD brain go bRRRr.
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Easily he recalled the Summer when he first met you. He had woken up past the eleventh morning hour, just in time for Tessai to return with items to stock in the store. It was the 4th Sunday of the month. The date where they routinely stocked the store with not only shinigami goods but snacks, drinks, and other convenience store items. He had wondered why there was a moving truck parked in front of the small humble house that neighbored his shop. For years it has been empty. The last owner was this little old lady who sadly passed some time ago. He was used to it being empty so it was only normal that he got curious about who would be living right beside him and his dear employees.
Opening his fan, he cooled himself from the coming afternoon heat and casually stood by the fence, the branches of the trees and their leaves, concealed his wandering eyes. Fanning himself and keeping his eyes hidden by his bucket hat, he searched for the person who was going to be his neighbor.
Out from the back of the truck in a baby pink tank top, denim shorts, and white sneakers, you appeared like those girls in the movies. The girl next door. He really thought those things were just a thing in the fictional world of movies, he didn't expect it to be happening right in front of his eyes. Was he in a movie right now? He pushed the ridiculous thought away and focused on you. He watched as you unloaded the truck with cardboard boxes that contained your belongings and shamelessly ogled the skin revealed to him due to the summer heat.
From your side profile, he could tell just how pretty you were. Your cheeks were flushed from the heat and your skin glistened with a thin sheen of sweat, making your tank top cling to your body even more, hugging your curves and reminding him of those models in summer magazines. Was he dreaming?
He didn't even know how long he had been staring but he remembered you went in and out of the front door twice, and the heap of cardboard boxes by the pavement doesn't seem to have lessened.
“You know, if you want to make advances toward her, my tip is for you to offer to help her move the boxes.” Tessai’s deep voice sounded behind him, startling the former shinigami.
“Tessai! When did you—advances? I’m merely…looking.” He brought his fan to cover the lower half of his face, a little flustered to be caught. He was so distracted he didn’t notice his friend’s presence.
“You look like a stalker.” A haughty younger voice commented.
Urahara flicked Jinta on the forehead, who was actually looking at you too.
Meanwhile, little Ururu approached you and politely asked if you needed help. The three males hid behind the safety of the concrete fence watching as she talked to you. You smiled at the young girl and their hearts fluttered. Ururu then pointed in their direction and your eyes followed where she was pointing. Squinting your eyes, you could make out two tall figures and a smaller one.
The three of them froze, caught like a deer in headlights.
You waved prettily in their direction as a short greeting before Ururu and you moved your stuff inside.
“You like her.” Jinta teased Urahara.
“Nonsense. I know nothing about her.” He played it off coolly, fanning himself.
“You know that she’s your neighbor now and that she’s attractive.” Tessai backed up the kid, Urahara mocked an expression of betrayal as his friend took Jinta’s side.
“We shall be good neighbors to her and nothing more.” Urahara snapped his fan shut before returning to the air-conditioned confines of his shop. Although he said what he did, he was sure he was going to see a lot of you, and should the opportunity arise that he could flirt.
Just harmless flirting.  He told himself.
If only he could take back his words.
As the summer progressed, you settled into your little home and he caught you most of the time when you were coming home from wherever you’ve been but on the weekends, he would have a full view of you in your backyard, tending to the herbs and vegetables you grew at home. With the heat, you’d be in shorts most of the time and it was paired with either a tank top or a sports bra. The two of you only ever acknowledged one another silently, not having the chance to speak to each other formally but he wasn’t going to rush things. Sometimes he thinks it’s better off this way. To just look and don’t touch. It was painful in certain ways for him because, like other men, he too had his own needs and desires.
One afternoon changed everything.
It had been so hot, the air conditioning in his shop wasn’t enough to fight the heat. He had brought out extra fans to make it better and the more he stared at the frozen items box, the more he wanted to just stick his face inside to feel relief.
The door to his shop slid open and in you came. Your back was against the light that shined as you entered and it made you glow. He felt a hint of warmth collect in his abdomen when you smiled softly at him. Your shoulders and collarbones were exposed as you wore a sundress with thin straps. It was shorter than most sundresses, it came up to your mid-thigh, not that he was complaining. It cinched perfectly at your waist and the fabric of the skirt flowed and swished with every movement. God, you were absolutely delectable today.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my new neighbor. How may I help you?” He plastered on his shopkeeper facade.
“I was hoping to find ice cream.” You clasped your hands behind you and raised your shoulders in a cute way. “It’s too hot these days and I’m working from home, so I thought, ice cream would be nice.”
“Good for you, I do have ice cream and an assortment of sweets if that’s to your fancy.” He gestured to the freezer.
“Thank you.” You grinned before going to make your ice cream selection. “So…um…I know I just moved in. I’ve met Ururu who told me she works here and I feel a little rude that I haven’t introduced myself to you yet.” You made small talk, eying the variety of ice cream flavours.
You introduced yourself properly, telling him your name, and extended your thanks to him for how Ururu helped you move in.
“She’s really strong for her age.” You said, finally choosing an ice cream flavour. Strawberry.
“That she is. Would you be so kind as to also get me a piece?” He asked before you made your way to the counter.
“Oh, sure. What flavour?”
“Same as yours.”
At the counter, you reached inside your little purse to pay but he spoke. “It’s on the house this time, cutie.”
Your heart jumped at the nickname. Heat collected in your cheeks and you murmured your thanks. Somehow instead of leaving, you found yourself sitting next to him in the air-conditioned living room of his house, eating ice cream and having a pleasant conversation. His company was nice and you had to admit you were proud to have made a friend out of your neighbour….attractive neighbour.
Kisuke felt the same too but he had felt the need to keep you around because he was surprised by the spiritual pressure a human like yourself had. He was curious to know if you were some special being or merely a human who will bait hollows and other entities your way. He wouldn’t be surprised if you were some special being with how endearing and magnetic you were. But if you were merely a human with such energy…well, he felt the need to protect you. It didn’t help that he was so willing because he had developed a crush, obsession? Whatever people these days called it. He just knew he wanted you in every way possible but of course, he had to be a gentleman.
“What brought you to Karakura?”
“Was looking at listings and this place was up for rent at a really good price, plus it’s an easy commute to the city and it’s quiet.” You replied, suckling at the strawberry popsicle.
“Quiet? You running away from a boyfriend or something?” He playfully suggested, sneakily asking if you were taken or not. Not that it would be a problem.
“Something like that.” You murmured and his eyes widened a little but then you broke into a smile. “I’m just kidding!”You laughed. “Have you always been a shop owner?”
“Nope.” He answered you truthfully and you tilted your head.
“It’s complicated but basically, I was expelled from my past occupation.”
“Expelled? Did you do something bad?” Your gaze never left him.
“To them, yes but in my eyes, I failed at what I had to do. So I came here and decided to be a shopkeeper.” He grinned at you, making light of the topic and you gave him a small smile.
“Quite the interesting man you are.” You giggled before having another taste of your ice cream, unaware of the eyes that clouded like a storm at the way your lips wrapped at the tip of the pink iced treat. Taking a bite of his treat, he couldn’t help but wonder how soft your lips might be against his skin, his lips, or his—
“Oi! Urahara!” The shoji door slid open, the cool air from the air conditioning escaping the confines of the living room. Urahara internally sighed at his disrupted thoughts.
Your head casually turned to the unfamiliar voice and stood by the door was someone you’ve never met before. He stared at you and you stared at him, your brows furrowed as he continued to stare for quite some time. His teddy bear brown eyes looked you up and down, taking in the view of an attractive stranger with an ice lolly between her lips and the pretty summer dress she wore. Pink dusted his cheeks before he turned his attention to the man seated not too far from you.
“I-I need to talk to you!” Orange haired boy demanded, masking his fluster.
“Kurosaki-kun, as you can see I have a visitor,” Kisuke responded and you waved your hand.
“It’s okay. I can go.”  You told the two men, the urgency in Kurosaki’s eyes told you that it was important and something not to be shared with others. It’s not your problem nor did you care to know what it was.
“Thanks for the ice cream, Kisuke.” You chimed happily, sending a wink his way, and it felt like an arrow went straight into his heart. “I’ll see you around.”
So cute. He thought to himself, a little disappointed you had to go but he must admit watching you walk past Ichigo on your way out, was a pretty view that made up for your leaving. He thanked whatever designer made your dress at such a perfect length. One that wasn’t too short to explicitly tempt and not too long to bore. It was just the right length that created tension, that made Urahara wonder how pretty it would be to bunch the fabric up to reveal more of your thighs.
Once the front door shut telling them of your departure, Ichigo turned to the man still sitting and halfway done with his ice cream.
“Who was that?”
“My neighbor.” Urahara sighed with a smile that Ichigo couldn’t read but made him narrow his eyes at the playfully crafty man. “So, what is it that you need to tell me so badly that you disturbed my precious time with my pretty neighbor?”
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Urahara wouldn't say he was a stalker. Maybe if anyone did see him, they'd think that's what he was doing. But he was merely watching you from the comfort of his home. It wasn't his fault his bedroom upstairs looked directly into your bedroom. He'd like to think fate was tempting him, giving him signs that your paths were meant to constantly cross.
It was definitely a game of fate because there were times the curtains were closed and days when they were left drawn apart. It’s not like he waits for you to show up or anything, there were just some instances where he’d see you going to bed in those cute pyjamas of yours. He liked in particular the pink ones or the white and pink shorts ensemble.
Tonight though, he could see you again. Lying on your stomach with a bunny plushie cradling your chin while you read a book, your legs swung in the air, the air conditioner in full blast with how hot the weather had been. This lovely night's choice of sleepwear was a white cotton tank top paired with white frilly shorts. His eyes ran along the length of your legs, wondering how smooth your thighs might be. 
Your presence in his life was constant and honestly was a breath of fresh air from all the hollow and shinigami issues that come and go. He would even say you two had become close friends. Small exchanges became him coming over to fix stuff when you need it or you going over to the shop with sweets or pastries from the city. If you had a watermelon to beat the heat, you’d share it with him.
Despite this blooming friendship, Urahara was plagued with thoughts that made his stomach warm and crave you like a wolf hungry for prey. It didn’t help that you had also become the subject of his wet dreams that had always made him wake up in a mess, sweating and he even felt like he didn’t get enough sleep….was he being a bad neighbour?
And could you blame him for the shock and dumbfounded look on his face when you, one searing hot afternoon, asked him? “So do you wanna do it?”
Your voice was soft as your head lay against the pillow of your bed, the two of you had escaped to your room after he had helped you hook the sound system to the tv. The air conditioner was on full blast and the cold air being pushed out was the only sound in the silence between you two.
Urahara sucked in a breath, and doing so made the overwhelmingly sweet scent of your sheets, of you, too much. Pheromones was it? “Do what?” He calmly grinned, not letting his composure falter.
You shifted in your position, stretching a little then leaned your head on your extended arm, locks of your hair cascading over your face and that delicate curve of your neck. Your eyes appeared sleepy as if you had some sake to drink and had gotten tipsy, it was alluring, it was…seducing. Was he dreaming again?
The summer sun glared at him and his eyes adjusted and searched for your face, finding first your glossed pink lips. “Fuck.”
Now he really was at a loss for words. He felt like who he used to be over a hundred years ago when he had become Captain. Easily flustered, nervous, and unsure of himself. “W-what?”
The sun got into his eyes again.
When they adjusted this time, your hands rested on either side of his head and you were looking down at him, meeting his gaze as your hair fell around you. The warm orange hue of the sun kissed your skin and made you and your hair glow. He could even feel the warmth of your skin  as you leaned over him, so close.
“I think you heard what I said.” You purred, throwing a leg over his hip. Urahara swallowed the lump in his throat again. Was he dreaming? Oh, god, was he dreaming?! His dreams even felt as real as this. It was hard to tell.
He didn’t dare move a finger scared that if he touched you, you’d disappear. Even when you straddled him with your cool palms against his chest. He laid still.
Your eyes never left him and he wondered if he had imagined the pink glow that flashed in your irises when you batted your lashes and pushed apart the lapels of his samue.
A finger traced along his center, from the crevice between his two collarbones down his chest and to his abdomen. “What’s wrong?”You leaned forward, your lips brushing against his earlobe as you cooed sickeningly sweet. “Why are you so still?” You toyed with the strings of his pants. He swore to himself. Blood was rushing down to his groin and it didn’t help that your ass was pressed against it. There was no way you couldn’t feel him harden against you.
You raised your head a little, pushing his bucket hat up in the process to remove the shadow he hid behind. His eyes couldn’t stay in one place. It jumped from your eyes, the gentle tempting smile of your lips and the sight of your cleavage as your shirt dipped low, soft breasts in their lacy bra cups,
“Y/N-chan….” He sounded as if he was warning you.
“I’m not playing any games with you, Kisuke.” You said, sliding your hands from his shoulders and then to his hands, guiding them to your waist. “Am I?”
“I think you are playing a dangerous game,” he spoke, feeling your waist, internally groaning at the fact he was touching you, really touching you.
“Awe,” you cooed, pouting your lips mockingly. “Are you nervous?” You were teasing him now, cradling his wrists and sliding them higher til they cupped your breasts.
“Aren’t you?” He managed to say, fighting the urge to squeeze your breasts through your shirt, he could already feel just how soft they were.
You shook your head, your resting smile unfaltering as you continued to splay your fingers on his exposed chest, running them up and down sensually slow you could feel the goosebumps on his skin form.
You cupped his face, caressing his cheekbone with your thumb. Each contact made a shivering delightful feeling bloom on his skin and the intensity of your gaze melted him further and further as if it was pulling him under a spell.
The feeling intensified when you leaned forward and pressed a kiss on his cheek, then his jaw, and god, his neck. Urahara moaned softly, the heat of your lips and the slight nibble of your teeth on his sensitive skin was like another sip of exquisite saké.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” He lowered his hands to your hips, grabbing the flesh as he rolled his hips upwards for so much needed friction. The feeling made you giggle. That sound was like a siren song.
“Maybe.” You said with a smile he could feel against his skin before you continued to kiss along his neck. A sensual roll of your hips and his eyes shut momentarily at the feeling. “I can tell you’re enjoying this.”
He was. He was thoroughly enjoying this, the heavy petting, the kissing, and the closeness of your bodies. This experience was different. He felt all too consumed in your aura, your presence, and your touch. It was intoxicating. He wondered if this was normal. If the dreams, the way you took up all his thoughts and now your very touch, were all still of the human world.
Before he could even question and remind himself of your spiritual energy, your lips stopped their delicious kisses and you straightened your back. You reached for the hem of your shirt and peeled it over your head, your hair tousled by the removal. Staring at you felt surreal. It was almost psychedelic. Your body was the only figure that was clear while everything else other than you was fuzzy and blurred.
“I’m gonna ask you again, Kisuke.” Your voice traveled smoothly in both his ears, echoing in his head. He swore there were pink symbols in your irises right now. His eyes were locked on yours, there was no denying it. “Do you…” you pressed your naked breasts against his chest, their softness against his muscles making him painfully hard. “…want…”. You kissed his cheek. “…to…” then the corner of his lips, so dangerously close. He gripped your hips, hard enough to leave marks. You were driving him crazy. You hovered your lips over his, barely touching. “…fuck?”
You didn’t have to ask him again.
A rough hand grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you down to finally, finally, kiss you.
Oh, he tasted sweet. So sweet. You could feel his beautiful spiritual energy seep under your skin. You were right to have chosen him.  Even though you moved here to start anew, you didn’t expect to meet someone like him. You didn’t know what he was exactly but his spiritual energy had you weak in your knees. It flowed bountifully like a waterfall. It was strong too which meant you wouldn’t need much to keep your capabilities base level.
You were giddy and thrilled to have found him.
This was not normal. Urahara thought as he kissed you with such hunger. His lips moved in tandem with yours, fighting for dominance and easily winning it. He thought your touch was intoxicating? Your lips were far more dangerous. They were downright hallucinogenic. It was as if they were laced with a poison that seeped immediately into his system that made the depraved lust he had for you, increase a thousandfold.
This was definitely not normal.
Your spiritual energy was increasing too, it felt like a weighted velvet blanket on his body, getting heavier and heavier. Not heavy, almost, joining with his? How was this possible?
Thinking wasn’t easy, not when he had the beautiful neighbour he’s been dreaming and fantasising of on top of him. His hands moved on their own, feeling and tracing your curves, cupping your soft breasts, and feeling their weight against his palms. This was better than he imagined you felt. It couldn’t compare.
Urahara pulled away to catch his breath. His chest rose and fell quickly while you kissed the spot on his neck that you had marked before and lowered yourself, leaving kisses along his chest and his abdomen. His breath hitched when he felt your chin brush the hem of his pants. His eyes snapped open to look down and were met with dark clouded eyes staring prettily up at him, lashes fluttering with each blink.
“Watching me from your bedroom isn’t enough is it?”
You knew? Fuck. For how long?
“You caught me,” he chuckled, petting your head adoringly. “No point in lying to you, is there?”
You shook your head with a sly, cheeky smile. “You don’t have to lie to me, Kisuke.” You untie the strings to his pants, the hem loosening easily. “Have you thought about this?”
His breath got caught in his throat. Your hand pressed against his erection through the fabric. “Y-yes. C’mon, sweetheart. Don’t tease me. I thought you weren’t playing any games with me?”
“I’m not.” You shimmied his pants down along with his boxers, cock springing freely from the constraints of the fabric.
Urahara hissed when the cool air kissed the leaking head of his cock. Was he always this sensitive? Before he could say anything, your tongue licked a stripe along his length, dreamy eyes staring up at him with lust. You enjoyed his reactions. He looked so pretty like this, cheeks flushed, eyes droopy with desire, and hair all tousled. You continued your ministrations, running your tongue once more at his perfectly sized length before kissing the cute pink head of his cock, the precum already making your senses vibrate crazily.
Like you had suckled on the strawberry popsicle the first time he had you over, your lips wrapped prettily around him, your tongue hot against his cock as you swirled it over his sensitive head.
“Keep going, sweetheart. F-fuck,” he softly moaned out. His words encouraged you and the gentle brush of his thumb along your brow made you happily take him deeper. His fingers tighten in your hair as he groaned in bliss. He was hot and heavy against your tongue, and the natural condition of your entity enjoyed the musky taste of him.
Urahara’s fantasies were incomparable to this. He was already losing his mind at the hot warmth of your mouth and the rhythmic bobbing of your head along his cock. A sharp delightful shiver ran up and down his spine when he felt his tip touch the back of your throat, you gagged cutely and he looked down at you to make sure you were okay. He was brought immediately closer to the edge when he drank in the sight of your glossy eyes staring up at him with an adorable furrow of your brows. This was far better than he imagined.
His moans left him freely, and his hand on your head continued to pet you as he felt the tension in his spine tighten. You could feel yourself get wetter just at the sight of him. Touching him and finally pleasuring him, was heightening your sensitivity. The ache in your core was painfully sweet and you couldn’t help but moan around his length, completely aware of how the vibrations affected him.
Urahara swore under his breath, unable to hold back the following thrusts of his hips as his orgasm bursts through his body. He felt as if broke through the cottony haze he had been under, only to sink right back in and further down once more. He could feel the way your tongue moved as he remained still inside, and the movement of your throat as you swallowed his cum with your eyes shut in bliss. What an obscene picture.
He felt your spiritual energy increase again. The little clarity he was able to gather after climaxing helped give his brain enough time to form full thoughts and assess the situation.
Watching you pull back, you detached yourself, cock slipping from your lips with a soft pop. You licked along your lips with a satisfied smile, like a cat who just got the cream. Which you kinda …did. The way you glowed intensified, and your aura had completely changed.
“You’re not human aren’t you?” He caught his breath, analysing his senses. It wasn’t a question that he needed an answer to.
“You’re not human too.” You simply answered back, climbing on top of him. His cock, half hard, slotting between your warm slit.
“You’re feeding off my reiatsu.”
“Something like that,” you smiled, intertwining your fingers with his. “I can’t exactly feed off just any kind of reiatsu.” You slowly rocked back and forth, Urahara feeling the wetness of your pussy coating him. His hands gripped yours, his eyes rolling back at the heat of your folds. God, he wanted to be inside you.
“Sexual reiatsu then?”
“Mhm.” You hummed, gasping when the tip of his cock caught at your entrance. You lifted your hips a little higher. “S-something like tha—.” You cut off with a moan as you sunk down a little, taking in the head of his length. He felt better than you could ever imagine.
Urahara felt that at this moment, he had more control than you did. Your fingers were squeezing him, your thighs were quivering with need and your face, your pretty face, was trying so hard to focus. You looked as if you were losing all resolve, completely crumbling apart with lust. He watched you intently, refusing to miss a single thing as you sank down on him, taking him into your tight, velvety heat that‘s got him aching hard again.
Bottomed out, your head fell forward. You took a couple of breaths as you allowed yourself time to adjust. It has been a while since you’ve laid with anyone, you almost hated yourself for tearing away the euphoric feeling of connecting your body to someone. Even so, with him, it was different. You didn’t just want to have him once and leave it at that. You wanted to have him. Completely. God, his reiatsu feeding yours was overwhelming. You could cry at how good he feels.
His voice pierced through the rapturous screaming of your body. He said your name so sweetly. That gentle and teasing coo of your name that had you weak in the knees.
“Look at me.”
Without a second thought, you did as he said. His larger hands squeezed yours in a reassuring manner and you felt as if your heart was going to burst at that action. You met his gaze, the once dwindling remnants of your energy almost fully replenished after months. Urahara was met with the pink pattern in your irises in full glow. Everything but you was a blur of colours. The effect your being had on him was akin to a drug that heightened every pleasurable sensation and kept you and him in a haze of warm lavender.
If his assumptions were correct, then he was one lucky and unfortunate bastard.
“Show me who you really are.” He untangled one hand to caress your cheek, the soft touch making you lean into his palm.
How could you not give him everything he wanted? His reiatsu was sweet, warm, and enveloping. It was delicious. You felt intoxicated by it and ever since your skin touched his, you knew you drew him into your web.
Urahara moaned when you rolled your hips, his cock hugged by your velvety walls, and he cussed when you took his thumb into your pretty little mouth. He blinked a couple of times, fighting the urge to rock into you as he wanted to see your true form. Your kind was rare, very rare. In fact, many shinigami believed your kind to be just a myth and a fantasy of depraved men.
The sun had begun to set and the golden hour illuminated your skin. Its rays glared at his eyes once more and when his eyes adjusted again, he caught the shape of two horns curling by the side of your head like a crown and stretched wide behind you were the most majestic set of wings, a shade of deep purple. Your eyes were shut as his thumb swiped your lower lip. Were you embarrassed?
“Didn’t I tell you to look at me?” He chuckled and you adorably blinked your eyes open, lashes fluttering. God, you were so cute. He can’t hold himself back anymore.
Gently with his strength, he switched your positions. Your back landed on the soft mattress of your bed, taking you by surprise that your wings had contracted into themselves. His hands held your hips as he hoisted them onto his thighs, lifting them up. You stared at him, eyes wide. His thumb spread apart your puffy lips, humming satisfactorily at how it glistened with slick.  When he returned his gaze to your face only to find it hidden behind your hands, he found it endearing that you were being shy especially since it was in your nature…
“What’s wrong?” He asked, rubbing his length between your folds, collecting your slick before guiding his head to your entrance, merely kissing with the tip. You whined into your hands at the feeling, hips wriggling for more. “Talk to me, Y/N-channn.”
“I-I have never shown anyone…” you peaked through your fingers, his ash blonde hair prettily a mess over his eyes as he looked at you with such a gentle look, a contrast to your former lover from a hundred years ago whose face had contorted in horror in a rare blood moon. “…shown anyone at will…”
“You hide this cute form of yours?” He pushed the head of his cock in, turned on by the way your back arched at just him entering you.
He sighed out in bliss, sinking slowly, inch by inch feeling the warmth of your walls hug him. It was heavenly. God, he was never going to get enough of you. There’s so much he wanted to do to you. This was just the tip of the iceberg.
“K-kisuke,” you whimpered, not satisfied with him just remaining still inside you. You needed more.
"What's gotten you so submissive, hm?" He teased, taking his thumb and massaging your clit. The pressure made you moan. "You were the one who started all this." He drew his hip back a little to shallowly rock in and out of you. His own moan accompanied yours, your walls contracting needily around him.
He was right. You were the one who started this but now you were melting in his touch, helplessly needing his touch. You believed it was the strength of his reiatsu. It was stronger than any human you've played with to just get enough energy to keep your powers available to you. His sexual reiatsu, unlike humans, felt as if you had no way of depleting it, it was making your senses and your lustful need increase a thousandfold.
"P-please, I need you." You whimpered, your hands no longer hiding your face. They fell to your side as you gripped your sheets, the slow rocking of his hips, the slow sensation of his cock scraping your walls, was driving you insane. You wanted it in full force, not like this, this was torture. If it had been just another human, you would've maintained full control. He was different.
"You beg just as cute as I thought." He smiled at you, hands gripping your hips tight. "I still have questions." Though he was stalling from giving you what you want, enjoying the obscene sight of your body shivering and aching for pleasure, and your cute lewd face, he was using everything in him to not just fuck you senseless in your bed.
"I'll answer anything you ask after!" You cried out, the burning ache in your core too much. You needed the sweet burst of relief to wrack your body, you needed the vulgar rapture of fucking to ruin you. "Just, please, please, use me as you wish." You never begged any of your victims like this.
The sweet sound of your voice pleading him like that deepened his desire for you. He'll show you just how much he's been wanting you all this time.
He drew his hips back, almost leaving the velvet heat of your walls. You were about to whine, thinking he was going to tease you to no end but no. Like a man starved, like a dog in heat, he drove back into you, fully sheathing himself again, and regulated a rough and fast pace.
Your lips parted in a silent scream, that tingling and electrifying feeling you’ve deprived yourself of in the full flux of your energy for years, sent strong, crashing waves of pleasure throughout your body. It was euphoric. Each deep stroke had your toes curling and your eyes shutting in pure bliss. Every nerve receptor was on overdrive and made the right coiling feeling in your tummy contract further.
You didn’t care about the lewd moans that left your lips or the obscene sound of skin slapping on skin and the wet squelching of your pussy as Urahara pounded into you. That burning ache within you was being scratched and god, why did his cock feel so good. 
Urahara was relentless. He drew his hips back and drove them back in in a crazed frenzy, chasing his own high and addicted to the warm plush walls of your pussy squeezing him. His own groans and pleasurable moans melded with yours, the two of you a hot sticky mess of sex.
Even in the daze of carnal lust, he made sure to enjoy the pornographic sight of you on his bed, puffy pussy lips split apart by his cock and tits bouncing with each collision of his hips against yours. You were so out of it too. Your cute little tongue poked out just a bit between your lips and your eyes couldn’t even stay open, you were just spiraling in pure pleasure.
He brought one of your legs over his shoulder, angling himself in a way he could rut in you deeper. “K-Kisuke!” You screamed his name out so sweetly, his cock head kissing your g-spot repeatedly. You were just a mess of arousal. He could feel how wet you were by the way you coat his cock and even drip over his thighs and the bed. It was downright dirty. And it was all for him.
“F-fuck,” he swore to himself, thrusting endlessly, feeling a tightness in the base of his spine. He was dangerously close and it didn’t help that you were too. Your walls were hugging him tighter and you messily continued to get wetter, his cock scraping your walls over and over emitting sloppy wet sounds.
You could feel him get harder inside you and you bit your lip at how delicious that felt. He looked so pretty when he fucked you. His cheeks were pink and his skin glistened with a thin sheen of sweat. Your release was growing nearer and nearer. Sweet refrains of his name continued to leave your lips, begging and pleading for more, and telling him how good he felt which encouraged him to fuck you harder.
His hand caressed your lower tummy, pressing his palm against where his cock was inside of you. The pressure made you keen, your fingers gripping the sheets now.
Urahara was completely focused on the beautiful creature you were, wanting nothing more than to make you his and be the only one to hear your sweet moans. To be the one who would make those cute lewd expressions form on your pretty face. The only one to see just how beautiful you are.
His thumb finds your throbbing pearl and massaged it in circular motions. You cried out in pleasure, the added stimulation making you tip over the edge. Your walls gripped his cock tight making it almost impossible to pull out as your body convulsed. Your lips were parted and your eyes were shut as pleasure shot through you like electricity. Your hips were shaking as you came all over him, your sweet honey spilling forth as he shallowly thrusts, his balls tightening.
“F-fuck, tell me where to cum, sweetheart.” He tried to control the quick rhythm of his hips that was moving desperately to empty himself into you.
Urahara searched for your face through the curtain of his blond hair over his eyes. Your hair was strewn over your face as you panted, hips shaking and soft breasts bouncing with his movement. He needed your answer and he hoped it was the one he wanted.
“I-inside.” You sighed dreamily, watching him through heavy lidded eyes. You moved your leg over his shoulder to join the other in wrapping around his waist, trapping him in place to uphold your answer.
The symbol in your irises was glowing pink. You held out your arms, inviting him into them and he leaned forward, crashing his lips into yours as he did. He kissed you deeply, driving his cock hard and fast, focused on the hot grip of your pussy around his throbbing and aching cock. Your arms were wrapped around him as you kissed him back, moving your lips in perfect tandem with his.
Your body was still electrified from your orgasm and the continuous sensation of his cock rocking in and out of you was sending you into overdrive. You wouldn’t be truly satisfied til you had his seed anywhere on you and even better inside of you.
With a couple more thrusts and giving it all in his final one, the tightness in the base of his spine, exploded. You moaned into his mouth as you felt heat shoot inside of your womb, it made your eyes roll back in ecstasy. Urahara kept himself hoisted up as he emptied his balls, groaning as he felt your walls milk his cock. How salacious your pussy was, he had thought. You were going to drive him crazy.  He remained still inside of you, relishing in the sweet victorious sensation of fulfilling one of his dirty fantasies.
He peppered kisses along your neck as your bodies remained pressed against one another. This wasn’t anything he’d experienced before. It was definitely out of this world. 
“You feel so good, Kisuke.” You hummed sweetly, petting his head as the two of you laid side by side now on your bed.
He rested his head on the pillow of your breasts, his arms draped over your abdomen as yours and his legs remained tangled with one another. The climax of both your highs lingered longer than expected and you two cuddled as you both recovered from the raw mindless fucking you two indulged in. 
“The things you do to me, woman.” He let out a sigh, though a little tired, his cock twitched to life wanting to bury itself inside you once more.
You giggled. “You can ask me anything you like. I did. promise you.” You lovingly pet him, your heart tied to this man.
“You’re no normal cutie neighbor that’s for sure,” he concluded, light-heartedly. He caressed your side. “How long have you starved yourself?”
You didn’t expect that…he almost sounded pained to have asked that.
“A while…”
“Myths say your kind needs semen to survive.” He couldn’t help but think of how he came inside of you as he said that.
“That myth is partially wrong.” You ran your fingers through his hair. “We don’t need it to survive. We feed off sexual reiatsu that is emitted when we engage in any kind of sexual activity with a man. The semen is the most potent form of a man’s sexual reiatsu.”
“Which means?” He was honestly curious. He adjusted his position so he could comfortably look at you as you spoke while still holding you close.
“To put it simply, to us, it’s like an energy shot. A very addicting, delicious, energy shot that our bodies happily respond to.” You explained, your cheeks warm. You couldn’t help but be flushed by him. He was gazing up at you as you spoke to him about the ways of your kind. It was unnatural and you expected a far more negative reaction, not this sweet adoration in his eyes.
“How come I’m not depleted of my reiatsu ?”
“B-because…I don’t want to.” Your voice trailed off, getting softer.
“How long have you abstained?”
“For quite sometime now. I didn’t want to continue feeding off humans…they will...have deteriorated if they kept relations with me.”
Urahara could hear the pain in your voice. You found your very being to be a curse. He assumed you had stopped because of your soft heart but that was dangerous of you to do to yourself.
Silence fell before the two of you, there was a far-off look in your eyes and he wondered about how lonely you must’ve been. You’ve probably never had the chance to really have a relationship with a human man. To be in love.
Oh, the thought made his heart ache. Luck for you, he wasn’t a human. He could fulfill all your needs if you asked him to.
“What happens if you keep continuing to…um…see… the same man? Besides deterioration.” He asked, breaking you away from your trance.
You knew what he insinuated.
“O-oh…well…I would form a bond with him but in the past, I'd always chose not to feed off the same man twice. So I never bonded with any of them. ”
“And how will you know if this bond has formed?”
He was asking very specific questions but you didn’t think much of it. Though you haven’t even formed a bond yet, you felt your heart was chained to him. You wanted him all to yourself.
“A very special mark would show up right here,” you took his hand and placed it a couple of centimetres below your navel, low and close to the apex of your mound.
Urahara followed your hand and stared at the smooth, unmarked skin.
He’ll never get tired of you saying his name.
“Yes?” He looked at you once more. His pretty little goddess.
“What are you really? Your reiatsu is different from a human. It’s stronger and there’s so much of it.” You cupped his cheek. “You’re no ordinary shopkeeper.”
He didn’t feel the need to hide the truth from you. You had shown him your true form, which he didn’t understand why you were ashamed of. To him, it was cute and sexy. Every man’s sick fantasy.
The playful and aloof facade he always wore, faded. His eyes were serious now but still gazed at you gently. The tone of his voice was no longer in the usual happy melodious tune he took. “I was once a soul reaper, my dear.”
You blinked, surprised at the revelation that explained his reitasu being different from anyone you’ve ever met. You knew of shinigami , you see them in Karakura town both in their true form where other humans can’t see them, and in their gigai . You didn’t expect your handsome, cute but pervy, neighbour to be one.
“I see.” Was all you said, still holding the man in your arms who comfortably remained in your warm embrace, his own limbs draped over your own.
Your brows furrowed when you felt him slip away, sitting up beside you, his broad muscular back flexing as he did.
“Kisuke?” You sat up too, on your knees.
He glanced at the call of your name and shuddered at the cute sight before him. Naked skin glimmering, cute eyes staring at him, little cute horns curled on each side of your head and your wings relaxed behind you, had him enchanted by you once again. He was down bad. Very, very bad.
He sighed, turned to face you, and inched close. His surroundings were clear of that haze your energy created. The entirety of your room was clear and no longer blurry, yet this invisible glowing halo on you still remained.
“The sun has set.”
Was he leaving? Your heart cracked at the thought. You didn’t want to use your powers to keep him, you wanted him but you wanted him to want you for you of his own volition. “Y-yes it has.”
“We shouldn’t…” He looked down, his hair falling over his eyes.
You understood. A little ashamed, dejected even, you slowly brought the sheets up to your chest, covering yourself as you bit your trembling lip, waiting for words that would feel like a knife pierced your chest.
“We shouldn’t waste any time then.” Urahara nodded, as he came to a decision about whatever he thought.
You blinked, confused. “What?”
In a flash, you found yourself, torso down on the bed with a pillow underneath you to keep you comfy while his hands firmly gripped your hips, hoisting it up. You yelped at the sudden position, feeling the remnants of  Urahara’s seed unloaded into you that didn’t fit in your womb anymore, leaked out of your messy slicked hole.
“Oh wow, how messy.” He teased and then blinked. “You didn’t tell me you had this cute tail!” From the base of your spine and extended was a slender black serpentine tail.
His reiatsu was insane. One encounter with him replenished your powers and awakened your true form. No one ever had this effect on you. And he thought this form, horns, wings, and tail were cute?!
"Ah!" A ticklish shudder ran up and down your spine. The sound that left you was a mix between a moan and a yelp. "D-don't do that." You whimpered, legs shaking.
"Do what?" He played innocently, fingers trailing over where your tail connected to your spine. He was enjoying having you under his control. Then repeated what he did again, watching the way your thighs shook and your cute pink pussy pulse.
"Don't pull at it!" You whined, feeling embarrassed. You've never, ever, dared to be seen in your true form. You buried your face into the pillow and Urahara was screaming internally at how adorable you were.
"Awe, I'm sorry." He pouted, caressing gently the base of your spine. "Why are you hiding?"
"I-I'm just not used to being seen like this."
"But you're sooo cute, like this." He replied, pressing himself against you, slowly rubbing his hardening length between your folds making you mewl.
"Y-you want to..." you panted, losing yourself at the friction of his cock rubbing your clit. You wanted him again and more if he was able. You didn't want to tire him out. "...again?"
"I told you didn't I?" He popped the head of his cock into your pussy once more, slowly filling you up inch by inch. "We shouldn't waste any time." Urahara groaned, balls deep inside you once more with the gorgeous view of your back curved with your plush ass against him.
You squealed into the pillow, unashamedly pushing your hips further back to feel him deeper.
"By the end of the night, Y/N-chan," he huskily spoke, gently tugging at your tail. The action made you squeeze around him deliciously, arousal tickling your whole body. "We're gonna make sure I leave that mark."
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lavishl0ve · 10 months
🩸 Johnny Slaughter x Fem Reader 🩸
I love Johnny and he low-key inspired me to write something. This is my first “fic” and is a decent length (lol), if y’all are interested in the full story please lmk!! (btw nothing spicy in this first part- sorry 😔) Thank and enjoy.💋💋
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Part 1: The Cellar
Oh God, stay quiet… I silence my whimpers pushing my hand against my mouth as I watch the skinned face wearing man run around frantically. Each rev of his chainsaw had made me flinch. I slowly shift myself in the shadows hoping to avoid detection, the tall grass covering my view. The sky is painted with tones of tangerine complimented by flesh-colors. The longer time seems to pass the more I seem unable to move. I take a deep breath and squeeze my eyes shut hoping to escape reality, the darkness only paints pictures in my head. Julie. Hanging on that meat hook in that red room. I suddenly feel a wetness dripping down my cheek. We didn't deserve any of this, especially not her and God knows where the others are. I just hope they're safe. The others. I have to do this for them, I have to escape. Adrenaline seems to rush through me, I peek my head above the grass searching around hoping for a clear shot. No sign of them. I slowly ascend and sneak towards what seems to be the closest exit. I dive back into a patch of grass as I hear the sound of the chainsaw approaching again. The sounds accompanied with female screams… Ana’s screams. My body makes its own decision and suddenly I flee from the grass patch running towards the gated fence, the sky darkening. Keep running Y/N. Just keep running. Tears blur my vision as the scream becomes distant for each pace I run. I shouldn't, I can't help doing so, only hoping to confirm reality. I look behind my shoulder, that man drilling the chainsaw through her abdomen, her blue tank top now red. Stained with her own blood. I run faster but can't help to look away. A loud snap erupts from beneath me; fire engulfs my right leg and I trip over. My ankle caught in some bone contraption it had cut deep, deep enough to see tissue. That man sensed the sound, revving up his stalled chainsaw, I look back panicking and quickening my pace to release myself. The pain is horrific. Blood drips into my shoes and I limp towards that gate. No. The faint symbol of a red padlock is tightened around the gate. I won't make it. I scream out in pain hoping for the slightest bit of hope. A deteriorating wooden barn. Maybe I can hide there. I shift my direction pulling my leg along with me as that man approaches. I ran through the large doors, the barn still in darkness. I looked behind again, that man hadn't been able to squeeze through the crawl space I shimmied through. I have distance. I’ll be okay. I face forward and crash into a hard surface. I fall back onto the floor and my vision blurs. Blood rushing to my brain, fumbling the noise around me, the chainsaw re-approaching and the laugh of a man in front of me, faint footsteps walk toward me, the orange hues of the sky paint out his features. My vision is blurry, I can only map out his sleeveless tank top, and his slicked hair…? He grips a knife in his right hand. He crouches down his arms wrapping around my waist. I groan out in pain. His hard chest instituted a throbbing headache, my head pounding. He leans forward toward my face.
“Oh, I’m keeping you.” The man growls.
Then with a effortless hurl he throws me over his shoulder. My sight goes foggy. I can’t lose consciousness now. Stay awake. With each step the man takes his shoulder digs deeper into my stomach. I can't seem to stay awake. No need to fight back anymore. This is my fate.
“S’okay, I got er’ boy.” The man says, “Put that chainsaw to use. Find the other one.”
A low moan had replied from the man with the chainsaw, like an agreement. Wait- the other one…? Leland! He’s still alive! I cry out, putting each ounce of strength into my punches trying to knock myself down from the man's shoulder.
“No need to fight me on this Darlin’. You’ll just make it harder for yourself.” He remarks.
I grunt still trying to fight back. I’ve done no damage to anything but myself. I feel my energy slip away along with my consciousness…
I awaken to the cold beneath me, I sit on the wet concrete ground. My vision clears, I look above, my wrists had been tied to the wall. I pull against the rope hoping to loosen them. I feel my blood circulation cutting off, my hands are numbing. It’s too tight and I can't seem to make any wiggle room. I look around hoping for some sort of tool I can use. Nothing. The cell just contains a worn-out mattress. Just great. I crawl over on the mattress hoping it’ll bring me more comfort than the cold floor. It’s better…I guess. I sit in silence, my head against the stone wall for what feels like an eternity. I fumble with my shirt. My shirt- it’s different. Damn. That outfit I had on was my favorite. Now I’m stuck in this worn out oversized black shirt. Realization had hit me, they changed my clothes, had that man undressed me? Shivers ran through my veins; I disregard the thought. Suddenly a woman skips in front of my cell giggling whilst peeking through. I hadn’t heard her approach.
“Aww, you’se caught yourself an aw’fully purty one.” The woman remarked.
She dragged her razor blade along the iron bars making a scraping sound, hitting each bar. Laughing mockingly.
“Leave the girl alone Sissy.” The man approached.
The same man from earlier had stood next to the woman supposedly named Sissy. He jumbled his keys, standing in front of the lock for the cellar.
“Ain’tcha got things to do??” The man says sternly.
“You ain’t no fun Johnny.” She replies, clicking her tongue and walking away.
Johnny inserts the key into the lock, twisting it and sliding the cell door open. Then closes it behind him. I find myself backing against the corner, the cold shooting through my spine once my bottom contacts with the cold floor again. Johnny turns around, walks over toward the mattress and sits down, his arms resting on his knees. I sat a few inches away from him. Completely defenseless. He shifts his head toward the left a bit, enough only so he could see me. I stare down at the ground avoiding eye contact. He analyzes me for a while. Complete silence.
“You can look at me y’know?” He breaks the silence.
I feel tears dwelling in my eyes, “What do you want?”
“Ain’t no need to be cryin’ sweetheart, ‘m not gonna hurt ya’...” He trails off.
He removes some sort of compact tin from his jean pocket, following a roll of gauze...? He places them on the mattress and gestures to my leg where I’d been caught. It takes me a moment to realize what he’s motioning towards. I look down and realize my leg has been wrapped up. I gasp slightly, surprised he wouldn't have just let me rot. I scoot forward slowly allowing him to have access to my ankle, I watch slowly as he unwraps the bandage trying to see the damage that was done. I hiss once the cold air touches the wound.
“Those damn traps he be makin’,” he laughs shaking his head, “Work a lil’ too well.”
Johnny then grabs the tin container from his side, it contains some sort of topical cream. He rubs two fingers into the paste and rubs it over the wound.
“Ah-” I groan in pain. The topical stinging my cut.
“You’se all right sweetheart.” He reassures me.
I shut my eyes, furrowing my brows waiting for the stinging to be over. I can feel the gauze wrapping lightly around my ankle. For a man that had brought me and held me captive in their basement Johnny's surprisingly gentle. I can't tell why but, I find myself ease around him a bit.
“Johnny-” I speak,
He looks up at me inquisitive, like I said something wrong. He raises his eyebrows, waiting.
“...why are you helping me?”
He chuckles to himself; a piece of his hair drops in front of his face.
“Can’t have our food spoiled now, can we?” He looks up.
My eyes widen at his response, I try and jerk my leg away, but his grip stays firm, his calloused hands keeping me from backing away.
“I was jokin’.”
He finishes tying up the gauze and rises to his feet. He leaves, re-locking the cell door. And then again, I’m left in the cell waiting, thinking. I try to stand seeing where I am, yet can’t reach the front of the cell, my wrists beginning to burn from all the tugging on the rope. I stop, throwing myself on the rough mattress. My dreams ought to be better than this place, right?
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
So therapy is going well.
“And you know what? You know what else, Mariana?”
“Yes? What?”
Slime leans closer, a sneer on his face as he says: “Your sex playlist sucks.”
And that is too far. Too far. 
Mariana tackles him out of his chair with an offended roar, ignoring Roier’s cries from the other side of the desk. 
“Gentleman, please!” Roier protests. “Not in the office, please! Take it outside!”
Slime’s face screws up in anger. He grabs Mariana’s shoulders, nails digging in through the spandex of Mariana’s suit. 
“Is that what you want?” he asks, voice low. He meets Mariana’s eyes and brings his head closer; almost reflexively, Mariana does the same until their noses are brushing. 
“Is that what you want?” Slime repeats, his breath ghosting over Mariana’s lips. “Do you want to take it outside, Mariana?”
“Oh my God,” Roier says. 
“No,” Mariana replies. “I want you to kiss me.”
And he does.
Really, therapy is going well. Better than Mariana had expected, what with the single least experienced person on the island acting as his therapist. Because Roier of all people was obviously the best choice, ignore his murderous grudge against his ex… whatever, and his fun new hobby of putting children in pits to fight to the death. The guy whose last relationship ended in literal murder is obviously the best person to be the island’s court-mandated couples’ counselor. 
But, well, it’s working, surprisingly enough. Slime hasn’t wished death upon Mariana in days, and Mariana is almost allowed to tuck their daughter into bed. And Flippa? She’s happier than ever (though, really, that isn’t saying much.)
“What the fuck are you doing?!”
“What does it look like I’m doing, Mariana? I’m meditating. Just like the doctor ordered.”
The chainsaw in Slime’s lap disagrees with that statement. As does the blood spattered across his face. And the dying BadBoyHalo groaning on the floor in front of him.
Bad rolls onto his back and looks up at Mariana pleadingly. He mouths, ‘help me’.
Flippa stands over him holding a gun three times too big for her tiny little egg hands. She waves it cheerfully in greeting as she notices Mariana in the doorway.
Mariana rolls his eyes and groans, throwing his arms into the air. “Chinga su madre, man, what did I tell you? Stop killing people on the rug! Do you know how hard it is to clean it?”
Bad coughs blood onto said rug indignantly. Bastard.
“Well, maybe people shouldn’t try and kill our daughter on the rug,” Slime calmly responds. He speaks slowly, and Mariana is thankful for it. His translator can only work so fast, and most of his husband’s murderous rampages go by too quickly for the translator to pick up. It’s a pain.
“Oh, is that what happened?” Mariana asks. 
Slowly, he walks towards Bad, whose eyes are slowly draining of life. He’s got maybe ten more seconds left before he’s forced to respawn. Mariana could save him right now. 
He pulls out his sword instead. 
Juanaflippa backs up, already covered in too much blood for her tastes. 
“He-” Mariana points at Slime. “-is the only person allowed to kill eggs. Mamahuevo, fuck you.”
As soon as Bad is dead, Slime jumps to his feet and pulls Mariana into a bruising kiss, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and holding him tight. The chainsaw digs into Mariana’s back slightly, but it’s hard to pay attention to that when his husband is right there. 
“You are so hot when you’re killing people,” Slime murmurs. 
And Mariana doesn’t quite understand what he said, his translator out of sight, but he knows when he’s being sweet talked well enough. 
“Me encantas,” Mariana says. “Now…” (What are the words?) “...put the chainsaw down and take me to bed.”
And he does.
Once, there was a time when Mariana couldn’t remember why he married Slime. Well. He still doesn’t know why he married Slime, or when. It just sort of happened one day, and maybe they should have gotten divorced long ago for Flippa’s sake. But, hey, they got married before they even knew each other. They spent most of their marriage apart. Now that they’re being forced together, Mariana can definitely see the appeal of being married to Slime. He’s funny, and he’s smart, and he’s very attractive. Who cares if he’s literally made out of slime? That just makes him special. 
A human, a slime, and an egg. What a family. 
Juanaflippa is still learning how to write. Her English is messy, but her Spanish is messier. Mariana tries not to think that it’s his fault for not being there for her, but he also knows that it is kind of his fault. He knows that, so Slime doesn’t need to keep rubbing it in like the asshole he is. 
“Oh, wow, Flippa! That’s great!” Slime coos upon being presented with Flippa’s most recent attempt at signmaking. Mariana can’t really understand what’s written, but he thinks that he knows one or two words: ‘mom’ and ‘dad’. 
Flippa hops up and down excitedly and quickly scrambles back up to her room to get another sign to work on. 
Mariana idly watches her go, sprawled out across Slime’s couch with his translator in his hand ticking away. One annoying thing about his husband is how fast he talks, it’s impossible to keep up. Literally impossible. Luckily, Mariana’s been working on his English when he’s been alone, so he can at least try to figure out what’s going on without having his translator out all of the time. 
Slime sighs and slumps onto the couch by Mariana’s feet. Without hesitation, Mariana kicks his legs up onto Slime’s lap; Slime doesn’t move them. 
“She’s learning so fast…” Slime says. 
Mariana nods. “Yes, you are a good teacher.”
“Yeah, I sure am.”
The accusation is left unsaid, but Mariana hears it, anyway. 
Lightly, he kicks Slime in the chest. “Hey, fuck you. I’ve been trying.”
“I’m sure you have,” Slime responds, and the condescension is dripping so thickly from his voice that it’s in a puddle on the floor. Or maybe that’s just Slime himself. 
Mariana kicks him again. He doesn’t say anything, though, because maybe therapy has been working. A week ago, they would have been yelling by now. Today, though? He’s happy enough to stew in his discontent. 
He likes the quiet, anyway. Slime is a lot prettier when he isn’t screaming his head off. Very nice to look at. Muy guapo. He pretends that Slime isn’t looking back if only because acknowledging it would make him blush, and he would like to keep his dignity, thank you very much. 
Eventually, Juanaflippa comes back downstairs with a new sign. 
‘Te quiero, papá,’ is written on it in shaky chicken-scratch letters, and it’s enough to almost make Mariana cry. Almost. 
He slips off of the couch and pulls Flippa into a hug. “Aww, Flippa, yo también te quiero.”
She wiggles in place happily. The wiggling becomes more enthusiastic when Slime goops his way into the hug as well, tucking his chin into the crook of Mariana’s neck. 
Slime says, “Te amo, Juanaflippa.” And, well, it’s not quite right, but he’s got the spirit. 
Mariana looks up at him with a slight pout. “What the fuck? Why don’t you say that to me?”
Slime rolls his eyes. “Fine, I guess I can say it, I guess.”
And he does.
And then there’s the sex. But that was fine before, to be honest. The only thing that has improved about it is their playlist. 
Slime’s new house has a bedroom with enough space for the both of them, and it’s almost nice enough to make Mariana consider partially moving in. Almost. 
Their beds are on opposite sides of the room because, frankly, they aren’t ready to properly share a bed yet. But the floors are bare so as to make it easier to push their beds together when wanted. 
Mariana wants. 
He pokes his head out into the living room. Slime is right where he left him, facedown on the rug after a long day of renovating. Juanaflippa is asleep upstairs, nobody else is awake on the server to interrupt or eavesdrop, it’s the perfect opportunity. 
“Hey, Slime,” Mariana says, and that’s enough to get his husband to roll onto his back with a groan. 
“What are you still doing here?” Slime yawns. He covers his mouth halfheartedly, stretching his legs out sleepily. “I thought you went to bed.”
“I did,” Mariana confirms. “You have a bed. Come on, get into it with me.”
And usually that’s enough to get Slime up and moving, but he doesn’t so much as look at him. No, his eyes slip shut, and he lets his arms fall across his body like a mummy’s. 
Oh. He’s tired. 
“Estoy cansado,” Slime sighs. “Lo siento, mi novia. No sexo tonight.”
Mariana can’t help but be disappointed. The sex is one of his favorite things about their relationship. It’s the one thing that he and Slime could agree on before the court case, the one single bit of solidarity in their relationship. 
But… it is late, and maybe Mariana is a bit tired as well. 
So he goes out of the bedroom to pick Slime up, only buckling a little under his weight. (For a sentient pile of goo, he’s fucking heavy.)
Slime’s eyes flutter open, and his face wrinkles in confusion as he’s moved. He looks up at Mariana blearily, unsure as to what he’s doing. Honestly, Mariana doesn’t know what he’s doing, either. This is weird. 
“Your back is going to hurt if you sleep on the floor,” is Mariana’s excuse even though he knows fully well that Slime doesn’t have a spine. 
“Oh, cool, alright,” Slime says. If he snuggles into Mariana’s chest a little, neither acknowledges it. “Gracias.”
“De nada.”
He drops Slime into his bed and hesitates. What now? Does he… tuck him in? He’s a grown man, he can tuck himself in. 
Mariana turns to… go, he guesses, to go back to his own house, but he’s stopped by a goopy hand wrapping itself around his wrist and refusing to let go no matter how hard he tries to pull away. 
“Slime, come on, let go,” Mariana groans. “Maybe I want to go to bed too, huh?”
“Then get in here,” Slime says, and that’s all the warning Mariana gets before being yanked down with a yelp onto the bed. 
Slime hums, and then he’s out like a light, snork mimimi, and all. Mariana stares at him for a good moment, and then he sighs and takes his glasses off. He takes Slime’s glasses off as well, and, after placing them both onto the bedside table right next to each other, he lets himself relax. There isn’t quite enough room for the both of them, but he thinks it can make it work. 
And he does. 
So, yes, therapy has been working. It’s been working very well. 
(Now, if only someone could get the therapist a therapist. Mariana is starting to get sick of hearing about Roier’s relationship problems at what are supposed to be his therapy sessions. At this rate, Mariana is going to kill Spreen himself if only to stop the complaining.)
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whatyadrawin · 3 months
The Fruit After the Flesh 18+ -Chapter 12-
Minors DNI!
Approximately 2,084 words
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt (Headcanon) x AFAB reader
This chapters Warnings:  Sexual language, foul language, use of a slur, violence, IMAGES DEPICTING BLOOD (no gore). This is Slasher smut, be mindful of that and use your discretion.
A/n: This short chapter straight up flew at my brain immediately following the last chapter. The end of this chapter had me feeling very cocky lol, its probably cringe but its free. LET ME KNOW IF YOU GIGGLED AND KICKED YOUR FEET AT THE LAST SENTENCE. I tried to rush out the art so please don't be too ruthless about it being sloppy, I just wanted to get this chapter out for you all to read ASAP. Let me know if you want to be in the tag list. I update chapter progress on the masterlist whenever something changes.
Please enjoy this chapter! I worked very hard on it so reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated very much.
Tag List: @fan-goddess , @artxasa , @baybaybear1 , @amour-tae
Chapter 12
                The night air filled your lungs, you were doubled over trying to regain consciousness after being choked by Dover. Your body was covered in dirt, nothing but a bra and underwear were protecting you from the elements; once you caught your breath you slowly got up, you heard screams followed by the sound of a chainsaw. You turned to look around and saw Dover crawling away from a large man wielding the source of the rattling engine.
You walked closer to the scene unfolding in front of you, only to realize that the one standing before Dover was none other than Tommy. You watch as Tommy stomps on one of Dover’s legs, you hear it snap from the bone breaking on impact, Dover screams in pain and pleads for his life,
“Please, PLEASE! I promise t’leave n’ never come back if y’let me go, Im beggin’ ya!”
Tommy didn’t respond, he just stood there revving the motor of the chainsaw, smoke billowed out of the exhaust swirling around him. You call out,
“Tommy! Wait!”
He turns around to look at you, his expression was unlike any you had ever seen him make, he looked possessed. Tommy wasn’t in there at that moment, it was something else, a demon. Dover took the opportunity of Tommy looking away to get up and limp off as fast as he could, he still had the large knife in his hand from when he was in the hole. Tommy turned around and slowly followed Dover as he tried to escape, you followed them both.
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Dover managed to hide among the trees, Tommy was searching for him as if it were a twisted game of hide-and-seek. Tommy circled around, thrusting the chainsaw into bushes and breathing heavily, he looked through the bush he just cut through. Dover popped up behind him and jammed the knife deep into Tommy’s back, he let out an otherworldly roar, not of pain but rather frustration at being bested. Tommy spun around but Dover was hiding again, you followed closely hoping to call Tommy off so you could both get to safety.
You felt an arm circle around your torso, it was Dover, he had captured you and held the knife to your throat as he held back your arm,
“Hey freak!” He called out to Tommy, “If y’don’t fuck off, then yer little whore gets sliced up!”
Tommy spun around, now he was raging and furious, Dover pulled you with him as he walked backwards, his movements stopped when you heard a click,
“Don’t fukin’ move shit heel” You heard Charlie’s voice,
“Let her go or I blow what little brains you got out your fuckin’ nose.” His voice was even tempered and stern.
Dover released you from his grip, you pushed off of him and ran behind Charlie who was holding a pistol against the back of Dover’s head. Dover put his hands up, Charlie lowered the gun and smirked,
“Now run, little piggy.”
Dover bolted, his broken leg was slowing him down but he pushed through the pain to get away, yelping with each step. Charlie looked at Tommy and smirked,
“Kill him.”
Tommy let out a low growl as he raised the chainsaw forward and sprinted after Dover; Charlie grabbed your arm and started walking you away from the direction Tommy went, he asked,
“You hurt girlie?”
You don’t answer the question and instead say,
“I don’t want to leave Tommy!”
Charlie continues to pull you away, ensuring you couldn’t turn to look,
“Don’t worry ‘bout him, you hurt?” He asks.
You reply, “I’m in pain but, I think I’m ok.”
The sound of a blood curdling scream is heard in the distance, it was met with the sound of the roaring chainsaw cutting through something, you knew what was happening but you couldn’t believe that it was real.
You finally made it to the house and the chainsaw sound had ceased so you knew whatever happened was over. When you get inside, Luda Mae runs to hold you, she looks over your body and brings you over to the parlor where she had a tub of warm water with a washcloth and some gauze,
“Oh god you poor thing, I’m so glad you’re ok. Come here n’ let me clean you up.”
You sit on the couch and she dumps the cloth in the warm water, she rinses the dirt off your skin and begins to look over your body for wounds. You just sat there unable to do anything, you were in a state of bewilderment at the string of events that took place. Luda Mae puts a blanket over you and give you a glass of water then goes to speak to Charlie; they both start speaking quietly. You drink the water and blankly stare at a spot on the rug, your mind began to quiet, you felt like shock was setting in.
Your trance is broken by the sound of the front door opening, Luda Mae calls out,
“Oh, my boy, my sweet, sweet boy, I’m so sorry you had to do that again. Are you hurt?” you could hear the worry in her voice.
You fling the blanket off you and run towards the door, the sight you were met with sent a shiver down your spine. Tommy was covered in blood and his eyes had a distant look to them, a zombie-like expression plastered on his face.
“Tommy?” you were unsure if it was really him, you had never seen him like that before.
You walk up to him and take his hand in yours; he doesn’t even look at you, he slowly walks past you and heads to the basement door, his breathing was heavy and he made a low, animalistic growl as he moved.
You ask, “What’s wrong with him?”
Charlie looks at you, then he looks at Luda Mae,
He says, “He gets like this after a kill, just leave him be.”
“What? So, he really has done it before…” you mumbled.
You went to your room to grab a first aid kit and made your way back to the basement door to go look after him,
Charlie tries to stop you, “Stay away from him girly, if you know what’s good.”
You ignore him and shut the door behind you, following the drops of blood down the stairs.
The trail leads to Tommy’s room, you take a deep breath and open the door. You see Tommy sitting on the bed staring off into nothing, he doesn’t even acknowledge your presence, the room is dark and he is illuminated only by the red of the light outside his door. You walk up to him slowly; he was now breathing steadily but the breaths were slow and full. You turn on the light that was sitting on his nightstand, he still doesn’t move, you get up on his bed to check the wound on his back, its deep and slowly oozing blood.
You leave his bedroom to grab a bucket and wash cloth from the laundry room, when you get back, Tommy was still unmoved and had a thousand-yard stare. You place the bucket next to him and sit on the bed, you begin to gently wash off the blood from the wound, you sigh as you see it needs a gauze bandage but Tommy is covered in blood and needs to be cleaned before you dress any wounds.
You slowly remove the shirt he had on, it was once white, but now was stained a dark red, you unbuckle his pants but are unable to pull them off since he was sitting. You decide to get his mask off so he could breathe better and wash his face. You slowly pull the mask off but before you could get a good look, Tommy grabs your wrists and throws you onto the bed. He gets up and crawls over top of you, pinning your wrists down, you try to struggle out of it but he has a firm grasp on you and his massive body engulfs yours, you look at his face and see the damage from his past. Tommy is missing skin on one side of his face so badly that his teeth are clearly visible, he lets out a deafening roar, his face inches away from yours and you scream in fear. It was like having a bear attacking you, he was not himself, he was barely acting human. You didn’t care, you knew he needed help,
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“Tommy stop! It’s me!” you pleaded with him hoping he could calm down a bit,
“I just want to help! You’re hurt!” you continued.
Tommy was breathing heavily, his eyes slowly started to focus and his pupils became visible again, he immediately let go of you and got off your body. You let out a sigh of relief and sat up,
“Let’s get you to the shower, come on.” You took his hand and pulled him to the bathroom near the laundry area.
He followed you willingly, holding onto your hand firmly. When you got to the bathroom, you turned on the tub faucet and plugged the drain so it would fill with hot water. You took off Tommys pants and stopped before you went to remove his undergarment,
“Tommy, can you take off your underwear and get into the tub for me?” you asked in a hushed tone.
Despite the circumstances, you still wanted to give him some respect and autonomy. You turned your head to look away as he removed his underwear, when you heard him get into the tub you turned back around. A bar of soap was on the wall ledge, the tub itself was a massive claw foot tub and had a lot of space around it, you sat yourself behind his head, wet the soap in the water, and started rubbing suds into his hair. Tommy let out a long sigh, he was starting to return to his normal behavior,
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You say, “Thank you for saving me back there.”
He shakes his head, “I didn’t keep you safe.”
You lean over to look at him, “How could you have?”
He sinks into the water slowly and replies,
“I should’ve been there to stop him from takin’ you.”
You furl your eyebrows and follow,
“If you didn’t come when you did, I wouldn’t be alive right now, you saved my life.”
He lets out a long breath and says,
“Nothin' bad’s gon’ happen to you ever again. I promise.”
“You can’t promise that, you won’t always be there when bad things happen. You're only human.” Your words were sincere.
He washed the rest of the blood off his body and face, then sat up and turned his head to you, he said,
“I ain’t human.”
You laugh, “What are you then?”
He looks away and thinks,
“I dunno, a monster I guess, least that’s what everyone calls me.”
You feel a wave of sadness wash over you, he continues,
“Everyone was always runnin’ n’ screamin’ when they saw me, yellin’ ‘Monster!’”
You put the soap down and get up to position yourself next to him, you gently pull his face to look at yours and say,
“Am I screaming and running?”
He shakes his head, “Why not? I ain’t no prince, n' that’s what you deserve.”
You move in and kiss his cheek, then say, “Because I love you.”
His eyes grew wide, “You serious?” he asks.
You nod your head and smile,
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he sits up and pulls you into the water, you squeal and laugh. Your back is rested on his chest and he gives you a tight bear hug from behind. You spin around to look at him, you pour water on his head to rinse the suds off, his hair hangs over his face like a wet dog and it makes you laugh. He smiles and pulls you in for another kiss, you reciprocate and he holds you in place with both arms around you. You pull back and laugh as you push his hair away from his face. You both kiss passionately in the bathtub, water swirling with Dover’s blood, the suds bubbling and floating around you both, making quiet little pops as they dry out in the air.
You were so fried from the events that just took place, the pain in your face from being punched and slapped didn’t affect you yet. Tommy may have a monstrous past, and the face many would flee from, but his arms were a castle, and he, your prince.
Next chapter-
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calmcoldevening · 5 months
hello!! was wondering if i could send in a bo sinclair x reader request? maybe where reader gets injured because of another slasher (maybe the hewitts)? like, the hewitts stumble upon ambrose for some reason, and thought getting the reader and sinclairs would be easy food, but the sinclairs and reader (who doesn’t take apart in the sinclair’s… hobbies, but does so this time cause it had to) do manage to defeat them and stay alive
Bo Sinclair x reader
Tw: blood, minor injury, murder, a little bit of cruelty
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Getting along with Bo has always been quite difficult, and loving him is even more difficult. The character of this man could be compared to a restless volcano that could explode literally at any moment. But somehow you managed to subdue him. Every time there was a conflict between the brothers, you just grabbed Bo by the ear and pulled him aside, scolding him. A man will swear at you and call you unflattering words, but you know that he really doesn't mean it. That evening, when you are getting ready for bed, he will come into the room and climb onto the bed, comfortably settling between your legs. His face is on your stomach, his eyes are closed, and you gently stroke his hair. Only a short "Sorry" will come out of his mouth, but this is already a great success. Bo didn't like to admit that he was wrong, but you managed to deal with that stubborn side of him. You're special to him.
You spent most of your time at home. The boys didn't know how to do much on their own, for which, of course, you scolded them, but in the end you accepted it. Although you managed to teach Lester to clean floors and carpets on his own, it was already a great success. In general, almost all the housework was on you. But you didn't complain. After all, you didn't like to participate in the bloody games of this family, so you preferred to clean up the mess.
You've gotten used to it over time. You almost ignored the bloodstains in the house and on the men's clothes (although you forbade them to bring victims into the house) and ignored the screams of another person who became a victim of Bo's "art".
It was an ordinary summer day. Although it had been quite cloudy since the morning, the once bright blue sky was now covered with heavy gray clouds, but the rain did not seem to be going to start. Despite the sad weather, it was still quite hot and even stuffy outside. So you chose to spend the whole day at home. Lester went somewhere in the city early in the morning, Bo left and went to another church service, wanting to remember his mother, and Vincent locked himself in the basement. The only living thing next to you was Jessie, who was always happy to keep you company. The dog joyfully ran up to you, rubbing its muzzle against your leg. You smiled, scratching her behind the ear. She was an obedient pet, although she often rushed at strangers. A protective girl.
You were in the kitchen cooking dinner when out of the corner of your eye you saw a strange silhouette at the front door from the street. Frowning, you put the knife aside and wiped your hands on a towel. Your heart is racing in your chest. At first you thought it was Bo, but the steps were too slow and heavy. You grabbed the biggest knife you had from the shelf and hid under the table, holding your breath. It seemed like minutes before a pair of strong legs in heavy boots appeared in front of the table. You lifted the edge of the tablecloth slightly, hoping to see the stranger, but a few pitiful inches from your Liza there was a chainsaw blade covered with dried blood. Your blood froze in your veins and you reflexively backed away, hitting your back against the table leg. The table shook with a slight crack. The sudden movement definitely alerted the man. The steps became more circumspect and cautious as he moved around the table. You tightened your grip on the knife handle in your hand. Closing your eyes for a moment, you prayed in your mind that the boys would already know for sure that there was someone else in town.
Heavy breathing. You quickly look around and notice how the edge of the tablecloth lifts and a face covered with an ugly mask with long hair appears in front of you. You scream and convulsively crawl back. Getting to your feet, you run to the front door, behind you you can hear the engine of the chainsaw starting. Your heart is pounding in your ears when you run out onto the porch and slam the door behind you. Bam. The flimsy wood of the door is immediately cut through by a sharp saw blade.
Your first impulse was to run to the gas station, but if this scary man was here, then he was probably already on that side of the city. You explode from the spot and run towards the abandoned shops. Considering his size, the man turned out to be very fast. You didn't have time to properly hide behind the shelves at one of the walls of the store, as the glass door immediately opened with a strong creak. You took a deep breath, watching his chaotically moving figure. A man in a leather mask scurried back and forth through the store and literally tore down the shelves with his big body and weapons. Finally, he got to the shelf where you were sitting. A moment later, the wooden shelves above you were quickly cut by the blade of a chainsaw. You pushed the remaining structure at the man, causing him to stagger back a little, and ran out from behind the shelves. Taking advantage of his momentary confusion, you found nothing better than to decide to try your luck. There was this strange masked face in front of you. Without thinking twice, you gripped the blade of the knife with both hands and with one jerk plunged the sharp metal into his face. You pierced a stranger's eye. He growled, stepping back. His hand reflexively dropped along with the work tool as he plugged the wound with his free palm. The working blade of the chainsaw went right along your thigh.
After a couple of long minutes, you were sitting under one of the seats in an old movie theater full of wax figures. Your hip was throbbing, and the adrenaline in your blood was starting to fade, bringing the pain back to your senses. You squeezed the bleeding wound with force, feeling the warm liquid flowing down it. It seemed that all the energy was leaving your body along with the blood. You closed your eyes wearily. It almost didn't matter if that freak was wandering around looking for you. Your head was slowly getting heavier, and at the same time, your vision was blurred. Painfully. Cold.
A dull shot was heard, followed by a strong impact on the wooden floor of the cinema.
When everything went quiet, you felt a pair of strong arms around your limp body. Your head almost reflexively clung to the long-awaited warmth.
Bo gently squeezed you in his arms. His whole body tensed when he saw the bleeding wound running down your leg. The man hurried back home as soon as possible. He sat down wearily on the sofa, arranging you on his lap, and opened the first-aid kit. One hand stroked your healthy thigh soothingly, while the other carefully treated your wound.
"God, my baby.. I'm sorry I didn't come right away. I had to take down a few other bastards first," Bo muttered with a sad grin, hoping you could hear him, "And hey, did you really pick up a knife? You've ruined half of that freak's face. I'm shocked. You're so good. I thought that this is a fragile thing. But no, you are my beautiful and strong person, my love."
The man looked down at you with a smile. He saw that you were tired, both from the chase and from the loss of blood, and now you are snuggled in his arms. Bo held you protectively in his arms, kissing the top of your head. He won't let something like this happen again.
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cendriilon · 2 years
Friendly First Meetings
Angel Devil x Reader
Part 1 {CURRENT} || Check for other parts on my MASTERLIST. (Pinned link)
What is to come: OOC, reader pining for Angel unintentionally (?), you curse ONCE for funsies, chainsaw man violence but not really
Description: Makima oversees everything. She knows who you are, and from all the time you’ve spent in Special Division Four, she trusts you enough… no. More as in, Makima forces you to house Angel Devil in your apartment.
“Makima? Er- Miss Makima? You wanted to see me?” You make your way fully into Makima’s office and close the door behind you. Makima is sitting at her desk with a simple smile on her face. In the left corner of her room, there was someone with wings and a halo standing by themself.
“Hello [name], it seems as if this is our first time meeting… I’ll get straight to the point with you already. Since your last partner died due to unforeseen events,” her voice was soft. In fact, this was the first time you ever heard her speak, “I must assign you someone new. This is the Angel Devil.”
“A devil? Full on?” You slightly questioned, but shut up before you get on her nerves
“Yes, a devil. You won’t have to worry though, Angel here is a special case. He isn’t hostile towards humans, so it’ll be fine. Just don’t get too close. Whenever Angel makes contact with a human, he consumes the lifespan of the one he touches.” Makima shifts her gaze to the person in the corner, “Not only will you two be partners, I will also make it so that living arrangements are made for you two to stay together.”
“Wait- living together?!” You stutter out
“What? Is something wrong with that?” Makima looked a little disappointed
“Well no, it’s just that… are you sure? My apartment isn’t even that big…”
“No, it is suitable for at least two people.” Makima turns her chair to face the window, “That is all. You two have work now. Patrol route 14, have fun.”
You take a good look at the Angel Devil. He was pretty, he had long hair, beautiful wings, and a shiny hallow. You then go and look back towards Makima, you bow and say goodbye and signal the Angel Devil to come with you.
Route 14 was in a secluded and almost empty part of the city. Probably because the Angel Devil’s extra features would stand out in a crowded area. The patrol was silent for almost fifteen whole minutes before you spoke up and tried to start a conversation
“Did you know you were gonna come live with me?” You tilt your head towards him, he was looking up at the sky
“No, Makima didn’t tell me anything.” He responded nonchalantly, not taking his eyes off the sky
The walk was silent yet again. He didn’t try adding anything at all, you two made a turn into an alleyway to get to your next destination.
“Where were you living before?” You look at him again, his eyes were locked onto you. He looked… a little annoyed.
“In that big building behind bars. I’m still a devil, they don’t really care for me. I’m sure your place is a lot better.” He took his eyes off of you after finishing his sentence, he enjoyed the silence.
Though, the silence wasn’t there for long. The next turn you two made was one where you two were in front of a somewhat large devil, blocking the way to continue your route. It locked its singular eye onto you and tried to move its body away, leaving a trail of goo on where it used to sit.
“Alright then,” you turn your way to the Angel Devil, “Why don’t you show me what you can do?”
He let out a sigh and summoned a sword from his halo after saying something you couldn’t quite catch. He made his way slowly towards the devil and cut through its body. Goo splurged out as it let out an annoyingly loud shriek. But the devil quieted down and inflated its body larger to cover to wound in its body. The Angel Devil backed up and murmured, “I don’t think we can do this by ourselves. You should get out of here.”
“That’s not happening” You back up a little and grip your spear tighter, “We can do this.” You throw your only weapon at the devil and it plunges deep into its eye. The devil cries out again.
“Are you serious? That’s your only weapon. You must be dumb-“ you cut off the pretty devil
“Yeah but, can’t you spawn a new one for me or something? Or you can make a new one for yourself, because I’m gonna be using this.” You take the sword from the Angel Devil’s grip, making sure you don’t touch him. You shift your gaze towards the large devil and get ready to fight.
“Good job Team [name]. You two have slayed the Claustrophobia Devil all my yourselves.” Makima smiles at the both of you, who are both covered in the devil’s blood. You more than the angel, “You two can reward yourselves by going home, it’s about time you two sign off anyway. You can show Angel his new home, [name]. Take care.”
You thank Makima and head off with the Angel Devil back to headquarters, “Is there anything you need to pick up to take to my apartment?”
“No, they didn’t really let me have anything.” the angel looked towards the big building and sighed
“You don’t have any other clothes?”
“I have more uniforms, we could take that.”
“You actually don’t have normal clothes??”
“That’s sad.”
The walk back was silent yet again, the Angel Devil takes extra uniforms and puts them lazily into a plastic bag. Meanwhile you, still covered in blood, fill out paperwork on the Claustrophobia Devil while it’s still fresh in your memory and so you wouldn’t have to do it later.
You received congratulations from Himeno and a few other devil hunters in the building while you try and figure out where the angel was. He was sitting down at the lounge with his plastic bag full of clothes sitting next to him. He looked tired.
“Alright, that’s all. Thanks for waiting for me~” you laugh a little
“I don’t really have a choice. So…”
“Okay whatever, my apartment’s not that far, but we’ll be getting a- hmm. Do you think anyone’s gonna let us get in their taxi while we’re covered in blood?” You sit down next to him
“Probably not.”
“I wonder if Himeno is still here…”
“Thanks for driving us! You’re the best, Himeno!” You wave a goodbye to Himeno, who graciously drove you back to your apartment.
You two use the elevator and rise all the way up to the sixth level and walk towards to your apartments entrance. Unlocking it quickly, you opened the door and allowed yourself and the Angel Devil in.
“This is my humble abode. It’s small, you can go take a shower first… it’s that door, the one with the blue sticker on it.” You gesture to the correct door, “And after you finish your shower, I’ll get you some actual comfortable clothes!”
The Angel nods and takes his shoes off and makes his way towards the bathroom. You close entrance door and relock it. You take your shoes off and take the jacket of the suit off and let it drop onto the floor. The blood’s already dried, gross. You make your way towards the only bedroom and check out your closet to see if the angel could wear any of your clothes. After you found something, you laid it out on a chair in the kitchen.
You knock on the bathroom door, “Just call my name whenever your done! I have the clothes for you.”
“Angel Devil, are you alive? Hellooo?”
“… I don’t remember your name.” His voice echoed quietly
“That’s right, isn’t it? We never introduced ourselves to each other!” You smile to yourself, “My name is [name]. What should I call you? Angel Devil doesn’t really roll off the tongue.”
“Angel is fine.”
“Alright then Angel, call my name when you’re done.” You turned back to get your own clothes for when after you bathe. You sit down on the couch and hum a tune.
Now you won’t be so lonely.
“[name]? I’m uh, done.” You hear Angel’s voice through the door
“Alright! I’ll be right there.” You walk to the bathroom door with Angel’s clothes in hand, “I can hand you your clothes if you just crack the door open” The door opened slightly and you could see a part of Angels wings, “I’ll close my eyes.” You push Angel’s new clothes into the bathroom door and he grabs them from you quickly.
You back up from the door and go back to sit on the couch, sooner or later, the bathroom door opens and Angel slowly walks out. You turn your head to look at him
“Hey! You look just like me” you joke
“These clothes are… nice. They feel nice, thanks.” Angel murmurs out
“How are your wings?”
“They’re fine.”
You nod in response and go into the bathroom yourself while holding your own clothes, “You can take a look around or whatever, there isn’t a lot to see or anything though, make yourself at home.”
“Man, I’m starving… you must be too!” You say as you walk towards Angel with a towel laying on your neck, fresh out of a shower
“Yeah, I’m hungry. Give me food” Angel was looking out the window, there wasn’t a real interesting view, maybe he just didn’t want to see you?
“Well what do you eat? You’re a devil… so do you just eat blood and flesh or whatever?” You joke, but it was still a genuine question
“I’ll eat anything that’s edible, including what you just said, but I don’t think you exactly have a supply of blood. Do you?”
“Haha, nope! But if you wanna eat normal food…” you shuffle your way to the fridge to see what you had in store. It was somewhat full of small snacks. Nothing that would be considered a meal. What were you really expecting though? You weren’t the best cook, so most of your time eating was when you were out with your now deceased partner or getting take out.
You sigh as you check cupboards and shelves to find any sign of food. Nope. It was like a barren wasteland. Though, you check the last drawer to find a few ramen packets that weren’t expired. You gleefully pick them up and get ready to cook by picking up a pot and placing it onto the stove.
After a few minutes of waiting, the food was finally ready. You carefully place the bowl in front of Angel with free wooden chopsticks you get at some restaurants. You hear him mumble a “thank you” in response, your heart felt happy. Soon after you placed your own food down in front of him.
Though it was silent, you two enjoyed a meal together! One step closer into becoming the best partners public safety has ever seen, hopefully.
It was already 8PM, and there was still a lot to do before you were ready to sleep.
“Okay Angel, there’s not a lot to do at my apartment. Forgive me! Just sit on the couch and… you can read? Or you can watch TV? I don’t know if there’s anything good playing right now though- whatever! Have fun, I have to clean some stuff!” You huff out and smile when Angel nods in response.
You make your way to you room and start tidying things up to look somewhat approachable. Putting away clothes laying out on the floor, vacuuming, clearing up your desk, emptying the trash, and putting your things in a presentable manner. The last thing you had to do was wash your bedsheets and blanket.
“Angel, where did you put your dirty uniform?” You ask with a Laundry basket in hand
“Uhm, I think it’s still in the bathroom.”
“Alright, thanks”
You went into the bathroom to see both yours and Angels uniforms still covered in dried up devil’s blood. They were separated, you could barely tell whose was who’s but picked them up anyway. On your way out you decided to tell Angel to try and mark his suit in some way so they wouldn’t get mixed up.
Laundry was almost done. Finally you could rest, and so could Angel. All you had to do now was set down bedsheets and fold your now clean clothes. Angel was still sitting on the couch, skimming through a magazine that was sitting on the kitchen counter.
“Hey Angel, do you know how to fold clothes?”
“Yeah?” He looks up at you, his eyes were big, and oh so pretty
You stare for a moment before speaking up again, “Okay then, could you fold these? Also find out which one is yours. I just have one more thing to do, so I’ll be back soon with a surprise!”
Angel agrees to fold the laundry after he questions your actions for just a moment. You head back to your bedroom and struggle to put on the bedsheets on your own, but succeed after one last attempt. The room was finally finished for Angel to sleep in.
You make your way back to the couch and let out a happy sigh, “So. Everything done? Because I’m ready for you!” You put your hands on Angel’s shoulders, he jumps a little from the sudden touch.
“Do you have a death wish or something? How are yo-“ Angel’s words were threatening but his eyes were full of concern
“Don’t worry, it’s through cloth, right? So it doesn’t hurt one bit! Anyways are you done with the laundry? I have something to show you~” you laugh at his surprised state and take your hands off. To be honest, the touch was out of instinct.
“Yeah. I’m done. It wasn’t a lot so-“
“Great! Follow me to your room!” You said as you watch Angel stand up from the couch
“What do you mean? There’s only one-“
“Shush, just follow me! Sorry I keep cutting you off too by the way”, you lead Angel to the bedroom, it was newly cleaned so that he could rest his body in peace. Your posters and pictures were still there for you to enjoy, but the bed would be his now, “Tada! You’ll be sleeping here, be grateful. I spent so much time cleaning this shit.”
“Uh, thanks. Your room is, very… nice?” Angel looked confused, “But where are you going to sleep?”
“I’ll sleep on the couch, it’s always available y’know.”
“I just don’t understand, why am I getting your room?” He questioned you, perhaps he felt like it was a trap? You didn’t really understand
“The couch is pretty small and cramped, so I just thought it wouldn’t be good for your wings. Is that bad?” You sweat a bit, maybe what you did was offensive to him is some way?
“…thanks.” Angel’s wings perked up a little bit, it was quite noticeable. How cute.
“Don’t get too comfortable though! I’ll still be using that room for my closet and what not, I’ll have to buy a wardrobe for you too now, huh? Well, we can think about it later.” You yawn, Angel looked happy to see the room. That made your heart tingle, just a little bit.
“Good night, [name].” Angel’s mouth perked up into a smile slightly before coming back down to his resting face. His lips looked soft and plump, you smile back in return
“Good night Angel! Sleep well, we have work tomorrow. Oh yeah! Good job today, too!” You turned back to go to your new sleeping area, the living room. The bedroom door closed softly. You could hear Angel’s steps going towards his new bed. This was all so new, when did you become so nice?
Laying down on the couch was just a tad uncomfortable, you couldn’t help but miss your bed. You had a soft blanket on top of you and a few stuffed animals to keep you company. Though, most of them were still in your room. Maybe Angel’s enjoying them? Hopefully he likes them.
Why was Angel occupying your mind so much? Was it his small stature? His long beautiful hair? The way his eyes are laced with concern whenever someone accidentally touches him? Was it his magnificent ivory wings that you could enjoy with your eyes from miles away? Maybe the way his mouth slightly shifted into differing emotions, but always morphed back into his normal expression, which was just as pretty? Or it could be that shiny halo that followed his every move. You didn’t really know, but your glad that you have someone again. And perhaps, he’s thinking about you just as much as you think of him. Just maybe.
I like him too but I LOVE angel. This might just become a Angel devil fan account
Also yeah I came back from a four month break because of him so that MIST mean something
This blog also’s gonna turn into a multi fandom thing definitely.
Did you know nutrience isn’t a word? And that the correct spelling is nutrients? Well I didn’t. Anyways I spelled it as nutrience in here so 😀👍
-Yours truly, 💟
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gaybitchfx · 1 year
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-🍓 Character(s): Beam
-🍓 Type of reader: M!Reader
-🍓 Category: SFW
-🍓 Warning(s): None
-🍓 Idea from: @jkloserdazai
-🍓 Edited: ❌
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You have the worst habit of repeating what others would say, if someone were to say “Bam!” you would also end up saying “Bam!” but slightly more expressive.
Because of that people thought you were just stupid, but you never cared about that.
Besides that, you were able to communicate with little head nods or shakes and an X with your fingers, hands, or arms depending on the situation. Same thing with the mimicking.
You were currently just walking to just walk till you heard the sound of a painful groan coming from down an alleyway. You knew not to do things like this, but they soundly like they were really in pain and who knows you just might get an award for being a helping hand to someone.
You skipped down the alleyway, your eyes slowly adjusting to the dark as the groans became louder. Stopping in your tracks you slowly looked up at a devil that was badly injured.
You reached for your side but halted when realizing you didn’t have your weapon. “Blood..” The devil groaned as it sniffed the air and its eyes landed on you, not even hesitating to try and attack you.
You quickly closed your eyes till you felt arms holding you up making you open them again seeing another devil with a shark head chomping the other devil's head off. The shark devil.
“Saved saved saved!!” He would exclaim as he ran off with you bridal style.
“Saved saved saved!!” You repeated, throwing your arms up into the air with a big smile. Beam would stare at you awe-struck, you were the most beautiful man, besides Denji, whom he’s ever seen before.
His cheeks were covered in a light pink hue before he turned his head forward and continued to run back to the public safety devils hunters place psdh for short. “Safe!” Beam exclaimed in front of everyone, you still in his arms.
“Safe!” “Where’d you go?” Denji asked you as Beam placed you down. “Beam saved him Master Chainsaw!” Beam said with a proud grin. You nodded your head quickly. “Thank you,” Aki said, randomly appearing out of nowhere.
“Thank you.” You said and faced Beam whose face exploded into a blush. He nodded his head and quickly went into the walls like it was water. “You wanna have some cake?” Denji asked as he nibbled on his fork. Your face had light up.
“I think Beam likes someone other than you Denji, he was even flustered by Y/n repeating what I said,” Aki said as he took a sip of beer. “Isn’t that right, Beam?” “Yes!” Beam shouted after popping his head out from under the floors making you jump.
“Don’t worry, that’s a part of his power.” Denji said as he watched Beam ‘swim’ over to you with a soft smile. “Prettyyy..” Beam said as he ogled over you. “Prettyyy..” You repeated and began to poke at his cheek and play with his face which he didn’t mind.
“Eww!!” Power exclaimed and stuck her tongue out. “You both would make a nice couple.” Angel Devil said as he watched the two of you interact. You quickly made an X with your index fingers as you quickly shook your head, flustered.
Beam had turned into a tomato but wasn’t upset by the thought of dating you.
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-🍓tags: @reallyromealone @secretivemessenger @lostsomewhereinthegarden
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daisies-daydreams · 8 months
i am so obsessed with your fanfics.. must.. request another one..
halloween is coming up, what about plus size reader x hobie decided to match costumes for halloween, they go on a date, pumpkin patch, haunted mazes and then they go back home and uh.. you know what i mean. (smut..) 😳
Sucker (Hobie Brown x F!Plus-Sized!Reader
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Pairing: Hobie Brown x F!Plus-Sized!Reader Category: Fluff/Smut (18+) Warnings: PDA, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Lost Child Situation, Swearing, Pet Names, Nipple Play, Oral Sex (F!Receiving), P in V Sex (You know the drill), Vaginal Fingering, Hand holding during sex Word Count: 4k+ (sorry it's so long, it got away from me)
A/N: Hello again! Thank you very much for your sweet request, I had so much fun writing this one! (Kudos to those who get the video game reference at the beginning 😉). I hope you enjoy and Happy Halloween! 🦇 MINORS/AGELESS BLOGS DNI
“Welcome to the Maze of Malevolence my fellow vampires!” the man at the gate bellowed as he outstretched his arms. You flashed him a small smile, your fake fangs glistening beneath the flickering light of the plastic torches.
“Evenin’ Stevie,” your boyfriend, Hobie, drawled. He was wearing a costume similar to yours, albeit adorned with a few more spikes. The man in front of you gave a polite bow as he motioned towards the maze.
“‘Tis twelve pounds sterling each of you wish to enter…” Stevie glanced around before turning back to the two of you. “Just pretend to hand me money,” he whispered loud enough for you to hear. You giggled as Hobie reached into his pocket and curled his hand. Stevie slipped his hand underneath and slid it into his pocket.
“Any chance you could let me know where the golden pumpkin is?” you whispered. You heard from a friend that if a person found the golden pumpkin, they’d get any prize of their choice. Stevie’s lips fell into a straight line as he crossed his arms and raised a brow.
“Alright,” you sighed as you held up your hands. The worker nodded before he dramatically stepped back and billowed his cape.
“Beware you poor unfortunate souls!” he called.
“We’ll take our chances,” Hobie gave Stevie a cheeky grin as he squeezed your hand. Your smile faltered as your boyfriend led you to the entrance. The maze was adorned with towering shrubs covered in red lights, stringy cobwebs, and various plastic bones. You gasped when you heard something scrape nearby, immediately clinging to Hobie’s arm.
“It’s just a leaf, love,” he chuckled. You opened your eyes to see a large oak leaf tumble across the lawn behind you. You laughed nervously.
“I-I knew that,” you coughed into your hand as you stepped back. Hobie raised a brow and hummed a “mhm”.
“C’mon love, let’s go get your pumpkin,” Hobie said. You glanced down the dark passageway, the sound of a few, guttural groans sending shivers down your spine.
“R-Right,” you replied as you clenched your fist in determination. The two of you walked side by side towards a giant gaping maw with red, glowing eyes. You screeched and ducked your head into his neck when a giant clown wielding a chainsaw suddenly popped out and screamed. Hobie stood as still as a statue, his other hand slotted in his pocket. The clown quickly retreated back into the shadows as soon as you peeked up.
“Y’okay?” your boyfriend asked as he rubbed your back. You frowned.
“Seriously, how do you not even flinch?!” you gaped.
“Just immune to it,” he shrugged nonchalantly. The rest of the maze consisted of you screaming and almost jumping into Hobie’s arms with each creature and peril you came across, from nurse zombies to rabid mummies. Your face lost some color by the time the two of you finally strolled out of the exit. You were trembling and clutching to Hobie’s arm as the two of you stopped near a picnic table.
“Well, we made it,” Hobie sniffed as he wore an unamused expression. You nodded with a blank stare.
“Y-Yeah,” you squeaked. Hobie grinned and pulled you to his side.
“We could’ve turned around,” he said as he rubbed up and down your arm. You violently shook your head as you dug around in your pocket.
“No way! I was dead set on finding this,” you replied as you tugged at your pocket. You beamed as you triumphantly held out the shiny object. You flushed when you saw Hobie smirk. “What?” you asked with furrowed brows. The tall man leaned down and pecked your forehead.
“You’re adorable, y’know that?” he murmured. Your eyes widened as you bit your lip.
“You mean it?” you asked as you clutched the pumpkin. Hobie nodded.
“‘Course I do,” he winked. Your throat tightened when he splayed a hand over your hip and leaned down. “When we get back to the cabin, I’ll show you exactly how much I mean it,” he husked before nibbling on the shell of your ear. You squeaked when he patted your bum.
“Let’s go get your prize now, yeah?” he hummed. You blinked as you strolled beside him, dismissing the spark of arousal that flitted through your core. You smiled as you strolled up to the booth, already scanning the shelves for your prize.
“You’ve got quite the eye, my dear,” an older man beamed. You grinned as you handed him the golden pumpkin. Hobie kept his hand wrapped around yours, his gaze soft and half-lidded as you scanned the shelves.
“Could I have the black cat plush please?” you eventually asked.
“Sure thing,” the man smiled with a twinkle in his eye. He turned and pulled the cute, dark plush from the middle shelf before handing it over to you. Your heart lit up as you clutched it to your chest.
“Thank you!” you said.
“You’re welcome. Have a lovely night you two!” the man waved. You waved back before turning around. Several kids rushed around the farm, their parents chasing after them with their prizes and goodies in their arms.
“Want to do anythin’ else before we head back?” Hobie asked. You bit the inside of your cheek as you glanced at the wooden signs in the middle of the opening.
“How about…a hayride through the pumpkin patch?” you asked. Hobie grunted.
“Sounds good. Maybe I could get some gold paint from the crafts booth so we could get another prize,” he murmured with a cheeky grin.
“Hobie!” you chastised. He chuckled.
“Just a thought,” your boyfriend winked. A gust of wind made your cape flutter as the two of you made your way over to the tractor. The sun dipped below the treeline as Hobie and you climbed onto the very end, the rest of the trailer packed with other passengers clad in their costumes. You and Hobie shared a warm glance, your fangs just poking out past your upper lips. The tractor started with a sudden lurch before slowly trudging along the dirt path. You sighed and rested your head on Hobie’s shoulder, your eyes admiring the warm colors around you.
The air had cooled significantly as the golden sunrays began to dissipate. You loved autumn in the countryside-it was always nice to get away from the cold, harsh personality of the city and be embraced with the natural beauty filled with crimson and ochre.
You looked over when Hobie placed his hand over your thigh and squeezed it gently.
“Penny for your thoughts?” he murmured. You hummed.
“Just thinking about how happy I am being here with you,” you confessed. Hobie hummed and rested his head on yours.
“Happy to be here with you, too,” Hobie said. You smiled as you squeezed your cat plush to your chest. You slipped away before gazing into his chocolate brown eyes.
“I love you, Hobie,” you said softly. His eyes widened a little as his Adam’s apple bobbed.
“Love you, too, sweet pea,” he murmured before pecking your lips. The tractor rumbled along the path as you closed your eyes, soaking in the warmth of your lover’s mouth against yours. You smiled and placed your hand over his as the two of you briefly parted before kissing again. You sighed as your boyfriend brushed some hair from your round face before smoothing his thumb over your cheek, his tongue brushing over the tip of yours.
“Mommy, why are they kissing so much?” a young toddler asked across from you. The mother hastily explained that the two of you were “married”. The thought made your heart skip a beat and your hand clench over his. You blushed and dipped your head into the crook of Hobie’s neck. Your boyfriend chuckled as he rubbed your back.
“Guess we got a little carried away,” he snickered. You slowly pulled your head back and straightened your posture. You chose to simply hold Hobie’s hand the rest of the time as you slowly made your way across the pumpkin patch. The light of the full moon made Hobie’s eyes glow and facial piercings shimmer. You pecked his cheek and rested your head on his shoulder again.
“My mum was asking about us again,” you said. Hobie grunted as he brushed his calloused thumb over your knuckles.
“Yeah? What about us?” he asked, his puffy wicks brushing over your neck. You bit the inside of your cheek.
“About if she's getting a grandbaby soon,” you said. His breath audibly hitched as his eyes nearly bulged out of his head. You giggled. “Or I could just be joshin' you,” you winked. Hobie's eyelids drooped as he bit the inside of his cheek.
"Mhm," he clicked his tongue. Before you could reply, the tractor came to a subtle stop. You beamed as Hobie took your hand and led you down the trailer. You brushed off several loose pieces of hay from your dark slacks and cape. You perked your head up when you heard someone sniffle nearby. Hobie turned his head over, a small boy in a lion costume curling his fists over his eyes as tears streamed down his red cheeks. Your boyfriend frowned as he looked back at you.
"I know," you said. He smiled softly as he walked over to the young boy with you. Hobie crouched down to meet his eye level.
“What’s goin’ on, big man?” he asked. The boy let his hands drop from his face as he pouted.
“I-I can’t find my mama,” the child hiccupped. You placed a hand over your chest. Hobie nodded along to the boy’s words.
“What was the last place you were with your mama?” he asked with a calm voice. The boy glanced around before his eyes settled near the haunted maze and pointed at the attraction. “The maze?” Hobie questioned. The boy nodded. You stood nearby and clutched your cat plushie.
“Right. What’s your name, big man?” your boyfriend asked.
“A-Andrew,” the child sniffed. Hobie gave a gentle smile as his eyes softened.
“It’ll be okay, Andrew. Why don’t we go talk to the nice lady behind the stand up front and see if she can help you?” he asked. Andrew gave a fearful look as he backed away.
“B-But you’re a stranger. Mama doesn’t want me to talk to strangers,” the young boy frowned. Hobie pursed his lips. You looked down at the feline in your arms before stepping forward. Andrew gazed at you before locking eyes with the stuffed animal.
“Hi, Andrew. My name’s (Y/N),” you smiled as you crouched down next to Hobie. Andrew wrung his hands together as he shyly looked at the squishy plush. You gave him a reassuring grin as you held out the cat. “My friend Benny here’s feeling a little lost. Do you think you could help me find someone who can help him find his way back to his papa?” you asked. Andrew's eyes lit up as he slowly nodded.
“Great! Now, where do you think we should go?” you asked. Andrew knitted his brows together as he spun around, his bright blue eyes scanning the fairgrounds before he pointed over to the front booth. “Over there?” you asked.
“Uh-huh,” Andrew said with a nod. You smiled as you slowly rose to your feet, Hobie following suit.
“Awesome,” you paused and brought “Benny” up to your ear. “What’s that? You’d feel better if Andrew held you on the way there?” you asked aloud. The boy's eyes lit up, the face paint that ran down his face now starting to dry. You gently held out the stuffed animal to the young boy. “Is that okay with you, Andrew?” you questioned. He simply snatched the cat from your arms and held it close to his tiny chest.
You and Hobie exchanged warm glances before guiding the child to the stand. You asked Andrew questions about his mother as the three of you approached the front booth. A blonde woman with similar eyes gasped when she laid eyes on the young boy.
“Andy!” she cried as she rushed forward and scooped her son into her arms. The attendant at the booth gave a sigh of relief as the mother and son embraced.
“Mama look!” he beamed as he held out the squishy cat. His mother had tears in her eyes as she sniffed.
“That’s great, sweetie. Oh, I’m so glad you’re safe,” the woman said as she refused to loosen her grip on her child. She glanced up after a few seconds, Andrew following her line of sight.
“These people helped me, Mama!” he said with a toothy grin. His mother took a few steps forward.
“Thank you both. I was about to burst into tears right before you came,” she said.
“It’s our pleasure, ma’am,” Hobie replied with a grin. She returned his smile as Andrew held out the cat. You held your hands up.
“You can keep him,” you said. Andrew frowned.
“Are you sure?” he asked shyly. You smiled and nodded.
“I’m sure-you see, Benny was only lost because he was looking for his new friend,” you explained. Andrew's eyes widened before he hugged the plushie close to his heart. The mother thanked you again before stepping away. You didn’t notice Hobie’s arm around you, his eyes soft and lips drawn in a gentle smile.
“You’re an incredible person, (Y/N),” he breathed. The tips of your ears burned as you smiled sheepishly.
“Oh, Hobie,” you flushed. Hobie kissed the corner of your mouth.
“I mean it-how’d a bloke like me end up with someone as wonderful as you?” he questioned. You frowned as you rested a hand over his.
“Hey, you’re amazing, too. You were the first one to reach out to the poor guy,” you said. Hobie’s eyes glistened as he tilted your head. You melted when he pressed his lips to yours, his arm pulling your body flush against his. You rested your hands on his chest as he held you close, his warm body rubbing against yours. Both of you parted and gasped for air. Hobie’s chest rose and fell before he leaned forward.
“Why don’t we head on back, yeah?” he husked into your ear.
The two of you returned to the rented cabin a little while later. You sighed as you walked into the living room fresh from the shower, a fluffy robe wrapped around your body. You stopped in your tracks when you saw Hobie lying down on a pile of blankets and pillows, a towel slung loosely around his sharp hips. The fireplace behind him flickered with yellow and orange, illuminating his wiry frame as he gazed at you with half-lidded eyes.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to make good on my promise from earlier,” he murmured as he spread his hand over the blanket beneath him. You bit your lip and squeezed your plush thighs together. Each step towards him sent shivers down your spine, your heart thrumming beneath your sternum as you stood above him.
You released a shaky breath as you untied your robe and let it roll off of your shoulders. Hobie licked his lips as he locked eyes on your exposed sex, a low sound of carnal desire rumbling through his chest. His hands came up to smooth over your waist as you crawled on top of him, your thighs and belly jiggling as you adjusted yourself above him.
“Please, Hobie,” you purred as you rested your plump breasts over his chest. Your eyes widened when you felt his erection suddenly slap against your wet sex, his towel splayed across the small nest. His tip glistened with thick drops of precum as his veiny cock twitched beneath your warm, trembling body.
“I got you,” he husked into your ear. You squeaked when he grabbed your love handles and squeezed them tenderly. A small gasp left your lips as he slowly guided you onto your back, the soft blankets below caressing your curvy body as you rested your head on a large pillow. Hobie parted his lips as he slid his hands to your breasts. “So beautiful,” he murmured.
Your heart fluttered as he kneaded your tits in his palms, his lips finding yours as if on instinct. You sighed into his mouth, bliss filling you from head to toe with each gentle squeeze of his hands and brush of his soft lips. You squealed as he took your nipples between his fingers and thumbs, rubbing them gently as he slid his tongue inside your wet mouth.
You curled your hands over his upper back as he massaged your smooth muscle with his own, his deft fingers teasing your hardening buds with every stroke. You gasped for air once he parted before he dove back in, his kisses growing more hungry and eager as his cock throbbed and leaked above your lower tummy.
“Been thinkin' about fuckin' your perfect pussy all day,” he whispered lowly before he began to kiss along your jaw. Your pussy pulsed as he gently pinched and twisted your nipples, his lips trailing down to rest over your thrumming pulse. You moaned as he wrapped his lips over your neck and suckled gingerly, his fingers teasing your buds all the while.
You rubbed over his sharp shoulder blades as he adorned your neck with hickeys, each one larger than the last. He pecked over your freshest blot before slowly trailing his kisses further down. You gasped when he replaced his fingers with his lips as he puckered them around your supple nipple.
“Ahh, Hobie,” you keened as you scrunch your fingers between his wicks. Your lover rolled his tongue over your areola, playing and flicking around your sensitive flesh with a low groan.
You panted as you felt him press his leg against your dripping sex, sparks flying through your core as you slowly rubbed your hips up and down. Hobie sighed as he nibbled on your bud before releasing it with a wet "pop". The fire nearby swelled just like the heat inside your core as your love started to kiss down your rolls and puffy tummy. Your eyes widened when he locked eyes with you as he dipped his head down, his lips pecking over your mound. Your thighs twitched as he soon lapped over your bundle of nerves, his fingers smoothing down your torso before spreading your legs apart.
“Mmm,” you whined as he swiped his tongue across your clit, his spit coating your puffy bud before he kissed tenderly. A high-pitched mewl escaped from your lips as he spread your ring of muscle open with one of his long fingers. You exhaled sharply as he curled his finger just inside your entrance before slowly pumping his digit inside your gummy walls.
“Sh-Shit Hobie,” you moaned as he flattened his tongue over your clit, your pussy softly squelching each time he thrusted his digit inside. He groaned against your folds as you gripped his hair, your cunt fluttering around his thick digit. You shuddered as he slid a second finger inside and spread your hole open a little wider.
“Look so pretty like this, soakin’ my face with your sweet juices,” Hobie’s lips danced above your sex before he pushed his face back down. You arched your back as he licked a bold stripe from where his fingers were stuffing your tight hole all the way up to your engorged, aching clit. He continued to paint long strokes up and down your slit as he plunged his fingers deep inside your warm cavern.
“H-Hobie, ‘m gonna cum,” you gasped as your walls tightened around his digits. Your eyes rolled back when you heard him audibly slurp, his lips curling over your pearl.
You cried out as you threw your head to the side, your hips rutting against his face as he eagerly drank your sweet nectar. Hobie kept the pads of his fingers pushed against your g-spot as he lapped up the juices that spilled past the tight seam of your entrance. You babbled his name as you floated down from your high, your head spinning and body tingling with bliss. Hobie licked his lips, the arousal on his chin glistening beneath the flickering flames nearby. You caught your breath as he rubbed his palm over the blanket of stretch marks on your plush, inner thigh.
“Think you’re up for more?” Hobie asked. You nodded violently, drawing a chuckle from your love. You bit your lip as Hobie hovered above you, his tall frame enveloping yours as he lined his cock to your entrance. Hobie smeared your slick over his mushroom-like tip before he slowly stretched your hole open. You keened and wrapped your ankles around the back of his thighs as you felt his blunt head deliciously spread you open.
Both of you moaned as he gently sank inside you, his dick gliding between your plush walls as you greedily sucked him in. Hobie puffed a breath of hot air against your neck as he sheathed his whole cock deep inside your aching cunt.
“Feel so good wrapped around my cock, baby,” he sucked in a sharp breath as your soft pussy flexed around his shaft. You tried to steady your breathing as the feeling of fullness overwhelmed your senses. Hobie kissed your neck as he slowly pulled his hips back. You mewled softly as you felt the steady push and pull of his cock, each drag sending ripples of ecstasy down your spine.
“My sweet girl,” he grunted as he gently wrapped his fingers around yours and squeezed. You squealed as he kissed you, the heady taste of your arousal falling across your tongue as he fucked you with slow, steady thrusts. Hobie briefly parted before he crashed his lips against yours once more. His moans were just as hungry as his kiss, his cock pulsing as he rocked a little faster.
Your thighs jiggled each time his hips met yours, his fingers squeezing your hands with such tenderness you could melt in his grasp.
“Yes,” you keened as the fat tip of his cock rubbed against your spongy, sensitive g-spot. Hobie kept his hips at the exact angle as he pounded against the spot that turned your legs to jelly. Your round asscheeks clapped as he rocked his hips a little faster, his lower torso brushing over your puffy clit.
“So good, baby. So fuckin’ good,” Hobie growled as he bared his teeth against your pulse. Your chest swelled at his praise as you moaned. Hobie nipped at one of your hickeys before he rolled his hips just the way you liked. “C’mon sweet girl-cum around this cock you love so much,” he groaned as he pistoned his cock against your cervix.
“H-Hobie!” you cried out his name with a breathy moan as your walls clamped down on his shaft. He hissed between gritted teeth as your pussy gripped his length, your walls pulsing incessantly as his breath stuttered. You squeeze your eyes shut as your legs shook around his waist, your body trembling with euphoria. Your eyes widened as Hobie continued to thrust inside you, his movements stuttering as he heaved.
“Love you so much, baby. Love-“ he choked as he shoved his dick against your cervix. You melted beneath him as you felt the long, heavy ropes of his cum paint your walls. Your nails dug into his upper back as he shallowly thrusted a few more times, your pussy squelching with your slick and his spend. Hobie eventually relaxed before he draped his naked form over yours. Your chests rose and fell together as you shared a soft kiss.
“Thank you, baby-you're so good t'me,” Hobie whispered. You smiled as he rested his forehead against yours.
“You’re good to me too, Hobie. I-I love you,” you whispered with a shaky breath. His eyes lit up as he pecked your forehead.
“I love you, too, (Y/N),” he smiled. You sighed happily as he played with your hair, the fire crackling beside the two of you as you soon drifted off to sleep in each others arms.
Thank you for reading! 💖
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vanfleeter · 9 months
Scaredy Cat // JTK
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Characters: Jake x Tommy (son) x Fem!reader Warnings: Spooky. Fluff. Haunted woods. Creepy clowns. Mentions of chainsaw. Scarecrows. Author's Note: Welcome to Jaketober!
Summary: Jake's all for the spooky and the scary, the gory and the horror until it comes to haunted house.. And the woods.
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If there’s one thing Jake doesn’t particularly like is haunted houses, prisons, forests, whatever. But this Halloween, he gave in and promised to take Tommy to a haunted house. You didn’t see the harm in it. People took their kids to haunted houses all the time.
“Mama!” Tommy exclaims as he jumps up and down in front you. “Daddy’s taking me to a haunted house tomorrow!”
You look over at Jake, a shocked expression on your face. Jake shrugs his shoulders and stuffs his hands into the pocket of his jeans. After all the years you’ve been together, he always refused to go to those things.
“I bet you’re gonna have so much fun with Daddy.” You say as you pull the four year old on your lap.
“You do know you’re coming too.” Jake says.
“Why? Are you scared?” You tease.
Jake scoffs. “Pfft, no.. Tommy might need you.”
“Mmhmm..” You giggle. “Okay, it’s bath time and then off to bed.” You say, patting Tommy’s leg.
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The next day flies by a little too quickly for Jake’s liking because now he’s driving the narrow gravel road to the haunted woods. Woods. Why did it have to be the woods? Ever since Josh suggested the Haunted Woods, Tommy hadn’t been able to be quiet about it. He’s eager to see the tall man with the chainsaw and the witchy lady who jumps out at you from behind some tall boulder or whatever.
“He is your kid.” You kindly remind him as you hand Jake his coat and beanie. “Why is it that you can watch horror movies with no end in sight, but haunted houses are a hard pass?”
“Because horror movies don’t have real people jumping out at you.” Jake says. “And touching you. Oh the touching, so creepy.”
“Well lucky for you, no one will touch you unless you pay an extra five dollars to wear some glow in the dark thing.”
“Easiest five dollars for me to save.” Jake says as he slips on his coat.
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Parking the car in the already crowded field, Jake cuts the engine and gets out. In the distance he can hear the screams of those who have fallen victim to the man with the chainsaw. His attention is pulled away from the woods as he feels Tommy tugging on the hem of his coat sleeve.
“Daddy! Let’s go!”
Buying their tickets and rejoining them by the fire, he finds Tommy bouncing on his feet as he eagerly waits for their group number to be called. He keeps talking about the man with the chainsaw and each time he does, there’s a scream and Tommy’s face contorts into a wicked grin.
What kind of kid is he raising?
Thirty minutes pass by and the number of their group is called and Tommy jumps up and down impatiently for Jake to hurry up. Tommy can tell Jake is a little nervous. He steps up to Jake and grabs his hand. “Don’t worry, Daddy–I’ll protect you.”
Jake hears you trying to stifle a laugh and he snaps his head to the side to look at you. You quickly cover your mouth and shake your head.
Making it through the creepy corn maze, Jake only jumped a few times and nearly punched a scarecrow when it came up behind him. Arriving at the exit, he heaves a sigh of relief earning little giggles from Tommy.
“Come on Daddy! The man with the chainsaw is next.” Tommy says as he drags Jake down the pathway towards the sinister looking cabin.
Inside the sounds of the chainsaw whirring to life make his blood run cold. The impending doom. He knows it’s not real. It’s all fake, but why does it still frighten him and yet not an ounce of fear paints his son’s face?
The door cracks open as they make their way through the threshold and into the cabin. “Daddy..” Tommy says, looking up at Jake.
“Finally afraid?” Jake smirks.
“No, but you still are,” Tommy says. “You’re squeezing my hand too tightly.”
Jake’s smirk drops from his face. “Oh.. Sorry..” He loosens his grip on his son’s hand.
Winding their way through the cabin, with jumpscares making Jake curse and immediately apologize, they reach the one part where he knows the man with the chainsaw will jump out. And even knowing it, he still jumps sky high and out of his skin. Tommy giggles beside him and squeezes his hand.
“It’s okay, Daddy, he won’t hurt you.”
“Yeah, Daddy,” The man mimics. “I won’t hurt you.” He says. “For now..” He starts up the chainsaw again making Jake flinch and he laughs. “Don’t be such a scaredy cat. The pain won’t last for long and it'll be all over before you know it.”
Tommy drags Jake through the final tunnel and out to the clearing behind the cabin. “Daddy, are you okay?” He asks. “You look a little green.”
“It smelled god awful in there..” Jake says.
You step beside him and rub his back. “Maybe we should head back to the car.”
“Oh but Mommy, the clowns!” Tommy exclaims. “We have to see the clowns.”
“Buddy, I don’t think your father can handle anymore–”
“Nope, no..” Jake straightens back up and fixes his coat and beanie. “I am determined to finish this, even if it means having nightmares for the next three weeks.” He puffs out his chest, clearly making a show for Tommy. “Bring on the clowns.”
“Yes!” Tommy exclaims as he throws his fists in the air. “Let’s go!”
It wasn’t until they reached the arch leading into the clown section that Jake stopped in his tracks. It wasn’t people dressed as creepy clowns or mannequins that jumped on a motion sensor. They were huge bobblehead clowns. Huge, painted heads that bobbed and weaved, coming closer to you before falling backwards again. Maniacal laughing boomed from speakers hidden around as creepy circus music played in the background.
Not only that but they had to go through a blowup tunnel that leads to a different part of the clown section.
The squeezing of the tunnel was too much for Jake. “I don’t like this very much!” He calls out to no one in particular.
“Just hold on to my hand Daddy!” He hears Tommy call in the darkness of the tunnel.
Emerging from the blow up tunnel and regaining his breath, he comes face to face with a clown. A human clown. A human dressed up as a clown. With crazy makeup and fake blood running down their face.
“Oh hi Mister!” Tommy greets the clown, who keeps his eyes narrowed in on Jake. Jake gives him a sheepish smile and a small wave accompanied by an awkward chuckle before Tommy is dragging him along.
“Did you say hi to a clown?” Jake questions as he dodges another clown who jumps out behind a tree.
“Well yeah, it makes it less scary.” Tommy says as he proceeds to smile widely and wave as a clown slowly approaches the two of them.
“Well hello little boy.” The clown says. “Care to join me for some fun?” He laughs a wicked laugh before snapping his eyes head upwards to look at Jake. “Well well well.. Who have we got here?”
“That’s my dad.” Tommy says, earning a smitful glare from Jake.
“Ohhh, Daddy.. Has Daddy come with you to protect you from the scary things in the woods?” He says as he slowly circles Jake. He can feel the man’s breath on the back of his neck and the scent makes him scrunch up his nose.
“I think someone needs a breath mint..” Jake comments.
The clown presses his face in closer to Jake who slowly leans away. “And I think someone needs a little lesson in manners.”
Jake tries to put on a confident front, although he knew he wasn’t fooling anyone, even himself. The clown mocks his pose and laughs. “What’s your name, boy? I want to be your friend.”
“In your dreams..” Jake sneers.
“Oh I don’t have dreams.. But you do..” The man snickers and taps the side of his own head. “And you’ll see me every night when you close your eyes, waiting.. Scheming.. You can’t escape me, no one can.”
By now, Jake’s heart is racing his chest. He wants nothing more than to rid himself of this clown. The clown chuckles and cocks his head at Jake.
“I suggest you get a move on now or you won’t be coming out of these woods alive..”
Tommy grabs Jake’s hand and drags him down the path, past several more creepy clowns who giggle and reach for them, muttering eering sayings as they pass. They finally reach the end of the trail and come out back to the field where they had started. The bonfire glowing brightly as people chatter and laugh.
“We did it!!” Tommy cheers. “Wasn’t that fun?” He says as he holds into Jake’s hand and jumps up and down.
“Yeah,” Jake scoffs. “Fun is an operative word…”
“Want to do it again?” Tommy grins.
“Aha!” Jake laughs. “Never..”
Tommy lets go of his hand and runs over to you. “Daddy was scared.”
“Was not!” Jake calls after him.
“Then what were you, hmm?” Tommy says as he rises up on his toes to make himself seem taller. He has his eyebrows raised and a smirk playing on his face.
He is most definitely Jake’s son.
“I was simply.. Startled.”
“So in other words..” You say as you reach for his hand. “You were scared.”
“Oh Jakey boy!” He hears the creepy clown’s voice. He slowly peers over his shoulder. The clown waves at him, his fingers wiggling to and fro.
“Let’s go..” Jake says as he quickly ushers you and Tommy back to the car.
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storekn1fe · 1 year
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bon appétit!
[id: photo 1: A digital drawing of the Falling Devil, Asa, and Yoru from Chainsaw Man. Falling is drawn standing from the thigh up. She is a pale devil wearing something resembling a chef's outfit - a chef hat, a white shirt, long black gloves, pants, and an apron. She has several other arms coming out of her back. One pair is holding a head with pale skin and black hair. She is smiling with her eyes closed and blood is dripping from her nose, eyes, and mouth. Her gloved arms are holding a platter and a cover, upon which Asa and Yoru kneel. They both have black hair and are the same wearing a school uniform - a white shirt under a black dress. Asa, who has her hair tied back and black eyes, is drawn in front, looking down over the edge of the platter with an expression of horror. Yoru, who has her hair down, has a scar and ringed red and yellow eyes. She is kneeling behind Asa with her hand on her shoulder and is glaring up at Falling. The characters are largely in pink shadow, with light coming from below. The background is a gradient from dark pinkish-purple to a slightly lighter shade, with several drips of blood.
photo 2: A close-up of Falling's face. photo 3: A close-up of Asa and Yoru. /end id]
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