#ch139 spoilers
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“Lets leave it as bittersweet memories”

I don't know but the emotion of manga panel will still forever haunt and engraved on my mind ;((
#levi ackerman#attack on titan#shingeki no kyojin#levi x hange#levi#illustration#levi x hanji#hanji zoe#hange zoe#levihan#attack on titan spoilers#attack on titan season s4 p3#manga ch139#snk manga
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Holding onto the theory that spacetime getting all fucky in the wake of Satan's destruction has taken us to an alternate reality bc never in a million fucking years in his wildest dreams would Renzou be popular. A CELEBRITY no less. Thats not the loser i know and love bbg what happened to you!!!
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(139 spoilers!)
I know we all feel extremely disgusted by Airi and thus I started to consider her death. Taiki mentioned that it was a murder-suicide and Akane pinpointed that incident right before the twins were conceived... Which means that very close to HKAI got together (before or after), Hikaru was freed from Airi's control.
Putting my tinfoil hat on but I'm guessing the deaths had something to do with Hikaru. Either he did it or orchestrated it to to happen? (By revealing Airi's true colours to her husband.)
The more I think about Taiki the more I feel for him because dude lived his life thinking his legal father was an asshole & chose to bear his mother's name instead but then 15YL script came out. Just wish that Aqua at least had the decency to catch up with him before all this happened because obviously he knew when he agreed to do it.
So, the timeline for Airi's death is a little weird.
In chapter 68, Taiki says he was 'about five' when it happened which is obviously vague enough to leave some wriggle room for him to be a bit older if necessary.
We know Hikaru was eleven or so when Taiki was conceived and that he's a year younger than Ai, who is a third year middle schooler when she and Hikaru meet. This would place Ai at around fourteen years old and Hikaru at around thirteen as of ch139's movie scenes, meaning that Taiki is one or two years old here and we are two years out from Ai's pregnancy.
That gives us a span of anywhere between two to five years before the murder-suicide takes place.
Depending on exactly where the characters' ages all fall on the timeline, this does all seem to line up with the idea that the HKAI relationship and Airi's death happened in very close proximity to each other.
H O W E V E R. . . We have one major wrench thrown into this by chapter 95, where Saitou states that he clearly remembers when this incident happened and that the news broke while he was in a meeting with Ai about B-Komachi's Dome concert.
I'm not super sure how long it takes to fully plan a concert like that but typically, concerts at a venue like Tokyo Dome are announced six to nine months in advance. Being as generous as possible, let's say it takes another three to six months of planning and negotiations before it gets to the announcement stage. This means there was between a year and a year and a halfs' worth of time prior to Ai's death where this meeting would have taken place, which would place the incident as happening when she was around nineteen or eighteen. Either way, if Saitou is correct here, this means the incident happened well after the twins were born.
So what does this all mean? well what it means is that the oshi no ko timeline is absolutely penised and you shouldn't worry about it too hard.
More seriously, it means we can't really directly place when the incident happened just yet because the information surrounding it is all loosey-goosey. I do imagine it'll come up in the movie at some point purely on the basis of Airi's inclusion and the explicit depiction of her abuse of Hikaru but it's hard to say at this point exactly what came first - HKAI romance or Airi's death?
Regardless... I'm gonna get on my soapbox a little and say (and this is absolutely not aimed at you, anon, bc this is clearly a good faith question and I don't want you to feel bad lol) I am honestly not a huge fan of the idea of Hikaru being framed as culpable for Airi's death.
Like... at the end of the day, Hikaru was a teenage boy when this all happened. Uehara was an adult man. Even if I really stretch my suspension of disbelief and let myself believe that Hikaru somehow knew that Uehara was going to murder Airi as a result... sorry, but Uehara is still the one who did the actual murder! Even if Hikaru was the one to finally speak up about his abuse, it was Uehara who took it to the extreme that he did.
I also just don't think it really works, thematically speaking, with what Oshi no Ko has consistently said about the way children are exploited and abused by adults in the entertainment industry and how terrifyingly few safety nets there in place to either prevent it happening or help them recover in the aftermath. Given just how few punches the story is pulling thus far with its depiction and condemnation of the horror of Airi's actions and the sheer terror Hikaru shows when faced with her... it's really hard for me to imagine the story making him culpable for her death in a way we are supposed to condemn.
Not only that, but we don't even know if Hikaru was the one to give that info to Uehara. We have speculation on the topic from characters who are generally reliable but it's not something we can say we know without a shadow of a doubt. Not only that, but...
It's possible I'm reading too much into it, but the framing of this exchange seems to imply that - at least within 15YL's portrayal of events - Uehara may already suspect something is going on with Airi -> Hikaru.
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Now AOT is over...
So, I read the final chapter of Attack On Titan and there are a lot of thoughts and feelings. But overall I'm pleased with the whole story and the ending. I trusted Isayama and he didn't disappoint me.
There are certain things I'd like to go into detail about Levi, Ymir, Mikasa, Eren etc and certain moments during the story.
So if anyone cares here we go. (warning, this got long and contains spoilers for chapter 139 and obviouisly the whole story!)
First, Ymir Fritz, Eren, and Mikasa.
The more we got to know Ymir, the more we knew about her circumstances and how it all started, the more I asked myself, why she doesn’t simply stop all of the misery, if she can and, obviously, has the power to do so (chapter 122).
I thought, perhaps, because she loves King Fritz so much, after all, she sacrificed herself in order to protect him (which I didn’t like at all, because he was a shitty person). But then I wasn't sure if Isayama would use 'love' in such a way. He did and it's nothing new but it's something we can all understand. Love is good, but it can also be something bad, something toxic, and Ymir was most likely a slave of her own feelings because she didn't know better. Her life was miserable until she got the power to become a Titan and gave birth to the daughters of the king. But as you can see, at the beginning of chapter 122 she watches a couple getting married and that was what she wanted too. To be loved. This was the love she knew and the love she protected and believed that was true love (most likely) because she didn't know a different kind of love.
When Eren told her, that she can decide and asked her to give him the power he needs, it didn’t sit well with me. I guess because I never connected Eren to have any romantic feelings (though I guessed so much when it comes to Mikasa and he simply wanted to be cool or something). But AOT in itself doesn’t display love in the way we usually see, that became very clear to me with each new chapter. And love is not the first thing that comes to my mind when I think about AOT.
Now about Eren.
Oh boy, look at that. When Eren slowly became the villain I liked the idea but at the same time I was questioning it. It simply made no sense to me why he would want to kill everyone and yet care so deeply about his friends. Also, Isayama is not that sort of person to let his characters act out of character. Whatever the characters I agreed with it because that was how Isayama created them. That's why, when it came out that Eren was able to see the past, present, and future, I thought he probably saw a way to stop all of this and protect his friends. Isayama played us good, when Eren was rude towards Mikasa and Armin and then the rumbling came, but I constantly thought 'No, there must be more to it'. And yeah, Eren saw a possible future because everything was unclear to him and he grabbed that chance and took it.
Remember in the first season, when Eren, Levi, and Levi's squad were fighting against the female titan and that Eren has to decide what he should do and what not? That he has to accept the consequences? Yeah, Eren did that and he knew it was bad but it was the way he believed in and saw, even if it meant to kill 80% of humanity (what the...) and sacrifice his own life. I don't see Eren as a hero nor as a villain. But he definitely acted on his own free will and accepted the consequences.
Now about Mikasa.
Well, I'll be honest, I was never a fan of Mikasa. I didn't like how she was solely focused on Eren and didn't seem to have her own goals that were not connected to Eren. I simply didn't like that and Eren wasn't my favourite either, but I love their development. The moment I started to feel sorry for her was when Eren said he hated her. You see, I get it, I understand why Mikasa is the way she is and I'm simply no fan of this 'I do everything for you, fuck everyone else' especially not in a world like AOT, I also understand the Ackermann Bond (I ship Eruri after all). So I was really pissed at Eren to stomp on her feelings like that because, no matter how much I like or dislike a person, you don't treat them the way Eren did (also toward Armin). From that moment on, I enjoyed her development and when she cut off Eren's head I was sad and happy for her.
So, in many ways, Mikasa is like Ymir, or rather, Ymir is like Mikasa, but on a whole different level. Mikasa, who devoted herself to Eren, just like Ymir did to King Fritz, saw that what he was doing was wrong and she decided to stop him. She loves him still, of course, but she was able to do what Ymir couldn't and she did it for the greater good. Because there is more than Eren, there are more people who deserve to live. I did like that and also that her action was the eye-opener for Ymir. It doesn't change the way Mikasa feels about Eren, and that's okay, but she was willing to kill the person she loves more than anything because it was the right thing to do. Ymir simply couldn't do what Mikasa did because she didn't know better.
About Levi, Erwin's death, Armin saving humanity, Berthold wasn't supposed to die, and just some thoughts about AOT in general.
Now, I do ship Levi and Erwin together and I was sure Levi would die and meet Erwin in the afterlife and then Isayama would out them (haha). But I'm just happy that Levi survived and is now the adopted uncle of Gabi and Falco. He's my favorite character and a lot of things would have ended badly without him. For me, he and Erwin and their squad represented not only a strong force and saviours but also how you probably have to be in order to survive/handle a world like AOT.
So I was shocked, at first, when Levi saw Erwin and the others because I thought he would die, but when the tear ran down his cheek, I could feel how everything fell of his shoulders. Levi never cried, never had time to mourn his comrades because he understood the world they were living in and that he needed to keep on moving. I never considered him as someone cold because he clearly wasn't. But he also never cried and seeing that... finally. And I'm sure he cried some more after everything. I thought he would cry (he was close to though and perhaps did when he was alone) when Erwin died because that fucking broke him.
Their relationship fascinated me even before I started to ship them but it broke my fucking heart when Erwin died too.
And here we come to the part about Armin and Bertholg.
I was so pissed that Armin survived and even more when things just became worse. I thought, in AOT, you can't solve everything through talking. It worked during certain critical moments, yes, but it simply isn't the main key for everything when it comes to the world of AOT.
So, I never understood why Armin had to survive and not Erwin and it became more and more confusing for me as the story continued because Armin, clearly, is not Erwin and he doesn't have what Erwin has. I don't know if things would have been better with Erwin being in charge, but he would have definitely done something while Armin didn't know what to do. Sure, he is younger than Erwin, doesn't have the experience as Erwin does and in his core he is very different, and that's totally fine. Armin is fine the way he is, but during the story. I constantly found myself thinking: 'With Erwin and his mind, we wouldn't be in such a situation'. I once read somewhere that Levi and Erwin are too smart to be fooled by, for example, Yelena. I can't help but agree.
And today, when I read the final chapter and Eren said 'Berthold wasn't supposed to die on that day' and also, that he couldn't see the past and future as separated paths but everything at once I thought, that this is Isayama giving us his version but there are also many many other ways this story could go. Which is, for me, such a sweet and grateful message. We are free to choose our path (fanfiction/fanart etc) and to create a different story, but this AOT version is his version and how he imagined it, or rather, how Eren saw one possible happy end.
I'm still certain with Erwin around things would have been different, better even, but I understand Eren too. I guess, he didn't only choose Armin because he knew things would have a happy ending for his friends. He also choose Armin because of personal feelings. I wonder what would have happened if Berthold survived, was there also a happy end but without Armin? And perhaps without the rumbling? I think it's nice that Isayama did this and that he, basically, points at a different way but it's up to us.
Now, the rumbling is over and so is the power of the titans and in such a world, someone like Armin is the right person to be in. Now it's all about talking, having a proper conversation, creating relationships through words. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure Erwin would have been able to do that as well, but Armin is much more diplomatic than Erwin because he doesn't want to fight or kill, it's really the last option for him. Erwin on the other hand wouldn't hesitate, and someone like him was important for the world before the rumbling was over.
Now some general thoughts about AOT now that it's over.
Okay, so, I watched tons of Anime when I was a teenager and the best thing for me was Death Note. But after Death Note I found nothing that really interested me and a lot of weird stuff. I don't know, it simply wasn't for me. However, I continued reading my yaoi Mangas and even studied Japanese for a year. Then, I did hear about Attack on Titan but I was so used to shitty Anime that I thought it would be shitty too (the next best thing I found was Yuri on Ice). However, a friend of mine gave me the first season and I thought, well, why not. I was so wrong and through AOT I found my way back to Anime.
It's not just the story, not just the art-style I like, it's Isayama and his brain I enjoy so much. I'm a very logical person and I like it when stories and things make sense and are connected from the beginning till the end and when it never feels forced but natural, true, loyal to the characters and the world they created. I don't know how he does it but I'm so grateful for AOT and that he decided to share this amazing story with us (even though it was fucking painful and my poor Levi). It's really been a while for me to find a story that caught me like Death Note did many years ago.
So, あ��がとう、Isayama-San!
But I'd love to know more about the Ackermans and Levi and perhaps we'll get a book like Answers etc later. That would be great.
#attack on titan#snk#shingeki no kyojin#eruri#Levi ackerman#Erwin Smith#ch139 spoilers#mikasa ackerman#eren jaeger
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the only thing that came out good from this ending was levi with falbi and onyankopon
#snk#aot#aot spoilers#snk spoilers#snk 139#snk139#aot 139#aot139#last chapter#final chapter#chapter 139#ch139#ch 139
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When i read ch138 i cried so much when Jean, Connie, Gabi and the others turned into titans. I hoped that somehow, after the big wow, the titans would go back to being human, but i also thought that they might not and i believed that it would be very cruel if they died as titans. It would make more sense, bur it would be cruel.
I cannot describe the relief I felt when I saw everyone be human again. Even Connies mom returned to normal, I was ecstatic!!
I have many thoughts about the finale, good and bad, but this specific aspect of it, I loved.
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i feel bad for laughing
the tatake sent ME😭😭😭
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Now we are talking....

Kuroshitsuji chapter 139 spoilers <3
This is the most amazing thing everrrrr >///<
#black butler#kuroshitsuji#ch139#ch139 spoilers#chapter cover#cover art#chapter spoilers#spoilers#sebastian michaelis#demon form#demon contract
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Not ready on this panel to get animated 🧍

Their eyes speaks louder than words...
#attack on titan spoilers#attack on titan s4 part3#levi ackerman#hange zoe#levihan#attack on titan#shingeki no kyojin#levi x hange#levi#hanji zoe#manga ch139
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I'm so mad because I wanted to like Mikasa but uhhh idk man
#i know you cant do much with one chapter left but how the whole thing ended still left a sour taste in my mouth#same goes with crybaby eren that scene just felt so off to me#i'm not mad at ch139 i'm just a lil empty and feeling like 'that was it?'#aot spoilers#snk spoilers#aot#ramblings
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How bad is it that this reminds me of the game Bobbing for Apples? Like, trying to come up with a strategy, when it’s really just a matter of “get in there and go for it”.
(I’m so sorry.)
When you’re on a diet but the food keeps tempting you.
#black butler#kuroshitsuji#ch139#ch139 spoilers#sorry#that's just how Sebastian looks in this context#it's a joke#ciel phantomhive#sebastian michaelis#chapter 139#chapter spoilers#spoilers
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return to this app just to say, I CRIED.
i cried during and after finished reading chapter 139, the final aot manga panels :'''(
(just done crying btw) while everyone deserves to live happily and peacefully without ever have to be terrified with titans for the rest of their life anymore, i can't help but thinking about mikasa. although she's strong mentally and physically but it's painful at heart. you see, her love for eren is so strong but in the end she chose what mattered the most. she knew what she gotta do and had to do it in order to stop the rumbling. she wanted to save both but eren's actions (though it's understandable) were way too far to be forgiven and he will end up die anyway because of his crimes. nothing will change and she realized that too. she has already accepted him for who he was, loved him dearly but she will have to let him go for the sake of the world. how can you cope with losing the ones you loved the most with your entire life? only when the time passes, and when it goes on, she will always love, miss and remember him.
the world is so cruel because we often stuck with options and sometimes our choice doesn't always end up in a good way, but as long as we live, we could learn something from it. i don't know if say this right but that's how i see it. there are always good and bad, love and hate in this world and our perspective is important— how we see it, how we choose to live together in it and how we balance it, and that's what makes it beautiful as well.
honestly i hate being optimistic when life becomes a topic, however, i must say that there are times some people make me realized a lot about it too. maybe i choose to live because i want to see what more can life offers me and what more can i offer to life or maybe i should just stop talking lol
anyways, my man is alive and he's sitting on a wheelchair, with the scar on his face, right eye's blinded. if hange didn't find him and stitched that wound it would've been worse 😢 damn i miss the comrades. after the war ended, he saw them all including hange and erwin before the time skips for the last time and showed his devoted heart to them. sasha was there too, doing the same thing while smiling to jean and connie. my tears that fell for EMA part, fell heavily for them as well.
thank you mr. hajime isayama for the ride. i haven't really been that long with aot but the journey i went through with the others are indescribable. well, let's say it doesn't really end yet cuz the anime will be continued this winter. until it ends that it will truly end. i'm not like the others who lives in denial but there are fans who don't know or don't wanna know about what some of us know today and i must respect that.
i'll keep you in my mind. thank you once again and thank you for this masterpiece.
#aot ch139 spoilers#i cant form words really well but i hope anyone who comes across this post will understand what im trying to deliver here 😅#i really did CRY IM NOT LYING#and now i have to cry over JJK manga 😭 the fight is yet to over#sorry for my bad english i wasn't born an english speaker to begin with
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aot ch139 spoilers
#uh#i just wanted to use a meme#eren yaeger#eren jaeger#eren jäger#armin arlert#mikasa ackermann#aot#attack on titan#snk#shingeki no kyojin#hajime isayama#meme#anime#manga#aot ch 139#aot 139
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A good lesson... hard-learned.
Ch. 139: Retrieving the Ring
The way our Ciel is getting the Phantomhive ring is really tragic. I mean, it’s already terrible that the ring must be taken out of real Ciel’s dead body. But what makes it even more painful is that our Ciel wants to do that himself because he believes it’s his duty…
…but then he fails to do it!
And that must be really hard on him. The thought of taking the ring out of his brother’s body himself is surely a horrible one. Our Ciel is trembling when taking the knife and of course that’s totally understandable.
But he doesn’t want anyone to touch his twin again and as his brother (and as the one who wants to take over as Earl Phantomhive) he’s determined that he must be the one to do that terrible act himself.
So he’s going through that, as well, but in the end he can’t do it himself and Sebastian must retrieve the ring for him.
Our Ciel must feel even worse here.
However, it’s also a lesson for him and he seems to understand that.
#black butler#kuroshitsuji#ch139#ch139 spoilers#chapter 139#chapter spoilers#our earl#earl phantomhive#sebastian michaelis#sebbythedemon#ciel phantomhive#real ciel#phantomhive ring#blue candy#retrieving
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Masterlist and Works
hi everyone! welcome to my page.
you can call me Simone :))
last updated 12/21/2022
I ship: levihan, eremika, aruani, yumihisu, jeanmarco, jearmin, eremin, zikupiku, jeanpiku, eruri
ships from other anime: gojohime (jjk), nobamaki (jjk), caitvi (arcane), jinxtor (arcane)
please be respectful!
feel free to ask me questions about anything or submit fic ideas for me to write!
i participated in the live 2021 levihan reading event! check it out here.
my ao3: halcyonstorm
my twitter: halcyonxstorm
my ig: hxlcyvn
My works: keep reading
new! quédate conmigo is my first fic in español!
-Baby Steps: Levi hated many things about babies. That all changed when he had a child of his own.
-Breaking Bonds: (JeanMarco fic, incomplete) Jean and Marco are tied together by the strings of fate.
-The Breeze of an Airplane: Post ch139 fic, Hange’s body is found.
-Buttered Popcorn: Canon Divergence of chapter 123. Onyankapon is Levi’s wingman.
-Capri Sun: Levi is a very hungry vampire.
-The Creep: Killing-Stalking inspired original story. Malachai was bullied all of his life. Being called "The Creep" was his name to the students in his high school, they hardly knew his name. When Malachai goes to college, he fixes himself up. He grooms himself and dresses himself nicely. All of a sudden, the girls at their college wants him. The girls that bullied him don't even know it's him. But Kai isn't stupid, he wants revenge because these girls ruined his life and made him go insane.
-Dedicate my Heart to You: Hange tries to live her life to the fullest as her heart gives up on her.
-Feels Like Home: Canon-divergent fic. Levi comforts Hange after a hard week as the Commander.
-Forget-Me-Nots: Royalty!AU. Levi is set to marry Petra the next morning. Hange confronts him at midnight.
-Get Your Shit Together, Levi!: Levi wants to ask out Hange (angst)
-The Girl at the Library: Levi is a college student who needs help on his research paper. Luckily, Hange is a book worm and works at the library.
-Sky Eyes: (Eruri) Levi is sick of his business trip, yet he's only just arrived at the headquarters of Ocean Ridge Company for a four day trip. This short chapter, modern AU fic will walk through each day of the blossoming friendship and love of the men with sky and ocean eyes.
-Solace: Levi comforts Hange after a brutal mission.
-Hands on the Table: Eren talks with Mikasa in private after telling her he hates her (smut, eremika)
-He Isn’t You: Royalty!AU where Hange has to marry Zeke.
-If Only...: Hange’s thoughts during chapter 126 (spoilers)
-If You Love Me...: ...let me go. Levi and Hange attempt to run away from a monster (angst, sad ending).
-Jealousy Works Up an Appetite: Hange wants Levi to more than measure her for her costume (smut).
-Kiss Me Goodbye: Hange and Levi discuss their future as a couple (angst, sad ending)
-The Most Beautiful Flower (For You): based on La Citta De Smeraldo story and BTS song “The Truth Untold” (major character death, angst)
-My Sunshine: Hanji Zoe's life was never perfect. From deadbeat parents and constant bullying, she never felt wanted in the world by anyone or anything. From an attempt at suicide, she meets Levi, a dark mysterious man who's awkwardly short, who somehow convinces her to come over the railing. How will this moment impact her life from that moment on?
-Out on a Whim: Hange is the Commander in another world. Levi is their right hand man.
-Pink Camellias: Hange and Levi are lost in the woods on an expedition
-quédate conmigo - a short Spanish fanfiction about Levi waking up from a nightmare.
-Rainbow: Levi is a good spouse.
-Red Light, Green Light: Hange and Levi were separated for reasons they couldn’t help. Finally they found each other.
-A Reminder: jealous levi (smut)
-Secretly Annoyed, Secretly in Love: Levihan summer camp, enemies to lover fic
-Solace: Levi comforts Hange after a brutal mission.
-Study Session Prep: Levi and Hange need to blow off some steam before studying for a big exam, and they realize sex isn't as sexy as it’s made out to be. (smut)
-Sweet Like Chocolate: Levi and Hange want to find the house with the biggest candy bars.
-Training Wheels: Song fic, first time together levihan (smut)
-Under the Influence: Hange accidentally mixes a love potion (mild smut).
-you mean The World to me: Hange, Levi, and Falco dress up as their favorite Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure characters for Halloween.
Look through my tags:
#levihan fic
#levihan dj
#levihan analysis
#levihan fanart
-preparing for battle with the survey corps
-levi’s post 139 playlist
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