#chailife consequences
cultivationartisan · 6 years
birthday yesterday went pretty nice but today i woke up to the house flooded so who even knows man
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cultivationartisan · 6 years
Finally realized I’ve been brushing my cat wrong for the entire time I’ve owned her. Sorry, Blackie! ;w; This does explain why a cat who clearly loves her brushes, and I was told loves to be groomed, would never let me brush her for more than like a minute...
Moral of the story: If you’ve owned dogs all your life and suddenly have a cat, NEVER STOP ASKING YOURSELF “am I treating you like a dog.” because in retrospect the answer was obvious and I feel a little stupid for taking so long to figure it out. xD;;
Also I think I’ve been babying her too much... There’s a spot on her side that’s been damp every time I pet her for the past week or so, so I investigated today and there was the beginnings of a mat deeper down. She was a total angel while I dug in there and tugged the hairs loose, and didn’t protest at all when I’d drag her back to my lap to keep brushing her. (She usually likes to walk back and forth while I pet her.) She’d just stay put and let me drag out giant piles of fluff with the comb.
She even let me brush her tail?? That... that seems like a weird thing for a cat to allow?? ...Well, as much as Blackie CAN let me touch her tail lmfao. She’s always thinkin’, that one, so her tail is always going all over.
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cultivationartisan · 6 years
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There’s a friggin’ KNOT in the middle of my Caron Cake yarn. Like, a two-pieces-tied-together KNOT. Not even a tangle. What the fuck. Michaels you have FAILED ME.
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cultivationartisan · 6 years
Hoo... It’s been a heck of a couple of days. I’ve got a lot of work to do.
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cultivationartisan · 6 years
I suuuuuper duper hate to ask but if anybody would like quick $5 sketch commissions over the next few days so that I have spare money for food I’d be suuuuper obliged \o/
I don’t want to take anything big since I’m trying to finish what’s already in the queue but a few sketches I can get out quick. Asks or messages or replies all work fine. 
update Gretchen is a freaking SAINT so I will do requests tonight instead to spread her amazing good will.
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cultivationartisan · 7 years
Birthday tomorrow! >:O
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cultivationartisan · 7 years
“I don’t have the money for that. I can barely afford a pic a week, or two if I’m lucky,” says the person buying from a high-end artist to someone who gets a handful a YEAR from cheaper artists if she’s SUPER fucking lucky.
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cultivationartisan · 7 years
Did u know my birthday is coming up? :o
It’s on the 25th. c:
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cultivationartisan · 7 years
I find it pretty much impossible to work on anything if I’m by myself.
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cultivationartisan · 7 years
Kinda wanna stream again but I don’t wanna risk overwhelming myself and burning out... >:?
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cultivationartisan · 7 years
I don’t even know what a webkinz is but that is the most beautiful smilodon plush I’ve ever SEEN.....
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cultivationartisan · 7 years
I’m not tired at all and all my friends who are usually up late have gone to bed early tonight. ;___;
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cultivationartisan · 7 years
I started watching the new Voltron and to no one’s surprise I am really excited about the Galra.
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cultivationartisan · 7 years
i am too tired and sad to draw
and too broke to commission people to draw the things that would cheer me up
and because i am too tired and sad i cannot do my work to get more money
hm :(
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cultivationartisan · 7 years
SO anybody wanna buy a really quick commission? 8I;;
Paypal is doing something fucking weird with my card and as a result I’m suddenly negative 12 dollars and I can’t figure out WHY or how to fix it.
edit: @edinboro-v is a prince and a scholar so the negative is resolved for the moment. =c= Now to figureout what the fuck is going on...
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cultivationartisan · 7 years
Do you ever get bored of your own work...?
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