#ch: cecily king
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felicitykings · 1 year ago
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But time makes you bolder Even children get older
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cecilyneville · 4 years ago
the spanish princess: episode 8
“why are people watching this show if they don’t like it???”
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(i mean hating on this show, not actually watching it - nothing about tsp is fun, the whole thing has been mean-spirited from beginning to end)
ruairi was good as prince henry, but as king henry? awful
“i would not come to help you” so how much more of coa being a cunt are we going to get? bc if this episode is called “peace” i assume she has to...idk...start being a bit nicer
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god, fucking finally
if they want us to like catherine bc she’s finally paying attention to mary that isn’t “HMM SHE IS NOT A BOY”, they got another thing coming
catherine was horrible to everyone including her ladies and her daughter, but she’s slightly nicer now so it’s ok!!!!
“men of arran and men of hamilton” the writers have finally realised there are more families in scotland than stewart and douglas
WHY has albany kidnapped james? at first i thought it was a ruse b/w him and meg but apparently not. wouldn’t it make more sense for her to return to scotland to find that angus has kidnapped james?
it makes so much sense for ef to just ignore the fact that margaret douglas exists and keep prince alexander alive
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ursula where you been all this time???
finally some semi-accurate headwear on maggie. but ONLY on maggie, not on ursula, bc if it’s anything the costuming on all three series have taught us, only old ladies cover their heads
also finally - laura carmichael is getting some decent material to work with! (relatively speaking)
bessie instructing henry fitzroy is very similar to her tudors counterpart doing the same, bc of course
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comb ur fuckin hair dude
i’m not gonna lie, this latin standoff between mary & henry fitzroy is hilarious, like a 16th-century spelling bee
“there’s nothing i can give a girl” except, you know, sending her to ludlow as heirs to the throne were before her, but even that level of nuance is too confusing for fraham
“my brother is more sympathetic to her cause than he has been” this week: henry discovers the concept of divorce
“go to the king anne, smile and win his favour” yet another barely-concealed tudors ripoff
thomas more just like “maggie you’re fucked up bc your life has been so shit”
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if henry is speaking about this script then he is 100% correct
oh rosa’s here! so not one but BOTH of catherine’s besties will ditch her, delicious
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oh they’re going for a becket/henry ii vibe here with wolsey & henry, don’t mind this
it bothers me SO much that they keep calling maggie henry’s aunt when they never bothered to include elizabeth’s actual sisters after they put cecily on a bus (which, to be fair, was probably for the best)
i kind of recoil when people say “[insert historical figure] would be so offended by this depiction” because if someone like catherine of aragon were shown any modern depiction of herself, her head would probably explode out of confusion and horror. BUT this is so offensive to the real catherine of aragon
i would like to see laura carmichael as elizabeth of york - it’s the big brown eyes
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is she doing this out of hatred for her inability to give the king a son??? what does it all MEAN emma
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i mean i guess he’s hotter than angus
i know this hunting scene is supposed to reflect something from part one which i didn’t watch, but it just reminds me of the tudors s1 finale when henry and anne fucked in the woods 
also reminds me very much of the great when peter tries to drown catherine
catherine quoting deuteronomy and unwittingly confessing to consummating her marriage with arthur...CONGRATULATIONS YOU PLAYED YOURSELF
soz to sound like a broken record but the fact that people - even some actual critics - watch CH’s performance and think this is actually good acting will never not be funny to me, she’s atrocious. it’s so jarring looking at behind the scenes footage and seeing her smiling, like couldn’t you actually do this on screen? she plays catherine like the woman’s never felt happiness in her life, or any other emotion for that matter
lina’s not gonna sell catherine out and i’m so mad about it, she has treated you like SHIT for YEARS
god, she can’t even cry believingly
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we won’t have time to see meg’s marriage to henry stewart fail spectacularly, which is probably a good thing bc my heart would break
catherine has been absolutely VILE to lina but it’s ok bc she’s said sorry now
“i would speak with you” / “it seems you already are” LOLLLL
so funny that it’s only NOW that they’re getting french hoods of some kind, but not with actual veils because, like i said, only old dowdy matrons don’t get to show their sexy hair
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i mean, i’m not surprised, given how much fraham hate anne 
“so, you’re playing anne boleyn. congrats! but you’ll only get, like, one line, and you WILL have to get your tits out”
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guys she’s so upset can’t you tell
CH got a taste for holding bows on game of thrones it’s the only thing she’s good at
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of course meg has to actually fire the cannons rather than just train them on angus and his men, but this is very fun
surprised they didn’t point out that one of scotland’s greatest cannons was called “mons meg”
fuck this nice scene between catherine and lina! she doesn’t deserve your forgiveness lina!!!
i guess catherine’s woke levels need to be maintained by keeping her one black friend who was a slave irl
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hahahaha i fucking love her
“i will always be your wife, there is nothing you can do to change that” knock knock it’s the reformation
catherine choosing to leave makes no sense for this show or for the history they’re ~supposed~ to be depicting
“you will never take my place as queen of england” KNOCK KNOCK IT’S THE REFORMATION
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catherine is an old lady now so we shall signify this by giving her a gable hood
catherine she just asked if the bird was dead jesus
which it should be by now...it’s been around since like 1510??
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ah yes, let’s bring back that other metaphor, the imperialism compass 
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if all the disgruntled tories had their way this would be on the end credits of every episode of the crown too
and that’s all folks! let’s all be thankful that this show didn’t submit us to an absolute butchery of catherine’s blackfriars speech
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, October 12
VI: We should run. KENNEDY: And go where, Vi? DAWN: Annabelle ran. Look where it got her. BUFFY: Safer in than out. MOLLY: How can you say that? It was here, Buffy, in the house, living with us for days. CHLOE: And you didn't even know it. XANDER: Well, none of us knew it. VI: It could still be here. It could be any one of us. WILLOW: No, The First can only take the form of dead people. RONA: Yeah, well there'll be plenty more of those soon enough. We're dropping like flies here.
~~Buffy Season 7 Episode #133: "Show Time"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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FoxFire (Willow, T, Teen Wolf xover) by skargasm
A look behind the curtain (Ensemble, T, SPN xover) by Bl4ckHunter
Comfort & Mutual Understandings (Buffy/Cordelia, unrated) by
Someone to watch me die (Spike/Cecily|Halfrek, G) by backwvengeance
My King (Buffy/Giles, M) by ElleV
A Something Blue Parody (Spike/Xander, T) by forsaken2003
Expanding the Palate (Buffy/Giles, T) by TheScholarlyStrumpet (equipoise)
Which Buffy season had some of your favorite looks? () by KittenCouture
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It Must Be Bunnies! Ch. 2 (Anya/Xander, G) by Empire of the Words
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Friends of Humanity (Xander, M, X-Men xover) by Sithicus
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Be Still My Heart Ch. 1/? (Xander/Angel, Buffy/Angel, M) by Jacob_M_Bosch
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Boon, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Soulburnt
The Tiger is Out, Chapter 32 (Buffy/Spike, M) by Cosmic Tuesdays
Love's Call, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Joan963z
Gray, Chapter 19 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Dusty
Shot Through the Heart, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, T) by bookishy
Spike and the Quest for the Gems of Amara, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, T) by the_big_bad
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RWBY: Slayer Evolution Chapter 7 - Teammates (Buffy, T, RWBY xover) by ShadowDawn
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:I prompted an AI to create an image of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" () by SheCalledMePaul
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Artwork:sapphic calendiles () by halfrek
Artwork:Calendiles () by
Artwork:Fuffy Sketches () by space-sheep08
Artwork:Season 1 Finale Cartoon () by kaernmorhen
Artwork: Spike () by glitch-h
[Reviews & Recaps]
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before there was twilight, we had buffy the vampire slayer. by urbiggestdaydream
[Fandom Discussions]
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yea trendy aesthetic insta pages for buffy characters are cool but heres what theyd actually be like by pintsofguinnesmakeyoustrong
inspired by another slightly different post, here’s what social medias i think they would all use and why by godsfavspike
Speaking of Giles by gay-and-tiredaf
Jenny Calendar organizes her books by vibe by jessannperreault
In ats when Faith is having a full on breakdown by zunavalkyrie
I’m fine just thinking about the things buffy lost in sunnydale by atlasshrugd
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Why do people try to retcon Buffy's love confession to Spike? by spikeverse
Sexuality Spike ? by spikeverse
Would Buffy have had an affair with Spike if she hadn't died by spikeverse
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Sympathetic or not - reactions to rejection and unrequited love by Stoney
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I want to talk about lines, scenes, or aspects of Buffy that are understated by smalltown_dreamspeak
what’s your favourite season finale?? by CoconutLanceSweets
What's your favorite season and why? by Eggo999
What is the best intro episode, in your opinion? by bye-bye-bxtches
30 Days of Buffy Challenge! Day 11 by switcheroo1987
she overheard the prophecy predicting her death by the-nada-thing
The master by the-nada-thing
Damage Discussion by New_Fix4886
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 5 Villains Fans Love To Hate (& 5 They Just Hate) by Screen Rant
PUBLICATION: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Was Considered As A Mortal Kombat Guest Fighter by TheGamer
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beetlejuice-beetlejuice-bee · 5 years ago
A Chance to be a Knight Ch. 1
Summery: joan walks past the same house evey day, and she’s never seen the person who lives in it, until today.
Pairings: Rumir and possibly Jecily
When Joan was very young, she wanted to be a knight. She wanted the shining armor, the sword, and the princess to rescue. She didn’t get any if that, well, she did get the princess. If one could consider Cecily a princess. Joan would dream of being a hero and rescuing someone, anyone.
Her father had other plans. She was not to be a knight, that was foolish, a childish desire that he would not tolerate. So, she gave up on that dream and rarely ever thinks about it anymore.
But, on occasions like these, when the walk from home left her alone with her thoughts, the dream would resurface.
“Really, Joan, you’re in highschool now, you should be thinking about knights and princesses,” joan mumbles to herself as she passes by an old brick mansion.
The mansion had been there since before Joan was born, before anyone she knew was born. The it was partly obscured by trees, but the parts you could see were dark and ominous. it stood, looming over the rest of the neighborhood, casting a shadow over the houses surrounding it. Like a king watching his kingdom. No one had no one had ever seen the people living in that house, only the servents would leave to run errands, and they refused to talk about their employers. Joan passed by this house every day and had never gotten a glimpse of the owners, and she probably never would.
Joan whipped her head around, and looking at her through the bars of the fence surrounding the house, was a boy no older than seventeen. He had auburn hair and deep brown eyes, he was thin and was wearing clothes that looked like they belonged to another time period.
“Hi,” Joan said hesitantly, “who-who are you?”
“Fitzroy,” the boy said quickly, “you can call me Fitz.” Wow, even his name sounded like it was from another century,
“Im Joan,” she said hesitantly, “do you live here?”
“Uh, yeah,”
“You aren’t a servant?”
“No,” the Fitz said, confused,
“Wow, I’ve never seen any of the people who live here before,” Joan said,
“Yeah, my dad doesn’t let me out very much, or at all,” Fitz admits, rubbing the back of his neck,
“Wow, when was the last time you actually talked to someone your age?” Joan asked, raising her eyebrows,
“It’s been a while,”
“Well, have to go, but if you want, I can come back tomorrow at the same time?” She suggested,
Fitz’s face lights up, “you would do that?”
“Then yes! Please! Oh, but do me a favor,” he said, his face dropping slightly, “don’t tell anyone you saw me,”
“Oh- okay,” Joan said, a little confused, ”I won’t”
Fitz’s smile returned, “thank you so much!”
Joan gives him a quick smile and continues to walk down the sidewalk, before she gets to the end of Fitz’s fence, however, she turns back and sees that he already went back inside.
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strangedreamings · 7 years ago
Between Me and Home, ch 3, first draft
Okay, folks, since I am currently beta-less, I need someone to tell me how to make this chapter better. I’ve been fighting with it for days and now it’s time for someone else to look at it. Please, be as vicious as you can, it’ll make the final draft that much better.
Tagging @sobeautifullyobsessed and @glitterkitty4ever
Just before sunset, Richard drove the Jag to the Tower of London. Despite the considerable number of people who still called for Henry to have a proper royal burial, his body lay in a simple grave in the woods on the edge of the property. At his mother’s insistence, Richard had paid for the headstone himself. A penance for a sin I don’t regret.
Several yards from the grave, he sat down with his back against a tree and waited. It wasn’t long before the chill made his muscles ache even more than usual. Silently cursing himself for not bringing some wine to take the edge off, he kept his eyes on the back of the headstone and waited.
Over an hour after sunset, he woke from a light doze to the sound of leaves crunching. The full moon came out from behind a cloud, revealing Anne standing in front of the grave, a torch in hand. Her brown leather boots were ankle deep in fallen leaves, dark blue jeans encased her shapely legs, and her brown hooded coat concealed the rest of her from him. Despite the danger of being out at night, she was completely alone and, he knew from experience, unarmed. She is far too trusting. Silently getting to his feet, he watched her kneel then he had to hold back a groan when she pulled back the hood. Her dark brown hair was pulled away from her face in a loose bun, leaving her already wet brown eyes in full view. Anne pulled a fallen branch from the headstone and replace it with half a dozen Lancastrian red roses. Richard rolled his eyes over her display of House loyalty.
“Damn that man,” she muttered darkly. “He is lower than the most vile, disgusting creature I can name. If he ever marries, I wish his wife nothing but misery. Oh, who am I kidding? No woman on Earth could want such a man.”
Richard liked to think of himself as thick-skinned after so many years of hurtful words from family and strangers alike, but Anne’s words cut him deeply. With a scowl, he pushed his feelings aside. It’s nothing I didn’t already know. Taking a deep breath then pasting a pleasant smile on his face, he moved out of the deep shadows of the trees and into the moonlight.
Anne groaned quietly when she saw him. “Speak of the devil.” He started to move closer but she quickly rose and held up a staying hand, glaring at him. “What in the hell are you doing here, Richard?”
“Waiting for you.” He came closer, stopping a couple of feet from her. “Hello, Anne,” he greeted her softly. “You used to call me Dick; that name only sounds right coming from you. I’d give anything to hear you call me that again.” Wait, where did that come from? Oh well, I suppose a truth amidst the lies makes the lies more believable.
“Never,” she said, her voice ice-cold. “You’re not the boy I knew. You’re lawless, faithless, merciless... God, even an animal knows pity.”
He smirked. “Never let it be said that I am an animal.”
“Finally, he speaks the truth,” she muttered. “I thought you had forgotten how.” Her cheeks were flushed and her brown eyes glittered.
“God, you’re beautiful when you’re angry.” Another truth. If I don’t stop this now, I’ll be pouring my heart out to her like some lovesick fool. “Dearest Anne, I just need a moment of your time to explain myself.”
She clenched her hands into fists. “There is nothing you could do or say that would make me forgive you for killing my entire family.”
“I didn’t kill Ned.” A blatant lie and she knows it.
“Oh! My mistake! Here I thought I was a widow.”
He groaned quietly. “What I meant is that my brother killed Ned, not me.”
“Don’t lie to me! Margaret saw you kill him!” She was shaking with fury then she took a deep breath, then another. After she calmed down, she asked, “Will you at least admit that you killed the king?”
He sighed heavily. “Fine, yes.”
She looked back at the headstone. “He was a good man, he didn’t deserve such a death.”
Richard laid a hand on the stone cross. “Too good for this world, so I sent him to Heaven.”
She looked up at him. “A place you’ll certainly never see – you’re bound for Hell.”
He leaned closer. “There is one other place I’m meant for.”
Richard deepened his voice, murmuring, “Your bedroom.” She stared at him like he’d slapped her and he knew he’d gone too far. Deciding to try again, he said, “Isn’t the person who inspired the murders as much to blame as the murderer?
The look in her eyes was doubtful. “Who could have inspired you? I would think your own blind ambition was enough.”
“Your beauty inspired me, Anne,” he murmured. “It invaded my dreams. I would kill anyone just to spend an hour in your arms.”
Anne rolled her eyes. “If I actually believed that, murderer, I’d scratch my face to ribbons.”
“I could never allow that.” He took her hand. “It’s unnatural to hate the man who loves you.”
She snatched her hand back. “It’s natural to hate the man who killed my husband.”
He raised a hand to her cheek. “What if he did it so you would be free to find a better man?”
She waved his hand away. “There’s no better man alive than my Ned.”
Richard raised an eyebrow. “You must be joking, Anne. It was an arranged marriage, you only met him a week before the wedding, then you were married all of five months – you barely knew him. There’s a man who loves you more than Ned ever could.”
“Who?” She looked as though she dreaded the answer.
She spat in his face.
Good aim, he thought, wiping away the spit with the back of his hand as he reigned in his temper. “Why would you do that?”
“You deserve much worse,” she said coldly. “I wish it were venom instead.”
Richard grinned. “You are far too sweet to be venomous.”
“And you are viler and more toxic than any toad. Get away from me! I’m getting ill just looking at you.” She turned away.
“And I become ill if I don’t look at you. If you can’t forgive me, then don’t hurl your insults at me – your lips were made for kissing, Anne, not cursing.” He knelt before her and she turned back to him. Pulling his stiletto from it sheath, he offered her the handle. “Take my knife.” His hand trembled slightly, but he attested that to the physical strain he was under, certainly not nerves.
She took it, gripping the handle tightly, her expression gravely serious.
He opened his coat, unbuttoned his shirt, then pulled aside the collar of his undershirt. “Kill me, if you feel it is the just thing to do, but know that you are killing the man who loves you.”
Anne looked at the knife in her right hand then she held the tip to the index finger of her left. The needle-sharp tip pierced the skin and a drop of blood oozed out.
Richard’s eyes widened slightly. “What are you doing?”
“I’m making sure this isn’t a bluff.”
He took her hand then brought the finger to his mouth, his eyes never leaving hers. “Don’t you trust me, Anne?” he murmured then he took her injured finger in his mouth, sucking on it.
She snatched her hand back then held the knife to his chest like he’d urged her.
Richard grinned. “Don’t hesitate. I admit it, I did kill the king and your husband.”
For a moment, he honestly thought she would go through with it, so strong was the hatred in her eyes. Then she shut her eyes, dropping the knife, and took a step back.
Richard picked up the knife and held it out to her again. “Kill me or marry me, Anne. Those are the only two options left for us.”
She glared at him. “For God’s sake, stand up, Richard. You deserve to die but it won’t be by my hand.”
He held the knife to his chest. “Then order me to kill myself and I will.”
“Put that damn knife away,” she said quietly. “You’re not dying because of me.”
He did as he was told. “Then you’ll marry me?”
“I didn’t say yes.”
“But you’re not saying no either. I need you, Anne.”
“What you need are heirs. You can have those with any woman.”
“Fine, yes, I need heirs, but I also need a companion, someone to stand by me during the day and lay beside me at night. You are the only person who could fill that role.” He removed the ring from his left little finger and held it out to her. It had been his great-grandfather Edmund’s – a gold diamond men’s ring from the early 1920’s. “Please, agree to wear this ring.”
She swallowed hard. “I accept your ring but I’m not giving you my heart.”
“That is enough, for now.” He took her left hand and slipped the ring onto her ring finger. “My ring surrounds your finger the same way your hand holds my heart. Will you do me one favor?”
She raised an eyebrow. “What is it?”
“Accompany me to Westminster.”
“Richard … we can’t marry tonight.”
“I mean the palace, not the abbey. I might as well tell my family before we do anything else. The idea of another royal wedding should make my mother almost happy enough to forget it’s me who is getting married.”
“Aunt Cecily still hates you? I would have thought she’d mellowed by now.”
“That woman will hate me to her dying day, then she will hate me beyond the grave. Please, Anne, come with me. I’d rather not face her alone just now.”
“Alright... Richard, promise me one thing.”
“Name it.”
“Promise me you’ll never lie to me.”
“You lie to everyone, even yourself. You need one person in your life you can be truly honest with. I want that person to be me.”
“I will … consider it.”
“Thank you. What about my car?”
“I’ll have Catesby get it in the morning. He always complains I don’t give him enough to do.” He tried hard not to jump when she took his good hand, the torch in her other hand as they walked away from the grave.
She thinks I’ve reformed, that I’m a good man. Ha! This is a marriage made for the divorce courts. Now that I’ve made a woman who hated me agree to marry me, I know I can do anything. The crown will be mine.
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edgeofourhope-rp · 11 years ago
Character Playlist
Cecily King's playlist
Prehistoric - Now Now || Lucie, Too - Now Now || Elastic Heart - Sia || Lights - Phantogram || Black Out Days - Phantogram || Stay the Night - Zedd ft. Hayley Williams || Help I'm Alive - Metric || Satellite Mind - Metric || Shooting Arrows At The Sky - Santigold || Fully Alive - Flyleaf  LISTEN [x] 
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