#ch: fred
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hanasnx · 2 months ago
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FRED WEASLEY couldn’t believe his stroke of good luck. The entire dorm to himself and all he had to do was make good use of it. Before, he might’ve used the empty space to test out more dangerous Weasley products. Now that he’s been hooking up with you, however, he sees this as an opportunity no less than golden. Retrieving you was easy, he knows all your usual places. All he had to do was appeal to your sense of adventure, whisking you away mysteriously, goading you to follow him up the stairs. Now you’re underneath him, legs sprung up on either side of him in suspense. They bob with his movements, sheathing into a hole elevated by his pillow under your tailbone. It’s the kind of angle that makes you wanna shriek but his hand over your mouth keeps you quiet and his sock on the door handle keeps roommates out. His long body hovers over you, and you can watch as his proportionate cock rams into you. Your pretty eyes flutter back at the sight, your neck falling limp as you take it. “You wanted this just as much as I did, yeah? Can feel it grabbin’ onto me.” he says in a near whisper, husky from effort. You hum in response, and it brings a chuckle to him, pecking the back of his hand to symbolically give you a kiss through it.
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TURNING 10 TODAY: “Snowmageddon!”, which first aired on December 24th, 2013.
“Oh, and Kowalski, a woodchuck would chuck about three logs worth, given a standard diameter of fourteen inches and the typical hardness of an oak. You know, if they could chuck wood.”
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lavcnderhze · 2 years ago
A to P for Fred ❤️
(     *     VALENTINE’S DAY ALPHABET   !    
Demorei um tiquinho pra responder a essa brincadeira aqui, mas como a gente tinha dado um hype no plot, resolvi vir aqui responder algumas coisinhas ❣️
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Vou deixar abaixo do corte aqui porque ficou beeeem grande.
A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Por mais que às vezes ele realmente dê presentes, compre coisas caras para a amada, no geral a maior forma de ele demonstrar amor é querendo passar um tempo junto. Se ela precisa estudar o dia inteiro? Ele tá lá fazendo as coisas dele. Se ela precisa de ajuda pra comprar uma verdura que ela esqueceu ali no mercado? Ele vai com ela (ou pra ela). Ele gosta muito de passar um tempo junto, independente de estarem ou não fazendo a mesma coisa.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
Fred nunca parou pra pensar nisso. Com uma família tradicional que julgaria qualquer coisa que pudesse abalar sua masculinidade, ele mesmo aprendeu a se repreender mentalmente quando fugia do estereótipo de "machão". Definitivamente, se Daphne puxar o assunto, ele começa a pensar.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
Ele gosta muitooo de chocolate amargo! Especialmente se tiver um café junto.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
With é um pouco óbvio que com a Daphne!! Where... fico pensando que o Fred é alguém que automaticamente recebe muita atenção. O sobrenome Jones traz para ele uma atenção que por mais que por vezes ele goste, quando se trata de um encontro romântico, ele quer ter privacidade. Por isso imagino ele indo ou para cidades próximas, ou para praias, lagoas ou até mesmo florestas, para poder ter um tempo só dele com a outra pessoa, sem pensar em terceiros.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
Fred ama abraços! O abraço dele é daqueles apertados e demorados, daqueles que você se embrenha todo e esquece por alguns segundos da vida, sabe? Claro, seu abraço nem sempre é assim. Mas é um bom termômetro pra saber o quanto Fred gosta da pessoa: se ele demora mais no abraço, se ele aperta e se o abraço realmente é reconfortante, pode saber que aquele a quem Fred abraça, é importante a ele.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
No geral sim, mas pelo andamento do plot tô vendo ele bem nervoso de de fato flertar com a Daphne kkkkkk. Ele tá com muito receio pós tudo que aconteceu, tá meio fora de si. E além disso, a Daphne é uma instituição pra ele, então fica mais complexo. Eventualmente ele vai falar isso pra ela, mas ele se sente um garotinho bobo quando tenta expressar interesse nela.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
Fred é daqueles que sabe escolher presente tão bem que dá raiva, sabe? Ele presta atenção nas pessoas, e só da presentes àqueles que realmente quer dar presente, então se convidam Fred para um aniversário, ele não se sente na obrigação de dar presente a menos que tenha uma boa ideia para isso. Aliás, ele dá presentes fora de datas comemorativas, também. Coisas como "vi e pensei em você".
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
Por mais que fique tentando negar, Fred é um quick heart-giver. Não tem como! Ele realmente é um romântico desenfreado e tem altas expectativas para os namoros e para as pessoas com quem sai. Claro, não é de todo um santo e não é namoradeiro com todas, mas confia muito em seu coração e no que seu instinto diz. Não tem medo de se jogar quando percebe que é o certo.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
Hard to say. Dentro de seu núcleo familiar - o qual esperamos que venha nossas primeiras formas de amor -, o eu te amo nunca foi dito com frequência. Foi dito como formas de seu pai pedir desculpas à sua mãe quando a traía. Quando era pequeno e dizia aos pais, não recebia mais do que um sorriso fraco em sua direção e uma mudança de assunto, tal qual um "está suado, filho, vamos tomar um banho". Não tem costume de dizê-las.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Pra cacete kkkkk infelizmente. A verdade é que o Fred ainda tá nesse processo de se consolidar internamente. O assassinato de Brad fez com que ele repensasse e revisse muitas coisas: era um rapaz confiante, que sabia tudo de si e que tinha apenas um mundo que sentia que pertencia. Mas agora... parece que tudo anda saindo dos eixos, o que faz com que ele se sinta inseguro. Essa insegurança sai de si e recai no outro como forma de ciúme. Ciúme de amigo, ciúme de namorada, ciúme de tudo... porque sente que agora tudo pode escapar de suas mãos, e que talvez eu não seja o cara tão interessante que já fui um dia.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not? 
Boatos de young Fred not a good kisser fizeram com que Fred trabalhasse nisso. É verdade: os primeiros beijos de Fred eram pura e simplesmente um encostar de lábios, uma língua met��dica que seguia padrões - horrível. Quando começaram os boatos, e quando uma garota ativamente o disse que "achei que seu beijo seria melhor", Fred foi atrás de melhorar isso, porque o afetou muito. Depois de se acostumar e de ficar mais tranquilo em relação a se seu beijo era bom ou não, foi melhorando. Hoje, dá para dizer que ele é um good kisser (e honestamente ele espera muito que Daphne pense isso).
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
Sua avó. Seu tio Patrick. Sua cadela falecida Pinky. Daphne. Sua mãe. Finneas, um amigo de viagem. Daphne.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
Foi dito um pouco no Date! Mas pensando em mais pontual: praia no frio com um cobertor e uma fogueira no período noturno, olhando as estrelas com Daphne.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
Fred gosta de um pique mais passionate, de algo intenso, com muito toque e calma quando precisa de calma. É o que ele mais gosta, mas o que geralmente ele tenta fazer é entender o pique da outra pessoa e seguir junto. Não acha que faz sentido fazer algo que seja muito diferente disso. Já teve alguns momentos em que o jeito não encaixou com o da outra pessoa e foram momentos muito estranhos, por isso ele tenta evitar.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
Sim! Apesar da insegurança que paira sob ele agora, Fred sempre teve muito instinto de liderança, sempre sabendo se comunicar muito bem para conseguir o que queria e para viabilizar o que quer que desejasse. Fora que, poucos sabem, mas ele gosta de escrever.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Truth is... o Fred não procura muita coisa, sabe? Ele só quer alguém que se importe com ele e que goste de sua companhia. Pra ele, isso é mais do que o suficiente: ele não é muito exigente, porque viu com o relacionamento dos pais o quanto a exigência machuca. Viu, também, como seus pais procuravam um no outro, coisas que não existiam um no outro, moldando um ao outro para encaixarem. Ele não quer um molde, ele quer alguém (e um alguém bem específico).
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artofdisneyfairies · 1 year ago
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Tinker Bell and The Ring of Belief - Color Script by Fred Cline
- ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʀᴇᴍᴏᴠᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴅɪᴛ -
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mcytblrconfessions · 1 year ago
I DESPISE qsmp Fred fanon design, make that worker short and chubby NOW. The moment qtubbo has a love interest you make them super tall and muscular like whyy you're all sooo boring
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alegitdumbass · 2 years ago
Art and Fred video(from the channel) isn't mine, they belong to their respective owners. I'm gonna make god regret giving me talents.
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rabid-dog-steve-horn · 9 months ago
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I think it should be Friday the 13th on Scooby Doo, but either way.
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funkyllama · 2 years ago
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“The Way We Were,”
Act Two, Scene Twenty-One, “Girl at the Rock Show.” Last / Beginning / Next Transcript below the cut!
[Adrienne] Lordkanzler.
[Fredrik] Princessin.
[Adrienne] I was hoping to gain more of an in, specifically regarding the status- or, placement of my son.
[Fredrik] With respect, Ma’am, I think this conversation is fit for a more private location. If you stop by my office on Tuesday, I’ll be sure to let you in.
[Raheem and Viola dancing at a bar concert]
[Viola] I love you, so much.
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jvlthecookiesblog · 1 year ago
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I may have remembered that clone high existed and yeah...
This is Rodge and Chente, best friends (They don't even know how but it is what it is)
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dreamerwithapen1 · 1 year ago
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valeroyeaux · 1 year ago
hello beloved followers have i told unto you the good news of my oc winifred von ormir carrying orphaned wyverns in a baby sling while she works on prosthetic wings
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hanasnx · 2 months ago
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the way FRED WEASLEY glances over his shoulder a second before he can lean down for a kiss, pinning you up against that wall and helping you pick your knee up to tuck him between your legs. the way his arms wrap around you to press you flush against him, and there’s an ache in your neck from looking up at him, so he curls his body around you as he stoops—anything to get you as close as possible. he was acting coolheaded before, but now that he’s got you alone it’s like a dam breaks. he’s desperate, and he’s letting it all out. snogging if you’ve ever seen it. noses are battling it out as he tilts his head, probing your mouth with his tongue and making your pretty little head cloudy and confused as to why you like it so deep. your arms wrap around his neck as he lifts you to the tips of your toes, held up by him in his haste to rub your body on him. he wants to feel you, he wants friction, he wants his buddy in his trousers to cop a feel under your skirt if only he could get the right angle. it’s downright obscene the way you two eat each other’s faces, and the sounds you make because of his actions. barely pull away for a breath when he’s asking, “wanna take this upstairs?” bcos he needs something more. he needs to have his tongue down your throat while he’s ramming into you. no more teasing him by swaying your little hips, no more flashing him in private, no more telling him you can’t get his horse cock out of your head—it’s time.
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godscobhhq · 26 days ago
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Rancis Fluggerbutter from Wreck-It Ralph
Name: Francis Duff Age: 25+ Profession: UTP Pronouns: UTP FC suggestions: Yoo In-soo, Sebastian De Souza, Fred Hichinger Availability: Open
Biography UTP
Notable character information: Francis is a member of Sugar Rush, a group of street racers. They are Tabitha's right hand, but the role is getting a little old...
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ihaveitprinteddout · 1 year ago
O H MY GOSHHHHHH 😭 Little Daisy is usually the cutest and dad!Fred truly melts my heart 😭 I can't wait to read more of this little family!!!
my girl (f.w.)
prompt: you always knew fred would be a great dad and every day he exceeds your expectations
pairing: dad! fred x mom! reader
warnings: pregnancy, hospitals, children (yes, children is a warning), mild language, suggestion and brief mention of sex, thunderstorm, fear of thunder/rain.
word count: 6.2k
author’s note: THIS BITCH SO LONG IM SO SORRY this is the last installment of the 60s writing challenge!! thank you to everyone who has tuned in!!
taglist: @rosaliepostsstuff @harrysweasleys @gcdricreads @lumos-barnes @whizboingies @lumosandnoxwriting @pxroxide-prinxcesss @c-t-h @lol-idk-oops @another-lonely-heart-blog​ @kaseyrose96-blog​ @hufflepuff5972 @valwritesx @parseltongueswriting @shilohpug @peachypotter @spacexcowgirl @paintballkid711 @vogueweasley​ @amourtentiaa @sweeterthansammy​ @gryffindcrghost​ @wand3ringr0s3​
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It was laughable; the way Fred stared at your large pregnant belly with eyes full of anticipation, hands placed on either sides of it, waiting for your child to kick at his hands. You giggled as he gently whispered to your protruding stomach, “Come on, little one. It’s your daddy. Give us a little kick, yeah?” Your stomach remained still as he lightly groaned, only making you laugh. “This child already likes keeping me on my wit’s end,” he grumbled before kissing your belly. “I’m just teasing,” he whispered again to the bump. “I love you so much.”
You brush your fingers through Fred’s hair, him sighing as you do. Fred had been so darling over the past nine months of your pregnancy. He found more staff for the joke shoppe to take over the early morning shifts and the night shifts so he could spend those hours taking care of you, helping around the house, and preparing for the baby’s arrival. You were always Fred’s number one priority, but that was set in stone after you became pregnant. He would literally drop anything if you even murmured that you needed something. Fred would wake up first and get your prenatal vitamins ready for you to drink with a large glass of water, he’d make breakfast, clean the kitchen, and only then would he wake you up. You had to admit, you could get used to living like this. But alas, you were past your due date and the baby was expected any day now.
“She loves you too, Freddie,” you tell him as you prop yourself up on your elbows, getting a better look at your husband who still rubs his hands over your stomach, searching for your unborn baby’s feet.
Fred looks up at you with questioning eyes. “She?” Fred could honestly care less about the sex of his child, as long as the baby was healthy. That’s all he could truly ask for. But secretly, deep down, Fred wanted a little girl, a princess. Someone who could be his princess since he had already found his queen.
You smiled with a shrug, “I have a feeling. I know it’s supposed to be a surprise, but when you know you know, don’t you?”
With that, against the skin of your stomach, pressed against Fred’s hand is two large kicks. Fred’s eyes widen as he sits up, feeling his child kick against his hands as the two of you laugh. Fred smiles wide and says, “Is that a sign?” he stares up at you with excited eyes as you cover your mouth laughing with glee. “Is that right, baby? A little girl?” he whispers to your belly, earning another two strong kicks as the two of you laugh out with delight. “A little princess and a strong one at that!” he cheers. “We’ve got a little football player on our hands, don’t we? Well, too bad, because your daddy is going to teach you all about quidditch.”
Keep reading
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zerofcksgvn · 2 years ago
random dialogue generator starter @niceascot​
“Jesus!” Zane gasped after turning around a little too quickly. "How long have you been standing there?"
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l4ndonorizz · 6 months ago
painting stream gone wrong / lando norris x reader
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pairing: lando norris x reader
song: fred again... - just stand there
summary: what starts as a simple paint job quickly turns into a paint war, a kiss, and a live-streamed moment neither of you expected… especially not in front of thousands of fans
wc: 1.1k
The plan was innocent enough. Lando had convinced you to help him paint an accent wall in his apartment, making it seem like a fun project for the night. But of course, being Lando, he had another idea in mind—he wanted to stream the whole thing for his fans. The chat had been buzzing since the moment the stream started, everyone excited to see what chaos might unfold.
You stood side by side in front of the blank, white wall, paint rollers in hand. Lando had the stream set up at the perfect angle, giving his fans a full view of the soon-to-be colorful masterpiece.
“Alright,” Lando said, dipping his roller into a tray of bright blue paint, his grin already too mischievous for your liking. “Let’s see if we can make something that won’t get us laughed off the internet.”
You laughed, rolling your eyes as you dipped your roller into a soft lavender paint. “I’m not making any promises. You’re the one who thought it’d be fun to do this on stream.”
Lando turned to the camera, addressing the chat with his signature grin. “What do you guys think? Masterpiece or disaster?”
The chat exploded with comments, half of them betting on disaster, while the others rooted for you to somehow pull off a miracle.
You both started out pretty strong. Lando made wide, sweeping strokes across the wall while you filled in smaller areas with pops of lavender and green. The banter between you was light, and the chat seemed to be enjoying the friendly competition as you worked side by side.
But you should’ve known it wouldn’t stay serious for long.
Out of nowhere, you felt a cold splatter of paint hit your arm. Your eyes widened as you looked down at the splotch of blue that now stained your shirt.
“Lando…” you said slowly, turning to face him.
He had the audacity to feign innocence, holding his roller up like a shield. “What? I thought your side needed some color.”
The chat erupted in laughter, emojis flooding the screen as you grabbed your brush and dipped it into the nearest paint tray. “Oh, you’re not getting away with that.”
Before he could dodge, you swiped a streak of green paint across his chest, leaving a long line over his shirt. His mouth dropped open, eyes wide in mock horror.
“Oh, it’s like that, huh?” Lando stepped closer, flicking his roller at you and sending splatters of blue all over your arm.
“Lando!” you shrieked, laughing despite yourself as you backed away. “I’m supposed to look semi-normal after this!”
“Too late,” he grinned, grabbing a paintbrush dripping with pink. “You’re in this now.”
Before you could react, he swiped the brush across your cheek, leaving a bright streak from your temple to your chin. The chat was going wild, the chaos unfolding exactly as they’d hoped.
“That’s it,” you muttered, grabbing your own brush and swiping it across his mouth without hesitation, leaving his lips covered in bright yellow paint. “How do you like that?”
Lando froze, his eyes going wide with surprise as he processed what had just happened. His lips, now covered in yellow, twitched as he fought to hold back laughter. Then, with a gleam in his eye, he stepped closer, closing the space between you.
“Oh, you’re in so much trouble now,” he murmured, his voice low and teasing.
You tried to back away, but your giggles made it impossible to move fast enough. Lando’s hands found your waist, and in one swift move, he swiped his paint-covered fingers across your other cheek, leaving bright streaks of color in their wake. You gasped, playfully shoving him back, but he didn’t let go. Instead, he leaned in closer, his face just inches from yours.
“Lando, don’t—” you started, but before you could finish, he gently pressed his paint-covered lips to your cheek.
Your breath hitched in your throat as the playful energy between you suddenly shifted. You blinked, realizing how close you were, how his warm breath brushed against your skin. His eyes met yours, and for a second, everything else disappeared—the paint, the mess, even the stream.
Without thinking, you reached up and smeared more yellow paint across his cheek, then down to his lips. “How do you like that?”
But before you could pull away, Lando’s grin turned wicked. “Oh, you’re not getting away that easily.”
And then, in a move that caught you completely off guard, he leaned in and kissed you—right there, in the middle of his living room, paint smeared between your lips and his. The kiss was soft at first, hesitant, like he wasn’t sure if this was really happening. But when you didn’t pull away, he deepened it, his hands sliding up to cup your face.
Your heart raced as you kissed him back, the world around you melting away as you got lost in the moment. You’d always had this playful back-and-forth with Lando, but you never imagined it would lead to this—kissing him, covered in paint, in the middle of a live stream.
The sudden realization hit you like a bucket of cold water.
“Lando,” you mumbled against his lips, trying to pull back. “The stream.”
He froze, pulling back just enough to glance at the camera. His face, still smudged with paint, went slack with realization. “Oh. Shit.”
You both turned to the screen, where the chat was exploding with comments, emojis, and what looked like a million laughing faces. The viewers had seen everything. Your face burned as you wiped a hand across your mouth, trying to clean off the paint (and maybe some of the embarrassment).
“Well,” Lando said, his grin returning as he faced the camera, “that escalated quickly.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, despite the situation. “This is all your fault, you know.”
“Oh, I’m fully aware,” he chuckled, wiping paint from his chin. “But come on, you have to admit that was worth it.”
You shot him a playful glare, though you couldn’t hide the smile tugging at your lips. “I guess the wall can wait.”
The chat had gone into overdrive, spamming everything from “FINALLY” to “THIS IS THE CONTENT WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR,” and while you were still flustered, you couldn’t deny that the moment had been… well, perfect.
Lando winked at you, still catching his breath. “So… do we keep painting the wall, or do we give the stream what they really want?”
You rolled your eyes, smudging more paint across his face. “We finish the wall, and maybe we’ll figure out what happens next.”
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