#ch: roberto da costa
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brw · 2 years ago
ranking random marvel men by how helpful i think they are in domestic settings
tony stark – 0/10 cannot cook cannot clean if you tell me otherwise ill bite you he has never cleaned a day in his life and that's okay.
simon williams – 0/10 has also never cleaned a day in his life and sure as hell won't start now.
thor odinson – 0/10 like he thinks he's being super helpful but he keeps accidentally breaking things and smashing plates and making a mess in the kitchen but he acts real cute about it so nobody gets mad at him really.
bruce banner – 1/10 he does his best but disaster follows him wherever he goes. he can't help it. everything that can go wrong will go wrong. he tries to make a nice meal and the fridge breaks so nothing is cold and the oven destroys the meat and the vegetables all get overboiled and he drops the wine bottle and it smashes on the carpet and and and it's just a bad time. he's doing his best.
roberto da costa – 1/10 you didn't marry him for his domestic skills.
bucky barnes – 2/10 keeps putting knives in random ass places n doesn't tell you.
logan howlett – 3/10 look he's a good cook and remembers to stock the fridge but he tracks blood in like at least once a week and it takes forever to remove from the carpet.
remy lebeau – 4/10 points deducted for not washing himself
bishop – 5/10 he grew up in a dystopia with on rations and it shows. the only thing you're eating with him is rehydrated beef or some shit. keeps the cleanest sparsest environment you've ever seen though
hank pym – 6/10 generally good at cooking, cleaning, buying shit etc but uhhh succumbs to the Horrors bimonthly
pietro maximoff – 7/10 will clean everything that gets messy, he likes a clean environment, but hates buying food vocally and gets kitchen rage when making food, his food is very good though
reed richards – 7/10 has made various machines to do washing, cleaning, cooking, laundry etc but cannot be trusted in a supermarket unattended, struggles to cook generally but can be trusted to make a few really good meals
luke cage – 8/10 i don't think he can cook for shit but he is great for remembering shopping and keeping things clean and tidy and we know he's a great dad so .
scott summers – 8/10 cleans everything, has a photographic memory of what's in the fridge and seems to telepathically know when something is broken or needs replacing but the only thing he serves is soup.
sam wilson – 10/10 good at cooking, remembers groceries, loves hosting people, keeps getting nice expensive wines to enjoy over the weekend as a nice treat from all the captain america shenanigans
steve rogers – 10/10 likes to clean likes to cook enjoys just relaxing and doing chores when not captain america-ing, will absolutely pick up stuff for dinner back from a fight with hydra or whatever
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vertigoimprint-moved · 4 years ago
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uncannysource · 5 years ago
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Hey, Dani. Wanna go for a ride?
NEW MUTANTS (2019) #1, art by Rod Reis
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xforcesource · 5 years ago
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Dani Moonstar and Roberto Da Costa in New Mutants #1 (2019)
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xmenuniverse · 5 years ago
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Roberto da Costa/Sunspot in X-Men: Days of Future Past
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robertodacosta · 7 years ago
Roberto da Costa for all the numbers, if u want?
finally, somebody on the same page as me! thank you, anon! the answers are under a read more because there’s 19 of them
1. What do they sound like?
he’s unapologetically loud, has worked hard to keep his brazilian accent even after moving to new york at age 14, and he has a really warm tone to his speaking voice. 
2. What do they smell like?
ironically, i think he would smell the way it does after it rains. i think given the nature of his powers, it would make a lot of sense for him to smell like ozone, and the more recently/strenuously he’s used his powers, the more striking the smell. when he was a teen he tried to cover it up with criminally expensive cologne, but now that he’s grown into himself i think he really vibes with it
3. What does their laugh sound like?
he has a super hearty laugh, and he loves laughing. when he laughs too hard he starts wheezing silently and can’t stop because he thinks it’s funny that he lost control of his own laughter
4. What does it take to make them laugh?
super easy! unless he’s angry, he’s quick to laugh and jokes around enough that it sometimes gets him into trouble on missions
5. Who was their first celebrity crush?
6. What’s the number one thing on their bucket list?
i’m not sure he’s ever had a bucket list. anything he’s ever really wanted to do, he just does. rich kid mentality and all that
7. What’s they’re concept of family?
the new mutants are his family :)roberto loves his mom a lot, but his relationship with his dad was so rough by the time his father died that despite his love for his mom, i think he sees the new mutants as more of his family than his parents ever really were.
8. Weird hobbies?
sometimes in his free time he likes to brainstorm schemes he’s not actually going to ever put into action
9. What kind of drunk are they?
it depends on who he’s with! he parties fairly hard though, all things considered. of the 3 times in canon i can think of him drinking off the top of my head, once he helped julian keller start a riot and once he convinced aim agents to defect by letting them party with him and sam, so it’s safe to say that he is chaotic when he drinks, but if he’s with his friends he can channel that chaos better
10. Favorite sport?
11. Favorite team?
brazilian national football team, of course! followed by the intramural soccer team i think he probably would have started on utopia
12. Feelings towards having pets?
he makes a lot of jokes about being a dog person in front of rahne to provoke a reaction, but at this point in his life i don’t think he’s super interested in having any pets. he’s just on the move too much to commit
13. What would they name their pets? 
exclusively variations on tom selleck or thomas magnus’s names. he’d honestly probably let one of his friends help name it if he ever did end up getting a pet, because if he did get a pet it would probably be because somebody else convinced him too
14. Feelings towards having kids?
he’s very happy to help sam out with joshie any time he asks, but that is as close to having kids as roberto wants to get before 35
15. What would they name their kids?
i don’t think he has any idea just yet, and actively resists thinking about it. he’s just here to have a good time and save the world single-handedly right now
16. What’s their taste in music like?
eclectic. and he really likes bossa nova music. he always knows the top 40 and has extensive opinions, but he’s picked up a lot of his friends’ taste in music over the years. his deepest shame is the amount of country music sam has forced onto his iphone. and as a true fan of the vacation lifestyle, he IS into jimmy buffet, thank you for asking. 
17. What’s their favorite band?
he got into os mutantes ironically because a band called “the mutants” had a certain appeal to him as a teen, but now they’re an old favorite for him
18. Phobias?
he’s afraid of being trapped underground, away from the sun. he’s mostly gotten over it, but when he was younger he was really afraid of limbo and its demons
19. Random headcanon? 
he has 4 phones (one for da costa international, one for the x-men, one for the avengers, and one for his friends and thriving social media accounts) on his person at all times & is verified on instagram as a 22 year old superhero, ceo, millionaire, thirst trap with over 2 million followers. gossip sites regularly speculate he’s dating sam because roberto won’t stop posting story updates of the two of them at the gym together
character asks
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coredrill · 3 years ago
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this lineup tho………….
XMEN RED?????????????
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fiercestpurpose · 4 years ago
I think Berto and Kitty should be friends. I don't think they should, like, retcon in an existing friendship going back to when they were both 13-year-old superheroes, but I think they should start with where those two are now and build up a relationship. I think it would be cute, I think they'd really get along (except when they're fighting, and I think they'd fight a fair amount TBH), and I think it would remind us that the characters are still vibrant and can still grow and form new relationships.
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My Story
1938 - Gaetano Minale nasce ad Agnone (Molise) il 4 Luglio. -
1949 - Frequenta la scuola d'Avviamento professionale e la scuola Tecnica ad Agnone e l' I.T.I. a Chieti dove si diploma come perito elettrotecnico. -
1951 - Primi disegni ad inchiostro di china esposti in bacheca della scuola Tecnica e primi acquerelli. -
1962 - Assunto da una società elettrica Unes , nazionalizzata nel 1963 come Enel . Inizia il lavoro ad Atessa nel 1963. -
1969 - frequenta l'atelier del maestro artigiano pittore restauratore Gennaro Bravo ad Atessa fino al 1975 ed apprende tutte le procedure dell'utilizzo dell'olio su tela . -
1975 - Prima mostra personale presso la Galleria del Corso ad Atessa organizzata da una gallerista di Cremona. -
1976 - Conosce il pittore incisore Gildo D'Annunzio che lo invita ad esporre le sue opere alla Galleria Gelmi di Sesto San Giovanni (Milano) in una collettiva con affermati artisti. Inizia cosi l'attività artistica di Minale Gaetano pittore e, fino ad oggi ha realizzato tra personali e collettive oltre 120 mostre in tutto il mondo.976 - La sua tematica pittorica per oltre un trentennio è stata la cultura e la tradizione contadina abruzzese, dove l'attaccamento alla   propria terra appare evidente ; un mondo antico che va scomparendo , ne ravvisa la sofferta esistenza  di un vivere che solo nel contatto profondo con la natura può trovare soluzioni esistenziali. In queste opere si riscontra una nostalgia struggente di un mondo che va scomparendo dovuto alla inciviltà di questa modernità.
2011 - La donna diventa la vera protagonista della sua pittura in simbiosi con la natura ; nascono le grandi tele dove si vedono lunghi paesaggi di immense distese di papaveri , girasoli e margherite dove la luce entra sugli ampi e fioriti prati e ne sparge la luminosità . Gialle ginestre ai piedi della Majella e gli spettacolari trabocchi lungo la costa adriatica del teatino a testimonianza della antica pesca su palafitte con rete, e poi le figure e volti di donne immerse tra i verdi prati fioriti che, anche se immobili parlano di vita.
1977 - Ha conseguito l'Oscar Italia per le arti figurative per " La sua Fattiva e Importante attività nel campo artistico-culturale "
1978 - Nominato Accademico d' Italia con medaglia d'oro.
1989 - Ottiene la nomina di Professore Onoris Causa e conferitogli il premio " Oxfort London Prize " .
1999 - dona al Pro Loco  di Castel del Giudice (IS) 12 dipinti raffiguranti scorci e paesaggi del piccolo e suggestivo paese per utilizzarli alla riproduzione di serie di calendari da inviare a tutti gli emigranti della zona sparsi in molte parti del globo.
2008 - Collabora per la pubblicazione di un volume " Le Campane di Atessa " realizzando 12 dipinti di antiche chiese di Atessa oggi non più esistenti, ricostruite sulle base di documenti dell'epoca e testimonianze, che vengono riprodotte in appendice del libro a cura di Lello D'Amico.
2011 - Viene nominato artista per l'UNICEF provincia di Palermo , per la sua sensibilità artistica . -
2015 - Realizza una serie di dipinti su carta che verranno utilizzati dalla scrittrice di fiabe Rita Cerimele di Torino , per una raccolta dal titolo " La Ragazza Con La valigia Rossa " per conto della Etica di Torino.
2015 - In onore della XXV edizione della Passione di Cristo organizzata dalla Associazione Culturale Ate Tixe Studium , svoltasi ad Atessa nel Marzo 2016 , realizza un dipinto del Cristo Crocefisso che servirà per l'immagine e la riproduzione dei max manifesti e cataloghi illustrati della manifestazione.
2016 - Silvana Costa, utilizzerà una serie di dipinti dove la poetessa riesce ad entrare e ne descrive le stesse emozioni dell'artista nell'atto dell'esecuzione , realizzando il volume per la silloge " Liriche Visioni - Quando le Immagini toccano il cuore la pittura diventa poesia "  
2016 - Con atto notarile , dona al comune di Atessa 105
dipinti di grafica che ritraggono scorci e paesaggi di Atessa , che vengono esposti in permanenza presso il Foyer dell'Auditorium Italia alla pinacoteca comunale a lui intestata.  
Pittore e disegnatore ha tenuto 120 mostre nelle principali città italiane ed ha esposto in manifestazioni artistiche sia in Italia che all’estero.
2015 - Realizza il  il volume " La pittura di un Uomo Comune "
2016 - Pubblica il volume " Atessa  in Bianco e Nero "
2016 - Il Comune di Atessa pubblica " Atessa , La Grafica nella Pinacoteca Gaetano Minale "
2017 - Pubblica il volume " Donna e natura nella pittura di Gaetano Minale " .
È citato nelle principali pubblicazioni d’arte contemporanea e, per la sua personalità artistica è stato chiamato a far parte dell’Accademia San Marco, dell’Accademia dei “500”, dell’Accademia d’arte Moderna di Roma, dell’Accademia Tiberina e della Legion d’Oro. È membro effettivo dell’Unione mondiale della Cultura e, la sua scheda Biblio-Biografica è depositata all’archivio storico per l’arte italiana del novecento al Kunsthistoriches Institut in Florenz di Firenze e nell’archivio storico dei pittori e scultori italiani del novecento della Casa Editrice Il Quadrato di Milano. Della sua opera pittorica ne ha parlato la stampa nazionale ed internazionale, radio, televisione; sue opere figurano in collezioni private ed Enti pubblici sia in Italia che all’estero. Critici interessati alla sua Arte: Giuseppe Martucci, Katia D’Annunzio, Stefano Tenedini, Maria Carla Morbiducci, Vito Calogero, Mario Lanci, M. Milet, Gerardo Vittoria, Silvia Ramini, Bernard Gauthron, Ennio Bramato, Marina Marzoli, Nicola Scalisi, Renato Lamperini, Giorgio Carpaneto, Rossano Borzillo, Ennio Moro, Roberto Mangione, Guido Massarelli, Alex Capus, Fernando Sofra, Valerio Utri, Nello Punzo, Diego Castronovo, Giuseppe Rancitelli, Duilio Fornarola, Giuseppe Masci, Claudio Cattani, Angela Verardo, Nunzio Livrieri, Maria Delli Quadri, Giorgio Falossi, Lucia Di Cintio, Enzo Carmine Delli Quadri ed altri.
Principali Mostre Personali e Collettive​
1975 Galleria d’Arte Gelmi – Sesto San Giovanni (MI) 1976 Galleria La Stadera – Sulmona (AQ) 1976 Sala Beato Angelico – Roma 1976 Galleria Il Pavone – Milano 1976 Galleria Lo Scacco – Giulianova 1976 Galleria Michelangelo – Firenze 1976 Galleria Sala Maschio Angioino – Napoli 1976 Galleria Città Eterna – Roma 1976 Galleria Alba – Ferrara 1977 Galleria Casabella – Santa Margherita Ligure (GE) 1977 Mostra Itinerante – Madrid (Spagna) 1978 Mostra Itinerante – New York (USA) 1978 Bottega d’Arte – Chieti 1978 Galleria 46 – Lanciano (CH) 1978 Galleria Tiberina – Roma 1978 Galleria Hotel Spiaggia – Alassio (SV) 1979 Club degli Artisti – Foggia 1979 Place Baudoyer – Parigi (Francia) 1980 Palazzo dei Nobili – L’Aquila 1980 Galleria Segno Grafico – Venezia 1980 Salone Esposizione – Salsomaggiore (PR) 1981 Galleria Colonnello – Sant Vincent (AO) 1981 Villa Olmo – Como 1981 Galleria Martinez – Cannes (Francia) 1982 Sala Scuola Media – Pratola Peligna (AQ) 1983 Palazzo Esposizione – Salsomaggiore (PR) 1983 Salone Basilica San Giovanni in Laterano – Roma 1983 Palazzo Esposizione – Empoli (FI) 1984 Palazzo Reale – Milano 1984 International Hall – Los Angeles (USA) 1985 Sala Consiliare – Villa Santa Maria (CH) 1985 Galleria Chou-Ku – Tokyo (Giappone) 1987 Galleria La Sonda – L’Aquila 1990 Camera di Commercio – Chieti 1991 Galleria L’Astoria Karolyl – Budapest (Ungheria) 1993 Galleria La Defense – Parigi (Francia) 1996 Sala Pera Palas – Istanbul (Turchia) 1997 Auditorium Diocleziano – Lanciano (CH) 1998 Sala San Gaetano – Atessa (CH) 1999 Galleria Centro Arte – Bologna 1999 Galleria Ambassadors – Londra (Inghilterra) 2001 Sala Consiliare – Atessa (CH) 2002 Sala Museo Palazzo D’Avalos – Vasto (CH) 2008 Galleria Museo Palazzo Mayer – Fossacesia (CH) 2009 Sala ex Distretto Sanitario – Atessa (CH) 2012 Parco Archeologico Monte Pallano – Tornareccio (CH)                                                                           2015 Fondaco dei domenicani – Atessa (CH)
1976 Premio “Federico Faruffini” (secondo premio) – Sesto San Giovanni (MI) 1977 Premio “Giacinto Gigante” (terzo premio) – Napoli 1977 Premio C. R. E. (primo premio) – Chieti 1978 Premio Dea Minerva (primo premio) – Lecce 1978 Assegnazione Premio Parlamento Europeo – Roma 1978 Quadriennale di Napoli (terzo premio) – Napoli 1978 Assegnazione Leon d’Oro – Firenze 1978 Premio “Villa Alessandra” (primo premio grafica) – Alanno (PE) 1979 Premio Pratola (primo premio grafica) – Pratola Peligna (AQ) 1980 Assegnazione Premio MID TIMES – Roma 1981 Assegnazione Premio CULTURA FIDES – Città del Vaticano 1982 Premio Emigrazione (secondo premio) – Pratola Peligna (AQ) 1983 Assegnazione Premio “Cesare d’Oro” – Verona 1985 TSUKUBA EXPO (segnalato) – Tokyo (Giappone) 1987 Premio “Maestri del Colore” (primo premio) – Fidenza (PR) 1988 Premio “Una Vita per L’Arte” (primo premio) – Milano 1990 Centenaire de la Tour Eiffel (premio Commissione) – Parigi (Francia) 1991 Premio “Maestri Famosi” (primo premio) – Viareggio (LU) 1993 Assegnazione Premio “Le Grand Arc” de la Defense – Parigi (Francia) 1996 Assegnazione Gran Premio Bisanzio – Istanbul (Turchia) 1997 Assegnazione l’Oscar della Professionalità dell’Arte – Latina 1998 Assegnazione Trofeo Città di Padova – Padova 1999 Assegnazione Premio alla Carriera – Ferrara 2000 Assegnazione Premio London 2000 – Londra (Inghilterra) 2014 Assegnazione Premio “Squacciafìchere D.O.P.” – Atessa (CH) 2014 “Artista Per la Pace” Colori e musica per i Diritti Umani – Brindisi
Bibliografia essenziale
1976 – 77 – 78 – 79 Catalogo Nazionale il Quadrato – Milano 1976 Catalogo Nazionale Gelmi – Sesto San Giovanni (MI) 1977 – 78 – 79 Annuario Comanducci – Milano 1977 Guida all’Arte Italiana – Ancona 1977 La nuova Ribalta Artistica – Piacenza 1978 Arte Base – Torino 1979 Notiziario Accademia – Roma 1980 – 82 Catalogo Nazionale Bolaffi – Torino 1982 Praxis Artistica – Rimini 1984 – 1985 Annuario Comed – Milano 1984 Il Libro d’Oro dell’Arte Contemporanea – Milano 1984 Vademecum dell’Arte – Firenze 1989 – 90 – 95 L’Elite Selezione Arte Italiana – Varese 1997 – 2000 Dizionario Alba – Ferrara 1994 – 97 – 99 TOP ART – Ancona 2005 Pittori e Scultori del Novecento – Castellammare di Stabia (NA) 2009 Arte Selezione Int.le l’Elite NEW – Varese 2010 Censimento Artisti Italiani – Palermo 2011 Speciale Artisti dell’UNICEF – Palermo 2012 L’Elite Selezione Arte ed. Artitalia – Varese
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uncannysource · 5 years ago
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What’s up, felons?
The New Mutants in NEW MUTANTS #2 (2019)
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xforcesource · 5 years ago
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I haven’t seen that look in your eye for a long time, Sam. Are we doing this?
Cannonball & Sunspot in NEW MUTANTS (2009) #1-2, Art by Diogenes Neves
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uncannysource · 5 years ago
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Character designs for upcoming Dawn of X titles, released by Marvel Comics on September 30, 2019, via Adventures In Poor Taste.
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xforcesource · 6 years ago
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Roberto da Costa in WAR OF THE REALMS: UNCANNY X-MEN #2
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uncannysource · 6 years ago
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We’re rounding into the perfect opportunity for you to generate some of that lifelong global goodwill you’ve craved your entire life.
Roberto da Costa in AVENGERS (2013) #38
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uncannysource · 7 years ago
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Roberto Da Costa in Avengers #690 (2018)
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uncannysource · 7 years ago
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Sunspot, Rogue and Cannonball in Avengers #677
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