#ch: cosette
sitpwgs · 2 months
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↳ make me choose: jenna hunterson or cosette (asked by @katebeckets)
moreover, cosette was not very timid by nature. there flowed in her veins some of the blood of the bohemian and the adventuress who runs barefoot. it will be remembered that she was more of a lark than a dove. there was a foundation of wildness and bravery in her.
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bex-xa-2026 · 2 years
ATE AND LEFT NO CRUMBS OH MY GOD!! I know you’re not supposed to like the villains, but Jesus Cosette. Let him suffer in his regret and having to deal with what he did to Kiera haunting him until he goes back.
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Ohhhhh the realization that he killed the wrong one (at least that’s what I think it was). Deliciously painful and I love it sm. I hope he is in the most heart wrenching emotional anguish.
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ofginjxints · 3 months
a down bad starter @euphoriclusts
Vaughn let out a groan of frustration, his face in his hand as he paced back and forth. Finally settling he took a seat whilst she still stood, leg jiggling nervously.
"Look, this isn't fucking easy for me. You know I hate talking about anything serious. Because, I'm not serious - not at all, and I think that's why we get on - you and me." He bit down on the inside of his bottom lip so hard he could taste blood. "I've come to realise that I quite like the thought of you and me, together. Because we make sense, don't we? In bed, out of bed. You make me laugh so fucking hard I can't breathe sometimes, and you're genuinely the first person I ever want to talk to every day. I know I'm not Prince Charming, but I thought maybe we could give it a go, and I'd look after you, and we could try our best...if you'd like."
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whorejolras · 4 days
I did not get the first chapter of the obsessed au finished in time for eposette week like I’d hoped so here, have the obsessed au playlist I’ve been writing to (and pretend I posted this on time too ashsjd) and a lil preview of ch: 1
preview under the cut
Cosette had never really been the jealous type. That changed when she met Marius.
It changed when she met Marius’ ex.
They were almost a month in and the honeymoon phase bubble around their new relationship was quietly bursting. Cosette was none the wiser. With her hand in Marius’, with him glowing with pride beside her, she couldn't have felt safer.
“Are you ready?” He asked.
Cosette leaned in and kissed his cheek. Took a moment of quiet together before he opened the door. “I am, are you?”
“I know they'll love you,” Marius said, the words rushing out. “I’m so excited for them all to meet you, because, well, look at you! You’re incredible. They won't believe you're my girlfriend!” He gushed, and then he stalled, face flickering from his bouncing pride to something quiet and unsure.
“I am a little nervous… nervous you won't like them,” he admitted. “I’m a little scared of you meeting-”
“Éponine,” Éponine introduced herself, waving slightly and then stepping forward to punch Marius lightly on the shoulder. Cosette stood to be on their level and felt a smile form at the easy camaraderie between them. Then Éponine said: “I’m this one's ex.”
Marius’ hand twitched in Cosette’s grasp.
The smile fell from Cosette’s face.
The bubble burst.
So started a new obsession, Cosette couldn't look at Marius without thinking about Éponine.
Marius kissed her in greeting and when she closed her eyes she saw Éponine’s lips forming a small “o” shape. Soft, plump, pink. She saw them on Marius’, she felt crazy.
His hands found her hips, and slid up to her waist when he stole another kiss, and Cosette saw them sliding across Éponine’s skin instead. He pulled back with a small sigh and she wondered if that sound was just for her, or if Éponine heard it too.
When Marius woke up next to her and smiled like she had brought him the world, was it real? Was he for a second disappointed that he hadn't woken up next to Éponine?
It was too easy to conjure the image in her mind of Éponine waking up in Marius’ bed. She saw her with messy dark blonde hair, lit up in the morning sun in Marius’ bedroom, saw her blinking sleepy sea green eyes against the light, saw her yawning with soft pink lips, and thought why would he want me when he had her?
Who wouldn't want her?
I PROMISE IT WILL BE EPOSETTE Marius is more or less a plot device…. also I’m sorry to my boy Marius for everything I’m about to put him through.
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twinkletoeskc · 3 months
Untitled Marauders Fanfic Ch.4
Link to Ch. 3
Summary: Arden, Cosette, and Kalliope turn up to their Saturday morning detentions joined by the marauders. Surely no mischief will come about with this group of students.
Heavy enemies to lovers trope, slow burn, multiple relationships, multiple POVs, found family, toxic relationships, abusive families
Ships: James Potter x O/C, Remus Lupin x O/C, Sirius Black x O/C
Warnings: none
A/N: Hello everyone, thank you for the continuous support on this story it is greatly appreciated. Though some not exciting news is that after this chapter the updates will be less frequent as the first four chapters were pre-written. so please be patient in between chapters, and i will continue to post other media about the story in the meantime.
O/C Character Moodboard:
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Untitled Fanfic Ch. 4
Kal’s eyes are blurry with residual sleep as she sits waiting on the floor beside the door to the Potions classroom. She leans her head against the wall, letting her eyes close. She didn’t mean to arrive fifteen minutes early, but one of the girls in her dorm sleep talks and often wakes her up far earlier than she ever wants to. 
Such was the case this morning when she awoke to the girl screaming in her sleep. Kal jerked awake, recoiled right off the bed, and entangled herself into the crimson canopy. Frightened, disgruntled, and fully awake, Kal decided that the practical course of action would be to start her day a little early, 
“What are you doing here so early?”
She opens her eyes to see James Potter standing above her, his hair matted to his head with sweat and his face and robes filthy with mud and dirt. Her face twists with disgust, and she pulls her legs into herself so he won’t dirty her pants. “Because I like being punctual. Why are you disgusting?” 
He huffs out a little laugh, running a hand through his messy hair. “Quidditch practice.” 
She looks at him unimpressed, “And you couldn’t have showered before?” 
He shrugs, “I mean, I could have, but it was either that or fit in a little extra practice time before detention.” 
“God Prongs, you’re filthy,” comes a voice from the hallway, and Remus Lupin makes his appearance. He looks slightly better than he did the previous day. The bruises under his eyes are more of a lilac than a deep plum, and he looks respectable in his corduroys and cable knit sweater despite it being so early into the weekend. He comes to stand by James and discovers Kal on the ground. His face instantly flushes with embarrassment, and his eyes shift away. 
“’Lo, Kalliope…” he mumbles. 
She frowns at her full name, grunting in lieu of a response, her eyes returning to James. “Prongs?”
He looks at her, raising his eyebrows expectantly. “Yeah?” 
“Why did he call you that?” 
A coy half smile toys on his lips, “Want to take a guess?” 
She falters, and Remus rolls his eyes, “It’s because his Patronus is a stag.” James clicks his teeth, mumbling something under his breath that sounded vaguely like “Ruined it…” 
Remus sighs; pulling his wand out of his pocket, he points it at James and mumbles “Scourgify.” The muck covering James’s body is suddenly repelled, flinging itself instead onto the walls and the floor. Kal has to duck to avoid a splash of mud from slapping her in the face. “Hey!” James gags, spitting frothy pink soap onto the ground and glaring at Remus. The boy shrugs, “You look like a prat when you come in from Quidditch looking like that. Everyone knows you’re doing it for attention.” 
“Am not.” James grumbles, sliding a hand through his hair to ruffle his flattening trusses. Kal watches the interaction with satisfaction as James continues to complain, his lips producing pink soapy bubbles. 
She can hear footsteps to her right, and as she looks that way, she can see the Hufflepuff girl from the other night in the woods walking towards them. She has a messenger bag slung over a shoulder and her wand perched lazily in her hand. A scroll of parchment suspends itself in the air before her. It appears that she is talking to herself, but upon closer inspection Kal can see that as she speaks, a quill scratches across the parchment in time with her words.
“…and as excitement for the first house match gathers, many fans are expecting James Potter to lead Gryffindor into yet another House Cup victory.” The girl finishes before flicking her wand and sending her supplies flying into her bag.
Kal’s mood sours slightly at James’s self-righteous expression. “Hello, all.” The girl says as she joins the group, and James’s eyes glimmer with interest, “Was that me you were talking about?” The girl’s head quirks as she sizes him up, “Is your name James Potter?” She asks, and James pauses, “Uh, yeah.” 
“Then obviously it was you I was talking about; well, writing about, more like. I’m doing a story on you for the Hogwarts Herald,” she sniffs, “God, you smell ghastly, do you know that?” He frowns at her, ignoring her observation “What is that?” The girl becomes distracted with rifling through her messenger bag, and it takes her a beat too long before she realizes that he is waiting for an answer. “Hmm? Oh, it’s the school newspaper. Do you mind if I get a quick interview from you, since we’re going to be in detention together and all?” Kal eyes the Hufflepuff curiously, “We don’t have a school newspaper.” 
The Hufflepuff dismisses her, “Well, yes, of course we don’t yet, but I’m working on that. So, about that interview…”  
“Hello boys,” Sirius materializes between the two boys, looping his long arms around their necks with an indolent grin. He notices Kal and his eyebrows jump with amusement, “And hello to you too cousin.” She smiles sardonically, “A pleasure.” He nods, “Naturally.” His eyes roam over the group and eventually find the Hufflepuff, “Oh, and you’re here too, uh…” 
“Cosette,” she supplies. 
“Cosette. Of course. I knew that.”
“Sirius, I told you to wait for me; I always get lost on the stairs to the dungeons,” comes a whiney voice from the dark corridor. Sirius regards the boy lightly, an eye roll present in his voice if not in his expression, “Sorry, Wormy. Got bored.” Peter Pettigrew stands on the other side of James Potter, a couple inches shorter and his insecure visage in stark contrast to James’s cocky demeanor, Sirius’s cool confidence, and Remus’s self-assuredness. 
Unsure footsteps echo their way to the group, and Arden appears from the shadows looking hesitant. 
“There you are! Just in time for the fun!” Sirius says, reclined against the stone wall with a lazy grin on his face. Arden’s eyes flit slowly across the group, and Lupin slyly ducks behind James. “You are all here for detention with Slughorn?” She asks. She’s met with a haphazard chorus of yesses, and she snorts. “What a treat,” she mumbles sarcastically. 
“What landed you three in jolly ol’ detention, hmm?” Sirius asks. “Same as you three, I suspect,” Cosette says, still digging through her messenger bag for something. She must have cast some enlargement spell to the interior because she’s elbow deep now. “Caught romping through the forbidden forest.” 
“Ah,” James chuffs, “Amateurs.” 
Arden’s head tilts, “So, you’re not in detention for the forbidden forest, then?” 
“Merlin, no. We’re in the forest all the time.” James grins, “Sirius and I got three weeks detention for putting a “hide and seek” charm on all of Slytherin’s brooms before their first practice.”
“Me too!” Peter squeaks. 
“Ah, yes how could I forget. You did a piss poor job of keeping watch.” James rolls his eyes. 
Arden’s frowns, “Their first practice was today…” 
“Well, it was supposed to be,” Sirius says, “Last I heard they still haven’t found their brooms.” 
“Blimey, three weeks detention, already? The first week of term?” Cossette remarks. 
“You landed detention the first night,” James says blankly. Cossette blinks, “Yes, well…” 
“What are you in for Loony—uh, Remus?” Kal asks, craning her neck to peek at him from behind James. Lupin startles briefly and clears his throat, stepping just so out of James’s shadow. “Well, I skipped my first class of term… and got caught faking a note from Dumbledore.” His eyes flicker ever so slightly to Arden, and her face heats up with understanding. 
Kal frowns suspiciously, “What would you need a fake note from Dumbledore for?” Lupin drops his gaze to his worn loafers, “Ah, well—” 
“There you all are! And with a minute to spare! Well done.” A jovial greeting echoes from the hallway, and Horace Slughorn appears, the colors of his fine robes dulled by the dingey dungeon light. He shuffles his way between them, unlocking the door with a quick flick of his wand. They file in behind him into the empty potions classroom, their eyes straining against the darkness. 
“I will say, I did not expect to have so many students in need of detention this early in the term.” Professor Slughorn comments, setting the wicks on a dozen candles ablaze with another motion of his wand. He settles behind his desk with a pleasant expression, the chair groaning beneath him. “And I was especially surprised to see one of my prefects on the list…” 
Arden’s face alights as his twinkling gaze finds her, “Professor I—” 
He raises a hand, a laugh bubbling up from him. “No need, Miss Wilkes.” He chuckles, “I quite fancy seeing a rebellious streak in my best students. Builds character.” He winks, and she smiles meekly. His gaze turns to find the four boys, “You lot I am less surprised to see.” 
Sirius nods in greeting, smirking, “’Lo professor.” 
Slughorn sighs, “Right! Well, thankfully I do have something in need of doing, so your time will not be wasted. I have several out-of-commission cauldrons taking up space in my classroom. I would like for you to sort these cauldrons into what can be cleaned and repaired or what must be disposed of, and I will ask you to clean and repair the cauldrons you can within your ability to do so, yes?” 
There’s a general mumbling amongst the group and Slughorn smiles, clapping his hand together, “Lovely, well, as you can see, I have already gathered the cauldrons and…” 
He trails off as a small owl flitters into the classroom, a note tied to its ankle. The owl lands on Slughorn’s desk, and the man unties the note, fumbling with the spectacles in his breast pocket before reading it. He stands quickly, buzzing with a different excitement as he crumples the note in his thick fist. “I am dreadfully sorry students, my presence is eagerly demanded at the Three Broomsticks'' His rosy cheeks glow as he adds in a conspiratorial mumble,” By Madam Rosmerta herself, no less.”  The students share an uncertain look as he titters to himself.
“So, we’re free to go, then?” Remus asks. Slughorn looks at him startled, “Oh, certainly not. I would be severely reprimanded if I let you lot loose with no work to show for it.” He slowly makes his way to the door, walking backward to keep his eyes on the students. “I will simply lock you in here until noon, trusting that you will take care of my cauldrons.” 
Arden raises a hand vaguely, “Um, Professor? Are you sure that is safe—” 
“Miss Wilkes, you wound me! I would never leave you in a situation I thought at all unsavory. Besides, I have faith in you to shape this group into some real fine cauldron repairers. By the end of your detention, you might even begin to compete with the house elves!” He makes it to the other side of the door, a cheerful smile disrupting his mustache. With a raise of his wand hand, he declares “Cheers!” and the door folds closed. 
And, with a dull thud, they are locked in.
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syrupsyche · 10 months
⭐ i'd love to hear your director's commentary on how marius won the hand :D
THANK U for the ask!! You probably already read my dir. commentary on Ch. 5 and Ch. 6 of How Marius Won the Hand [...], so I'll jump back and do a commentary on Ch. 4 of the fic!
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I confess: I had no idea what to name Courferre so I picked the two names I feel I've heard the most often when it came to fan-assigned names. And not to give any spoilers, but Courfeyrac's name will come into play again in the future!
Also not to pull a Hugo but I wanted to emphasize how pretty Cosette was lol. Needed to give her and Enjolras some physical similarities first (beauty, etc.) before some spiritual similarities later on in the story!
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Cosette canonically loves to tease Marius! See:
Ten years later, with the love of Marius in her heart, she would have answered: “A pedant, and insufferable to the sight! You are right!” (4.3.7)
“Monsieur, you are handsome, you are good-looking, you are witty, you are not at all stupid, you are much more learned than I am, but I bid you defiance with this word: I love you!” (4.8.1)
“Don’t cough, sir; I will not have people cough on my domain without my permission. It’s very naughty to cough and to disturb me.” (4.8.1)
And so I needed Cosette to have her spunk here as well!
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Ninny mention!! *cue cheers and applause* Wanted the Valjean reveal to be Hugo-esque ("omg who could this mysterious old man be 🤭") and I'm glad ppl noticed it! Also, Valjean hates Marius so much that I NEEDED to include it, though I suppose Ch. 6 is a lot more obvious with it.
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Pilf wrote an excellent post about what Valjean's dynamics with the Amis would be like. Though the context in this fic is quite different (Courferre + Marius having to gain Valjean's favour) but I still think it fits! Courfeyrac would be far too Courfeyrac-ish to gain Valjean's immediate liking, in contrast to Cosette who would love Courf immediately (which only just worsens Courfeyrac's standing). Combeferre, however, is able to stick to safer topics! They're just Two Polite Men. This fic has also only just hinted at Enjolras' and Valjean's father/son dynamic so far but it's very close to Pilf's post on it too. They do not talk to each other at ALL; they will sit in silence together for hours and enjoy it. That's their father/son bonding time babey!
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A call back to an earlier part of the chapter when Marius tried to make sure that "his palms were not slick with sweat". Mission failed!
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I like to write Courferre stumbling over each other trying to impress Cosette. Idk I just feel like they have that sort of energy à la Tulio and Miguel from The Road to El Dorado.
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I'm really glad ppl liked this scene ehe. How did Marius drink soup with a fork? Just part of his Pontmercying shenanigans I suppose.
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Cosette being shocked at Enjolras taking her hand is the same energy as someone getting shocked when a particularly introverted cat suddenly comes up and sits on their lap. I hc that Enjolras isn't a very tactile person (which could be canonically derived from his only-two-kisses moment), so Cosette appreciates any physical displays of affection she can get!
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I argue that the main thing Marius lacked in canon that could have given him a proper 'character development' was the belief that he could have a solid support system outside of bourgeois circles. He was so close to connecting with Les Amis de l'ABC but he ultimately fell back into a self-deprecating hole once his world views were challenged. In this fic I hope to get Marius to reconnect with Les Amis on a personal level first (via Cosette and Enjolras) before attempting to push him towards connecting with them politically (and he's already beginning to, in Ch. 5!).
And it's no surprise that the first person he reaches for when he realises that he DOES have actual friends is Courfeyrac! Writing this fic and rereading les mis letters has got me in my Courfius feels; Courf was such a good friend to Marius and (fic spoilers?) is definitely deserving of being his chief groomsman!
And that's it for my Ch. 4 analysis! Sorry for the late answer lol; immediately after reblogging the post I got thrown 5 different assignment deadlines.
If anyone wants any other fic analysis (or even an AU analysis as a whole!) feel free to ask! I'm only one message away from blabbering like an idiot <3.
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weaselandfriends · 2 years
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it's been a while since i last proposed that dress-up doll game idea for sister, and although my drawing device got busted, i have an old scan of my original idea? the final version was intended to look like the game Love Nikki- Dress UP Queen, with a sidebar showing each different outfit component and more hairstyles/dresses. sadly it was not meant to be...
cxc really interested me with its ideas about art(ifice) and so many of the descriptions of fashion in the consortium interested me. the alchemist is a galatea clad in gold, van der gramme is mysterious and wreathed in smoke, and sister is- a small anime girl in lolita clothing? all of their styles are intensely unique, so it ties in with the thematic extremes of hot vs. cold, civilized society vs. the spirited individual, etc. sometimes i feel like my brain is a bit too small for all of this when it is so interested in the cute clothes.
still, something that really haunted me about certain non-fashion-related scenes were how they were brought back throughout the novel. for one, the first roleplay scene is depressing in hindsight. harper's alienated childhood is akin to the emptiness of space, her domestic fantasy with kyosuke is just as superficial as the kinkade painting, and the seraph is a break in the dream world just as terrifying as her nightmare about the cottage door opening. all these suppressed fears and desires bring some sympathy to her character imo, despite her self-professed selfishness/utter disregard for those around her.
it's kind little hard to imagine that the porn scenes were hard for you to write, because they were awfully eloquent and most of the time they didn't feel sexual at all, especially not later on. more like sublimated representations of the characters communicating or trying to exert control over each other? it feels explicit in, say, the allison apple rp when the participants cut in out-of-character, but setsuna's scene also struck me as a confession of weakness between harper and sister that wouldn't have happened without the masks of setsuna and the comtesse.
but hey, you are the author after all! i'd hate to be blathering on like this and still be misinterpreting what you meant. hopefully you enjoy the artwork, as rough as it is ^-^
I couldn't be more pleased with this art of Sister, finished or not. I feel like you did a great job of capturing of capturing her different outfits throughout the story; I particularly want to shoutout the "original Comtesse" design that so accurately captures the aesthetic of that early 00s era of gothic lolita (Petite Cosette, Rozen Maiden). Also I'm always gonna say "yea" to the Mami hat.
As for your commentary on the story itself, I don't think you're misinterpreting at all. When writing CxC I was heavily influenced by Rebellion, a film I've seen at least 10 times, which handles storytelling significantly via motifs and recurring visual elements as much as traditional forms of storytelling like plot/character/dialogue/etc. Rebellion is so jam-packed with details that twist and change shape and context throughout the narrative and I always get something out of rewatching it because I always make a new connection that I didn't notice before. I wanted to do that with CxC; that's the purpose of motifs like the spider and alchemy and so on. In Ch 4 Harper accidentally stumbles on a bit of poetry by an Armenian author regarding the Armenian genocide; in Mimmy's final chapter this poem returns in reference to the Armenian censor and is extended to refer to Mimmy's own prophecy of a populace "masturbating to death"--which is itself a phrase that appears three times throughout the story, all by different speakers in different contexts.
I hope the people who enjoyed CxC--or even the people who thought it might have had a spark, but didn't quite get it--will take the time one day to reread it, picking up on some more of those elements seeded throughout the story, deriving more meaning out of what's there. I think if you put in that effort you'll be rewarded for it.
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captainlinguini · 7 months
I've almost finished updating the first chapter of my graphic novel. I should be ready to start shopping it around soon to have it published. First, I need to add a couple pages for story reasons. Right now, I'm drawing intro pages for Olivia and Cosette, and I'm adding an extra page for Cosette and CAFG's big fight scene, since that will be right at the end of Ch. 1. I'm really excited for this.
You can still read my rough draft on my blog if you're interested.
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seeinganewlight · 3 years
thinking about the similarities of cosette and eponine’s lives and how they mirror each other but in reverse. i’m rereading the book right now and young cosette is about to meet valjean. hugo says that cosette was “unafraid” of meeting valjean in the woods at night, alone, for the first time which then got me thinking about how in the musical after eponine dies, marius says “her life was cold and dark yet she was unafraid” cosette as a child is abused and neglected, but grows into a young woman who was loved and cherished and adored, eponine on the other hand, was loved and cared for as a child (as much as the thenardiers can do so)  and then grew up to be neglected and abused. their lives mirror each other’s (even without marius involved) and it just BREAKS MY HEART
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likeclarabow · 4 years
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Character Moodboards (13/?): Cosette (Les Mis)
“How strange This feeling that my life's begun at last This change Can people really fall in love so fast?”
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sitpwgs · 5 months
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edit challenge vs. ​@bossuets ♡  round fourteen → favorite les misérables character ↳ cosette
Cosette’s whole person was ingenuousness, ingenuity, transparency, whiteness, candor, radiance. It might have been said of Cosette that she was clear. She produced on those who saw her the sensation of April and dawn. There was dew in her eyes. Cosette was a condensation of the auroral light in the form of a woman.
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Hyssop for Hyssop, bluebell for Seras (and if I'm allowed to ask abotu Sylvana, also Sylvana), camelia for Joana, dahlia for Endymion, sweet pea for Mikolaj and Cosette, begonia for Eden (I'll stop here cuz this is getting long <3 )
Hyssop: Do they have a god/religion they feel strongly about?
UNFORTUNATELY, I don’t have him in a particular setting yet so I can’t say ~for sure~ I think out of all of the canon d&d gods though, he’d most vibe with Kelemvor. Assuming he had access to the same canon mythology and I would use Kelemvor 100%, I could really see Hyssop being an earnest devotee to him.
Bluebell: What's their most embarrassing memory?
When she was 11 years old, she stole a potion of fire breathing from an adventuring devotee of Aube who had come to stay at the Fleche de L’Aube to impress Alexandre. She ended up burning down half the temple gardens and burning down Alexandre’s favorite Azalea bush. :(
Bluebell: What's their most embarrassing memory?
When she was in grade school, Sylvanna got reprimanded in front of the whole class for bringing in her own live frog to dissect and casting a silence spell on it to keep it quiet while she worked on it. Only embarrassed that she got caught.
Camellia: Do you have a particular song that always reminds you of them?
Stay With Me by Matsubara Miki. Nothing about the lyrics, but I can't help but imagine her studying and dancing around her house to this. Joana would be a sucker for Japanese 80s City Pop.
Dahlia: What's your favorite thing about them?
I love how much I’m able to express myself in him. Of course, he's fun to write and even more fun to roleplay, but when I'm at my worst, I turn to Endy. Expressing my struggles through him helps me feel empathy for myself and he’s gotten me through some really rough times. He’s my special boy and I love him so dearly.
Sweet pea: If you had to choose a favorite dessert for them, what would it be?
Dark chocolate raspberry coffee cake with a little bit of creme on the side.
Sweet pea: If you had to choose a favorite dessert for them, what would it be?
Vanilla Macarons and candied lemon slices.
Begonia: Do they have any specific irrational fears?
Whales. She loves the ocean and everything in it but they are so big and she is so small. Plus her papa always told her that if she was in the water with a whale at the wrong moment that its calls could make her go deaf and she is NOT willing to challenge this theory.
Thank you for the ask, dear <3
 more plant themed oc asks
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thaenatos · 7 years
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atimepieceinparis · 4 years
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FIRST - & - LAST appearances of the backup dancers.
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sorrybcby · 5 years
closed starter for @rightreaction​
sofia’s not the kind of girl to share anything. luckily, she was an only child (the only daughter much to her father’s initial disappointment, he had been looking for a male heir like most men did) and she certainly became the pride and joy of her parents’ eyes. she was blessed in the aspect that she had been born into the royal life - a princess eventually governed to rule a whole kingdom. in the meantime, she’s been handed down everything her little heart desires - another perk of being a princess - all of it being for herself. although lonely, she was content with being locked away in the castle with her beautiful possessions. but that was all about to change thanks to the arrival of a certain princess from a neighboring kingdom, the girl now forced to stay here as a way to hide under the guise of being one of sofia’s royal handmaidens. she had nearly been assassinated and her life was in danger, sofia understood that, but she still didn’t understand why she had to stay here. especially since princess amara quickly grew to become a thorn in her very side. they were both equally alike, causing for the two to bump heads every chance they got.
it was all a part of the game sofia liked to play, deciding to make the most of amara’s company simply by tormenting her and getting under her skin. the princess’ arrival made sofia no longer feel so alone, a fact she somewhat enjoyed. and so that was what she was off to do, deciding to pay amara a visit in an effort to spice up her rather drab day. her feet are killing her from having walked around all day, following behind her father as he began to talk to her about possibly choosing a suitor. as if she’d ever want to do that. she’s already been dolled up and used by her father for her entire life, she was about to let another man do that to her. no matter if he were going to be a king or not. the way sofia thought, she might as well have been a king herself.
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with a knock at amara’s door, she opened it abruptly - catching the woman finishing with putting on her dress. “i’m not interrupting anything, am i?” she inquired rather unabashedly, not even waiting for a response before barging into the room. “i wanted to see how you were doing, just wondering if you’re settling into servant life well. i know it must be hard not having your pathetic group  of followers to help you. you’re utterly alone,” sofia continued as she walked around the room, her tone sweet in contrast to her words. “you really should learn to try and play nice. you’re in my castle now and just because you’re playing the part of a handmaiden, doesn’t mean i won’t use you like one while you’re here. god knows i have several chores in mind just for you.” the princess is most definitely rotten to her very core, her heart turned black due to years of loneliness - her only companions being diamonds, dresses, and crowns that have slowly begun to rust. amara’s the most fun she’s had in forever. plopping down on the princess’ bed, her gaze never leaves the other as she relaxes. “it doesn’t look bad on you,” sofia then remarked, it being the closest thing to a compliment, “servant clothes suit you quite well.”
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twinkletoeskc · 3 months
Untitled Marauders Fanfic Ch. 3
Link to Ch. 2
Summary: Cosette finds the object of her latest news story under the guise of being an innocent Hufflepuff who simply wants to help in the name of love. I mean what’s more interesting than a secret plot for love?
Heavy enemies to lovers trope, slow burn, multiple relationships, multiple POVs, found family, toxic relationships, abusive families
Ships: James Potter x O/C, Remus Lupin x O/C, Sirius Black x O/C
Warnings: blackmail, slight coercion, lying, one mischievous Hufflepuff
A/N: thank you if you’ve been reading up until this point it is greatly appreciated. Let me know in the comments if you have any suggestions, questions, or simply something fun to share! Thank u🫶🏻💕
O/C Character Moodboard:
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Untitled Fanfic Ch. 3
She sneezes, the dust from the old books finding its way into her sinuses. She anticipates the “shh!” from Madam Pince before she hears it. “Sorry…” she whispers, a bundle of books nestled under her arm. She ducks away from the librarian’s glare, walking to one of the long wooden tables.
She sits at the end away from most of the other students and opens an antiquated copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, flipping to the back to find the index.
“Wampus cat… water dragon parasite…” She mumbles to herself, dragging her finger down the page as she reads. “Ah, werewolf.”
She flips a few sections back, finding the desired chapter marked by a large illustration of a werewolf crouched mid-stride. “Gross,” she whispers, her eyes drifting slowly from the picture to the words beneath.
‘A werewolf, also known as a lycanthrope, was a human being who, upon the complete rising of the full moon, became an uncontrollable, fearsome, and deadly wolf. This condition is caused by infection with lycanthropy, also known as werewolfry. There are various differences between a werewolf’s wolf form and an actual wolf, making it easier to detect one.’
So absorbed into her reading, she doesn’t hear the commotion surrounding her until someone runs bodily into the table, upsetting the contents and knocking her book onto her lap. She looks up to find Sirius Black laughing, perched on the table with his wand raised. He points his wand to James Potter who, on the other side of the library, laughs heartily, on the defensive.
Sirius unleashes a spell in James’s direction, but the other boy dodges and allows the spell to hit the book behind his head, which suddenly sprouts colorful, patterned fur on its leather-bound cover.
“Mr. Black!” Madam Pince screeches, frantically making her way to him.
“Sorry, Madam Pince! My hand slipped, honest.” Sirius says with a broad grin. He looks down at Cosette and winks charmingly before slipping away, running between the shelves and dodging retaliatory curses from James.
She closes her book, slipping it in her robes and quickly making her way out of the library before she falls victim to one of the boys’ jinxes. She wanders the halls in search of a quiet place to study. She’s not sure how she ended up there, but without intending to, she finds herself situated in the potions classroom, empty after its last class. She makes her way to a table, absently flipping to her bookmarked page as she takes a seat.
‘A mixture of powdered silver and dittany applied to a fresh werewolf bite would seal the wound and allow the victim to live on as a werewolf, although tragic tales were told of bite victims begging for death rather than becoming werewolves. The Wolfsbane Potion, invented by Damocles Belby, allows werewolf drinkers to keep their human mind during transformation.’
Her eyes flit across the page curiously, her brow frowning as she reads on.
‘A werewolf cannot choose whether or not to transform and will no longer remember who they are once transformed. Multiple werewolves have been known to kill their best friends or loved ones while in wolf form if they were given the chance. Despite this, a werewolf will be able to recall everything they had experienced throughout their transformation upon reverting to their human form.’
The door creaks open, and she looks up to see a tall, black-haired wizard slip into the room. He pauses when he sees her, obviously expecting the room to be empty. He’s pale and tired looking, deep purple circles sitting under his eyes. His hair sits limply around his face, and his shoulders hunch like a boy who grew too much too fast, unsure of his height.
She raises a hand, waving awkwardly. “Uh, hello.”
“You’re in my seat.” The boy responds in greeting, his voice croaky like he hasn’t spoken in quite some time.
“Oh, um…” She looks around at where she sits, trying to find some identifiable feature that would mark the seat as his, but she can’t find anything that would distinguish it from the dozen other empty seats at the surrounding tables. But the boy waits, uncomfortably standing beside the door and watching her expectantly. “Right… sorry about that.” She picks her bag up from the floor and collects the book from the table. “There you are.” She says, moving away from his seat and offering him a small smile that he does not return.
He slips past her, his gaze downcast, and sinks into the seat. He places a thick and worn book on the table, the gilded Advanced Potion Making nearly worn completely off the leather cover.
She takes a seat at an adjacent table, returning to where she left off.
‘The monthly transformation of a werewolf is extremely painful if untreated and is usually proceeded and succeeded by pallor and ill health, and it is possible for the werewolf to display irritation toward friends and family leading up to the full moon. While in their wolfish form, a werewolf will entirely lose its human sense of right and wrong. However, it is incorrect to state that they have suffered from a permanent loss of moral sense.’
She is pulled from her focus by the smell of vanilla, the distant scent of a fire, and an aroma of something woodsy and pleasant. She breathes in the fragrance, a feeling of warmth expanding in her chest, and looks up from her book. The other wizard sits over a bubbling cauldron, his face tense in concentration. His book is open before him, and when she glances at it, she sees that every centimeter of free space is crammed full of notes.
She becomes increasingly distracted from her reading, watching him brew with a passion she finds fascinating. She closes her book softly, twisting in her seat to face him. “What are you making?” She asks.
He pauses slowly, his gaze slowly flickering to her as if he didn’t realize she was speaking to him. “What?” He asks gruffly.
She nods to the cauldron before him, “The potion you’re making, what is it?”
His look wavers between her and his work like he’s debating whether to answer her or not. “Amortentia.” He says finally, returning to his potion.
She pauses, knowing she has heard that name before in a potions class but not making the connection. “Amortentia…” she mumbles to herself, willing herself to recount Slughorn’s lessons. As she ponders, she watches as the wizard delicately picks up a large white pearl from his collection of ingredients scattered around him. The pearl is dropped into the cauldron with a light splash, and the aroma from before instantly floods her senses with a captivating intensity. It’s then that she realizes what he’s brewing.
“A love potion!” She exclaims, intrigued, and the wizard flinches, faltering in his stirring. “Yes…” he says slowly, gazing determinedly into the bubbling, pearlescent liquid.
She shifts in her seat, trying to get a better look. “You know those are banned, don’t you?” She asks in a conspiratorial whisper. He looks at her then, his gaze dark. “Will you report me?” He asks tensely. She doesn’t detect the thinly veiled threat in his tone, responding, “Not if you tell me who the potion is for.”
He grimaces, reducing the fire under the cauldron and busying himself by returning the ingredients to the pantry on the other side of the classroom. She stands from her seat, grabbing the remaining glass vials of ingredients. She corners him in the pantry, and he jumps when he turns to find her suddenly before him.
“What are you doing?” He asks, a note of panic in his voice as he flattens himself to the shelf behind him.
“Helping you clean.” She says innocently, standing on her toes to place an ingredient in its proper place on the shelf right beside his head. He swallows nervously, his discomfort nearly palpable.
She looks up into his face curiously, “Are you okay? You look a bit pale.” His jaw clenches, “I always look like this.” Her eyebrows quirk, “Oh…”
“Won’t you move?” He growls, looking as if he would rather melt into the shelf than touch her himself to push her away.
“When you tell me who the potion is for.” She says simply.
A hint of red rushes to his cheeks, giving his sickly pallor a flush of life. “Move.” He says again, a hand disappearing into the pocket of his robes.
She sighs, “It’s a pity you won’t tell me, but I’m sure Dumbledore will be much more persuasive.” His eyes narrow, “Are you threatening me?” He asks. She looks at the wand he pulled from his robes, “Are you?”
His lips thin, and the grip tightens on his wand for a millisecond before he returns it to the pocket of his robes. “Fine.”
Her eyes widen, “Fine?”
He glares at her and nods curtly. She grins broadly at him, “Brilliant.”
They return to his table, and she sits across from him as he carefully pours his potion into a glass vial. She leans forward, resting her chin on her hands. “So,” she says.
Snape stops the bottle without looking at her, “So?”
“So, who is it?”
He bites the inside of his cheek and looks at her from underneath his eyebrows, the urge to jinx her visible on his features. Her eyebrows raise patiently, “I think I heard Dumbledore just down the hall…”
“Fine! You menace.” He grumbles, stowing the potion away in his bag. He busies himself by continuing to fumble in his bag, so he doesn’t have to meet her eye, grumbling something under his breath.
She blinks, “I’m sorry?”
His jaw clenches, and he says it again, louder.
She frowns, “Who’s Fanny Blevins?”
He looks at her incensed, “It’s Lily Evans, damn it.”
She pauses, her mouth frozen in the shape of an ‘o.’
His face is nearly the scarlet of the Gryffindor crest, and he doesn’t attempt to contain the loathing in his gaze. “Well?”
“I—Isn’t she dating James Potter?”
That was obviously the wrong thing to say because with a furious glance he storms to the door.
“Wait, I’m sorry!” She calls out, spelling the door closed with a flick of her wand. He flips around, his black hair strewn around his face. “You’re kidnapping me now?”
“No! I—well…”
“What do you want?”
“I want to help you,” she says earnestly.
His eyes narrow in suspicion, “Help me?”
“Yes!” She nods eagerly.
He frowns, “How would you help me?”
“I can help you, you know, romance Lily Evans.”
He grimaces, turning away from her and setting his hand on the door of the classroom. “I don’t enjoy being toyed with.” He pushes on the door, but she locked it with her spell. He huffs, “Let me leave!”
She stands up, walking closer to him. Once again, he flattens himself to the door to create more distance. “I want to help you win over Lily Evans without using the Amortentia.” She says.
He furrows his eyebrows, “Why would you do that?”
“Because, well… because I think it’s sweet. If you took the time to brew the potion for her, then you must care a lot about her. And if she’s not dating James Potter—”
“She is most certainly not dating Potter.” He snarls, and Cosette raises her hands innocently, “Okay, I’m sensing some bitterness there, moving on. If she’s not dating anyone, then I can’t see why she wouldn’t go for you!”
He looks at her skeptically, “You don’t know me.”
She shrugs, “So?”
His eyes waver, and he takes a moment to think about her offer. “You’ll help me with Lily? Truly?”
She smiles, “Yes! Promise,” she extends her pinky towards him, and he recoils from it as if it is toxic. She eyes him warily, “You, uh, don’t know how to pinky promise?”
“Is that a binding spell?”
“No! It’s—ugh, never mind. I swear that I will help you.”
He looks into her face, his expression unreadable, before speaking. “Okay.”
She smiles, “Okay!” With a flick of her wand, she unlocks the door. He pushes open the door with a quickness as if escaping from a hungry blaze.
“Wait!” She says as he begins to scamper down the hallway.
“What?” He asks, impertinent.
“What’s your name?” She asks.
He blinks, “Severus.”
She smiles, “Nice to meet you Severus!” She yells as he escapes around the corner, “I’m—”
“Cosette,” someone cuts her off. She turns to see Professor Sprout, letter in hand. “Yes, professor?”
“I was just coming to deliver this to your headboy, but I might as well tell you in person now. Mr. Filch just came to me about your detention, said that you’ll need to meet Professor Slughorn in the Potions classroom Saturday at eight in the morning and he’ll have some work for you to do.”
She winces; she had forgotten about the detention. “Yes, professor.”
Professor Sprout nods, bustling away, “Oh, and do remember to study the properties of Mandrakes before our next class!” She says as she exits.
Cosette, however, does not hear her, instead thinking about her romance scheme. It’s going to be hard work, but she has faith in herself to make that union happen.
And it will be a great story.
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