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triplethreatt · 4 years ago
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“Unbelievable. It... actually worked.”
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rraakkee · 3 years ago
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fuggit. dark oleander
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binxdoesgaming · 2 years ago
Man oh man do I have a Fortnitemares concept idea well into fucking February. :') Also heads up, some spoilers for STW's main story and seasonal questlines down below
Y'all remember Dark Ray? From the Long Way Home Questline? And how she was from an alternate reality where she became """evil""" because she failed to save Homebase? What if there were also bad timeline versions of the other 3 Homebots (Kevin, Pop, and Lok) and ended up reforming into a bad end version of the group.
Pop I'd feel would be based off his little evil arc from early-mid Plankerton. Never quite got off it and maybe went off the deep end and eventually somehow got the commander killed through his "pranks" and just kinda throw Homebase off kilter. After all is said and done, he'd probably have the realization that "shit, I really don't have anyone from home left". Not quite to the extent of Dark Ray's, but he'd have the Epiphany. Whilst he wouldn't exactly be helpful, he'd also maybe not try to get anyone killed— instead just taking it out on wild husks and in turn become a well versed fighter.
Lok would most definitely be based off the Tales of Beyond Questline where he encounters the cube. Instead of the cube just up and leaving after it ends, he'd probably have some form of cube corruption seen in characters from BR (Dark Bomber, Dark Red Knight, etc.)— but would have gained some powers in return. Mostly 1. Being able to see into the future like Dark Jonesy in Ch2S8; 2. The ability to control a little cube magic (think Glyph Master Raz boss from ch2s6); and 3. Lightning. Little man is a toaster and a robot so that would probably just come natural to him.
Kevin... Kevin is a weird case because he barely shows up in the game at all. Only things we know about him is that he's the local technologist/engineer, a bit of a neat freak, may or may not have anger issues, almost nobody at homebase likes him aside from Kyle, Ned, and most likely Lok because he doesn't have a single hateful bone in his body, and can possibly even run Homebase in the case Ray isn't there. Legitimately the most this gay lil robot has spoken was in the Clip's Nightmare Questline which hasn't returned, in which it seems he actually has a little friendship going on with Carter since she doesn't instantly hate him. So yeah, not much to work with on him. I was thinking maybe a version of him where he somehow gets involved with ghosts and the Door to Darkness? Another where he gets involved with the cube (because know, Kevin and Kevin). It was hard, but recent events just gave me an idea for him. In the recent update, we got a leak of ch4s2's STW pack which contains Ned. More specifically the time traveling one from The Long Road Home. And with him he has Kevin. Like actual Kevin. Not only is he cute as fuck, but it gave me an idea. Maybe sometime after the events of Canny, this version of Kevin wanted to continue Desiree's work on rifts to see how it would help stop the storm. And whist doing this research ends up getting stuck in a rift that went through multiple realities, some of them from the same world he was from— but something was different. He couldn't find the one that was his own and kept traveling from rift to rift. In turn, it would affect him by having different parts of him from different realities merge and himself constan stabilizing and destabilizing. It would be like he simultaneously would exist in multiple realities and none. Think of what happened with Eternal Voyager in Batman: Zero Point— but he was able to keep himself together somehow.
As for how'd they'd find each other, I would say it would be in part thanks to Rift Kevin and he'd find the different versions of his siblings and take them along with him so they wouldn't have to be in these realities that had ended this way.
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universeofjay · 3 years ago
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Since Chapter 2 is coming to an conclusion, I am going to post my favorite Chapter 2 battle pass skins from each season! Ch2S1: Chic Ch2S2: TnTina Ch2S3: Fade Ch2S4: Tony Stark/ Iron Man Ch2S5: Kondor Ch2S6: Lara Croft Ch2S7: Doctor Slone Ch2S8: Toona Fish https://www.instagram.com/p/CWd5lEsJNrs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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triplethreatt · 4 years ago
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“If I don’t stop this, it could destroy all existence.”
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rraakkee · 2 years ago
infodumpy about tboi!jonesy mechanics bc my brain doesn't know how t shut up
Jonesy starts with three heart containers and three soul hearts. he is limited to three soul hearts for the entire run, one which he can gain by clearing a floor. he cant pick up black hearts either but he can gain more heart containers w eternal hearts n other items that do so
He can switch between tears and bullets. Bullets have max range and do 3× more damage than tears but are limited. bullets are drops from chests and clearing rooms and come in stacks of 1, 5, or 10. Jonesy can hold up to 100 bullets at a time
Bullet damage changes proportionately with tear damage; any damage boosts or debuffs to tears also apply to bullets. Firing speed remains constant at a rate of 3 bullets per second regardless of tear speed (de)buffs
He starts with an active called "Mini Shield" ("Don't forget it!") which heals one full soul heart. It's a single-use item (ik the pic has a charge bar but just pretend it's not there ☺️), but you can get more at the shop (15 pennies) or in yellow chests. Jonesy can carry up to six minis at a time
If Jonesy picks up Champion Belt, Midas' Touch, and Glitter Bombs in one run, he turns into Agent Jones. His sprite turns into one reminiscent of Agent Jones Jump 42 from CH2S6 (I'll draw it later I gotta go somewhere)
Agent Jones gets a 1.5× damage boost to tears and bullets. Mini Shields are upgraded to Shield Pots, which heal two full soul hearts. These are also single use, and Jonesy can carry three at a time
Ok autism over
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