#ch: violet szarozy
revenancy · 25 days
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impossible fires || violet szarozy.
alright so – tw for violence/murder on this one – I've talked about Marley and I've talked about Nile but I haven't really talked much about the weight of the dead girl on their shoulders. so a little about Vi, and mostly about what happened to her:
→ she was just barely eighteen when she died.
→ she was eighteen – her middle brother was ten weeks from twenty-one – their eldest brother was twenty-five and drunk and furious with his sister for skipping her tert training classes in favor of her girlfriend for the last fucking time. (it was always the last fucking time with Jake. Vi and Marley had been in some sort of love for years; they started laughing it off whenever they met down in the empty train corridors outside Lacrymo.)
→ she was eighteen, and Jake had been her father for the last ten years, working seventy-hour weeks in the refinery that killed their parents since he was only fifteen. he was supposed to be the one in tert training; he'd given that up for Violet.
→ and her middle brother, a mnemonist, twenty and soft-spoken and always waiting for the next catastrophe, who pinned clippings from the paper to the living room wall, who slept on the couch so she could have the second bedroom, was more a mother than anything. (he cut her hair when she got industrial glue in it; he gave her space whenever she brought Marley home to the tiny flat over Duke's Penny Grocery. Jake was furious that she always seemed to love Lachlan best.)
→ Violet was deep into teen subcultures, the kind of punk who's pressed underneath the bootheel of the system, working to claw her way up to humanity. but to her brothers she was precious, always: she was sharp, and intelligent, and eager to learn, and she was the baby. to be kept safe. to be cherished.
→ to be killed, apparently.
→ the three people who were in the room when Violet Szarozy died all have different accounts. Jake will say that it was a drunken fugue, the story that got him put on a fourth addiction watchlist, and the panic defense that got him off with eight months' imprisonment and two years' probation. the company sprung him early: they needed him back on the line sooner than that. no one's trying to take a refinery job.
→ Marley will shy away before excusing herself from the details: she was horrified, and hiding in the wardrobe, and she had to keep herself from crying until Jake stalked from the room so he wouldn't find her, too. then she sat on the floor with Vi – with Vi's brother Lachlan, his hands soaked in his sister's blood, and all the wonderment of youth was cut short. no better future allowed for this.
→ the mnemonist's is probably the most accurate to life.
→ but he died thirteen years ago.
→ (pick up. carry on.)
IMPOSSIBLE FIRES taglist; (ask to be added/removed)
@iucemon @rodentwrites @rhikasa
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