#chain reply
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wutheringmights · 6 months ago
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@rabidogbite I am 100% okay with blaming this on you lol
Is ao3 down??? Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME???
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mirensiart · 1 month ago
this pun was so bad I had to go anon
chain: I wouldn’t chain you with these puns if I didn’t think they were interarresting! :D
Key: please. Just throw me in jail.
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this pun was so good I had to draw it, anon ;)
Edit: lol I wrote would instead of wouldn't anon, not only do I take months to reply but I also read it wrong LMAO ANON I'M SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME JFBDKD
Edit 2: I corrected it :)
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someones-here-for-sure · 7 months ago
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eldarianduelist · 5 months ago
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This art between us, Y.C.A.M. .
Happy 104
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forestfrolickingfairy787 · 4 days ago
How the chain signs of emails.
Why did half my day literally go to replying and typing emails??
Anyways, gave me this idea bahaha.
He seeps it short, sweet and sharp. No kind regards, no best wishes or any formalities. He's too busy to type up any polite sign offs.
'As per my previous email.'
Won't start by saying, hello hope you're doing well or any of that stuff. Jumps straight into it.
-Link. (Please note I work Monday to Friday 9-5, and will only reply during these business hours)
Thumbs up, probably doesn't use an email account tbh, and is more responsive via whatsapp. Maybe a 'thanks,' but no kind regards. Accidentally makes typos or might send a chain mail to the whole office unintentionally. One word replies are definitely his thing.
Yea I can see him being formal and polite. Probs,
'Thanks and kind regards, Link.'
Sounds a bit intimidating when you read his emails because he uses full stops to end his paragraph. No exclamation marks. If he's unsure might just send a '?' in response which could spiral someone if they don't know him or what he's like in person, and sounds curt. Email replies are a must during off business hours. He has boundaries between personal and work life yknow.
So kind and heartfelt!! <3 Might add a smiley face, uses:
'Dear recipient, hope you are keeping well.
Warm regards, Link.' :) if he's in a good mood that day.
Honestly delayed replies, but he's tired and sometimes you gotta follow up with him a couple of times before he gets back to you. Everyones kinda just used to it now. Standard polite. Probably starts with:
'Apologies for my delayed response....'
Much appreciated and best wishes, Link' A typo or two is a possibility. He needs an email reply to let people know he might take his time, but he hasn't gotten around to it yet. He will, eventually. If he doesn't ditch the job.
Has the urge to sign off with:
'Unkind regards,' or 'Lukewarm regards,'
but he's got enough basic etiquette not to send it. Except for that one time he did to his boss and got called in. Anyway, now he just goes with the:
He's got a personal sign off in a green, calligraphy coloured sign off that says:
'Yours sincerely, Link. I will aim to get back to you at my earliest convenience, and apologies in advance for the delay.' Very friendly! You know sending a few follow ups won't annoy him.
Sorry, I'm tired of writing emails now. I don't think Wind or Four would use them but feel free to suggest in the comments hehe.
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licollisa · 2 years ago
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Lovely interaction I got here under my Twitter post
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year ago
Something something Jason feeling like he doesn't quite fit as "Greek" or "Roman" as a metaphor for bisexuality, particularly the semi-canonical bi-coding in his half of experiences during the Cupid scene and how Favonius and Cupid speak to him in parallel to the scenes confirming Nico is gay.
Something something the camps as metaphors for traditionally acceptable forms of relationships and Nico living as a rogue outside of them, rejecting expectation (ergo in himself representing a metaphor of queer identity and living outside of boxes and defined/usually hetero-allonormative/binary ideas of what love/relationships should look like) versus Jason struggling with the expectation to conform to a label and even discussing with Nico both of them remaining at CHB together.
Something something the inverse of Jason shifting away from the camps after he breaks up with Piper, feeling lost and unable to find a place between the camps as he begins to explore his queer identity properly for the first time versus Nico only remaining at CHB because he has entered a relationship. In this essay I will-
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stealingyourbones · 1 year ago
I’m so tired with people continuing to tag me in posts with tags in the posts implying I’m attempting to gatekeep dpxdc.
I’m just asking folks to read some wikis or maybe watch a DC tv show to get more ideas because the content in DC is so expansive. I’ve been trying to push this since July of 2022.
I’m writing it like this so people just understand. I just want to show folks the cool thing I enjoy and That theres so much more content to play with when you either do (or don’t idk at this point bro) choose to look more into the greater fandoms of the Crossover.
You can write whatever you want, I would just think it would be cool to see the looking into cool DC stuff by the community.
I’m not gatekeeping or trying to prevent people from writing fanfic. I read all forms of dpxdc fics at every level of fanon to canon to AUs to Ghost AUs.
I’m just trying to push a cool thing I like to show other people the cool thing I like?
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whetstonefires · 9 months ago
for the record your mom's first cousin isn't your aunt, she's your first cousin once removed. her kids are your second cousins.
your aunts are your parents' sisters, or the wives of your parents' siblings.
english doesn't make much distinction between the paternal and maternal relations and is weirdly inconsistent about how relations-by-marriage work, but it's got a nice precise numerical coordinate system for the consanguinity of cousins. it's all based on nearest shared ancestor; very scientific; you can tell genealogists got involved.
unfortunately as a result hardly anybody understands how to apply it.
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skymagpie · 1 year ago
"Trick or Treat!"
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Calypso has prepared her completely safe to eat mystery candy, but they do want a trick though (and it better be good)
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crimeronan · 6 months ago
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tumblr baby. please don't do this. don't TELL me there's a reply there. don't tease me. i don't even know who the blocked user is!! i can't even go unblock them for 2 seconds to learn The Secrets!!! i just have to live with this!! the emptiness!! the silence!! the knowledge of what my unrelenting haterism has wrought!!
why would you do this to me :(((
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wutheringmights · 1 year ago
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Earlier this week, I said that I wanted to go back and change a few details in CTB to accommodate an idea I had been previously on the fence about committing to. I am happy to say that I finally went in and fixed all the little details I wanted.
I don't want anyone to feel forced to reread any part of CTB, so here's what I'll do. I'll list out the chapters where the changes were made above the cut. Below the cut, I'll go into detail about those changes were. Then I'll go into more detail about why I needed to make those changes (which will definitely contain some oblique spoilers for future chapters).
Please note that you absolutely do not need to even read what the changes are. This won't really change anything you've already read. I did all of this for my personal peace of mind.
Where The Changes Were Made:
Chapter 11
Chapter 20
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
What Specific Changes Were Made:
Chapter 11:
When Warriors is searching for an earring to give to Wind, he finds a signet ring in his jewelry box. Here is the full passage:
He shuffled through each little section of the jewelry box, sorting through heirloom necklaces and bracelets. At the bottom, buried under a necklace made with fake pearls, was a signet ring. He pulled it out, holding it up to the light. The edges of the ring were ornately carved, swirls of vines leading up to an emblem of an golden octopus. He thumbed over the design. He forgot he had this: a memento from a nameless, old flame. Did his old flame come by the house while Warriors was gone and find no one there? When was the last time Warriors even thought of that man? He was getting distracted now. He shoved the signet ring back into the jewelry box, then started sorting through his smaller gift boxes to no avail.
Chapter 20:
Clarified that while Warriors had seen some foreigners with white freckles before, he never realized it was exclusively a Faovarian trait.
There is also a tiny moment where it is suggested that Icarius recognizes Warriors:
He twisted his head around, catching sight of a very tall man around the same age as him. He too wore the same uniform as the boy, but his hair was dark and unruly. Even his freckles took up more of his face, seeming to fall like dust down his neck. His eyes met Warriors's and, for a brief moment, Warriors swore he saw his lips part like he was about to say something. But just as quickly, he turned his face away, quick to meet the boy's gaze.
Chapter 23:
A series of minor details concerning Icarius.
Chapter 24:
Twilight asking Warriors if he's met Nephus before leads to him realizing he trusts Icarius and speculating if he's met Icarius before:
[...] Warriors didn’t know if that meant he could trust Icarius either.  Yet, illogically, he did. He trusted Icarius without question. He knew it wasn't because he felt sorry for him. There was something else nagging at the back of his brain, though he couldn't say what it was. Maybe they had met before.
Why These Changes Were Made
When plotting out this last third of the story, I knew I had to be careful with what I chose to focus on, lest the story ended up being another 500K words long. In the many cuts I made to this back end of the story, I thought I could get away with leaving the House of Nephus characters mysterious.
Unfortunately, I was wrong. You guys are really interested in learning more about them, especially Icarius. So I've been looking for a way to give you guys more in-story information about them without ruining the pacing.
I've also been working on refining my ideas for chapter 26. That's going to be a.... clusterfuck of a chapter in every sense of the word, so I've been looking for ways to condense plot points.
My solution? I realized that I could replace a one-off original character in a preplanned plotline with Icarius. Doing so will allow me to still give Link an important moment of character growth while giving Icarius some much needed screen time.
But as you can guess from the "old flame" line... it's a small role that is now ten times more important by virtue of the character who plays it having both a name and earlier plot significance.
It wouldn't make sense for the story to have gone on this long without mentioning someone so significant to Warriors's past. As a longtime reader, you would think this brand new connection between these characters would have come out of left field.
Hence, I had to go in and adjust a few things so that future readers wouldn't be disappointed by shoddy writing.
And give me credit where it's due: it took less than a hundred words for me to fix the problem. Not only that, but I think my solution was rather elegant. Imagine being a new reader and seeing the signet ring with the octopus on it, only to see the octopus symbol appear chapters later on the battlefield. Insane for them. I hope they have fun with that.
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mirensiart · 2 months ago
How do Chain and Key cope with period stuff?
sorry if someone already asked this
transferring her period cramps onto him
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child-of-the-vast · 2 months ago
(On new years eve, some time around midnight, there is a ring on Orions door, quickly followed by frantic knocking.)
~ @rainy-sk1es
Orion opens the door, looking quite out of it. He wasn’t asleep, but certainly not all there.
“Rainy?” He mumbles confused. “Are you alright?”
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luimagines · 6 months ago
What type of bikes vehicles would fit the chain more in your Prospective?
Ok, I had a similar ask like this two days ago (I think already) So I'll put them down here. It's gonna be long because Imma add pictures.
Keep in mind, I know nothing of motorcycles. I gotta give this disclaimer every time. XD
Time = Retro (BMW R 18)
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Twilight = Harley Davidson (Road Glide)
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Warrior = Scrambler
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Sky = Cruiser
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Hyrule = Off Road Dirt Bike
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Legend = Muscle (BMW R18, like Time, different year)
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Wild = Honda Unicorn
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Four = Hiboy DK 1
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Wind = side car/vespa
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wutheringmights · 2 years ago
the fact that this was the first reader feedback i saw
CTB update spoilers:
Spirit in the present, now that he is tall and beefy and can absolutely take Warriors in a fight.
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