#ch: garibaldi
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allthecanadianpolitics · 1 year ago
One of the signature peaks in the Sea to Sky corridor could soon have a not-so-new name.
The Squamish Nation is asking for Mount Garibaldi be officially recognized by its historic Sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim name "Nch'ḵay̓" (in-ch-KAY), which has been used for thousands of years.
Nch'ḵay̓ means "dirty place" or "grimy one" and stems from volcanic debris in the Cheekye River that tends to make it look muddy, according to the Squamish Nation.
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thetldrplace · 7 months ago
Sicily: An Island at the Crossroads of History. Ch. 16 The Mafia and Mussolini
What book about Sicily would be complete without mentioning the Mafia, right?
Mostly because of the blunders of the ruling class in Turin, Sicilians thought Italian unification got off to a deplorable start. Sicilian's resented the refusal of autonomy, and the badmouthing and dismissal of Garibaldi. For all they did in 1860, their reward was to be annexation to Piedmont?? 
For their part, the Piedmontese officials sent to Sicily expected a poorer, sadder version of Piedmont. They were flabbergasted to find another world, speaking another language and operating on another system.  
One example: Nepotism, far from being considered wrong in Sicily, was considered the duty of any respectable man- that he would do as much as possible for his family and friends.  
After 1870, their bitterness towards Piedmont was directed towards the new Italian government, particularly against taxation and conscription. Taxation, of course, was always a fact of life, but conscription was more serious. Sicily was an agricultural society, where women did not work the fields. Conscripting the men meant livelihoods were put at risk. Desertion, especially in the west, was not seen as any shame, since there was no loyalty to the new state. 
Crime continued to be a problem, with the island boasting a murder rate 10 times Piedmont or Lombardy.  
Given these facts, the Italian government decided to meet force with force and clamped down hard on Sicily. But all measures came up empty and Sicily once again proved ungovernable. 
The Mafia 
In 1863, a play set in Ucciardone, the main prison of Palermo, enjoyed enormous success. It's title was I mafiusi della vicaria, and it gave a new word to the Sicilian, and Italian language. The mafia wasn't itself new, it could be traced to Spanish colonial times, but after 1860, it took on new dimensions. It dominated the island, particularly in the west. But what exactly was the mafia? Some thought it just a manifestation of the Sicilian mindset, rooted in centuries of lawlessness reaching back to the Arab invaders 1000 years earlier. Part of its long-term success was not only avoiding an answer to what it was, but to whether it even existed at all.  
One of the most far-reaching decisions of the Italian government was the dissolution of the monasteries. Since Sicily was already riddled with superstition, the clergy tended to be more popular than other forms of leadership over the lives of average Sicilians. I know this looks like a commentary on the Catholic church in Sicily, but I'm just taking notes on what the author said, take it or leave it.   
Garibaldi, no fan of the Church, had proposed that the Church's land be redistributed among the poor, which, he thought, would create a class of small landholders with something to live for. Instead, the Church lands were auctioned off to the highest bidders, with the mafia stepping in and controlling the process, which: first, made a few men very rich, including the mafia; and second, laid off some 15000 workers who had worked in charities, schools, hospitals, orphanages, and kitchens that made the lives of the poor more bearable. It also made an enemy of the Church, which increasingly turned to the mafia for support.  
On the other hand, military conscription sent more young Sicilian men abroad than had ever before traveled. They returned with an enlarged view of the world and new ideas. They formed fasci, an embryonic trade union. These were often accused of crimes and arrested, but the overall effect was to move the population further to the left politically.  
Around the turn of the century, things began to improve on the island. Social conditions improved in the east, but not so much in the west. There had, by the first decades of the 1900's, been a fair amount of Sicilians who had spent time in New York. There, the crime organizations were more refined and sophisticated, and the Sicilian underworld was bringing new sophistication home as a result.  
In 1908, a 7.1 earthquake leveled much of Messina, resulting in a huge emigration. Sicilians were already leaving their homeland in greater numbers than any other Europeans. This emigration could be seen as an indictment of the way things were run in Sicily. But those émigrés sent money home, and the accompanying influx of money brought prosperity, and new ambitions towards education and literacy in the young generation. The concomitant labor shortage also drove wages up. (On a personal note, this is the period when my own ancestors came over from Italy. My grandfather came in 1924, my Grandmother was born in Detroit, but her parents had come over right around the turn of the century. Both came from the northwest corner of the Island, between Trapani and Palermo.) 
After the war, more of those emigrants were returning home. They brought back both money and their experience in the new world, which included a new sense of self-respect, and an inability to accept the old approach to the large landowners. The people of Sicily were learning to look their masters in the face. 
Fascism arrived in 1922. Sicilians were unimpressed with Mussolini, who did little for Sicily. But in 1925, he proclaimed himself dictator, and set about to rid Sicily of the mafia. He appointed Cesare Mori with unlimited powers to accomplish the task. There were lots of arrests, but the underlying structure remained. In 1927, Mussolini gave a five-year update on the state of progress, where he congratulated himself on all the arrests. In 1937, Mussolini visited Sicily for the last time. He promised to eliminate the shantytowns. But the Sicilian peasants wouldn’t leave the homes they had been in for generations. He ended up building new towns the Sicilians wouldn't live in, so he imported peasants from Tuscany. 
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blog-sguera · 1 year ago
Notificación. VI & VII. Domicilio para notificar y Nulidad de la notificación
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Domicilio para notificar
A) Generalidades
21 —Quien constituye un nuevo domicilio soporta la carga de peticionar del tribunal un pronunciamiento al respecto y luego notificarlo a su contendiente. De no hacerlo, soporta las consecuencias de su omisión, prevista por el art. 42, última parte del cód. procesal: Se Mantiene el domicilio anterior, toda vez que aparece contrario a las normas procesales vigentes de impulso de la causa, pretender que sea el contrario quien advierta aquéllo, recabe decisión del tribunal y se notifique (CNCom., sala D,noviembre 2-976, Roldán, Marcelo P. c. Consorcio Las Malvinas).
B) Denuncia bajo responsabilidad
22— Las notificaciones practicadas bajo responsabilidad de la parte actora deben considerarse válidas aunque sujetas a los eventuales planteos de nulidad que pudiera interponer la parte demandada (CNCom., sala A, agosto 3-977, Credisur, S. R. L. c. Brito de Torres, Isabel A.).
C) Domicilio real
23 —Todo lo relativo a la validez de la notificación de la demanda, por su particular importancia para el desarrollo del proceso y por encontrarse en ello involucrada la garantía de la defensa en juicio debe apreciarse con criterio restrictivo. Correlativamente, la ley, en resguardo de ese derecho, persigue como principal objetivo que la cédula sea recibida personalmente por el accionado en su domicilio real (CNCiv., sala B, noviembre 22-976, Pallarés, Carlos C. y otra c. Santos, Omar A. y otra; Idem, id., abril 12-977, Paliares, Carlos c. Société D’Entreprises Generale).
24 —La cédula de notificación de la demanda debe ser recibida personalmente por el accionado en su domicilio real (CNCiv., sala B, noviembre 2-976, Ferrari Hardoy, G. O. y otra c. Garibaldi, Juan C. y otra).
25 —Las formalidades específicas que exige la ley para la notificación de la demanda, por su especial trascendencia, tienden a brindar adecuada protección al ejercicio del derecho de defensa, por cuyo motivo, aun cuando alguna duda pudiera subsistir con relación a la efectiva recepción de la notificación cuestionada por parte del demandado o sobre la irregularidad atribuida el acto, debe estarse por la solución que evite afectar, eventualmente, garantías de raíz constitucional (CNCiv., sala B, junio 25-976. Parras de Pastoriza, Teresa del Carmen c. Pastoriza, Norberto)
CH) Domicilio constituido 
26 —La jurisprudencia que admite la validez de la notificación del traslado de la demanda en el domicilio convencional o de elección constituido en escritura pública, no rige cuando dicho domicilio convencional o de elección constituido en escritura pública, no rige cuando dicho domicilio es defectuoso por haberse omitido toda indicación sobre el piso o departamento, supuesto en el cual, en orden a la notificaciones, no existe constitución válida de domicilio (CNCiv., sala C, noviembre 23-976, Andújar, Jorge c. Panizza, Hermenegildo).
27 —Carece de validez la notificación de la demanda en el domicilio constituido en un boleto privado de compraventa (CNCiv., sala B, noviembre 2-976, Ferrari Hardoy, G. O. y otra c. Garibaldi, Juan C. y otra).
28 —La notificación practicada en el domicilio espacial en un documento privado, carece de eficacia procesal hasta tanto la firma del accionado no haya sido reconocida en juicio o dada por reconocida (CNCiv., sala B, noviembre 22-976, Paliares, Juan C. y otra c. Santos, Omar A. y otra).
29 —Es válido el domicilio especial constituido en un edificio que consta de varias unidades, con la sola indicación de la numeración de la puerta de calle y sin precisar piso, departamento u oficina (CNCiv., sala F, octubre 12-976, Sánchez, Armando E. c. Burgos, Ramón R. y otra).
30 —El domicilio especial puede ser elegido libremente por las partes para la ejecución de sus obligaciones. Lo convenido al respecto, así como las convenciones hechas en los contratos—es principio general— tienen fuerza de ley para todos los contratantes (CNCiv., sala F, septiembre 10-976, Aion, S. A. c. De la Cruz, Fermín y otra; ídem, id., octubre 12-976, Sánchez, Armando E. c. Burgos, Ramón R. y otra).
Nulidad de la notificación
31 —Es nula la notificación de la demanda si el notificador manifestó que aquélla fue realizada con “una persona que dijo ser la interesada de la casa”, sin haberse cumplido el requisito exigido de dejar aviso al demandado para que espere al día siguiente (CNCiv., sala B, octubre 20-976, Bodasink, Wladimiro y otro c. Ingrassia, María R. y otros).
32 —Cuando el acto viciado de nulidad es la cédula de notificación del traslado de impedido de especificar las defensas que se ha visto privado de oponer, toda vez que no tuvo efectivo conocimiento de la acción instaurada (CNCiv., sala C, noviembre 23-976, Andújar, Jorge c. Panizza, Hermenegildo). 
33 —La nulidad de la notificación debe tramitar por incidente y no por vía de redargución de falsedad, ya que así lo ordena expresamente el art. 149, in fine del cód. procesal, el cual a su vez se funda en el principio incontrastable de que tal diligencia es un acto procesal que, por su naturaleza, debe estar sometido al control del juez de la causa (CNCiv., sala D, mayo 12-977, Vanzuli, Juan c. Isvimed, Ramón).
Originally published at on http://blogsguera.com/ January 17, 2023.
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babayagafun · 2 years ago
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Voglia di ... evasione ? Parti insieme a noi !!! Il nostro VJ @ildeangelis ci porterà in giro tra la tecnologia, anteprime di film, artisti e tanto, tanto altro ancora... Lo troviamo in HAPPY ROOM nel suo doppio appuntamento alle 14.00 ed alle 22.00 Sintonizzati sul ch 178 LOMBARDIA ...😎💐 (presso Milano Porta Garibaldi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpPv7zEobf1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vengeanceoftheflowers · 6 years ago
@fandomtrumpshate 2018 auction fic for @robininthelabyrinth!
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pcnvmbra · 7 years ago
send me a ♬ and a number between 1-10 and i’ll put my itunes on shuffle and skip to that number and write a starter with my favorite lyric from that song.
* 。 ✧┊ ❛ We were always meant to say goodbye. (based on)
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Tenía que afrontar la realidad que los envolvía a ambos, decir las palabras como eran y no tratar de esconderlas son sutileza como normalmente lo hacía, estaba destrozada y las lagrimas amenazan con salir si continuaba ahí, diciendo adiós a la persona que amaba. “Uno de los dos se tiene que ir o terminaremos haciéndonos más daño.”     @tcrgaryens
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susanmains · 2 years ago
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Posted @withregram • @curativeprojects Today's new favorite @labiennale artist is @billygerardfrank at the offsite Granada Pavilion (which I found quite by accident as it's on the good food street, Via Garibaldi) This work digs into the history of Granada as a British slave colony. Incredibly powerful work and a wonderful complement to @tourmaliiine installation at the back of the Arsenale #grenada https://instagr.am/p/Ch-xJblL4yb/
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o-craven-canto · 2 years ago
Simonini now remembered all about Taxil... He had writen a scurrilous novel, The Jesuit Son, which proved that the author was a charlatan. It carried a dedication on the front page to Giuseppe Garibaldi (”whom I love like a father”). So far so good. But the title page promised an “Introduction” by Giuseppe Garibaldi. The title of the introduction was “Anti-clerical thoughts” and it took the form of a furious tirade (”When I see a priest before me, and especially a Jesuit, the quintessential priest, I am struck by the whole baseness of his nature to the point that it makes me shudder and feel sick”) but there was absolutely no mention of the work it apparently introduced -- and it was clear that Taxil had taken this text by Garibaldi from somewhere else and had presented it as if it had been written for his book.
-- Umberto Eco, The Prague Cemetery, 2012, ch. 21
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gaypersonalscouple03 · 5 years ago
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thetldrplace · 7 months ago
Sicily: An Island at the Crossroads of History. Ch. 15- Risorgimento
Risorgimento is the Italian word for Unification. It literally means 'resurgence', but it is the word that was historically used for this period of Italian unification.
By 1849, The Austrians were back in Venice and Lombardy, the Pope had returned to Rome, and much of Tuscany was under Austrian protection as well. Italy was divided up into several provinces run by kings from outside Italy. The Piedmontese King, Victor Emmanuel II, and his Chief Minister Camilo Cavour, were seeking a united Italy with Piedmont at the head. A deal had been made with Napoleon that would see Nice ceded to France, and Austria would cede Lombardy to France, which would then give it to Piedmont. Cavour also negotiated to get Tuscany. This would grant Piedmont much of northern and central Italy, leaving the papal territories alone. Lots of people were not happy about this, but the angriest of all was Garibaldi, the Italian patriot who had been born in Nice, and now found himself a Frenchman.  
Garibaldi's story is a bit wild. He had gotten into some trouble in Italy years earlier, and fled to Brazil, where he met his wife, Anita, and got involved in guerilla warfare to liberate a small state there. He then left for Uruguay, where he formed a brigade of Italian expats. He won a famous victory in 1846 and his fame spread to Europe. The moment the revolutions of '48, broke out, he headed back to Italy where he took part in some uprisings on the Italian peninsula. But while on a ship in route to Venice, the Austrians intercepted the ship and forced it to the coast, where his wife Anita had died. Distraught, he left Italy for New York for a period of exile. 
A friend of Garibaldi's, Francesco Crispi, a fervant republican and Sicilian lawyer, came back to Italy in 1859, and found that the Bourbons were hated everywhere. He convinced Garibaldi to come with a force and liberate Sicily. In 1860, the Sicilians again revolted, but things went badly as usual. The revolt did spark other revolts throughout Sicily. Garibaldi was collecting guns, when he heard of the insurrection. Always ready for a good liberatory fight, he petitioned Victor Emmanuel, but was denied. Nevertheless, Garibaldi collected a band of volunteers: the Thousand, and they sailed for Sicily without the King's blessing.  
Victor Emmanuel wished success for Garibaldi, but Cavour distrusted him. The King knew it would be dangerous to reveal his sympathies, but at the same time, could not openly disown Garibaldi, the most popular figure in Italy, by far. 
Garibaldi arrived in Marsala in May 1860, and found it completely undefended. He addressed the people and declared himself dictator. He marched inland and met the Bourbon army, where he won. The Bourbon resistance then melted away and he moved straightaway to Palermo. He was expected to come through Monreale, but came around a suburb instead, entering the city with no resistance.  
The Palermitani were unwilling to side with him at first, unsure of what would happen, but when they heard the bells ringing, they joined in and celebrated.  
His men were exhausted, but help and arms were on the way. In early June, the equipment arrived as well as more volunteers. The Sicilian response to Garibaldi's call to arms was disappointing, however. 
Garibaldi led his troops across to Messina and Sicily was liberated from the Bourbons. But of course the island still had to be governed. Garibaldi had been careful to emphasize that Sicily would always be considered a part of united Italy. Here, Crispi helped the effort. He was Sicilian, a lawyer, and highly intelligent. He partitioned the land and set local Sicilian administrations over each.  
Cavour wanted Sicily annexed immediately to Piedmont. Garibaldi and Crispi opposed this on the grounds that Sicily was already a part of the Kingdom. Sicilians had assumed as much. 
Cavour did not want Garibaldi crossing to the mainland, since he knew Garibaldi was much more popular that Victor Emmanuel. If Garibaldi were to do all the heavy lifting of unifying Italy, any 'reign' of Victor Emmanuel would be seen as rather hollow. So Cavour moved to have the Piedmontese army reach Naples first.  
Back in Sicily, the fight for unification was turning into a class struggle. Liberty was never going to be enough for the starving. I mean it's great to have liberty and all, but if you don't have anything to eat, then it's a secondary concern. And while 'liberty' was being proclaimed from the Spaniards, the Sicilian peasants knew that they had some homegrown overlords that were all too willing to oppress them when the Spaniards were gone. While things were all battle-y, why not consider a cause that was a little closer to home for the Sicilians, and turn the anger into a war of oppressed versus oppressor? But this would derail the larger effort, so Garibaldi had to force some order on the island.  
Garibaldi's invasion of the mainland in August 1860, against Victor Emmanuel's wishes, went on, and after crossing the straight of Messina, they landed and marched northward to Naples with little resistance. He was invited in to Naples and delivered a speech thanking the Neapolitans for all they had done in the name of Italy. They hadn't really done anything, of course, but a little flattery wouldn't hurt to get them on board with the whole unification project. 
Garibaldi's next move would be to march on Rome, but that never happened. Had he tried it, Garibaldi's forces would likely have been no match for the French forces at Rome. But apart from that, Cavour and King Vittorio Emanuele had sent the Piedmontese army marching around Rome to cut through the Papal states and unite Italy (other than Rome and Venice, which, admittedly, were two pretty important pieces, but we'll let it go for the moment). 
Garibaldi, when confronted with the possibility of a fight between the two forces that were supposedly trying to unite Italy, chose unification over his own personal glory and voluntarily stepped down and handed his command over to Victor Emmanuel.  
A plebiscite for acceptance of unification was held through the Italian regions, and in Sicily, the vote was overwhelmingly for unification. However, when the Sicilians got wind that Garibaldi had been removed and they would then be ruled by Turin, they were none too pleased about it. Cavour, for his part, concluded "the island needed a good dose of northern discipline." This, as one might imagine, didn't go over particularly well in Sicily itself.  
In March 1861, Victor Emmanuel was proclaimed King of Italy. His chief minister is reported to have said: "L'Italia è fatta: restano fare gli italiani." Which means "Italy is made. All that's left is to make Italians." True dat. Few of the 22 million people in the new Italy thought of themselves as 'Italians'. North and South had virtually nothing in common. People thought of themselves as Sicilians, Lombards, Venetians, Tuscans, or Neapolitans, but not so much as Italians. 
As for the remaining outliers: Venice and Rome; in 1866 Bismark, wanting to unify the German states, made a treaty with Italy that if they helped him attack Austria, he would cede Venice. The battle was won and Venice became an Italian city.  
Rome was captured when the French pulled out their troops in 1870. With no one left to protect the Pope, the Italian army marched in and Rome was then a part of Italy. The Pope refused to acknowledge it, went on a giant pout, and lived in the Vatican another 8 years before he died.  
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manchiallepanchine · 8 years ago
Dice: "Come te chiami?" Angelo Brunetti, Eccellenza, detto Ciceruacchio. Gonfaloniere de Campo Marzio, de professione carettiere, se sente da come parlo. Dice: "Allora perché te sei 'mpicciato de cose che non te riguardano?"; dico: "Perché io so' carettiere, ma a tempo perso so' omo, e l'omo se impiccia, Eccellenza." Difatti vie' Garibaldi e dice: "Famo l'Italia!", e io che fo? Non me impiccio? Io so' romano, Eccellenza, ma a tempo perso so' italiano. E' colpa? Dice: "Sì." Ah, mo è corpa esse' italiano? "No", dice lui. "E' corpa perché tu hai difeso l'anarchia e la rivoluzione" MA NOSSIGNORE, ECCELLENZA! Io ho difeso Roma, er paese mio! E lei ce lo sa mejo de me! Ma come, i Francesi me pijano a cannonate e io non me impiccio? Non me riguarda??? Insomma, Eccellenza, se annamo a strigne, ch' 'amo fatto de male? 'Sta creatura manco a dillo, ma io? Io ch'ho fatto? Ho voluto bene a Roma, embeh? E da quanno in qua l'amor de patria è diventato un delitto? Però se nella legge vostra è un delitto vole' bene ar paese proprio, allora io so' corpevole. Anzi, so' reo confesso! E m'offenderebbe pure se m'arimandaste assorto. Per cui, Eccellenza, spero che lei si sia persuasa. E così voi, che me sembrate.. Oh! Ma me state a senti'? No, dicevo, spero che pure voi ve sete persuasi.. no, ma che fate? No, er ragazzino no!
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noiseartists · 5 years ago
PREMIERE: Shoegazers REV REV REV's new Album 'KYKEON'
Italogazers Rev Rev Rev are one of our favorite band. We collaborated with them in October 2018 to present the band and their music. You can read this very detailed piece at the following Link. They are now coming back with a second Album and they honored Noise Artists with the premiere. Thanks guys.
Following a recent trip to the US for a run of shows at SXSW and the announcement that they’d signed to London-based label Fuzz Club, Italy’s shoegazing noise-rockers Rev Rev Rev are now gearing up to release their highly-anticipated third album, Kykeon – the follow-up to 2016’s Des Fleurs Magiques Bourdonnaient.
Due for release September 20th, the band say of the new record: “Kykeon is about exploring the obscure. It’s a ritual descent into the underworld, but also a flight through the cold spaces amid the stars. There’s stripped-back song structures, trance-like drumming, fuzzy reverberated guitars, abrasive atonal sounds and tonnes of feedback.” In support of the album, this October Rev Rev Rev will set off on a run of dates around the UK and Europe. The tour-dates can be found below.
Kicking off the album with a relentless torrent of noise is ‘Waiting For Gödel’ and ‘Clutching The Blade’: two cuts of blistering psychedelic noise-rock that take no prisoners. The band say of the latter: “Clutching The Blade’ is a good snapshot of our sonic virulence. Among the new songs, it’s the one that truly conveys the energy of our live show. The song itself is about being trapped in the quicksand of a certain situation and the appalling feeling that the more you struggle, the faster you sink.” This sense of danger and losing control runs throughout the album, manifested perfectly in the claustrophobic noise-rock of ‘Sealand’ and ‘Egocandy’: primal and piercing, both tracks are dominated by screeching feedback and
slabs of unforgiving fuzzed-out guitars that are more than capable of blowing both amplifiers and eardrums.
Kykeon isn’t always quite such an intense affair though. Tracks like ‘Summer Clouds’ and ‘Adrift In The Chaosmos’ deal in a sublime Loveless-esque shoegaze sound; Laura Iacuzio’s shadowy, ethereal vocals emerging through all-consuming walls-of-noise. Then there’s the murky, ritualistic drone-rock found on ‘Gate Of The Dark Female’ and ‘One Illusion Is Very Much Like Another’ which keep hold of the band’s trademark fuzz onslaughts but gear them more towards explorations into repetition and texture. ‘One Illusion…’, especially, is bolstered by modular synths, DIY guitar pedals built by guitarist Sebastian Lugli and the use of a tanpura, a stringed drone instrument originating from India: “We like the listener to be conveyed to a hypnotic flow so we work by subtraction, minimising centrifugal elements such as harmony and rhythmic variations, instead playing with the sonic texture.”
Since the release of their self-titled debut album back in 2013, Rev Rev Rev – based in Modena, Italy – have repeatedly been hailed as one of the finest proponents of the modern shoegaze revival. They’ve clocked up airtime and praise from 6 Music, Drowned In Sound, Clash Magazine and Bandcamp Daily and wound up taking their notorious live shows across the UK, Europe and, now, the US; sharing the stage with the likes of The Jesus and Mary Chain, the Brian Jonestown Massacre and Ringo Deathstarr along the way. Their finest work yet, Kykeon proves that Rev Rev Rev are without a doubt one of the finest bands today to be carrying the torch for shoegazers far and wide, old and new. Rev Rev Rev is comprised of Laura Iacuzio (guitar/vocals), Sebastian Lugli (guitar), Andrea Dall’Omo (bass) and Greta Benatti (drums).
Oct 17th - Bremgarten (CH) @ KuZeb
Oct 18th - Paris (FR) @ Supersonic
Oct 21st - Southend-on-Sea @ Railway Hotel
Oct 22nd - Bristol (UK) @ The Lanes
Oct 23rd - Hull (UK) @ New Adelphi
Oct 24th - Northampton (UK) @ Garibaldi Hotel
Oct 25th - Nottingham (UK) @ The Chameleon
Oct 26th - London (UK) @ The Waiting Room
Nov 23rd - Madrid (ES) @ Moby Dick Club
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worldhotelvideo · 7 years ago
Delfino Beach Hotel in Marsala, Italy (Europe). The best of Delfino Beach Hotel in Marsala Hotel. Welcome to Delfino Beach Hotel in Marsala, Italy (Europe). The best of Delfino Beach Hotel in Marsala. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN table tennis, tennis equipment, hiking, beach and tennis court. In the section of restaurants we will enjoy: bar, restaurant (buffet), restaurant, breakfast options, packed lunches, snack bar and restaurant (à la carte). For the well-being facilities have swimming pool, private beach area, sun umbrellas, outdoor pool (seasonal) and solarium. As far as the transfer is concerned, we have car hire, airport shuttle (additional charge) and airport shuttle. For the reception we can find safety deposit box, 24-hour front desk, ticket service, express check-in/check-out, luggage storage and tour desk. Within the common areas we will be able to enjoy sun terrace, shared lounge/tv area and garden. For family leisure we have at disposal kids' club, children's playground, kids' outdoor play equipment, babysitting/child services, entertainment staff and evening entertainment. The function of the cleaning services have included laundry and daily maid service. If you travel for business affairs in the accommodation you will have meeting/banquet facilities and fax/photocopying. barber/beauty shop. We can highlight other possibilities as facilities for disabled guests, family rooms, non-smoking rooms, air conditioning, lift, allergy-free room and heating [https://youtu.be/1OmLovR6KBc] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2GTmTCD You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2IuSRlN We hope you have a pleasant stay in Delfino Beach Hotel Other hotels in Marsala Agriturismo Baglio Donnafranca Wine Resort https://youtu.be/cReEUgQmVjU Disìo Resort https://youtu.be/SjmI7YkVJlc Best Western Hotel Stella d'Italia https://youtu.be/0XNlVt6aqBU Grand Hotel Palace https://youtu.be/KjaoLwGmPxU Hotel Baglio Oneto Resort and Wines https://youtu.be/3PjPgFpF2ag Other hotels in this channel Mandarin Oriental Bangkok https://youtu.be/9tH80TSwYDg Hotel Astoria Playa Adults Only https://youtu.be/NP64XIdZ04M Mini hotel CH https://youtu.be/YY_cuWfZ15g Hotel Plaza Inn https://youtu.be/PXySyrMlFhs Sercotel AB Arganda https://youtu.be/CNJl9vGnjLA Hotel Capri https://youtu.be/lOKFPUJB-pw Boutique by The Museo https://youtu.be/jJXcBilzLck Bahía Tropical https://youtu.be/1i2ZOFc9NAg Rattana Mansion https://youtu.be/Lij3q-RPdhU Imperial Hue Hotel https://youtu.be/GplMnF5zT4s Herdmanston Lodge Hotel https://youtu.be/vrgCjlF2yps StandArt Hotel Moscow. A Member of Design Hotels https://youtu.be/CdMG8plV8CY Seashells Resort at Suncrest https://youtu.be/-0TWo5u5C5M Pullman Palm Cove Sea Temple Resort & Spa https://youtu.be/FVkI5XCGV5c Westside Arc de Triomphe Hotel https://youtu.be/u-gKtbAE9Ho In Marsala we recommended to visit In the Italy you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Motia, Stagnone Nature Reserve, Mothia, Musée archéologique Baglio Anselmi, Krivamar Elegant Tour, Porta Garibaldi, Mamma Caura, Donnafugata wine estates and Palazzo Grignani. We also recommend that you do not miss Palazzo VII Aprile, Hypogeum Crispia Salvia, Punta tramontana, Porta Nuova, Giovinetto di Mozia, Bastione Velasco, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Delfino Beach Hotel and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Italy All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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sk88z · 7 years ago
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14 hours is a long time to do anything (Ch. 7) . 9:36 – 36 mi . An hour from Quest, I became bothered by a twinge in my left foot. “Of course”, I thought, my body is protesting the choice I made to move forward and telling me it wasn’t a good idea. . Occasionally while I pushing off, I would feel something ‘light up’ in the arch area. I immediately thought it was some sort of stress fracture and wondered if this was going to be what stopped me. . I slowed down considerably trying different ways of moving forward to avoid the pain. I’d end up compensating by putting more weight on my right side and pushing off less with each step from my left. . More than a few runners passed me and as I heard, “Alain?” I turned to see Linda, looking comfortable, casually running a slightly inclined part of the Climb Trail. I mentioned the foot thing and that I’d be ok. She wished me all the best and didn’t miss a beat as she rounded the switchback and out of sight. . Without any rush, I continued feeling sorry for myself up to the top of Angry Midget and wondered if I’d break my foot going down the dry and dusty trail. . To my surprise, descending didn’t lead to any pain and I actually ended up catching a couple of bodies that passed me on Climb Trail. Except for Linda. There was no catching her and I’m sure she sped up if only just slightly to keep it that way. At least that’s the story I put in my head at the time. . I exited the trailhead and onto the gravel road 500m from the Garibaldi AS. . 10:55 – mile 39 . Leaving Garibaldi AS, I put the foot pain out of my mind since it only seemed to bother me going uphill. With a little bit of purpose, I picked up my pace descending Down Another Man’s Gold and down STP, familiar & runnable trails. I was counting down the miles not only to Farside, but now to the finish with the pendulum swinging to feeling better after a shitty hour previously. . 📷by Brian McCurdy . #letsgo #enjoyeverystep #sq50 #myfirst50miler #run #runfam #ultrarunning #trailrunning #runblog #runitfast #runsteepgethigh #runaddict #runstagram #instarunners #wearetherunners #pnwbc #explorebc (at Squamish 50)
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desvendandoarte-blog · 7 years ago
BuenaOnda Festival # 2
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Vem aí a 2ª edição da Buena Onda Festival no próximo sábado, 10 de Junho na Praça Garibaldi. A feira promete economia criativa, cerveja artesanal, comidinhas e muita música. Shows das bandas Identidade, Baby Budas e Isidoro Pilsen. Vamos torcer pra um dia sem chuvas e simbora curtir com a gente!
Produção: Madrecita & Espaço Cultural Lechiguana Apoio: Marquise 51 | Kombão Alado | DinamicoFM | The Southern Crown|CH Amber - Iluminação Artística Discotecagem: Kombão Alado e DinamicoFM Brechó | Arte | Música | Gastronomia | Cerveja Artesanal
O EVENTO GRATUITO começa pelas 13h. * Em caso de chuva o evento será transferido
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vengeanceoftheflowers · 8 years ago
Garibaldi stared at the glass of water in front of him, and pretended to listen to Londo complain about G'Kar. He was overwhelmed, confused, lost, and hurt, by people he'd loved and lost. He loved Lise, had loved her for years. But he'd walked out on her the second Jeff had walked in and said he was needed on Babylon 5. 
Maybe it was because he was virtually unemployable, drowning at the bottom of a bottle as he was. Or maybe he was a little bit in love with Jeff, and that influenced his decision. Okay, more than a little in love with Jeff. But he was in love with Lise, and he'd walked out on her, because she wasn't in love with him. For her, he was an idle distraction, a plaything. And he hadn't known that he was in love with Jeff until recently, until Jeff had disappeared.
 "Disappeared", hah. More like "up and left for Minbar without so much as a 'by your leave' or 'so long Mike'," while he was laid out in Medlab recovering from being shot in the back by his own second-in-command. But it was the only thing that made sense, because if he wasn't in love with Jeff, he shouldn't be hurting so much, shouldn't have needed Jeff to help him, shouldn't have been so invested in their relationship when he knew it was just friends-with-benefits to Jeff. 
But one night after his commander had put himself in peril once again, they'd been talking, and Michael had snapped. "Dammit, Jeff, you're my commanding officer! I can't do my fucking job if you insist on sticking your hand in right where the fire's hottest!" and then before he could think he'd stepped even closer and leaned in and kissed his best friend, and Jeff was kissing him back and they were seeking pure comfort from each other. He'd refused to admit how much he cared for Jeff even then. Funny how it was loss that always made him realise how much people meant to him.
First Lise, who he had loved, who he shouldn't still love, because he'd been hers but she was never his, then Jeff, who he had loved and who EarthForce had taken away from him, who was never his, was always Catherine Sakai's, neither of whom had cared for him the way he loved them, though his love for Jeff in no way diminished his love for Lise, and his love for Lise never affected his love for Jeff.  He'd lost them both, for different reasons, and it hurt. That was why he was a shameless flirt, why he slept around. He had to fill the hole in his heart where Lise should be, and now he had to fill the Jeff-shaped one too.  
Abruptly, he became aware that Londo had asked a question. "Sorry, Ambassador. I'm very tired and I need to go to my quarters," he said, sounding pitiful even to his own ears.
"I quite understand, Mr. Garibaldi. Good night."
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