#ch 195
kikyocaps · 24 days
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plague-of-insomnia · 2 years
Ch 195: Aerial Stardust Shimmering* in the Moonlit Night
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The new chapter is out in Japan. It’s very short—only nine pages without the cover—but it does convey some interesting information. Yet it opens the door to more questions.
Translation and summary to follow.
As for the chapter title, as always, Yana has carefully chosen her words. And the verb she uses here is especially interesting.
Tayutao is a verb that means to flicker, to flutter, to drift, etc, which ofc with stars makes sense.
But, it can also have a more figurative meaning— and can mean to waver, to vacillate, to be fickle.
And I think that second meaning is important. One of the major things that happen in this chapter is Snake beginning to doubt if he can trust Doll after all…
[Full chapter translation/summary]
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sunflowercider · 3 months
Theo has a crush on Sylvia huh? :3c
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he's so silly
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crowning-art · 2 years
So basically, the Xie Lian and White No-Face arc is going like this, isn't it?
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I wonder why he wants him in such a state so badly.....
But again, just the awful twisted sense of giving Xie Lian comfort after LITERALLY being the cause of his problems wdgwifwpbf
“Don’t worry, it’s alright.
From now on, there will no longer be anything that can hold you back, there won’t be anyone who holds any unnecessary expectations of you, and there certainly won’t be anyone who’d know just who you are. So, you can freely do anything you want to do.”
“Would you like me to help remind you of what it feels like to be pierced by a hundred swords?”
All the symbolisms of the statues throughout have been one of my fave parts of reading! The one where the blood falls from the smiling statue! The kneeling one when Xianle fell! And this one now!
It was a fresh, tender, and weak little white flower, placed upon the left hand of that burnt black divine statue with missing limbs. The contrast made it appear particularly pure like snow, but also particularly bleak. It looked as if this divine statue had landed all those injuries in order to protect this little flower.
I dunno how to explain it, but there was something deeply disturbing about this part.
“I hope Your Highness would give me this sword and permit me to activate the human face disease.” Wuming said.
Xie Lian turned his head back, “Why?”
The eyes behind the mask of that black-clad warrior were watching him intently. “My beloved sustained grave injuries in this war, suffering a fate worse than death. I could only watch helplessly as they suffered this torment, struggling in agony.”
“And?” Xie Lian said.
“And so, I hope I could be the one to wield the sword and avenge them.”
Specifically with regards to Xie Lian. It's like, he knew Wuming died in battle, and he says he saw his beloved in agony, and yet, it's like he needed prompting like, ok? so? Like he's lost the ability to empathize and it's so disturbing and heart breaking.
He hadn’t even had the time to stop Xie Lian before the next second, Xie Lian had turned the point of the blade on himself, and plunged that black sword into his own abdomen!
It's like he realized that letting his kind side go would be giving into White No-Face and it's just so crazy watching him stand up and fight back despite how far down he fell...
I mean...literally lol..
Thus, Xie Lian rested like that in that human-shaped pit, watching the curious heads of people gradually decrease and slowly disappear. The carriages that were blocked detoured around him, and the children who were playing around on the streets were all dragged back into the house by their parents. There was still a person here and there who’d pass by, but they were further away in the distance. Xie Lian remained expressionless throughout, speaking not a word.
And it's interesting to see how the actual humans are the ones who are not willing to help and show a bit of humanity..
“What are you waiting for?”
That half-crying half-smiling mask was upside-down, and coincidentally blocked his entire vision. They faced each other, with only a few feet between their faces.
Xie Lian said coldy, “Get the hell out of here, you’re blocking me from watching the sky.”
To be told to get the hell away, White No-Face wasn’t upset in the least. He laughingly straightened up, sounding more and more affable, like an elder who was tolerant of a spoiled child. “What’s so good about the sky?”
“It’s prettier than you,” Xie Lian snapped back
AHHHH CAn't believe I am nearing the end after so long T-T Ahh the plan is to finish book 4 tomm and by January/February, I should hopefully be done the book (Cuz i have lots to draw for this when I finish! XD)
Can't wait! Hopefully I stick to the plan lol
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chifuya · 2 years
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politoad · 2 years
whoa yukimiya bllk religious???? more likely than u think
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bellaroles · 3 months
That is the most hilarious revelation chapter ever.
Qi Meng Sheng's spotlight has just been stolen by the Red King and Zong Zi Xiao.
Everyone's mouth was agape, except the one who already knew.
Also the estranged lovers are arguing in front of her.
Qi Meng Sheng: ... Am I a joke to you?? Hey look at me, we're fighting remember?!
Nice! 🤣
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i-like-giving-orders · 6 months
orv webtoon ch. 195 ///
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this comment is everything. the lee sookyung and kim dokja's parallels keep paralleling. she didn't realise he didn't want to be saved he wanted her to be there. kim dokja never truly realised lee gilyoung, shin yoosung, and the rest of KDJC only wanted him to there there. the only way they know how to show their love is through self sacrifice and every time they do their children resent them for it. im gonna blow them up with my mind
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kochab-comic · 1 year
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[Chapter 0] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Ch 6] [Site]
Page 195!
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kikyocaps · 25 days
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plague-of-insomnia · 2 years
Ch 195: Doll & Snake’s Reunion
This chapter is very short (only 9 pages), but had a lot of info, and yet it leaves the door open for questions and interpretations. For example, it’s not clear yet if Doll was ever killed and therefore is a bizarre doll or not.
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The chapter opens with Doll explaining about the night they went to Kelvin’s manor and found it already ablaze, and there was nothing they could do. They were completely helpless. And we get a new shot of Sebastian and Ciel that’s incredibly ominous—yet it’s not made clear that he kills Doll. Though the way Doll says “there was nothing I could do” does seem to suggest that their life ended that night.
Doll explains that they went back to the circus, but didn’t find anyone of the main group, including Snake—it was like he just disappeared. So they wandered around from London to Bath, and eventually ended up at the FOL Orphanage. Doll doesn’t explain how they ended up there, just that they work as a scullery maid and are good with kids since they grew up in an orphanage too.
It isn’t clear if Doll is intentionally withholding information from Snake (and Finny), or if they’re a BD and maybe don’t know all the details.
Doll chews Snake out a bit for disappearing—and says they couldn’t write him since they used to be illiterate, which implies they can now read and write. So were they taught, or can Ut transfer skills by copying and pasting from other people’s cinematic records?
Snake starts to explain how they left the circus and disappeared, but before he can say more, Wadsworth forcefully stops him.
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He reminds Snake that Smile and his friends are wanted men!
Snake then has a debate with three of his snakes: Wilde, who thinks they should trust the “old man” (Wadsworth’s intuition); Keats, who agrees; and Emily, who likes and trusts Doll.
Emily calls Doll a “trustworthy child” while Keats and Wilde are suspicious that Doll might rat them out to the police.
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This part was really interesting bc it’s the first time we really see Snake actively conversing with his snakes. It’s not entirely clear if they’re making noise that he’s interpreting, if they have some kind of telepathic communication, or if he intuits what they’re saying. (Bc earlier, with Wadsworth, Snake admits he thinks he gets what the snake is saying.)
But Snake feels conflicted here, as to whether he should trust the old friend who took care of him when he first joined the circus, or keep the confidence of his new Phantomhive family.
What’s interesting here (and I’ll go into this more in another post about his snakes) is that the only snakes who talk to Doll are Emily and Oscar. The rest speak only to Snake (Keats, Wadsworth, Wilde, etc.) What’s more, Finny doesn’t say a word the entire chapter, either.
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Regardless, Doll is like “Oi, Snake, I’m over here, talk to me” and he’s so caught off guard that he tries to speak for himself (one of, if not the only time he does this?). Flustered, he isn’t even sure what pronoun to use for himself, first saying “オレ” (ore) for “I” and then “僕” (boku). [For more on first-person pronouns in Japanese, see my pronoun posts for Doll, Bard, and Ciel]
Their little reunion is interrupted by a bizarre commotion. The orphanage staff burst into the kitchen in a tizzy because the menu for afternoon tea for the Pomeranian Class (the “Ciel” class) has been changed from lemon cake to lemon tart.
Snake is bewildered. Since they’re both lemon, does it really matter?? And you can practically hear the record screech.
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Doll turns almost hostile as they remind Snake they may be friends but “this” is all the staff of FOL Orphanage have. Bewildering.
Could it be that there’s something in the food and that’s why it matters? Or is it simply that their purpose is to serve the orphans and Snake’s comment comes off as dismissive? It’s odd. Definitely makes you curious as to what the hell is really going on in this place.
[Cover analysis ] • [Snake’s Snakes - coming soon]
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sunflowercider · 1 year
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Deal Maker's Chapter 195
New title - 25. It's A Deal.
TL;DR - Cale negotiates with Jungwon. Raon gets angry at Jungwon, but unknowingly scares Cale. Cale finds Blood Demon's game console.
The Negotiation This part was so hilarious. Cale intimidated Jungwon about giving better rewards, and Raon joined in. But our Raon got so emotional that he thumped on the floor so strongly that it got dented. And that scared Cale... 😂 Or perhaps what scared Cale was Raon mentioning about Cale's head or body exploding? 😂
There was also Jungwon trying to take back his statue. That angered Raon because he worked hard in sealing the WT's power on it. Cale was scared of angry Raon, and Jungwon was also scared that he even hiccuped! In the end, Jungwon conceded to Cale and Raon's demands, agreeing to give the reward in 2 days.
Cale's reaction on Raon retorting to Jungwon with the words "So?" was funny. Cale was thinking that Raon resembled Eruhaben and Ron when Raon said that. But our narrator (the author) said that Cale was unaware that Raon resembled him the most... 🤣🤣🤣
One more. An explosion above shook the basement, and Cale panicked, shouting "My gold!" and thinking that the place shouldn't collapse because he had yet to take the gold here.. 😂😂😂
Blood Demon's Game Console The last half of the chapter was such a twist. Yes, you read it right. A game console. CH and Ron were looking around the stuff in Blood Demon's bedroom when she was a kid, and CH opened her toy box. But that caused an explosion to occur.
Fortunately, Ron managed to grab the game console inside before it completely exploded. A funny part here was when CH apologized to Cale for being careless, and Cale saying it couldn't be helped. He knew that CH and Ron were cautious people, but if that happened to them, it was something they couldn't help. What's funny here was that Cale thought it would be different if it was Toonka and CJS... Cale, did you just group CJS with Toonka? 🤣🤣🤣
About the game console, Cale initially thought it was a kids tablet because it had cute decor like pink cotton candy and blue clouds. It then turned serious when he read the logo - Transparent Co., Ltd. Oooh, it's the Transparent Bloods!
Actually, GoD messaged Cale via the divine mirror that the God of Balance wanted to meet him, but Cale was too busy with the game console so he didn't read GoD's message. I'm excited for this! Are we finally going to get a physical description of GoB? Is GoB a man or woman? I'm sorry, but when I think of GoB's shoes constantly getting mentioned, GoD always being stepped on, or GoD not seeing GoB's face (maybe because GoB's female and has big boobs so he couldn't see her face when he's being stepped on), I can't help but imagine GoB as a woman... 😅
Back to the topic, Cale switched on the tablet and when a game title screen played, he realized this was actually a game console. The game's title was "Raising My Precious Absolute God" and it even had rankings.
Blood Demon's username was "The Blue One" and she was ranked 4th. However, the username can also mean "The Wave" in Korean. I guess this is a pun, given that Blood Demon was from the Blue Bloods and create blue "waves" of energy.
The surprise didn't stop here. Cale was shocked to see who was ranked 1st. It was someone with the username "Searching For the Taerang Thief Bastard"... and Cale immediately figured out that this was Earth 3's Ahn Roh Man! 😮 Him subtly calling CJG a thief bastard was quite funny though... 😂
This confused Cale because why would Ahn Roh Man use a game console that hunters used? Was Ahn Roh Man a hunter too? Wasn't he a victim of the hunters who caused the apocalypse in Earth 3? Of course, Cale was confused what the game even was.
Ending Remarks Lots of funny parts and surprises today, so I'm quite satisfied with the chapter. And we finally have a new title! What's the deal about though? Is it Cale and Jungwon's deal? Or is it hinting to Cale and GoB's future conversation? Aaaah, waiting for next week is hard... 😣
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mapsontheweb · 11 months
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First and Second Most spoken Indigenous languages in Mexico by state
by mexidominicarican8
<div class="md"><p>60 Most spoken Indigenous languages in Mexico (ones that appear on the map are in bold)</p> <ol> <li><strong>Nahuatl</strong> (Nahuatl, Nahuat, Nahual, Macehualtlahtol, Melatahtol): 1,651,958 speakers</li> <li><strong>Yucatec Maya</strong> (Maaya t'aan): 774,755 speakers</li> <li><strong>Tzeltal Maya</strong> (K'op o winik atel): 589,144 speakers</li> <li><strong>Tzotzil Maya</strong> (Batsil k'op): 550,274 speakers</li> <li><strong>Mixtec</strong> (Tu'un sávi): 526,593 speakers</li> <li><strong>Zapotec</strong> (Diidxaza): 490,845 speakers</li> <li><strong>Otomí</strong> (Hñä hñü): 298,861 speakers</li> <li><strong>Totonac</strong> (Tachihuiin): 256,344 speakers</li> <li><strong>Ch'ol Maya</strong> (Winik): 254,715 speakers</li> <li>Mazatec (Ha shuta enima): 237,212 speakers</li> <li><strong>Huastec</strong> (Téenek): 168,729 speakers</li> <li><strong>Mazahua</strong> (Jñatho): 153,797 speakers</li> <li>Tlapanec (Me'phaa): 147,432 speakers</li> <li>Chinantec (Tsa jujmí): 144,394 speakers</li> <li><strong>Purépecha</strong> (P'urhépecha): 142,459 speakers</li> <li>Mixe (Ayüük): 139,760 speakers</li> <li><strong>Tarahumara</strong> (Rarámuri): 91,554 speakers</li> <li>Zoque: 74,018 speakers</li> <li>Tojolab'al (Tojolwinik otik): 66,953 speakers</li> <li><strong>Chontal de Tabasco</strong> (Yokot t'an): 60,563 speakers</li> <li><strong>Huichol</strong> (Wixárika): 60,263 speakers</li> <li>Amuzgo (Tzañcue): 59,884 speakers</li> <li>Chatino (Cha'cña): 52,076 speakers</li> <li><strong>Tepehuano del sur</strong> (Ódami): 44,386 speakers</li> <li><strong>Mayo</strong> (Yoreme): 38,507 speakers</li> <li>Popoluca (Zoquean) (Tuncápxe): 36,113 speakers</li> <li><strong>Cora</strong> (Naáyarite): 33,226 speakers</li> <li>Trique (Tinujéi): 29,545 speakers</li> <li><strong>Yaqui</strong> (Yoem Noki or Hiak Nokpo): 19,376 speakers</li> <li>Huave (Ikoods): 18,827 speakers</li> <li>Popoloca (Oto-manguean): 17,274 speakers</li> <li>Cuicatec (Nduudu yu): 12,961 speakers</li> <li>Pame (Xigüe): 11,924 speakers</li> <li>Mam (Qyool): 11,369 speakers</li> <li>Q'anjob'al: 10,851 speakers</li> <li><strong>Tepehuano del norte</strong>: 9,855 speakers</li> <li>Tepehua (Hamasipini): 8,884 speakers</li> <li>Chontal de Oaxaca (Slijuala sihanuk): 5,613 speakers</li> <li>Sayultec: 4,765 speakers</li> <li>Chuj: 3,516 speakers</li> <li>Acateco: 2,894 speakers</li> <li>Chichimeca jonaz (Úza): 2,364 speakers</li> <li>Ocuilteco (Tlahuica): 2,238 speakers</li> <li>Guarijío (Warihó): 2,139 speakers</li> <li>Q'eqchí (Q'eqchí): 1,599 speakers</li> <li>Matlatzinca: 1,245 speakers</li> <li>Pima Bajo (Oob No'ok): 1,245 speakers</li> <li>Chocho (Runixa ngiigua): 847 speakers</li> <li>Lacandón (Hach t'an): 771 speakers</li> <li>Seri (Cmiique iitom): 723 speakers</li> <li>Kʼicheʼ: 589 speakers (1.1 million in Guatemala)</li> <li>Kumiai (Ti'pai): 500 speakers (110 in USA) </li> <li>Jakaltek (Poptí) (Abxubal): 481speakers</li> <li>Texistepequeño: 368 speakers</li> <li>Paipai (Jaspuy pai): 231 speakers</li> <li>Pápago (O'odham): 203 speakers</li> <li>Ixcatec: 195 speakers</li> <li>Cucapá (Kuapá): 180 speakers (370 in USA)</li> <li>Kaqchikel: 169 speakers (440,000 in Guatemala)</li> <li>Mochoʼ: 126 speakers</li> </ol> </div>
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eddies-ashtray · 11 months
okay so i made this & i have nowhere else to post it so it’s going on here
(quote is from Mockingjay, ch. 14, pg. 195).
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