#ch: p. abbott.
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surviveds · 9 months ago
@itchose: you want some company tonight?
perry startles, attention snapping from the setting sun to the door of the bunkhouse, where travis stands, the sight confusing him initially; typically, a saturday evening means all ranch hands find their way to the handsome gambler, free to drink as they please since there's never any work to do on sundays, all daily chores reserved for himself and rhett - so why is he hanging around? perry squints, attempts to peer across travis's shoulder and see if any of the others are lingering, but it seems to really be just him, and as that thought fully forms, perry eases some - hardly bothering to square his shoulders or tip up his chin in the usual imitation of his father that he puts on around the workers.
not that a shift in posture would do much good; perry's hair is disheveled, his shirt unbuttoned, and he's somewhat breathless from his aimless wandering around the property, pacing from the porch to the barn to the fence of the east pasture that's finally given out to age and wear and rot. perry'd had the thought to tackle more of the repair tonight, earn himself some favor with his father, but when he'd finally swung back around to the toolshed, the determination had vanished, dissipated like mist in the rising heat. so he'd continued to walk instead.
it's far from the first time amy's spent the night elsewhere since her mother left - but it's yet to get any easier on perry, not having her near at night. his phone had been purposefully left behind on his dresser so that he couldn't message her incessantly with questions about what she's doing, if she's okay, disturbing her time with her friends. she deserves to be a kid, free of worry and the baggage that parents can saddle you with - and he and rebecca have already given her enough. he owes her this, at least.
though it leaves him nervous, so he'd tried to walk it off - to little avail. he feels it buzzing still beneath his skin like an electric current as he sidesteps around the bunkhouse's firepit to get closer to travis, to see him properly in the waning evening's light. there's a sliver of moon, thin and bright, and perry looks up at it thoughtfully. "don't really know if i'd be good for it," he admits. he shrugs, as if in apology. "but i wouldn't be averse to it. didn't have much in mind but more walkin', though, so i'm open to any suggestions you got."
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surviveds · 5 months ago
long as you're not takin' it out on everyone else. there's that memory again, red-hot, never letting him go: trevor on the ground, the slick wetness of his blood smeared against perry's knuckles, the crunch of bone against his hand that he found, in that moment, satisfying. it makes him tremble now, as it does every time he recalls it: a sickening echo in his ears, ringing like the aftermath of a gunshot. he wants to forget that noise: he never wants to forget it. never wants to forget what he's capable of, why he needs to rein himself in - why he can't let himself ever get mad again.
he sucks in a sharp, short breath, the burn of it in the crisp air grounding, refreshing. he looks down to his hand, notes the way it shakes, and is half-surprised to see clean skin: some days, he feels as if the stain's still there. the offending hand is slipped into his jacket pocket, jaw set in discomfort as perry focuses his gaze just past donna: studying the wide expanse of sky, noting how each day seems greyer, as if the arrival of the cold and the snow is sweeping away all color.
“well, i ain't never needed a reason before. probably not best for me to go lookin' for excuses.” he tries to smile, but manages little more than a grimace, a small sigh exhaled as he begins to grind the heel of his boot into the dirt. “but - no ma'am. i won't be putting nobody in danger.” perry clicks his tongue. “and, really, i appreciate it, but i wouldn't wanna bother you, either. got enough goin' on 'round here lately without my whinin'.”
@surviveds said, "sometimes i get angry, and i’m sorry."
donna's eyes narrow in on him for just a moment before she shoves her hands in her pockets, her body shifting back on her heels for a moment as she thinks of all the people who have expressed the same exact thought - either with words or actions. she's one of them, too. this place sparks anger just as much as it sparks fear and desperation, and she'll never blame anyone for letting it get the best of them, as long as they're not putting them all at risk for it, which seems to happen far too often, especially when newcomers arrive. but something feels different about him; not everyone has the same grace as him, and donna's spent enough time here reading people to know that that's worth something.
❝  a lot to be angry about here, ❞ she says simply, shrugging her shoulders as if it's no big deal, like it's expected. it could very easily be a different conversation, but donna's found reason to trust him so far. ❝  can't tell you it'll be the last time you'll feel anger like that. hell, it might not be the last time this week, ❞ she warns, shifting to her heels again. ❝  as long as you're not takin' it out on everyone else, puttin' them in danger... we're good, perry. and i'm always here to listen if it's too much. believe me, i've had plenty of those conversations. ❞
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voltairineandviolethaze · 3 months ago
The State is born of military might; it has grown through recourse to military might, and, logically, it is upon military might that it must rely if it is to retain its omnipotence. Whatever the form it may assume, the State is merely oppression organized for the benefit of a privileged minority. The present conflict offers a striking illustration of this: all forms of the state are embroiled in the present war—
The misfortune of the peoples, who were nevertheless all deeply committed to peace, is that they trusted in the State with its scheming diplomats, in democracy and in the political parties (even the opposition parties, like the parliamentary socialists) to avert war. That trust was deliberately abused and continues to be abused when those in government, with the help of their whole press, persuade their respective peoples that this war is a war of liberation.
- Leonard D. Abbott, Alexander Berkman, L. Bertoni, L. Bersani, G. Bernard, G. Barrett, A. Bernardo, E. Boudot, A. Calzitta, Joseph J. Cohen, Henrry Combes, Nestor Ciele van Diepen, F.W. Dunn, Ch. Frigerio, Emma Goldman, V. Garcia, Hippolyte Havel, T.H. Keell, Harry Kelly, J. Lemaire, E. Malatesta, H. Marques, F. Domela Nieuwenhuis, Noel Panavich, E. Recchioni, G. Rijnders, I. Rochtchine, A. Savioli, A. Schapiro, William Shatoff, V.J.C. Schermerhorn, C. Trombetti, P. Vallina, G. Vignati, Lillian G. Woolf, S. Yanovsky, “Anti-War Manifesto” (1915)
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double-j · 2 years ago
*reminder to please heed the author’s warnings on individual fics!*
~ reposting september and october by week because the links were only working on mobile ~
afterburn crosswinds & v.max from @top-hhun​ 
texas longhorns from @lgg5989
as it was p. 1, p. 2, & p. 3 from @ereardon​ 
operation apollo prologue, p. 1, p. 2, & p. 3 from @sunlightmurdock
bikinis and tattoos & nightly interruptions (from the opposites attract universe that you need to binge i’m telling you) from @topguncortez
that don’t impress me much from @imjess-themess
we used to be in love p. 4 from @honeypiehotchner​ 
less misery, more company from @seresinhangmanjake​ 
jukebox war from @/roosterforme
enough is enough from @/topguncortez
grounded p. 4 from @enchanting-eloquence
if only you knew from @sunnysidevans​ 
sun-kissed from @ddejavvu​ 
t-minus three weeks (from the best benefits series) from @writercole
more hearts than mine p. 1 & p. 2 from @fandomxpreferences​ 
hanging on by a thread from @/topguncortez
out of words from @/theroadfan
the good, the bad, and the working on it prequel from @crazyk-imagine
possessive jake blurb from @kryptonitejelly
imagine me and you p. 6 from @thebirdandthebee
never knew (that i could fall so hard) from @softspiderling​ 
scent marking blurb (from the echo or the answer universe) from @anniesocsandgeneralstore​ 
professor seresin preview from @/topguncortez
ceasefire p. 4 from @/sunlightmurdock
tout près de la place où tes pieds passent, cachés dans les trous de ton divan, et quand tu es seule pendant un instant, embrasse-moi, quand tu voudras, & below the singing moon (from je te laisserai des mots) from @jupitercomet
i still want you from @roosterforme
chaos p. 1, p. 2, p. 3, & p. 4 from @ohtobeleah​ 
nevermore p. 1 & p. 2 from @cherrycola27
the craftsman from @/roosterforme
superstar preview from @maggiedanikka​ 
a little present from @/roosterforme
meet the parents from @/roosterforme
here i go again from @hotgirlmav
flightless bird p. 5 from @thatlovinfeelin
crash into you p. 4 from @knoxsunday​ 
no way out from @/topguncortez
is it working for you? p. 18 from @/roosterforme
underneath it all from @/roosterforme
take it off from @/roosterforme
my future in you p. 8 from @/sunlightmurdock
washing machine heart from @chemistryread​ 
love thy neighbor p. 3 & p. 4 from @hangmanapologist​ 
cobalt eyes and sweet smiles from @withahappyrefrain
tense from @bippot
the accident p. 2 from @a-reader-and-a-writer
baby, it’s halloween (and we can be anything) from @laracrofted​ (giggles with the squad)
ivy p. 1 from @perpetuelledaydreaming (love triangle w/ jake and bradley)
that which we are, we are p. 2 from @spine-buster (n.mackinnon)
by your side ch. 1 from @filmtv2022​ 
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years ago
1834 May Monday 12th (part one)
AL spends the afternoon writing to Mariana a lot.
9 1/4
11 3/4
incurr[e]d a cross think[in]g of miss W just before nine - fine b[u]t dullish morn[in]g - dress[e]d and d[o]wnst[ai]rs in 40 min[ute]s to speak to Mr Shaw the plast[ere]r who h[a]d wait[e]d 1/2 h[ou]r - to get lime and sand on Wed[nesday] for h[i]m - his men to begin point[in]g west side of h[ou]se on Monday and do ov[e]r the north ch[ambe]r gable-end in a fortn[i]ght or 3 weeks when the lime h[a]d stood long en[ou]gh n[o]t to blist[e]r - then w[i]th Pickels and his 2 men Dick and John Ombler who beg[a]n sett[in]g the stone-posts and rail[in]g at the bot[tom] of the Hall croft this morn[in]g – Ch[arle]s and Ja[me]s How[ar]th help[in]g John Booth to get the stuff d[o]wn and Ch[arle]s How[ar]th’s nephew Carter prepar[in]g rail[in]gs –
br[ea]kf[a]st at 11 and ca[me] to mend a tear in my pelisse and st[ai]d talk[in]g till 12 20/60 about her liv[in]g w[i]th Miss Mosey I recommending it rather than marrying Mr Abbott
out at 12 20/60 till ca[me] b[a]ck and saw my a[un]ts ankle dress[e]d a lit[tle] aft[er] 1 - then out ag[ai]n pull[in]g up old hedge at the bot[tom] of Hall croft and w[i]th John at it and h[a]d the horses and cart[e]d the old bits of wall[in]g int[o] a lump near till 5 wh[e]n ca[me] ho[me] to Washingt[o]n -
He p[ai]d me Miss W-[Walker]’s theat[re] div[iden]d £21.13.10 1/2 (Mrs Sutherland hav[in]g the sa[me]) - speak[in]g of Lidg[a]te I at last s[ai]d it w[oul]d be let - he val[ue]d it at £65 p[e]r annum h[ou]se and 32 D[ays] W[ork] – the 2 large f[iel]ds behind the barn ver[y] bad - stiff clay - s[ai]d I val[ue]d it at £80 p[e]r ann[um] - he s[ai]d that rent c[oul]d n[o]t be g[o]t - Lightcliffe a ver[y] dull pl[a]ce now s[in]ce the Walkers trade w[a]s giv[e]n up -
Din[ner] at 6 1/4 then coff[ee] in an h[ou]r - long in teach[in]g Joseph how to wait – ret[urn] to my desk at 7 1/2 wr[ote] the ab[ov]e of today and foll[owin]g
‘Shibden Hall – Sun[day] even[in]g 11 May 1834. My d[ea]r[e]st Mary - I mean n[o]t alw[a]ys to be so long, and, I hope, I shall rarely, if ev[e]r, be long[e]r than a week, in answ[erin]g your let[ter]s - the last reach[e]d me on Tues[day] ev[enin]g - I w[a]s beginn[in]g to fancy, it m[i]ght be the intent[io]n to rein me grad[uall]y fr[om] expect[in]g to hear from you so oft[e]n as I ha[ve] done, ev[e]n the last 2 y[ea]rs - you ha[ve] so long and so effect[ivel]y taught me to yield to your decis[io]ns I w[a]s prepar[in]g to resign mys[elf] once mo[re], when your affect[iona]te pages ca[me] to gi[ve] me hope, that perh[aps] my fear w[a]s groundless - surely, I ha[ve] in no deg[ree] deserv[e]d to forfeit your esteem[e]d – why then sh[oul]d there be an[y] interrupt[io]n to that friendship w[hi]ch h[a]s already[y] last[e]d two-and-twenty y[ea]rs and may last; to gr[ea]t comf[or]t of us both, at least, so long as you ha[ve] no gr[ea]t[e]r fault to find w[i]th then at pres[en]t - Be our partic[ula]r circumst[ance]s wh[a]t they may, y[ou]rs w[a]s the infl[uen]ce that mould[e]d them to their pres[en]t shape and, if one shadow of regret h[a]s ev[e]r flitt[e]d across your path, rememb[e]r, you nev[e]r whisper[e]d it to me, till time and deeply wound[e]d feel[in]g h[a]d made that whisper co[me] too late’
Fret not her justifications for behaviour continue...
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kimkimmedi · 6 years ago
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Thông tin sản phẩm chi tiết: https://www.kimkimmedi.com/san-pham/mddh_fso_ks MÁY ĐO ĐƯỜNG HUYẾT OPTIUM Bệnh tiểu đường hiện nay đã trở nên rất phổ biến do chế độ ăn uống và sinh hoạt thiếu lành mạnh. Là một trong những bệnh mãn tính và có nguy hiểm cao khi xảy ra những biến chứng. Để phòng và điều trị, bác sĩ khuyên các gia đình và mọi người hãy sử dụng máy kiểm tra đường huyết thường xuyên tại nhà (với người bệnh); kiểm tra sức khỏe định kỳ 6 tháng/lần (với người bình thường và những người đang có nguy cơ). 1. Thông tin sản phẩm: + Máy đo đường huyết Optium FreeStyle là dòng máy Abbott của Mỹ, thay thế cho sản phẩm máy thử tiểu đường Optium Xceed. Cách sử dụng đơn giản, độ chính xác cao. Sản phẩm được cung cấp bởi công ty thiết bị y tế Hải Nam. Có quà khuyến mãi kèm theo; giao hàng và tư vấn tại nhà miễn phí. 2. Tính năng nổi bật: + Máy thiết kế độc đáo, nhỏ gọn dễ dàng mang đi. + Độ chính xác cao, cách sử dụng đơn giản dễ dàng chỉ với vài thao tác. + Bút lấy máu chỉnh được độ nông sâu, không gây đau khi lấy máu. + Que thử máu được gói riêng rẽ, tránh tình trạng bị oxy hóa que thử, tiết kiệm hơn khi sử dụng. 3. Thông số kỹ thuật. + Model: freestyle optium. + Bộ nhớ: 450 kết quả, tiện cho việc theo dõi kết quả đo. + Lượng lấy máu: 0,6 μL. + Phạm vi đo: 20 – 500 mg/dl (1,1 – 27,8 mmol/l). + Thời gian đọc kết quả: 5 giây. + Loại pin sử dụng: 1 viên CR 2032. 4. Bảo hành: vĩnh viễn. 5. Xuất xứ: Mỹ. Giá bán được cập nhật tại website: https://www.kimkimmedi.com/san-pham/mddh_fso_ks Công Ty TNHH Thiết Bị Y Tế Kimkim 166B Bùi Thị Xuân, Phường Phạm Ngũ Lão, Quận 1, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam Phone/Zalo/Viber: 090 1411 647 Tel: (08) 629 132 30 Email: info@kimkimmedi.com (Có nhân viên kiểm tra email thường xuyên) Website: http://www.kimkimmedi.com (Có online chat)
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alphst · 5 years ago
Zions Bancorporation (ZION) Q2 2020 Earnings Call Transcript
Zions Bancorporation ($ZION) Q2 2020 Earnings Call Transcript
Zions Bancorporation  (NASDAQ: ZION) Q2 2020 earnings call dated July 20, 2020
Corporate Participants:
James R. Abbott — Senior Vice President, Investor Relations and External Communications
Harris H. Simmons — Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Edward P. Schreiber — Executive Vice President, Chief Risk Officer
Keith D. Maio — Executive Vice President, Chief Banking Officer
Paul E. Burdiss — Ch…
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fcinetv · 5 years ago
Dare Me Saison 1
Dare Me Saison 1 Actors: Willa Fitzgerald, Herizen F. Guardiola, Marlo Kelly Director: Megan Abbott, Gina Fattore Country: U.S.A. Genres: Drame, Thriller Duration: 42
<p>Une exploration de l'amitié féminine et de la sororité, des jalousies aux loyautés, dans le lycée d'une petite ville du Midwest, du point de vue de deux jeunes femmes cheerleaders, amies mais toujours en compétition. Lorsqu'une nouvelle coach débarque dans l'équipe pour leur permettre de passer au niveau supérieur, rien ne va plus se passer comme avant. Et lorsqu'un suicide survient, c'est toute la ville qui va se retrouver ch... source https://fcine.tv/dare-me-saison-1-4746-streaming
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stockcockpit · 6 years ago
SP500 Last weeks biggest losers
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SP500 Last weeks biggest losers The last weeks have been terrible for most SP500 Stocks and last week was not better. Check out the list below for the biggest losers last week. SP500 - Last weeks biggest losers. Name 1 Week AMD -29.56% Align -26.76% EQT -26.74% Mohawk Industries -22.48% Equifax -20.95% Western Digital -20.18% DISH Network -18.47% DXC Technology -17.54% Chesapeake Energy -15.86% Southwest Airlines -14.33% NVIDIA -14.24% Raymond James Financial -13.51% Regeneron Pharma -13.40% Principal Financial -12.49% Newfield Exploration -12.48% Northrop Grumman -12.03% Cerner -11.80% Noble Energy -11.52% Moodys -11.17% Seagate -11.01% Micron -10.97% AT&T -10.96% National Oilwell Varco -10.88% General Dynamics -10.67% Caterpillar -10.61% NetApp -10.58% Celgene -10.12% Royal Caribbean Cruises -10.07% Centene -9.95% Quest Diagnostics -9.92% Discovery A -9.74% CF Industries -9.54% Apache -9.45% Discover -9.28% S&P Global -9.27% Texas Instruments -9.19% Viacom B -9.15% Avery Dennison -9.13% Fortune Brands -9.13% Mosaic -9.03% CenturyLink -9.02% Netflix -9.02% AIG -8.99% Norwegian Cruise Line -8.98% Leggett&Platt -8.94% Discovery Communications C -8.93% United Parcel Service -8.93% Nielsen Holdings -8.79% Cimarex Energy -8.78% Baker Hughes A -8.77% Laboratory of America -8.75% General Electric -8.72% Masco -8.68% Marathon Oil -8.65% PACCAR -8.60% Deere&Company -8.55% Ameriprise Financial -8.39% Omnicom -8.39% Universal Health Services -8.38% EOG Resources -8.34% Flowserve -8.32% TechnipFMC -8.28% Sherwin-Williams -8.25% Pioneer Natural Resources -8.20% Amazon.com -8.19% 3M -8.15% Autodesk -8.06% Assurant -8.04% Cummins -7.98% Anadarko Petroleum -7.96% Concho Resources -7.94% MetLife -7.79% Charter Communications -7.70% Hess -7.67% Robert Half -7.65% Hewlett Packard -7.64% Emerson -7.63% Parker-Hannifin -7.62% Valero Energy -7.60% Wynn Resorts -7.53% Arconic Inc -7.51% Williams -7.46% Raytheon -7.44% IDEXX Labs -7.43% DuPont -7.26% Zimmer Biomet -7.24% Lincoln National -7.21% Devon Energy -7.14% Marathon Petroleum -7.11% Harley-Davidson -7.07% Illumina -6.98% Unum -6.93% Schlumberger -6.88% L3 Tech -6.83% Broadcom -6.77% Microchip -6.67% Lockheed Martin -6.65% McKesson -6.58% Navient -6.47% Stanley Black Decker -6.46% Equinix -6.44% IPG -6.42% Stericycle -6.39% Colgate-Palmolive -6.38% Brighthouse Financial -6.33% Harris -6.32% State Street -6.24% Alexion -6.17% Newmont Mining -6.16% ANSYS -6.14% Edwards Lifesciences -6.14% AmerisourceBergen -6.10% Amgen -6.08% Facebook -6.08% Occidental -6.06% Fortive -5.96% CH Robinson -5.95% Eaton -5.94% Aflac -5.83% Hologic -5.82% Digital -5.80% Prudential Financial -5.80% Transdigm -5.64% Coty Inc -5.59% Allergan -5.56% T Rowe -5.56% Waste Management -5.55% Qualcomm -5.51% O'Reilly -5.43% ONEOK -5.43% Molson Coors Brewing B -5.42% Ametek -5.35% ADP -5.31% The Charles Schwab -5.29% Intuit -5.28% Paychex -5.27% CBS -5.23% Symantec -5.23% Salesforce.com -5.20% Best Buy -5.18% Nucor -5.15% Range Resources -5.15% Wyndham -5.12% Electronic Arts -5.07% Textron -5.07% Synchrony Financial -5.06% FMC -5.05% Eli Lilly -5.03% Archer-Daniels-Midland -5.01% KKR & Co -4.99% ConocoPhillips -4.95% FirstEnergy -4.95% United Rentals -4.94% Akamai -4.92% Biogen Inc -4.87% Kinder Morgan -4.87% Chevron -4.85% Skyworks -4.84% Intuitive Surgical -4.79% Costco -4.75% Lowe’s -4.69% Mattel -4.61% Dentsply -4.59% Perrigo -4.59% Allstate -4.56% United Continental -4.49% Exxon Mobil -4.46% Fluor -4.46% Vertex -4.46% MGM -4.44% Michael Kors -4.43% Stryker -4.40% Honeywell -4.31% Qorvo Inc -4.31% Walt Disney -4.30% Alliance Data Systems -4.28% Red Hat -4.28% Jacobs Engineering -4.27% Analog Devices -4.26% Zoetis Inc -4.26% Fastenal -4.25% Newell Brands -4.23% Constellation Brands A -4.20% News Corp -4.18% Freeport-McMoran -4.17% Goldman Sachs -4.17% Cognizant -4.16% Helmerich&Payne -4.16% AbbVie -4.13% Medtronic -4.13% JB Hunt -4.11% Global Payments -4.10% Johnson Controls -4.10% Iron Mountain -4.09% Xylem -4.08% HP Inc -4.06% Weyerhaeuser -4.06% eBay -4.04% Mettler-Toledo -4.04% Cardinal Health -4.02% Cintas -4.02% IBM -4.02% Yum! Brands -4.00% Pfizer -3.99% News Corp A -3.94% Carnival -3.91% NRG -3.87% Ball -3.86% AO Smith -3.85% Kimberly-Clark -3.84% Nike -3.78% Northern Trust -3.74% Berkshire Hathaway B -3.73% CVS Health Corp -3.73% Foot Locker -3.72% Signet Jewelers -3.72% Home Depot -3.65% Anthem -3.62% Bank of America -3.62% American Water Works -3.61% Affiliated Managers -3.60% FedEx -3.60% Gilead -3.59% Phillips 66 -3.59% Lam Research -3.58% Citigroup -3.57% Everest -3.57% LKQ -3.55% Gartner -3.52% CSX -3.50% Applied Materials -3.49% Halliburton -3.46% Mastercard -3.43% HCA -3.40% KLA-Tencor -3.40% Brookfield Property A -3.38% TE Connectivity -3.38% VeriSign -3.35% Cisco -3.30% Alaska Air -3.26% Tapestry -3.24% Acuity Brands -3.23% Under Armour A -3.23% Campbell Soup -3.21% Mondelez -3.21% Accenture -3.20% Capital One Financial -3.15% American Express -3.12% Pacific Gas&Electric -3.12% Church&Dwight -3.11% Booking -3.09% Hershey -3.08% Progressive -3.06% The AES -3.06% Kansas City Southern -3.02% Darden Restaurants -3.01% Merck&Co -2.99% LyondellBasell Industries -2.95% Loews -2.94% Chubb -2.90% Under Armour C -2.88% Comerica -2.87% DaVita -2.85% Baxter -2.78% Kraft Heinz -2.78% Union Pacific -2.78% JPMorgan -2.76% Vulcan Materials -2.76% Quanta Services -2.73% Motorola -2.72% Alphabet C -2.70% Becton Dickinson -2.69% Hilton Worldwide -2.69% Pinnacle West -2.66% Henry Schein -2.57% Humana -2.57% Cooper -2.53% Illinois Tool Works -2.53% Morgan Stanley -2.53% Air Products -2.52% United Technologies -2.51% Alphabet A -2.49% PVH -2.49% Expeditors Washington -2.48% Fidelity National Info -2.47% Republic Services -2.47% CMS Energy -2.44% Microsoft -2.44% Verisk -2.44% Sempra Energy -2.43% Edison -2.42% Hasbro -2.42% Agilent Technologies -2.41% PayPal Holdings Inc -2.41% Jefferies Financial -2.40% FLIR Systems -2.38% PerkinElmer -2.35% Host Hotels Resorts -2.33% Martin Marietta Materials -2.33% Torchmark -2.33% CenterPoint Energy -2.30% ConAgra Foods -2.24% Travelers -2.24% Abbott Labs -2.23% Brown Forman -2.22% Genuine Parts -2.21% Tyson Foods -2.20% Dominion Resources -2.18% Western Union -2.17% Boston Scientific -2.16% Bank of NY Mellon -2.15% McCormick&Co -2.14% Crown Castle -2.12% IHS Markit Ltd -2.12% Aetna -2.11% Adobe -2.10% SunTrust Banks -2.09% Albemarle -2.08% Total System Services -2.08% Visa -2.06% Kellogg -2.03% Clorox -2.01% Regions Financial -2.01% Monster Beverage -2.00% PPL -2.00% Dollar General -1.99% Apple -1.97% People’s United -1.94% TJX -1.94% Eastman Chemical -1.93% Ameren -1.90% Fiserv -1.89% Incyte -1.89% Alliant Energy -1.85% WEC Energy -1.85% Walgreens Boots -1.83% Waters -1.82% Hartford -1.81% Delta Air Lines -1.77% Citrix Systems -1.76% E-TRADE -1.74% Rockwell Collins -1.71% Whirlpool -1.69% Garmin Ltd -1.68% PNC Financial -1.65% Patterson -1.64% NextEra Energy -1.60% Macy’s Inc -1.58% Target -1.55% SBA Communications -1.54% UnitedHealth -1.53% Synopsys -1.49% Danaher -1.44% Comcast -1.43% General Mills -1.43% Kroger -1.43% CME Group -1.42% Fox Inc -1.41% Starbucks -1.41% Sysco -1.40% BlackRock -1.38% Snap-On -1.37% Activision Blizzard -1.35% Oracle -1.29% H&R Block -1.28% BB&T -1.27% Twenty-First Century Fox A -1.27% CBRE A -1.25% J&J -1.23% Norfolk Southern -1.22% Hormel Foods -1.20% Juniper -1.19% Mylan -1.17% Praxair -1.16% Rockwell Automation -1.16% Entergy -1.13% KeyCorp -1.10% Cabot Oil&Gas -1.04% Cigna -1.01% US Bancorp -1.01% Tiffany&Co -1.00% Hanesbrands -0.97% Duke Energy -0.91% Bristol-Myers Squibb -0.88% Dover -0.85% Wells Fargo&Co -0.77% Express Scripts -0.75% Aptiv -0.74% Xcel Energy -0.74% SL Green -0.70% Eversource Energy -0.68% Ralph Lauren A -0.66% Consolidated Edison -0.64% Willis Towers Watson -0.64% American Electric Power -0.56% Public Service Enterprise -0.55% Corning -0.45% Estee Lauder -0.45% Huntington Bancshares -0.37% Dollar Tree -0.29% Invesco -0.28% Southern -0.24% WW Grainger -0.20% Advance Auto Parts -0.13% Coca-Cola -0.11% Boston Properties -0.09% ICE -0.09% SP500 Last weeks biggest losers Read the full article
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surviveds · 9 months ago
there's the fleeting thought that perhaps travis has asked merely out of pity, or courtesy, or some combination of both; that he'd seen perry stumbling about, and felt the need to say something, and that he'll end up regretting extending the offer - he's hardly given any of the hands this season much reason to consider himself approachable, detached as he's been, absent even when working alongside them, hardly a word muttered. he wasn't like this before rebecca left: his parents encouraged building relationships with the people who come to work on their land, and perry's always enthusiastically complied, wide-eyed with wonder as a child as men would recount all the various ranches and farms they've worked across the states.
there'd been much of that same wonder still as he grew older, marveling at the kind of person you have to be, to live a life so transient - the bravery required something perry's always been quietly jealous of.
he still feels that envy on occasion, wondering if maybe he'd possessed just a modicum of that strength, then maybe he would've left this ranch like rebecca wanted - and maybe his daughter would still have her mother.
perry exhales a sorrow-tinged sigh. he just wants a night where he doesn't have to think about it: the guilt, the resentment. he'd hoped walking would clear his mind, that he'd be comforted by the slow reveal of the stars, that trying to pick out constellations and planets like he'd done with his mother would occupy his mind - but the unyielding silence of the country makes it too easy to linger with your thoughts.
so maybe some company is what he needs. perry, a little self-conscious about his appearance, smooths a hand through his wind-blown hair, then, shyly, flashes travis a smile, small but authentic, nodding in assent. "well, hey, if you're up for it even after workin' all day, sure." there's an eagerness to it he hadn't intended, but perry's not too bothered; better for travis to know he means it, after all. "you all good to go, then, or...? i can wait right here, if you need a minute or two."
the moment the question leaves his mouth,  he almost regrets it.   it’s not like him,  going out of his way to spend time with others —-  it’s not because he doesn’t want the company,  he just struggles to know how to have it,  because he never feels like he has much to offer.   and if he does, he struggles to find the words to make his own presence justified at all.   but it’s been a long week at the ranch,  and while this is likely the most satisfying work he’s been able to find over the years because of the way it keeps his mind busy,  having one part of his life feel settled reminds him how lonely he really is beyond that.
he holds his breath waiting for an answer,  weight on one foot,  ready to step back and give him space if it’s too much.   it’s been a long time since he’s offered his presence like this to anyone— but he thinks maybe perry is more like him than he thinks,  hesitant to give it himself.   that’s either reason for him to rejection his offer or to accept it,  for the two to find some common ground with one another that might make travis feel more comfortable.
❝  well,  me neither,  ❞   he admits with a grunt,  more at ease admitting it now that perry’s admitted it himself.   he starts to look around,  nodding his head after a moment before shrugging himself.   ❝  it’s nice out,  ❞    he says,  eyes landing back on his.   ❝  i could use a walk, too.   again, you know,  only if you’re up for company.  ❞    we don’t have to talk,  he almost adds,  but something about perry makes him feel like he understands that already— and maybe, for once, travis doesn’t want to immediately cut himself off from a potential conversation.
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stockcockpit · 6 years ago
Watch how bad SP500 went down yesterday
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Watch how bad SP500 went down yesterday
Yesterday October 24th, 2018 was a nightmare for investors investing in US Stocks and Indexes. The SP500 went down more than 3% during 1 trading day and Nasdaq100 went down more than 4,5%. The biggest losers of yesterday were: DXC Technology, Chesapeake Energy, Robert Half, NVIDIA, Alexion, Netflix, AMD and Discovery A that all fell between 9,00% and 16.35%. Below you will find a list with all SP500 Stocks and the loses (and a few winners) Watch how bad SP500 went down yesterday Stockname % Change Volume DXC Technology -16.34% 17.53M Chesapeake Energy -12.11% 43.29M Robert Half -10.34% 4.44M NVIDIA -9.79% 22.11M Alexion -9.76% 7.22M Netflix -9.40% 19.04M AMD -9.17% 134.49M Discovery A -9.03% 6.78M Discovery Communications C -8.91% 3.73M Microchip -8.81% 6.85M Viacom B -8.53% 7.32M Micron -8.40% 53.10M Texas Instruments -8.22% 25.12M AT&T -8.06% 118.85M Newfield Exploration -7.98% 6.26M Laboratory of America -7.89% 2.48M Freeport-McMoran -7.84% 45.77M Illumina -7.74% 2.77M General Dynamics -7.73% 4.89M Regeneron Pharma -7.70% 1.42M Xilinx -7.70% 5.56M Ameriprise Financial -7.35% 2.53M Hilton Worldwide -7.33% 13.47M Autodesk -6.86% 3.69M Cabot Oil&Gas -6.86% 10.55M Royal Caribbean Cruises -6.86% 2.98M Align -6.69% 2.09M Noble Energy -6.68% 7.65M United Rentals -6.49% 3.41M AmerisourceBergen -6.41% 2.79M Vertex -6.36% 2.05M Celgene -6.34% 8.88M Incyte -6.33% 2.54M American Airlines -6.30% 15.35M Norwegian Cruise Line -6.26% 3.02M Unum -6.16% 2.56M CF Industries -6.15% 5.60M United Technologies -6.11% 8.46M Mosaic -6.02% 6.63M Northrop Grumman -6.00% 2.42M Wyndham -5.98% 1.14M Western Digital -5.96% 5.82M Amazon.com -5.91% 6.93M Skyworks -5.85% 2.17M Analog Devices -5.84% 7.79M Marathon Oil -5.80% 18.08M Qorvo Inc -5.70% 1.41M Pioneer Natural Resources -5.66% 2.42M Qualcomm -5.66% 23.38M Marathon Petroleum -5.59% 12.25M Caterpillar -5.58% 15.30M United Parcel Service -5.52% 5.79M Valero Energy -5.42% 6.38M Facebook -5.41% 27.74M MetLife -5.41% 10.61M Lincoln National -5.38% 1.63M DISH Network -5.35% 4.68M Edwards Lifesciences -5.35% 4.35M Microsoft -5.35% 63.90M Raymond James Financial -5.35% 1.63M Illinois Tool Works -5.33% 3.62M Hess -5.32% 4.25M CBS -5.30% 6.43M Adobe -5.29% 4.86M Walt Disney -5.29% 11.63M Fluor -5.27% 1.94M Salesforce.com -5.26% 7.25M Alphabet A -5.18% 2.46M Baker Hughes A -5.16% 3.61M O'Reilly -5.14% 1.16M IDEXX Labs -5.12% 655.13K PayPal Holdings Inc -5.12% 14.75M Gilead -5.11% 8.95M Applied Materials -5.10% 14.46M ConocoPhillips -5.10% 9.26M VeriSign -5.10% 1.58M National Oilwell Varco -5.07% 3.49M Concho Resources -5.06% 1.74M Nucor -5.05% 4.71M Regions Financial -5.04% 29.46M Southwest Airlines -5.03% 6.13M Synopsys -5.01% 1.78M Whirlpool -4.97% 2.22M KLA-Tencor -4.96% 2.31M Amgen -4.94% 4.29M Mylan -4.92% 5.74M Chipotle Mexican Grill -4.90% 840.06K Cummins -4.88% 2.13M General Motors -4.86% 18.78M LKQ -4.85% 4.52M Huntington Bancshares -4.84% 12.30M Lam Research -4.84% 3.91M Raytheon -4.84% 2.96M Alphabet C -4.80% 1.98M United Continental -4.80% 5.22M Principal Financial -4.79% 1.98M Ford Motor -4.77% 58.90M BorgWarner -4.74% 3.12M Devon Energy -4.74% 7.42M KeyCorp -4.73% 14.34M EQT -4.71% 4.28M Intuitive Surgical -4.70% 963.45K Intel -4.67% 33.63M Allergan -4.66% 2.03M FMC -4.66% 1.12M Marriott Int -4.65% 5.16M Symantec -4.62% 7.35M Lennar -4.57% 6.50M Apache -4.55% 3.54M Range Resources -4.55% 10.90M Aptiv -4.52% 3.57M Broadcom -4.51% 3.78M Phillips 66 -4.51% 3.38M McKesson -4.49% 2.44M EOG Resources -4.48% 5.54M Prudential Financial -4.48% 2.72M ANSYS -4.46% 796.21K Biogen Inc -4.46% 2.77M Red Hat -4.46% 2.13M Cognizant -4.44% 3.63M Navient -4.44% 2.75M The Charles Schwab -4.42% 11.44M AIG -4.41% 9.76M MGM -4.38% 11.21M The Goodyear Tire&Rubber -4.35% 3.66M Jacobs Engineering -4.34% 1.40M Carnival -4.33% 5.37M Cimarex Energy -4.31% 1.22M Cardinal Health -4.30% 6.83M Comcast -4.29% 29.97M Emerson -4.29% 5.16M Goldman Sachs -4.29% 4.15M AbbVie -4.28% 8.69M L3 Tech -4.28% 971.05K Eastman Chemical -4.27% 1.84M PACCAR -4.27% 4.41M Eaton -4.24% 4.33M F5 Networks -4.23% 911.89K Textron -4.22% 3.82M Flowserve -4.21% 1.43M FedEx -4.20% 2.17M Booking -4.18% 533.51K 3M -4.16% 5.00M Allstate -4.14% 2.45M NetApp -4.12% 3.91M Seagate -4.12% 4.60M Deere&Company -4.11% 3.73M PerkinElmer -4.11% 827.79K General Electric -4.10% 83.36M Harris -4.09% 1.22M International Paper -4.08% 4.84M Rockwell Automation -4.04% 1.70M T Rowe -4.04% 1.90M Cigna -4.00% 2.88M Fifth Third -3.96% 12.07M Global Payments -3.96% 1.10M Helmerich&Payne -3.96% 1.61M Walgreens Boots -3.96% 9.17M Quest Diagnostics -3.95% 3.26M Signet Jewelers -3.88% 1.50M Ametek -3.87% 2.28M E-TRADE -3.87% 5.28M Fortive -3.85% 2.80M Halliburton -3.85% 15.16M Acuity Brands -3.84% 383.21K Torchmark -3.83% 723.37K LyondellBasell Industries -3.81% 3.71M Best Buy -3.80% 3.97M Packaging America -3.80% 1.40M Arconic Inc -3.78% 3.81M Schlumberger -3.78% 16.96M Tractor Supply -3.78% 2.06M DaVita -3.77% 2.17M WestRock Co -3.77% 2.97M Avery Dennison -3.76% 1.98M Charter Communications -3.72% 1.33M Cadence Design -3.71% 6.65M Johnson Controls -3.71% 4.74M Omnicom -3.70% 4.66M Eli Lilly -3.69% 6.74M Express Scripts -3.69% 5.07M Quanta Services -3.69% 1.07M HP Inc -3.68% 11.42M Pfizer -3.67% 35.04M DuPont -3.66% 19.49M Masco -3.65% 5.18M Allegion PLC -3.64% 1.21M CVS Health Corp -3.64% 6.94M Parker-Hannifin -3.64% 1.92M Delta Air Lines -3.63% 6.76M Marsh McLennan -3.63% 3.57M Nielsen Holdings -3.62% 8.13M Anadarko Petroleum -3.61% 4.60M Cintas -3.61% 908.37K Centene -3.60% 2.56M Bristol-Myers Squibb -3.59% 13.58M Hewlett Packard -3.58% 8.12M Hologic -3.58% 3.10M Intuit -3.56% 1.53M Xylem -3.55% 1.61M Corning -3.53% 12.77M DR Horton -3.53% 7.61M Aflac -3.52% 4.83M Assurant -3.50% 812.54K Sherwin-Williams -3.50% 997.73K Honeywell -3.49% 4.62M State Street -3.49% 3.11M Visa -3.49% 13.85M Synchrony Financial -3.45% 6.66M Apple -3.43% 40.93M Comerica -3.43% 2.22M ONEOK -3.43% 2.23M Stanley Black Decker -3.42% 2.18M Cincinnati Financial -3.41% 807.70K Fastenal -3.41% 3.51M Occidental -3.41% 7.29M ADP -3.36% 2.29M Mettler-Toledo -3.35% 161.39K TE Connectivity -3.35% 2.33M Citizens Financial Group Inc -3.34% 7.26M Mastercard -3.33% 4.42M Zions -3.31% 4.27M Perrigo -3.30% 954.53K TechnipFMC -3.30% 3.88M S&P Global -3.29% 2.20M Ball -3.24% 3.29M Brighthouse Financial -3.23% 2.53M UnitedHealth -3.22% 5.27M Waters -3.21% 1.22M Alliance Data Systems -3.19% 788.36K eBay -3.19% 16.31M H&R Block -3.19% 2.26M Lockheed Martin -3.18% 2.40M Wynn Resorts -3.18% 3.37M Mattel -3.17% 4.04M Anthem -3.16% 1.75M HCA -3.16% 2.08M Stericycle -3.15% 1.09M Accenture -3.14% 2.47M Rockwell Collins -3.13% 1.92M Kinder Morgan -3.11% 20.30M Equifax -3.09% 1.38M People’s United -3.09% 4.10M Bank of America -3.07% 86.39M CenturyLink -3.07% 8.62M Darden Restaurants -3.07% 1.38M Gartner -3.05% 668.88K IBM -3.05% 5.71M Transdigm -3.04% 509.56K Akamai -3.02% 1.42M Paychex -3.01% 3.45M Roper Technologies -2.99% 548.58K Alaska Air -2.98% 2.29M Newell Brands -2.98% 14.47M Cisco -2.97% 29.59M Expeditors Washington -2.95% 1.07M Zoetis Inc -2.95% 2.91M Citigroup -2.94% 23.42M Fortune Brands -2.94% 1.79M Northern Trust -2.93% 1.44M Advance Auto Parts -2.92% 1.42M Loews -2.92% 1.49M Electronic Arts -2.87% 4.85M SunTrust Banks -2.86% 4.45M PNC Financial -2.83% 3.43M PPG Industries -2.83% 2.99M Chevron -2.81% 8.04M Universal Health Services -2.81% 702.28K Exxon Mobil -2.78% 16.09M Fiserv -2.76% 2.45M Michael Kors -2.76% 2.16M KKR & Co -2.71% 0 Ralph Lauren A -2.68% 1.06M Archer-Daniels-Midland -2.67% 5.50M Cerner -2.66% 2.16M Wells Fargo&Co -2.66% 31.16M Albemarle -2.62% 1.54M M&T Bank -2.61% 1.31M Dentsply -2.56% 3.26M Oracle -2.56% 20.03M Agilent Technologies -2.55% 3.48M Expedia -2.55% 2.92M ResMed -2.55% 669.30K Activision Blizzard -2.51% 11.25M Humana -2.48% 437.96K Williams -2.47% 10.67M Mohawk Industries -2.45% 1.52M Progressive -2.45% 3.56M American Express -2.43% 4.06M Republic Services -2.42% 1.82M Hartford -2.41% 3.96M Union Pacific -2.41% 8.01M CH Robinson -2.39% 1.13M Zimmer Biomet -2.39% 1.15M Abbott Labs -2.38% 8.13M Fidelity National Info -2.38% 1.19M Fox Inc -2.38% 5.94M IHS Markit Ltd -2.34% 2.10M Everest -2.32% 269.35K Morgan Stanley -2.31% 15.07M BlackRock -2.28% 1.23M FLIR Systems -2.27% 707.54K Discover -2.24% 2.51M Leggett&Platt -2.24% 1.43M Citrix Systems -2.22% 2.86M Motorola -2.22% 946.11K BB&T -2.21% 6.35M Costco -2.18% 3.10M Willis Towers Watson -2.18% 1.21M Merck&Co -2.16% 14.65M Aon -2.15% 857.53K Hasbro -2.14% 1.86M Dover -2.12% 1.40M JB Hunt -2.12% 826.94K US Bancorp -2.12% 9.43M IPG -2.11% 5.91M Jefferies Financial -2.10% 3.51M Coty Inc -2.08% 5.42M Henry Schein -2.08% 1.10M Air Products -2.06% 1.93M Stryker -2.06% 1.84M Bank of NY Mellon -2.05% 7.34M Berkshire Hathaway B -2.05% 4.71M Cooper -2.05% 195.45K Aetna -2.04% 3.30M Moodys -2.04% 1.01M Twenty-First Century Fox A -2.02% 12.85M IPG Photonics -2.01% 691.87K Newmont Mining -2.01% 6.79M TripAdvisor -1.99% 1.75M Yum! Brands -1.98% 1.95M Patterson -1.96% 2.13M AO Smith -1.92% 2.61M Host Hotels Resorts -1.92% 9.25M CBRE A -1.88% 2.69M Brown Forman -1.87% 1.04M JPMorgan -1.86% 23.17M Ulta Beauty -1.85% 794.68K News Corp A -1.83% 6.92M Travelers -1.81% 2.29M Baxter -1.80% 2.82M Praxair -1.79% 5.61M Verisk -1.78% 684.40K Affiliated Managers -1.77% 1.10M Franklin Resources -1.77% 5.72M Medtronic -1.74% 4.92M Tapestry -1.74% 4.57M Becton Dickinson -1.73% 1.36M Dollar Tree -1.73% 3.85M Garmin Ltd -1.71% 1.28M IFF -1.70% 866.99K Pentair -1.70% 3.14M Kroger -1.69% 7.70M Total System Services -1.69% 3.20M Nike -1.68% 8.33M Danaher -1.65% 3.32M Lowe’s -1.62% 5.72M Under Armour A -1.62% 3.77M News Corp -1.59% 727.29K Kohl’s -1.50% 3.49M Western Union -1.50% 5.48M Kansas City Southern -1.45% 1.45M Kraft Heinz -1.45% 5.83M Nordstrom -1.41% 3.66M Arthur J Gallagher -1.38% 1.09M Chubb -1.38% 3.88M Capital One Financial -1.36% 6.77M CSX -1.36% 7.94M Sealed Air -1.35% 3.41M CarMax -1.32% 2.07M Waste Management -1.31% 2.05M Starbucks -1.28% 12.19M Constellation Brands A -1.26% 2.33M Hormel Foods -1.25% 4.89M Thermo Fisher Scientific -1.24% 4.88M Macerich -1.22% 892.52K Monster Beverage -1.18% 4.42M Under Armour C -1.18% 2.16M PulteGroup -1.16% 13.61M Foot Locker -1.15% 2.63M PVH -1.10% 1.10M Tiffany&Co -1.07% 1.54M J&J -1.05% 8.28M Snap-On -1.01% 967.97K Genuine Parts -1.00% 807.08K Macy’s Inc -0.98% 6.63M Boston Scientific -0.97% 12.60M NRG -0.97% 3.42M Cboe Global -0.92% 1.08M Home Depot -0.87% 6.79M AutoZone -0.83% 333.39K Estee Lauder -0.82% 1.91M Gap -0.80% 4.43M Ross Stores -0.77% 2.67M WW Grainger -0.77% 1.32M ICE -0.71% 3.76M Tyson Foods -0.71% 2.66M Vulcan Materials -0.69% 2.19M Brookfield Property A -0.67% 726.38K VF -0.66% 3.64M TJX -0.64% 3.88M CA -0.62% 8.20M Kimco -0.60% 3.80M SL Green -0.57% 992.20K Target -0.48% 5.10M Scana -0.45% 1.67M Invesco -0.43% 6.76M Hanesbrands -0.42% 5.95M Harley-Davidson -0.34% 4.28M The AES -0.34% 7.72M Walmart -0.25% 10.36M Ecolab -0.22% 1.58M Nasdaq Inc -0.20% 2.34M Pacific Gas&Electric -0.11% 4.43M Martin Marietta Materials -0.02% 2.18M Regency Centers +0.02% 1.02M McDonald’s +0.11% 7.87M CME Group +0.15% 1.81M Mondelez +0.15% 7.63M McCormick&Co +0.18% 1.18M Boston Properties +0.26% 1.07M SBA Communications +0.32% 686.84K Apartment Invest +0.33% 2.52M L Brands +0.34% 3.74M Verizon +0.37% 37.44M Kellogg +0.38% 3.23M Hershey +0.43% 1.80M Vornado +0.45% 1.15M Weyerhaeuser +0.46% 5.94M Dollar General +0.53% 3.74M Crown Castle +0.58% 4.90M Alexandria RE +0.60% 463.32K Federal Realty +0.67% 609.40K Sysco +0.67% 2.74M Iron Mountain +0.69% 2.17M Ingersoll-Rand +0.72% 4.07M Altria +0.74% 6.56M American Tower +0.74% 3.06M General Mills +0.74% 4.00M Simon Property +0.76% 2.47M Church&Dwight +0.77% 1.73M Philip Morris +0.79% 7.65M Coca-Cola +0.80% 21.63M Keurig Dr Pepper +0.80% 3.88M CenterPoint Energy +0.87% 6.19M Campbell Soup +1.00% 3.42M Amphenol +1.03% 4.54M Kimberly-Clark +1.03% 3.43M FirstEnergy +1.23% 4.54M Duke +1.30% 2.30M Equinix +1.30% 359.19K Boeing +1.31% 8.44M JM Smucker +1.32% 1.13M Edison +1.42% 2.57M Extra Space Storage +1.50% 890.69K Sempra Energy +1.50% 1.53M Public Storage +1.56% 1.07M Mid-America Apartment +1.60% 616.12K Alliant Energy +1.70% 1.66M AvalonBay +1.70% 544.90K Dominion Resources +1.76% 3.83M Molson Coors Brewing B +1.78% 2.06M Clorox +1.89% 1.07M American Water Works +1.92% 1.06M ProLogis +1.92% 4.45M Colgate-Palmolive +1.96% 6.24M Ameren +1.99% 1.53M ConAgra Foods +2.03% 13.52M Norfolk Southern +2.05% 4.90M United Dominion +2.06% 1.92M Digital +2.22% 1.61M PPL +2.23% 6.17M Exelon +2.27% 6.20M Realty Income +2.27% 3.08M Ventas +2.42% 3.32M Eversource Energy +2.48% 1.48M WEC Energy +2.50% 2.46M Welltower +2.51% 2.36M Consolidated Edison +2.53% 1.97M HCP +2.56% 3.74M PepsiCo +2.57% 8.22M Procter&Gamble +2.64% 26.70M Equity Residential +2.65% 3.06M Xerox +2.70% 8.00M Entergy +2.72% 2.24M Pinnacle West +2.73% 783.73K Xcel Energy +2.80% 4.47M CMS Energy +2.84% 3.17M Southern +2.88% 7.47M American Electric Power +2.89% 5.07M NextEra Energy +2.91% 2.14M Duke Energy +2.98% 4.89M Essex Property +3.06% 579.90K Public Service Enterprise +3.19% 3.88M NiSource +3.52% 4.19M Juniper +3.92% 11.65M DTE Energy +5.15% 3.43M Varian +7.74% 2.79M Read the full article
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